Fun School Break Camps School Age Child Care  Summer Camps
SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE CONTACTS Community Education and Recreation 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734-994-2300 Fax 734-994-1454 SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE COORDINATORS: Angelita Jacobs ext 53106 Vickie Malcolm ext 53255 Robin Schultz-Purves ext 53208
Secretaries: Martha Balmer Kathy J. Pennisi
994-2300 ext 53253 ext 53220
Ann Arbor Public Schools provides School Age Child Care programs at: AA Open at Mack, Abbot, Allen, Angell, Bach, Bryant, Burns Park (EDO and K-care only), Carpenter, Dicken, Eberwhite, Haisley, King (EDO only), Lakewood, Lawton (Kcare only), Logan, Mitchell, Northside, Pattengill, Pittsfield, Thurston, and Wines.
Site Locations and Phone Numbers Abbot Allen Allen Preschool Angell AA Open Bach Burns Park Bryant Carpenter Dicken Eberwhite Haisley
994-4980 971-1044 997-1240 994-8995 994-8998 994-8319 994-1919 971-2466 971-1148 994-3567 994-3604 994-1710
King Lakewood Lawton Logan Mitchell Northside Pattengill Pittsfield Thurston Thurston Preschool Wines
994-1940 994-9375 997-1915 994-1702 971-1292 994-1703 994-9243 971-1399 994-1706 997-1243 994-1714
WELCOMING STATEMENT The School Age Child Care Program welcomes all people in the community to participate in all programs. The Ann Arbor Board of Education’s Fair Treatment Policy directs that all programs and facilities comply with the following: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, 1964; Title IX, Educational Amendments of 1972; Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Public Law 93-112, Section 504; The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, et al. Access to programs and facilities is intended to be non-discriminatory on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, age, sex, physical, emotional and/or mental limitations, and sexual orientation. The same policy guarantees due process and confidentiality for individuals with complaints. For further information on special accommodations, or if any program or facility is found to be non-accommodating, please call (voice) 994-2234.
WELCOME! Dear School Age Child Care Family, Welcome to the SACC Program! We all — parents, coordinators and program staff — make up the team providing quality care for your children. We all need to be familiar with each other's needs and expectations. This Parent Handbook has been compiled to explain the SACC program philosophy, guidelines and expectations. Please read through it and feel free to call your coordinator with any questions. We invite your suggestions and feedback. Our childcare office is located at the Community Education and Recreation office, 1515 S. Seventh Street, in the E-wing of Pioneer High School. We have our own entrance and parking lot at the southwest corner of the building. Our office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Also, there is a 24-hour drop box available at the front door for your convenience. SACC goals include making sure that your child feels comfortable, has enjoyable options, and thrives in a setting where she or he can grow socially and intellectually. We are continuing to enhance the connections between the school day and the child care program, reinforcing the school rules and augmenting lessons with complimentary fun activities. Our programs have been approved and exempted from inspection by the Michigan Department of Human Services. This status permits our program to accept DHS financial childcare assistance and allows parents to use the dependent care deductions with an employer for income tax purposes. Our program deviates from the Department of Education model program. Copies of the program review are available from our office. We are proud of our strong SACC staff and their long-term commitment to working in the SACC program. They all participate in on-going professional development and strive to meet the needs of each child. Every site has a staff team consisting of a supervisor and assistant(s), and they're looking forward to getting to know you and your child! We welcome your feedback and will ask for it throughout the school year by use of suggestion boxes and parent evaluations. In the meantime, don't hesitate to come to any of us with suggestions, questions or concerns. Sincerely,
Sara Aeschbach, Director Community Education & Recreation Ann Arbor Public Schools
Table of Contents SACC Contacts
inside front cover
Welcome Letter
Our Philosophy
Enrolling for Childcare
Reporting to Protective Services
Fees and Billing
Late Pick-up Fees
Paying Your Bill
Scheduling Your Childcare
Payment Plans & Special Arrangements 14
Standard Program
Reimbursement Accounts & Tax Info
Flex Program
Solving Account Problems
Refunds & Credit Balances
Making Additions/Deletions
Financial Assistance
After School Activities During Childcare
SACC Schedule of Operation
Fun Days
Midwinter and Spring Break Camps
Policies, Procedures and Protocols
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Emergency Procedures
Severe Weather/Emergency Closings
Illness Policy
Special Needs
Human Sexuality Issues
Discipline Policy
Asbestos Policy
Field Trip Policy
