3 minute read

Bree Stedman Trauma healing without the trauma


Since 2013, the Institute of Women International has been redefining the way in which women heal from trauma, resulting in many women turning their back on traditional approaches.



Because for women, talking about the story, revisiting the past and trying to understand WHY they feel what they feel is actually traumatising them MORE.

With 25% more connectivity between head and heart, women attach emotion to events more often than men – and every single time we talk or think about something, we are strengthening the emotions felt because of that event.

When it comes to addressing past traumas – spending any amount of time reliving that event causes a woman to FEEL MORE, essentially digging a deeper and deeper rut for her to climb out of.

This goes against many methods often seen in the field of Personal Development and Healing, where understanding the ‘source’ of the pain is a key moment to healing. Exploring the past – revisiting it and talking about it – forms the basis of many approaches.

BUT what if the source of trauma runs even deeper than what we assume?!

Epigenetics is explaining the nature of intergenerational inheritance and indicates we inherit up to 14 generations of trauma and experiences. That’s upwards of 280 years of history, all bound up in our cellular memory, charging our current reactions.

For women, this inherited history – FULL of multiple cases of trauma, suppression and inequality (from every culture worldwide) explains why pinpointing a source of pain is a fruitless activity, because we don’t actually know WHERE a response to trauma actually stems from.

So what’s the answer? If we can’t dig up 280 years of history to explain why we are so affected by trauma, what do we do?

And if talking about what we are feeling is causing more pain, do we just STOP and hope it goes away?


We turn our back on the go-to approach and we simplify by working with who we are as females. We stop trying to make sense of why things happened and why we feel what we feel, and instead take it at face value.

When a woman is struggling with an emotional response to events in her life, we work with what she is presently struggling with – the emotions and beliefs that she presents with. No stories are told. No explanations are needed.

And this approach is working. Thousands of women around the world have experienced traumafree, painless healing that delivers guaranteed, longlasting results and it’s redefining the way we look at female empowerment.

Just like an iPhone is different from an Android and requires Apple Apps, women too are different from men and require a female specific approach to healing. And that’s what the Institute of Women International is hell-bent on providing.

Bree Stedman is a Trainer and Spokesperson for Institute of Women International.


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