Summer 2012 Rec&Ed

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Ann Arbor Public Schools • Community Education & Recreation • summer 2012 Catalog

Over 500 Classes & Activities for Families, Adults, Youth & Preschool • Summer Tennis page 5 & 36 • Summer Camps pages 37-57

C E R ED & Register online at Register

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 1

Catch the Summer Fun with Rec&Ed Classes and Camps! Sports and Fitness • Learn how to play tennis or improve your game. We have classes for ages 5 to adult, from beginner to intermediate. Pages 5 and 36. • High intensity workout with the outdoor Cardio Boot Camp. Page 6. • The Nordic Walking Workshop is a fun excursion in the park. Page 7. • Cool off with Water Aerobics, Aqua Zoomba, Water Polo, Swimming, Scuba and Snorkeling. Pages 7, 8 and 34.

Summer Cooking • Francesca Giarraffa shows students how to Grill the Italian Way including making Pizza on the Grill! Page 21. • Local seasonal produce is used to create fresh and flavorful Early Summer Salads in the kitchen at Whole Foods. Page 20.

Over 100 Online Classes Learn from the comfort and convenience of your home. See page 4 for the categories and for detailed descriptions and to enroll.


The Recreational Advisory Commission (RAC) is a citizen’s advisory group that helps Rec&Ed deliver the best programs possible for our residents.

RAC Members Tom George, Chair Joe Erhardt, Vice-Chair Tim Berla, PAC Liaison

Rick Dekeon

Keeley Erhardt Carmen Flesher Mary Jo Gray Jon Strite

For comments, suggestions, concerns, etc., contact RAC at or mail to RAC, Rec&Ed, 1515 S. Seventh St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 On the Cover: Vanda Shadigian, Rec&Ed Tennis Supervisor, PTR Certified Instructor Fode Camara, Rec&Ed Head Tennis Pro, PTR Certified Instructor Photo credit: Karina Oganyan The Rec&Ed office is located in Pioneer High School. Look for the bright blue sign on the west side of the building. Our address is 1515 S. Seventh St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Issue No. 35, SUMMER 2012 Rec&Ed, The Ann Arbor Public Schools Community Education and Recreation Catalog is published 4 times a year in Ann Arbor, MI. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for our community through education and recreation.

2 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Astronomy Camp, page 38

Popular Summer Camps

• Math exploration camps for grades K-6. Page 37. • Science camps with the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. Page 38. • Literature & Enrichment camps with Eileen Bigham. Pages 39-41. • Green Adventures camp is THE outdoor experience. Page 42-43. • Kids get active in a wide range of Sports camps. Page 46-53. • Safety Town camp teaches awareness and bike safety. Page 56. Registration forms are on pages 60 and 61 or you can register online at

We Create Community! Rec&Ed office Location & hours 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734- 994-2300 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Rec&Ed Office will be closed Memorial Day, 5/28 4th of July, 7/4 Summer Hours: Mon-Fri 6/25 – 8/24 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Dr. Patricia P. Green, Superintendent, Ann Arbor Public Schools Sara Aeschbach, Director, Community Education & Recreation

Summer • June-August 2012

C E R ED &

Contents Classes, Activities and Workshops

Adult Classes Rec&Ed Online Classes Online Summer Courses.................................4

Instructional Sports & Fitness Tennis.....................................................................5 Fitness................................................................6-7 Scuba & Snorkeling...........................................8 Swimming............................................................8 Water Polo............................................................8

Health & Wellness

Adapted Rec

Summer Camps

Adaptive Recreational Scuba..................... 25 Cooking Cooperatively................................. 25 Dinner & A Movie........................................... 25

new! Olympic Games Fun Camp........... 37


Birth - Age 6

First Steps Washtenaw............................26-27 Art........................................................................ 28 Dance.................................................................. 28 Swimming (Parent/Child)............................ 34

Youth Classes Grades K-12

The Arts Art...................................................................... 29 Dance................................................................ 29


new! Health & Wellness........................11-12

Instructional Sports & Fitness


Girls on the Run............................................. 30 Martial Arts..................................................... 31 Basketball Boot Camp................................. 33 Baton Twirling................................................ 33 Gymnastics..................................................... 33 Swim...........................................................34-35 Water Polo....................................................... 35 Tennis................................................................ 36 Youth Team Sports Info.............................. 59

new! Art & Glass......................................15-16 Pottery & Soapstone..................................... 17 Jewelry .............................................................. 17 Drama & Literary Arts..............................17-18 Music................................................................... 18

new! Science Camps.................................. 38 new! Astronomy Camp............................. 38

Yoga........................................................................9 Martial Arts....................................................... 10 Self-Defense..................................................... 10

Couples Dance................................................ 13 Dance................................................................. 14

new! Math Explorers Camp.................... 37

Literature Camps....................................39-41 Green Adventures..................................42-43 new! Pre-teen Camps..........................44-45 Sports Camps...........................................46-53 Art Camps....................................................... 54 Art, Dance & Drama Camps...................... 55 Safety Town Program & Camp................. 56 Preschool Camps..................... 46, 51, 54, 57

Registration 5 Ways to Register........................................ 58 Rec&Ed Policies............................................. 58 Summer Registration Form.................60-61 Class Locations & Map..........................62-63

Study Skills...................................................... 30

Rec&Ed Resources Recreation Advisory Commission.............2 School Age Child Care................................ 11 High School Volunteer Program............. 25 Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop....................... 32 Mathnasium...................................................33 Ann Arbor Summer Festival.... back cover

Life Enrichment Digital Cameras............................................... 19 Computers & Technology......................19-20 new! Cooking ..........................................20-21 Finance & Income........................................... 22 Home & Garden.............................................. 23 Languages, ESL............................................... 23 Personal Enrichment..................................... 24 Games................................................................. 24 Dogs: Pawsitive Comfort ............................ 24

Prepare for the ACT or learn how to apply for colleges, see Study Skills on page 30. Unleash your imagination in Comics and Cartoon Camp with David Cowen, see page 52. summer 2012 Rec&Ed 3

Summer Online Certificates and Courses Online learning is a fun, en­joyable and very productive way to learn. Millions of peo­ple are learning online each year. It is easy to participate in your online course. After you reg­ister, you will be given a web address to use to get into your online classroom. You will have a pass­word and use your email address and password to gain access. The online classroom is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. To get a certificate, enroll in the certificate section which automatically enrolls you in the courses required to complete the cer­tificate or you can enroll in each course individually. Sorry, no discounts (except B.O.E.s) ac­cepted at this time. Complete course descriptions are online at

To view descriptions and register for YouGotClass go to

Over 50 Classes! Some of the popular classes offered by our partner in education, YouGotClass: • • • • • • • • •

Certificate Courses

• Social Media For Business • New! Business Coaching • Business Research • eMarketing Essentials

• New! Mobile Marketing • Online Teaching • Supervisory Leadership • New! Video Marketing

To view descriptions and register for Certificate Courses go to

Courses for K-12 Teachers Generational Learning Styles Gender in the Classroom Practical Math for the Workplace Creating Cell Phone Apps Dementia Care Specialist Video Marketing Facebook for Business Entrepreneur Boot Camp

Online courses provided by our partner Growth Education from career skills to “just for fun” Over 100 Courses! • Foreign Language Classes

• • • • • •

Career Skills Computer Software Web Design & Graphics Continuing Education for Teachers Life Enrichment Writing

To view descriptions and register for GrowthEducation classes go to 4 Rec&Ed Summer 2012


Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53243 Email:

Adult Tennis Levels Please read the player level descriptions below carefully to place yourself in the correct class. Registered participants may check out a loaner tennis racquet from the Rec&Ed office one week prior to the start of class. Please wear stable athletic (tennis) court shoes, no running shoes. Rec&Ed tennis follows the USTA Code of Conduct. Beginner Little or no experience; will learn basic stroke mechanics of forehand, backhand, volley, serve; footwork, rules, and scoring. Advanced Beginner Can briefly rally the ball with forehand and backhand, can serve over net; will review and improve groundstrokes, volleys, serve, footwork, overheads and approach shots and learn to play doubles. Intermediate Can rally from the baseline and serve fairly consistently, feels comfortable at net hitting volleys and overheads; and will work on perfecting all strokes and consistency, doubles strategy and singles point play.

Instructional Weekday Evening Classes (Co-ed) See Player Level Descriptions above for correct class placement. Classes are located at Pioneer High School on the 4 courts near the flagpole entrance. No class week of 7/2. 6 classes. class ID#










6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

6/12 – 6/28






9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

6/18 – 7/11






6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

7/11 – 7/27






6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

7/10 – 7/26




Adv. Beginner


6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

6/13 – 6/29




Adv. Beginner


7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

6/12 – 6/28




Adv. Beginner


7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

7/10 – 7/26




Adv. Beginner


6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

7/30 – 8/15






7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

6/13 – 6/29






7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

7/11 – 7/27






6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

7/31 – 8/16



93rd Annual City Tennis Tournament! The Ann Arbor Area Community Tennis Association (AAACTA) and Rec&Ed invite you to play in the 93rd Annual City Tennis Tournament. Mixed Doubles June 9-10, Singles July 11-15, Doubles July 27-29, and Juniors July 26-27. Town Tennis Celebration is July 29 along with the doubles finals! For divisions and registration information, visit

High School Players Beginner and advanced beginner high school players up to age 15 should attend youth instructional classes, and those 16 and older attend adult instructional classes before proceeding to Team Tennis. See youth Tennis on page 36.

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 5


Power Yoga Pilates

Fitness Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53149 or 53233

Fitness classes are for grades 10 to adult, men and women. It is recommended that you have a physical examination by a physician before beginning an exercise program if you are over 35, pregnant or if you haven’t been physically active for the past several months. All instructors are certified fitness instructors. Personal fitness levels 1: Beginning 2: Advanced Beginning 3: Intermediate 4: Intermediate Advanced 5: Advanced

Enroll in any 2 Fitness classes, get fit and save $5. Enroll in any 3 Fitness classes, get even more fit and save $10.

Cardio Dance and Pilates Level 1-4. Work toward your lifetime fitness goals while experiencing the joy of music, dance and camaraderie. You'll get a combination of low impact aerobics for cardiovascular work and Pilates for strength and flexibility. Please bring your own mat and water bottle. Instructor: Jenine "Chip" Grover, M.Ed, over 25 years experience. 7 weeks.

Level 2-5. Get a well balanced workout for your whole body while keeping your mind focused with this invigorating mind-body practice done to music. Flowing poses improve cardio, strength, flexibility, balance and posture. Various level options will be demonstrated, so you can easily create your own workout. Any yoga or Pilates experience is recommended. Bring a yoga sticky mat and water bottle. Practiced barefoot. Instructor: Chelsea Cendrowski. 7 weeks. ID# 3130.401 6/19 – 7/31 Tuesday FEE: $65 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Pioneer, Fitness room ID# 3130.402 FEE: $65

6/21 - 8/2 Thursday 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM Pioneer, Fitness room

Hoop Fitness

Level 1-3. Are you looking to combine fitness and fun? Learn the fundamental moves of hooping and hula! Hoop your way into great shape! Hooping tones your entire body, improves your balance and is a great cardio workout! Please wear fitness shoes and bring your own water bottle. Weighted hoops provided. Instructor: Tonji Zimmerman. 6 weeks. ID# 3117.401 6/19 – 7/24 FEE: $49 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Tuesday Allen, Gym

Circuit & Yoga

ID# 3108.401 6/19 – 7/31 Tuesday FEE: $55 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM AA Open, Gym Level 2-5. You will get 2 workouts in 1. Timed circuits using machines and free weights for cardio and strength, followed by a power yoga ID# 3108.402 6/21 – 8/2 Thursday workout to enhance cardio, strength and flexibility. Please bring a yoga FEE: $55 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM AA Open, Gym mat, water bottle and fitness shoes. Instructor: Cheryl Gulbranson, CPT, over 30 years experience. 8 weeks. ID# 3126.401 6/23 - 8/11 Saturday FEE: $79 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Huron, Weight Room Level 3-5. Experience a high intensity, military-style workout with move ments from kickboxing, dance and more. You'll challenge your strength, speed and stamina with interval training techniques. Please bring your own mat, water bottle and light hand weights. Instructor: Donna Kujat, Level 1-5. You'll tone up, trim down and build strength when you learn CPT, over 20 years experience. 8 weeks. the basic weight training principles. Flexibility and core body work done ID# 3106.401 6/19 – 8/7 Tuesday in each class. Instructor: Cheryl Gulbranson, CPT, over 30 years experiFEE: $59 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Pioneer, Flagpole entrance ence. 8 weeks. ID# 3124.401 6/19 – 8/7 Tuesday ID# 3106.402 6/21 – 8/9 Thursday FEE: $65 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Skyline, Weight Room FEE: $59 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Pioneer, Flagpole entrance ID# 3124.402 6/21 – 8/9 Thursday

Cardio Boot Camp - Outdoor

Weight Training

Yoga Pilates Level 2-5. Looking for an intense mind body practice done to music that will challenge your whole body while calming your mind? Weight training through the use of your own body weight will increase your lean body mass while improving your strength, flexibility, balance and posture. Prior yoga or Pilates experience is recommended. Practiced in bare feet. Please bring your own mat and water bottle. Instructor: Victoria Cendrowski, M.Ed, over 35 years experience. (Classes will meet in Pioneer Fitness Room 7/23-8/3). 8-9 weeks. ID# 3110.401 FEE: $85

6/18 - 8/13 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM

Monday CAB, Dance Studio

ID# 3110.402 FEE: $75

6/20 - 8/15 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM

Wednesday CAB, Dance Studio

ID# 3110.403 FEE: $85

6/22 – 8/17 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM

Friday CAB, Dance Studio

6 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

FEE: $65

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Skyline, Weight Room

ID# 3124.403 FEE: $65

6/23 – 8/11 9:20 AM – 10:20 AM

Saturday Huron, Weight Room

Meet the Teacher! Chelsea Cendrowski

started practicing Yoga in 1995. Her goal is to continue doing "Yoga for Life"! She has been teaching Power Yoga Pilates for Rec&Ed since 2009. Chelsea started Karma Yoga in 2010 doing monthly fundraisers for various local and global charities and is currently enrolled in the U of M School of Nursing.

Nordic Walking Workshop Level: 1-5. This activity is based on cross-country skiing, but without snow. Learn and experience proper technique while engaging both upper and lower body muscles, stretching techniques are also taught. This is very effective for burning calories and building cardio-vascular fitness for all ages and levels of ability. Bring your own water bottle. Training poles are provided by the instructor or bring your own. Instructor: Inge Gaiser. Rain date 7/7. 1 class.

ID# 3103.401 FEE: $25

6/30 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Saturday Huron, parking lot

ID# 3122.401 FEE: $55

6/19 – 7/31 Tuesday 7:05 PM – 8:05 PM Scarlett, Pool

ID# 3122.402 FEE: $55

6/21 – 8/2 7:05 PM – 8:05 PM


Water Aerobics Level 1-4. You'll experience the fun of a water exercise program including low-impact aerobic conditioning, stretching and strengthening. Everyone is welcome, participant needs to be able to enter and exit the pool without assistance (for swimmers and non-swimmers). Instructors: Amy McCullough (401,402) Donna Kujat (403). 7 weeks. 6/19 – 7/31 Tuesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Scarlett, Pool

ID# 3120.402 FEE: $55

6/21 – 8/2 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Thursday Scarlett, Pool

ID# 3120.403 FEE: $55

6/23 – 8/4 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM

Saturday Scarlett, Pool

Aqua Zumba Level 1-4. Join the pool party! Do your favorite Latin dance moves but in the water. No need to worry about keeping up the pace or sore joints. In Aqua Zumba, movements are much slower compared to dance routines in a Zumba class, due to the water resistance. This workout gives you cardio-conditioning, body toning and fun! Remember to bring a water bottle, towel, swim suit and aqua shoes! Instructor: Mesha Terrell, over 20 years experience. 7 weeks. ID# 3141.401 6/18 – 7/30 Monday FEE: $55 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM Scarlett, Pool

Zumba Toning

Level 1-4 If you like Zumba, you'll love Zumba Toning! Toning exercises and Latin-infused Zumba moves create a body-sculpting dance fitness party. Learn how light weights enhance your rhythm workout while toning your arms, abs, glutes and thighs. Please wear fitness shoes and bring a water bottle and light hand weights. Instructor: Doris Farrugia. 4 weeks. ID# 3142.401 FEE: $29

6/23 - 7/14 10:40 AM – 11:30 AM

ID# 3140.401 6/18 – 7/30 Monday FEE: $55 6:15 PM – 7:00 pm Scarlett, Cafeteria

ID# 3140.403 6/23 – 7/14 Saturday FEE: $35 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Scarlett, Cafeteria

Level 1-4. This non-impact class includes both aerobics and deep-water conditioning. Stretching and strengthening included. Various flotation devices (water noodles) provided or bring your own. Must be comfortable in deep water. Instructor: Amy McCullough. 7 weeks.

ID# 3120.401 FEE: $55

Level 1-4. Ditch the workout, join the party! If you like Latin dance and international zest, you'll love Zumba! Interval and resistance training are combined to give you a great cardiovascular workout. Wear fitness shoes and bring a water bottle. Instructors: Mesha Terrell (401), Tanya Smith (402), Doris Farrugia (403). 4 or 7 weeks.

ID# 3140.402 6/20 – 8/8 Wednesday FEE: $59 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM AA Open, Gym

Deep Water Aerobics

Thursday Scarlett, Pool


Ages 13 - Adult. Level 1-5. If you can sit on a bicycle, you can do this. Spinning® is a cardio-vascular workout on specially designed stationary bikes. A certified instructor uses music, imagery, and goal setting to simulate a ride on the open road and guides you through changing terrain. All levels welcome. Instructors: Carolyn Gersh (401), Susan Morales (403), Lisa Steele (402, 404, 405), Elmo Morales (406). 8 weeks. ID# 3115.401 6/18 – 8/6 Monday Level 1-5 FEE: $69 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM Bodies in Balance Studio ID# 3115.402 FEE: $69

6/19 – 8/7 6:30 AM – 7:15 AM

Tuesday Level 1-5 Bodies in Balance Studio

ID# 3115.403 FEE: $69

6/19 – 8/7 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM

Tuesday Level 1-5 Bodies in Balance Studio

ID# 3115.404 FEE: $69

6/21 – 8/9 6:30 AM – 7:15 AM

Thursday Level 1-5 Bodies in Balance Studio

ID# 3115.405 FEE: $69

6/22 – 8/10 5:45 PM – 6:30 PM

Friday Level 1-5 Bodies in Balance Studio

ID# 3115.406 FEE: $69

6/23 – 8/11 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM

Saturday Level 1-3 Bodies in Balance Studio

Power Kick Level 1-5. Are you looking for a total body workout that totally kicks butt? How about a way to increase your stamina, flexibility, and strength while listening to your favorite dance music? You’ll use basic kickboxing, martial arts and self-defense moves with professional heavy bags to get a great fat-burning, muscle toning workout done to music. Instructor: Jibril Naeem. 8 weeks. ID# 3113.401 FEE: $75

6/21 - 8/9 6:45 PM – 7:45 PM

Thursday BalancePoint Fitness

Metabolic Makeover Level 1-5. Are you looking for that extra something in a class? This awesome boot camp style workout has a new, metabolism-boosting nutritional goal each week. Take small steps for greater long-term success! All fitness levels welcome. Exercises will be modified as necessary. Taught by Lynda Gronlund, ACE certified personal trainer. 8 weeks. ID# 3118.401 FEE: $75

6/21 - 8/9 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Thursday BalancePoint Fitness

Saturday Scarlett, Cafeteria

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 7

Scuba & Snorkeling

Divers Incorporated For cost, information and registration call 734-971-7770.

PADI Open Water Diver Course: Pool & Classroom Ages 10 & Up. A comprehensive, stress free way to learn to scuba dive.

Huron Scuba, Snorkel & Adventure Travel For cost, information and registration 734-994-3483.

National Geographic™ or PADI Open Water Diver Programs Ages 10 & Up. Beginners enjoy three evenings of pool diving and games and three evenings of classroom discussions.

Introductory Scuba Diving Evening: Taste Test of Scuba Ages 8 & Up. This opportunity for family fun is a great way to spend an evening together.

PADI eLearning National Geographic Open Water Diver Ages 10 & Up. You start online at and continue with an instructor learning to scuba dive in the pool.

PADI National Geographic Open Water Diver Programs Ages 10 & Up. The most complete way to learn to scuba dive the PADI National Geographic Way.

PADI Snorkeling Course Ages 8 & Up. This is a private session with a certified PADI Instructor. We provide you with the equipment.

PADI Digital Water Photography Course

Huron Scuba’s S3 Program Secrets to Successful Snorkeling

Ages 8 & Up. We provide the camera, instruction and equipment.

Ages 6 & Up. You will learn and apply personal water sport safety techniques and snorkeling skills.

PADI Discover Scuba Diving Experience

Adaptive Scuba is on page 25.

Ages 8 & Up. This one night program allows you and your friends to try scuba in the pool.

Water Polo


Water Polo Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Swim Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53232 Email:

Water Polo

Instructional Swim

Collegiate & Masters Water Polo. You will improve your game through scrimmages and individual skill development, plus get swim conditioning. This is a great opportunity to continue playing the game you love. Head Coach: Justin Thoresen, Huron Water Polo. 7 weeks.

ID# 3599.401 FEE: $49

6/27 – 8/6 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Wednesday Huron, Pool

Water Polo: High School Grades 9-12. You will improve your game through swim and dry land conditioning and scrimmages. This is a great opportunity for beginners and for returning players. Head Coach: Justin Thoresen, Huron Water Polo. 7 weeks. ID# 3598.401 FEE: $95

6/25– 8/9 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Monday-Thursday: Boys Huron, Pool

ID# 3598.402 FEE: $95

6/25– 8/9 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Monday-Thursday: Girls Huron, Pool

Grades 6-Adult. Skill Levels: Beginner Work on the basics of swimming. Advanced Beginner Prerequisites: Swim comfortably on your back and 10 yards on your front using basic arm stroke. The goal of this class is to get comfortable in deep water. 6 weeks. ID# 3520.401 6/20 – 8/1 Wednesday: Beginner FEE: $65 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM Tappan, Pool ID# 3520.402 6/20 – 8/1 Wednesday: Adv. Begin. FEE: $65 7:50 PM – 8:35 PM Tappan, Pool

Open Therapeutic Swim

Grades 10-Adult. High Point pool is a therapeutic pool (water temperature between 88 – 96 degrees) that is beneficial if you have any type of arthritis or other physical ailment/impairment. Kick boards and noodles will be available; you can also bring your own equipment. The pool space will be kept open, no lane lines. Registrations are not accepted on site. 6 weeks. ID# 3530.401 6/22 – 8/3 Friday FEE: $35 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM High Point, Pool

Private and Semi-Private Swim Lessons Youth Diving, Swimming and Water Polo classes are on on pages 34-35.

8 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Private and semi-private (2 or 3 people) lessons are $120 for four 30-minute private sessions or $80 per participant for four 30-minute semi-private sessions. Various pools, times, and instructors are available. Call the Rec&Ed Swim program at 734-994-2300 ext. 53232, for more information and to schedule convenient times. Due to the large volume of calls we receive, you may need to leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible.


Yoga Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Energy Lunch Yoga Pace: Fast. Intensity: moderate. Studies show that workers are more productive, balanced and enjoy their jobs with an exercise break during the workday. Energize your body and melt away stress in this active accelerated yoga practice. On your way out pick up a smoothie and a nutritious energizing snack, so you can be ready to tackle the day alert, efficient and stress-free. Instructor: Sondra O’Donnell ERYT 500, Professional Yoga Therapist. 8 weeks.

Yoga classes are for adult men and women. It helps you become more aware of your body’s posture, alignment and patterns of movement. It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a stressful environment. This is one of the foremost reasons why people want to start the practice of Yoga; to feel fitter and be more energetic, happier and peaceful. It is recommended that you have permission from your physician to do yoga if you are pregnant or have potential health conditions, as a precaution to starting an exercise regimen.

