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Spirit Readings – Suizy Lamont

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Kim Tennant

Kim Tennant


Suizy is a natural-born Psychic blessed with many spiritual modalities. Suizy has a compelling connection with the spirit world, which has evolved through time and further heightened through the course of her life’s journey. Suizy is an experienced Oracle Healing Cards reader; however, her energetic synergy is when using Crystals and Crystal Ball that gives her a unique path to spirit to channel the divine messages and provide the necessary healing.


Q: Do you think my eldest son will go onto year 12 next year or will he choose another path? He has autism. – Tracy Wilkinson

Hi Tracy, your eldest son will be given an opportunity from someone who sees the potential in him, I am hearing he will be taken under his wing so to speak. Your son has got a lot of potential and one choice will lead to another in his career choice. It’s only natural as a Mum that you stress but I am hearing do not worry, he is fully protected and this break will give him a new lease in life. You’re a really good Mum and I am hearing that meditation is needed so you feel more connected with your guides and a Grandmother energy is around you and sends her love.

Q: Will I get the money to finish my new home? – Michelle Cullen

Hi Michelle, yes, yes, yes you will have the money to finish your new home, but I see you putting a plan together as in stages. It is probably a good idea to help clear the unsettled energy and maybe do some smudging too. My guides are saying not to jump ahead and take on to much as it’s doing your head in and is often overwhelming for you. There is another project coming early 2023 which will be quite beneficial for you also as you will feel a lot more settled and grounded by then. I am hearing children laughing and I feel a connection with twins.

Q: I just started a new job and it’s nothing like they said it was. If I leave, will I get a new job soon? – Tania Purton

Hi Tania, I am hearing to leave the job not only have they misled you but it is a toxic environment and doesn’t suit you. You will have a choice between 3 different jobs and remember as you choose your new role to choose the position that jumps out at you. When you sacrifice your own happiness for others it is often a lesson. Let go of the old by spending time in Nature or water and you will be focused and ready for a new adventure; the universe has your back.

Q: I’d like to move house. Do you see us getting a better house easily? – Hazel Pedley

Hi Hazel, yes you will find a house, or should I say the house will find you. Start by putting it out to the universe by packing up and de-cluttering and getting rid of what no longer serves you. Try and keep focused on having enough financially for what you need and write a list on the house you want and the location. This move is a real positive change for you and the move is a happy one. The more organised you are the more smoother everything will be. I feel like it’s going to happen quicker than you think to secure the house you want. Best of luck to you.

Q: Can you see a change in my life? – Tracy Jones

Hi Tracy, I can see lots of changes in your life but the changes start with you. As I write this I am feeling pains in my face and a slight headache like a huge amount of stress that is making me feel overwhelmed. When you trust and allow that you are where you are meant to be, life becomes easier. When we use tools such as regular Chakra work or meditation and smudging in our life, our life becomes more peaceful. As I ask my guides about change for you they are saying that the little man on your mind is making you self doubt and I feel that makes you feel unsettled. A new career or possible change is on the horizon. Spend time in nature with the fairies.

Q: I need to know if my children and I will be safe due to my ex who is a narcissist and making our life very hard. – Rina Lee

Hi Rina, I feel you all will be safe and see a person who has a whole lot of baggage that is about to meet his match. It won’t be to long that he moves on and will back off. At least you will be free and can focus on some self-healing and time with your little family. Am sending you healing too lovely so you can break free and focus on your own healing. Start by writing baby steps one day at a time, and before you know it you will have written your own book. This book will help many others including your own little family. It’s time to honour yourself and focus on your purpose and let your purpose serve you. 2022 is a time of trusting your inner guidance, start by doing some chakra meditations.

Q: Will I ever find true love and happiness? – Carley Williams

Hi Carley, yes you will find true love but don’t settle for second best. The current situation you find yourself in is only temporary. Write out a list of what you want in a relationship. I feel by March to mid-2022 you will be settled in a relationship and life is less challenging and you will be happy. I am also feeling that you are needing to do some aura cleanse and body work as in salt soaks, gut health and/or masks as a way of removing stagnant energy and toxins from the body. Life gets busy and we often spend less time working on ourselves. I feel a pulling to another area and or possible move of State temporarily. Remember to accept where you are right now and look straight ahead through the turmoil and the cloud will shift.

Suizy is an Intuitive Coach, Psychic Medium, Shamanic Healer and Reiki Master. For a heartwarming and healing holistic session, connect with Suizy: http://shamanicmedicine.gettimely.com/ Send your questions to us at rebirth@spiritualeventsdirectory.com and we might feature you in our next edition.

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