2 minute read
Critical Thinking
State Your Case: Evaluating Arguments About ...
Author: Simon Rose, James Bow RRP: $16.95 ea Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Format: Paperback (pages: 48) Age: 10 to 14+ years Series Release Date: 1/01/2019 This informative and interesting series introduces the craft of argument writing to readers. Each book takes the reader through the parts of an argument, illustrating each concept using relatable examples, and allows readers to use what they have learned to evaluate the strength and credibility of arguments about a variety of issues, from homework requirements and school sports spending to robots in the workforce and healthy food choices.
TITLE Environment Sports & Entertainment ISBN 978-0778751052 978-0778750918 TITLE Animals Food ISBN 978-0778750888 978-0778750901 Technology Education 978-0778751045 978-0778750895
Get Informed—Stay Informed
RRP: $14.95 ea
Publisher: Crabtree | Release Date: 2019-2020 | Format: P/back 48 pg This series is designed to empower young people to become knowledgeable, active citizens by engaging with current issues shaping the world today. Each title arms readers with a critical overview of an issue, providing accessible entry points to grasp essential background context, and explains related vocabulary to help readers understand the causes and possible outcomes. Issues are examined from multiple perspectives, and consider local, national, and global connections. In addition, readers will be equipped with tangible, take-away strategies and tools to help them stay informed.
Title Education Equality Climate Change Gun Violence MeToo Movement ISBN 9780778772767 9780778749707 9780778753469 9780778749714 Title Plastics Dependency Digital Data Security Immigration & Refugees Opiod Crisis ISBN 9780778772798 9780778753452 9780778753476 9780778749738
Deconstructing Powerful Speeches
Author: Various RRP: $16.95 ea Publisher: Crabtree Format: Paperback (pages: 48) Age: 10 to 15 years Series Release Date: 2019-2020 Each book in this inspiring series features a renowned speech in which the writer uses language and nuance to put forth compelling arguments. Critical primary-source analysis puts the speech into context for readers, and a special chapter uses comparative speech to help explain the cultural importance and influence of conveying messages. Text-dependent critical thinking questions help facilitate further research and discussion. TITLE ISBN Elie Weisel: The Perils of Indifference - shipping Oct 2020 9780778781615 Emma Watson: UN Gender Equality Speech - shipping Oct 2020 9780778781622 Frederick Douglass: What to the Slave Is the 4th of July? - shipping Oct 2020 9780778781639 Ida B. Wells: Lynching, Our National Crime - shipping Oct 2020 9780778781646 Abraham Lincoln - The Gettysburg Address 9780778752530 James Baldwin - Cambridge Debate Speech 9780778752547 Susan B. Anthony - On A Woman’s Right to Vote 9780778752554 Tecumseh - Speech at Vincennes 9780778752561