2 minute read
Alfira Peace The Divine Pathway
The Divine Pathway Returning to our Divine Origins
We all have an original wound. The original wound is the first moment of disconnection from our Divine source, the beginning of separation consciousness. All wounds stem from this moment and are a correlation of our ancestral and soul’s life times living in separation consciousness. At the core of this wound is a deeply entrenched core belief, ‘I am unlovable, I am unworthy.’ With this knowledge we can begin to understand what the pathway Home must entail, that is, to restore our Divine Connection to our Divine Source to reconnect to our Holy Original Self. So the pathway home is through our wounding. Thus, our wounds become a holy place. As one of my favourite authors John O’ Donohue put it, ‘No Wound is ever Silent’ No matter how we have dressed our appearance in the world, our wounds continue to call out to us. When I first experienced a heart ripping feeling of abandonment, often triggered in my relationship, the emotional pain of this was excruciating to bear. It often seemed out of proportion to the experience I was having in that moment. My despair pushed me to journey inward to feel and meet the pain. The key part of this process was to open my own heart to myself, as the heart can bear it all, not the mind, but the heart. All the pain and all the devastation that is in there, there is room in the heart for it all. This built a foundation of Self Love and from this foundation opened a doorway to Divine Love.
by Alfira Peace
Through this doorway the tender light of the Divine flowed in soothing the wound and finally I began to experience an identity shift, to believing the deepest Divine Truth about who I am and stop believing the story of unworthiness and unlovability. I felt goodness and beauty inside of me. The Divine knows how to soothe the soreness of our wounds setting us free to understand how our hurt came to be. I began the journey of what I called crossing over. I began living the experience of being loved without measure and beyond reason, of being Beloved of God. I began to remember who I am. The God I was meeting was a Universe of Love, of tenderness and kindness, of total embrace and unconditional acceptance, and within this I would cocoon and soothe the original wound of my Soul and my ancestral line. Every hurt, every trauma, every reaction became a revelation. Although initially painful, devastating, and shameful, I had found solid ground in my inner sanctuary in which to transform this. I woke up to and remembered how Loved I am, how Beloved I am, and that I am LOVE itself. Mantra: I am Loved without Measure and Beyond Reason. I am Beloved of God. The contemplation of this mantra daily can assist in Healing the places where we hold the pain of separation consciousness.