Snacks and Food Allergies
Staff Background Checks
Appendix: Forms SACC Consent Form
Medication Authorization Form
Emergency Action Plan
Food Allergy Snack Authorization
SACC Payment Calendar inside back cover AAPS Child Care Calendar
back cover
OUR PHILOSOPHY The Ann Arbor Public Schools Community Education and Recreation Department is committed to enhancing the overall well being of children who attend our School Age Child Care Program. We believe that a quality childcare experience depends on continuity, planning, and children having a sense of belonging to the group. Our program is designed to both enrich and complement a child’s school experience. To that end, we strive to provide: ●
A safe, healthy, stable environment;
A capable, sensitive, caring and energetic staff who understand the needs of children in a childcare environment and who take part in ongoing staff development;
Well-organized, age-appropriate activities and games for recreation and skill acquisition, using materials in good condition;
Realistic situations for informally learning new skills, for learning to take appropriate responsibility for the childcare environment, and for the practice and mastery of ways to get along well with other children and adults;
An environment in which children’s prior knowledge and natural interests provide a platform for growth and development through organized play and activities;
An extension of the school environment and its advantages of diversity and community.
ENROLLING FOR CHILDCARE Enrollments are completed through the AAPS Community Education and Recreation Office. Children must be enrolled for a minimum of two sessions per week (e.g. Wednesday and Friday after school, or Tuesday before and after school). Registration must be complete and a start date confirmed by our office before your child comes to care. Families must re-enroll each year and must have no outstanding balance at the time of enrollment. To complete your child’s enrollment in the program, we require the following: ● ● ● ● ●
$45 application fee per child Application/schedule form Child Information Record Confidential Questionnaire Consent Form
● ●
If you are enrolling after August 15th, your first month’s fees will also be required. If applicable, $150 Flex Calendar maintenance fee ($75 after Jan. 31) (see Flex Program below)
A program session may be cancelled prior to the start of the school year due to low enrollment. We will give families as much notice as possible if this occurs. WITHDRAWALS Two weeks’ advance notice in writing is required to withdraw your child from the program. (E-mail notification is acceptable.) Parents are financially responsible for two weeks of care at their contracted rate after our receipt of written notice regardless of their child’s last date of attendance. There is a $25 re-enrollment fee to return to SACC after a withdrawal in the same year. Planned temporary withdrawals (e.g. for extended vacations) require the same withdrawal and re-enrollment procedure, including re-entry fee. Space cannot be guaranteed for re-enrollment. Withdrawals will not be processed after May 15.
SCHEDULING YOUR CHILD CARE Standard Program Our Standard Program is designed to accommodate the vast majority of our families’ childcare needs, providing regular care on a fixed schedule of at least two sessions a week. Your child’s weekly childcare schedule is fixed at the time of enrollment and considered permanent unless changed by you using the procedure described below. Flex Program The Flex Program is designed to accommodate irregular or rotating schedules. A minimum of eight sessions per month per child is required for participation in the Flex Program. (The requirement is adjusted for shorter months.) Flex families agree to pay the $45 registration fee and a one-time $150 Annual Maintenance fee per child ($75 after January 31). This fee is comparable to one schedule change fee per month and goes toward the administrative cost of maintaining the individualized Flex schedules and billing. It does not apply to care. Flex families may be asked to submit and pay for their first month’s scheduled care at the time of enrollment. Flex families are asked to submit their child’s schedule in advance on a monthly basis. A flex calendar is mailed each month which must be filled in and submitted to the Rec & Ed Office by the 15th of the month prior to service. A $15 late fee will be charged for schedules received after the 15th unless special arrangements are made in advance. Schedules may be mailed, faxed (994-1454), phoned in to the Child Care Secretary or e-mailed to Changes to a schedule that has already been billed incur the regular schedule change fee (see below). Fees are due by the 28th of the month preceding service. Late fees apply (see Fees and Billing). If a child attends on a day not indicated on their Flex Calendar, drop-in rates apply. Families who fail to schedule the minimum number of sessions or who fail to submit a calendar for any given month will be charged a fee equivalent to the required number of sessions. DROP-INS Any enrolled family may add single sessions (space permitting) on a “drop-in” basis by notifying the site supervisor at least 24 hours in advance. The drop-in fee is the regular rate plus $2 per session and is added to the next invoice. Drop-in privileges are not available to families whose childcare payments are behind schedule. MAKING PERMANENT ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS To add or drop sessions in your child’s permanent schedule, you must contact a Rec & Ed Secretary any time before noon on Friday of the week before you want the change to go into effect. Schedule changes may be made by phone, in writing, or by fax (994-1454). There is a $15 administrative fee per child for each change made to the permanent schedule. Family account balances must be current in order to add sessions. 7