ID# 3726.401 6/20 – 8/15 Wednesday FEE: $95 12 Noon – 12:45 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio

Better Backs Yoga Pace: Slow. Intensity: Gentle. Soothe tension throughout your body and strengthen and maintain the health of your spine and back muscles using classic yoga postures and techniques. You will learn yoga techniques that will help increase flexibility in tight and restricted muscles and joints. Beneficial to everyone, Better Backs Yoga also addresses knee and hip trouble and relieves stress. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Sondra O’Donnell ERYT 500, Professional Yoga Therapist. 8 weeks.

Physical Activity level : 1: Beginning 2: Adv. Beginning 3: Intermediate 4: Intermediate Advanced 5: Advanced

Iyengar Yoga

Level 1-3. Experience invigorating yoga postures using the methods of BKS Iyengar to strengthen the body, create a feeling of well-being, reduce stress, and release tension through physical activity and meditation. You need to be able to get down to and up from the floor. The use of yoga props (provided or bring your own) and individualized teaching are emphasized so students of varying experience, ages, flexibility and strength can participate together. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: David Rosenberg, certified instructor with over 19 years experience. 7 weeks. ID# 3706.401 FEE: $79 ID# 3706.402 FEE: $79

6/18 – 7/30 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Monday Tappan, Rec Room

6/21 – 8/2 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Thursday Tappan, Rec Room

ID# 3706.403 FEE: $79

6/23 – 8/4 Saturday 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Scarlett, Gym

Vinyasa Flow Level 1-3. This flowing form of Hatha Yoga is the most popular yoga in the U.S.! Vinyasa Flow is a great yoga for all levels from beginners to the more advanced practitioners. It integrates the mind, body and breath into one practice. You move through fluid transitional movements, using synchronized breathing, to connect the sustained postures to create heat. This is a challenging and empowering yoga that emphasis breath connection, core strength and body awareness. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Lauren Crimando. 7 weeks. ID# 3717.401 FEE: $59

6/19 – 7/31 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Tuesday Abbot, Gym

Vinyasa Power Level 2-4. Through this fun, invigorating and challenging practice you will, purify and detoxify your body, as you strengthen and lengthen the muscles. It is an athletic form of yoga that flows through a range of poses such as balancing, twists, deep stretches, inversions and a restorative savasana to end the class. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Lauren Crimando. 8 weeks. ID# 3718.401 6/18 – 8/6 Monday FEE: $65 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Ann Arbor Open, Gym

ID# 3702.401 FEE: $105

6/18 – 8/6 7:45 PM – 9:00 PM

Monday Sun Moon Yoga Studio

ID# 3702.402 6/21 – 8/9 Thursday FEE: $105 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio

Basic Yoga Pace: Moderate. Intensity: Moderate. Re-balance your body and increase your energy through basic yoga. You will use standing and seated poses, along with breath work to release tension from the body and mind. Basic Yoga is recommended for everybody. Reclined, seated and standing postures help to bring overall balance, optimal alignment and ease to the body and mind. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructors: Sondra O’Donnell ERYT 500, Sun Moon Yoga Director (401), Sun Moon Yoga certified RYT instructor (402). 8 weeks. ID# 3703.401 FEE: $105

6/19 – 8/7 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM

Tuesday Sun Moon Yoga Studio

ID# 3703.402 FEE: $105

6/20 – 8/15 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM

Wednesday Sun Moon Yoga Studio

Powerful Flow Yoga Pace: moderate. Intensity: Intermediate. Awaken your inner vitality through this strong and powerful flowing practice that uses the breath to tap maximum energy. In this practice you will learn to cultivate strength and power and to let go of tension to feel totally invigorated and fully refreshed. Postures are taught with safe attention to alignment so that you can reach your optimal potential. Instructor: Sondra O’Donnell, ERYT 500 and Professional Yoga Therapist. 8 weeks. ID# 3704.401 FEE: $105

6/18 – 8/6 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM

Monday Sun Moon Yoga Studio

ID# 3704.402 FEE: $105

6/21 – 8/9 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Thursday Sun Moon Yoga Studio

More Fitness Yoga classes are on page 6: Yoga Pilates, Power Yoga Pilates and Circuit & Yoga. summer 2012 Rec&Ed 9

Martial Arts

Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Aikido Ages 14-Adult. Learn to fly -- and land without getting hurt! Aikido is a form of Japanese Budo based on the philosophy and martial arts of the Japanese Samurai. Aikido, the way of harmony, involves redirecting an attack using throws, pins, in a fun, noncompetitive atmosphere. Beginning Basic throws, pins and break falls are introduced to you while you work at your own pace. Continuing You continue to work on beginning skills and add more advanced break falls and weapons techniques. Loose workout clothing is recommended. Instructor: Wade Davis, Aikido Yoshokai Assoc. of North America. 7 weeks. class ID#
















6/18 – 7/30 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM

Scarlett, Upper Gym $65


6/21 – 8/2

7:00 PM – 7:45 PM

Scarlett, Upper Gym $65


6/18 – 7/30 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

Scarlett, Upper Gym $79


6/21 – 8/2

Scarlett, Upper Gym $79

7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

Sanchin-Ryu Karate: Family or Teen/Adult













6/19 – 7/31



7:30 PM – 8:15 PM

Tappan, Rec Room



6/19 – 7/31



8:15 PM – 9:00 PM

Tappan, Rec Room



class ID#


Families, Ages 4 and up with parent, fee is per family of 2 or more. This program is set in a non-competitive and informative atmosphere that allows parents and children to learn together. Through Sanchin-Ryu Karate, you and your child will build self-confidence, learn stress management and increase composure and self-defense awareness. Physical techniques are taught with drills and exercises for a positive self-defense education. You will learn to use your whole body, so size is not important. Teen/Adult Grades 9 and up. Training is designed to empower you with the knowledge that can save your life. You will learn a broad range of techniques, strikes, how to get out of grabs and more! Both courses can be repeated to increase your knowledge and technique. Instructor: Jason Wikaryasz, certified instructor with 3rd Degree Black Belt. 7 weeks.

Self-Defense with Cane

Adult Self-Defense

Adults. Would you like to feel safer when out on your own? Find out how to protect yourself with something you may be carrying everyday; a wooden cane. In this integrated exercise and self-defense program, you will learn strength-building exercises and standing and sitting techniques. The lead instructor for these classes has suffered from arthritis for over 20 years and frequently carries a cane for self-defense. Participants need to bring a sturdy wooden cane. Instructor: Kord Kozma. 6 weeks.

Are you looking for an exciting and informative self-defense class that prepares you for almost anything? You’ll learn how to prevent violence and defend yourself and your children and spouse from bare hands attacks, guns and knives. Men and women welcome, no experience necessary. Wear comfortable clothes. Instructor: Joel Pitti, 4th degree black belt and over 15 years of teaching experience. 8 weeks.

ID# 3303.401 FEE: $59

6/23 – 7/28 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM

Saturday PKSA Karate Dojang

ID# 3314.401 FEE: $79

6/20 – 8/15 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Sensei Nigel Kerr

Tai Ki Tai-Ki is a slow movement art, similar to the many styles of Chinese Tai Chi Chuan, however it is rooted in the martial arts and exercise traditions of Okinawa and Japan. Moving slowly and calmly through the sequences of movement, you will find you can reduce stress and dissipate tension. Regular practice will help you gain focus, improve flexibility and balance, and increase your breathing capacity. Join this class to learn an art that is practiced all over the world to improve health. Sensei: Nigel Kerr. 6 weeks. ID# 1826.401 6/18 – 7/23 FEE: $69 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

10 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Monday AA Preschool Gym

Wednesday PKSA Karate Dojang

Health & Wellness

Health or Wellness Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

Pete Thomas’ Slim U™ Lose It Fast, Lose It Forever!

Lose it Fast – Boot Camp Get results fast with Pete’s personally designed “Biggest Loser” style workouts. Slim U™ Boot Camp is designed to kick your butt and knock off the pounds. Work through a variety of fat-shredding cardio and strength training exercises to get you in the best shape of your life! Whether you’re working out for the first time or you want to take your workouts to the next level. Slim U™ will help you get the results you’re looking for! Applicable for all ability levels. Visit for more details and equipment requirements. 6 weeks.

SLIM U™ $500 Weight Loss Challenge!

Need a little extra motivation? Register for 1 of Pete's Slim U™ Combo offerings and join our Slim U™ Transformation Challenge! The person who wins receives $500 in cash and prizes! Additional details will be given the first day of class.

ID# 1856.402 FEE: $180

6/5 – 7/14 Scarlett, Upper Gym 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Saturday


ID# 1856.401 FEE: $180

7/24 – 9/1 TBA 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Saturday

ID# 1858.401 Slim U™ Combo #1 2 Boot Camps (12 weeks) Life Changing Investment: $325

Lose it Forever – Seminar Think you “know” how to eat and just need to exercise? If you’re overweight, you do NOT know how to eat. Learn Pete’s unique principles and secrets to losing weight permanently. Discover how you can lose and maintain weight-loss in any environment. Pete covers the 3 phases of permanent weight-loss— Mind, Mouth and Muscle— in an engaging and entertaining 12-hour seminar format. Learn these basics PLUS a few ‘Biggest Loser Secrets’ to turbo- charge your weight loss efforts! 6 weeks. ID# 1853.401 FEE: $195

7/23 – 8/27 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Monday TBA

ID# 1858.402 Slim U™ Combo #2 Register for both the Slim U Seminar and one 6-week Slim U Boot Camp and save! Life Changing Investment: $339 ID# 1858.403 Slim U™ Combo #3 Register for both the Slim U Seminar and both 6-week Slim U Boot Camps and save! Life Changing Investment: $495

See more Fitness classes on pages 6 & 7.

Enroll Your Kids in Rec&Ed School Age Child Care Fun, Affordable Care that Meets the Needs of Active Kids... and their Parents! 3 Easy Ways to Register Your Family 1. Download forms online at 2. Pick up a registration packet at your child’s school office 3. Stop by the Rec&Ed Office and register at 1515 S. Seventh St, Ann Arbor, MI The quality care you are looking for is available right at your child’s own school. We provide academic, creative, social and physical enrichment activities that enhance the before and after school hours. For more information call 734-994-2300. summer 2012 Rec&Ed 11

Health & Wellness Continued

Heal Your Digestive System

Food Sensitivities

Seventy percent of your body's immune system lives in your digestive tract. The number of children, infants and adults with food allergies is growing at an alarming rate. Problems like inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, eczema, Crohn's disease, sinus, ADD, ADHD and asthma are directly influenced by a compromised digestive system. Explore basic strategies for healing your digestive and immune system. Discuss the use of digestive enzymes, probiotics, healthy eating lifestyles, and the importance of vitamin D and essential fatty acids. Learn about testing methods for allergies and gluten intolerance. Instructor: Gary Merel, M.S.L.Ac. 1 class.

You are enjoying a food you have eaten all your life and suddenly your throat tightens and your body begins to itch. Maybe you suddenly notice you feel tired and bloated after you eat. Could you be having an allergic reaction? Sometimes the foods we love don’t always love us back. Let’s have a discussion about whether food allergies could be an issue for you. Instructor: Dr. Dan Geck, DC 1 class.

ID# 1832.401 FEE: $19

6/27 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM


There is so much information about the various health supplements on the market that it can be confusing. How do you know what supplements will be most beneficial for you and your family? Questions arise about the correct dosages and the purity; plus many supplements are costly. Understand how each of these supplements affects your body. Discover how to make sure the supplement is best absorbed and utilized. How long should you take them? Discover the facts and fiction of supplements. Instructor: Gary Merel, M.S.L.Ac. 1 class. ID# 1833.401 FEE: $19

7/18 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Wednesday Allen, Room A221

Relax Your Neck & Shoulders

6/20 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Trouble Sleeping?

Wednesday Allen, Room A221

Nutritional Supplements & Your Health

ID# 1834.401 FEE: $19



Wednesday Allen, Room A222


Do you find yourself tossing and turning long after you’ve gone to bed? Do you fall asleep but have trouble staying asleep? Are you groggy and tired in the morning? There are a number of reasons adults have trouble sleeping. Understand some of the causes and explore some of the possible solutions. Instructor: Dr. Dan Geck, DC 1 class. ID# 1846.401 FEE: $19

7/11 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Hypo & Hyper Thyroid

Wednesday Allen, Room A221


Do you understand the difference between these two conditions? Discover the symptoms and learn how to distinguish between them. What treatments are being used to control them? Gain clarity and end the confusion. Instructor: Dr. Dan Geck, DC. 1 class. ID# 1831.401 FEE: $19

8/1 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Wednesday Allen, Room A222

Feldenkrais Method® Series Untie the knots between your shoulders and eliminate neck pain. Improve your flexibility and posture. Learn gentle, restorative, re-organizing movements that will help you reduce chronic tension in your neck and shoulders, make your neck and shoulders more flexible, and address the underlying issues that lead to tension and inflexibility. The movement sequences will be performed on the floor and in a chair. You need to be able to get up and down from the floor. Bring a mat and 3 large towels. The towels are to provide support for your head, while lying on your back or on your side. Instructor: Dale Jensen, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner. 6 weeks. ID# 1845.401 FEE: $69

6/28 – 8/2 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Thursday A2 Preschool, Room D108

Beginning Insight Meditation Discover how to bring more joy and openness into your life. Learn how to transform your life by becoming more present and mindful and increasing your ability to be aware of your own thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. This class is designed for those new to Insight Meditation and those who would like a review of the basics. We will also explore the support practices of grounding and opening the heart. Instructor: Lisa Zucker. 6 weeks. ID# 1816.401 FEE: $59

7/12 – 8/16 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Thursday Deep Spring Center

Dale Jenson, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner helps a student adjust her position. 12 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Couples Dance

Couples Dance Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Social Dance 101 A few easy dance steps are all you need to get on the dance floor. Louise Tamres introduces you to the basics of Ballroom, Latin, Swing, Tango, Waltz, Night Club, Slow Dancing, and Disco. No prior dance experience needed. 8 weeks.

Swing 101 Swing is a versatile dance that uses a wide variety of music: Big Band, Motown, Oldies and Rock 'n' Roll – all the way to today's top music hits. Learn this fun and simple dance so that you can bop and boogie away at the next party! No prior dance experience needed. Instructor: Louise Tamres. 8 weeks.

Latin Join this fun and easy dance class. Sample a variety of Latin dances including Salsa, Merengue, Cha Cha, and Rumba. Instructor: Louise Tamres. 8 weeks. Fee is per individual. Partner required for all classes on this page. Class ID#



Wedding Dance Prepare for that special day! Learn steps that can be used in your bridal dance, at the reception, and at other social gatherings. Foxtrot, Rumba, and Swing are a few of the dances taught. This class is fun for the entire bridal party and friends. Instructor: Dorian Deaver, Member of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. 8 weeks.

International Ballroom and Latin Join Dorian Deaver, Member of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, to learn the international styles (the world standard) of Ballroom and Latin dances in a supportive and patient atmosphere. Level I Dorian teaches you a few dances which may include Foxtrot, Tango, Waltz, Cha Cha, Rumba, or others not listed. Dances differ each term. No experience necessary. Level II is for those who are comfortable with dances taught in Level I and would like to continue learning new dance patterns. One dance is selected and focused on for the entire session. 8 weeks. Time







6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

6/19 – 8/7

Scarlett, Cafeteria



Social Dance 101


7:30 PM – 8:30 PM

6/19 – 8/7

Scarlett, Cafeteria



Swing 101


8:30 PM – 9:30 PM

6/19 – 8/7

Scarlett, Cafeteria



International Ballroom Latin Level 1


5:00 PM – 5:55 PM

7/8 – 8/26




International Ballroom Latin Level 2


6:00 PM – 6:55 PM

7/8 – 8/26




Wedding Dance


7:00 PM – 7:55 PM

7/8 – 8/26



summer 2012 Rec&Ed 13

More Dance Dance Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Ballet Grade 7-Adult. The timeless movements of ballet can be yours! Each class includes working at the barre, center work, and basic choreography. The curriculum is based on the Cecchetti method, which is a progressive approach in learning ballet. Level II class is for you if you have had two years of previous ballet or with instructor recommendation. Pointe Practice class includes barre warm-ups and center floor practice. Instructor: Dianna Edmonson. 10-12 weeks. ID# 2298.401 FEE: $109

6/23 – 9/8 3:25 PM – 4:25 PM

Monday: Level I CAB, Room D

ID# 2298.403 FEE: $109

Thursday: Level II CAB, Room D


Instructor Christina Morales Hemenway uses her training with famous Mime Marcel Marceau, Tai Chi, Gabriell Roth’s 5 rhythms, and modern dance to guide you in awakening your body’s ability to express through movement. This free flowing expressive dance class helps relax you and remove tension leaving more room for joy in your body. 10 weeks. ID# 2269.401 FEE: $89

Saturday: Pointe Practice CAB, Room D

ID# 2298.402 6/18 – 8/20 FEE: $85 5:20 PM – 6:15 PM 6/21 – 9/6 6:35 PM – 7:35 PM

Joyful Movement

6/24 – 8/26 Sunday 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM CAB, Room D

Meet the Teacher!

See page 29 for Cecchetti Practice class grades 3-Adult.

Belly Dance Belly Dance is a beautiful and expressive art form and great exercise. It is enjoyed by people of every age and body type. Beginner Learn basic movements, step combinations and a simple choreography with emphasis on posture and safe body mechanics. Intermediate You expand and perfect the basic movements learned in Beginning I with emphasis on technique. Instructor: Nancy Goings. 10 weeks. ID# 2294.401 FEE: $89

6/20 – 8/29 6:45 PM – 7:45 PM

ID#2294.402 6/20 – 8/29 FEE: $89 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Wednesday: Beginner CAB, Room D Wednesday: Intermediate CAB, Room D

Christina Morales Hemenway uses her training of mime with Marcel Marceau, Tai Chi, Gabriell Roth’s 5 rhythms and modern dance to guide you in awakening your body’s ability to express through movement.

Break Dance Grades 7-Adult. Join this most popular and fastest growing dance class and break a sweat dancing to the latest beats! Local and popular dancer Maurice Archer brings his energy to Rec&Ed to teach you break dance moves in a friendly and fun environment. In this class you build stamina, and develop a confident attitude, coordination, and free expression of movement and rhythm. 8 weeks. ID# 2253.401 6/21 – 8/9 Thursday FEE: $75 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Allen, Gym

Hip Hop Grades 8-Adult. Come move to the groove and dance to the latest hip hop and pop beats. Learn challenging choreography filled with style and energy. Get a great workout and learn one of today’s most popular forms of dance. Previous dance experience is recommended. Company (402) is a performance dance team. Instructor recommendation is required. Artistic Director: Gina Danene Thompson. 11 weeks. ID# 2288.401 6/19 – 8/28 FEE: $99 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM ID# 2288.402 6/18 – 8/27 FEE: $99 7:05 PM – 8:05 PM

Tuesday: Hip Hop CAB, Room D Monday: Company CAB, Room D

Jazz Fusion In this popular class, artistic director Gina Thompson brings her unique style and choreography to teach you the latest moves in dance. Classic techniques in jazz, funk, and hip hop are taught. A high energy warmup featuring strengthening, core work, and yoga stretches offers you a great workout. 11 weeks. Hip Hop: Company

14 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

ID# 2282.401 Fee: $99

6/19 – 8/28 7:35 PM – 8:35 PM

Tuesday CAB, Room D


Art Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Classes with Susan Wright are for adults 18 and older.

Garden Stepping Stones Pave the pathways of your garden with hand-cast concrete stepping stones and make your garden a favorite place for strolling and relaxing. You will make 3 personalized pieces of amazing garden art that can be functional or highly decorative. Make them into a variety of shapes and embellish them with a variety of decorative materials including glass tiles, ceramic shards, broken dishes or pottery, and rocks. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Senior discount and 50% scholarship recipients pay $42. Instructor: Susan C. Wright. 1 class. ID# 2183.401 FEE: $69

7/14 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Micro Mosaic Jewelry

Saturday Wright Studio


Nano, Micro and Mini (2-8mm) describe the size of the pieces used for these beautifully intricate, inlaid mosaic pendants. Although delicate, they can be easy to assemble with random colored glass pieces or tiny handmade Moroccan tiles to compose an elaborate and complex design. You learn Micro jewelry design concepts and several finishing techniques. Supplies provided and additional materials can be purchased at class. Instructor: Susan C Wright. 7 weeks. ID# 2132.405 FEE: $125

6/20 – 8/8 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Wednesday Wright Studio

Acrylic Painting Beginner and Continuing Acrylic paint was introduced in the 1950s and since then has dominated the arts. It has been accepted by artists as a viable alternative to oil paint. It is extremely versatile and fast-drying. Beginner Students learn basic painting techniques, color theory, color mixing, glazing, layering colors, and experiment with textures and painting surfaces. Continuing Students work on mixed media applications, abstract painting techniques, mixing colors, and advanced color theory. Instructor: Debra Golden. 10 weeks. ID# 2188.401 6/18 – 8/20 FEE: $189 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Monday CAB, Room B

Learn to Draw Beginning Instructor Crystal Westfield, Pioneer High School art teacher, gently introduces you to basic drawing techniques. You will explore line, shape, tone, texture, perspective, and composition. All skill levels are welcome. Continuing Students work on how to draw light, shadows, and texture in portraits, interiors, and landscapes. 6 weeks. ID# 2186.401 6/18 – 7/23 FEE: $85 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Flower Painting

Monday Pioneer, Room E105


Sketch and paint different flowers each week as you move from simple to more complicated blooms. You will investigate ways to create more interesting compositions, explore color nuances, and study paintings by some notable floral artists. Instructor: Debra Golden. 7 weeks. ID# 2119.401 FEE: $99

7/18 – 8/29 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM CAB, Room A

Yarn Play: Knit or Crochet Do you need a refresher for turning yarn into a functional object or want to learn the basic techniques? Learn how to knit or crochet, read a pattern, expand your stitch repertoire, practice increase and decrease methods, or simply get the instruction that will assist you with your chosen project. See receipt for list of materials. Instructor: Susan C. Wright. 8 weeks. ID# 2161.401 FEE: $99

6/19 – 8/7 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Wright Studio

Mosaic Mania Immerse yourself in the artist’s studio where “tons” of colorful ceramic, glass, and granite fragments await your hand to transform them into a mirror, wall hanging or flower pot. You work with ceramic tiles, marble, granite, pottery, dishes and glass, embedding the tesserae directly into mortar, then grouting to fill in the gaps. Scholarship recipients pay $70. Senior discount and 50% scholarship recipients pay $137 (401-403). $125 (404). Instructor: Susan C. Wright. 7-8 weeks.

Colored Pencil Workshops

Barbara Goodsitt is professional illustrator and member of the Colored Pencil Society of America

Discovering Colored Pencils Explore professional artist-quality colored pencils, drawing surfaces, colorless blenders, and solvents. Basic exercises will include tonal color, layering, pressure, strokes, modeling and burnishing. After completing the basic exercises, you will work on a project suitable for framing. Previous drawing experience needed. 2 classes. ID# 2118.401 FEE: $55

7/10 – 7/12 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Tuesday & Thursday CAB, Room B

ID# 2132.401 FEE: $209

6/17 – 8/5 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM

Sunday Wright Studio

Drawing Animals with Colored Pencils

ID# 2132.402 FEE: $209

6/18 – 8/6 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Monday Wright Studio

Learn to draw realistic animal portraits. You will focus on creating texture of fur, feathers, whiskers, and eyes and learn strokes and colors to draw specific animals. 2 classes.

ID#2132.403 FEE: $209

6/19 – 8/7 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Tuesday Wright Studio

ID# 2132.404 FEE: $185

6/21 – 8/2 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Thursday Wright Studio

ID# 2118.402 FEE: $85

8/14 – 8/16 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Tuesday & Thursday CAB, Room B

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 15

Drawing Mixed Media


Bring your pencils, pastels and markers to explore ways to combine them to create some innovative drawings. We will draw some “not so still” life, use vellum to retrace the lines that make a face, and draw buildings with personality. Instructor: Debra Golden. 10 weeks. ID# 2121.401 6/21 – 8/23 FEE: $139 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM


Thursday CAB, Room C

Glass Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Students age 15 and older may enroll in adult art classes unless otherwise indicated. This a great way to sample making beautiful Furnace or Fused Glass. All classes taught by Annette Baron. Sorry, no scholarships or discounts accepted for glass classes, except BOE’s.

