ReBirth Magazine Special Edition The Baton Rouge Ultimate Staycation Guide

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ReNewed ReFreshed ReVived From the Editor Past, Present, and Future Our diligence to bring our audience quality material is the authority we now channel as we enter our second year as “The People’s Magazine”. This journey has been one of the greatest learning experiences one could ever imagine. Our collaborative efforts and perseverance is displayed readily in our publication. Yesterday for us, consisted of a branding stage. You, our audience has received us, and it is through your receptiveness, that our present state is stable. We value our service to you. The future is eloquent. We consistently Re-Design our efforts to always keep you Re-Freshed, ReNewed, and of course Re-Vived. Editor in Chief

From the Publisher

Another Anniversary has come and gone and ReBirth Magazine has come to the realization that its very existence is due to the people. During that brief moment we celebrated the unsung community champions that are the threads that hold the fabric of the community together. This is the very first issue, post anniversary and within these pages you will find that each contributor has touched upon subjects and topics that are of interest or even debatable for some. Keep in mind that we will continue to be Refreshed, Renewed and Revived with each turn of a page. Even though ReBirth Magazine started out as the “Peoples Magazine” it has evolved in to “Community Magazine “that is a vehicle for The Last Least and The Lost. Until soon

ReBirth Staff Founder-Publisher/Simone Higginbotham Editor In Chief/ Vanessa T . Williams Features Editor/Verna Gordon Style and Beauty Editor/Pamela Vessel Asst. Style and Beauty Editor/Nadia Lindsey Arts and Entertainment Editor/Monroe Xavier Faith and Spirituality/Erron Johnson Health and Fitness/ Jasmine Wilson Cover Design-Layout/Tony Norwood Staff Photographer/Tarlisha Jasper Staff Photographer/Donna Cross 3



5 Faith & Spirituality Introduction This section is a catalyst for change. It is my belief that to every natural problem, there lies a spiritual root. There’s so many things that we encounter in this life, simply being human, that there’s a great need for an encourager, a motivator, someone to illuminate the dark clouds that seem to encompass our psyche, and propel us to change. This section of the magazine and it’s contributors will do just that. We will address issues that you or someone very close to you, may be experiencing or dealing with and guide you to a way out, or equip you press through, simply with a few words. We are the voice for the voiceless, average men and women worldwide, and together, we’re a force to be reckoned with. It is written, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” – Romans 12:2 (NLT)… We aren’t playing mind games; we’ve come to set the captive free… “ Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. ” – John 8:36 (NKJV) “Renewed. Refreshed. Reborn… ReBirth.” Min. Erron R. Johnson—Faith & Spirituality


When the opposing pressure is on, do you explode, ruining your witness of self-control? Is it procrastination? It doesn’t matter how organized you are, do you just seem to become immobile when it comes to meeting a deadline? Is it communication? When hurt, do you just shut down instead of talking through the pressure? Release your pressure points to God. He is your divine counter attack.

is a very necessary virtue. It radiates a spirit

of moderation, self-restraint, and humility. However, many times when we think of temperance, we think of it in regards to overcoming some bad habit, or abstaining from a vile temptation. On the contrary, temperance is the taming of any out of control emotion. It could be taming a temper, harnessing a poor choice of words, or knowing when to be silent in order to be heard. Temperance and humility go hand in hand. It is not always easy to be temperate in a world that associates meek with weak, but it is always possible and necessary. In days like these, our passions for what we feel are necessary can push us to be adamant, aggressive and abrasive when we are genuinely trying to do what we feel is right. However, we must realize, a wise and peaceful answer will usually begat a favorable and peaceful response. When we want to receive something good we cannot deliver or communicate our views and needs in a spirit which is in opposition of the reception we expect. We must be slow to speak and quick to listen. James 1:19 – “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”

When it comes to spiritual intemperance, we can be even more destructive. There is nothing more disheartening than untamed zeal. There is nothing more destructive than talent without balanced temperament. There is nothing more ineffective than power without humility. The fastest person in the world will never obtain the prize if they do not follow the rules of the race. Sometimes in life, we can allow passion to supersede order. We must always remember leading is preceded by following. To rise, we must first come from beneath. Everything rooted in God starts with humility. No matter what we are seeking today, whether it is promotion on a job, favor with man, growth in ministry, or the full operation of your gifts and talents, let’s ask God to lead us in obedience and humility. When we decrease to self, pride, and untamed zeal, we allow God to increase in every area of our lives. Let’s thank Him for perfecting the work He has started in us for HIS glory, not ours. Let’s ask Him to lead us in harnessing our passions while pursuing our purpose in Him.

Being a teacher and student of the martial arts, we learn that within our physical body, there are various parts that are called pressure points. No matter how big or small a person is physically, when these points are hit, the strongest person falls, submits and is left immobilized, vulnerable, and sometimes motionless. We also have mental, spiritual and emotional pressure points. The enemy presses hard in these areas to immobilize our maturity. He attacks these pressure points to make us powerless in our efforts to be strong, sound, and at peace. What are your pressure points? Is it a bad temper?

John 3:30 – “He must become greater; I must become less.”



Love, Joy & Peace: Abiding By TheWord ADAM “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another." – Galatians 5:22-26 (KJV) When we fast and pray, God speaks to our hearts, to our spirits, and often reveals things that we wouldn't normally see with our natural eyes. I often say that the truth sometimes hurts, yet at the same time it heals. It heals in the manner that we become set free from hidden strongholds, plan of attack, or bondage from the enemy. It would appear that the pain of suffering, though it's sometimes inevitable, is not what our Father intends for His children. Nevertheless, it’s written that what we speak from our mouths comes from the abundance of our hearts… just as life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those that love it, shall eat the fruit thereof. Simply put, what we speak is what’s really in our hearts, and what we speak over our lives, is what we shall possess, both the positive and the negative. Therefore, we must be careful with our words, lest our peace be and joy be shaken along with our faith. We must declare that we're healed, not broken, that our joy is full in the midst of our pains, for we have a loving Father who's already made plans for us in His heart to provide us with a true love unlike any other, according to His will. In order to retain true peace, we must be careful to be sure we're seeking God's will for our lives, especially in the matters of our ministries, affairs of the heart, and definitely in love & marriage, for we do not want to be unequally yoked with one who's not a "like-minded" believer. In other words, just because they believe in God, they may not believe neither desire to practice His written Word. Sometimes, what we'll hear is our own voice, following our emotions, simply because everything "looks," and "feels" so right, but God speaks DIRECTLY to our spirits & our hearts; along with that, providing His peace in those situations. We must remember that the Word says, that obedience is better than sacrifice, and the just shall live by faith, not by our feelings. We serve a God of love, peace and joy. And He is a God of truth, as it is written, there is nothing hidden that shall not be made manifest by light. There’s no deception, no lies, no ulterior motives in Him, neither in those whom He sends and places in our lives that His purpose may be accomplished. For all shall be transparent, in alignment with His Word, and with the vision He places in our hearts for our lives. In all things, it's of VITAL importance that we not only pray, seeking God's direction, but in addition, that we deny our flesh and emotions, wholeheartedly & honestly asking that His will be done above our own. Only then will we lay hold to the love of God, the true lover of our souls, obtain the fullness of joy, and bask in the peace that surpasses understanding… Abiding in His will, and in His Word, our hearts, minds and Every word you give me is a miracle word— how could I help but obey? Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning. Mouth open and panting, I wanted your commands more than anything. Turn my way, look kindly on me, as you always do to those who personally love you. Steady my steps with your Word of promise so nothing malign gets the better of me. Rescue me from the grip of bad men and women so I can live life your way. Smile on me, your servant; teach me the right way to live. I cry rivers of tears because nobody's living by your book!" - Psalm 119:129-136 (MSG)

EVE God is love, and if you abide in Him and He abides in you, then there must be joy and peace. These are fruits of the Spirit. Have you ever felt like giving up and something deep down in your spirit says you can’t, you must not, you will not? It’s because the love of God will not allow it. The joy that He gives, no one take away, and His peace surpasses all understanding. It’s in His Word. Neither of these fruits of the Spirit were given by man nor can they be purchased. They all spring from the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.. Personally, there have been many days when I just wanted to throw in the towel, drive off in the sunset and never look back, or felt as if I wanted go to sleep, never to awake again, but I had to remember who I was and Whose I was. We don’t have the authority to lay down our lives, but God does. How can we make decisions for our lives without asking the one it belongs to? He is the one who gave us these fruits, and everything we need comes from the inside. From the foundation of the world God knew our beginning from our end, when we were formed He’d already placed purpose on our lives; it’s not our own, but His. You see, He made us in His image which means we have the same qualities as Him.



