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Rebel Magazine
contact@wearerebels.com advertise@wearerebels.com submissions@wearerebels.com Rebel strives to bring a collection of contemporary music, art, fashion, and design to our readers. We defy societal norms to discover and bring to view the truest and most pure culture. We rebel against clichéd photography and bring you unique images of undiscovered beauty. We rebel against the mundane and the matchy-matchy to present you with, not simply clothes, but full-body expression. We rebel against the pop song to support the artistic dreams of groundbreaking musicians. We don’t settle for uninspired design, opting for engaging and exciting layouts. We at Rebel are inspired by all of these artists, and would like to share them with you! We want to bring to you the inspiration to harness the creativity inherent within yourself, so that you can be a rebel. Rebel is based Southern California, and will sponsor and host art shows, concerts, or any sort of art presented in a public medium.