7 minute read
Astrology – Sherriden Sloan
Welcome to 2022!
We are in for a relatively gentle year, astrologically speaking. The presence of Jupiter, wading in the waters of Pisces, for the first half of the year makes for a fairly positive year for all Zodiac signs.
In the last half of 2022, patience is the key and I advise all to bear it in mind. It won’t be easy given the limbo in which most have been over the past two pandemic years, but a brighter path will reveal itself… and the wait will be worth it.
If you don’t already know, you are going to be reminded at every turn this year, which relationships are most important to you. You will feel supported and impassioned by the loved ones you choose to be part of your inner circle and this is key in your path to success. New romances are definitely on the cards, with Venus visiting you guys at the start of the year. Don’t let the transformations you will experience scare you – this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
This year will be better! You’ve had a bit of a rough trot these past few years and I’m happy to report that lucky Jupiter is here to ease things up for you guys in 2022. Not to mention Saturn transitioning your 9th house of prosperity. To make sure you take full advantage of the good vibes, you need to stay on top of things, Taurus. Don’t put off what needs to be done and make sure you read all the fine print.
It’s a personal and professional growth year for you, Gemini. Things are going your way and the Universe will be helping you along to achieve some of those goals you’ve been working towards. Keeping a positive outlook will attract and connect you with like-minded individuals. There are some pesky planets around that will try to tempt you to excesses, especially on the money or property-front. Keep at front of mind that balance is key and you’ll find that even the perceived dark clouds have a silver lining for you this year.
While overall, 2022 will bring good times, it’s a bit of a mixed bag for you this year, Cancer. The first half is the time to take advantage of good favour – you will see work promotions or pay rises, your love life will bloom, you’ll meet your goals and encounter lots of positivity. Lay low during the third quarter though, and use this time to reflect or make new plans, don’t believe everything you hear and most importantly, look after your health. The last couple of months of the year will see a return to the good life. Breathe in the love and enjoy the gains.
You can either continue to worry and fuss or you can take advantage of the fortunate Jupiter vibes and discover those wonderful times that are waiting for you, Leo. The road won’t be without bumps and annoying Uranus will definitely try to thwart your progress. Make sure you look after your health in the first half of the year especially. Overall, it’s a great time to experiment and you’ll be lucky in the financial arena. If you take time to plan, the year promises to be good.
This is your year, Virgo! You have it all – money, health, relationships, career, property and personal growth. The two things you need to watch for are rushing in and laziness. If you consider all sides before you leap and you put in an effort, you will find success at every turn. If anything goes astray, it will be around midyear – be cautious – but overall, you can prepare to be inundated with good news, opportunities, miracles and achievements.
Saturn in your 5th house of Aquarius will ensure this year is a progressive and lucky one for you, Libra. However, it will also be a year of testing times. Expect things to be shaken up! These changes might see you having to re-assert yourself or prove yourself but they will ultimately be in your favour. Career and finances feature heavily this year – watch your spending doesn’t get out of control, but prepare for success in your career or studies if you take advantage of the opportunities presented.
Don’t expect to make any great life-goal progress this year, Scorpio. Saturn in Aquarius will thwart you at every turn. Instead, turn inwards. That’s not to say it won’t be a great year for you – trust in the process. Make this year about nourishing your mind and soul. Take time for self-care and understand that an event or situation is only positive or negative according to the way in which you view it. All you need to do is aim for balance, enjoy the small moments and go with the flow.
The first half of the year will definitely be the most successful for you, Sagittarius. There is love in the air; you have a very positive career vibe and a generally supportive atmosphere surrounding you. Having said all of that, it’s going to be a year where you need to work a fraction harder than everyone else to stay at the same level. There will be opportunities available and you can achieve success, but stay on focus. Lean into the support you have from your loved ones and you’ll find your hard work will pay off.
Look forward to a great year, Capricorn. You might start the year feeling a little fragile or in disarray, but it will get better and better on every horizon. It’s time to start fresh and aim your goals high – every aspect of your horoscope is auspicious. The beginning of the year is particularly good for relationships and family. Jupiter is in your 2nd house of finances between April and September so wait until April to move forward in your career goals and note that you may have hold-ups with paperwork or communications after September. You’ll finish the year with ample resources, energy and good times. Enjoy!
The most pressing issue you will encounter this year is financial. The key is to not spend frivolously, especially in the first and last quarter of the year. Even if you are swimming in cash, Aquarius, unless it’s for property or an investment, put it in a safe place and make sure it’s around to see 2023! Pay attention to recurring health issues – Saturn in Aquarius tends to weaken your general health and energy levels. You will have a lot of opportunities to give flight to some long-held dreams and ideas which will make this year a good one for you, but just take everything a bit more slowly than you might usually.
It’s a big year for you, Pisces. Jupiter is in your sign at the beginning and end of the year and with that, comes so many wonderful times and opportunities. You are set to achieve even those things you thought were beyond your reach and you will be blessed with all sorts of lovely, fortunate moments. The positivity you surround yourself with will be reflected in your life, so make sure to stand guard against anyone or anything that you feel is not to your benefit. Your intuition is keen – pay attention to it.