Love, Joy & Peace: Abiding By TheWord (continued) When we say, “I can’t…”, it says that God can’t and He can do anything but fail. No matter what we are going through He never leaves us. He said He’ll carry the burdens, even in when we’re tempted, He says that He’ll never allow us to go through more than we can bare, but always provide a way of escape, that we will be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Our trials are but a light thing if we give them to Him. This is because He wants us to continue to love in spite of, He wants us to have joy under any and all circumstances, and He will be our peace if we just trust Him. We have to continually speak His Word over our lives, from within our hearts. Whatsoever our heart’s desire is ours for the asking and in His good pleasure to perform. There are times we feel like these fruit have disappeared, however they’re right where we found them before. By seeking Him and examining ourselves, we’ll find they haven’t went anywhere at all. All God wants us to do is trust Him and trust what He has put on the inside of us. The scripture reads, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” – (Psalm 24:1). So that means that no matter what goes on, the world belongs to Him. He has everything under His control, that whatever is happening He’s got it, and all He wants is our trust in the process. He gave us love, joy and peace, they belong to us for the purpose of using them, so why would we allow someone who is not in control to take them away? How can we allow situations and circumstances to come in and take them away? How can we give up when from day one God breathed the breath of life in us and gave us all of Him? Our love, joy and peace is there! God reminds us… “It’s on the inside of you, it can’t leave because I’m here. Yes, I am with you and I am love, I gave you joy unspeakable, I am the Prince of Peace and lo’ I am with you always, even until the end of the ages.” Who can compare to God’s greatness? We are heirs to the throne which means we have been chosen to receive all that God has. Are you going to embrace it or will you continue to give up? I dare you to place all of your trust in God, relying on the fruit of the Spirit. If you start with love, the multitude follows.

Will You Wait on Him? In this day and time, no one wants to wait on anything or for anybody anymore! “Why is that?” you may ask. Well, I'm pretty sure most may have heard that new catchy phrase that seems to be the answer to most questions now days... “Ain't nobody got time for that!” We as a society don't have time for much of anything! We are living in a world where everyone wants instant gratification. From the time we wake up to eat that bowl of instant grits or instant oatmeal, until we go to bed after sending those last instant messages to say goodnight to family members or friends, our days are rushed to get things done with no time to spare, no time to wait. It is that “I want it now... no, I want it RIGHT NOW” attitude that causes so many to get in their very own way, making themselves stumbling blocks to their own success and more importantly, keeping them from ever having a joyful life. We need to slow down and just be patient! So, what does the Bible teach us about patience? As believers of Christ, as we grow there are characteristics or traits, known as Fruits of the Spirit, that we should display. It is written, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self–control. Against such there is no law.”- Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV). Long-suffering isn't a term we often hear; probably because it takes too much time to say it! However, most times long-suffering is referred to as patience, and we are to have patience. First we must have patience in our relationships. Just think how patient God has been with us! It would only be befitting that we ourselves have patience with those we profess to love. Not only are we to have patience in our personal relationships, but we are to exhibit patience with whomever we encounter. Sometimes, we become so quickly offended, that we may speak out of anger, only to regret what was said later. Even when faced with health crises, we are to remain patient. What is one of the first things most people do when they have been diagnosed with some type of serious illness? One of the very first things, people do after telling their family is get on the phone or social media and begin to ask their prayer warriors to pray for a miracle! Sometimes, expecting it to happen overnight! Why? Because we want it right now! Yes, God performs miracles, but He never said that it would be done in a day, or a week, or month, or a year. Sometimes, the healing process may seem long, dark, and lonely, as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Those are the times to put all your faith in God and just wait on Him. One must show God that no faith has been lost, and completely surrender to His plan by going through the process to get complete healing. Choosing to remain patient and knowing that God's timing is the perfect timing allows hope to seep into the heart, mind, soul, into every muscle, and into every organ, creating a positive attitude that allows one to continue to praise his or her way through it! Oh, but when God brings you out... (I think I'll leave that right there!) We must learn to wait on God. Just give it to Him and leave it there! It sounds so simple! Yet, it is the hardest thing for so many to do! In everything we do, we must ask God for guidance. We must trust in Him, while leaning not to our own understanding. We must remain patient, hopeful, and positive and remember that God's timing is the perfect timing! Will you wait on Him?



In the Spirit of the Obedience, Strength, and Faith in the 21st Century “I can do all things though him who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13 When I started writing on this topic, there was one direction in which I wanted to go. I’d lain the format out to my section editor. Nevertheless, it was not the plan that God had for me. So, as I began to write, the “In the Spirit” article, I began to look over my life, and take account of the situations that are occurring in our society today; an epiphany came over me, and the spirit began to flow through my fingers. It was then I realized that in the 21st Century, that to be able to truly be in the spirit, it is essential that you are obedient to God’s Word. In addition, you must have the Strength to protect and nurture the faith that you possess. As I reflect, I understand that it relates to transition, change and growth. I have struggled and I have not been obedient in my actions. See, I am a single mother of a seventeen year old alpha male, that has just graduated from High School, and who has also become a member of the Army National Guard. He has decided that he is an “independent man”, with no job or cash flow, and thinks that I am an ATM, “Automated Teller Mother”. I have been trying to handle the attitude and behavior in my own way. I have a mother that I love dearly, but age and set ways shapes her personality. My mother and I have not been seeing eyeto -eye, and we have not been agreeing on what she believes that I should do. I keep asking myself, “Am I seventeen or forty something?” I have been in a job for the last eight years that has been not wanting to be there. I am just not performing at my best, and not fulfilling the purpose on what has me

there. I found myself, spiraling in a circle that was not going straight, but headed towards a dead end. Then, it hit me. I have not been obedient to the path that God has destined for me. God has been trying to get my attention, and I have not been listening. Believe it or not, God will put you in situations, or send messages when you least expect it. As I grow in my Faith and as a Christian, another light bulb went off in my head. So, I got off the short bus, and realized that I have not been obedient in my Christian Walk with God. I had not been standing on my Faith and Gods Work alone, and I had been allowing irrelevant people, situations, and things questions my Faith. In the words of my dear brother in Christ, and some song writer, “The devil is a lie”. See my friends, I had to re-educate myself with the words from the book of knowledge. In Webster’s Dictionary, (2009), the English word Obedience is to “hear, or listen towards”. In the Bible, (NLT), in Hebrew, Obedience means Shama, “hear, listen; obey”. In the Christian life, we should be listening, displaying receptivity, and living with spontaneity. Obedience is to listen under the direction of God’s Spirit. John 10: 27-28 (NLT), “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.” Receptivity, means that we should be living in the “Obedience of Faith”. Romans 1:5 (NLT), “Through Christ, God has given us the privilege and authority as apostles to tell the Gentiles, everywhere what God has done for them. So that they will believe and obey him, bringing glory to his name. To show spontaneity, the Branch obeys the Vine. John 15:1(NLT) states, “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener.”


In my situation, enough is enough. I had to release the wheel, and allow God drive this (my mind, body, and spirit) bus. I was at a point that my driving skills was driving me off the path that God has destined for me, and was losing sight of my purpose that God had designed specifically for me. I realized that I had to do what is best for me. I had to do what I know best. I had to PUSH. I had to Pray Until Something Happened. In other words, I had to rely on my communication with God, I had to remove myself from situations that had me driving to a path of sin, and I had to rely on my own Strength and Faith. To do this I had to go to a familiar passage that every time I read it brings me peace, and it encourages me to stand firm on the Word of God, Psalm 23:1-6. Psalms 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He let me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close and besides me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely you goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever. See my friends as it states in my Life Application Bible, when we allow God, our shepherd to guide us, we have contentment, we have peace. As Sheep, we rely on the Shepherd for provision, guidance, and protection. For God is the good shepherd, and we should be good sheep, not frightened, passive animals, but obedient animals, but obedient followers, wise enough to follow one who will lead us in the right places, and in the right ways. best interests. We must remember this the next time we are tempted to go our own way rather than the Shepherd’s way. One must realize that life is uncertain, but if we follow the Shepherd that offers eternal comfort, what is there to fear.