Fused Glass Jewelry Sampler Make two pendant necklaces, two pair of earrings and your choice of 5 buttons or a bracelet using colored glass, millifiori and dichroic glasses. You will learn how to cut and arrange glass for fusion in an oven. Findings for the above projects are included (Sterling silver and gold findings may be purchased). If time permits you may purchase more materials to make additional pieces. 1 class. ID# 2138.407 FEE: $79

Glass Classes with Annette Baron Furnace Glass: Solid Forms Learn about the fundamentals of solid form furnace glass. Using a steel rod you will gather molten glass from a furnace, add color and create two beautiful sculptures, paperweights, drawer knobs or bottle stoppers. This is an awesome first experience working with glass. 1 class. ID# 2138.401 FEE: $79

6/23 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Saturday Baron Glassworks

Furnace Glass: Blown Forms Are you mesmerized by blown glass and wonder “Could I do that?” You will be introduced to the fundamentals of furnace glass blowing. Learn to gather molten glass from a furnace using a steel 'blowpipe', add color and ’blow’ two pieces. Choose to make a garden ball, vessel or drinking glass. 1 class. ID# 2138.402 6/30 Saturday FEE: $79 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Baron Glassworks

Fused Glass Coasters, Tiles, Wine Stoppers, Drawer Knobs, Picture Frame Select any 2-3 projects in this fun and informative class. You will be introduced to the technical aspects of glass fusion, then learn how to cut colored glass and melt (fuse) the shapes into one piece in an oven. Optional materials may be purchased as needed up to $25. 1 class. ID# 2138.406 6/24 FEE: $55 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

16 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Sunday Baron Glassworks

7/8 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Saturday Baron Glassworks

Furnace Glass Open Studio Classes


These open sessions were created for you if you have taken either solid or blown forms furnace glass classes and need new challenges. In this venue you will continue to explore esthetics, form, and coloration, as well as the development of independent skills. Register for as many as you wish. Location: Baron Glassworks. class ID#









2:00 PM– 5:00 PM





2:00 PM– 5:00 PM





2:00 PM– 5:00 PM

Fused and Slumped Glass O pen Studio Classes After you have some understanding of the process of glass NEW! fusing you will need some independent time to develop your ideas. This class will give you the flexibility to work on your designs while having an experienced instructor on hand to advise or demonstrate techniques. Some experience is recommended. (optional materials may be purchased as needed up to $25). Register for as many as you wish. Location: Baron Glassworks. class ID#









2:00 PM – 5:00 PM





2:00 PM – 5:00 PM





2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Pottery Grades 7-Adult. Learn techniques of tile making, slab construction, sculpture, press molding, wheel throwing, coiling, extrusions, and glazes. Students may create 5-6 medium to large pieces. Beginning and continuing students welcome in any class. Open studio on Fridays 7:00 PM-9:00 PM is available for any currently enrolled student to finish projects started in class. Scholarship recipients pay $55 (adult); $50 (youth); seniors and 50% scholarship recipients pay $173. Instructor: William Schultz. 10 weeks. Location: CAB, Room A. CLASS ID#







7/15 – 9/16

12 Noon – 3:00 PM




7/17 – 9/18 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM




7/19 – 9/20 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM




7/20 – 9/21


4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

See page 29 for Parent/Child class “Exploring Clay Together”

Jewelry and Metal Working: NEW! Intro to Setting and Fabrication Create a simple ring or pendant that has a bezel set stone, and/or tube set faceted round gemstone. Work in fine and sterling silver and use roller printing and etching to enhance projects. Both gemstones and sterling silver will be furnished for this project. Instructor: Jewelry Designer and Metalsmith, Idelle Hammond-Sass. No scholarships or discounts accepted for this class, with the exception of BOE’s. 4 weeks. ID# 2166.401 FEE: $199

6/21 – 7/12 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Thursday Idelle’s Studio

Soapstone Carving Workshop Grades 9-Adult. Artist Max Sexsmith, from Peterborough, Canada, returns for the 7th summer to offer a workshop on carving soapstone. Again this year Max will provide precut polar bears and walruses for returning/advanced carvers. Novice and experienced carvers are welcome! Create a sculpture such as a loon, Inukshuk, or whale tail from precut soapstone in a variety of colors. Rough stone is also available for you to carve your own creation. In two three-hour sessions you transform rough soapstone into a beautiful polished figure by using a variation of files, rasps and chisels. Basic files provided by the instructor; bring your own tools if you have them. A materials fee of $5-$50 (depending on the size of soapstone you select)is due at first class. Instructor: Max Sexsmith.You can see Max's work online at, select Max Sexsmith under Gallery Artists in the lower left hand menu. 2 classes in one week. ID# 2142.401 6/26 & 6/28 Tuesday/Thursday FEE: $95 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room E103

Literary Arts Literary Arts Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

Creative Writing Workshop Inspiration is contagious! Share your unique voice with other likeminded writers to generate new ideas or support your work in progress. Brush up on your writing techniques as you explore creative fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and other student driven topics each week. Resources and in-class writing exercises will get your creative juices flowing. Open to writers at every level. Instructor: Susan Ashmore, M.A. 8 weeks. ID# 1726.401 FEE: $125

6/26 – 8/14 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Tuesday CAB, Room C

Writing for Children Discover the pleasures of writing for young audiences! Explore various genres such as pictures books, poetry, middle grade fiction, and young adult fiction. Be prepared to talk, write, and share—you will be looking at successful children’s and young adult literature, completing in-class writing exercises, and giving and receiving feedback on rough draft manuscripts created for the class. You are welcome to bring works already in progress for feedback. Instructor: Nicole Brugger-Dethmers. 6 weeks. ID# 1715.401 FEE: $99

6/21 – 7/26 10:00 AM –12 Noon

Thursday Allen, Room A221

Publish Locally – Get Read Globally Do you have a story, poem, or book sitting in your drawer or the back of your mind? Learn local options for publishing online and on paper. Explore the best fit for your creative piece, how to most effectively submit your work to local editors, and how to determine the popularity of an online publication. You will also receive an excellent list of local online and paper publications. Instructor: Debbie Eisenberg Merion, M.S.W., is an award-winning author, writing consultant and college English instructor. 1 class. ID# 1707.401 FEE: $35

6/27 10:30 AM –12 Noon

Wednesday Rec&Ed Conference

Writer’s Write – What’s Stopping You? You have a great idea for a book. Maybe you have even started writing your first chapter. Why can't you sustain your momentum? In this workshop you focus on the discipline of writing, not the craft. Discover strategies for overcoming procrastination. Break down that big and inspiring goal into digestible chunks of action. Create a blueprint to help you finally finish that overwhelming project. Instructor: Jennifer Bailey. 1 class. ID# 1783.401 FEE: $25

6/26 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Tuesday Allen, Room A222

See page 44 for Soapstone Carving Camp for grades 5-8 . summer 2012 Rec&Ed 17


Music Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

Fundamentals of Singing Are you a singer who would like to improve your voice? Do you run out of breath, strain on high notes, or feel you don’t have enough control? Breath, resonance, pitch, and diction will be studied and applied to a variety of musical genres to help you meet your individual vocal goals in a small group, supportive atmosphere. Materials fee: $15 due to instructor at first class. Instructor: Kelly Close, MA, VMTR has over 25 years experience performing and teaching a wide variety of genres. 8 weeks. ID# 1740.401 6/19 – 8/7 FEE: $145 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Blues Guitar

Tuesday A2 Open @ Mack, Aud.


Grades 9-Adult. Learning to play the blues gives any guitar player a strong foundation regardless of what other styles of music he or she wants to play. All modern popular music has its roots in the blues. Beginners will learn music fundamentals though basic chords, rhythm patterns, songs, and scales that will allow them to have fun playing the blues with others. While those guitar players with more experience will expand their melodic and rhythmic vocabulary. Bring your guitar to class. Instructor: Carlos Palomares. 6 weeks. ID# 1761.401 FEE: $95

6/19 – 7/24 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Allen, Room A107

MusIQ Club: Beginning Piano for Kids & Adults Discover a fun, new, innovative approach to learning to play piano! This class features individualized instruction in a group setting, using computer technology connected to electronic piano keyboards. You progress at your own pace, learning to play the piano with both hands, read music, improvise and compose. An experienced music teacher will guide you through the training in a small group class. This class is fun, self-paced and open to students with little or no musical background. Instructor: Warren McArthur, MA. 7 weeks. ID# 1737.401 FEE: $169

6/19 – 7/31 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Tuesday: Grades 1-3 Allen, Room A221

ID# 1737.402 FEE: $169

6/19 – 7/31 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM

Tuesday: Grades 4-7 Allen, Room A221

ID# 1737.403 FEE: $225

6/19 – 7/31 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Tuesday: Grades 8-Adult Allen, Room A221


Workshop Bonus– Take your mountain dulcimer, harmonica and ukulele home!

Mountain Dulcimer Workshop The mountain dulcimer has accompanied singers in the Appalachian Mountains for decades. Now you can learn to play this wonderful instrument in just 3 hours. No prior musical training is required. You receive your own mountain dulcimer to take home and learn to play at least 10 songs. $40 materials fee payable to instructor at class includes handouts, music and instrument (this is the instrument you will all learn on in class and will keep). Instructor: Joe Zsigray. 1 class. ID# 1745.401 6/26 FEE: $29 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Tuesday Allen, Room A222

Harmonica Workshop The harmonica is one of the most portable musical instruments around. Discover how to read harmonica music and translate any song into harmonica tablature. No prior musical training is required. You receive your own harmonica to take home and learn to play at least 10 songs. Material fee of $20 materials fee payable to instructor in class, includes handouts, music and instrument (this is the instrument you will all learn on in class and will keep). Instructor: Joe Zsigray. 1 class. ID# 1746.401 6/27 FEE: $29 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Wednesday Allen, Room A221

Ukulele Workshop Drama Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Cinema Club

Mad about movies? Join our friendly film discussion group and share your enthusiasm! You’ll see contemporary dramas, comedies and even documentaries – including foreign films and independent American movies – and participate in illuminating discussions. No need to be an expert, everyone is welcome! Explore story, technique and meaning. Class fee includes cost of tickets. Scholarship recipients pay $43; Seniors and 50% scholarship pay $69. Instructor: Mark Ziemba, former editor of arts and culture magazine “Current”. 6 weeks. ID# 2308.401 FEE: $99

One Day Workshops with Joe Zsigray

6/20 – 8/8 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM

18 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Wednesday Michigan Theater

You don’t have to be Tiny Tim to enjoy playing this wonderful 4-stringed instrument. All participants are given a ukulele of their own to take home. Learn how to tune your instrument in both standard and open tuning. Discover how to read a chord chart and play at least 7 songs. No prior musical training is required. Material fee of $35 materials fee payable to instructor in class, includes handouts, music and instrument (this is the instrument you will all learn on in class and will keep). Instructor: Joe Zsigray. 1 class. ID# 1747.401 FEE: $29

6/28 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Thursday Allen, Room A222

Joe Zsigray also offers the Art of Clowning Around Camp for preteens on page 44.

Digital Cameras & Technology

Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

Digital Camera: Compact Take this class if your digital camera is small enough to accompany you everywhere. Learn how to take, review, and edit photographs with your compact digital camera. Master simple techniques to dramatically improve your own picture taking. Understand your camera's basic features including automatic and programmed settings and how to navigate the camera's menus. Bring your compact camera, manual, and charged batteries. Instructor: Larry Works, professional photographer. 5 weeks. ID# 1254.401 FEE: $99

6/20 - 7/25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Wednesday Allen, Room A220

ID# 1254.402 FEE: $99

6/20 - 7/25 10:00 AM –12 Noon

Wednesday Allen, Room A220

Digital Camera: DSLR & Mirrorless As you progress from a compact camera to a DSLR, the tools and features become more sophisticated. With complete control of camera settings and optics you learn and practice how to photograph in most common situations. DSLR basic features covered are white balance, histograms, exposure controls, and lighting are combined with lens selection to improve your picture results. Bring your DSLR camera, manual, and charged batteries. Instructor: Larry Works, professional photographer. 5 weeks. ID# 1255.401 FEE: $99

6/19 – 7/31 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room A220

ID# 1255.402 FEE: $99

6/19 – 7/31 10:00 AM – 12 Noon

Tuesday Allen, Room A220

Photos: Digital Camera to Computer They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Using the free program Picasa, get hands-on experience organizing photos. Learn to adjust color and brightness, crop, rotate, remove red-eye and work with special effects. Explore options for printing and sharing your photos, and discuss some of the latest photo products available online. This is the perfect follow up class for those who have taken Digital Compact Cameras. Bring your digital camera and connecting cords. Instructor: Patricia Na. 3 weeks. ID# 1222.401 FEE: $59

7/30 – 8/13 Monday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM WISD, Computer Lab

Windows Private Computer Lessons Patricia Na is now available for private computer lessons. She is a patient, experienced teacher who has been teaching for Rec&Ed for over 10 years. Use the ID# below to register. The instructor will call to set up your training time. Sorry, no discounts accepted.

Open Topics Prefer to learn one-on-one rather than in a class? Sign up for inhome private lessons on anything from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, digital photos, organizing files and more. ID# 1203.401 ID# 1299.401

FEE: $179 (3 hours instruction) FEE: $59 (additional hours)

Meet the Mouse – Intro to Windows

New to computers and feeling confused? This class is designed for you! Master the basics, including how to use the mouse and keyboard, basic computer terms and how to work with Windows. Then learn to navigate the Internet and create your own email account. No previous computer experience required. Taught hands-on in a computer lab. Instructor: Patricia Na. 3 weeks. ID# 1226.401 FEE: $75

7/9 – 7/23 Monday 10:00 AM – 12 Noon WISD Computer Lab

Get Your Computer Fit & Healthy

Does all this new technology of the 21st century leave you feeling "technologically challenged"? Ready to catch up with your grandkids? Discover iPods, iPads, tablets, Skype, sharing photos, smart phones, Internet communities, computer Internet terminology and much more. They are not just for kids anymore! Instructor: Patricia Na. 3 weeks. ID# 1215.401 FEE: $59

7/11 – 7/25 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room A222


You don’t have to be a computer guru to keep up with basic computer maintenance. Learn how to clean up unnecessary files, safely remove unwanted programs, clean your disk, and back up your files. Discover how you can protect your computer from viruses, spyware and power outages and keep your information safe. Prerequisites: Students should have basic Windows computer skills, such as the ability to work with the Internet and email unassisted. Instructor: Patricia Na. 2 weeks. ID# 1227.401 FEE: $39

8/1 – 8/8 Wednesday 10:00 AM – 12 Noon WISD Computer Lab

Choose the Right Mobile Device Technology Update for Non-Techies



Are you considering the purchase of an e-reader, tablet or iPad? Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a device just to discover it doesn’t do what you want. Learn about your choices first so you can invest your money wisely. Compare the capabilities of the Kindle Fire, Nook Tablet, e-readers, Android tablets, iPads, ultrabooks, netbooks and more. Confirm the right choice for your needs. Instructor: Patricia Na. 2 weeks ID# 1240.401 FEE: $39

6/21 – 6/28 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room A220

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 19

More Technology

Mac Private Computer Lessons

Master Your iPhone/iTouch

Jim Monkiewicz has been working on Macs for almost 30 years and can teach you everything you need to know about Macs in your own home, on your own computer. Jim will call you after you register to set up a meeting time that fits your schedule. Sorry, no discounts accepted.

Enhance your smart phone experience and make the best use of your iPhone. Discover tips, tricks and shortcuts to make your life easier. Topics covered include: how to set up your email, synchronize your calendar and contacts, transfer music, download apps and ways to customize your phone. Bring your charged iPhone or iPod Touch to class. Instructor: Patricia Na. 2 weeks ID# 1235.401 FEE: $39

8/2 – 8/9 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Thursday Allen, Room A220

Get The Most From Your iPad iPad is Apple’s latest technological gadget that is changing the way we live. It is used for business, entertainment and just to keep in touch. Are you getting the most out of your iPad? Do you have the first iPad and wonder if you should update to iPad 2? Bring your fully charged iPad to class. Instructor: Jim Monkiewicz. 2 weeks. ID# 1220.301 FEE: $39

7/12 – 7/19 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room A220

Cooking Sharpen Your Knife Skills

HANDS-ON Good knife skills are the foundation of culinary art. Learn how to choose the proper tool for the job and the ergonomics of knife use. Master the chef’s knife as you chop, dice, mince and julienne a variety of vegetables. Discover how to debone meat. Understand the proper care and maintenance to keep your knives sharp and working well. Then sit back and enjoy as Misty combines all your slices and dices to create a tasty dish. Bring your favorite knives and a cutting board. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Misty Callies. 1 class. 6/20 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Huron, Room 6219

20 Rec&Ed Summer 2012


• Make the Switch - Windows to Mac • iLife Suite (iPhoto, iMovie, iWeb, iDVD, etc) • i Works (Pages, Numbers, Keynotes) • Mac: Tips, Tricks, Shortcuts

ID# 1233.401 ID# 1233.402

FEE: $159 (3 hours instruction) FEE: $55 (additional hours)

Cooking Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203


ID# 1655.401 FEE: $45


Early Summer Salads


Because no one can predict how Mother Nature will effect what's ripe in the garden this year, the menu for this class using seasonal produce is open to change. Possibilities using the season's bounty include entree and side salads such as Roasted Zucchini Salad with Lemon Zest and Garlic (a side greater than the sum of its parts); Pea and Radish Salad with Mint and Smoked Salmon or Ham; Spinach and Roasted Beet Salad with Toasted Walnuts, Goat Cheese and Balsamic Syrup; and Mixed Vegetable Slaw with Chicken or Shrimp. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Misty Callies. 1 class. ID# 1650.401 FEE: $45

6/25 Monday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Whole Foods Kitchen

Do your kids like Eating Out? Check out Virtual Restaurant Camp with Eileen Bigham on page 40. Field trips to local restaurants will inspire campers as they create their own restaurant theme, design uniforms, menus and décor in this week-long experience.

Italian Salads


When it’s too hot to eat a heavy meal, salads make the perfect light dinner. Francesca shares three Italian favorites and a refreshing chilled dessert. Recipes: Calamari and Mixed Shell Fish tossed in a lemon juice vinaigrette; Orzo Pasta Salad combined with summer vegetables, grape tomatoes, garlic, green olives and basil; Marinated Chicken Breast grilled and served on a wild rice salad with artichokes; Cantaloupe marinated with cognac and honey then served chilled. Scholarship recipients pay $20. 1 class.

Francesca Giarraffa was born in Naples, Italy. She loves sharing her heritage and recipes with students.

ID# 1672.401 FEE: $45

7/19 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Whole Foods Kitchen

Seafood Alla Griglia


Seafood takes the center stage and there is no better way to prepare it in the summer than on your backyard grill. Francesca shows you how to prepare it the Italian way. Recipes: Cod Fillets covered in a lemony sauce; Grilled Zucchini marinated in a blend of balsamic vinegar and fresh herbs; Pan Seared Scallops and Shrimp topped with a warm vinaigrette served on a bed of mixed greens; Peach Sorbet topped with fresh berries Scholarship recipients pay $20. 1 class. ID# 1688.401 FEE: $45

Grilling the Italian Way

8/8 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Casa di Francesca


Learn to grill the Italian way. Francesca shows you her grilling secrets and techniques while creating a wonderful meal for you to enjoy. Recipes: Marinated Lamb Chops; Grilled Vegetables (bell peppers, summer squash and zucchini) tossed in a red wine vinaigrette; Potato Salad with green beans, carrots and herbs dressed in a white wine vinaigrette; Panna Cotta a northern Italian pudding served with poached berries. Scholarship recipients pay $20. 1 class. ID# 1665.401 FEE: $45

6/28 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Casa di Francesca

Summer Antipasti Summer is a great time to entertain. Try these Italian delights at your next gathering. Recipes: Oven roasted tomatoes topped with olives, capers, dried herbs and chilies, then served on bruschetta; Eggplant Caponata, baked eggplant cubes tossed in a light tomato sauce with olives and fresh herbs; Mascarpone and Brie cheeses with toasted pine nuts served on crostini topped with prosciutto; Steamed Asparagus Spears dressed with crab meat and a lemon butter dressing; Fresh figs stuffed with a sharp cheese adorned with a drizzle of honey. Scholarship recipients pay $20. 1 class. ID# 1675.401 FEE: $45

7/9 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Monday Whole Foods Kitchen

Pizza on the Grill Back by popular demand! Francesca will show you how to make three different kinds of pizza cooked on a grill! Opportunities for hands-on fun. So easy and tasty you will want to prepare it for your own friends and family. Refresh yourself after dinner with an authentic Italian Limoncello. Scholarship recipients pay $20. 1 class. ID# 1671.401 FEE: $45

7/31 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Casa di Francesca

Basic Sushi Explore tips and techniques for making the popular California Roll taught by an experienced sushi chef. This westernized version of sushi starts with Japanese vinegar seasoned rice combined with vegetables and seafood and then rolled in a seaweed wrapper. Learn how to prepare the ingredients to make a uniform roll. Discover the importance of rice and seasoning it to perfection. Take home all the sushi rolls you make and your own bamboo rolling mat. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Andy Kwon, owner Biwako Sushi. 1 class. ID# 1695.401 FEE: $45

7/25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Wednesday Whole Foods Kitchen

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 21


Finance Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

Dividend Investing

Getting Paid to Talk Have you ever been told that you have a great voice? Explore the field of voice-over work for television, film, radio, audio books, documentaries and the Internet in your area. Learn how to prepare a great demo, and discover what it takes to be successful in this exciting field. Class participants will even have a chance to record a commercial script under the direction of the producer! Instructor: Voice Coach Staff. 1 class. ID# 1971.401 8/2 Thursday FEE: $29 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Allen, Room A222

Selling on eBay Listing items on eBay is easy - but mistakes made by beginners can be costly. Learn to avoid the pitfalls. If you haven't taken this class in a couple of years it may be time to educate yourself on all the new rules and features eBay has put into practice recently. A $15 materials fee will be collected at the first class for the student guide handbook. Instructor: Bruce Koldys, Certified eBay Specialist. 2 weeks. ID# 1913.401 FEE: $49

7/13 – 7/20 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Friday Rec&Ed Conference

Protect Your Assets The average cost of nursing home care in Michigan is $6,191 per month. Neither health insurance nor Medicare pay for such care. Learn how you can avoid losing your life savings to long-term care costs. Instructor: Attorneys from Estate Planning Services, P.C., members of the Elder Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. 1 class. ID# 1916.401 FEE: $25

6/21 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room A222 Additional person $10

Explore the Five Secrets to selecting and monitoring dividend paying companies, key ratios to watch, and how to avoid high-yield traps. Discover how dividend stocks can signal market ups and downs as well as how to create a monthly dividend paycheck when you retire. This is a do-it-yourself style class for people who are interested in learning how to find and use dividend paying stocks for retirement income. Presented by: Robert Laura, ID# 1939.401 FEE: $25

Enjoy a fun and creative approach to retirement that strips away the numbers and addresses everyday life in retirement. Learn how to replace your work identity, stay socially connected, remain physically healthy, and more. Create a Retirement Wellness Plan, build a retirement curious list, and change your retirement life forever by answering three revealing questions. Instructor: Robert Laura, Retirement Project. 1 class. ID# 1934.401 FEE: $25

22 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

7/10 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room A222 Additional person $10

Make the Most of Your Retirement Whether you are planning a retirement from the University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University or the Ann Arbor Public Schools you can receive information on financial considerations, benefits, calculations and recent changes specific to your plan. Gain strategies that will ensure you will be rewarded for your hard work, service, and planning. Instructor: Barbara Tucker Barbara Tucker, financial planner serves many clients from these three major employers. 1 class.

Estate Planning Basics

ID# 1915.401 8/2 Thursday FEE: $25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room A223 Additional person $10

6/21 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Allen, Room A223 Additional person $10

Naked Retirement

Probate, health care and estate tax laws have recently changed! Prevent your assets from going through probate. Protect them from estate and capital gains taxes. Retain control of your affairs and learn how to protect yourself against the cost of long term care. Attorneys from Estate Planning Services, P.C., will teach you about medical and financial powers of attorney, wills, and living trusts. Receive a free personal affairs organizer. 1 class.


