Αγγλοελληνικό Λεξικό Μαθηματικής Ορολογίας Greek-English Dictionary of Mathematical Terms
Γιώργος Γεωργίου Τμήμα Μαθηματικών και Στατιστικής Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου
Λευκωσία Νοέμβριος 1999
© Νοέμβριος 1999. Γ. Χρ. Γεωργίου, E-mail: georgios@ucy.ac.cy Το Λεξικό αυτό στο σύνολό του ή τμηματικά δεν μπορεί να αναπαραχθεί ή να αναδημοσιευθεί με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο χωρίς τη γραπτή άδεια του συγγραφέα.
A ADI (alternating direction implicit (method)): mmesh m jodoc enallass menwn dieuj nsewn. a.e. (almost everywhere): sqed n panto . AI (arti cial intelligence): teqnht nohmos nh. abacus: bakac. abbreviate: sunt mnw, suntome w, sugk ptw, braq nw. abbreviated: suntetmhm noc, suntomeum noc. abbreviated notation: suntetmhm noc sumbolism c.
abbreviation: s ntmhsh, sunt meush, suntomograf a. abduct: ap gw. abduction: apagwg . Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829).
Abel's group: abelian antimetajetik om da. Abel's identity: abelian taut thta. Abel's inequality: abelian anis thta. Abel's summation method: m jodoc jroishc tou Abel. Abel's test of convergence: krit rio sugkl sewc tou Abel.
Abelian: abelian c, tou Abel.
Abelian group: abelian antimetajetik om da. abelian variety: abelian e doc abelian pollapl thta. nite Abelian group: peperasm nh abelian antimetajetik om da.
aberration: apopl nhsh, ektrop , par kklish.
aberration of light: apopl nhsh tou fwt c. constant of aberration: stajer apoplan sewc. spherical aberration: sfairik ektrop .
ability: ikan thta. ab initio: exarq c, ap tic basik c arq c. abnormal: mh kanonik c, akanonik c, an maloc.
abnormal curve: akanonik mh kanonik kamp lh an malh kamp lh. abnormal dispersion: an malh diaspor .
abnormality: mh kanonik thta, akanonik thta, anwmal a.
abnormality index: de kthc akanonik thtac mh kanonik thtac anwmal ac. 1
about: per pou, g rw, per .
rotation about the x-axis: peristrof g rw ap ton xona twn q.
above: nw.
bounded above: nw fragm noc. essentially bounded above: ousiwd c nw fragm noc.
abridge: sunt mnw, suntome w. abridged: suntetmhm noc, suntomeum noc.
abridged division: suntetmhm nh dia resh. abridged multiplication: suntetmhm noc pollaplasiasm c. abridged notation: suntetmhm noc sumbolism c.
abrupt: ap tomoc, xafnik c.
abrupt change: ap tomh metabol . abrupt distribution: ap tomh katanom .
abscess: ap sthma. abscissa: tetmhm nh. absolute: ap lutoc.
absolute acceleration: ap luth epit qunsh. absolute angle: ap luth gwn a. absolute change: ap luth metabol . absolute constant: ap luth stajer . absolute continuity: ap luth sun qeia. absolute convergence: ap luth s gklish. absolute deviation: ap luth ap klish. absolute error: ap luto sf lma. absolute frequency: ap luth suqn thta. absolute future: ap luto m llon. absolute inequality: ap luth anis thta. absolute magnitude: ap luto m gejoc. absolute maximum: ap luto m gisto. absolute measure: ap luto m tro. absolute minimum: ap luto el qisto. absolute moment: ap luth rop . absolute motion: ap luth k nhsh. absolute number: ap lutoc arijm c. absolute past: ap luto parelj n. absolute pressure: ap luth p esh. absolute scale: ap luth kl maka. absolute stability: ap luth eust jeia. absolute temperature: ap luth jermokras a. absolute tensor: ap lutoc tanust c. absolute units: ap lutec mon dec. absolute value: ap luth tim . absolute zero: ap luto mhd n. 2
absolutely: apol twc.
absolutely continuous: apol twc suneq c. absolutely continuous distribution: apol twc suneq c katanom . absolutely convergent: apol twc sugkl nwn. absolutely convergent series: apol twc sugkl nousa seir . absolutely stable: apol twc eustaj c. absolutely unbiased: apol twc amer lhptoc. absolutely unbiased estimator: apol twc amer lhpth ektim tria.
absorb: aporrof . absorbed: aporrofhm noc. absorbing: aporrofhtik c, aporrof n.
absorbing boundary: aporrofhtik s noro. absorbing Markov chain: aporrofhtik alus da Markov. absorbing barrier: aporrofhtik fr gma. absorbing region: aporrofhtik perioq . absorbing set: aporrofo n h aporrofhtik s nolo. absorbing state: aporrofhtik kat stash.
absorption: aporr fhsh.
absorption coe cient: suntelest c aporr fhshc. absorption distribution: katanom aporr fhshc. absorption spectrum: f sma aporr fhshc.
abstract: afair , afhrhm noc, per lhyh.
abstract mathematics: afhrhm na majhmatik . abstract number: afhrhm noc arijm c. abstract space: afhrhm noc q roc.
abstraction: afa resh. absurd: topoc, par logoc. absurdity: (to) topo. abundant: fjonoc, pleon zwn. accelerate: epitaq nw. accelerated: epitaqun menoc.
accelerated motion: epitaqun menh k nhsh. accelerated stochastic approximation: epitaqun menh stoqastik pros ggish. accelerated system of reference: epitaqun meno s sthma anafor c. uniformly accelerated motion: omal epitaqun menh k nhsh.
acceleration: epit qunsh.
acceleration of convergence: epit qunsh s gklishc. acceleration vector: di nusma (thc) epit qunshc. absolute acceleration: ap luth epit qunsh. angular acceleration: gwniak epit qunsh. apparent acceleration: fain menh epit qunsh. centrifugal acceleration: fug kentroc epit qunsh. 3
centripetal acceleration: kentrom loc epit qunsh. gravitational acceleration: epit qunsh thc bar thtac. instantaneous acceleration: stigmia a epit qunsh. negative acceleration: arnhtik epit qunsh (epibr dunsh). relative acceleration: sqetik epit qunsh. proper acceleration: idioepit qunsh, qarakthristik epit qunsh. tangential acceleration: efaptomenik epit qunsh. uniform acceleration: omal epit qunsh. varying acceleration: metaball menh epit qunsh.
accelerator: epitaqunt c.
systolic accelerator: sustolik c epitaqunt c.
accent: t noc. accept: d qomai, apod qomai. acceptable: apodekt c, dekt c.
acceptable language: dekt apodekt gl ssa. acceptable quality level (AQL): apodekt ep pedo poi thtac.
acceptance: apodoq , paradoq .
acceptance boundary: rio s noro apodoq c. acceptance control chart: q rthc el gqou apodoq c. acceptance error: sf lma apodoq c. acceptance inspection: epije rhsh legqoc apodoq c. acceptance line: gramm apodoq c. acceptance number: arijm c apodoq c. acceptance region: qwr o perioq apodoq c.
acceptor: apod kthc, d kthc.
language acceptor: apod kthc gl ssac.
access: pr sbash, prosp lash.
random access: tuqa a prosp lash. random access memory (RAM): mn mh tuqa ac prosp lashc.
accessible: prosbat c, prosit c. accompany: sunode w. accompanying: sunode wn. accord: sumfwn a. accordance: sumfwn a. according to: s mfwna me. accordingly: anal gwc, sunep c. account: logari zw, logariasm c. accumulated: sunajroistik c.
accumulated deviation: sunajroistik ap klish. 4
accumulated process: sunajroistik an lixh.
accumulation: suss reush.
accumulation point: shme o susswre sewc oriak shme o (sun numo twn rwn limit point kai cluster point).
accuracy: akr beia.
intrinsic accuracy: eswterik akr beia.
accurate: akrib c. accurately: akrib c. ace: ssoc. achromatic: aqrwmatik c. aclinic: aklin c.
aclinic line: aklin c gramm .
acoustic: akoustik c.
acoustic source: akoustik phg .
acoustical: akoustik c, hqhtik c.
acoustical wave: akoustik hqhtik k ma.
acoustics: akoustik .
acoustics equation: ex swsh thc akoustik c.
acquaintance: gnwrim a.
acquaintance matrix: p nakac gnwrim ac.
acquire: apokt . across: di m sou, kat pl toc. acre: str mma (43,560 ft2 =4047m2). act: dr , energ . acta: pepragm na (lat.). actinic: aktinik c. actinium: akt nio. action: dr sh, en rgeia.
action integral: olokl rwma dr shc. action variables: metablht c dr shc. canonical action: kanonik dr sh. discontinuous action: asuneq c dr sh. Galois action: dr sh Galois. properly discontinuous action: gn sia asuneq c dr sh.
activate: energopoi . activated: energopoihm noc. 5
activation: energopo hsh.
activation energy: en rgeia energopo hshc.
active: energ c. activity: en rgeia, dr sh, drasthri thta, drastik thta, energ thta. actual: pragmatik c, alhj c. actual error: pragmatik sf lma. actual force: pragmatik d namh. actual position: pragmatik j sh. actual track: pragmatik qnoc.
actuary: analogist c. actuarial: analogistik c. acute: oxe a (gwn a), oxug nioc.
acute angle: oxe a gwn a. acute triangle: oxug nio tr gwno.
Adams-Bashforth methods: m jodoi Adams-Bashforth. adapt: anaprosarm zw. adapted: anaprosarmosm noc. adaptive: anaprosarmostik c.
adaptive nite elements: anaprosarmostik peperasm na stoiqe a. adaptive inference: anaprosarmostik sumperasmatolog a. adaptive method: anaprosarmostik m jodoc. adaptive optimization: anaprosarmostik beltistopo hsh. hp-adaptive method: hp-anaprosarmostik m jodoc.
adaptively: anaprosarmostik .
adaptively generated mesh: anaprosarmostik parag meno pl gma.
adaptivity: anaprosarmostik thta. add: prosj tw, ajro zw. addable: prosjet c. addend: prosjete c. addendum (pl. addenda): prosj kh, sumpl rwma. addition: pr sjesh, jroish.
addition formula: t poc ajro smatoc. algebraic addition: algebrik pr sjesh. closed under addition: kleist c wc proc thn pr sjesh. vector addition: pr sjesh dianusm twn.
additional: pr sjetoc, epipr sjetoc. additive: prosjetik c.
additive function: prosjetik sun rthsh. additive group: prosjetik om da. 6
additive inverse: prosjetik c ant strofoc (ant jetoc). additive model: prosjetik mont lo. additive process: prosjetik an lixh. additive properties: prosjetik c idi thtec. additive unit: prosjetik mon da.
additivity: prosjetik thta.
additivity of means: prosjetik thta twn m swn. countable additivity: arijm simh prosjetik thta.
adequacy: ep rkeia. adequate: epark c, arket c. adherent: prosfu menoc.
adherent probabilities: prosfu menec pijan thtec.
adiabatic: adiabatik c.
adiabatic change: adiabatik metabol allag . adiabatic contraction: adiabatik sustol . adiabatic curve: adiabatik kamp lh. adiabatic expansion: adiabatik diastol . adiabatic law: adiabatik c n moc.
adiabatically: adiabatik . ad in nitum: ep peiro (lat.). adjacent: proske menoc, parake menoc, moroc, geitonik c. adjacent angle: parake menh gwn a. adjacent elements: mora stoiqe a. adjacent side: proske menh pleur (gwn ac).
adjoint: suzug c, prosarthm noc ak ma du k c, sumplhrwmatik c.
adjoint equation: suzug c ex swsh. adjoint functor: suzug c sunartht c. adjoint matrix: prosarthm noc p nakac, sumplhrwmatik c p nakac. adjoint pair: suzug c prosarthm no ze goc. adjoint problems: suzug probl mata. adjoint transformation: suzug c prosarthm nh apeik nish metasqhmatism c. left adjoint: arister c suzug c prosarthm noc. right adjoint: dexi c suzug c prosarthm noc.
adjugate: suzug c, prosarthm noc ak ma du k c, sumplhrwmatik c (sun. adjoint).
adjugate matrix: prosarthm noc p nakac, sumplhrwmatik c p nakac (sun. adjoint matrix).
adjust: prosarm zw, rujm zw. adjustable: prosarm simoc, rujm simoc. adjustment: prosarmog , r jmish. admissible: apodekt c, epitrept c, paradekt c. admissible hypothesis: apodekt up jesh.
admissible number: apodekt c arijm c. admissible set: apodekt s nolo. admissible strategy: apodekt strathgik . admissible test: apodekt c legqoc.
admit: epid qomai, epitr pw. advance: proqwr , pr odoc. advanced: proqwrhm noc, exeligm noc.
advanced architecture: exeligm nh arqitektonik (plhroforik ). advanced mathematics: an tera majhmatik .
advantage: pleon kthma. advection: sunagwg . advective: sunagwgik c.
advective terms: sunagwgiko roi.
aerodynamic: aerodunamik c. aerodynamics: aerodunamik . afocal: thleskopik c (optik ). a ne: susqetism noc, omoparallhlik c, suggen c, suggenik c, afinik c, agq grammoc. a ne approximation: susqetism nh pros ggish. a ne automorphism: susqetism noc automorfism c. a ne bundle: susqetism nh d smh. a ne connection: susqetism noc s ndesmoc. a ne coordinate system: omoparallhlik s sthma suntetagm nwn. a ne equivalence: susqetism nh isodunam a. a ne equivalent: susqetism noc isod namoc. a ne family: susqetism nh oikog neia. a ne functional: susqetism no sunarthsiak . a ne group: susqetism nh om da. a ne independence: susqetism nh anexarths a. a ne inequivalence: susqetism nh anisodunam a. a ne inequivalent: susqetism noc anisod namoc. a ne interpolation: susqetism nh parembol . a ne line: susqetism nh gramm . a ne manifold: susqetism nh pollapl thta. a ne map: susqetism nh apeik nish. a ne mapping: susqetism nh apeik nish. a ne plane: susqetism no ep pedo. a ne product: susqetism no gin meno. a ne property: susqetism nh idi thta. a ne resolvability: susqetism nh analusim thta. a ne space: susqetism noc q roc. a ne structure: susqetism nh dom . a ne transformation: susqetism noc metasqhmatism c.
a nity: susq tish, sugg neia. 8
a rmative: kat fash, katafatik c, kathgorhmatik c. aft: met (suntomograf a tou after).
fore-and-aft: prin kai met . fore-and-aft symmetry: summetr a prin kai met , summetr a arister -dexi , summetr a rtiac sun rthshc ws proc ton xona twn y.
after: met . age: hlik a. aggregate: sunolik c, sunajroistik c. aggregation: sun jroish. aggregative: sunajroistik c. agree: sumfwn . agreement: sumfwn a. A-in nity: A- peiro. A-in nity algebra: A- peiro lgebra.
air: a rac.
air resistance: ant stash tou a ra. air tunnel: aerodunamik s ragga.
airfoil: aerotom . airplane: aeropl no. Airy, (-).
Airy disk: d skoc tou Airy. Airy function: sun rthsh Airy. Airy integral: olokl rwma Airy. Airy pattern: eik na per gramma tou Airy.
aleph: lef (ebra k gr mma: @). algebra: lgebra.
algebra of linear operators: lgebra grammik n telest n. A-in nity algebra: A- peiro lgebra. anticommutative algebra: anti-antimetajetik lgebra. commutative algebra: antimetajetik lgebra. exterior algebra: exwterik lgebra. fundamental theorem of algebra: jemeli dec je rhma thc lgebrac. graded algebra: bajmwt lgebra. homological algebra: omologiak lgebra. Lie algebra: lgebra Lie. linear algebra: grammik lgebra. multi-linear algebra: polugrammik pleiogrammik lgebra. noncommutative algebra: mh antimetajetik lgebra. nonlinear algebra: mh grammik lgebra. numerical linear algebra: arijmhtik grammik lgebra. relational algebra: sqesiak lgebra. simple algebra: apl lgebra. 9
tame algebras: exhmerwm nec lgebrec. tensor algebra: tanustik lgebra, lgebra tanust n. universal algebra: kajolik lgebra. vector algebra: dianusmatik lgebra, lgebra dianusm twn.
algebraic: algebrik c.
algebraic addition: algebrik pr sjesh. algebraic closure: algebrik j kh kleist thta. algebraic combinatorics: algebrik sunduastik . algebraic convergence: algebrik s gklish. algebraic eigenvalue problem: algebrik pr blhma idiotim n. algebraic equation: algebrik ex swsh. algebraic expression: algebrik par stash. algebraic extension: algebrik ep ktash. algebraic function: algebrik sun rthsh. algebraic geometry: algebrik gewmetr a. algebraic isomorphism: algebrik c isomorfism c. algebraic multiplicity: algebrik pollapl thta. algebraic number: algebrik c arijm c. algebraic polynomial: algebrik polu numo. algebraic structure: algebrik dom . algebraic system: algebrik s sthma. algebraic topology: algebrik topolog a. algebraic variety: algebrik e doc algebrik pollapl thta.
algebraically: algebrik .
algebraically convergent: sugkl nwn algebrik . algebraically isomorphic spaces: algebrik is morfoi q roi.
algebroid: algebroeid c.
algebroid curve: algebroeid c kamp lh.
algorithm: alg rijmoc.
converged algorithm: sugkl nac alg rijmoc. convergent algorithm: sugkl nwn alg rijmoc. decentralized algorithm: apokentrwm noc alg rijmoc. di erence algorithm: alg rijmoc diafor n. discrete algorithm: diakrit c alg rijmoc. diverged algorithm: apokl nac alg rijmoc. divergent algorithm: apokl nwn alg rijmoc. division algorithm: alg rijmoc diair sewc. e ective algorithm: apotelesmatik c alg rijmoc. e cient algorithm: apodotik c alg rijmoc. Euclidean algorithm: eukle deioc alg rijmoc. evolutionary algorithm: exeliktik c alg rijmoc. fractional step algorithm: alg rijmoc klasmatiko b matoc. oblivious algorithm: epil smwn tufl c alg rijmoc. QR algorithm: alg rijmoc QR. quotient-di erence algorithm: alg rijmoc l gwn-diafor n. 10
semi-e ective algorithm: hmiapotelesmatik c alg rijmoc. stable algorithm: eustaj c alg rijmoc. structured algorithm: domhm noc alg rijmoc. uni cation algorithm: alg rijmoc enopo hshc. unstable algorithm: astaj c alg rijmoc. unstructured algorithm: mh domhm noc alg rijmoc.
alias: parallag . alienation: apox nwsh. align: eujugramm zw, parat ssw, stoiq zw, topojet se euje a gramm . alignment: eujugr mmish, par taxh, topoj thsh kat xona, sto qish. alike: moioc, par moioc, dioc, omoeid c, paremfer c. allocation: katamerism c. random allocation: tuqa oc katamerism c. random allocation design: sqediasm c tuqa ou katamerismo .
allokurtic: all kurtoc, allokurtwtik c. allow: epitr pw. allowable: epitrept c.
allowable change of variable: epitrept allag metablht c.
almost: sqed n.
almost certain: sqed n b baioc. almost certainly: sqed n beba wc. almost everywhere: sqed n panto . almost everywhere convergence: s gklish sqed n panto . almost linear: sqed n grammik c. almost periodic: sqed n periodik c. almost sure: sqed n s gouroc. almost surely: sqed n s goura.
alpha: lfa. alphabet: alf bhto.
binary alphabet: duadik alf bhto. Roman alphabet: Latinik alf bhto.
alphanumeric: alfarijmhtik c. altar: bwm c.
Delian altar problem: pr blhma tou D liou bwmo apl c D lio pr blhma (Delian problem). To pr blhma tou diplasiasmo tou k bou (doubling the square).
alternate: enall ssomai, enall ssw, enallass menoc, enall sswn. alternate angles: enall x gwn ec.
alternating: enallass menoc, enall sswn. alternating current: enallass meno re ma.
alternating direction methods: m jodoi enallass menwn dieuj nsewn. alternating group: enall ssousa om da. alternating matrix: enall sswn p nakac. alternating quanti ers: enallass menoi posode ktec. alternating series: enall ssousa seir . alternating tensor: enall sswn tanust c.
alternation: enallag . alternative: enallaktik c.
alternative hypothesis: enallaktik up jesh. alternative set theory: enallaktik sunolojewr a, enallaktik jewr a sun lwn.
altitude: yoc, uy metro. ambient: perib llon.
ambient temperature: jermokras a perib llontoc.
ambiguous: diforo menoc, amf boloc.
ambiguous case: diforo menh per ptwsh. ambiguous context-free grammar: diforo menh grammatik qwr c sumfraz mena.
amorphous: morfoc. amount: pos , pos thta. ampli cation: en sqush.
ampli cation factor: suntelest c en squshc.
amplify: enisq w, aux nw, dieur nw. amplitude: pl toc (talant sewc), e roc, risma (migadiko arijmo elleiptik c sunart sewc). amplitude modulation: diam rfwsh pl touc (optik ). amplitude splitting: dia resh pl touc (optik ).
anallagmatic: anallagmatik c.
anallagmatic curve: anallagmatik kamp lh. anallagmatic surface: anallagmatik epif neia.
analog: analogik c, an logo.
analog computer: analogik c upologist c.
analogical: analogik c. analogically: analogik . analogous: an logoc. analogously: an loga. analogue: an logo, analogik c, sun. analog. analogy: analog a. analyser: analut c. 12
analysis: an lush.
analysis of variance: an lush diaspor c. asymptotic analysis: asumptwtik an lush. cluster analysis: an lush sust dwn. combinatorial analysis: sunduastik an lush. data analysis: an lush dedom nwn. dimensional analysis: diastatik an lush. error analysis: an lush sf lmatoc. Fourier analysis: an lush Fourier. fractal analysis: klastik morfoklasmatik an lush. fractional analysis: klasmatik an lush. functional analysis: sunarthsiak an lush. harmonic analysis: armonik an lush. mathematical analysis: majhmatik an lush. matrix analysis: pinakoan lush, an lush pin kwn. multivariate analysis: polumetablht an lush. numerical analysis: arijmhtik an lush. real analysis: pragmatik an lush. regression analysis: an lush palindrom sewc. sequential analysis: akoloujiak an lush. sensitivity analysis: an lush euaisjhs ac. spectral analysis: fasmatik an lush. survival analysis: an lush epib wshc. symmetry analysis: an lush summetr ac. unitary analysis: monadia a an lush. vector analysis: dianusmatik an lush.
analyst: analut c. analytic: analutik c.
analytic continuation: analutik sun qish. analytic extension: analutik ep ktash. analytic function: analutik sun rthsh. analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a. analytic part: analutik m roc. analytic semigroup: analutik hmiom da. analytic spaces: analutiko q roi. plane analytic geometry: ep pedh analutik gewmetr a. quasi-analytic: oione analutik c. solid analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a se treic diast seic.
analytical: analutik c.
analytical solution: analutik l sh.
analytically: analutik . analyticity: analutik thta. anamorphic: anamorfik c.
anamorphic lens: anamorfik c fak c. 13
Anchor, (bl. torus).
Anchor ring: dakt lioc Anchor t roc (torus).
angle: gwn a.
angle of attack: gwn a prosbol c. angle-preserving transformation: apeik nish diathro sa tic gwn ec. angle variables: metablht c gwn ac. absolute angle: ap luth gwn a. acute angle: oxe a gwn a. adjacent angle: parake menh gwn a. alternate angles: enall x gwn ec. complementary angles: sumplhrwmatik c gwn ec. corresponding angles: om logec gwn ec, epi ta aut gwn ec. critical angle: orik gwn a (optik ). direction angles: gwn ec die junshc. double angle: dipl gwn a. double angle formula: t poc dipl c gwn ac. eccentric angle: kkentrh gwn a. explementary angle: paraplhrwmatik gwn a. exterior angle: exwterik gwn a. half angle: mis gwn a. half angle formula: t poc mis c gwn ac. inscribed angle: eggegramm nh gwn a. interior angle: eswterik gwn a. multiple angle: pollapl gwn a. multiple angle formula: t poc pollapl c gwn ac. negative angle: arnhtik gwn a. obtuse angle: amble a gwn a. opposite angles: kat koruf gwn ec. phase angle: fasik gwn a, gwn a f shc. plane angle: ep pedh gwn a. polar angle: polik gwn a. positive angle: jetik gwn a. right angle: orj gwn a. round angle: gwn a 360o , pl rhc gwn a. Sun. perigon solid angle: stere gwn a. spherical angle: sfairik gwn a. straight angle: orj gwn a. trisecting the angle: triqot mhsh gwn ac. wide angle: eure a gwn a.
angular: gwniak c.
angular acceleration: gwniak epit qunsh. angular deviation: gwniak ektrop (optik ). angular distance: gwniak ap stash. angular distribution: gwniak katanom . angular frequency: gwniak suqn thta. angular impulse: gwniak sh. angular momentum: stroform . angular region: dakt lioc. 14
angular speed: gwniak taq thta. angular velocity: gwniak taq thta. angular width: gwniak noigma.
angularity: gwniak thta, gwni dec. anharmonicic: anarmonik c.
anharmonic motion: anarmonik k nhsh. anharmonic oscillator: anarmonik c talantwt c.
anhysteretic: anusterhtik c, mh usterhtik c. anisotropic: anis tropoc, anisotropik c.
anisotropic eld: anis tropo ped o. anisotropic mesh re nement: anis troph p knwsh pl gmatoc.
annihilate: ekmhden zw. annihilation: ekmhdenism c, ekmhd nish. annihilator: ekmhdenist c. annual: et sioc. annuity: et sio ep doma. annular: daktulioeid c. annuli: bl. annulus. annulus (pl. annuli): dakt lioc. annum: toc (lat.). per annum: an toc.
anomalistic: anwmaliak c. anomalous: an maloc. anomaly: anwmal a. ansatz: dokimastik sun rthsh, dokimastik l sh, arqik up jesh, paradoq (germ.). antapex: antik rufoc. antecedence: (to) hgo meno, pro ghsh. antecedent: hgo menoc. anti-: anti-. anticlastic: antiklastik c. anticlastic surface: antiklastik epif neia.
anticommutative: anti-antimetajetik c.
anticommutative algebra: anti-antimetajetik lgebra.
antiderivative: a risto olokl rwma, par gousa, antipar gwgoc. antilinear: antigrammik c.
antilinear mapping: antigrammik hmigrammik (semilinear) apeik nish. 15
antilog: antilog rijmoc (suntomograf a tou antilogarithm). antilogarithm: antilog rijmoc. antiperiodic: antiperiodik c. antipode: ant podac. antire ection: antian klash. antire ection coating: antianaklastik ep strwsh.
antisymmetric(-al): antisummetrik c.
antisymmetric tensor: antisummetrik c tanust c, sun. skew-symmetric tensor. antisymmetric property: antisummetrik idi thta. antisymmetric relation: antisummetrik sq sh.
antisymmetrical: antisummetrik c (bl. antisymmetric). antisymmetrical tensor: antisummetrik c tanust c.
antithesis: ant jesh.
time antithesis: qronik ant jesh.
antiunitary: antimonadia oc, antiorjomonadia oc. aperiodic: mh periodik c. aperiodic state: mh periodik kat stash.
aperture: noigma (optik ). apex: koruf .
apex angle: diajlastik gwn a pr smatoc.
aphelion: af lio. apodization: ap dush. apogee: ap geio. Apollonius: Apoll nioc.
Apollonius' problem: pr blhma tou Apoll niou. circle of Apollonius: Apoll neioc k kloc.
a posteriori: ek twn ust rwn (lat.).
a posteriori approach: a posteriori m jodoc. a posteriori error estimation: a posteriori ekt mhsh sf lmatoc.
apparent: fain menoc, fainomenik c.
apparent acceleration: fain menh epit qunsh. apparent velocity: fain menh taq thta.
applicability: efarmosim thta, dunat thta efarmog c. applicable: efarm simoc. applicable surface: efarm simh epif neia.
application: efarmog . apply: efarm zw. applied: efarmosm noc.
applied mathematics: efarmosm na majhmatik .
approach: pros ggish, m jodoc, je rhsh.
approach velocity: taq thta pros ggishc. alternative approach: enallaktik pros ggish. a posteriori approach: a posteriori m jodoc. a priori approach: a priori m jodoc. axiomatic approach: axiwmatik m jodoc. Eulerian approach: je rhsh kat Euler. explicit approach: analut mesh m jodoc. implicit approach: mh analut mmesh m jodoc. Lagrangian approach: je rhsh kat Lagrange ulik je rhsh (material approach). material approach: ulik je rhsh je rhsh kat Lagrange (Lagrangian approach).
appropriate: kat llhloc.
appropriate truth assignment: kat llhlh ap dosh tim n al jeiac. narrowly appropriate structure: sten kat llhlh dom .
appropriately: kat llhla. approximate: prosegg zw, proseggistik c.
approximate formula: proseggistik c t poc. approximate solution: proseggistik l sh.
approximation: pros ggish.
approximation theory: jewr a pros ggishc. a ne approximation: susqetism nh pros ggish. best approximation: b ltisth pros ggish. best approximation theorem: je rhma b ltisthc pros ggishc. discrete approximation: diakrit pros ggish. least squares approximation: pros ggish elaq stwn tetrag nwn. linear approximation: grammik pros ggish. method of successive approximations: m jodoc twn diadoqik n prosegg sewn. polynomial approximation: poluwnumik pros ggish. rational approximation: rht pros ggish pros ggish me rht c sunart seic. stochastic approximation: stoqastik pros ggish. successive approximations: diadoqik c prosegg seic. symbolic approximation: sumbolik pros ggish. trigonometric approximation: trigwnometrik pros ggish. uniform approximation: omoi morfh pros ggish.
a priori: ek twn prot rwn (lat.).
a priori approach: a priori m jodoc.
apse: ay da (sun. apsis). 17
apsidal: ayidoeid c. apsis: ay da. arabic: arabik c.
arabic numerals: arabiko arijmo .
arbitrarily: auja reta. arbitrariness: to auja reto. arbitrary: auja retoc, tuq n.
arbitrary constant: auja reth stajer , tuqo sa stajer . arbitrary function: auja reth sun rthsh, tuqo sa sun rthsh. method of arbitrary lines: m jodoc twn auja retwn gramm n.
arc: t xo.
arc length: m koc t xou. parabolic arc: parabolik t xo. positive arc: jetik t xo. recti able arc: t xo me upolog simo (peperasm no) m koc. simple arc: apl t xo.
archetype: arq tupo. Archimedean: arqim deioc, tou Arqim dh.
Archimedean polyhedra: arqim deia pol edra (bl. polyhedron). Archimedean property: arqim deia idi thta. Archimedean solids: arqim deia s mata (sun. Archimedean polyhedra). Archimedean tiling: arqim deia hmikanonik hmiomal plak strwsh. Sun. semiregular tiling. rhombic Archimedean polyhedra: rombik arqim deia pol edra (bl. polyhedron).
Archimedes (287-212 p.Q.): Arqim dhc.
Archimedes' principle: arq tou Arqim dh. spiral of Archimedes: spe ra tou Arqim dh.
architecture: arqitektonik .
advanced architecture: exeligm nh arqitektonik (plhroforik ). computer architecture: arqitektonik upologist n.
arcwise: kat t xo t xa, toxoeid c.
arcwise connected: kat t xo sunektik c.
area: embad n, perioq .
area of coherence: perioq sumfwn ac (optik ). area magni cation factor: suntelest c megenj nsewc embado . area-preserving map: apeik nish diathro sa to embad n. cross sectional area: embad n diatom c. tail area (of a distribution): perioq our c (katanom c).
areal: embadik c.
areal velocity: embadik taq thta.
Argand: .
Argand diagram: di gramma ep pedo tou Argand, migadik ep pedo.
argument: risma, epiqe rhma.
equally spaced arguments: isap qonta or smata. heuristic argument: euretik epiqe rhma. unequally spaced arguments: anisap qonta or smata.
arithmetic: arijmhtik c, arijmhtik .
arithmetic expression: arijmhtik par stash. arithmetic mean: arijmhtik c m soc ( roc). arithmetic operation: arijmhtik pr xh. arithmetic progression: arijmhtik pr odoc. arithmetic series: arijmhtik seir . double precision arithmetic: arijmhtik dipl c akr beiac. eld arithmetic: arijmhtik swm twn. oating point arithmetic: arijmhtik kinht c upodiastol c. fundamental theorem of arithmetic: jemeli dec je rhma thc arijmhtik c. single precision arithmetic: arijmhtik apl c akr beiac.
arm (of an angle): pleur (gwn ac). arrange: diat ssw, katat ssw. arrangement: di taxh, kat taxh. array: sqhmatism c, di taxh, p nakac, di nusma, sustoiq a. balanced array: is rropoc sqhmatism c.
arrow: b loc. arrowhead: aiqm b louc. arti cial: teqnht c, mh fusik c.
arti cial horizon: teqnht c or zontac. arti cial intelligence: teqnht nohmos nh. arti cial viscosity: teqnht ix dec.
ascending: ani n, aux nwn, a xwn, anodik c, anerqom noc. ascending order: anio sa t xh. ascending powers: anio sec dun meic. ascending sequence: a xousa akolouj a.
ascertain: exakrib nw, bebai nw. aspect: yh, poyh. aspherical: asfairik c, mh sfairik c.
aspherical surface: asfairik epif neia. 19
assignment: ap dosh, ekq rhsh, apostol , entol , an jesh, skhsh. appropriate truth assignment: kat llhlh ap dosh tim n al jeiac. eigenstructure assignment: ap dosh idiodom c.
associate: prosetair zw, prosart , sund w, susqet zw. associated: 1. susqetism noc, susqetiz menoc. 2. prosarthm noc.
associated bundle: susqetism nh d smh. associated Laguerre polynomials: prosarthm na polu numa Laguerre. associated Legendre functions: prosarthm nec sunart seic Legendre. associated tensor: prosarthm noc tanust c.
association: s ndesh, susq tish.
partial association: merik susq tish s ndesh.
associative: prosetairistik c.
associative law: prosetairistik idi thta. general associative law: genik prosetairistik idi thta.
associativity: prosetairistik thta. assumption: paradoq . asterisk: aster skoc. astrometry: astrometr a. astronomical: astronomik c.
astronomical data: astronomik dedom na. astronomical horizon: astronomik c or zontac.
astronomy: astronom a. astrophysics: astrofusik . asymmetric: as mmetroc, asummetrik c, mh summetrik c. asymmetrical: as mmetroc, asummetrik c, mh summetrik c. asymmetry: asummetr a. asymptote: as mptwth. horizontal asymptote: oriz ntia as mptwth. oblique asymptote: pl gia as mptwth. vertical asymptote: katak rufh as mptwth.
asymptotic: asumptwtik c.
asymptotic analysis: asumptwtik an lush. asymptotic behavior: asumptwtik sumperifor . asymptotic bound: asumptwtik fr gma. asymptotic convergence: asumptwtik s gklish. asymptotic distribution: asumptwtik katanom . asymptotic error: asumptwtik sf lma. asymptotic expansion: asumptwtik an ptugma. asymptotic formula: asumptwtik c t poc. asymptotic relative e ciency: asumptwtik sqetik apotelesmatik thta apodotik thta. 20
asymptotic series: asumptwtik seir . matched asymptotic expansions: m jodoc sunarmosm nwn asumptwtik n anaptugm twn m jodoc idiazous n diataraq n (singular perturbation method).
asymptotically: asumptwtik .
asymptotically stable: asumptwtik eustaj c. asymptotically normal random variable: asumptwtik kanonik tuqa a metablht .
asynchronous: as gqronoc. atlas: tlantac. atmosphere: atm sfaira. atmospheric: atmosfairik c.
atmospheric pressure: atmosfairik p esh.
atom: tomo. atomic: atomik c.
atomic formula: atomik c t poc. atomic scale: atomik kl maka. atomic subformula: atomik c upot poc.
attack: prosbol .
attack rate: rujm c prosbol c. angle of attack: gwn a prosbol c.
attain: epitugq nw, katorj nw, pragmatopoi . attainable: epite ximoc, katorjwt c, pragmatopoi simoc. attenuation: exasj nhsh, ap sbesh. attract: elk w. attraction: lxh, pros lkush. center of attraction: k ntro lxhc. domain of attraction: qwr o lxhc. index of attraction: de kthc lxhc.
attractor: elkust c.
regular attractor: kanonik c elkust c. simple attractor: apl c elkust c. strange attractor: par xenoc elkust c.
attribute: qarakthristik . atypical: mh tupik c.
atypical characteristic: mh tupik qarakthristik .
augment: aux nw, epaux nw. augmentation: a xhsh, epa xhsh. augmented: epauxhm noc, epektetam noc.
augmented matrix: epauxhm noc p nakac. 21
augmenting: epaux nwn, prosaux nwn.
augmenting path: epaux nwn dr moc, monop ti epa xhshc.
auto-: auto-. autocatalytic: autokatalutik c. autocorrelation: autosusq tish.
autocorrelation coe cient: suntelest c autosusq tishc. autocorrelation function: sun rthsh autosusq tishc. partial autocorrelation: merik autosusq tish.
autocovariance: autosundiaspor autodiak mansh autometablht thta. automata: aut mata, bl. automaton. automatic: aut matoc. automatic control: aut matoc legqoc.
automatically: aut mata. automaton (pl. automata): aut mato.
equivalent nite automata: isod nama peperasm na aut mata. minimal deterministic nite automaton: el qisto nteterministik peperasm no aut mato. simple pushdown automaton: apl aut mato sto bac. single-turn pushdown automaton: aut mato sto bac miac for c.
automorphic: aut morfoc, automorfik c.
automorphic function: aut morfh sun rthsh.
automorphism: automorfism c.
a ne automorphism: susqetism noc automorfism c.
automorphy: automorf a. autonomous: aut nomoc.
autonomous equations: aut nomec exis seic. autonomous system: aut nomo s sthma.
autoregression: autopalindr mhsh. autoregressive: autopalindromik c. autospectrum: autof sma. auxiliary: bohjhtik c.
auxiliary relation: bohjhtik sq sh.
autospectrum: autof sma. available: diaj simoc.
available data: diaj sima dedom na stoiqe a.
average: m soc, m soc roc.
average risk: m sh (anamen menh) diakind neush. 22
geometric average: gewmetrik c m soc. weighted average: stajmik c m soc.
avoid: apofe gw. axes: bl. axis. axial: axonik c.
axial component: axonik sunist sa. axial displacement: axonik metat pish. axial symmetry: axonik summetr a, summetr a wc proc xona. axial velocity: axonik taq thta.
axially: axonik .
axially symmetric: summetrik c wc proc xona, axonosymmetrik c (axisymmetric).
axiom: ax wma.
axiom of choice: ax wma epilog c. axiom of global choice: ax wma kajolik c epilog c. axiom of in nity: ax wma apeir thtac. axiom scheme: s sthma axiwm twn. cardinal number axiom: ax wma twn plhjar jmwn. axiom schema: axiwmatik sq ma. impredicative axiom of class formation: mh kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeu c kl sewn. independent axioms: anex rthta axi mata. non-logical axiom schema: mh logik axiwmatik sq ma. predicative axiom of class formation: kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeu c kl sewn. prolongation axiom: ax wma ep ktashc.
axiomatic: axiwmatik c.
axiomatic approach: axiwmatik m jodoc. axiomatic de nition: axiwmatik c orism c. axiomatic foundation: axiwmatik jemel wsh. axiomatic theory: axiwmatik jewr a.
axiomatizability: axiwmatikopoihsim thta. axiomatizable: axiwmatikopoi simoc. axiomatization: axiwmatikopo hsh.
alternative axiomatization: enallaktik axiwmatikopo hsh.
axis (pl. axes): xonac.
axis of perspective: prooptik c xonac. axis of projection: xonac probol c. axis of rotation: xonac peristrof c. axis of symmetry: xonac summetr ac. fast axis: taq c xonac. xed axis: stajer c xonac. imaginary axis: fantastik c xonac. instantaneous axis: stigmia oc xonac. 23
major axis: meg loc xonac. minor axis: mikr c xonac. parallel axes theorem: je rhma twn par llhlwn ax nwn. perpendicular axes theorem: je rhma twn kaj twn ax nwn. polar axis: polik c xonac. principal axes: k rioi xonec. principal axes of inertia: k rioi xonec adr neiac. principal axes theorem: je rhma kur wn ax nwn. radical axis: rizik c xonac. real axis: pragmatik c xonac. rectilinear axis: euj grammoc xonac. semimajor axis: hmimeg loc xonac. semiminor axis: hmimikr c xonac. space axes: qwriko xonec. translation of axes: metafor ax nwn. transverse axis: egk rsioc xonac. x-axis: xonac twn . y-axis: xonac twn . z-axis: xonac twn z .
axisymmetric(-al): axonosummetrik c, o qwn kulindrik summetr a, summetrik c wc proc xona (axially symmetric). axonometrik c. axonometric chart: axonometrik c q rthc.
azimuth: azimo jio. azimuthal: azimoujiak c, gwniak c.
azimuthal component: azimoujiak sunist sa. azimuthal equidistant projection: azimoujiak isap qousa probol . azimuthal velocity: gwniak taq thta.
B BC (boundary condition): sunoriak sunj kh. BEM (boundary element method): m jodoc sunoriak n stoiqe wn. BIM (boundary integral method): m jodoc sunoriako oloklhr matoc. BVP (boundary value problem): pr blhma sunoriak n tim n. back: p sw. back and forth method: m jodoc mproc-p sw. back substitution: p sw antikat stash, an dromh antikat stash. 24
backing: an kroush. backup: backup. backward: proc ta p sw, an dromoc, opisjodromik c, an nth (gia peperasm nec diafor c). backward di erences: proc ta p sw an dromec an nth diafor c. backward di erence operator: telest c thc proc ta p sw thc an nth diafor c.
background: up bajro, b joc, f nto. Baire, R. (1874-1932).
Baire condition: sunj kh tou Baire. Baire category theorem: je rhma kathgori n tou Baire. Baire function: sun rthsh tou Baire. Baire property: idi thta Baire. Baire space: q roc Baire.
balance: isorrop a, isoz gio, zug c.
energy balance: isoz gio en rgeiac. mass balance: isoz gio m zac. momentum balance: isoz gio orm c. random balance: tuqa a isorrop a. static balance: statik isorrop a. supplemented balance: sumplhrwm nh isorrop a.
balanced: is rropoc, isorrophm noc.
balanced array: is rropoc sqhmatism c. balanced subset: is rropo upos nolo. polynomially balanced language: poluwnumik isorrophm nh gl ssa.
balancing: exisorr phsh. ball: mp la, sfa ra.
closed ball: kleist mp la. open ball: anoikt mp la.
ballistic: ballistik c, blhtik c. ballistic range: belhnek c.
ballistics: ballistik , blhtik . ballot: k lph. Banach, S. (1892-1945)
Banach algebra: lgebra Banach. Banach space: q roc Banach. decomposable Banach space: diasp simoc q roc Banach. hereditarily indecomposable Banach space: klhronomik adi spastoc q roc Banach.
band: tain a, z nh, lwr da.
band matrix: tainiwt c p nakac p nakac tain a. band tail: our tain ac. band spectrum: tainiwt f sma. 25
spectrum band: z nh f smatoc. three-band matrix: trizwnik c p nakac. two-band matrix: dizwnik c p nakac.
bandwidth: e roc pl toc z nhc. bang: krhxh. big bang: meg lh krhxh.
bar: r bdoc, mpar (mon da p eshc). bar chart: rabd gramma.
baroclinic: baroklinik c.
baroclinic ow: baroklinik ro .
barograph: barogr foc. barometer: bar metro. barometric: barometrik c.
barometric pressure: barometrik p esh.
barotropic: bar tropoc, barotropik c. barotropic ow: barotropik ro .
barrier: fr gma.
potential barrier: fr gma dunamiko . absorbing barrier: aporrofhtik fr gma. re ecting barrier: anaklastik fr gma.
bary-: baru- (pr jema). barycenter: bar kentro. barycentric: barukentrik c.
barycentric coordinates: barukentrik c suntetagm nec.
barysphere: bar sfaira. basal: basik c, jemeli dhc. base: b sh, bl. basis.
base vector: di nusma b shc.
based: basism noc. bases: bl. base kai basis. basic: basik c.
basic frame: basik pla sio. basic framing: basik plais wsh. basic machine: basik mhqan . basic principles: basik c arq c, axi mata (axioms). basic research: basik reuna. 26
basic sequence: basik akolouj a. unconditional basic sequence: ad smeuth basik akolouj a.
basis (pl. bases): b sh.
basis function: sun rthsh b shc. basis vector: di nsuma b shc. bicubic basis functions: dikubik c sunart seic b shc. bilinear basis functions: digrammik c sunart seic b shc. biquadratic basis functions: ditetragwnik c sunart seic b shc. change of basis matrix: p nakac allag c b shc p nakac met bashc (transition matrix). cubic basis functions: kubik c sunart seic b shc. global basis functions: kajolik c sunart seic b shc. involutive basis: eneliktik b sh. linear basis functions: grammik c sunart seic b shc. local basis functions: topik c sunart seic b shc. minimal basis: elaqistotik b sh. ordered basis: diatetagm nh b sh. oriented basis: prosanatolism nh b sh. orthogonal basis: orjog nia b sh. orthonormal basis: orjokanonik b sh. quadratic basis functions: tetragwnik c sunart seic b shc. standard basis: sun jhc b sh, kanonik b sh, kajierwm nh b sh. transcendence basis: uperbatik b sh. unconditional basis: ad smeuth b sh.
batch: part da. battery: sustoiq a. Bayes, (-)
Bayes' estimation: ekt mhsh Bayes. Bayes estimator: ektim tria Bayes. Bayes' postulate: a thma Bayes. Bayes' risk: diakind neush Bayes. Bayes' theorem or rule: je rhma t poc tou Bayes.
Bayesian: mpe zian c, tou Bayes.
Bayesian intervals: mpe zian diast mata.
beam: dok c, r bdoc, d smh (aktinobol ac). elastic beam: elastik dok c. light beam: d smh fwt c.
beat: diakr thma, sumbol (optik ).
beat frequency: suqn thta diakrot matoc.
beating: sumbol (optik ). before: prin. behavior: sumperifor .
asymptotic behavior: asumptwtik sumperifor . 27
chaotic behavior: qaotik sumperifor . inductive behavior: epagwgik sumperifor . periodic behavior: periodik sumperifor .
behavioral: sumperiforik c. Bei functions: sunart seic Bei. bell: k dwnac. bell-shaped: kwdwnoeid c.
below: k tw.
bounded below: k tw fragm noc. essentially bounded below: ousiwd c k tw fragm noc.
Beltrami-Enneper formula: t poc twn Beltrami-Enneper. benchmark: shme o anafor c. benchmark problem: pr blhma anafor c.
bend: k mptw, k myh.
bend point: shme o an kamyhc.
bending: k myh, k rtwsh (optik ).
bending invariant: anallo wth k myhc. bending moment: rop k myhc.
Ber functions: sunart seic Ber. Bergman kernel: pur nac Bergman. Bernoulli, (-)
Bernoulli distribution: katanom tou Bernoulli diwnumik (binomial) katanom . Bernoulli's inequality: anis thta tou Bernoulli. Bernoulli numbers: arijmo tou Bernoulli. Bernoulli trial: dokim Bernoulli.
Bertrand curve: kamp lh tou Berdrand. Bessel, F.W. (1784-1846).
Bessel functions: sunart seic Bessel. Bessel's di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Bessel. Bessel's modi ed di erential equation: tropopoihm nh diaforik ex swsh tou Bessel. Bessel's inequality: anis thta tou Bessel. modi ed Bessel functions: tropopoihm nec sunart seic Bessel.
best: b ltistoc.
best approximation: b ltisth pros ggish. best estimator: b ltisth ektim tria.
beta: b ta.
beta decay: di spash b ta (fusik ). 28
beta distribution: katanom b ta. beta function: sun rthsh b ta. beta radiation: aktinobol a b ta. beta rays: akt nec b ta. beta transitions: metapt seic b ta (fusik ). incomplete beta tables: atele c ellipe c b ta p nakec.
Betti, Enrico (1823-1892)
Betti numbers: arijmo Betti.
bianalytical: dianalutik c. bianalytically: dianalutik . biannual: examhnia oc. bias: merolhy a, p lwsh (luqni n).
inherent bias: eggen c merolhy a. procedural bias: diadikastik merolhy a. type bias: merolhy a t pou.
biased: merolhptik c, mh amer lhptoc.
biased estimate: mh amer lhpth ekt mhsh. biased estimator: mh amer lhpth ektim tria. biased probability: mh amer lhpth pijan thta.
biaxial: diaxonik c.
biaxial crystal: diaxonik c kr stalloc.
biconcave: amf koiloc.
biconcave lens: amf koiloc fak c.
biconditional: amfepagwg (plhroforik ), amfepagwgik c. biconical: dikwnik c. bicontinuous: amfisuneq c. biconvex: amf kurtoc. biconvex lens: amf kurtoc fak c.
bicubic: dikubik c.
bicubic basis functions: dikubik c sunart seic b shc. bicubic element: dikubik stoiqe o.
bidiagonal: didiag nioc.
bidiagonal matrix: didiag nioc p nakac.
bidimensional: disdi statoc.
bidimensional model: disdi stato mont lo.
bidirectional: amf dromoc, amf pleuroc. bidirectional pulses: amf dromoi palmo .
bifactor: dipar gontac, diparagontik c. bifocal: diestiak c, dipl c est ac. bifurcate: diaklad nw, diqal nw. bifurcation: diakl dwsh, diq lwsh.
bifurcation point: shme o diakl dwshc. random bifurcation: tuqa a diakl dwsh.
big: meg loc.
big bang: meg lh krhxh.
bigger: megal teroc. biharmonic: diarmonik c.
biharmonic (di erential) equation: diarmonik (diaforik ) ex swsh. biharmonic operator: diarmonik c telest c.
biholomorphic: diol morfoc, diolomorfik c.
biholomorphic equivalence: diol morfh isodunam a.
bijection: amf rriyh (bl. bijective kai one-to-one and onto).
parentheses bijection: amfimonos manth kai ep suna'rthsh parenj sewn.
bijective: na proc na kai ep (one-to-one and onto) amfimonos manth kai ep amfimon timh kai
ep amfirriptik . Se merik bibl a, amf esh (bijection)! Prosoq : se k poia bibl a, qrhsimopoie tai lanjasm na o roc amfimonos manth (qwr c to ep ). Ep shc, bl. one-to-one and onto.
bi-Laplacian: dilaplasian c, diarmonik c.
bi-Laplacian equation: dilaplasian ex swsh diarmonik ex swsh (biharmonic equation).
bilateral: d pleuroc, dimer c.
bilateral generating function: d pleurh genn tria sun rthsh.
bilinear: digrammik c.
bilinear basis functions: digrammik c sunart seic b shc. bilinear element: digrammik stoiqe o. bilinear form: digrammik morf . bilinear transformation: digrammik c metasqhmatism c.
bilinearity: digrammik thta. bilinearly: digrammik . bill: logariasm c, timol gio. billion: disekatomm rio. bimodal: dik rufoc.
bimodal distribution: dik rufh katanom .
binary: duadik c, dimel c.
binary alphabet: duadik alf bhto. 30
binary digit: duadik yhf o, duf o (bit). binary equation: duadik ex swsh. binary notation: duadik c sumbolism c. binary operation: dimel c pr xh. binary relation: dimel c duadik sq sh. binary scale: duadik kl maka kl maka tou d o. binary solution: duadik l sh. binary system: duadik s sthma.
binomial: di numo, diwnumik c.
binomial coe cient: diwnumik c suntelest c. binomial distribution: diwnumik katanom . binomial equation: diwnumik ex swsh. binomial expansion: diwnumik an ptugma, an ptugma tou diwn mou. binomial formula: t poc tou diwn mou. binomial population: diwnumik c diwnumik katanemhm noc plhjusm c. binomial series: diwnumik seir . binomial theorem: je rhma tou diwn mou.
binormal: de terh k jeth. biochemical: bioqhmik c. biology: biolog a.
molecular biology: moriak biolog a.
biorthogonal: diorjog nioc.
biorthogonal polynomials: diorjog nia polu numa. biorthogonal series: diorjog nia seir . biorthogonal sets of functions: diorjog nia s nola sunart sewn.
bipolar: dipolik c.
bipolar coordinates: dipolik c suntetagm nec.
biprism: d prisma (sun. double prism). biproduct: digin meno. biquadratic: ditetragwnik c.
biquadratic basis functions: ditetragwnik c sunart seic b shc. biquadratic element: ditetragwnik stoiqe o. biquadratic equation: ditetragwnik ex swsh.
birectangular: diorjog nioc, ditetragwnik c.
birectangular spherical triangle: ditetragwnik sfairik tr gwno.
birefringence: diplojlastik thta. birefringent: diplojlastik c. birthday: gen jlia.
birthday problem: pr blhma genejl wn. 31
bisect: diqotom . bisection: diqot mhsh.
trisection of an angle: triqot mhsh gwn ac.
bisector: diqot moc.
perpendicular bisector: mesok jetoc.
bisequence: diakolouj a. bisequence space: diakoloujiak c q roc. biserial: diseiriak c. bispectrum: dif sma. bistable: dieustaj c, o qwn d o eustaje c l seic. bit: duf o, duadik yhf o (binary digit), bit.
bivariate: didi statoc, d o metablht n.
bivariate distribution: didi stath katanom katanom d o metablht n.
black: ma roc, m lac.
black body: melan s ma. black hole: ma rh tr pa melan op .
blank: ken c. blank symbol: ken s mbolo. block: tm ma, tem qio, komm ti, mplok, om da.
block matrix: s njetoc p nakac (sun. partitioned matrix). block diagonal matrix: s njetoc diag nioc p nakac, mplok-diag nioc p nakac. block matrix multiplication: s njetoc pollaplasiasm c pin kwn. block power method: s njeth m jodoc twn dun mewn. Jordan block: mplok upop nakac Jordan. randomized block: tuqaiopoihm no mplok.
blow up: apeir zomai, ekrhgn omai, apo diomorfopoi , apo diomorfopo hsh. blu : eurum twpoc. blu body: eurum twpo s ma.
body: s ma.
body axes: xonec s matoc. body force: swmatik ol swmh mazik d namh, d namh gkou. Isod namoi roi: mass force, volume force. black body: melan s ma. celestial body: our nio s ma. deformable body: paramorf simo s ma. elastic body: elastik s ma. falling body: p pton s ma. rigid body: stere kampto s ma. Sun. solid body. solid body: stere kampto s ma. Sun. rigid body. 32
solid-body motion: k nhsh stereo s matoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh. Sun. rigid-body motion. solid-body rotation: peristrof stereo s matoc, mh elastik peristrof , kampth peristrof . Sun. rigid-body rotation. solid-body translation: metafor par llhlh metat pish stereo s matoc, mh elastik metafor , kampth metafor . Sun. rigid-body translation.
Bolzano, (-)
Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem: je rhma twn Bolzano-Weierstrass.
Bonnet, (-)
Bonnet's mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c tou Bonnet. Boole, G. (1815-1864), bl. epishc Boolean. Boole's inequality: anis thta tou Boole.
Boolean: tou Boole.
Boolean algebra: lgebra tou Boole. Boolean data: logik dedom na. Boolean polynomial: polu numo tou Boole. Boolean subalgebra: upo lgebra tou Boole. superatomic Boolean algebra: uperatomik lgebra tou Boole.
bootstrap: . bootstrapping: .
bootstrapping argument: .
Borel, F.E. (1871-1956).
Borel's covering theorem: je rhma k luyhc tou Borel. Borel's measurable function: metr simh sun rthsh tou Borel. Borel's set: s nolo tou Borel.
bottom: b sh, pujm nac.
bottom-up parser: suntaktik c analut c ap k tw proc ta p nw.
bound: fr gma, p rac.
bound vector: prosarmosm no di nusma. asymptotic bound: asumptwtik fr gma. computable error bound: upolog simo fr gma sf lmatoc. error bound: fr gma sf lmatoc. essential bound: ousi dec fr gma. essential lower bound: ousi dec k tw fr gma. essential upper bound: ousi dec nw fr gma. greatest lower bound: m gisto k tw fr gma in mum. lower bound: k tw fr gma k tw p rac. least upper bound: el qisto nw fr gma supremum. sharp bound: ox fr gma. sharp error bound: ox fr gma sf lmatoc. tight bound: sten fr gma. 33
upper bound: nw fr gma nw p rac.
boundary: s noro, rio, sunoriak c, oriak c.
boundary condition: sunoriak sunj kh. boundary element: sunoriak stoiqe o. boundary element method (BEM): m jodoc sunoriak n stoiqe wn. boundary integral: sunoriak olokl rwma. boundary integral method (BIM): m jodoc sunoriako oloklhr matoc. boundary layer: oriak str ma. boundary method: sunoriak m jodoc. boundary point: sunoriak shme o. boundary value: sunoriak tim . boundary value problem: pr blhma sunoriak n tim n. absorbing boundary: aporrofhtik s noro. class boundaries: ria kl sewc. dual reciprocity boundary elements: sunoriak stoiqe a du k c antistrof c. essential boundary condition: ousiastik sunoriak sunj kh (sunj kh Dirichlet). free boundary: ele jero s noro. free boundary problem: pr blhma me ele jero s noro. initial boundary value problem: pr blhma arqik n sunoriak n tim n. Lipschitz boundary: s noro Lipschitz. mixed boundary condition: mikt sunoriak sunj kh. moving boundary: kino meno s noro. moving boundary problem: pr blhma kinoum nou sun rou. natural boundary: fusik s noro. natural boundary condition: fusik sunoriak sunj kh (sunj kh Neumann). singular boundary value problem: idi zon pr blhma sunoriak n tim n.
bounded: fragm noc.
bounded above: nw fragm noc. bounded below: k tw fragm noc. bounded convergence theorem: je rhma fragm nhc s gklishc. bounded function: fragm nh sun rthsh. bounded operator: fragm noc telest c. bounded product: fragm no gin meno. bounded quanti er: fragm noc posode kthc. bounded sequence: fragm nh akolouj a. bounded set: fragm no s nolo. bounded variation: fragm nh metabol . essentially bounded: ousiwd c fragm noc. essentially bounded above: ousiwd c nw fragm noc. essentially bounded below: ousiwd c k tw fragm noc. totally bounded: olik c fragm noc.
boundedness: to fragm no. bounding: fr sswn, perib llwn, perikle wn. bounding surface: perikle ousa epif neia.
boundless: mh fragm noc, o qwr c ria, to peiro. 34
box: kout .
box product: mikt gin meno dianusm twn.
brachistochrone: braqust qronoc, braq qronoc kamp lh. brachistochrone problem: braqust qrono pr blhma.
bracket: agk lh.
Lie bracket: agk lh Lie. Poisson bracket: agk lh Poisson
branch: kl doc, diakl dwsh.
branch cut: tom diaklad sewc. branch line: gramm diaklad sewc. branch point: shme o diaklad sewc. principal branch: prwte wn kl doc.
branched: diakladwm noc.
branched covering: diakladwm nh k luyh.
branching: diakl dwsh.
branching process: diakladwm nh kladwt an lixh.
breakthrough: tom , apofasistik b ma. breath: pl toc, e roc. bridge: mpritz, g fura. Briggsian: tou Briggs.
Briggsian system of logarithms: logarijmik s sthma tou Briggs dekadik s sthma logar jmwn.
broad: eur c, plat c. broadband: eure a z nh.
broadband communication: epikoinwn a eure ac z nhc.
Brownian: tou Brown.
Brownian motion: k nhsh Brown.
bubble: fusall da.
bubble function: sun rthsh fusall dac. bubble function method: m jodoc sun rthshc fusall dac.
buckle: k mptw. buckling: k myh. budget: pro pologism c. build: kataskeu zw, oikodom . built in: enswmatwm noc.
bulk: gkoc, s nolo. 35
bundle: d smh, dr gma (Topol.).
bundle of circles: d smh k klwn. bundle of lines: d smh gramm n. bundle of planes: d smh epip dwn. a ne bundle: susqetism nh d smh. associated bundle: susqetism nh d smh. ber bundle: nhmatik d smh. line bundle: d smh gramm n. normal bundle: k jeth d smh. principal bundle: k ria d smh. tangent bundle: efapt menh d smh. vector bundle: dianusmatik d smh, d smh dianusm twn.
buoyancy: nwsh, ntwsh. buoyancy force: nwsh. buoyant: thc nwshc, antwtik c. byte: dufiosullab , byte.
C CFD (computational uid dynamics): upologistik reustodunamik . CLT (central limit theorem): kentrik oriak je rhma. cactoid: kaktoeid c. calculate: upolog zw. calculation: upologism c. numerical calculation: arijmhtik c upologism c.
calculator: arijmomhqan , kompiouter ki. calculus: logism c.
calculus of variations: logism c twn metabol n. di erential calculus: diaforik c logism c. fundamental theorem of calculus: jemeli dec je rhma tou majhmatiko logismo . fundamental theorem of integral calculus: jemeli dec je rhma tou oloklhrwtiko logismo . integral calculus: oloklhrwtik c logism c. predicate calculus: kathgorhmatik c logism c (sun. quanti cation theory). propositional calculus: protasiak c logism c (sun. sentential calculus). sentential calculus: protasiak c logism c (sun. propositional calculus.
caloric: jermik c, jermantik c. calori c: jermik c, jermog noc. 36
cancel: akur nw, diagr fw, aplopoi , apale fw, exale fw. cancellable: diagr yimoc, apale yimoc, akur simoc. cancellation: diagraf , ak rwsh, aplopo hsh, apaloif , mhdenism c. cancellation law: n moc thc diagraf c thc apaloif c.
cancellative: diagrafik c, akurwtik c, thc apaloif c. cancellative operation: akurwtik pr xh.
canonical: kanonik c.
canonical action: kanonik dr sh. canonical class: kanonik kl sh. canonical coordinates: kanonik c suntetagm nec. canonical correlation: kanonik susq tish. canonical desingularization: kanonik apo diomorfopo hsh. canonical equations: kanonik c exis seic. canonical expression: kanonik par stash. canonical form: kanonik morf . canonical moment: kanonik rop . canonical projection: kanonik probol . canonical region: kanonik c t poc. canonical representation: kanonik anapar stash. canonical transformation: kanonik c metasqhmatism c. canonical variable: kanonik metablht . Jordan's canonical form: kanonik morf tou Jordan.
canonically: kanonik c.
canonically conjugate: kanonik c suzuge c.
cantilever: pr boloc (Mhq.), proexoq . Cantor, Georg (1845-1918).
Cantor's paradox: par doxo tou Cantor. Cantor set: s nolo Cantor. triadic Cantor set: triadik s nolo Cantor. Sun. Cantor ternary set.
Cantorian: tou Cantor. cap: to s mbolo thc tom c, \.
cap product: gin meno tom c (ap to s mbolo \).
capacitance: qwrhtik thta. capacitor: puknwt c. capacity: qwrhtik thta.
heat capacity: jermoqwrhtik thta.
capillarity: to triqoeid c. capillary: triqoeid c, triqoeid c agwg c. capital: kef laio. 37
Caratheodory, Constantin (1873-1950). card: k rta, qart tr poulac. card reader: anagn sthc kart n.
Cardano, Jerome (1501-1576). cardinal: jemeli dhc, plhjik c, plhj rijmoc plhjik c arijm c. cardinal number: plhj rijmoc plhjik c arijm c isq c. cardinal number axiom: ax wma twn plhjar jmwn. cardinal representation: jemeli dhc anapar stash. large cardinal: meg loc plhj rijmoc. regular cardinal: kanonik c plhj rijmoc. singular cardinal: idi zwn plhj rijmoc.
cardinality: plhjik thta, isq c, plhjik c arijm c.
cardinality of continuum: plhjik thta tou suneqo c.
cardioid: kardioeid c, kardioeid c. carrier: for ac. carrier wave: f ron k ma.
Cartesian: kartesian c.
Cartesian coordinates: kartesian c suntetagm nec (sun. rectangular coordinates). Cartesian ovoid: kartesian woeid c. Cartesian plane: kartesian ep pedo. Cartesian product: kartesian gin meno. Cartesian space: kartesian c q roc. Cartesian system: kartesian s sthma. Cartesian tensor: kartesian c tanust c.
cartography: qartograf a. case: per ptwsh.
ambiguous case: diforo menh per ptwsh. limiting case: oriak per ptwsh. special case: eidik per ptwsh. trivial case: tetrimm nh per ptwsh.
cash: metrht , reust qr ma. cash ow: qrhmatoro .
Cassini, Jean Dominique (1625-1712). oval of Cassini: woeid c tou Cassini.
casting: q teush. Catalan, (-).
Catalan's constant: stajer tou Catalan. 38
catalysis: kat lush. catalytic: katalutik c. catastrophy: katastrof .
catastrophy theory: jewr a katastrof c.
catastrophic: katastrofik c. categorical: kathgorik c.
categorical distribution: kathgorik katanom .
category: kathgor a, kl sh.
Baire category theorem: je rhma kathgori n tou Baire. concrete category: sumpag c kathgor a. dual category: ant jeth (opposite) du k kathgor a. opposite category: ant jeth du k (dual) kathgor a. product category: kathgor a ginom nou.
catenary: alusoeid c.
catenary curve: alusoeid c kamp lh.
catenoid: alusoeid c, alusoeid c. Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (1789-1857).
Cauchy distribution: katanom tou Cauchy. Cauchy principal value: prwte ousa tim tou Cauchy. Cauchy-Riemann conditions: sunj kec twn Cauchy-Riemann. Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: anis thta twn Cauchy-Schwarz. Cauchy's inequality: anis thta tou Cauchy. Cauchy's integral formulae: oloklhrwtiko t poi tou Cauchy. Cauchy's problem: pr blhma tou Cauchy. Cauchy's theorem: je rhma tou Cauchy.
causal: aiti dhc. causality: aitiat . cause: ait a.
cause variable: aitiometablht .
caustic: kaustik c.
caustics method: m jodoc twn kaustik n.
cavitation: sphla wsh. cavity: koil thta. Cayley, Arthur (1821-1895). cease: pa w, stamat . celestial: our nioc.
celestial body: our nio s ma. celestial horizon: our nioc or zontac. celestial mechanics: our nia mhqanik . 39
celestial pole: our nioc p loc. celestial sphere: our nia sfa ra.
cell: kel , k ttaro, kuyel da, stoiqe o, k lufoc. cell frequency: suqn thta kelio . empty cell: ken kel . empty cell test: legqoc keno kelio . spherical cell: sfairik k lufoc.
cellular: kuttaroeid c, yhfiak c. Celsius, (-). Celsius degree: bajm c Celsius.
censor: perik ptw, logokr nw, diagr fw, aisjht rac. censored: perikomm noc, logokrim noc, diagramm noc.
censored data: perikomm na dedom na, logokrim na dedom na. left-censored data: perikomm na arister dedom na. right-censored data: perikomm na dexi dedom na.
censoring: perikop , logokris a, diagraf .
censoring variable: metablht perikop c (dedom nwn).
census: apograf .
incomplete census: merik apograf .
cent: ekat . ekatost , sent.
per cent: ep toic ekat , ekatostia oc.
center: k ntro.
center of attraction: k ntro lxhc. center of curvature: k ntro kampul thtac. center of gravity: k ntro b rouc. center of mass: k ntro m zac. center of projection: ke'ntro probol c. radical center: rizik k ntro.
centered: kentrik c.
centered di erences: kentrik c diafor c (sun. central di erences). centered scheme: kentrik m jodoc, m jodoc kentrik n (peperasm nwn) diafor n.
centile: ekatosthm rio. central: kentrik c.
central di erences: kentrik c diafor c. central distribution: kentrik katanom . central eld: kentrik ped o. central force: kentrik d namh. central limit theorem: kentrik oriak je rhma. 40
central moment: kentrik rop . central projection: kentrik probol . central symmetry: ketrik summetr a, summetr a wc proc k ntro. central tendency: kentrik t sh.
centrality: kentrik thta. centrifugal: fug ketroc.
centrifugal acceleration: fug kentroc epit qunsh. centrifugal force: fug kentrh d namh.
centripetal: kentrom loc.
centripetal acceleration: kentrom loc epit qunsh. centripetal force: kentrom loc d namh.
centro-: kentro- (pr jema). centrode: kentr dec (sun. locus).
space centrode: kentr dec tou q rou.
centroid: 1. k ntro b rouc. 2. bar kentro trig nou (to shme o tom c twn diam swn tou), sun. median point. curvature centroid: k ntro kampul thtac (sun. center of curvature).
centroskew: kentro-antisummetrik c.
centroskew matrix: kentro-antisummetrik c p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=-RAR, pou R tetragwnik c p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutere ousa diag nio kai 0 allo ).
centrosymmetric: kentrosummetrik c.
centrosymmetric matrix: kentrosummetrik c p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=RAR, pou R tetragwnik c p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutere ousa diag nio kai 0 allo ).
certain: b baioc.
certain event: b baio gegon c endeq meno. almost certain: sqed n b baioc.
certainly: beba wc.
almost certainly: sqed n beba wc.
certainty: bebai thta. certi cate: pistopoihtik . Cesaro, (-).
C esaro summability: ajroisim thta kat C esaro.
chain: alus da.
chain reaction: alusidwt ant drash. chain rule: kan nac thc alus dac, kan nac paragwg sewc s njethc sun rthshc. Markov chain: alus da Markov. 41
polygon chain: polugwnik alus da.
chance: tuqa oc, t qh.
chance variable: tuqa a metablht .
change: allag , metabol .
change of basis matrix: p nakac allag c b shc p nakac met bashc (transition matrix). change of parameter: allag param trou. change of variable: allag metablht c. absolute change: ap luth metabol . rate of change: rujm c metabol c. relative change: sqetik metabol .
changeover: enallag . channel: kan li, lour da. chaos: q oc. chaotic: qaotik c.
chaotic behavior: qaotik sumperifor . chaotic dynamics: qaotik dunamik . chaotic solution: qaotik l sh. chaotic system: qaotik s sthma.
character: qarakt rac.
nite character: peperasm noc qarakt rac.
characteristic: qarakthristik c, qarakthristik , qarakthristik .
characteristic class: qarakthristik kl sh. characteristic curve: qarakthristik kamp lh. characteristic determinant: qarakthristik or zousa. characteristic equation: qarakthristik ex swsh. characteristic function: qarakthristik sun rthsh, idiosun rthsh (eigenfunction). characteristic line: qarakthristik gramm . characteristic of a logarithm: qarakthristik logar jmou. characteristic polynomial: qarakthristik polu numo. characteristic surface: qarakthristik epif neia. characteristic value: qarakthristik tim , idiotim (bl. eigenvalue). characteristic vector: qarakthristik di nusma, idiodi nusma (bl. eigenvector). atypical characteristic: mh tupik qarakthristik . Euler characteristic: qarakthristik tou Euler. method of characteristics: m jodoc twn qarakthristik n.
characterization: qarakthrism c. charge: fort o, f rtish.
charge distribution: katanom fort ou. electric charge: hlektrik fort o. line charge: grammik fort o. negative charge: arnhtik fort o. 42
point charge: shmeiak fort o. positive charge: jetik fort o. static charge: statik fort o.
chart: di gramma, q rthc.
axonometric chart: axonometrik c q rthc. bar chart: rabd gramma. control chart: di gramma el gqou. ow chart: logik di gramma, di gramma ro c, dom gramma. double logarithmic chart: dilogarijmik c q rthc. isometric chart: isometrik c q rthc. logarithmic chart: logarijmik c q rthc. quality control chart: q rthc el gqou poi thtac. range chart: q rthc k manshc.
Chebyshev, P.L. (1821-1894).
Chebyshev's di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Chebyshev. Chebyshev's inequality: anis thta tou Chebyshev. Chebyshev polynomials: polu numa tou Chebyshev.
chemical: qhmik c. chemistry: qhme a. chess: sk ki. chi: qi ( ).
chi distribution: katanom . chi-square distribution: katanom 2 . chi-square test: legqoc 2 2- legqoc. chi-square test function: elegqosun rthsh 2 , sun rthsh el gqou 2.
Chinese remainder theorem: je rhma upolo pou tou Kin zou (logik ). chirality: strobilism c, strobil thta (sun. vorticity). choice: epilog . axiom of choice: ax wma epilog c. axiom of global choice: ax wma kajolik c epilog c. global choice: kajolik epilog .
Choleski's method: m jodoc tou Choleski. chord: qord . Christo el symbols: s mbola tou Christo el. circa: (lat.) per pou, g rw. circle: k kloc, perif reia.
circle of convergence: k kloc sugkl sewc. bundle of circles: d smh k klwn. circumscribed circle: perigegramm noc k kloc (sun. circumcircle). concentric circles: om kentroi k kloi. director circle: odhg c k kloc. 43
geodesic circle: gewdaisiak c k kloc. inscribed circle: eggegramm noc k kloc (sun. incircle). limit circle: oriak c k kloc. osculating circle: egg tatoc k kloc. segment of a circle: tm ma k klou. squaring of a circle: tetragwnism c tou k klou. unit circle: monadia oc k kloc.
circuit: k klwma.
closed circuit: kleist k klwma. electrical circuit: hlektrik k klwma. short circuit: braquk klwma.
circular: kuklik c, trigonometrik c (sun. trigonometric kai cyclometric).
circular cone: kuklik c k noc. circular frequency: kuklik suqn thta. circular functions: kuklik c trigwnometrik c (trigonometric) gwniometrik c (cyclometric) sunart seic.
circular light: kuklik polwm no f c. circular motion: kuklik k nhsh. circular permutation: kuklik met jesh. circular relation: kuklik sq sh. circular triad: kuklik tri da. right circular cone: orj c kuklik c k noc.
circulate: kuklofor . circulation: kuklofor a. circumcenter: per kentro, k ntro tou perigegramm nou k klou. circumcircle: perigegramm noc k kloc (sun. circumscribed circle). circumference: perif reia. circumferential: perifereiak c. circumradius: akt na perigegramm nou k klou. circumscribable: perigr yimoc. circumscribe: perigr fw. circumscribed: perigegramm noc. circumscribed circle: perigegramm noc k kloc (sun. circumcircle). circumscribed polygon: perigegramm no pol gwno.
cissoid: kissoeid c.
cissoid of Diocles: kissoeid c tou Diokl .
class: kl sh, t xh.
class boundaries: ria kl sewc. class formation: kataskeu kl sewc. class interval: di sthma kl sewc. class mark: k ntro m so kl sewc. 44
class theory: jewr a kl sewn. canonical class: kanonik kl sh. characteristic class: qarakthristik kl sh. codable class: kwdikopoi simh kl sh. equivalence class: kl sh isodunam ac. equivalency class: kl sh isodunam ac. nite class: peperasm nh kl sh. impredicative axiom of class formation: mh kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeu c kl sewn. in nite class: peirh kl sh. predicative axiom of class formation: kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeu c kl sewn. proper class: gn sia kl sh. residue class: kl sh upolo pwn. residue class ring: dakt lioc thc kl shc upolo pwn dakt lioc phl ko (quotient ring). revealed class: apokalumm nh kl sh.
classical: klasik c.
classical approach to probability: klasik c orism c pijan thtac. classical mechanics: klasik mhqanik . classical statistics: klasik statistik .
classi cation: taxin mhsh.
classi cation table: p nakac taxin mhshc. crossed classi cation: staurwt taxin mhsh. hierarchical classi cation: ierarqik taxin mhsh. two-way classi cation: taxin mhsh kat d o par gontec.
clause: sunj kh (plhroforik ).
equivalent clause sets: isod nama s nola sunjhk n. variant of a clause: parallag sunj khc.
climate: kl ma.
climate change: klimatik allag .
clinometer: klis metro, klin metro. clique: pl rec gr fhma pl rhc gr foc, kl ka. clock: rol i. clockwise: me th for (peristrof c) twn deikt n tou rologio .
clockwise direction: for kate junsh peristrof c twn deikt n tou rologio . clockwise sense: for kate junsh peristrof c twn deikt n tou rologio .
close: kontin c, egg c, plhs on, kle nw. su ciently close: arko ntwc kont .
closeness: egg thta. closed: kleist c, kleism noc.
closed ball: kleist mp la. closed curve: kleist kamp lh. 45
closed form: kleist morf . closed formula: kleist c t poc. closed integration formulas: kleisto t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. closed interval: kleist di sthma. closed loop: kleist c br qoc. closed neighborhood: kleist perioq . closed polygon: kleist pol gwno. closed region: kleist c t poc, kleist qwr o. closed set: kleist s nolo. closed sphere: kleist sfa ra. closed surface: kleist epif neia. closed under: kleist c wc proc. closed under addition: kleist c wc proc thn pr sjesh. closed under multiplication: kleist c wc proc ton pollaplasiasm . exterior of a closed curve: exwterik kleist c kamp lhc. interior of a closed curve: eswterik kleist c kamp lhc. multiplicatively closed: pollaplasiastik kleist c.
closedness: kleist thta. closure: j kh, per blhma, k lumma, kleist thta, kle simo.
closure property: idi thta thc kleist thtac. closure of a set: j kh kleist thta sun lou. closure under addition: kleist thta wc proc thn pr sjesh. closure under multiplication: kleist thta wc proc ton pollaplasiasm . algebraic closure: algebrik j kh kleist thta. re exive closure: anaklastik kleist thta. transcendental closure: uperbatik j kh kleist thta. transitive closure: metabatik kleist thta.
club: spaj sta trapoul qarta (|). cluster: sust da, suss reuma, sm noc, d smh.
cluster analysis: an lush sust dwn. cluster of galaxies: sm noc galaxi n. cluster point: shme o susswre sewc oriak shme o (sun numo twn rwn accumulation point kai limit point). cluster sampling: deigmatolhy a kat sust dec. cluster of stars: sm noc ast rwn. compact cluster: sumpag c sust da. ultimate cluster: telik sust da.
coalition: sunaspism c. coaltitude: zen jia ap stash. coarse: traq c. coarse mesh: arai pl gma.
coarseness: traq thta. coating: ep strwsh, str sh.
antire ection coating: antianaklastik ep strwsh. 46
coaxial: omoaxonik c, qwn koin xona. co-category: sugkathgor a. co-chain: sunalus da. coconnected: omosunektik c. cocycle: om kukloc, s gkukloc. codable: kwdikopoi simoc. codable class: kwdikopoi simh kl sh.
code: k dikac, kwdikopoi .
parallel code: par llhloc k dikac.
codimension: sundi stash. coding: kwdikopo hsh.
coding method: m jodoc kwdikopo hshc.
co-domain: ped o tim n, s nolo fixhc. coe cient: suntelest c.
coe cient of contingency: suntelest c sun feiac. coe cient matrix: p nakac twn suntelest n. autocorrelation coe cient: suntelest c autosusq tishc. binomial coe cient: diwnumik c suntelest c. con dence coe cient: suntelest c empistos nhc. consistence coe cient: suntelest c sun peiac. constant coe cients: stajero suntelest c. correlation coe cient: suntelest c susq tishc. determination coe cient: suntelest c prosdiorismo . Fourier coe cients: suntelest c Fourier. fundamental coe cients: jemeli deic suntelest c, jemeli dh meg jh. generalized Fourier coe cients: genikeum noi suntelest c Fourier. method of undetermined coe cients: m jodoc twn prosdiorist wn suntelest n. path coe cients: diadromiko suntelest c. regression coe cient: suntelest c palindrom sewc. scalar coe cient: bajmwt c suntelest c. ultraspherical coe cient: upersfairik c suntelest c. weighting coe cient: suntelest c st jmishc, suntelest c b rouc.
coenumerable: sunaparijm simoc, sunarijm simoc. coequalizer: sunexiswt c, sumpur nac diafor n (di erence cokernel). coercive: sunektik c (mhqanik ). coercivity: sunektik thta (mhqanik ). coexist: sunup rqw. coexistence: sun parxh. cofactor: suntelest c, algebrik sumpl rwma, sumpar gontac.
cofactor of a matrix element: algebrik sumpl rwma stoiqe ou p naka. 47
cofactor matrix: p nakac twn algebrik n sumplhrwm twn, p nakac twn sumparag ntwn.
co bration: sunhmatopo hsh (Topol.). co bre: sun na (Topol.). co nal: omotelik c. co nal sets: omotelik s nola.
co nality: omotelik thta, omotelei thta. cofunction: sunsun rthsh. cograduation: sundiab jmish. coherence: sumbibast thta, sunoq , sun feia, sumfwn a (optik ). area of coherence: perioq sumfwn ac (optik ). degree of coherence: bajm c sumfwn ac (optik ). spatial coherence: qwrik sumfwn a (optik ).
coherency: sumfwn a (qronoseir n). coherent: sumbibast c, sunektik c, sunaf c, s mfwnoc (optik ). coherent line source: s mfwnh grammik phg .
cohomology: sunomolog a.
