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Michelle Lightworker

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Pop Up Psychics

Pop Up Psychics

Part 2

Get to know the Archangels


by Michelle Lightworker

I will give you a general overview of three Archangels in how they came to me and others.

However, remember that your own personal relationship with the Archangels is what really impacts and creates change in your life. Make a personal connection with them. Just imagine your own personal guidance counsellors assisting you with every little detail. It’s enough to make you feel like a king or queen. We all deserve it! The Archangels told me that they would provide some extra guidance channelled through me in the following descriptions. These are in italics. The information came through referring to a specific subject they wished to communicate to me.

Archangel Uriel

Like one of my students so eloquently put it “when he stepped in it was like a wham, I bolted upright”. Uriel is the Archangel of divine thought. He is highly connected to our Claircognisence, when we just ‘know’ and boy it comes quickly. When I am channelling I feel myself very open in my Claircognisence and I feel that Uriel helps that process. He is as quick as lightening and is even thought to affect storms and weather changes. Electrifying! Regarding the Weather: Archangel Uriel says: “I don’t so much as try to change weather to suit people as I am connected to the electrical vibrations and patterns of the weather. I am more accessible to people during those times usually because I am more in their consciousness. Especially just before the storm. When it is just about to break. There is a heightened sense of electricity in the air. It becomes conscious to people, what is happing around them, more easily. However, this build-up of energy, represented by the proceeding storm is readily available to you at any time. This heightened feeling accompanies Claircognisence that is on track. You don’t feel dead when you are in your Claircognisence. It definitely doesn’t separate you from your body. It heats you up. You burn up because you are connecting with a hot energy. You sweat. You feel energized.”

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron symbolizes the masculine and directive father energy for children. Help them focus like a laser beam. Helps children understand their Spirituality. Metatron helps with Children’s issues, indigo, crystal and rainbow children, ADD and ADHD. As adults, he helps us with record keeping and organization. He is said to be involved in the Akashic Records. When Metatron appears to me, I see violet purple and green colours in stripes, moving. It is not just stagnant two-tone light. It is moving. Once he appeared to me regarding the writing of a Training Manual and his colours of purple and green gathered in the centre one after the other as if shooting down a laser beam in my mind’s eye. He told me that he would help me to be like a laser beam in writing the Training Manual. That

it would just come. And then it certainly did. So, he helps us to focus and be orderly with writing. On 12 December 2006 Archangel Metatron was streaming through very strongly in raising the vibration of the planet and our Spiritualizing our earthly existence. I was asked to be involved on a telephone conferencing call to share in this vibration. However, I felt very strongly to channel Archangel Metatron and this is what he said: “I am here now resonating at a high earthly frequency so that you can access information and lift yourselves up to this vibration. You are the charges that have been called forth to focus intently on caring for the children who are the Spiritual masters of this planet. They are here to help the other earthly humans to raise their vibration. You are the teachers of the teachers. Some of them are awoken and some are yet to awake. However, they are in fact here. Your job is to turn up and be available. Ready yourself and prepare yourself as much as possible at this time. Be aware of where, who and why you are being called. Learn as much as you can now. Some of these children are in adult bodies now. They are ready to be taught. Most are young and kindling. However, they are masters of mind and Spirit. Their Spiritual faculties are in fact in slumber and this can be deceiving to the unenlightened ones who are their charges. Focus on enlightening yourselves. You have a special job at this time. Pray to me for guidance in recognizing these world peace bringers. I will aid you in recognizing them and Guide you in helping them. That is my main message at this time. Tune into me to raise your vibration on to the level that these children vibrate on.” A week later I bumped into the very person who had told me about this telephone conferencing call. Before I had a chance to tell her the message I had gotten, she told me that her daughter had started behaving psychically after the phone call. When her daughter was younger, she was quite psychic and could see Angels. She told me that as soon as the phone call was over, her daughter started seeing Angels again. I got goose bumps all over me. I told her about Archangel Metatron’s message about these children. She said that perhaps because her vibration had lifted, it had encouraged her daughter’s faculties to awaken. We celebrated in the joy together of knowing that we are indeed being guided to assist in this amazing process. If you are drawn to children, mothering, teaching or counselling them, maybe you are too! We can all raise our vibration to help these young wise one’s step into their Spiritual power.

Archangel Raziel

Raziel helps us with understanding esoteric information and the principles of divine magic. He helps us to integrate them into our lives. He increases our psychic abilities and gives us insight into the subject at hand. He knows the art of Spiritualizing matter. He is our little alchemist friend! So, he can also help with manifestation, as we change our vibration, we attract more of what we want to us. Regarding Divine Magic: Archangel Raziel says: “You’re the manifestation of the Source. You are complete of yourself. That which you see as incomplete is not a truth. It is the lie that you have bought into. We can understand the lie to transform our thinking back to the truth. That is why we say that” nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists, here in lies the peace of God”. We are working through you and other Lightworkers for the salvation of the planet. Not as in saving the plant. It is not doomed. When we say salvation, we mean it is being resurrected to the vibration that it is born from. It has descended to where it is because it is steeped in illusion. The more you don’t buy into the illusion, the more we will ascend.” Regarding Polarities: Archangel Raziel says: “When you think about everything here having its polar opposite in the Spirit world what we mean is that we offer the solution in the Spirit world to the illusion that you are buying into on this side of the view. When you buy into the truth, then across the veil we have the illusion absorbed back into the All. This is the solution and the key to the healing and returning to wholeness.”

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