9 In conclusion of my situation, my son leaves in less than ten days for bootcamp, and he has calmed down and realized that he is not as “independent” as he thought. As well, I realized that it was me not wanting to allow him to be independent. I was not trusting the training that I had instilled in him. I had to give him completely to God, and learned that I must be strong in my Faith that God is going to protect him, and that he knows to allow God to be his Shepherd. As it relates to my mother, God be the Glory. I have just asked God to Grant Me the Serenity. I am learning to just enjoy, and meet her where she is in her life. I know that God used her as a vessel to create me, shape me, and mold me. She is my rock and my foundation. I am enjoying her to the fullest. As it relates to the job of eight years, I am relying on my Shepherd. See, I did not realize that since the beginning of this year, God had been preparing me for something greater. On May 17, 2015, I began to allow God to steer my bus. I had to fully allow him to take the wheel, and sit in my special seat on the short bus, and just ride and watch. I am wondering, but have accepted, that God had been preparing me for months. I remember on receiving a few emails of inspiration from my mother, and due to a Bible 31 Day Challenge of Proverbs with my best friend, I received my third confirmation that God is truly in control of my life in the 21st Century. On July 14, 2015, my mother sent me an inspirational email, which stated, “When God Says Move, you Move!” Do not allow distractions to keep you from the will of God, and his purpose that has been designed for you. It asked a question, “Whatever God has told you do, are attempting to ignore the Call God has on your life?” When I saw this, my spirit literally jumped out of my skin, and I stood looking at my physical body. When God directly speaks to you, and your situation, God is telling you to make a move. But are you in order. As I study this daily inspiration, it directed me to Isaiah 55:8 (NLT) stating, “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts”, says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” In other words, we must not be foolish to fit God

into our mold, or to make his plan and purpose conform to ours. Instead, we must strive to fit into his plans. See, it was when I realized that I really had accepted another position, and had given my notice two weeks prior. God plan was in motion, and I really had no clue. This is why I say I am on the short bus. Seriously, we become comfortable in one position to long. Our body and mind stops functioning properly. The Bible declares, in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season, and time to every purpose under heaven.” My season was over, and I had to move. So, when God told me to move, I moved. Yes, I leaned on my Faith and Strength, and resigned from my job to take another. Since I made that decision, God has opened me up to so many blessing that have been waiting for me. I am the way things are looking there are more blessing to come. Therefore in conclusion, I ask you, just like I was asked: What has the Lord said to you? Where does God want you? Are you on the right side to receive? We must realize that when we delay the Obedience of God it is considered disobedience. When we hear from God, we are then responsible for what we hear. In Hebrews 3:15 states, Remember what it says, “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts, as Israel did when they rebelled.” I will be the first to admit, I had lost focused, but when I made a decision to refocus, and to release the wheel, it was then that I was Rebirthed….In the Spirit… Remember, and repeat to self, “I can do all things though him who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13.” In the Spirit of Obedience, Faith, and Strength in the 21st Century

Carrie Davidson



Inspirational Infusion:

Gentleness can aid relationships back to restoration; it can draw backsliders back to the cross; and it can inspire the discouraged with faith.


As you work on exercising more gentleness in your life, examine your integrity and the motives behind every action, for goodness is a primary spout from which all the fruit of the Spirit flow.

Handle That Human With Care Kimberely D. Noble

“For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” – Psalm 100:5, (KJV)

Our society inundates courthouses with lawsuits due to offense. And it seems the most frivolous and ridiculous ones gain the most attention. Overusing or overemphasizing the sensational produces diminishing concern akin to the childhood fable, “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” In the story, a young shepherd boy lied at random times about a wolf attacking his flock. After hearing his screams for help, the entire village would run to his aid. But upon arrival, the boy would be found laughing at the trickery he played on the townspeople. He continued to engage in deception for amusement until a real wolf arrived one day. The piercing cries of the young boy filled the village; however, the villagers did not respond accordingly since they thought it was another joke. The young boy watched in horror as the wolf attacked and scattered his defenseless flock.

The very essence, core and nature of God is that He is good. It is an inherent trait He possesses. Therefore, every action, everything He does, His goals for mankind, is to produce more of what He is – good. To operate from a place of goodness, you must be operating in sync with God. You cannot be or become good without being filled with His Spirit. He will empower you to examine the intent of every action you make. His conviction will ensure that you do not operate with selfishness or for ill gain. There are needs all around us in our community. People have lost loved ones due to extreme and unwarranted violence. Some individuals are without jobs. Some are suffering illness. Some are just tired of life. Even individuals who are part of the Church have gotten frustrated at times. Do not diminish your concern for those people who still live in a world of sensational noise. The harvest is ripe and you must harvest correctly or potentially destroy the crop.

The moral of that fable echoes the reduced sentiments and physical response many have adapted today due to screams for help that were neither dire nor detrimental. These pseudooffenses plague our society and the mindset has filtered down to some Christians, causing a reduction in the spiritual perception required to exercise gentleness properly, when the lost and broken rush to our aid for help. We hear bad-luck stories at our jobs, in classes, in the media, among friends and family, and with almost every encounter with humans. Negative stories reign, and it becomes difficult to distinguish what demands immediate response from what is simply a cry for attention or distraction, especially if we are not praying fervently. Our society and some Christians developed a habit of responding to needs much like the villagers toward the end of the fable: those who could help give vague acknowledgement of the situation and then continue business as usual.

It is our duty to God and mankind to grow in gentleness so that every conversation, every prayer and every encounter with those in need will help lead them to the goodness of the Lord. Some people are just throwing a pity-party and thrive on sensational news. But some people need a serious friend, spiritual wisdom and a helping hand. Please, be gentle with those fragile souls. Instagram: @PoetNoble

Nevertheless, there are lives that have experienced extreme upheaval and collapse that are lost among the chaos and it requires us to handle them with care for the sake of that fragile soul. Exercising sound wisdom with a gentle spirit can help soothe pains others may have suffered. I have encountered many saints who use the phrase ‘just get over it’ much too frequently. The phrase is an excuse to diminish the spiritual, physical and emotional need of others. It is an excuse to do nothing and operate crassly. It is an excuse to ignore a scream for help, but it does not reflect the spirit of Christ. When Jesus ministered while He walked this earth, He dealt with the lost and broken gently. He exercised great compassion. He had to make people whole before they could focus on the cause of Christ. Jesus did the same for His disciples. For even among saints, we must deal with disagreements gently. Gentleness, according to Merriam-Webster, is “having or showing a kind and quiet nature; not harsh or violent; not forceful.” It is also a fruit of the Spirit that Christians should be adhering to daily without dispute.



About the Author Naisha Cooper is an ordained minister, entrepreneur and author. For over a decade, Naisha has been on a mission to reach the lost and reaffirm the called. She has ministered to the hearts and souls of others and shares an incredible testimony of perseverance in the midst of adversity. By the grace of God, Naisha has emerged with joy, strength and victory to effectively reach the masses with a message of hope in Jesus Christ through social media, books and community outreach. Naisha is a mother of three children - D’Henrei, Dacien and A’naisha. About the Book Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 This 21 day devotional contains wisdom, encouragement and enlightenment to guide you on the path of righteousness and strengthen your walk with God through daily worship, study and prayer. It will get you in the habit of seeking God’s will in everything you do, say, think or feel and inspire you to break ungodly habits. This “Gumbo” is ready in season and out of season to fill you up, feed your soul and renew your mind. Grab a bowl - so that you may taste and see that God is good! Bon Appétit.