Galois cohomology: sunomolog a Galois. group cohomology: sunomolog a om dwn.
coil: phn o. coin: n misma, k rma.
fair coin: kanonik t mio n misma.
coincide: sump ptw, taut zomai. coincidence: s mptwsh, ta tish. coincident: tautiz menoc, sump ptwn.
coincident knots: tautiz menoi k mboi. coincident lines: tautiz menec euje ec. coincident points: tautiz mena shme a.
cokernel: sumpur nac.
di erence cokernel: sumpur nac diafor n, sunexiswt c (coequalizer).
collapse: katarr w, kat rreush.
gravitational collapse: barutik kat rreush.
collar: koll ro. collect: sull gw, sugkentr nw. collection: sullog . 48
collective: sullektik c, sullogik c.
collective coordinates: sullogik c suntetagm nec.
collimate: parallhl zw (optik ). collimated: par llhloc (optik ).
collimated light: par llhlh d smh fwt c.
collimation: eujugr mmish, parall lish. collinear: suneujeiak c, suggrammik c.
collinear points: suneujeiak shme a. collinear vectors: sugrramik dian smata.
collinearity: suneujeiak thta, suggramik thta. collision: kro sh, s gkroush. collision rule: kan nac kro shc. direct collision: kentrik kro sh. elastic collision: elastik kro sh. inelastic collision: plastik kro sh. oblique collision: pl gia kro sh.
collocated: taxijethm noc, taxinomhm noc.
collocated nite volume method: taxijethm nh m jodoc peperasm nwn gkwn el gqou. collocated grid: taxijethm no pl gma.
collocation: taxijes a, taxin mhsh, s mptwsh.
collocation method: m jodoc taxijes ac s mptwshc taxin mhshc. collocation points: shme a taxijes ac taxin mhshc. collocation polynomial: polu numo taxijes ac taxin mhshc, sumptwtik polu numo. iterated collocation: epanalamban menh taxijes a taxin mhsh. point collocation: shmeiak taxijes a taxin mhsh. spectral collocation: fasmatik taxijes a taxin mhsh. subdomain collocation: taxijes a taxin mhsh upoqwr wn.
cologarithm: sunlog rijmoc. color: qr ma.
four-color theorem: je rhma tess rwn qrwm twn.
colorable: qrwmat simoc.
colorable graph: qrwmat simo gr fhma.
coloration: qrwmatism c. coloring: qrwmatism c. column: st lh.
column equivalent: sthlo sod namoc. column equivalent matrices: sthlo sod namoi p nakec. column exchange: enallag sthl n. 49
column matrix: p nakac st lh, di nusma st lhc. column operation: pr xh metasqhmatism c sthl n. column space: (grammik c) q roc sthl n. elementary column operation: stoiqei dhc metasqhmatism c sthl n. reduced column echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf kat st lec.
combination: sunduasm c.
convex combination: kurt c sunduasm c. linear combination: grammik c sunduasm c.
combinatorial: sunduastik c.
combinatorial analysis: sunduastik an lush. combinatorial framework: sunduastik pla sio. combinatorial invariants: sunduastik c anallo wtec. combinatorial methods: sunduastik c m jodoi. combinatorial optimization: sunduastik beltistopo hsh. combinatorial topology: sunduastik topolog a.
combinatorics: sunduastik .
algebraic combinatorics: algebrik sunduastik . geometric combinatorics: gewmetrik sunduastik .
combined: sunduasm noc. combustible: ka simo. combustion: ka sh. comet: kom thc. commensurable: s mmetroc.
commensurable numbers: s mmetroi arijmo .
comment: sq lio. commerce: emp rio.
electronic commerce: hlektronik emp rio.
commercial: emporik c. common: koin c, sun jhc.
common denominator: koin c paronomast c. common factor: koin c par gontac. common divisor: koin c diair thc. greatest common divisor: m gistoc koin c diair thc. highest common factor: m gistoc koin c par gontac ( diair thc). lowest common divisor: el qistoc koin c diair thc.
communication: epikoinwn a.
broadband communication: epikoinwn a eure ac z nhc. data communication networks: d ktua epikoinwn ac dedom nwn. 50
commutation: antimet jesh. commutative: antimetajetik c, metajetik c.
commutative algebra: antimetajetik lgebra. commutative diagram: antimetajetik di gramma. commutative group: antimetajetik abelian om da. commutative law: antimetajetik idi thta. commutative matrices: antimetajetiko antimetaj simoi p nakec. commutative module: antimetajetik metabatik pr tupo. commutative ring: antimetajetik c dakt lioc. general commutative law: genik antimetajetik idi thta.
commutativity: antimetajetik thta. commutator: antimetaj thc. commute: antimetat jemai. commuting: antimetajetik c, antimetaj simoc.
commuting matrices: antimetajetiko antimetaj simoi p nakec. commuting polynomials: antimetajetik antimetaj sima polu numa.
compact: sumpag c.
compact manifold: sumpag c pollapl thta. compact set: sumpag c s nolo. compact space: sumpag c q roc. compact subset: sumpag c upos nolo. compact support: sumpag c for ac. compact surface: sumpag c epif neia. countably compact: arijm sima sumpag c. locally compact: topik sumpag c. sequentially compact: akoloujiak sumpag c.
compacti cation: sumpagopo hsh.
one-point compacti cation: sumpagopo hsh en c shme ou.
compactly: sumpag c.
compactly supported function: sun rthsh me sumpag for a. weakly-compactly generated (wcg): asjen c-sumpag c parag menoc (gia s nola).
compactness: sump geia, to sumpag c, se merik bibl a sumpag thta. compactness theorem: je rhma sump geiac.
compacta: bl. compactum. compactum (pl. compacta): sumpag c kai metrikopoi simoc q roc (compact and metrizable). comparability: sugkrisim thta. time comparability: qronik sugkrisim thta.
comparable: sugkr simoc.
comparable functions: sugkr simec sunart seic. 51
compare: sugkr nw. comparison: s gkrish.
comparison property: idi thta thc sugkr sewc. comparison test: krit rio thc sugkr sewc. triple comparisons: tripl c sugkr seic.
compass: 1. pux da (mariner's compass). 2. diab thc (pio sunhjism no ston plhjuntik , compasses). construction with straight-edge and compass: kataskeu me kan na kai diab th.
compatibility: sumbibast thta, sumbat thta (sun. consistency). compatibility condition: sunj kh sumbibast thtac. compatibility equations: exis seic sumbibast thtac.
compatible: sumbibast c, sumbat c.
compatible transitions: sumbat c metab seic.
compensate: antistajm zw. compensator: antistajmist c. competition: antagwnism c, diagwnism c. competitive: antagwnistik c. compiler: metaglwttist c. complement: sumpl rwma.
complement of an angle: sumpl rwma gwn ac. complement of a set: sumpl rwma sun lou. orthogonal complement: orjog nio sumpl rwma.
complementarity: sumplhrwmatik thta.
linear complementarity: grammik sumplhrwmatik thta.
complementary: sumplhrwmatik c.
complementary angles: sumplhrwmatik c gwn ec. complementary di erential equation: ant stoiqh omogen c diaforik ex swsh. complementary error function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh sf lmatoc. complementary function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh. complementary modulus: sumplhrwmatik m tro. complementary trigonometric functions: sumplhrwmatik c trigonometrik c sunart seic.
complete: pl rhc, t leioc.
complete quadrilateral: pl rec tetr pleuro. complete randomization: pl rhc tuqaiopo hsh. complete space: pl rhc q roc. complete vector eld: pl rec dianusmatik ped o. essentially complete: ousiwd c pl rhc.
completely: pl rwc, tele wc, entel c. 52
completeness: plhr thta.
topological completeness: topologik plhr thta. completeness theorem: je rhma plhr thtac. strong completeness: isqur plhr thta.
completion: pl rwsh. complex: migadik c, summig c, pol plokoc, s njetoc. Sthn topolog a, s mploko sq ma. complex conjugate: migadik c suzug c. complex di erentiation: migadik parag gish, parag gish wc proc migadik metablht . complex function: migadik sun rthsh. complex integration: migadik olokl rwsh, olokl rwsh wc proc migadik metablht . complex matrix: migadik c p nakac. complex number: migadik c arijm c. complex number system: s sthma twn migadik n arijm n. complex plane: migadik ep pedo. complex potential: migadik dunamik . complex representation: migadik par stash. complex process: pol plokh diadikas a. complex temperature: migadik jermokras a. complex valued: migadik c. complex-valued function: migadik sun rthsh. complex variable: migadik metablht . complex velocity: migadik taq thta. entire complex plane: sumplhrwm no epektetam no migadik ep pedo. extended complex plane: sumplhrwm no epektetam no migadik ep pedo. modulus of a complex number: m tro ap luth tim migadiko arijmo . simplicial complex: basik sq ma s mploko (Topol.).
complexi cation: migadikopo hsh. complexity: poluplok thta.
complexity hierarchy: ierarq a poluplok thtac. computational complexity: upologistik poluplok thta. convergence complexity: poluplok thta s gklishc. inherent complexity: eggen c poluplok thta. grammatical complexity: grammatik poluplok thta.
component: sunist sa, sustatik , stoiqe o.
components of a vector: sunist sec dian smatoc. axial component: axonik sunist sa. azimuthal component: azimoujiak sunist sa. normal component: k jeth sunist sa. radial component: aktinik sunist sa. random component: tuqa a sunist sa. seasonal component: epoqiak sunist sa. tangential component: efaptomenik sunist sa.
componentwise: kat tic sunist sec, wc proc tic sunist sec. compose: sunj tw. 53
composite: s njetoc.
composite event: s njeto gegon c endeq meno. composite function: s njeth sun rthsh. composite hypothesis: s njeth up jesh. composite integration formulas: s njetoi t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. composite number: s njetoc arijm c. composite Simpson's rule formula: s njetoc t poc tou Simpson (arijmhtik olokl rwsh). composite trapezoidal rule formula: s njetoc t poc tou trapez ou.
composition: s njesh.
composition of functions: s njesh sunart sewn. composition of relations: s njesh sq sewn.
compositional: sunjetik c. compositionality: sunjetik thta. compound: s njetoc, sunj tw.
compound event: s njeto gegon c endeq meno. compound lens: s njetoc fak c. compound pendulum: s njeto ekkrem c. compound polyhedra: s njeta pol edra. compound solids: s njeta s mata stere (p.q. s njeta pol edra).
comprehensive: periektik c, eur c. compress: sumpi zw, sumpt ssw, jl bw. compressed: sumpiesm noc, suneptugm noc. compressed limits: suneptugm na ria.
compressible: sumpiest c.
compressible ow: sumpiest ro . compressible uid: sumpiest reust .
compression: sump esh, s mptuxh, jl yh. computability: upologisim thta. computable: upolog simoc.
computable error bound: upolog simo fr gma sf lmatoc. computable function: upolog simh sun rthsh. computable in time t: upolog simoc se qr no t. grammatically computable function: grammatik upolog simh sun rthsh.
computation: upologism c.
neural computation: neurwnik c upologism c. parallel computation: par llhloc upologism c.
computational: upologistik c.
computational complexity: upologistik poluplok thta. computational error: upologistik sf lma. computational geometry: upologistik gewmetr a. 54
computational mathematics: upologistik majhmatik . computational mechanics: upologistik mhqanik . computational uid dynamics (CFD): upologistik reustodunamik .
compute: upolog zw. computer: upologist c.
computer architecture: arqitektonik upologist n. computer intensive methods: upologistik entatik c m jodoi. analog computer: analogik c upologist c. digital computer: yhfiak c upologist c. parallel computer: par llhloc upologist c.
computerize: . computerized: . computing: upologism c, upolog zontac.
high performance computing: upologism c uyhl c ep doshc. scienti c computing: episthmonik c upologism c.
concatenation: par jesh, allhlouq a, suneirm c. concave: ko loc, mh kurt c.
concave polygon: mh kurt pol gwno (sun. non-convex polygon). concave polyhedron: mh kurt pol edro (sun. non-convex polyhedron). log-concave: logarijmik ko loc.
concavity: to ko lon, koil thta. concentration: sugk ntrwsh.
mass concentration: mazik sugk ntrwsh, sugk ntrwsh m zac. stress concentration: sugk ntrwsh t sewn.
concentric: om kentroc.
concentric circles: om kentroi k kloi. concentric conics: om kentrec kwnik c. concentric pencils: om kentrec d smec.
concentrically: omok ntrwc. concept: nnoia, id a.
basic concepts: basik c nnoiec.
conchoid: kogqoeid c.
conchoid of Nicomedes: kogqoeid c tou Nikom dh.
concrete: sumpag c.
concrete category: sumpag c kathgor a.
concurrence: s gklish (eujei n), h tom sugklinous n eujei n. 55
concurrent: sugkl nwn, temn menoc.
concurrent lines: sugkl nousec euje ec, temn menec euje ec.
concyclic: sugkuklik c. condensation: sump knwsh.
condensation lemma: l mma sump knwshc. static condensation: statik sump knwsh.
condense: sunpukn nw. condenser: puknwt c, sumpuknwt c. condition: sunj kh, roc, kat stash (gia p nakec).
condition index: de kthc kat stashc. condition number: arijm c kat stashc. boundary condition: sunoriak sunj kh. Cauchy-Riemann conditions: sunj kec twn Cauchy-Riemann. compatibility condition: sunj kh sumbibast thtac. Dirichlet condition: sunj kh Dirichlet. end conditions: sunj kec krwn. essential boundary condition: ousiastik sunoriak sunj kh (sunj kh Dirichlet). forcing conditions: sunj kec exanagkasmo . homogeneous (boundary) condition: omogen c (sunoriak ) sunj kh. ill conditioned: kak c kat stashc. initial condition: arqik sunj kh. kinematic condition: kinhmatik sunj kh. mixed boundary condition: mikt sunoriak sunj kh. natural boundary condition: fusik sunoriak sunj kh (sunj kh Neumann). necessary condition: anagka a sunj kh. necessary and su cient condition: anagka a kai ikan sunj kh. Neumann condition: sunj kh Neumann. su cient condition: ikan sunj kh. well conditioned: kal c kat stashc.
conditional: up kat sunj kh, up rouc, desmeum noc, sqetik c, upojetik c (logik ). conditional convergence: sqetik s gklish, s gklish up sunj kh. conditional distribution: desmeum nh katanom katanom up sunj kh. conditional equality: up sujn kh is thta. conditional moment: desmeum nh rop rop up sunj kh. conditional probability: desmeum nh pijan thta pijan thta up sunj kh. conditional stability: eust jeia up sunj kh. conditional statement: upojetik pr tash (sun. hypothetical statement).
conditionally: sqetik c, up sunj kh, up rouc, desmeum na.
conditionally convergent series: sqetik c sugkl nousa seir , up sunj kh sugkl nousa seir . conditionally stable: eustaj c up sunj kh.
conditioned: .
ill conditioned: kak c kat stashc. 56
well conditioned: kal c kat stashc.
conditioning: kat stash, stajeropo hsh. ill conditioning: kak kat stash.
conducting: ag gimoc.
conducting medium: ag gimo m so.
conduction: agwg , di dosh.
heat conduction: agwg jerm thtac.
conductivity: agwgim thta.
thermal conductivity: jermik agwgim thta.
conductor: agwg c.
perfect conductor: t leioc agwg c.
cone: k noc.
cut cone: k louroc k noc. circular cone: kuklik c k noc. director cone: odhg c k noc. dispersion cone: k noc diaspor c. frustrum of cone: k louroc k noc. inscribed cone: eggegramm noc k noc. oblique cone: pl gioc k noc. right circular cone: orj c kuklik c k noc. right cone: orj c k noc. slant height of a cone: gen teira k nou. spherical cone: sfairik c k noc. truncated cone: apokomm noc k louroc k noc.
con dence: empistos nh, pepo jhsh.
con dence coe cient: suntelest c empistos nhc. con dence interval: di sthma empistos nhc. con dence level: suntelest c empistos nhc. con dence limits: ria empistos nhc. con dence region: qwr o perioq empistos nhc. lower con dence limit: kat tero rio empistos nhc. shortest con dence interval: braq tato di sthma empistos nhc. upper con dence limit: an tero rio empistos nhc.
con guration: (gewmetrik c) sqhmatism c, kat stash. Se bibl a plhroforik c, sunolik kat stash. halted con guration: termatism nh kat stash (plhroforik ). hanging con guration: krem menh kat stash (plhroforik ). space con guration: fasik c q roc.
con uence: sumbol , surro . con uent: sumb llwn, surr wn. confocal: omo stioc, sunestiak c.
confocal ellipses: omo stiec elle yeic. 57
confocal conics: omo stiec kwnik c.
conformal: s mmorfoc.
conformal group: s mmorfh om da. conformal mapping: s mmorfh apeik nish. conformal transformation: s mmorfoc metasqhmatism c.
conformally: s mmorfa.
conformally invariant: s mmorfa anallo wtoc.
conforming: summorfik c.
conforming nite elements: summorfik peperasm na stoiqe a. conforming grid: summorfik pl gma.
confounded: s mmiktoc. confounding: s mmixh.
double confounding: dipl s mmixh. partial confounding: merik s mmixh.
congruence: omoi thta (orjomonadia a orjog nia gia p nakec), isotim a. congruence transformation: metasqhmatism c omoi thtac.
congruency: omoi thta (orjomonadia a orjog nia gia p nakec), isotim a. congruent: moioc (orjomonadia a orjog nia gia p nakec), is timoc, soc. congruent integers: iso p loipoi ak raioi. congruent matrices: orjomonadia a ( orjog nia) moioi p nakec. congruent polygons: sa pol gwna.
congruous: moioc, is timoc, soc (sun. tou congruent). congruity: omoi thta (orjomonadia a orjog nia gia p nakec), isotim a (sun. tou congruency). conic: kwnik c, kwnik . conic section: kwnik tom . concentric conics: om kentrec kwnik c. confocal conics: omo stiec kwnik c. nondegenerate conic: mh ekfulism nh kwnik .
conical: kwnik c.
conical coordinates: kwnik c suntetagm nec. conical pendulum: kwnik ekkrem c. conical projection: kwnik probol . conical surface: kwnik epif neia.
conjecture: eikas a, pr tash qwr c ap deixh.
Goldbach's conjecture: eikas a tou Goldbach.
conjunction: s ndesmoc, s ndesh, s zeuxh.
conjunction sign: shme o s zeuxhc (plhroforik ).
conjunctive: sundetik c, suzeuktik c.
conjunctive normal form: suzeuktik kanoniik morf .
conjugacy: suzug a.
conjugacy class: kl sh suzug ac. conjugacy problem: pr blhma suzug ac.
conjugate: suzug c, pa rnw ton suzug en c migadiko , br skw th suzug morf miac par stashc. conjugate coordinates: suzuge c suntetagm nec. conjugate direction: suzug c die junsh. conjugate functions: suzuge c sunart seic. conjugate lines: suzuge c gramm c. conjugate momentum: suzug c orm . conjugate points: suzug shme a. conjugate symmetric property: suzug c summetrik idi thta. conjugate transpose matrix: anastrofosuzug c p nakac, suzug c an strofoc p nakac. complex conjugate: migadik c suzug c. canonically conjugate: kanonik c suzuge c.
conjugated: sunezeugm noc. conjugation: e resh tou suzugo c, suzug a. conjunction: s zeuxh. conjunctive: suzeuktik c.
conjunctive normal form: suzeuktik kanonik morf .
connected: sunektik c sunaf c, sunde menoc, sqetiz menoc.
connected region: sunektik c sunaf c t poc, sunektik sunaf c qwr o. connected set: sunektik sunaf c s nolo. arcwise connected: kat t xo sunektik c. doubly connected: dipl sunektik c. multi-connected: pollapl sunektik c. multiply connected: pollapl sunektik c. simply connected: apl sunektik c. simply connected region: apl sunektik t poc. totally connected: olik c sunektik c.
connectedness: sunektik thta sun feia. connection: 1. s ndesmoc sunoq (Gewm.). 2. sq sh, s ndesh. connection coe cients: suntelest c s ndeshc. a ne connection: susqetism noc s ndesmoc. axiom of connection: ax wma s ndeshc. torsion of connection: str yh sund smou.
connective: s ndesmoc, sundetik c.
logical connnective: logik c s ndesmoc.
connectivity: sundetik thta. conoid: kwnoeid c.
right conoid: orj kwnoeid c.
consecutive: diadoqik c, allep llhloc, suneq c. consecutive angles: diadoqik c gwn ec. consecutive intervals: diadoqik diast mata. consecutive sides: diadoqik c pleur c.
consequence: ap rroia, sun peia, sump rasma. logical consequence: logik sump rasma.
consequent: 1. diair thc. 2. sump rasma (Maj. Log.). conservation: diat rhsh.
angular momentum conservation: diat rhsh thc stroform c. conservation law: n moc diat rhshc. energy conservation: diat rhsh thc en rgeiac. mass conservation: diat rhsh thc m zac. momentum conservation: diat rhsh thc orm c.
conservative: sunthrhtik c, diathrhtik c.
conservative eld: sunthrhtik ped o. conservative force eld: sunthrhtik ped o dun mewn. conservative system: sunthrhtik s sthma.
conserved: diathrhm noc.
conserved quantities: diathrhm nec pos thtec, diathrhm na meg jh.
consistence: sumbibast thta, sun peia.
consistence coe cient: suntelest c sun peiac.
consistency: sumbibast thta, sumbat thta (sun. compatibility), sun peia. consistency error: sf lma sumbibast thtac. mean square consistency: m sh tetragwnik sun peia.
consistent: sumbibast c, sumbat c, sunep c. Sq lio Sofokl Merkour kh. consistent method: sumbibast m jodoc. consistent strings: sumbat c sumboloseir c. consistent system: sumbibast s sthma. consistent test: sunep c legqoc. consistent test function: sunep c elegqosun rthsh sun rthsh el gqou. consistent with respect to solvability: sunep c wc proc thn apodeixim thta. mean square consistent: sunep c wc proc ton tetragwnik m so. strongly consistent: isqur sunep c. 60
strongly consistent estimator: isqur sunep c ektim tria.
consonance: sumfwn a. constancy: to stajer , stajer thta. constant: stajer c, stajer , stajer .
constant of aberration: stajer apoplan sewc. constant coe cients: stajero suntelest c. constant function: stajer sun rthsh. constant functional: stajer sunarthsiak . constant mapping: stajer apeik nish. constant matrix: stajer c p nakac. absolute constant: ap luth stajer . arbitrary constant: auja reth stajer , tuqo sa stajer . critical constant: kr simh stajer . dielectric constant: dihlektrik stajer . gravitational constant: (pagk smia) stajer thc bar thtac. integration constant: stajer oloklhr sewc. piecewise constant: kat tm mata stajer c. separation constant: stajer qwrismo . universal constant: pagk smia stajer .
constellation: asterism c. constitutive: katastatik c, ulik c.
constitutive equation: katastatik ex swsh, ulik ex swsh. constitutive relation: katastatik sq sh, ulik sq sh.
constrained: desmeum noc, up sunj kec, periorism noc, exanagkasm noc.
constrained minimization problem: desmeum no pr blhma elaqistopo hshc. constrained motion: exanagkasm nh k nhsh. constrained oscillation: exanagkasm nh tal ntwsh. constrained problem: desmeum no pr blhma, pr blhma up sunj kec.
constraint: desm c, periorism c, desmeutik sunj kh, d smeush. holonomic constraint: ol nomoc desm c periorism c. unilateral constraint: mon pleuroc periorism c.
construct: kataskeu zw, oikodom . constructible: 1. kataskeu simoc. 2. kataskeu simoc me kan na kai diab th. constructible number: kataskeu simoc arijm c. constructible polygon: kataskeu simo pol gwno. constructible set: kataskeu simo epagwgik or simo s nolo.
construction: kataskeu .
construction with straight-edge and compass: kataskeu me kan na kai diab th. geometric construction: gewmetrik kataskeu .
constructive: jetik c, kataskeuastik c, epoikodomhtik c. constructive interference: jetik sumbol (optik ).
contact: epaf .
contact force: d namh epaf c epifaneiak d namh (surface force). contact manifold: pollapl thta epaf c. contact problem: pr blhma epaf c.
content: perieq meno.
Jordan's content: perieq meno Jordan.
context: sumfraz mena.
context-free grammar: grammatik qwr c sumfraz mena. context-free language: gl ssa qwr c sumfraz mena. context-sensitive grammar: grammatik eua sjhth sta sumfraz mena. context-sensitive language: gl ssa eua sjhth sta sumfraz mena. ambiguous context-free grammar: diforo menh grammatik qwr c sumfraz mena.
contingency: sun feia, taxin mhsh.
contingency tables: p nakec sun feiac. coe cient of contingency: suntelest c sun feiac. folded contingency table: summetrik c p nakac sun feias. partial contingency: merik sun feia.
continua: bl. continuum. continuation: sun qish.
analytic continuation: analutik sun qish.
continued: suneqiz menoc, suneq c.
continued fraction: suneq c kl sma.
continuity: sun qeia.
continuity equation: ex swsh sun qeiac. continuity order: t xh sun qeiac. absolute continuity: ap luth sun qeia. H older continuity: sun qeia kat H older. left-hand continuity: sun qeia ap arister . Lipschitz continuity: sun qeia kat Lipschitz. right-hand continuity: sun qeia ap dexi . uniform continuity: omoi morfh sun qeia.
continuous: suneq c.
continuous dependence: suneq c ex rthsh. continuous extension: suneq c ep ktash. continuous function: suneq c sun rthsh. continuous operator: suneq c telest c. continuous spectrum: suneq c f sma. absolutely continuous: apol twc suneq c. absolutely continuous distribution: apol twc suneq c katanom . 62
H older continuous: suneq c kat H older. Lipschitz continuous: suneq c kat Lipschitz. piecewise continuous: tmhmatik kat tm mata suneq c. piecewise continuous function: tmhmatik suneq c sun rthsh. uniformly continuous function: omoi morfa suneq c sun rthsh.
continuously: suneq c.
continuously di erentiable: suneq c diafor simoc parag gisimoc.
continuum (pl. continua): suneq c.
continuum hypothesis: up jesh tou suneqo c m sou. continuum mechanics: mhqanik tou suneqo c m sou. cardinality of continuum: plhjik thta tou suneqo c.
contour: per gramma, kleist kamp lh, iso y c (kamp lh), br qoc. contour integral: olokl rwma se kleist kamp lh. contour integration: olokl rwsh se kleist kamp lh. contour plot: di gramma iso y n.
contractible: sustalt c. contracting: sustell menoc.
contracting universe: sustell meno s mpan.
contraction: sustol .
contraction mapping: apeik nish sustol c. contraction theorem: je rhma sustol c. quanti er contraction: sustol posodeikt n. sudden contraction: ap tomh sustol (reustodunamik ). tensor contraction: sustol tanust ( n).
contractive: sustolik c, sustaltik c.
contractive operator: sustolik c telest c. contractive mapping: sustolik apeik nish.
contradict: antif skw, diafwn , antil gw. contradiction: antinom a, ant fash, diafwn a, antilog a.
proof by contradiction: ap deixh me th m jodo thc apagwg c se topo.
contradictory: antifatik c. contravariant: antallo wtoc.
contravariant derivative: antallo wth par gwgoc. contravariant functor: antallo wtoc sunartht c. contravariant index: antallo wtoc de kthc. contravariant tensor: antallo wtoc tanust c.
contribute: suneisf rw, sumb llw. 63
contribution: suneisfor , sumbol .
element contribution: suneisfor stoiqe ou.
control: legqoc.
control chart: di gramma el gqou. control group: om da el gqou. control surface: epif neia el gqou. control systems: sust mata el gqou. control volume: gkoc el gqou. automatic control: aut matoc legqoc. nite control: peperasm noc legqoc. multivariate quality control: polumetablht c legqoc poi thtac. nonlinear control: mh grammik c legqoc. optimal control: b ltistoc legqoc. quality control: legqoc poi thtac. statistical control: statistik c legqoc.
controller: rujmist c, elegkt c.
analog controller: analogik c rujmist c. digital controller: yhfiak c rujmist c.
convection: kuklofor a, metafor , sunagwg .
forced convection: bebiasm nh exanagkasm nh kuklofor a. natural convection: fusik kuklofor a. natural convection heat transfer: metafor jerm thtac me fusik kuklofor a.
convected: metafer menoc.
convected derivative: metafer menh par gwgoc. convected momentum tensor: tanust c metafer menhc orm c. lower-convected derivative: k tw metafer menh par gwgoc. upper-convected derivative: nw metafer menh par gwgoc.
convective: thc metafor c, metaforik c, sunagwgik c.
convective terms: roi metafor c. convective derivative: ousiastik ousi dhc ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantial substantive material derivative).
convention: sunj kh, s mbash, sumfwn a.
summation convention: sunj kh s mbash ajro sewc.
converge: sugkl nw. converged: sugkl nac.
converged algorithm: sugkl nac alg rijmoc. converged solution: sugkl nasa l sh.
convergence: s gklish.
convergence complexity: poluplok thta s gklishc. convergence criterion: krit rio sugkl sewc. convergence interval: di sthma sugkl sewc. 64
convergence in the mean: m sh s gklish. convergence order: t xh sugklishc. convergence test: krit rio s gklishc. Se merik bibl a, test s gklishc. absolute convergence: ap luth s gklish. acceleration of convergence: epit qunsh s gklishc. algebraic convergence: algebrik s gklish. almost everywhere convergence: s gklish sqed n panto . asymptotic convergence: asumptwtik s gklish. bounded convergence theorem: je rhma fragm nhc s gklishc. circle of convergence: k kloc sugkl sewc. conditional convergence: sqetik s gklish, s gklish up sunj kh. dominated convergence: kuriarqhm nh s gklish. exponential convergence: ekjetik s gklish. pointwise convergence: shmeiak s gklish. quadratic convergence: deuterob jmia s gklish. quartic convergence: tetartob jmia s gklish. radius of convergence: akt na sugkl sewc. rate of convergence: rujm c taq thta sugkl sewc. stochastic convergence: stoqastik s gklish. strong convergence: isqur s gklish. unconditional convergence: ad smeuth s gklish. uniform convergence: omoi morfh s gklish. weak convergence: asjen c s gklish. weak* convergence: asjen c* s gklish.
convergent: sugkl nwn.
convergent algorithm: sugkl nwn alg rijmoc. convergent sequence: sugkl nousa akolouj a. convergent series: sugkl nousa seir . absolutely convergent: apol twc sugkl nwn. absolutely convergent series: apol twc sugkl nousa seir . algebraically convergent: sugkl nwn algebrik . conditionally convergent series: sqetik c sugkl nousa seir , up sunj kh sugkl nousa seir . exponentially convergent: sugkl nwn ekjetik . pointwise convergent sequence: shmeiak c sugkl nousa akolouj a. quadratically convergent algorithm: deuterob jmia sugkl nwn alg rijmoc. quartically convergent algorithm: tetartob jmia sugkl nwn alg rijmoc. uniformly convergent sequence: omoi morfa sugkl nousa akolouj a.
converging: sugkl nwn.
converging sequence: sugkl nousa akolouj a. converging series: sugkl nousa seir .
converse: ant strofoc, ant jetoc.
converse relation: ant strofh sq sh. converse statement: ant jeth pr tash. converse theorem: ant strofo je rhma.
conversely: ant strofa. 65
conversion: metatrop .
conversion factor: suntelest c metatrop c. conversion rate: rujm c metatrop c.
convert: metatr pw. converter: metatrop ac. convex: kurt c.
convex combination: kurt c sunduasm c. convex functional: kurt sunarthsiak . convex hull: kurt per blhma. convex optimization: kurt beltistopo hsh. convex polygon: kurt pol gwno (bl. polygon). convex polyhedron: kurt pol edro. convex subset: kurt upos nolo. convex set: kurt s nolo. convex space: kurt c q roc. strictly convex: gn sia austhr kurt c.
convexity: kurt thta.
Liapunov convexity theorem: je rhma kurt thtac tou Liapunov.
convolution: sun lixh, en lixh, d plwsh.
convolution integral: suneliktik olokl rwma.
cooling: y xh. coordinate: suntetagm nh.
coordinate curve: suntetagm nh kamp lh. coordinate system: s sthma suntetagm nwn. a ne coordinate system: omoparallhlik s sthma suntetagm nwn. barycentric coordinates: barukentrik c suntetagm nec. canonical coordinates: kanonik c suntetagm nec. Cartesian coordinates: kartesian c suntetagm nec (sun. rectangular coordinates). collective coordinates: sullogik c suntetagm nec. conical coordinates: kwnik c suntetagm nec. conjugate coordinates: suzuge c suntetagm nec. curvilinear coordinates: kampul grammec suntetagm nec. cyclic coordinate: kuklik suntetagm nh. cylindrical coordinates: kulindrik c suntetagm nec. ellipsoidal coordinates: elleiyoeide c suntetagm nec. elliptic cylindrical coordinates: elleiptik c kulindrik c suntetagm nec. equatorial coordinate: ishmerin suntetagm nh. generalized coordinates: genikeum nec suntetagm nec. geodesic coordinates: gewdaisiak c suntetagm nec. geodesic polar coordinates: gewdaisiak c polik c suntetagm nec. helical coordinates: elikoeide c suntetagm nec. hyperbolic coordinates: uperbolik c suntetagm nec. momentum coordinates: suntetagm nec orm c. moving coordinate system: kino meno s sthma suntetagm nwn. 66
normal coordinates: kanonik c suntetagm nec. oblate spheroidal coordinates: peplatusm nec geweide c sfairoeide c suntetagm nec. oblique coordinates: pl giec suntetagm nec. orthogonal coordinates: orjog niec suntetagm nec. orthogonal curvilinear coordinates: orjog niec kampul grammec suntetagm nec. parabolic cylindrical coordinates: parabolik c kulindrik c suntetagm nec. paraboloidal coordinates: paraboloeide c suntetagm nec. polar coordinates: polik c suntetagm nec. projective coordinates: probolik c suntetagm nec. prolate spheroidal coordinates: woeide c sfairoeide c suntetagm nec. rectangular coordinates: kartesian c orjog niec suntetagm nec (sun. Cartesian coordinates). rectangular coordinate system: kartesian orjog nio s sthma suntetagm nwn (sun. Cartesian coordinate system). Riemann normal coordinates: kanonik c suntetagm nec tou Riemann. right-handed coordinate system: dexi strofo s sthma suntetagm nwn. rotating coordinate system: peristref meno s sthma suntetagm nwn. spherical coordinates: sfairik c suntetagm nec. spheroidal coordinates: sfairoeide c suntetagm nec. toroidal coordinates: toroeide c suntetagm nec.
copier: antigraf ac. coplanar: sunep pedoc.
coplanar points: sunep peda shme a. coplanar vectors: sunep peda dian smata.
coprime: pr toi proc all louc ( metax touc).
coprime polynomials: pr ta proc llhla polu numa.
co-processor: sunepexergast c. copy: antigr fw, ant grafo. copying: antigraf .
copying machine: mhqan antigraf c.
corecursive: sunanadromik c. Coriolis, (1792-1894).
Coriolis acceleration: epit qunsh Coriolis. Coriolis force: d namh Coriolis.
corner: gwni .
corner singularity: gwniak anwmal a idiomorf a.
corollary: p risma. correct: diorj nw, akrib c, orj c. correction: di rjwsh. corrector: diorjwt c, alg rijmoc di rjwshc.
predictor-corrector method: m jodoc probl yewc-diorj sewc. 67
correlate: susqet zw. correlation: susq tish, susqetism c.
correlation coe cient: suntelest c susq tishc. correlation dimension: di stash susq tishc. canonical correlation: kanonik susq tish. intraclass correlation: endosusq tish. linear correlation: grammik susq tish. linear correlation coe cient: suntelest c grammik c susq tishc. negative correlation: arnhtik susq tish. non-linear correlation: mh grammik susq tish. partial correlation: merik susq tish. positive correlation: jetik susq tish. rank correlation: susq tish bajmo . serial correlation: seiriak susq tish.
correspondence: antistoiq a.
correspondence problem: pr blhma antistoiq ac. correspondence system: s sthma antistoiq ac. isometric correspondence: isometrik antistoiq a. one-to-one correspondence: antistoiq a na proc na, amfimonos manth amfimon timh antistoiq a.
corresponding: ant stoiqoc, om logoc.
corresponding angles: om logec gwn ec, epi ta aut gwn ec. corresponding lines: om logec gramm c. corresponding points: om loga shme a.
corrigendum (pl. corrigenda): di rjwsh. corrugation: kum twsh, k mansh (sun. undulation). corrugated: kumatoeid c (sun. undulated). cosecant: sunt mnousa. coset: s mploko. left coset: arister s mploko. right coset: dexi s mploko.
cosh: uperbolik sunhm tono.
inverse cosh: t xo uperboliko sunhmit nou.
cosine: sunhm tono, sunhmitonik c, sunhmitonoeid c.
cosine integral: sunhmitonik olokl rwma. cosine series: sunhmitonik seir seir sunhmit nwn. cosine transform: sunhmitonoeid c metasqhmatism nh (Fourier). direction cosines: sunhm tona kate junshc, kateuj nonta sunhm tona, sunhm tona die junshc, dieuj nonta sunhm tona.
inverse cosine: t xo sunhmit nou. law of cosines: n moc twn sunhmit nwn.
cosmic: kosmik c. 68
cosmological: kosmologik c. cosmos: k smoc, s mpan. cost: k stoc. cotangent: sunefaptom nh.
inverse cotangent: t xo sunefaptom nhc.
coth: uperbolik sunefaptom nh.
inverse coth: t xo uperbolik c sunefaptom nhc.
count: arijm , aparijm , metr . countability: arijmhsim thta. countable: arijm simoc, aparijm simoc, metr simoc. countable additivity: arijm simh prosjetik thta. countable set: arijm simo metr simo s nolo. countable topology: arijm simh topolog a.
countably: arijm sima, metr sima.
countably compact: arijm sima sumpag c. countably in nite set: arijm sima metr sima peiro s nolo.
counter: aparijmht c, metrht c, en ntioc, enant on. counter example: antipar deigma. counter model: aparijmhtik mont lo. Geiger counter: metrht c Geiger.
counterclockwise: ant jeta me th for (peristrof c) twn deikt n tou rologio .
counterclockwise direction: for kate junsh peristrof c ant jeth twn deikt n tou rologio . counterclockwise sense: for kate junsh peristrof c ant jeth twn deikt n tou rologio .
counting: apar jmhsh, ar jmhsh, m trhsh, aparijmhtik c. counting measure: aparijmhtik m tro.
couple: ze goc. coupled: suzeugm noc.
coupled equations: suzeugm nec exis seic. coupled oscillator: suzeugm noc talantwt c. coupled pendulum: suzeugm no ekkrem c. strongly coupled problems: isqur suzeugm na probl mata. weakly coupled problems: asjen c suzeugm na probl mata.
coupling: s zeuxh, s ndesmoc.
strong coupling: isqur s zeuxh. weak coupling: asjen c s zeuxh.
covariance: sundiaspor sundiak mansh summetablht thta. 69
covariant: sunallo wtoc.
covariant derivation: sunallo wth parag gish. covariant derivative: sunallo wth par gwgoc. covariant functor: sunallo wtoc sunartht c. covariant index: sunallo wtoc de kthc. covariant tensor: sunallo wtoc tanust c.
cover: kal ptw, k luyh, dian w.
exact cover problem: pr blhma akribo c k luyhc. open cover: anoikt k luyh.
covering: k luyh.
covering transformation: metasqhmatism c k luyhc (sun. deck transformation). Borel's covering theorem: je rhma k luyhc tou Borel. branched covering: diakladwm nh k luyh. open covering: anoikt k luyh. unbranched covering: apodiakladwm nh k luyh. universal covering: kajolik k luyh.
crack: rwgm .
crack growth: an ptuxh rwgm c. crack propagation: di dosh rwgm c. propagating crack: diadid menh rwgm .
create: dhmiourg . creative: dhmiourgik c. creeping: rpwn.
creeping ow: rpousa ro .
crest: koruf . Cramer, Gabriel (1704-1752)
Cramer's rule: kan nac tou Cramer. criteria: bl. criterion. criterion (pl. criteria): krit rio. convergence criterion: krit rio s gklishc.
critical: kr simoc. Se merik bibl a metafr zetai (kak c) wc kritik c. critical angle: orik gwn a (optik ). critical constant: kr simh stajer . critical point: kr simo shme o. critical region: kr simo qwr o, kr simh perioq . critical value: kr simh tim .
critically: kr sima.
critically damped motion: k nhsh me kr simh ap sbesh. 70
cross: staur c, to s mbolo , diasta rwsh, egk rsioc.
cross diagonal: deutere ousa diag nioc (p naka). cross over: diastaur nw, diasta rwsh. cross over point: shme o diasta rwshc. cross product: exwterik dianusmatik staurwt gin meno (sun. outer vector product). cross section: egk rsia tom , diatom . cross sectional area: embad n diatom c. cross ratio: dipl c l goc.
crossed: staurwt c, diastauro menoc.
crossed classi cation: staurwt taxin mhsh. crossed factors: diastauro menoi par gontec.
crossing: diasta rwsh, di bash.
boundary crossing: di bash sun rou, di bash fr gmatoc.
cruciform: stauroeid c.
cruciform curve: stauroeid c kamp lh.
crystal: kr stalloc.
crystal structure: krustallik dom . biaxial crystal: diaxonik c kr stalloc. dichroic crystal: diqrw k c kr stalloc. uniaxial crystal: mon xonac kr stalloc.
crystalinity: krustallik thta. cube: k boc.
doubling the cube: diplasiasm c tou k bou. To pr blhma aut e nai ep shc gnwst wc Delian problem (D lio pr blhma) Delian altar problem (pr blhma tou D liou bwmo ). snub cube: kolob c k boc. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqim deiwn polu drwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai tetr gwna).
truncated cube: apokomm noc k louroc k boc. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqim deiwn polu drwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai okt gwna).
cubic: kubik c, tritob jmioc.
cubic curve: kubik kamp lh. cubic element: kubik stoiqe o. cubic equation: tritob jmia ex swsh. cubic polynomial: kubik tritob jmio polu numo. cubic root: kubik r za. cubic splines: kubik c (sunart seic) splines.
cubical: kubik c.
cubical parabola: kubik parabol .
cuboctaedron (pl. cuboctahedrons or cuboctahedra): kubookt edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqim deiwn polu drwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai tetr gwna). truncated cuboctahedron: apokomm no k louro kubookt edro. Rombik arqim deio pol edro (oi
drec tou e nai tetr gwna, kanonik ex gwna ka okt gwna).
cuboid: kuboeid c, kuboeid c orjog nio parallhlep pedo (rectangular parallelepiped). cuboidal: kuboeid c. cumulant: ajroistik c. cumulative: ajroistik c, susswreutik c. cumulative distribution function: ajroistik sun rthsh katanom c. cumulative frequency distribution: ajroistik katanom suqnot twn. cumulative frequency polygon: pol gwno ajroistik c suqn thtac. cumulative hazard function: ajroistik sun rthsh diakind neushc. cumulative hierarchy: susswreutik ierarq a (logik ).
cup: to s mbolo thc nwshc, .
cup product: gin meno nwshc (ap to s mbolo ).
curl: strobilism c, peristrof . current: re ma.
alternating current: enallass meno re ma.
curvature: kampul thta.
curvature centroid: k ntro kampul thtac (sun. center of curvature). curvature directions: dieuj nseic kampul thtac. curvature integra: olik kampul thta (sun. integral curvature kai total curvature). curvature tensor: tanust c kampul thtac. curvature vector: di nusma kampul thtac. center of curvature: k ntro kampul thtac. rst curvature: pr th kampul thta. Gaussian curvature: kampul thta tou Gauss. geodesic curvature: gewdaisiak kampul thta, efaptomenik kampul thta (tangential curvature). integral curvature: olik kampul thta (sun. total curvature kai curvature integra). line of curvature: gramm kampul thtac. mean curvature: m sh kampul thta. normal curvature: k jeth kampul thta. principal curvature: k ria kampul thta. radius of curvature: akt na kampul thtac. Riemann curvature tensor: tanust c kampul thtac tou Riemann. scalar curvature: bajmwt kampul thta. second curvature: de terh kampul thta. tangential curvature: efaptomenik kampul thta, gewdaisiak kampul thta (geodesic curvature). total curvature: olik kampul thta (sun. integral curvature kai curvature integra).
curve: kamp lh.
curve tting: prosarmog kamp lhc. abnormal curve: akanonik mh kanonik kamp lh an malh kamp lh. anallagmatic curve: anallagmatik kamp lh. catenary curve: alusoeid c kamp lh. characteristic curve: qarakthristik kamp lh. closed curve: kleist kamp lh. 72
coordinate curve: suntetagm nh kamp lh. cruciform curve: stauroeid c kamp lh. cubic curve: kubik kamp lh. epitrochoidal curve: epitroqoeid c kamp lh. equipotential curve: isodunamik kamp lh. exponential curve: ekjetik kamp lh. exterior of a closed curve: exwterik kleist c kamp lhc. ow curve: kamp lh ro c. geodesic curves: gewdaisiak c, gewdaisiak c kamp lec (sun. geodesics). graduation curve: kamp lh diab jmishc. guiding curve: dieujeto sa kamp lh (sun. directrix). integral curve: oloklhrwtik kamp lh. interior of a closed curve: eswterik kleist c kamp lhc. isochronous curve: is qronh kamp lh. isoclinic curve: isoklin c kamp lh. Sun. isocline isotropic curve: is troph kamp lh. kurtic curve: kurtwtik kamp lh, kamp lh k rtwshc. meridian curve: meshmbrin kamp lh tom , sun. meridian section. Bl. meridian. normal curve: kanonik kamp lh. oriented curve: prosanatolism nh kamp lh. parameter curve: parametrik kamp lh. plane curve: ep pedh kamp lh. recti able curve: kamp lh me upolog simo (peperasm no) m koc. regression curve: kamp lh palindrom sewc. simple (closed) curve: apl (kleist ) kamp lh. skew curve: as mmetrh kamp lh. smooth curve: le a kamp lh. solution curve: kamp lh l shc. power curve: kamp lh isq oc. standard normal curve: tupik tupopoihm nh kanonik kamp lh.
curved: kampulwm noc, kampul grammoc.
curved quadrilateral: kampul grammo tetr pleuro.
curvilinear: kampul grammoc.
curvilinear coordinates: kampul grammec suntetagm nec. curvilinear system: kampul grammo s sthma. orthogonal curvilinear coordinates: orjog niec kampul grammec suntetagm nec.
cusp: an kamyh, ox kro, koruf .
cusp point: ox kro, shme o an kamyhc. maximal cusp: megistik ox kro.
cut: tom .
cut cone: k louroc k noc. cut o : apokop . cut o point: shme o apokop c. branch cut: tom diaklad sewc. Dedekind cut: tom tou Dekekind. 73
cycle: k kloc.
limit cycle: oriak c k kloc. proper cycle: gn sioc swst c k kloc. trivial cycle: tetrimm noc k kloc.
cyclic: kuklik c.
cyclic coordinate: kuklik suntetagm nh. cyclic extension: kuklik ep ktash. cyclic group: kuklik om da. cyclic permutation: kuklik met jesh.
cyclical: kuklik c. cycloid: kukloeid c.
cycloid pendulum: kukloeid c ekkrem c. evolute of a cycloid: exeiligm nh kukloeido c. prolate cycloid: epim khc kukloeid c.
cyclometric: kuklometrik c, gwniometrik c.
cyclometric functions: gwniometrik c trigwnometrik c (trigonometric) kuklik c (circular) sunart seic.
cyclone: kukl nac. cyclotomic: kuklotomik c.
cyclotomic extension: kuklotomik ep ktash.
cylinder: k lindroc.
elliptic cylinder: elleiptik c k lindroc. hyperbolic cylinder: uperbolik c k lindroc. parabolic cylinder: parabolik c k lindroc. projecting cylinder: pr boloc k lindroc.
cylindrical: kulindrik c.
cylindrical coordinates: kulindrik c suntetagm nec. cylindrical projection: kulindrik probol . elliptic cylindrical coordinates: elleiptik c kulindrik c suntetagm nec. parabolic cylindrical coordinates: parabolik c kulindrik c suntetagm nec.
D 74
D'Alembert, (-).
D'Alembert's principle: arq tou D'Alembert.
damped: aposbhn menoc, me ap sbesh.
damped harmonic oscillator: armonik c talantwt c me ap sbesh, aposbhn menoc armonik c talantwt c.
damped motion: k nhsh me ap sbesh. critically damped motion: k nhsh me kr simh ap sbesh. oscillatory damped motion: talanteu menh k nhsh me ap sbesh.
damping: ap sbesh.
damping coe cient: suntelest c ap sbeshc. damping force: d namh ap sbeshc.
dangerous: epik ndunoc.
dangerous mode: epik ndunoc tr poc (tal ntwshc).
data: dedom no, dedom na, stoiqe a.
data analysis: an lush dedom nwn. data communication networks: d ktua epikoinwn ac dedom nwn. data le: arqe o dedom nwn. data tting: prosarmog dedom nwn. data smoothing: exom lunsh dedom nwn. data tra c: kuklofor a dedom nwn. Boolean data: logik dedom na. censored data: perikomm na dedom na, logokrim na dedom na. logical data: logik dedom na. numerical data: arijmhtik dedom na. qualitative data: poiotik dedom na. quantitative data: posotik dedom na. raw data: prwtogen dedom na.
database: b sh dedom nwn.
database systems: sust mata b sewn dedom nwn.
deactivation: apenergopo hsh. dead: nekr c.
dead state: nekr kat stash. Se merik bibl a plhroforikhc, katab jra.
debug: aposfalmat nw, diorj nw sf lmata se pr gramma (Plhrof.). debugging: aposfalm twsh. decay: me wsh, exasj nhsh, di spash (fusik ). beta decay: di spash b ta (fusik ).
decelerate: epibrad nw. deceleration: epibr dunsh. decentralize: apokentr nw. 75
decentralized: apokentrwm noc.
decentralized algorithm: apokentrwm noc alg rijmoc.
decimal: dekadik c (sun. denary).
decimal notation: dekadik c sumbolism c, dekadik par stash. decimal place: dekadik j sh. decimal representation: dekadik morf (pragmatiko arijmo ). decimal system: dekadik s sthma.
decidable: apofas simoc, algorijmik c apant simoc (logik ). decidable language: apofas simh gl ssa.
decidability: anadromik thta (logik ). decide: apofas zw. decision: ap fash.
decision function: sun rthsh ap fashc. decision procedure: diadikas a ap fashc. decision rule: kan nac ap fashc. decision theory: jewr a apof sewn. multi-valued decision: ap fash poll n epilog n. randomized decision function: tuqaiopoihm nh sun rthsh ap fashc. statistical decision: statistik ap fash.
deck: kat strwma, tr poula.
deck of cards: tr poula. deck transformation: metasqhmatism c k luyhc (sun. covering transformation).
declination: ap klish.
south declination: n tia ap klish.
decodable: apokwdikopoi simoc. decode: apokwdikopoi . decoding: apokwdikopo hsh. decomposable: paragontopoi simoc, diasp simoc, diamel simoc. decomposable Banach space: diasp simoc q roc Banach. decomposable matrix: paragontopoi simoc p nakac.
decomposition: an lush, paragontopo hsh, merism c, diamerism c, di spash, diam lish.
domain decomposition: diamerism c diaqwrism c qwr ou. domain decomposition method: m jodoc diamerismo diaqwrismo qwr ou. LU decomposition: an lush LU, paragontopo hsh LU, trigwnik paragontopo hsh. non-overlapping domain decomposition: diaqwrism c diamerism c mh epikalupt menwn qwr wn. overlapping domain decomposition: diaqwrism c diamerism c epikalupt menwn qwr wn. partial fraction decomposition: an lush se merik apl kl smata. predictive decomposition: probleptik an lush. spectral decomposition: fasmatik paragontopo hsh. 76
decoupled: aposuzeugm noc, diazeugm noc, as zeuktoc.
decoupled equations: aposuzeugm nec as zeuktec exis seic.
decoupling: di zeuxh, apos zeuxh, apos ndesh. decoupling problem: pr blhma apos zeuxhc.
decrease: mei nw, elatt nw, me wsh, el ttwsh. percent decrease: ekatostia a me wsh.
decreasing: fj nwn.
decreasing function: fj nousa sun rthsh. decreasing sequence: fj nousa akolouj a. strictly decreasing function: gn sia austhr fj nousa sun rthsh.
decrement: me wsh, el ttwsh, zhmi .
logarithmic decrement: logarijmik me wsh.
decremental: meiwtik c. Dedekind, (-).
Dedekind cut: tom tou Dekekind.
dedimensionalization: apodiastatopo hsh. dedimensionalize: apodiastatopoi . deduce: sun gw, sumpera nw. deducible: sunag menoc. deduct: afair , ekp ptw, krat (pos ). deductible: afair simoc, ekp ptwn. deduction: sump rasma, epagwg , paragwg (logik ), afa resh, kptwsh, kr thsh (poso ).
deduction theorem: sumperasmatologik je rhma, je rhma paragwg c. by deduction: sumperasmatik , sumperasmatologik , kat sumperasm . rule of deduction: sumperasmatologik c kan nac, kan nac paragwg c (sun. rule of inference).
deductive: sumperasmatik c, epagwgik c, paragwgik c (logik ). deductive method: sumperasmatologik m jodoc.
deep: baj c. defect: elleiyh, el ttwma.
defect group: ellip c om da.
defective: ellip c (gia p nakec), elattwmatik c. defective matrix: ellip c p nakac.
defer: anab llw. deferred: anablhje c.
deferred correction scheme: m jodoc anaball menhc di rjwshc. 77
de cit: lleimma. Enallaktik c roc gia th mhdenik thta (nullity). de nability: orisim thta. de nable: or simoc. de nable set: or simo s nolo.
de ne: or zw. de ned: orism noc.
well de ned: kal c orism noc. uniquely de ned: monos manta orism noc.
de nite: orism noc, oristik c.
de nite integral: orism no olokl rwma. de nite integration: orism nh olokl rwsh. negative de nite: arnhtik orism noc. negative de nite matrix: arnhtik orism noc p nakac. non-negative de nite: mh arntik orism noc. non-positive de nite: mh jetik orism noc. positive de nite: jetik orism noc. positive de nite matrix: jetik orism noc p nakac. semi-de nite: hmiorism noc. semi-de nite quadratic form: hmiorism nh tetragwnik morf . semipositive de nite: hmijetik orism noc.
de niteness: to orism no.
positive de niteness: to jetik orism no. negative de niteness: to arnhtik orism no.
de nition: orism c.
domain of de nition: ped o orismo . axiomatic de nition: axiwmatik c orism c.
de nitive: oristik c. deform: paramorf nw. deformable: paramorf simoc.
deformable body: paramorf simo s ma.
deformation: param rfwsh. Sun. strain.
elastic deformation: elastik param rfwsh. plastic deformation: plastik param rfwsh. rate of deformation: rujm c param rfwshc. Sun. rate of strain. rate of deformation tensor: tanust c rujm n param rfwshc. Sun. rate of strain tensor.
deformed: paramorfwm noc. de ation: me wsh, el ttwsh. degeneracy: ekfulism c, to ekfulism no. 78
degenerate: ekfulism noc, ekful zomai.
degenerate distribution: ekfulism nh katanom . degenerate system: ekfulism no s sthma.
degree: bajm c, mo ra, d plwma.
degree measure of an angle: m tro gwn ac se mo rec. degree of coherence: bajm c sumfwn ac (optik ). degrees of freedom: bajmo eleujer ac. degree of polarization: bajm c pol sewc (optik ). degree of a polynomial: bajm c poluwn mou. Celsius degree: bajm c Celsius. spherical degree: sfairik mo ra.
del: an delta (telest c), sun. nabla. delay: ust rhsh, kajust rhsh.
delay di erential equation: usterodiaforik ex swsh.
delayed: me ust rhsh, me kajust rhsh. delete: diagr fw, sb nw.
deleted neighborhood: periorism nh perioq .
Delian: D lioc.
Delian problem: D lio pr blhma pr blhma tou D liou bwmo (Delian altar problem). To pr blhma tou diplasiasmo tou k bou (doubling the square).
delta: d lta.
delta function: sun rthsh d lta. delta neighborhood: d-perioq . Kronecker's delta: d lta tou Kronecker.
demand: a thma, z thsh (oikon.), zht , apit , qrei zomai. supply and demand: prosfor kai z thsh.
De Moivre,
De Moivre's theorem: je rhma tou De Moivre.
De Morgan's laws: n moi tou De Morgan. denary: dekadik c (sun. decimal). denominator: paronomast c.
common denominator: koin c paronomast c.
denote: dhl nw, shma nw, sumbol zw. dense: pukn c. dense set: pukn s nolo. ultimately dense: telik puk'noc.
density: pukn thta.
density function: sun rthsh pukn thtac sun rthsh b rouc. joint density: ap koino pukn thta. joint density function: sun rthsh ap koino pukn thtac. metric density: metrik pukn thta.
dentrite: dentr thc. denumerable: arijm simoc (sun. numerable). denumerable set: arijm simo s nolo.
dependence: ex rthsh.
continuous dependence: suneq c ex rthsh. domain of dependence: ped o ex rthshc. linear dependence: grammik ex rthsh. sensitive dependence: eua sjhth ex rthsh.
dependent: exarthm noc, exart menoc.
dependent events: exarthm na gegon ta endeq mena. dependent variable: exarthm nh metablht . linearly dependent: grammik exarthm noi. space dependent: qwrik exarthm noc metaball menoc, qwrometaball menoc. time dependent: qronik exarthm noc metaball menoc, xronometaball menoc, metabatik c (transient).
depth: b joc.
penetration depth: b joc dieisd sewc.
derivation: 1. exagwg . 2. parag gish. 3. paragwg (plhroforik ). covariant derivation: sunallo wth parag gish. leftmost derivation: arister terh paragwg (plhroforik ). rightmost derivation: dexi terh paragwg (plhroforik ).
derivative: par gwgoc.
derivative operator: telest c paragwg sewc. contravariant derivative: antallo wth par gwgoc. convective derivative: ousiastik ousi dhc ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantial substantive material derivative). covariant derivative: sunallo wth par gwgoc. directed derivative: kateujun menh par gwgoc. directional derivative: kateujun menh par gwgoc, par gwgoc kat kate junsh, par gwgoc kat die junsh.
rst derivative: pr th par gwgoc. higher derivatives: par gwgoi an terhc t xhc. left-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap arister . material derivative: ousiastik ousi dhc ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantial substantive convective derivative). partial derivative: merik par gwgoc. right-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap dexi . 80
second derivative: de terh par gwgoc. spatial derivatives: qwrik c par gwgoi. substantial derivative: ousiastik ousi dhc ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantive material convective derivative). substantive derivative: bl. substantial derivative. time derivative: qronik par gwgoc. total derivative: olik par gwgoc.
derive: ex gw, par gw. Descartes, R. (1596-1650)
folium of Descartes: f llo tou Descartes.
descending: kati n, fj nwn, kajodik c, katerq menoc. descending order: katio sa t xh. descending powers: katio sec dun meic. descending sequence: fj nousa akolouj a.
descent: k jodoc, kat bash.
in nite descent method: m jodoc peirhc kaj dou kl sewc. steepest descent method: m jodoc meg sthc kaj dou kl sewc.
describe: perigr fw. description: perigraf .
Lagrangian description: perigraf kat Lagrange ulik perigraf (material description). material description: ulik perigraf perigraf kat Lagrange (Lagrangian description).
descriptive: perigrafik c.
descriptive index: perigrafik c de kthc. descriptive statistics: perigrafik statistik .
design: sq dio, sqediasm c, kataskeu .
design of experiment: sqediasm c peir matoc. design matrix: p nakac sqediasmo . factorial design: paragontik c sqediasm c. geometric design: gewmetrik kataskeu , gewmetrik c sqediasm c. hierarchical design: ierarqik c sqediasm c. random allocation design: sqediasm c tuqa ou katamerismo . survey design: sqediasm c reunac. systematic design: susthmatik c sqediasm c.
desingularization: apo diomorfopo hsh.
desingularization strategy: strathgik apo diomorfopo hshc. canonical desingularization: kanonik apo diomorfopo hsh.
destabilization: apostajeropo hsh. destabilize: apostajeropoi . destabilizing: apostajeropoihtik c. destination: proorism c. 81
destructive: katastreptik c, arnhtik c (optik ).
destructive interference: arnhtik sumbol (optik ).
detachment: ap spash.
rule of detachment: kan nac ap spashc.
detection: an qneush, di gnwsh, anagn rish. detector: aniqneut c. determinacy: orism c, to orism no.
domain of determinacy: ped o orismo . Sun jwc gr fetai apl domain.
determinant: or zousa.
characteristic determinant: qarakthristik or zousa. expansion of a determinant: an ptugma or zousac. minor determinant: el ssona or zousa. secular determinant: qarakthristik or zousa.
determination: prosdiorism c, kajorism c, tautopo hsh. determination coe cient: suntelest c prosdiorismo . total determination: olik c prosdiorism c.
determine: prosdior zw, kajor zw, tautopoi . determined: prosdiorism noc, kajorism noc. determinism: nteterminism c. deterministic: nteterministik c, prosdioristik c. deterministic time: nteterministik c qr noc.
develop: anapt ssw.
develop a method: anapt ssw mia m jodo. develop a Taylor series: anapt ssw seir Taylor.
developable: anapt ximoc, anaptukt c.
developable surface: anaptukt epif neia. isotropically developable: is tropa anapt ximoc.
developed: aneptugm noc.
fully developed ow: pl rwc aneptugm nh ro .
development: an ptuxh, an ptugma (gia seir c).
sustainable development: aeif roc an ptuxh. Taylor development: an ptugma Taylor (sun. Taylor expansion).
deviate: ap klish, par kklish, apokl nw, parekkl nw. equivalent deviate: isod namh ap klish. Normal deviate: Kanonik ap klish.
deviation: ap klish, ektrop (optik ).
absolute deviation: ap luth ap klish. accumulated deviation: sunajroistik ap klish. angular deviation: gwniak ektrop (optik ). mean deviation: m sh ap luth ap klish. quartile deviation: tetarthmoriak ap klish. standard deviation: tupik ap klish.
device: mhqan . dextral: dexi strofoc.
dextral system (of coordinates): dexi strofo s sthma (suntetagm nwn), sun. right-handed system.
diagnosis: di gnwsh. diagnostics: diagnwstik . diagonal: diag nioc.
diagonal dominance: diag nia uperoq . diagonal functor: diag nioc sunartht c. diagonal matrix: diag nioc p nakac. diagonal operator: diag nioc telest c. cross diagonal: deutere ousa diag nioc. main diagonal: k ria diag nioc. principal diagonal: k ria diag nioc.
diagonalizable: diagwnopoi simoc. diagonalization: diagwnopo hsh, diagwniopo hsh. diagonalization principle: arq diagwnopo hshc.
diagonalizing: diagwnopoi n.
diagonalizing matrix: diagwnopoi n p nakac.
diagonally: diag nia.
diagonally dominant: diag nia uper qwn up rteroc. diagonally iterated method: diag nia epanalamban menh m jodoc.
diagram: di gramma.
Argand diagram: di gramma ep pedo tou Argand, migadik ep pedo. commutative diagram: antimetajetik di gramma. phase diagram: fasik di gramma, di gramma f sewn. state diagram: di'gramma katast sewn, katastatik di gramma. tree diagram: dentrodi gramma.
diameter: di metroc.
external diameter: exwterik di metroc. internal diameter: eswterik di metroc.
diamond: diam nti, kar sta trapoul qarta (}).
diamond principle: arq tou diamantio (logik ). 83
dice: z ria.
pair of dice: z ria.
dichotomy: diqotom a, diqot mhsh.
dichotomy principle: arq diqotom ac. double dichotomy: dipl diqotom a.
dichroic: diqrw k c.
dichroic crystal: diqrw k c kr stalloc.
dichroism: diqrw sm c. dictate: upagore0uw, upag reush. dielectric: dihlektrik c.
dielectric constant: dihlektrik stajer . dielectric lm: dihlektrik um nio.
di eomorphic: amfidiafor simoc.
equivariantly di eomorphic: isallo wta amfidiafor simoc.
di eomorphism: amfidiaf rish. di er: diaf rw. di erent: diaforetik c. di erence: diafor .
di erence algorithm: alg rijmoc diafor n. di erence equation: diaforoex swsh, ex swsh diafor n. di erence table: p nakac diafor n. backward di erences: proc ta p sw an dromec an nth diafor c. backward di erence operator: telest c thc proc ta p sw thc an nth diafor c. central di erences: kentrik c diafor c. divided di erences: diairem nec diafor c. nite di erence: peperasm nh diafor . nite di erence method (FDM): m jodoc peperasm nwn diafor n. forward di erences: proc ta empr c pr sw kat nth diafor c. modi ed di erences: tropopoihm nec diafor c. quotient-di erence algorithm: alg rijmoc l gwn-diafor n. reciprocal di erences: ant strofec diafor c.
di erentiability: diaforisim thta paragwgisim thta. di erentiable: diafor simoc parag gisimoc.
di erentiable function: parag gisimh sun rthsh. continuously di erentiable: suneq c diafor simoc parag gisimoc. in nitely di erentiable: ape rwc paragwg simoc. locally di erentiable: topik paragwg simoc. piecewise di erentiable: tmhmatik paragwg simoc. su ciently di erentiable: arko ntwc paragwg simoc. 84
di erential: diaforik , diaforik c.
di erential calculus: diaforik c logism c. di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh. di erential form: diaforik morf . di erential geometry: diaforik gewmetr a. di erential operator: diaforik c telest c. complementary di erential equation: ant stoiqh omogen c diaforik ex swsh. delay di erential equation: usterodiaforik ex swsh. exact di erential: olik t leio diaforik . exact di erential equation: t leia pl rhc diaforik ex swsh. rst-order di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh pr thc t xhc. homogeneous di erential equation: omogen c diaforik ex swsh. hypergeometric di erential equation: upergewmetrik diaforik ex swsh. linear di erential equation: grammik diaforik ex swsh. partial di erential equation (PDE): merik diaforik ex swsh (MDE) diaforik ex swsh me merik c parag gouc.
partial di erential operator: merik c diaforik c telest c telest c me merik c parag gouc. second-order di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh de terhc t xhc. total di erential: olik t leio diaforik .
di erentiate: paragwg zw, diafor zw. di erentiation: parag gish. diaf rish.
complex di erentiation: migadik parag gish, parag gish wc proc migadik metablht . implicit di erentiation: peplegm nh parag gish. numerical di erentiation: arijmhtik parag gish. partial di erentiation: merik parag gish. substantial di erentiation: ousiastik parag gish.
di raction: per jlash.
far- eld di raction: per jlash makrino ped ou. near- eld di raction: per jlash kontino ped ou.
di usion: di qush. di usive: diaqutik c. di usivity: suntelest c di qushc. digamma: dig mma.
digamma function: sun rthsh dig mma.
digit: yhf o.
binary digit: duadik yhf o, duf o (bit). parity digit: yhf o isotim ac. signi cant digits: shmantik yhf a.
digital: yhfiak c.
digital computer: yhfiak c upologist c. digital typography: yhfiak tupograf a.
digitize: yhfiopoi . 85
digitizer: yhfiopoiht c. dihedral: d edroc, diedrik c.
dihedral group: diedrik om da.
dilatancy: diastaltik thta. dilatation: diastol . Sun. dilation. dilatational: diastaltik c. Sun. dilational. dilatational viscosity: diastaltik ix dec.
dilation: diastol . Sun. dilatation.
regular dilation: kanonik diastol .
dilational: diastaltik c. Sun. dilatational. dilational viscosity: diastaltik ix dec.
dilemma: d llhma. dilute: arai nw. dilution: ara wsh. dimension: di stash.
correlation dimension: di stash susq tishc. nite dimension: peperasm nh di stash. in nite dimension: peirh di stash.
dimensional: diastatik c.
dimensional analysis: diastatik an lush. nite dimensional: peperasmenodi statoc, peperasm nhc di stashc. four-dimensional: tetradi statoc. in nite dimensional: apeirodi statoc, peirhc di stashc. low-dimensional: oligodi statoc. multi-dimensional: poludi statoc. one-dimensional: monodi statoc. three-dimensional: tridi statoc. two-dimensional: disdi statoc. zero-dimensional: mhdenodi statoc, mhdenik c di stashc.
dimensionality: diastatik thta. dimensionalization: diastatopo hsh. dimensionalize: diastatopoi . dimensionally: diastatik . dimensionless: adi statoc.
dimensionless number: adi statoc arijm c.
diminish: mei nw, elatt nw. diminution: me wsh, el ttwsh. Diophantus: Di fantoc (250 p.Q). 86
diophantine: diofantik c. dioptric: dioptrik c.
dioptric power: dioptrik isq c.
dipole: d polo. direct: euj c, mesoc.
direct collision: kentrik kro sh. direct method: mesh m jodoc. direct product: euj gin meno gin meno Kronecker (sun. Kronecker product). direct proof: mesh ap deixh. direct sum: euj jroisma.
directed: kateujun menoc.
directed derivative: kateujun menh par gwgoc.
direction: kate junsh, die junsh, for .
direction angles: gwn ec die junshc. direction cosines: sunhm tona kate junshc, kateuj nonta sunhm tona, sunhm tona die junshc, dieuj nonta sunhm tona.
direction eld: ped o kateuj nsewn. alternating direction methods: m jodoi enallass menwn dieuj nsewn. clockwise direction: for kate junsh peristrof c twn deikt n tou rologio . conjugate direction: suzug c die junsh. counterclockwise direction: for kate junsh peristrof c ant jeth twn deikt n tou rologio . curvature directions: dieuj nseic kampul thtac. negative direction: arnhtik kate junsh. positive direction: jetik kate junsh. principal direction: k ria die junsh.
directional: kateujuntik c, kateujun menoc, kat kate junsh, kat die junsh.
directional derivative: kateujun menh par gwgoc, par gwgoc kat kate junsh, par gwgoc kat die junsh.
directly: euj wc, am swc.
directly proportional: euj wc an logoc.
director: odhg c.
director circle: odhg c k kloc. director cone: odhg c k noc.
directrix: dieujeto sa (sun. guiding curve). Dirichlet Peter (1805-1859).
Dirichlet condition: sunj kh Dirichlet. Dirichlet distribution: katanom tou Dirichlet. Dirichlet problem: pr blhma Dirichlet.
disadvantage: meion kthma. 87
disagree: diafwn . disagreement: asumfwn a, diafwn a. disc: d skoc. discard: aporr ptw. disconnected: mh sunektik c.
disconnected set: mh sunektik s nolo.
discontinuity: asun qeia, shme o asun qeiac.
nite discontinuity: peperasm nh asun qeia. jump discontinuity: asun qeia phd matoc lmatoc. removable discontinuity: air menh apale yimh asun qeia.
discontinuous: asuneq c.
discontinuous action: asuneq c dr sh. discontinuous nite elements: asuneq peperasm na stoiqe a. discontinuous function: asuneq c sun rthsh. discontinuous integral: asuneq c olokl rwma. properly discontinuous action: gn sia asuneq c dr sh.
discourse: omil , omil a, l goc, pragmate a, di lexh, sunomil a.
universe of discourse: basik s nolo basik c q roc, (sun. domain of quanti cation).
discrepancy: ap klish, asumfwn a, diafor .
discrepancy measure: m tro ap klishc asumfwn ac.
discrete: diakrit c, diakekrim noc, diakritik c, aparijmht c.
discrete algorithm: diakrit c alg rijmoc. discrete approximation: diakrit pros ggish. discrete eigenvalues: diakekrim nec idiotim c. discrete function: diakrit sun rthsh. discrete geometry: diakrit gewmetr a. discrete mathematics: diakrit majhmatik . discrete metric: diakrit metrik (ap stash). discrete model: diakrit mont lo. discrete probability distribution: diakrit katanom pijan thtac. discrete random variable: diakrit aparijmht tuqa a metablht . discrete sample space: diakrit c deigmat qwroc deigmatik c q roc. discrete set: diakrit s nolo. discrete subspace: diakrit c up qwroc. discrete system: diakrit s sthma. discrete topology: diakrit topolog a. discrete variable: diakrit aparijmht metablht . time discrete: qronodiakrit c.
discretization: diakritopo hsh.
discretization error: sf lma diakritopo hshc. discretization equations: exis seic diakritopo hshc. 88
global discretization error: kajolik sf lma diakritopo hshc. local discretization error: topik sf lma diakritopo hshc. space discretization: qwrodiakritopo hsh. time discretization: qronodiakritopo hsh.
discretize: diakritopoi . discretized: diakritopoihm noc.
discretized equation: diakritopoihm nh ex swsh.
discriminant: diakr nousa.
discriminant function: diakr nousa sun rthsh.
disintegrate: diasp , diasp mai. disintegration: di spash. disjoint: as ndetoc, x noc. disjoint sets: x na s nola.
disjointness: xen thta, asundet thta.
linear disjointness: grammik xen thta.
disjunction: di zeuxh, diaqwrism c.
disjunction sign: shme o di zeuxhc. inclusive disjunction: egkleistik di zeuxh.
disjunctive: diazeuktik c.
disjunctive normal form: diazeuktik kanonik morf .
disk: d skoc.
oppy disk: malak c d skoc disk tta (upologist c). hard disk: sklhr c d skoc (upologist c). unit disk: monadia oc d skoc.
diskette: disk ta. disorder: atax a. dispersion: diaspor , sk dash skedasm c diaskedasm c (optik ). dispersion cone: k noc diaspor c. dispersion parameters: par metroi diaspor c. abnormal dispersion: an malh diaspor . measure of dispersion: m tro diaspor c. normal dispersion: kanonik diaspor . supernormal dispersion: uperkanonik diaspor sk dash.
dispersive: skedastik c, diaskedastik c (optik ). dispersive power: diaskedastik isq c.
displacement: metat pish.
axial displacement: axonik metat pish. radial displacement: aktinik metat pish. virtual displacement: dunat metat pish.
disproportional: dusan logoc. dissection: diam rish. dissimilar: an moioc, eter numoc.
dissimilar fractions: eter numa kl smata. dissimilar terms: an moioi roi.
dissimilarity: anomoi thta. dissipation: skedasm c. dissipative: skedastik c.
dissipative force: skedastik d namh, d namh ant stashc ap sbeshc. dissipative terms: skedastiko roi.
dissipatively: skedastik . dissipativeness: skedastik thta. dissociate: diaqwr zw. dissociation: diaqwrism c. dissymmetrical: as mmetroc. dissymmetry: asummetr a. distance: ap stash.
distance matrix: p nakac apost sewn. angular distance: gwniak ap stash. geodesic distance: gewdaisiak ap stash. polar distance: polik ap stash.
distant: makrin c, apomakrusm noc. distinct: diakekrim noc.
distinct eigenvalues: diakekrim nec idiotim c. distinct knots: diakekrim noi k mboi. distinct points: diakekrim na shme a. distinct zeros: diakekrim nec r zec.
distinguish: diakr nw. distinguishable: diakrit c.
distinguishable states: diakrit c katast seic.
distortion: param rfwsh. distribute: katan mw. distributed: katanemhm noc.
distributed processing: katanemhm nh epexergas a. normally distributed: kanonik katanemhm noc. 90
normally distributed random variable: kanonik kanonik katanemhm nh tuqa a metablht . uniformly distributed random variable: omoi morfa katanemhm nh tuqa a metablht .
distribution: katanom , genikeum nh sun rthsh.
distribution free: ele jeroc (thc sunarthsiak c morf c thc) katanom c. distribution function: sun rthsh katanom c. absolutely continuous distribution: apol twc suneq c katanom . angular distribution: gwniak katanom . asymptotic distribution: asumptwtik katanom . Bernoulli distribution: katanom tou Bernoulli diwnumik (binomial) katanom . beta distribution: katanom b ta. bimodal distribution: dik rufh katanom . binomial distribution: diwnumik katanom . bivariate distribution: didi stath katanom katanom d o metablht n. categorical distribution: kathgorik katanom . Cauchy distribution: katanom tou Cauchy. central distribution: kentrik katanom . charge distribution: katanom fort ou. chi distribution: katanom . chi-square distribution: katanom 2 . conditional distribution: desmeum nh katanom katanom up sunj kh. cumulative distribution function: ajroistik sun rthsh katanom c. cumulative frequency distribution: ajroistik katanom suqnot twn. degenerate distribution: ekfulism nh katanom . Dirichlet distribution: katanom tou Dirichlet. double exponential distribution: dipl ekjetik katanom . extended hypergeometric distribution: dieurum nh upergewmetrik katanom . exponential distribution: ekjetik katanom . factorial series distribution: paragontik katanom . ducial distribution: pisteutik katanom . folded distribution: anadiplwm nh katanom . frequency distribution: katanom suqnot twn. gamma distribution: katanom g mma. Gaussian distribution: katanom tou Gauss kanonik (normal) katanom . geometric distribution: gewmetrik katanom . half Normal distribution: hmi-Kanonik katanom . hypergeometric distribution: upergewmetrik katanom . hyper-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom . inverse distribution: ant strofh katanom . inverted distribution: antestramm nh katanom . isotropic distribution: is troph katanom . joint distribution: ap koino katanom . joint distribution function: sun rthsh ap koino katanom c. J-shaped distribution: katanom morf c J. leptokurtic distribution: lept kurth katanom , katanom leptok rtwshc. mesokurtic distribution: mes kurth katanom , katanom mesok rtwshc. multimodal distribution: poluk rufh katanom . multinomial distribution: poluwnumik katanom . multivariate distribution: polumetablht katanom . 91
non-central distribution: mh kentrik katanom . non-singular distribution: mh idi zousa katanom . normal distribution: kanonik katanom . percentage distribution: ekatostia a katanom . platykurtic distribution: plat kurth katanom , katanom platuk rtwshc. Poisson distribution: katanom (tou) Poisson probability distribution: katanom pijan thtac. proper distribution: gn sia katanom . quadri-Normal distribution: tetra-Kanonik katanom . random distribution: tuqa a katanom . rectangular distribution: orjog nia katanom . response time distribution: katanom qr nou ap krishc. sampling distribution: deigmatolhptik katanom . secant distribution: katanom t mnousac. singular distribution: idi zousa katanom . skew distribution: as mmetrh katanom . stationary distribution: st simh katanom . Student distribution: katanom Student t-katanom (t-distribution). sub-Poisson distribution: upo-Poisson katanom . super-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom . t-distribution: t-katanom katanom Student (Student distribution). tolerance distribution: katanom anoq c. trimodal distribution: trik rufh katanom . trinomial distribution: triwnumik katanom . twinned distributions: d dumec katanom c. uniform distribution: omoi morfh katanom . zeta distribution: katanom z ta.
distributive: epimeristik c.
distributive law: epimeristik idi thta. general distributive law: genik epimeristik idi thta.
distributivity: epimeristik thta. disturb: diatar ssw. disturbance: diataraq . diverge: apokl nw. diverged: apokl nac.
diverged algorithm: apokl nac alg rijmoc. diverged solution: apokl nasa l sh.
divergence: ap klish.
divergence theorem: je rhma ap klishc (je rhma tou Gauss twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky).
divergent: apokl nwn.
divergent algorithm: apokl nwn alg rijmoc. divergent integral: apokl non olokl rwma. divergent sequence: apokl nousa akolouj a. 92
divergent series: apokl nousa seir .
diverging: apokl nwn.
diverging sequence: apokl nousa akolouj a. diverging series: apokl nousa seir .
divide: diair , diaqwr zw. divided: diairem noc.
divided di erences: diairem nec diafor c.
divident: diair thc. dividing: diair n, diaqwr zwn.
dividing value: diaqwristik tim .
divisibility: diairet thta.
in nite divisibility: peirh diairet thta.
divisible: diairet c.
group divisible: diairet c kat om dec.
division: dia resh.
division algorithm: alg rijmoc diair sewc. division transformation: metasqhmatism c dia reshc. exact division: t leia dia resh. synthetic division: sunjetik dia resh.
divisor: diair thc.
common divisor: koin c diair thc. greatest common divisor: m gistoc koin c diair thc. improper divisor: mhdenodiair thc. lowest common divisor: el qistoc koin c diair thc.
dodecagon: dwdek gwno. dodecahedral: dwdek edroc, dwdekaedrik c. dodecahedron (pl. dodecahedrons or dodecahedra): dwdek edro.
great dodecahedron: meg lo dwdek edro. great stellated dodecahedron: meg lo astr morfo dwdek edro meg lo dwdekaedrik stro. regular dodecahedron: kanonik omal dwdek edro. small stellated dodecahedron: mikr astr morfo dwdek edro mikr dwdekaedrik stro. truncated dodecahedron: apokomm no k louro dwdek edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqim deiwn polu drwn
(oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai dek gwna). snub dodecahedron: kolob dwdek edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqim deiwn polu drwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai pent gwna).
dodecimal: dwdekadik c. domain: ped o orismo , s nolo afethr ac, qwr o, ped o, t poc, perioq . domain of attraction: qwr o lxhc.
domain decomposition: diamerism c diaqwrism c qwr ou. domain of de nition: ped o orismo . domain of dependence: ped o ex rthshc. domain of determinacy: ped o orismo . Sun jwc gr fetai apl domain. domain of a function: ped o orismo sun rthshc. domain of quanti cation: basik s nolo basik c q roc (sun. universe of discourse). domain of study: perioq mel thc. integral domain: ak raia perioq . Lipschitz domain: qwr o Lipschitz. unbounded domain: mh fragm no qwr o.
dominance: uperoq , kuriarq a.
diagonal dominance: diag nia uperoq .
dominant: uper qwn, desp zwn, up rteroc, kur arqoc. diagonally dominant: diag nia uper qwn up rteroc.
dominate: kuriarq , desp zw, uperisq w, uper qw. dominating: kur arqoc, desp zwn, uperisq wn, uper qwn. dominating term: uperisq wn kur arqoc roc.
domination: uperoq , kuriarq a. dominated: kuriarqhm noc.
dominated convergence: kuriarqhm nh s gklish. dominated convergence theorem: je rhma kuriarqhm nhc s gklishc. strictly dominated: gn sia austhr kuriarqhm noc.
donor: d thc. dosage: d sh, dosolog a. dose: d sh. dot: tele a.
dot product: eswterik bajmwt arijmhtik euj gin meno gin meno tele ac (sun. inner scalar product). double dot product: gin meno dipl c tele ac.
double: 1. dipl c. 2. diplasi zw.
double angle formula: t poc dipl c gwn ac. double confounding: dipl s mmixh. double the cube: diplasi zw ton k bo. double dichotomy: dipl diqotom a. double dot product: gin meno dipl c tele ac. double expectation theorem: je rhma dipl c prosdok ac. double exponential distribution: dipl ekjetik katanom . double exponential regression: dipl ekjetik palindr mhsh. double integral: dipl olokl rwma. double integration: dipl olokl rwsh. double logarithmic chart: dilogarijmik c q rthc. 94
double negation: dipl rnhsh. double pendulum: dipl ekkrem c. double precision: dipl akr beia. double precision arithmetic: arijmhtik dipl c akr beiac. double prism: d prisma (sun. biprism). double recursion: dipl anadrom .
doubling: diplasiasm c.
doubling the cube: diplasiasm c tou k bou. To pr blhma aut e nai ep shc gnwst wc Delian problem (D lio pr blhma) Delian altar problem (pr blhma tou D liou bwmo ).
doubly: dipl .
doubly connected: dipl sunektik c. doubly linked: dipl sundedem noc. doubly periodic (function): dipl periodik (sun rthsh). doubly stochastic matrix: dipl stoqastik c p nakac.
dovetailing method: m jodoc thc our c tou peristerio . down: k tw. downstream: kat nth. downward: kajodik c.
downward L ovenheim-Skolem theorem: kajodik je rhma twn L ovenheim-Skolem.
downwards: proc ta k tw. drag: opisj lkw, opisj lkousa.
drag coe cient: suntelest c opisj lkousac d namhc. drag force: opisj lkousa d namh.
drive: odhg . driven: .
wind-driven circulation: anemogen c kuklofor a.
drop: stag na. droplet: stagon dio. drum: t mpano. drumhead: membr nh tump nou. dual: du k c, deutere wn.
dual category: ant jeth (opposite) du k kathgor a. dual pair: du k ze goc. dual polyhedra: du k pol edra (p.q. ex edro-okt edro, dwdek edro-eikos edro). dual reciprocity: du k antistrof . dual reciprocity method: m jodoc du k c antistrof c. dual reciprocity boundary elements: sunoriak stoiqe a du k c antistrof c. dual space: du k c q roc. primal-dual: prwte wn-deutere wn. 95
duality: du sm c, du k thta.
principle of duality: arq tou du smo .
dumbbell: alt rac. dummy: boub c.
dummy index: boub c de kthc. dummy variable: boub metablht .
duplicate: diplasi zw, antigr fw, dipl tupo, ant grafo. duplication: diplasiasm c. duplication formula: t poc diplasiasmo .
dyad: du da, duadik c.
unit dyad: monadia a du da.
dyadic: duadik c.
dyadic product: duadik gin meno. dyadic representation: duadik morf (arijmo ). antisymmetric dyadic: antisummetrik c duadik c. symmetric dyadic: summetrik c duadik c. unit dyadic: tautotik c monadia oc duadik c.
dynamic: dunamik c.
dynamic programming: dunamik c programmatism c. dynamic similarity: dunamik omoi thta.
dynamical: dunamik c.
dynamical system: dunamik s sthma.
dynamically: dunamik .
dynamically similar: dunamik moioi.
dynamics: dunamik .
chaotic dynamics: qaotik dunamik . computational uid dynamics (CFD): upologistik reustodunamik . uid dynamics: reustodunamik . gas dynamics: dunamik aer wn. molecular dynamics: dunamik mor wn moriak dunamik . non-linear dynamics: mh grammik dunamik . nuclear dynamics: purhnik dunamik .
dyne: d nh.