Schedule changes take effect on Mondays but require a few days to get into the system. Any changes received after Friday at 12:00 noon will not go into effect until Monday of the second week following. You remain financially responsible for your original schedule until the change appears on the staff attendance sheets. This means that you will be charged at drop-in rates for any unscheduled sessions and remain obligated to pay for dropped sessions until the effective date. Since staff will expect attendance according to the schedule in hand, please inform them of any changes that will take place before they receive the new schedule. Schedule changes will not processed after May 15. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES DURING YOUR CHILDCARE TIME If your child will be attending after school activities during their regularly scheduled childcare time a note should be provided to the site supervisor indicating the activity and the dates your child will attend. Families remain responsible for the full billing amount indicated by their child’s regular schedule. When considering the cost effectiveness of making schedule changes to accommodate after school activities, parents should be sure to factor in any applicable schedule change fees, re-enrollment fees and effective dates (See Making Permanent Additions or Deletions and Withdrawals). Credits are no longer being offered for Rec & Ed afterschool activities.
SACC SCHEDULE OF OPERATION A School Age Child Care calendar is located on the back of this handbook for your reference. The first day of the 2011–2012 childcare program is the first full day of school — Tuesday, September 6, 2011. All days of operation are the same as those scheduled for the Ann Arbor Public Schools. The regular SACC program will not operate on no school days, however on some of the days when school is closed a special full day SACC program provides care at a designated site (See Fun Days below). Information about upcoming Fun Day programs is mailed with childcare invoices. For more information, call the School Age Child Care office. The regular SACC site programs are not open during school vacation days as shown on the current Ann Arbor Public Schools calendar, however an SACC Camp is scheduled for Mid-Winter Break and Spring Break (see below). Whenever there is an official public notice over radio stations advising that schools will be closed due to weather or another emergency (snow, water main break, etc.), SACC will be closed as well. FUN DAYS A Child Care Fun Day is offered from 7:15 am to 6:00 pm at a designated site on certain no-school days (see the SACC Calendar on the back cover). Enrollment is available to families whose SACC accounts are current only. No Fun Day program is offered on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Good Friday or Memorial Day. Enrollment must be completed in advance on a Fun Day application form. Enrollment forms are sent to all active families 6–8 weeks in advance with their invoices. The Fun Day fee is $67 but an early-bird fee of $57 per child is in effect until 10 business days before the Fun Day. Payment is due at the time of registration. Applications are accepted on a first received, first processed basis as long as space is available. Inactive families who were enrolled in SACC during the current year may enroll in Fun Days without paying a re-enrollment fee, but the early-bird rate is not available. Your enrollment will be confirmed by e-mail (families without e-mail receive their confirmations by mail). Enrolled families receive a letter with additional information about the Fun Day and any medical or emergency forms deemed appropriate for their child. If your child requires medication or has an emergency medical action plan, please contact the SACC Coordinator before your child participates in a Fun Day. We need two weeks’ notice regarding any special accommodations for your child. All families are required to check and update their emergency information at drop-off. All Fun Day sites will be “no-nut.” See Snacks and Food Allergies below. Fun Day cancellations must be received in the Rec & Ed Office by the deadline indicated on the application form. Refunds are not available, but if we are able to replace your reservation with a child from a waiting list and as long as we receive your request by the deadline, a credit can be issued to your childcare account. No credits will be issued for cancellations received after the deadline.