ID# 1929.401 FEE: $25

6/20 Wednesday - AAPS 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Allen, Room A223 Additional Person $10

ID# 1929.402 FEE: $25

7/11 Wednesday – U of M 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Allen, Room A223 Additional Person $10

ID# 1929.403 FEE: $25

7/18 Wednesday - EMU 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Allen, Room A223 Additional Person $10

Home & Garden Power Tools 101

Home & Garden Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203


Are you intimidated by the use of power tools? In this hands-on class for beginners you will master the safe, effective use of hand drills, a circular saw, screw gun, reciprocating saw, and jigsaw. Learn to use tools with confidence and accuracy. All tools and materials supplied. Instructor: Carl Newmeyer, At Your Service Home Maintenance. 1 class. class ID#







6:30 PM – 9:00 PM




Allen, Room A223


Language Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

People ages 14 & up are welcome to enroll unless otherwise stated.



Instructor: Heidi Benson. 6 weeks.

Ages 18-Adult. Instructor: Clara I. Gonzalez. 6 weeks. Text: Level 1 & 2: La Cartilla - $15 available from instructor in class

ID# 1516.401 FEE: $125

Level 1: 6/19 – 7/24 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Tuesday Allen, Room 223

ID# 1516.402 FEE: $125

Level 2: 6/21 – 7/26 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Thursday Allen, Room 223

ID# 1516.405 Text: Italian: A Self-Teaching Guide, FEE: $20 Second Edition, by Edoardo Lebano

For your convenience you may purchase your textbook through Rec&Ed. Order the book when you register to ensure you have the book at the start of class.

Chinese Conversation Practice


Instructor: Alice Chang. Practice and perfect your Mandarin Chinese conversation skills. Different topics each week. Not for beginners. 6 weeks. ID# 1506.401 6/20 – 8/1 FEE: $125 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM


Wednesday Allen, Room 221

Students receive a certificate at the end of the class

American English Pronunciation Work on your American English pronunciation to improve your spoken communication in daily-life situations. This new skill will build your confidence in the workplace, social situations and on the telephone. Sounds, rhythm and intonation of spoken English are practiced. American idioms and how they fit into cultural speech are also explored. Instructor: Stephanie Wichmann, MA. 6 weeks. ID# 1535.401 6/21 – 7/26 Thursday FEE: $125 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Allen, Room 221


ID# 1509.401 Level 1: 7/2 – 8/6 FEE: $125 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Monday Rec&Ed Conference

ID# 1510.401 Level 1: 7/2 – 8/6 FEE: $125 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Monday CAB, Room C

Private Lessons You are signing up for 4 one-hour lessons. Additional lessons are available for $40 each. After you register your instructor will contact you to arrange meeting times. For text information, call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203. language

class ID#





Alice Chang




Stephanie Wichmann $159



Heidi Benson



Kiyoe Ise


Japanese ESL-Advanced German




Stephanie Wichmann $159


G. Hinman


ESL Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

4 Skills Beginners through advanced level students improve their English through speaking, reading, writing and listening comprehension. Text: TBA in class. Instructor: Stephanie Wichmann, MA. 6 weeks. ID# 1538.401 FEE: $125

Beginning 6/22 – 7/27 1:00 PM –3:00 PM

Friday Allen, Room 106

ID# 1538.402 FEE: $125

Beginning 6/20 – 8/1 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Wednesday Allen, Room 106

ID# 1540.401 FEE: $125

Intermediate 6/19 – 7/24 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Tuesday Allen, Room 106

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 23

Personal Enrichment

Genealogy: Climbing Your Family Tree

Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

Social Media for Your Business


Every successful business depends on people. Facebook is one of the places they spend lots of their time. Either you use Facebook, and other social media services to succeed, or you fail. That is today’s business reality. Has fear from not knowing where to start, and the misconception that social media may take too much of your time kept you from moving forward? Learn the social media strategies that will turn your business fans into Super Fans in just 10 minutes a day. This class is a must for small business owners who want to survive the current economic climate. Instructor: Peter Sabbagh, MA. 1 class. ID# 1646.401 6/20 Wednesday FEE: $35 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Allen, Room 223

Meet the Teacher Peter Sabbagh has spent more than 19 years in the marketing world, developing traditional and integrated digital strategies globally for some of the most respected brands including: Bravo – TV Celebrities, Food Network – Chefs, Merck Pharmaceutical, eBay, Merrill Lynch, IBM, PNC Banks, Oracle and more.

Tame the Paper Monster A Hands-on Workshop Is your home buried in stacks of junk mail, bills, and other household documents? Are you overwhelmed by the thought of sorting through these papers and where to start? Bring one of those stacks of paper to work on in class. A nationally recognized organizing consultant will guide you through the process of sorting, decision-making and purging your backlog of household paperwork. Instructor: Carolyn Anderson-Fermann, Simply Organized Life. 1 class. ID# 1614.401 FEE: $29

6/27 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Wednesday Allen, Room 222

Games Mah-Jongg Grades 10-Adult. This game is so much fun, it is addictive! Discover a simplified version of this ancient Chinese game that resembles gin rummy but uses colorful tiles instead of cards. The game requires skill, strategy, and calculations. Instructor: Stuart Baggaley. 4 weeks. ID# 1625.401 FEE: $49

6/21 – 7/12 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

24 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Thursday Rec&Ed Conference

Are you related to some important historical figure? What "black sheep" are lurking in the background of your family tree? Build your family tree as you discover how to gather basic information, locate public records, and navigate Internet resources. The instructor has a passion for genealogy and has been researching her own family for years. Learn how to overcome obstacles and avoid common pitfalls as she guides you through your research project. Instructor: Katherine Willson. 8 weeks. ID# 1656.401 FEE: $95

6/21 – 8/9 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room 222

Women in Transition Divorce, empty nest, new motherhood, relocation, death of a loved one, new marriage, losing a job, or a promotion are all life transitions that can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Discover practical skills that allow you to explore fears and limiting beliefs, handle uncertainty, embrace change, and find a passion and purpose for your life. Transform a turbulent time into a period of personal growth. Instructor: Jennifer Bailey, strategist and change agent. 1 class. ID# 1696.401 8/2 Thursday FEE: $25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Allen, Room 221 See page 17 for Jennifer’s class for writers.

Dog Training Game or Dog Training Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203

Pawsitive Comfort Special Dogs for Special Kids Social Support Therapy Dogs are life changing for children with Autism, Learning Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities or chronic health conditions. They are often partnered with clinicians in a variety of medical settings where they can improve therapy outcomes. For the special needs child these dogs offer companionship, emotional support, encourage social interaction with others, encourage exercise and teach responsibility and empathy. Discover how a therapy trained dog might improve your child’s life. Presenters: Michelle McCarthy, trainer of therapy dogs and Dr. Mark Bowers, pediatric psychologist. 1 class. ID# 1603.401 FEE: $19

6/27 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Wednesday AA Preschool, Toigo Room

Adapted Recreation

Adapted Rec Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203 or 53232

These classes are for adults and children with mental or physical challenges.

Cooking Cooperatively

Grades 11-Adult. Increase your independence! Learn basic kitchen safety and measuring techniques while creating simple meals. Food safety and cleanliness will be emphasized. A wonderful opportunity for those in independent living situations. Enjoy eating the meal you learn to cook each week. At the end of the session take home a booklet of the recipes used to recreate at home. Scholarship recipients pay $30. Instructor: Nan Nelson. 5 weeks. ID# 6102.401 6/20 – 7/25 Wednesday FEE: $59 6:00 PM – 8:15 PM High Point, YA Kitchen

Dinner & A Movie

Grades 11-Adult. Enjoy movies? Like to eat? Join us for a fun evening where you make simple meals and watch a new flick each week. Classic movies to new releases are shown. Afterwards, you become the critic during the “Thumbs Up or Down” discussion! Scholarship recipients pay $40. Instructors: Marie Tisdale and Joan Clauss. 5 weeks. ID# 6118.401 6/21– 7/26 Thursday FEE: $79 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM High Point, YA Kitchen

Adaptive Scuba Grades 5-Adult. This adventure in scuba diving takes people with physical or mental challenges anywhere from a Discover Scuba experience up to a full certification for scuba diving. Your adventure could include certification as diver with PADI and/or Handicapped Scuba Association. As the name says, we can adapt to almost anything! This exciting opportunity will open up a whole new weightless world of recreational activities and opportunities that you can enjoy with family and friends. Each course will be built to your needs. Call Huron Scuba at 734-994-3483.

Summer High School Volunteer Program Are you a high school student, entering 10th, 11th, or 12th grades, looking for some work experience? Rec&Ed is looking for some select, amazing and energetic high school volunteers to work in our summer programs! Application forms available at 1. Submit your application by June 1, 2012. 2. Have a teacher, counselor, or principal send in a reference for you. 3. Attend an orientation meeting at Rec&Ed You're ready to roll!

Questions? Email Sara at summer 2012 Rec&Ed 25

First Steps Washtenaw Did you know a child’s brain is 85% developed in the first 5 years of life? Every experience helps develop this foundation. First Steps is based on Parents as Teachers and is open to all families with children from birth until kindergarten. Our mission is to provide the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life.

First Steps is more than classes! Family Membership Includes: FUN AND EXCITING CLASSES to help children socialize with others. The fee includes one adult/child class per week, per family. Check out our evening and Saturday classes! Additional classes may be added for $59 for the 7-week session.

PARENT EDUCATORS who provide an introductory visit for all new families, are available to share age-appropriate child development and parenting information and address your parenting concerns. SCREENINGS for your child using the Ages & Stages Questionnaire. This tool helps you observe your child’s developing skills. NEWSLETTERS are found on our website. You will find news about First Steps and helpful parenting tips for you! RESOURCE NETWORK that links your family to other community services and supports.

The fee for all these supports (including classes) is just $78 for our 7-week Summer Session. Partial and full scholarships are available through AAPS Rec&Ed Go to to download application directions and form.

3 easy steps to Enroll 1. Attend an orientation (listed below) 2. Fill out paperwork and choose a class at the orientation 3. Pay your fee for Summer 2012

Attend the First Steps Orientation & Registration Learn about our program and class sites followed by a question and answer session. You can register at the orientation, which takes about an hour. Check out more details online at joining. If you are a continuing First Steps family, check with Sherri for your registration procedures.

SUMMER Classes June 18 – August 10 No classes 7/2-7/6

Summer Orientation Dates Monday, June 4 at 5:30 PM Thursday, June 14 at 10:00 AM Orientation Location The AAPS Preschool & Family Center Families living outside the Ann Arbor School District are welcome to participate although they are not eligible for our scholarship program.

26 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

2775 Boardwalk Dr. (N. of Eisenhower Parkway)

Call 734-994-2300, ext 53186

First Steps Classes for Babies, Preschoolers... & their Parents!

Family Fun!

Art & More for 3’s & 4’s

1 hour class. This Saturday class is a combination of art and movement to music, woven together with a different theme each week. Parents and children listen to stories, create works of art using many different media and dance to a wide variety of music during the 7-week summer session. An $8 materials fee, collected at the first class, allows children and parents to work with many professional-grade art materials in a guided setting.

Baby & Me Together Time

6 week-crawling. 1 hour class. Learning begins at birth. Discover ways to interact with your baby through music, movement and games. Class includes discussing practical developmental information. It’s a great way to meet other families and connect with your baby.

Curious WiggleWorms

Crawling-walking. 1 hour class. Encourage your child’s natural curiosity and practice emerging skills together with fun-filled explorations of tunnels, puppets, songs, musical activities and more. Also participate in discussions covering a variety of developmental topics.

Toddler ExZone

12 to 24 months. 1 hour class. Exactly like Exploration Zone only this class is shorter and just for 1 year olds. Activities to explore include art projects, dramatic play, puzzles, blocks, climbing and plenty of time to work on social skills. Class ends with a short circletime of songs, fingerplays and a story. No siblings, please.


Walking to 24 months. 1 hour class. There will be new experiences with gross motor skills using simple apparatus and group activities. Join us for freeplay with large motor equipment followed by appealing teacher-directed activities using songs, movement and books.

Movement & More

24 to 36 months. 1 hour class. Build on skills learned in Fun at 1 with additional songs, imaginative play and lots of movement and musical activities. Free play on exciting equipment and fun with parachutes, windwands, balls and puppets.

Let’s Get Ready


3 to 5 years. 1½ hour class. Will your child be going to preschool or kindergarten in the fall? This class is designed to prepare children and parents for the next school experience. Theme-based activities are used to help 3 to 5 year olds (and their caretakers) get ready for school. Perfect class to take before school begins in the fall. No younger siblings, please.

Little Tykes Sports City

Birth to 5 years. 1½ hour class. Looking for something relaxing to do in the evening or on Saturday? Try this new twist on an ExZone class. Multi-age fun for the whole family. Lots of different activities offered each week so children can choose what to do: art projects, easel painting, playdough, puzzles and games. We always end with a circletime filled with movement, music and stories.

First Steps to Reading

2½ to 5 years. 11/4 hour class. Children, with an adult, learn pre-literacy skills through hands-on projects, stories, group activities and more. Class begins and ends with the theme’s story. Lot’s of great ideas you can use at home to help make learning fun! First Steps to Reading is funded by a grant from Target stores.

In & Out


Walking to 5 years. 1 hour class. Imaginative and fine motor activities await you at the start of each class followed by a musical circletime. Weather permitting, the class moves outside with a new, planned outdoor focus each week. Join us for the perfect blend of indoor and outdoor fun!

Exploring Science & Nature

3 to 5 years. 1 hour class. Children learn about the natural world through themed free-play, stories, songs, and activities. Each week enjoy a different theme, covering everything from dinosaurs and archaeology to insets and backyard animals. Create a nature notebook to take home! A $5 materials fee, collected at the first class, helps provide high quality materials.

Sing Along with Lisa


Cooking with Yvette


1 to 5 years. 45 minute class. Think circle time on a fabulous scale! We’ll read books, sing songs, move, dance, rhyme and have a wonderful time. Class begins and ends with familiar songs and finger plays. The middle will be filled with stories and songs on a new theme each week with guitar accompaniment. If you love circle time, this class is for you!

2½ to 5 years. 1 hour class. Come and create healthy, delicious simple meals and snacks for all ages. You and your child will prepare ingredients for cooking and baking and try new foods together. Different fresh seasonal produce is provided each week. Discover the fun of cooking together! Material Fee: $15 per family.


2-5 years. 1 hour class. Does your child love physical activity? Each week we have a different sport theme from basket ball to soccer to running. Practice some of the skills of each week’s sport in this non-competitive, fun class held in the gym. Class ends with a musical circletime and a short story. Siblings welcome!

Exploration Zone

Birth to 5 years. 1½ hour class. Afternoon, evening and Saturday classes are now called Family Fun! A wide variety of activities to explore: art projects, dramatic play, puzzles, blocks, climbing and plenty of time to work on social skills. A simple snack is offered and it ends with a circletime of songs, fingerplays and a story. Wonderful practice for preschool. Siblings are always welcome!

For more information: and choose class schedule

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 27

Preschool Art

Art Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Fun with Art Ages 3-5. Children’s creativity shines in this class that has something for everyone! Your child makes unique art projects using paints, pastels, glitter, modeling materials, and more. Projects are different each term. This class is an independent experience. Instructor: Debbie Walters. 6 weeks.

Petite Picasso Ages 3-5. Your child will discover the artist within! Children explore famous artists and art history with age-specific projects incorporating oils, pastels, watercolor, crayons, and more. Instructor: Debbie Walters. 6 weeks. Monday CAB, Room B



Ages 2-5 & Adult. Children and parent/caregiver work together to complete a variety of unique and creative age-appropriate art projects. Instructor: Debbie Walters. 6 weeks. ID# 2103.401 7/14 – 8/25 Saturday FEE: $55 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM CAB, Room B Additional Child $45

Tuesday CAB, Room B

Preschool Dance Creative Dancer Ages 3–5. This is a great class for boys and girls! Your child discovers new ways to dance through role playing and free movement exercises in this popular class. A variety of props and popular children’s music makes this class extra special. This class is an independent experience. Instructor: Emily Rogers. 9 or 10 weeks. ID# 2217.401 6/21 – 8/30 Thursday Fee: $75 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM CAB, Room D 6/23 – 8/25 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM

Saturday CAB, Room D

Hello Toes Ballet

6/25 – 8/6 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM Additional Child $45

Monday CAB, Room B

Dance Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Tiny Tappers Ages 3–5. Creating sounds with their feet delights children! Your child will enjoy making tap sounds while being introduced to basic tap. This class is an independent experience. Tap shoes required. Instructor: Emily Rogers. 4 or 8 weeks. ID# 2219.401 Fee: $35

6/19 – 7/10 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

ID# 2219.402 Fee: $79

6/20 – 8/29 Wednesday 5:05 PM – 5:50 PM CAB, Room D

Tuesday CAB, Room D

PreBallet Ages 4-5. Learning ballet helps children develop balance, coordination, and stamina. In this class older preschoolers begin to develop basic ballet skills and utilize them in a choreographed routine. Instructor: Dianna Edmonson. 4 or 10 weeks.

ID# 2212.401 FEE: $35

6/18 – 7/9 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Monday CAB, Room D

ID# 2212.402 FEE: $79

6/21 – 8/23 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM

Thursday CAB, Room D

ID# 2212.403 6/23 – 8/25 FEE: $79 12:30 PM – 1:15 PM


Famil Fun!

Dance Together

Saturday CAB, Room D


Age 3. Does your child pretend to be a ballerina? Then he or she will love this introduction to the graceful movements of ballet! Children explore the basic movements of dance designed to teach balance and coordination. Hops, skips, and gallops are introduced in across the floor exercises. This class is an independent experience. Instructors: Dianna Edmonson (401, 403); Emily Rogers (402). 4 or 10 weeks.

ID# 2103.402 FEE: $55


6/26 – 8/7 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM Additional Child $45




Ages 2-5 & Adult. Have fun painting together! Work side-by-side mixing colors and exploring different ways of painting. Instructor: Debbie Walters. 6 weeks.

ID# 2217.402 Fee: $79

Art & Me


Paint and Me ID# 2151.401 FEE: $55

Tuesday CAB, Room B


6/25 – 8/6 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM

6/26 – 8/7 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM


ID# 2109.401 FEE: $55

ID# 2107.401 FEE: $55


Ages 2-4 & Adult. You and your child explore a variety of creative movement activities. Children are encouraged to use their imagination as they move to popular children’s music. Lots ID# 2213.401 6/18 – 7/9 Monday of amazing props and parachute time add to your child’s enjoyment. FEE: $35 1:00 PM – 1:45 PM CAB, Room D Instructor: Emily Rogers. 9 or 10 weeks. ID# 2213.402 6/20 – 8/29 Thursday ID# 2209.401 6/21 – 8/30 Thursday FEE: $79 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM CAB, Room D FEE: $75 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM CAB, Room D ID# 2213.403 6/23 – 8/25 Saturday Additional Child: $55 FEE: $79 11:40 AM – 12:25 PM CAB, Room D ID# 2209.402 6/23 – 8/25 Saturday FEE: $75 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM CAB, Room B Additional Child: $55 28 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Youth Art

Art Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Exploring Clay Together

Grades K-3. Everyone is an artist in this class where kids create a variety of art projects. Your child is introduced to various techniques of drawing and painting, and gets to experiment with a variety of paints, such as watercolor, tempera, and pastels. In addition, your young artist will create amazing 3D art. Instructor: Andrea Inostroza. 10 weeks.

Grades K-6 & Adult. Fee is per pair. Your child and you explore joint and individual projects. Parents and children learn classical techniques of tile making, slab construction, sculpture, press molding, coiling, and glazes. Fee includes glazing and firing of 3-6 medium to large pieces. Fee includes material costs. Scholarship recipients pay $50 per child. Scholarship 50% recipients pay $133 per child. Instructor: William Schultz. 10 weeks.

Wednesday CAB, Room C

Drawing and Painting: Middle & High School Grades 5-12. The options are endless as students can choose to draw and/or paint using mediums such as charcoals, pastels, or watercolors. Students receive individual support in a group setting and are helped to complete projects while exploring the basics of drawing and painting. Instructor: Andrea Inostroza. 10 weeks. ID# 2149.401 FEE: $115




ID # 2199.402 FEE: $215

7/15 – 9/16 10:00 AM – 12 Noon

Additional Child Fee $175

ID# 2199.403 7/15 – 9/16 FEE: $215 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM


6/20 – 8/29 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM



ID# 2155.401 FEE: $89


Fun with Art

Sunday CAB, Room A Sunday CAB, Room A

Additional Child Fee $175

6/18 – 8/20 Monday 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM CAB, Room A

Youth Dance Dance Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Hip Hop with Gina Grades 3-7. Artistic director Gina DaneneThompson brings her extensive training and unique individual style to teaching routines filled with style and energy. This exciting dance program features Hip Hop and Jazz moves. 11 weeks. ID# 2231.404 FEE: $89

6/18 – 8/27 6:20 PM – 7:05 PM

Monday CAB, Room D

Break Dance Grades K-5. Popular Break Dance Instructor Maurice Archer is fun and enthusiastic. Your child will love learning America’s most popular dance in this energetic class. 10 weeks. ID# 2253.402 FEE: $79

6/24 – 8/26 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM

Sunday CAB, Room D

Ballet Your child explores the fundamentals of ballet in this traditional-style class. Cecchetti Class gives students more opportunity to train with Instructor Diana Edmunson. Several sessions are required before taking the exam by the Cecchetti Council of America and receive a certificate upon passing. 12 weeks.

Rec&Ed All Stars

Grades 2 and up. This class is designed for the dancer who has taken several classes at Rec&Ed within the dance curriculum. Each dancer must have mastered basic dance steps including pas de bourre, jazz square, some turns and jumps. The student should also have some performance experience. We recommend that participants have more than a passing interest in furthering dance education. Outside performance opportunities are possible. Instructor recommendation only. Instructor: Artistic Director Pure Dance Ensemble, Gina Danene Thompson. Students will be assisted by dancers from Pure Dance Ensemble. 10 weeks. ID# 2287.401 FEE: $135






Ballet Beginner



6/18 – 8/20 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM



Ballet Beginner



6/23 – 8/25 1:20 PM – 2:15 PM


Ages 4-6


Cecchetti Primary 1& 2

Cecchetti Primary 3-Gr 1 K-6


Cecchetti Practice


6/24 – 8/26 Sunday 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM CAB, Room D






6/21 – 9/6

4:35 PM – 5:30 PM



6/21 – 9/6

5:35 PM – 6:30 PM


Gr 3-Adult Saturday

6/23 – 9/8

2:20 PM – 3:20 PM


Also see MusIQ Club: Beginning Piano for Kids on page 18. summer 2012 Rec&Ed 29

ID# 1327.401 FEE: $95

8/20 – 8/23: Gr. 6-8 Monday- Thursday 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Rec&Ed Conference

ID# 1327.402 FEE: $95

8/20 – 8/23: Gr. 9-12 Monday- Thursday 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Rec&Ed Conference

ACT Preparation Workshop

ID# 1329.401 FEE: $79

8/29 9:00 AM – 12 Noon

Wednesday Rec&Ed Conference

ACT Essay Workshop Grades 10-12. Learn how to organize and write a persuasive essay within the allotted time. You will practice writing an essay and receive instructor feedback about ways to improve your writing for the test. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Great Lakes Educational Group staff. 1 class. ID# 1335.401 FEE: $79

8/27 9:00 AM – 12 Noon

Monday Rec&Ed Conference

Thursday Pioneer, Room E107 am i DF




Write and Edit a Winning College Application Essay

Parents and Students, grades 9-12. College admissions officers spend minutes reading an essay, so how can yours be as impressive as Mt. Everest—strong and memorable—and not lost in an anonymous anthill? In the first session of this two-session class, learn how to write a unique and compelling essay that emphasizes your strengths without bragging, start writing, and get inspired to continue writing at home. Bring your ideas, notes and drafts to the second session for expert feedback editing tips, and editing, and feedback. Handouts include samples of winning essays. Instructor: Debbie Eisenberg Merion. 2 classes. ID# 1339.401 FEE: $95

6/26 & 6/28 Tuesday & Thursday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Pioneer, Room E107

How to Finish a Winning College Application Essay

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Fu n ! ly

Grades 10-12. This workshop is for students taking the ACT during the remainder of the calendar year. Replace anxiety with confidence when you are knowledgeable and well-prepared. Bring a CALCULATOR and a WATCH WITH A SECOND HAND. A manual is provided for each participant as part of the fee. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Great Lakes Educational Group staff. 1 class.