E ed. (pl. eds.): ekd thc (editor). e.g.: gia par deigma. et al.: kai lloi, k.a.. Ap to latinik et alii. etc.: klp. Ap to latinik (et cetera). et seq.: kai ti akolouje . Ap to latinik et sequentia. earth: gh. eccentric: kkentro, ekkentrik c. eccentric angle: kkentrh gwn a.
eccentricity: ekkentr thta. ecenter: par kentro, k ntro paragegramm nou k klou (sun. excenter). echelon: klimakwt c.
echelon form: klimakwt morf . echelon matrix: klimakwt c p nakac. reduced column echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf kat st lec. reduced echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf . reduced row echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf kat gramm c. reduced echelon matrix: anhgm noc klimakwt c p nakac.
ecircle: paragegramm noc k kloc (sun. escribed circle excircle). eclipse: kleiyh. lunar eclipse: kleiyh sel nhc. solar eclipse: kleiyh hl ou.
ecliptic: ekleiptik .
obliquity of the ecliptic: l xwsh thc ekleiptik c.
econometrics: oikonometr a. economics: oikonomik . economization: exoikon mhsh. economy: oikonom a. eddy: d nh, str biloc.
eddy viscosity: ix dec d nhc. large-eddy model: mont lo meg lwn din n. small eddy: mikrod nh. small-eddy model: mont lo mikrodin n. 97
edge: akm , kro, qe loc.
edge of a polyhedron: akm polu drou. side edges: par pleurec akm c.
editor: sunt kthc, ekd thc. e ect: apot lesma, ep drash.
random e ect: tuqa a ep drash.
e ective: apotelesmatik c, energ c, isq wn.
e ective algorithm: apotelesmatik c alg rijmoc. e ective focal length: olik estiak ap stash. e ective power: energ c isq c.
e ectiveness: apotelesmatik thta, energ thta. e ectively: apotelesmatik , algorijmik (logik ).
e ectively enumerable set: algorijmik arijm simo s nolo (logik ).
e cacy: apotelesmatik thta, apodotik thta. e ciency: apotelesmatik thta, apodotik thta, ap dosh.
relative e ciency: sqetik apotelesmatik thta apodotik thta.
e cient: apotelesmatik c, apodotik c.
e cient algorithm: apodotik c alg rijmoc.
eigen-: idio- (pr jema), qarakthristik c. eigen eld: idioped o, qarakthristik ped o. eigenfunction: idiosun rthsh, qarakthristik sun rthsh (characteristic function).
eigenfunction expansion: an ptugma idiosunart sewn. eigenfunction expansion method: m jodoc anapt gmatoc idiosunart sewn, m jodoc qwrismo twn metablht n (separation of variables method).
eigenproblem: qarakthristik pr blhma, pr blhma idiotim n. eigensolution: qarakthristik l sh, l sh probl matoc idiotim n. eigenspace: idi qwroc. eigenstructure: idiodom , qarakthristik dom . eigenstructure assignment: ap dosh idiodom c.
eigensystem: idios sthma, qarakthristik s sthma. eigenvalue: idiotim . Qrhsimopoio ntai ep shc oi roi characteristic value (qarakthristik tim ), proper value kai latent value. eigenvalue problem: pr blhma idiotim n. algebraic eigenvalue problem: algebrik pr blhma idiotim n. discrete eigenvalues: diakekrim nec idiotim c. distinct eigenvalues: diakekrim nec idiotim c. inverse eigenvalue problem: ant strofo pr blhma idiotim n. 98
eigenvector: idiodi nusma. Qrhsimopoio ntai ep shc oi roi characteristic vector (qarakthristik di nusma), proper vector kai latent vector.
eject: apob llw. elapse: par rqomai, pern (gia qr no). elastic: elastik c.
elastic body: elastik s ma. elastic collision: elastik kro sh. elastic constant: elastik stajer . elastic deformation: elastik param rfwsh. elastic string: elastik qord .
elasticity: elastik thta.
nite elasticity: peperasm nh elastik thta. modulus of elasticity: m tro elastik thtac.
elastodynamics: elastodunamik . elastoplastic: elastoplastik c. elastoplasticity: elastoplastik thta. elastostatics: elastostatik . elastostatic: elastostatik c.
elastostatic problem: elastostatik pr blhma.
election: eklog . electoral: eklogik c.
electoral system: eklogik s sthma.
electric: hlektrik c.
electric charge: hlektrik fort o. electric eld: hlektrik ped o. electric permittivity: hlektrik diaperat thta. electric potential: hlektrik dunamik .
electrical: hlektrik c.
electrical circuit: hlektrik k klwma.
electricity: hlektrism c.
static electricity: statik c hlektrism c.
electromagnetic: hlektromagnhtik c.
electromagnetic eld: hlektromagnhtik ped o. electromagnetic theory: hlektromagnhtik jewr a. electromagnetic wave: hlektromagnhtik k ma.
electron: hlektr nio. electronic: hlektronik c.
electronic commerce: hlektronik emp rio. 99
electronic mail (E-mail): hlektronik taqudrome o.
electrostatic: hlektrostatik c.
electrostatic potential: hlektrostatik dunamik .
electrostatics: hlektrostatik . element: stoiqe o.
element contribution: suneisfor stoiqe ou. element-free method: m jodoc qwr c (peperasm na) stoiqe a. adjacent elements: mora stoiqe a. bicubic element: dikubik stoiqe o. bilinear element: digrammik stoiqe o. biquadratic element: ditetragwnik stoiqe o. boundary element: sunoriak stoiqe o. boundary element method (BEM): m jodoc sunoriak n stoiqe wn. conforming nite elements: summorfik peperasm na stoiqe a. cubic element: kubik stoiqe o. discontinuous nite elements: asuneq peperasm na stoiqe a. dual reciprocity boundary elements: sunoriak stoiqe a du k c antistrof c. in nite elements: peira (peperasm na) stoiqe a. nite element: peperasm no stoiqe o. nite element method (FEM): m jodoc peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. higher-order elements: stoiqe a an terou bajmo . hybrid element: ubridik stoiqe o. hybrid nite element method: ubridik m jodoc peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. (i,j) element: (i,j) stoiqe o. in nite element: peiro stoiqe o. leading element: hgetik stoiqe o. line element: stoiqei dec m koc. linear element: grammik stoiqe o. master element: stoiqe o anafor c, basik pr tupo stoiqe o. maximal element: m gisto stoiqe o. minimal element: el qisto elaqistotik stoiqe o. mixed element: mikt stoiqe o. mixed nite elements: mikt peperasm na stoiqe a. opposite elements: ant jeta stoiqe a. pivot (element): odhg stoiqe o. positive element: jetik stoiqe o. quadratic element: tetragwnik stoiqe o. quadrilateral element: tetr pleuro stoiqe o. reference element: stoiqe o anafor c, basik pr tupo stoiqe o. restricted ( nite) element: periorism no (peperasm no) stoiqe o. serendipity ( nite) element: periorism no (peperasm no) stoiqe o. singular ( nite) element: idi zon (peperasm no) stoiqe o. spectral element: fasmatik stoiqe o. spectral element method: m jodoc twn fasmatik n stoiqe wn. standard element: tupik tupopoihm no stoiqe o. strain elements: (peperasm na) stoiqe a param rfwshc. surface element: stoiqei dhc epif neia. 100
triangular element: trigwnik stoiqe o. unconjugated nite element method: m jodoc aposunezeugm nwn peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. unit element: monadia o stoiqe o. volume element: stoiqei dhc gkoc.
elementarily: stoiqeiwd c, basik c.
elementarily equivalent: stoiqeiwd c isod namoi.
elementary: stoiqei dhc, basik c.
elementary column operation: stoiqei dhc metasqhmatism c sthl n. elementary embedding: stoiqei dhc emf teush. elementary event: stoiqei dec gegon c endeq meno. elementary framing: stoiqei dhc plais wsh. elementary functions: stoiqei deic basik c sunart seic. elementary matrix: stoiqei dhc p nakac. elementary operation: stoiqei dhc pr xh metasqhmatism c (transformation). elementary re ector: stoiqei dhc anaklast c metasqhmatism c tou Householder (Householder transformation). elementary row operation: stoiqei dhc metasqhmatism c gramm n. elementary submodel: stoiqei dec upomont lo. elementary transformation: stoiqei dhc pr xh (operation) metasqhmatism c.
elevate: anuy nw. elevation: uy metro, an ywsh.
side elevation: pl gia yh, pl gia tom . sectional elevation: k jeth yh, k jeth tom .
eliminate: apale fw. elimination: apaloif , ex leiyh.
Gauss elimination: apaloif (kat ) Gauss.
ellipse: lleiyh.
confocal ellipses: omo stiec elle yeic. geodesic ellipse: gewdaisiak lleiyh.
ellipsoid: elleiyoeid c.
ellipsoid of inertia: elleiyoeid c adr neiac.
ellipsoidal: elleiyoeid c.
ellipsoidal coordinates: elleiyoeide c suntetagm nec.
elliptic: elleiptik c.
elliptic cylinder: elleiptik c k lindroc. elliptic cylindrical coordinates: elleiptik c kulindrik c suntetagm nec. elliptic equation: elleiptik ex swsh. elliptic function: elleiptik sun rthsh. elliptic geometry: elleiptik gewmetr a. 101
elliptic integral: elleiptik olokl rwma. elliptic paraboloid: elleiptik paraboloeid c. elliptic problem: elleiptik pr blhma. elliptic system: elleiptik s sthma. inverse elliptic function: ant strofh elleiptik sun rthsh. Jacobian elliptic functions: elleiptik c sunart seic tou Jacobi. modulus of elliptic function: m tro elleiptik c sunart sewc. strongly elliptic: isqur elleiptik c.
elliptical: elleiptik c.
elliptical light: elleiptik polwm no fwc.
ellipticity: elleiptik thta.
strong ellipticity: isqur elleiptik thta.
elongate: epimhk nw. elongation: epim kunsh. E-mail electronic mail: hlektronik taqudrome o. emanate: phg zw, pro rqomai. embed: emfute w, embapt zw. embedded: emfuteum noc. embedded method: emfuteum nh m jodoc.
embedding: emf teush, njesh, egkleism c.
embedding theorem: je rhma egkleismo . elementary embedding: stoiqei dhc emf teush. isometric embedding: isometrik emf teush. natural embedding: fusik emf teush. self-embedding grammar: kuklik oriz menh grammatik . Sobolev embedding theorem: je rhma egkleismo tou Sobolev.
emission: ekpomp . emit: ekp mpw. empirical: empeirik c.
empirical equation: empeirik ex swsh. empirical probability: empeirik pijan thta.
emptiness: ken thta. empty: ken c.
empty cell: ken kel . empty cell test: legqoc keno kelio . empty set: ken s nolo (null set). empty string: ken sumboloseir .
end: 1. kro, t loc, p rac. 2. l gw, telei nw. end conditions: sunj kec krwn.
end point: kro, akra o shme o. end points of an interval: kra diast matoc. sharp end: ox kro.
endless: at rmonac. endomorphism: endomorfism c. endothermic: end jermoc. energy: en rgeia.
energy balance: isoz gio en rgeiac. activation energy: en rgeia energopo hshc. internal energy: eswterik en rgeia. kinetic energy: kinhtik en rgeia. potential energy: dunamik en rgeia. solar energy: hliak en rgeia. strain energy: en rgeia param rfwshc. thermal energy: jermik en rgeia.
engineering: teqnolog a.
software engineering: teqnolog a logismiko .
enhance: aux nw, pro gw. enhancement: a xhsh, proagwg . enlarge: megej nw. enlargement: meg junsh. ennea-: enn a- (pr jema, sun. nona-). enthalpy: enjalp a. entire: ol klhroc, ak raioc.
entire complex plane: sumplhrwm no epektetam no migadik ep pedo. entire function: ak raia sun rthsh.
entrance: e sodoc. entropy: entrop a. entry: e sodoc, stoiqe o.
(i,j) entry: (i,j) stoiqe o. leading entry: hgetik stoiqe o.
enumerable: arijm simoc, aparijm simoc.
e ectively enumerable set: algorijmik arijm simo s nolo (logik ). recursively enumerable sets: anadromik arijm sima s nola. enumerable set: arijm simo s nolo.
enumerate: arijm , aparijm . enumeration: ar jmhsh, apar jmhsh. envelope: perib llousa, f keloc. environment: perib llon. 103
environmental: periballontik c.
environmental model: periballontik mont lo.
ephemeris: astronimik efhmer da. epi-: epi-. epic: Se merik bibl a, to epic qrhsimopoie tai wc upokoristik tou epimorphism (epimorfism c). epicenter: ep kentro. epicycle: ep kukloc, epitr qioc. epicycle force: epitr qia d namh.
epicyclic: epikuklik c. epicycloid: epikukloeid c, epikukloeid c. epidemic: epidhm a. epimorphic: ep morfoc, epimorfik c. epimorphism: epimorfism c. epitheory: epijewr a. epitrochoid: epitroqoeid c (kamp lh). epitrochoidal: epitroqoeid c.
epitrochoidal curve: epitroqoeid c kamp lh.
epoch: epoq . epsilon: yilon.
-de nition: eyilontik c orism c.
equal: soc.
equal triangles: sa tr gwna. equal vectors: sa dian smata.
equality: is thta.
equality relation: sq sh is thtac. conditional equality: up sujn kh is thta.
equalize: exis nw. equalizer: exiswt c, pur nac diafor n (di erence kernel). equally: ex sou, sa. equally spaced: isap qontec. equally spaced arguments: isap qonta or smata.
equate: exis nw. equation: ex swsh.
equations of motion: exis seic k nhshc. equation of state: katastatik ex swsh, ex swsh kat stashc. acoustics equation: ex swsh thc akoustik c. adjoint equation: suzug c ex swsh. 104
algebraic equation: algebrik ex swsh. autonomous equations: aut nomec exis seic. biharmonic (di erential) equation: diarmonik (diaforik ) ex swsh. binary equation: duadik ex swsh. binomial equation: diwnumik ex swsh. biquadratic equation: ditetragwnik ex swsh. canonical equations: kanonik c exis seic. characteristic equation: qarakthristik ex swsh. complementary di erential equation: ant stoiqh omogen c diaforik ex swsh. constitutive equation: katastatik ex swsh, ulik ex swsh. continuity equation: ex swsh sun qeiac. coupled equations: suzeugm nec exis seic. cubic equation: tritob jmia ex swsh. decoupled equations: aposuzeugm nec as zeuktec exis seic. delay di erential equation: usterodiaforik ex swsh. di erence equation: diaforoex swsh, ex swsh diafor n. di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh. discretization equations: exis seic diakritopo hshc. discretized equation: diakritopoihm nh ex swsh. elliptic equation: elleiptik ex swsh. empirical equation: empeirik ex swsh. evolution equations: exeliktik c exis seic. exact di erential equation: t leia pl rhc diaforik ex swsh. exponential equation: ekjetik ex swsh. governing equations: di pousec isq ousec exis seic. heat equation: ex swsh jerm thtac. homogeneous equation: omogen c ex swsh. homogeneous di erential equation: omogen c diaforik ex swsh. hyperbolic equation: uperbolik ex swsh. hypergeometric equation: upergewmetrik ex swsh. hypergeometric di erential equation: upergewmetrik diaforik ex swsh. independent equations: anex rthtec exis seic. indicial equation: qarakthristik ex swsh. inhomogeneous equation: mh omogen c ex swsh. integral equation: oloklhrwtik ex swsh. integrodi erential equation: oloklhrwtikodiaforik ex swsh. Laplace equation: ex swsh Laplace. linear di erential equation: grammik diaforik ex swsh. linear equation: grammik ex swsh. linearized equation: grammikopoihm nh ex swsh. log-likelihood equation: ex swsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac. momentum equation: ex swsh (diat rhshc thc) orm c. natural equations: fusik c exis seic. non-homogeneous equation: mh omogen c ex swsh. non-linear equation: mh grammik ex swsh. normal equations: kanonik c exis seic. ordinary di erential equation (ODE): sun jhc diaforik ex swsh (SDE). parabolic equation: parabolik ex swsh. parametric equation: parametrik ex swsh. 105
partial di erential equation (PDE): merik diaforik ex swsh (MDE) diaforik ex swsh me merik c parag gouc.
Poisson equation: ex swsh (tou) Poisson polar equation: polik ex swsh. polynomial equation: poluwnumik ex swsh. potential equation: ex swsh dunamiko . quadratic equation: deuterob jmia ex swsh ex swsh deut rou bajmo . regression equation: ex swsh palindrom sewc. separable equation: diaqwr simh ex swsh. simultaneous equations: s sthma exis sewn. sti equation: d skampth ex swsh. structural equation: domik ex swsh. transcendental equation: uperbatik ex swsh. trigonometric equations: trigwnometrik c exis seic. wave equation: kumatik ex swsh, ex swsh k matoc.
equator: ishmerin c.
celestial equator: our nioc ishmerin c.
equatorial: ishmerin c.
equatorial coordinate: ishmerin suntetagm nh.
equi-: iso- (pr jema). equiangular: isog nioc.
equiangular polygon: isog nio pol gwno. equiangular transformation: isog nioc metasqhmatism c.
equiareal: isembadik c.
equiareal map: isembadik apeik nish.
equiaxed: isoaxonik c.
equiaxed zone: isoaxonik z nh.
equicontinuous: isosuneq c. equiconvergent: isosugkl nwn. equidissection: isodiam rish, isembadik diam rish. equidistant: isap qwn, shc ap stashc.
equidistant points: isap qonta shme a. azimuthal equidistant projection: azimoujiak isap qousa probol .
equilateral: is pleuroc.
equilateral hyperbola: is pleurh uperbol . equilateral polygon: is pleuro pol gwno. equilateral triangle: is pleuro tr gwno.
equilibrate: isorrop . equilibria: shme a isorrop ac, bl. equilibrium. 106
equilibrium (pl. equilibria): isorrop a, shme o isorrop ac. equilibrium optimization: beltistopo hsh isorrop ac. equilibrium point: shme o isorrop ac. equilibrium state: kat stash isorrop ac. forced equilibrium: exanagkasm nh isorrop a. stable equilibrium: eustaj c isorrop a. static equilibrium: statik isorrop a. unstable equilibrium: astaj c isorrop a.
equimultiple: isopollapl sioc. equinoctial: ishmerin c. equinox: ishmer a. equinumerable: is rijmoc. equinumerous: isoplhj c, is rijmoc.
equinumerous sets: isoplhj s nola, isod nama s nola.
equipartition: isokatanom , isomerism c, isodiam rish. equipartition principle: arq thc isodiam rishc.
equipotent: isod namoc, isosjen c, isodunamik c. equipotential: isodunamik c. equipotential curve: isodunamik kamp lh. equipotential line: isodunamik gramm . equipotential surface: isodunamik epif neia.
equiprojective: isoprobolik c. equispaced: omoi morfa katanemhm noc sto q ro.
equispaced grid: omoi morfo pl gma (sun. uniform grid).
equivalence: isodunam a.
equivalence class: kl sh isodunam ac. equivalence relation: sq sh isodunam ac. a ne equivalence: susqetism nh isodunam a. natural equivalence: fusik isodunam a, fusik c isomorfism c. stable equivalence: eustaj c isodunam a.
equivalency: isodunam a.
equivalency class: kl sh isodunam ac.
equivalent: isod namoc.
equivalent clause sets: isod nama s nola sunjhk n. equivalent deviate: isod namh ap klish. equivalent nite automata: isod nama peperasm na aut mata. equivalent formulas: isod namoi t poi. equivalent matrices: isod namoi p nakec. equivalent systems: isod nama sust mata. equivalent norm: isod namh n rma. 107
a ne equivalent: susqetism noc isod namoc. column equivalent: sthlo sod namoc. column equivalent matrices: sthlo sod namoi p nakec. elementarily equivalent: stoiqeiwd c isod namoi. logically equivalent: logik isod namoi. row equivalent: grammo sod namoc. row equivalent matrices: grammo sod namoi p nakec.
equivariant: isallo wtoc, isometablht c. equivariant map: isallo wth apeik nish.
equivariantly: isallo wta.
equivariantly di eomorphic: isallo wta amfidiafor simoc.
erase: diagr fw. erasing: diagraf , sb simo.
erasing machine: mhqan diagraf c.
erect: rjioc. ergodic: ergodik c.
multiplicative ergodic theorem: pollaplasiastik ergodik je rhma.
ergodicity: ergodik thta.
ergodicity theorem: je rhma ergodik thtac.
errata: bl. erratum. erratum (pl. errata): par rama, sf lma. erroneous: esfalm noc. erroneously: esfalm na. erroneousness: to esfalm no, sfaler thta. error: sf lma, l joc.
error analysis: an lush sf lmatoc. error bound: fr gma sf lmatoc. error estimate: ekt mhsh sf lmatoc. error estimation: ekt mhsh sf lmatoc. error function: sun rthsh sf lmatoc. error propagation: met dosh sf lmatoc. absolute error: ap luto sf lma. acceptance error: sf lma apodoq c. actual error: pragmatik sf lma. a posteriori error estimation: a posteriori ekt mhsh sf lmatoc. asymptotic error: asumptwtik sf lma. complementary error function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh sf lmatoc. computable error bound: upolog simo fr gma sf lmatoc. computational error: upologistik sf lma. consistency error: sf lma sumbibast thtac. discretization error: sf lma diakritopo hshc. 108
global error: kajolik sf lma. interpolation error: sf lma parembol c. local error: topik sf lma. maximum error: m gisto sf lma. mean error: m so sf lma. mean square error: m so tetragwnik sf lma. minimal error method: m jodoc elaq stou sf lmatoc. non-sampling error: mh deigmatolhptik sf lma. over ow error: sf lma uperqe lishc. percent error: ekatostia o sf lma. phase error: fasik sf lma. probable error: pijan sf lma. processing error: diadikastik sf lma. random error: tuqa o sf lma. random sampling error: tuqa o sf lma deigmatolhy ac. relative error: sqetik sf lma. response error: sf lma ap krishc. root-mean-square error: m so tetragwnik sf lma. rounding error: sf lma stroggule sewc. round o error: sf lma stroggule sewc. sampling error: deigmatolhptik sf lma, sf lma deigmatolhy ac. sharp error bound: ox fr gma sf lmatoc. standard error: tupik sf lma. syntax error: suntaktik l joc. systematic error: susthmatik sf lma. trial and error: dokim kai sf lma. trial and error method: m jodoc dokim c kai sf lmatoc. truncation error: sf lma apokop c. type-I error: sf lma t pou I. type-II error: sf lma t pou II. unit error: monadia o sf lma.
escape: diafug , diafe gw.
escape velocity: taq thta diafug c.
escribable: paragr yimoc. escribe: paragr fw. escribed: paragegramm noc.
escribed circle: paragegramm noc k kloc (sun. excircle ecircle).
essential: ousi dhc, ousiastik c, basik c.
essential bound: ousi dec fr gma. essential boundary condition: ousiastik sunoriak sunj kh (sunj kh Dirichlet). essential in mum: ousi dec in mum. essential lower bound: ousi dec k tw fr gma. essential singularity: ousi dhc anwmal a ousi dec an malo shme o. essential supremum: ousi dec supremum. essential upper bound: ousi dec nw fr gma. 109
essentially: ousiwd c, ousiastik .
essentially bounded: ousiwd c fragm noc. essentially bounded above: ousiwd c nw fragm noc. essentially bounded below: ousiwd c k tw fragm noc. essentially complete: ousiwd c pl rhc.
estimable: ektim simoc. estimate: ekt mhsh, ektim , upolog zw.
biased estimate: mh amer lhpth ekt mhsh. error estimate: ekt mhsh sf lmatoc. point estimate: shmeiak ekt mhsh. rough estimate: pr qeirh ekt mhsh. sharp estimate: oxe a ekt mhsh. standard error of estimate: tupik sf lma ektim sewc. unbiased estimate: amer lhpth ekt mhsh.
estimation: ekt mhsh.
estimation theory: ektimhtik jewr a ektim sewc. a posteriori error estimation: a posteriori ekt mhsh sf lmatoc.
estimator: ektim tria, ektimht c.
absolutely unbiased estimator: apol twc amer lhpth ektim tria. Bayes estimator: ektim tria Bayes. best estimator: b ltisth ektim tria. biased estimator: mh amer lhpth ektim tria. maximum likelihood estimator: ektim tria m gisthc pijanof neiac. non-regular estimator: mh kanonik ektim tria. point estimator: shmeiak ektim tria. Se merik bibl a, shmeioektim tria shmeioektimht c. point estimator: shmeiak ektim tria. quadratic estimator: tetragwnik ektim tria. ratio estimator: ektim tria l gou. regular estimator: kanonik ektim tria. strongly consistent estimator: isqur sunep c ektim tria. unbiased estimator: amer lhpth ektim tria.
Euclidean: eukle deioc, o tou Eukle dh.
Euclidean algorithm: eukle deioc alg rijmoc. Euclidean geometry: eukle deia gewmetr a. Euclidean norm: eukle deia n rma. Euclidean ring: eukle deioc dakt lioc. Euclidean space: eukle deioc q roc.
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783)
Euler characteristic: qarakthristik tou Euler. Euler's constant: stajer tou Euler. Euler equations: exis seic Euler. Euler's identities: taut thtec tou Euler. Euler-Maclaurin summation formula: t poc jroishc twn Euler-Maclaurin. 110
Euler numbers: arijmo tou Euler. Euler's theorem: je rhma tou Euler.
Eulerian: tou Euler.
Eulerian approach: je rhsh kat Euler.
evaluate: upolog zw, ektim . evaluation: upologism c, ekt mhsh. evaporation: ex tmish. even: rtioc, zug c. even extension: rtia ep ktash. even function: rtia sun rthsh. even number: rtioc arijm c. even parity: rtia isotim a. even permutation: rtia met jesh.
evenly: omoi morfa, omal , ex sou.
evenly spaced: omoi morfa topojethm noi.
event: gegon c, endeq meno.
certain event: b baio gegon c endeq meno. composite event: s njeto gegon c endeq meno. compound event: s njeto gegon c endeq meno. dependent events: exarthm na gegon ta endeq mena. elementary event: stoiqei dec gegon c endeq meno. impossible event: ad nato gegon c endeq meno. independent events: anex rthta gegon ta endeq mena. mutually exclusive events: asumb basta gegon ta endeq mena. random event: tuqa o endeq meno. rare event: sp nio gegon c endeq meno. simple event: apl stoiqei dec gegon c endeq meno. sure event: b baio gegon c endeq meno.
every: k je. everywhere: panto .
almost everywhere: sqed n panto .
evolute: exeiligm nh.
evolute of a cycloid: exeiligm nh kukloeido c.
evolution: ex lixh, an ptuxh.
evolution equations: exeliktik c exis seic. index of evolution: de kthc ex lixhc.
evolutionary: exeliktik c.
evolutionary algorithm: exeliktik c alg rijmoc. evolutionary operation: exeliktik dr sh. 111
evolutionary problem: exeliktik pr blhma. evolutionary process: exeliktik an lixh. evolutionary spectrum: exeliktik f sma. evolutionary tree: exeliktik d ntro.
exact: akrib c, t leioc, olik c.
exact cover problem: pr blhma akribo c k luyhc. exact di erential: olik t leio diaforik . exact di erential equation: t leia pl rhc diaforik ex swsh. exact division: t leia dia resh. exact sequence: t leia akolouj a. exact solution: akrib c l sh.
exam: ex tash. examination: ex tash. examine: exet zw. example: par deigma. excenter: par kentro, k ntro paragegramm nou k klou (sun. ecenter). excess: per sseia, uperbol . excessive: uperbolik c. exchange: antallag , enallag , sunallag . column exchange: enallag sthl n. row exchange: enallag gramm n.
exchanger: enall kthc.
heat exchanger: enall kthc jerm thtac.
excircle: paragegramm noc k kloc (sun. escribed circle ecircle). excission: ektom . exclusion: apokleism c. exclusion principle: arq apokleismo .
exclusive: apokleistik c.
mutually exclusive events: asumb basta gegon ta endeq mena. mutually exclusive sets: x na s nola.
execute: ektel . executable: ektel simoc. exhaust: exantl . exhaustion: ex ntlhsh. exhaustive: exantlhtik c. exhibit: epideikn w. exist: up rqw. existence: parxh.
existence of solution: parxh l shc. 112
existence theorem: je rhma parxhc. existence and uniqueness: parxh kai monadik thta. global existence: kajolik parxh. local existence: topik parxh.
existential: uparxiak c.
existential quanti cation: uparxiak poso ndeixh. existential quanti er: uparxiak c posode kthc.
exothermic: ex jermoc. expand: anapt ssw, diast llw.
expand into a Taylor series: anapt ssw se seir Taylor.
expanding: diastell menoc, anapt ssontac. expanding universe: diastell meno s mpan.
expansion: an ptugma, an ptuxh, diastol , ep ktash, die runsh.
expansion coe cient: suntelest c diastol c. expansion of a determinant: an ptugma or zousac. expansion in partial fractions: an ptugma se apl kl smata. asymptotic expansion: asumptwtik an ptugma. binomial expansion: diwnumik an ptugma, an ptugma tou diwn mou. Maclaurin expansion: an ptugma Maclaurin. matched asymptotic expansions: m jodoc sunarmosm nwn asumptwtik n anaptugm twn m jodoc idiazous n diataraq n (singular perturbation method). partial fraction expansion: an ptugma se merik apl kl smata. series expansion: an ptugma se seir . sudden expansion: ap tomh diastol (reustodunamik ). Taylor expansion: an ptugma Taylor (sun. Taylor development). trigonometric expansion: trigwnometrik an ptugma.
expectation: anamon , prosdok a, elp da.
double expectation theorem: je rhma dipl c prosdok ac. mathematical expectation: majhmatik prosdok a elp da.
expected: anamen menoc, prosdok menoc, prosdokht c, jewrhtik c.
expected frequency: anamen menh prosdok menh prosdokht jewrhtik suqn thta. expected value: anamen menh prosdok menh prosdokht c m sh tim majhmatik elp da.
experiment: pe rama.
random experiment: pe rama t qhc.
experimental: peiramatik c. expert: mpeiroc, empeirogn monac.
expert systems: mpeira sust mata.
explained: epexhghm noc.
explained variation: palindromik paragontik metabol .
explementary: paraplhrwmatik c.
explementary angle: paraplhrwmatik gwn a.
explicit: se lum nh morf , analut c, mesoc, rht c.
explicit approach: analut mesh m jodoc. explicit method: analut mesh m jodoc. explicit function: lelum nh sun rthsh sun rthsh se lelum nh morf . explicit algebraic function: lelum nh algebrik sun rthsh. explicit scheme: analut mesh m jodoc. explicit transformation: analut c mesoc metasqhmatism c.
explicitly: se lelum nh morf , mesa. explicitness: to lelum no, to meso. explode: ekrhgn w, ekrhgn omai. explore: exereun . explosion: krhxh. explosive: ekrhktik c. exponent: ekj thc.
critical exponent: kr simoc ekj thc. Liapunov exponent: ekj thc Liapunov. negative exponent: arnhtik c ekj thc.
exponential: ekjetik c.
exponential convergence: ekjetik s gklish. exponential curve: ekjetik kamp lh. exponential distribution: ekjetik katanom . exponential equation: ekjetik ex swsh. exponential function: ekjetik sun rthsh. exponential functor: ekjetik c sunartht c. exponential growth: ekjetik a xhsh. exponential integral: ekjetik olokl rwma. exponential series: ekjetik seir .
exponentially: ekjetik .
exponentially convergent: sugkl nwn ekjetik .
expose: ekj tw. exposure: kjesh. express: ekfr zw. expression: par stash, kfrash.
algebraic expression: algebrik par stash. arithmetic expression: arijmhtik par stash. canonical expression: kanonik par stash. 114
numerical expression: arijmhtik par stash. regular expression: kanonik kfrash (plhroforik ).
exradius (pl. exradii): akt na paragegramm nou k klou. extend: epekte nw, ekte nw, dieur nw. extendability: epektasim thta. extendable: epekt simoc. extended: epektetam noc, dieurum noc, ektetam noc.
extended complex plane: sumplhrwm no epektetam no migadik ep pedo. extended decision rule: dieurum noc kan nac ap fashc. extended design: dieurum noc sqediasm c. extended group divisible design: dieurum noc diairet c kat om dec sqediasm c. extended hypergeometric distribution: dieurum nh upergewmetrik katanom . extended matrix: epektetam noc p nakac.
extensible: ektat c. extension: ep ktash (Topol.).
algebraic extension: algebrik ep ktash. analytic extension: analutik ep ktash. continuous extension: suneq c ep ktash. cyclic extension: kuklik ep ktash. cyclotomic extension: kuklotomik ep ktash. even extension: rtia ep ktash. nite extension: peperasm nh ep ktash. generic extension: genetik ep ktash (logik ). in nite extension: peirh ep ktash. normal extension: kanonik ep ktash. odd extension: peritt ep ktash. proper extension: gn sia ep ktash. radical extension: rizik ep ktash. simple extension: apl ep ktash.
extensional: ektatik c.
extensional viscosity: ektatik ix dec.
extensive: ektetam noc, ektatik c.
extensive magnitudes: posotik meg jh. extensive property: ektatik idi thta. extensive sampling: ektetam nh (qronik topik ) deigmatolhy a.
extensivity: to ektetam no, to epektetam no. exterior: exwterik , exwterik c.
exterior algebra: exwterik lgebra. exterior angle: exwterik gwn a. exterior of a closed curve: exwterik kleist c kamp lhc. exterior Helmhotz problem: exwterik pr blhma Helmhotz. exterior measure: exwterik m tro. 115
exterior point: exwterik shme o. exterior product: exwterik gin meno sfhnoeid c gin meno (wedge product, ap to s mbolo ^). Qrhsimopoie tai se exwterik c lgebrec (exterior algebras).
external: exwterik c.
external diameter: exwterik di metroc. external operation: exwterik pr xh. external ratio: exwterik c l goc. external variance: exwterik diaspor .
externally: exwterik . extra: epipl on, exw- (pr jema). extract: ex gw, ap spasma. extractable: exag gimoc. extraction: exagwg .
nth root extraction: exagwg niost c r zac.
extraneous: exwterik c, x noc, sqetoc. extraordinary: ktaktoc, ekplhktik c, asun jhc. extrapolant: parekb llousa, sun rthsh parekbol c, epekte nousa, sun rthsh ep ktashc. extrapolate: parekb llw, epekte nw, parekte nw, probl pw. extrapolation: parekbol , ep ktash, par ktash, gen keush, pr bleyh, extrapolation.
extrapolation method: m jodoc parekbol c. Richardson's extrapolation: parekbol pr bleyh kat Richardson, m jodoc parekbol c tou Richardson.
extrema: akr tata, bl. extremum. extremal: akr tatoc, twn akrot twn, akra oc, oriak c.
extremal property: akr tath idi thta, idi thta akrot twn. extremal zeros: r zec akrot twn.
extremality: to akr tato. extreme: akr tatoc, akra oc, oriak c. extreme value: akr tath tim .
extremeness: akr thta. extremity: akr , t loc. extremum (pl. extrema): akr tatoc, akr tato. extrinsic: exwterik c, x noc. extrinsically: exwterik , epousiwd c. extrudate: kbolo. extrude: ekb llw, exwj . extrusion: ekbol , ex jhsh. 116
eye: m ti, ofjalm c.
eye lens: prosofj lmioc fak c.
F FD ( nite di erence): peperasm nh diafor . FDM ( nite di erence method): m jodoc peperasm nwn diafor n. FE ( nite element): peperasm no stoiqe o. FEM ( nite element method): m jodoc peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. FFT (fast Fourier transform): taq c metasqhmatism c Fourier. FS (fundamental solution): jemeli dhc l sh. face: yh, epif neia, (par pleurh) dra.
face of a polyhedron: par pleurh dra polu drou. side faces: par pleurec drec.
facet: dra, yh pleur (probl matoc). factor: par gontac, suntelest c.
ampli cation factor: suntelest c en squshc. common factor: koin c par gontac. conversion factor: suntelest c metatrop c. crossed factors: diastauro menoi par gontec. growth factor: suntelest c a xhshc. highest common factor: m gistoc koin c par gontac ( diair thc). integrating factor: oloklhrwtik c par gontac par gontac oloklhr sewc. magni cation factor: suntelest c megenj nsewc. scale factor: suntelest c kl makac. scaling factor: suntelest c allag c kl makac. shape factor: par gontac morf c. tolerance factor: par gontac anoq c. weighting factor: par gontac st jmishc, par gontac b rouc.
factorable: paragontopoi simoc. factorial: paragontik c, paragontik .
factorial design: paragontik c sqediasm c. factorial function: paragontik sun rthsh. factorial polynomial: paragontik polu numo. factorial series: paragontik seir . factorial series distribution: paragontik katanom . 117
factoring: paragontopo hsh.
left factoring: arister paragontopo hsh. right factoring: dexi paragontopo hsh.
factorization: paragontopo hsh.
iterative factorization: epanalhptik paragontopo hsh. LU factorization: paragontopo hsh LU. polar factorization: polik paragonopo hsh. prime factorization: paragontopo hsh se pr touc. unique factorization: monos manth paragontopo hsh.
factorize: paragontopoi . fail: apotugq nw. failure: apotuq a, astoq a.
failure analysis: an lush astoq ac. failure function: sun rthsh astoq ac.
fair: d kaioc, t mioc, d kaioc.
fair coin: kanonik t mio n misma. fair game: t mio d kaio paiqn di.
faithful: pist c.
faithful representation: pist anapar stash.
fall: p ftw, pt sh. falling: p ptwn.
falling body: p pton s ma.
false: esfalm noc, l joc, yeud c, analhj c. falsify: diaye dw. falsity: to yeud c, to analhj c, anakr beia. faltung: sun lixh. familiar: oike oc. family: oikog neia.
family of curves: oikog neia kampul n. a ne family: susqetism nh oikog neia. one-parapeter family: monoparametrik oikog neia. isometric family: isometrik oikog neia. orthogonal families: orjog niec oikog neiec.
far: makrin c.
far eld: makrin ped o. far- eld di raction: per jlash makrino ped ou.
fast: taq c.
fast axis: taq c xonac. 118
fast convergence: taqe a s gklish. fast Fourier transform (FFT): taq c metasqhmatism c Fourier. fast method: taqe a m jodoc.
fatigue: k pwsh. favorable: euno k c, eunoo menoc. feasibility: efikt , epiteukt , katorjwt . feasibility study: mel th skopim thtac.
feasible: efikt c, epiteukt c, katorjwt c, pragmatopoi simoc, epitrept c. feasible set: efikt s nolo. feasible solution: efikt l sh.
feature: qarakthristik , gn risma. feed: trofodot , trofodos a. feedback: anatrofod thsh. feet: bl. foot. Fermat, Pierre (1601-1665).
Fermat's principle: arq tou Fermat.
fertility: gonim thta. few: l goi. ber: na, n ma (Topol.).
ber bundle: nhmatik d smh. ber optics: optik twn inwd n agwg n.
Fibonacci, Leonardo (1170-1250)
Fibonacci function: sun rthsh Fibonacci. Fibonacci numbers: arijmo Fibonacci.
bration: nhmatopo hsh (Topol.). bre: na, n ma (Topol.), bl. ber. ducial: thc empistos nhs, pisteutik c.
ducial distribution: pisteutik katanom . ducial inference: pisteutik sumperasmatolog a. ducial limits: ria empistos nhc, pisteutik ria. ducial probability: pisteutik pijan thta.
eld: ped o (dianusmatik c logism c), s ma (algebrik c dom c). eld arithmetic: arijmhtik swm twn. eld intensity: ntash ped ou. eld lens: fak c ped ou. eld of sets: ped o sun lwn. anisotropic eld: anis tropo ped o. central eld: kentrik ped o. complete vector eld: pl rec dianusmatik ped o.
conservative eld: sunthrhtik ped o. direction eld: ped o kateuj nsewn. electric eld: hlektrik ped o. electromagnetic eld: hlektromagnhtik ped o. far eld: makrin ped o. far- eld di raction: per jlash makrino ped ou. force eld: ped o dun mewn. gravitational eld: ped o bar thtac, barutik ped o. harmonic eld: armonik ped o. irrotational eld: astr bilo ped o. isotropic eld: is tropo ped o. near eld: kontin ped o. near- eld di raction: per jlash kontino ped ou. prime eld: pr to s ma. quadratic eld: tetragwnik s ma. rotational eld: strobil ped o. scalar eld: bajmwt ped o. semicomplete vector eld: hmipl rec dianusmatik ped o. solenoidal (vector) eld: swlhnoeid c (dianusmatik ) ped o. splitting eld: s ma diasp sewc s ma riz n. tensor eld: tanustik ped o. vector eld: dianusmatik ped o. velocity eld: ped o taq thtac.
gure: sq ma, stoiqe o, yhf o, arijm c.
homothetic gures: omoiojetik sq mata. rectilinear gure: euj grammo sq ma. signi cant gure: shmantik yhf o.
le: arqe o.
data le: arqe o dedom nwn.
lm: film, um nac, um nio.
dielectric lm: dihlektrik um nio. thin lm: lept um nio.
lter: f ltro.
free lter: ele jero f ltro. principal lter: k rio f ltro. trivial lter: tetrimm no f ltro.
ltering: filtr risma, di jhsh.
ltering technique: teqnik filtrar smatoc.
nal: telik c.
nal state: telik kat stash.
nality: telik thta, telei thta. 120
principle of nality: arq thc telei thtac.
nd: br skw, prosdior zw. nding: e rhma. ne: lept c.
ne mesh: pukn pl gma, pl gma lept c diam rishc.
neness: lept thta.
neness of a partition: pukn thta diamer sewc.
nite: peperasm noc.
adaptive nite elements: anaprosarmostik peperasm na stoiqe a. nite Abelian group: peperasm nh abelian antimetajetik om da. nite character: peperasm noc qarakt rac. nite class: peperasm nh kl sh. nite di erence: peperasm nh diafor . nite di erence method (FDM): m jodoc peperasm nwn diafor n. nite dimension: peperasm nh di stash. nite dimensional: peperasmenodi statoc, peperasm nhc di stashc. nite discontinuity: peperasm nh asun qeia. nite element: peperasm no stoiqe o. nite element method (FEM): m jodoc peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. nite extension: peperasm nh ep ktash. nite group: peperasm nh om da. nite integration: peperasm nh olokl rwsh. nite interval: peperasm no di sthma. nite jump: peperasm no p dhma. nite population: peperasm noc plhjusm c. nite representation: peperasm nh anapar stash. nite rotation: peperasm nh strof . nite sample space: peperasm noc deigmat qwroc deigmatik c q roc. nite sequence: peperasm nh akolouj a. nite series: peperasm nh seir . nite set: peperasm no s nolo. nite volume: peperasm noc gkoc. nite volume method: m jodoc peperasm nwn gkwn el gqou. conforming nite elements: summorfik peperasm na stoiqe a. discontinuous nite elements: asuneq peperasm na stoiqe a. hybrid nite element method: ubridik m jodoc peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. singular nite element: idi zon peperasm no stoiqe o. unconjugated nite element method: m jodoc aposunezeugm nwn peperasm nwn stoiqe wn.
niteness: to peperasm no.
niteness theorem: je rhma tou peperasm nou.
nitistic: peperasm noc. rst: pr toc, jemeli dhc.
rst curvature: pr th kampul thta. 121
rst derivative: pr th par gwgoc. rst harmonic: pr th (jemeli dhc) armonik . rst invariant: pr th anallo wth. rst kind: pr to e doc. rst limit theorem: pr to oriak je rhma. rst order: pr th t xh. rst-order di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh pr thc t xhc. rst-order language: prwtob jmia gl ssa. rst-order theory: prwtob jmia jewr a. rst principle: basik jemeli dhc arq . rst variation: pr th metabol .
t: prosarm zw.
goodness of t: poi thta prosarmog c, prosarmostik thta, katallhl thta prosarmog c. 2 -test of goodness of t: 2 - legqoc poi thtac prosarmog c, 2 - legqoc kal c prosarmog c.
tting: prosarmog .
curve tting: prosarmog kamp lhc. data tting: prosarmog dedom nwn.
xed: stajer c.
xed axis: stajer c xonac. xed point: stajer shme o, ak nhth upodiastol . xed point theorem: je rhma stajero shme ou. xed-point variable: metablht ak nhthc upodiastol c.
ag: shma a.
ag variety: e doc pollapl thta shma ac.
at: ep pedoc, sioc.
at plate: ep pedh pl ka. at section: ep pedh tom . at surface: ep pedh epif neia.
ight: pt sh. oating: kinht c.
oating operation: pr xh kinht c upodiastol c. oating point: kinht upodiastol . oating point arithmetic: arijmhtik kinht c upodiastol c. oating-point variable: metablht kinht c upodiastol c.
oppy: qalar c.
oppy disk: malak c d skoc disk tta (upologist c).
ow: ro .
ow chart: logik di gramma, di gramma ro c, dom gramma. ow curve: kamp lh ro c. ow pattern: morf ro c. 122
ow rate: rujm c ro c. baroclinic ow: baroklinik ro . barotropic ow: barotropik ro . cash ow: qrhmatoro . compressible ow: sumpiest ro . creeping ow: rpousa ro . uid ow: ro reusto . fully developed ow: pl rwc aneptugm nh ro . heat ow: ro jerm thtac. incompressible ow: asump esth ro . inviscid ow: anix dhc mh ix dhc tribh ro . irrotational ow: astr bilh ro . laminar ow: strwt ro . mixing ow: ro m xhc an mixhc. multi-layer ow: polustrwmatik ro . Newtonian ow: neut neia ro . primary ow: prwte ousa ro . reactive ow: ro me (qhmik ) ant drash. radial ow: aktinik ro . rotational ow: strobil ro . secondary ow: deutere ousa ro . shear ow: ro di tmhshc. stagnation ow: ro anakop c. stationary ow: st simh ro . steady ow: m nimh ro . Stokes ow: ro Stokes. strati ed ow: strwmatopoihm nh ro . subsonic ow: upohqhtik ro . supersonic ow: uperhqhtik ro . swirling ow: peristrofik ro (sun. torsional ow). torsional ow: peristrofik ro (sun. swirling ow). time dependent ow: xronometaball menh ro . transient ow: metabatik ro . turbulent ow: turb dhc ro . two-phase ow: difasik ro . uniaxial ow: monaxonik ro . uniform ow: omoi morfh ro . unsteady ow: mh m nimh ro metabatik ro . viscoelastic ow: ixwdoelastik ro . viscometric ow: ixwdometrik ro . viscoplastic ow: ixwdoplastik ro . viscous ow: ix dhc ro .
uctuate: auxomei nomai. uctuation: auxome wsh. uid: reust .
uid dynamics: reustodunamik . uid ow: ro reusto . uid mechanics: reustomhqanik . 123
uid source: phg reusto . compressible uid: sumpiest reust . computational uid dynamics (CFD): upologistik reustodunamik . generalized Newtonian uid: genikeum no neut neio reust . ideal uid: idanik reust . incompressible uid: asump esto reust . inviscid uid: anix dec mh ix dec reust . Newtonian uid: neut neio reust . non-Newtonian uid: mh neut neio reust . real uid: pragmatik reust . viscoelastic uid: ixwdoelastik reust . viscoplastic uid: ixwdoplastik reust . viscous uid: ix dec reust .
uidity: reust thta. ush: ????????.
royal ush: floc ston sso.
ute: r bdwsh, aul c.
uted spectrum: tainiwt f sma.
ux: ro (an mon da epifane ac).
ux density: pukn thta ro c. heat ux: ro jerm thtac (an mon da epifane ac).
foam: afr c. focal: estiak c, kentrik c.
focal length: estiak ap stash. focal plane: estiak ep pedo. focal point: estiak shme o. back focal length: dexi estiak ap stash. e ective focal length: olik estiak ap stash. front focal length: arister estiak ap stash.
focalization: est ash, sugk ntrwsh. focalize: esti zw, sugkentr nw. focus: est a, esti zw, sugkentr nw. in focus: estiasm noc. out of focus: mh estiasm noc.
focusing: est ash, sugk ntrwsh, esti zwn, sugkentr nwn. foil: f llo, lasma. folded: anadiplwm noc.
folded contingency table: summetrik c p nakac sun feias. folded distribution: anadiplwm nh katanom .
folding: anad plwsh. 124
foliation: f llwsh. folium: f llo.
folium of Descartes: f llo tou Descartes.
follow: akolouj , pomai.
follow up: parakolouj , parakolo jhsh.
following: ak loujoc, ep menoc. foot (pl. feet): p di. force: d namh, exanagk zw.
force eld: ped o dun mewn. force of mortality: rujm c jnhsim thtac. body force: swmatik ol swmh mazik d namh, d namh gkou. Isod namoi roi: mass force, volume force. buoyancy force: nwsh. central force: kentrik d namh. centrifugal force: fug kentrh d namh. centripetal force: kentrom loc d namh. conservative force eld: sunthrhtik ped o dun mewn. contact force: d namh epaf c epifaneiak d namh (surface force). dissipative force: skedastik d namh, d namh ant stashc ap sbeshc. drag force: opisj lkousa d namh. epicycle force: epitr qia d namh. impulsive force: wstik d namh. internal force: eswterik d namh. lift force: nwsh, d namh nwshc. mass force: mazik d namh. Bl. body force. polygon of forces: pol gwno dun mewn. restoring force: d namh epanafor c. surface force: epifaneiak d namh d namh epaf c (contact force).
forced: exanagkasm noc, bebiasm noc.
forced convection: bebiasm nh exanagkasm nh kuklofor a. forced equilibrium: exanagkasm nh isorrop a. forced oscillation: exanagkasm nh tal ntwsh (sun. forced vibration). forced system: exanagkasm no s sthma. forced vibration: exanagkasm nh tal ntwsh (sun. forced oscillation).
forcing: exanagkasm c.
forcing conditions: sunj kec exanagkasmo . notion of forcing: nnoia tou exanagkasmo .
fore: prin (suntomograf a tou before).
fore-and-aft: prin kai met . fore-and-aft symmetry: summetr a prin kai met , summetr a arister -dexi , summetr a rtiac sun rthshc ws proc ton xona twn y.
forecast: probl pw. 125
forecasting: pr bleyh. forgetful: epil smwn.
forgetful functor: epil smwn sunartht c.
forging: sfurhlas a. form: morf , sq ma, sqhmat zw.
bilinear form: digrammik morf . canonical form: kanonik morf . closed form: kleist morf . di erential form: diaforik morf . conjunctive normal form: suzeuktik kanonik morf . disjunctive normal form: diazeuktik kanonik morf . echelon form: klimakwt morf . functional form: sunarthsiak morf . fundamental form: jemeli dhc morf . Hermitian form: ermitian morf . inde nite quadratic form: a risth tetragwnik morf . indeterminate form: aprosdi risth morf . integral form: oloklhrwtik morf . Jordan's canonical form: kanonik morf tou Jordan. linear form: grammik morf . matrix form: morf pin kwn, mhtrik morf , pinakomorf . metric form: metrik morf . normal form: kanonik morf . open form: anoikt morf . polar form (of a complex number): polik morf (migadiko arijmo ). prenex normal form: kanonik morf prenex. pure quadratic form: kajar tetragwnik morf . quadratic form: tetragwnik morf . reduced echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf . standard form: kanonik sun jhc tupik morf . strong form: isqur morf . Taylor form: morf Taylor. trilinear form: trigrammik morf . variational form: metabolik morf . weak form: asjen c morf .
formal: tupik c, austhr c.
formal integration: tupik olokl rwsh. formal language: tupik gl ssa. formal series: tupik seir .
formalization: diat pwsh, formalism c. formalize: diatup nw, tupopoi . format: di taxh, sq ma. formation: sqhmatism c, morfopo hsh, kataskeu .
class formation: kataskeu kl sewc. impredicative axiom of class formation: mh kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeu c kl sewn. 126
predicative axiom of class formation: kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeu c kl sewn.
formula: (pl. formulas, formulae): t poc.
addition formula: t poc ajro smatoc. approximate formula: proseggistik c t poc. asymptotic formula: asumptwtik c t poc. atomic formula: atomik c t poc. binomial formula: t poc tou diwn mou. Cauchy's integral formulae: oloklhrwtiko t poi tou Cauchy. closed formula: kleist c t poc. closed integration formulas: kleisto t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. composite integration formulas: s njetoi t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. composite trapezoidal rule formula: s njetoc t poc tou trapez ou. double angle formula: t poc dipl c gwn ac. duplication formula: t poc diplasiasmo . equivalent formulas: isod namoi t poi. Green's formula: t poc tou Green. half angle formula: t poc mis c gwn ac. integral formula: oloklhrwtik c t poc. integration formulas: t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. interpolation formula: t poc parembol c. inversion formula: t poc antistrof c. multinomial formula: poluwnumik c t poc. multiple angle formula: t poc pollapl c gwn ac. normal formula: omal c t poc (logik ). open formula: anoikt c t poc. open integration formulas: anoikto t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. positive formula: jetik c t poc. prenex formula: t poc se projematik morf . product-moment formula: t poc tou ginom nou rop n. recurrence formula: anadromik c t poc. recursion formula: anadromik c t poc. recursive formula: anadromik c t poc. reduction formula: anagwgik c t poc. satis able formula: ikanopoi simoc t poc. semi-open formula: hmianoikt c t poc. summation formula: t poc jroishc. trapezoidal formula: t poc tou trapez ou. valid formula: gkuroc t poc.
formulae: bl. formula. formulate: diatup nw, jemeli nw. formulation: diat pwsh, jemel wsh, kat strwsh.
mathematical formulation: majhmatik diat pwsh jemel wsh.
forth: mproc.
back and forth method: m jodoc mproc-p sw. 127
forward: empr c, proc ta empr c, pr sw, kat nth (gia peperasm nec diafor c). forward di erences: proc ta empr c pr sw kat nth diafor c. forward substitution: empr c antikat stash.
Foucault pendulum: ekkrem c tou Foucault. founded: jemeliwm noc, idruje c.
well-founded: kal c jemeliwm noc, kal c orism noc.
foundation: jemel wsh, jem lio, druma.
axiomatic foundation: axiwmatik jemel wsh.
four: t ssera, t sseric.
four-color theorem: je rhma tess rwn qrwm twn. four-dimensional: tetradi statoc.
Fourier analysis: an lush Fourier. Fourier coe cients: suntelest c Fourier. Fourier integral: olokl rwma Fourier. Fourier series: seir Fourier. Fourier's integral theorem: oloklhrwtik je rhma tou Fourier. Fourier transform: metasqhmatism nh Fourier, metasqhmatism c Fourier. Fourier transformation: metasqhmatism c Fourier. discrete Fourier transform: diakrit c metasqhmatism c Fourier. fast Fourier transform (FFT): taq c metasqhmatism c Fourier. generalized Fourier coe cients: genikeum noi suntelest c Fourier. inverse Fourier transform: ant strofh metasqhmatism nh Fourier. inverse Fourier transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatism c Fourier.
fractal: klastik , morfoklasmatik , fr ktal, klastik c, morfoklasmatik c. fractal analysis: klastik morfoklasmatik an lush. fractal surface: klastik morfoklasmatik epif neia.
fractality: klastik thta, morfoklasmatik thta. fractile: posostia o shme o. fraction: kl sma, tm ma.
continued fraction: suneq c kl sma. dissimilar fractions: eter numa kl smata. improper fraction: mh gn sio kataqrhstik kl sma. recurring continuous fraction: epanalhptik suneq c kl sma. partial fraction: merik apl kl sma. partial fraction expansion: an ptugma se merik apl kl smata. proper fraction: gn sio kl sma. similar fractions: om numa kl smata. simple fraction: apl kl sma. terminating fraction: perato meno kl sma.
fractional: klasmatik c, tmhmatik c.
fractional analysis: klasmatik an lush. 128
fractional function: klasmatik sun rthsh. fractional step algorithm: alg rijmoc klasmatiko b matoc. randomized fractional factorial designs: tuqaiopoihm noi tmhmatiko paragontiko sqediasmo .
fracture: jra sh.
fracture mechanics: mhqanik jra shc.
frame: pla sio, s sthma.
frame of reference: s sthma anafor c. basic frame: basik pla sio. inertial frame of reference: adraneiak s sthma suntetagm nwn. orthonormal frame: orjokanonik pla sio.
framing: plais wsh.
basic framing: basik plais wsh. elementary framing: stoiqei dhc plais wsh.
framework: pla sio.
combinatorial framework: sunduastik pla sio.
free: ele jeroc, apallagm noc, qwr c.
free boundary: ele jero s noro. free boundary problem: pr blhma me ele jero s noro. free group: ele jerh om da. free index: ele jeroc de kthc. free model: ele jero mont lo. free monoid: ele jero monoeid c. free motion: ele jerh k nhsh. free object: ele jero antike meno. free-object functor: sunartht c ele jerwn antikeim nwn. free occurrence: ele jerh emf nish. free product: ele jero gin meno. free surface: ele jerh epif neia. free torsion: ele jerh str yh. free universe: ele jero s mpan. free variable: ele jerh metablht . free vector: ele jero di nusma. context-free language: gl ssa qwr c sumfraz mena. distribution free: ele jeroc (thc sunarthsiak c morf c thc) katanom c. element-free method: m jodoc qwr c (peperasm na) stoiqe a.
freedom: eleujer a.
degrees of freedom: bajmo eleujer ac.
Frenet, (-).
Frenet equations: exis seic tou Frenet. Frenet-Serret formulas: t poi twn Frenet-Serret. 129
frequency: suqn thta.
frequency distribution: katanom suqnot twn. frequency polygon: pol gwno suqn thtac. frequency table: p nakac suqn thtac. absolute frequency: ap luth suqn thta. angular frequency: gwniak suqn thta. cell frequency: suqn thta kelio . circular frequency: kuklik suqn thta. cumulative frequency distribution: ajroistik katanom suqnot twn. expected frequency: anamen menh prosdok menh prosdokht jewrhtik suqn thta. fundamental frequency: jemeli dhc basik suqn thta. natural frequency: fusik suqn thta. normal frequency: kanonik suqn thta. relative frequency: sqetik suqn thta. spatial frequency: qwrik suqn thta suqn thta q rou.
Fresnel integral: olokl rwma tou Fresnel. Fresnel cosine integral: sunhmitonik olokl rwma tou Fresnel. Fresnel sine integral: hmitonik olokl rwma tou Fresnel. Fresnel zone: z nh Fresnel.
Fruslani's integral: olokl rwma tou Fruslani.
friction: trib .
friction coe cient: suntelest c trib c.
frictional: tribik c. frictionless: triboc. fringe: kross c sumbol c (optik ).
fringe order: t xh krosso sumbol c.
front: m twpo.
front focal length: arister estiak ap stash.
frontal: metwpik c.
frontal method: metwpik m jodoc.
frustrum: k louro stere .
frustrum of cone: k louroc k noc. frustrum of pyramid: k lourh puram da.
full: pl rhc, gem toc.
full house: foul (sto p ker).
fully: pl rwc.
fully developed ow: pl rwc aneptugm nh ro . 130
fully discrete: pl rwc diakrit c.
function: sun rthsh, apeik nish (mapping), metasqhmatism c (transformation), leitourg a, leitourg .
function theory: jewr a sunart sewn. additive function: prosjetik sun rthsh. Airy function: sun rthsh Airy. algebraic function: algebrik sun rthsh. analytic function: analutik sun rthsh. arbitrary function: auja reth sun rthsh, tuqo sa sun rthsh. autocorrelation function: sun rthsh autosusq tishc. automorphic function: aut morfh sun rthsh. basis function: sun rthsh b shc. Bei functions: sunart seic Bei. Ber functions: sunart seic Ber. Bessel functions: sunart seic Bessel. beta function: sun rthsh b ta. bicubic basis functions: dikubik c sunart seic b shc. bilinear basis functions: digrammik c sunart seic b shc. biquadratic basis functions: ditetragwnik c sunart seic b shc. bounded function: fragm nh sun rthsh. bubble function: sun rthsh fusall dac. characteristic function: qarakthristik sun rthsh idiosun rthsh (eigenfunction). circular functions: kuklik c trigwnometrik c (trigonometric) gwniometrik c (cyclometric) sunart seic.
complementary error function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh sf lmatoc. complementary function: sumplhrwmatik sun rthsh. complex function: migadik sun rthsh. complex-valued function: migadik sun rthsh. composite function: s njeth sun rthsh. computable function: upolog simh sun rthsh. conjugate functions: suzuge c sunart seic. constant function: stajer sun rthsh. continuous function: suneq c sun rthsh. cubic basis functions: kubik c sunart seic b shc. cumulative hazard function: ajroistik sun rthsh diakind neushc. cyclometric functions: gwniometrik c trigwnometrik c (trigonometric) kuklik c (circular) sunart seic.
decision function: sun rthsh ap fashc. decreasing function: fj nousa sun rthsh. delta function: sun rthsh d lta. density function: sun rthsh pukn thtac sun rthsh b rouc. di erentiable function: paragwg simh sun rthsh. digamma function: sun rthsh dig mma. discontinuous function: asuneq c sun rthsh. discrete function: diakrit sun rthsh. discriminant function: diakr nousa sun rthsh. distribution function: sun rthsh katanom c. domain of a function: ped o orismo sun rthshc. 131
elementary functions: stoiqei deic basik c sunart seic. elliptic function: elleiptik sun rthsh. entire function: ak raia sun rthsh. error function: sun rthsh sf lmatoc. even function: rtia sun rthsh. explicit algebraic function: lelum nh algebrik sun rthsh. explicit function: lelum nh sun rthsh sun rthsh se lelum nh morf . exponential function: ekjetik sun rthsh. factorial function: paragontik sun rthsh. failure function: sun rthsh astoq ac. fractional function: klasmatik sun rthsh. gain function: sun rthsh k rdouc. gamma function: sun rthsh g mma. generalized function: genikeum nh sun rthsh. generating function: genn tria sun rthsh. global basis functions: kajolik c sunart seic b shc. Green's function: sun rthsh tou Green. half recti ed function: hmianorjwm nh sun rthsh. half recti ed sine wave function: hmianorjwm nh hmitonoeid c kumatosun rthsh. Hamiltonian function: sun rthsh tou Hamilton, qamiltonian sun rthsh. Hankel function: sun rthsh Hankel. harmonic function: armonik sun rthsh. Heaviside's unit function: monadia a sun rthsh tou Heaviside. holomorphic function: ol morfh sun rthsh. homogeneous function: omogen c sun rthsh. hyperbolic function: uperbolik sun rthsh. hyperelliptic function: uperelleiptik sun rthsh. hypergeometric function: upergewmetrik sun rthsh. indicator function: de ktria sun rthsh. implicit algebraic function: peplegm nh algebrik sun rthsh. implicit function: peplegm nh sun rthsh. implicit function theorem: je rhma peplegm nhc sun rthshc. incomplete gamma function: atel c sun rthsh g mma. increasing function: a xousa sun rthsh. independent functions: anex rthtec sunart seic. inner function: eswterik sun rthsh. integrable function: oloklhr simh sun rthsh. integral function: oloklhrwtik sun rthsh. inverse function: ant strofh sun rthsh. inverse function theorem: je rhma thc ant strofhc sun rthshc. irrational function: rrhth sun rthsh. isochoric function: is qwrh sun rthsh. isotonic regression function: isotonik sun rthsh palindr mhshc. iterated function: epanalamban menh sun rthsh. joint density function: sun rthsh ap koino pukn thtac. joint distribution function: sun rthsh ap koino katanom c. joint probability function: sun rthsh mikt c pijan thtac. Jacobian elliptic functions: elleiptik c sunart seic tou Jacobi. Kei functions: sunart seic Kei. 132
Ker functions: sunart seic Ker. lacunary function: mh epekt simh (analutik ) sun rthsh, qasm dhc sun rthsh. likelihood function: sun rthsh pijanof neiac. linear function: grammik sun rthsh. linear basis functions: grammik c sunart seic b shc. Lipschitz function: sun rthsh Lipschitz. likelihood ratio test function: elegqosun rthsh l gou pijanof neiac. local basis functions: topik c sunart seic b shc. logarithmic function: logarijmik sun rthsh. log-likelihood function: sun rthsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac. loss function: sun rthsh ap leiac. many-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh. mapping function: sun rthsh apeikon sewc. matrix-valued function: pinakosun rthsh. maximizing function: megistopoio sa sun rthsh. maximum likelihood function: sun rthsh m gisthc pijanof neiac. measurable function: metr simh sun rthsh. measure-valued function: metrosun rthsh. meromorphic function: mer morfh sun rthsh. minimax test function: elegqosun rthsh elaqistomeg stou, elegqosun rthsh minimax. minimizing function: elaqistopoio sa sun rthsh. modi ed function: tropopoihm nh sun rthsh. modi ed Bessel functions: tropopoihm nec sunart seic Bessel. modular function: metrosun rthsh. moment generating function: ropogenn tria sun rthsh. monotone function: mon tonh sun rthsh. monotonic function: mon tonh sun rthsh. morphism function: sun rthsh morfismo . most powerful test function: isqur tath elegqosun rthsh, isqur tath sun rthsh el gqou. multi-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh. multiple-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh. non-analytic function: mh analutik sun rthsh. normalized function: kanonikopoihm nh sun rthsh. null function: mhdenik sun rthsh. object function: sun rthsh antikeim nwn. objective function: antikeimenik sun rthsh. odd function: peritt sun rthsh. one-to-one function: na proc na amfimonos manth amfimon timh erriptik (bijective) sun rthsh. one-valued function: mon timh sun rthsh. onto function: sun rthsh ep epirriptik (surjective) sun rthsh. Se merik bibl a, fesh (surjection)! open function: anoikt sun rthsh. orthogonal functions: orjog niec sunart seic. orthonormal functions: orjokanonik c sunart seic. outer function: exwterik sun rthsh. partial recursive functions: merik c anadromik c sunart seic. pattern function: sun rthsh morf c. periodic function: periodik sun rthsh. phase function: fasik sun rthsh. 133
piecewise continuous function: tmhmatik suneq c sun rthsh. piecewise function: kat tm mata tmhmatik orism nh sun rthsh. piecewise linear function: kat tm mata tmhmatik grammik sun rthsh. piecewise smooth function: tmhmatik le a sun rthsh. plus function: sun rthsh sun. polygamma function: sun rthsh polug mma. polyharmonic function: poluarmonik sun rthsh. polynomial function: poluwnumik sun rthsh. potential function: sun rthsh dunamiko . power function: dunamosun rthsh. primitive recursive functions: basik c anadromik c sunart seic. probability function: sun rthsh pijan thtac. probability generating function: pijanogenn tria sun rthsh. projection function: sun rthsh probol c. pulse function: sun rthsh tetragwniko palmo . pyramid function: sun rthsh puram da. quadratic function: tetragwnik sun rthsh. quadratic basis functions: tetragwnik c sunart seic b shc. randomized decision function: tuqaiopoihm nh sun rthsh ap fashc. randomized test function: tuqaiopoihm nh elegqosun rthsh, tuqaiopoihm nh sun rthsh el gqou. rational function: rht sun rthsh. real function: pragmatik sun rthsh. real-valued function: pragmatik sun rthsh. recti ed function: anorjwm nh sun rthsh. recursive function: anadromik sun rthsh. regression function: sun rthsh palindr mhshc. regular function: analutik sun rthsh. restriction of a function: periorism c sun rthshc. risk function: sun rthsh kind nou, sun rthsh diakind neushc. roof function: sun rthsh st gh. saw tooth wave function: prionoeid c kumatosun rthsh. semicontinuous function: hmisuneq c sun rthsh. sign test function: elegqosun rthsh pros mou, sun rthsh el gqou pros mou. sine wave function: hmitonoeid c kumatosun rthsh. simple function: apl sun rthsh. single-valued function: mon timh sun rthsh. singular function: idi zousa sun rthsh. smooth function: le a sun rthsh. special functions: eidik c sunart seic. spline functions: sunart seic splines. square integrable function: tetragwnik oloklhr simh sun rthsh. square loss function: tetragwnik sun rthsh ap leiac. staircase function: klimakwt sun rthsh. step function: klimakwt sun rthsh, sun rthsh b matoc. strictly decreasing function: gn sia austhr fj nousa sun rthsh. strictly increasing function: gn sia austhr a xousa sun rthsh. subadditive function: upoprosjetik sun rthsh. subexponential function: upoekjetik sun rthsh. superadditive function: uperprosjetik sun rthsh. 134
superregular function: uperkanonik sun rthsh. survivor function: sun rthsh epib wshc. theta function: sun rthsh j ta. transfer function: sun rthsh metafor c. test function: elegqosun rthsh sun rthsh el gqou. trial function: sun rthsh dokim c. triangular wave function: trigwnik kumatosun rthsh. trigonometric functions: trigwnometrik c kuklik c (circular) gwniometrik c (cyclometric) sunart seic.
unbiased test function: amer lhpth elegqosun rthsh, amer lhpth sun rthsh el gqou. unbounded function: mh fragm nh sun rthsh. uniformly continuous function: omoi morfa suneq c sun rthsh. uniformly most powerful unbiased test function: omoi morfa isqur tath amer lhpth elegqosun rthsh,
omoi morfa isqur tath amer lhpth sun rthsh el gqou. unit function: monadia a sun rthsh. unit step function: sun rthsh monadia ou b matoc. vector function: dianusmatik sun rthsh. vector-valued function: dianusmatik sun rthsh. wave function: kumatosun rthsh kumatik sun rthsh. weight function: sun rthsh b rouc. zero function: mhdenik sun rthsh. zeta function: sun rthsh z ta.
functional: sunarthsiak sunarthsoeid c, sunarthsiak c, leitourgik c. functional analysis: sunarthsiak an lush. functional form: sunarthsiak morf . a ne functional: susqetism no sunarthsiak . constant functional: stajer sunarthsiak . convex functional: kurt sunarthsiak . linear functional: grammik sunarthsiak . location functional: sunarthsiak j shc. quadratic functional: tetragwnik sunarthsiak .
functionally: sunarthsiak .
functionally independent: sunarthsiak anex rthtoi.
functor: sunartht c.
adjoint functor: suzug c sunartht c. contravariant functor: antallo wtoc sunartht c. covariant functor: sunallo wtoc sunartht c. diagonal functor: diag nioc sunartht c. exponential functor: ekjetik c sunartht c. forgetful functor: epil smwn sunartht c. free-object functor: sunartht c ele jerwn antikeim nwn. hom functor: hom sunartht c. identity functor: tautotik c sunartht c. representable functor: anaparast simoc sunartht c.
fundamental: jemeli dhc, basik c. 135
fundamental coe cients: jemeli deic suntelest c, jemeli dh meg jh. fundamental form: jemeli dhc morf . fundamental frequency: jemeli dhc basik suqn thta. fundamental group: basik om da. fundamental mode: jemeli dhc tal ntwsh tr poc (tal ntwshc). fundamental principle: jemeli dhc arq . fundamental sequence: basik akolouj a. fundamental solution: jemeli dhc l sh. fundamental theorem: jemeli dec je rhma. fundamental theorem of algebra: jemeli dec je rhma thc lgebrac. fundamental theorem of arithmetic: jemeli dec je rhma thc arijmhtik c. fundamental theorem of calculus: jemeli dec je rhma tou majhmatiko logismo . fundamental theorem of integral calculus: jemeli dec je rhma tou oloklhrwtiko logismo . method of fundamental solutions (MFS): m jodoc jemeliwd n l sewn.
future: m llon.
absolute future: ap luto m llon.
fuzziness: as feia. fuzzy: asaf c.
fuzzy logic: asaf c logik . fuzzy modeling: asaf c montelopo hsh. fuzzy set: asaf c s nolo.
G gain: k rdoc.
gain function: sun rthsh k rdouc.
galaxy: galax ac. galactic: galaxiak c.
galactic absorption: galaxiak aporr fhsh.
Galerkin, (-)
Galerkin method: m jodoc Galerkin. Galerkin weighted residuals: stajmism na up loipa Galerkin. Petrov-Galerkin method: m jodoc Petrov-Galerkin.
Galilean: galilai an c.
Galilean transformation: galilai an c metasqhmatism c. 136
Galileo: Galila oc.
Galileo paradox: par doxo tou Galila ou.
Galois, Evariste (1811-1832)
Galois action: dr sh Galois. Galois cohomology: sunomolog a Galois. Galois eld: s ma Galois. Galois group: om da Galois. Galois representations: anaparast seic Galois. Galois theory: jewr a Galois.
game: pa gnio, paiqn di.
game theory: jewr a paign wn. zero sum game: paiqn di mhdeniko ajro smatoc.
gamma: g mma.
gamma distribution: katanom g mma. gamma function: sun rthsh g mma. gamma rays: akt nec g mma. incomplete gamma function: atel c sun rthsh g mma.
gap: q sma, noigma.
gap test: legqoc q smatoc.
gas: a rio.
gas dynamics: dunamik aer wn. gas phase: a ria f sh. ideal gas: idanik a rio.
gauge: bajm da.
potential gauge: bajm da dunamiko .
Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855)
Gauss-Bonnet formula: t poc twn Gauss-Bonnet. Gauss di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Gauss. Gauss elimination: apaloif (kat ) Gauss. Gauss formula: t poc tou Gauss. Gauss integration: olokl rwsh (kat ) Gauss. Gauss-Jordan reduction: anagwg apaloif (elimination) Gauss-Jordan. Gauss-Laguerre quadrature: arijmhtik olokl rwsh Gauss-Laguerre. Gauss-Legendre quadrature: arijmhtik olokl rwsh Gauss-Legendre. Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem: je rhma twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky, je rhma tou Gauss, je rhma ap klishc (divergence theorem). Gauss plane: ep pedo tou Gauss. Gauss points: shme a Gauss. Gauss quadrature: arijmhtik olokl rwsh Gauss. Gauss-Seidel method: m jodoc twn Gauss-Seidel. Gauss theorem: je rhma tou Gauss je rhma thc ap klishc (divergence theorem). 137
Gauss weights: suntelest c b rouc Gauss, b rh Gauss.
Gaussian: tou Gauss.
Gaussian curvature: kampul thta tou Gauss. Gaussian distribution: katanom tou Gauss kanonik katanom . Gaussian function: sun rthsh tou Gauss. Gaussian integers: ak raioi tou Gauss. Gaussian lens formula: ex swsh fak n tou Gauss. Gaussian plane: ep pedo tou Gauss.
general: genik c.
general associative law: genik prosetairistik idi thta. general commutative law: genik antimetajetik idi thta. general distributive law: genik epimeristik idi thta. general linear group: genik grammik om da. general solution: genik l sh. general term: genik c roc. general topology: genik topolog a.
generality: genik thta.
without loss of generality (wlog): qwr c ap leia ( bl bh) thc genik thtac.
generalization: gen keush, ep ktash. generalize: genike w. generalized: genikeum noc.
generalized coordinates: genikeum nec suntetagm nec. generalized Fourier coe cients: genikeum noi suntelest c Fourier. generalized function: genikeum nh sun rthsh. generalized method: genikeum nh m jodoc. generalized Newtonian uid: genikeum no neut neio reust .
generate: par gw, genn . generated: parag menoc.
separably generated: diaqwr sima parag menoc. weakly-compactly generated (wcg): asjen c-sumpag c parag menoc (gia s nola).
generating: par gwn (par gousa), genn torac (genn tria).
generating function: genn tria sun rthsh. bilateral generating function: d pleurh genn tria sun rthsh. moment generating function: ropogenn tria sun rthsh. probability generating function: pijanogenn tria sun rthsh.
generation: paragwg , g nnhsh, gene .
grid generation: paragwg pl gmatoc. mesh generation: paragwg pl gmatoc.
generator: genn torac, genn tria, paragwg c. language generator: paragwg c gl ssac.
mesh generator: pr gramma paragwg c pl gmatoc, paragwg c pl gmatoc.
generic: genik c, genetik c.
generic extension: genetik ep ktash (logik ). generic subset: genetik upos nolo (logik ).
genetic: genetik c. genetics: genetik . genus: g noc. geocentric: gewkentrik c.
geocentric latitude: gewkentrik pl toc.
geodesic: gewdaisiak c, gewdaisiak .
geodesic circle: gewdaisiak c k kloc. geodesic coordinates: gewdaisiak c suntetagm nec. geodesic curvature: gewdaisiak kampul thta, efaptomenik kampul thta (tangential curvature). geodesic curves: gewdaisiak c, gewdaisiak c kamp lec (sun. geodesics). geodesic distance: gewdaisiak ap stash. geodesic ellipse: gewdaisiak lleiyh. geodesic line: gewdaisiak gramm . geodesic mapping: gewdaisiak apeik nish. geodesic polar coordinates: gewdaisiak c polik c suntetagm nec. geodesic polygon: gewdaisiak pol gwno. geodesic torsion: gewdaisiak str yh. geodesic triangle: gewdaisiak tr gwno.
geodesics: gewdaisiak c, gewdaisiak c gramm c kamp lec (sun. geodesic curves). geodesy: gewdais a. geographic: gewgrafik c. geography: gewgraf a. geometric: gewmetrik c. geometric average: gewmetrik c m soc. geometric combinatorics: gewmetrik sunduastik . geometric construction: gewmetrik kataskeu . geometric design: gewmetrik kataskeu , gewmetrik c sqediasm c. geometric distribution: gewmetrik katanom . geometric integral: gewmetrik ekjetik olokl rwma. geometric interpretation: gewmetrik ermhne a. geometric locus: gewmetrik c t poc. geometric mean: gewmetrik c m soc ( roc). geometric multiplicity: gewmetrik pollapl thta. geometric progression: gewmetrik pr odoc. geometric sequence: gewmetrik akolouj a. geometric series: gewmetrik seir . geometric similarity: gewmetrik omoi thta. geometric solid: gewmetrik stere . geometric solution: gewmetrik l sh. 139
geometric surface: gewmetrik epif neia.
geometrical: gewmetrik c, bl. geometric. geometrical optics: gewmetrik optik .
geometrically: gewmetrik .
geometrically similar: gewmetrik moioi.
geometry: gewmetr a.
algebraic geometry: algebrik gewmetr a. analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a. computational geometry: upologistik gewmetr a. di erential geometry: diaforik gewmetr a. discrete geometry: diakrit gewmetr a. elliptic geometry: elleiptik gewmetr a. Euclidean geometry: eukle deia gewmetr a. non-Euclidean geometry: mh eukle deia gewmetr a. perspective geometry: prooptik gewmetr a. plane analytic geometry: ep pedh analutik gewmetr a. projective di erential geometry: probolik diaforik gewmetr a. projective geometry: probolik gewmetr a. pure geometry: kajar gewmetr a. solid analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a se treic diast seic. solid geometry: stereometr a. symplectic geometry: sumplektik gewmetr a. synthetic geometry: sunjetik gewmetr a. topological geometry: topologik gewmetr a.
geosciences: gewepist mec. germ: sp rma (gia sunart seic kai kl seic isodunam ac). Gibbs, Josian (1839-1903) Gibbs' notation: sumbolism c Gibbs. Gibbs oscillations: talant seic Gibbs. Gibbs phenomenon: fain meno Gibbs.
girth: perif reia. give: d nw. given: dosm noc, dedom noc.
given constant: dosm nh stajer . given that: doj ntoc ti.
glass: gial .
glass state: ual dhc kat stash.
global: kajolik c, olik c, sunolik c.
global basis functions: kajolik c sunart seic b shc. global choice: kajolik epilog . 140
global error: kajolik sf lma. global existence: kajolik parxh. global interpolation: kajolik parembol . global method: kajolik m jodoc. global minimizer: kajolik c elaqistopoiht c. global numbering: kajolik ar jmhsh. global optimization: kajolik beltistopo hsh. global problem: kajolik pr blhma. global property: kajolik idi thta. global solution: kajolik l sh. global stability: kajolik eust jeia. axiom of global choice: ax wma kajolik c epilog c.
globally: kajolik , olik .
globally stable: kajolik eustaj c.
globe: sfa ra. globular: sfairik c, sfairoeid c. goal: telik c skop c, t rma. Godel, (-)
G odel number: arijm c G odel. G odel numbering: ar jmhsh G odel.
Godelization: gkaitelopo hsh. Goldbach, Christian (1690-1764)
Goldbach's conjecture: eikas a tou Goldbach.
golden: qrus c.
golden section: qrus tom . golden rectangle: qrus orjog nio.
goniometer: gwni metro. goodness: poi thta.
goodness of t: poi thta prosarmog c, prosarmostik thta, katallhl thta prosarmog c. 2 -test of goodness of t: 2 - legqoc poi thtac prosarmog c, 2 - legqoc kal c prosarmog c.
govern: di pw, kubern . governing: di pwn, isq wn, kubern n.
governing equations: di pousec isq ousec exis seic.
governor: kubern thc, rujmist c. grade: bajm c, bajm da. graded: bajmwt c, bajmia oc.
graded algebra: bajmwt lgebra. graded mesh: bajmia o pl gma, pl gma bajmia ac pukn thtac. 141
graded module: bajmwt pr tupo.
gradient: kl sh, bajm da, an delta. graduation: diab jmish.
graduation curve: kamp lh diab jmishc.
graeco-latin: ellhnolatinik c.
graeco-latin squares: ellhnolatinik tetr gwna.
graeco-roman: ellhnorwma k c.
graeco-roman squares: ellhnorwma k tetr gwna.