If a Fun Day is cancelled due to inclement weather we will make every effort to contact families in advance. Fees paid for cancelled Fun Days will be credited to your childcare account. Drop-ins on Fun Days are not allowed. If you find you need to make last minute arrangements, please call the office to find out if registration is possible. MID-WINTER AND SPRING BREAK CAMPS A week-long camp will be offered at a designated site during Mid-Winter Break in February, and during Spring Break, in April. Break Camp registration is available to families whose accounts are current only. The camp fee is $275. An early-bird fee of $265 per child is in effect until 10 business days before camp. Enrollment procedures are explained on the application forms, which are sent to active families with their invoices 6–8 weeks prior to camp. Enrollment must be completed in advance of each camp, and payment is due at the time of enrollment. Applications are accepted on a first received, first processed basis. Camps usually fill up quickly, so we recommend families send their applications in as soon as possible. Inactive families who were enrolled in SACC during the current year may enroll in Break Camps without paying a re-enrollment fee, but the early-bird rate is not available. Your enrollment will be confirmed by e-mail (families without e-mail will receive their confirmation by mail). Enrolled families receive a letter with additional information about the Camp and any medical or emergency forms deemed appropriate for their child. If your child requires medication or has an emergency medical action plan, please contact the SACC Coordinator before your child participates in a camp. We need two weeks’ notice regarding any special accommodations for your child. All Break Camp sites will be “no-nut.” See Snacks and Food Allergies below. Break Camp cancellations must be received in the Rec & Ed Office by the deadline indicated on the application form. Refunds are not available, but if we are able to replace your reservation with a child from a waiting list and as long as we receive your request by the deadline, a credit can be issued to your childcare account. No credits will be issued for cancellations received after the deadline. If there is a cancellation due to inclement weather we will make every effort to contact families in advance. Fees paid for cancelled days will be prorated and credited to your childcare account.
Upon arrival at before school care, a parent or guardian must accompany the child(ren) to the child care room and sign the child in with a legal signature (i.e. not “mom” or “sister”), indicating the time on the attendance sheet form. The parent/guardian should greet the supervisor so she/he knows that your child has arrived. In case of unforeseen circumstances (such as the room being locked or staff running late to work), parents should not allow children to enter the building unescorted. The SACC program cannot be held responsible for children who are not signed in at the program site by a parent or guardian. There is a waiver on the back of the Child Information Record in the enrollment packet that must be signed by the parent or guardian if you wish us to allow your 3rd through 5th grader to sign him or herself in for the morning session.
At the end of after school care, the parent or guardian should sign the child out with a legal signature, indicating the time. Please be sure the supervisor is aware that the child is leaving. Parents must sign the waiver (on the back of the Child Information Record in the enrollment packet) in order for us to allow 3rd through 5th grade children to sign themselves out of the After School Program. We also require parents or guardians to provide a written list of dates on which their 3rd, 4th or 5th grader may sign out alone.
Parents are responsible to pick their children up on time. Staff must be paid for overtime after 6:00 p.m., so parents who pick their children up after 6:00 can expect to be charged a late pick-up fee. See Late Pick-up Fees, page 13.
Parents are responsible to notify childcare staff directly concerning schedule changes and absences, including days when their child is ill. Calling the school office is not sufficient to notify childcare staff. The SACC program reserves the right to terminate childcare for parents who continually neglect to call absences in to the childcare site. Site numbers are on the inside front cover of this handbook.
Parents are responsible for notifying a Rec & Ed secretary regarding schedule revisions or withdrawals. See Withdrawals (page 2), Drop-ins and Making Permanent Additions or Deletions (page 3) for procedures. Schedule changes and withdrawals cannot be processed at the site and are not official until they are entered into the system and appear on the attendance sheets. Contact information for the secretaries is on the inside front cover of this handbook.
We encourage parents to familiarize their children with their daily schedules, including how to get to and from the childcare room. A little extra orientation can be especially important for children who are bussed to and from childcare sites not located at their home school. Procedures for getting children from the classrooms to the childcare site will vary from school to school. Please make sure your child’s classroom teacher knows that he or she participates in SACC. Kindergartners are escorted to and from KCare until both the child and staff are comfortable with the child getting to the childcare room independently. When there is any uncertainty, staff will keep your child until all questions are resolved.