7/19 – 8/30 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Fu n ! ly

Grades 6-12. Do you have difficulty taking tests? Learn various study and test taking strategies that will help you prepare for upcoming test and quizzes. You will learn effective skills that you need to prepare for test day! Parents are strongly encouraged to attend class with you during the last meeting period. Instructor: Great Lakes Educational Group staff. 4 classes in one week.

ID# 1329.411 FEE: $389


Learn to Study and Take Tests!


Study Skills Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248

Grades 10-12. ACT SUCCESS prepares students for all five sections on the ACT Test. Students will work with real ACT practice tests, as well as, numerous skill builders to further enhance their test-taking abilities. Book and material fee ($45) will be collected on the first day. Scholarship recipients pay $45. Instructor: Great Lakes Educational Group staff. 7 weeks.


Study Skills

ACT Success

Parents and Students, grades 9-12. Are you the kind of person who has given some thought to your college application essays, tried your hand at one or more drafts, but have no idea how to improve what you’ve written? Bring your college application essay draft(s) to this class and learn a proven technique for editing them into strong, unique and compelling essays that will appeal to college admissions officers. Edit your essays during class and receive one-on-one feedback. Receive experienced editing tips and samples of winning essays. Please bring your essays printed double-spaced. Laptops are recommended but not necessary. Instructor: Debbie Eisenberg Merion. 1 class. ID# 1339.402 FEE: $69

6/20 Wednesday 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Pioneer, Room E107

Girls on the Run of Southeastern Michigan What is Girls on the Run? • Girls on the Run (GOTR) is a non-profit organization that envisions every girl knowing her limitless potential and free to pursue her dreams. • Our a 10-week program for girls in grades 3-8 uses the power of running to help prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living. • Twice-weekly lessons and interactive activities are led by trained volunteer coaches who guide and mentor the girls. • The program culminates in a non-competitive 5K event which gives the girls a chance to shine and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. • Girls complete the program with a stronger sense of identity, a greater acceptance of themselves, a healthier body image and an understanding of what it means to be part of a team. If you are interested in starting a site, volunteering, or sponsoring the Girls on the Run program, email or call 734-712-5640. 30 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

All shapes, sizes, and abilities are celebrated and welcome! GOTR locations in the Ann Arbor Schools and registration information can be found at Registration will open June 6th. Registration between June 6th- Sept. 14th for $135. Late registration: Sept. 15th - 21st with an additional $15 fee. Our fall program will be Oct. 8th - Dec. 14th. The Girls on the Run 5k will be Sunday, December 9th. Anyone who wants to run, walk, or skip to the finish line is welcome!

Youth Martial Arts E C&

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(Prepare Your Child for Bullies)

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Bully Proofing

Parent/youth ages 5-12. We will help you use playbased activities and role-playing to practice Judo/Jujitsu based self-defense techniques. These activities will help your child become more self confident, learn self control all while improving your parent-child relationship. Your child will develop physical problem-solving skills that can transfer to many areas of their lives as well as introducing them to a truly lifelong sport. Instructor: Frank Gerlitz, PhD. 5 Blackbelt Judo, 7 Blackbelt Jujitsu. 7 weeks. ID# 3315.401 FEE: $59

6/23 – 8/4 1:00 PM – 1:50 PM

Saturday Scarlett, Upper Gym

“My daughter blossomed into a confident more outgoing little girl. We definitely plan on continuing with Rec&Ed.” Bully Proofing Parent

Junior Jujitsu/Judo Grades 8-12. Practicing Junior Judo/Jujitsu instills a strong understanding of the basics of self-defense using play-based activities as well as standard teaching processes. Both Judo and Jujitsu strongly encourage the development of the mind as well as the body with emphasis on active problem solving skills. Although students learn to defend against striking attacks, striking techniques are not taught during our program. Instructor: Frank Gerwtz, PhD. has 5 blackbelts in Judo and 7 blackbelts in Jujitsu. 7 weeks. ID# 3316.401 FEE:$ 59

6/23 – 8/4 12 Noon – 12:50 PM

Saturday Scarlett, Upper Gym

Confident Kids Grades K-5. Give your child the skills and confidence needed to succeed socially. Using self-defense, martial arts and confidence-building techniques, your child will learn how to diffuse bullies, relate to others and develop a positive self-image. Activities include board-breaking, structured role-play and passive self-defense. Instructor: Jibril Naeem. 6 weeks. ID# 3320.401 FEE: $35

6/22 – 7/27 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM

Friday PKSA Dojang

Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233


Grades 1-8. Learn to fly -- and land without getting hurt! Aikido is a form of Japanese Budo based on the philosophy and martial arts of the Japanese Samurai. Aikido, the way of harmony, involves redirecting an attack by using throws and pins in a fun, noncompetitive atmosphere. You will learn safe falls, throwing and locking techniques. You’ll practice movements that improve flexibility, focus and self control. Instructor: Wade Davis, Aikido Yoshokai Assoc. of North America. 7 weeks. ID# 3311.401 FEE: $59

6/18 – 7/30 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM

Monday Scarlett, Upper Gym

Sanchin-Ryu’s Karate & Self-Defense for Kids Grades K-8. Get two crucial courses in one: Sanchin-Ryu Karate & Self-Defense and Project: Secure Child (child safety). Children will be trained with proven, age-appropriate techniques that are necessary for kids to protect themselves from attackers. Class is set in a fun, yet structured environment. Children will achieve great self-confidence and leadership skills through the physical techniques, mental strategies, drills and exercises. Children focus on healthy attitudes rather than perfection! An ongoing course, you work at your own pace. Instruction is by certified Sanchin- Ryu instructors, who hold a ranking of at least 1st Degree Black Belt. 7 weeks. ID# 3319.401 FEE: $35

6/19 – 7/31 6:45 PM – 7:30 PM

Tuesday Tappan, Rec Room

Personal Safety for Teens Grades 6-10. Give your teen the confidence and skills they need to be successful and happy in school and in life. Teens learn self-defense, martial arts and confidence-building techniques to help them deal with bullies, understand their parents and build self-confidence. Class time will include passive self-defense techniques (breaking boards, hitting bags) and structured role-play. Achieving mini-milestones through martial arts training both empowers and improves their self-image. Instructor: Jibril Naeem. 6 weeks. ID# 3321.401 6/23 – 7/28 Saturday FEE: $35 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM PKSA Dojang

Aikido instructor Wade Davis with students

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 31

32 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Youth Instructional Sports Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Baton Twirling Girls and Boys, grades K-8. New or experienced twirlers. Do you want to learn a new way to express your school spirit? Individual and group routines with marching and twirling are taught. Perform for family and friends! You will have the opportunity to participate in an annual recital/awards presentation and parades (not included with the class). If you need a baton, you’ll be measured the first day and a $27 fee paid to the coach. Instructor: Jenney Gordon, owner Jenney Lynn's Baton Twirling Academy. 6 weeks. ID# 3430.401 FEE: $45

6/18 – 7/23 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Grades 6-8. Are you a serious player with a championship attitude? Then join the Huron coaches as they work with you in this camp. You’ll work on position specific skills, compete in drills, contests and games. Introduction to agility, speed and strength training is included. Head Coach: Waleed Samaha, Men’s Varsity Basketball Coach, coaching staff and players (current and past). Please bring water and snack. 1 class. 6/9 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM


Coupon We are math specialists who have helped $100 OFF thousands of children worldwide not only Testing learn math, but love math. Whether your child & struggles to stay at grade level, has already Registration fallen behind, or needs to be challenged, we will develop an individualized Student: Jazmin M. learning plan to ensure success. Hobbies: Swimming,

Find out how affordable your child’s soaring self-confidence can be!

Monday Abbot, Gym

Huron Basketball Boot Camp

ID# 3451.401 FEE: $25

Give your child the boost needed to catch up, keep up and get ahead!

2111 Packard Rd, Suite C Ann Arbor, MI 48104


photography Aspiration: Fashion photographer Math before: Throw me a life vest! Math now: Dive right in!

“Mathnasium teaches me the strategy of math and has helped me advance beyond my grade level!“


See Summer Camps offered in cooperation with Mathnasium on page 37 .

Saturday Huron, Dome Gym

Youth Gymnastics

Gymnastics Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233


FEE: $69 Boys and Girls, ages 4-Kindergarten (must be 4 by start of class) and Grades 1-5. Gymnastics incorporates strength, flexibility, speed, balance, coordination, discipline and self-esteem into a fun skill building activity. Each class includes a combination of activities. Your child will progress at his/her own rate. Age 4-K Your child will practice skills appropriate for age and experience level. Level I (Grades 1-5) No experience necessary. Level II (Grades 1-5) Prerequisite: Perform a Cartwheel. Level III (Grades 1-5) Prerequisite: Perform a Back Walkover. Parent/Guardian is asked to attend the first class and a group "recital" at the last class. Instructors: Tumble Tot Gymnastics staff. 6 weeks. Classes meet in the Upper Gym. class ID#







Ages 4-K


5:45 PM – 6:30 PM

6/19 – 7/31



Level I and II


6:35 PM – 7:35 PM

6/19 – 7/31



Ages 4-K


9:00 AM – 9:45 AM

6/23 – 8/4



Level I


9:50 AM – 10:50 AM

6/23 – 8/4



Level II and III


10:50 AM – 11:50 AM

6/23 – 8/4


“I’ve never seen my child so excited to attend a class. Teachers did a terrific job meeting each child’s skill level.” Parent

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 33

Youth Swim

Swim Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53232


Due to the popularity of this program and the small class size, classes fill quickly. Please list several alternative time choices on your registration, if possible.

Youth Swim

Due to the popularity of this program and the small class size, classes fill quickly. Please list several alternative time choices on your registration, if possible. Classes are for children 6 months and older. If your child is 7 years or older, please have your child use the same-sex locker room. 6-7 classes.

Pre-K Swim

Ages 3-4 years only. Your preschool-age child will focus on blowing bubbles, splashing, and other basic movements through the use of songs and games. This is an independent experience, designed for young children who are already comfortable in the water without a parent. 6 weeks. ID# 3501.414 FEE: $55

6/22 – 8/3 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Friday High Point, Pool

ID# 3501.415 FEE: $55

6/22 – 8/3 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Friday High Point, Pool

Parent/Child Classes

Pool Water Depths: Tappan Pool: 3’ to 10’ Scarlett Pool: 3’6” to 10’ High Point Pool: 2’10” to 6’


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Fee per child. These classes require at least one adult to accompany each child in water. If your child is not 100% toilet-trained they will need to wear a swim diaper. 6-7 weeks. INFANT/TOT Parent/child class. Children, from 6 months to 3 years of age, will learn water adjustment, kicking, and getting their face splashed. Parents and children bond with songs and rhymes that help children feel comfortable in the water. PRESCHOOL Parent/child class for 3-5 yr olds. Children will practice basic water adjustment skills and preliminary aquatic skills, and gain independence through the use of games and songs. Children work on skills that prepare them for participation in instructor-led levels. Emphasis is on building confidence and independence from the parent. Class ID#











10:00 AM – 10:35 AM

6/23 – 8/4






10:40 AM – 11:15 AM

6/23 – 8/4




High Point


6:40 PM – 7:15 PM

6/25 – 8/6






5:30 PM – 6:05 PM

6/19 – 7/31


Private and Semi-private Swim Lessons Classes are $120 for four 30-minute private sessions or $80 per participant for four 30-minute semi-private sessions. Various pools, times, and instructors are available. Call the Rec&Ed Swim program at 734-994-2300 ext. 53232, for more information and to schedule convenient times. Due to the large volume of calls, you may need to leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible.

Learn to Swim Levels

Please read the swim level descriptions below carefully for correct class placement. Participants must have the required skill to participate in the selected class. If you have questions regarding swim levels, please call 734-994-2300 ext. 53232. Level 1 Age: 4-6 Requirement: must be comfortable in water without a parent Goal: to become comfortable with head or face in water. Level 1.5 Age: 7-10 Requirement must be comfortable in water without a parent Goal to become comfortable with head or face in water and take 1-2 independent strokes. Level 2 Age: 4+ Requirement must be comfortable with head or face in water and have overcome their fear of water. Goal to front and back float independently and take 1-2 strokes by themselves. Level 3 Age: 5+ Requirement must be able to front and back float independently and take 1-2 strokes by themselves. Goal to swim independently half the width of the pool (5yds) using both front and back stroke and begin to breathe to the side. Level 4 Age: 6+ Requirement must be able to swim independently half the width of the pool (5yds) while using side breathing. Goal to swim independently the full width of the pool using both front and back stroke with good side breathing. Level 5 Age: 7+ Requirement must be able to swim independently the full width of the pool with proper front and backstroke technique. Goal to swim independently the full width of the pool using breaststroke, backstroke, and front stroke with proper side breathing.

34 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Level 6 Age: 7+ Requirement must be able to swim independently the full width of the pool with proper technique, and be comfortable swimming in the deep end. Goal to swim independently half the length of the pool (15 yds) using front and back stroke, as well as breaststroke, and butterfly full width of the pool. Level 7 Age: 8+ Requirement must be able to swim half the length of the pool using 3 major strokes, and butterfly width of the pool Goal to be able to swim the full length of the pool (25 yds) using front and back crawl as well as breaststroke, and butterfly half the length of the pool. Level 8 Age: 8+ Requirement must be able to swim the full length of the pool using 3 major strokes, and butterfly half the length of the pool Goal to be able to swim 2 lengths of the pool (50 yds) using front and back crawl as well as breaststroke, and butterfly 1 full length of the pool, while demonstrating good technique. Level 9 Age: 9+ Requirement must be able to swim 2 full lengths (50 yds) of 3 major strokes, and 1 full length of butterfly with good technique, and have endurance to swim continuously for 1 hour. Goal to increase endurance (4 full lengths of all 4 major strokes) and learn proper technique for starts and turns.

Youth Swim Summer Classes


Saturday 6/23 – 8/4 6 classes.


FEE: $55

Wednesday 6/20 – 8/1 6 classes.

FEE: $55

Class ID#




Level 1

11:20 AM – 11:55 AM


Level 1

12:40 PM – 1:15 PM


Level 2

12 Noon – 12:35 PM


Level 2

1:20 PM – 1:55 PM


Level 3

11:20 AM – 11:55 AM


Level 3

12:40 PM – 1:15 PM


Level 3

1:20 PM – 1:55 PM


Level 4

12 Noon – 12:35 PM


Level 5

10:40 AM – 11:15 AM



Level 6

10:00 AM – 10:35 AM

1st Session 6/19 – 7/10

High Point





Monday 6/25 – 8/6 7 classes. FEE: $59



Level 1

6:50 PM - 7:25 PM






Level 2

6:10 PM - 6:45 PM


Level 1.5

7:20 PM - 7:55 PM



Level 3

6:50 PM – 7:25 PM





Level 1

6:00 PM - 6:35 PM


Level 2

6:40 PM – 7:15 PM


Level 3

6:00 PM – 6:35 PM


Level 5

7:20 PM – 7:55 PM


Level 6

7:20 PM – 7:55 PM


Level 8

6:40 PM – 7:15 PM

Tuesday & Thursday

6 classes.

Fee: $55

2nd Session 7/17 – 8/2


Level 2

6:00 PM - 6:35 PM



Level 4

6:10 PM - 6:45 PM


Level 3

6:00 PM - 6:35 PM



Level 7

5:30 PM - 6:05 PM


Level 4

7:20 PM - 7:55 PM


Level 5

6:40 PM - 7:15 PM

Competitive Swim – Session 1&2 Fee: $65 3596.405


Level 9

7:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Diving Classes Students need to be able to swim one full length of the pool and tread water for one minute in the deep end to take any of these classes. A test of these skills will be given on the first day. If this test is not passed, a refund credit for the class will placed on your account. Beginning diving You will focus on diving fundamentals and will be introduced to diving from the edge of the pool, working up to a front line-up and a one-step hurdle off the board. Stretches and dry-land exercises will be practiced as well. No prior diving experience necessary. Advanced beginning diving You will continue lo work on diving skills. Dives taught will include an up-and-over dive, tuck jump, and a back line-up off the board. Comfort with a line-up and one-step hurdle is necessary prior to attending this class. Stretches and dry-land exercises will be practiced as well. Intermediate Diving You will be coached in the basics of the back dive, front tuck, and front pike. A front flip and an inward dive may also be taught, depending on the comfort and interest of the students. Comfort with a one-step hurdle, front line-up, up-and-over dive, and supported back line-up is necessary prior to attending this class. Stretches and dry-land exercises will be practiced as well. 6 weeks. CLASS ID#

Diving LEVEL










12 Noon – 12:45 PM

6/23 – 8/4



Advanced Beginning



12:45 PM – 1:30 PM

6/23 – 8/4






1:30 PM – 2:15 PM

6/23 – 8/4


Youth Water Polo Water Polo: Youth Boys and Girls, grades 5-8. Beginning to advanced players welcome. You’ll have a

great time learning or improving your water polo game through instruction on individual skills, team fundamentals and scrimmaging. Head Coach: Justin Thoresen, Huron Water Polo. 7 weeks. class ID#








6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

6/25 – 8/6

Huron, Pool


summer 2012 Rec&Ed 35

Youth Tennis

Tennis Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53243 Email: Beginner II (Ages 8-15) (Offered in Summer, Fall) Beginner class or equivalent; will continue to refine strokes and build confidence, agility and rally consistency. Advanced Beginner (Ages 9-15) Prerequisite: Beginner or equivalent - can rally the ball using both forehand and backhand from mid to backcourt, hit volleys and serve (inconsistently); will review and improve all strokes, learn more about rules by playing interactive live ball games. Intermediate (Ages 9-15) Prerequisite: Advanced Beginner - can rally from the baseline fairly consistently, feels comfortable at net hitting yolleys and overheads, serves fairly consistently from baseline; will work on perfecting all strokes, confidence and consistency, begin match play, and strategy. Advanced (Ages 10-15) Prerequisite: Intermediate level or equivalent, – must rally the ball full court consistently with pace and direction, confident approaching and playing at net; serves consistently with a defined first and second serve, and can comfortably play singles and doubles matches; will work on match play skills, strategy, technique.

Classes include instruction, drills, fun games, agility and team building exercises. Please read the player level descriptions and age levels below carefully for correct class placement. Please bring your own racquet or some will be provided in class. NEW: Mighty Mite and Beginner classes incorporate USTA 10 and Under Tennis format featuring smaller court size and special balls, making it easier for kids to pick up a racquet and have fun rallying right away! (www.10andundertennis. com). Player Level Description: Mighty Mite (Ages 5-7) Enjoy learning fundamental skills in this fun, games and rally-based approach to tennis. “Short” racquets provided by instructors on-court. Beginner (Ages 8-10, and 11-15) (Offered in Spring, Summer, Fall) Little or no experience; Develop coordination, agility, and ball striking skills in this age-appropriate, rallybased approach to tennis.

Mighty Mite (Ages 5-7) class ID#





# Classes




9:00 AM –10:00 AM

6/18 – 6/28






10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 6/18 – 6/28






9:00 AM –10:00 AM




7/9 – 7/19



6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

6/18 – 6/28






6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

7/10 – 7/26






6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

7/30 – 8/15






6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

8/7 – 8/23




Youth Instructional Classes Level





# Classes





9:30 AM – 10:45 AM

6/18– 6/28





Beg (Ages 8-10)

Mon/Wed/Thurs 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

6/18 – 6/28





Beg (Ages 8-10)


10:00 AM – 11:15AM

7/9 – 7/19





Beg (Ages 11-15) Tues/Thurs

7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

7/10 – 7/26





Beg II/Adv Beg


10:45 AM – 12 Noon

6/18 – 6/28





Beg/Beg II


9:30 AM – 10:45 AM

7/9 – 7/19





Beg/Beg II


7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

7/30 – 8/15





Beg II/Adv Beg


9:30 AM – 10:45 AM

7/23 – 8/2





Adv Beg


10:45 AM – 12 Noon

7/9 – 7/19





Adv Beg/Interm


10:45 AM – 12 Noon

7/23 – 8/2





Adv Beg/Interm


7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

8/7 – 8/23




Beginner and Advanced Beginner high school players 16 and older should enroll in Adult Tennis instructional classes (page 5).

The Ann Arbor Community Tennis Association (AAACTA) and Rec&Ed Tennis encourages youth 14 and under to participate in the annual Ann Arbor Junior City Tennis Tournament, July 26 -27. For registration information, visit

(Ages 8-15)

class ID#

High School Students

Junior City Tennis Tournament

Kirk Boettcher (“Mr. Kirk”) will be enthusiastically teaching his 17th summer of fun morning tennis at Tappan. He also coaches the Boys and Girls JV Tennis teams at Pioneer High School.

Team Tennis (Coed, Ages 9-18) We offer year round co-ed Team Tennis at three different levels of play. Appropriate instructional prerequisites (stroke skills) are necessary to play on each team. Players move up to the next team level by instructor’s permission. Players are encouraged to develop their skills and sportsmanship while having fun in a team setting. In addition to practices, we offer local interclub competitive matches in the summer generally on Fridays, and travel USTA Junior Team Tennis teams in late fall and winter sessions (indoors). Blue Team* (Ages 9-15, Intermediate) Prerequisite: Intermediate instructional class or equivalent. Players can serve and rally full court fairly consistently. Blue Team players drill, incorporate net play, match etiquette, learn basic strategy for singles and doubles match play. Red Team* (Ages 10-15, Advanced) Prerequisite: Blue or Purple Team experience or equivalent. Players consistently serve and rally from the baseline, have proficient net skills, and can comfortably play singles and doubles matches. class ID#




# Classes



Blue Team (Intermediate)*


6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

6/19 – 8/2




11 + Matches



Red Team (Advanced)*


7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

6/19 – 8/2


11+ Matches


* All Team Tennis players pick 11 out of 13 total practices offered that suit your summer schedule. Additional matches will be scheduled by instructor with local tennis clubs/programs. No practice week of 7/2.

36 Rec&Ed Summer 2012



Summer Camp Section

Kids LOVE Rec&Ed

Parents LOVE the

camps because they...

• Safety • Convenient Locations

• Make New Friends • Try New Sports

• Affordable Rates

• Learn New Things

• Family Value

• Explore New Places

Enrichment Camps JumpStart K-1 Math Explorers Camp

Enrichment Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248


Grades K-1. Math is fun! Our one-week Math Explorers camp incorporates the highly successful Mathnasium First Steps curriculum to introduce young children to important math concepts in a fun and interactive way. Covered concepts include: Attributes; Spacial Relationships; Classification; Patterning; One-to-One Correspondence; Ordering; Numeration; Shapes; Fractions; Measurements. Children build a “number sense” foundation and a critical step toward future success in mathematics. Students provide own snack and beverage. Instructor: Mathnasium staff. 1 week.

A Journey to London – 2012 Olympic Games Fun


ID# 1311.401 FEE: $145

7/23 – 7/27 9:30 AM – 12 Noon

Monday-Friday Abbot

Catch the Olympic spirit! Campers take a virtual journey to London, the host city of the 2012 Olympic Game discovering fun facts about that city and the Olympic Games. Grades 1-3 campers write stories, solve math problems, and create their own Pentathlon. Grades 4-6 campers will be engaged to more advanced problem-solving activities and math skills including computation, measurement, geometry, data analysis and algebra. Each camper gets a Mathnasium T-shirt and earns an Olympic Games sticker at the end. Students provide own snack and beverage. Instructor: Mathnasium staff. 1 week. Location: Mathnasium Learning Center.

