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3 easy Subconscious Mind Exercises you can do
One can use several exercises daily to reinforce their beliefs and ‘strengthen’ their subconscious mind. When you wish to manifest one of your desires, you must convince your subconscious mind that your goal is within reach.
You’ll want to act as though you’ve already received what you desire. Your subconscious mind can’t differentiate fact from fiction and gives you what you feel. So, the key to unlocking the treasures in your subconscious mind will be to feel your dreams as reality. You can do that by engaging in the exercises below.
1. VISUALISATION is a simple technique and used most often by those trying to benefit from the law of attraction. All you’ll need to do is sit in a quiet room, close your eyes and imagine your mind to be a blank screen. Now, picture what you genuinely desire and project your image on your mental screen just like how a movie is projected in a cinema. This is your ‘mental movie’. Make it as vivid as you can, and feel how you’d feel as if what you want is already yours.
2. JOURNALLING is an excellent practice, especially if you’re gratitude journalling. Write down whatever you’re thankful for. This attitude of gratitude will remove negativity from your mind and make you a beacon of positivity, and you’ll attract abundance in your life.
3. AFFIRMATIONS are statements that you say to yourself to sear new thought patterns in your subconscious mind. For example, if you lack confidence, one good affirmation would be – “I believe in my talents and abilities.” By repeating this affirmation several times daily, you’ll start believing it and your subconscious mind will accept that you truly are talented and gifted.