Gram J orgen (1850-1916).
Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process: m jodoc orjokanonikopo hshc twn Gram-Schmidt.
gram: gramm rio. grammar: grammatik .
ambiguous context-free grammar: diforo menh grammatik qwr c sumfraz mena. context-free grammar: grammatik qwr c sumfraz mena. context-sensitive grammar: grammatik eua sjhth sta sumfraz mena. left-regular grammar: arister kanonik grammatik . linear context-free grammar: grammik grammatik qwr c sumfraz mena. regular grammar: kanonik grammatik . self-embedding grammar: kuklik oriz menh grammatik . unrestricted grammar: grammatik qwr c periorismo c. weak precedence grammar: grammatik asjen n proteraiot twn.
grammatical: grammatik c.
grammatical complexity: grammatik poluplok thta.
grammatically: grammatik .
grammatically computable function: grammatik upolog simh sun rthsh.
grand: meg loc.
grand mean: genik m sh tim .
graph: grafik par stash, di gramma, gr fhma, gr foc, sqedi zw grafik par stash. graph theory: jewr a grafhm twn gr fwn. linear graph: grammik gr fhma. random linear graph: tuqa o grammik gr fhma. undirected graph: mh kateujun meno gr fhma.
graphical: grafik c.
graphical representation: grafik anapar stash. graphical solution: grafik l sh.
graphically: grafik . 142
graphing: sqed ash. grating: fr gma, kigkl dwma. gravitation: bar thta.
universal law of gravitation: n moc thc pagk smiac lxhc.
gravitational: barutik c, thc bar thtac.
gravitational acceleration: epit qunsh thc bar thtac. gravitational collapse: barutik kat rreush. gravitational constant: (pagk smia) stajer thc bar thtac. gravitational eld: ped o bar thtac, barutik ped o. gravitational potential: dunamik bar thtac barutik dunamik . gravitational wave: barutik k ma.
gravity: bar thta.
center of gravity: k ntro b rouc. speci c gravity: eidik bar thta.
great: meg loc. greater: megal teroc. greatest: m gistoc.
greatest common divisor: m gistoc koin c diair thc. greatest limit: m gisto rio. greatest lower bound: m gisto k tw fr gma in mum.
Green, George (1793-1841)
Green's formula: t poc tou Green. Green's function: sun rthsh tou Green. Green's identity: taut thta tou Green. Green's theorem: je rhma tou Green.
grid: pl gma, esq ra.
grid generation: paragwg pl gmatoc. grid size: pl toc pl gmatoc. collocated grid: taxijethm no pl gma. conforming grid: summorfik pl gma. equispaced grid: omoi morfo pl gma (sun. uniform grid). moving grid algorithm: alg rijmoc kino menou pl gmatoc. orthogonal grid: orjog nio pl gma. staggered grid: enallass meno pl gma. uniform grid: omoi morfo pl gma.
gross: qondrik c, olik c, ak jartoc. ground: dafoc, b sh. ground clause: basik sunj kh.
groundless: ab simoc. 143
group: om da.
group cohomology: sunomolog a om dwn. group divisible: diairet c kat om dec. group isomorphism: isomorfism c om dwn. group representation: anapar stash om dac. group theory: jewr a om dwn. group unit: mon da om dac. Abelian group: abelian antimetajetik om da. additive group: prosjetik om da. a ne group: susqetism nh om da. alternating group: enall ssousa om da. commutative group: antimetajetik abelian om da. conformal group: s mmorfh om da. control group: om da el gqou. cyclic group: kuklik om da. defect group: ellip c om da. dihedral group: diedrik om da. nite group: peperasm nh om da. nite abelian group: peperasm nh abelian antimetajetik om da. free group: ele jerh om da. fundamental group: basik om da. general linear group: genik grammik om da. holonomy group: ol nomh om da. homology group: omologiak om da. homotopy group: omotopik om da. isotropic group: is troph om da. Lie group: om da Lie. linear group: grammik om da. metabelian group: metabelian om da. metacyclic group: metakuklik om da. multiplicative group: pollaplasiastik om da. nilpotent group: mhdenod namh om da. normal group: kanonik om da. paracompact group: par kurth om da. permutation group: om da met jeshc. projective group: probolik om da. semisimple group: hmiapl om da. solvable group: epil simh om da. subnormal group: upokanonik om da. symmetric group: summetrik om da. symmetry group: om da summetri n. topological group: topologik om da. unitary group: monadia a om da.
growth: a xhsh, an ptuxh.
growth factor: suntelest c a xhshc. rate of growth: rujm c a xhshc an ptuxhc. exponential growth: ekjetik a xhsh. linear growth: grammik a xhsh. 144
polynomial growth: poluwnumik a xhsh.
guarantee: exasfal zw. guess: ektim , eik zw, upoj tw, mante w, ekt mhsh, eikas a, up jesh. initial guess: arqik ekt mhsh.
guide: odhg c, odhg , kajodhg .
guiding curve: dieujeto sa kamp lh (sun. directrix).
gyration: perifor .
radius of gyration: akt na perifor c.
gyrocompass: guroskopik pux da. gyroscope: gurosk pio.
H hr. (pl. hrs.): ra (hour). half: mis c.
half angle: mis gwn a. half angle formula: t poc mis c gwn ac. half-interval method: m jodoc diqot mhshc. half invariant: hmianallo wtoc. half life: qr noc upodiplasiasmo , qr noc hmizw c. half line: hmieuje a. half Normal distribution: hmi-Kanonik katanom . half plane: hmiep pedo. half range: mis ktash. half range Fourier series: seir Fourier mis c ktashc. half recti ed: hmianorjwm noc. half recti ed function: hmianorjwm nh sun rthsh. half recti ed sine wave function: hmianorjwm nh hmitonoeid c kumatik sun rthsh. half space: hmiq roc. half step: hmib ma.
half-open: hmianoikt c.
half-open interval: hmianoikt di sthma.
halfspace: hmiq roc. halfwidth: hmie roc, hmipl toc. 145
halt: termat zw, stamat .
halt state: kat stash termatismo .
halted: termatism noc.
halted con guration: termatism nh kat stash (plhroforik ).
halting: termatism c, stam thma.
halting problem: pr blhma termatismo .
Hamilton, (-).
Hamilton's equations: exis seic tou Hamilton. Hamilton-Jacobi equation: ex swsh twn Hamilton-Jacobi. Hamilton's principle: arq tou Hamilton.
Hamiltonian: qamiltonian c, sun rthsh tou Hamilton.
Hamiltonian function: sun rthsh tou Hamilton, qamiltonian sun rthsh. Hamiltonian matrix: qamiltonian c p nakac. Hamiltonian system: qamiltonian s sthma. discrete Hamiltonian system: diakrit qamiltonian s sthma.
hand: q ri.
left-hand continuity: sun qeia ap arister . left-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap arister . left-hand limit: rio ap arister . left-hand side: arister m loc. left handed: arister c, arister strofoc. right-hand continuity: sun qeia ap dexi . right-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap dexi . right-hand limit: rio ap dexi . right-hand side: dexi m loc. right handed: dexi c, dexi strofoc. right-handed coordinate system: dexi strofo s sthma suntetagm nwn, sun. dextral coordinate system.
handle: qeir zomai, qero li, lab , qeir zomai. hang: krem w. hanging: krem menoc.
hanging con guration: krem menh kat stash (plhroforik ).
Hankel, (-)
Hankel function: sun rthsh Hankel.
hard: sklhr c.
hard disk: sklhr c d skoc (upologist c).
Hardy, G.H. (1877-1947) harmonic: armonik c, armonik .
harmonic analysis: armonik an lush. 146
harmonic eld: armonik ped o. harmonic function: armonik sun rthsh. harmonic mean: armonik c m soc ( roc). harmonic motion: armonik k nhsh. harmonic oscillator: armonik c talantwt c. harmonic process: armonik an lixh. harmonic progression: armonik pr odoc. harmonic series: armonik seir . rst harmonic: pr th (jemeli dhc) armonik . linear harmonic oscillator: grammik c armonik c talantwt c. simple harmonic motion: apl armonik k nhsh. simple harmonic oscillator: apl c armonik c talantwt c. spherical harmonic: sfairik armonik .
harmonicity: armonik thta. harmony: armon a. harvesting: sugkomid . hazard: diakind neush, k ndunoc.
cumulative hazard function: ajroistik sun rthsh diakind neushc.
head: kefal , kef li.
reading head: kefal an gnwshc. read/write head: kefal an gnwshc/eggraf c. Turing machine with multiple heads: mhqan Turing me pollapl c kefal c.
heart: kardi , ko pa sta trapoul qarta (~). heat: jerm thta.
heat capacity: jermoqwrhtik thta. heat conduction: agwg jerm thtac. heat equation: ex swsh jerm thtac. heat ow: ro jerm thtac. heat ux: ro jerm thtac (an mon da epifane ac). heat kernel: pur nac jerm thtac. heat transfer: met dosh metafor jerm thtac. latent heat: lanj nousa jerm thta. speci c heat: eidik jerm thta.
Heaviside, (-)
Heaviside's unit function: monadia a sun rthsh tou Heaviside.
height: yoc.
slant height: par pleuro yoc. slant height of a cone: gen teira k nou. slant height of a pyramid: ap sthma puram dac.
Heine-Borel theorem: je rhma twn Heine-Borel. helical: elikoeid c. helical coordinates: elikoeide c suntetagm nec.
helical wave: elikoeid c k ma.
helicoid: elikoeid c.
right helicoid: orj elikoeid c.
helix: lika, likac.
cyclic helix: kuklik lika.
Helmhotz, (-)
Helmhotz equation: ex swsh Helmhotz. exterior Helmhotz problem: exwterik pr blhma Helmhotz.
hemi-: hmi-. hemicompact: hmisumpag c. hemicycle: hmik klio. hemicyclic: hmikuklik c. hemigroup: hmiom da. hemisphere: hmisfa rio. hemispheric(-al): hmisfairik c. hemispheroidal: hmisfairoeid c. hemispheroidal: hmisfairoeid c. hendecagon: endek gwno. hendecahedron (pl. hendecahedrons or hendecahedra): endek edro. heptagon: ept gwno. heptahedron (pl. heptahedrons or heptahedra): ept edro. hereditarily: klhronomik .
hereditarily indecomposable Banach space: klhronomik adi spastoc q roc Banach.
hereditary: klhronomik c, genetik c. heredity: klhronomik thta. Hermite, (-)
Hermite's polynomials: polu numa Hermite. Hermite's di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Hermite.
Hermitian: ermitian c, tou Hermite.
Hermitian form: ermitian morf . Hermitian matrix: ermitian c p nakac. Hermitian operator: ermitian c telest c. Hermitian product: ermitian gin meno (eswterik gin meno).
herpolhode: erpolod a. Hesse, (-) Hessian: tou Hesse, p nakac tou Hesse, or zousa tou p naka tou Hesse. Hessian matrix: p nakac tou Hesse.
heteroclitic: eteroklitik c. heterogeneity: eterog neia. heterogeneous: eterogen c.
heterogeneous medium: eterogen c m so.
hetero-: etero- (pr jema). heterokurtic: eter kurtoc, eterokurtwtik c. heteroscedastic: eteroskedastik c. heteroscedasticity: eteroskedastik thta. heterotypic: eter tupoc. heuristic: aneuretik c, euretik c, diaisjhtik c, pr qeiroc, mh austhr c. Se merik bibl a sunant tai wc eurhstik c .
heuristic argument: euretik epiqe rhma. heuristic proof: mh austhr diaisjhtik ap deixh. heuristic rule: euretik c kan nac.
hexagon: ex gwno.
regular hexagon: kanonik ex gwno. simple hexagon: apl ex gwno.
hexagonal: exagwnik c.
hexagonal prism: exagwnik pr sma.
hexahedral: ex edroc, exaedrik c. hexahedron (pl. hexahedrons or hexahedra): ex edro.
regular hexahedron: kanonik omal ex edro (dhl. k boc).
hidden: kruf c.
hidden periodicity: kruf periodik thta.
hierarchical: ierarqik c.
hierarchical classi cation: ierarqik taxin mhsh. hierarchical design: ierarqik c sqediasm c. hierarchical method: ierarqik m jodoc. hierarchical process: ierarqik an lixh.
hierarchy: ierarq a.
complexity hierarchy: ierarq a poluplok thtac. cumulative hierarchy: susswreutik ierarq a (logik ).
high: uyhl c.
high performance computing: upologism c uyhl c ep doshc. high performance network: d ktuo uyhl c ep doshc. high resolution: uyhl eukr neia diakrisim thta. high-temperature superconductivity: uperagwgim thta uyhl n jermokrasi n. 149
higher: an teroc.
higher derivatives: par gwgoi an terhc t xhc. higher-order elements: stoiqe a an terou bajmo . higher order terms: roi an terhc t xhc.
highest: m gistoc.
highest common factor: m gistoc koin c par gontac ( diair thc).
highly: pol , se meg lo bajm . Hilbert, David (1862-1943) Hilbert space: q roc Hilbert.
histogram: ist gramma. hodogram: od gramma. hodograph: odogr fhma, odograf a. hodography: odograf a. Holder, Otto (1859-1937)
H older continuity: sun qeia kat H older. H older continuous: suneq c kat H older. H older's inequality: anis thta tou H older.
hole: tr pa, op .
black hole: ma rh tr pa melan op .
hollow: ko loc. holomorphic: ol morfoc, olomorfik c.
holomorphic function: ol morfh sun rthsh. holomorphic mapping: ol morfh apeik nish. holomorphic monster: ol morfo t rac.
holonomic: ol nomoc.
holonomic constraint: ol nomoc desm c periorism c. holonomic system: ol nomo s sthma.
holonomy: olonom a.
holonomy group: ol nomh om da.
hom: hom.
hom functor: hom sunartht c.
homeo-: omoio- (pr jema). homeomorphic: omoiomorfik c. homeomorphism: omoiomorfism c. homo-: omo- (pr jema). 150
homogeneity: omog neia.
degree of homogeneity: bajm c omog neiac. positive homogeneity: jetik omog neia.
homogeneous: omogen c, omoiogen c.
homogeneous (boundary) condition: omogen c (sunoriak ) sunj kh. homogeneous di erential equation: omogen c diaforik ex swsh. homogeneous equation: omogen c ex swsh. homogeneous function: omogen c sun rthsh. homogeneous medium: omoiogen c m so. homogeneous property: omogen c idi thta. homogeneous system: omogen c s sthma. homogeneous transformation: omogen c metasqhmatism c.
homogenization: omogenopo hsh. homogenized: omogenopoihm noc. homographic: omografik c, isembadik c.
homographic projection: isembadik probol .
homography: omograf a. homological: omologiak c, om logoc, omologik c. homological algebra: omologiak lgebra. homological invariants: omologiak c anallo wtec. homological method: omologiak m'jodoc.
homologous: om logoc. homology: omolog a.
homology group: omologiak om da.
homomorphic: om morfoc, omomorfik c. homomorphism: omomorfism c.
natural homomorphism: fusik c omomorfism c.
homoskedastic: omoskedastik c. homothetic: omoiojetik c. Se merik bibl a omojetik c.
homothetic gures: omojetik sq mata. homothetic ratio: omoiojetik c l goc, l goc omoiojes ac. homothetic transformation: omoiojetik c metasqhmatism c.
homothety: omoiojes a. Se merik bibl a omojes a. homotopic: omotopik c, omoiotopik c. homotopy: omotop a, omoiotop a. homotopy group: omotopik om da.
honeycomb: kuy lh.
honeycomb structure: kuyeloeid c dom . 151
Hooke, Robert (1635-1703)
Hooke's law: n moc tou Hooke.
hoop: stef nh. Hopf, Heinz ( - ) horizon: or zontac.
arti cial horizon: teqnht c or zontac. astronomical horizon: astronomik c or zontac. celestial horizon: our nioc or zontac. mathematical horizon: majhmatik c or zontac. visible horizon: orat c or zontac.
horizontal: oriz ntioc.
horizontal asymptote: oriz ntia as mptwth. horizontal projection: oriz ntia probol .
horocycle: wrok kloc. hour: ra. Householder, .
Householder transformation: metasqhmatism c tou Householder stoiqei dhc anaklast c (elementary re ector).
hull: per blhma, k lufoc, k lumma.
convex hull: kurt per blhma. spherical hull: sfairik per blhma.
hundred: ekat . hybrid: ubridik c, mikt c.
hybrid element: ubridik stoiqe o. hybrid nite element method: ubridik m jodoc peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. hybrid method: ubridik mikt m jodoc.
hydrodynamic: udrodunamik c.
hydrodynamic stability: udrodunamik eust jeia. hydrodynamic instability: udrodunamik ast jeia.
hydrodynamics: udrodunamik . hydrostatic: udrostatik c.
hydrostatic pressure: udrostatik p esh.
hydrostatics: udrostatik . hyper-: uper- (pr jema). hyperareal: uperembadik c. hyperbola: uperbol .
equilateral hyperbola: is pleurh uperbol . 152
hyperbolic: uperbolik c.
hyperbolic coordinates: uperbolik c suntetagm nec. hyperbolic cylinder: uperbolik c k lindroc. hyperbolic equation: uperbolik ex swsh. hyperbolic function: uperbolik sun rthsh. hyperbolic paraboloid: uperbolik paraboloeid c. hyperbolic problem: uperbolik pr blhma. hyperbolic substitution: uperbolik antikat stash.
hyperboloid: uperboloeid c.
hyperboloid of one sheet: mon qwno uperboloeid c. hyperboloid of two sheets: d qwno uperboloeid c.
hypercomplex: upermigadik c. hypercone: uperk noc. hypercube: uperk boc. hypercyclic: uperkuklik c. hypercylinder: uperk lindroc. hyperedge: uperakm . hyperelastic: uperelastik c. hyperelliptic: uperelleiptik c.
hyperelliptic function: uperelleiptik sun rthsh.
hyperexponential: uperekjetik c. hyperfocal: uperestiak c. hypergeometric: upergewmetrik c.
hypergeometric distribution: upergewmetrik katanom . hypergeometric di erential equation: upergewmetrik diaforik ex swsh. hypergeometric equation: upergewmetrik ex swsh. hypergeometric function: upergewmetrik sun rthsh. hypergeometric polynomials: upergewmetrik polu numo. hypergeometric series: upergewmetrik seir . extended hypergeometric distribution: dieurum nh upergewmetrik katanom .
hyper-graeco-latin: uperellhnolatinik c.
hyper-graeco-latin square: uperellhnolatinik tetr gwno.
hypergroup: uperom da. hyperharmonic: uperarmonik c.
hyperharmonic series: uperarmonik seir .
hypermatrix: uperp nakac. hypermetric: upermetrik c. hypernormal: uperkanonik c. hypernormality: uperkanonik thta. hyperparallel: uperpar llhloc. 153
hyperplane: uperep pedo.
supporting hyperplane: f ron uperep pedo.
hyper-Poisson: uper-Poisson.
hyper-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom .
hyper-real: uperpragmatik c. hypersingular: uperidi zwn, uperidi morfoc. hypersingular equations: uperidi zousec exis seic. hypersingular integral: uperidi zon olokl rwma.
hyperspace: uperq roc. hypersphere: upersfa ra. hyperspherical: upersfairik c. hypersurface: uperepif neia. hypervolume: uper gkoc. hypo-: upo-. hypocycloid: upokukloeid c. hypoelliptic: upoelleiptik c.
hypoelliptic: upoelleiptik c telest c.
hypoellipticity: upoelleiptik thta.
analytic hypoellipticity: analutik upoelleiptik thta.
hypotenuse: upote nousa. hypothesis: up jesh.
hypothesis testing: legqoc up jeshc. admissible hypothesis: apodekt up jesh. alternative hypothesis: enallaktik up jesh. composite hypothesis: s njeth up jesh. continuum hypothesis: up jesh tou suneqo c m sou. induction hypothesis: epagwgik up jesh. non-null hypothesis: mh mhdenik up jesh. null hypothesis: mhdenik up jesh. one-sided hypothesis: mon pleurh up jesh. simple hypothesis: apl up jesh. statistical hypothesis: statistik up jesh. test of hypothesis: legqoc up jeshc. two-sided hypothesis: amf pleurh up jesh. working hypothesis: up jesh ergas ac.
hypothesize: upoj tw. hypothetic(-al): upojetik c.
hypothetical statement: upojetik pr tash (sun. conditional statement).
hypotrochoid: upotroqoeid c. 154
hypsometric(-al): uyometrik c. hypsometry: uyometr a. hysteretic: usterhtik c. hysteresis: ust rhsh.
hysteresis loop: br qoc uster sewc.
I IBVP (initial boundary value problem): pr blhma arqik n sunoriak n tim n. IDE (integrodi erential equation): oloklhrwtikodiaforik ex swsh. i.e.: dhlad , dhl.. I/O (input/output): e sodoc/ xodoc (plhroforik ). parallel I/O: par llhlh e sodoc/ xodoc.
IVP (initial value problem): pr blhma arqik n tim n. icosagon: eikos gwno. icosahedral: eikos edroc, eikosaedrik c. icosahedron (pl. icosahedrons or icosahedra): eikos edro.
great icosahedron: meg lo eikos edro. regular icosahedron: kanonik omal eikos edro. truncated icosahedron: apokomm no k louro eikos edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqim deiwn polu drwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik pent gwna kai ex gwna).
icosidodecaedron (pl. icosidodecahedrons or icosidodecahedra): eikosidwdek edro. 'Ena ek twn 13
arqim deiwn polu drwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai pent gwna). truncated icosidodecahedron: apokomm no k louro eikosidwdek edro. Rombik arqim deio pol edro (oi drec tou e nai tetr gwna kai kanonik ex gwna kai dek gwna).
ideal: ide dec, idanik c.
ideal uid: idanik reust . ideal gas: idanik a rio. left ideal: arister ide dec. maximal ideal: megistotik ide dec. polynomial ideal: poluwnumik ide dec. prime ideal: pr to ide dec. principal ideal: k rio prwte on ide dec. proper ideal: gn sio ide dec. right ideal: dexi ide dec. trivial ideal: tetrimm no ide dec. 155
two-sided ideal: amf pleuro d pleuro ide dec. zero ideal: mhdenik ide dec.
idemfactor: idiogin meno, tautotik c par gontac (p.q. p nakac, tanust c). dyadic idemfactor: tautotik c duadik c (unit dyadic).
idempotent: ad namoc, tautod namoc.
idempotent matrix: ad namoc tautod namoc ekjetik anallo wtoc p nakac.
identical: tautiz menoc. identi ability: anagnwrisim thta, prosdiorisim thta, tautopoihsim thta. identi able: anagnwr simoc, prosdior simoc, tautopoi simoc. identi cation: anagn rish, prosdiorism c, tautopo hsh. identify: anagnwr zw, prosdior zw, tautopoi . identity: taut thta, monadia o tautotik stoiqe o, monadia oc, tautotik c.
identity functor: tautotik c sunartht c. identity mapping: tautotik apeik nish. identity matrix: tautotik c monadia oc p nakac. identity operator: tautotik c telest c. identity tensor: tautotik c monadia oc tanust c, tanust c antikat stashc (sun. unit substitution tensor). identity transformation: tautotik c metasqhmatism c. Parseval's identity: taut thta tou Parseval. ring with identity: dakt lioc me tautotik ( monadia o) stoiqe o, 1-dakt lioc.
idle: anenerg c, nekr c.
idle period: nekr per odoc.
if: an. i : an kai m no an. ignorable: agno simoc.
ignorable coordinate: agno simh suntetagm nh.
ignore: agno . ill: asjen c, kak c.
ill conditioned: kak c kat stashc. ill conditioning: kak kat stash. ill posed problem: kak c asjen c topojethm no pr blhma. ill-posedness: to kak c asjen c topojethm no (probl matoc).
illumination: fwtism c. illusory: plasmatik c. image: eik na, ped o tim n (range), e dwlo. image of a function: eik na sun rthshc. image processing: epexergas a eik nac.
image space: eik na, q roc eik nac.
imagery: sqhmatism c eid lou. imaginary: fantastik c, noht c.
imaginary axis: fantastik c xonac. imaginary line: noht gramm . imaginary number: fantastik c arijm c. imaginary pair: fantastik ze goc. imaginary part: fantastik m roc. imaginary unit: fantastik mon da.
imbed: bl. embed. immeasurable: metroc, mh metr simoc. immediate: mesoc. immediately: am swc. immersion: emb ptish, emf teush. immiscible: mh anam ximoc. impact: kro sh, s gkroush, ep drash, epirro , ant ktupoc. impedance: s njeth ant stash. impedance matrix: p nakac s njethc ant stashc.
impermeability: adiaperat thta, stegan thta. impermeable: adiap ratoc, stegan c. impermeable boundary: adiap rato s noro.
implement: ektel , efarm zw. implementation: ekt lesh, efarmog . implication: prok ptousa pr tash. implicit: peplegm noc, se peplegm nh morf , mh analut c, mmesoc, uponoo menoc, mh rht c. implicit approach: mh analut mmesh m jodoc. implicit di erentiation: peplegm nh parag gish. implicit algebraic function: peplegm nh algebrik sun rthsh. implicit function: peplegm nh sun rthsh. implicit function theorem: je rhma peplegm nhc sun rthshc. implicit method: mh analut mmesh peplegm nh m jodoc. implicit scheme: mh analut mmesh peplegm nh m jodoc. implicit solution: peplegm nh l sh.
implicitly: peplegm na, se peplegm nh morf , mmesa. implicitness: to peplegm no, to mmeso, to uponoht . imply: sunep gomai. important: spouda oc, shmantik c, axioshme wtoc. impose: epib llw, efarm zw. imposing: epibol , efarmog . 157
impossibility: to ad nato. impossible: ad natoc.
impossible event: ad nato gegon c endeq meno.
imprecision: anakr beia. impredicative: mh kathgorhmatik c.
impredicative axiom of class formation: mh kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeu c kl sewn.
improper: mh gn sioc (gia upos nola), mh kanonik c, genikeum noc kataqrhstik c (gia oloklhr mata kai kl smata).
improper divisor: mhdenodiair thc. improper fraction: mh gn sio kataqrhstik kl sma. improper integral: genikeum no kataqrhstik olokl rwma.
improperly: akat llhla, antikanonik .
improperly posed problem: antikanonik orism no pr blhma.
improve: belti nw. improved: beltiwm noc.
improved estimate: beltiwm nh ekt mhsh. improved method: beltiwm nh m jodoc.
improvement: belt wsh. impulse: sh, jhsh.
angular impulse: gwniak sh. random impulse: tuqa a jhsh.
impulsive: wstik c.
impulsive force: wstik d namh.
inaccuracy: anakr beia. inactivation: anenergopo hsh. inactive: anenerg c. incenter: gkentro, k ntro eggegramm nou k klou. incidence: pr sptwsh. incidence matrix: p nakac pr sptwshc.
incident: prosp ptwn. incidental: sumptwmatik c. incircle: eggegramm noc k kloc (sun. inscribed circle). inclination: kl sh. incline: kl nw. inclined: keklim noc. inclined line: keklim nh gramm .
inclined plane: keklim no ep pedo.
include: egkle w, perilamb nw. inclusion: egkleism c, gkleish, periektik thta. inclusion map: apeik nish egkleismo . inclusion principle: arq egkleismo . inclusion symbols: s mbola egkleismo . inclusion theorem: je rhma egkleismo .
inclusive: egkleistik c.
inclusive disjunction: egkleistik di zeuxh.
incoherence: mh sumbibast thta, mh sunektik thta, mh sun feia, to as ndeto, asumfwn a (optik ). incoherent: mh sumbibast c, mh sunektik c, as ndetoc, as mfwnoc (optik ). income: eis dhma. incoming: eiserq menoc. incommensurable: as mmetroc. incommensurable numbers: as mmetroi arijmo .
incomparable: mh sugkr simoc, as gkritoc. incompatibility: asumbibast thta, asumbat thta. incompatible: asumb bastoc, as mbatoc. incomplete: mh pl rhc, ellip c, atel c, merik c.
incomplete beta function: atel c sun rthsh b ta. incomplete beta tables: atele c ellipe c b ta p nakec. incomplete census: merik apograf . incomplete gamma function: atel c sun rthsh g mma. incomplete space: mh pl rhc q roc.
incompletely: atel c, mh pl rwc. incompleteness: mh plhr thta, at leia. incompressible: asump estoc.
incompressible ow: asump esth ro . incompressible uid: asump esto reust .
incongruent: an moioc, anis timoc. incongruity: anomoi thta, anisotim a. incongruous: topoc, as mfwnoc. inconsequence: asun peia. inconsequent: asunep c. inconsequential: anak loujoc, as mantoc, logoc. inconsistency: asumb basto, asun peia, asumbas a, anakolouj a, atop a. inconsistent: asumb bastoc, as mbatoc, anak loujoc, mh sumbibast c, asunep c. inconsistent method: asumb basth mh sumbibast m jodoc. 159
inconsistent system: asumb basto mh sumbibast ad nato s sthma.
increase: aux nw, a xhsh.
percent increase: ekatostia a a xhsh.
increasing: a xwn.
increasing function: a xousa sun rthsh. increasing sequence: a xousa akolouj a. strictly increasing function: gn sia austhr a xousa sun rthsh.
increment: a xhsh, b ma, el qisth metabol . incremental: auxhtik c. incremental di erence: auxhtik diafor .
increscent: aux nwn. indecomposable: adi spastoc, mh anal simoc. hereditarily indecomposable Banach space: klhronomik adi spastoc q roc Banach.
inde nable: mh or simoc, aprosdi ristoc. inde nite: a ristoc.
inde nite integral: a risto olokl rwma. inde nite integration: a risto olokl rwsh. inde nite quadratic form: a risth tetragwnik morf .
inde nitely: a rista, ep a risto. inde niteness: aorist a, to a risto. independence: anexarths a.
a ne independence: susqetism nh anexarths a. linear independence: grammik anexarths a. statistical independence: statistik anexarths a.
independent: anex rthtoc.
independent axioms: anex rthta axi mata. independent equations: anex rthtec exis seic. independent events: anex rthta gegon ta endeq mena. independent functions: anex rthtec sunart seic. independent samples: anex rthta de gmata. independent variable: anex rthth metablht . functionally independent: sunarthsiak anex rthtoi. linearly independent: grammik anex rthtoi. time independent: qronik anex rthtoc, st simoc (steady state).
indeterminate: aprosdi ristoc.
indeterminate form: aprosdi risth morf .
index (pl. indexes indices): de kthc, euret rio. index of attraction: de kthc lxhc.
index of evolution: de kthc ex lixhc. index notation: sumbolism c deikt n. index number: arijmode kthc. index of refraction: de kthc diajl sewc. index of response: de kthc ap krishc. abnormality index: de kthc akanonik thtac mh kanonik thtac anwmal ac. condition index: de kthc kat stashc. contravariant index: antallo wtoc de kthc. covariant index: sunallo wtoc de kthc. dummy index: boub c de kthc. free index: ele jeroc de kthc. precision index: de kthc akr beiac. price index: de kthc tim n. quantum index: posotik c de kthc. summation index: de kthc ajro sewc. surprise index: de kthc aifnidiasmo .
indexed: me de kth de ktec. indication: ndeixh. indicator: de kthc, ende kthc.
indicator function: de ktria sun rthsh.
indicatrix: de ktria.
Dupin's indicatrix: de ktria tou Dupin.
indicernible: dusdi kritoc. indices: bl. index. indicial: qarakthristik c, me de ktec, tou Skolem.
indicial equation: qarakthristik ex swsh. indicial function sign: s mbolo sun rthshc Skolem. indicial term: roc Skolem.
indi erence: isoprot mhsh.
indi erence index number: arijmode kthc isoprot mhshc. zone of indi erence: z nh isoprot mhshc.
indirect: mmesoc.
indirect least squares: mmesa el qista tetr gwna. indirect method: mmesh m jodoc. indirect sampling: mmesh deigmatolhy a.
indistinguishable: mh diakrit c.
indistinguishable states: mh diakrit c katast seic.
individual: atomik c. individuality: atomik thta.
coe cient of individuality: suntelest c atomik thtac. 161
individually: atomik . induced: epag menoc.
induced instability: epag menh ast jeia.
induction: epagwg .
induction hypothesis: epagwgik up jesh. induction step: epagwgik b ma. magnetic induction: magnhtik epagwg . mathematical induction: majhmatik epagwg . proof by induction: ap deixh me th m jodo thc epagwg c. trans nite induction: uperpeperasm nh epagwg .
inductive: epagwgik c.
inductive behavior: epagwgik sumperifor .
inductively: epagwgik . industrial: biomhqanik c. industry: biomhqan a. ine ciency: anapotelesmatik thta. ine cient: mh apotelesmatik c, anapotelesmatik c, mh apodotik c. ine cient statistic: mh apotelesmatik statistik sun rthsh.
inelastic: plastik c, mh elastik c, anelastik c. inelastic collision: plastik kro sh.
inelasticity: plastik thta, anelastik thta. inequality: anis thta.
absolute inequality: ap luth anis thta. Bernoulli's inequality: anis thta tou Bernoulli. Bessel's inequality: anis thta tou Bessel. Cauchy's inequality: anis thta tou Cauchy. Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: anis thta twn Cauchy-Schwarz. isoperimetric inequality: isoperimetrik anis thta. multivariate inequality: polumetablht anis thta. strict inequality: gn sia anis thta. triangle inequality: trigwnik anis thta.
inequivalence: anisodunam a.
a ne inequivalence: susqetism nh anisodunam a.
inequivalency: anisodunam a. inequivalent: anisod namoc.
a ne inequivalent: susqetism noc anisod namoc.
inertia: adr neia.
ellipsoid of inertia: elleiyoeid c adr neiac. law of inertia: n moc thc adr neiac. moment of inertia: rop adr neiac. principal axes of inertia: k rioi xonec adr neiac. principal moments of inertia: k riec rop c adr neiac. product of inertia: gin meno adr neiac.
inertial: adraneiak c, thc adr neiac.
inertial frame of reference: adraneiak s sthma suntetagm nwn. inertial system: adraneiak s sthma. inertial terms: adraneiako roi roi adr neiac.
inertialess: qwr c adr neia. inexact: mh akrib c, anakrib c, esfalm noc. inexact method: mh akrib c m jodoc.
inexactitude: anakr beia. infer: sumpera nw, sun gw. inference: sump rasma, exagwg sumper smatoc, sumperasmatolog a.
adaptive inference: anaprosarmostik sumperasmatolog a. by inference: sumperasmatik , sumperasmatologik , kat sumperasm . ducial inference: pisteutik sumperasmatolog a. rule of inference: sumperasmatologik c kan nac, kan nac paragwg c (sun. rule of deduction). statistical inference: statistik sumperasmatolog a.
inferential: sumperasmatik c. inferior: kat teroc.
inferior limit: kat tero rio m gisto k tw rio.
in mum: in mum, m gisto k tw fr gma p rac (greatest lower bound). essential in mum: ousi dec in mum.
in nite: peiroc, at rmwn.
in nite class: peirh kl sh. in nite dimension: peirh di stash. in nite dimensional: apeirodi statoc, peirhc di stashc. in nite divisibility: peirh diairet thta. in nite elements: peira (peperasm na) stoiqe a. in nite extension: peirh ep ktash. in nite jump: peiro p dhma. in nite loop: peiroc at rmonac br qoc. in nite ordinal: peiroc diataktik c (arijm c). in nite population: peiroc plhjusm c. in nite product: peiro gin meno apeirogin meno. in nite quanti er: peiroc posode kthc. in nite sequence: peirh akolouj a. 163
in nite series: apeiroseir , peirh seir . in nite set: peiro s nolo. in nite sum: peiro jroisma. countably in nite set: arijm sima metr sima peiro s nolo.
in nitely: ape rwc.
in nitely di erentiable function: ape rwc paragwg simh sun rthsh. in nitely small: ape rwc mikr c.
in nitesimal: apeirost c, apeiroel qistoc.
in nitesimal transformation: apeirost c metasqhmatism c.
in nitesimally: apeirost , apeiroel qista. in nitude: apeir a, to peiro. in nitum: peiro, bl. ad in nitum. in nity: peiro. in nity-norm: peiro-n rma. axiom of in nity: ax wma apeir thtac.
in x: njema.
in x notation: njetoc sumbolism c.
in ation: plhjwrism c. in ection: kamp .
in ection point: shme o kamp c.
in ow: eisro . in uence: epirro . informal: tupoc, mh tupik c. informatics: plhroforik . information: plhrofor a.
information matrix: p nakac plhrofor ac. information number: plhroforiak c arijm c. information prior: plhroforiak a priori katanom . information processing: epexergas a plhrofori n. information society: koinwn a thc plhrofor ac. information systems: plhroforik sust mata, sust mata plhrofori n. information technology: plhroforik teqnolog a. supplementary information: sumplhrwmatik plhrofor a.
infra: up , k twji. infrared: up rujroc. infrastructure: upodom . ingoing: eiserq menoc. inharmonic: anarmonik c. 164
inharmonicity: anarmonik thta. inherent: eggen c.
inherent bias: eggen c merolhy a. inherent complexity: eggen c poluplok thta. inherent instability: eggen c ast jeia.
inherently: eggen c.
inherently ambiguous: eggen c diforo menoc.
inhomogeneous: mh omogen c, anomoiogen c.
inhomogeneous equation: mh omogen c ex swsh.
initial: arqik c.
initial boundary value problem: pr blhma arqik n sunoriak n tim n. initial condition: arqik sunj kh. initial point: arqik shme o, arq (dian smatoc). initial phase: arqik f sh. initial state: arqik kat stash. initial value: arqik tim . initial value problem: pr blhma arqik n tim n.
initiate: eis gw, apod dw arqik c tim c. injection: rriyh (bl. injective kai one-to-one). injective: erriptik na proc na (one-to-one) amfimonos manth amfimon timh. Se merik bibl a, nesh (injection)! Ep shc, bl. one-to-one.
inner: eswterik c.
inner function: eswterik sun rthsh. inner problem: eswterik pr blhma. inner product: eswterik bajmwt arijmhtik gin meno (sun. scalar product. inner product space: q roc me eswterik gin meno.
input: e sodoc, eisagwg , eisag meno, risma. input statement: entol eis dou. input symbol: s mbolo eis dou. input tape: tain a eis dou.
inscribable: eggr yimoc.
inscribable quadrilateral: eggr yimo tetr pleuro.
inscribable: eggr yimoc. inscribe: eggr fw. inscribed: eggegramm noc.
inscribed angle: eggegramm nh gwn a. inscribed circle: eggegramm noc k kloc (sun. incircle). inscribed cone: eggegramm noc k noc. inscribed polygon: eggegramm no pol gwno. 165
inseparable: adi qwristoc, mh diaqwr simoc. insertion: njesh. insensitive: mh eua sjhtoc. insensitivity: mh euaisjhs a. in situ: ep t pou (lat.). in situ measurements: epit piec metr seic.
insoluble: lutoc.
insoluble problem: luto pr blhma.
inspect: epijewr , el gqw. inspection: epije rhsh, legqoc.
acceptance inspection: epije rhsh legqoc apodoq c.
insphere: eggegramm nh sfa ra. instability: ast jeia.
global instability: kajolik ast jeia. hydrodynamic instability: udrodunamik ast jeia. induced instability: epag menh ast jeia. inherent instability: eggen c ast jeia. local instability: topik ast jeia. numerical instability: arijmhtik ast jeia.
instantaneous: stigmia oc.
instantaneous acceleration: stigmia a epit qunsh. instantaneous axis: stigmia oc xonac. instantaneous axis of rotation: stigmia oc xonac peristrof c. instantaneous center of rotation: stigmia o k ntro peristrof c. instantaneous velocity: stigmia a taq thta.
instantaneously: stigmia a. insu ciency: anep rkeia. insu cient: anepark c. insulate: mon nw. insulated: monwm noc. insulation: m nwsh. insulator: monwt c. instrument: rgano. intact: an pafoc. integer: ak raioc.
integer lattice: ak raio pl gma. integer number: ak raioc arijm c. integer programming: ak raioc programmatism c. algebraic integer: algebrik c ak raioc. congruent integers: iso p loipoi ak raioi. 166
positive integer: jetik c ak raioc. quadratic integer: tetragwnik c ak raioc.
integra: olik .
curvature integra: olik kampul thta (sun. integral curvature kai total curvature).
integrability: oloklhrwsim thta.
Lebesgue integrability: oloklhrwsim thta kat Lebesgue. Riemann integrability: oloklhrwsim thta kat Riemann. square integrability: tetragwnik oloklhrwsim thta. stochastic integrability: stoqastik oloklhrwsim thta.
integrable: oloklhr simoc.
integrable function: oloklhr simh sun rthsh. Lebesgue integrable: oloklhr simoc kat Lebesgue. locally integrable: topik oloklhr simoc. Riemann integrable: oloklhr simoc kat Riemann. square integrable: tetragwnik oloklhr simoc. square integrable function: tetragwnik oloklhr simh sun rthsh.
integral: olokl rwma, oloklhrwtik c, ol klhroc, ak raioc.
integral calculus: oloklhrwtik c logism c. integral curvature: olik kampul thta (sun. total curvature kai curvature integra). integral curve: oloklhrwtik kamp lh. integral domain: ak raia perioq . integral equation: oloklhrwtik ex swsh. integral form: oloklhrwtik morf . integral formula: oloklhrwtik c t poc. integral function: oloklhrwtik sun rthsh. integral mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c gia oloklhr mata. integral method: oloklhrwtik m jodoc. integral representation: oloklhrwtik morf par stash. integral sign: s mbolo oloklhr matoc. integral surface: oloklhrwtik epif neia. integral test: oloklhrwtik krit rio. action integral: olokl rwma dr shc. boundary integral: sunoriak olokl rwma. boundary integral method (BIM): m jodoc sunoriako oloklhr matoc. Airy integral: olokl rwma Airy. contour integral: olokl rwma se kleist kamp lh. convolution integral: suneliktik olokl rwma. cosine integral: sunhmitonik olokl rwma. de nite integral: orism no olokl rwma. discontinuous integral: asuneq c olokl rwma. divergent integral: apokl non olokl rwma. double integral: dipl olokl rwma. elliptic integral: elleiptik olokl rwma. exponential integral: ekjetik olokl rwma. Fourier integral: olokl rwma Fourier. 167
Fourier's integral theorem: oloklhrwtik je rhma tou Fourier. Fresnel integral: olokl rwma tou Fresnel. Fruslani's integral: olokl rwma tou Fruslani. geometric integral: gewmetrik ekjetik olokl rwma. improper integral: genikeum no kataqrhstik olokl rwma. inde nite integral: a risto olokl rwma. iterated integral: pollapl olokl rwma. Lebesgue integral: olokl rwma kat Lebesgue. line integral: epikamp lio olokl rwma, se merik bibl a grammik olokl rwma. multiple integral: pollapl olokl rwma. phase integral: fasik olokl rwma, olokl rwma f shc. Riemann integral: olokl rwma kat Riemann. simple integral: apl olokl rwma. sine integral: hmitonik olokl rwma. singular integral: idi zon genikeum no olokl rwma. surface integral: epifaneiak olokl rwma. triple integral: tripl olokl rwma. volume integral: qwrik (tripl ) olokl rwma, olokl rwma gkou.
integrand: oloklhrwt a proc olokl rwsh sun rthsh. integrate: oloklhr nw.
integrate by parts: oloklhr nw kat m lh kat par gontec, oloklhr nw paragontik .
integrating: oloklhrwtik c, oloklhr nontac.
integrating factor: oloklhrwtik c par gontac par gontac oloklhr sewc.
integration: olokl rwsh.
integration constant: stajer oloklhr sewc. integration formulas: t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. integration limits: ria oloklhr sewc. integration method: m jodoc olokl rwshc. integration by parts: olokl rwsh kat m lh kat par gontec, paragontik olokl rwsh. integration technique: teqnik olokl rwshc. closed integration formulas: kleisto t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. complex integration: migadik olokl rwsh, olokl rwsh wc proc migadik metablht . composite integration formulas: s njetoi t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. contour integration: olokl rwsh se kleist kamp lh. de nite integration: orism nh olokl rwsh. double integration: dipl olokl rwsh. nite integration: peperasm nh olokl rwsh. formal integration: tupik olokl rwsh. Gauss integration: olokl rwsh (kat ) Gauss. inde nite integration: a risto olokl rwsh. numerical integration: arijmhtik olokl rwsh. open integration formulas: anoikto t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. range of integration: di sthma olokl rwshc. Romberg integration: olokl rwsh Romberg. symplectic integration: sumplektik olokl rwsh. variable limits of integration: metablht ria olokl rwshc. variable step size integration: olokl rwsh metablhto b matoc. 168
integrator: oloklhrwt c.
geometric integrator: gewmetrik c oloklhrwt c. numerical integrator: arijmhtik c oloklhrwt c. symplectic integrator: sumplektik c oloklhrwt c.
integrodi erential: oloklhrwtikodiaforik c.
integrodi erential equation: oloklhrwtikodiaforik ex swsh.
intelligence: nohmos nh.
intelligence quotient: de kthc nohmos nhc. arti cial intelligence: teqnht nohmos nh.
intensify: ente nw. intensity: ntash.
eld intensity: ntash ped ou. tra c intensity: ntash kuklofor ac.
intensive: entatik c.
intensive computations: entatiko upologismo . intensive property: entatik idi thta. computer intensive methods: upologistik entatik c m jodoi.
intent: skop c, pr jesh. inter-: dia-. interact: allhlepidr . interaction: allhlep drash.
interaction energy: en rgeia allhlep drashc.
interactive: diadrastik c.
interactive program: diadrastik pr gramma.
intercept: apot mnousa (tom me xona suntetagm nwn). interchange: enallag , enall ssw. interchangeable: enall ximoc. interclass: diaklasik c. intecorrelation: diasusq tish. interdeducible: diasunag menoc. interdependent: allhloexart menoc. interelement: diastoiqeiak c. interelement continuity: diastoiqeiak sun qeia.
interest: epit kio. interesting: endiaf rwn. 169
interface: diepif neia. interfacial: diepifaneiak c. interfere: sumb llw (optik ), paremb llw, paremb llomai. interference: sumbol (optik ), parembol . constructive interference: jetik sumbol (optik ). destructive interference: arnhtik sumbol (optik ).
interferometer: sumbol metro. interferometry: sumbolometr a.
stellar interferometry: astrik sumbolometr a (optik ).
interior: eswterik , eswterik c.
interior angle: eswterik gwn a. interior of a closed curve: eswterik kleist c kamp lhc. interior mapping: eswterik apeik nish. interior measure: eswterik m tro. interior point: eswterik shme o.
intermediate: endi mesoc.
intermediate value: endi mesh tim . intermediate value theorem: je rhma endi meshc tim c.
intermittency: endiames thta.
intermittency factor: suntelest c endiames thtac.
internal: eswterik c.
internal diameter: eswterik di metroc. internal energy: eswterik en rgeia. internal force: eswterik d namh. internal operation: eswterik pr xh. internal ratio: eswterik c l goc. internal tangent: eswterik efaptom nh. end points of an interval: kra diast matoc. uncertainty interval: di sthma abebai thtac.
internally: eswterik . internet: diad ktuo. interpenetration: allhlodie sdush. interphase: diafasik c.
interphase coupling: diafasik s zeuxh.
interplanetary: diaplanhtik c. interpolant: paremb llousa, sun rthsh parembol c. interpolate: paremb llw, paremb llousa (sun rthsh). linear interpolate: grammik paremb llousa.
interpolation: parembol .
interpolation error: sf lma parembol c. interpolation formula: t poc parembol c. interpolation operator: telest c parembol c. interpolation polynomial: polu numo parembol c, parembolik polu numo. interpolation theory: jewr a parembol c. a ne interpolation: susqetism nh parembol . global interpolation: kajolik parembol . iterative interpolation: epanalhptik parembol . Lagrange interpolation: parembol (kat ) Lagrange. linear interpolation: grammik parembol . local interpolation: topik parembol . two-point interpolation: parembol d o shme wn. spline interpolation: parembol me sunart seic splines.
interpolatory: parembolik c, thc parembol c.
interpolatory method: parembolik m jodoc, m jodoc parembol c.
interpretation: ermhne a.
geometric interpretation: gewmetrik ermhne a. physical interpretation: fusik ermhne a. probabilistic interpretation: pijanojewrhtik ermhne a. syntactic interpretation: suntaktik ermhne a. vector interpretation: dianusmatik ermhne a.
intersect: t mnw. intersecting: t mnwn. intersection: tom .
intersection of two sets: tom d o sun lwn.
interval: di sthma.
Bayesian intervals: mpe zian diast mata. class interval: di sthma kl sewc. closed interval: kleist di sthma. con dence interval: di sthma empistos nhc. consecutive intervals: diadoqik diast mata. convergence interval: di sthma sugkl sewc. nite interval: peperasm no di sthma. half-interval method: m jodoc diqot mhshc. half-open interval: hmianoikt di sthma. nested intervals: egkibwtism na diast mata. open interval: anoikt di sthma. overlapping intervals: allhlepikalupt mena diast mata. prediction interval: di sthma pr bleyhc, probleptik di sthma. random interval: tuqa o di sthma. shortest con dence interval: braq tato di sthma empistos nhc. tolerance interval: di sthma anoq c. unbounded interval: mh fragm no di sthma. 171
unit interval: monadia o di sthma.
intraclass: ent c kl shc, eswterik c.
intraclass correlation: endosusq tish. intraclass variance: endodiaspor .
intransitive: amet batoc, mh metabatik c.
intransitive relation: mh metabatik sq sh.
intrinsic: eswterik c.
intrinsic accuracy: eswterik akr beia. intrinsic angular momentum: eswterik stroform . intrinsic property: eswterik idi thta.
invariable: anallo wtoc, amet blhtoc. invariable line: anallo wth euje a. invariable plane: anallo wto ep pedo.
invariance: ametablht thta, analloiwsim thta, (to) anallo wto. invariance method: m jodoc tou anallo wtou. invariance principle: arq tou anallo wtou.
invariant: anallo wtoc, anallo wth, amet blhtoc, amet blhth. invariant measure: anallo wto m tro. invariants of a tensor: anallo wtec tanust . invariant point: anallo wto amet blhto shme o. bending invariant: anallo wth k myhc. combinatorial invariants: sunduastik c anallo wtec. rst invariant: pr th anallo wth. scalar invariant: bajmwt anallo wth. second invariant: de terh anallo wth. third invariant: tr th anallo wth. topological invariant: topologik anallo wth.
inverse: ant strofoc, t xo (gia ant strofec trigwnometrik c kai uperbolik c sunart seic). inverse cosh: t xo uperboliko sunhmit nou. inverse cosine: t xo sunhmit nou. inverse cotangent: t xo sunefaptom nhc. inverse coth: t xo uperbolik c sunefaptom nhc. inverse distribution: ant strofh katanom . inverse eigenvalue problem: ant strofo pr blhma idiotim n. inverse elliptic function: ant strofh elleiptik sun rthsh. inverse function: ant strofh sun rthsh. inverse function theorem: je rhma thc ant strofhc sun rthshc. inverse Fourier transform: ant strofh metasqhmatism nh Fourier. inverse Fourier transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatism c Fourier. inverse Laplace transform: ant strofh metasqhmatism nh Laplace. inverse Laplace transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatism c Laplace. 172
inverse mapping (transformation): ant strofh apeik nish (metasqhmatism c). inverse matrix: ant strofoc p nakac. inverse moment: ant strofh rop . inverse operator: ant strofoc telest c. inverse order: ant strofh di taxh. inverse power method: ant strofh m jodoc twn dun mewn. inverse probability: ant strofh pijan thta. inverse problem: ant strofo pr blhma. inverse relation: ant strofh sq sh. inverse sampling: ant strofh deigmatolhy a. inverse sine: t xo hmit nou. inverse sine transformation: metasqhmatism c t xou hmit nou. inverse sinh: t xo uperboliko hmit nou. inverse tangent: t xo efaptom nhc. inverse tanh: t xo uperbolik c efaptom nhc. inverse tanh transformation: metasqhmatism c t xou uperbolik c efaptom nhc. inverse transform: ant strofh metasqhmatism nh. inverse transformation (mapping): ant strofoc metasqhmatism c (apeik nish). inverse trigonometric function: ant strofh trigwnometrik sun rthsh. additive inverse: prosjetik c ant strofoc (ant jetoc). multiplicative inverse: pollaplasiastik c ant strofoc.
inversely: antistr fwc.
inversely proportional: antistr fwc an logoc.
inversion: antistrof .
inversion formula: t poc antistrof c. inversion transformation: metasqhmatism c antistrof c. regularized inversion: omalopoihm nh antistrof .
inverted: antestramm noc, anastramm noc.
inverted distribution: antestramm nh katanom .
invertible: antistr yimoc. invertibly: antistr yima, ant strofa. investigate: ereun , diereun . investigation: reuna. investigator: ereunht c. inviscid: anix dhc, mh ix dhc, triboc.
inviscid ow: anix dhc mh ix dhc tribh ro . inviscid uid: anix dec mh ix dec reust .
invisible: a ratoc, mh orat c. involute: eneiligm nh. involution: en lixh, ywsh se d namh (Alg.). 173
involutive: eneliktik c.
involutive basis: eneliktik b sh.
involutoric: eneliktik c.
involutoric matrix: eneliktik c p nakac.
involutory: eneliktik c.
involutory transformation: eneliktik c metasqhmatism c.
involve: perilamb nw, uy nw se d namh (Alg.). ion: i n. irradiance: ntash aktinobol ac. irrational: rrhtoc, par logoc. irrational function: rrhth sun rthsh. irrational number: rrhtoc arijm c.
irreducible: an gwgoc, mh anag gimoc.
irreducible Markov chain: an gwgh alus da Markov. irreducible polynomial: an gwgo polu numo.
irreducibly: an gwga, mh anag gima. irre ective: mh anaklastik c, mh autopaj c. Bl. irre exive. irre exive: mh anaklastik c, mh autopaj c, ananaklastik c.. irre exive relation: mh anaklastik mh autopaj c sq sh.
irregular: an maloc, mh kanonik c, akan nistoc.
irregular kollektiv: rrujmh sullog . irregular singular point: ousi dec idi zon an malo shme o.
irregularity: (to) an malo, anwmal a, mh kanonik thta. irreversibility: mh antistreyim thta, anantistreyim thta, mh anastreyim thta, to mh antistrept . irreversible: mh antistr yimoc, mh anastr yimoc. irrotational: astr biloc, mh peristrofik c. irrotational eld: astr bilo ped o. irrotational ow: astr bilh ro .
isentropic: isentropik c. iso-: iso- (pr jema). isochoric: is qwroc.
isochoric function: is qwrh sun rthsh.
isochronous: is qronoc.
isochronous curve: is qronh kamp lh. isochronous motion: is qronh k nhsh. 174
isoclinal: isoklin c. isocline: isoklin c kamp lh. Sun. isoclinic curve. isoclinic: isoklin c.
isoclinic curve: isoklin c kamp lh. Sun. isocline.
isodiametric: isodiametrik c. isodynamic: isodunamik c.
isodynamic points: isodunamik shme a.
isodyne: isodunamik gramm . isogon: is gwno, kanonik pol gwno. isogonal: isog nioc.
isogonal a ne transformation: isog nioc susqetism noc metasqhmatism c. isogonal conjugate lines: isog niec suzuge c gramm c. isogonal lines: isog niec gramm c. isogonal mapping: isog nia apeik nish. isogonal transformation: isog nioc metasqhmatism c.
isogonic: isog nioc. Sun. tou isogonal. isokurtosis: isok rtwsh. isolate: apomon nw. isolated: apomonwm noc, memonwm noc.
isolated set: apomonwm no s nolo. isolated singularity: apomonwm no an malo shme o, apomonwm nh anwmal a. isolated system: apomonwm no s sthma.
isomeric: isomer c. isometric: isometrik c.
isometric chart: isometrik c q rthc. isometric correspondence: isometrik antistoiq a. isometric embedding: isometrik emf teush. isometric family: isometrik oikog neia. isometric isomorphism: isometrik c isomorfism c. isometric mapping: isometrik apeik nish. isometric surface: isometrik epif neia. isometric system: isometrik s sthma. isometric view: isometrik yh.
isometry: isometr a. isomorphic: is morfoc, isomorfik c.
isomorphic spaces: is morfoi q roi. algebraically isomorphic spaces: algebrik is morfoi q roi. recursively isomorphic sets: anadromik is morfa s nola.
isomorphism: isomorfism c.
isomorphism order: t xh isomorfismo . 175
algebraic isomorphism: algebrik c isomorfism c. group isomorphism: isomorfism c om dwn. isometric isomorphism: isometrik c isomorfism c. natural isomorphism: fusik c isomorfism c. projective isomorphism: probolik c isomorfism c. recursive isomorphism: anadromik c isomorfism c. ring isomorphism: isomorfism c daktul wn.
isoparametric: isoparametrik c.
isoparametric mesh: isoparametrik pl gma. isoparametric transformation: isoparametrik apeik nish.
isoperimetric(-al): isoperimetrik c.
isoperimetric inequality: isoperimetrik anis thta. isoperimetric problem: isoperimetrik pr blhma.
isosceles: isoskel c.
isosceles trapezium: isoskel c trap zio (British). isosceles trapezoid: isoskel c trapezoeid c (USA). isosceles triangle: isoskel c tr gwno.
isospectral: isofasmatik c.
isospectral ow: isofasmatik ro .
isostatic: isostatik c. isostatically: isostatik . isotherm: is jermh isojermokrasiak (gramm kamp lh). isothermal: is jermoc, isojermokrasiak c. isothermal ow: is jermh ro . isothermal line: is jermh kamp lh.
isothermic: isojermik c. isotimic: isostajmik c, isotimik c, iso y c, isobar c. isotone: is tonoc. isotonic: isotonik c, is tonoc.
isotonic regression function: isotonik sun rthsh palindr mhshc.
isotope: is topo. isotropic: is tropoc, isotropik c.
isotropic curve: is troph kamp lh. isotropic distribution: is troph katanom . isotropic eld: is tropo ped o. isotropic group: is troph om da. isotropic matter: is troph lh. isotropic plane: is tropo ep pedo. isotropic tensor: is tropoc tanust c. 176
transversely isotropic: egk rsia is tropoc.
isotropically: is tropa.
isotropically developable: is tropa anapt ximoc.
isotropy: isotrop a. isotype: is tupoc, isotupik c.
isotype method: is tuph m jodoc.
issue: j ma, te qoc. iterated: epanalamban menoc, pollapl c.
iterated collocation: epanalamban menh taxijes a taxin mhsh. iterated function: epanalamban menh sun rthsh. iterated integral: pollapl olokl rwma. iterated logarithm: epanalamban menoc log rijmoc. law of iterated logarithm: n moc tou epanalamban menou logar jmou. iterated product: epanalamban meno gin meno. iterated sum: epanalamban meno jroisma. iterated tensor product: pollapl tanustik gin meno.
iteration: epan lhyh.
iteration operator: telest c epan lhyhc.
iterative: epanalhptik c.
iterative factorization: epanalhptik paragontopo hsh. iterative interpolation: epanalhptik parembol . iterative mesh re nement: epanalhptik p knwsh pl gmatoc. iterative method: epanalhptik m jodoc. iterative solver: epanalhptik c epilut c.
J Jacobi, Karl (1804-1851)
Jacobi's elliptic functions: elleiptik c sunart seic tou Jacobi. Jacobi's method: m jodoc tou Jacobi. Jacobi OR: uperqal rwsh (overrelaxation) tou Jacobi. Jacobi's theorem: je rhma tou Jacobi.
Jacobian: Iakwbian c, Iakwbian .
Jacobian determinant: Iakwbian or zousa. 177
Jacobian elliptic functions: elleiptik c sunart seic tou Jacobi. Jacobian matrix: Iakwbian c p nakac.
jet: p dakac. join: en nw, sund w. joint: ap koino , koin c, mikt c, s ndesh, arm c, rjrwsh.
joint density: ap koino pukn thta. joint density function: sun rthsh ap koino pukn thtac. joint distribution: ap koino katanom . joint distribution function: sun rthsh ap koino katanom c. joint moment: mikt rop . joint prediction intervals: ap koino diast mata pr bleyhc, ap koino probleptik diast mata. joint probability: mikt pijan thta. joint probability function: sun rthsh mikt c pijan thtac. joint probability table: p nakac mikt c pijan thtac. joint regression: mikt palindr mhsh. joint su ciency: ap koino ep rkeia.
Jordan, Camille (1838-1922)
Jordan arc: t xo tou Jordan. Jordan block: mplok upop nakac Jordan. Jordan's canonical form: kanonik morf tou Jordan. Jordan chain: alus da Jordan. Jordan's content: perieq meno Jordan. Jordan's curve: kamp lh tou Jordan.
Jordan, Wilhelm (1842-1899)
Gauss-Jordan reduction: anagwg apaloif (elimination) Gauss-Jordan.
J-shaped: morf c J.
J-shaped distribution: katanom morf c J.
judgement, judgment: kr sh. junction: s ndesh. jump: p dhma, metap dhsh, lma.
jump discontinuity: asun qeia phd matoc lmatoc. jump size: m gejoc pl toc phd matoc. nite jump: peperasm no p dhma. in nite jump: peiro p dhma.
K kappa: k ppa.
kappa curve: kamp lh k ppa.
Kei functions: sunart seic Kei. Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra: pol edra twn Kepler kai Poinsot (bl. polyhedron). Kepler's laws: n moi tou Kepler. Ker functions: sunart seic Ker. kernel: pur nac, mhden qwroc mhdenik c q roc (null space). di erence kernel: pur nac diafor n, exiswt c (equalizer). heat kernel: pur nac jerm thtac. Peano kernel: pur nac Peano. Riemann kernel: pur nac Riemann.
kilogram: qili grammo, kil . kind: e doc, kal c. rst kind: pr to e doc. second kind: de tero e doc. third kind: tr to e doc.
kinematic(-al): kinhmatik c.
kinematic condition: kinhmatik sunj kh. kinematic similarity: kinhmatik omoi thta.
kinematically: kinhmatik .
kinematically similar: kinhmatik moioi.
kinematics: kinhmatik . kinetic: kinhtik c.
kinetic energy: kinhtik en rgeia. kinetic potential: kinhtik dunamik .
kinetics: kinhtik . knot: k mboc, br qoc.
coincident knots: tautiz menoi k mboi. distinct knots: diakekrim noi k mboi.
know: gnwr zw.
know-how: teqnognws a.
known: gnwst c.
known constant: gnwst stajer . known function: gnwst sun rthsh.
kollektiv: sullog .
irregular kollektiv: rrujmh sullog .
Kronecker's delta: d lta tou Kronecker. Kronecker product: gin meno Kronecker euj gin meno (sun. direct product). Kronecker's symbol: s mbolo tou Kronecker.
kurtic: kurtwtik c.
kurtic curve: kurtwtik kamp lh, kamp lh k rtwshc.
kurtosis: k rtwsh.
L LHS (left-hand side): arister m loc. label: epigraf , etik tta, epigr fw, shmei nw. labeled: seshmasm noc, shmeiwm noc, me epigraf , me etik tta. labyrinth: lab rinjoc. labyrinthine: laburinj dhc, per plokoc. lacuna: q sma, ken . lacunary: mh epekt simoc, qasm dhc.
lacunary function: mh epekt simh (analutik ) sun rthsh, qasm dhc sun rthsh. lacunary series: mh epekt simh seir , qasm dhc seir . lacunary set: mh epekt simo s nolo, qasm dec s nolo. lacunary space: mh epekt simoc q roc, qasm dhc q roc.
lag: ust rhsh, kajust rhsh.
phase lag: ust rhsh f sewc.
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (1736-1813)
Lagrange's equations: exis seic tou Lagrange. Lagrange interpolation: parembol (kat ) Lagrange. 180
Lagrange multiplier: pollaplasiast c tou Lagrange. method of Lagrange multipliers: m jodoc twn pollaplasiast n tou Lagrange.
Lagrangian: tou Lagrange.
Lagrangian approach: je rhsh kat Lagrange ulik je rhsh (material approach). Lagrangian description: perigraf kat Lagrange ulik perigraf (material description). Lagrangian function: sun rthsh tou Lagrange.
Laguerre, (-)
Laguerre polynomials: polu numa Laguerre. Laguerre's di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Laguerre. associated Laguerre polynomials: prosarthm na polu numa Laguerre. Gauss-Laguerre quadrature: arijmhtik olokl rwsh Gauss-Laguerre.
lambdagram: lamdodi gramma. laminar: strwt c. laminar ow: strwt ro .
Landen, (-)
Landen's transformation: metasqhmatism c tou Landen.
language: gl ssa.
language acceptor: apod kthc gl ssac. language generator: paragwg c gl ssac. language recognition: anagn rish gl ssac. language recognizer: anagnwrist c gl ssac. acceptable language: dekt apodekt gl ssa. complete language: pl rhc gl ssa. context-free language: gl ssa qwr c sumfraz mena. context-sensitive language: gl ssa eua sjhth sta sumfraz mena. decidable language: apofas simh gl ssa. rst-order language: prwtob jmia gl ssa. formal language: tupik gl ssa. natural language: fusik gl ssa. output language: gl ssa ex dou. polynomially balanced language: poluwnumik isorrophm nh gl ssa. programming language: gl ssa programmatismo . regular language: kanonik gl ssa.
Laplace equation: ex swsh Laplace. Laplace operator: telest c tou Laplace, laplasian c telest c, laplasian . Laplace transform: metasqhmatism nh Laplace. Laplace transformation: metasqhmatism c Laplace. inverse Laplace transform: ant strofh metasqhmatism nh Laplace. inverse Laplace transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatism c Laplace.
Laplacian: Laplasian c, tou Laplace, Laplasian .
Laplacian operator: telest c tou Laplace, laplasian c telest c, laplasian .
lapse: el ttwsh, me wsh, p rodoc qr nou. lapse rate: rujm c me wshc.
large: meg loc.
large cardinal: meg loc plhj rijmoc. law of large numbers: n moc twn meg lwn arijm n. strong law of large numbers: isqur c n moc twn meg lwn arijm n. weak law of large numbers: asjen c n moc twn meg lwn arijm n. su ciently large: arko ntwc meg loc.
largeness: megal thta, (to) meg lo. larger: megal teroc.
stochastically larger: stoqastik megal teroc.
latent: lanj nwn.
latent heat: lanj nousa jerm thta. latent value: idiotim (bl. eigenvalue). latent vector: idiodi nusma (bl. eigenvector).
lateral: pl gioc, pleurik c.
lateral surface: pleurik epif neia.
Latin: latinik c.
Latin squares: latinik tetr gwna.
latitude: gewgrafik pl toc.
geocentric latitude: gewkentrik pl toc.
lattice: pl gma, kigkl dwma, s ndesmoc (jewr a sun lwn). lattice square: plegmatik tetr gwno. integer lattice: ak raio pl gma. rectangular lattice: orjog nio pl gma. triple lattice: tripl pl gma.
Laurent series: seir Laurent.
law: n moc, idi thta.
law of cosines: n moc twn sunhmit nwn. law of inertia: n moc thc adr neiac. law of iterated logarithm: n moc tou epanalamban menou logar jmou. law of large numbers: n moc twn meg lwn arijm n. law of sines: n moc twn hmit nwn. associative law: prosetairistik idi thta. 182
cancellation law: n moc thc diagraf c thc apaloif c. commutative law: antimetajetik idi thta. conservation law: n moc diat rhshc. distributive law: epimeristik idi thta. parallelogram law: n moc tou parallhlogr mmou. physical law: fusik c n moc. quadratic reciprocity law: tetragwnik c n moc antistrof c. reciprocity law: n moc antistrof c. strong law: isqur c n moc. strong law of large numbers: isqur c n moc twn meg lwn arijm n. universal law of gravitation: n moc thc pagk smiac lxhc. weak law: asjen c n moc. weak law of large numbers: asjen c n moc twn meg lwn arijm n. tangent law: n moc twn efaptom nwn.
layer: str ma.
boundary layer: oriak str ma. multi-layer ow: polustrwmatik ro .
layered: strwmatopoihm noc. layout: sq dio. lead: odhg , gw. leading: hgetik c, proporeu menoc. leading element: hgetik stoiqe o. leading entry: hgetik stoiqe o.
leaf: f llo.
leaf of a parse tree: f llo suntaktiko d ntrou.
least: el qistoc.
least limit: el qisto rio. least number principle: arq elaq stou arijmo . least squares: el qista tetr gwna. least squares approximation: pros ggish elaq stwn tetrag nwn. least squares method: m jodoc elaq stwn tetrag nwn. least squares principle: arq elaq stwn tetrag nwn. least squares problem: pr blhma elaq stwn tetrag nwn. least upper bound: el qisto nw fr gma supremum. indirect least squares: mmesa el qista tetr gwna. principle of least time: arq tou el qistou qr nou.
Lebesgue, (-).
Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem: je rhma kuriarqhm nhc s gklishc tou Lebesgue. Lebesgue integrability: oloklhrwsim thta kat Lebesgue. Lebesgue integrable: oloklhr simoc kat Lebesgue. Lebesgue integral: olokl rwma kat Lebesgue. Lebesgue measure: m tro Lebesgue. 183
left: arister c, arister .
left adjoint: arister c suzug c prosarthm noc. left factoring: arister paragontopo hsh. left-hand continuity: sun qeia ap arister . left-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap arister . left-hand limit: rio ap arister . left handed: arister c, arister strofoc. left-handed system: arister strofo s sthma. left ideal: arister ide dec. left recursion: arister anadrom . left-regular grammar: arister kanonik grammatik .
leftmost: akroarister c, o arister teroc.
leftmost derivation: arister terh paragwg (plhroforik ).
Legendre, (-)
Legendre functions: sunart seic Legendre. Legendre polynomials: polu numa Legendre. Legendre's di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh tou Legendre. associated Legendre functions: prosarthm nec sunart seic Legendre. Gauss-Legendre quadrature: arijmhtik olokl rwsh Gauss-Legendre.
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716) Leibniz's formula: t poc tou Leibniz. Leibniz's rule: kan nac tou Leibniz.
lemma: l mma.
condensation lemma: l mma sump knwshc.
lemniscate: lhmn skoc. length: m koc.
length-preserving transformation: apeik nish diathro sa ta m kh. arc length: m koc t xou. focal length: estiak ap stash. back focal length: dexi estiak ap stash. e ective focal length: olik estiak ap stash. front focal length: arister estiak ap stash. mixing length: m koc m xhc an mixhc.
lens: fak c.
lens-shaped: fakoeid c. lens-shaped region: fakoeid c t poc, fakoeid c qwr o. anamorphic lens: anamorfik c fak c. biconcave lens: amf koiloc fak c. biconvex lens: amf kurtoc fak c. compound lens: s njetoc fak c. eye lens: prosofj lmioc fak c. eld lens: fak c ped ou. 184
negative lens: arnhtik c apokl nwn fak c. object lens: antikeimenik c fak c. split lens: hmifak c. telephoto lens: thlefak c. thin lens: lept c fak c.
lepto-: lepto- (pr jema). leptokurtosis: leptok rtwsh. leptokurtic: lept kurtoc, leptokurtwtik c.
leptokurtic distribution: lept kurth katanom , katanom leptok rtwshc.
level: ep pedo, yoc, st jmh.
level of signi cance: ep pedo shmantik thtac. level surface: isostajmik epif neia. con dence level: suntelest c empistos nhc. quality level: ep pedo poi thtac. reliability level: ep pedo axiopist ac.
lever: moql c.
side lever: pleurik c moql c.
lexicographic: lexikografik c.
lexicographic order: lexikografik alfabhtik di taxh.
L' Hospital, Guillaume (1661-1704)
L' Hospital's rule: kan nac tou L' Hospital.
Liapunov, A.M. (1857-1918). Sunant tai ep shc kai wc Lyapunov. Liapunov convexity theorem: je rhma kurt thtac tou Liapunov. Liapunov exponent: ekj thc Liapunov. Liapunov function: sun rthsh Liapunov. Liapunov stability: eust jeia kat Liapunov.
lie: ke mai, br skomai. Lie, Sophus (1842-1899)
Lie algebra: lgebra Lie. Lie bracket: agk lh Lie. Lie group: om da Lie. Lie map: apeik nish Lie. Lie operator: telest c Lie. local Lie groups: topik c om dec Lie.
lieu: j sh, t poc.
in lieu of: sth j sh tou, ant tou.
life: zw .
life table: p nakac zw c. 185
half life: qr noc upodiplasiasmo , qr noc hmizw c.
lift: nwsh, anuy nw.
lift force: nwsh, d namh nwshc.
lifting: an ywsh (Topol.). light: fwc, elafr c.
light beam: d smh fwt c. light ray: akt na fwt c. aberration of light: apopl nhsh tou fwt c. circular light: kuklik polwm no f c. collimated light: par llhlh d smh fwt c. elliptical light: elleiptik polwm no fwc. left-circular light: arister strofo kuklik polwm no f c. linearly polarized light: grammik polwm no f c. partially polarized light: merik c polwm no f c. plane polarized light: epi'peda polwm no f c. polarized light: polwm no f c.
like: par moioc, soc.
like powers: sec dun meic.
likelihood: pijanof neia.
likelihood function: sun rthsh pijanof neiac. likelihood ratio: l goc phl ko pijanof neiac. likelihood ratio test: legqoc l gou pijanof neiac. likelihood ratio test function: elegqosun rthsh l gou pijanof neiac. log-likelihood: logarijmo-pijanof neia. log-likelihood equation: ex swsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac. log-likelihood function: sun rthsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac. maximum likelihood: m gisth pijanof neia. maximum likelihood estimator: ektim tria m gisthc pijanof neiac. maximum likelihood function: sun rthsh m gisthc pijanof neiac. maximum likelihood principle: arq m gisthc pijanof neiac. sequential likelihood test: akoloujiak c legqoc pijanof neiac.
likeness: omoi thta. limit: rio.
limit circle: oriak c k kloc. limit cycle: oriak c k kloc. limit in the mean: rio se m sh s gklish. limit point: oriak shme o shme o susswre sewc (sun numo twn rwn limit point kai accumulation point). limit theorem: oriak je rhma. central limit theorem: kentrik oriak je rhma. compressed limits: suneptugm na ria. con dence limits: ria empistos nhc. ducial limits: ria empistos nhc, pisteutik ria. 186
greatest limit: m gisto rio. left-hand limit: rio ap arister . lower con dence limit: kat tero rio empistos nhc. lower limit: kat tero rio. lower tolerance limit: kat tero rio anoq c. inferior limit: kat tero rio m gisto k tw rio. integration limits: ria oloklhr sewc. least limit: el qisto rio. non-parametric tolerance limits: aparametrik ria anoq c. right-hand limit: rio ap dexi . superior limit: an tero rio el qisto k tw rio. tolerance limits: ria anoq c. upper con dence limit: an tero rio empistos nhc. upper limit: an tero rio. upper tolerance limit: an tero rio anoq c. variable limits of integration: metablht ria olokl rwshc.
limitation: periorism c. limiting: oriak c.
limiting case: oriak per ptwsh. limiting velocity: oriak taq thta.
line: euje a, gramm , epikamp lioc (gia oloklhr mata).
line bundle: d smh gramm n. line charge: grammik fort o. line of curvature: gramm kampul thtac. line element: stoiqei dec m koc. line integral: epikamp lio olokl rwma, se merik bibl a grammik olokl rwma. line segment: euj grammo tm ma. line source: grammik phg . aclinic line: aklin c gramm . a ne line: susqetism nh gramm . branch line: gramm diaklad sewc. characteristic line: qarakthristik gramm . coincident lines: tautiz menec euje ec. conjugate lines: suzuge c gramm c. equipotential line: isodunamik gramm . geodesic line: gewdaisiak gramm . half line: hmieuje a. imaginary line: noht gramm . inclined line: keklim nh gramm . invariable line: anallo wth euje a. isothermal line: isojermik kamp lh. normal line: k jeth euje a. oblique line: pl gia gramm . pencil of lines: d smh eujei n. perpendicular lines: k jetec gramm c. polar line: polik gramm . regression line: euje a palindrom sewc. 187
secondary line: deuterogen c gramm . skew lines: as mbatec euje ec. trace of a line: qnoc euje ac.
linear: grammik c, prwtob jmioc.
linear algebra: grammik lgebra. linear approximation: grammik pros ggish. linear combination: grammik c sunduasm c. linear correlation: grammik susq tish. linear dependence: grammik ex rthsh. linear di erential equation: grammik diaforik ex swsh. linear disjointness: grammik xen thta. linear element: grammik stoiqe o. linear equation: grammik ex swsh. linear form: grammik morf . linear function: grammik sun rthsh. linear functional: grammik sunarthsiak . linear graph: grammik gr fhma. linear group: grammik om da. linear growth: grammik a xhsh. linear harmonic oscillator: grammik c armonik c talantwt c. linear independence: grammik anexarths a. linear interpolation: grammik parembol . linear magni cation: grammik meg nj nsh. linear map: grammik apeik nish. linear mapping: grammik apeik nish. linear model: grammik mont lo. linear momentum: orm . linear operator: grammik c telest c. linear optimization: grammik beltistopo hsh. linear polynomial: grammik prwtob jmio polu numo. linear programming: grammik c programmatism c. linear property: grammik idi thta. linear regression : grammik palindrom sh. linear relationship: grammik sq sh. linear set: grammik s nolo. linear (or vector) space: grammik c ( dianusmatik c) q roc. linear span: grammik j kh per blhma. linear structure: grammik dom . linear system (of equations): grammik s sthma (exis sewn). linear theory: grammik jewr a. linear transformation: grammik c metasqhmatism c. almost linear: sqed n grammik c. piecewise linear function: kat tm mata tmhmatik grammik sun rthsh. quasi-linear: oione grammik c.
linearity: grammik thta. linearizable: grammikopoi simoc, eujugramm simoc. linearizability: grammikopoihsim thta, eujugrammisim thta. 188
linearization: grammikopo hsh, eujugr mmish. linearized: grammikopoihm noc.
linearized equation: grammikopoihm nh ex swsh.
linearly: grammik .
linearly dependent: grammik exarthm noi. linearly independent: grammik anex rthtoi. linearly stable: grammik eustaj c.
linewidth: fasmatik e roc (optik ). link: sund w. linked: sundedem noc. doubly linked: dipl sundedem noc. singly linked: mon sundedem noc.
Liouville, (-)
Liouville's formula: t poc tou Liouville. Liouville surface: epif neia tou Liouville. Liouville's theorem: je rhma tou Liouville.
Lipschitz, (-)
Lipschitz boundary: s noro Lipschitz. Lipschitz continuity: sun qeia kat Lipschitz. Lipschitz continuous: suneq c kat Lipschitz. Lipschitz domain: qwr o Lipschitz. Lipschitz function: sun rthsh Lipschitz.
liquid: ugr , reust .
liquid phase: ugr f sh.
liquidate: ekkajar zw, exwfl . liquidation: ekkaj rish. liquify: reustopoi , t kw, ugropoi . literal: stoiqe o (plhroforik ). ground literal: basik stoiqe o.
load: fort o.
load vector: di nusma fort ou. moving load: kino meno fort o.
Lobachevsky, N.I. (1792-1856) local: topik c.
local basis functions: topik c sunart seic b shc. local error: topik sf lma. local existence: topik parxh. local interpolation: topik parembol . 189
local numbering: topik ar jmhsh. local property: topik idi thta. local solution: topik l sh. local stability: topik eust jeia. quasi-local: oione topik c.
locality: topik thta.
locality properties: idi thtec topik thtac.
localization: entopism c. localize: entop zw. locally: topik .
locally di erentiable: topik paragwg simoc. locally integrable: topik oloklhr simoc. locally stable: topik eustaj c.
locate: topojet , entop zw. location: j sh, topojes a.
location functional: sunarthsiak j shc.
loci: bl. locus. locus (pl. loci): gewmetrik c t poc, t poc, kentr dec (sun. centrode). geometric locus: gewmetrik c t poc.
log: log rijmoc, logarijmik c. logarithm: log rijmoc.
characteristic of a logarithm: qarakthristik logar jmou. iterated logarithm: epanalamban menoc log rijmoc. law of iterated logarithm: n moc tou epanalamban menou logar jmou. Napierian logarithms: fusiko log rijmoi, nep reioi log rijmoi. natural logarithm: fusik c log rijmoc.
logarithmic: logarijmik c.
logarithmic decrement: logarijmik me wsh. logarithmic function: logarijmik sun rthsh. logarithmic scale: logarijmik kl maka. logarithmic spiral: logarijmik spe ra lika. logarithmic system: logarijmik s sthma. double logarithmic: dilogarijmik c. double logarithmic chart: dilogarijmik c q rthc.
log-concave: logarijmik ko loc. logic: logik .
fuzzy logic: asaf c logik . multi-valued logic: plei timh logik . non-monotone logic: mh mon tonh ajroistik logik . 190
logical: logik c.
logical connnective: logik c s ndesmoc. logical consequence: logik sump rasma. logical data: logik dedom na. logical symbols: logik s mbola.
logically: logik .
logically equivalent: logik isod namoi.
logistic: logistik c. log-likelihood: logarijmo-pijanof neia.
log-likelihood equation: ex swsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac. log-likelihood function: sun rthsh logarijmo-pijanof neiac.
long: makr c, epim khc, meg loc. long waves: makr k mata.
longitudinal: diam khc.
longitudinal vibration: diam khc tal ntwsh.
lookahead: pr blepw, pr bleyh. loop: br qoc.
loop group: om da br qwn. closed loop: kleist c br qoc. hysteresis loop: br qoc uster sewc. in nite loop: peiroc at rmonac br qoc. nested loop: fwliasm noc br qoc.
lotery: laqn c, laqe o. loss: ap leia.
loss coe cient: suntelest c ap leiac. loss function: sun rthsh ap leiac. loss matrix: p nakac ap leiac. square loss function: tetragwnik sun rthsh ap leiac. without loss of generality (wlog): qwr c ap leia ( bl bh) thc genik thtac.
low: qamhl c.
low-dimensional: oligodi statoc.
lower: kat teroc, qamhl teroc, k tw.
lower bound: k tw fr gma k tw p rac. lower con dence limit: kat tero rio empistos nhc. lower tolerance limit: kat tero rio anoq c. lower limit: kat tero rio. lower-triangular matrix: k tw trigwnik c p nakac. essential lower bound: ousi dec k tw fr gma. greatest lower bound: m gisto k tw fr gma in mum. 191
lowering: upobibasm c. lowest: el qistoc.
lowest common divisor: el qistoc koin c diair thc.
loxodrome: loxodrom a. loxodromic: loxodromik c.
loxodromic spiral: loxodromik spe ra lika.
luminosity: fwtein thta. luminous: fwtein c. lunar: selhniak c, thc sel nhc, selhnoeid c. lunar eclipse: kleiyh sel nhc.
lune: mhn skoc.
spherical lune: sfairik c mhn skoc.
luniform: mhniskoeid c. Lyapunov: bl. Liapunov.