ID# 1311.402 FEE: $145

7/30 – 8/3 9:30 AM – 12 Noon

Monday-Friday Abbot

ID# 1311.403 8/6 – 8/10: Gr. 1-3 FEE: $145 9:00 AM – 12 Noon

Monday-Friday Mathnasium LC

ID# 1311.404 8/6 – 8/10: Gr. 4-6 Monday-Friday FEE: $145 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Mathnasium LC

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 37

Science Camps Boom! Shake! Spew!

Science Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53255

It’s Not Rocket Science…Or Is It?


Grades 1-3. Natural disasters occur all over the world. Investigate how wind, heat, moisture, raging storms and the Earth’s inner fire have transformed the planet and life on it. Create your own volcanoes, earthquakes, tidal waves and other disasters or see if you can design a building that can withstand nature’s fury. Daily outdoor/indoor play. Campers provide their own lunch and beverage. Morning and afternoon snacks are included in the camp fee. Instructor: AA Hands-On Museum Staff. 1 week. Location: Abbot.

Grades 3-5. A trip to space requires special training, engineering, and equipment. Investigate how astronauts prepare for a voyage into space, look at a typical day, and build different kinds of rockets using air, baking soda and vinegar, and other household products. Consider what “space rations” astronauts eat and maybe taste a sample. Daily outdoor/indoor play. Campers provide their own lunch and beverage. Morning and afternoon snacks are included in the camp fee. Instructor: AA Hands-On Museum Staff. 1 week. Location: Abbot.

ID# 8701.411 FEE: $255

6/25 – 6/29 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Monday-Friday Camp

ID# 8701.431 FEE: $255

7/23 – 7/27 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Monday-Friday Camp

ID# 8701.412 FEE: $35

6/25 – 6/29 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Monday-Friday Before Camp Care

ID# 8701.432 FEE: $35

7/23 – 7/27 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Monday-Friday Before Camp Care

ID# 8701.413 FEE: $35

6/25 – 6/29 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Monday-Friday After Camp Care

ID# 8701.433 FEE: $35

7/23 – 7/27 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Monday-Friday After Camp Care

Is It True?


CO2 Cars

Grades 1-3. Have fun brainstorming and de-bunking common and not so common science myths - is there really no gravity in outer space? Can you navigate the woods using a sewing needle and more? Spot hypotheses, develop procedures, look at data and determine conclusions based on the information you find. Explore a different myth each day. Daily outdoor/indoor play. Campers provide their own lunch and beverage. Morning and afternoon snacks are included in the camp fee. Instructor: AA Hands-On Museum Staff. 1 week. Location: Abbot.


Design, prototype, build, and race your own aerodynamic car powered by a C02 cartridge. Race at speeds in access of 50 miles an hour down the 40 Meter track, some under 1 second! Investigate wind tunnel concepts using everyday materials around our schools. Finish the week with a hands-on, interactive field trip to the EMU College of Technology led by Al Tessmer, retired AAPS teacher and EMU Advisor. Daily outdoor/ indoor play. Campers provide their own lunch and beverage. Morning and afternoon snacks are included in the camp fee. Director: Tom Pachera, Skyline Design & Technology Magnet Lead Teacher. 1 week. Location: Tappan.

ID# 8701.421 FEE: $255

7/16 – 7/20 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Monday-Friday Camp

ID# 8701.422 FEE: $35

7/16 – 7/20 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Monday-Friday Before Camp Care

ID# 8701.441 FEE: $275

8/6 – 8/10 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Monday-Friday Camp

ID# 8701.423 FEE: $35

7/16 – 7/20 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Monday-Friday After Camp Care

ID# 8701.442 FEE: $35

8/6 – 8/10 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Monday-Friday Before Camp Care

ID# 8701.443 FEE: $35

8/6 – 8/10 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Monday-Friday After Camp Care

See CO2 Cars for Preteens on page 45.

Astronomy Camp Astronomy- Fun Looking Up!


Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248


Grades 1-5. What is astronomy? What do astronomers do? Campers learn about this fascinating field of science through hands-on activities such as Stellarium, a computer-based stargazing program. Campers also learn how to utilize proper investigative techniques through a series of experiments that simulate how matter behaves in a variety of environments, such as a space station. Campers find out how astronomers work with astronauts and how these scientists increase our knowledge about outer space. This weeklong camp culminates with a visit by a professional astronomer who will guide students in learning how to use telescopes. Campers bring their own lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Nancy Beltaire. 1 week. camp ID#








Astronomy Camp


7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM




Extended Care


7/30 – 8/3

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM/4:00 PM – 5:30 PM



38 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Literature Camps

Literature Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248

Writing Camp…Sharpen Your Quill! Writers create a publishing company, plan and produce individual, fully illustrated unique picture books. Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced camps run in sequence; taking writing camps in sequence is recommended but not required. Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Tappan. camp ID#








6/18 – 6/22

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. Care


6/18 – 6/22

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM





6/18 – 6/22

9:00 AM – 4:00PM





6/18 – 6/22

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM





7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. Care


7/30 – 8/3

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM





7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. Care


7/30 – 8/3

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM



One-time Free Registration

To enroll in Literature and Enrichment Camps you must first register in ID# 2400.400. This is a required free one-time registration where you will indicate your camper’s allergys or medical information. Then you may enroll in every week of your choice.

Writing Camp Advanced I & 2 Adv. 1 Writers will be encouraged to expand their repertoire and write several narrative pieces. Then each camper will select one piece to take through an extensive critique and revision process. Adv. 2 Writers will practice techniques used by the “pros”! Participation in both weeks is highly encouraged but not required. Camper may enroll in either Adv. 1 or 2. Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Adv. 1 Location: Westminister Presbyterian Church. camp ID#






Adv. 1


8/13 – 8/17

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Ext. care 1-4

8/13 – 8/17

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM





8/13 – 8/17

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Poetry Camp: Express Yourself


Ext. care 5-9

8/13 – 8/17

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM



Adv. 1

8/13 – 8/17

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Spend the week creating high octane poetic compositions for your very own poetry slam. Featuring guest performances and workshops by Ann Arbor’s most prolific poets! Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Monday-Friday. Location:Tappan.




Writing Camp Advanced 2 Location: Church of the Good Shepherd. camp ID#







Adv. 2


8/20 – 8/24

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. Care


8/20 – 8/24

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM



Adv. 2


8/20 – 8/24

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. Care


8/20 – 8/24

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM



Adv. 2


8/20 – 8/24

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Essays and Grammar Made Fun! This camp is open to students of all skill levels and is ESL friendly. Have fun getting your fundamentals down and boost your academics next school year! Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 4 days. No camp 7/4. Location: Tappan. camp ID#







Ext. care





Ext. care




7/2 – 7/6*

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


7/2 – 7/6*

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM



7/2 – 7/6*

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



7/2 – 7/6*

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM


ID# 2408.401 Camp Fee: $235

6/18 – 6/22: Grades 1-4 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

ID# 2408.411 Ext. Care: $69

6/18 – 6/22 7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM

ID# 2408.402 Camp Fee: $235

6/18 – 6/22: Grades 5-9 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

ID# 2408.412 Ext. Care: $69

6/18 – 6/22 7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM

ID# 2408.403 Camp Fee: $235

6/18 – 6/22: Grades 10-12 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

enrichment & Literature Camp Savings you save 10% off each week by enrolling campers in 4 or more full day camps within one transaction. Optional $5 collected for group pizza on Friday

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 39

Enrichment Camps

Enrichment Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248

Japanese Anime Camp Konichiwa! Construct your own manga store, develop and illustrate exciting anime stories and produce your own manga. Anime movies will be featured daily for enjoyment and critique. Students provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 4 days. No camp 7/4.* Location: Tappan. camp ID#









7/2 – 7/6*

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. care 1-4

7/2 – 7/6*

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM




7/2 – 7/6*

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM




Ext. care 5-9

7/2 – 7/6*

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM




7/2 – 7/6*

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Summer Math Explosion!

Kidconomics Each camper will make a budget, earn an income, make investments and develop a business plan. Everyone invents a product to sell to be an entrepreneur. Students provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Tappan. camp ID#






7/30 – 8/3


9:00 AM – 4:00 PM





Ext. care

1 -4

7/30 – 8/3

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM





7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. care


7/30 – 8/3

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM


Grades 1-4. Ready, set, go! Math addicts grab your calculators and prepare yourself for a summer experience like never before! Exponentially grow your math skills. Participate in challenging and creative math centers, match your skills against other campers in this high octane summer math explosion! Students provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Church of the Good Shepherd. . ID# 2418.401 Camp Fee: $235

8/20 – 8/24 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

ID# 2418.411 Ext. Care: $69

8/20 – 8/24 7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM

Virtual Restaurant Camp

Science Fair Camp

Campers will create a restaurant theme, design uniforms, menus and décor. Sign up now for this exciting, creative real life experience! Field trips to local restaurants inspire campers. Campers provide lunch, beverage, and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Tappan.

Grades 4-8. Campers will have a blast creating distinctive and original science projects that question the world around us. Campers will also be invited to participate in their very own science fair. Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Tappan.

camp ID#



2429.401 Camp


7/23 – 7/27 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM





2429.411 Ext. care


7/23 – 7/27 7:30–9 AM/4–5:30 PM


2429.402 Camp


7/23 – 7/27 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


2429.412 Ext. care


7/23 – 7/27 7:30–9 AM/4–5:30 PM


2429.403 Camp


7/23 – 7/27 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Circus Camp: Under the Big Top Each camper will use loads of imaginative play to train to be a performer and become part of the circus parade. Our culminating activity will be a “Big Top” performance for parents and friends complete with cotton candy and popcorn! Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Tappan. camp ID#


2439.401 Circus






8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


2439.411 Ext. care 1-4

8/6 – 8/10

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM


2439.402 Circus


8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


2439.412 5-9

8/6 – 8/10

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM


40 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

ID# 2417.401 Camp Fee: $235

8/6 – 8/10 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

ID# 2417.411 Ext. Care: $69

8/6 – 8/10 7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM

Harry Potter Camp Take the Hogwarts Express to this “Enchanting” Camp. This year’s campers will choose activities from all the books, such as the amazing Tri-Wizard Tournament; building the Ministry of Magic, Partying Down at the Yule Ball, creating wizard band music videos, and attending Dumbledore’s funeral or Bill & Fleur’s wedding. Returning campers will host activities with younger wizards., Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Tappan. camp ID#







7/16 – 7/20



9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. Care


7/16 – 7/20

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM





7/16 – 7/20

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM





7/16 – 7/20

7:30–9 AM, 4–5:30 PM





7/16 – 7/20

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


The Hobbit Camp


Grades 5-9. Middle Earth is for the adventurous! Visit the elf kingdom Rivendell, defend yourself against the giant spiders in the Enchanted Forest, play the “Riddle Game” with Gollum for the ring of power, and help the villagers of Dale fight the dragon Smaug. These and other unexpected adventures are yours during this week of fun and thrills. Based upon the popular Hobbit books and soon to be released movie! Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Directortor: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Westminster Presbyterian Church. ID# 2423.401 Camp Fee: $235

8/13 – 8/17 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

ID# 2423.411 Ext. Care: $69

8/13 – 8/17 7:30 AM-9 AM, 4 PM-5:30 PM

Chess Camp


Learn to be a better chess player! Students explore history of chess, beginning basics and advanced play. Campers train for the “Checkmate Championship” held at the end of camp. Beginning, advanced and all players in between are welcome. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Church of the Good Shepherd.

Star Wars – May the Force be with YOU!!

ID# 2415.401 Camp Fee: $235

8/27 – 8/31: Grades 1-4 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

ID# 2415.411 Ext. Care: $69

8/27 – 8/31 7:30 AM-9 AM, 4 PM-5:30 PM

ID# 2415.402 Camp Fee: $235

8/27 – 8/31: Grades 5-9 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

ID# 2415.412 Ext. Care: $69

8/27 – 8/31 7:30 AM-9 AM, 4 PM-5:30 PM

Come to a galaxy far away and join the Jedi Council. Battle with the dark side and restore the Jedi order. Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Tappan. camp ID#









6/25 – 6/29

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. care


6/25 – 6/29

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM





6/25 – 6/29

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. care


6/25 – 6/29

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM





7/9 – 7/13

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. care


7/9 – 7/13

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM





7/9 – 7/13

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. care


7/9 – 7/13

7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Camp Attention all Yu-Gi-Oh!, Poke’mon and Magic the Gathering fans. You will construct your own decks and learn strategies to be the best. We provide a trading card draft for those without their own decks. Campers provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Instructor: Eileen Bigham. 1 week. Location: Church of the Good Shepherd. camp ID#









8/27 – 8/31

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. care


8/27 – 8/31

7:30-9 AM/ 4-5:30 PM





8/27 – 8/31

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Ext. care


8/27 – 8/31

7:30-9 AM/ 4-5:30 PM


summer 2012 Rec&Ed 41

Green Adventures Camp

Green Adventures Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53208

Why Parents and Campers Love this Camp! This camp is for incoming 1st-5th graders (Fall 2012-13) who enjoy learning about their world through hands-on exploration.

• Full-day program, from 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM for one fee. • Hands-on afternoon field trips reinforce morning academics. • Maintain and exceed academic growth from the grade just completed. • The opportunity to sample many varied activities. • Convenient location with easy parking for pick-up and drop-off. • Great for working parents! • Exploring the abundance of wildlife in and around Ann Arbor.

Each morning campers have a small group classroom experience Monday-Thursday mornings campers have a small group experience led by exemplary AAPS teachers. Friday mornings are set aside for special interactive hands on projects based at the site. Unique to this camp, students synthesize their afternoon experience through writing, scientific inquiry and problem solving, extending their learning and reducing typical learning losses that can occur over the summer.

The classroom is outdoors in the afternoon... the sky is the limit! In the afternoons, Naturalists Dave Szczygiel and John Stahly lead campers in explorations of a variety of natural areas that provide a theme and context for the morning math and language arts lessons. Each Friday afternoon all campers have fun swimming at a local public pool.

Green Adventures Camp is an exciting academic and enrichment camp with a focus on learning conservation, ecology and what it means to be “green”.

42 Rec&Ed Summer 2012


Camp ID#


Themes/Camp Hours 7:30 AM-5:30 PM




6/25 – 6/29

Power of Me, Power of We




7/2 – 7/6 *

Earth’s Force




7/9 – 7/13

Nectar Collectors




7/16 – 7/20

Just Add Water




7/23 – 7/27

Hometown Habitat




7/30 – 8/3

Rockin’ Our World




8/6 – 8/10

Food for Thought




8/13 – 8/17

Double Take


*4 day week, no camp 7/4

Green Adventures

Outdoors Gardening, bee keeping, chicken raising, harvesting & cooking activities continue throughout the summer!

Something new & FUN to do every week! NEW!

Week 1 Power of Me, Power of We THEME! This first week explores the power of coming together for a cause through fun group challenges and community projects. We will discover how nutrition, activity level, and attitude impact personal well-being and how a healthy you and a healthy group can have a great impact on the environment. Climb, hike, run, and dig in the dirt! Camper tested and requested. Week 2 Earth’s Force How can we harness and conserve nature’s energy? The potential of motion, sunlight, water, wind, electricity, magnetism, and even people will be investigated this week. Explore a dam and the power of water, build and cook with a solar oven, and harness the power of a bicycle and cranks in our wide-ranging energy adventure. Week 3 Nectar Collectors People need plants, and plants need pollinators! Bees and butterflies, beetles and bats, wind and even water get it done, and Green Campers will take a close look at some of these hard workers that keep things growing. Protecting pollinators and helping them along will be one focus this week, and we may even get a taste of honey in the deal! Week 4 “Just Add Water” Get up close and personal with all kinds of waterways. Explore the Huron River watershed from Ann Arbor to Lake Erie, make fishing poles and fish with them, and cast your net and see what lurks in the muck. Canoeing and other water activities abound. Ability to swim not required. Week 5 Hometown Habitat See what the local flora and fauna are up to and investigate the nature in our neighborhoods! Animal life is all around us, and shares a lot of the same territory we think of as our own. Learn to find and track critters, listen for the special calls of the wild, learn how animals communicate, and welcome visiting animals to camp. Participate in stewardship activities that will help local habitats stay healthy.

One-time Free Registration

To enroll in Green Adventures Camp you must first register in ID# 8901.400. This is a required free one-time registration where you will indicate your camper’s T-shirt size and any allergies or medical information. Then you may enroll in every week of your choice for Green Adventures.

Camp Location

Green Adventures is located at Allen School, 2560 Towner, Ann Arbor.

Camp Hours

Green Adventures Camp offers a full day of programming from 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM.

Snacks and Lunch

Campers bring a sack lunch and beverage daily. A light, healthy snack, often harvested from our own gardens, is offered each morning and afternoon. Green Adventures is a no nut camp, see page 39.

Week 6 Rockin’ Our World Rocks tell stories about how they were formed. Learn how time, heat, and pressure help tell those tales, how crystals grow, search for fossils and signs of past life, and learn to read the history in any rock! Make rock collections, study, cut and polish your favorite rocks. Week 7 Food for Thought From seed to root, and flower to fruit, what could be better than a fresh feast? Learn about growing, harvesting, and enjoying great local foods, as well as some of the people who grow them for us. Spin honey provided by our own Green Camp bees. Plus, this week you’ll need your chef’s hat! Mmmmm… Week 8 Double Take We spend our lives surrounded by ‘stuff’, but stuff can go keep going around. This week the Green Adventures crew will look into where it all comes from, and, especially, where it goes after we’re done with it. Have fun with the three Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! This week includes the always-popular ‘Take Apart’ day!

T-shirt & Stuff Sacks

Every camper receives a free camp T-shirt. Stuff sacks are available for purchase.

Green Adventures Camp Savings with easy enrollment multi-week discounts. Save 10% off each week by enrolling campers in 4 or more full day camps within one transaction! summer 2012 Rec&Ed 43

Pre-teen Camps

Pre-teen Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53106

You can choose Mornings, Afternoons or all Day camp

Soapstone Carving


Location: Tappan Middle School

Artist Max Sexsmith, from Peterborough, Canada, returns for the 7th summer to offer a camp on carving soapstone. Create a sculpture such as a loon, Inukshuk. whale tail, turtle, pig or owl from precut soapstone in a variety of colors. In five three-hour sessions you transform rough soapstone into a beautiful polished figure by using a variation of files, rasps and chisels. Basic files provided by the instructor. This camp is for pre-teens new to carving as well as those who have tried it before. Pre-teens bring a morning snack. Scholarship recipients pay $10 materials fee. Mornings for 1 week.

Art of Clowning Around


Location: Tappan Middle School

Join master clown Joe Zsigray to bring out the clown within you and have lots of fun. You will find your clown and give it expression through makeup, costuming, communication, and movement. Time will Create a full day by enrolling in sections be spent in building a clown's tool box of magic, balloon sculptures, props, juggling, and harmonica 426, 421 and 425 or select the additional music. Participants will need to bring some clothing and ordinary household items from home for care your pre-teen needs. Pre-teens bring costuming and props. Balloons, harmonica, make-up, juggling bean bags, and magic equipment will their own lunch, beverage and snacks. be provided. Pre-teens bring an afternoon snack. Afternoons for 1 week. camp ID#







Before Camp Care


6/25 – 6/29

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM



Soapstone Carving


6/25 – 6/29

9:00 AM – 12 Noon



Art of Clowning Around


6/25 – 6/29

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM



After Camp Care


6/25 – 6/29

4:00 PM – 5:30 PM



Soapstone/Clowning Combo* Includes Lunch Supervision


6/25 – 6/29

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


* PRE-TEEN Camp Savings

You save 10% off these camps by enrolling campers in 4 or more full day camps within one transaction.

Girls - B Well


Nutrition awareness, self-esteem, and having fun are some of the goals of this camp. Learn kitchen skills and help cook your own vegetarian lunch. Enjoy creative expression through music, art, and crafting. Lunch provided each day. Wednesday includes a walking field trip to the Farmer’s Market. Offered in conjunction with and staffed by Rudolph Steiner Health Center. 1 week. Location: Rudolph Steiner Health Center. camp ID#








7/16 – 7/20

9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Half Day




7/16 – 7/20

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Full Day


44 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

TNT on the Go!* Your Teen-n-Transition (TNT) will be on the go all week enjoying a fun-filled week of art, sports, local field trips and a trip to Cedar Point! On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, get your game on as it’s every player for themselves as you try to dodge the balls in a game of dodgeball elimination or kick back and experience water color and acrylic paining in a new way. On Wednesday, pre-teens will embark on a local field trip in and around Ann Arbor via foot, bikes or AATA. End the week by enjoying a full day of food, fun and thrills at Cedar Point, America’s Amusement Park. Spaces are limited so enroll early! Pre-teens provide own lunch and beverage. Morning and afternoon snacks available for purchase from the snack bar. Director: Rec&Ed Staff. Scholarship recipients pay $35. 1 week. camp ID#





TNT on the Go


7/23 – 7/27

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Cedar Point Friday: 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM



Extended Care


7/23 – 7/26 (Monday-Thursday)

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM/4:00 PM – 5:30 PM


CO2 Cars*




See CO2 Cars for grades 2-5 on page 38.

Design, prototype, build, and race your own aerodynamic car powered by a C02 cartridge. Race at speeds in access of 50 miles an hour down the 40 Meter track, some under 1 second! Investigate wind tunnel concepts using (everyday materials) materials around our schools. Finish the week with a hands-on, interactive field trip to the EMU College of Technology led by Al Tessmer – retired AAPS teacher & EMU Advisor. Daily outdoor/ indoor play. Pre-teens provide their own lunch and beverage, morning and afternoon snacks are included in the camp fee. Director: Diana Gordon, Tappan Technology Education Teacher. 1 week. Location: Tappan Middle School. camp ID#







CO2 Cars


7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Extended Care


7/30 – 8/3

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM/4:00 PM – 5:30 PM


Forensics: Under the Lens*


From gathering observations at the scene, to analyzing evidence in the lab, and presenting the findings to reconstruct a crime, pre-teens will investigate and practice the skills need to complete the work of detectives and forensic scientists. Pre-teens bring their own lunch, snacks and beverage. Offered in conjunction with and staffed by AA Hands-On Museum. 1 week. Location: Tappan Middle School. camp ID#









8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



Extended Care


8/6 – 8/10

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM/4:00 PM – 5:30 PM


* PRE-TEEN Camp Savings You save 10% off these camps by enrolling campers in 4 or more full day camps within one transaction.

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 45

Sports Camps • Sports Camps are available for kids in pre-kindergarten

Sports Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

through grade 12 (entering fall 2012). • Camps are co-ed unless otherwise indicated. • All campers receive a FREE sport bag or T-Shirt! • Options for extended care for selected sports camps

can be found at or call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233. Sports Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Multi-Sports Mini Ones Camp

No pressure - just lots of fun! Your child will learn and play fun games that teach them basic skills for sports such as basketball, soccer, T-ball, flag football, and more. This is a great camp to introduce your child to sports. Coaches are committed to making sure kids have fun in a pressure-free environment. Our goal is to help increase your child’s confidence through sports! Please bring snacks, water, and sunscreen. Children must must be 4 prior to camp. Please send your child in appropriate clothing; no sandals. Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday - Friday. Camp ID#








Ann Arbor Open, Gym

7/23 – 7/27

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM


Backyard Sports Camp Remember the days of playing capture the flag with the neighborhood kids? How about picking up teams and playing kickball on the old sandlot? If you love backyard/physical education games, this class is for you! The coaches will lead your child through a variety of sports and games including soccer, kickball, dodge ball, basketball, capture the flag, football, and many more. Come out and have some good ol’ backyard fun! Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday - Friday. Camp ID#







Abbot, Gym*

6/25 – 6/29

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM




Scarlett, Gym

6/25 – 6/29

9:00 AM – 12 Noon




Scarlett, Gym

8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


* Extended Care is available at Abbot. After Camp Care: ID# 8701.413.