Parents should check the childcare site bulletin board at least once a week to note any special announcements, the curriculum plans for that week, upcoming field trips, program needs, and the weekly snack schedule. This information will not only help you stay on top of your child’s activities but also make effective communication between you and the staff much easier. 11
We ask that children not bring toys or other personal items to childcare. SACC is not responsible for any personal belongings your child brings to childcare. The district will not be able to reimburse you for any lost or stolen items.
The safety of your child is our first priority, therefore, if the person picking up your child appears to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs or unable to drive safely, the following procedures will be implemented: a. Childcare staff will offer to call a taxi or another driver. b. If the person insists on driving with your child, the staff person will call 911 to report their concern and provide information to ensure your child gets home safely.
Any individual picking up a child should come prepared to show identification before the child is released. Only adults listed on the child’s emergency information sheet will be permitted to take the child from the childcare site. If parents want someone else to pick up their child, they must send a note to the site with that person’s name and the pertinent date(s).
Parents are responsible for insuring that the program has current emergency information (telephone numbers, place of employment, address, etc.) at all times. Updates can be made at the site.
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES In the event of an accident or medical emergency, childcare staff will follow the child’s Emergency Action Plan (see form, page 20), or in the absence of a Plan: 1. Administer first aid or CPR to the child 2. Call for professional assistance (911, police, etc.) 3. Contact the parent/guardian 4. Notify the SACC Coordinator If the parent/guardian does not reach the site of an emergency before the ambulance arrives, a staff person will ride with the child to the hospital, and the parent/guardian will be asked to meet the ambulance at the hospital. An incident report will be completed within 24 hours. SEVERE WEATHER/EMERGENCY CLOSINGS If a building is closed mid-day due to an emergency or building problem, childcare staff will remain until the last child is picked up. Parents may receive a call requesting early pick-up. If schools are closed due to inclement weather, the School Age Child Care Program is also closed. If severe weather occurs during school and/or program hours, but the schools do not send children home early, the childcare programs will maintain regular hours. If the severe weather occurs during childcare program hours and warrants program closing, parents will be notified and must pick their children up as soon as possible. If the children and staff at the childcare program take cover, a sign will be posted as to their location. If a parent or designated person has not picked up the child by 6:00 p.m., late charges will be enforced. There are no credits issued for school closings due to emergencies such as snow days, water main breaks, power outages, etc. 12
If a child becomes ill at childcare, the Supervisor will call the parent or guardian to pick up the child. It is very important that you—or someone from your emergency list—pick up your child as quickly as possible. Childcare sites do not have a separate place for your child to rest or extra staff to stay with your child when he or she feels sick.
A child who is absent from school due to illness will not be allowed in childcare that same day. Allow 24 hours from the last incident of vomiting or fever before sending your child back to childcare. A child must be fever free and off fever reducers for 24 hours before returning. Do not send your child to childcare when you know he or she is ill.
When lice are discovered on a child, the parent or guardian and school office will be notified. Childcare will also provide parents with a copy of an informational sheet on head lice infestation and treatment options. School policies regarding the child’s treatment and return will apply.
A child who has been diagnosed with ringworm, pink eye or a similar contagious disease may return to childcare when the doctor permits. SACC follows the Ann Arbor Public Schools’ guidelines regarding attendance and contagious diseases. Please check with your school office if you have any questions.
The Ann Arbor Public Schools medication policy states that the on-site administration of any medication requires written authorization on file. The authorization must be signed by both a physician and a parent, whether the medication is prescribed or over-the-counter. All medications must be in their original containers and clearly labeled.
The childcare site supervisor is responsible for receiving the medication and the authorization form from the parent/guardian. The supervisor also records when medication is given and by whom.
Parents must provide separate, original, labeled containers of medicine for the childcare site and the school office, since the school office is often closed during childcare hours.
SACC follows the district policy governing the use of Epi-pen injections for insect or food allergies. It is the parent’s responsibility to communicate any special concerns to the SACC Coordinator and to provide any necessary training to childcare staff.
The School Age Child Care Program will provide reasonable accommodations without discrimination regarding a child’s special needs or impairments. We expect the parents or guardians of such children to communicate the nature of those needs—along with any specific information regarding their child’s care—on the Child Information Form prior to the child’s first day in the program. If your child has an emergency medical action plan, please share it with the Coordinator before your child participates in childcare. To maximize your child’s success in childcare, if your child has an IEP, we encourage you to provide the Coordinator with the most current copy. Start dates for children with special needs may be delayed in order to make sure accommodations are in place.