M MC: Monte Carlo. MFLOPS (million oating operations per second): ekatomm rio pr xewn kinht c upodiastol c an deuter lepto.
MFS (method of fundamental solutions): m jodoc jemeliwd n l sewn. MHD (magnetohydrodynamics): magnhto drodunamik . m.p.h. (miles per hour): m lia an ra, MAW. Mach, (-). Mach number: arijm c Mach.
machine: mhqan .
basic machine: basik mhqan . state machine: mhqan katast sewn.
Maclaurin, (-).
Maclaurin expansion: an ptugma Maclaurin. Maclaurin polynomial: polu numo Maclaurin. Maclaurin series: seir Maclaurin. Euler-Maclaurin summation formula: t poc jroishc twn Euler-Maclaurin. 192
macro-: makro-. macro-economics: makrooikonomik . macro-factor: makropar gontac. macroscopic: makroskopik c. macrostructure: makrodom . magic: magik c. magic square: magik tetr gwno.
magnetic: magnhtik c.
magnetic eld: magnhtik ped o. magnetic induction: magnhtik epagwg .
magnetism: magnhtism c. magnetohydrodynamics: magnhto drodunamik (sunt. MHD). magni cation: meg njunsh. magni cation factor: suntelest c megenj nsewc. linear magni cation: grammik meg nj nsh.
magnify: megenj nw. magnitude: m gejoc, m tro.
magnitude of a vector: m tro m koc dian smatoc. absolute magnitude: ap luto m gejoc.
mail: taqudrome o, taqudrom .
electronic mail (E-mail): hlektronik taqudrome o.
main: kentrik c, k rioc.
main diagonal: k ria diag nioc.
Mainardi-Codazzi equations: exis seic twn Mainardi-Codazzi. major: k rioc, meg loc, me zwn. major axis: meg loc xonac. major segment: me zon tm ma.
majority: pleioyhf a. manifold: pollapl thta. Sth s gqronh bibliograf a qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc pol ptuqo. 3-manifold: 3-pollapl thta, trisdi stath pollapl thta. 3-manifold group: (jemeli dhc) om da trisdi stathc pollapl thtac. 4-manifold: 4-pollapl thta, tetradi stath pollapl thta. a ne manifold: susqetism nh pollapl thta. compact manifold: sumpag c pollapl thta. contact manifold: pollapl thta epaf c. symplectic manifold: sumplektik pollapl thta. topological manifold: topologik pollapl thta.
manipulate: qeir zomai, epexerg zomai.
manipulation: qeirism c, epexergas a.
algebraic manipulation: algebrik c qeirism c epexergas a. symbolic manipulation: sumbolik c qeirism c epexergas a.
mantissa: dekadik m roc (logar jmou), klasmatik me'roc. many: pollo , ple stoi. many-valued: plei timoc. many-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh.
map: apeikon zw, apeik nish (bl. mapping), q rthc. a ne map: susqetism nh apeik nish. equiareal map: isembadik apeik nish. equivariant map: isallo wth apeik nish. inclusion map: apeik nish egkleismo . inverse map: ant strofh apeik nish. Lie map: apeik nish Lie. linear map: grammik apeik nish.
mapped: apeikonism noc.
mapped element: apeikonism no stoiqe o.
mapping: apeik nish, metasqhmatism c (transformation), sun rthsh (function).
mapping function: sun rthsh apeikon sewc. mapping theorem: je rhma apeikon sewc. a ne mapping: susqetism nh apeik nish. antilinear mapping: antigrammik hmigrammik (semilinear) apeik nish. conformal mapping: s mmorfh apeik nish. constant mapping: stajer apeik nish. contraction mapping: apeik nish sustol c. contractive mapping: sustolik apeik nish. geodesic mapping: gewdaisiak apeik nish. holomorphic mapping: ol morfh apeik nish. identity mapping: tautotik apeik nish. interior mapping: eswterik apeik nish. inverse mapping: ant strofh apeik nish. isogonal mapping: isog nia apeik nish. isometric mapping: isometrik apeik nish. linear mapping: grammik apeik nish. non-singular mapping: mh idi zousa omal apeik nish. one-to-one mapping: na proc na amfimonos manth amfimon timh erriptik (bijective) apeik nish.
open mapping: anoikt apeik nish. open mapping theorem: je rhma anoikt c apeik nishc. semilinear mapping: hmigrammik antigrammik (antilinear) apeik nish. singular mapping: idi zousa apeik nish. symplectic mapping: sumplektik apeik nish. topological mapping: topologik apeik nish. zero mapping: mhdenik apeik nish metasqhmatism c (transformation). 194
march: pore mai, bad zw, pore a, b disma. marching: p reush, pore a.
time marching: qronop reush. time marching scheme: m jodoc qronop reushc.
margin: perij rio. marginal: perijwriak c, perij rioc, oriak c.
marginal density function: perij ria sun rthsh pukn thtac. marginal distribution function: perij ria sun rthsh katanom c. marginal frequency: perij ria suqn thta. marginal probability function: perij ria sun rthsh pijan thtac.
mark: shme o, shm di, k ntro, m so, shmei nw. class mark: k ntro m so kl sewc.
marked: shmeiwm noc, shmadem noc. Markov, A.A. (1856-1922).
Markov chain: alus da Markov, Markobian alus da. Markov system: s sthma Markov, Markobian s sthma. irreducible Markov chain: an gwgh alus da Markov.
martingale: martingale.
martingale approximation: pros ggish martingale.
m-ary: miadik c.
m-ary operation: miadik pr xh. m-ary tree: miadik d ntro.
mass: m za.
mass balance: isoz gio m zac. mass conservation: diat rhsh thc m zac. mass force: mazik d namh. Bl. body force. mass matrix: p nakac m zac. mass transport: metafor m zac. center of mass: k ntro m zac. probability mass: m za pijan thtac. rest mass: m za hrem ac.
master: k rioc.
master element: stoiqe o anafor c, basik pr tupo stoiqe o.
match: sunarm zw, tairi zw, antistoiq zw, prosarm zw, zeugar nw, enarmon zw, sunarmog , antisto qish, prosarmog , ta riasma. weak match: asjen c sunarmog , asjen c ta riasma.
matched: sunarmosm noc, tairiasm noc.
matching layer: str ma perioq sunarmog c.
matching: sunarm g , prosarmog , ta riasma, antisto qish, sunarm zwn, prosarm zwn.
matched asymptotic expansions: m jodoc sunarmosm nwn asumptwtik n anaptugm twn m jodoc idiazous n diataraq n (singular perturbation method).
material: ulik c, ulik , lh.
material approach: ulik je rhsh je rhsh kat Lagrange (Lagrangian approach). material derivative: ousiastik ousi dhc ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantial substantive convective derivative). material description: ulik perigraf perigraf kat Lagrange (Lagrangian description). raw materials: pr tec lec. smart materials: xupna ulik .
strength of materials: antoq twn ulik n.
mathematical: majhmatik c.
mathematical analysis: majhmatik an lush. mathematical expectation: majhmatik prosdok a elp da. mathematical formulation: majhmatik diat pwsh jemel wsh. mathematical horizon: majhmatik c or zontac. mathematical induction: majhmatik epagwg . mathematical model: majhmatik mont lo. mathematical modeling: majhmatik montelopo hsh. mathematical physics: majhmatik fusik .
mathematician: majhmatik c. mathematics: majhmatik .
abstract mathematics: afhrhm na majhmatik . advanced mathematics: an tera majhmatik . applied mathematics: efarmosm na majhmatik . computational mathematics: upologistik majhmatik . discrete mathematics: diakrit majhmatik . pure mathematics: kajar jewrhtik majhmatik .
matrices: bl. matrix. matrix (pl. matrices): p nakac, m tra, mhtr o.
matrix analysis: pinakoan lush, an lush pin kwn. matrix form: morf pin kwn, mhtrik morf , pinakomorf . matrix of a formula: m tra t pou. matrix multiplication: pollaplasiasm c pin kwn. matrix notation: sumbolism c pin kwn. matrix theory: pinakojewr a, jewr a pin kwn. acquaintance matrix: p nakac gnwrim ac. adjoint matrix: prosarthm noc p nakac, sumplhrwmatik c p nakac. adjugate matrix: prosarthm noc p nakac, sumplhrwmatik c p nakac (sun. adjoint matrix). alternating matrix: enall sswn p nakac. augmented matrix: epauxhm noc p nakac. band matrix: tainiwt c p nakac p nakac tain a. 196
bidiagonal matrix: didiag nioc p nakac. block matrix: s njetoc p nakac (sun. partitioned matrix). block diagonal matrix: s njetoc diag nioc p nakac, mplok-diag nioc p nakac. block matrix multiplication: s njetoc pollaplasiasm c pin kwn. centroskew matrix: kentro-antisummetrik c p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=-RAR, pou R
tetragwnik c p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutere ousa diag nio kai 0 allo ). centrosymmetric matrix: kentrosummetrik c p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=RAR, pou R tetragwnik c p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutere ousa diag nio kai 0 allo ). change of basis matrix: p nakac allag c b shc p nakac met bashc (transition matrix). coe cient matrix: p nakac twn suntelest n. cofactor matrix: p nakac twn algebrik n sumplhrwm twn, p nakac twn sumparag ntwn. column matrix: p nakac st lh, di nusma st lhc. column equivalent matrices: sthlo sod namoi p nakec. commutative matrices: antimetajetiko antimetaj simoi p nakec. commuting matrices: antimetajetiko antimetaj simoi p nakec. complex matrix: migadik c p nakac. congruent matrices: orjomonadia a ( orjog nia) moioi p nakec. conjugate transpose matrix: anastrofosuzug c p nakac, suzug c an strofoc p nakac. constant matrix: stajer c p nakac. decomposable matrix: paragontopoi simoc p nakac. defective matrix: ellip c p nakac. design matrix: p nakac sqediasmo . diagonal matrix: diag nioc p nakac. diagonalizing matrix: diagwnopoi n p nakac. distance matrix: p nakac apost sewn. doubly stochastic matrix: dipl stoqastik c p nakac. echelon matrix: klimakwt c p nakac. elementary matrix: stoiqei dhc p nakac. equivalent matrices: isod namoi p nakec. extended matrix: epektetam noc p nakac. Hamiltonian matrix: qamiltonian c p nakac. Hermitian matrix: ermitian c p nakac. Hessian matrix: p nakac tou Hesse. idempotent matrix: ad namoc tautod namoc ekjetik anallo wtoc p nakac. identity matrix: tautotik c monadia oc p nakac. information matrix: p nakac plhrofor ac. involutoric matrix: eneliktik c p nakac. Jacobian matrix: Iakwbian c p nakac. loss matrix: p nakac ap leiac. lower-triangular matrix: k tw trigwnik c p nakac. mobility matrix: p nakac kinhtik thtac. modal matrix: typik c p nakac. negative of a matrix: ant jetoc p nakac. nilpotent matrix: mhdenod namoc p nakac. non-centrality matrix: p nakac ekkentr thtac. non-defective matrix: mh ellip c p nakac. non-singular matrix: mh idi zwn omal c p nakac. nonsymmetric matrix: mh summetrik c p nakac. orthogonal matrix: orjog nioc p nakac.
orthogonally similar matrices: orjog nia moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices). partitioned matrix: s njetoc p nakac (sun. block matrix). payo matrix: p nakac ex flhshc. permutation matrix: p nakac metaj sewn. persymmetric matrix: perisummetrik c p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=RAT R, pou R tetragwnik c p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutere ousa diag nio kai 0 allo ). positive de nite matrix: jetik orism noc p nakac. rank of a matrix: bajm c t xh p naka. real matrix: pragmatik c p nakac. reduced echelon matrix: anhgm noc klimakwt c p nakac. row matrix: p nakac gramm , di nusma gramm c. row equivalent matrices: grammo sod namoi p nakec. scalar matrix: bajmwt c p nakac. secondary matrix: deutere wn p nakac. similar matrices: moioi p nakec. singular matrix: idi zwn mh omal c p nakac. skew-symmetric matrix: antisummetrik c p nakac. sparse matrix: arai c p nakac. square matrix: tetragwnik c p nakac. sti ness matrix: p nakac akamy ac. symmetric matrix: summetrik c p nakac. three-band matrix: trizwnik c p nakac. trace of a matrix: qnoc (tetragwniko ) p naka. transition matrix: p nakac met bashc p nakac allag c b shc (change of basis matrix). transpose matrix: an strofoc p nakac. transposed matrix: anestramm noc p nakac. triangular matrix: trigwnik c p nakac. tridiagonal matrix: tridiag nioc p nakac. two-band matrix: dizwnik c p nakac. unimodular matrix: p nakac me or zousa mon da. unit matrix: monadia oc tautotik c p nakac. unitarily similar matrices: orjomonadia a moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices). unitary matrix: orjomonadia oc p nakac, orjokanonik c p nakac. upper-triangular matrix: nw trigwnik c p nakac. zero matrix: mhdenik c p nakac.
matrix-valued: me ped o tim n q ro pin kwn. matrix-valued function: pinakosun rthsh.
matroid: pinakoeid c, mhtroeid c. matter: lh. isotropic matter: is troph lh.
maxima: m gista, bl. maximum. maximal: megistotik c, megistik c, m gistoc. maximal element: m gisto stoiqe o. maximal ideal: megistotik ide dec. maximal set: megistotik s nolo.
maximization: megistopo hsh.
maximization problem: pr blhma megistopo hshc.
maximize: megistopoi . maximizer: megistopoiht c. maximizing: megistopoi n.
maximizing function: megistopoio sa sun rthsh.
maximum (pl. maxima): m gistoc, m gisto, m gisth tim .
maximum error: m gisto sf lma. maximum likelihood: m gisth pijanof neia. maximum likelihood estimator: ektim tria m gisthc pijanof neiac. maximum likelihood function: sun rthsh m gisthc pijanof neiac. maximum likelihood principle: arq m gisthc pijanof neiac. maximum modulus: m gisto m tro. maximum modulus theorem: je rhma tou meg stou m trou. maximum possible error: m gisto dunat sf lma. maximum probability: m gisth pijan thta. absolute maximum: ap luto m gisto. relative maximum: sqetik m gisto.
maxterm: megist roc. Maxwell, (-).
Maxwell's equations: exis seic tou Maxwell.
mean: m soc, m sh tim , enno .
mean curvature: m sh kampul thta. mean deviation: m sh ap luth ap klish. mean error: m so sf lma. mean of a function: m sh tim sun rthsewc. mean square: tetragwnik c m soc. mean square consistency: m sh tetragwnik sun peia. mean square consistent: sunep c wc proc ton tetragwnik m so. mean square error: m so tetragwnik sf lma. mean value: m sh tim . mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c. arithmetic mean: arijmhtik c m soc ( roc). Bonnet's mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c tou Bonnet. convergence in the mean: m sh s gklish. geometric mean: gewmetrik c m soc ( roc). grand mean: genik m sh tim . harmonic mean: armonik c m soc ( roc). integral mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c gia oloklhr mata. limit in the mean: rio se m sh s gklish. quadratic mean: tetragwnik c m soc. root-mean-square error: m so tetragwnik sf lma. sample mean: m sh tim de gmatoc deigmatik m sh tim . true mean: alhj c m soc. 199
means: m so, m sa. measurable: metr simoc.
measurable function: metr simh sun rthsh. measurable set: metr simo s nolo. measurable space: metr simoc q roc.
measure: m tro, metr .
measure of central tendency: m tro kentrik c t sewc. measure of dispersion: m tro diaspor c. measure space: q roc m trou. measure theory: jewr a m trou. absolute measure: ap luto m tro. counting measure: aparijmhtik m tro. interior measure: eswterik m tro. invariant measure: anallo wto m tro. Lebesgue measure: m tro Lebesgue. spectral measure: fasmatik m tro. tame measure: exhmerwm no m tro. tameness of a measure: to exhmerwm no m trou. zero measure: mhdenik m tro.
measurement: m trhsh.
in situ measurements: epit piec metr seic.
measure-valued: me ped o tim n s nolo m trou. measure-valued function: metrosun rthsh.
mechanical: mhqanik c. mechanics: mhqanik .
celestial mechanics: our nia mhqanik . classical mechanics: klasik mhqanik . computational mechanics: upologistik mhqanik . continuum mechanics: mhqanik tou suneqo c m sou. uid mechanics: reustomhqanik . fracture mechanics: mhqanik jra shc. Newtonian mechanics: neut neia mhqanik . quantum mechanics: kbantomhqanik , kbantik mhqanik . relativistic mechanics: sqetikistik mhqanik . statistical mechanics: statistik mhqanik . wave mechanics: kumatomhqanik .
mechanism: mhqanism c. media: m sa (bl. medium).
unbounded media: mh fragm na m sa.
medial triangle: bl. median triangle. median: 1. di mesoc, di mesh tim (Stat.). 2. di mesoc trig nou. 3. di mesoc ( mesopar llhlh) trapez ou (to euj grammo tm ma pou en nei ta m sa twn mh par llhlwn pleur n), sun. midline.
median point of a triangle: bar kentro trig nou (sun. centroid). median triangle: to tr gwno me koruf c ta m sa twn pleur n trig nou (sun. medial triangle).
mediate: mmesoc. mediator: mesok jetoc euj grammou tm matoc, xonac summetr ac. medium (pl. media): m so, m soc, ulik . conducting medium: ag gimo m so. heterogeneous medium: eterogen c m so. homogeneous medium: omoiogen c m so.
meet: 1. sunant , t mnw. 2. tom . member: 1. m loc (ex swshc). 2. stoiqe o (sun lou). membership function: sun rthsh stoiqe wn. membrane: membr nh. vibrating membrane: pall menh membr nh.
memory: mn mh.
random access memory (RAM): mn mh tuqa ac prosp lashc.
memoryless: amn mwn. meniscal: mhniskoeid c. menisciform: mhniskoeid c. meniscoid: mhniskoeid c. meniscus (pl. minisci): mhn skoc.
convex meniscus: kurt c mhn skoc.
mensuration: m trhsh, katam trhsh. Mercator projection: merkatorian probol . meridian: meshmbrin c.
meridian curve: meshmbrin kamp lh tom , sun. meridian section. meridian section: meshmbrin tom kamp lh, sun. meridian curve. Ep pedh tom epif neiac ek peristrof c pou peri qei ton xona peristrof c.
meromoprhic: mer morfoc, meromorfik c.
meromorphic function: mer morfh sun rthsh.
mesh: pl gma.
mesh generation: paragwg pl gmatoc. mesh generator: pr gramma paragwg c pl gmatoc, paragwg c pl gmatoc. mesh re nement: p knwsh pl gmatoc. mesh size: pl toc pl gmatoc. anisotropic mesh re nement: anis troph p knwsh pl gmatoc. coarse mesh: arai pl gma. ne mesh: pukn pl gma, pl gma lept c diam rishc. graded mesh: bajmia o pl gma, pl gma bajmia ac pukn thtac. 201
isoparametric mesh: isoparametrik pl gma. iterative mesh re nement: epanalhptik p knwsh pl gmatoc. re ned mesh: puknwm no pl gma. uniform mesh: omoi morfo pl gma.
meshfree: qwr c pl gma.
meshfree method: m jodoc qwr c pl gma.
meshless: qwr c pl gma.
meshless method: m jodoc qwr c pl gma.
meso-: meso- (pr jema). mesokurtosis: mesok rtwsh. mesokurtic: mes kurtoc, mesokurtwtik c.
mesokurtic distribution: mes kurth katanom , katanom mesok rtwshc.
mesoscale: m shc kl makac.
mesoscale modeling: montelopo hsh m shc kl makac.
mesoscopic: mesoskopik c.
mesoscopic system: mesoskopik s sthma.
meta-: meta- (pr jema). metabelian: metabelian c.
metabelian group: metabelian om da. metabelian product: metabelian gin meno.
metacenter: met kentro. metacyclic: metakuklik c.
metacyclic group: metakuklik om da.
metal: m tallo. metalanguage: metagl ssa. metallic: metallik c. metamathematical: metamajhmatik c. metamathematical notions: metamajhmatik c nnoiec. metamathematics: metamajhmatik , sun numo thc jewr ac apode xewn (proof theory). meter: m tro. method: m jodoc. method of fundamental solutions (MFS): m jodoc jemeliwd n l sewn. method of Lagrange multipliers: m jodoc twn pollaplasiast n tou Lagrange. method of successive approximations: m jodoc twn diadoqik n prosegg sewn. method of undetermined coe cients: m jodoc twn prosdiorist wn suntelest n. method of variation of parameters: m jodoc thc metabol c twn stajerw'n. adaptive method: anaprosarmostik m jodoc. 202
alternating direction methods: m jodoi enallass menwn dieuj nsewn. back and forth method: m jodoc mproc-p sw. block power method: s njeth m jodoc twn dun mewn. boundary method: sunoriak m jodoc. boundary element method (BEM): m jodoc sunoriak n stoiqe wn. boundary integral method (BIM): m jodoc sunoriako oloklhr matoc. coding method: m jodoc kwdikopo hshc. collocated nite volume method: taxijethm nh m jodoc peperasm nwn gkwn el gqou. collocation method: m jodoc taxijes ac s mptwshc taxin mhshc. combinatorial methods: sunduastik c m jodoi. consistent method: sumbibast m jodoc. direct method: mesh m jodoc. domain decomposition method: m jodoc diamerismo diaqwrismo qwr ou. dovetailing method: m jodoc thc our c tou peristerio . dual reciprocity method: m jodoc du k c antistrof c.
explicit method: analut mesh m jodoc. extrapolation method: m jodoc parekbol c. nite di erence method (FDM): m jodoc peperasm nwn diafor n. nite element method (FEM): m jodoc peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. nite volume method: m jodoc peperasm nwn gkwn el gqou. frontal method: metwpik m jodoc. generalized method: genikeum nh m jodoc. global method: kajolik m jodoc. half-interval method: m jodoc diqot mhshc. hierarchical method: ierarqik m jodoc. hp-adaptive method: hp-anaprosarmostik m jodoc. hp-method: hp-m jodoc. hybrid nite element method: ubridik m jodoc peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. implicit method: mh analut mmesh peplegm nh m jodoc. inconsistent method: asumb basth mh sumbibast m jodoc. indirect method: mmesh m jodoc. integral method: oloklhrwtik m jodoc. integration method: m jodoc olokl rwshc. invariance method: m jodoc tou anallo wtou. inverse power method: ant strofh m jodoc twn dun mewn. isotype method: is tuph m jodoc. iterative method: epanalhptik m jodoc. least squares method: m jodoc elaq stwn tetrag nwn. meshfree method: m jodoc qwr c pl gma. meshless method: m jodoc qwr c pl gma. minimal error method: m jodoc elaq stou sf lmatoc. multi-grid method: poluplegmatik m jodoc. multi-step method: polubhmatik m jodoc. non-parametric method: aparametrik m jodoc, m jodoc ele jerhc katanom c. numerical method: arijmhtik m jodoc. one-step method: monobhmatik m jodoc. overrelaxation method: m jodoc uperqal rwshc. penalty method: m jodoc poin c. perturbation method: m jodoc diataraq n. 203
power method: m jodoc twn dun mewn. predictor-corrector method: m jodoc probl yewc-diorj sewc. regional method: topik m jodoc. regula falsi method: m jodoc esfalm nhc j shc, m jodoc regula falsi. relaxation method: m jodoc qal rwshc. roster method: m jodoc thc anagraf c. scaled method: anhgm nh m jodoc. secant method: m jodoc thc t mnousac. separation of variables method: m jodoc qwrismo twn metablht n. sequential method: akoloujiak m jodoc. shooting method: m jodoc sk peushc. simplex method: m jodoc simplex. singular perturbation method: m jodoc idiazous n diataraq n. spectral collocation method: m jodoc fasmatik c taxijes ac taxin mhshc. spectral method: fasmatik m jodoc. spectral element method: m jodoc twn fasmatik n stoiqe wn. steepest descent method: m jodoc meg sthc kaj dou kl sewc. successive overrelaxation method (SOR): m jodoc diadoqik c uperqal rwshc. successive substitution method: m jodoc diadoqik n antikatast sewn, genik epanalhptik m jodoc. summation method: m jodoc jroishc. superconvergent method: upersugkl nousa m jodoc. trapezoidal method: m jodoc tou trapez ou. trial and error method: m jodoc dokim c kai sf lmatoc. two-step method: dibhmatik m jodoc. unconjugated nite element method: m jodoc aposunezeugm nwn peperasm nwn stoiqe wn. underrelaxation method: m jodoc upoqal rwshc. unity method: m jodoc thc mon dac. unstructured method: mh domhm nh m jodoc. variable step size method: m jodoc metablhto b matoc.
methodology: mejodolog a. metric: metrik c, metrik (m tro, ap stash).
metric density: metrik pukn thta. metric form: metrik morf . metric space: metrik c q roc. metric system: metrik s sthma. metric tensor: metrik c tanust c. discrete metric: diakrit metrik (ap stash).
metrizable: metrikopoi simoc.
metrizable space: metrikopoi simoc q roc.
metrization: metrikopo hsh. metrology: metrolog a. micro-: mikro-. micro-economics: mikrooikonomik . microstatistics: mikrostatistik . micrometer: mikr metro. 204
micron: mikr . microscope: mikrosk pio. microscopic: mikroskopik c. microstructural: mikrodomik c. microstructure: mikrodom . microwaves: mikrok mata. mid: m soc, sto m son, ketrik c. mid-latitude: m so pl toc. middle: m soc, m son.
middle distance: m sh ap stash.
midline: di mesoc ( mesopar llhlh) trapez ou, bl. median. midmean: kentrik c m soc. midplane: mesoep pedo. midpplane solution: l sh mesoepip dou.
midpoint: m son, kentrik shme o.
midpoint of a line segment: m son euj grammou tm matoc.
midrange: mesok mansh. midrank: m soc bajm c. mile: m li.
nautical mile: nautik m li.
Minding's theorem: je rhma tou Minding. minima: el qista, bl. minimum. minimal: el qistoc, elaqistotik c, elaqistik c.
minimal basis: elaqistotik b sh. minimal element: el qisto elaqistotik stoiqe o. minimal error method: m jodoc elaq stou sf lmatoc. minimal polynomial: elaqistotik el qisto polu numo. minimal su cient statistic: elaqistotik el qisth epark c statistik sun rthsh. minimal surface: elaqistotik epif neia.
minimalization: elaqistopo hsh, elaqistikopo hsh.
bounded minimalization: fragm nh elaqistopo hsh. unbounded minimalization: mh fragm nh elaqistopo hsh.
minimality: elaqistotik thta, to elaqistotik , to el qisto. minimax: elaqistom gisto, elaqistom gistoc, minimax.
minimax polynomial: polu numo elaqistomeg stou, polu numo minimax. minimax principle: arq elaqistomeg stou, arq minimax. minimax test function: elegqosun rthsh elaqistomeg stou, elegqosun rthsh minimax. minimax theorem: je rhma elaqistomeg stou, je rhma minimax. 205
minimization: elaqistopo hsh.
constrained minimization problem: desmeum no pr blhma elaqistopo hshc. minimization problem: pr blhma elaqistopo hshc.
minimize: elaqistopoi . minimizer: elaqistopoiht c, elaqistopoio sa. global minimizer: kajolik c elaqistopoiht c.
minimizing: elaqistopoi n, elaqistopoi ntac.
minimizing function: elaqistopoio sa sun rthsh.
minimum (pl. minima): el qistoc, el qisto, el qisth tim . minimum polynomial: el qisto polu numo. minimum modulus: el qisto m tro. minimum modulus theorem: je rhma tou elaq stou m trou. minimum properties: el qistec idi thtec. minimum variance: el qisth diaspor . absolute minimum: ap luto el qisto. relative minimum: sqetik el qisto.
miniscope: el qisth emb leia (p.q. posode kth). miniscope form: morf el qisthc emb leiac.
Minkowski, ( - )
Minkowski's inequality: anis thta tou Minkowski.
minor: deutere wn, mikr c, el sswn.
minor axis: mikr c xonac. minor determinant: el ssona or zousa. minor segment: el sson tm ma.
minority: meioyhf a. minterm: elaqist roc. minuend: meiwt oc. minus: me on, plhn.
minus sign: to plhn, s mbolo thc afa reshc.
minute: pr to lept . mirror: k toptro.
mirror image: e dwlo.
miscible: anam ximoc. mixed: mikt c.
mixed boundary condition: mikt sunoriak sunj kh. mixed element: mikt stoiqe o. mixed nite elements: mikt peperasm na stoiqe a. mixed integer programming: mikt c ak raioc programmatism c. 206
mixed (boundary value) problem: mikt pr blhma (sunoriak n tim n). mixed volume: mikt c gkoc.
mixing: m xh, anam xh.
mixing ow: ro m xhc an mixhc. mixing length: m koc m xhc an mixhc.
mixture: m gma. mnemonic: mnhmonik c. mobile: kinht c. mobility: kinhtik thta.
mobility matrix: p nakac kinhtik thtac.
modal: tupik c.
modal matrix: typik c p nakac.
mode: tr poc (tal ntwshc), tal ntwsh, pijan terh tim .
mode of vibration: tr poc tal ntwshc. dangerous mode: epik ndunoc tr poc (tal ntwshc). fundamental mode: jemeli dhc tal ntwsh tr poc (tal ntwshc). normal mode: kanonik c tr poc. normal modes of vibration: kanoniko tr poi tal ntwshc. solenoidal modes: swlhnoeide c tr poi. spurious mode: plasmatik c tr poc.
model: mont lo, up deigma, pr tupo.
model theory: jewr a mont lwn. additive model: prosjetik mont lo. countable model: metr simo mont lo. counter model: aparijmhtik mont lo. discrete model: diakrit mont lo. environmental model: periballontik mont lo. nite model: peperasm no mont lo. free model: ele jero mont lo. linear model: grammik mont lo. mathematical model: majhmatik mont lo. multi-temporal model: poluqronik mont lo. prime model: pr to mont lo. randomized model: tuqaiopoihm no mont lo. stationary model: st simo mont lo.
modeling ( modelling): montelopo hsh.
mathematical modeling: majhmatik montelopo hsh. mesoscale modeling: montelopo hsh m shc kl makac.
moderate: m trioc, metriopaj c. modi cation: tropopo hsh. 207
modi ed: tropopoihm noc.
modi ed Bessel functions: tropopoihm nec sunart seic Bessel. modi ed di erences: tropopoihm nec diafor c. modi ed function: tropopoihm nh sun rthsh. modi ed moments: tropopoihm nec rop c.
modify: tropopoi . modular: modular, me m tro.
modular function: metrosun rthsh.
modulation: diam rfwsh.
amplitude modulation: diam rfwsh pl touc (optik ).
module: pr tupo.
commutative module: antimetajetik metabatik pr tupo. graded module: bajmwt pr tupo.
modulo: modulo. modulus: m tro, ap luth tim .
modulus of a complex number: m tro ap luth tim migadiko arijmo . modulus of elliptic function: m tro elleiptik c sunart sewc. modulus in tension: m tro efelkusmo . modulus of elasticity: m tro elastik thtac. complementary modulus: sumplhrwmatik m tro. maximum modulus: m gisto m tro. maximum modulus theorem: je rhma tou meg stou m trou. minimum modulus: el qisto m tro. minimum modulus theorem: je rhma tou elaq stou m trou.
Moebius, (-).
Moebius strip: lwr da tou Moebius. Moebius transformation: metasqhmatism c Moebius.
molecular: moriak c.
molecular biology: moriak biolog a. molecular dynamics: dunamik mor wn moriak dunamik . molecular simulation: moriak prosomo wsh.
molecularly: moriak . molecule: m rio. moment: rop , stigm .
moment of inertia: rop adr neiac. moment generating function: ropogenn tria sun rthsh. absolute moment: ap luth rop . bending moment: rop k myhc. canonical moment: kanonik rop . central moment: kentrik rop . 208
conditional moment: desmeum nh rop rop up sunj kh. inverse moment: ant strofh rop . joint moment: mikt rop . modi ed moments: tropopoihm nec rop c. multivariate moment: polumetablht mikt rop . principal moments of inertia: k riec rop c adr neiac. probability moment: rop pijan thtac. product moment: mikt rop . product-moment formula: t poc mikt c rop c tou ginom nou rop n. raw moment: mh kentrik rop . static moment: statik rop .
momentum: orm .
momentum balance: isoz gio orm c. momentum conservation: diat rhsh thc orm c. momentum coordinates: suntetagm nec orm c. momentum equation: ex swsh (diat rhshc thc) orm c. momentum map: apeik nish orm c. momentum transport: metafor orm c. angular momentum: stroform . conjugate momentum: suzug c orm . linear momentum: orm .
momentumless: qwr c orm . Monge patch: tm ma tou Monge. monadic: monomel c, monadia oc (sun. unary kai singulary).
monadic relation: monomel c monadia a sq sh, kathg rhma miac j shc (sun. unary relation kai one-place predicate).
monic: monik c, enadik c. Se merik bibl a, to monic qrhsimopoie tai wc upokoristik tou monomorphism (monomorfism c). monic polynomial: monik polu numo. Se merik bibl a qrhsimopoio ntai ep shc oi roi enadik polu numo kai (o atuq c) kanonikopoihm no polu numo.
monochromatic: monoqrwmatik c. monodromy: monodromik thta.
monodromy theorem: je rhma monodromik thtac.
monogenic: monogen c.
monogenic analytic function: monogen c analutik sun rthsh.
monograph: monograf a. monoid: monoeid c.
free monoid: ele jero monoeid c. plactic monoid: plaktik monoeid c.
monoidal: monoeid c. 209
monomial: mon numo. monomorphic: mon morfoc, monomorfik c. monomorphism: monomorfism c. monopole: mon polo. monotone: mon tonoc.
monotone function: mon tonh sun rthsh. monotone sequence: mon tonh akolouj a. monotone transformation: mon tonoc metasqhmatism c.
monotonic: mon tonoc.
monotonic function: mon tonh sun rthsh. monotonic sequence: mon tonh akolouj a.
monotonicity: monoton a, monotonik thta.
monotonicity preserving: o diathr n th monoton a.
monotony: monoton a. monster: t rac.
holomorphic monster: ol morfo t rac.
moon: sel nh. morph: morfopoi , sqhmat zw, kataskeu zw. morphism: morfism c. morphism function: sun rthsh morfismo . zero morphism: mhdenik c morfism c.
morphology: morfolog a. morphological: morfologik c. motion: k nhsh.
absolute motion: ap luth k nhsh. accelerated motion: epitaqun menh k nhsh. anharmonic motion: anarmonik k nhsh. Brownian motion: k nhsh Brown. circular motion: kuklik k nhsh. constrained motion: exanagkasm nh k nhsh. critically damped motion: k nhsh me kr simh ap sbesh. damped motion: k nhsh me ap sbesh. equations of motion: exis seic k nhshc. free motion: ele jerh k nhsh. harmonic motion: armonik k nhsh. isochronous motion: is qronh k nhsh. oscillatory damped motion: talanteu menh k nhsh me ap sbesh. overdamped motion: k nhsh me taqe a ap sbesh. perpetual motion: a nah k nhsh. plane motion: ep pedh k nhsh. retarded motion: epidradun menh k nhsh. 210
rigid motion: k nhsh stereo s matoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh. simple harmonic motion: apl armonik k nhsh. solid-body motion: k nhsh stereo s matoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh. Sun. rigid-body motion. undamped motion: k nhsh qwr c ap sbesh. underdamped motion: k nhsh me asjen ap sbesh. uniform circular motion: omal kuklik k nhsh. uniformly accelerated motion: omal epitaqun menh k nhsh.
move: kino mai, k nhsh. moving: kino menoc.
moving average: kino menoc m soc. moving boundary: kino meno s noro. moving boundary problem: pr blhma kinoum nou sun rou. moving coordinate system: kino meno s sthma suntetagm nwn. moving grid algorithm: alg rijmoc kino menou pl gmatoc. moving load: kino meno fort o. moving trihedron: kino meno tr edro.
multi-: polu-. multi-binomial: poludiwnumik c.
multi-binomial test: poludiwnumik c legqoc.
multi-collinearity: polusuggramik thta. multi-connected: pollapl sunektik c. multicontraction: polusustol , pollapl sustol . multicycle: pol kukloc. multidimensional: poludi statoc. multi-dimensionality: to poludi stato. multidimensionally: poludi stata. multifractal: poluklastik c, polumorfoklasmatik c. multifractality: poluklastik thta, polumorfoklasmatik thta. multigraph: polugr fhma. multi-grid: poluplegmatik c, poll n plegm twn. multi-grid method: poluplegmatik m jodoc.
multi-index: polude kthc. multi-layer: polustrwmatik c.
multi-layer ow: polustrwmatik ro .
multi-level: poluep pedoc, poll n epip dwn.
multi-level method: poluep pedh m jodoc. multi-level optimization: mh grammik beltistopo hsh. 211
multi-linear: polugrammik c, pleiogrammik c.
multi-linear algebra: polugrammik pleiogrammik lgebra. multi-linear process: polugrammik an lixh.
multimedia: polum sa.
multimedia information systems: plhroforik sust mata polum swn.
multimodal: pol tropoc, poluk rufoc.
multimodal distribution: poluk rufh katanom .
multinomial: poluwnumik c.
multinomial formula: poluwnumik c t poc. multinomial distribution: poluwnumik katanom . multinomial population: poluwnumik c plhjusm c. multinomial sampling: poluwnumik deigmatolhy a.
multipath: pollapl c dr moc, pollapl diadrom , pollapl monop ti. multi-parameter: poll n param trwn. multi-parameter averages: poluparametriko m soi.
multi-parametric: poluparametrik c. multi-phase: polufasik c.
multi-phase sampling: polufasik deigmatolhy a.
multiple: pollapl c, pollapl sio.
multiple angle: pollapl gwn a. multiple angle formula: t poc pollapl c gwn ac. multiple equilibrium states: pollapl c katast seic isorrop ac. multiple integral: pollapl olokl rwma. multiple recursion: pollapl anadrom . multiple regression: pollapl palindr mhsh. multiple solutions: pollapl c l seic. Turing machine with multiple heads: mhqan Turing me pollapl c kefal c. scalar multiple: bajmwt pollapl sio.
multiple-valued: plei timoc.
multiple-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh.
multiplicand: pollaplasiast oc. multiplication: pollaplasiasm c.
closed under multiplication: kleist c wc proc ton pollaplasiasm . matrix multiplication: pollaplasiasm c pin kwn. scalar multiplication: bajmwt c arijmhtik c pollaplasiasm c.
multiplicative: pollaplasiastik c.
multiplicative ergodic theorem: pollaplasiastik ergodik je rhma. multiplicative group: pollaplasiastik om da. 212
multiplicative inverse: pollaplasiastik c ant strofoc.
multiplicatively: pollaplasiastik .
multiplicatively closed: pollaplasiastik kleist c.
multiplicity: pollapl thta.
algebraic multiplicity: algebrik pollapl thta. geometric multiplicity: gewmetrik pollapl thta.
multiplier: pollaplasiast c.
Lagrange multiplier: pollaplasiast c tou Lagrange. method of Lagrange multipliers: m jodoc twn pollaplasiast n tou Lagrange.
multiply: 1. pollaplasi zw. 2. pollapl .
multiply connected: pollapl sunektik c. multiply connected region: pollapl sunektik qwr o t poc.
multipolar: polupolik c. multipole: pol polo.
multipole equation: polupolik ex swsh. multipole expansion: polupolik an ptugma. multipole method: polupolik m jodoc.
multiscale: pollapl kl maka.
multiscale analysis: an lush pollapl c kl makac (sun. multiple scale analysis). multiscale phenomena: fain mena pollapl c kl makac.
multiset: polus nolo. multi-stage: polustadiak c.
multi-stage integration method: polustadiak m jodoc olokl rwshc. multi-stage sampling: polustadiak deigmatolhy a.
multi-step: polubhmatik c, poll n bhm twn. multi-step method: polubhmatik m jodoc.
multi-temporal: poluqronik c.
multi-temporal model: poluqronik mont lo.
multitude: pl joc. multivalent: polud namoc, polusjen c. multi-valued: plei timoc.
multi-valued decision: ap fash poll n epilog n. multi-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh. multi-valued logic: plei timh logik .
multivariate: polumetablht c, poludi statoc.
multivariate analysis: polumetablht an lush. multivariate distribution: polumetablht katanom . multivariate inequality: polumetablht anis thta. multivariate moment: polumetablht mikt rop . multivariate process: polumetablht an lixh. multivariate quality control: polumetablht c legqoc poi thtac.
multivector: poludi nusma. musical: mousik c.
musical note: mousik c t noc.
mutable: metablht c. mutate: metab llw. mutatis mutandis: throum nwn twn analogi n (lat.). mute: boub c. mutual: amoiba oc. mutually: amoiba a.
mutually exclusive events: asumb basta gegon ta endeq mena. mutually exclusive sets: x na s nola. mutually perpendicular: metax touc k jetoi.
N nabla: an delta (telest c), sun. del. nadir: nad r. naive: aplo k c. naked: gumn c. naked singularity: gumn anwmal a.
Napier, J. (1550-1617). Napierian: nep reioc, o tou Napier.
Napierian logarithms: fusiko log rijmoi, nep reioi log rijmoi. Napierian system of logarithms: logarijmik s sthma tou Napier.
narrow: sten c. narrowly: sten .
narrowly appropriate structure: sten kat llhlh dom . 214
natural: fusik c.
natural base of logarithms: fusik b sh twn logar jmwn. natural boundary: fusik s noro. natural boundary condition: fusik sunoriak sunj kh (sunj kh Neumann). natural embedding: fusik emf teush. natural equations: fusik c exis seic. natural equivalence: fusik isodunam a, fusik c isomorfism c. natural frequency: fusik suqn thta. natural isomorphism: fusik c isomorfism c. natural language: fusik gl ssa. natural logarithm: fusik c log rijmoc. natural norm: fusik n rma. natural number: fusik c arijm c. natural order: fusik di taxh. natural parameter: fusik par metroc. natural spline: fusik (sun rthsh) spline. natural transformation: fusik apeik nish metasqhmatism c.
nature: f sh.
non-linear nature: mh grammik f sh, mh grammik c qarakt rac.
naught: mhd n (sun. zero kai nought). nautical: anutik c. nautical mile: nautik m li.
near: plhs on, kont , sqed n, kontin c.
near eld: kontin ped o. near- eld di raction: per jlash kontino ped ou.
nearest: plhsi steroc.
nearest neighbor: plhsi steroc ge tonac.
necessary: anagka oc, apara thtoc.
necessary condition: anagka a sunj kh. necessary and su cient condition: anagka a kai ikan sunj kh.
necessity: (to) anagka o.
necessity and su ciency: anagka o kai ikan .
needle: bel na. negation: rnhsh.
negation sign: s mbolo rnhshc. double negation: dipl rnhsh.
negative: arnhtik c, ant jetoc.
negative angle: arnhtik gwn a. negative charge: arnhtik fort o. 215
negative correlation: arnhtik susq tish. negative de nite: arnhtik orism noc. negative de niteness: to arnhtik orism no. negative de nite matrix: arnhtik orism noc p nakac. negative direction: arnhtik kate junsh. negative exponent: arnhtik c ekj thc. negative number: arnhtik c arijm c. negative of a matrix: ant jetoc p nakac. negative orientation: arnhtik c prosanatolism c. negative part: arnhtik m roc. negative power: arnhtik d namh. negative semide nite: arnhtik hmiorism noc. negative semide niteness: to arnhtik hmiorism no. negative sense: arnhtik for . negative sign: arnhtik pr shmo. strictly negative number: gn sia austhr arnhtik c arijm c.
negation: rnhsh.
double negation: dipl rnhsh.
negativeness: arnhtik thta. negativity: arnhtik thta. neglect: amel . negligible: amelht oc. neighbor: ge tonac, geitonik c.
nearest neighbor: plhsi steroc ge tonac.
neighborhood: geitoni , perioq .
closed neighborhood: kleist perioq . deleted neighborhood: periorism nh perioq . delta neighborhood: d-perioq . open neighborhood: anoikt perioq . rectangular neighborhood: orjog nia perioq .
nested: egkibwtism noc, egklwbism noc, diktuwm noc, fwliasm noc. nested intervals: egkibwtism na diast mata. nested loop: fwliasm noc br qoc. nested triangles: diktuwm na tr gwna.
net: d ktuo, kajar c, ekkajarism noc. network: d ktuo.
data communication networks: d ktua epikoinwn ac dedom nwn. neural network: neurwnik d ktuo.
Neumann, Gott red (1832-1925).
Neumann condition: sunj kh Neumann. Neumann's function: sun rthsh tou Neumann. 216
Neumann's problem: pr blhma tou Neumann.
neural: neurwnik c.
neural computation: neurwnik c upologism c. neural model: neurwnik mont lo. neural network: neurwnik d ktuo.
neuronal: neurwnik c.
neuronal system: neurwnik s sthma.
neutral: oud teroc, adi foroc.
neutral stability: oud terh adi forh eust jeia.
Neville's algorithm: alg rijmoc tou Neville. Newton, Isaac (1642-1727).
Newton-Cotes integration formulas: t poi olokl rwshc Newton-Cotes. Newton-Cotes methods: m jodoi Newton-Cotes. Newton's identity: taut thta tou Newton. Newton's inequality: anis thta tou Newton. Newton's laws: n moi tou Newton. Newton-Raphson method: m jodoc Newton-Raphson. Newton's method: m jodoc tou Newton. Newton's potential: dunamik tou Newton.
Newtonian: neut neioc, neutwnik c.
Newtonian ow: neut neia ro . Newtonian uid: neut neio reust . Newtonian mechanics: neut neia mhqanik . generalized Newtonian uid: genikeum no neut neio reust .
nilpotent: mhdenod namoc.
nilpotent group: mhdenod namh om da. nilpotent matrix: mhdenod namoc p nakac. nilpotent ring: mhdenod namoc dakt lioc.
nodal: kombik c.
nodal point: kombik shme o. nodal unknown: kombik c gnwstoc. nodal variable: kombik metablht .
node: k mboc, desm c.
node theory: jewr a k mbwn.
noded: me k mbouc.
six-noded element: stoiqe o me xi k mbouc.
Noether, Emmy: (1882-1935). 217
noise: j ruboc.
white noise: leuk c j ruboc.
nominal: onomastik c.
nominal data: onomastik dedom na.
nominally: onomastik . nomogram: nom gramma. non-: mh (pr jema). nona-: enn a- (pr jema, sun. ennea-). nonagon: enne gwno. non-analytic: mh analutik c.
non-analytic function: mh analutik sun rthsh.
non-autonomous: mh aut nomoc.
non-autonomous system: mh aut nomo s sthma.
non-axisymmetric: mh axonosummetrik c, o mh qwn kulindrik summetr a. nonblank: mh ken c. nonblank symbol: mh ken s mbolo. non-central: mh kentrik c.
non-central distribution: mh kentrik katanom .
non-centrality: mh kentrik thta, ekkentr thta.
non-centrality matrix: p nakac ekkentr thtac. non-centrality parameter: par metroc ekkentr thtac.
non-circular: mh kuklik c.
non-circular statistic: mh kuklik statistik sun rthsh.
noncommutative: mh antimetajetik c.
noncommutative algebra: mh antimetajetik lgebra. noncommutative matrices: mh antimetajetiko mh antimetaj simoi p nakec.
noncommutativity: mh antimetajetik thta. non-commuting: mh antimetajetik c, mh antimetaj simoc.
non-commuting matrices: mh antimetajetiko mh antimetaj simoi p nakec. non-commuting polynomials: mh antimetajetik mh antimetaj sima polu numa.
non-compact: mh sumpag c, asumpag c.
non-compact Riemann surface: mh sumpag c epif neia Riemann.
non-compactness: asump geia, to asumpag c, mh sump geia. non-complete: mh pl rhc. 218
non-completeness: mh plhr thta.
non-completeness theorem: je rhma mh plhr thtac.
nonconforming: mh summorfik c.
nonconforming nite elements: mh summorfik peperasm na stoiqe a.
non-convex: mh kurt c, ko loc.
non-convex polygon: mh kurt pol gwno (sun. concave polygon). non-convex polyhedron: mh kurt pol edro (sun. concave polyhedron).
non-cylindrical: mh kulindrik c.
non-cylindrical domain: mh kulindrik qwr o.
non-decreasing: mh fj nwn.
non-decreasing function: mh fj nousa sun rthsh. non-decreasing sequence: mh fj nousa akolouj a.
non-defective: mh ellip c.
non-defective matrix: mh ellip c p nakac.
non-degeneracy: mh ekfulism c, to mh ekfulism no. nondegenerate: mh ekfulism noc. nondegenerate conic: mh ekfulism nh kwnik . nondegenerate system: mh ekfulism no s sthma.
nondense: mh pukn c.
nondense set: mh pukn s nolo.
non-determination: mh prosdiorism c.
non-determination coe cient: suntelest c mh prosdiorismo .
nondeterminism: mh nteterminism c. nondeterministic: mh nteterministik c, mh prosdioristik c. nondeterministic time: mh nteterministik c qr noc.
nondimensionalization: adiastatopo hsh. nondimensionalize: adiastatopoi . nonemptiness: mh ken thta. nonempty: mh ken c. nonempty set: mh ken s nolo.
nonequilibrium: mh isorrop a, ekt c isorrop ac. non-Euclidean: mh eukle deioc.
non-Euclidean norm: mh eukle deia n rma. non-Euclidean geometry: mh eukle deia gewmetr a. 219
non-existence: mh parxh. nonextensivity: to mh ektetam no. non-holonomic: mh ol nomoc.
non-holonomic constraint: mh ol nomoc desm c.
non-homogeneous: mh omogen c.
non-homogeneous equation: mh omogen c ex swsh.
non-increasing: mh aux nwn.
non-increasing function: mh aux nousa sun rthsh. non-increasing sequence: mh a xousa akolouj a.
non-inertial: mh adraneiak c.
non-inertial system: mh adraneiak s sthma.
non-invertible: mh antistr yimoc. non-isolated: mh memonwm noc, mh apomonwm noc.
non-isolated singularity: mh memonwm no an malo shme o, mh memonwm nh anwmal a.
nonisothermal: anis jermoc, mh is jermoc, mh isojermokrasiak c. nonisothermal ow: mh is jermh ro .
non-linear: mh grammik c.
nonlinear algebra: mh grammik lgebra. non-linear correlation: mh grammik susq tish. non-linear di erential equation: mh grammik diaforik ex swsh. non-linear dynamics: mh grammik dunamik . non-linear equation: mh grammik ex swsh. non-linear mapping: mh grammik apeik nish. non-linear model: mh grammik mont lo. non-linear operator: mh grammik c telest c. non-linear optimization: mh grammik beltistopo hsh. non-linear programming: mh grammik c programmatism c. non-linear regression : mh grammik palindrom sh. non-linear relationship: mh grammik sq sh. non-linear system (of equations): mh grammik s sthma (exis sewn). non-linear theory: mh grammik jewr a. non-linear transformation: mh grammik c metasqhmatism c.
non-linearity: mh grammik thta. nonlocal: mh topik c. non-logical: mh logik c.
non-logical axiom schema: mh logik axiwmatik sq ma. non-logical symbols: logik s mbola.
nonmetrizable: mh metrikopoi simoc.
nonmetrizable topological dynamics: mh metrikopoi simh topologik dunamik . 220
non-monotone: mh mon tonoc.
non-monotone logic: mh mon tonh ajroistik logik . non-monotone reasoning: mh mon tonh ajroistik sullogistik .
non-monotonic: mh mon tonoc.
non-monotonic reasoning: mh mon tonh ajroistik sullogistik .
non-monotonicity: mh monoton a. non-negative: mh arnhtik c.
non-negative de nite: mh arntik orism noc.
non-negativeness: mh arnhtik thta. non-Newtonian: mh neut neioc, mh neutwnik c. non-Newtonian ow: mh neut neia ro . non-Newtonian uid: mh neut neio reust .
non-Normal: mh Kanonik c.
non-Normal population: mh Kanonik c plhjusm c.
non-null: mh mhdenik c.
non-null hypothesis: mh mhdenik up jesh.
nonoscillatory: mh talanteu menoc.
nonoscillatory solution: mh talanteu menh l sh.
non-overlapping: mh allhlepikalupt menoc, mh epikalupt menoc.
non-overlapping domain decomposition: diaqwrism c diamerism c mh epikalupt menwn qwr wn.
non-parametric: aparametrik c, mh parametrik c.
non-parametric method: aparametrik m jodoc, m jodoc ele jerhc katanom c. non-parametric tolerance limits: aparametrik ria anoq c.
non-positive: mh jetik c.
non-positive de nite: mh jetik orism noc.
non-positiveness: mh jetik thta. non-random: mh tuqa oc.
non-random sample: mh tuqa o de gma.
non-randomized: mh tuqaiopoihm noc. Se merik bibl a qrhsimopoie tai o lanjasm noc roc mh tuqopoihm noc.
non-randomized test function: mh tuqaiopoihm nh elegqosun rthsh.
non-rectangular: mh orjog nioc.
non-rectangular coordinate system: mh kartesian mh orjog nio s sthma suntetagm nwn. 221
non-recursive: mh anadromik c. non-recursiveness: mh anadromik thta. non-re ecting: mh anaklastik c, mh anakl n.
non-re ecting boundary: mh anaklastik s noro.
non-re exive: mh anaklastik c, mh autopaj c. non-regular: mh kanonik c.
non-regular estimator: mh kanonik ektim tria.
non-response: mh ap krish. non-sampling: mh deigmatolhptik c.
non-sampling error: mh deigmatolhptik sf lma.
non-selfadjoint: mh autoprosarthm noc, mh autosuzug c ak ma mh du k c.
non-selfadjoint operator: mh autoprosarthm noc mh autosuzug c telest c.
non-singular: mh idi zwn, omal c, m idi morfoc.
non-singular distribution: mh idi zousa katanom . non-singular mapping: mh idi zousa omal apeik nish. non-singular matrix: mh idi zwn omal c p nakac. non-singular operator: mh idi zwn omal c telest c. non-singular transformation: mh idi zousa omal apeik nish.
non-solenoidal: mh swlhnoeid c. nonspatial: mh qwrik c. nonstationary: mh st simoc.
nonstationary model: mh st simo mont lo.
nonsti : mh kamptoc, mh d skamptoc.
nonsti equation: mh d skampth ex swsh.
nonsymmetric: mh summetrik c.
nonsymmetric matrix: mh summetrik c p nakac.
nonterminal: mh termatik c, mh termatik .
productive nonterminal: paragwgik mh termatik .
nontransitive: mh metabatik c. nontrivial: mh tetrimm noc. nonuniform: mh omoi morfoc, anomoi morfoc, mh omal c. nonuniform grid: anomoi morfo pl gma.
non-unique: mh monadik c. non-uniqueness: mh monadik thta. nonvortical: astr biloc. 222
non-zero: mh mhdenik c.
non-zero term: mh mhdenik c roc.
norm: n rma, st jmh, m tro, m koc.
equivalent norm: isod namh n rma. Euclidean norm: eukle deia n rma. in nity-norm: peiro-n rma. natural norm: fusik n rma. one-norm: na-n rma. sup-norm: sup-n rma peiro-n rma. two-norm: d o-n rma. uniform norm: omoi morfh n rma.
normable: epideq menoc n rma.
normable space: q roc epideq menoc n rma.
normal: k jetoc, kanonik c, k jeth.
normal bundle: k jeth d smh. normal component: k jeth sunist sa. normal coordinates: kanonik c suntetagm nec. normal curvature: k jeth kampul thta. normal curve: kanonik kamp lh. normal dispersion: kanonik diaspor . normal distribution: kanonik katanom . normal equations: kanonik c exis seic. normal extension: kanonik ep ktash. normal form: kanonik morf . normal formula: omal c t poc (logik ). normal frequency: kanonik suqn thta. normal group: kanonik om da. normal line: k jeth euje a. normal mode: kanonik c tr poc. normal modes of vibration: kanoniko tr poi tal ntwshc. normal operator: k jetoc telest c. normal order: kanonik di taxh. normal population: kanonik c kanonik katanemhm noc plhjusm c. normal plane: k jeto ep pedo. normal random variable: kanonik tuqa a metablht . normal representation: kanonik anapar stash. normal section: k jeth tom . normal space: kanonik c q roc. normal stress: k jeth t sh. normal subgroup: kanonik upoom da. normal system: kanonik s sthma. normal vector: k jeto di nusma. conjunctive normal form: suzeuktik kanonik morf . disjunctive normal form: diazeuktik kanonik morf . principal normal: pr th k jeth. Riemann normal coordinates: kanonik c suntetagm nec tou Riemann. 223
standard normal curve: tupik tupopoihm nh kanonik kamp lh. unit normal: monadia a k jeth.
Normal: Kanonik c.
Normal deviate: Kanonik ap klish. Normal scores: Kanonik apotel smata. half Normal distribution: hmi-Kanonik katanom . inverse Normal scores: ant strofa Kanonik apotel smata. random Normal scores test: legqoc tuqa wn Kanonik n apotelesm twn.
normality: kanonik thta. normalization: kanonikopo hsh. normalize: kanonikopoi . normalized: kanonikopoihm noc, kanonik c, anhgm noc, sqetik c. normalized function: kanonikopoihm nh sun rthsh. normalized vector: kanonikopoihm no di nusma.
normally: kanonik .
normally distributed: kanonik katanemhm noc. normally distributed random variable: kanonik kanonik katanemhm nh tuqa a metablht .
normed: efodiasm noc me n rma, nnormoc, stajmht c (se merik bibl a, norm !). normed space: q roc me n rma, nnormoc q roc, stajmht c q roc.
north: b reioc.
north pole: b reioc p loc.
notation: sumbolism c, shmeiograf a.
abbreviated notation: suntetmhm noc sumbolism c. binary notation: duadik c sumbolism c. decimal notation: dekadik c sumbolism c, dekadik par stash. Gibbs' notation: sumbolism c Gibbs. index notation: sumbolism c deikt n. matrix notation: sumbolism c pin kwn. symbolic notation: sumbolik shmeiograf a. tensor notation: tanustik c sumbolism c. unary notation: monadia oc sumbolism c. vector notation: dianusmatik c sumbolism c.
note: shme wsh, shmei nw. notion: nnoia.
notion of forcing: nnoia tou exanagkasmo . metamathematical notions: metamajhmatik c nnoiec.
nought: mhd n (sun. zero kai naught). nova: kainofan c (ast rac). 224
n-trial: n-d kimoc, nid kimoc.
n-trial experiment: n-d kimo pe rama.
n-tuple: ni da, niadik c.
ordered n-tuple: diatetagm nh ni da.
nuclear: purhnik c.
nuclear dynamics: purhnik dunamik .
nuisance: qlhsh.
nuisance parameter: oqlhr par metroc.
null: ken c, mhdenik c.
null function: mhdenik sun rthsh. null hypothesis: mhdenik up jesh. null set: mhdenik ken s nolo (empty set). null space: mhden qwroc, mhdenik c q roc, pur nac (kernel). null vector: mhdenik di nusma.
nullary: mhdenik c.
nullary operation: mhdenik pr xh.
nullity: mhdenik thta. Se merik bibl a anaf retai wc lleimma (de cit). number: arijm c, arijm . number system: s sthma arijm n. number theory: arijmojewr a, jewr a arijm n. absolute number: ap lutoc arijm c. abstract number: afhrhm noc arijm c. algebraic number: algebrik c arijm c. Bernoulli numbers: arijmo tou Bernoulli. cardinal number: plhj rijmoc plhjik c arijm c isq c. cardinal number axiom: ax wma twn plhjar jmwn. commensurable numbers: s mmetroi arijmo . complex number: migadik c arijm c. complex number system: s sthma twn migadik n arijm n. composite number: s njetoc arijm c. condition number: arijm c kat stashc. constructible number: kataskeu simoc arijm c. dimensionless number: adi statoc arijm c. Euler numbers: arijmo tou Euler. even number: rtioc arijm c. imaginary number: fantastik c arijm c. incommensurable numbers: as mmetroi arijmo . index number: arijmode kthc. information number: plhroforiak c arijm c. integer number: ak raioc arijm c. irrational number: rrhtoc arijm c. natural number: fusik c arijm c. 225
negative number: arnhtik c arijm c. octal number system: oktadik s sthma arijm n. odd number: peritt c arijm c. opposite numbers: ant jetoi arijmo . ordinal number: diataktik c arijm c. perfect number: t leioc arijm c. polygonal numbers: polugwniko arijmo . positive number: jetik c arijm c. prime number: pr toc arijm c. prime number theorem: je rhma pr twn arijm n. random numbers: tuqa oi arijmo . random sampling numbers: tuqa oi arijmo deigmatolhy ac. rational number: rht c arijm c. real number: pragmatik c arijm c. real number system: s sthma twn pragmatik n arijm n. sampling numbers: arijmo deigmatolhy ac. serial number: a xwn arijm c. square numbers: tetragwniko arijmo . strictly negative number: gn sia austhr arnhtik c arijm c. strictly positive number: gn sia austhr jetik c arijm c. wave number: kumatarijm c.
numbering: ar jmhsh.
global numbering: kajolik ar jmhsh. local numbering: topik ar jmhsh.
numerable: arijm simoc (sun. denumerable). numerable set: arijm simo s nolo.
numeral: arijm c, arijmhtik c, (arijmhtik ) yhf o. arabic numerals: arabiko arijmo . roman numerals: rwma ko arijmo .
numerate: arijm . numerated: arijmhm noc.
numerated set: asjen c perigr yimo s nolo (sun. weakly representable set).
numeration: ar jmhsh. numerator: arijmht c. numeric: arijmhtik c. numerical: arijmhtik c.
numerical analysis: arijmhtik an lush. numerical calculation: arijmhtik c upologism c. numerical data: arijmhtik dedom na. numerical di erentiation: arijmhtik parag gish. numerical expression: arijmhtik par stash. numerical instability: arijmhtik ast jeia. numerical integration: arijmhtik olokl rwsh. 226
numerical integrator: arijmhtik c oloklhrwt c. numerical linear algebra: arijmhtik grammik lgebra. numerical method: arijmhtik m jodoc. numerical quanti er: arijmhtik c (uparxiak c) posode kthc. numerical results: arijmhtik apotel smata. numerical simulation: arijmhtik prosomo wsh. numerical solution: arijmhtik l sh. numerical stability: arijmhtik eust jeia. numerical value: arijmhtik tim .
numerically: arijmhtik .
numerically stable: arijmhtik eustaj c.
numerics: arijmhtiko upologismo .
O ODE (ordinary di erential equation): sun jhc diaforik ex swsh (SDE). OR (overrelaxation): uperqal rwsh. Jacobi OR: uperqal rwsh tou Jacobi.
object: antike meno.
object function: sun rthsh antikeim nwn. object lens: antikeimenik c fak c. object oriented: antikeimenostref c. object-oriented method: antikeimenostref c m jodoc. object product: gin meno antikeim nwn. free object: ele jero antike meno. free-object functor: sunartht c ele jerwn antikeim nwn. zero object: mhdenik antike meno.
objective: antikeimenik c.
objective function: antikeimenik sun rthsh.
oblate: geweid c, peplatusm noc.
oblate spheroid: geweid c peplatusm no sfairoeid c. oblate spheroidal coordinates: peplatusm nec geweide c sfairoeide c suntetagm nec.
oblique: pl gioc, lox c, keklim noc.
oblique asymptote: pl gia as mptwth. oblique collision: pl gia kro sh. oblique cone: pl gioc k noc. 227
oblique coordinates: pl giec suntetagm nec. oblique line: pl gia gramm . oblique prism: pl gio pr sma. oblique section: pl gia tom . oblique triangle: mh orjog nio tr gwno. oblique view: pl gia yh.
obliquity: lox thta, l xwsh, plagi thta, kl sh.
obliquity of the ecliptic: l xwsh thc ekleiptik c. obliquity factor: par gontac kl shc (optik ).
oblivious: epil smwn.
oblivious algorithm: epil smwn tufl c alg rijmoc.
oblong: epim khc, ep mhkec sq ma. observation: parat rhsh. observatory: asteroskope o, parathrht rio. observe: parathr . observed: parathrhje c, parathro menoc.
observed frequency: parathro menh suqn thta.
observer: parathrht c. obstacle: emp dio. obstruction: mfraxh (Topol.).
obstruction theory: jewr a emfr xewn.
obtuse: ambl c, ambleig nioc.
obtuse angle: amble a gwn a. obtuse triangle: amblug nio tr gwno.
occupied: kateilhmm noc. occupy: katalamb!anw. occupancy: kat lhyh.
sequential occupancy distributions: katanom c akoloujiak c kat lhyhc.
occur: sumba nw, emfan zomai. occurrence: emf nish.
bounded occurrence: desmeum nh emf nish. free occurrence: ele jerh emf nish. negative occurrence of a quanti er: arnhtik emf nish posode kth. positive occurrence of a quanti er: jetik emf nish posode kth.
octad: okt da. octagon: okt gwno. octahedral: okt edroc, oktaedrik c. 228
octahedron (pl. octahedrons or octahedra): okt edro.
regular octahedron: kanonik omal okt edro. truncated octahedron: apokomm no k louro okt edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqim deiwn polu drwn (oi drec tou e nai tetr gwna kai kanonik ex gwna).
octal: oktadik c. Sun. octonary.
octal number system: oktadik s sthma arijm n.
octant: okthm rio. octonary: oktadik c. Sun. octal. ocular: prosofj lmioc. odd: peritt c. Se merik bibl a, mon c. odd extension: peritt ep ktash. odd function: peritt sun rthsh. odd number: peritt c arijm c. odd permutation: peritt met jesh. odd quanti er: peritt c posode kthc.
o : ap , makru . o -diagonal: ekt c diagwn ou.
odd-diagonal matrix: p nakac tou opo ou ta diag nia stoiqe a e nai mhde'n.
o set: antistajm zw. ogdoad: okt da (sun. octad). ogival: ayidwt c, qwn thn morf tou graf matoc thc ajroistik c katanom c suqnot twn (cumulative frequency distribution).
ogive: ay da, to gr fhma thc ajroistik c katanom c suqnot twn (cumulative frequency distribution). once: pax, m a for . one: nac, na (sthn arijmhtik ). one-dimensional: monodi statoc.
one-dimensional space: monodi statoc q roc.
one-dimensionality: to monodi stato. one-norm: na-n rma. one-parameter: monoparametrik c.
one-parapeter family: monoparametrik oikog neia.
one-place: miac j shc. one-sided: mon pleuroc.
one-sided hypothesis: mon pleurh up jesh. one-sided surface: mon pleurh epif neia.
one-step: monobhmatik c.
one-step method: monobhmatik m jodoc. 229
one-tailed: mon pleuroc.
one-tailed test: mon pleuroc legqoc.
one-to-one: na proc na amfimonos manth amfimon timh erriptik (injective). Se merik bibl a, nesh (injection)!
one-to-one function: na proc na amfimonos manth amfimon timh erriptik (bijective) sun rthsh. one-to-one mapping: na proc na amfimonos manth amfimon timh erriptik (bijective) apeik nish.
one-to-one transformation: na proc na amfimonos mantoc amfimon timoc metasqhmatism c. one-to-one and onto: na proc na kai ep amfimonos manth kai ep amfimon timh kai ep amfirriptik (bijective). Se merik bibl a, amf esh (bijection)! Prosoq : se k poia bibl a, qrhsimopoie tai lanjasm na o roc amfimonos manth (qwr c to ep ). one-to-one correspondence: antistoiq a na proc na, amfimonos manth amfimon timh antistoiq a.
one-way: miac kate junshc, monokateujuntik c, mon dromoc. one-way method: monokateujuntik m jodoc. one-way wave: monokateujuntik k ma.
one-valued: mon timoc.
one-valued function: mon timh sun rthsh.
onto: ep .
onto function: sun rthsh ep epirriptik (surjective) sun rthsh. Se merik bibl a, fesh (surjection)! one-to-one and onto: bl. one-to-one.
opaque: adiafan c. open: anoikt c.
open ball: anoikt mp la. open cover: anoikt k luyh. open covering: anoikt k luyh. open curve: anoikt kamp lh. open form: anoikt morf . open formula: anoikt c t poc. open function: anoikt sun rthsh. open integration formulas: anoikto t poi (arijmhtik c) olokl rwshc. open interval: anoikt di sthma. open mapping: anoikt apeik nish. open mapping theorem: je rhma anoikt c apeik nishc. open neighborhood: anoikt perioq . open region: anoikt c t poc, anoikt qwr o. open set: anoikt s nolo. open sphere: anoikt sfa ra. open surface: anoikt epif neia.
operation: pr xh, metasqhmatism c, dr sh, epiqe rhsh. arithmetic operation: arijmhtik pr xh. binary operation: dimel c pr xh. column operation: pr xh metasqhmatism c sthl n. 230
elementary operation: stoiqei dhc pr xh metasqhmatism c (transformation). elementary column operation: stoiqei dhc metasqhmatism c sthl n. elementary row operation: stoiqei dhc metasqhmatism c gramm n. evolutionary operation: exeliktik dr sh. external operation: exwterik pr xh. oating operation: pr xh kinht c upodiastol c. internal operation: eswterik pr xh. nullary operation: mhdenik pr xh. opposite (binary) operation: ant jeth (dimel c) pr xh. row operation: pr xh metasqhmatism c gramm n. ternary operation: trimel c pr xh. unary operation: monomel c pr xh.
operational: epiqe rhsiak c.
operational research: epiqeirisiak reuna.
operator: telest c.
backward di erence operator: telest c thc proc ta p sw thc an nth diafor c. biharmonic operator: diarmonik c telest c. bounded operator: fragm noc telest c. continuous operator: suneq c telest c. contractive operator: sustolik c telest c. del operator: (telest c) an delta. derivative operator: telest c paragwg sewc. diagonal operator: diag nioc telest c. di erential operator: diaforik c telest c. Hermitian operator: ermitian c telest c. identity operator: tautotik c telest c. interpolation operator: telest c parembol c. inverse operator: ant strofoc telest c. iteration operator: telest c epan lhyhc. linear operator: grammik c telest c. Laplace operator: telest c tou Laplace, laplasian c telest c, laplasian . non-singular operator: mh idi zwn omal c telest c. normal operator: k jetoc telest c. partial di erential operator: merik c diaforik c telest c telest c me merik c parag gouc. positive de nite operator: jetik orism noc telest c. projection operator: telest c probol c. pseudoinverse operator: yeudoant strofoc telest c. self-adjoint operator: autoprosarthm noc autosuzug c telest c. singular operator: idi zwn telest c. Sturm-Liouville operator: telest c Sturm-Liouville. symmetric operator: summetrik c telest c. wave operator: kumatik c telest c.
opposite: ant jetoc, ap nanti.
opposite angles: kat koruf gwn ec. opposite category: ant jeth du k (dual) kathgor a. opposite elements: ant jeta stoiqe a. 231
opposite numbers: ant jetoi arijmo . opposite (binary) operation: ant jeth (dimel c) pr xh. opposite ring: ant jetoc dakt lioc. opposite side (to an angle): ap nanti pleur (se gwn a trig nou). opposite sides: ap nanti pleur c. opposite vectors: ant jeta dian smata.
opposition: ant jesh, antizug a. optic: optik c. optic axis: optik c xonac.
optical: optik c.
optical eld: optik ped o. optical path: optik c dr moc. optical path length: m koc optiko dr mou.
optics: optik .
ber optics: optik twn inwd n agwg n. geometrical optics: gewmetrik optik .
optima: bl. optimum. optimal: b ltistoc.
optimal control: b ltistoc legqoc. optimal property: b ltisth idi thta.
optimality: beltist thta. optimistic: aisi doxoc, optimistik c. optimization: beltistopo hsh, aristopo hsh.
optimization problem: pr blhma beltistopo hshc. optimization technique: m jodoc beltistopo hshc. adaptive optimization: anaprosarmostik beltistopo hsh. combinatorial optimization: sunduastik beltistopo hsh. convex optimization: kurt beltistopo hsh. equilibrium optimization: beltistopo hsh isorrop ac. global optimization: kajolik beltistopo hsh. linear optimization: grammik beltistopo hsh. multi-level optimization: mh grammik beltistopo hsh. non-linear optimization: mh grammik beltistopo hsh. stochastic optimization: stoqastik beltistopo hsh. structural optimization: domik beltistopo hsh.
optimize: beltistopoi , aristopoi . optimizer: beltistopoiht c. optimum (pl. optima): b ltistoc, ristoc, b ltisth tim . option: epilog , proa resh. optional: proairetik c. 232
orbit: troqi . orbital: troqiak c, planhtik c. order: t xh, di taxh.
ascending order: anio sa t xh. continuity order: t xh sun qeiac. convergence order: t xh sugklishc. descending order: katio sa t xh. rst order: pr th t xh. rst-order di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh pr thc t xhc. higher order terms: roi an terhc t xhc. inverse order: ant strofh di taxh. lexicographic order: lexikografik alfabhtik di taxh. natural order: fusik di taxh. normal order: kanonik di taxh. isomorphism order: t xh isomorfismo . partial order: merik di taxh. random order: tuqa a di taxh. rank order: di taxh bajmo . second order: de terh t xh. second-order di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh de terhc t xhc. total order: olik di taxh.
ordered: diatetagm noc.
ordered basis: diatetagm nh b sh. ordered n-tuple: diatetagm nh ni da. ordered pair: diatetagm no ze goc. ordered quadruple: diatetagm nh tetr da. ordered quintuple: diatetagm nh pent da. ordered sample: diatetagm no de gma. ordered sequence: diatetagm nh akolouj a. ordered sextuple: diatetagm nh ex da. ordered triple: diatetagm nh tri da. ordered triplet: diatetagm nh tri da. simply ordered: apl diatetagm noc. well-ordered set: kal c diatetagm no s nolo.
ordering: di taxh.
well ordering principle: arq thc kal c di taxhc.
ordinal: diataktik c arijm c, diataktik c.
ordinal number: diataktik c arijm c. in nite ordinal: peiroc diataktik c (arijm c).
ordinary: sun jhc, kanonik c, taktik c.
ordinary di erential equation (ODE): sun jhc diaforik ex swsh (SDE). ordinary point: omal shme o.
ordinate: tetagm nh. 233
orient: prosanatol zw. orientable: prosanatol simoc.
orientable surface: prosanatol simh epif neia.
orientation: prosanatolism c.
negative orientation: arnhtik c prosanatolism c. positive orientation: jetik c prosanatolism c.
oriented: prosanatolism noc.
oriented basis: prosanatolism nh b sh. oriented curve: prosanatolism nh kamp lh. oriented surface: prosanatolism nh epif neia. object oriented: antikeimenostref c.
origin: arq . orthocenter: orj kentro. orthogonal: orjog nioc, k jetoc.
orthogonal basis: orjog nia b sh. orthogonal complement: orjog nio sumpl rwma. orthogonal coordinates: orjog niec suntetagm nec. orthogonal curvilinear coordinates: orjog niec kampul grammec suntetagm nec. orthogonal families: orjog niec oikog neiec. orthogonal functions: orjog niec sunart seic. orthogonal matrix: orjog nioc p nakac. orthogonal polynomials: orjog nia polu numa. orthogonal projection: orjog nia probol . orthogonal set: orjog nio s nolo. orthogonal similarity: orjog nia omoi thta. orthogonal trajectories: orjog niec troqi c. orthogonal transformation: orjog nioc metasqhmatism c. orthogonal vectors: orjog nia k jeta dian smata.
orthogonality: orjogwni thta.
orthogonality-preserving transformation: apeik nish diathro sa thn orjogwni thta.
orthogonally: orjog nia.
orthogonally similar: orjog nia moioi. orthogonally similar matrices: orjog nia moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).
orthographic: orjografik c, orjog nioc (sun. orthogonal).
orthographic projection: orjografik orjog nia probol .
orthomorphic: orj'morfoc.
orthomorphic projection: orj morfh probol .
orthonormal: orjokanonik c.
orthonormal basis: orjokanonik b sh. 234
orthonormal frame: orjokanonik pla sio. orthonormal functions: orjokanonik c sunart seic. orthonormal set: orjokanonik s nolo. orthonormal vectors: orjokanonik dian smata.
orthonormalization: orjokanonikopo hsh.
Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process: m jodoc orjokanonikopo hshc twn Gram-Schmidt.
orthonormalize: orjokanonikopoi . orthonormalized: orjokanonikopoihm noc. orthotropic: orj tropoc, orjotropik c. oscillating: talanteu menoc.
oscillating permutation: talanteu menh met jesh.
oscillation: tal ntwsh, k mansh.
constrained oscillation: exanagkasm nh tal ntwsh. forced oscillation: exanagkasm nh tal ntwsh (sun. forced vibration). self-sustained oscillations: mmonec autosunthro menec talant seic. spurious oscillation: plasmatik tal ntwsh. stable oscillations: eustaje c talant seic.
oscillator: talantwt c.
anharmonic oscillator: anarmonik c talantwt c. coupled oscillator: suzeugm noc talantwt c. damped harmonic oscillator: armonik c talantwt c me ap sbesh, aposbhn menoc armonik c talantwt c.
harmonic oscillator: armonik c talantwt c. linear harmonic oscillator: grammik c armonik c talantwt c. simple harmonic oscillator: apl c armonik c talantwt c.
oscillatory: talanteu menoc.
oscillatory damped motion: talanteu menh k nhsh me ap sbesh. oscillatory solution: talanteu menh l sh.
osculating: egg tatoc, efapt menoc.
osculating circle: egg tatoc k kloc. osculating paraboloid: egg tato paraboloeid c. osculating plane: egg tato ep pedo. osculating polynomial: efapt meno polu numo. osculating sphere: egg tath sfa ra.
Ostrogradsky, M.V. (1801-1862).
Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem: je rhma twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky, je rhma tou Gauss, je rhma ap klishc (divergence theorem).
out: xw. outer: exwterik c.
outer function: exwterik sun rthsh. 235
outer problem: exwterik pr blhma. outer product: dianusmatik exwterik gin meno (sun. cross vector product).
out ow: ekro . outgoing: exerq menoc. outline: per gramma, per metroc, k ria shme a, per lhyh. output: xodoc, exag meno, ap nthsh, ap dosh. output language: gl ssa ex dou. output statement: entol ex dou.
outward: proc ta xw. oval: woeid c.
oval of Cassini: woeid c tou Cassini.
overall: sunolik c. overconvergence: upers gklish (seir c). overdamped: taq wc aposbhn menoc, me taqe a ap sbesh. overdamped motion: k nhsh me taqe a ap sbesh.
overdamping: uperap sbesh. overdetermined: uperkajorism noc, uperprosdiorism noc. overdetermined system: uperkajorism no s sthma.
over ow: uperqe lish, uperpl rwsh.
over ow error: sf lma uperqe lishc.
overlap: allhlepikal ptw. overlapping: allhlepik lupsh, allhlepikalupt menoc, epikalupt menoc.
overlapping domain decomposition: diaqwrism c diamerism c epikalupt menwn qwr wn. overlapping intervals: allhlepikalupt mena diast mata.
overloading: uperf rtish. overrelaxation: uperqal rwsh.
overrelaxation method: m jodoc uperqal rwshc. successive overrelaxation method: m jodoc diadoqik c uperqal rwshc.
overtones: an terec armonik c, up rtonoi. ovoid: woeid c. Cartesian ovoid: kartesian woeid c.
P PDE (partial di erential equation): merik diaforik ex swsh (MDE) diaforik ex swsh me merik c parag gouc.
p.g.f. (probability generating function): pijanogenn tria sun rthsh. pp.: sel dec (pages). p.p.m. (parts per million): m rh an ekatomm rio. pair: ze goc, du da. pair of dice: z ria. adjoint pair: suzug c prosarthm no ze goc. dual pair: du k ze goc. imaginary pair: fantastik ze goc. ordered pair: diatetagm no ze goc.
pairwise: kata ze gh.
pairwise orthogonal: kat ze gh orjog nioi.
Pappus, (-).
Pappus's theorem: je rhma tou Pappus.
paraanalytic: paraanalutik c. parabola: parabol .
cubical parabola: kubik parabol . semicubical parabola: hmikubik parabol . vertex of a parabola: koruf parabol c.
parabolic(-al): parabolik c.
parabolic arc: parabolik t xo. parabolic cylinder: parabolik c k lindroc. parabolic cylindrical coordinates: parabolik c kulindrik c suntetagm nec. parabolic equation: parabolik ex swsh. parabolic point: parabolik shme o. parabolic problem: parabolik pr blhma. parabolic system: parabolik s sthma.
parabolization: parabolikopo hsh. parabolize: parabolikopoi . parabolized: parabolikopoihm noc. paraboloid: paraboloeid c.
paraboloid of revolution: paraboloeid c ek peristrof c. 237
elliptic paraboloid: elleiptik paraboloeid c. hyperbolic paraboloid: uperbolik paraboloeid c. osculating paraboloid: egg tato paraboloeid c.
paraboloidal: paraboloeid c.
paraboloidal coordinates: paraboloeide c suntetagm nec.
parachute: alex ptwto. paracompact: parasumpag c.
paracompact space: parasumpag c q roc.
paraconvex: par kurtoc.
paracompact group: par kurth om da. paracompact set: par kurto s nolo.
paradigm: par deigma. paradigmatic: paradeigmatik c. paradox: par doxo.
logical paradox: logik par doxo.
parallactic: parallaktik c.
parallactic angle: parallaktik gwn a.
parallax: par llaxh.
geodesic parallax: gaiwdesik par llaxh. parallax in altitude: kaj yoc par llaxh.
parallel: par llhloc.
parallel axes theorem: je rhma twn par llhlwn ax nwn. parallel code: par llhloc k dikac. parallel computation: par llhloc upologism c. parallel computer: par llhloc upologist c. parallel processing: par llhlh epexergas a. parallel solver: par llhloc epilut c. parallel vectors: par llhla dian smata.
parallelepiped: parallhlep pedo.
rectangular parallelepiped: orjog nio parallhlep pedo. Sun. kuboeid c (cuboid).
parallelepipedal: parallhlep pedoc. parallelism: parallhlism c. parallelizable: parallhlopoi simoc.
parallelizable method: parallhlopoi simh m jodoc.
parallelize: parallhlopoi (p.q. alg rijmo). 238
parallelogram: parallhl grammo.
parallelogram law: n moc tou parallhlogr mmou.
parallelopiped: parallhlep pedo. Sun. parallelepiped. parallelotope: parallhl topo. parameter: par metroc.
parameter curve: parametrik kamp lh. parameter space: parametrik c q roc. change of parameter: allag param trou. method of variation of parameters: m jodoc thc metabol c twn stajerw'n. natural parameter: fusik par metroc. non-centrality parameter: par metroc ekkentr thtac. structural parameter: domik par metroc. translation parameter: par metroc metafor c.
parameterization: parametrikopo hsh. parameterize: parametrikopoi . parameterized: parametrikopoihm noc. parametric: parametrik c.
parametric equation: parametrik ex swsh. parametric representation: kanonik par stash.
parametrically: parametrik . parametrize: parametrikopoi .
smoothly parametrized: omal parametrikopoihm noc.
parametrization: parametrikopo hsh. paraxial: paraxonik c. paraxial ray: paraxonik akt na.
parenthesis pl. parentheses: par njesh.
parentheses bijection: amfimonos manth kai ep suna'rthsh parenj sewn. balanced parentheses: isorrophm nec parenj seic (plhroforik ), kanonik antistoiq a an mesa se arister c kai dexi c parenj seic.
parity: isotim a, is thta.
parity digit: yhf o isotim ac. even parity: rtia isotim a. permutation parity: isotim a metaj sewc.
parse: anal w etumolog mia l xh.
parse tree: suntaktik d ntro (plhroforik ). height of a parse tree: yoc suntaktiko d ntrou (plhroforik ). leaf of a parse tree: f llo suntaktiko d ntrou. node of a parse tree: k mboc suntaktiko d ntrou. 239
parser: suntaktik c analut c (plhroforik ).
bottom-up parser: suntaktik c analut c ap k tw proc ta p nw. top-down parser: suntaktik c analut c ap p nw proc ta k tw.
