Berry farmer says demand for australian grown frozen berries is mounting, begins supplying frozen ma

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Berry farmer says demand for Australian-grown frozen berries is mo…ng frozen market - ABC Rural (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

3/08/2015 2:55 pm

Berry farmer says demand for Australian-grown frozen berries is mounting, begins supplying frozen market ABC Rural By Marty McCarthy Tweet



Posted Tue 17 Mar 2015, 9:12am

PHOTO: More Australian berry producers are opting to supply the frozen market (Marty McCarthy)

A berry grower with farms in Queensland and Victoria says Australian consumers are prepared to pay more for frozen berries grown locally, rather than imports.

MAP: Maroochydore 4558

The frozen berry market in Australia is currently dominated by South American and Chinese imports, mainly because they are cheaper. However, another reason is that Australian farmers only grow enough berries for the domestic fresh market, with little left over for the frozen one. Grower Matt Gallace said the consumer anger in response to the Hepatitis A scandal from imported berries meant the time was right to launch a line of frozen berries using Australian product. "We have been seeing that consumer trend towards more localised product and more transparency. That's been going on for quite some time," he said However, Mr Gallace said it was impossible for his frozen berries, grown in Australia to compete on price against imports. "We're not going to be priced comparatively. Our fruit will be at a premium, probably a couple of bucks per pack," he said.



AUDIO: Berry grower Matt Gallace says the consumer

anger in response to the Hepatitis A scandal means the time is right to launch a line of frozen berries using Australian product (ABC Rural)

"We're not under any illusions that we can compete on a price basis."

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Berry farmer says demand for australian grown frozen berries is mounting, begins supplying frozen ma by rebello wines - Issuu