2 minute read
How a Spiritual Awakening Saved My Life
In foetal position on my bed with my hands clasped so tight my knuckles went white and numb, I prayed harder than ever before.
My MS diagnosis threw me into a state of shock. I went to bed fully clothed. I hardly made it to the bed… no dinner, no shower. I had nothing left. I was in an absolute shock. It was difficult to breathe… I knew it wasn’t ‘Fibromyalgia’.
I was broke, sick and defeated. I’d spent all my money on alternative therapies from acupuncture, massage, kinesiology, musculoskeletal therapy, homeopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, counselling, EFT (tapping), chiropractor, even psychotherapy. Nothing worked.
All the diets… Paleo, vegetarian, blood type, no sugar, pescatarian, juice detoxes… I was even doing coffee enemas. I was desperate. My bladder intolerance had been diagnosed as an irritable bladder (eye roll). I was 45 and wearing incontinence pads. I’d complained of blurry vision and hearing loss, food allergies, depression, anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, eczema, memory loss, difficulty speaking, severe insomnia AND chronic fatigue. I was beside myself.
The emotional trauma from my past had won. There was nothing left to do but surrender…
“Show me the way. I surrender this to you. How may I serve. Bring me the people. Help. I know I can heal,” over and over and over. ALL NIGHT. I got up at 3am. I told my daughter when she got up. Tears welled in her eyes. I told her, “No, it will be alright. I will recover. I know I can. Don’t worry.” That’s all it took. The look on her face.
The phone rang. It was Ros. She reminded me about the health event a few days later, at her house. I dragged myself there. I looked ok. I hid my suffering well. Standing room only for some, it was packed. A doctor in the crowd, well known for ‘healing autoimmune naturally’, came to me after the event. We talked for hours. His protocol made sense to me. Stem cell regeneration and gut healing – to support the body to heal itself.
I’d been personally studying health for 17 years. I knew this stuff – but didn’t have access to my brain. 8 weeks later, I was back at full-time work. I was sleeping. Every. Single. Night. 4 months later, I felt 80% better… 18 months on, I received my Medical Intuitive accreditation. I became a best-selling author and I am busy writing my program for my online video coaching program. I have my life back… I’m kicking goals and love helping others achieve their dream life too…
Today I am symptom free. I’m off all my medications. I’m running again! I have so much energy and have never felt happier in my entire life. Since the night of my MS diagnosis, I witnessed one miracle after another from that day forward. I have helped thousands of people using my medical intuitive ability to take control of their health – and their lives. There’s no need to suffer.
To learn more, join my group: www.facebook.com/groups/agewellwithstemcells