Parseval, (-)
Parseval's identity: taut thta tou Parseval.
parsing: suntaktik an lush (plhroforik ). part: m roc, m loc, tm ma.
analytic part: analutik m roc. imaginary part: fantastik m roc. integration by parts: olokl rwsh kat m lh kat par gontec, paragontik olokl rwsh. negative part: arnhtik m roc. principal part: prwte on m roc. proportional parts: an loga m rh. real part: pragmatik m roc. secondary part: deutere on m roc. summation by parts: pr sjesh kat m lh kat par gontec.
partial: merik c.
partial association: merik susq tish s ndesh. partial autocorrelation: merik autosusq tish. partial confounding: merik s mmixh. partial contingency: merik sun feia. partial correlation: merik susq tish. partial derivative: merik par gwgoc. partial di erential equation (PDE): merik diaforik ex swsh (MDE) diaforik ex swsh me merik c parag gouc.
partial di erential operator: merik c diaforik c telest c telest c me merik c parag gouc. partial fraction: merik apl kl sma. partial fraction decomposition: an lush se merik apl kl smata. partial fraction expansion: an ptugma se merik apl kl smata. partial order: merik di taxh. partial pivoting: merik od ghsh. partial recursive functions: merik c anadromik c sunart seic. partial regression: merik palindromhsh. partial replacement: merik epan jesh. partial sum: merik jroisma. expansion in partial fractions: an ptugma se apl kl smata.
partially: merik c. particle: swmat dio, swm tio. particular: merik c, idia teroc, qarakthristik c. particular solution: merik l sh.
particulate: swmatidiak c. partition: diam rish, diamerism c, merism c, qwrism c, diamer zw, qwr zw, dikt wsh, katamerism c. partition principle: arq thc diam rishc.
uniform partition: omoi morfoc diamerism c.
partitionable: diamer simoc.
partitionable set: diamer simo s nolo.
partitioned: diamerism noc.
partitioned matrix: s njetoc p nakac (sun. block matrix).
partitioning: diamerism c, merism c. partitive: diameristik c, meristik c, qwristik c. Pascal, (-) Pascal's triangle: tr gwno tou Pascal:
1 5
1 4
1 3 10
1 2 6
1 3 10
1 4
1 5
pass: pern . passage: di bash.
rst passage time: qr noc pr thc di bashc.
past: parelj n.
absolute past: ap luto parelj n.
patch: tm ma. path: dr moc, diadrom , monop ti.
path coe cients: diadromiko suntelest c. path of integration: t xo olokl rwshc.
pattern: mot o, sq ma, sq dio, morf , up deigma, eik na, per gramma. pattern function: sun rthsh morf c. ow pattern: morf ro c.
patterned: morfopoihm noc. payo : ex flhsh, apoplhrwm .
payo matrix: p nakac ex flhshc.
peak: koruf . Peano, .
Peano curve: kamp lh tou Peano. Peano kernel: pur nac Peano.
pedal: podik c.
pedal curve: podik kamp lh. 241
pedal equation: podik ex swsh. pedal line: podik gramm gramm Simpson (Simpson's line).
penalty: poin .
penalty method: m jodoc poin c.
pencil: d smh.
pencil of circles: d smh k klwn. pencil of lines: d smh eujei n. concentric pencils: om kentrec d smec.
penduli: bl. pendulum. pendulum (pl. penduli): ekkrem c.
double pendulum: dipl ekkrem c. compound pendulum: s njeto ekkrem c. conical pendulum: kwnik ekkrem c. coupled pendulum: suzeugm no ekkrem c. cycloid pendulum: kukloeid c ekkrem c. Foucault pendulum: ekkrem c tou Foucault. simple pendulum: apl ekkrem c.
penetration: die sdush.
penetration depth: b joc dieisd sewc.
pentagon: pent gwno. pentagonal: pentagwnik c.
pentagonal pyramid: pentagwnik puram da.
pentagram: pent gramma, pent lfa. pentahedral: pent edroc, pentaedrik c. pentahedron (pl. pentahedrons or pentahedra): pent edro. penultimate: paral gwn, paral gousa, proteleuta oc. per: an , kat , di . per annum: kat' toc. per cent: ep toic ekat , ekatostia oc. per capita: kat' tomo, kat kefal . per diem: an hm ra. per se: kaj' eaut .
percent: ekatostia oc, ep toic ekat .
percent decrease: ekatostia a me wsh. percent error: ekatostia o sf lma. percent increase: ekatostia a a xhsh.
percentage: ekatostia oc, analog a (ep toic ekat ), ekatostia o posost . percentage distribution: ekatostia a katanom .
percentage frequency: sqetik (ep toic ekat ) suqn thta.
percentile: ekatostia oc, ep toic ekat .
percentiles or percentile values: ekatostia ec tim c.
perception: ant lhyh. percolation: di jhsh. perform: ektel . performance: ep dosh, ekt lesh, ap dosh.
high performance computing: upologism c uyhl c ep doshc. high performance network: d ktuo uyhl c ep doshc.
perfect: t leioc, pl rhc.
perfect conductor: t leioc agwg c. perfect linear correlation: pl rhc grammik susq tish. perfect number: t leioc arijm c. perfect power: t leia d namh. perfect square: t leio tetr gwno.
perfectly: t leia.
perfectly elastic collision: t leia elastik kro sh. perfectly matched layer: t leia sunarmosm no str ma.
perigee: per geio. perigon: gwn a 360o, pl rhc gwn a. Sun. tou round angle. perihelion: peri lio. perimeter: per metroc. perimetric: perimetrik c. period: per odoc. idle period: nekr per odoc. primitive period: basik per odoc. sidereal period: astrik per odoc. spatial period: qwrik per odoc.
periodic: periodik c.
periodic behavior: periodik sumperifor . periodic function: periodik sun rthsh. almost periodic: sqed n periodik c. doubly periodic (function): dipl periodik (sun rthsh). quasi-periodic: oione periodik c.
periodicity: periodik thta.
periodicity properties: idi thtec periodik thtac.
periodogram: period gramma. periphery: perif reia. 243
permanent: m nimoc, diark c.
permanent magnet: m nimoc magn thc. permanent wave: m nimo k ma.
permanently: m nima. permeability: diaperat thta, magnhtik diaperat thta. permeable: diaperat c. permissible: epitrept c. permittivity: diaperat thta, hlektrik diaperat thta. electric permittivity: hlektrik diaperat thta.
permutation: met jesh, di taxh.
permutation group: om da met jeshc. permutation matrix: p nakac metaj sewn. permutation parity: isotim a metaj sewc. permutation symbol: s mbolo met jeshc. permutation test: metaj tik c legqoc. cyclic permutation: kuklik met jesh. circular permutation: kuklik met jesh. even permutation: rtia met jesh. odd permutation: peritt met jesh. oscillating permutation: talanteu menh met jesh.
perpendicular: k jetoc.
perpendicular axes theorem: je rhma twn kaj twn ax nwn. perpendicular bisector: mesok jetoc. perpendicular lines: k jetec gramm c. perpendicular planes: k jeta ep peda. perpendicular section: k jeth tom . perpendicular vectors: k jeta dian smata. mutually perpendicular: metax touc k jetoi.
perpendicularity: kajet thta.
perpendicularity condition: sunj kh kajet thtac.
perpetual: a naoc, dihnek c.
perpetual motion: a nah k nhsh.
perpetuity: dihnek c, aiwni thta. perpetuum-mobile: aeik nhto. persistency: emmon . persistent: mmonoc, ep monoc.
persistent state: mmonh kat stash.
perspective: prooptik , prooptik c.
perspective geometry: prooptik gewmetr a. 244
perspective projection: prooptik probol . axis of perspective: prooptik c xonac.
persymmetric: perisummetrik c.
persymmetric matrix: perisummetrik c p nakac (p nakac A pou ikanopoie thn A=RAT R, pou R tetragwnik c p nakac tou opo ou ta stoiqe a e nai 1 sth deutere ousa diag nio kai 0 allo ).
perturbation: diataraq , p relxh planht n.
perturbation method: m jodoc diataraq n. regular perturbation: kanonik diataraq . regular perturbation method: m jodoc kanonik n diataraq n. singular perturbation: idi zousa diataraq . singular perturbation method: m jodoc idiazous n diataraq n.
perturbative: diataraktik c.
perturbative theory: diataraktik jewr a.
perturbed: diataragm noc.
perturbed solution: diataragm nh l sh. singularly perturbed: idiaz ntwc idi morfa diataragm noc.
Petrov, (-)
Petrov-Galerkin method: m jodoc Petrov-Galerkin.
phase: f sh.
phase angle: fasik gwn a, gwn a f shc. phase change: allag f shc. phase diagram: fasik di gramma, di gramma f sewn. phase error: fasik sf lma. phase function: fasik sun rthsh. phase integral: fasik olokl rwma, olokl rwma f shc. phase lag: ust rhsh f sewc. phase portrait: fasik prortr to di gramma. phase separation: diaqwrism c f sewn. phase shift: metat pish f sewc. phase space: fasik c q roc, q roc f sewn. phase spectrum: fasik f sma. phase transition: met bash f shc. phase velocity: taq thta f sewc. gas phase: a ria f sh. liquid phase: ugr f sh. single-phase: monofasik c. solid phase: stere f sh. stationary phase: st simh f sh. two-phase: difasik c.
phasic: fasik c. phasor: migadik di nusma. 245
phenomena: fain mena (bl. phenomenon). phenomenological: fainomenologik c. phenomenon (pl. phenomena): fain meno.
transport phenomena: fain mena metafor c.
phi: .
phi coe cient: suntelest c .
photon: fwt nio. physical: fusik c.
physical interpretation: fusik ermhne a. physical law: fusik c n moc. physical quantity: fusik m gejoc.
physics: fusik .
mathematical physics: majhmatik fusik .
pictogram: eikon gramma. pictorial: eikonografik c.
pictorial projection: eikonografik stereografik probol .
picture: eik na. piece: tm ma, komm ti. piecewise: tmhmatik , kat tm mata.
piecewise constant: kat tm mata stajer c. piecewise continuous: tmhmatik kat tm mata suneq c. piecewise continuous function: tmhmatik suneq c sun rthsh. piecewise di erentiable: tmhmatik paragwg simoc. piecewise function: kat tm mata tmhmatik orism nh sun rthsh. piecewise linear function: kat tm mata tmhmatik grammik sun rthsh. piecewise polynomials: kat tm mata polu numa, tmhmatik polu numa, splines. piecewise regression: tmhmatik palindr mhsh. piecewise smooth: tmhmatik le oc. piecewise smooth function: tmhmatik le a sun rthsh.
pie diagram: tome gramma. pigeon hole: perister nac.
pigeon hole principle: arq tou perister na.
pilot: pil toc, pilotik c, kajodhghtik c.
pilot survey: kajodhghtik reuna, prokatarktik dhmosk phshs.
pistimetric: pistometrik c.
pistimetric probability: pistometrik pijan thta.
pitch: b ma likoc koql a. 246
pivot: odhg c.
pivot (element): odhg stoiqe o. pivot point: odhg shme o.
pivotal: odhg c.
pivotal column: odhgo sa st lh.
pivoting: od ghsh.
partial pivoting: merik od ghsh.
pixel: yhf da, eikon dio. place: t poc, j sh, m roc, j tw, topojet . decimal place: dekadik j sh. k-place predicate: kathg rhma k j sewn.
placement: topoj thsh. plactic: plaktik c.
plactic monoid: plaktik monoeid c.
planar: ep pedoc.
planar point: ep pedo shme o.
Planck's constant: stajer tou Planck. plane: ep pedo.
plane analytic geometry: ep pedh analutik gewmetr a. plane angle: ep pedh gwn a. plane curve: ep pedh kamp lh. plane motion: ep pedh k nhsh. plane of projection: ep pedo probol c. plane of symmetry: ep pedo summetr ac. plane triangle: ep pedo tr gwno. plane wave: ep pedo k ma. a ne plane: susqetism no ep pedo. Cartesian plane: kartesian ep pedo. complex plane: migadik ep pedo. entire complex plane: sumplhrwm no epektetam no migadik ep pedo. extended complex plane: sumplhrwm no epektetam no migadik ep pedo. focal plane: estiak ep pedo. half plane: hmiep pedo. inclined plane: keklim no ep pedo. invariable plane: anallo wto ep pedo. isotropic plane: is tropo ep pedo. normal plane: k jeto ep pedo. osculating plane: egg tato ep pedo. perpendicular planes: k jeta ep peda. polar plane: polik ep pedo. radical plane: rizik ep pedo. rectifying plane: eujeiopoi ep pedo. 247
regression plane: ep pedo palindrom sewc. tangent plane: efapt meno ep pedo.
planet: plan thc. planetary: planhtik c. planimetric: embadometrik c. plasma: pl sma. plastic: plastik c.
plastic deformation: plastik param rfwsh.
plasticity: plastik thta. plate: pl ka, plak dio.
at plate: ep pedh pl ka.
Platonic: platwnik c, tou Pl twna.
Platonic polyhedra: platwnik pol edra (bl. polyhedron). Platonic solids: platwnik s mata (sun. Platonic polyhedra).
platy-: platu- (pr jema). platykurtosis: platuk rtwsh. platykurtic: plat kurtoc, platukurtwtik c.
platykurtic distribution: plat kurth katanom , katanom platuk rtwshc.
plausibility: to e logo. plausible: e logoc. plot: sqedi zw, kataskeu zw grafik par stash, sqedi gramma, grafik par stash. contour plot: di gramma iso y n.
plus: sun.
plus function: sun rthsh sun. plus sign: to sun, s mbolo thc pr sjeshc.
pocket: tz ph.
pocket test: s ntomoc legqoc.
Poincare, Henri (1854-1922).
Poincar e map: di gramma Poincar e.
point: shme o, upodiastol .
point collocation: shmeiak taxijes a taxin mhsh. point estimate: shmeiak ekt mhsh. point estimator: shmeiak ektim tria. Se merik bibl a, shmeioektim tria shmeioektimht c. point set: shmeios nolo. point singularity: shmeiak anwmal a idiomorf a. point source: shmeiak phg . accumulation point: shme o susswre sewc oriak shme o (sun numo twn rwn limit point kai cluster 248
point). accumulation point: shme o susswre sewc oriak shme o. bifurcation point: shme o diakl dwshc. boundary point: sunoriak shme o. branch point: shme o diaklad sewc. cluster point: shme o susswre sewc oriak shme o (sun numo twn rwn accumulation point kai limit point). coincident points: tautiz mena shme a. collinear points: suneujeiak shme a. collocation points: shme a taxijes ac taxin mhshc. conjugate points: suzug shme a. coplanar points: sunep peda shme a. critical point: kr simo shme o. cusp point: ox kro, shme o an kamyhc. cut o point: shme o apokop c. distinct points: diakekrim na shme a. end point: kro, akra o shme o. end points of an interval: kra diast matoc. equidistant points: isap qonta shme a. equilibrium point: shme o isorrop ac. exterior point: exwterik shme o. xed point: stajer shme o, ak nhth upodiastol . xed point theorem: je rhma stajero shme ou. xed-point variable: metablht ak nhthc upodiastol c. oating point: kinht upodiastol . oating-point variable: metablht kinht c upodiastol c. focal point: estiak shme o. in ection point: shme o kamp c. initial point: arqik shme o, arq (dian smatoc). interior point: eswterik shme o. invariant point: anallo wto amet blhto shme o. irregular singular point: ousi dec idi zon an malo shme o. isodynamic points: isodunamik shme a. limit point: oriak shme o shme o susswre sewc (sun numo twn rwn limit point kai accumulation point). nodal point: kombik shme o. ordinary point: omal shme o. parabolic point: parabolik shme o. pivot point: odhg shme o. planar point: ep pedo shme o. quantile point: posostia o shme o. reference point: shme o anafor c. regular singular point: s nhjec idi zon an malo shme o. saddle point: sagmatik sagmoeid c samaroeid c shme o, shme o s lac. singular point: idi zon an malo shme o, anwmal a. stagnation point: shme o anakop c. stationary point: st simo shme o. terminal point: telik shme o, p rac (dian smatoc). triple point: tripl shme o. 249
turning point: shme o kamp c.
pointed: shmeiak c.
pointed ring: shmeiak c dakt lioc. pointed set: shmeiak s nolo.
pointwise: shmeiak c, kat shme a.
pointwise binary operation: shmeiak dimel c pr xh. pointwise convergence: shmeiak s gklish. pointwise convergent sequence: shmeiak c sugkl nousa akolouj a. pointwise product: shmeiak gin meno. pointwise sum: shmeiak jroisma.
Poisson, (-).
Poisson bracket: agk lh Poisson Poisson distribution: katanom (tou) Poisson Poisson equation: ex swsh (tou) Poisson Poisson integral: olokl rwma (tou) Poisson Poisson ratio: l goc (tou) Poisson Poisson summation formula: t poc jroishc tou Poisson hyper-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom . sub-Poisson distribution: upo-Poisson katanom . super-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom .
poker: p ker. polar: polik c.
polar angle: polik gwn a. polar axis: polik c xonac. polar coordinates: polik c suntetagm nec. polar distance: polik ap stash. polar equation: polik ex swsh. polar factorization: polik paragonopo hsh. polar form (of a complex number): polik morf (migadiko arijmo ). polar line: polik gramm . polar plane: polik ep pedo. polar tangent: polik efaptom nh. polar triangle: polik tr gwno. geodesic polar coordinates: gewdaisiak c polik c suntetagm nec.
polaris: polik c ast r. polarity: polik thta. polarization: p lwsh.
degree of polarization: bajm c pol sewc (optik ). state of polarization: kat stash pol sewc (optik ).
polarized: polwm noc.
polarized light: polwm no f c. linearly polarized light: grammik polwm no f c. 250
partially polarized light: merik c polwm no f c. plane polarized light: ep peda polwm no f c.
polarizer: polwt c. pole: p loc.
celestial pole: our nioc p loc. north pole: b reioc p loc. positive pole: jetik c p loc. simple pole: apl c p loc p loc pr thc t xewc. south pole: n tioc p loc.
polhode: polod a. polu-: polu- (pr jema). polychromatic: poluqrwmatik c.
polychromatic light: poluqrwmatik fwc.
polyconic: polukwnik c.
polyconic projection: polukwnik probol .
polydisk: polud skoc. polygamma: polug mma.
polygamma function: sun rthsh polug mma.
polygon: pol gwno.
polygon chain: polugwnik alus da. polygon of forces: pol gwno dun mewn. polygon of vectors: pol gwno dianusm twn. circumscribed polygon: perigegramm no pol gwno. closed polygon: kleist pol gwno. concave polygon: mh kurt pol gwno (sun. non-convex polygon). congruent polygons: sa pol gwna. constructible polygon: kataskeu simo pol gwno. convex polygon: kurt pol gwno. 'Ena pol gwno onom zetai kurt (convex), an to euj grammo tm ma pou sund ei d o opoiad pote eswterik shme a tou polug nou br sketai ol klhro sto eswterik tou.
cumulative frequency polygon: pol gwno ajroistik c suqn thtac. equiangular polygon: isog nio pol gwno. equilateral polygon: is pleuro pol gwno. frequency polygon: pol gwno suqn thtac. geodesic polygon: gewdaisiak pol gwno. inscribed polygon: eggegramm no pol gwno. non-convex polygon: mh kurt pol gwno (sun. concave polygon). 251
Convex polygon
Non-convex polygon
rectilinear polygon: euj grammo pol gwno. regular polygon: kanonik omal pol gwno. Pol gwno tou opo ou lec oi pleur c qoun to dio m koc kai lec oi gwn ec e nai sec metax touc.
similar polygons: moia pol gwna. spherical polygon: sfairik pol gwno. side of a polygon: pleur polug nou. star polygon: astr morfo asteroeid c pol gwno. vertex of a polygon: koruf polug nou.
polygonal: polugwnik c.
polygonal domain: polugwnik qwr o. polygonal numbers: polugwniko arijmo .
polyharmonic: poluarmonik c.
polyharmonic function: poluarmonik sun rthsh.
polyhedral: pol edroc, poluedrik c.
polyhedral angle: pol edrh poluedrik gwn a. polyhedral solids: pol edra s mata ( stere ).
polyhedron (pl. polyhedrons or polyhedra): pol edro.
Archimedean polyhedra: arqim deia pol edra. Kurt hmikanonik pol edra. Anaf rontai kataqrhstik wc hmikanonik hmiomal pol edra (bl. semiregular polyhedra). Up rqoun sunolik 13
arqim deia pol edra. Ta 5 ex aut n e nai k loura platwnik pol edra. 'Alla 6 prok ptoun me apokop twn k lourwn platwnik n polu drwn kai e nai gnwst wc rombik arqim deia pol edra (rhombic Archimedean polyhedra). Ta up loipa d o, to kubookt edro (cuboctahedron) kai to eikosidwdek edro (icosidodecahedron), e nai ep shc k loura platwnik pol edra. compound polyhedra: s njeta pol edra. concave polyhedron: mh kurt pol edro (sun. non-convex polyhedron). convex polyhedron: kurt pol edro. dual polyhedra: du k pol edra (p.q. ex edro-okt edro, dwdek edro-eikos edro). edge of a polyhedron: akm polu drou. face of a polyhedron: par pleurh dra polu drou. Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra: pol edra twn Kepler kai Poinsot. Mh kurt kanonik pol edra (bl. regular polyhedra). Up rqoun sunolik t ssera t toia pol edra: tr a astr morfa dwdek edra kai na astr morfo eikos edro (bl. stellated polyhedron). Maz me ta p nte Platwnik pol edra e nai ta m na kanonik pol edra. non-convex polyhedron: mh kurt pol edro (sun. concave polyhedron). Platonic polyhedra: platwnik pol edra. Kurt kanonik pol edra. Anaf rontai kataqrhstik wc kanonik omal pol edra (bl. regular polyhedra). Up rqoun akrib c p nte platwnik pol edra: tetr edro, ex edro (k boc), okt edro, dwdek edro kai eikos edro. regular polyhedra: kanonik omal pol edra. Pol edra twn opo wn oi par pleurec drec e nai kanonik pol gwna diou t pou kai diou meg jouc. Ta kurt ex aut n kalo ntai platwnik pol edra (Platonic polyhedra) en ta mh kurt e nai gnwst wc pol edra twn Kepler kai Poinsot. rhombic Archimedean polyhedra: rombik arqim deia pol edra. Apokomm na apl arqim deia pol edra. semiregular polyhedra: hmikanonik hmiomal pol edra. Pol edra twn opo wn oi akm c e nai sec metax touc kai oi par pleurec drec e nai kanonik pol gwna toul qiston d o t pwn. Ta kurt ex aut n e nai gnwst wc arqim deia pol edra (Archimedean polyhedra) en ta mh kurt e nai astr -
morfa ( aster morfa) pol edra (bl. stellated polyhedron). stellated polyhedron: astr morfo aster morfo pol edro (bl. stellated). truncated polyhedron: apokomm no k louro pol edro. vertex of a polyhedron: koruf polu drou.
polynomial: polu numo, poluwnumik c.
polynomial approximation: poluwnumik pros ggish. polynomial equation: poluwnumik ex swsh. polynomial function: poluwnumik sun rthsh. polynomial growth: poluwnumik a xhsh. polynomial ideal: poluwnumik ide dec. polynomial regression: poluwnumik palindr mhsh. algebraic polynomial: algebrik polu numo. biorthogonal polynomials: diorjog nia polu numa. characteristic polynomial: qarakthristik polu numo. collocation polynomial: polu numo taxijes ac taxin mhshc, sumptwtik polu numo. commuting polynomials: antimetajetik antimetaj sima polu numa. coprime polynomials: pr ta proc llhla polu numa. cubic polynomial: kubik tritob jmio polu numo. degree of a polynomial: bajm c poluwn mou. factorial polynomial: paragontik polu numo. hypergeometric polynomials: upergewmetrik polu numo. interpolation polynomial: polu numo parembol c, parembolik polu numo. irreducible polynomial: an gwgo polu numo. Laguerre polynomials: polu numa Laguerre. Legendre polynomials: polu numa Legendre. linear polynomial: grammik prwtob jmio polu numo. minimal polynomial: elaqistotik el qisto polu numo. minimax polynomial: polu numo elaqistomeg stou, polu numo minimax. minimum polynomial: el qisto polu numo. monic polynomial: monik polu numo. Se merik bibl a qrhsimopoio ntai ep shc oi roi enadik polu numo kai (o atuq c) kanonikopoihm no polu numo. orthogonal polynomials: orjog nia polu numa. osculating polynomial: efapt meno polu numo. piecewise polynomials: kat tm mata polu numa, tmhmatik polu numa, splines. quadratic polynomial: tetragwnik deuterob jmio polu numo. stability polynomial: polu numo eust jeiac. ultraspherical polynomial: upersfairik polu numo. zero of a polynomial: r za poluwn mou. zonal polynomial: polu numo kat z nec, zwnik polu numo.
polynomially: poluwnumik .
polynomially balanced language: poluwnumik isorrophm nh gl ssa.
polytomic: polutomik c.
polytomic table: polutomik c p nakac.
polytope: pol topo. polytropic: polutropik c. 253
pop: ex gw (plhroforik ). population: plhjusm c.
population size: m gejoc plhjusmo . binomial population: diwnumik c diwnumik katanemhm noc plhjusm c. nite population: peperasm noc plhjusm c. in nite population: peiroc plhjusm c. multinomial population: poluwnumik c plhjusm c. non-Normal population: mh Kanonik c plhjusm c. normal population: kanonik c kanonik katanemhm noc plhjusm c. stationary population: st simoc plhjusm c.
pore: p roc. porosity: por dec. porous: por dhc.
porous media: por dh m sa ulik .
portrait: portr to, di gramma.
phase portrait: fasik prortr to di gramma.
pose: topojet , j tw, or zw. posed: topojethm noc, orism noc.
ill posed problem: kak c asjen c topojethm no pr blhma. improperly posed problem: antikanonik orism no pr blhma. properly posed problem: kanonik orism no pr blhma. well posed problem: kal c topojethm no pr blhma.
posedness: to topojethm no.
ill-posedness: to kak c asjen c topojethm no (probl matoc). well-posedness: to kal c topojethm no (probl matoc).
position: j sh, st gma.
position vector: di nusma j sewc epibatik akt na. actual position: pragmatik j sh. standard position: sun jhc j sh.
positioning: topoj thsh.
global positioning system: s sthma kajolik c topoj thshc.
positive: jetik c.
positive angle: jetik gwn a. positive arc: jetik t xo. positive charge: jetik fort o. positive correlation: jetik susq tish. positive de nite: jetik orism noc. positive de nite matrix: jetik orism noc p nakac. positive de nite operator: jetik orism noc telest c. positive de niteness: to jetik orism no. 254
positive direction: jetik kate junsh. positive element: jetik stoiqe o. positive homogeneity: jetik omog neia. positive integer: jetik c ak raioc. positive number: jetik c arijm c. positive orientation: jetik c prosanatolism c. positive pole: jetik c p loc. positive power: jetik d namh. positive semide nite: jetik hmiorism noc. positive semide niteness: to jetik hmiorism no. positive sense: jetik for . positive sign: jetik pr shmo. positive term: jetik c roc. strictly positive number: gn sia austhr jetik c arijm c.
positiveness: jetik thta. positivity: jetik thta. positron: pozitr nio. possibility: dunat thta. possible: dunat c.
possible event: dunat gegon c. maximum possible error: m gisto dunat sf lma.
posterior: a posteriori, ek twn ust rwn.
posterior probability: a posteriori pijan thta, sterh pijan thta.
posteriori: bl. a posteriori. postmultiplication: pollaplasism c ap dexi . postmultiply: pollaplasi zw ap dexi . postulate: apait , axi , a thma, ax wma. To a thma (postulate) anaf retai se eidik jewr a kai den e nai t so genik so to ax wma (axiom). Bayes' postulate: a thma Bayes.
postulation: up jesh, d thma, ax wma. potency: isq c. potency of a set: isq c sun lou.
potential: dunamik c, dunamik , dunhtik c, dunat c. potential barrier: fr gma dunamiko . potential di erence: diafor dunamiko . potential energy: dunamik en rgeia. potential equation: ex swsh dunamiko . potential function: sun rthsh dunamiko . potential gradient: kl sh dunamiko . potential theory: jewr a dunamiko . complex potential: migadik dunamik . electric potential: hlektrik dunamik .
electrostatic potential: hlektrostatik dunamik . gravitational potential: dunamik bar thtac barutik dunamik . kinetic potential: kinhtik dunamik . scalar potential: bajmwt dunamik . vector potential: dianusmatik dunamik . velocity potential: dunamik (thc) taq thtac.
power: d namh, isq c.
power curve: kamp lh isq oc. power function: dunamosun rthsh. power method: m jodoc twn dun mewn. power residue: dunamo p loipo. power series: dunamoseir . power series solution: l sh se morf dunamoseir c. power set: dunamos nolo. power of a set: isq c sun lou. power sum: dunamo jroisma. power of a test: isq c el gqou. power of a test function: isq c elegqosun rthshc, isq c sun rthshc el gqou. ascending powers: anio sec dun meic. block power method: s njeth m jodoc twn dun mewn. descending powers: katio sec dun meic. e ective power: energ c isq c. inverse power method: ant strofh m jodoc twn dun mewn. negative power: arnhtik d namh. perfect power: t leia d namh. positive power: jetik d namh.
powerful: isqur c.
most powerful test function: isqur tath elegqosun rthsh, isqur tath sun rthsh el gqou.
powering: ywsh se d namh ekj th. practical: praktik c. precede: prohgo mai. precedence: proterai thta.
precedence relation: sq sh proterai thtac. weak precedence grammar: grammatik asjen n proteraiot twn.
precedent: prohgo mmeno. preceding: prohgo mmenoc. precession: met ptwsh, fesh. precision: akr beia, epakr beia.
precision index: de kthc akr beiac. double precision: dipl akr beia. double precision arithmetic: arijmhtik dipl c akr beiac. index of precision: de kthc akr beiac. quadruple precision: tetrapl akr beia. 256
single precision: apl akr beia. single precision arithmetic: arijmhtik apl c akr beiac. triple precision: tripl akr beia.
pre-conditioning: prostajeropo hsh. predator: kunhg c.
predator-prey system: s sthma kunhgo -jhr matoc.
predecessor: prok toqoc, prohghje c. predetermination: prokajorism c. predetermine: prokajor zw. predetermined: prokajorism noc.
predetermined variable: prokajorism nh metablht .
predicate: kathg rhma, kathgoro meno, kathgorhmatik c, dhl nw, bebai nw, kajist anagka o. predicate calculus: kathgorhmatik c logism c (sun. quanti cation theory). predicate sign: s mbolo kathgor matoc. k-place predicate: kathg rhma k j sewn. one-place predicate: kathg rhma miac j shc. recursive predicate: anadromik kathg rhma.
predicative: kathgorhmatik c.
predicative axiom of class formation: kathgorhmatik ax wma kataskeu c kl sewn.
predict: prol gw, probl pw. predictability: probleyim thta. predictable: probl yimoc, anamen menoc. prediction: pr bleyh, pr rrhsh.
prediction interval: di sthma pr bleyhc, probleptik di sthma. joint prediction intervals: ap koino diast mata pr bleyhc, ap koino probleptik diast mata.
predictive: probleptik c.
predictive decomposition: probleptik an lush.
predictor: alg rijmoc pr bleyhc, probl pousa.
predictor-corrector method: m jodoc probl yewc-diorj sewc.
preference: prot mhsh.
zone of preference: z nh prot mhshc.
pre x: pr jema.
pre x of a formula: pr jema t pou. pre x of a string: pr jema sumboloseir c.
pre-Hilbert: pro-Hilbert.
pre-Hilbert space: pro-Hilbert q roc.
preimage: proeik na. prematch: prosunarm zw, protairi zw, proantistoiq zw, prozeugar nw, prosunarmog , prota riasma, proantisto qish.
prematching: prosunarm g , prota riasma, proantisto qish, prosunarm zwn. premultiplication: pollaplasism c ap arister . premultiply: pollaplasi zw ap arister . prenex: prenex, pr jema. prenex formula: t poc se projematik morf . prenex normal form: kanonik morf prenex.
present: par n, par n.
present value: paro sa tr qousa tim .
preservation: diat rhsh. preserve: diathr . preserving: diathr n, diathr ntac.
angle-preserving transformation: apeik nish diathro sa tic gwn ec. area-preserving map: apeik nish diathro sa to embad n. length-preserving transformation: apeik nish diathro sa ta m kh. orthogonality-preserving transformation: apeik nish diathro sa thn orjogwni thta. shape preserving: o diathr n th morf .
pressure: p esh.
pressure gradient: kl sh p eshc. atmospheric pressure: atmosfairik p esh. barometric pressure: barometrik p esh. hydrostatic pressure: udrostatik p esh. static pressure: statik p esh.
prevail: epikrat . prevailing: epikrat n, uperisq wn. prevision: pr bleyh. prewhitening: prole kansh. prey: j rama.
predator-prey system: s sthma kunhgo -jhr matoc.
price: tim .
price index: de kthc tim n.
primal: prwte wn, arqik c, basik c, prwtogen c. primal-dual: prwte wn-deutere wn.
primary: prwte wn, k rioc, arqik c, prwtogen c. primary ow: prwte ousa ro .
prime: pr toc, pr toc arijm c, t noc.
prime factorization: paragontopo hsh se pr touc. prime eld: pr to s ma. prime ideal: pr to ide dec. prime model: pr to mont lo. prime number: pr toc arijm c. relative prime numbers: pr toi metax touc arijmo . relatively prime: sqetik pr toi (arijmo ). twin primes: d dumoi pr toi (arijmo ).
primer: eisagwgik bibl o. primitive: arqik c, prwte wn, prwtarqik c, basik c, arq gonoc.
primitive period: basik per odoc. primitive Pythagorean triple basik prwtarqik pujag reia tri da. primitive recursion: basik arq gonh anadrom . primitive recursive functions: basik c anadromik c sunart seic. primitive recursive predicate: basik anadromik kathg rhma. primitive recursive sets: basik anadromik s nola. primitive root: arqik r za. primitive variable: arqik arq gonh metablht .
principal: prwte wn, k rioc, pr toc.
principal axes: k rioi xonec. principal axes of inertia: k rioi xonec adr neiac. principal axes theorem: je rhma kur wn ax nwn. principal branch: prwte wn kl doc. principal bundle: k ria d smh. principal curvature: k ria kampul thta. principal diagonal: k ria diag nioc. principal direction: k ria die junsh. principal ideal: k rio prwte on ide dec. principal moments of inertia: k riec rop c adr neiac. principal normal: pr th k jeth. principal part: prwte on m roc. principal plane: k rio ep pedo (optik ). principal point: k rio shme o (optik ). principal range: prwte on di sthma. principal value: prwte ousa tim . Cauchy principal value: prwte ousa tim tou Cauchy.
principle: arq .
principle of duality: arq tou du smo . principle of nality: arq thc telei thtac. principle of least time: arq tou el qistou qr nou. principle of virtual work: arq tou dunato rgou. basic principles: basik c arq c, axi mata (axioms). diamond principle: arq tou diamantio (logik ). 259
rst principle: basik jemeli dhc arq . fundamental principle: jemeli dhc arq . equipartition principle: arq thc isodiam rishc. exclusion principle: arq apokleismo . inclusion principle: arq egkleismo . invariance principle: arq tou anallo wtou. least number principle: arq elaq stou arijmo . least squares principle: arq elaq stwn tetrag nwn. maximum likelihood principle: arq m gisthc pijanof neiac. minimax principle: arq elaqistomeg stou, arq minimax. partition principle: arq thc diam rishc. pigeon hole principle: arq tou perister na. re ection principle: arq thc anakl sewc. superposition principle: arq thc up rjeshc epallhl ac. variational principle: metabolik arq . well ordering principle: arq thc kal c di taxhc.
print: tup nw. prior: a priori, ek twn prot rwn, a priori katanom .
prior probability: a priori pijan thta, pr terh pijan thta. information prior: plhroforiak a priori katanom .
priori: bl. a priori. priority: proterai thta.
priority queuing: anamon kat proterai thta.
prism: pr sma.
double prism: d prisma (sun. biprism). hexagonal prism: exagwnik pr sma. oblique prism: pl gio pr sma.
prismatic: prismatik c. prismatoid: prismatoeid c. prismoid: prismoeid c. prismoidal: prismoeid c.
prismoidal formula: prismoeid c t poc t poc tou Simpson (Simpson's rule).
probabilistic: pijanojewrhtik c, pijanotik c.
probabilistic interpretation: pijanojewrhtik ermhne a.
probability: pijan thta.
probability distribution: katanom pijan thtac. probability function: sun rthsh pijan thtac. probability generating function: pijanogenn tria sun rthsh. probability mass: m za pijan thtac. probability moment: rop pijan thtac. probability sequence: akolouj a pijan thtac. 260
probability surface: epif neia pijan thtac. biased probability: mh amer lhpth pijan thta. conditional probability: desmeum nh pijan thta pijan thta up sunj kh. empirical probability: empeirik pijan thta. ducial probability: pisteutik pijan thta. inverse probability: ant strofh pijan thta. joint probability: mikt pijan thta. joint probability function: sun rthsh mikt c pijan thtac. joint probability table: p nakac mikt c pijan thtac. maximum probability: m gisth pijan thta. pistimetric probability: pistometrik pijan thta. posterior probability: a posteriori pijan thta, sterh pijan thta. prior probability: a priori pijan thta, pr terh pijan thta. total probability: olik pijan thta. transition probability: pijan thta met bashc.
probable: pijan c.
probable error: pijan sf lma. probable value: pijan tim .
probably: pijan c. probe: gkos el gqou, perioq el gqou. problem: pr blhma.
adjoint problems: suzug probl mata. algebraic eigenvalue problem: algebrik pr blhma idiotim n. birthday problem: pr blhma genejl wn. boundary value problem: pr blhma sunoriak n tim n. constrained problem: desmeum no pr blhma, pr blhma up sunj kec. constrained minimization problem: desmeum no pr blhma elaqistopo hshc. Delian problem: D lio pr blhma pr blhma tou D liou bwmo (Delian altar problem). To pr blhma tou diplasiasmo tou k bou (doubling the square). Dirichlet problem: pr blhma Dirichlet. eigenvalue problem: pr blhma idiotim n. elliptic problem: elleiptik pr blhma. free boundary problem: pr blhma me ele jero s noro. global problem: kajolik pr blhma. hyperbolic problem: uperbolik pr blhma. ill posed problem: kak c asjen c topojethm no pr blhma. initial boundary value problem: pr blhma arqik n sunoriak n tim n. initial value problem: pr blhma arqik n tim n. inner problem: eswterik pr blhma. insoluble problem: luto pr blhma. inverse eigenvalue problem: ant strofo pr blhma idiotim n. inverse problem: ant strofo pr blhma. isoperimetric problem: isoperimetrik pr blhma. least squares problem: pr blhma elaq stwn tetrag nwn. maximization problem: pr blhma megistopo hshc. minimization problem: pr blhma elaqistopo hshc. mixed (boundary value) problem: mikt pr blhma (sunoriak n tim n). 261
moving boundary problem: pr blhma kinoum nou sun rou. optimization problem: pr blhma beltistopo hshc. outer problem: exwterik pr blhma. parabolic problem: parabolik pr blhma. queuing problem: pr blhma anamon c. singular problem: idi zon pr blhma. singular boundary value problem: idi zon pr blhma sunoriak n tim n. traveling salesman problem: pr blhma periode ontoc pwlht pr blhma emporiko antipros pou. two-point boundary value problem: pr blhma d o sunoriak n tim n. weak problem: asjen c pr blhma. well posed problem: kal c topojethm no pr blhma.
procedure: diadikas a.
decision procedure: diadikas a ap fashc.
procedural: diadikastik c.
procedural bias: diadikastik merolhy a.
process: diadikas a, m jodoc, an lixh, tr poc.
accumulated process: sunajroistik an lixh. additive process: prosjetik an lixh. complex process: pol plokh diadikas a. evolutionary process: exeliktik an lixh. Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process: m jodoc orjokanonikopo hshc twn Gram-Schmidt. harmonic process: armonik an lixh. hierarchical process: ierarqik an lixh. multi-linear process: polugrammik an lixh. multivariate process: polumetablht an lixh. random impulse process: an lixh tuqa ac jhshc. random process: tuqa a an lixh. regenerative process: anagennhtik an lixh. sequential process: akoloujiak diadikas a. superposed process: upertejeim nh an lixh.
processing: epexergas a, diadikas a.
processing error: diadikastik sf lma. distributed processing: katanemhm nh epexergas a. image processing: epexergas a eik nac. information processing: epexergas a plhrofori n. parallel processing: par llhlh epexergas a. signal processing: epexergas a s matoc. symbol processing: sumbolik epexergas a. text processing: epexergas a keim nou.
processor: epexergast c.
symbol processor: sumbolik c epexergast c. text processor: epexergast c keim nou. 262
produce: par gw, sqhmat zw, pro n. producer: paragwg c.
producer's risk: k ndunoc tou paragwgo .
product: gin meno, pollaplasiasm c, pollapl sio, pro n.
product category: kathgor a ginom nou. product of inertia: gin meno adr neiac. product measure space: q roc m trou gin meno. product moment: mikt rop . product-moment formula: t poc mikt c rop c tou ginom nou rop n. product set: kartesian gin meno (Cartesian product). a ne product: susqetism no gin meno. bounded product: fragm no gin meno. box product: mikt gin meno dianusm twn. Cartesian product: kartesian gin meno. cross product: exwterik dianusmatik staurwt gin meno (sun. outer vector product). cap product: gin meno tom c (ap to s mbolo \). cup product: gin meno nwshc (ap to s mbolo ). direct product: euj gin meno gin meno Kronecker (sun. Kronecker product). dot product: eswterik bajmwt arijmhtik euj gin meno gin meno tele ac (sun. inner scalar product). double dot product: gin meno dipl c tele ac. dyadic product: duadik gin meno. exterior product: exwterik gin meno sfhnoeid c gin meno (wedge product, ap to s mbolo ^). Qrhsimopoie tai se exwterik c lgebrec (exterior algebras). free product: ele jero gin meno. Hermitian product: ermitian gin meno (eswterik gin meno). in nite product: peiro gin meno apeirogin meno. inner product: eswterik bajmwt arijmhtik gin meno (sun. scalar product. inner product space: q roc me eswterik gin meno. iterated product: epanalamban meno gin meno. iterated tensor product: pollapl tanustik gin meno. Kronecker product: gin meno Kronecker euj gin meno (sun. direct product). metabelian product: metabelian gin meno. object product: gin meno antikeim nwn. outer product: dianusmatik exwterik gin meno (sun. cross vector product). pointwise product: shmeiak gin meno. pseudoscalar product: yeudoarijmhtik gin meno mikt gin meno arijmhtik tripl gin meno (scalar triple product). scalar product: eswterik bajmwt arijmhtik gin meno gin meno tele ac (sun. inner dot product), bajmwt pollapl sio, bajmwt c pollaplasiasm c. scalar triple product: mikt gin meno (dianusm twn) yeudoarijmhtik (pseudoscalar) gin meno
arijmhtik tripl gin meno. smash product: sunjliptik gin meno (Topol.). Anaf retai ep shc kai wc sugkrousm no gin meno. tensor product: tanustik gin meno. wedge product: exwterik gin meno (exterior product) sfhnoeid c gin meno (ap to s mbolo ^). Qrhsimopoie tai se exwterik c lgebrec (exterior algebras). vector product: dianusmatik exwterik gin meno (sun. cross outer product). vector triple product: disexwterik gin meno dianusmatik tripl gin meno.
productive: paragwgik c.
productive nonterminal: paragwgik mh termatik .
pro le: prof l, katatom , pl gia yh, katanom , per gramma. pro le analysis: an lush katatom c.
program: pr gramma.
interactive program: diadrastik pr gramma.
programming: programmatism c.
programming language: gl ssa programmatismo . dynamic programming: dunamik c programmatism c. integer programming: ak raioc programmatism c. linear programming: grammik c programmatism c. mixed integer programming: mikt c ak raioc programmatism c. non-linear programming: mh grammik c programmatism c. quadratic programming: tetragwnik c programmatism c. scienti c programming: episthmonik c programmatism c. semi-de nite programming: hmiorism noc programmatism c.
progress: pr odoc. progression: pr odoc.
arithmetic progression: arijmhtik pr odoc. geometric progression: gewmetrik pr odoc. harmonic progression: armonik pr odoc.
progressive: proodeutik c.
progressive average: proodeutik c diadoqik c m soc. progressive wave: diadid meno k ma.
progressively: proodeutik . project: 1. prob llw. 2. sq dio. projectile: bl ma. projecting: pr boloc, prob llwn.
projecting cylinder: pr boloc k lindroc.
projection: probol .
projection function: sun rthsh probol c. projection operator: telest c probol c. axis of projection: xonac probol c. azimuthal equidistant projection: azimoujiak isap qousa probol . canonical projection: kanonik probol . center of projection: ke'ntro probol c. central projection: kentrik probol . conical projection: kwnik probol . cylindrical projection: kulindrik probol . 264
homographic projection: isembadik probol . horizontal projection: oriz ntia probol . Mercator projection: merkatorian probol . orthogonal projection: orjog nia probol . orthographic projection: orjografik orjog nia probol . orthomorphic projection: orj morfh probol . perspective projection: prooptik probol . pictorial projection: eikonografik stereografik probol . plane of projection: ep pedo probol c. polyconic projection: polukwnik probol . sinusoidal projection: hmitonoeid c probol (isembadik ). stereographic projection: stereografik probol .
projective: probolik c.
projective coordinates: probolik c suntetagm nec. projective di erential geometry: probolik diaforik gewmetr a. projective geometry: probolik gewmetr a. projective group: probolik om da. projective isomorphism: probolik c isomorfism c. projective relation: probolik sq sh. projective space: probolik c q roc. projective transformation: probolik c metasqhmatism c.
projectivity: probolik thta. prolate: epim khc, woeid c.
prolate cycloid: epim khc kukloeid c. prolate spheroid: ep mhkec sfairoeid c. prolate spheroidal coordinates: epim keic woeide c sfairoeide c suntetagm nec. prolate trochoid: ep mhkec troqoeid c.
prolong: epimhk nw, epekte nw, parate nw, proekte nw. prolongation: epim kunsh, ep ktash, par tash, pro ktash. prolongation axiom: ax wma ep ktashc.
prolonged: paratetam noc, epektetam noc. proof: ap deixh.
proof by contradiction: ap deixh me th m jodo thc apagwg c se topo. proof by induction: ap deixh me th m jodo thc epagwg c. proof theory: jewr a apode xewn, sun. metamajhmatik (metamathematics). direct proof: mesh ap deixh. heuristic proof: mh austhr diaisjhtik ap deixh. rigorous proof: austhr ap deixh.
propagate: diad dw. propagating: diadid menoc.
propagating crack: diadid menh rwgm . 265
propagation: di dosh, met dosh.
propagation number: kumatik c arijm c. propagation vector: di nusma diad sewc. crack propagation: di dosh rwgm c. error propagation: met dosh sf lmatoc. speed of propagation: taq thta di doshc. wave propagation: di dosh k matoc.
proper: gn sioc, kanonik c, kat llhloc,swst c. proper class: gn sia kl sh. proper cycle: gn sioc k kloc. proper distribution: gn sia katanom . proper extension: gn sia ep ktash. proper fraction: gn sio kl sma. proper ideal: gn sio ide dec. proper subgroup: gn sia upoom da. proper subset: gn sio upos nolo. proper value: idiotim (bl. eigenvalue). proper vector: idiodi nusma (bl. eigenvector).
properly: kat llhla, kanonik , gn sia.
properly discontinuous action: gn sia asuneq c dr sh. properly posed problem: kanonik orism no pr blhma.
property: idi thta.
property method: m jodoc thc perigraf c. additive properties: prosjetik c idi thtec. a ne property: susqetism nh idi thta. antisymmetric property: antisummetrik idi thta. Archimedean property: arqim deia idi thta. closure property: idi thta thc kleist thtac. comparison property: idi thta thc sugkr sewc. conjugate symmetric property: suzug c summetrik idi thta. extensive property: ektatik idi thta. extremal property: akr tath idi thta, idi thta akrot twn. extremal property: akr tath idi thta. global property: kajolik idi thta. homogeneous property: omogen c idi thta. intensive property: entatik idi thta. intrinsic property: eswterik idi thta. linear property: grammik idi thta. local property: topik idi thta. minimum properties: el qistec idi thtec. optimal property: b ltisth idi thta. re ective property: anaklastik autopaj c idi thta. shifting property: idi thta thc metat pishc. Se merik bibl a, anaf retai wc idi thta metafor c. submultiplicative property: upopollaplasiastik idi thta. symmetric property: summetrik idi thta. topological property: topologik idi thta. 266
transitive property: metabatik idi thta. unimodal property: monok rufh idi thta.
proportion: analog a. proportional: an logoc.
proportional frequency: analogik suqn thta. proportional parts: an loga m rh. proportional quantities: an logec pos thtec. proportional sampling: analogik deigmatolhy a. directly proportional: euj wc an logoc. inversely proportional: antistr fwc an logoc.
proportionality: analog a. proposition: pr tash. propositional: protasiak c. propositional calculus: protasiak c logism c (sun. sentential calculus). protocol: prwt kollo. proton: prwt nio. protractor: moirognwm nio. protuberance: ex gkwma. protuberant: exogkwm noc. provability: apodeixim thta. provable: apode ximoc. prove: apodeikn w. proved: apodeigm noc. proximal: asumptwtik egg c. proximality: asumptwtik egg thta. proximity: egg thta.
proximity analysis: an lush egg thtac. proximity theorem: je rhma egg thtac.
pseudo: (pr jema) yeudo-. pseudocode: yeudok dikac. pseudofactor: yeudopar gontac. pseudoinverse: yeudoant strofoc.
pseudoinverse operator: yeudoant strofoc telest c.
pseudometric: yeudometrik c, yeudometrik . pseudonode: yeudok mboc. pseudoscalar: yeudobajmwt c, yeudobajmwt , yeudoarijmhtik c.
pseudoscalar product: yeudoarijmhtik gin meno mikt gin meno arijmhtik tripl gin meno (scalar triple product).
pseudosolution: yeudol sh. 267
pseudospectral: yeudofasmatik c.
pseudospectral solution: yeudofasmatik l sh.
pseudospectrum: yeudof sma. pseudosphere: yeudosfa ra. pseudospherical: yeudosfairik c.
pseudospherical surface: yeudosfairik epif neia.
pseudotensor: yeudotanust c. pseudovalue: yeudotim . pseudovariable: yeudometablht . pseudovector: yeudodi nusma. psi: .
psi-square statistic: 2 statistik sun rthsh.
pulley: troqal a. pulsatance: gwniak suqn thta (sun. angular frequency). pulsate: p llw, p llomai. pulsatile: palmik c, sfugmik c.
pulsatile ow: palmik ro , ro se agwg tou opo ou h akt na metab lletai hmitonoeid c sth kate junsh ro c.
pulsating: pall menoc. pulsation: palm c, sfugm c. pulse: palm c.
pulse function: sun rthsh tetragwniko palmo .
pump: antl a. pumping: ntlhsh.
pumping theorem: je rhma ntlhshc.
pure: kajar c, jewrhtik c, apl c.
pure birth process: apl an lixh genn sewc. pure geometry: kajar gewmetr a. pure mathematics: kajar jewrhtik majhmatik . pure quadratic form: kajar tetragwnik morf . pure strategy: apl strathgik .
purpose: skop c. purposive: sk pimoc.
purposive sample: sk pima epilegm no de gma.
push: eis gw (plhroforik ). pushdown: stoib zw, sto ba (plhroforik ).
deterministic pushdown automaton: nteterministik aut mato sto bac. 268
simple pushdown automaton: apl aut mato sto bac. single-turn pushdown automaton: aut mato sto bac miac for c.
pyramid: puram da.
pyramid function: sun rthsh puram da. frustrum of pyramid: k lourh puram da. pentagonal pyramid: pentagwnik puram da. regular pyramid: kanonik puram da. slant height of a pyramid: ap sthma puram dac. spherical pyramid: sfairik puram da. triangular pyramid: trigwnik puram da. truncated pyramid: apokomm nh k lourh puram da.
Pythagoras: Pujag rac (570-500 p.Q.).
Pythagoras theorem: pujag reio je rhma.
Pythagorean: Pujag reioc.
primitive Pythagorean triple basik prwtarqik pujag reia tri da.
Q QED (Lat. quod erat demonstratum): per dei de xai (OED), aut pou prepe na apodeiqje (apode qjhke).
QEF (Lat. quod erat faciendum): aut pou prepe na g nei ( gine). QR algorithm: alg rijmoc QR. Q technique: teqnik Q. quad: tetragwn dio. quadrangle: tetr gwno, tetr pleuro. quadrangular: tetragwnik c. quadrant: tetarthm rio, tetartok klio.
quadrant dependence: tetartokuklik h tetarthmoriak ex rthsh.
quadrantal: tetartokuklik c.
quadrantal spherical triangle: tetartokuklik sfairik tr gwno.
quadrat: tetragwnik tm ma. quadratic: tetragwnik c, deuterob jmioc.
quadratic convergence: deuterob jmia s gklish. quadratic element: tetragwnik stoiqe o. 269
quadratic equation: deuterob jmia ex swsh ex swsh deut rou bajmo . quadratic estimator: tetragwnik ektim tria. quadratic eld: tetragwnik s ma. quadratic form: tetragwnik morf . quadratic function: tetragwnik sun rthsh. quadratic functional: tetragwnik sunarthsiak . quadratic mean: tetragwnik c m soc. quadratic polynomial: tetragwnik deuterob jmio polu numo. quadratic programming: tetragwnik c programmatism c. quadratic reciprocity law: tetragwnik c n moc antistrof c. quadratic response: tetragwnik ap krish. quadratic surface: deuterob jmia epif neia. inde nite quadratic form: a risth tetragwnik morf . pure quadratic form: kajar tetragwnik morf .
quadratically: tetragwnik , deuterob jmia.
quadratically convergent algorithm: deuterob jmia sugkl nwn alg rijmoc.
quadrature: tetragwnism c, arijmhtik olokl rwsh.
Gauss-Laguerre quadrature: arijmhtik olokl rwsh Gauss-Laguerre. Gauss-Legendre quadrature: arijmhtik olokl rwsh Gauss-Legendre. Gauss quadrature: arijmhtik olokl rwsh Gauss. quadrature spectrum: tetragwnik f sma.
quadric: deuterob jmioc.
quadric curve: deuterob jmia kamp lh. quadric function: deuterob jmia sun rthsh. quadric surface: deuterob jmia epif neia.
quadrilateral: tetr pleuro.
quadrilateral element: tetr pleuro stoiqe o. complete quadrilateral: pl rec tetr pleuro. curved quadrilateral: kampul grammo tetr pleuro. inscribable quadrilateral: eggr yimo tetr pleuro. regular quadrilateral: kanonik tetr pleuro. simple quadrilateral: apl tetr pleuro.
quadri-Normal: tetra-Kanonik c.
quadri-Normal distribution: tetra-Kanonik katanom .
quadruple: tetr da, tetrapl c, tetrapl sioc, tetraplasi zw. quadruple precision: tetrapl akr beia. ordered quadruple: diatetagm nh tetr da.
quadruplet: tetr da. quadruplicate: tetraplasi zw. quadruplication: tetraplasiasm c. 270
qualitatively: poiotik . qualitative: poiotik c.
qualitative data: poiotik dedom na.
quality: poi thta.
quality control: legqoc poi thtac. quality control chart: q rthc el gqou poi thtac. quality level: ep pedo poi thtac. multivariate quality control: polumetablht c legqoc poi thtac.
quanta: bl. quantum. quantal: posotikopoihm noc.
quantal response: posotikopoihm nh ap krish.
quantic: polub jmioc. quanti able: posotikopoi simoc. quanti cation: poso ndeixh, posotikopo hsh.
quanti cation theory: kathgorhmatik c logism c (sun. predicate calculus). domain of quanti cation: basik s nolo basik c q roc (sun. universe of discourse). existential quanti cation: uparxiak poso ndeixh. universal quanti cation: kajolik poso ndeixh.
quanti er: posode kthc.
quanti er contraction: sustol posodeikt n. alternating quanti ers: enallass menoi posode ktec. bounded quanti er: fragm noc posode kthc. existential quanti er: uparxiak c posode kthc. in nite quanti er: peiroc posode kthc. numerical quanti er: arijmhtik c (uparxiak c) posode kthc. exact numerical quanti er: akrib c arijmhtik c (uparxiak c) posode kthc. odd quanti er: peritt c posode kthc. universal quanti er: kajolik c posode kthc.
quantify: posotikopo hsh. quantile: posostia oc, posostia o shme o. quantile point: posostia o shme o.
quantitatively: posotik . quantitative: posotik c.
quantitative data: posotik dedom na. quantitative response: posotik ap krish.
quantity: pos thta, m gejoc.
physical quantity: fusik m gejoc. proportional quantities: an logec pos thtec. scalar quantity: bajmwt m gejoc. 271
quantization: kbantopo hsh.
space quantization: kbantopo hsh q rou. vector quantization: dianusmatik kbantopo hsh.
quantum (pl. quanta): kb nto.
quantum hypothesis: kbantik up jesh. quantum index: posotik c de kthc. quantum mechanics: kbantomhqanik , kbantik mhqanik . quantum number: kbantik c arijm c. quantum theory: kbantik jewr a.
quarter: t tarto. quartic: tetartob jmioc, t tartou bajmo .
quartic convergence: tetartob jmia s gklish. quartic curve: tetartob jmia kamp lh. quartic equation: tetartob jmia ex swsh. quartic expression: tetartob jmia par stash. quartic surface: tetartob jmia epif neia.
quartically: tetartob jmia.
quartically convergent algorithm: tetartob jmia sugkl nwn alg rijmoc.
quartile: tetarthm rio tuqa ac metablht c.
quartile deviation: tetarthmoriak ap klish. quartile measure of skewness: tetarthmoriak m tro lox thtac. quartile variation: tetarthmoriak metabol .
quartimax: tetragwnik megistopo hsh. quartimax: tetragwnik elaqistopo hsh. quasi: oione , sqed n, hmi-, yeudo-.
quasi-analytic: oione analutik c. quasi-compact cluster: oione sumpag c hmi-sumpag c sust da. quasiconformal: oione s mmorfoc. quasiconformal group: oione s mmorfh om da. quasi-convex: oione kurt c. quasi-convexity: oione kurt thta. quasi-cube: oione k boc. quasi-factorial design: oione paragontik c hmi-paragontik c sqediasm c. quasi-incompressible: oione asump estoc. quasi-independence: oione anexarths a, hmi-anexarths a. quasi-linear: oione grammik c. quasi-local: oione topik c. quasi-Markov chain: alus da oione Markov hmi-Markov. quasi-maximum likelihood estimator: ektim tria oione m gisthc pijanof neiac. quasi-median: oione di mesoc hmi-di mesoc. quasi-monochromatic: yeudomonoqrwmatik c. quasi-normal equations: oione kanonik c hmi-kanonik c exis seic. quasi-periodic: oione periodik c. 272
quasi-periodically: oione periodik . quasi-random sampling: oione tuqa a hmi-tuqa a deigmatolhy a. quasi-range: oione k mansh, hmi-k mansh. quasi-square: oione tetr gwno, oione tetragwnik c. quasi-steady ow: oione m nimh ro . quasi-uniform: oione omoi morfoc, oione omal c.
quaternary: tetartogen c. quaternion: tetr da.
algebra of quaternions: lgebra tetr dwn. group of quaternions: om da twn tetr dwn.
quaternional: tetradik c, twn tetr dwn. quatrefoil: tetr fullo. quatric: tetartob jmioc.
quatric equation: tetartob jmia ex swsh.
questionnaire: erwthmatol gio. queue: our . queuing: anamon , our .
queuing problem: pr blhma anamon c. queuing theory: jewr a anamon c. priority queuing: anamon kat proterai thta.
quick: gr goroc.
quick test: gr goroc legqoc.
quindecagon: dekapent gwno. quintic: pemptob jmioc, p mptou bajmo .
quintic curve: pemptob jmia kamp lh. quintic equation: pemptob jmia ex swsh. quintic expression: pemptob jmia par stash. quintic surface: pemptob jmia epif neia.
quintile: pempthm rio. quintuple: pent da, pentapl c, pentapl sioc, pentaplasi zw. ordered quintuple: diatetagm nh pent da.
quod erat demonstratum (QED): (Lat.) per dei de xai (OED), aut pou prepe na apodeiqje (apode qjhke).
quod erat faciendum (QEF): (Lat.) aut pou prepe na g nei ( gine). quota: pos stwsh. quota sample: posostik de gma.
quotient: l goc, phl ko, up loipo.
quotient-di erence algorithm: alg rijmoc l gwn-diafor n. 273
quotient regression: palindr mhsh phl kou. quotient ring: dakt lioc phl ko dakt lioc thc kl shc upolo pwn (residue class ring). quotient test: krit rio sugkr sewc tou l gou. intelligence quotient: de kthc nohmos nhc. right quotient: dexi up loipo.
R RAM (random access memory): mn mh tuqa ac prosp lashc. RHS (right-hand side): dexi m loc. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer): RK (Runge-Kutta): RK methods: m jodoi Runge-Kutta.
r.p.m. (revolutions per minute): peristrof c an lept . R-technique: teqnik R. rad: suntomeum nh morf tou radian (akt nio) kai tou radix (b sh logar jmou). radial: aktinik c. radial component: aktinik sunist sa. radial displacement: aktinik metat pish. radial ow: aktinik ro . radial velocity: aktinik taq thta.
radially: aktinik . radian: akt nio.
radian measure of an angle: m tro gwn ac se akt nia.
radiant: aktinob loc.
radiant ux: ro aktinobol ac.
radiation: aktinobol a.
beta radiation: aktinobol a b ta. solar radiation: hliak aktinobol a.
radical: rizik c, rizik .
radical axis: rizik c xonac. radical center: rizik k ntro. radical extension: rizik ep ktash. radical fraction: rizik kl sma. 274
radical plane: rizik ep pedo. radical sign: s mbolo riziko , s mbolo thc tetragwnik c r zac (p).
radicand: up rrizo. radico-Normal: riziko-Kanonik c.
radico-Normal distribution: riziko-Kanonik katanom .
radii: bl. radius. radio-frequency waves: radiok mata. radius (pl. radii): akt na.
radius of convergence: akt na sugkl sewc. radius of curvature: akt na kampul thtac. radius of gyration: akt na perifor c. radius of torsion: akt na str yewc. spectral radius: fasmatik akt na.
radix: b sh logar jmou (base). Gr fetai ep shc kai sth suntetmhm nh morf rad. radix fraction: rizik kl sma. Sun numo tou radical fraction.
raise: aux nw. raising: aux nontac, a xhsh.
raising factor: par gontac a xhshc.
random: tuqa oc. E nai sun numo tou stochastic (stoqastik c).
random access: tuqa a prosp lash. random access memory (RAM): mn mh tuqa ac prosp lashc. random allocation: tuqa oc katamerism c. random allocation design: sqediasm c tuqa ou katamerismo . random balance: tuqa a isorrop a. random bifurcation: tuqa a diakl dwsh. random component: tuqa a sunist sa. random distribution: tuqa a katanom . random e ect: tuqa a ep drash. random error: tuqa o sf lma. random event: tuqa o endeq meno. random experiment: pe rama t qhc. random impulse: tuqa a jhsh. random interval: tuqa o di sthma. random linear graph: tuqa o grammik gr fhma. random numbers: tuqa oi arijmo . random order: tuqa a di taxh. random orthogonal transformation: tuqa oc orjog nioc metasqhmatism c. random process: tuqa a an lixh. random sample: tuqa o de gma. random sampling error: tuqa o sf lma deigmatolhy ac. random sampling numbers: tuqa oi arijmo deigmatolhy ac. random selection: tuqa a epilog . random sequence: tuqa a akolouj a. 275
random series: tuqa a seir . random start: tuqa a narxh. random tesselation: tuqa a yhfidopo hsh. random variable: tuqa a metablht . random walk: tuqa oc per patoc bhmatism c. normal random variable: kanonik tuqa a metablht . rank of a random variable: t xh tuqa ac metablht c. standardized random variable: tupik tupopoihm nh tuqa a metablht . uncorrelated random variables: asusq tistec orjog niec tuqa ec metablht c. uniformly distributed random variable: omoi morfa katanemhm nh tuqa a metablht .
randomization: tuqaiopo hsh, tuqai thta.
randomization test: legqoc tuqaiopo hshc. complete randomization: pl rhc tuqaiopo hsh. restricted randomization: periorism nh tuqaiopo hsh.
randomized: tuqaiopoihm noc. Se merik bibl a qrhsimopoie tai o lanjasm noc roc tuqopoihm noc. randomized block: tuqaiopoihm no mplok. randomized decision function: tuqaiopoihm nh sun rthsh ap fashc. randomized fractional factorial designs: tuqaiopoihm noi tmhmatiko paragontiko sqediasmo . randomized model: tuqaiopoihm no mont lo. randomized response: tuqaiopoihm nh ap krish. randomized test: tuqaiopoihm noc legqoc. randomized test function: tuqaiopoihm nh elegqosun rthsh, tuqaiopoihm nh sun rthsh el gqou.
randomness: tuqai thta, to tuqa o. range: ped o tim n, eik na (image), perioq , belhnek c, di sthma, ktash, pl toc (katanom c), k mansh (statistik ).
range of a function: ped o tim n sun rthshc. range of integration: di sthma olokl rwshc. range chart: q rthc k manshc. half range: mis ktash. half range Fourier series: seir Fourier mis c ktashc. principal range: prwte on di sthma.
rank: bajm c, t xh.
rank correlation: susq tish bajmo . rank of a matrix: bajm c t xh p naka. rank of a random variable: t xh tuqa ac metablht c. rank order: di taxh bajmo . rank sum: jroisma t xhc.
Rao-Blackwellization: efarmog tou jewr matoc Rao-Blackwell, R o-Mplakgouelopo hsh. Rao-Blackwellize: efarm zw to je rhma Rao-Blackwell, R o-Mplakgouelopoi . Rao-Blackwell theorem: je rhma Rao-Blackwell. rapid: taq c, gr goroc. 276
rare: sp nioc.
rare event: sp nio gegon c endeq meno.
rate: rujm c, taq thta.
rate of change: rujm c metabol c. rate of convergence: rujm c taq thta sugkl sewc. rate of deformation: rujm c param rfwshc. Sun. rate of strain. rate of deformation tensor: tanust c rujm n param rfwshc. Sun. rate of strain tensor. rate of growth: rujm c a xhshc an ptuxhc. rate of strain: rujm c param rfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation: rate of strain tensor: tanust c rujm n param rfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation tensor. attack rate: rujm c prosbol c. conversion rate: rujm c metatrop c. exponential rate: ekjetik c rujm c. ow rate: rujm c ro c.
ratio: l goc.
ratio estimator: ektim tria l gou. ratio scale: kl maka l gou. ratio test: krit rio tou l gou. cross ratio: dipl c l goc. external ratio: exwterik c l goc. homothetic ratio: omoiojetik c l goc, l goc omoiojes ac. internal ratio: eswterik c l goc. likelihood ratio: l goc phl ko pijanof neiac. likelihood ratio test: legqoc l gou pijanof neiac. likelihood ratio test function: elegqosun rthsh l gou pijanof neiac. similitude ratio: l goc omoi thtac.
rational: rht c, logik c.
rational approximation: rht pros ggish pros ggish me rht c sunart seic. rational function: rht sun rthsh. rational number: rht c arijm c. rational transformation: rht c metasqhmatism c.
rationale: skeptik , basik c arq c, aitiolog a. rationalism: orjologism c. rationality: rht thta, logik thta. rationalization: rhtopo hsh, logikopo hsh. rationalize: rhtopoi , logikopoi .
rationalize the denominator: rhtopoi ton paronomast .
raw: prwtogen c, ataxin mhtoc, akat rgastoc.
raw data: prwtogen dedom na. raw materials: pr tec lec. raw moment: mh kentrik rop . raw scores: arqik prwtogen apotel smata. 277
ray: akt na, hmieuje a.
beta rays: akt nec b ta. gamma rays: akt nec g mma. light ray: akt na fwt c.
reachable: prosit c. reaction: ant drash.
reaction time: qr noc antidr sewc. chain reaction: alusidwt ant drash.
reactive: antidrastik c, me ant drash.
reactive ow: ro me (qhmik ) ant drash.
read: diab zw.
read statement: entol an gnwshc (plhroforik ).
reader: anagn sthc.
card reader: anagn sthc kart n.
reading: an gnwsh. real: pragmatik c.
real analysis: pragmatik an lush. real axis: pragmatik c xonac. real function: pragmatik sun rthsh. real matrix: pragmatik c p nakac. real number: pragmatik c arijm c. real number system: s sthma twn pragmatik n arijm n. real part: pragmatik m roc. real valued: pragmatik c. real-valued function: pragmatik sun rthsh. real variable: pragmatik metablht .
reality: pragmatik thta.
virtual reality: eikonik pragmatik thta.
realizable: pragmatopoi simoc. realization: pragmatopo hsh. realize: pragmatopoi , enno . rearrange: anadiat ssw, anakatat ssw. rearrangement: anadi taxh, anakat taxh. rearrangement of terms: anadi taxh rwn.
reason: l goc. reasonable: logik c. reasoning: sullogistik .
non-monotone reasoning: mh mon tonh ajroistik sullogistik . 278
receive: d qomai, upod qomai. receiver: d kthc. reception: upodoq . reciprocal: ant strofoc, amoiba oc.
reciprocal di erences: ant strofec diafor c. reciprocal tensors: ant strofoi tanust c.
reciprocally: ant strofa, amoiba a. reciprocity: antistrof , amoibai thta.
dual reciprocity: du k antistrof . dual reciprocity method: m jodoc du k c antistrof c. dual reciprocity boundary elements: sunoriak stoiqe a du k c antistrof c. multiple reciprocity method: m jodoc pollapl c antistrof c. quadratic reciprocity law: tetragwnik c n moc antistrof c. reciprocity law: n moc antistrof c.
record: katagr fw, rek r. recognition: anagn rish.
language recognition: anagn rish gl ssac.
recognize: anagnwr zw. recognizer: anagnwrist c.
language recognizer: anagnwrist c gl ssac.
recover: anakt . recovery: an kthsh, apokat stash.
recovery of information: an kthsh plhrofor ac.
rectangle: orjog nio.
golden rectangle: qrus orjog nio.
rectangular: orjog nioc.
rectangular coordinates: kartesian c orjog niec suntetagm nec (sun. Cartesian coordinates). rectangular coordinate system: kartesian orjog nio s sthma suntetagm nwn (sun. Cartesian coordinate system). rectangular distribution: orjog nia katanom . rectangular lattice: orjog nio pl gma. rectangular neighborhood: orjog nia perioq . rectangular parallelepiped: orjog nio parallhlep pedo. Sun. kuboeid c (cuboid).
recti ability: anorjwsim thta, diorjwsim thta, h idi thta kamp lhc t xou na qei upolog simo (peperasm no) m koc.
recti able: anorj simoc, diorj simoc, eujugramm simoc, upolog simoc. recti able arc: t xo me upolog simo (peperasm no) m koc. recti able curve: kamp lh me upolog simo (peperasm no) m koc. 279
recti ed: anorjwm noc, diorjwm noc.
recti ed formula: diorjwm noc t poc. recti ed function: anorjwm nh sun rthsh. half recti ed: hmianorjwm noc. half recti ed function: hmianorjwm nh sun rthsh. half recti ed sine wave function: hmianorjwm nh hmitonoeid c kumatik sun rthsh.
recti er: anorjwthc, diorjwt c. rectify: anorj nw, diorj nw, upolog zw, eujugramm zw, eujeiopoi . rectifying: anorj nwn, eujeiopoi n, apokajist n. rectifying plane: eujeiopoi ep pedo.
rectilinear: euj grammoc.
rectilinear axis: euj grammoc xonac. rectilinear gure: euj grammo sq ma. rectilinear polygon: euj grammo pol gwno.
recurrence: anadrom .
recurrence formula: anadromik c t poc. recurrence relation: anadromik sq sh.
recurring: anadromik c, epanalhptik c.
recurring continuous fraction: epanalhptik suneq c kl sma.
recursion: anadrom .
recursion formula: anadromik c t poc. recursion theory: jewr a anadrom n, jewr a anadromik n sunart sewn. double recursion: dipl anadrom . multiple recursion: pollapl anadrom . primitive recursion: basik arq gonh anadrom . trans nite recursion: uperpeperasm nh anadrom .
recursive: anadromik c.
recursive formula: anadromik c t poc. recursive function: anadromik sun rthsh. recursive isomorphism: anadromik c isomorfism c. recursive predicate: anadromik kathg rhma. recursive set: anadromik s nolo. partial recursive functions: merik c anadromik c sunart seic. primitive recursive functions: basik c anadromik c sunart seic. primitive recursive sets: basik anadromik s nola.
recursively: anadromik .
recursively enumerable sets: anadromik arijm sima s nola. recursively isomorphic sets: anadromik is morfa s nola.
recursiveness: anadromik thta. 280
recurvature: anakamp lwsh, anakampul tha. redistribution: anakatanom .
mesh redistribution: anakatanom pl gmatoc.
reduce: an gw, elatt nw, upobib zw.
reduce a problem to another: an gw na pr blhma se llo.
reduced: anhgm noc, elattwm noc, upobibasm noc.
reduced column echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf kat st lec. reduced echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf . reduced echelon matrix: anhgm noc klimakwt c p nakac. reduced row echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf kat gramm c.
reducibility: anagwgim thta. reducible: anag gimoc.
reducible transformation: anag gimoc metasqhmatism c.
reduct: surr knwsh. reductio ad absurdum (lat.): m jodoc thc apagwg c se topo (proof by contradiction). reduction: anagwg , aplopo hsh, upopollaplasiasm c, me wsh. reduction formula: anagwgik c t poc. error reduction: me wsh sf lmatoc. Gauss-Jordan reduction: anagwg apaloif (elimination) Gauss-Jordan. symplectic reduction: sumplektik anagwg .
reference: anafor .
reference element: stoiqe o anafor c, basik pr tupo stoiqe o. reference level: ep pedo anafor c. reference point: shme o anafor c. frame of reference: s sthma anafor c. system of reference: s sthma anafor c. accelerated system of reference: epitaqun meno s sthma anafor c.
re ne: exeugen zw, eklept nw, pukn nw (gia pl gmata). re ned mesh: puknwm no pl gma.
re nement: exeugenism c, ekleptusm c, p knwsh (gia pl gmata). mesh re nement: p knwsh pl gmatoc. iterative mesh re nement: epanalhptik p knwsh pl gmatoc.
re ect: anakl . re ectance: anaklastik thta. re ecting: anaklastik c, anakl n.
re ecting boundary: anaklastik s noro. re ecting barrier: anaklastik fr gma. 281
re ection: an klash.
re ection principle: arq thc anakl sewc. internal re ection: eswterik an klash.
re ective: anaklastik c, autopaj c.
re ective property: anaklastik autopaj c idi thta.
re ector: anaklast c.
elementary re ector: stoiqei dhc anaklast c metasqhmatism c tou Householder (Householder transformation).
re exive: anaklastik c, autopaj c.
re exive relation: anaklastik autopaj c sq sh. re exive closure: anaklastik kleist thta.
re exivity: anaklastik thta, autop jeia. refracted: diajlasm noc, diajl menoc. refracted wave: diajl meno k ma.
refraction: di jlash.
index of refraction: de kthc diajl sewc.
refractive: diajlastik c.
refractive index: de kthc diajl sewc.
refusal: ap rriyh. regeneration: anag nnhsh. regenerative: anagennhtik c.
regenerative process: anagennhtik an lixh.
region: t poc, perioq , qwr o.
acceptance region: qwr o perioq apodoq c. canonical region: kanonik c t poc. closed region: kleist c t poc, kleist qwr o. con dence region: qwr o perioq empistos nhc. connected region: sunektik c sunaf c t poc, sunektik sunaf c qwr o. critical region: kr simo qwr o, kr simh perioq . lens-shaped region: fakoeid c t poc, fakoeid c qwr o. multiply connected region: pollapl sunektik qwr o t poc. open region: anoikt c t poc, anoikt qwr o. rejection region: qwr o perioq ap rriyhc. simply connected region: apl sunektik qwr o t poc. wedge-shaped region: sfhnoeid c aiqmhr c t poc, sfhnoeid c aiqmhr qwr o.
regional: topik c.
regional method: topik m jodoc. 282
regressand: palindromo menh metablht . regression: palindr mhsh.
regression analysis: an lush palindrom sewc. regression coe cient: suntelest c palindrom sewc. regression curve: kamp lh palindrom sewc. regression equation: ex swsh palindrom sewc. regression function: sun rthsh palindr mhshc. regression line: euje a palindrom sewc. regression plane: ep pedo palindrom sewc. regression surface: epif neia palindrom sewc. double exponential regression: dipl ekjetik palindr mhsh. exponential regression: ekjetik palindr mhsh. isotonic regression function: isotonik sun rthsh palindr mhshc. joint regression: mikt palindr mhsh. multiple regression: pollapl palindr mhsh. non-linear regression : mh grammik palindrom sh. partial regression: merik palindromhsh. piecewise regression: tmhmatik palindr mhsh. polynomial regression: poluwnumik palindr mhsh. quotient regression: palindr mhsh phl kou. true regression: alhj c palindr mhsh.
regressive: palindromik c. regressor: palindromo sa metablht . regula falsi: esfalm nh j sh (lat.).
regula falsi method: m jodoc esfalm nhc j shc, m jodoc regula falsi.
regular: kanonik c, omal c, sun jhc.
regular cardinal: kanonik c plhj rijmoc. regular dodecahedron: kanonik omal dwdek edro. regular estimator: kanonik ektim tria. regular expression: kanonik kfrash (plhroforik ). regular function: analutik sun rthsh, kanonik sun rthsh. regular grammar: kanonik grammatik . regular hexagon: kanonik ex gwno. regular hexahedron: kanonik omal ex edro (dhl. k boc). regular icosahedron: kanonik omal eikos edro. regular language: kanonik gl ssa. regular octahedron: kanonik omal okt edro. regular polygon: kanonik omal pol gwno. regular polyhedra: kanonik omal pol edra (bl. polyhedron). regular pyramid: kanonik puram da. regular quadrilateral: kanonik tetr pleuro. regular representation: kanonik par stash. regular singular point: s nhjec idi zon an malo shme o. regular solids: kanonik omal s mata (sun. regular polyhedra). regular space: kanonik c q roc. Metafr zetai ep shc wc fusiologik c q roc prokeim nou na g nei di krish ap to normal space. regular summability: kanonik ajroisim thta. 283
regular tetrahedron: kanonik omal tetr edro. regular tiling: kanonik omal plak strwsh.
regularity: kanonik thta, omal thta. regularization: omalopo hsh, kanonikopo hsh. regularized: omalopoihm noc, kanonikopoihm noc.
regularized inversion: omalopoihm nh antistrof .
regularly: kanonik , omal . reject: aporr ptw. rejection: ap rriyh.
rejection region: qwr o perioq ap rriyhc.
relation: sq sh.
antisymmetric relation: antisummetrik sq sh. auxiliary relation: bohjhtik sq sh. binary relation: dimel c duadik sq sh. circular relation: kuklik sq sh. constitutive relation: katastatik sq sh, ulik sq sh. converse relation: ant strofh sq sh. equality relation: sq sh is thtac. equivalence relation: sq sh isodunam ac. intransitive relation: mh metabatik sq sh. inverse relation: ant strofh sq sh. monadic relation: monomel c monadia a sq sh, kathg rhma miac j shc (sun. unary relation kai one-place predicate). projective relation: probolik sq sh. recurrence relation: anadromik sq sh. re exive relation: anaklastik autopaj c sq sh. symmetric relation: summetrik sq sh. ternary relation: trimel c triadik sq sh. transition relation: sq sh met bashc. transitive relation: metabatik sq sh. unary relation: monomel c monadia a sq sh, kathg rhma miac j shc (sun. monadic relation kai one-place predicate).
relational: sqesiak c.
relational algebra: sqesiak lgebra.
relationship: sq sh.
linear relationship: grammik sq sh. non-linear relationship: mh grammik sq sh.
relative: sqetik c, suggen c.
relative acceleration: sqetik epit qunsh. relative change: sqetik metabol . relative e ciency: sqetik apotelesmatik thta apodotik thta. 284
relative error: sqetik sf lma. relative frequency: sqetik suqn thta. relative frequency distribution: katanom sqetik c suqn thtac. relative maximum: sqetik m gisto. relative minimum: sqetik el qisto. relative prime numbers: pr toi metax touc arijmo . relative stability: sqetik eust jeia. relative topology: sqetik topolog a. relative velocity: sqetik taq thta.
relatively: sqetik .
relatively prime: sqetik pr toi (arijmo ).
relativistic: sqetikistik c.
relativistic mechanics: sqetikistik mhqanik .
relativity: sqetik thta.
special relativity: eidik sqetik thta.
relaxation: qal rwsh.
relaxation method: m jodoc qal rwshc.
reliable: axi pistoc. reliability: axiopist a.
reliability level: ep pedo axiopist ac.
remainder: up loipo.
remainder theorem: je rhma tou upolo pou. Chinese remainder theorem: je rhma upolo pou tou Kin zou (logik ).
remeshing: anakataskeu pl gmatoc, anaplegm twsh. removable: apale yimoc, diorj simoc, afairet c.
removable discontinuity: air menh apale yimh asun qeia. removable singularity: air menh epousi dhc diorj simh apale yimh anwmal a.
remove: afair , apale fw. renew: anane nw. renewal: anan wsh. renormalization: anakanonikopo hsh. renormalize: anakanonikopoi . renumber: anaarijm . renumbering: anaar jmhsh. reordering: anadi taxh. repeat: epanalamb nw. 285
repeated: epanalamban menoc.
repeated root: epanalamban menh r za. repeated survey: epanalamban menh reuna.
repetition: epanal lhyh. replace: epanaj tw, epanatopojet , antikajist , anaplhr . replacement: epan jesh, epanatopoj thsh, antikat stash, anapl rwsh. replacement theorem: je rhma epan jeshc. partial replacement: merik epan jesh.
replicate: epanalamb nw, epan lhyh. replication: epan lhyh. represent: anaparist nw, parist nw. representable: anaparast simoc, perigr yimoc.
representable functor: anaparast simoc sunartht c. representable set: perigr yimo s nolo. weakly representable set: asjen c perigr yimo s nolo (sun. numerated set).
representation: par stash, morf , antipros peush, anapar stash, ekpros phsh. representation theory: jewr a anaparast sewn. canonical representation: kanonik anapar stash. cardinal representation: jemeli dhc anapar stash. complex representation: migadik par stash. decimal representation: dekadik morf (pragmatiko arijmo ). faithful representation: pist anapar stash. nite representation: peperasm nh anapar stash. Galois representations: anaparast seic Galois. graphical representation: grafik anapar stash. group representation: anapar stash om dac. integral representation: oloklhrwtik morf par stash. normal representation: kanonik anapar stash. parametric representation: kanonik par stash. regular representation: kanonik par stash. Riesz representation theorem: je rhma anaparast sewc tou Riesz. seminormal representation: hmikanonik anapar stash. vector representation: par stash me dian smata.
representative: antiproswpeutik c, antipr swpoc. repulsion: pwsh. repunits: arijmo epanalamban menwn mon dwn (p.x., 1, 11, 111 kok). resampling: anadeigmatolhy a. research: reuna. basic research: basik reuna. operational research: epiqeirisiak reuna.
researcher: ereunht c. 286
reside: param nw, diam nw, katoik . residence: paramon , diamon , katoik a. residence time: qr noc paramon c.
resident: param nwn, diam nwn, k toikoc. residual: up loipo.
