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Our Wellness Community

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Pop Up Psychics


Michele Scott is an Alchemist Healer and the creator of Our Wellness Community (OWC), which is successfully uniting seekers, students, and holistic practitioners everywhere. Michele is passionate about community, connecting people, and wellness tools & therapies and is giving holistic practitioners a voice on Casey Radio 97.7FM via Wellness Conversations Talk Show, also a Podcast on Spotify & a webcast show on Spiritual Events Directory. With decades of experience as a Numerologist under her belt, Michele helps clients figure out the answers to the same questions she asked herself as a teenager. “Who am I?” “What is my purpose?” “Why am I here?” Q Is it important to have a purpose in life?


Psychology Today says that, “a growing body of research has found that the feeling that one’s life has meaning is associated with a host of positive health outcomes. And now a new study of older adults published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences goes even further by revealing that the sense that one is living a worthwhile life appears to be positively linked to just about every aspect of our lives, not just health.” The science of Numerology, based on your full name at birth and your birth date details, is a clear pathway to discovering your purpose and your WHY in this lifetime.

Q What are the benefits of selfunderstanding?

The quest to know thyself is a journey many of us are compelled to take in life, an inner yearning and curiosity to become better acquainted with “who am I?”

This curiosity sparked the courage in me to break out of my comfort zone in Melbourne and led to an amazing sojourn overseas, working in London and back packing through Europe, India, and Nepal. This break away from the norm, no one close to me at the time had taken this leap of faith, opened me up to a part of myself I didn’t know existed and I don’t think I would have unsheathed her if I had remained where I was.

Getting to know myself and growing in selfunderstanding was a grounding experience for me. Suddenly, I wasn’t at the mercy of my experiences anymore. Instead of always reacting to external circumstances, I was interacting with them and utilizing these opportunities to grow stronger in my strengths, overcome challenges, and further develop my weaknesses. Q What do you mean when you talk about “becoming your own best friend?”

Over the course of many years in the self help and spiritual development field, having coached, mentored, and taught many women on the way, it dawned on me that the one ingredient I constantly saw missing in my clients’ pursuit of success, was confidence. They lacked belief, faith, and trust in themselves.

We often treat our BFFs better than we treat ourselves! I became passionate then about firstly becoming my own best friend, and then teaching my clients how to do the same for themselves. When you are your own best friend you have someone by your side for the rest of your life. Someone who uplifts you on the inside, not beats you down through negative self talk, and she encourages you by prompting your strengths, rather than discouraging you by pointing out your flaws. Becoming your own best friend is an easy move away from “I am not enough” and learning how to love yourself unconditionally. Your Numerology profile is a template that outlines the personality and the path, providing the guidance you need to understand both yourself and the cycles in your life. This understanding leads to a better relationship with who you are and becomes the first step towards becoming your own best friend.

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Our Wellness Community

Our Wellness Community Our Wellness Community

Our Wellness Community (OWC), before Covid-19, set a focus in 2020 to bring people together and bring out the best in them. This became every more important during the isolation period of this pandemic, and we believe we achieved this in many ways in our sacred space through collaboration and teamwork. Together everyone achieves more! Remember in primary school when you participated in ‘show & tell’, talking about something interesting or something you found special with your classmates. Well, that is exactly what we have brought to life in OWC. Our terrific platform of gifted & experienced Healers, Teachers, & Practitioners have created LIVE shows in our fast-growing holistic community to inform, inspire, and educate our members. Tune in at the following times to hear the wisdom and guidance of our Wellness Collaborators. MONDAY 10.30am Soul Seekerz HUB with Michele & Margie 6.15pm Astro Angels with Sondre & Bernie 7.30pm Weekly Wisdom Chakra Angel Oracle TUESDAY 10.00am Small Business Gems with Gigi, Website Extraordinaire 6.30pm Activate Your Courage with Kay Hamilton 8.00pm Emotion Matrix with Stephanie Kenna WEDNESDAY 9.30am Transform Time Unique Phoenix 7.00pm Self Care With Sandra, Balanced & Scented 8.00pm Psychic Development Optimystic Xzavia THURSDAY 12pm Heal with Gwenda 6.30pm Creative Corner with Pip Coleman 7.30pm Soul Train with Pathways to Peace FRIDAY 12.30pm All Things Love & Relationships with Kiara Jade Ladies, our unique collaborator platform unites seekers and students with Teachers & Healers, and together we are helping each other rise. Our unique collaborator platform seeks to unite & help each other rise. If you resonate with our vision book a zoom call with Michele to learn how to become a subscribed wellness collaborator.”

