3 minute read
Lunaria Gaia The mental chatter
Have you ever noticed how you can have an argument with yourself? One part of you can want one thing but then another voice in your mind pipes up and has an opposing view. Then out of nowhere, a 3rd or 4th (or even more) voice joins the conversation and you’re left confused, rattled and utterly exhausted. Who do you believe, what voice do you trust?
How is it that we can watch our own minds running a million miles an hour and at times have no way to stop the incessant chatter? These thoughts or voices can be negative, self destructive, harmful and even toxic and abusive. You are not alone in this experience. In fact, dealing with our busy (and often destructive) mind is what leads us to seek healing, an alternative and a way out.
We all know that meditation can help, no doubt about it but usually only when we’re actually IN meditation. What about when life is throwing you curveballs after atom bombs and you’ve not got time to hit your zen pillow?
Here’s what you need to know. The chatter in your mind is not you. Not in the truth of who and what you are.
Stop for a moment now and ponder who (or what) exactly is the other part of you that is arguing? The internal narrative has a good way of convincing you that IT is all that you are but it’s not true. You are everything beyond that voice.
When you are convinced that your thoughts and beliefs are who you are, you are imprisoned by them and the chatter becomes your only reality. There is an awareness that resides beyond the thoughts and when you practise being that awareness, you no longer need to stop the thoughts that are coming at you like rain in a storm but you go beyond them.
They are not who you are, they are an experience that you are witnessing.
Move into the role of observer inside of yourself, that is who you truly are and you will set yourself free from that mental prison. Take a moment to validate and acknowledge the barrage of thoughts coming at you by consciously saying (either out loud or in your head), “ I am the awareness that is experiencing these thoughts, I am not these thoughts.”
Just like on your meditation cushion, come back to remembering that you are not your thoughts, you are the consciousness beyond the thoughts. Don’t let yourself be convinced that your mind is who you are, this is how you set yourself free.
Lunaria Gaia is the International best-selling author of Perfectly Imperfect; your complete guide to loving yourself and loving your body, podcast host, certified life coach and NLP practitioner, speaker and influencer. With over 10k followers across social media platforms and a decade of life-changing work with women, Luna inspires others to see their greatness; to embrace all of who they are and begin to truly love themselves, inside and out. Find her at: www.moreconfidence.com.au