DO ALL LIVES MATTER? Felicia Livingstone It is most disheartening that in the year 2015, we are experiencing such a vast display of inequality, between certain groups of people and the police. Why the sudden surge in police brutality? The KKK and other hate groups hide behind the twisted deception of religion. They hide behind their masks and we recognize them for who they are, when cloaked in sheets. However, let us not forget that they also hide behind the mask of being your everyday fireman, policeman, politician, educator and sometimes your pastor. The cases are endless that cite excessive force between the police and ordinary citizens. Just who is the ordinary citizen? Is telling our black youth not to wear hoodies an effective method of survival? When white people have The Talk with their children, the conversation is more likely to revolve around the birds and the bees. When black parents have The Talk with our children, we are filled with panic and frustration as we explain to them how white society views them as savage and inferior. We must explain why they carry an unfounded burden to be viewed as something frightening and less

than human. There is some shame to be had. Shame that we have not advanced more as a people. Shame that we have not taken charge of our own communities. We carry the shame of our forefathers that our men are still oppressed and our families are still divided, and that has become the curse of the black race. We see one another as enemies. We can’t allow the next person to get ahead for fear we will get left behind. We can’t blame the current state of our youth without holding accountable the generation that raised them. Parents will teach their children vulgar dance moves and song lyrics but can’t show up to a PTA meeting. We want to get angry with the school teacher and expect her to do in the classroom what we fail to do at home. Where are the clergymen? In the times of slavery, we could lean on the black church even if we had nothing else. Nowadays, the pastor is pimping the congregation so he can buy a brand new jet, sleeping with the hurt and wounded and the only genuine prayer he has is that his skeletons won’t fall out of the closet. We can’t expect the police to respect us when we don’t even respect ourselves. We get up in arms when a cop kills a black man but do nothing about the countless senseless murders within our own communities So, I ask you? Do black lives really matter? Do your children matter? If so, what are you doing to fight for them and to prepare their future? What are you doing to enact change and accountability? We can’t expect anyone to do what we aren’t even willing to do for ourselves. It isn’t fair that slavery has had this rippling effect from one generation to the next but at some point, we must unite. Solidarity is our greatest power. We can show them black lives matter when we choose to be responsible fathers. When we finally grasp a hold of our own financial destiny with our own banks and businesses that we support. I was recently stopped by a white policeman for speeding. He happily told me that the ticket would be five hundred dollars. I could tell he took some sick pride in that. I told him that it


wasn’t a problem and jokingly asked if he was one of those abusive cops. He became all flustered and pleaded with me to just calm down and he kept telling me that he wasn’t going to hurt me and that everything was going to be alright. For a few moments, I literally saw fear wash over him. You see, the tide is changing. We are no longer the equivalent of useless and worn out punching bags. In that moment, I was not invisible to him. I was nearly inclined to appease him in some way but I digressed. I wondered how things might have been different had my twenty four year old son been stopped instead. I recalled a time when he was stopped at LSU and a paralyzing fear overtook his whole being. He called me after the incident in sheer panic. Then another time, also on the LSU campus when a campus police officer allegedly veered his car deliberately, into my child and his friends, as they walked to class. You see, as a people we can’t worry about if they think we matter until we come to know that we matter. There has been no greater time in history that we can come together in unity and create the necessary power for change. So, if no one has told you lately, you matter. Not only do you matter but you have a voice. Rosa Parks didn’t intend to change history. She was simply too tired to move. I hope you’ll get tired too. Be tired of the injustices that we have suffered as a people and demand something greater for future generations… because black lives matter and we are deserving of every privilege that is afforded to any other race. This is our time.

Did Love Really Win? Jade Poitier

13 (Continued from previous page) No, I am not a pastor or clergy official. No, I am not a politician or radical extremist on any particular movement. Although what I write will be critiqued by minds far better read, fine-tuned and well versed than my own, I want to be the first to say I am no subject matter expert on how one should conduct their life or personal affairs. Someone once told me that people will people. In other words people will be who they want to be and do what they want to do, until a need to do something different takes place. There was a time in American History when racial tensions were very high. Freedom fighters, who were just as common as you and I stood together even lying down one life hoping to evoke a spirit of humanity and justice through the south. Now some 50 years later it appears those powerful movements that once rocked the very soul of America are now resurfacing in forms of senseless murders and clashes between different races and authority, It is very obvious on the current state of the US from a biblical standpoint that our world is changing and while change is good some behaviors and attitudes are very much the same. Recently our Supreme Justice system decided for same-sex marriage, and although I will not drive this decision in the ground, It has become quite obvious that the world is evolving into a melting pot of mixed races, open opinions about any and every social issue with relevance or the lack thereof. People in America are becoming less tolerant of being told what to do or how to do it and are demanding answers to each and every question out there. Nothing that can be discuses is being left off of the table. Be it far from me to tell anyone what to do

or how to do it but one thing is for sure despite ones school of thought or the lack there of time is definitely wrapping up for us all. As I observe the direction of the world, might I add … that I too have my own opinion about where things are possibly heading. May I end with this? We will all have to be responsible for the choices we make. We each are responsible for our labor, family, and ourselves. Yes we have jobs and other obligations and that is all great; but, with all the indifference and turmoil taking place, the first stock to take is in ourselves.

Dissecting The Political Wasteland Verna Gordon As Presidential hopefuls are gearing up for the upcoming elections, Americans are charged with the task of making informed decisions about our Nation’s leadership. With the events of the day, political lines are being crossed due in part to the changing moral compass of society. For a nation that was founded on the belief of God, the political


landscape is gradually veering away from its foundation. Political platforms are being formed on core Christian values and the Moral Majority is demanding to be heard. While, foreign policy, economics, and defense are all hot button topics, Americans are becoming more concerned with the question of whether or not we are truly “One Nation Under God”. Come 2016, the Presidency will be far more complicated that red and blue state. It is said that the coming election season will be the most unpredictable to date. With 7 states considered as toss ups, including the infamous, election challenged Florida, even the highly informed political pundits are seeing that 2016 will be hard to call. In the end, with race no longer being a factor as is was in 2008 and 2012, the ultimate decision will literally come down to Good vs. Evil. On one hand you will have those citizens of all political affiliations that will seek change that is implemented based on the founding religious values of this country. On the other hand, you will have those that will vote according to permissive will and will support legislation that disregards the word of God. The 2016 Election may very well prove if we are in fact One Nation Under God.

14 and are looking to make friends, visit the Raisin Cane’s Dog Park. Looking to do some hiking as a family or a couple well why not take a hike through the ExxonMobil Cypress Bayou Lake Trail for beautiful glimpses of nature and history regarding site use for World War II ammunition depot and its connection with Harding Airfield. BREC's Greenwood Community Park has something for everyone to enjoy! Admission is free to the public, Hours are: Dawn to Dusk.

What Is A Staycation?

BREC’s Farr Park Equestrian Center

A staycation consists of enjoying some of the most wonderful, adventurous and unexplored attractions in and around your local area. Baton Rouge offers an abundance to do and much to see from historical landmarks, eateries and parks. The ultimate Baton Rouge staycation will be great for families and couples alike.

L o ok i ng


enjoy a guided trail


venture on out to BREC’s Farr

BREC's Baton Rouge Zoo

Park Equestrian

What is a staycation with the family without a visit to the local


zoo? Stopover and visit the animals at BREC's Baton Rouge

you can relax



You will realize that you can spend hours at the zoo,




where you will see Malayan or Sumatran Tigers, Black-handed

one hour gentle

Spider Monkeys, Capybara and many more intriguing animals.

ride through the

During your stroll through the zoo don’t forget to stop and view

park or in the

the Otter Pond and the L'Aquarium de Louisiane to observe

indoor area on

native and exotic fish, reptiles and amphibians. For your lunch

one of the BREC

time pleasures grab a snack at the Cool Otters Cafe or take a


break and sit at Flamingo Café while watching the Flamingos.

might also be a

Don’t forget to take a ride on the Cypress Bayou Railroad to

great time to learn about the horses and handlers at the

see the well maintained grounds of the zoo.

equestrian center as well as some of the events that take

BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo Hours: Monday- Sunday: 9:30a.m. –

place throughout the year. Schedule your tour by calling 225-

5:00 p.m.