WEB ourwellnesscommunity.com.au/work-with-us/ FB fb.com/groups/owcvipgroup OWC Market Place A one stop shop for spiritual wellness products, services, & events. Our virtual marketplace space on Facebook is a dedicated landscape for women in spiritual wellness business to promote, spruik, and share with us their business, projects, and spiritual wellness products & services that drive and motivate them. We love supporting and empowering womenin-business! These dedicated ladies have a vision to live a purposeful life and help effect positive changes in the world, and as they pave their way in holistic wellness we are thrilled to walk alongside them building solid foundations that support and promote them. OWC believes that together everyone achieves more. As we enter the Christmas period, we invite you to visit our virtual marketplace for gifts that make a difference in the lives of others, created from the heart of business’s making a difference in the world. › Oracle Readings & Healings › Women’s Circles & Retreats › Herbal Teas, Essential Oils, Spiritual Jewelry,

Ornaments, etc. FB fb.com/groups/owcmarketplace Wellness Conversations Talk Show Wellness Conversations is a holistic & spiritual wellness broadcast that airs every Tuesday 3-4pm on Casey Radio 97.7FM. We love stories, and we believe there’s so much inspiration and wellness growth we can all glean from hearing about the journey of others. It’s presented by Michele Scott Numerologist, and each week we are joined by awakened women in holistic & spiritual wellness business stepping up for themselves, speaking their truth, and standing by what they believe in. For all of them it began with one step and led to a life that was improved, purposeful, and free. Join our conversation with these brave and beautiful women if you too are interested in exploring genuine alternatives to your holistic health in body, mindset, relationships, and career. Anchor https://anchor.fm/our-wellnesscommunity Spotify https://open.spotify.com/ show/1lUg7amgY28JcpOrsfFDEV

Sondre Callec

FEMININE POWER & PROSPERITY I believe true prosperity is a combination of service, generosity and value and that aligning these three opens the doors to infinite possibilities.

One of the biggest obstacles I see in female spiritual entrepreneurs, when it comes to prosperity, is their ability to understand and embody their own unique value. It stops them from taking their work out into the world as they consistently fret about:

If their work is good enough and will it make a genuine difference in the lives of the people they are here to serve.

Who will pay them for the unique transformation they offer, so they spend a lot of time working for free and adding to their list of already impressive credentials.

They fret about coming across as a sleezy, pushy salesperson, so they never actually ask people to join them in the transformation they offer.

In my program, The Wealthy Goddess Code - the 7-step system to prosperity, one of the very first steps is to understand your true value. To support this is a unique process, The Ripples of Value. This beautiful process will remove all your nagging self-doubts and concerns, allowing you to take your concepts of service from your head and into your heart.

I have created a VBook especially for you. Just click to download to start you on the path to unshakable clarity and prosperity sondrecallec.com/ripples-ofvalue-video-book/ FB FemininePowerandProsperity JOIN MY COMMUNITY fb.com/groups/wealthygoddesscommunity

Bernie Giggins


We all know the normal fight, flight and freeze responses but FAWN is the four-letter trauma response no-one is talking about.

It addresses the frustrating questions of: › why you can’t use your voice, › why you can’t be seen, › can’t stop sacrificing your life for others, no matter the cost to yourself.

Fawn forfeits on your behalf, makes you sacrifice without conscious consent. You are the peacekeeper, who actively creates success for others but ultimately forsake our own success, health and desires. You find yourself on the cursed merry-go-round, questioning when is it ever going to be my turn? From Fawn to Fearless Program unpacks the lies, illusions and the hidden agendas the Fawn has created by learning to master this programming you will be ultimately stepping into your freedom and the life you desire. In this program you will discover your deepest truths that will allow you to step forward into a life where your dreams are realised, your relationships, both business and personal become rich and abundant. You will set free your rebels’ heart to stand authentically, unapologetically and fearlessly into your power. This is where life on your terms begins. Bernie Giggins, is the Creatrix of Fawn to Fearless, Author of HEAL, Inner Child Trauma Release Expert, Soul Freedom Alchemist, Plant Medicine Women, Master Energy Healer, Past-Life Master Practitioner & Pellowah Energy Healer. at: www.innerchildharmonycoaching.com.au/ product/from-fawn-to-fearless-program/ JOIN MY COMMUNITY fb.com/innerchildharmonycoaching

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