Multi-Sports Camp This fun-filled camp is perfect for the sports-minded kid. If you love sports and games, you will enjoy playing a variety of sports/games each day and learning how to play new ones! Just bring your baseball mitt and a pair of indoor/ outdoor shoes and our staff will supply the rest! All players will have a chance to win daily prizes! Please bring water, snack and sack lunch. Coaches: GVP Sports staff. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#







Tappan, Gym

7/16 – 7/20

9:30 AM – 2:30 PM




Scarlett, Gym

8/6 – 8/10

9:30 AM – 2:30 PM


Huron Basketball and Volleyball Camp is on page 53. 46 Rec&Ed Summer 2012



Baseball & Softball Sports Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Baseball Camp Whether you have played for a few seasons or are just starting out, this camp is for you! Each day you’ll work on basic to advanced baseball skills and play a game, too! You will learn and enjoy your experience in a safe, structured environment, having fun and gaining confidence in your sport. Daily hitting, fielding, pitching and outfield stations are featured as well as daily trivia contests and prizes for everyone! You will receive a written evaluation on your skills. Campers should bring mitts, bats and water bottles marked with their name. Coaches: GVP Sports staff. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#








Allmendinger Park

6/25 – 6/29

9:30 AM – 12 Noon




Allmendinger Park

7/9 – 7/13

9:30 AM – 12 Noon




Allmendinger Park

7/30 – 8/3

9:30 AM – 12 Noon


Skyline Softball Skills Camp Girls, grades 5-9. Looking for a way to soar your softball skills to the next level? Join the Skyline coaches for 3 days of softball skill building and fun. You’ll work on defensive skills: throwing, fielding and footwork and offensive skills: hitting fundamentals, bunting and base running. Special drills are offered for pitchers and catchers. You will gain valuable knowledge that will make you a better softball player while having fun in the process, just ask anyone that attended last year. Coaches: Skyline High School coaches with over 20 years combined experience. Monday-Wednesday. ID# 3469.401 6/25 – 6/27 FEE: $105 9:00 AM – 12 Noon

Youth Softball Skills Camp Grades 1-8. You will have fun working in small groups for instructional drills, scrimmages, team play and skill competition. Your focus will be learning and improving your fundamental skills of the game, including hitting, base running, fielding, throwing and positional play. Pitching and catching instruction is also available. Please bring snacks and water. Coach: Davey Knoll, Pioneer Softball. Monday-Thursday ID# 3461.401 7/9 – 7/12 FEE: $85 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Pioneer, Softball field

Skyline, Softball Diamond

Basketball Preschool Basketball Camp All about the basics! Campers will learn everything from the naming the lines on the court to the proper dribbling, shooting, and defensive stance. The camp focuses on improving motor skills and overall physical fitness. The coaches provide a comfortable, pressure-free environment while learning the fundamentals of basketball with an emphasis fun! Coaches: One on One Basketball & Sports Training. Monday– Friday. Camp ID#








Ann Arbor Open, Gym

7/9 – 7/13

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM


Mini-Hoopers Basketball Camp Mini-Hoopers is a perfect basketball camp for children who want to learn more about dribbling, ball handling, shooting, defense, offense, and the overall rules of basketball. Campers will have fun with daily drills, games, and team building exercises. The coaches provide a comfortable, pressure-free environment with an emphasis fun! Coaches: One on One Basketball & Sports Training. Monday– Friday. Camp ID#








Ann Arbor Open, Gym

6/18 – 6/22

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM


summer 2012 Rec&Ed 47

Basketball Camp* Does your child have an interest in basketball? Join our coaches who will help you improve your game through drills and scrimmages. You will work on your ball handling, fast break, and transition skills. You’ll also participate in scrimmages and skill games. Please bring water and a snack. Each camper receives a t-shirt. Coaches: One On One Basketball & Sports Training. Monday - Friday. Camp ID#








Abbot, Gym

6/25 – 6/29

9:00 AM – 12 Noon




Abbot, Gym

6/25 – 6/29

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


* Extended Care is available. Before Camp Care: ID# 8701.412.

Full Day Basketball Camp*


Does your child love basketball? The focus of instruction is on drills that improve the skills of the individual player in areas of dribbling, passing, shooting, defense, offense and teamwork. There will also be daily contests (a chance to win other exciting prizes) and scrimmages. Sportsmanship is emphasized. Please bring a lunch, water and snack. Coaches: One on One Basketball & Sports Training. Monday - Friday. Camp ID#








Tappan, Gym

7/30– 8/3

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


* Extended Care is available. Before Camp Care Gr. 1-4: ID# 2407.413 Gr. 5: ID# 2407.414.

Full Day Basketball Camp


Does your child have experience in basketball and want to take their game to the next level? Our coaches will help improve your child’s game through daily drills, scrimmages, offensive and defensive strategies, and conditioning. They will work on their ball handling, shooting, defense, footwork, agility, and overall basketball knowledge. Each camper will have a chance to win exciting prizes! Please bring a lunch, water and snack. Coaches: One on One Basketball & Sports Training. Monday - Friday. Camp ID#








Scarlett, Gym

7/16 – 7/20

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Pioneer Basketball Camp for Boys - Full Day Are you looking to make a major leap in your basketball skills? If so, this is the camp for you. Pioneer’s coaching staff and players will teach you the fundamental skills of basketball, which have vaulted the Pioneer program into the state’s elite. You will receive hands-on training on Coach Stanczak’s “Big 3” : shooting, passing and ball handling. You will also learn the basic rotations and effort it takes to play great defense. The camp includes station work, contests, and games. This all day camp includes a lunch hour. Please bring snack, lunch and water (concession stand also available with pizza lunch). Coaches: Rex Stanczak, Pioneer HS Varsity Coach, coaching staff and players. Monday - Thursday. Camp ID#








Pioneer, Gym

6/18 – 6/21

8:30 AM – 3:30 PM




Pioneer, Gym

7/23 – 7/26

8:30 AM – 3:30 PM


Advanced Basketball Camp - Full Day Got game? We have the experienced coaches to help elevate your game to the next level! We focus on improving your basketball knowledge and ability through daily drills, skill competitions, conditioning and agility workouts, plus new resistance training methods, while improving dribbling, passing, shooting, defense, and footwork! 2on2, 3on3, 4on4, and 5on5 competitions and scrimmages will be held all week! Each camper will have a chance to win exciting prizes! Please bring a lunch, water and snack. Coaches: One on One Basketball & Sports Training. Monday - Friday. Camp ID#








Pioneer, Gym

8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM




Pioneer, Gym

8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Huron Basketball Boot Camp is on page 33. 48 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Skyline Basketball Camp–Middle School You’ll improve your game by working on offensive and defensive fundamentals. Our focus is on improving the jump shot through video analysis and learning how to attack the basket with a variety of moves form perimeter to post. You’ll have fun with a skills competition and scrimmages. Meet current Skyline players and tour the school. Water, snack and sports drinks are provided. Coaches: Mike Lovelace, Skyline Head Varsity Men’s Coach, Skyline coaching staff and players. Monday – Thursday. Camp ID#








Skyline, Gym

6/25 – 6/28

8:30 AM – 12 Noon


Skyline Basketball Camp for Youth–Full Day Need a place to go during Art Fair week? Join us. You’ll improve your game with work on offensive and defensive fundamentals. Participate in individual skills, team competitions and scrimmages, while learning from current players. Please bring lunch. Water, snack and sports drinks are provided. Coaches: Mike Lovelace, Skyline HeadVarsity Men’s Coach, Skyline coaching staff and current players. Monday – Friday (half day on Friday*). Camp ID#








Skyline, Gym

7/16 – 7/20*

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (*7/20: 9:00 AM – 12 Noon)


Pioneer Basketball Camp for Girls Acquire and improve fundamental basketball skills in this camp! You have the opportunity to participate in drill work, games, and skill contests. Plus improve your ball handling, work on fast break and transition drills and participate in scrimmages. Please bring water and snack. Coaches: Crystal Westfield, Pioneer Women’s Varsity coach, coaching staff and players. Monday-Thursday for 2 weeks. Camp ID#








Pioneer, Gym

7/9 – 7/19

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM




Pioneer, Gym

7/9 – 7/19

10:30 AM – 12:30 PM




Pioneer, Gym

7/9 – 7/19

12:30 PM – 2:30 PM


Field Hockey

For Huron Girls Basketball and Volleyball Camp, see page 53.

Field Hockey Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Huron Field Hockey Camp for Girls You’ll have a great time learning from Huron High Scool’s coaches and players. You will learn the techniques needed to be a better player and participate in skill games and scrimmages. More challenging drills are taught for advanced campers, while beginners will work on basics of the game. Please bring snacks and water. Coaches: Huron High Field Hockey coaches and players. Proceeds from this camp go to support the Huron High Field Hockey Program. Monday-Wednesday. Camp ID#








Huron, Stadium

8/6 – 8/8

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


Field Hockey Camp You will have time each day to practice fundamental skills such as dribbling, passing and scoring. Strategies on offense, defense and penalty corners will be taught through fun and creative drills. The development of stick work skills is emphasized. Team concepts and strategies such as positioning and set-plays will also be covered. Please bring water, mouth guard and shin guards. Sticks provided or bring your own. Coaches: Marsha Mumm, Rec&Ed Youth Field Hockey site supervisor and Greenhills HS coach. Monday-Thursday Camp ID#






Buhr Park, Field #4



Buhr Park, Field #4

Youth Field Hockey Camp



8/13 – 8/16

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM


8/13 – 8/16

10:30 AM – 12:30 PM



You will have fun working in small groups divided by age and skill for instructional drills, scrimmages, team play and skill competition. Your focus will be learning and improving your fundamental skills of the game. You will practice correct techniques of basic skills including offense, defense and positional play. Please bring snacks and water. Coach: Darcy Knoll, Pioneer Field Hockey. Monday - Thursday. Camp ID#









6/18 – 6/21

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


summer 2012 Rec&Ed 49


Soccer Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Soccer Camp

Pre-School Soccer Camp

Grades K-5. No matter your skill level, our coaches will help you improve your ball control, shooting and passing techniques, as well as your defensive skills. You will gain the overall knowledge necessary to play with a team! These camps are a “no pressure, fun for all” activity. All skill levels are welcome. Please bring water. Coaches: British Elite Soccer Training staff (401, 403, 404) One On One Sports Training (402). Monday-Friday.

Ages 3-5. Your preschooler will learn the very basics of soccer through FUNdamental games and exercises. Young players develop motor skills such as balance and movement, as they practice dribbling and shooting in a soccer environment. Your preschooler will also improve his/her listening skills and following verbal directions. Small-sided games will be played on Friday. Campers must be 3 by start of camp. Please send your child in appropriate shoes (no sandals). Coaches: British Elite Soccer Training staff. Monday - Friday. Camp ID#




Camp ID#








6/18 – 6/22

9:00 AM – 12 Noon



7/9 – 7/13

9:00 AM – 12 Noon



7/23 – 7/27

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM




6/18 – 6/22

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM





7/23 – 7/27

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM





7/30 – 8/3

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM




7/30 – 8/3

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM




8/13 – 8/17

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


Soccer Camp - Full Day Does your child have an interest or a love for soccer? If so, join us this summer for our fun, all day soccer camp. Campers will work on proper fundamentals for ball control, passing, shooting, defensive skills, footwork, and position awareness. There will be daily drills, contests, scrimmages, and other exciting games while learning about sportsmanship, teamwork, discipline, and character development. The camp is for players of all skill levels! Each camper will have a chance to win exciting prizes! Please bring water, lunch and a snack. Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#







Abbot, Field

7/23 – 7/27

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM





Abbot, Field

7/23 – 7/27

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Extended Care is available. Before Camp Care: ID# 8701.432 After Camp Care: ID# 8701.433

Advanced Soccer Camp - Full Day Got skills? Do you want to take your soccer experience to the next level? Our coaches will help you improve your game through drills, conditioning and scrimmaging. You will work on ball handling, fast break, and transition skills plus participate in games. This camp is for experienced players. Please bring water, lunch and a snack. Coaches: One On One Sports Training. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#







Pioneer, Field

8/13 – 8/17

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM




Pioneer, Field

8/13 – 8/17

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Kickball Kickball Camp

Kickball Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233


Do you enjoy playing kickball or see your friends playing and want to learn how to play the game? Then join our coaches as they move you through skill stations to improve your kicking, catching and throwing. Each day will end with a scrimmage game. Players receive a team t-shirt. Prizes awarded daily. Coaches: GVP Sports staff. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#








Allmendinger, Park

7/23 – 7/27

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM




Allmendinger, Park

7/23 – 7/27

10:30 AM – 12 Noon


50 Rec&Ed Summer 2012



Football Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Football Skills Camp – Non Contact*


Does your child want to learn how to play football without the contact? Real football drills and skills will be taught, including passing, rushing, receiving, as well as offensive and defensive strategies. Your child will learn how to play football in a safe, fun environment! Teamwork and sportsmanship are emphasized in our pressure-free camp. Please bring water. Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#







Abbot, Field

7/16 – 7/20

9:00 AM – 12 Noon





Abbot, Field

7/16 – 7/20

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


* Extended Care is available, Before Camp: ID# 8701.422

Pioneer Football Camp


Do you love football and want to play better? Pioneer coaches will run drills to improve your football basic techniques, position skills, conditioning and flexibility. You will be coached on offensive and defensive and special team skills to get a step closer to the Heisman trophy. Please bring snack and water. Coach: Tom Barbieri, Pioneer football coach, coaching staff and players. Monday-Thursday. Camp ID#









6/25 – 6/28

12 Noon – 2:00 PM





6/25 – 6/28

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM



Golf Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Junior Golf Camp Grades 2-10. Ann Arbor’s best junior golf camp. The basic golf techniques and athletic skills are the emphasis of this camp. You will play different games, have fitness sessions, learn all aspects of the game and have tons of fun. Small student/teacher ration (5-1). All campers will receive a camp t-shirt, five bucket range pass, certificates, daily prizes, on course play, parent-child playing pass and lunch. Warm-up begins at 8:30 AM, instruction starts at 9:00 AM. Instructor: Debbie Williams-Hoak, Former LPGA Tour Player, Head Teaching Professional Lake Forest Golf Club, Director of Lake Forest Golf Academy. Monday-Thursday.

Preschool Golf Camp


Ages 3-5. Your child will experience success by using larger, softer balls that are safer and easier to hit. Instead of putting into below ground cups, little golfers aim for the above ground Velcro targets that retain the qualities of the traditional golf hole. All equipment provided. Please bring appropriate clothing (no sandals), snack, water, and sunscreen. Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday-Friday. Location: Scarlett. ID# 3412.401 FEE: $79

7/16 – 7/20 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Camp ID#






Lake Forest Golf Club

6/25 – 6/28

8:30 AM – 12:30 PM



Lake Forest Golf Club

7/9 – 7/12

8:30 AM – 12:30 PM


Beginning Golf Camp* Do you want to learn about golf? Campers learn about the fundamentals of the swing, chipping, and putting through various drills and stations. Game improvement drills, golf etiquette and rules, and golf course safety are also taught. Please bring water and snack. Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#









8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 12 Noon




Tappan 8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


* Extended Care: Gr. 1-4: ID# 2439.411

Gr. 5: ID# 2439.412. summer 2012 Rec&Ed 51


Sports Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Beginners Lacrosse Camp This camp is for you if you have little or no experience playing lacrosse. You will enjoy a fun week of skill-building activities designed to improve your stick handling, cradling, passing, shooting, and defensive skills. All programs are co-ed, non-contact, and skill-based. Please bring protective gloves (recommended), mouth guard, lacrosse stick, snack, and water. Lacrosse Sticks are also available for use, if needed. Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#



3427.401 1-5 Pioneer, Field



7/9 – 7/13

9:00 AM – 12 Noon



Lacrosse Camp Boys This fun, safe and exciting low contact, skill-based camp is great for players of all skill levels. You’ll gain experience in the proper techniques through small and large group activities and skill contests. Girls Players of any level will love this fun, safe and exciting skill-based camp. You’ll gain experience in the proper techniques through small and large group activities and skill contests. Please bring lacrosse sticks, mouth guard, gloves, pads, helmet and water. Coaches: One On One Sport Training. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#










Pioneer, Field

7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 12 Noon





Pioneer, Field

7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


Advanced Lacrosse Camp - Full Day Campers will take their lacrosse game to the next level in this camp! Our coaches will help elevate your child’s game through drills, techniques, conditioning, agility, and scrimmaging. Campers will work on ball handling, fast break, and transition skills and participate in daily skill contests and games. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and more individual and team competitions! Please bring water, lunch, a snack and equipment. Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday - Friday. Camp ID#








Pioneer, Field

8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM




Pioneer, Field

8/6 – 8/10

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Skyline Girls Lacrosse Camp Do you want to be part of one of the fastest growing sports among girls? Come learn the latest techniques in stick work, dodging, crease defense, individual defense and individual offense. All aspects of the sport will be covered using new and exciting drills in a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere. You will participate in drills, contests, and scrimmages. You will need goggles, a stick, and mouth guard. All ability levels (beginners through experienced) are welcome to attend. You will be grouped by age and ability. Coach: David McKinnon, Skyline Head Coach. Camp meets Saturday and Sunday. Camp ID#









Skyline, Turf Field

6/16 6/17


9:00 AM – 12 Noon 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM




Baton Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Baton Twirling Camp Boys and Girls. Looking for something unique and fun to try? You’ll learn and practice the basics of twirling and routines. You’ll get to try 2-baton, hoop, and flag. A show for family and friends is offered during final day of camp. Coach: Jenney Gordon, former Champion Twirler. Monday - Wednesday. Camp ID#








Tappan, Rec Room

8/6 – 8/8

5:45 PM – 7:45 PM


52 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Conditioning Sports Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233

Conditioning & Agility Sports Camp – High Intensity Is your child athletic? Are you looking for high intensity training to improve their speed, agility, explosiveness, vertical jump, lateral quickness, coordination, flexibility and overall athletic ability? Then register for the new conditioning and agility sports camp. Campers will work through resistance training, coordination drills, and polymeric workouts, all through different aerobic & anaerobic fitness training. Campers should bring snacks, lunch and water. Coaches: One on One Sports Training. Monday-Friday. Camp ID#








Pioneer, Small Gym

7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 1:00 PM


Volleyball Volleyball Camp Do you have a love of volleyball or want to learn? Then join us! Fundamental skills such as bumping, setting, spiking and blocking will be introduced through fun and creative drills. Great emphasis will be placed on developing successful serving techniques, team-work and strategies. Games and tournaments will be played throughout the week. Please bring water and kneepads (optional). Coach: Marsha Mumm, Greenhills HS coach (401- 402), One on One Sports Training (403-404). Monday-Friday. Camp ID#








Scarlett, Gym

6/18 – 6/22

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM




Scarlett, Gym

6/18 – 6/22

10:30 AM – 12:30 PM




Tappan, Gym

7/23 –7/27

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM




Tappan, Gym

7/23 –7/27

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


* Extended Care Gr. 3-4 ID# 2429.411, Gr. 5 ID# 2429.412

Huron Girls Basketball and Volleyball Camp Girls, grades 6-9. Huron coaches and players welcome you to join them for their 4th annual camp. They will share their knowledge of basketball and volleyball with you in a fun learning environment. On the final day of camp, campers will participate in exciting games developed by the Huron coaching staff. This camp will provide an excellent opportunity to meet new friends from a different sport while forming a bond with future high school teammates. Basketball You will work on individual ball handling, passing and shooting through various drills and stations. Additionally, you will develop team offensive and defensive concepts with 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 competitions. Volleyball You will learn the 6 basic volleyball skills: Passing, Setting, Serving, Digging, Hitting, and Blocking. Plus improve your playing skills through individual instruction and small group drills and games. Please bring water, snack (and lunch for full day). Coaches: Steve Vinson, Varsity Women’s Basketball coach of the 2012 State semi-finalists; Tony Cummer, Varsity Volleyball coach, staff and players. Monday-Thursday. Camp ID#






Huron, Gym – Full Day

6/18 – 6/21

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM



½ day option Basketball only

6/18 – 6/21

9:00 AM – 12 Noon



½ day option Volleyball only

6/18 – 6/21

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM


summer 2012 Rec&Ed 53

Art Camps

Art Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248 or 53228

Comics and Cartoons Camp

Grades 3-6. Immerse yourself in the imaginary universe of your own comics and cartoons. With your cast of unique characters, you create wild and zany stories that only you can tell. For five days, you will live and breath your characters, exploring how they look, talk, think, and feel by drawing, sculpting, storytelling, and acting. WARNING: Parents will be able to see the contents of their childrens’ imaginations. Campers bring sunscreen, lunch and beverage, snacks, and water bottle. Scholarship recipients pay $35 materials fee. Director: David Cowen directed a nationwide art education program in Yellowstone National Park for 10 years. 1 week.

ID# 2111.401 Fee: $309

8/20 – 8/24: Camp Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM CAB, Room B

ID# 2111.402

8/20 – 8/24: Ext. Care

FEE: $79

7:30-9 AM, 3:30-5:30 PM CAB, Room C

Drawing the World Around Us Camp



Grades 1-3. Nature consistently provides us with rich and beautiful subject matter. From broad landscape vistas to the tiny world of the still life, you will be inspired to look towards the natural world as a way to sharpening your observational skills. We’ll use some traditional, some not-sotraditional, and even some downright silly field-sketching methods-all designed to improve your drawing ability and most-importantly, to let you to have fun. No prior drawing skills needed! Daily outdoor/indoor play. Campers provide own lunch, snacks and beverage will be provided. Offered in conjunction with AA Hands-On Museum. 1 week.

ID# 2137.403 Fee: $235

8/27 – 8/31: Camp Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CAB, Room B

ID# 2137.413 FEE: $79

8/27 – 8/31: Ext. Care Monday-Friday 7:30-9 AM, 4:00-5:30 PM CAB, Room C

Ceramics Camp


Grades 3-7. You’ll be amazed at the cool ceramic objects you can create: a scaly fish, square bowl, personal tile, or your own innovative creation. Select from a variety of different molds; the choices are endless. You will be introduced to techniques of tile making, slab construction, sculpture, press molding, coiling, extrusions, and glazing. Students will take home their finished ceramic pieces. Scholarship recipients pay $25 materials fee. Director: William Schultz. Afternoons for 1 week. ID# 2199.401 Fee: $159

7/16 – 7/20 Monday-Friday 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM CAB, Room B

54 Rec&Ed Summer 2012


Recycled Art Camp Grades 1-5. Kids are so creative they can imagine hundreds of ways to use scrap paper! In this world of recycled art, campers love creating with paper, foam, tiles and more! Building skyscrapers, bridges and mosaics pictures encourages campers to use their imagination and visualization skills. Join us as we get creative and save the planet at the same time! Projects include a re-used tile relief, 3D scrap animals, and even some fun with sand and mud. Campers provide own lunch, snacks and beverage. Camp Director: Alicia MacGeorge-Loomis. 1 week.

ID# 2137.402 Fee: $235

8/13 – 8/17: Camp 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Monday-Friday CAB, Room B

ID# 2137.412

8/13 – 8/17: Ext. Care Monday-Friday

FEE: $79

7:30-9 AM, 4:00-5:30 PM

CAB, Room C

Elements of Design Camp


Grades 1-5. Every child has an inner artist just waiting to try new thing! Through painting, sketching, sculpting, and building, campers discover the main elements of art and design: line, texture, shape, color and value. Campers learn about the artists that influenced these styles and contemporary artists who use them today. Projects include a hundred item drawing, still life painting, and more! Join our week-long adventure through the arts! Campers provide own lunch, snack and beverage. Camp Director: Alicia MacGeorge-Loomis. 1 week.