Galerkin weighted residuals: stajmism na up loipa Galerkin.
residue: up loipo, oloklhrwtik up loipo.
residue class: kl sh upolo pwn. residue class ring: dakt lioc thc kl shc upolo pwn dakt lioc phl ko (quotient ring). residue theorem: je rhma twn oloklhrwtik n upolo pwn. power residue: dunamo p loipo.
resistance: ant stash. resistor: antist thc. resolution: ep lush, an lush, eukr neia, diaqwrisim thta, diakrisim thta. resolution method: m jodoc ep lushc. resolution rule: kan nac ep lushc. resolution theorem: je rhma ep lushc. high resolution: uyhl eukr neia diakrisim thta.
resolvability: epilusim thta, analusim thta.
a ne resolvability: susqetism nh analusim thta.
resolvable: epil simoc, anal simoc. resolve: epil w, anal w. resolvent: epil ousa, anal ousa. resolving: epil ontac, anal ontac, epil wn, anal wn. resolving power: diakritik ikan thta (opt.).
resonance: suntonism c. respect: sq sh.
with respect to: wc proc, en sq sei proc, se sq sh me. derivative with respect to x: par gwgoc wc proc x.
respective: sqetik c, ant stoiqoc. respectively: ant stoiqa. response: ap krish, ant drash.
response error: sf lma ap krishc. response surface: epif neia ap krishc. response time: qr noc ap krishc. response variable: metablht ap krishc. response time distribution: katanom qr nou ap krishc. dynamic response: dunamik ap krish. index of response: de kthc ap krishc. quadratic response: tetragwnik ap krish. 287
randomized response: tuqaiopoihm nh ap krish. seismic response: seismik ap krish.
statement: anadiat pwsh.
restatement of the problem: anadiat pwsh tou probl matoc.
rest: hrem a.
rest mass: m za hrem ac.
restitution: apokat stash, epanafor . restore: apokajist . restoring: apokajist n, apokajist ntac. restoring force: d namh epanafor c.
restrict: perior zw. restricted: periorism noc, me periorismo c.
restricted ( nite) element: periorism no (peperasm no) stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc serendipity ( nite) element. restricted bicubic element: periorism no dikubik stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc bicubic serendipity element. restricted biquadratic element: periorism no ditetragwnik stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc biquadratic serendipity element. restricted randomization: periorism nh tuqaiopo hsh. restricted test: periorism noc legqoc.
restriction: periorism c.
restriction of a function: periorism c sun rthshc.
result: apot lesma.
numerical results: arijmhtik apotel smata. theoretical results: jewrhtik apotel smata. valid results: gkura apotel smata.
resultant: sunistam nh.
resultant of vectors: sunistam nh dianusm twn.
retard: epibrad nw, kajuster . retardation: epibr dunsh, kajust rhsh. retarded: kajusterhm noc, epibradun menoc. retarded motion: epidradun menh k nhsh.
retarder: epibradunt c. return: epistr fw, epistrof .
return period: per odoc epistrof c. return states: katast seic epistrof c. return time: qr noc epistrof c. 288
rst passage time: qr noc pr thc di bashc.
reveal: apokal ptw. revealed: apokalumm noc.
revealed class: apokalumm nh kl sh.
revelation: apok luyh. reversal: anastrof , antistrof .
reversal design: sqediasm c anastrof c. reversal test: legqoc anastrof c. time reversal: qronik anastrof .
reverse: ant strofoc, antestramm noc, an strofoc, ant jetoc, antistr fw, anastr fw. reverse operation: ant strofh pr xh. reverse order: ant strofh di taxh.
reversibility: antistreyim thta, to antistrept .
reversibility of Stokes ow: antistreyim thta thc ro c Stokes.
reversible: antistr yimoc, anastr yimoc. reversible relation: anastr yimh sq sh.
reversion: anastrof , antistrof .
reversion index: de kthc anastrof c.
revolve: peristr fw, peristr fomai. revolving: peristref menoc.
revolving axis: peristref menoc xonac.
revolution: peristrof , epan stash.
surface of revolution: epif neia ek peristrof c. volume of revolution: gkoc ek peristrof c.
rewrite: xanagr fw, epaneggr fw. rewriting: epaneggraf . Reynolds, (-).
Reynolds number: arijm c Reynolds. (Reynold's) transport theorem: je rhma metafor c (tou Reynolds).
rheology: reolog a, roolog a. rheological: reologik c.
rheological measurements: reologik c metr seic. rheological models: reologik mont la. rheological properties: reologik c idi thtec.
rheometer: re metro. 289
rheonomic: re nomoc.
rheonomic system: re nomo s sthma.
rhomb: r mboc.
rhomb line: loxodromik gramm .
rhombic: rombik c.
rhombic Archimedean polyhedra: rombik arqim deia pol edra (bl. polyhedron).
rhombicosidodecahedron: romboeikosidwdek edro. Rombik arqim deio pol edro (oi drec tou e nai tetr gwna kai kanonik tr gwna kai pent gwna).
rhombicuboctahedron: rombokubookt edro. Rombik arqim deio pol edro (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai tetr gwna).
rhombohedral: romb edroc, romboedrik c. rhombohedron (pl. rhombohedrons or rhombohedra): romb edro. rhomboid: romboeid c, romboeid c. rhombus (pl. rhombuses or rhombi): r mboc. rhumb: loxodromik kamp lh. rhumb line: sfairik lika.
rhythm: rujm c. Riccati equation: ex swsh tou Riccati. Richardson's extrapolation: pr bleyh kat Richardson, m jodoc extrapolation tou Richardson. ridge: koruf , korufogramm . ridge regression: palindr mhsh korufogramm c.
Riemann, Bernhard (1826-1866).
Riemann curvature tensor: tanust c kampul thtac tou Riemann. Riemann distribution: katanom Riemann. Riemann integrability: oloklhrwsim thta kat Riemann. Riemann integrable: oloklhr simoc kat Riemann. Riemann integral: olokl rwma kat Riemann. Riemann kernel: pur nac Riemann. Riemann normal coordinates: kanonik c suntetagm nec tou Riemann. Riemann sphere: sfa ra tou Riemann. Riemann summability: ajroisim thta kat Riemann. Riemann surface: epif neia tou Riemann. Riemann zeta function: sun rthsh z ta tou Riemann.
Riesz, Frigyes (1880-).
Riesz representation theorem: je rhma anaparast sewc tou Riesz.
right: dexi c, orj c, swst c, dexi .
right adjoint: dexi c suzug c prosarthm noc. right angle: orj gwn a. right circular cone: orj c kuklik c k noc. 290
right cone: orj c k noc. right conoid: orj kwnoeid c. right factoring: dexi paragontopo hsh. right-hand continuity: sun qeia ap dexi . right-hand derivative: par gwgoc ap dexi . right handed: dexi c, dexi strofoc. right-handed coordinate system: dexi strofo s sthma suntetagm nwn, sun. dextral coordinate system. right-hand limit: rio ap dexi . right helicoid: orj elikoeid c. right ideal: dexi ide dec. right quotient: dexi up loipo. right triangle: orjog nio tr gwno.
rightmost: akrodexi c, o dexi teroc.
rightmost derivation: dexi terh paragwg (plhroforik ).
rigid: stere c, kamptoc, mh elastik c.
rigid body: stere kampto s ma. Sun. solid body. rigid-body motion: k nhsh stereo s matoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh. Sun. solid-body motion. rigid-body rotation: peristrof stereo s matoc, mh elastik peristrof , kampth peristrof . Sun. solid-body rotation. rigid-body translation: metafor par llhlh metat pish stereo s matoc, mh elastik metafor , kampth metafor . Sun. solid-body translation. rigid motion: k nhsh stereo s matoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh.
rigidity: akamy a. rigorous: austhr c, kamptoc.
rigorous error bound: austhr fr gma sf lmatoc. rigorous proof: austhr ap deixh.
ring: dakt lioc.
ring isomorphism: isomorfism c daktul wn. ring theory: jewr a daktul wn. ring with identity: dakt lioc me tautotik ( monadia o) stoiqe o, 1-dakt lioc. ring with unity: dakt lioc me monadia o ( tautotik ) stoiqe o, 1-dakt lioc. Anchor ring: dakt lioc Anchor t roc (torus). commutative ring: antimetajetik c dakt lioc. Euclidean ring: eukle deioc dakt lioc. nilpotent ring: mhdenod namoc dakt lioc. opposite ring: ant jetoc dakt lioc. pointed ring: shmeiak c dakt lioc. quotient ring: dakt lioc phl ko dakt lioc thc kl shc upolo pwn (residue class ring). residue class ring: dakt lioc thc kl shc upolo pwn dakt lioc phl ko (quotient ring). simple ring: apl c dakt lioc.
ringlike: daktulioeid c. 291
ringshaped: daktulioeid c. risk: r sko, k ndunoc, diakind neush, risk rw, diakindune w.
risk function: sun rthsh kind nou, sun rthsh diakind neushc. average risk: m sh (anamen menh) diakind neush. Bayes' risk: diakind neush Bayes. producer's risk: k ndunoc tou paragwgo .
risky: epik ndunoc. robust: anjektik c. robustness: anjektik thta. rocket: p rauloc. Rodrigues, Olinde (1794-1851).
Rodrigues' equation: ex swsh tou Rodrigues. Rodrigues' formula: t poc tou Rodrigues.
Rolle, Michel (1652-1719).
Rolle's theorem: je rhma tou Rolle.
rolling: kuli menoc, peristref menoc. roman: rwma k c. roman numerals: rwma ko arijmo .
Romberg integration: olokl rwsh Romberg. roof: st gh. roof function: sun rthsh st gh.
root: r za.
root-mean-square error: m so tetragwnik sf lma. root test: krit rio thc r zac. cubic root: kubik r za. nth root extraction: exagwg niost c r zac. primitive root: arqik r za. repeated root: epanalamban menh r za. simple root: apl r za. square root: tetragwnik r za. triple root: tripl r za.
roster: kat logoc onom twn.
roster method: m jodoc thc anagraf c.
rotary: peristrofik c. rotate: peristr fw, peristr fomai. rotating: peristref menoc.
rotating coordinate system: peristref meno s sthma suntetagm nwn. 292
rotation: strof , peristrof , strobilism c.
axis of rotation: xonac peristrof c. nite rotation: peperasm nh strof . instantaneous axis of rotation: stigmia oc xonac peristrof c. instantaneous center of rotation: stigmia o k ntro peristrof c. solid-body rotation: peristrof stereo s matoc, mh elastik peristrof , kampth peristrof . Sun. rigid-body rotation.
rotational: strobil c, strobil dhc, peristrofik c. rotational eld: strobil ped o. rotational ow: strobil ro . rotational force: peristrofik d namh.
rotatory: peristrofik c. rough: traq c, pr qeiroc.
rough estimate: pr qeirh ekt mhsh.
roughness: traq thta. round: stroggul c, kuklik c.
round angle: gwn a 360o , pl rhc gwn a. Sun. perigon
rounding: strogg leush.
rounding error: sf lma stroggule sewc. global rounding error: kajolik sf lma stroggule sewc. local rounding error: topik sf lma stroggule sewc.
round o : stroggule w, strogg leush.
round o error: sf lma stroggule sewc.
route: diadrom , dr moc. routing: dromol ghsh. row: gramm , seir .
row equivalent: grammo sod namoc. row equivalent matrices: grammo sod namoi p nakec. row exchange: enallag gramm n. row matrix: p nakac gramm , di nusma gramm c. row operation: pr xh metasqhmatism c gramm n. row space: (grammik c) q roc gramm n. elementary row operation: stoiqei dhc metasqhmatism c gramm n. reduced row echelon form: anhgm nh klimakwt morf kat gramm c.
royal: basilik c.
royal ush: floc ston sso.
rule: kan nac.
rule of deduction: sumperasmatologik c kan nac, kan nac paragwg c (sun. rule of inference). rule of detachment: kan nac ap spashc. 293
rule of di erentiation: kan nac paragwg sewc. rule of inference: sumperasmatologik c kan nac, kan nac paragwg c (sun. rule of deduction). rule of thumb: empeirik c kan nac. chain rule: kan nac thc alus dac, kan nac paragwg sewc s njethc sun rthshc. decision rule: kan nac ap fashc. heuristic rule: euretik c kan nac. L' Hospital's rule: kan nac tou L' Hospital. slide rule: logistik c kan nac. stopping rule: kan nac termatismo diakop c. trapezoidal rule: kan nac tou trapez ou.
ruled: eujeiogen c, eujeiopoihm noc.
ruled surface: eujeiogen c epif neia.
ruling: gen teira. run: tr qw, ro . Runge-Kutta methods: m jodoi Runge-Kutta.
stochastic Runge-Kutta method: stoqastik m jodoc Runge-Kutta.
S SOR (successive overrelaxation): diadoqik uperqal rwsh. saddle: sagmatik c sagmoeid c samaroeid c, s lla, s lac.
saddle point: sagmatik sagmoeid c samaroeid c shme o, shme o s lac. monkey saddle: s lla tou pij kou.
salesman: pwlht c.
traveling salesman problem: pr blhma periode ontoc pwlht pr blhma emporiko antipros pou.
sample: de gma.
sample mean: m sh tim de gmatoc deigmatik m sh tim . sample size: m gejoc de gmatoc. sample space: deigmat qwroc deigmatik c q roc. sample statistic: deigmatik statistik sun rthsh. sample variance: deigmatik diaspor . discrete sample space: diakrit c deigmat qwroc deigmatik c q roc. nite sample space: peperasm noc deigmat qwroc deigmatik c q roc. independent samples: anex rthta de gmata. non-random sample: mh tuqa o de gma. ordered sample: diatetagm no de gma. random sample: tuqa o de gma. 294
self-weighting sample: autostajmism no de gma. strati ed sample: strwmatopoihm no de gma. systematic sample: susthmatik de gma. two-stage sample: de gma d o stad wn.
sampling: deigmatolhy a.
sampling distribution: deigmatolhptik katanom . sampling error: deigmatolhptik sf lma, sf lma deigmatolhy ac. sampling numbers: arijmo deigmatolhy ac. sampling technique: teqnik deigmatolhy ac. sampling theory: jewr a deigmatolhy ac deigmatolhptik jewr a. extensive sampling: ektetam nh (qronik topik ) deigmatolhy a. indirect sampling: mmesh deigmatolhy a. inverse sampling: ant strofh deigmatolhy a. Monte Carlo sampling: deigmatolhy a Monte Carlo. multinomial sampling: poluwnumik deigmatolhy a. multi-phase sampling: polufasik deigmatolhy a. multi-stage sampling: polustadiak deigmatolhy a. proportional sampling: analogik deigmatolhy a. random sampling: tuqa a deigmatolhy a. random sampling error: tuqa o sf lma deigmatolhy ac. random sampling numbers: tuqa oi arijmo deigmatolhy ac. zonal sampling: deigmatolhy a kat z nec.
sandwich: s ntouitc.
sandwich property: idi thta s ntouitc.
satellite: doruf roc. satisfactory: ikanopoihtik c. satis ability: ikanopoihsim thta. satis able: ikanopoi simoc.
satis able formula: ikanopoi simoc t poc.
satisfy: ikanopoi . saturated: koresm noc, kekoresm noc.
saturated model: kekoresm no mont lo. saturated structure: kekoresm nh dom .
saturation: koresm c. saw: pri ni.
sawtooth boundary: prionoeid c s noro. sawtooth wave function: prionoeid c kumatik sun rthsh.
scalable: epideq menoc allag kl makac.
scalable algorithm: alg rijmoc epideq menoc allag kl makac.
scalar: bajmwt c, arijmhtik c, bajmwt m gejoc, mon metro m gejoc.
scalar coe cient: bajmwt c suntelest c. scalar curvature: bajmwt kampul thta. scalar eld: bajmwt ped o. scalar invariant: bajmwt anallo wth. scalar matrix: bajmwt c p nakac. scalar multiplication: bajmwt c arijmhtik c pollaplasiasm c. scalar multiple: bajmwt pollapl sio. scalar potential: bajmwt dunamik . scalar product: eswterik bajmwt arijmhtik gin meno gin meno tele ac (sun. inner dot product), bajmwt pollapl sio, bajmwt c pollaplasiasm c. scalar quantity: bajmwt m gejoc. scalar triple product: mikt gin meno (dianusm twn) yeudoarijmhtik (pseudoscalar) gin meno arijmhtik tripl gin meno. scalar variable: bajmwt metablht .
scale: kl maka.
scale factor: suntelest c kl makac. scale parameter: par metroc kl makac. absolute scale: ap luth kl maka. atomic scale: atomik kl maka. binary scale: duadik kl maka kl maka tou d o. large-scale simulations: prosomoi seic meg lhc kl makac. logarithmic scale: logarijmik kl maka. multiple scale analysis: an lush pollapl c kl makac (sun. multiscale analysis). ratio scale: kl maka l gou. uniform scale: omoi morfh kl maka.
scaled: anhgm noc, up kl maka.
scaled method: anhgm nh m jodoc.
scaling: allag kl makac, anagwg .
scaling factor: suntelest c allag c kl makac.
scalene: skalhn c.
scalene triangle: skalhn tr gwno.
scan: sar nw. scanner: sarwt c. scanning: s rwsh. scatter: sked zw, diaskorp zw, diaspor , sk dash. scatter coe cient: suntelest c diaspor c. scatter diagram: di gramma diaspor c.
scattered: skedasje c, diesparm noc, diaskorpism noc. scattered radiation: skedasje sa aktinobol a.
scattergram: di gramma diaspor c (scatter diagram scatterplot). scattering: sk dash, diaspor . scattering angle: gwn a sk dashc. light scattering: sk dash tou fwt c.
scatterplot: di gramma diaspor c (scatter diagram scattergram). scedastic: skedastik c. scedastic curve: skedastik kamp lh.
scedasticity: skedastik thta. schedular: dromologik c, programmatik c. schedule: kat logoc, pr gramma, qronodi gramma, dromol gio, qronodromol gio (plhroforik ). scheduler: upe junoc progr mmatoc, programmatist c, qronodromologht c (plhroforik ). scheduling: programmatism c, dromol ghsh, qronodromol ghsh (plhroforik ). scheduling mechanism: mhqanism c qronodromol ghshc (plhroforik ).
schema (pl. schemata): sq ma.
axiom schema: axiwmatik sq ma. machine schema: sq ma mhqan c. non-logical axiom schema: mh logik axiwmatik sq ma.
schemata: sq mata, bl. schema.
axiom schemata: axiwmatik sq mata.
schematic: sqhmatik c, diagrammatik c. schematically: sqhmatik , diagrammatik . scheme: sq ma, m jodoc, s sthma.
alternating-direction implicit scheme: mmesh m jodoc enallass menwn dieuj nsewn. axiom scheme: s sthma axiwm twn. explicit scheme: analut mesh m jodoc. rst-order scheme: m jodoc pr thc t xhc. implicit scheme: mh analut mmesh peplegm nh m jodoc. second-order scheme: m jodoc de terhc t xhc. stabilized scheme: stajeropoihm nh m jodoc. time marching scheme: m jodoc qronop reushc.
Schrodinger, (-).
Schr odinger equation: ex swsh Schr odinger.
Schur's lemma: l mma tou Schur. Schwarz, (-).
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: anis thta twn Cauchy-Schwarz.
science: epist mh.
computational sciences: upologistik c epist mec. 297
mathematical sciences: majhmatik c epist mec.
scienti c: episthmonik c.
scienti c computing: episthmonik c upologism c. scienti c programming: episthmonik c programmatism c.
scleronomic: sklhr nomoc.
scleronomic system: sklhr nomo s sthma.
scope: emb leia (p.q. posode kth), skop c. score: apot lesma, bajm c.
Normal scores: Kanonik apotel smata. inverse Normal scores: ant strofa Kanonik apotel smata. raw scores: arqik prwtogen apotel smata. standard score: tupik apot lesma.
screen: oj nh. screw: koql ac, lika.
screw symmetry: summetr a elik sewc, elikoeid c summetr a.
search: anazht , anaz thsh, ereun , reuna. season: epoq . seasonal: epoqik c, epoqiak c. seasonal component: epoqiak sunist sa. seasonal index: epoqiak c de kthc. seasonal variation: epoqiak metabol .
secant: t mnousa.
secant distribution: katanom t mnousac. secant method: m jodoc thc t mnousac.
second: de teroc, deuter lepto.
second curvature: de terh kampul thta. second derivative: de terh par gwgoc. second invariant: de terh anallo wth. second kind: de tero e doc. second moment: rop de terhc t xewc, de terh rop . second order: de terh t xh. second-order di erential equation: diaforik ex swsh de terhc t xhc.
secondary: deutere wn, deuterogen c.
secondary ow: deutere ousa ro . secondary line: deuterogen c gramm . secondary matrix: deutere wn p nakac. secondary part: deutere on m roc. 298
section: tom , tom ac, tm ma, tem qio.
conic section: kwnik tom . cross section: egk rsia tom , diatom . at section: ep pedh tom . golden section: qrus tom . meridian section: meshmbrin tom kamp lh, sun. meridian curve. Bl. meridian. normal section: k jeth tom . oblique section: pl gia tom . parallel section: par llhlh egk rsia tom epif neiac ek peristrof c (h tom e nai k jeth ston xona peristrof c).
perpendicular section: k jeth tom . spherical section: sfairik tm ma. square section: tetragwnik tom . transverse section: egk rsia tom .
sectional: tmhmatik c, kat tm mata.
sectional elevation: k jeth yh, k jeth tom . cross sectional area: embad n diatom c.
sectionally: tmhmatik , kat tm mata.
sectionally continuous (function): tmhmatik kat tm mata suneq c (sun rthsh).
sector: tom ac.
spherical sector: sfairik c tom ac.
sectorial: .
sectorial operator:
secular: qarakthristik c, ai nioc, dihnek c, kosmik c. secular determinant: qarakthristik or zousa. secular equation: qarakthristik ex swsh. secular term: qarakthristik c roc. secular trend: dihnek c t sh.
segment: tm ma.
segment of a circle: tm ma k klou. segment of a curve: tm ma kamp lhc. line segment: euj grammo tm ma. major segment: me zon tm ma. minor segment: el sson tm ma. spherical segment: sfairik tm ma.
segregate: diaqwr zw, omadopoi . segregation: diaqwrism c, omadopo hsh. seismic: seismik c. seismic response: seismik ap krish.
seismology: seismolog a. 299
seldom: sp nia (ep rrhma). select: epil gw, ekl gw. selected: epilegm noc.
selected topics: epilegm na j mata.
selection: epilog , eklog .
random selection: tuqa a epilog .
self-: auto- (pr jema). self-adjoint: autoprosarthm noc, autosuzug c ak ma du k c.
self-adjoint operator: autoprosarthm noc autosuzug c telest c.
self-adjointness: autosuzug c. self-avoiding: autoapofe gwn.
self-avoiding random walk: tuqa oc per patoc autoapofug c.
self-conjugate: autosuzug c.
self-conjugate latin square: autosuzug c latinik tetr gwno.
self-consistency: autosumbibast thta. self-consistent: autosumbibast c. self-contradictory: autoantifatik c. self-convolution: autosun lixh, autod plwsh. self-correlation: autosusq tish.
self-correlation coe cient: suntelest c autosusq tishc.
self-corresponding: autoant st oiqoc. self-dual: autodu k c. self-duality: autodu sm c, autodu k thta. self-embedding: kuklik oriz menoc.
self-embedding grammar: kuklik oriz menh grammatik .
self-intersecting: autotemnom noc. self-invariant: autoanallo wtoc. self-polar: autopolik c. self-renewing: autoananeo menoc. self-similar: auto moioc.
self-similar solution: l sh omoi thtac (sun. similarity solution).
self-similarity: autoomoi thta. self-sustained: autosunthro menoc.
self-sustained oscillations: mmonec autosunthro menec talant seic.
self-tangency: autoepaf . 300
self-weighting: autostajmiz menoc, autostajmism noc. self-weighting sample: autostajmism no de gma.
semantic: shmasiologik c. semantics: shmasiolog a. semi-: hmi-. semianalytical: hmianalutik c.
semianalytical method: hmianalutik m jodoc.
semi-axis: hmi xonac. semicircle: hmik klio. semicircumference: hmiperif reia. semicomplete: hmipl rhc.
semicomplete vector eld: hmipl rec dianusmatik ped o.
semicompleteness: hmiplhr thta. semiconductor: hmiagwg c. semiconductivity: hmiagwgim thta. semicontinuous: hmisuneq c.
semicontinuous function: hmisuneq c sun rthsh.
semiconvergent: hmisugkl nwn.
semiconvergent series: hmisugkl nousa seir .
semicubical: hmikubik c.
semicubical parabola: hmikubik parabol .
semi-de nite: hmiorism noc.
semi-de nite programming: hmiorism noc programmatism c. semi-de nite quadratic form: hmiorism nh tetragwnik morf . positive semide nite: jetik hmiorism noc. negative semide nite: arnhtik hmiorism noc.
semide niteness: to hmiorism no.
negative semide niteness: to arnhtik hmiorism no. positive semide niteness: to jetik hmiorism no.
semidiameter: hmidi metroc. semidi erence: hmidiafor . semi-discrete: hmidiakrit c.
semi-discrete subspace: hmidiakrit c up qwroc.
semi-discretization: hmidiakritopo hsh. semi-discretized: hmidiakritopoihm noc. 301
semi-e ective: hmiapotelesmatik c.
semi-e ective algorithm: hmiapotelesmatik c alg rijmoc.
semi-explicit: hmi mesoc.
semi-explicit methods: hmi mesec m jodoi.
semigroup: hmiom da.
analytic semigroup: analutik hmiom da.
semi-implicit: hmi mmesoc.
semi-implicit methods: hmi mmesec m jodoi.
semi-in nite: hmi peiroc. semi-interquartile: misokentrik c.
semi-interquartile range: misokentrik pl toc.
semiinvariant: hmianallo wtoc. semilinear: hmigrammik c.
semilinear mapping: hmigrammik antigrammik (antilinear) apeik nish. semilinear set: hmigrammik s nolo.
semilunar: hmiselhnoeid c. semimajor: hmimeg loc.
semimajor axis: hmimeg loc xonac.
semi-martingale: hmi-martingale. semiminor: hmimikr c.
semiminor axis: hmimikr c xonac.
semi-modular: hmi-modular. seminorm: hmin rma. seminormal: hmikanonik c.
seminormal representation: hmikanonik anapar stash.
seminormed: efodiasm noc me hmin rma, hmi nnormoc, hmistajmht c.
seminormed space: q roc me hmin rma, hmi nnormoc q roc, hmistajmht c q roc.
semi-open: hmianoikt c.
semi-open formula: hmianoikt c t poc.
semiparabolic: hmiparabolik c. semiparametric: hmiparametrik c. semiperimeter: hmiper metroc. semiperiodic: hmiperiodik c. 302
semipositive: hmijetik c.
semipositive de nite: hmijetik orism noc.
semipositiveness: hmijetik thta. semiregular: hmikanonik c, hmiomal c.
semiregular polyhedra: hmikanonik hmiomal pol edra (bl. polyhedron). semiregular solids: hmikanonik hmiomal s mata (sun. semiregular polyhedra). semiregular tiling: hmikanonik hmiomal plak strwsh. Anaf retai ep shc kai wc arqim deia plak strwsh (Archimedean tiling).
semiring: hmidakt lioc. semiset: hmis nolo. semisimple: hmiapl c.
semisimple case: hmiapl per ptwsh. semisimple group: hmiapl om da.
semismooth: hmiomal c, hmile oc. semistable: hmieustaj c. sense: a sjhsh, n hma, nnoia, for .
sense of an inequality: for an swshc. clockwise sense: for kate junsh peristrof c twn deikt n tou rologio . counterclockwise sense: for kate junsh peristrof c ant jeth twn deikt n tou rologio . negative sense: arnhtik for . positive sense: jetik for . wide sense: eure a nnoia.
sensible: aisjht c. sensitive: eua sjhtoc.
sensitive dependence: eua sjhth ex rthsh. context-sensitive grammar: grammatik eua sjhth sta sumfraz mena. context-sensitive language: gl ssa eua sjhth sta sumfraz mena.
sensitivity: euaisjhs a.
sensitivity analysis: an lush euaisjhs ac.
sentence: pr tash. sentential: protasiak c.
sentential calculus: protasiak c logism c (sun. propositional calculus.
separability: diaqwrisim thta. separable: diaqwr simoc, qwr simoc.
separable equation: diaqwr simh ex swsh. separable space: diaqwr simoc q roc.
separably: diaqwr sima.
separably generated: diaqwr sima parag menoc. 303
separate: diaqwr zw, qwr zw. separating: diaqwristik c, diaqwr zwn, diaqwr zontac.
separating pair of substitutions: diaqwristik ze goc antikatast sewn.
separation: qwrism c, diaqwrism c.
separation constant: stajer qwrismo . separation of variables: qwrism c twn metablht n. separation of variables method: m jodoc qwrismo twn metablht n. phase separation: diaqwrism c f sewn.
separative: diaqwristik c. septenary: eptadik c. sequence: akolouj a. Se merik bibl a plhroforik c metafr zetai c seir . basic sequence: basik akolouj a. bounded sequence: fragm nh akolouj a. convergent sequence: sugkl nousa akolouj a. converging sequence: sugkl nousa akolouj a. decreasing sequence: fj nousa akolouj a. divergent sequence: apokl nousa akolouj a. diverging sequence: apokl nousa akolouj a. exact sequence: t leia akolouj a. nite sequence: peperasm nh akolouj a. fundamental sequence: basik akolouj a. geometric sequence: gewmetrik akolouj a. increasing sequence: a xousa akolouj a. in nite sequence: peirh akolouj a. monotone sequence: mon tonh akolouj a. monotonic sequence: mon tonh akolouj a. non-decreasing sequence: mh fj nousa akolouj a. non-increasing sequence: mh a xousa akolouj a. ordered sequence: diatetagm nh akolouj a. ordered sequence: diatetagm nh akolouj a. pointwise convergent sequence: shmeiak c sugkl nousa akolouj a. probability sequence: akolouj a pijan thtac. random sequence: tuqa a akolouj a. stochastic sequence: stoqastik tuqa a akolouj a (random sequence). unconditional basic sequence: ad smeuth basik akolouj a. uniformly convergent sequence: omoi morfa sugkl nousa akolouj a.
sequential: akoloujiak c.
sequential analysis: akoloujiak an lush. sequential likelihood test: akoloujiak c legqoc pijanof neiac. sequential method: akoloujiak m jodoc. sequential occupancy distributions: katanom c akoloujiak c kat lhyhc. sequential process: akoloujiak diadikas a. sequential test: akoloujiak c legqoc.
sequentially: akoloujiak . 304
sequentially compact: akoloujiak sumpag c.
serendipity: bl. restricted nite element.
serendipity ( nite) element: periorism no (peperasm no) stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc restricted ( nite) element. bicubic serendipity element: periorism no dikubik stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc restricted bicubic element. biquadratic serendipity element: periorism no ditetragwnik stoiqe o. Qrhsimopoie tai ep shc o roc restricted biquadratic element.
serial: seiriak c, a xwn.
serial correlation: seiriak susq tish. serial number: a xwn arijm c.
serially: seiriak , kat seir . series: seir .
series expansion: an ptugma se seir . series solution: l sh se morf seir c. absolutely convergent series: apol twc sugkl nousa seir . alternating series: enall ssousa seir . arithmetic series: arijmhtik seir . asymptotic series: asumptwtik seir . binomial series: diwnumik seir . biorthogonal series: diorjog nia seir . conditionally convergent series: sqetik c sugkl nousa seir , up sunj kh sugkl nousa seir . convergent series: sugkl nousa seir . converging series: sugkl nousa seir . cosine series: sunhmitonik seir seir sunhmit nwn. divergent series: apokl nousa seir . diverging series: apokl nousa seir . exponential series: ekjetik seir . factorial series: paragontik seir . factorial series distribution: paragontik katanom . nite series: peperasm nh seir . formal series: tupik seir . Fourier series: seir Fourier. geometric series: gewmetrik seir . harmonic series: armonik seir . hypergeometric series: upergewmetrik seir . hyperharmonic series: uperarmonik seir . in nite series: apeiroseir , peirh seir . lacunary series: mh epekt simh seir , qasm dhc seir . Laurent series: seir Laurent. power series: dunamoseir . power series solution: l sh se morf dunamoseir c. random series: tuqa a seir . semiconvergent series: hmisugkl nousa seir . sine series: hmitonik seir seir hmit nwn. Taylor series: seir Taylor. 305
telescopic series: thleskopik seir . time series: qronoseir . truncated series: apokomm nh seir , kolob seir . uniformly convergent series: omoi morfa sugkl nousa seir .
serpentine: 1. ofioeid c sun rthsh. 2. ofioeid c kamp lh.
serpentine function: ofioeid c sun rthsh. serpentine curve: ofioeid c kamp lh. H kamp lh x2 y + b2 y ; a2 x = 0.
Serret-Frenet equations: exis seic twn Serret-Frenet. set: s nolo.
set-theoretic: sunolojewrhtik c. set theory: sunolojewr a, jewr a sun lwn. absorbing set: aporrofo n h aporrofhtik s nolo. admissible set: apodekt s nolo. biorthogonal sets of functions: diorjog nia s nola sunart sewn. Borel's set: s nolo tou Borel. bounded set: fragm no s nolo. Cantor set: s nolo Cantor. Cantor ternary set: triadik s nolo Cantor. Sun. triadic Cantor set. closed set: kleist s nolo. closure of a set: j kh kleist thta sun lou. co nal sets: omotelik s nola. compact set: sumpag c s nolo. connected set: sunektik sunaf c s nolo. constructible set: kataskeu simo epagwgik or simo s nolo. convex set: kurt s nolo. countable set: arijm simo metr simo s nolo. countably in nite set: arijm sima metr sima peiro s nolo. de nable set: or simo s nolo. dense set: pukn s nolo. denumerable set: arijm simo s nolo. disconnected set: mh sunektik s nolo. discrete set: diakrit s nolo. disjoint sets: x na s nola. e ectively enumerable set: algorijmik arijm simo s nolo (logik ). empty set: ken s nolo. enumerable set: arijm simo s nolo. equinumerous sets: isoplhj s nola, isod nama s nola. eld of sets: ped o sun lwn. nite set: peperasm no s nolo. fuzzy set: asaf c s nolo. in nite set: peiro s nolo. isolated set: apomonwm no s nolo. lacunary set: mh epekt simo s nolo, qasm dec s nolo. linear set: grammik s nolo. maximal set: megistotik s nolo. measurable set: metr simo s nolo. mutually exclusive sets: x na s nola. 306
nonempty set: mh ken s nolo. null set: mhdenik ken s nolo. numerated set: asjen c perigr yimo s nolo (sun. weakly representable set). orthonormal set: orjokanonik s nolo. open set: anoikt s nolo. orthogonal set: orjog nio s nolo. paracompact set: par kurto s nolo. point set: shmeios nolo. pointed set: shmeiak s nolo. power set: dunamos nolo. power of a set: isq c sun lou. primitive recursive sets: basik anadromik s nola. product set: kartesian gin meno (Cartesian product). recursive set: anadromik s nolo. recursively enumerable sets: anadromik arijm sima s nola. recursively isomorphic sets: anadromik is morfa s nola. representable set: perigr yimo s nolo. semilinear set: hmigrammik s nolo. similar sets: moia s nola. singleton set: monos nolo. triadic Cantor set: triadik s nolo Cantor. Sun. Cantor ternary set. unbounded set: mh fragm no s nolo. uncountable set: mh arijm simo mh metr simo s nolo. union of sets: nwsh sun lwn. universal set: basik s nolo basik c q roc. weakly representable set: asjen c perigr yimo s nolo (sun. numerated set). well-ordered set: kal c diatetagm no s nolo.
sextic: ektob jmioc, ktou bajmo . sextuple: ex da, exapl c, exapl sioc, exaplasi zw. ordered sextuple: diatetagm nh ex da.
shade: ski zw, ski . shaft: xonac, b loc. shallow: abaj c, rhq c.
shallow wave: rhq k ma.
shape: sq ma, morf .
shape factor: par gontac morf c. shape preserving: o diathr n th morf .
shaped: morfopoihm noc.
bell-shaped: kwdwnoeid c. J-shaped distribution: katanom morf c J. lens-shaped: fakoeid c. lens-shaped region: fakoeid c t poc, fakoeid c qwr o. wedge-shaped: sfhnoeid c, aiqmhr c. wedge-shaped domain: sfhnoeid c aiqmhr qwr o. 307
wedge-shaped region: sfhnoeid c aiqmhr c t poc, sfhnoeid c aiqmhr qwr o.
shared: koin c, koin qrhstoc.
shared memory: koin qrhsth mn mh (plhroforik ).
sharp: ox c, akrib c.
sharp end: ox kro. sharp error bound: ox fr gma sf lmatoc. sharp estimate: oxe a ekt mhsh.
sheaf: d smh.
sheaf of planes: d smh epip dwn.
shear: 1. di tmhsh. 2. diat mnw.
sheared map: diatetmhm nh apeik nish. shear ow: ro di tmhshc. shear force: diatmhtik d namh. shear stress: diatmhtik t sh. shear viscosity: diatmhtik ix dec.
shearing: di tmhsh.
shearing ow: ro di tmhshc, diatmhtik ro .
sheet: f llo, lasma.
hyperboloid of one sheet: mon qwno uperboloeid c. hyperboloid of two sheets: d qwno uperboloeid c.
shell: k lufoc, floi c. spherical shell: sfairik k lufoc. shift: metat pish, metafor , met jesh, metatop zw, metatop zomai, metaf rw, metakin , metakino mai, metaj tw, all zw, metab llomai. phase shift: metat pish f sewc.
shifted: metatopism noc. shifting: metat pish, metatop zontac.
shifting property: idi thta thc metat pishc. Se merik bibl a, anaf retai wc idi thta metafor c. leftt-shifting machine: mhqan arister c metat pishc. right-shifting machine: mhqan dexi c metat pishc.
shock: kroustik k ma, k ma kro sewc.
supercritical shock wave: uperkr simo kroustik k ma.
shoemaker's knife: rbhloc tou Arqim dh. shooting: sk peush, di ttwn. shooting method: m jodoc sk peushc. shooting star: di ttwn ast rac. linear shooting: grammik sk peush.
nonlinear shooting: mh grammik sk peush.
short: braq c, s ntomoc, kont c. short cut: s ntomoc dr moc. short waves: braq a k mata.
shortest: braq tatoc.
shortest con dence interval: braq tato di sthma empistos nhc.
show: de qnw. shrink: sust llomai, surrikn nomai. shrinking: sustol , surr knwsh. SI system: s sthma SI. side: pleur , pl gioc.
side of an angle: pleur gwn ac. side of a polygon: pleur polug nou. side edges: par pleurec akm c. side elevation: pl gia yh, pl gia tom . side faces: par pleurec drec. side lever: pleurik c moql c. side slip: pl gia ol sjhsh. adjacent side: proske menh pleur (gwn ac). left-hand side: arister m loc. opposite side (to an angle): ap nanti pleur (se gwn a trig nou). opposite sides: ap nanti pleur c. right-hand side: dexi m loc.
sidelong: lox c, lox . sidereal: astrik c.
sidereal clock: astrik rol i. sidereal day: astrik hmera. sidereal hour angle: astrik wria a gwn a. sidereal period: astrik per odoc. sidereal time: astrik c qr noc. sidereal year: astrik toc.
siderostat: astrost thc. sideways: pl gia, lox . siding: parakampt rioc, deutere sousa gramm . sieve of Eratosthenes: k skino tou Eratosj nh. sigmoidal: sigmoeid c.
sigmoidal transformation: sigmoeid c metasqhmatism c.
sign: pr shmo, shme o, s mbolo, s ma.
sign test function: elegqosun rthsh pros mou, sun rthsh el gqou pros mou. algebraic sign: algebrik pr shmo. 309
function sign: s mbolo sun rthshc. integral sign: s mbolo oloklhr matoc. minus sign: to plhn, s mbolo thc afa reshc. negation sign: s mbolo rnhshc. negative sign: arnhtik pr shmo. plus sign: to sun, s mbolo thc pr sjeshc. positive sign: jetik pr shmo. predicate sign: s mbolo kathgor matoc. radical sign: s mbolo riziko , s mbolo thc tetragwnik c r zac (p).
signal: s ma.
signal processing: epexergas a s matoc.
signature: upograf , qnoc. signed: proshmasm noc, me pr shmo, upogegramm noc. signed numbers: proshmasm noi arijmo .
signi cance: shmantik thta, spoudai thta.
level of signi cance: ep pedo shmantik thtac. statistical signi cance: statistik shmantik thta.
signi cant: shmantik c, axioshme wtoc, spouda oc. signi cant digits: shmantik yhf a. signi cant gure: shmantik yhf o.
signless: mh proshmasm noc, qwr c pr shmo. similar: moioc.
similar ellipses: moiec elle yeic. similar fractions: om numa kl smata. similar matrices: moioi p nakec. similar polygons: moia pol gwna. similar sets: moia s nola. similar solids: moia stere . similar surfaces: moiec epif neiec. similar terms: moioi roi. similar triangles: moia tr gwna. dynamically similar: dunamik moioi. geometrically similar: dunamik moioi. kinematically similar: kinhmatik moioi. orthogonally similar: orjog nia moioi. orthogonally similar matrices: orjog nia moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices). unitarily similar: orjomonadia a moioi. unitarily similar matrices: orjomonadia a moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).
similarity: omoi thta.
similarity solution: l sh omoi thtac (sun. self-similar solution). similarity transformation: metasqhmatism c omoi thtac. dynamic similarity: dunamik omoi thta. geometric similarity: gewmetrik omoi thta. 310
kinematic similarity: kinhmatik omoi thta. orthogonal similarity: orjog nia omoi thta. unitary similarity: orjomonadia a omoi thta.
similitude: omoi thta.
similitude ratio: l goc omoi thtac. similitude transformation: metasqhmatism c omoi thtac. center of similitude: k ntro omoi thtac.
simple: apl c.
simple algebra: apl lgebra. simple arc: apl t xo. simple (closed) curve: apl (kleist ) kamp lh. simple event: apl stoiqei dec gegon c endeq meno. simple extension: apl ep ktash. simple fraction: apl kl sma. simple function: apl sun rthsh. simple harmonic motion: apl armonik k nhsh. simple harmonic oscillator: apl c armonik c talantwt c. simple hexagon: apl ex gwno. simple hypothesis: apl up jesh. simple integral: apl olokl rwma. simple pendulum: apl ekkrem c. simple pole: apl c p loc p loc pr thc t xewc. simple quadrilateral: apl tetr pleuro. simple ring: apl c dakt lioc. simple root: apl r za. simple zero: apl r za.
simplex: simplex.
simplex method: m jodoc simplex.
simplice: ploko basik sq ma basik s mploko (Topol.). simplicial: apl c, plokoc (Topol.). simplicial complex: basik sq ma s mploko (Topol.).
simplicity: apl thta. simpli cation: aplopo hsh. simpli ed: aplopoihm noc. simplify: aplopoi . simply: apl .
simply connected: apl sunektik c. simply connected region: apl sunektik qwr o t poc. simply ordered: apl diatetagm noc.
Simpson, Thomas (1710-1761).
Simpson's line: gramm Simpson podik gramm (pedal line). 311
Simpson's rule: kan nac tou Simpson (arijmhtik olokl rwsh). composite Simpson's rule formula: s njetoc t poc tou Simpson (arijmhtik olokl rwsh).
simulate: prosomoi nw, exomoi nw. simulation: prosomo wsh, exomo wsh, montelopo hsh. Monte Carlo sampling: deigmatolhy a Monte Carlo. Monte Carlo simulation: prosomo wsh Monte Carlo. numerical simulation: arijmhtik prosomo wsh.
simultaneous: taut qronoc, s gqronoc.
simultaneous equations: s sthma exis sewn.
simultaneously: taut qrona, sugqr nwc. sine: hm tono, hmitonik c, hmitonoeid c.
sine curve: hmitonoeid c kamp lh. sine integral: hmitonik olokl rwma. sine series: hmitonik seir seir hmit nwn. sine transform: hmitonoeid c metasqhmatism nh (Fourier). sine wave function: hmitonoeid c kumatik sun rthsh. half recti ed sine wave function: hmianorjwm nh hmitonoeid c kumatik sun rthsh. inverse sine: t xo hmit nou. law of sines: n moc twn hmit nwn.
single: apl c, mon c.
single precision: apl akr beia. single-turn pushdown automaton: aut mato sto bac miac for c.
single-phase: monofasik c.
single-phase system: monofasik s sthma.
singleton: monomel c, monos nolo. singleton set: monos nolo.
single-valued: mon timoc.
single-valued function: mon timh sun rthsh.
singly: mon .
singly linked: mon sundedem noc.
singular: idi zwn, an maloc, mh omal c, idi morfoc.
singular boundary value problem: idi zon pr blhma sunoriak n tim n. singular cardinal: idi zwn plhj rijmoc. singular distribution: idi zousa katanom . singular function: idi zousa sun rthsh. singular ( nite) element: idi zon (peperasm no) stoiqe o. singular integral: idi zon genikeum no olokl rwma. singular mapping: idi zousa apeik nish. 312
singular matrix: idi zwn mh omal c p nakac. singular operator: idi zwn telest c. singular perturbation: idi zousa diataraq . singular perturbation method: m jodoc idiazous n diataraq n. singular point: idi zon an malo shme o, anwmal a. singular problem: idi zon pr blhma. singular system: idi zon mh omal an malo s sthma. singular transformation: idi zwn metasqhmatism c. irregular singular point: ousi dec idi zon an malo shme o. non-singular matrix: mh idi zwn omal c p nakac. regular singular point: s nhjec idi zon an malo shme o. strongly singular: isqur idi zwn idi morfoc mh omal c an maloc.
singularity: anwmal a, idiomorf a, an malo shme o.
corner singularity: gwniak anwmal a idiomorf a. essential singularity: ousi dhc anwmal a ousi dec an malo shme o. isolated singularity: apomonwm no an malo shme o, apomonwm nh anwmal a. naked singularity: gumn anwmal a. point singularity: shmeiak anwmal a idiomorf a. removable singularity: air menh epousi dhc diorj simh apale yimh anwmal a.
singularization: idiomorfopo hsh. singularly: idiaz ntwc, mh omal , idi morfa.
singularly perturbed: idiaz ntwc idi morfa diataragm noc.
singulary: monomel c, monadia oc (sun. monadic kai unary). sinh: uperbolik hm tono. inverse sinh: t xo uperboliko hmit nou.
sink: katab jra arnhtik phg . sinusoid: hmitonoeid c. sinusoidal: hmitonoeid c.
sinusoidal projection: hmitonoeid c probol (isembadik ).
sinusoidally: hmitonoeid c. situ: bl. in situ. size: m gejoc, pl toc.
size of a test function: m gejoc elegqosun rthshc, m gejoc sun rthshc el gqou. jump size: m gejoc pl toc phd matoc. grid size: pl toc pl gmatoc. mesh size: pl toc pl gmatoc. population size: m gejoc plhjusmo . step size: b ma, pl toc b matoc. time step size: qronik b ma, pl toc qroniko b matoc. variable step size integration: olokl rwsh metablhto b matoc.
skedastic: skedastik c. 313
skedasticity: skedastik thta. sketch: sqedi gramma, sqed asma, skar fhma, sk tso, sqedi zw, skiagraf , skits rw. skew: lox c, as mmetroc, strebl c, as mbatoc. skew curve: as mmetrh kamp lh. skew distribution: as mmetrh katanom . skew lines: as mbatec euje ec. skew symmetric: antisummetrik c. skew-symmetric matrix: antisummetrik c p nakac. skew-symmetric tensor: antisummetrik c tanust c, sun. antisymmetric tensor. skew symmetry: antisummetr a.
skewness: lox thta, asummetr a, strebl thta, asumbat thta.
quartile measure of skewness: tetarthmoriak m tro lox thtac.
skill: dexi thta, epidexi thta, ikan thta. sky: ouran c. slack: qalar c. slack variable: qalar metablht .
slant: pl gioc, keklim noc, lox c.
slant height: par pleuro yoc. slant height of a cone: gen teira k nou. slant height of a pyramid: ap sthma puram dac.
slender: lept c. slenderness: lept thta. slice: tem qio, temaq zw. slide: sl int, olisja nw, s romai. slide rule: logistik c kan nac.
sliding: olisja nwn.
sliding vector: olisja non di nusma.
slip: olisja nw, ol sjhsh.
side slip: pl gia ol sjhsh.
slippage: ol sjhsh. slit: sqism , sq zw. slope: kl sh.
slope angle: gwn a kl sewc. slope of a line: kl sh euje ac.
slow: arg c, brad c.
slow convergence: arg s gklish. slow down: epibrad nw, epibr dunsh. 314
slow method: arg m jodoc.
slowly: brad wc, arg .
slowly varying: brad wc metaball menoc.
slurry: ai rhma. small: mikr c.
in nitely small: ape rwc mikr c. su ciently small: arko ntwc mikr c.
smaller: mikr teroc.
stochastically smaller: stoqastik mikr teroc.
smallness: mikr thta, (to) mikr .
in nite smallness: asumptwtik mikr thta.
smart: xupnoc.
smart materials: xupna ulik .
smash: sunjl bw.
smash product: sunjliptik gin meno (Topol.). Anaf retai ep shc kai wc sugkrousm no gin meno.
smooth: le oc, omal c, exomal nw.
smooth curve: le a kamp lh. smooth function: le a sun rthsh. smooth surface: le a epif neia. piecewise smooth: tmhmatik le oc. piecewise smooth function: tmhmatik le a sun rthsh.
smoothing: exom lunsh, exomal nontac.
data smoothing: exom lunsh dedom nwn.
smoothly: le a, omal .
smoothly parametrized: omal parametrikopoihm noc.
smoothness: lei thta, le o. snub: 1. kolob nw, apok bw. 2. kolob c, apokomm noc. snub cube: kolob c k boc. snub dodecahedron: kolob dwdek edro.
Sobolev, (-)
Sobolev embedding theorem: je rhma egkleismo tou Sobolev. Sobolev space: q roc Sobolev.
software: logismik , logismik progr mmata.
software engineering: teqnolog a logismiko . 315
solar: hliak c.
solar constant: hliak stajer . solar day: hliak m ra. solar eclipse: kleiyh hl ou. solar energy: hliak en rgeia. solar radiation: hliak aktinobol a. solar system: hliak s sthma. solar tide: hliak pal rroia.
solenoid: swlhnoeid c. solenoidal: swlhnoeid c.
solenoidal modes: swlhnoeide c tr poi. solenoidal vector eld: swlhnoeid c dianusmatik ped o.
solid: 1. stere (s ma). 2. stere c.
solid analytic geometry: analutik gewmetr a se treic diast seic. solid angle: stere gwn a. solid body: stere kampto s ma. Sun. rigid body. solid-body motion: k nhsh stereo s matoc, mh elastik k nhsh, kampth k nhsh. Sun. rigid-body motion. solid-body rotation: peristrof stereo s matoc, mh elastik peristrof , kampth peristrof . Sun. rigid-body rotation. solid-body translation: metafor par llhlh metat pish stereo s matoc, mh elastik metafor , kampth metafor . Sun. rigid-body translation. solid geometry: stereometr a. solid phase: stere f sh. solid of revolution: stere ek peristrof c. Archimedean solids: arqim deia s mata (sun. Archimedean polyhedra). compound solids: s njeta s mata stere (p.q. s njeta pol edra). geometric solid: gewmetrik stere . Platonic solids: platwnik s mata (sun. Platonic polyhedra). regular solids: kanonik omal s mata (sun. regular polyhedra). semiregular solids: hmikanonik hmiomal s mata (sun. semiregular polyhedra). similar solids: moia stere . stellated solids: astr morfa aster morfa s mata (sun. stellated polyhedra).
solitary: mon rhc, monaqik c, apomonwm noc. solitary wave: mon rec k ma.
solstice: hliost sio. solubility: dialut thta. soluble: dialut c. solution: l sh.
solution curve: kamp lh l shc. solution surface: epif neia l shc. analytical solution: analutik l sh. approximate solution: proseggistik l sh. binary solution: duadik l sh. chaotic solution: qaotik l sh. 316
converged solution: sugkl nasa l sh. diverged solution: apokl nasa l sh. exact solution: akrib c l sh. fundamental solution: jemeli dhc l sh. general solution: genik l sh. geometric solution: gewmetrik l sh. global solution: kajolik l sh. graphical solution: grafik l sh. implicit solution: peplegm nh l sh. local solution: topik l sh. multiple solutions: pollapl c l seic. numerical solution: arijmhtik l sh. oscillatory solution: talanteu menh l sh. particular solution: merik l sh. power series solution: l sh se morf dunamoseir c. perturbed solution: diataragm nh l sh. self-similar solution: l sh omoi thtac (sun. similarity solution). series solution: l sh se morf seir c. similarity solution: l sh omoi thtac (sun. self-similar solution). singular solution: idi zousa mh omal an malh l sh. stable solution: eustaj c l sh. transient solution: metabatik l sh. trivial solution: tetrimm nh l sh. unique solution: monadik l sh. uniqueness of solution: monadik thta l shc. unstable solution: astaj c l sh.
solvability: epilusim thta.
weak solvability: asjen c epilusim thta.
solvable: epil simoc.
solvable group: epil simh om da. solvable problem: epil simo pr blhma. well-solvable problem: kal c epil simo pr blhma.
solve: l w, epil w. solver: epilut c, alg rijmoc ep lushc.
iterative solver: epanalhptik c epilut c. sti solver: d skamptoc epilut c. parallel solver: par llhloc epilut c.
sonic: hqhtik c. sophism: sofiste a, s fisma. sort: taxinom . sorting: taxin mhsh. sound: qoc, orj c.
sound wave: akoustik hqhtik k ma. 317
speed of sound: taq thta tou qou.
soundness: orj thta.
soundness theorem: je rhma orj thtac.
source: phg .
source of energy: phg en rgeiac. source strength: ntash phg c. uid source: phg reusto . line source: grammik phg . point source: shmeiak phg .
south: n tioc.
south declination: n tia ap klish. south pole: n tioc p loc.
space: q roc, di sthma, arai nw, topojet sto q ro, mn mh (plhroforik ).
space axes: qwriko xonec. space centrode: kentr dec tou q rou. space con guration: fasik c q roc. space dependent: qwrik exarthm noc metaball menoc, qwrometaball menoc. space dimension: qwrik di stash. space discretization: qwrodiakritopo hsh. space-time: qwr qronoc. 1-space: monodi statoc q roc (sun. one-dimensional space). 2-space: disdi statoc q roc (sun. two-dimensional space). 3-space: tridi statoc q roc (sun. three-dimensional space). abstract space: afhrhm noc q roc. a ne space: susqetism noc q roc. algebraically isomorphic spaces: algebrik is morfoi q roi. analytic spaces: analutiko q roi. Banach space: q roc Banach. bisequence space: diakoloujiak c q roc. Cartesian space: kartesian c q roc. column space: (grammik c) q roc sthl n. compact space: sumpag c q roc. complete space: pl rhc q roc. convex space: kurt c q roc. dual space: du k c q roc. equally spaced: isap qontec. equally spaced arguments: isap qonta or smata. Euclidean space: eukle deioc q roc. nite sample space: peperasm noc deigmat qwroc deigmatik c q roc. half space: hmiq roc. Hilbert space: q roc Hilbert. homogeneous space: omogen c q roc. image space: eik na, q roc eik nac. incomplete space: mh pl rhc q roc. inner product space: q roc me eswterik gin meno. 318
isomorphic spaces: is morfoi q roi. lacunary space: mh epekt simoc q roc, qasm dhc q roc. linear (or vector) space: grammik c ( dianusmatik c) q roc. measurable space: metr simoc q roc. measure space: q roc m trou. product measure space: q roc m trou gin meno. metric space: metrik c q roc. metrizable space: metrikopoi simoc q roc. normable space: q roc epideq menoc n rma. normal space: kanonik c q roc. normed space: q roc me n rma, nnormoc q roc, stajmht c q roc. null space: mhden qwroc, mhdenik c q roc, pur nac (kernel). one-dimensional space: monodi statoc q roc. paracompact space: parasumpag c q roc. parameter space: parametrik c q roc. phase space: fasik c q roc, q roc f sewn. pre-Hilbert space: pro-Hilbert q roc. projective space: probolik c q roc. regular space: kanonik c q roc. Metafr zetai ep shc wc fusiologik c q roc prokeim nou na g nei di krish ap to normal space. row space: (grammik c) q roc gramm n. sample space: deigmat qwroc deigmatik c q roc. seminormed space: q roc me hmin rma, hmi nnormoc q roc, hmistajmht c q roc. separable space: diaqwr simoc q roc. Sobolev space: q roc Sobolev. symmetric space: summetrik c q roc. three-dimensional space: tridi statoc q roc. topological space: topologik c q roc. two-dimensional space: disdi statoc q roc. unequally spaced: anisap qontec. unequally spaced arguments: anisap qonta or smata. unitary space: monadia oc q roc. vector (or linear) space: dianusmatik c ( grammik c ) q roc.
spaced: topojethm noc (sto q ro).
evenly spaced: omoi morfa topojethm noi.
spacetime: qwr qronoc. spacewise: qwrik c.
spacewise variation: qwrik metabol .
spacial: bl. spatial. spade: mpasto ni sta trapoul qarta ( ). span: j kh, per blhma, b ma, par gw, genn . linear span: grammik j kh per blhma.
spanned: parag menoc.
spanned space: parag menoc q roc grammik j kh grammik per blhma. 319
sparse: arai c.
sparse matrix: arai c p nakac.
spatial: qwrik c, o tou q rou, diasthmik c.
spatial coherence: qwrik sumfwn a (optik ). spatial derivatives: qwrik c par gwgoi. spatial frequency: qwrik suqn thta suqn thta q rou. spatial period: qwrik per odoc.
spatially: qwrik . spatiotemporal: qwroqronik c.
spatiotemporal property: qwroqronik idi thta.
special: eidik c.
special case: eidik per ptwsh. special functions: eidik c sunart seic. special relativity: eidik sqetik thta.
species: e doc. speci c: eidik c.
speci c gravity: eidik bar thta. speci c heat: eidik jerm thta. speci c volume: eidik c gkoc. speci c weight: eidik b roc.
spectra: bl. spectrum. spectral: fasmatik c.
spectral analysis: fasmatik an lush. spectral collocation: fasmatik taxijes a taxin mhsh. spectral collocation method: m jodoc fasmatik c taxijes ac taxin mhshc. spectral decomposition: fasmatik paragontopo hsh. spectral element: fasmatik stoiqe o. spectral element method: m jodoc twn fasmatik n stoiqe wn. spectral line: fasmatik gramm . spectral measure: fasmatik m tro. spectral method: fasmatik m jodoc. spectral radius: fasmatik akt na. spectral theorem: fasmatik je rhma.
spectrum (pl. spectra): f sma.
spectrum band: z nh f smatoc. absorption spectrum: f sma aporr fhshc. band spectrum: tainiwt f sma. continuous spectrum: suneq c f sma. evolutionary spectrum: exeliktik f sma. uted spectrum: tainiwt f sma. 320
phase spectrum: fasik f sma. quadrature spectrum: tetragwnik f sma.
speed: taq thta (m tro).
speed up: epitaq nw, epit qunsh. angular speed: gwniak taq thta. constant speed: stajer taq thta. speed of propagation: taq thta di doshc. speed of sound: taq thta tou qou.
speedup: epit qunsh. sphere: sfa ra, mp la.
celestial sphere: our nia sfa ra. closed sphere: kleist sfa ra. open sphere: anoikt sfa ra. osculating sphere: egg tath sfa ra. unit sphere: monadia a sfa ra ( mp la).
spherical: sfairik c.
spherical aberration: sfairik ektrop . spherical angle: sfairik gwn a. spherical cone: sfairik c k noc. spherical coordinates: sfairik c suntetagm nec. spherical degree: sfairik mo ra. spherical harmonic: sfairik armonik . spherical hull: sfairik per blhma. spherical lune: sfairik c mhn skoc. spherical polygon: sfairik pol gwno. spherical pyramid: sfairik puram da. spherical section: sfairik tm ma. spherical sector: sfairik c tom ac. spherical segment: sfairik tm ma. spherical triangle: sfairik tr gwno. spherical trigonometry: sfairik trigwnometr a. spherical wave: sfairik k ma.
sphericity: sfairik thta. spheroid: sfairoeid c.
oblate spheroid: geweid c peplatusm no sfairoeid c. prolate spheroid: ep mhkec sfairoeid c.
spheroidal: sfairoeid c.
spheroidal coordinates: sfairoeide c suntetagm nec. oblate spheroidal coordinates: peplatusm nec geweide c sfairoeide c suntetagm nec. prolate spheroidal coordinates: epim keic woeide c sfairoeide c suntetagm nec.
spike: ak da. spin: spin, strobil zw, strobilism c, perid nhsh. 321
spindle: xonac, traktoc. spinode: an kamyh, ox kro, koruf (sun numo tou cusp). spiral: spe ra, speiroeid c, lika, elikoeid c. spiral of Archimedes: spe ra tou Arqim dh. spiral wave: speiroeid c k ma. logarithmic spiral: logarijmik spe ra lika. loxodromic spiral: loxodromik spe ra lika.
splines: kat tm mata polu nhma, tmhmatik polu numa, splines. spline functions: sunart seic splines. spline interpolation: parembol me sunart seic splines. cubic splines: kubik c (sunart seic) splines. natural spline: fusik (sun rthsh) spline.
split: diasp , diaqwr zw, diair . split lens: hmifak c.
splitting: di spash, diaqwrism c, dia resh.
splitting eld: s ma diasp sewc s ma riz n. amplitude splitting: dia resh pl touc (optik ).
splitter: diaqwrist c. sporadic: sporadik c. sporadically: sporadik . spot: khl da, st gma, shme o, t poc. spread: apl nw, apl nomai, exapl nw, exapl nomai, ex plwsh, diad dw, diad domai, di dosh. spreading: ex plwsh, di dosh. spreading model: mont lo ex plwshc di doshc.
spring: elat rio.
spring constant: stajer elathr ou. vibrating spring: pall meno elat rio.
spur: qnoc, odontwt c.
spur of a matrix: qnoc p naka (bl. trace). spur wheel: odontwt c troq c.
spurious: plasmatik c, plast c, k bdhloc, n joc. spurious mode: plasmatik c tr poc. spurious oscillation: plasmatik tal ntwsh.
spuriousness: plasmatik thta, plast thta, kibdhl thta. squarable: tetragwn simoc. square: tetr gwno, tetragwnik c, tetragwn zw. square the circle: tetragwn zw ton k klo. square integrability: tetragwnik oloklhrwsim thta. 322
square integrable: tetragwnik oloklhr simoc. square loss function: tetragwnik sun rthsh apwle ac. square matrix: tetragwnik c p nakac. square numbers: tetragwniko arijmo . square root: tetragwnik r za. square section: tetragwnik tom . square wave: tetragwnik k ma. square wave function: tetragwnik kumatik sun rthsh. graeco-latin squares: ellhnolatinik tetr gwna. graeco-roman squares: ellhnorwma k tetr gwna. indirect least squares: mmesa el qista tetr gwna. Latin squares: latinik tetr gwna. lattice square: plegmatik tetr gwno. least squares: el qista tetr gwna. least squares approximation: pros ggish elaq stwn tetrag nwn. least squares method: m jodoc elaq stwn tetrag nwn. magic square: magik tetr gwno. mean square: tetragwnik c m soc. mean square consistency: m sh tetragwnik sun peia. mean square error: m so tetragwnik sf lma. perfect square: t leio tetr gwno. quasi square: oione tetr gwno, oione tetragwnik c. root-mean-square error: m so tetragwnik sf lma. systematic square: susthmatik tetr gwno. unit square: monadia o tatr gwno.
squaring: tetragwnism c.
squaring of a circle: tetragwnism c tou k klou.
stability: eust jeia, stajer thta.
stability polynomial: polu numo eust jeiac. absolute stability: ap luth eust jeia. conditional stability: eust jeia up sunj kh. global stability: kajolik eust jeia. hydrodynamic stability: udrodunamik eust jeia. local stability: topik eust jeia. Liapunov stability: eust jeia kat Liapunov. neutral stability: oud terh adi forh eust jeia. numerical stability: arijmhtik eust jeia. relative stability: sqetik eust jeia. unconditional stability: ad smeuth eust jeia.
stabilization: stajeropo hsh. stabilize: stajeropoi . stabilized: stajeropoihm noc.
stabilized scheme: stajeropoihm nh m jodoc.
stabilizing: stajeropoihtik c. 323
stable: eustaj c.
stable algorithm: eustaj c alg rijmoc. stable equilibrium: eustaj c isorrop a. stable equivalence: eustaj c isodunam a. stable oscillations: eustaje c talant seic. stable solution: eustaj c l sh. stable system: eustaj c s sthma. absolutely stable: apol twc eustaj c. asymptotically stable: asumptwtik eustaj c. conditionally stable: eustaj c up sunj kh. globally stable: kajolik eustaj c. linearly stable: grammik eustaj c. locally stable: topik eustaj c. numerically stable: arijmhtik eustaj c. unconditionally stable: ad smeuta eustaj c.
stack: sto ba (plhroforik ), suss reush. stack symbol: s mbolo sto bac.
stage: st dio.
two-stage sample: de gma d o stad wn.
staggered: enallass menoc, metablht c. staggered grid: enallass meno pl gma.
stagnation: stasim thta, anakop .
stagnation ow: ro anakop c. stagnation point: shme o anakop c.
stair: skalop ti, bajm da. staircase: kl maka, sk la.
staircase function: klimakwt sun rthsh.
standard: sun jhc, tupik c, pr tupoc, kanonik c, kajierwm noc.
standard basis: sun jhc b sh, kanonik b sh, kajierwm nh b sh. standard deviation: tupik ap klish. standard element: tupik tupopoihm no stoiqe o. standard error: tupik sf lma. standard form: kanonik sun jhc tupik morf . standard normal curve: tupik tupopoihm nh kanonik kamp lh. standard position: sun jhc j sh. standard score: tupik apot lesma. standard unit: tupik mon da.
standardization: tupopo hsh, kanonikopo hsh. standardize: tupopoi , kanonikopoi . 324
standardized: tupopoihm noc, tupik c, kanonik c.
standardized random variable: tupik tupopoihm nh tuqa a metablht .
standing: st simoc.
standing wave: st simo k ma.
star: ast rac, stro, aster skoc (to s mbolo ).
star polygon: astr morfo asteroeid c pol gwno.
starred: me aster sko ( ).
starred variables: metablht c me aster sko ( ).
starlike: aster morfoc, asteroeid c. starshaped: aster morfoc, asteroeid c. start: arq zw, narxh. start symbol: arqik s mbolo. random start: tuqa a narxh.
starting: arqik c, pr toc.
starting value: arqik tim , tim narxhc.
state: kat stash.
state diagram: di'gramma katast sewn, katastatik di gramma. state machine: mhqan katast sewn. dead state: nekr kat stash. Se merik bibl a plhroforikhc, katab jra. distinguishable states: diakrit c katast seic. equation of state: katastatik ex swsh, ex swsh kat stashc. equilibrium state: kat stash isorrop ac. nal state: telik kat stash. nite state: peperasm nh kat stash. glass state: ual dhc kat stash. halt state: kat stash termatismo . initial state: arqik kat stash. persistent state: mmonh kat stash. transient state: metabatik kat stash. stationary state: st simh kat stash. steady state: m nimh kat stash.
statement: pr tash, entol , d lwsh, diat pwsh.
statement of the problem: diat pwsh tou probl matoc. conditional statement: upojetik pr tash (sun. hypothetical statement). converse statement: ant jeth pr tash. hypothetical statement: upojetik pr tash (sun. conditional statement). input statement: entol eis dou. output statement: entol ex dou. vacuously true statement: pr tash alhj c me ken tr po, adi fora alhj c pr tash. 325
static: statik c.
static balance: statik isorrop a. static charge: statik fort o. static electricity: statik c hlektrism c. static equilibrium: statik isorrop a. static moment: statik rop . static pressure: statik p esh.
statically: statik . statics: statik . stationary: st simoc, stajer c, m nimoc.
stationary distribution: st simh katanom . stationary ow: st simh ro . stationary model: st simo mont lo. stationary phase: st simh f sh. stationary point: st simo shme o. stationary population: st simoc plhjusm c. stationary state: st simh kat stash. stationary subset: st simo upos nolo. stationary wave: st simo k ma.
statistic: statistik sun rthsh.
ine cient statistic: mh apotelesmatik statistik sun rthsh. minimal su cient statistic: elaqistotik el qisth epark c statistik sun rthsh. non-circular statistic: mh kuklik statistik sun rthsh. psi-square statistic: 2 statistik sun rthsh. sample statistic: deigmatik statistik sun rthsh. su cient statistic: epark c statistik sun rthsh. systematic statistic: susthmatik statistik sun rthsh.
statistical: statistik c.
statistical control: statistik c legqoc. statistical decision: statistik ap fash. statistical hypothesis: statistik up jesh. statistical independence: statistik anexarths a. statistical inference: statistik sumperasmatolog a. statistical mechanics: statistik mhqanik .
statistician: statistik c, statistikol goc. statistics: Statistik .
descriptive statistics: perigrafik statistik . Fermi-Dirac statistics: statistik twn Fermi-Dirac.
steadily: m nima, stajer , st sima. steady: m nimoc, stajer c, st simoc. steady ow: m nimh ro . steady state: m nimh kat stash.
steep: ap tomoc.
steepest descent method: m jodoc meg sthc kaj dou kl sewc.
stellar: astrik c. stellated: astr morfoc, aster morfoc, astropoihm noc, asteropoihm noc.
stellated polyhedron: astr morfo aster morfo pol edro. Mh kurt pol edro pou prok ptei epekte nontac tic drec en c llou (mhtriko ) polu drou. stellated solids: astr morfa aster morfa s mata (sun. stellated polyhedra). great stellated dodecahedron: meg lo astr morfo dwdek edro meg lo dwdekaedrik stro. small stellated dodecahedron: mikr astr morfo dwdek edro mikr dwdekaedrik stro.
stellating: astropo hsh, asteropo hsh (p.q. polu drou). stellation: stro, ast ri (p.q. polu drou). stenosis: st nwsh. step: b ma.
step-counting function: sun rthsh m trhshc bhm twn. step function: klimakwt sun rthsh, sun rthsh b matoc. step size: b ma, pl toc b matoc. basis step: basik b ma. fractional step algorithm: alg rijmoc klasmatiko b matoc. half step: hmib ma. time step: qronik b ma. time step size: qronik b ma, pl toc qroniko b matoc. unit step: monadia o b ma. unit step function: sun rthsh monadia ou b matoc. variable step size integration: olokl rwsh metablhto b matoc. variable step size method: m jodoc metablhto b matoc.
stepping: p reush, pore a, bhmatism c.
time stepping method: m jodoc qronop reushc.
stepwise: bhmatik , klimakwt . steradian: sterakt nio, stere akt nio. stereogram: stereogr fhma. stereographic: stereografik c.
stereographic projection: stereografik probol .
stereography: stereograf a. stereometry: stereometr a. sti : kamptoc, d skamptoc.
sti equation: d skampth ex swsh. sti solver: d skamptoc epilut c.
sti ness: akamy a.
sti ness factor: par gontac akamy ac. 327
sti ness matrix: p nakac akamy ac.
Stirling, (-).
Stirling's asymptotic formula: asumptwtik c t poc tou Stirling.
stochastic: stoqastik c. E nai sun numo tou random (tuqa oc).
stochastic approximation: stoqastik pros ggish. stochastic convergence: stoqastik s gklish. stochastic integrability: stoqastik oloklhrwsim thta. stochastic optimization: stoqastik beltistopo hsh. stochastic sequence: stoqastik tuqa a akolouj a (random sequence). stochastic transitivity: stoqastik metabatik thta. stochastic variable: stoqastik tuqa a metablht (random variable). doubly stochastic matrix: dipl stoqastik c p nakac.
stochastically: stoqastik .
stochastically larger: stoqastik megal teroc. stochastically smaller: stoqastik mikr teroc.
Stokes, (-).
Stokes equation: ex swsh Stokes (diarmonik ex swsh). Stokes ow: ro Stokes. Stokes theorem: je rhma tou Stokes.
Stokesian: tou Stokes.
Stokesian uid: reust Stokes. Stokesian wave: k ma Stokes.
stopping: termatism c, diakop .
stopping rule: kan nac termatismo diakop c. stopping time: qr noc termatismo diakop c.
storage: apoj keush. store: apojhke w, sto ba (plhroforik ). storing: apoj keush. straight: euj c, euj grammoc. straight angle: orj gwn a. straight line: euje a gramm .
straight-edge: kan nac, q rakac. construction with straight-edge and compass: kataskeu me kan na kai diab th.
straighten: eujugramm zw. strain: param rfwsh. Sun. param'orfwsh.
strain elements: (peperasm na) stoiqe a param rfwshc. strain energy: en rgeia param rfwshc. rate of strain: rujm c param rfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation: 328
rate of strain tensor: tanust c rujm n param rfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation tensor.
strange: par xenoc.
strange attractor: par xenoc elkust c.
strata: str mata, bl. stratum.
strata chart: q rthc strwm twn.
strategy: strathgik .
desingularization strategy: strathgik apo diomorfopo hshc.
strati cation: strwm twsh, strwmatopo hsh. strati ed: strwmatopoihm noc. strati ed sample: strwmatopoihm no de gma. strati ed ow: strwmatopoihm nh ro .
stratify: strwmat zw, strwmatopoi . stratum (pl. strata): str ma. stream: re ma, ro .
stream function: ro k reumatik sun rthsh.
streamfunction: ro k reumatik sun rthsh. streamline: ro k reumatik gramm .
streamline nite elements: ro k peperasm na stoiqe a.
streamtube: ro k c reumatik c swl nac. strength: isq c, ntash, d namh, antoq . strength of materials: antoq twn ulik n. source strength: ntash phg c.
strengthen: enisq w, isquropoi . stress: t sh, sump esh.
stress concentration: sugk ntrwsh t sewn. stress tensor: tanust c t sewn. normal stress: k jeth t sh. shear stress: diatmhtik t sh. yield stress: t sh ro c diarro c.
stretch: ekte nw, tent nw, efelk w, ktash. stretching: ktash, t ntwma, efelkusm c. strict: gn sioc, austhr c. strict inequality: gn sia anis thta.
strictly: gn sia, austhr , apol twc.
strictly convex: gn sia austhr kurt c. strictly decreasing function: gn sia austhr fj nousa sun rthsh. 329
strictly dominated: gn sia austhr kuriarqhm noc. strictly increasing function: gn sia austhr a xousa sun rthsh. strictly negative number: gn sia austhr arnhtik c arijm c. strictly positive number: gn sia austhr jetik c arijm c.
string: qord , sumboloseir (plhroforik ).
active string: energ sumboloseir . consistent strings: sumbat c sumboloseir c. elastic string: elastik qord . empty string: ken sumboloseir . pre x of a string: pr jema sumboloseir c. vibrating string: pall menh qord .
strip: lwr da.
Moebius strip: lwr da tou Moebius.
strong: isqur c.
strong completeness: isqur plhr thta. strong convergence: isqur s gklish. strong coupling: isqur s zeuxh. strong ellipticity: isqur elleiptik thta. strong form: isqur morf . strong law: isqur c n moc. strong law of large numbers: isqur c n moc twn meg lwn arijm n. strong topology: isqur topolog a.
stronger: isqur teroc.
stronger version: isqur terh ekdoq .
strongly: isqur .
strongly consistent: isqur sunep c. strongly consistent estimator: isqur sunep c ektim tria. strongly coupled problems: isqur suzeugm na probl mata. strongly elliptic: isqur elleiptik c. strongly singular: isqur idi zwn idi morfoc mh omal c an maloc.
strophoid: strofoeid c. structural: domik c.
structural equation: domik ex swsh. structural optimization: domik beltistopo hsh. structural parameter: domik par metroc.
structure: dom , kataskeu .
a ne structure: susqetism nh dom . algebraic structure: algebrik dom . linear structure: grammik dom . narrowly appropriate structure: sten kat llhlh dom . 330
structured: domhm noc.
structured algorithm: domhm noc alg rijmoc.
student: foitht c, spoudast c. Student: Yeud numo tou Brettano statistiko W. Gosset (1876-1937). Student distribution: katanom Student t-katanom (t-distribution).
study: mel th.
domain of study: perioq mel thc. feasibility study: mel th skopim thtac.
Sturm, (-).