If a child with special needs will be attending a nonscheduled session, at least one (1) week’s notice is required to assure any special accommodations necessary.
The Discipline Policy applies to all children in childcare. See below.
Due process rights of students with special needs and their parents under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 will be enforced. Parents who feel their child’s rights have been violated may appeal using the following process: a. b. c.
A meeting with the Child Care Supervisor and SACC Coordinator to discuss and correct the problem. Additional resource people may be consulted for assistance if necessary. A written appeal to and, if necessary, a meeting with the chairperson of the Ann Arbor Public Schools Section 504 Committee. A hearing through the Washtenaw Intermediate School District’s Department of Special Education Services.
HUMAN SEXUALITY ISSUES We believe sexuality is a positive and fundamental part of human existence and affects all aspects of our lives. Children are naturally curious about their bodies, and we know that, through day-to-day interactions, questions and behaviors may arise. We believe parents are their children’s most important teachers. In responding to children’s questions and behaviors, staff will follow the guidelines established in their staff handbook. These guidelines are available to any parent upon request. DISCIPLINE POLICY At the sole discretion of the site supervisor or coordinator, a serious disciplinary problem exists whenever a child consistently inflicts physical or emotional harm on other children, physically abuses staff, or otherwise refuses or proves unable to conform to the rules and guidelines of the program. If a child has a chronic behavior problem the staff will work for a time with both the child and the parents. However, we reserve the right to suspend and or disenroll any child who is unable to conform to the rules and guidelines of the program. All children are expected to be able to function behaviorally within the parameters of a staff to child ratio of 1:12. The staff use positive methods of discipline that encourage self-control, self-esteem, and cooperation. When warranted, staff will intervene in a positive, non-threatening manner. Children are encouraged to develop their own solutions and will be given guidance to develop successful alternative behavior patterns. The staff adhere to the guidelines issued by the State of Michigan for Child Care Centers. ASBESTOS POLICY Regarding asbestos containing building materials per 40 CFR, Part 763 of the Environmental Protection Agency. Some buildings operated by the Ann Arbor Public Schools may have asbestos-containing building materials present in them. Each facility has on file, in the main office area, a copy of the approved Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (A.H.E.R.A.) management plan for your review. Ann Arbor Public School District designated personnel responsible for asbestos issues are the Projects Crew Chief and the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds. They can be reached at (734) 994-2263 or (734) 994-2226 or at the AAPS Administrative Offices at 2555 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. 14
FIELD TRIP POLICY Childcare supervisors will provide parents with a written notice—often with a request for signature—alerting them to any preplanned field trips. Field trip announcements will also be posted on the Parent’s Bulletin Board at the childcare site. On occasion, parents will be asked to contribute a small fee for special activities such as bowling, roller-skating or pizza parties. Parents may be given a recommendation regarding a reasonable amount of spending money to send along. This amount is always optional. “Spontaneous” walking field trips in the surrounding neighborhood may occur from time to time. As part of the consent form, all parents sign a general permission slip for their children to participate in such trips. Spontaneous trips will be announced on the site bulletin boards. They will always involve short distances to nearby parks and the like. They will never involve extended childcare hours. SNACKS AND FOOD ALLERGIES Rec & Ed recognizes that there are a growing number of children with potentially life threatening allergies enrolling in our programs. We believe it takes a collaborative approach to create the safest environment for students with allergies. Parents, students and staff should work together and communicate with each other to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. 1. Before School, Kindergarten, and After School Child Care participants will be offered light snacks at each session. These snacks are not a meal; please make sure that your child has had breakfast before childcare and is supplied with an adequate lunch. 2. If you receive a message or see a sign indicating that a building or area is “no nut” or “dairy free,” please be respectful of that rule if you send food with your child. For more information please call 734-9942300. A list of “no nut” snack and sack lunch suggestions is available for your convenience at the childcare site. 3. The snacks SACC offers will be nutritious, such as unsweetened cereal, granola, crackers, fruit, cheese, juice, and milk. Sweets may be served on special occasions. If your school building is “no nut,” all snack selections and preparations will be based on the No Nut SACC Snack and Nutrition Policy. Snack menus are always posted, and we welcome parental input and suggestions. 