ID# 2137.401 Fee: $235

6/18 – 6/22: Camp Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CAB, Room B

ID# 2137.411

6/18 – 6/22: Ext. Care

FEE: $79

7:30-9 AM, 4:00-5:30 PM CAB, Room C


Art Around Ann Arbor Miss Lesley leads each unique week of interactive art exploration for children. Through photos and onsite visits* campers learn about public sculptures in Ann Arbor and the artists who created them. Children will make their own versions of the art using clay, paint and other media; listen to stories from the camp library of literature; and create poems and dances that connect with the artwork. They will also keep a daily journal during the week, bringing home notes and photographs. Send your child in clothes suitable for dancing and art making, a healthy snack and drink each day. Instructor: Lesley Kabza Criscenti, the creative arts specialist.1 week. Location: Abbot. camp ID#






4-6 years

7/9 – 7/13

9:30 AM – 11:30 AM



Gr. K-2

7/16 – 7/20

9:30 AM – 11:30 AM



Gr. 2-5

7/23 – 7/27

9:30 AM – 11:30 AM


Art Around Ann Abor Campers have a great time at a variety of locations around town


Dance Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228

Pure Dance Camp

Summer's rockin', hip hoppin', pop lockin' 5 day camps are for kids, teens, and adults! Camp participants will have the chance to explore Jazz, Hip Hop, and floor work, plus learn traditional dance vocabulary. Dancers will have the opportunity to polish new cutting edge choreography, tricks, jumps, footwork and turns, including two full dances choreographed by Gina Thompson. Kid's camp is ideal for young active kids who are interested in blending various dance styles. Teen to adult camp is perfect for figure skaters, gymnasts, musical theater, competition dance, and cheerleading teams. Teams, full casts, coaches, and or team captains are welcome. Directed by Gina Danene Thompson and staffed by the Pure Dance Ensemble. 1.5 hours per day for 5 days. Dancers will have the opportunity to participate in a performance at a major Ann Arbor venue at the end of the week. (Performance is optional but not required for camp attendance.) ID# 2231.402 Fee: $85

7/16 – 7/20: Gr. 2-6 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Monday-Friday CAB, Room B

ID# 2231.403 Fee: $85

7/16 – 7/20: Gr. 7-12 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Monday-Friday CAB, Room B

Campers have fun learning some creative and energetic dance steps and routines

Hip Hop & Break Dance Camp Grades 2-7. Calling all b-boys and b-girls! Do you want to learn breaking? Do you want to add cool steps to your hip hop routine? Popular instructor Maurice Archer makes it fun and easy for you to jump in. Celebrated choreographer Gina Danene Thompson teaches you high energy hip hop dances. Improve your flexibility and coordination in this fast paced camp. Get updated on all the trends and be the envy of your friends. Afternoons for 1 week.

ID# 2231.401 Fee: $129

8/6 – 8/10 Monday-Friday 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM CAB, Room B

Art, Dance & Drama Dance, Drama & Art Camp: Too Much Fun!!


Grades 1-4. Is it possible for your child to have “Too Much Fun”? We don’t think so in this amazing camp filled with dance, drama, and art. Campers always enjoy Amy Thurlow’s unique approach to dance as she teaches them an energetic routine to current pop music. Drama instructor Debra Golden is loads of fun. She brings out the star in each camper as they explore a variety of theater games, experiment with funny voices and characters, and perform in a comedy skit on the last day of camp. Art is always “Too Much Fun” with instructor Susan Wright. Projects will include printmaking from hand-carved block prints, sand painting, wacky painting and much, much more. Campers bring sunscreen, lunch and beverage, snacks, and water bottle. 1 week.

ID# 2227.401 Fee: $219

7/23 – 7/27 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Monday-Friday CAB, Room B

ID# 2227.402 Ext. Care: $79

7/23 – 7/27 7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM

Monday-Friday CAB, Room B

Art, Dance & Drama Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248 or 53228

Drama Camp: Magical Fairy Tales


Fairy tales come to life in this magical camp. Campers learn acting techniques utilizing improvisation and theatre games and work toward an acting performance of one or more fairy tales on the last day. Your child gets a taste of how real actors prepare for rehearsal with physical warm-up exercises designed to increase focus and prepare the body for movement. Camp Director: Emily Rogers and Art Instructor Amy Thurlow. Campers bring sunscreen, lunch and beverage, snacks, water bottle. 1 week.

ID# 2227.403 Fee: $219

7/30 – 8/3 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CAB, Room B

ID# 2227.404 Ext. Care: $79

7/30 – 8/3 7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM

Monday-Friday CAB, Room B

Shakespeare in the Arb Dive into the fun of exploring Shakespeare’s comedy, The Merry Wives of Windsor, in an outdoor setting! Campers will take part in theater games, vocal exercises and direct work with the text. The camp culminates in a performed interpretation of the play, created and acted by the campers. Camp meets outside of Nichols Arboretum near the Reader Center Building. Campers should dress for the weather and bring a snacks and a water bottle. Limited to 14 participants. Instructor: Nora Curtis. 1 week. Families interested in also taking part in the Residential College’s Shakespeare in the Arb production, please contact Nora at camp ID#







6/18 – 6/22

10:00 AM – 12 Noon




6/18 – 6/22

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM


summer 2012 Rec&Ed 55

Safety Town

Safety Town Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53106

Do you have a child ready to start kindergarten in the fall? Come to Safety Town where your child learns safety awareness in a fun and entertaining way using a child-size mock Ann Arbor “town” explored on bikes. The curriculum covers bike helmets and booster seats, stranger danger, fire safety, riding a school bus, pedestrian safety, etc. Songs, games, stories and art projects reinforce the lessons. Guest speakers include: Buster the Bus”, AAPS’ own talking school bus, “Andy the Ambulance” HVA’s talking ambulance, Police officers, Firefighters, Healthcare workers and Safety experts from the Washtenaw County Coalition. The 2012 program is sponsored by Rec&Ed in cooperation with the Ann Arbor Police Department. The goal is to help kids evaluate “safe” from “unsafe” when confronted with potentially dangerous situations. We are aware of two incidents when Safety Town training helped save the lives of past participants! Students can be placed with friends as long as registration forms are submitted together and a special request is listed on the forms. In most cases we are able to place children with others attending their school. Please plan on staying with your child for a few minutes the first day to find the location of the classroom, receive a brief orientation and meet the teacher. Scholarships are available for those who financially qualify. The last day of the session is a graduation ceremony. Parents are invited to attend the brief ceremony, after which children are dismissed. Sign up for our Safety Town & Camp Combination, which provides a wrap-around program Monday-Friday from 7:30am to 5:30pm.

Safety Town Program program ID#







7/9 – 7/13

9:00 AM – 12 Noon




7/16 – 7/20

9:00 AM – 12 Noon




7/23 – 7/27

9:00 AM – 12 Noon




7/30 – 8/3

9:00 AM – 12 Noon


Summer Camp for Safety Town Kids! This exciting camp is designed to compliment the Safety Town program. This combination of a day camp and the Safety Town program provides full day care from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday for 1 week. camp Id#




7/9 – 7/13



7/16 – 7/20



7/23 – 7/27



7/30 – 8/3


*Fee includes both the Safety Town Program and the Safety Town Camp

56 Rec&Ed Summer 2012


Daily Camp Schedule 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM Supervised play 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Safety Town 12 Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch (Children bring their own lunch and beverage) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Story or Quiet Time/Fun Arts/Recreation 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm Supervised play

Early morning drop-off and evening pick-up. Held at the same location as Safety Town at Bryant. Available to all families who enroll in Safety Town. Provides your child with a fun, educational experience. Morning and afternoon snacks are provided. Directed by experienced CPR and First Aid certified staff.

Preschool Camps

Preschool Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248

Spanish Camp for Preschoolers Location: Preschool and Family Center Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Young children love to sing songs and listen to stories. In this mini-camp, preschoolers learn Spanish through songs and stories about their favorite animals. They will also enjoy playing games, dancing, creating simple crafts and practicing words and phrases with Lizzie, the Spanish-speaking doll! Scholarship recipients pay $10 materials fee. Instructor: Language Adventure staff. 1 week. Camp ID#



Early Bird



3½ - 5

7/16 – 7/20




3½ - 5

7/30 – 8/3



Itsy Bitsy Campers Location: Preschool and Family Center Time: 9:30 AM – 12 Noon Inviting all itsy bitsy artists to join Instructor Katherine Willson for a weeklong magical adventure that inspires their imagination and stimulates their love of exploration and discovery. Playful, fun and creative activities are offered both indoor and outdoor. Arts and crafts, music, nature walks, parachute play, read-aloud stories, and imaginative games are paired with additional “themed” projects to connect campers to learning in a whole new way. Please send a snack and beverage. Children must be potty trained. 1 week. camp ID#






Mini Monet



Fairies & Folk Tales



Kings, Queens and Castles

Wheels and Wings

Early Bird


6/25 – 6/29



7/23 – 7/27



8/6 – 8/10



Mini Monet Introducing famous artists and their masterpieces Clay Play Mixing up clay recipes and creating masterpieces Fairies & Folk Tales Mystical adventures with fairies, fairy houses and gardens Kings, Queens & Castles Enchanting young princes and princesses with crowns, wands, dragons and more


Location: Preschool and Family Center Time: 9:30 AM – 12 Noon

Travel intrigues children. Boats, airplanes, space ships, and even the old family car seem mysterious to them. Children explore the many ways people move from one place to another at this fun-filled camp. Investigation into motion, what sinks and floats, shapes, weight, and size and much more will be shared with the campers as we examine transportation and travel. Activities will be hands on, use children's imagination, and grow their knowledge to all things on the go! Please send a snack and beverage. Children must be potty trained. Instructor: Stephanie Carlson. 1 week. camp ID#





6/18 – 6/22

Early Bird




See “Art Around Ann Arbor” on page 26. Preschool Sports Camps are on pages 15, 16, 22 and 23. summer 2012 Rec&Ed 57

5 Easy Ways to Register for Summer Classes and Camps!

1. Online



By Mail

By Phone



Classes & Camps

Classes Only


in person

Classes & Camps

Classes & Camps

Classes & Camps

Starting now at with your Mastercard, VISA or American Express. First Time Registrant? Set up your account and registration is easy!

Processing begins Tuesday, May 29* Mail your form and payment to: Rec&Ed 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103.

Starting Tuesday May 29, call 734-994-2300, ext. 53275, 8 AM-4:30 PM, to register and pay by credit card. Scholarship discounts cannot be accepted by phone. Due to the call volume, you may need to leave a message. For Summer Camps use online, mail, fax or in-person registration.

Starting Tuesday, May 29* Fax your form to to 734-994-1454 Monday-Friday 8 AM-4:30 PM

Bring your form to the Rec&Ed office starting Tuesday, May 29*, 8 AM-4:30 PM Monday-Friday or use the 24 hour Lobby Drop Box. The light will come on when you open the door.

* Mail-in, Drop-off and Faxed registration forms will be randomly processed in daily batches beginning 5/29/12.

Rec&Ed POLICIES & INFORMATION Scholarship Program

Refund/Credit Policy

You’re entitled to a full refund as a credit on your Rec&Ed account if you submit your cancellation request at least three days prior to the start of the first day of the class or activity by email to refunds@aaps.k12. or by dropping off your request at our office or by mail to Rec&Ed Refund Request, 1515 S. 7th St., Ann Arbor, 48103. Program offerings cancelled by Rec&Ed will be fully refunded via credit card or check, based on your original payment method. See the complete refund policy at

Wait List Policy

Participants who register after a class has reached its maximum enrollment will be placed on a wait list and will be contacted when an opening is available. Please do not attend the class for which you are wait-listed until you are notified by our office.

Weather & Facility Cancellation Hotlines

Rec&Ed youth programs will be cancelled when the Civil Preparedness office issues a severe weather or tornado warning. When a school is closed due to power loss or other facility problems, the Rec&Ed activities in that school are cancelled. Check our website at or call 734-994-2300 followed by the extension below. Department-wide

ext. 53114


ext. 53116

Team Sports

ext. 53115


ext. 53117

Sports Camps/Classes



ext. 53132

58 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

Fee waivers (scholarships) are available to permanent residents of the Ann Arbor Public School District. Scholarship application and detailed information is available at the Rec&Ed office or online at www.aareced. com/reced.home/scholarships.

Senior Adult Discounts

Residents of the Ann Arbor Public School District age 65 and older are eligible for a 50% discount on one class per term. The discount does not apply to co-sponsored classes, material and supply charges, field trips or tickets to performances.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Access to programs and facilities is intended to be non-discriminatory. Please call at least four weeks in advance if you are requesting a special accommodation. For more information call 734-994-2300, ext. 53219.


Rec&Ed staff follow the Ann Arbor Schools' No Nut Snack and Nutrition policy. If you receive a message or see a sign indicating that a building, or area in a building is nut or dairy-free, please be respectful of that rule. If your child has any allergies or medical conditions of which we should be aware, please indicate at registration. If your child has an allergy action plan, please let us know at least 4 weeks in advance of your child's participation in the camp or class. For more information call 734-9942300 ext. 53219.

Detailed Course Descriptions and More Information

Additional information, complete descriptions, directions and no class dates can be found at Select Online Registration.

Summer Registration Forms are on pages 60 & 61.


Rec&Ed Youth Team Sports Make sure your family is on the mailing list for the Rec&Ed Youth Team Sports your kids want to play this year!

Our teams are well-coached by fair and enthusiastic volunteers who strive to give all of the participants a well-rounded and enjoyable team-building and learning experience. If you would like to be added to our mailing list for any of the following sports for boys and girls, complete this form and mail or fax it to Rec&Ed Youth Sports. If your child participated in a youth sport last season, you are automatically on the mailing list for that sport.

Check all sports that apply:


YOUTH #1 name _________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ ZIP __________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________ Birthdate__________________________ grade __________

Gender: M q F q

email ___________________________________________________________________


YOUTH #2 name _________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ ZIP __________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________

c Winter Youth Indoor Soccer - Boys & Girls, grades 1-5

Birthdate__________________________ grade __________

c Winter Youth Basketball - Boys & Girls, grades 4-8

Gender: M q F q

email ___________________________________________________________________

c Winter High School Basketball - Boys & Girls, grades 9-12 c Spring Youth Flag Football - Boys & Girls, grades 3-8 c Spring Youth Field Hockey - Boys & Girls, grades 3-8 c Spring Youth Soccer - Boys & Girls, grades K-10 c Summer Kindergarten T-Ball, Boys & Girls, grade K c Summer Baseball - Boys & Girls, grades 1-8 c Summer Softball - Girls, grades 1-8


YOUTH #3 name _________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ ZIP __________________________

c Summer High School Volleyball - Girls, grades 9-12

Phone __________________________________________________________________

c Fall Youth Volleyball - Boys & Girls, grades 4-9

Birthdate__________________________ grade __________

c Fall Youth Field Hockey - Boys & Girls, grades 3-6

email ___________________________________________________________________

Gender: M q F q

c Fall Youth Lacrosse - Boys & Girls, grades 3-8 c Fall Youth Soccer - Boys & Girls, grades K-8 c Fall Youth Basketball - Boys & Girls, grades 2-4

Mail to: Rec&Ed Youth Sports 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103

FAX TO: 734-994-1454 (8:00 AM – 4:30 PM only)


Download Youth Team Sports Registration Forms at

YOUTH #4 name _________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ ZIP __________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________ Birthdate__________________________ grade __________

Gender: M q F q

email ___________________________________________________________________

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 59

summer 2012 registration Form


Office Use

Please print and fill out completely. Use separate form for each payor

______ of _______

Residency: Is your primary residence within the Ann Arbor Public School District? Yes q No q Do you have a current Rec&Ed scholarship? Yes q No q Pending q ID#________________ Change in address or phone for registrant since last registration? Yes q No q Change in address or phone for payor since last registration? Yes q No q

class class & & Camp Camp Selections Selections class/camp ID#

Batch # _________ Trans # _________

#2 #1 Participant Participant Information Information

Class/camp title

Office Use

Fee firST NAME _______________________________________________ Last NAME ________________________________________________

q CK q CA q CC q CR

address_______________________________City ________________ # _____________ ST ______ ZIP ______________ Phone __________________________ Birthdate_______________ Gender: M q F q GRADE ___________ School child will attend in Fall 12 ______________________________

REQUIRED INFORMATION: for youth enrolling in class or camp

Total $__________ Disc. ___________

emergency contact Name _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) __________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions? q No q Yes (EXPLAIN) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________

class & Camp Selections class/camp ID#

#2 Participant Information

Class/camp title

Office Use

Fee firST NAME _______________________________________________ Last NAME ________________________________________________

q CK q CA q CC q CR

address_______________________________City ________________

# _____________

ST ______ ZIP ______________ Phone __________________________

Total $__________

Birthdate_______________ Gender: M q F q GRADE ___________

Disc. ___________

School child will attend in Fall 12 ______________________________ REQUIRED INFORMATION: for youth enrolling in class or camp

emergency contact Name _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) __________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions? q No q Yes (EXPLAIN) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________

Payor Name

(Person paying for classes(es) activities

First Name _____________________________________ Last Name____________________________________________________

Please complete entire section

Make check payable to: AAPS (Ann Arbor Public Schools) Do not send cash.


Include payment: Credit from Rec&Ed account:

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street


Home Phone (_______) ________________________________ Work Phone (_________)__________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Birthdate________________ Gender: M q F q

payment METHOD:

Credit cards


$ ___________________

q Check q credit card q Scholarship # __________________ q Credit on Rec&Ed Account

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Print your name exactly as it appears on the credit card q VISA q Mastercard q AM EXPRESS

Total Fee (Required) $ ________________________________________

Sorry we cannot accept debit cards at this time Card # _____________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________ CVV# ________________ 3-digit security code

Signature (required) __________________________________________________________________________ I agree to pay above total amount according to the card issuers agreement and the Rec&Ed Refund/Credit policy as listed in this catalog.

60 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

q $1 donation to the Rec&Ed Scholarship Fund

Amount Paid: $_______________


Mail entire form to: Rec&Ed Summer 2012 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103

summer 2012 registration Form


Office Use

Please print and fill out completely. Use separate form for each payor

______ of _______

Residency: Is your primary residence within the Ann Arbor Public School District? Yes q No q Do you have a current Rec&Ed scholarship? Yes q No q Pending q ID#________________ Change in address or phone for registrant since last registration? Yes q No q Change in address or phone for payor since last registration? Yes q No q

class class & & Camp Camp Selections Selections class/camp ID#

Batch # _________ Trans # _________

#2 #1 Participant Participant Information Information

Class/camp title

Office Use

Fee firST NAME _______________________________________________ Last NAME ________________________________________________

q CK q CA q CC q CR

address_______________________________City ________________ # _____________ ST ______ ZIP ______________ Phone __________________________ Birthdate_______________ Gender: M q F q GRADE ___________ School child will attend in Fall 12 ______________________________

REQUIRED INFORMATION: for youth enrolling in class or camp

Total $__________ Disc. ___________

emergency contact Name _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) __________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions? q No q Yes (EXPLAIN) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________

class & Camp Selections class/camp ID#

#2 Participant Information

Class/camp title

Office Use

Fee firST NAME _______________________________________________ Last NAME ________________________________________________

q CK q CA q CC q CR

address_______________________________City ________________

# _____________

ST ______ ZIP ______________ Phone __________________________

Total $__________

Birthdate_______________ Gender: M q F q GRADE ___________

Disc. ___________

School child will attend in Fall 12 ______________________________ REQUIRED INFORMATION: for youth enrolling in class or camp

emergency contact Name _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) __________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions? q No q Yes (EXPLAIN) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________

Payor Name

(Person paying for classes(es) activities

First Name _____________________________________ Last Name____________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street

Please complete entire section

Make check payable to: AAPS (Ann Arbor Public Schools) Do not send cash.


Include payment: Credit from Rec&Ed account:


Home Phone (_______) ________________________________ Work Phone (_________)__________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Birthdate________________ Gender: M q F q

payment METHOD:

Credit cards


$ ___________________

q Check q credit card q Scholarship # __________________ q Credit on Rec&Ed Account

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Print your name exactly as it appears on the credit card q VISA q Mastercard q AM EXPRESS

Total Fee (Required) $ ________________________________________

Sorry we cannot accept debit cards at this time Card # _____________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________ CVV# ________________ 3-digit security code

Signature (required) __________________________________________________________________________

q $1 donation to the Rec&Ed Scholarship Fund Amount Paid: $_______________


Mail entire form to: Rec&Ed summer 2012 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103

I agree to pay above total amount according to the card issuers agreement and the Rec&Ed Refund/Credit policy as listed in this catalog.

summer 2012 Rec&Ed 61

Rec&Ed Class Map Key Rec&Ed Locations

Other Rec&Ed Class Sites

Rec&Ed Office/Conference Room, Classrooms and Lounge 1515 S. Seventh, E Wing, Pioneer (E-7) Enter at Pioneer High Dr. off 7th Street Ann Arbor Preschool & Family Center (G-9) 2775 Boardwalk CAB- Eberbach Cultural Arts Building (G-7) 1220 S. Forest St, at corner of Wells Street High Point 1735 S. Wagner Road (A-7) WISD-Washtenaw Intermediate School District (A-8) 1819 S. Wagner Road

Elementary Schools

Abbot 2670 Sequoia Parkway Allen 2560 Towner Boulevard Angell 1608 S. University Bach 600 W. Jefferson Bryant 2150 Santa Rosa Drive Burns Park 1414 Wells Street Carpenter 4250 Central Boulevard Dicken 2135 Runnymede Eberwhite 800 Soule Haisley 825 Duncan King 3800 Waldenwood Drive Lakewood 344 Gralake Lawton 2250 S. Seventh Logan 2685 Traver Ann Arbor Open @ Mack 920 Miller Mitchell 3550 Pittsview Northside 912 Barton Drive Pattengill 2100 Crestland Drive Pittsfield 2543 Pittsfield Boulevard Thurston 2300 Prairie Wines 1701 Newport Road

Middle Schools Clague Forsythe Scarlett Slauson Tappan

High Schools

Community Huron Pioneer Roberto Clemente Skyline A2 Tech@Stone School

62 Rec&Ed Summer 2012

2616 Nixon Road 1655 Newport Road 3300 Lorraine 1019 W. Washington 2251 E. Stadium Boulevard

(B-4) (I-9) (H-6) (F-5) (I-10) (H-7) (N-9) (C-7) (E-6) (C-4) (M-5) (B-5) (D-8) (J-2) (F-4) (K-10) (H-3) (I-8) (L-9) (K-2) (E-3)

(K-2) (E-3) (K-10) (D-5) (I-7)

401 N. Division (F-5) 2727 Fuller Road (K-5) 601 W. Stadium Boulevard (E-7) 4377 Textile Road (N-12) 2552 N. Maple Road (B-3) 2800 Stone School Road (I-9)

A. Allmendinger Park....................................................................... (E-7) Pauline Street, between S. Seventh and Main B. Church of the Good Shepherd.................................................(J-9) 2145 Independence Avenue C. BalancePoint Fitness ...............................................................(D-11) 3770 Plaza Drive, Suite 1 D. Ann Arbor Community Center.............................................. (F-5) 625 N. Main Street E. Bodies in Balance .........................................................................(G-5) 211 E. Ann Street F. The Chippewa Club .................................................................... (O-9) 2525 Golfside Road G. Coffee House Creamery ............................................................(A-4) 3790 Jackson Road H. Colonial Lanes Bowling ...........................................................(H-8) 1950 S. Industrial Highway I. Phoenix Center ............................................................................ (F-6) 220 S. Main Street J. County Farm Park ....................................................................... (K-9) 2960 Washtenaw K. Dorian’s Studio............................................................................(D-10) L. Lake Forest Golf Club................................................................ (5-A) 3110 W.Ellsworth Road M. Mathnasium Learning Center............................................... (H-7) 2111 Packard Road, Suite C N. Michigan Theater......................................................................... (G-6) 605 East Liberty Street O. Peaceful Dragon School ..........................................................(C-7) 1945 Pauline, Suite B P. PKSA Dojang ...............................................................................(D-11) 3770 Plaza Drive, Suite 2 Q. Sun Moon Yoga Studio.............................................................. (F-5) 404 W. Huron R. UM Varsity Tennis Center .........................................................(G-9) 2250 S. State Street S. WHC: Ellen Thompson Women’s Health Center........... (O-7) 5320 Elliott Drive, campus St. Joseph Mercy Hospital T. Whole Food Market .................................................................... (K-8) 3135 Washtenaw Avenue U. Wright Studio ............................................................................... (H-8) 1386 Coler V. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory .................................. (G-6) 521 E. Liberty Street Other Locations Baron Glassworks, 838 Railroad Street, Ypsilanti

Rec&Ed Class Locations B
















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summer 2012 Rec&Ed 63

Ann Arbor Public Schools Community Education and Recreation 1515 S. Seventh St • Ann Arbor, MI 48103

We Bring Community Together! ECRWSS Residential Postal Customer

Non-profit org. US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 133 Ann Arbor, MI

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