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Vicki Haspels My Heart’s Journey
My Heart’s Journey
by Vicki Haspels
Walking a Spiritual path is everything to me. However, before I learned to trust The Way, my life needed to be torn apart, utterly, to reveal my Divine Power to me. We may not have the same stories, but we share the same feelings, and this is the Divine Power that connects our Souls. I have been psychic all my life and awake for 27 years now. I am going to share a little of what I’ve learned along the way with a big thank you to all who have inspired me, especially my clients. #1
Everybody’s belief system is perfect for them—Wiccan, Buddhist, spiritualist,
Christian, satanist etc. Don’t let anyone shame you for your choices. When anyone is vehemently trying to change your mind, then there is a lack of faith within them.
They desperately need you to validate their choice. Stick to what works for you; this is your life.
#2 You do not take on emotional baggage. You are being triggered. Let that sink in. You are being triggered. When you are triggered, you have control; otherwise, you become the eternal victim.
#3 Sometimes, terrible things happen for no apparent reason. Looking for the why (trying to control things) drains energy, understanding the what and how (strengthening your intuition) heals. How you navigate this is personal, refer to #1
#4 When you are stuck in a toxic relationship remember this, the Soul recognises the potential of the Heart, it does not recognise the human condition. We are all born with the potential to be our best selves, and we don’t always achieve that. The Heart never lying, it’s sentient, when you are stuck, look with your human eyes. #5 You will always have your trauma. You can, however, minimise its effect on your life choices. Self Awareness is the way.
#7 Anxiety is your friend. Anxiety is crippling, but there is a purpose behind the various levels you experience. Anxiety = psychic sensitivity. Compassion, Gratitude and Forgiveness are states of being, not doing. As you become these for yourself, they naturally flow to the rest of your life. Start with you.
#8 Discomfort is a good thing. It means your vibration is lifting. Lean into it.
Find a mentor, teacher or guide. Become a mentor, teacher and guide. #10 Your life purpose is to be at peace. How you achieve, it is up to you. There is no right
“path”. Follow your joy. How do I know this, and how can you find your own personalised path?
I listened to my guides. Do some deep soul meditation. Get lost in the Power of Spirit. Let go.
I found teachers that I trusted. Who resonates with your Soul?
I always check in with my Heart. If the wisdom is right, I’ll know.
I Walk My talk.
I strive to be honest, at least with myself. Remember, you are more powerful than you know. Be that Divine Power. With Love, Vicki xx