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Journaling my way
Each issue Kathy will share the many ways we can use journaling for our daily self care practice. Kathy Shanks is the author and creator of the Uplevel your Life Journal.
Habit Stacking for REAL Habit Change!
It’s December! Firstly, I can’t believe that 2020 is almost over. It’s certainly been a memorable year! This is the time of the year where we tend to throw our habits out the window… we eat a little more, we drink a little more, and we exercise a little less. Then comes January. And we think ‘this year it’ll be different.’ This year I’m going to get fit, get healthy, make loads of money and find my soul mate. But… you’re still the same person. You haven’t done anything to make any changes. Does saying ‘I’m going to be better’ make anything actually happen? You may have a ‘dream’ version of YOU… but how do you get the ‘actual’ you to become this changed version?? I like to do something called Habit Stacking. I first heard this term when I was reading James Clear’s book Atomic Habits (Great read! I highly recommend it!). “When it comes to building new habits, you can use the connectedness of behaviour to your advantage. One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behaviour on top. This is called habit stacking.” For example, when most of us prepare for the day, we have some habits already stacked. I always brush my hair, brush my teeth and put deodorant on at the same time. Instead of trying to make one new habit and remember it – you could pair it with a habit you already have. For example, › In your first glass of water for the day, add a squeeze of lemon juice to it. › When you get home from work, change into my workout gear. › As you moisturise your face, think of 3 things that you’re grateful for. The reason this works so well is that your current habit is already embedded in your routine. If you add a new habit to an existing habit, you’ll have more success. I use my Uplevel Your Life Journal to create new habits, remind me of habits I’ve been forgetting and improving (uplevelling) my existing habits. Each week I set a habit for mind, body, soul, relationships and life purpose, and I remind myself daily. As a perfect example of habit stacking, recentIy was forgetting to write in my journal as it wasn’t fitting into my morning the way it used to. So I created a new space in my house where I could have some ‘me’ time, and after I dropped my daughter at school, I would use this space to write in my journal. Beware though – when your routine changes it’s easy to forget… I need to create a new habit during the school holidays. Happy journaling, Kathy
When the Moon is in new phase, the Sun and Moon are travelling together. This aspect creates a cause and effect, event, or release of feelings. For those of us In Australia, this will occur under the horizon, making it subjective in nature. Planetary energies and codes are neutral; however, they do vibrate with an agenda. The sign the luminaries are in will dictate how we do these voices. The chart for this phase is focused on our worth, value, foundations, how we make money, and feel about self. Anything you have not dealt with in these areas will come up for review. Your beliefs dictate how you feel (moon) about self. In Sagittarius it is all about looking at those beliefs and how they make you feel. How well you express these feelings (sun/Mercury) and are these expressions coming from outdated ways of thinking (conjunct south node). The south node is travelling with the Luminaries and Mercury; therefore, the frequencies will present as more powerful.
How does your self-talk affect you? How do you express this. Do you attempt to do everything on your own? Now is the time to collaborate as Earth and the North node in Gemini oppose the stellium in Sagittarius. Mars in Aries is in trine aspect to Mercury @ 20 degrees. This energy will assist in negotiations. Your ability to think and act swiftly is strong. If you have been contemplating study, this is a great time as your focus and ability to learn is heightened, unless you have afflicting voices in your personal blueprint. Writing, is also highlighted here, others may not always agree with what you are saying however this energy will bring a degree of respect with it. Saturn moves into Aquarius on the 18th. FULL MOON IN CANCER @8 Degrees 30 DEC 2020 | 1.28PM AEST
The Moon is in full phase and opposing the Sun. This can cause our beliefs and feelings to be in conflict. It is not uncommon to feel that others are the source of the issue as an opposition shows where we project or disown what lies within. This aspect brings the new moon issues to light as we learn more about how we think, speak and how this affects others. As the moon is subjective and in a water sign, we may find our beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves, are the reason behind our conflict with others. This is the role of a Full Moon, to bring light to the unseen. There may be an urge to control situations in resistance to change. It is imperative that we be open to others views and work toward lovingly guiding those who are afraid. As the Moon moves through Cancer it will aspect Vulcan, for
higher learning and focus in a nurturing and self-responsible way. Mercury to assist with relearning - to express emotions functionally and responsibly. Pluto to burn out anything that prevent new ways of thinking. Capricorn is all about responsibility and building firm foundations. Cancer wants to feel safe and needed. Find the balance between the two within. Uranus is travelling through the 1st house. Has your world taken a sudden, unexpected turn? This aspect is all about you, your world, and relationships. Conjunct Lilith may bring up hidden rage around the changes you feel you didn’t see coming. The opposition to the part of Fortuna suggests that those who go with the flow and own their emotions, accept the change, can reap the rewards in their everyday life.
The Moon stays in new and full phase for 3.5 days and a sign for 2.5 days. The Luminaries are travelling with Pluto in the 8th house of joint resources. Any underlying emotional issues with others will play out now. You may attract people to play power at you or feel possessive over property or money that is jointly owned. On a functional level, this is the time for internal empowerment and collaboration. This means that you must balance the masculine and feminine side of self to unlock your inner power. How do you achieve this? Dig deeper than you have before. Look at the hidden aspects developed in childhood that you learned from those around you, especially your parents and transmute any behaviours still running in your subconscious that are manipulative, destructive, or emotionally disempowering. Saturn and Jupiter are bridging planets and are travelling together in Aquarius. When this duo come together, they are supporting a balance between a “lack of boundaries” and to many “restrictions”. In Aquarius, they are emitting frequencies to help you reform and change those Capricorn voices that were fearful. Mercury and Pallas Athena are also conjunct the bridging planets in the 9th. Use this energy to think of new ideas and allow the flow of Universal knowledge to enter your field. Act, on this new information over the next few days, as the Moon crosses over their degree while in its new phase. Aquarius rules the electrical nervous system. If you find yourself having anxiety, afraid of closeness or outspoken, look at where you can balance these energies to compliment each other. Think before you speak, take responsibility for your unconscious drives, adjust your personality, allow new innovative ideas to integrate.
Here the focus is on how we shine and our emotional connections. The line up this month is buzzing with electrical energy, new insights, innovation, new technology and freedom within relationships. With all this futuristic vision taking place, what on earth could get in the way? Our early family condition, feelings of abandonment resurfacing, rage around not feeling worthy or safe, just to name a few.
This is the 4th house planets tipping everything upside down to empty out the bottom of the barrel to ensure we are building a new us on fresh soil and not compiling the new on top of rusty foundations. This is a hard aspect from Taurus to Aquarius, so its fixed, unwilling to bend. These aspects are in a T-square to the full moon in Leo in the 7th. There may be some tantrums if emotions are not kept intact. This can also play out as someone outside of you stopping you from expressing your individuality, however it is always about us and the buck must stop there. On a positive note, having creative play with a partner will enhance your personal experience, freeing you up to expand your ideas out into the world. This supports you in playing your part in the collective transformational process. Remember each person that raises their awareness, impacts all living things in a positive way. Pluto, Venus, Saturn and Vulcan are moving through the 12th house of the subconscious and hidden. We are not out of the woods yet, there is still more inner work to be done around our power, how we relate to others and love consciously or unconsciously. Watch for power play, intensity, and fear of abandonment. Needing Intense experiences can overthrow pleasant ones. To find out how this affects your personal chart contact Deb - contact details in the directory.