4. Parents must indicate on the Child Information Record that their child has food allergies so that appropriate precautions can be taken. We require parents of children with life threatening food allergies to provide snacks from home. SACC may be able to provide a portion of the snack if a written agreement is on file. Child Care will not provide a snack to food allergic students who do not have a signed, written agreement on file. This means that there are three categories of children in care: 1. Children who do not have food allergies and may eat snacks as served. 2. Children who have food allergies, and their parents provide their snacks. 3. Children who have food allergies but have a signed document on file indicating specific foods they can be served at care. Due to the difficulty of interpreting food labels, SACC staff will not read labels to accommodate children with food allergies, and parents should not expect that they will. Staff will do their best to plan snacks that accommodate all the children, taking food preferences, religious prohibitions and allergies into account. 15
Certain foods that can cause airborne allergic reactions, such as peanut butter, will not be served. A general list of foods served at care (e.g. grains, fruits and vegetables, eggs and milk) will be provided for parents. 5. If your child has a prescription for an EpiPen/TwinJect or Benadryl, he/she will need an Emergency Action Plan/Medication Authorization. Please share the Emergency Action Plan with the SACC Coordinator before your child participates in the childcare program (the forms at the end of this handbook may be used for this purpose). Two copies of the child’s picture should be attached to the plan. 6. Parents who send treats for special occasions should obtain prior permission from the Program Supervisor or Coordinator and send enough for the entire group of children to share. We encourage you to consider alternatives to sweets, such as fruit, pencils, stickers, etc.
STAFF BACKGROUND CHECKS All SACC volunteers have background checks completed via ICHAT (Michigan State Police) and Accurant (a private company). Staff are fingerprinted for a state and FBI background check. For more information on the AAPS background check procedures, contact your Community Education Coordinator. Volunteers include parents who work with students in “unsupervised” settings (those with more than incidental contact where a staff person is not present). The Director of Community Education & Recreation and program administrators shall ensure that all childcare volunteers have appropriate experience for their placement, receive necessary training and information, and are placed under the direct supervision of a district employee. A volunteer’s service may be discontinued at any time at the discretion of the Superintendent or Director of Rec & Ed.
REPORTING TO PROTECTIVE SERVICES The Ann Arbor Public Schools School Age Child Care program is mandated by Michigan law, Act. No. 238 governing all schools and childcare programs, to report any suspected abuse or neglect of children in their care.
FEES AND BILLING The SACC Program fees support the childcare program. Your fees are budgeted to pay the salary and benefits for School Age Child Care staff, secretaries and administrators and to cover overhead costs, snacks, supplies, equipment, and special activities. FEES 1.
Fees are based on your child’s schedule. You are charged by the month for scheduled childcare sessions on actual school days only. No credits or deductions will be made for sick days, family vacation days, school camp days or field trips, snow days or other emergency school closings.
Regular daily fees at all buildings except Ann Arbor Open are: Before School K-Care After School
$8.25 $18.00 $10.60
Fees for Ann Arbor Open reflect their unique school day schedule: K Care After School
$18.00 $14.25
LATE PICK-UP The fee for late pick up (i.e. after 6:00 p.m.) is $5.00 during the first 5 minutes and $3.00 per minute thereafter per family. If the parent has not called or if the SACC supervisor has not been able to reach anyone at an emergency number by 6:30 pm, department administrators will be called to handle the situation. The deciding clock regarding time is the clock in the childcare room. The supervising childcare staff person will issue a late pick-up form to the parent. A copy of the form will be forwarded to the SACC Office and the fee will be added to your bill. The SACC Program reserves the right to terminate any chronic offenders. INVOICING 1.
Invoices are mailed by the first of each month. Each invoice itemizes fees for services to be provided during the upcoming month. (For example, the bill for October childcare should arrive around September 1st.) Exception: Flex schedules are billed through the mail on the 16th for the month following (see Flex Program above for more information).
Payment in full is due on or before the 15th of the month prior to service. (For example, the bill for October childcare is due September 15th.) Exception: Flex payments are due on the 28th of the month. A full billing/payment schedule is located on the inside back cover of this handbook.
