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Title ...Hidden In History Women Explorers Women Inventors Women Rulers
Hidden History ... Women
Author: Various | RRP: $16.95 ea Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company | Release Date: 01/06/2020 Format: Paperback (pages: 48) | Age: 10 to 15 years + This important series puts the spotlight on the achievements of women in history—some ignored during their time, others celebrated but forgotten. Each book features a field of endeavor and crosses the globe featuring inspiring examples from each continent. Hidden History boxes identify what made them unconventional and groundbreaking for their time periods.
ISBN 9780778773047 9780778773054 9780778773061 Title ...Hidden In History Women Scientists Women Warriors Women Writers ISBN 9780778773078 9780778773085 9780778773092
TITLE Air Transportation: From Balloons to Superjets Road Transportation: From Carts to Racing Cars Space Exploration: From Rockets to Space Stations
History of Inventions
Author: Fast Track RRP: $16.95 ea Publisher: Brown Bear Books Format: Paperback (pages: 24) Age: 7 to 10 years Series Release Date: 1/08/2018 Even very young kids can use a smartphone and listen to music on a streaming site, but how did we get to the technology we use today? This series traces the inventions, explaining how one breakthrough leads to the next. A visual timeline at the bottom of each spread is a reminder of how the story unfolds. ISBN TITLE ISBN 978-1781214688 Communication Technology: From 978-1781214732 Smoke Signals to Smartphones 978-1781214695 Computer Technology: From 978-1781214718 Punchcards to Supercomputers 978-1781214725 Music Technology: From 978-1781214701 Gramophones to Music Streaming
Bumba Books ™ — Past and Present
Author: Kerry Dinmont RRP: $16.95 ea Publisher: Lerner Publications Age: 4 to 7 years Release Date: 1 February 2019 Pages: 24 Carefully leveled text compares and contrasts everyday objects and places from the past and present. Readers will compare candle-lit cottages to electricity-filled houses and more. Ageappropriate critical thinking questions and a photo glossary help build nonfiction learning skills.
TITLE ... Past and Present Schools Homes Libraries ISBN 9781541526907 9781541526884 9781541526891 TITLE ... Past and Present Communication Toys and Games Transportation ISBN 9781541526877 9781541526914 9781541526921
Putting Australia on the Map
RRP: $24.99
ISBN: 978-1742035932 | Author: Carole Wilkinson Publisher: Wild Dog Books | Format: Hardback (pages: 32) Age: 7 to 12 years | Release Date: 01/03/2020 Australia is a big place. It covers 7.7 million square kilometres. You would think it would be easy to find, but it stayed hidden from everyone but its First People for a very long time. Australia’s coastline was discovered piece by piece. Mapping the coastline was a task that took hundreds of years. See who got it right and who didn’t as, bit by bit, the outline of Australia appeared in Putting Australia on the Map.
Historic Communities Shipping Oct 2020 Author: Various | RRP: $14.95 ea Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company | Release Date: 01/06/2020 Format: Paperback (pages: 32) | Age: 8 to 12 years Bobbie Kalman’s Historic Communities series has been revised and updated! This immensely popular series by acclaimed nonfiction author Bobbie Kalman provides a close-up view of how people in North America lived more than 200 years ago. Each revised edition in the series features new full-color photographs from restored historic villages across North America, updated text and an activity.
TITLE A Child's Day A One-Room School Classroom Games Colonial Home Colonial Life ISBN 9780778773207 9780778773214 9780778773221 9780778773238 9780778773467 TITLE In the Barn Schoolyard Games The Gristmill The Kitchen Visiting a Village ISBN 9780778773474 9780778773481 9780778773498 9780778773504 9780778773511
Forensic Footprints of Ancient Worlds
Author: Heather C. Hudak RRP: $14.95 ea Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Format: Paperback (pages: 32) Age: 9 to 13 years Release Date: 1 January 2019 What can modern science and technology tell us about the ancient past? This fascinating series examines how scientists, archaeologists, and historians have discovered fresh clues, opened new investigations, and solved previously unfathomable mysteries using modern forensic science. From detecting the identities of mummy remains to revealing hidden structures and passages, each book details how forensic science methods are used to uncover clues and answer questions about the past. Clear and simple text, engaging images, and shocking sidebars give readers a fun and accessible look at the ways we can learn about the past.
TITLE The Ancient Chinese The Ancient Egyptians The Ancient Greeks ISBN 978-0778749530 978-0778749547 978-0778749554 TITLE The Aztecs The Maya The Romans ISBN 978-0778749561 978-0778749578 978-0778749585
50 Things You Didn’t Know About...
Shipping Oct 2020
Author: Sean O’Neill | RRP: $16.95 ea Publisher: Lerner Publications | Release Date: 01/09/2020 Format: Paperback (pages: 32) | Age:7 to 11 years This fun series lets readers explore a new topic, broaden their knowledge on a favourite subject, or just have a few laughs. Each book is filled with facts and trivia about historical eras, ranging from daily life to unusual customs.
Title 50 Things You Didn’t Know About... Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome ISBN 9781634407984 9781634407991 9781634408004 Title Colonial America Middle Ages Old West ISBN 9781634408028 9781634408011 9781634408035
Into the Streets: A Young Person’s Visual History of Protest in the United States

RRP: $34.95
ISBN: 978-1541579040 | Author: Marke Bieschke Publisher: Zest Books | Format: Paperback (pages: 168) Release Date: 01/09/2020 | Age: 14 to 18 years Shipping Oct 2020
This lively book guides readers through the art and history of significant protests, sit-ins, and collective acts of resistance throughout US history. Photos, artwork, signs, and other visual elements highlight the history of social action, from American Indian resistance to Black Lives Matter.
Grave Tales
Author: Helen Goltz & Chris Adams RRP: $29.95 ea Publisher: Atlas Productions Format: Paperback (pages: 295) Age: High School/Adult Release Date: 2017 - 2020 In cemeteries throughout Australia, gravestones hint at our history – tales of early settlement, unsolved murders, love lost, mystery, tragedy, health epidemics, scandal and sacrifice. Grave Tales reveals more than the headstone can ever convey by tracing the tumultuous journeys that lead to these final resting places.
TITLE Melbourne Vol. 1 Queensland's Great South West True Crime Bruce Highway Sydney Vol. 1 Great Ocean Road Country – Geelong to Port Fairy Brisbane Vol. 1 ISBN 9780648709343 9780994182210 9780987160577 9780994376244 9780994376220 9780995377646 9780995377684