2 minute read
To bare a grudge, withhold a hurt, anger or disappointment is so very toxic to your physical body. To be in denial about something that has bought you to feel hurt, anger or disappointment festers resentment and harms every part of you.
You might think you have ‘moved on’ even forgiven the other party, let’s see how true that is.
Take this quick test:
Yes, I have pain, stiffness in my body.
No, I do not sleep easily.
I am undeniably aligned in every aspect of my life.
I can easily forgive and forget.
I never think of the circumstance ever.
I feel a deep sense of inner peace anytime I think of that person and the situation.
Feeling completely secure and safe in every relationship and aspect of my life.
How did you go, did you find you answered each question or statement in a flash? Then you need to do it again and this time be honest with yourself!
Why do I forgive myself? You forgive yourself for all the harshness, anger and upset that you have held onto and that has caused tension and upset in your life.
You forgive yourself so that you can be free from all that holds you back, that has no place in your life. And to release emotional baggage!
Note: The minute you find yourself defending your emotions, referring to the person or situation, you have burdened yourself again.
You do not need to revisit the situation or confront the person; you are the one feeling the hurt and pain, only you can release it because you are the only one holding onto it.
Use phrases such as these and say them regularly until you can feel the shift and peace in your entire being:
How to forgive – “I release myself of all that I feel around any person or situation that has been hurtful and disappointing for me.”
“I release myself from all that no longer serves me for the life I seek to live.”
“I offer to myself deep love, compassion and kindness.”
“I release all things and feelings that do not bring the love and happiness to my life that I wish for.”
A word of warning, if you do not honestly believe this in your heart and you are not aligned to your values and beliefs you will not be released of any withheld damning emotions.
Any sneaky little whispers of dislike, hate, upset toward the other party or situation and you are going nowhere!