Admission: Adults and Teens: $8.25 Seniors: $7.25

BREC’s Farr

Children 2-12: $5.25


Children under 2: Free

Equestrian Center Hours

BREC’s Greenwood Community Park

for Guided

At BREC’s Greenwood Park take in a few rounds of golf at the


Dumas Golf Course or J.S. Clark Park Golf Course. Or for the

Saturday 9:00

tennis enthusiast a few matches of tennis! Oh and there is lots

a.m. – 1:00

for the children to explore at the community playground and

p.m. Cost: $30

splash pad. Fishing, kayaking, and or canoeing at the lake are

per person.

also available. For those that are traveling with the family pet



Explore Downtown Baton Rouge with these must see attractions:

exciting history of this great state. Take note that this architectural gem, situated on a bluff across from the Mississippi River is 165 years old and full of beauty. This natural

Louisiana State Capital

historic site has withstood conflagration, pungent debates, war

Looking to stay current on Louisiana history and politics well there is no better place to visit than the Louisiana State Capitol. The building stands 450ft tall and has 34 floors and sits on 27 acres of magnificent landscaped grounds. Would you believe it is the tallest capital building in the United States? The State Capitol can be seen from just about every angle within the downtown area. The current State Capitol was the hobbyhorse of Governor and U.S. Senator Huey P. Long. Upon scaling the steps before entrance you will become aware that each step bears the name of a state in the order in which they were admitted into the union. Some of the fascinating attractions inside the building on the first floor (Memorial Hall) are the two-ton chandeliers, the floor to ceiling murals which i l l u s t r a t e Louisiana’s industries and agriculture the eleven flags that once flew over the state and on the floor the bronze relief m a p o f Louisiana and last but not least the House and Senate chambers where the laws of Louisiana are born.

and desertion. Enjoy your own self guided tour to obtain education of the state’s history, politics; fine art and traditions. Observe the House and Senate chambers, the spectacular spiral staircase and be in awe of the stained glass windows, After your tour enjoy a picnic lunch in the new North Blvd Town Square or one of the many eateries. Hours of Operation: Tuesday – Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Admission: Free to the public

Louisiana Art and Science Museum and Planetarium This fun-filled daytime adventure is sure to get the children going. They can revolve through space at the Planetarium tower and enjoy a planetarium show, visit the Discovery Depot and use their creative mind to design some art and experiment with a small number of theories at the Science Station, Oh and don’t forget to check out the 2,300 year old mummy in the Ancient Egyptian gallery. Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday: 1-5 p.m. Monday: closed Admission to museum galleries plus planetarium show Children 2-12: $8 Seniors 65+: $8 Adults: $9

One of the most intriguing spots to find in the building is the area where Senator Long was assassinated; you will that the wall still have the bullet holes in them. If you are up to it and would like to pay respects you visit his grave locate on the Capitol grounds. Want to see Baton Rouge in all its glory? Visit the observation deck on the 27th floor!

College students with ID: $8 Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Admission: Free to the Public

Old State Capitol Are you and your family historians?

Does your staycation

require that your children learn and educate themselves on Louisiana history? Well there is no better place to start than the beginning with a visit to Louisiana’s Old State Capitol for



BREC’s Liberty Lagoon On the hot humid days of summer, what better than a little family fun at a water park? Grab your swim suits, towels and sun block and make way to the happening spot in and around Baton Rouge BREC’s Liberty Lagoon! There is something for all ages from the splash pads, the gator bowl to the lazy river you and your family are sure to delight in a fun-filled water frenzy. If water activities are not your forte then rent a pavilion and lounge while watching the children take pleasure in a day of fun. For more information about BREC’s Liberty Lagoon visit http://

west to Lafayette where the city has a few attractions to offer as well; such as Dywer’s Café, The Children’s Museum of Acadiana, The Atchafalaya Basin Swamp or the Rok Haus,

Acadian Swamp Tour What would a trip to Louisiana be without the authenticity of a Louisiana Sportsman’s Paradise? That’s right, let Acadian Swamp Tours located in White Castle, LA just a 45 minute ride from Baton Rouge take you and your family on an hour and a half journey down the Atchafalaya Spillway and the Bay Natchez. Tours are offered daily with advanced reservation call 225-247-4156. Cost: Adults $30.00 each Children 12 and under: $15.00 each and must be accompanied by an adult.

Nottoway Plantation After and adventure on the Spillway with Acadian Swamp Tour and before heading back into the city make a pit stop and tour the historic Nottoway Plantation, the largest antebellum mansion in the South and lies between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. You will be amazed how this historic site has been restored to preserve the plantations splendor and glory while adding extravagant resort facilities. Due to the quality and maintaining historic integrity as well as visitors travel experience, Nottoway is a member of the Historic Hotels of America. While you can take a self-guided tour of Nottoway Plantation we recommend the guided tour so that you can tour the mansion as well. Visit for more information.

Hours: (Regular Season) May 20-Aug 2 Monday-Friday: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 7:00 p.m. Cost: Ages 1 and younger FREE (admission fee will be charged if age is questionable) Under 48” tall $9.00 48” and taller $11.00

Just Outside of the Capital City Should you be the adventurous type and are looking to escape the Capitol City, take a ride over to Folsom and visit the Global Wildlife Center for a 90 minute safari tour? No staycation is complete without a trip to New Orleans (Nawlins)“The Big Easy” where you can stroll through the French Quarters and make a stop at Café Du Monde for beignets and coffee or down Canal Street. Make sure to visit the IMAX Theatre and the Aquarium. Nothing like a short ride

Tour Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 7 days a week Cost: Adults $20.00 Children 6-12 $6.00 Children 5 and under Free Discounts: AAA 10%; Seniors 10%; Military 20%




18 Health and beauty are very essential to our well being. Inside and out, we have the need to look and feel our very best. There are so many beauty product lines and health and fitness products out there that it is certainly impossible to find out everything about all of them. My prayer is that this section educate, motivate, encourage and give you tools to make is soooo much easier to navigate through the dos and don’ts, the I can an I cant’s of food, exercise, makeup, fitness and health and just general issues attributed to each of these. This section will answer questions some dare to ask and some that have been asked over and over again. I hope to inspire the hopeless and push the envelope of those trying to do better. I dare you to dedicate yourself to you and be all that you can be! -Pamela Vessell MUA and Nadia Lindsey Health and Beauty Editors

Karla Nettles Its summertime and everyone is real happy. It is time to go to the beach and have vacation time with family. During these warm months, we relax and let loose a little. We find that we might not keep up with our regular routines that we may have had during the other parts of the year. There is one thing that we become more relaxed from, and that is our hair. We may not go to the salon as we would normally, because we are lying on the beach or camping with the kids. Our hair can suffer from extra exposure to sun, salt water and to chlorine. So lets talk about some ways that we can help our hair during the summer and this information will help us rock on into the fall. One big area of health for our hair during is the exposure to chlorine. A lot of us like to swim during the summer. Let’s face it… it is fun. It is a way of cooling off, and hey it is the SUMMER! Our hair is like a sponge so it soaks up everything

including sun, water, and chlorine. Since our hair is this way, a good way to help block out chlorine is to wet your hair before entering into the pool or salt water, then spray it with a leave in conditioner or simply rub some conditioner into your hair. This doesn’t have to an expensive brand either, if you just put something such as this into your hair (which is already like a sponge) then you have filled your hair with something; blocking out a lot of the things like chlorine and salt water. Then when you are done rinse thoroughly each time. It is a way of protecting your hair form those outside elements. Also during the summer, we tend to not make regular salon visits so services such as deep conditioning treatments and hot oil treatments fall to the wayside. So, a good practice would be to institute a regimen at home that is simple but effective. You can let your conditioner sit on your hair while you take a hot shower, or cover your hair with a plastic cap with a conditioner on it for about 10-20 minutes. These few little steps will make you a happy camper, your hair will love you and your stylist will be singing. Protective styling is also a great way to protect your tresses during the summer. You will find that a lot of women and their children will adorn one of the many braid styles. Remembering not to have it done to tight and find a professional to install


your braids in a healthy manner. Winter will be here soon and you have finally made it through the summer with your hair feeling pretty good. The harshness of the winter can be rough on the hair as well. This time of the year can prove to be one of the roughest times for your hair. Here are some tips to help during these cold days…make sure you are conditioning your hair when shampooed…lessen your heat styling time, it will help with the frizz, split ends, and brittleness. You may find yourself increasing your salon visits so that you can get conditioning treatments done in a professional manner. Now, that you equipped with some tips to enjoy the summer and winter hair adventures, let talk fun for the fall. When the season changes into the fall, we think rich, deep tones. 90% of women change their hair color in the fall. During the summer we tend to go lighter, either by choice or naturally because of the sun. When fall comes, we deepen and richen the colors and the tones. We become those beautiful brunettes and reds, and for those that like to get it right, you add warmer blonde tones to your hair. Now my divas go out and be FABULOUS with your hair be it summer, fall, or winter. Be Blessed


Summer Lip Care : Protecting your lips from the summer sun!

the product ingredients.



moisturizing Also avoid touching your lips so you will not transfer bacteria to your lips and aggravate them. Exfoliate: I’m sure exfoliation is already a part of your normal skin care routine. Be sure to not be Vitamin B deficient Don’t forget your lips. This area of your Tip: skin builds up dead skin just as the rest of our skin does. You can use a toothbrush ~a honey mask is great for keeping lips and brush the lips and brush away dead hydrated and moisturized skin. Another option is a sugar scrub of Product Suggestion; sugar and coconut oil.