Sturm-Liouville operator: telest c Sturm-Liouville. Sturm-Liouville problem: pr blhma Sturm-Liouville. Sturm-Liouville system: s sthma Sturm-Liouville.
sub-: upo. subadditive: upoprosjetik c.
subadditive function: upoprosjetik sun rthsh.
subadditivity: upoprosjetik thta. subalgebra: upo lgebra. subcase: upoper ptwsh. subcategory: upokathgor a. subclass: upokl sh. subcritical: upokr simoc.
subcritical point: upokr simo shme o.
subcritically: upokr sima. subdiagonal: upodiag nioc. subdi erential: upodiaforik c.
subdi erential mapping: upodiaforik apeik nish.
subdivide: upodiair . subdivision: upodia resh. subdomain: upoqwr o.
subdomain collocation: taxijes a taxin mhsh upoqwr wn.
subelliptic: upoelleiptik c. subexponential: upoekjetik c.
subexponential function: upoekjetik sun rthsh.
subformula: upot poc.
atomic subformula: atomik c upot poc. 331
subfunctor: uposunartht c. subgroup: upoom da.
normal subgroup: kanonik upoom da. proper subgroup: gn sia upoom da. trivial subgroup: tetrimm nh upoom da.
subharmonic: upoarmonik c, upoarmonik . subinterval: upodi sthma. subject: upoke meno. subjective: upokeimenik c. sublattice: upopl gma. sublinear: upogrammik c. submultiplicative: upopollaplasiastik c.
submultiplicative property: upopollaplasiastik idi thta.
submanifold: upopollapl thta.
a ne submanifold: susqetism nh upopollapl thta.
submartingale: upo-martingale. submatrix: upop nakac. submersion: kat dush, katab jish. submodel: upomont lo.
elementary submodel: stoiqei dec upomont lo.
submodule: upopr tupo. submonoid: upomonoeid c. subnormal: upokanonik c.
subnormal group: upokanonik om da.
subnormality: upokanonik thta. sub-Poisson: upo-Poisson.
sub-Poisson distribution: upo-Poisson katanom .
subregion: upoqwr o, upoperioq . subring: upodakt lioc. subroutine: uporout na, upopr gramma. subsample: upode gma. subsampling: upodeigmatolhy a. subscript: k tw de kthc. subsequence: upakolouj a. Se merik bibl a plhroforik c metafr zetai c uposeir . subset: upos nolo. balanced subset: is rropo upos nolo. compact subset: sumpag c upos nolo.
convex subset: kurt upos nolo. generic subset: genetik upos nolo (logik ). proper subset: gn sio upos nolo. stationary subset: st simo upos nolo.
subsidiary: sumplhrwmatik c.
subsidiary condition: sumplhrwmatik sunj kh.
subsonic: upohqhtik c.
subsonic ow: upohqhtik ro .
subspace: up qwroc.
discrete subspace: diakrit c up qwroc. semi-discrete subspace: hmidiakrit c up qwroc. trivial subspace: tetrimm noc up qwroc.
substantial: ousiastik c, ousi dhc.
substantial derivative: ousiastik ousi dhc ulik par gwgoc (sun. substantive material convective derivative).
substantive: ousiastik c, ousi dhc.
substantive derivative: bl. substantial derivative.
substitute: antikajist . substitution: antikat stash.
substitution tensor: tautotik c monadia oc tanust c, tanust c antikat stashc (sun. identity unit tensor). back substitution: p sw antikat stash, an dromh antikat stash. forward substitution: empr c antikat stash. hyperbolic substitution: uperbolik antikat stash. successive substitution method: m jodoc diadoqik n antikatast sewn, genik epanalhptik m jodoc. trigonometric substitution: trigwnometrik antikat stash.
substrate: up strwma. substring: uposumboloseir (plhroforik ). substructure: upodom . subsume: perilamb nw. subsurface: upoepif neia. subsurface ow: upoepifaneiak ro .
subtract: afair . subtraction: afa resh. subtrahend: afairet oc. subvector: upodi nusma. success: epituq a. 333
successive: diadoqik c, ep llhloc, allep llhloc.
successive approximations: diadoqik c prosegg seic. successive overrelaxation method: m jodoc diadoqik c uperqal rwshc. successive substitution method: m jodoc diadoqik n antikatast sewn, genik epanalhptik m jodoc. method of successive approximations: m jodoc twn diadoqik n prosegg sewn.
successor: di doqoc, ep menoc.
successor function: sun rthsh diadoq c.
such: t toioc.
such that: t toioc ste.
sudden: ap tomoc, xafnik c.
sudden contraction: ap tomh sustol (reustodunamik ). sudden expansion: ap tomh diastol (reustodunamik ).
su ciency: to ikan , ep rkeia.
joint su ciency: ap koino ep rkeia. necessity and su ciency: anagka o kai ikan .
su cient: ikan c, epark c, arket c.
su cient condition: ikan sunj kh. su cient statistic: epark c statistik sun rthsh. minimal su cient statistic: elaqistotik el qisth epark c statistik sun rthsh. necessary and su cient condition: anagka a kai ikan sunj kh.
su ciently: arko ntwc, epark c.
su ciently close: arko ntwc kont . su ciently di erentiable: arko ntwc paragwg simoc. su ciently small: arko ntwc mikr c. su ciently large: arko ntwc meg loc.
su x: pr jema. suit: seir qarti n tr poulac. sum: jroisma.
direct sum: euj jroisma. in nite sum: peiro jroisma. iterated sum: epanalamban meno jroisma. partial sum: merik jroisma. pointwise sum: shmeiak jroisma. power sum: dunamo jroisma. wedge sum: sfhnoeid c jroisma (Topol.). zero sum: mhdenik jroisma. zero sum game: paiqn di mhdeniko ajro smatoc.
summability: ajroisim thta.
regular summability: kanonik ajroisim thta. 334
C esaro summability: ajroisim thta kat C esaro. Riemann summability: ajroisim thta kat Riemann.
summable: ajro simoc. summation: jroish, pr sjesh.
summation by parts: pr sjesh kat m lh kat par gontec. summation convention: sunj kh s mbash ajro sewc. summation formula: t poc jroishc. summation index: de kthc ajro sewc. summation method: m jodoc jroishc.
sun: lioc. super-: uper- (pr jema). superadditivity: uperprosjetik thta. superadditive: uperprosjetik c.
superadditive function: uperprosjetik sun rthsh.
superatomic: uperatomik c.
superatomic Boolean algebra: uperatomik lgebra tou Boole.
supercomputer: uperupologist c. superconducting: uperag gimoc. superconductivity: uperagwgim thta. superconvergence: an terh s gklish, upers gklish. superconvergent: upersugkl nwn. superconvergent method: upersugkl nousa m jodoc.
supercritical: uperkr simoc.
supercritical shock wave: uperkr simo kroustik k ma.
supercritically: uperkr sima. superdiagonal: uperdiag nioc. superdi usion: uperdi qush. supere ciency: uperapotelesmatik thta. superelement: uperstoiqe o. super uous: pleon zwn.
super uous variable: pleon zousa metablht .
superharmonic: uperarmonik c, uperarmonik . superimpose: uperj tw (sun. superpose). superimposed: upertejeim noc (sun. superposed). superior: an teroc.
superior limit: an tero rio el qisto k tw rio. 335
supermartingale: uper-martingale. supernormal: uperkanonik c.
supernormal dispersion: uperkanonik diaspor sk dash.
supernova: uperkainofan c (ast rac). superoscillation: upertal ntwsh. super-Poisson: uper-Poisson.
super-Poisson distribution: uper-Poisson katanom .
superposable: uperj simoc. superpose: uperj tw (sun. superimpose). superposed: upertejeim noc (sun. superimposed). superposed process: upertejeim nh an lixh. superposed variation: upertejeim nh metabol .
superposition: up rjesh, epallhl a.
superposition principle: arq thc up rjeshc epallhl ac.
superregular: uperkanonik c.
superregular function: uperkanonik sun rthsh.
superscript: nw de kthc. superset: upers nolo. supersonic: uperhqhtik c.
supersonic ow: uperhqhtik ro .
supersymmetry: upersummetr a. sup-norm: sup-n rma peiro-n rma. supplement: parapl rwma, sumpl rwma. supplemental: paraplhrwmatik c, sumplhrwmatik c. supplementary: sumplhrwmatik c.
supplementary information: sumplhrwmatik plhrofor a. supplementary condition: sumplhrwmatik sunj kh.
supplemented: sumplhrwm noc.
supplemented balance: sumplhrwm nh isorrop a.
supply: promhje w, efodi zw, efodiasm c.
supply and demand: prosfor kai z thsh.
support: for ac, upost rigma, st rigma, en sqush. compact support: sumpag c for ac. local support: topik c for ac.
supported: me for a, me upost rigma, me st rigma, uposthrigm noc, sthrigm noc. compactly supported function: sun rthsh me sumpag for a.
supporting: f rwn, sthr zwn, uposthr zwn. supporting hyperplane: f ron uperep pedo.
supra: uper nw, up r (pr jema). supraconvergence: an tath s gklish, upers gklish. supremum: supremum, el qisto nw fr gma p rac (least upper bound). essential supremum: ousi dec supremum.
sure: s gouroc, b baioc.
sure event: b baio gegon c endeq meno. almost sure: sqed n s gouroc.
surely: s goura.
almost surely: sqed n s goura.
surface: epif neia, epifaneiak c.
surface element: stoiqei dhc epif neia. surface force: epifaneiak d namh d namh epaf c (contact force). surface integral: epifaneiak olokl rwma. surface of revolution: epif neia ek peristrof c. anallagmatic surface: anallagmatik epif neia. anticlastic surface: antiklastik epif neia. applicable surface: efarm simh epif neia. aspherical surface: asfairik epif neia. characteristic surface: qarakthristik epif neia. closed surface: kleist epif neia. compact surface: sumpag c epif neia. conical surface: kwnik epif neia. control surface: epif neia el gqou. developable surface: anaptukt epif neia. equipotential surface: isodunamik epif neia. at surface: ep pedh epif neia. fractal surface: klastik morfoklasmatik epif neia. free surface: ele jerh epif neia. geometric surface: gewmetrik epif neia. integral surface: oloklhrwtik epif neia. isometric surface: isometrik epif neia. lateral surface: pleurik epif neia. level surface: isostajmik epif neia. minimal surface: elaqistotik epif neia. one-sided surface: mon pleurh epif neia. orientable surface: prosanatol simh epif neia. oriented surface: prosanatolism nh epif neia. probability surface: epif neia pijan thtac. quadratic surface: deuterob jmia epif neia. 337
quadric surface: deuterob jmia epif neia. quintic surface: pemptob jmia epif neia. regression surface: epif neia palindrom sewc. response surface: epif neia ap krishc. ruled surface: eujeiogen c epif neia. similar surfaces: moiec epif neiec. smooth surface: le a epif neia. solution surface: epif neia l shc. surface wave: epifaneiak k ma. synclastic surface: sugklastik epif neia. tangent surface: efapt menh epif neia. two-sided surface: d pleurh epif neia.
surfactant: epifaneiak energ c, tasienerg c. surjection: ep rriyh (bl. surjective kai onto). surjective: ep (onto), epirriptik . Se merik bibl a, fesh (surjection)! Ep shc, bl. onto. surjectivity: erriptik thta. surmount: uperba nw. surprise: kplhxh, aifnidiasm c. surprise index: de kthc aifnidiasmo .
surround: perib llw. surrounded (by): peribeblhm noc (ap ). surrounding: perib llwn. surroundings: to perib llon. survey: reuna (statistik ), dhmosk phsh.
survey design: sqediasm c reunac. repeated survey: epanalamban menh reuna.
survival: epib wsh.
survival analysis: an lush epib wshc.
survive: epiz , epibi nw. survivor: epibi nwn, epibi sac.
survivor function: sun rthsh epib wshc.
susceptibility: epidektik thta, dektik thta. susceptible: epidektik c, dektik c. suspend: aiwr , anart , diak ptw. suspension: ai rhma, an rthsh. sustain: uposthr zw, upof rw. sustainable: anekt c.
sustainable development: aeif roc an ptuxh.
sustained: mmonoc, sunthro menoc, paratetam noc. 338
sweep: 1. s rwsh. 2. sar nw. swell: diogk nomai, diast llomai. swelling: di gkwsh, diastol . swirl: str biloc, d nh, strobil zw, strobil zomai, peristr fw, peristr fomai. swirling: peristref menoc. swirling ow: peristrofik ro (sun. torsional ow).
switch: 1. metagwg ac. 2. met gw. switching: 1. metagwg . 2. met gontac. syllogism: sullogism c. symbol: s mbolo.
symbol processing: sumbolik epexergas a. symbol processor: sumbolik c epexergast c. inclusion symbols: s mbola egkleismo . Kronecker's symbol: s mbolo tou Kronecker. logical symbols: logik s mbola. permutation symbol: s mbolo met jeshc.
symbolic: sumbolik c.
symbolic approximation: sumbolik pros ggish. symbolic manipulation: sumbolik c qeirism c epexergas a. symbolic notation: sumbolik shmeiograf a.
symmedian: summetrodi mesoc. symmetric(-al): summetrik c.
symmetric group: summetrik om da. symmetric matrix: summetrik c p nakac. symmetric operator: summetrik c telest c. symmetric property: summetrik idi thta. symmetric relation: summetrik sq sh. symmetric tensor: summetrik c tanust c. symmetric transformation: summetrik c metasqhmatism c. conjugate symmetric property: suzug c summetrik idi thta. skew symmetric: antisummetrik c.
symmetrical: summetrik c (bl. symmetric).
symmetrical tensor: summetrik c tanust c. symmetrical theorem: summetrik je rhma (de terh taut thta tou Green).
symmetry: summetr a.
symmetry analysis: an lush summetr ac. symmetry group: om da summetri n. axial symmetry: axonik summetr a, summetr a wc proc xona. axis of symmetry: xonac summetr ac. central symmetry: ketrik summetr a, summetr a wc proc k ntro. plane of symmetry: ep pedo summetr ac. screw symmetry: summetr a elik sewc, elikoeid c summetr a. 339
skew symmetry: antisummetr a.
symplectic: sumplektik c.
symplectic discretization: sumplektik diakritopo hsh. symplectic geometry: sumplektik gewmetr a. symplectic integration: sumplektik olokl rwsh. symplectic integrator: sumplektik c oloklhrwt c. symplectic manifold: sumplektik pollapl thta. symplectic mapping: sumplektik apeik nish. symplectic reduction: sumplektik anagwg .
synchronization: sugqronism c. synchronous: s gqronoc. synchrony: sugqronism c. synclastic: sugklastik c.
synclastic surface: sugklastik epif neia.
synergetic: sunerghtik c. synergy: sun rgeia. synodic: sunodik c. synonym: sun numo. syntactic: suntaktik c.
syntactic interpretation: suntaktik ermhne a.
syntax: s ntaxh.
syntax error: suntaktik l joc.
synthesis: s njesh. synthetic: sunjetik c.
synthetic cut: sunjetik fantastik tom (gia gkouc el gqou). synthetic division: sunjetik dia resh. synthetic geometry: sunjetik gewmetr a.
system: s sthma.
system of reference: s sthma anafor c. systems theory: jewr a susthm twn. accelerated system of reference: epitaqun meno s sthma anafor c. a ne coordinate system: omoparallhlik s sthma suntetagm nwn. algebraic system: algebrik s sthma. autonomous system: aut nomo s sthma. binary system: duadik s sthma. Cartesian system: kartesian s sthma. chaotic system: qaotik s sthma. complex number system: s sthma twn migadik n arijm n. control system: s sthma el gqou. conservative system: sunthrhtik s sthma. 340
consistent system: sumbibast s sthma. coordinate system: s sthma suntetagm nwn. correspondence system: s sthma antistoiq ac. curvilinear system: kampul grammo s sthma. database systems: sust mata b sewn dedom nwn. decimal system: dekadik s sthma. degenerate system: ekfulism no s sthma. dextral system (of coordinates): dexi strofo s sthma (suntetagm nwn), sun. right-handed system. discrete system: diakrit s sthma. dynamical system: dunamik s sthma. elliptic system: elleiptik s sthma. equivalent systems: isod nama sust mata. forced system: exanagkasm no s sthma. Hamiltonian system: qamiltonian s sthma. holonomic system: ol nomo s sthma. homogeneous system: omogen c s sthma. inconsistent system: asumb basto mh sumbibast ad nato s sthma. inertial system: adraneiak s sthma. information systems: plhroforik sust mata, sust mata plhrofori n. isolated system: apomonwm no s sthma. isometric system: isometrik s sthma. left-handed system: arister strofo s sthma. linear system (of equations): grammik s sthma (exis sewn). logarithmic system: logarijmik s sthma. mesoscopic system: mesoskopik s sthma. metric system: metrik s sthma. moving coordinate system: kino meno s sthma suntetagm nwn. neuronal system: neurwnik s sthma. non-autonomous system: mh aut nomo s sthma. nondegenerate system: mh ekfulism no s sthma. non-linear system: mh grammik s sthma. normal system: kanonik s sthma. number system: s sthma arijm n. octal number system: oktadik s sthma arijm n. overdetermined system: uperkajorism no s sthma. parabolic system: parabolik s sthma. real number system: s sthma twn pragmatik n arijm n. rectangular coordinate system: kartesian orjog nio s sthma suntetagm nwn (sun. Cartesian coordinate system). rheonomic system: re nomo s sthma. right-handed coordinate system: dexi strofo s sthma suntetagm nwn, sun. dextral coordinate system. rotating coordinate system: peristref meno s sthma suntetagm nwn. scleronomic system: sklhr nomo s sthma. singular system: idi zon mh omal an malo s sthma. solar system: hliak s sthma. stable system: eustaj c s sthma. Sturm-Liouville system: s sthma Sturm-Liouville. underdetermined system: upokajorism no s sthma. 341
unstable system: astaj c s sthma.
systematic: susthmatik c.
systematic design: susthmatik c sqediasm c. systematic error: susthmatik sf lma. systematic sample: susthmatik de gma. systematic square: susthmatik tetr gwno. systematic statistic: susthmatik statistik sun rthsh. systematic variation: susthmatik metabol .
systole: sustol . systolic: sustolik c.
systolic accelerator: sustolik c epitaqunt c.
syzygy: suzug a.
T t-distribution: t-katanom katanom Student (Student distribution).
table: p nakac, trap zi.
contingency tables: p nakec sun feiac. di erence table: p nakac diafor n. frequency table: p nakac suqn thtac. incomplete beta tables: atele c ellipe c b ta p nakec. joint probability table: p nakac mikt c pijan thtac. polytomic table: polutomik c p nakac. truth table: alhjop nakac, p nakac al jeiac, p nakac tim n al jeiac.
tableau (pl. tableaux): p nakac. Young tableaux: p nakec Young.
tabular: up morf p naka, plakoeid c. tabulation: kataskeu sqhmatism c p naka. tacpoint: diakekrim no shme o. tail: our , gr mmata (pleur nom smatoc).
tail area (of a distribution): perioq our c (katanom c). band tail: our tain ac.
tame: exhmer nw, exhm rwsh.
tame algebras: exhmerwm nec lgebrec. 342
tame measure: exhmerwm no m tro.
tameness: to exhmerwm no.
tameness of a measure: to exhmerwm no m trou.
tandem: nac p sw ap ton llo.
in tandem: nac p sw ap ton llo.
tangency: epaf .
point of tangency: shme o epaf c.
tangent: efaptom nh (sthn trigwnometr a), efapt menoc, efaptomenik c. tangent bundle: efapt menh d smh. tangent law: n moc twn efaptom nwn. tangent plane: efapt meno ep pedo. tangent surface: efapt menh epif neia. tangent vector: efapt meno di nusma. internal tangent: eswterik efaptom nh. inverse tangent: t xo efaptom nhc. polar tangent: polik efaptom nh.
tangential: efaptomenik c, kat thn efaptom nh.
tangential acceleration: efaptomenik epit qunsh. tangential component: efaptomenik sunist sa. tangential curvature: efaptomenik kampul thta, gewdaisiak kampul thta (geodesic curvature).
tanh: uperbolik efaptom nh.
inverse tanh: t xo uperbolik c efaptom nhc. inverse tanh transformation: metasqhmatism c t xou uperbolik c efaptom nhc.
tank: dexamen . tape: tain a (plhroforik ).
input tape: tain a eis dou. two-dimensional tape: disdi stath tain a. two-way in nite tape: peirh tain a d o kateuj nsewn.
Tarski, Alfred (1902- )
Tarski paradox: par doxo tou Tarski. Tardaglia, Niccolo (1499-1559 1500-1557) Tauber, Alfred (1886- ) Tauber theorem: je rhma tou Tauber.
tautochrone: taut qronoc, is qronoc.
tautochrone problem: taut qrono pr blhma.
tautological: tautologik c. 343
tautology: tautolog a.
tautology law: n moc tautolog ac.
Taylor, Brook (1685-1731)
Taylor development: an ptugma Taylor (sun. Taylor expansion). Taylor expansion: an ptugma Taylor (sun. Taylor development). Taylor form: morf Taylor. Taylor's formula: t poc tou Taylor. Taylor polynomial: polu numo Taylor. Taylor series: seir Taylor. Taylor's theorem: je rhma tou Taylor. Taylor's theorem of the mean: je rhma thc m shc tim c tou Taylor. universal Taylor series: kajolik c seir c Taylor.
technique: teqnik , m jodoc.
integration technique: teqnik olokl rwshc. optimization technique: m jodoc beltistopo hshc. sampling technique: teqnik deigmatolhy ac.
technological: teqnologik c. technology: teqnolog a.
information technology: plhroforik teqnolog a.
telegraph: thl grafoc.
telegraph equation: ex swsh thl grafou.
telephoto lens: thlefak c. telescope: thlesk pio. telescopic: thleskopik c.
telescopic method: thleskopik m jodoc. telescopic series: thleskopik seir .
telescoping: thlesk peush. temperature: jermokras a.
absolute temperature: ap luth jermokras a. complex temperature: migadik jermokras a. Kelvin temperature: jermokras a Kelvin.
temporal: qronik c. tend: te nw.
tend to zero: te nw sto mhd n. tend to in nity: te nw sto peiro.
tendency: t sh.
central tendency: kentrik t sh. measure of central tendency: m tro kentrik c t sewc. 344
tension: efelkusm c, t sh.
modulus in tension: m tro efelkusmo .
tensor: tanust c, tanustik c.
tensor algebra: tanustik lgebra, lgebra tanust n. tensor analysis: tanustik an lush. tensor contraction: sustol tanust ( n). tensor eld: tanustik ped o. tensor notation: tanustik c sumbolism c. tensor product: tanustik gin meno. absolute tensor: ap lutoc tanust c. alternating tensor: enall sswn tanust c. antisymmetric tensor: antisummetrik c tanust c, sun. skew-symmetric tensor. associated tensor: prosetairistik c tanust c. Cartesian tensor: kartesian c tanust c. contravariant tensor: antallo wtoc tanust c. covariant tensor: sunallo wtoc tanust c. curvature tensor: tanust c kampul thtac. identity tensor: tautotik c monadia oc tanust c, tanust c antikat stashc (sun. unit substitution tensor). invariants of a tensor: anallo wtec tanust . isotropic tensor: is tropoc tanust c. iterated tensor product: pollapl tanustik gin meno. metric tensor: metrik c tanust c. rate of deformation tensor: tanust c rujm n param rfwshc. Sun. rate of strain tensor. rate of strain tensor: tanust c rujm n param rfwshc. Sun. rate of deformation tensor. reciprocal tensors: ant strofoi tanust c. Riemann curvature tensor: tanust c kampul thtac tou Riemann. skew-symmetric tensor: antisummetrik c tanust c, sun. antisymmetric tensor. substitution tensor: tautotik c monadia oc tanust c, tanust c antikat stashc (sun. identity unit tensor). symmetric tensor: summetrik c tanust c. stress tensor: tanust c t sewn. unit tensor: tautotik c monadia oc tanust c, tanust c antikat stashc (sun. identity substitution tensor).
tensorial: tanustik c.
tensorial variable: tanustik metablht .
term: roc.
term by term: ro proc ro. term by term integration: olokl rwsh ro proc ro. dominating term: uperisq wn kur arqoc roc. general term: genik c roc. higher order terms: roi an terhc t xhc. inertial terms: adraneiako roi roi adr neiac. non-zero term: mh mhdenik c roc. positive term: jetik c roc. rearrangement of terms: anadi taxh rwn. 345
similar terms: moioi roi. vanishing term: mhdeniz menoc roc.
terminal: telik c, akra oc, termatik c, termatik (plhroforik ). terminal point: telik shme o, p rac (dian smatoc). terminal state: termatik kat stash. terminal velocity: termatik taq thta.
terminating: perato menoc.
terminating fraction: perato meno kl sma.
terminology: orolog a. terminological: orologik c. termwise: kat rouc. ternary: triadik c, trimel c. Sun. triadic.
ternary operation: trimel c pr xh. ternary relation: trimel c triadik sq sh. Cantor ternary set: triadik s nolo Cantor. Sun. triadic Cantor set.
terrestrial: g inoc. tesselation: yhfidopo hsh.
random tesselation: tuqa a yhfidopo hsh.
test: dokim , krit rio, legqoc, ex tash, test, dokimas a.
test function: elegqosun rthsh sun rthsh el gqou. test of hypothesis: legqoc up jeshc. chi-square test: legqoc 2. comparison test: krit rio thc sugkr sewc. consistent test: sunep c legqoc. consistent test function: sunep c elegqosun rthsh sun rthsh el gqou. convergence test: krit rio s gklishc. Se merik bibl a, test s gklishc. empty cell test: legqoc keno kelio . gap test: legqoc q smatoc. integral test: oloklhrwtik krit rio. likelihood ratio test: legqoc l gou pijanof neiac. most powerful test function: isqur tath elegqosun rthsh, isqur tath sun rthsh el gqou. multi-binomial test: poludiwnumik c legqoc. one-tailed test: mon pleuroc legqoc. permutation test: metaj tik c legqoc. pocket test: s ntomoc legqoc. power of a test function: isq c elegqosun rthshc, isq c sun rthshc el gqou. quick test: gr goroc legqoc. quotient test: krit rio sugkr sewc tou l gou. randomization test: legqoc tuqaiopo hshc. randomized test: tuqaiopoihm noc legqoc. randomized test function: tuqaiopoihm nh elegqosun rthsh, tuqaiopoihm nh sun rthsh el gqou. ratio test: krit rio tou l gou. restricted test: periorism noc legqoc. root test: krit rio thc r zac. 346
sequential likelihood test: akoloujiak c legqoc pijanof neiac. sequential test: akoloujiak c legqoc. sign test function: elegqosun rthsh pros mou, sun rthsh el gqou pros mou. size of a test function: m gejoc elegqosun rthshc, m gejoc sun rthshc el gqou. triangle test: trigwnik c legqoc. two-sided test: amf pleuroc legqoc. two-tailed test: d pleuroc legqoc. unbiased test function: amer lhpth elegqosun rthsh, amer lhpth sun rthsh el gqou. uniformly most powerful unbiased test function: omoi morfa isqur tath amer lhpth elegqosun rthsh,
omoi morfa isqur tath amer lhpth sun rthsh el gqou. Weierstrass M test: krit rio tou Weierstrass.
testing: dokim , legqoc, dokimas a.
hypothesis testing: legqoc up jeshc.
tetrachoric: tetraqwrik c.
tetrachoric correlation: tetraqwrik susq tish. tetrachoric function: tetraqwrik sun rthsh.
tetrad: tetr da.
tetrad di erence: tetradik diafor .
tetrahedral: tetr edroc, tetraedrik c.
tetrahedral angle: tetr edrh gwn a. tetrahedral surface: tetr edrh epif neia. tetrahedron (pl. tetrahedrons or tetrahedra): tetr edro. regular tetrahedron: kanonik omal tetr edro. truncated tetrahedron: apokomm no k louro tetr edro. 'Ena ek twn 13 arqim deiwn polu drwn (oi drec tou e nai kanonik tr gwna kai ex gwna).
text: ke meno.
text processing: epexergas a keim nou. text processor: epexergast c keim nou.
theorem: je rhma.
Baire category theorem: je rhma kathgori n tou Baire. best approximation theorem: je rhma b ltisthc pros ggishc. binomial theorem: je rhma tou diwn mou. Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem: je rhma twn Bolzano-Weierstrass. Borel's covering theorem: je rhma k luyhc tou Borel. bounded convergence theorem: je rhma fragm nhc s gklishc. central limit theorem: kentrik oriak je rhma. Chinese remainder theorem: je rhma upolo pou tou Kin zou (logik ). compactness theorem: je rhma sump geiac. completeness theorem: je rhma plhr thtac. contraction theorem: je rhma sustol c. converse theorem: ant strofo je rhma. deduction theorem: sumperasmatologik je rhma, je rhma paragwg c. 347
divergence theorem: je rhma ap klishc (je rhma tou Gauss twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky). dominated convergence theorem: je rhma kuriarqhm nhc s gklishc. double expectation theorem: je rhma dipl c prosdok ac. downward L ovenheim-Skolem theorem: kajodik je rhma twn L ovenheim-Skolem. embedding theorem: je rhma egkleismo . existence theorem: je rhma parxhc. niteness theorem: je rhma tou peperasm nou. xed point theorem: je rhma stajero shme ou. four-color theorem: je rhma tess rwn qrwm twn. Fourier's integral theorem: oloklhrwtik je rhma tou Fourier. fundamental theorem: jemeli dec je rhma. fundamental theorem of algebra: jemeli dec je rhma thc lgebrac. fundamental theorem of arithmetic: jemeli dec je rhma thc arijmhtik c. fundamental theorem of calculus: jemeli dec je rhma tou majhmatiko logismo . fundamental theorem of integral calculus: jemeli dec je rhma tou oloklhrwtiko logismo . Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem: je rhma twn Gauss-Ostrogradsky, je rhma tou Gauss, je rhma ap klishc (divergence theorem). Gauss theorem: je rhma tou Gauss je rhma thc ap klishc (divergence theorem). implicit function theorem: je rhma peplegm nhc sun rthshc. inclusion theorem: je rhma egkleismo . integral mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c gia oloklhr mata. intermediate value theorem: je rhma endi meshc tim c. inverse function theorem: je rhma thc ant strofhc sun rthshc. Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem: je rhma kuriarqhm nhc s gklishc tou Lebesgue. limit theorem: oriak je rhma. mapping theorem: je rhma apeikon sewc. maximum modulus theorem: je rhma tou meg stou m trou. mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c. minimax theorem: je rhma elaqistomeg stou, je rhma minimax. minimum modulus theorem: je rhma tou elaq stou m trou. non-completeness theorem: je rhma mh plhr thtac. open mapping theorem: je rhma anoikt c apeik nishc. parallel axes theorem: je rhma twn par llhlwn ax nwn. perpendicular axes theorem: je rhma twn kaj twn ax nwn. prime number theorem: je rhma pr twn arijm n. principal axes theorem: je rhma kur wn ax nwn. Pythagoras theorem: pujag reio je rhma. remainder theorem: je rhma tou upolo pou. replacement theorem: je rhma epan jeshc. residue theorem: je rhma twn oloklhrwtik n upolo pwn. Riesz representation theorem: je rhma anaparast sewc tou Riesz. Sobolev embedding theorem: je rhma egkleismo tou Sobolev. soundness theorem: je rhma orj thtac. spectral theorem: fasmatik je rhma. symmetrical theorem: summetrik je rhma (de terh taut thta tou Green). trace theorem: je rhma qnouc. transport theorem: je rhma metafor c (tou Reynolds). uni cation theorem: je rhma enopo hshc. uniqueness theorem: je rhma monadik thtac. 348
upward L ovenheim-Skolem theorem: anodik je rhma twn L ovenheim-Skolem.
theorema Egregium of Gauss: je rhma Egregium tou Gauss. theoretic: jewrhtik c. set-theoretic: sunolojewrhtik c.
theoretical: jewrhtik c.
theoretical frequencies: jewrhtik c suqn thtec. theoretical results: jewrhtik apotel smata. theoretical variable: jewrhtik metablht .
theory: jewr a.
approximation theory: jewr a pros ggishc. axiomatic theory: axiwmatik jewr a. catastrophy theory: jewr a katastrof c. class theory: jewr a kl sewn. decision theory: jewr a apof sewn. electromagnetic theory: hlektromagnhtik jewr a. estimation theory: ektimhtik jewr a ektim sewc. function theory: jewr a sunart sewn. Galois theory: jewr a Galois. game theory: jewr a paign wn. graph theory: jewr a grafhm twn gr fwn. group theory: jewr a om dwn. interpolation theory: jewr a parembol c. linear theory: grammik jewr a. matrix theory: pinakojewr a, jewr a pin kwn. measure theory: jewr a m trou. model theory: jewr a mont lwn. node theory: jewr a k mbwn. number theory: arijmojewr a, jewr a arijm n. potential theory: jewr a dunamiko . proof theory: jewr a apode xewn, sun. metamajhmatik (metamathematics). quanti cation theory: kathgorhmatik c logism c (sun. predicate calculus). quantum theory: kbantik jewr a. queuing theory: jewr a anamon c. recursion theory: jewr a anadrom n, jewr a anadromik n sunart sewn. representation theory: jewr a anaparast sewn. ring theory: jewr a daktul wn. sampling theory: jewr a deigmatolhy ac deigmatolhptik jewr a. set theory: sunolojewr a, jewr a sun lwn. systems theory: jewr a susthm twn.
thermal: jermik c.
thermal boundary layer: jermik oriak str ma. thermal conductivity: jermik agwgim thta. thermal energy: jermik en rgeia. thermal wave: jermik k ma. 349
thermodynamics: jermodunamik . thermoelasticity: jermoelastik thta. thesis: j sh. Church's thesis: j sh tou Church.
theta: j ta.
theta function: sun rthsh j ta.
thick: paq c. thin: lept c.
thin lm: lept um nio.
third: tr toc.
third invariant: tr th anallo wth. third kind: tr to e doc.
thixotropic: jixotropik c. three: tr a, treic. three-dimensional: tridi statoc, trisdi statoc. three-dimensional space: tridi statoc q roc.
three-dimensionality: to tridi stato. threshold: kat fli. thumb: ant qeirac. rule of thumb: empeirik c kan nac.
tide: pal rroia.
solar tide: hliak pal rroia.
tight: sfikt c, sten c.
tight bound: sten fr gma. tight probability sequence: sfikt akolouj a pijan thtac.
tightness: sfikt thta, sten thta. tiling: plak strwsh (Gewm., Plhr.).
tiling problem: pr blhma plak strwshc. tiling system: s sthma plak strwshc. bounded tiling: fragm nh plak strwsh. partial tiling: merik plak strwsh. semiregular tiling: hmikanonik hmiomal plak strwsh. Anaf retai ep shc kai wc arqim deia plak strwsh (Archimedean tiling). regular tiling: kanonik omal plak strwsh.
tilt: kl nw. tilted: keklim noc. 350
time: qr noc.
time antithesis: qronik ant jesh. time comparability: qronik sugkrisim thta. time dependent: qronik exarthm noc metaball menoc, xronometaball menoc, metabatik c (transient). time derivative: qronik par gwgoc. time discrete: qronodiakrit c. time discretization: qronodiakritopo hsh. time independent: qronik anex rthtoc, st simoc (steady state). time marching: qronop reush. time marching scheme: m jodoc qronop reushc. time reversal: qronik anastrof . time series: qronoseir . time step: qronik b ma. time step size: qronik b ma, pl toc qroniko b matoc. deterministic time: nteterministik c qr noc. polynomial time: poluwnumik c qr noc. reaction time: qr noc antidr sewc. residence time: qr noc paramon c. response time: qr noc ap krishc. response time distribution: katanom qr nou ap krishc. space-time: qwr qronoc. stopping time: qr noc termatismo diakop c. waiting time: qr noc anamon c.
timewise: qronik c.
timewise variation: qronik metabol .
tolerance: anoq . Se merik bibl a, antoq .
tolerance distribution: katanom anoq c. tolerance factor: par gontac anoq c. tolerance interval: di sthma anoq c. tolerance limits: ria anoq c. lower tolerance limit: kat tero rio anoq c. non-parametric tolerance limits: aparametrik ria anoq c. upper tolerance limit: an tero rio anoq c.
tomography: tomograf a. top: koruf , str boc, sbo ra.
top-down parser: suntaktik c analut c ap p nw proc ta k tw.
topic: j ma.
selected topics: epilegm na j mata.
topological: topologik c.
topological completeness: topologik plhr thta. topological dynamics: topologik dunamik . topological geometry: topologik gewmetr a. 351
topological group: topologik om da. topological invariant: topologik anallo wth. topological manifold: topologik pollapl thta. topological mapping: topologik apeik nish. topological property: topologik idi thta. topological space: topologik c q roc. topological transformation: topologik c metasqhmatism c.
topology: topolog a.
algebraic topology: algebrik topolog a. combinatorial topology: sunduastik topolog a. countable topology: arijm simh topolog a. discrete topology: diakrit topolog a. general topology: genik topolog a. relative topology: sqetik topolog a. strong topology: isqur topolog a. uniform topology: omal topolog a. weak topology: asjen c topolog a.
toroidal: toroeid c.
toroidal coordinates: toroeide c suntetagm nec.
torque: rop . torsion: str yh.
torsion coe cient: suntelest c str yhc. free torsion: ele jerh str yh. geodesic torsion: gewdaisiak str yh. radius of torsion: akt na str yewc.
torsional: streptik c.
torsional ow: peristrofik ro (sun. swirling ow).
tori: t roi, spe rec, bl. torus. toric: torik c.
toric variety: torik e doc torik pollapl thta.
torus (pl. tori): t roc, sampr la, spe ra (bl. Anchor ring). total: olik c, sunolik c, olik (gia jroisma), jroisma.
total curvature: olik kampul thta (sun. integral curvature kai curvature integra). total derivative: olik par gwgoc. total determination: olik c prosdiorism c. total di erential: olik t leio diaforik . total order: olik di taxh. total probability: olik pijan thta. total variation: olik k mansh (Stat.).
totally: olik c.
totally bounded: olik c fragm noc. totally connected: olik c sunektik c. 352
totient: tosost , tosostik sun rthsh, sun rthsh tou Euler. totitive: tosostik c. tour: diadrom . trace: qnoc, eggraf (plhroforik ). trace of a line: qnoc euje ac. trace of a matrix: qnoc (tetragwniko ) p naka. trace theorem: je rhma qnouc.
track: qnoc.
actual track: pragmatik qnoc.
traction: lxh, efelkusm c. tractrix: lkousa (kamp lh). tra c: kuklofor a, k nhsh.
tra c intensity: ntash kuklofor ac. data tra c: kuklofor a dedom nwn.
trajectory: troqi .
orthogonal trajectories: orjog niec troqi c.
trans-: uper-, meta- (pr jema). transcend: uperba nw. transcendence: up rbash, uperbatik thta. transcendence basis: uperbatik b sh.
transcendency: up rbash, uperbatik thta. Sun. transcendence. transcendental: uperbatik c, mh algebrik c. transcendental closure: uperbatik j kh kleist thta. transcendental equation: uperbatik ex swsh. transcendental function: uperbatik (mh algebrik ) sun rthsh. transcendental number: uperbatik c (mh algebrik c) arijm c.
transducer: metasqhmatist c.
nite-state transducer: metasqhmatist c peperasm nwn katast sewn.
transfer: 1. metafor . 2. metaf rw.
transfer function: sun rthsh metafor c. heat transfer: met dosh metafor jerm thtac.
transference: metafor . Sun. transfer: trans nite: uperpeperasm noc.
trans nite induction: uperpeperasm nh epagwg . trans nite number: uperpeperasm noc arijm c. trans nite recursion: uperpeperasm nh anadrom . 353
transform: 1. metasqhmat zw. 2. metasqhmatism nh, metasqhmatism noc. 3. metasqhmatism c. cosine transform: sunhmitonoeid c metasqhmatism nh (Fourier). Fourier transform: metasqhmatism nh Fourier. inverse Fourier transform: ant strofh metasqhmatism nh Fourier. inverse Laplace transform: ant strofh metasqhmatism nh Laplace. inverse transform: ant strofh metasqhmatism nh. Laplace transform: metasqhmatism nh Laplace. sine transform: hmitonoeid c metasqhmatism nh (Fourier).
transformation: metasqhmatism c, apeik nish (mapping), sun rthsh (function).
adjoint transformation: suzug c prosarthm nh apeik nish metasqhmatism c. a ne transformation: susqetism noc metasqhmatism c. bilinear transformation: digrammik c metasqhmatism c. canonical transformation: kanonik c metasqhmatism c. conformal transformation: s mmorfoc metasqhmatism c. congruence transformation: metasqhmatism c omoi thtac. covering transformation: metasqhmatism c k luyhc (sun. deck transformation). deck transformation: metasqhmatism c k luyhc (sun. covering transformation). division transformation: metasqhmatism c dia reshc. elementary transformation: stoiqei dhc pr xh (operation) metasqhmatism c. equiangular transformation: isog nioc metasqhmatism c. explicit transformation: analut c mesoc metasqhmatism c. Fourier transformation: metasqhmatism c Fourier. homogeneous transformation: omogen c metasqhmatism c. homothetic transformation: omoiojetik c metasqhmatism c. Householder transformation: metasqhmatism c tou Householder stoiqei dhc anaklast c (elementary re ector). identity transformation: tautotik c metasqhmatism c. in nitesimal transformation: apeirost c metasqhmatism c. inverse Fourier transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatism c Fourier. inverse Laplace transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatism c Laplace. inverse transformation: ant strofoc metasqhmatism c. inverse sine transformation: metasqhmatism c t xou hmit nou. inverse tanh transformation: metasqhmatism c t xou uperbolik c efaptom nhc. inversion transformation: metasqhmatism c antistrof c. involutory transformation: eneliktik c metasqhmatism c. isogonal a ne transformation: isog nioc susqetism noc metasqhmatism c. isogonal transformation: isog nioc metasqhmatism c. isoparametric transformation: isoparametrik apeik nish. Laplace transformation: metasqhmatism c Laplace. linear transformation: grammik c metasqhmatism c. monotone transformation: mon tonoc metasqhmatism c. natural transformation: fusik apeik nish metasqhmatism c. non-singular transformation: mh idi zousa omal apeik nish. one-to-one transformation: na proc na amfimonos mantoc amfimon timoc metasqhmatism c. orthogonal transformation: orjog nioc metasqhmatism c. projective transformation: probolik c metasqhmatism c. random orthogonal transformation: tuqa oc orjog nioc metasqhmatism c. rational transformation: rht c metasqhmatism c. 354
reducible transformation: anag gimoc metasqhmatism c. sigmoidal transformation: sigmoeid c metasqhmatism c. similarity transformation: metasqhmatism c omoi thtac. similitude transformation: metasqhmatism c omoi thtac. singular transformation: idi zwn metasqhmatism c. symmetric transformation: summetrik c metasqhmatism c. topological transformation: topologik c metasqhmatism c. unitary transformation: orjomonadia a apeik nish. zero transformation: mhdenik c metasqhmatism c apeik nish (mapping).
transformed: metasqhmatism noc. transformer: metasqhmatist c. transient: metabatik c.
transient ow: metabatik ro . transient solution: metabatik l sh. transient state: metabatik kat stash.
transit: di bash. transition: met bash, allag , met ptwsh (fusik ).
transition function: sun rthsh met bashc. transition matrix: p nakac met bashc p nakac allag c b shc (change of basis matrix). transition probability: pijan thta met bashc. transition relation: sq sh met bashc. beta transitions: metapt seic b ta (fusik ). compatible transitions: sumbat c metab seic. phase transition: met bash f shc.
transitional: metabatik c. transitive: metabatik c.
transitive closure: metabatik kleist thta. transitive property: metabatik idi thta. transitive relation: metabatik sq sh. re exive transitive closure: anaklastik metabatik kleist thta.
transitively: metabatik . transitivity: metabatik thta.
stochastic transitivity: stoqastik metabatik thta.
translate: 1. metaf rw (metatop zw par llhla). 2. metafr zw. translation: 1. metafor (par llhlh metat pish). 2. met frash.
translation of axes: metafor ax nwn. translation parameter: par metroc metafor c. solid-body translation: metafor par llhlh metat pish stereo s matoc, mh elastik metafor , kampth metafor .
transmission: met dosh, di dosh, metafor . transmittance: diaperat thta. 355
transparency: diaf neia. transparent: diafan c. transport: metafor , metaf rw.
transport phenomena: fain mena metafor c. transport theorem: je rhma metafor c (tou Reynolds). mass transport: metafor m zac. momentum transport: metafor orm c.
transpose: 1. an strofoc. 2. anastr fw, metatop zw, metaj tw.
transpose matrix: an strofoc p nakac. conjugate transpose matrix: anastrofosuzug c p nakac, suzug c an strofoc p nakac.
transposed: anestramm noc, metatopism noc, metatejeim noc. transposed matrix: anestramm noc p nakac.
transposition: anastrof , metafor , met jesh. transvariation: diametablht thta. transversal: egk rsioc, diat mnousa (egk rsia gramm ). transversality: egkarsi thta. transversality condition: sunj kh egkarsi thtac.
transverse: egk rsioc, pl gioc.
transverse axis: egk rsioc xonac. transverse section: egk rsia tom . transverse vibration: egk rsia tal ntwsh. transverse wave: egk rsio k ma.
transversely: egk rsia, pl gia.
transversely isotropic: egk rsia is tropoc.
trapezium (pl. trapeziums or trapezia): trapezoeid c (USA), trap zio (British). isosceles trapezium: isoskel c trap zio (British).
trapezoid: trap zio (USA), trapezoeid c (British).
isosceles trapezoid: isoskel c trapezoeid c (USA).
trapezoidal: trapezoeid c, tou trapez ou.
trapezoidal formula: t poc tou trapez ou. trapezoidal method: m jodoc tou trapez ou. trapezoidal rule: kan nac tou trapez ou. composite trapezoidal rule formula: s njetoc t poc tou trapez ou.
traveling: ode wn, periode wn.
traveling salesman problem: pr blhma periode ontoc pwlht pr blhma emporiko antipros pou. traveling wave: ode on k ma. 356
treatment: spoud , mel th, agwg , metaqe rish. tree: d ntro. tree diagram: dentrodi gramma. evolutionary tree: exeliktik d ntro. parse tree: suntaktik d ntro (plhroforik ).
trefoil: tr fullo. Sun. trifolium. trend: t sh, rop .
trend tting: prosarmog t shc. rational trend: rht t sh. secular trend: dihnek c t sh.
tri-: tri(s)- (pr jema). triad: tri da.
circular triad: kuklik tri da.
triadic: triadik c. Sun. ternary.
triadic Cantor set: triadik s nolo Cantor. Sun. Cantor ternary set.
trial: dokim , prosp jeia, dokimastik c.
trial and error: dokim kai sf lma. trial and error method: m jodoc dokim c kai sf lmatoc. trial function: sun rthsh dokim c. Bernoulli trial: dokim Bernoulli. independent trials: anex rthtec dokim c.
triangle: tr gwno.
triangle inequality: trigwnik anis thta. triangle test: trigwnik c legqoc. acute triangle: oxug nio tr gwno. birectangular spherical triangle: ditetragwnik sfairik tr gwno. equilateral triangle: is pleuro tr gwno. geodesic triangle: gewdaisiak tr gwno. isosceles triangle: isoskel c tr gwno. medial triangle: bl. median triangle. median triangle: to tr gwno me koruf c ta m sa twn pleur n trig nou, sun. medial triangle. nested triangles: diktuwm na tr gwna. oblique triangle: mh orjog nio tr gwno. obtuse triangle: ambleig nio tr gwno. plane triangle: ep pedo tr gwno. polar triangle: polik tr gwno. quadrantal spherical triangle: tetartokuklik sfairik tr gwno. scalene triangle: skalhn tr gwno. similar triangles: moia tr gwna. spherical triangle: sfairik tr gwno.
triangulable: trigwn simoc, trigwnopoi simoc. 357
triangulability: trigwnisim thta, trigwnopoihsim thta. triangular: trigwnik c, tr gwnoc.
triangular element: trigwnik stoiqe o. triangular matrix: trigwnik c p nakac. triangular pyramid: trigwnik puram da. triangular wave function: trigwnik kumatik sun rthsh. lower-triangular matrix: k tw trigwnik c p nakac. upper-triangular matrix: nw trigwnik c p nakac.
triangularity: trigwnik thta. triangulate: trigwnopoi , trigwn zw. triangulation: trigwnopo hsh, trigwnism c. triaxial: triaxonik c. tribological: tribologik c. tribology: tribolog a. trichotomy: triqotom a. trick: t qnasma. trifolium: tr fullo. Sun. trefoil. trigon: tr gwno (arq., des triangle). trigonal: trigwnik c. trigonometric: trigwnometrik c (sun. circular kai cyclometric).
trigonometric approximation: trigwnometrik pros ggish. trigonometric equations: trigwnometrik c exis seic. trigonometric expansion: trigwnometrik an ptugma. trigonometric functions: trigwnometrik c kuklik c (circular) gwniometrik c (cyclometric) sunart seic.
trigonometric substitution: trigwnometrik antikat stash. inverse trigonometric function: ant strofh trigwnometrik sun rthsh.
trigonometrical: trigwnometrik c. trigonometrically: trigwnometrik . trigonometry: trigwnometr a.
spherical trigonometry: sfairik trigwnometr a.
tridiagonal: tridiag nioc.
tridiagonal matrix: tridiag nioc p nakac.
trihedral: tr edroc, triedrik c. trihedron (pl. trihedrons or trihedra): tr edro. moving trihedron: kino meno tr edro.
trilateral: tr pleuroc. trilinear: trigrammik c.
trilinear form: trigrammik morf . 358
trimmed: xakrism noc.
trimmed mean: xakrism noc m soc.
trimming: x krisma. trimodal: trik rufoc.
trimodal distribution: trik rufh katanom .
trinodal: tr komboc. trinomial: tri numo, triwnumik c.
trinomial distribution: triwnumik katanom .
triple: tri da, tripl c, tripl sioc, triplasi zw.
triple comparisons: tripl c sugkr seic. triple integral: tripl olokl rwma. triple lattice: tripl pl gma. triple lattice: tripl kigkl dwma. triple point: tripl shme o. triple precision: tripl akr beia. triple root: tripl r za. ordered triple: diatetagm nh tri da. primitive Pythagorean triple basik prwtarqik pujag reia tri da. scalar triple product: mikt gin meno (dianusm twn) yeudoarijmhtik (pseudoscalar) gin meno arijmhtik tripl gin meno. vector triple product: disexwterik gin meno dianusmatik tripl gin meno.
triplet: tri da.
ordered triplet: diatetagm nh tri da.
triplicate: tripl c, triplasi zw. triplication: triplasiasm c. triplicity: tripl thta. triply: tripl . trirectangular: trisorjog nioc. trisect: triqotom , diair eic tr a (sun jwc sa) m rh. trisecting: triqot mhsh. trisecting the angle: triqot mhsh gwn ac.
trisection: triqot mhsh. trisector: triqot moc. trisectrix: triqotomo sa (kamp lh). trivial: tetrimm noc.
trivial case: tetrimm nh per ptwsh. trivial cycle: tetrimm noc k kloc. trivial ideal: tetrimm no ide dec. trivial solution: tetrimm nh l sh. trivial subgroup: tetrimm nh upoom da. 359
trivial subspace: tetrimm noc up qwroc.
triviality: (to) tetrimm no. trochoid: troqoeid c.
prolate trochoid: ep mhkec troqoeid c.
trough: ko lwma, koil da. true: alhj c.
true mean: alhj c m soc. true regression: alhj c palindr mhsh. vacuously true statement: pr tash alhj c me ken tr po, adi fora alhj c pr tash.
truth: al jeia.
truth table: alhjop nakac, p nakac al jeiac, p nakac tim n al jeiac. truth value: tim al jeiac, alh0otim . appropriate truth assignment: kat llhlh ap dosh tim n al jeiac.
truncate: apok bw, kolob nw. truncated: k louroc, apokomm noc, kolob c.
truncated cone: apokomm noc k louroc k noc. truncated cube: apokomm noc k louroc k boc. truncated cuboctahedron: apokomm no k louro kubookt edro. truncated dodecahedron: apokomm no k louro dwdek edro. truncated icosahedron: apokomm no k louro eikos edro. truncated icosidodecahedron: apokomm no k louro eikosidwdek edro. truncated octahedron: apokomm no k louro okt edro. truncated polyhedron: apokomm no k louro pol edro. truncated pyramid: apokomm nh k lourh puram da. truncated series: apokomm nh seir , kolob seir . truncated tetrahedron: apokomm no k louro tetr edro.
truncation: apokop , perikop .
truncation error: sf lma apokop c. global truncation error: kajolik sf lma apokop c. local truncation error: topik sf lma apokop c.
Tschirnhausen, (1651-1708) tunnel: to nel, s ragga.
air tunnel: aerodunamik s ragga.
turbulence: t rbh. turbulent: turb dhc.
turbulent ow: turb dhc ro .
Turing, A.M. (1912-1954)
Turing-computable function: Turing upolog simh sun rthsh. Turing-decidable language: apofas simh gl ssa kat Turing, Turing apofas simh gl ssa. 360
Turing machine: mhqan Turing. Turing machine with multiple heads: mhqan Turing me pollapl c kefal c. Turing-undecidable language: mh apofas simh gl ssa kat Turing, Turing mh apofas simh gl ssa. nondeterministic Turing machine: mh nteterministik mhqan Turing. universal Turing machine: pagk smia mhqan Turing.
turning: .
turning point: shme o kamp c.
twice: d c, d o for c. twin: d dumoc.
twin primes: d dumoi pr toi (arijmo ).
twinned: d dumoc.
twinned distributions: d dumec katanom c.
twist: sustrof , sustr fw. twisted: sunestramm noc. two: d o. two-dimensional: didi statoc, disdi statoc. two-dimensional space: didi statoc q roc.
two-dimensionality: to didi stato. two-norm: d o-n rma. two-parameter: diparametrik c, d o param trwn.
two-parameter approximation: diparametrik pros ggish.
two-phase: difasik c, d o f sewn.
two-phase ow: difasik ro . two-phase sampling: deigmatolhy a d o f sewn.
two-point: d o shme wn.
two-point boundary value problem: pr blhma d o sunoriak n tim n. two-point interpolation: parembol d o shme wn.
two-sided: amf pleuroc d pleuroc.
two-sided hypothesis: amf pleurh up jesh. two-sided ideal: amf pleuro d pleuro ide dec. two-sided surface: d pleurh epif neia. two-sided test: amf pleuroc legqoc.
two-step: dibhmatik c.
two-step method: dibhmatik m jodoc.
two-tailed: d pleuroc.
two-tailed test: d pleuroc legqoc. 361
two-way: d o kateuj nsewn, amf dromoc.
two-way classi cation: taxin mhsh kat d o par gontec. two-way in nite tape: peirh tain a d o kateuj nsewn.
type: t poc, e doc.
type bias: merolhy a t pou. type-I error: sf lma t pou I. type-II error: sf lma t pou II.
typical: tupik c. typo: tupografik l joc. typography: tupograf a.
digital typography: yhfiak tupograf a.
U ulterior: metagen steroc, ap teroc. ultimate: telik c, sqatoc, teleuta oc, jemeli dhc. ultimate cluster: telik sust da.
ultimately: telik , jemeliwd c.
ultimately dense: telik puk'noc.
ultra-: uper-. ultra lter: uperf ltro. ultrapower: uperd namh. ultraproduct: upergin meno. ultrathin: up rleptoc.
ultrathin lm: up rlepto um nio.
ultraspherical: upersfairik c.
ultraspherical coe cient: upersfairik c suntelest c. ultraspherical polynomial: upersfairik polu numo.
ultraviolet: uperi dhc. umbilic: omfalik shme o (sun. umbilical point). umbilical: omfalik c. umbilical point: omfalik shme o.
umbra: ski (plan th). unambiguous: mh diforo menoc.
unambiguous context-free grammar: diforo menh grammatik qwr c sumfraz mena.
unary: monomel c, monadia oc (sun. monadic kai singulary).
unary notation: monadia oc sumbolism c. unary operation: monomel c pr xh. unary relation: monomel c monadia a sq sh, kathg rhma miac j shc (sun. monadic relation kai one-place predicate).
unbiased: amer lhptoc.
unbiased estimate: amer lhpth ekt mhsh. unbiased estimator: amer lhpth ektim tria. absolutely unbiased: apol twc amer lhptoc. absolutely unbiased estimator: apol twc amer lhpth ektim tria.
unbiasedness: amerolhy a. unbounded: mh fragm noc.
unbounded domain: mh fragm no qwr o. unbounded function: mh fragm nh sun rthsh. unbounded interval: mh fragm no di sthma. unbounded set: mh fragm no s nolo.
unbranched: apodiakladwm noc.
unbranched covering: apodiakladwm nh k luyh.
uncertainty: abebai thta.
uncertainty interval: di sthma abebai thtac.
uncomputability: mh upologisim thta. uncomputable: mh upolog simoc. unconditional: ad smeutoc, qwr c sunj kec rouc.
unconditional basic sequence: ad smeuth basik akolouj a. unconditional basis: ad smeuth b sh. unconditional convergence: ad smeuth s gklish. unconditional stability: ad smeuth eust jeia.
unconditionally: ad smeuta, qwr c sunj kec rouc. unconditionally stable: ad smeuta eustaj c.
unconjugated: aposunezeugm noc.
unconjugated nite element method: m jodoc aposunezeugm nwn peperasm nwn stoiqe wn.
uncorrelated: asusq tistoc.
uncorrelated random variables: asusq tistec orjog niec tuqa ec metablht c. 363
uncountable: mh arijm simoc, mh metr simoc.
uncountable set: mh arijm simo mh metr simo s nolo.
uncountably: mh arijm sima, mh metr sima. undamped: qwr c ap sbesh.
undamped motion: k nhsh qwr c ap sbesh.
undecidability: mh anadromik thta (logik ). undecidable: mh apofas simoc, mh algorijmik c mh apant simoc (logik ).
undecidable language: mh apofas simh gl ssa. Turing-undecidable language: mh apofas simh gl ssa kat Turing, Turing mh apofas simh gl ssa.
underdamped: arg aposbhn menoc, me asjen ap sbesh. underdamped motion: k nhsh me asjen ap sbesh.
underdamping: upoap sbesh. underdetermined: upokajorism noc, upoprosdiorism noc. underdetermined system: upokajorism no s sthma.
under ow: upoqe lish. under ow error: sf lma upoqe lishc. underrelaxation: upoqal rwsh.
underrelaxation method: m jodoc upoqal rwshc.
underwater: upobr qioc.
underwater acoustics: upobr qia akoustik .
undetermined: aprosdi ristoc, prosdiorist oc.
method of undetermined coe cients: m jodoc twn prosdiorist wn suntelest n.
undirected: mh kateujun menoc.
undirected graph: mh kateujun meno gr fhma.
undulation: kum twsh, k mansh (sun. corrugation). undulated: kumatoeid c (sun. corrugated). unequal: nisoc. unequally: nisa.
unequally spaced: anisap qontec. unequally spaced arguments: anisap qonta or smata.
unexplained: mh epexhghm noc.
unexplained variation: up loiph metabol .
uniaxial: monoaxonik c, mon xonac.
uniaxial crystal: mon xonac kr stalloc. 364
uniaxial ow: monaxonik ro .
unidirectional: miac kate junshc, monokateujuntik c. uni cation: enopo hsh. uni cation algorithm: alg rijmoc enopo hshc. uni cation theorem: je rhma enopo hshc.
uni ed: enopoihm noc. uni er: enopoiht c. uniform: omoi morfoc, omal c.
uniform acceleration: omal epit qunsh. uniform approximation: omoi morfh pros ggish. uniform circular motion: omal kuklik k nhsh. uniform continuity: omoi morfh sun qeia. uniform convergence: omoi morfh s gklish. uniform distribution: omoi morfh katanom . uniform ow: omoi morfh ro . uniform norm: omoi morfh n rma. uniform scale: omoi morfh kl maka. uniform topology: omal topolog a. quasi-uniform: oione omoi morfoc, oione omal c.
uniformity: omoiomorf a, omal thta. uniformly: omoi morfa, omal .
uniformly accelerated motion: omal epitaqun menh k nhsh. uniformly continuous function: omoi morfa suneq c sun rthsh. uniformly convergent sequence: omoi morfa sugkl nousa akolouj a. uniformly distributed random variable: omoi morfa katanemhm nh tuqa a metablht .
unify: enopoi .
uni ed theory: enopoihm nh jewr a.
unilateral: mon pleuroc, monomer c.
unilateral constraint: mon pleuroc periorism c.
unimodal: monok rufoc.
unimodal property: monok rufh idi thta.
unimodality: to monok rufo. unimodular: me m tro th monada.
unimodular coe cient: suntelest c me m tro mon da. unimodular matrix: p nakac me or zousa mon da.
uninteresting: mh endiaf rwn.
uninteresting numbers: mh endiaf rontec arijmo . 365
union: nwsh.
union of sets: nwsh sun lwn.
unique: monadik c, monos mantoc.
unique factorization: monos manth paragontopo hsh. unique solution: monadik l sh.
uniquely: monadik , kat tr po monadik , monos manta. uniquely de ned: monos manta orism noc.
uniqueness: monadik thta, (to) monos manto.
existence and uniqueness: parxh kai monadik thta. uniqueness of solution: monadik thta l shc. uniqueness theorem: je rhma monadik thtac.
unit: mon da, monadia oc, tautotik c.
unit circle: monadia oc k kloc. unit disk: monadia oc d skoc. unit dyad: monadia a du da. unit element: monadia o stoiqe o. unit error: monadia o sf lma. unit function: monadia a sun rthsh. unit interval: monadia o di sthma. unit matrix: monadia oc tautotik c p nakac. unit normal: monadia a k jeth. unit sphere: monadia a sfa ra ( mp la). unit square: monadia o tatr gwno. unit step: monadia o b ma. unit step function: sun rthsh monadia ou b matoc. unit tensor: tautotik c monadia oc tanust c, tanust c antikat stashc (sun. identity substitution tensor). unit vector: monadia o kanonik di nusma. absolute units: ap lutec mon dec. additive unit: prosjetik mon da. group unit: mon da om dac. imaginary unit: fantastik mon da. standard unit: tupik mon da.
unitarily: orjomonadia a.
unitarily similar: orjomonadia a moioi. unitarily similar matrices: orjomonadia a moioi p nakec (sun. congruent matrices).
unitary: monadia oc, orjomonadia oc, orjokanonik c.
unitary analysis: monadia a an lush. unitary group: monadia a om da. unitary matrix: orjomonadia oc p nakac, orjokanonik c p nakac. unitary similarity: orjomonadia a omoi thta. unitary space: monadia oc q roc. 366
unitary transformation: orjomonadia a apeik nish.
unitemporal: monoqronik c. unity: mon da, monadia o tautotik oud tero stoiqe o (tou pollaplasiasmo ). unity method: m jodoc thc mon dac. ring with unity: dakt lioc me monadia o ( tautotik ) stoiqe o, 1-dakt lioc.
univariate: miac metablht c, monometablht c. universality: kajolik thta. universal: pagk smioc, kajolik c.
universal algebra: kajolik lgebra. universal constant: pagk smia stajer . universal covering: kajolik k luyh. universal law of gravitation: n moc thc pagk smiac lxhc. universal quanti cation: kajolik poso ndeixh. universal quanti er: kajolik c posode kthc. universal set: basik s nolo basik c q roc. universal Taylor series: kajolik c seir c Taylor.
universally: kajolik . universe: s mpan, plhjusm c, ol thta.
universe of discourse: basik s nolo basik c q roc, (sun. domain of quanti cation). free universe: ele jero s mpan.
unknown: gnwstoc.
unknown constant: gnwsth stajer . unknown function: gnwsth sun rthsh. nodal unknown: kombik c gnwstoc.
unlabeled: mh seshmasm noc, qwr c epigraf , qwr c etik tta. unlike: an moioc, diaforetik c, nisoc. unlike powers: nisec dun meic.
unlikelyhood: apijanof neia.
unlikelyhood ratio: l goc apijanofanei n.
unmarked: ashme wtoc, ashm deutoc. unperturbed: mh diataragm noc. unpolarized: mh polwm noc. unpredictable: apr bleptoc. unrestricted: qwr c periorismo c.
unrestricted grammar: grammatik qwr c periorismo c.
unsatis ability: mh ikanopoihsim thta.
unsatis ability: n moc mh ikanopoihsim thtac. 367
unsatis able: mh ikanopoi simoc.
unsatis able formula: mh ikanopoi simoc t poc.
unsaturated: ak restoc. unsolvability: mh epilusim thta. unsolvable: mh epil simoc.
unsolvable problem: mh epil simo pr blhma.
unstable: astaj c.
unstable algorithm: astaj c alg rijmoc. unstable equilibrium: astaj c isorrop a. unstable oscillations: astaje c talant seic. unstable solution: astaj c l sh. unstable system: astaj c s sthma. globally unstable: kajolik astaj c. locally unstable: topik astaj c.
unsteady: mh m nimoc, metabatik c, mh stajer c, mh st simoc. unsteady ow: mh m nimh ro metabatik ro .
unstructured: mh domhm noc.
unstructured algorithm: mh domhm noc alg rijmoc. unstructured method: mh domhm nh m jodoc.
unsymmetric: mh summetrik c, as mmetroc. up: nw, p nw. update: enhmer nw, anane nw. update operation: pr xh anan wshc.
upper: nw, an teroc.
upper bound: nw fr gma nw p rac. upper con dence limit: an tero rio empistos nhc. upper limit: an tero rio. upper tolerance limit: an tero rio anoq c. upper-triangular matrix: nw trigwnik c p nakac. essential upper bound: ousi dec nw fr gma. least upper bound: el qisto nw fr gma supremum.
upstream: an nth. upward: anodik c.
upward L ovenheim-Skolem theorem: anodik je rhma twn L ovenheim-Skolem.
upwards: proc ta p nw. upwind: . upwind algorithm: .
upwinding: . urelement: tomo, stoiqe o pou den e nai s nolo (logik ). Urysohn, Paul (1898-1924) Urysohn lemma: l mma tou Urysohn. Urysohn theorem: je rhma tou Urysohn.
use: qr sh, qrhsimopoi .
V vs. (Lat. versus): enant on, wc proc. vacuous: ken c. vacuousness: ken thta. vacuously: ken c, me ken tr po.
vacuously true statement: pr tash alhj c me ken tr po, adi fora alhj c pr tash.
vacuum: ken . valid: isq w, isq wn, gkuroc.
valid formula: gkuroc t poc. valid results: gkura apotel smata.
validate: epikur nw. validation: epik rwsh. validity: isq c, k roc. valuation: ekt mhsh. value: tim , ax a.
absolute value: ap luth tim . boundary value: sunoriak tim . boundary value problem: pr blhma sunoriak n tim n. Cauchy principal value: prwte ousa tim tou Cauchy. characteristic value: qarakthristik tim , idiotim (bl. eigenvalue). complex valued: migadik c. complex-valued function: migadik sun rthsh. critical value: kr simh tim . dividing value: diaqwristik tim . expected value: anamen menh prosdok menh prosdokht c m sh tim majhmatik elp da. extreme value: akr tath tim . initial boundary value problem: pr blhma arqik n sunoriak n tim n. initial value: arqik tim . initial value problem: pr blhma arqik n tim n. 369
integral mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c gia oloklhr mata. intermediate value: endi mesh tim . intermediate value theorem: je rhma endi meshc tim c. latent value: idiotim (bl. eigenvalue). many-valued: pleion timoc. many-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh. matrix-valued function: pinakosun rthsh. mean value: m sh tim . mean value theorem: je rhma m shc tim c. measure-valued function: metrosun rthsh. multi-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh. multiple-valued function: plei timh sun rthsh. numerical value: arijmhtik tim . present value: paro sa tr qousa tim . principal value: prwte ousa tim . probable value: pijan tim . proper value: idiotim (bl. eigenvalue). single-valued: mon timoc. single-valued function: mon timh sun rthsh. starting value: arqik tim , tim narxhc. truth value: tim al jeiac, alh0otim . vector-valued function: dianusmatik sun rthsh.
Vandermonde, Theophile (1735-1796)
Vandermonde determinant: or zousa tou Vandermonde.
van Dyck, Walter (1856-1934) vanish: mhden zw. vanishing: mhdeniz menoc.
vanishing term: mhdeniz menoc roc.
variability: metablht thta. variable: metablht , metablht c.
variable limits of integration: metablht ria olokl rwshc. variable step size integration: olokl rwsh metablhto b matoc. variable step size method: m jodoc metablhto b matoc. action variables: metablht c dr shc. canonical variable: kanonik metablht . cause variable: aitiometablht . chance variable: tuqa a metablht . change of variable: allag metablht c. complex variable: migadik metablht . dependent variable: exarthm nh metablht . discrete variable: diakrit aparijmht metablht . dummy variable: boub metablht . xed-point variable: metablht ak nhthc upodiastol c. oating-point variable: metablht kinht c upodiastol c. free variable: ele jerh metablht . 370
independent variable: anex rthth metablht . nodal variable: kombik metablht . normal random variable: kanonik tuqa a metablht . predetermined variable: prokajorism nh metablht . primitive variable: arqik arq gonh metablht . random variable: tuqa a metablht . real variable: pragmatik metablht . response variable: metablht ap krishc. scalar variable: bajmwt metablht . separation of variables: qwrism c twn metablht n. separation of variables method: m jodoc qwrismo twn metablht n. standardized random variable: tupik tupopoihm nh tuqa a metablht . stochastic variable: stoqastik tuqa a metablht (random variable). tensorial variable: tanustik metablht . vectorial variable: dianusmatik metablht .
variance: diaspor diak mansh metablht thta. analysis of variance: an lush diaspor c. intraclass variance: endodiaspor . external variance: exwterik diaspor . minimum variance: el qisth diaspor . sample variance: deigmatik diaspor .
variant: parallag . variate: metablht , tuqa a metablht . variation: metabol . Se bibl a statistik c, qrhsimopoie tai enallaktik o roc k mansh. bounded variation: fragm nh metabol . calculus of variations: logism c twn metabol n. explained variation: palindromik paragontik metabol . rst variation: pr th metabol . method of variation of parameters: m jodoc thc metabol c twn stajerw'n. quartile variation: tetarthmoriak metabol . superposed variation: upertejeim nh metabol . systematic variation: susthmatik metabol . total variation: olik k mansh (Stat.). total variation distance: ap stash olik c k manshc (Stat.). unexplained variation: up loiph metabol .
variational: metabolik c.
variational form: metabolik morf . variational principle: metabolik arq .
variety: 1. e doc pollapl thta (Alg.). 2. poikil a.
abelian variety: abelian e doc abelian pollapl thta. algebraic variety: algebrik e doc algebrik pollapl thta. ag variety: e doc pollapl thta shma ac. toric variety: torik e doc torik pollapl thta. 371
various: di foroc, poik loc. vary: poik lw, diaf rw, metab llomai, all ssw, kuma nomai. varying: metaball menoc. varying acceleration: metaball menh epit qunsh. slowly varying: brad wc metaball menoc.
vector: di nusma, nusma.
vector addition: pr sjesh dianusm twn. vector algebra: dianusmatik lgebra, lgebra dianusm twn. vector analysis: dianusmatik an lush. vector bundle: dianusmatik d smh, d smh dianusm twn. vector eld: dianusmatik ped o. vector function: dianusmatik sun rthsh. vector interpretation: dianusmatik ermhne a. vector notation: dianusmatik c sumbolism c. vector product: dianusmatik exwterik gin meno (sun. cross outer product). vector potential: dianusmatik dunamik . vector (or linear) space: dianusmatik c ( grammik c ) q roc. vector representation: par stash me dian smata. vector triple product: disexwterik gin meno dianusmatik tripl gin meno. acceleration vector: di nusma (thc) epit qunshc. base vector: di nusma b shc. basis vector: di nsuma b shc. bound vector: prosarmosm no di nusma. characteristic vector: qarakthristik di nusma, idiodi nusma (eigenvector). collinear vectors: sugrramik dian smata. complete vector eld: pl rec dianusmatik ped o. coplanar vectors: sunep peda dian smata. components of a vector: sunist sec dian smatoc. curvature vector: di nusma kampul thtac. equal vectors: sa dian smata. free vector: ele jero di nusma. load vector: di nusma fort ou. magnitude of a vector: m tro m koc dian smatoc. normal vector: k jeto di nusma. normalized vector: kanonikopoihm no di nusma. null vector: mhdenik di nusma. opposite vectors: ant jeta dian smata. orthogonal vectors: orjog nia k jeta dian smata. orthonormal vectors: orjokanonik dian smata. parallel vectors: par llhla dian smata. perpendicular vectors: k jeta dian smata. polygon of vectors: pol gwno dianusm twn. position vector: di nusma j sewc epibatik akt na. resultant of vectors: sunistam nh dianusm twn. semicomplete vector eld: hmipl rec dianusmatik ped o. sliding vector: olisja non di nusma. solenoidal vector eld: swlhnoeid c dianusmatik ped o. tangent vector: efapt meno di nusma. 372
terminal point of a vector: p rac dian smatoc. unit vector: monadia o kanonik di nusma. zero vector: mhdenik di nusma.
vectorial: dianusmatik c.
vectorial variable: dianusmatik metablht .
vector-valued: dianusmatik c.
vector-valued function: dianusmatik sun rthsh.
velocity: taq thta.
velocity eld: ped o taq thtac. velocity potential: dunamik (thc) taq thtac. angular velocity: gwniak taq thta. apparent velocity: fain menh taq thta. approach velocity: taq thta pros ggishc. axial velocity: axonik taq thta. azimuthal velocity: gwniak taq thta. complex velocity: migadik taq thta. escape velocity: taq thta diafug c. instantaneous velocity: stigmia a taq thta. limiting velocity: oriak taq thta. phase velocity: taq thta f sewc. radial velocity: aktinik taq thta. relative velocity: sqetik taq thta. terminal velocity: termatik taq thta.
veri cation: epibeba wsh, epal jeush. verify: epibebai nw, epalhje w. versatile: eu liktoc. versatility: euelix a. versiera: enallaktik noma thc m gissac tou Agnessi (bl. witch of Agnessi). version: ekdoq . electronic version: hlektronik ekdoq morf . stronger version: isqur terh ekdoq .
versus: enant on, wc proc ( vs., lat.). vertex: koruf .
vertex of a parabola: koruf parabol c. vertex of a polygon: koruf polug nou. vertex of a polyhedron: koruf polu drou.
vertical: katak rufoc.
vertical asymptote: katak rufh as mptwth.
via: m sw, di m sou. vibrating: pall menoc, dono menoc, talanto menoc. vibrating membrane: pall menh membr nh.
vibrating spring: pall meno elat rio. vibrating string: pall menh qord .
vibration: tal ntwsh, d nhsh, p lwsh (optik ), k mansh.
forced vibration: exanagkasm nh tal ntwsh (sun. forced oscillation). longitudinal vibration: diam khc tal ntwsh. mode of vibration: tr poc tal ntwshc. normal modes of vibration: kanoniko tr poi tal ntwshc. plane of vibration: ep pedo pol sewc (optik ). transverse vibration: egk rsia tal ntwsh.
vicenary: eikosadik c. vicinity: geitoni . vice versa: kai ant strofa (lat.). videlicet: dhlad ( viz., lat.). view: yh. isometric view: isometrik yh. oblique view: pl gia yh.
vigesimal: eikosadik c.
vigesimal system: eikosadik s sthma.
violate: parabi zw. violation: parab ash. virtual: eikonik c, kat' ous a apot lesma, dunat c, fantastik c. virtual displacement: dunat metat pish. virtual reality: eikonik pragmatik thta. virtual work: dunat rgo. principle of virtual work: arq tou dunato rgou.
viscoelastic: ixwdoelastik c.
viscoelastic ow: ixwdoelastik ro . viscoelastic uid: ixwdoelastik reust . viscoelastic model: ixwdoelastik mont lo.
viscoelasticity: ixwdoelastik thta.
linear viscoelasticity: grammik ixwdoelastik thta.
viscometric: ixwdometrik c.
viscometric ow: ixwdometrik ro .
viscoplastic: ixwdoplastik c.
viscoplastic ow: ixwdoplastik ro . viscoplastic uid: ixwdoplastik reust .
viscosity: ix dec.
arti cial viscosity: teqnht ix dec. dilatational viscosity: diastaltik ix dec. eddy viscosity: ix dec d nhc. extensional viscosity: ektatik ix dec. shear viscosity: diatmhtik ix dec.
viscous: ix dhc.
viscous ow: ix dhc ro . viscous uid: ix dec reust .
visibility: orat thta, saf neia. visible: orat c.
visible horizon: orat c or zontac.
vision: rash, en rash. viz.: dhlad (videlicet, lat.). volatile: pthtik c. volatility: pthtik thta. volt: bolt.
electron volt: hlektronik bolt.
volume: gkoc, tou gkou, qwrik c.
volume element: stoiqei dhc gkoc. volume integral: qwrik tripl olokl rwma, olokl rwma gkou. volume of revolution: gkoc ek peristrof c. control volume: gkoc el gqou. nite volume: peperasm noc gkoc. nite volume method: m jodoc peperasm nwn gkwn el gqou. mixed volume: mikt c gkoc. speci c volume: eidik c gkoc.
volumetric: ogkometrik c. vortex (pl. vortices): str biloc, d nh. vortical: strobil dhc, strobil c. vortices: bl. vortex. vorticity: strobil dec, strobil thta, strobilism c (sun. chirality).
W 375
wcg (weakly-compactly generated): asjen c-sumpag c parag menoc (gia s nola). wlog (without loss of generality): qwr c ap leia ( bl bh) thc genik thtac. wrt (with respect to): wc proc, en sq sei proc, se sq sh me. wait: anam nw. waiting: anamon . waiting time: qr noc anamon c.
Wallis, (-)
Wallis' product: gin meno tou Wallis.
walk: per patoc, bhmatism c.
random walk: tuqa oc per patoc bhmatism c.
Warring, E. (1734-1798) wave: k ma, kumatik c.
wave equation: kumatik ex swsh, ex swsh k matoc. wave function: kumatosun rthsh kumatik sun rthsh. wave mechanics: kumatomhqanik . wave number: kumatarijm c. wave operator: kumatik c telest c. wave propagation: di dosh k matoc. acoustical wave: akoustik hqhtik k ma. carrier wave: f ron k ma. electromagnetic wave: hlektromagnhtik k ma. gravitational wave: barutik k ma. half recti ed sine wave function: hmianorjwm nh hmitonoeid c kumatosun rthsh. helical wave: elikoeid c k ma. long waves: makr k mata. one-way wave: monokateujuntik k ma. permanent wave: m nimo k ma. plane wave: ep pedo k ma. progressive wave: diadid meno k ma. radio-frequency waves: radiok mata. refracted wave: diajl meno k ma. saw tooth wave function: prionoeid c kumatosun rthsh. shallow wave: rhq k ma. short waves: braq a k mata. sine wave function: hmitonoeid c kumatosun rthsh. solitary wave: mon rec k ma. sound wave: akoustik hqhtik k ma. spherical wave: sfairik k ma. spiral wave: speiroeid c k ma. square wave: tetragwnik k ma. square wave function: tetragwnik kumatosun rthsh. standing wave: st simo k ma. stationary wave: st simo k ma. Stokesian wave: k ma Stokes. surface wave: epifaneiak k ma. thermal wave: jermik k ma. 376
transverse wave: egk rsio k ma. traveling wave: ode on k ma. triangular wave: trigwnik k ma. triangular wave function: trigwnik kumatosun rthsh.
waveform: kumatomorf . wavefront: m twpo k matoc. waveguide: kumatodhg c. wavelength: m koc k matoc. wavelet: . wavy: kumatoeid c, kumat dhc. way: dr moc, tr poc.
one-way: miac kate junshc, monokateujuntik c, mon dromoc. Bl. one-way. two-way: d o kateuj nsewn, amf dromoc. Bl. two-way.
weak: asjen c, ad natoc.
weak convergence: asjen c s gklish. weak coupling: asjen c s zeuxh. weak form: asjen c morf . weak law: asjen c n moc. weak law of large numbers: asjen c n moc twn meg lwn arijm n. weak match: asjen c sunarmog , asjen c ta riasma. weak precedence grammar: grammatik asjen n proteraiot twn. weak problem: asjen c pr blhma. weak solvability: asjen c epilusim thta. weak topology: asjen c topolog a.
weak*: asjen c*.
weak* convergence: asjen c* s gklish.
weaken: exasjen zw. weakly: asjen c.
weakly-compactly generated (wcg): asjen c-sumpag c parag menoc (gia s nola). weakly coupled problems: asjen c suzeugm na probl mata. weakly representable set: asjen c perigr yimo s nolo (sun. numerated set).
web: ist c, pl gma. Weber, (-)
Weber's function: sun rthsh tou Weber.
wedge: sf na, sfhnoeid c, aiqm , to s mbolo ^.
wedge product: exwterik gin meno (exterior product) sfhnoeid c gin meno (ap to s mbolo ^). Qrhsimopoie tai se exwterik c lgebrec (exterior algebras). wedge-shaped: sfhnoeid c, aiqmhr c. wedge-shaped domain: sfhnoeid c aiqmhr qwr o. wedge-shaped region: sfhnoeid c aiqmhr c t poc, sfhnoeid c aiqmhr qwr o. 377
wedge sum: sfhnoeid c jroisma (Topol.).
Weierstrass, (-).
Weierstrass M test: krit rio tou Weierstrass. Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem: je rhma twn Bolzano-Weierstrass.
weighing: epib runsh. weight: b roc.
weight function: sun rthsh b rouc. Gauss weights: suntelest c b rouc Gauss, b rh Gauss. speci c weight: eidik b roc.
weighted: stajmism noc.
weighted average: stajmik c m soc. Galerkin weighted residuals: stajmism na up loipa Galerkin.
weighting: st jmish.
weighting factor: par gontac st jmishc, par gontac b rouc.
Weingarten equations: exis seic tou Weingarten. well: kal c.
well conditioned: kal c kat stashc. well de ned: kal c orism noc. well-ordered set: kal c diatetagm no s nolo. well ordering principle: arq thc kal c di taxhc. well posed problem: kal c topojethm no pr blhma. well-posedness: to kal c topojethm no (probl matoc). well-solvable problem: kal c epil simo pr blhma.
wheel: troq c.
spur wheel: odontwt c troq c.
white: leuk c.
white noise: leuk c j ruboc.
whitening: le kansh. wide: eur c.
wide angle: eure a gwn a. wide sense: eure a nnoia.
width: pl toc, e roc, noigma.
angular width: gwniak noigma.
wind: nemoc.
wind-driven circulation: anemogen c kuklofor a. 378
wing: pt ruga. witch: m gissa.
witch of Agnessi: m gissa tou Agnessi.
with: me. withdrawal: apoq rhsh, ap sursh. without: qwr c.
without loss of generality (wlog): qwr c ap leia ( bl bh) thc genik thtac.
word: l xh.
word problem: pr blhma l xhc.
work: rgo.
principle of virtual work: arq tou dunato rgou. virtual work: dunat rgo.
working: leitourgik c.
working hypothesis: up jesh ergas ac. working mean: leitourgik c m soc.
write: gr fw, eggr fw.
write statement: entol eggraf c (plhroforik ).
writing: graf , eggraf . Wronskian: tou Wronski.
Wronskian: or zousa tou Wronski.
X x-axis: xonac twn .
Y 379
yd: u rda (yard). yr. (pl. yrs.): toc (year). y-axis: xonac twn . yard: u rda. year: toc. yield: par gw, upoqwr .
yield stress: t sh ro c diarro c.
Z z-axis: xonac twn z. z-chart: z-q rthc. z-test: legqoc z. z-transformation: metasqhmatism c z . zero: mhd n, r za (ex swshc).
zero-dimensional: mhdenodi statoc, mhdenik c di stashc. zero function: mhdenik sun rthsh. zero ideal: mhdenik ide dec. zero matrix: mhdenik c p nakac. zero mapping: mhdenik apeik nish metasqhmatism c (transformation). zero measure: mhdenik m tro. zero morphism: mhdenik c morfism c. zero object: mhdenik antike meno. zero of a polynomial: r za poluwn mou. zero sum: mhdenik jroisma. zero sum game: paiqn di mhdeniko ajro smatoc. zero transformation: mhdenik c metasqhmatism c apeik nish (mapping). zero vector: mhdenik di nusma. absolute zero: ap luto mhd n. distinct zeros: diakekrim nec r zec. extremal zeros: r zec akrot twn. simple zero: apl r za.
zeroth: mhdenik c.
zeroth order approximation: pros ggish mhdenik c t xhc.
zeta: z ta.
zeta distribution: katanom z ta. zeta function: sun rthsh z ta. 380
zodiac: zwdiak c. zonal: zwnik c, kat z nec.
zonal polynomial: polu numo kat z nec, zwnik polu numo. zonal sampling: deigmatolhy a kat z nec.
zone: z nh.
zone of indi erence: z nh isoprot mhshc. zone of preference: z nh prot mhshc. equiaxed zone: isoaxonik z nh.