6 minute read
Tarotscopes - Collective Tarot
October Collective Reading
General The first card “Page of Raphael” heralds a message of great emotional impact. Your intuition and/or psychic gifts are rising to a new level or maybe becoming stronger if you are just starting on your spiritual journey. This month you will receive wonderful intuitive insights, so take some time to sit in a peaceful place to meditate or just be quiet and listen to the thoughts that pop into your head. These will be messages from your Spirit Guides. They have lots to share with you. This card also refers to social invitations, so be prepared to receive a lot more invitations to attend events with friends and families through October. Love The card “Two of Gabriel” is telling you to make bold and ambitious decisions when it comes to your love life whether you are in a new relationship or existing relationship. It is time to spice your love life up to keep the sparks flying. Try or do something different with your partner to keep things interesting. The relationship you are in is a very important one as this month you finally realise that you and partner share the same life goals. If you are not yet in a relationship, be on the lookout this month as a new and important romantic relationship will evolve. Don’t be indecisive if someone asks you out, bite the bullet and go, do not over think the invitation. You need to approach this new relationship by listening to your heart, not your head. Family The card “Ace of Michael” refers to the start of something new for you and your immediate family. The previous months ideas had eluded you, but this month it is like you receive a ‘light bulb’ insight into a recent problem or situation that has affected your family. You have had an idea for some time, but you did not know how to execute it. An opportunity presents, which will allow you to steam forward with your idea. Spend this month putting attention to the details in your idea, to become a plan of action, but remember to keep an eye on the big picture. It might feel like a bumpy start but don’t fear, this is part of the journey. A new phase is coming to you and your family. Enjoy. Work/Career The card “The Sun” is a great card for this month in relation to your work/career. Life is truly wonderful and your work situation is about to take off. Great things are headed your way in regards to your career. Keep your thoughts and words positive, especially if you have been in the job hunt for some time. Believe in yourself and that dream job will soon be yours. If you have a job, then this month is the time for promotion or a change of direction at work that will bring you a new found joy and motivation. You may even receive public recognition or an award for your recent efforts. Health The card “The World” is congratulating you on a wonderful job you have done in trying to improve your health or for getting through a recent health crisis. Whatever was happening in previous months in regards to your health – mental or physical, it is now time to breath and relax, and know that bad period will pass this month. It is now time to focus on further improving your health. If you have been working on improving your health through better eating, less smoking/drugs, or moving more - well done on taking the first steps, because this month you will be rewarded for making small changes. This month is also the time to say thank you to those who have helped you in your recent health journey, as without their support and guidance you would not be where you are now.
November Collective Reading
General The 1st card “Divine Guidance” tells me that for November you are not alone, that there are many amazing people around you from whom you can lean on, gain support and draw strength from. This month calls for you to seek out ‘likeminded’ people who share your values and beliefs. Join a support group or start a new activity to meet new friends. Take a class in spirituality or join an organisation that aims to do good in the world and give back. This month is also the time to be open to ideas and perspectives from others. You never know what they may have to offer to you or what they say may spark new ideas from within. If you find yourself stuck or finding barriers to moving forward, then it is time to think outside the box. Love The card that popped out when I asked a question about love for November was “The Lovers”, how fitting. This card is about following your heart. Depp emotions are going to be felt and experienced as a new romantic relationship enters your life. If you are already in a committed relationship this card resembles a new person entering your life that you can trust and that this new friendship will be life changing for you in a very positive way. This card also means that you may have an important decision that needs to be made this month. This decision needs to be made from your heart and not your head or other people’s influences. Only you can make this choice. Family This card “Seven of Michael” tells me there is a better course of action when it comes to a question or situation you have about your immediate family. Mulling on this by yourself is not going to work, you really need to talk to all those in your family that this might impact or involve. It will be best to have a group discussion as there will be something you are missing or not seeing. Another point view will help make the right decision. There is always more than one option, like a fork in the road. You cannot see the forest for the trees and including your family in a heartfelt and meaningful discussion will help guide you along the right path. Work/Career The card “Knight of Gabriel” is all about taking action in regards to progressing and changing your career. The changes you started back in October continue to rumble into November and this month you need to focus fully. Do not allow others to distract you from your career goal or aspirations. However, you still need to keep a level head and think and work things thoroughly before acting
with speed and certainty. Rely on your instincts and intuition to guide you on what steps you need to take to propel your career forward. This month you will find the self-confidence you have lacked previously, so draw on this energy especially if you are applying for new jobs. When you feel confident on the inside, it will be felt by others. Health The card “Two of Michael” is all about making a choice when it comes to good health, especially your own health. This month you may feel like you have taken a massive step backwards in your health and you are struggling to know what to do next to get yourself back on track. You need to stop overanalysing the situation or ignoring it. Your heart is in conflict with your mind, you have lost the balance of mind, body and soul. This is causing you to feel exhausted and stressed. Quiet your mind through meditation or a simple craft activity. Trust your intuition that you will make the best decision and don’t let outside influences distract you. There are a number of solutions available to you, but you may need to compromise in order to achieve the health outcomes you dream of. Any small step you make this month to improve your health is a good one and by doing this, it will start moving you forward in the right direction.