Skin protection is very important during the summer months and our lips are often forgotten when we act to protect our skin from the sun. Our lips need attention year round but, the sun can be serious business. Our lips are exposed to the heat and UV Rays during the day and then we go from the sun to the blasting air conditioning… This maybe a key cause to Moisturize: in addition to daily moisturizing the lips need a heavy moisturizing at dry chapped lips. night. I almost always apply a nightly If you want to keep luscious lips during moisturizer. Apply a moisturizing cream the summer I’ll tell you how. Pucker up! nightly. Hydration: Is the most important. Dehydration is the number one reason in my opinion, for dry, cracked and chapped lips. Healthy skin requires hydration. Drink your water!

Winter Lip Care 101

During the winter we go the extra mile to keep our skin moisturized so the same applies for our lips. This is impossible to skip. Our lips NEED extra care during fall Diet: and winter months. The dry air and harsh Maintaining a healthy diet is also essential winds during the winter will destroy our lips in having and keeping healthy skin. Make and they will definitely be painfully sure to eat a healthy choice of foods rich chapped. Follow the same routine but take extra effort at keeping your lips in vitamins. moisturized. Protect: Find yourself a moisturizing lip product that also has an SPF of at least Avoid biting and licking your lips. This 15. When choosing a lip balm make sure habit will increase the drying and chapped lips.


Satin lips set by Mary Kay Cosmetics is a great product year round for lip care. This two step set includes a lip mask which exfoliates dead surface skin cells that cause lips to appear dry and dull. Step two is the lip balm which is formulated with a special complex of ingredients, including vitamin A and E derivatives, this lip balm helps moisturize dry and rough lips for at least six hours! Priced at only $18.00 for the set it is available by contacting your local Mary Kay Consultant. This product is our Beauty Editor’s Top Pick!



Beyond the Garden’s Gate

Octavia Bridgewater Octavia locked the bedroom door as she slammed it behind her. She was furious and hurt all at the same time. So many thoughts were racing through her head. What did Spencer mean telling her she was acting just like “them”? Well, first of all, what gave him the right to talk about their friends that way? Yes, Spencer may be a minister, but his feelings towards their friends, and now towards her, were deplorable. Octavia heard the shaking of the doorknob as Spencer tried to come in behind her. Knock, knock, knock. “Octavia! I’m sorry baby. Octavia, please open the door.” Spencer called from the other side. Octavia didn’t respond. She rushed through the master bathroom, put on her shower cap, and turned on the shower. After getting undressed, Octavia didn’t wait long enough for the water to warm up before she stepped in. The cold water hitting her body almost made her curse. “Heaven forbid if my, oh so perfect, husband were to hear me say a curse word. He would probably pour holy water on me, cover my head with oil, and call an exorcist to cast a demon out of me”. Octavia immediately felt a conviction in her spirit that she was going too far in her thoughts. But Spencer was wrong for the way he acted at the party and the way he was talking about their friends… as if he’d been saved all his life. Spencer’s words echoed in her head, “You’re acting more like them.” His words of disapproval of her caused

Octavia’s sobs to grow louder. She leaned her body on the shower wall as the warmer water trickled down her body. Octavia finally got a hold of herself, completed her shower and dressed for bed. She propped herself in their bed to read her Bible. She and Spencer normally read Psalms 91 and the love scriptures in 1ST Corinthians 13, then, prayed together right before they went to bed every night. They called Psalms 91 the protection book of the Bible. They didn’t fear that God would protect through the night just as His word promised. She didn’t want to see Spencer’s face anymore tonight. She didn’t want him in the same bed as her. Tonight, she didn’t care if they broke their vow to never go to bed angry at each other. Octavia rehearsed some of the things she had said while they were arguing and knew she didn’t fight fair. She remembered Spencer’s face when she said she didn’t sign up for this boring life as a minister’s wife. She had cut him deeply with those words. She knew without a doubt her husband loved her very much and hurting him was something she didn’t intend to do. She knew her place was to always encourage and be her husband’s support. But tonight, he’d gone too far. Octavia reminisced on how they first began dating. Spencer had moved two houses down the street from her during the summer of his senior year. Octavia had always looked at Spencer as just a neighbor and friend. Octavia was a high school junior that year and dated senior Russell Howard. The night of Spencer’s and Russell’s senior prom, Russell had gotten mad with Octavia when she didn’t want to ride home with him after he had been drinking liquor that he sneaked into the prom. As Spencer and his date, Brenda, were walking to Spencer’s dad’s car, he saw Octavia and Russell arguing at Russell’s car. Why would tonight be any different? It seemed like every time Spencer saw them together they were arguing about something or someone. Russell pulled off leaving Octavia standing in the parking lot in tears. Spencer rushed over to Octavia, leaving Brenda standing by the car. He offered to take Octavia home but she refused knowing Brenda was Spencer’s date and she didn’t want to cause any problems for them just because her date ended badly. Spencer insisted that he wasn’t going to let her stay out there when he


could take the both of them home. He was such a gentleman that he went to explain to Brenda what he needed to do. From the distance, Octavia could see from Brenda’s body language that she wasn’t happy about the situation. Octavia could hear Brenda asking him why she couldn’t find someone else to take her home. Octavia also heard Brenda say that she thought they would “do it” tonight. After objecting to no avail, Brenda pouted her way into the car. Octavia remembered no one said a word on the way to her house. The radio and the car engine were the only sounds heard as they rode in silence. Even though it wasn’t the most logical thing to take her home first, Octavia assumed Spencer knew it was the smartest thing to do to keep Brenda from boiling over. “All aboard! Choo-Choo! That’s the way it goes on Love’s Train.” The jingle of the midnight slow jam came through the car speakers. The sultry tenor voice of the radio DJ followed with, “Welcome to FM 96.7 WKDA. Tonight take a ride on Love’s Train with us as we ride the rails of the 90’s”. The DJ picked the worst song he could play tonight as “Un-break My Heart” was one of the songs he played. Octavia looked out of the window to keep Spencer from seeing her tears. When they arrived at Octavia’s home, Brenda gave Spencer a look that clearly threatened him if he even thought about walking Octavia to her door. O c t a vi a t ha n k ed hi m a nd apologized to both of them for spoiling their night. Brenda never looked in Octavia’s direction. She sat in the front seat with her arms folded and lips poked out like a five year old child. After getting out of her dress and taking a quick bath, Octavia’s phone rang. It was her private line her mom and dad had installed in her room because they were tired of answering calls for her and her sister. She didn’t have caller ID back then and she didn’t want to answer, thinking for sure it would be Russell. Octavia remembered snatching the receiver from the phone and snapped out the words in a whisper, “What do you want Russell?!” When she heard Spencer’s voi ce throug h the phone , s he apologized to him. When Octavia asked Spencer why he had come home so early and wasn’t somewhere doing it with Brenda. He told her he just wanted to get home to

21 check on her to make sure she was ok. She told Spencer she was fine and thanked him again for dropping her off. Right before they said their goodnights, Spencer told her she deserved to be treated better. Octavia snapped out of her trip down memory lane. She did deserve better and better for her ended up being her husband Minister Spencer Bridgewater. Octavia read Psalms 91 to herself then turned to the Love chapter. She read the verses out loud just as they did each night. She could hear Spencer from the other side of the door saying the words from memory with her. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Purposely ignoring the fact that she was going to bed angry, Octavia spoke loud enough so Spencer could hear her. “Yes, you might know the word but you sure don’t do the word”. Octavia turned off the lamp and attempted to fall asleep leaving the door locked and Spencer on the other side of it.

