2 minute read

Moving beyond Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Karmic Relationships


My work with Unlock Your Love Blocks for over a decade has given me the opportunity to guide people out of their repeating karmic patterns in love.


have seen thousands of people who are ready to I find the ‘soul mate’ and feel complete in their life again. When a beautiful being comes to me to help them find love, they often believe it is something that they need to change on the outside of their world to make it happen; where will I run into my future lover; what should I be wearing; what will he look like; what nationality will he be?

However, my task is to show my beautiful clients that these sorts of external concerns are pointless when it comes to looking for true love. The reason why so many are finding themselves on their own or questioning their relationship is because we are at a point of time of the Great Awakening. Fruitless, 3D, surface level love and relationships that simply repeat karmic patterns you are ready to evolve through are not going to interest you anymore.

My guides showed me over a decade ago that we are moving into this awakening at full speed. As such, our relationship with ourselves and others will change greatly. No longer as Souls, will we continue to repeat patterns life after life. Many of these patterns are lessons that we have learnt or at the end of learning, and now we are ready to take a giant step forward in our evolution. This means the familiar pattern of the soul mate to learn lessons from is going to be obsolete for my clients.

However, there are energy blocks inside us, stuck within our physical and energy bodies that keep us locked into these karmic patterns. We need to become consciously aware of these blocks so we understand the karmic pattern that is on automatic repeat in our life so we can stop it. And start playing a new track! An upgraded, new vibration of energy that can emanate out past these karmic soul mate relationships.

Within you, you carry things from this lifetime such as your childhood pains and conditioning; the inner critical voices of your parents or guardians. There is the hurt from lovers you have experienced this lifetime that perhaps you just have not yet processed properly to understand what the pattern is. You also carry vows and promises from past lifetimes. Sometimes your Soul still remains in other relationships, hurts and situations from past lifetimes and we must retrieve those pieces of your Soul and bring you back to this time to help you heal and feel whole.

Some of you have tucked away your spiritual gifts to protect and hide this important part of who you are and keep yourself safe; yet this brings nothing but a deep sadness and yearning for something you are not sure what it is you are seeking. Some of you hold curses or entanglements to Souls in your Ancestry that you must discover and release yourself from.

Whatever it is, anyone that is called to the Unlock Your Love Blocks work is ready for a new level of being and a new level of relationship. It all just needs to be unlocked from inside of you.

If you want to discover more about yourself and love, go to my free Lover Archetype survey on my website:

www.rebecca-lee.com You will be given extensive information about who you are and how to give yourself and your love life an energy upgrade.

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