Lisa Woods After making love to her husband Michael, Lisa had finally dozed off to sleep but found herself feeling warm and waking up a few hours later. She remembered she had turned up the temperature on the AC while she waited on Michael to return to the room. As she’d learned in all of her research to conceive, she didn’t want to get up from the bed until morning. She didn’t want to take any chance of any of Michael’s soldiers escaping. She chuckled at the use of the word “soldiers”. She tried to wake Michael. He wouldn’t budge. She knew she wouldn’t get a good night’s rest if she didn’t adjust the thermostat. Her throat was dry anyway, so she figured she would grab some water while she was up. Lisa went to the kitchen and placed the glass she had taken from the cabinet against the water dispenser on the refrigerator door. She was softly singing “Happy Feelings” by Michael’s favorite R&B group, which was the last song she remembers playing from her MP3 player before she and Michael fell asleep in each other’s arms. Lisa sipped her water, as she swayed to the melody in her head and walked over to adjust the thermostat. She went over to the counter and swallowed the last of her


water. Lisa placed the glass on the counter. The melody in her head shut off like someone had bumped the record player at an 80’s house party when she noticed that the ice bucket Michael said he went to fill didn’t have ice in it. There was not even a drop of water. The bucket was bone dry. Lisa said the first thing that came to her mind. “Veronica!!”

22 does Your risk for venereal disease is higher Your relationship can end at any moment Know that when he says he loves you, he is lying (if he did he would make you his one and only and not his side piece)He is not taking care of you, he his taking care of his access to your body Why does it seem so popular today? It seems that way because people lack respect for relationships. They think that if it doesn’t work, just move on or get a side piece to fill in the void. Television and radio make it seem glamorous. It’s not, it can hurt many people and the effects may last for a long time. I know it may seem like you have been waiting a long time, but just trust the process. In the right time your Mr. Right will come. Just be patient and don’t settle. Question 2 My Sister, I love my son, but hate my daughter-in-law. But that’s ok because she hates me to. So I never invite her to family functions because I know she won’t come. This has always worked out fine, but now she tells “MY SON” that if she can’t come he should not go. I just got the call, “both of us mom, or none of us”. Even my 2 grand kids can’t come. I know this is just a power play from her. Please tell me how to play my hand? What’s my next move? I can’t let her win…

Question 1 Dear My Forever Sister: I am a single woman who has not been in a relationship in about two years. I was recently approached by a hardworking, smart, nice looking man who asked if I wanted to be his side piece. I was wondering if you were familiar with the term side piece. Can you tell me why it seems to be so popular now? I’m tired of waiting on “Mr. Right”. I’m thinking of settling for Mr. Right Now. What do you think?

Signed, Mother-In –Law Blue

Sincerely, Tired of Waiting

Dear Mother-in-law Blue As I read your letter, I began to think of all the horrible motherin-law stories I have heard over the years. Many times these disputes between mother and daughter-in-laws could have been defused by just talking. Many times when our children take on a partner, we feel abandoned or lonely. It is natural for parents to want the best for their children. Sometimes we over step our boundaries as parents. Sometimes we have to step back and let our children and their spouses figure out things we may know the answer to. If your son choose this woman, he must have seen some great qualities in her. Some may have even reminded him of you. Sometimes we but heads because we think they are trying to take over. Believe me I understand. However, you must realize that your son is your son and nothing can change that. I promise you that if you tried harder to get along with his wife that would make him even more proud of you. Don’t let hatred, disagreements or bad blood stand in the way of making your family succeed.

Dear Tired of Waiting, Yes I have heard of the term “side piece”. For those who have not, a side piece is someone you mess around with, but they’re not your significant other. You sleep with them, but you don’t necessarily involve yourself in their day-to-day life. They may even help you pay your bills or do a few things around the house. However they are never really yours. As I thought about your question, I began to wonder why anyone would want to be a side piece. When you someone side piece you are devaluing yourself. You have lowered your price tag. It shows that you don’t know how much you’re worth. When you become someone’s side piece you settle for second best. There are some things you must realize if you decide to become a side piece: You sell yourself short, and block the opportunity to find your “Mr. Right” You reduce your value No man will truly respect you…even though he says he



(continued from previous page) Remember you only live once and you want to make the best of this life. Your grandkids need you. Your son needs you. And even though it doesn’t feel like it, your daughter-in-law needs you too. Try being the bigger person and make amends. Family is important. Don’t let something happen and you can’t fix this Question 3 Dear My Forever Sister, I am saved, single and have been celibate for 4 years. I love God, and I love my man that I have been seeing for 1 ½ years. We just got engaged, (Yea!!) and because we want to buy a home and pay off some of our bills before we get married, the wedding is delayed for a year. Now, here is my problem. Since we are going to be married soon, and I have a ring, can I do the do now? Will that be sinning? He will be my husband soon. Signed, Why Wait Dear Why Wait, I am impress that you have been celibate for as long as you have. In today’s society sex is equated with love. You have decided to love, trust and obey God’s rule for sex. I know every time we turn on the radio or the television we are bombarded with images of sex. We see it on bill boards, commercials, even in cartoons. It is a wonderful thing that God has reserved for marriage. It was God’s plan for us to truly enjoy and love each other before we entered into physical relations. If you have waited this long. I encourage you to wait until you are married. It is not a popular belief in this day and time and some may even disagree with me. Your body is your most precious gift. Giving it away prematurely will surely have consequences that you may not want to deal with. Yes you’re engaged now. Yes you have a ring on it. Yes it seems he truly loves you. If he does, he will be willing to wait. He will be willing to work harder to save faster to get you closer to that wedding date. Sex is a wonderful thing. It brings a bond between a man and woman. The bond can be made stronger with marriage. If you have waited this long, you definitely can wait a little longer. ...I’ll be waiting for my wedding invitation.



as men. Second, since the woman is the heart and nerve center of the family, the damage visited upon her, has an effect on all members of the family; her daughters and her sons. I have also seen these same women lower their standards and degrade themselves in the belief they “need to get a man/husband” and even go so far as to share a man, believing that a piece of man is better than none. Lastly, I want to shake some sanity back into this dating game. I believe that women will listen to the advice of a man quicker than a man will.

Today’s modern world of romance, with its texting, sexting, and instant gratification bears little resemblance to the courtship rituals of yesterday and it presents its own set of problems. Just how different are these problems from the ones faced by our mothers and fathers a generation ago? The “new” problems, when their “new” rules and “new” morals are really just the “same old same” once the “newness” is stripped away. This column, “The Other Side of the Pillow” is an attempt to do just that. Ladies, think of this column as your good guy friend who is going to give it to you straight. It is my intent to show you the roots of your issues from the male perspective so that you can see the manipulation and games being played on you by males in your lives and in many instances by yourselves. This does NOT mean that this forum is exclusively for singles. Our tagline is: Relationships, Romance, and Reason. Couples; either married or dating are also encouraged to participate. I have been asked why I have focused my attention on the softer side of the relationship. My reasons are many. First, I have seen the results of relationships based on deceit cheating, and emotional/psychological abuse. As a single man, I can say first hand that it is almost impossible to build a lasting relationship with a woman who has been so poorly handled by boys posing

I want to empower the woman and in turn, empower the relationship. Keeping this in mind, please do not expect anything but the truth no matter how ugly. I can only be of service to you if I make it plain. So, please enjoy reading this column, participate and when the need strikes, fire off a question or two. I’ll be more than happy to help.

Q: I am a divorced 40 year old woman with two teen-age children, a boy (18) and a girl (14). I have been seeing this guy off and on for about two years. My family doesn’t like him and says that he is using me. Whenever he comes around, he has either just gotten fired or is looking for a job and a place to stay. I will take him in, help him find a job and get back on his feet. Once this happens, we stop spending as much time together (which he blames on work) and when we do spend time, it’s usually dinner, sex, and then he has to leave. If I happen to come by his place, then its dinner, TV, and then we have to leave or I have to leave if he has to work. I will break up with him and change my number, but he comes around and begs the kids to give him the new number and then it starts over again. I know that I am probably being used but, I like helping people. I was a good wife and I miss taking care of a man and since there is nobody else in my life, I let him come back but this time, I suspect that he is cheating on me and I want to end it for good. Please help me! Signed “Just don’t want to be lonely”


A: Lonely, It seems more like he is seeing you. The family not liking him could go one of two ways in many cases. If you guys (family) are close, then maybe they are jealous and resentful of the time he spends with you. That’s not it. They see this loser for exactly what he is. To him, you are the unemployment office, AFDC, and social services all rolled into one. This man (using this term as loosely as possible) knows that when he is down he can come by and USE you to get back on top for the rest of the ladies who he is probably running after but won’t feed clothe, and f*&k a bum. As for you “suspecting him of cheating on you” let’s look at what we do know. When he is on his feet, he comes over, eats, sexes you, and jets. If I were him, I would be glad to say, “Baby, why don’t you stop by the job, tonight?” I know Popeye’s needs customers. When you go by his place, (wonder who paid the deposit?) you get dinner, TV, and hustled to the door. NOT EVEN ANY NOOKIE. Baby, he has done everything he could to make your presence in his world as scarce as possible….either he has a woman or he is looking for one. Honey, you say you like to help of people and that he is in your life because no one else is; what about your kids? They are there and they need you. It is very unfortunate that he not only uses you but that he uses your children to get to you. Stop this madness, please. Everyone gets, lonely, including me, but there is no person worth the loss of your self-respect, and the possible psychological damage that this situation is doing to your children. Your daughter sees this and thinks this is the way a man should treat a woman. Your son sees this and thinks that a man is supposed to use and mistreat women for his own desires. They are getting their life/love lessons from you. You maybe lonely but you are not alone! You have a family and if you focus on them and yourself, your reward will be your hearts desire. Be safe, be happy, be grateful for the love you have.


In “ReBirth Magazine’s” last issue, we introduced our readers to “Mitzi”.

continued to live with her maternal family. Finally, in 2008 she moved to her first apartment and was extremely excited. She was gainfully employed, and was thankful to God for her accomplishments. Mitzi lived alone. In 2010, she was robbed at gunpoint; while going up the stairs to enter her apartment. Miraculously, she was unharmed; also, she received a bonus miracle… of her possessions were recovered.

Mitzi is a displaced woman. She is striving to improve her situation. Mitzi lost her apartment, as a result of becoming underemployed. Although, Mitzi says that she believes that nothing happens in vain, she expressed that it is also her belief that God has a purpose for her life. Mitzi is an educated -jovial person who loves interacting with others. My second interview with Mitzi was very inspiring. During our interview she opened up more concerning her situation. Mitzi was born in 1975 to a single mother. Her mother was popular and an unplanned pregnancy was not on her immediate agenda. In spite of societal views, Mitzi’s mother decided to have her. Mitzi’s maternal grandparents and maternal uncle assisted her mother with rearing her. She would occasionally spend time with her paternal family. However, as a child she resided with her maternal family.

Chermarlita M. Lafayette

She temporarily resided with a friend for four weeks after the robbery. She eventually returned to her apartment and continued living alone. She made a mistake in 2012 and unintentionally damaged the floors of her apartment in 2012. Although upset, the landlord allowed her to continue residing in the unit after two weeks of waiting for floor repairs. Mitzi was grateful.

In 2013, Mitzi became underemployed. She began falling behind in rental payments. In addition to her struggle, Mitzi was the victim of an attempted armed robbery. The incident occurred on the same stairwell where the 2010 actual armed robbery had taken place. Mitzi had fallen down on her face in her effort to escape the rogues. As a result, her face was severely bruised.

Although, Mitzi was not born into an ideal situation, she was a happy child. Mitzi attended a public elementary school for her kindergarten education. In the first grade she started attending a parochial school. When Mitzi was a sophomore in high school, she decided to return to the public school system. After, two weeks of attending a popular public high school, Mitzi returned to the parochial school system. In 1993, she graduated from a prestigious parochial school. Shortly, after high school graduation Mitzi started attending a popular university. She earned a B.A. Degree, in 1997; she worked and

Ultimately, in 2014, Mitzi’s underemployment worsened. She was forced to move from her apartment. First to a hotel then from this friend to the next. She grew tired of burdening her friends and as a result, she would park her car in a safe place and get sleep. Her gym visits went from 3 times a week to 7 days a week. She would workout, pray then shower. She believes that God will still open doors and she is constantly prayerful that God will provide a stable shelter soon.







Car Rental: Enterprise: 225-355-5157 Hertz: 225-357-2867 Avis: 225-355-4721

Uber Service: If you are an Uber account holder uber service is available in the Baton Rouge and surrounding areas. New to uber and would like to utilize the service visit

Taxi Services: Yellow Cab- 225-926-6400 Sanders Airport Cab-225-721-3285

Capital Area Transit System (CATS): 225-289-8282 or visit for route information Adult Fare: $1.25 Children under 5: Free with paying adult Transfers: $0.25 each

Trolley Service: Capitol Park Trolley Service runs downtown and is free. Hours: Monday-Friday 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Limo Services: Riverside Limousines- 225-928-5466 or 1-866-578-0705 Baton Rouge Limousine Service: 225-927-4908

Shuttle Services: Some hotels offer shuttle services to and from the airport. For those that do not the following shuttle services are available. Airport Shuttle: 225-933-7107 Reliant Transportation: 225-336-4814 or 1-866-925-8110 Tiger Airport Shuttle: 225-333-8167

For our out of town visitors we would recommend several staycation hotels: Chase Suites 3.5 stars located at 5522 Corporate Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Hotel Indigo Baton Rouge Downtown 4.2 stars located at 200 Convention St. Baton Rouge, LA 70801 L’Auberge Casino & Hotel 3.8 stars located at 777 L’Auberge Ave Baton Rouge, LA 70820 Renaissance Hotel 4.0 stars located at 7000 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70810 StayBridge Suites 4.9 stars located at 129 E. Kaliste Saloom Rd Lafayette LA 70508 StayBridge Suites New Orleans French Qtr/Downtown 3.7 stars located at 501 Tchoupitoulas St. New Orleans, LA 70130



Family Dining: Another Broken Egg is a great location for brunch and is located at 2531 Citiplace Ct. #100 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Harrington’s Café serves lunch and is located at 329 Florida St. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Parrain’s Seafood Restaurant serves creations of Louisiana style seafood located at 3255 Perkins Rd Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Capital City Grill serves Louisiana style entrees and all-American favorites located at 100 Lafayette St Baton Rouge, LA 70801 The Little Village serves classic Italian entrees located at 447 3rd St. Baton Rouge, LA 70801 Louisiana Lagniappe serves Cajun/Creole entrees located at 9990 Perkins Rd Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Intimate Dining: Mansurs on the Boulevard Louisiana’s Premeier Bar and Grill serves contemporary Cajun cuisine and is located at 5720 Corporate Blvd #A Baton Rouge, LA 70808. (Reservations required Flemings Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar is located at 7321 Corporate Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (Reservations Required)

Events Unique To Baton Rouge The Roux House (Red Bean and Rice Monday) located at 143 3rd St. Baton Rouge, LA 70801 Chelsea’s Café and Daiquiri Bar located at 2857 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70801 Phil Brady’s Bar and Grill (World Famous Blues Jam Thursday) 9:00 p.m. $5.00 cover located at 4848 Government St. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 For your shopping pleasures you may want to visit the following: Mall of Louisiana located at 6401 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70836 just off of Interstate 10 Perkins Rowe located at 10202 Perkins Rowe Baton Rouge, LA 70810 just south of the Mall of Louisiana Tanger Outlet Mall located at 2410 Tanger Boulevard Gonzales, LA 70737 20 minutes from Baton Rouge off of Interstate 10 Juban Crossing located at 27853 Juban Road Denham Springs, LA 70726 just off of Interstate 12

These ultimate Baton Rouge staycation attractions are just a few of many for the whole family or couples to enjoy. Depending on the time of year or the season you plan your staycation you are likely to stumble upon a Mardi Gras Parade, Bayou Country Superfest, Baton Rouge Blues Festival, FestforAll, Broadway in Baton Rouge (River Center), Jambalaya Festival in Gonzales, Essence Festival in New Orleans and the Crawfish Festival in Breaux Bridge.

For more information and things to do during your Ultimate Baton Rouge Staycation contact CMK Travels or visit 29







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