Payments received after the due date will incur an automatic $15.00 late fee per family. It is the responsibility of the adult designated as financial sponsor on the application to pay the monthly fees by the due date, regardless of when they receive their invoice. School Age Child Care is not responsible for accidents of mail delivery, and parents are encouraged to inquire about their invoice if they don’t receive it by the 5th of the month. 17
Our computer program bills the person listed on the childcare application. Please call the SACC Office if your invoice should be mailed to another address.
Drop-ins are billed after the site staff submits attendance slips to our office. They appear as adjusted items on the regular bill. (See Drop-ins for more information.)
Until any changes go into effect, parents remain financially responsible for all scheduled days (even if the child does not attend) and for any unscheduled attendance (at the drop-in rate). Parents are responsible for notifying the Rec & Ed secretary sufficiently in advance of their child(ren)’s schedule changes or withdrawal. See Withdrawals and Making Additions/Deletions above for additional clarification regarding how much notice is necessary.
Families with a zero or credit balance at billing time will not receive an invoice that month. Exception: Families with credit balances at the end of April (when June services are billed) will receive a statement alerting them to the status of their account (See Refunds and Credit Balances below).
Fees must be mailed or delivered to the Rec & Ed Office. A return envelope is always enclosed with your invoice for your convenience. There is a 24-hour drop box located inside the entry to the Community Education & Recreation Office in which payments may be deposited after hours. Please be sure your payment is in an envelope marked “Child Care” and indicate your school name. Childcare staff are not permitted to collect fees.
You may pay by check, cash, money order, or credit card (VISA or MasterCard only). Checks and money orders should be made payable to Ann Arbor Public Schools, and include your child’s name and school. Credit card forms are included on the payment slips mailed with the invoices (please do not use American Express, even though a space for it appears on the form).
Families may set up a recurring credit card payment to cover their childcare fees. A special credit card form is available in our office for setting up recurring payments on a Visa or MasterCard. Recurring Credit Card families still receive an invoice at the beginning of the month, but the amount due indicated is automatically charged against their card on the 15th (the 28th for Flex families). Late fees will be applied if the credit card is declined for any reason. Families are responsible to notify the office if their credit card expires or is cancelled. We recommend the use of a credit card that does not expire until after the end of the school year. Note: Recurring credit card information is cleared from the system in June and must be set up anew each year. Occasionally, account adjustments are made in June after the card has been removed; such charges must be paid manually.
PAYMENT PLANS AND SPECIAL PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS We want our families to be able to pay for childcare successfully. Sometimes just an individualized monthly due date is all that is necessary to avoid late fees. We appreciate it when families contact us early to make the arrangements they need. Please bear the following things in mind: 1.
Payment plans are binding contracts, and families that fail to make payments according to their plans risk disenrollment at the discretion of the Coordinator.
Various privileges are not available to families on payment plans, including Rec & Ed activity registrations, Fun Days and Break Camps, drop-in care and schedule changes that involve an increase in care. These privileges become available again when the payment plan is complete. Early pay-off for the purpose of registering for a Rec & Ed program, Break Camp or Fun Day must be made by cash or credit card.
All families are expected to reach a zero balance by May 15.
Families using dependent care reimbursement may either submit a claim form to the SACC office for signing or request a customer statement documenting their payment history.
A yearly statement for tax purposes is available on request. The Ann Arbor Public Schools Federal Tax Identification number is #38 600 4028 and is printed at the top of each invoice.
Requests (with explanation) for the removal of any fee must be submitted in writing (e-mail is acceptable) to the Child Care office.
Families who cannot make a payment on time must contact the SACC Office before payment is due on the 15th. Many times, special payment arrangements can be made and late fees avoided.
If a family is chronically late paying their child care fees, the SACC Program reserves the right to discontinue services to that family. ‘Chronically late’ is defined as ‘late for more than three consecutive months.’ Under some circumstances, arrangements can be made for an alternative regular payment date, as long as it occurs prior to services. Families who know they will need a special payment schedule should set it up if at all possible before the school year gets underway.
Families whose account balance is more than one month behind risk disenrollment and will be contacted by the coordinator. At the coordinator’s discretion, such families may be required to pay by cash, certified check, money order or credit card.
Checks returned for non-sufficient funds will incur a $20.00 processing fee in addition to any bank fees. Chronic offenders will be required to make all future payments by cash, certified check or money order.
When a credit card is declined, the client will receive a phone call or e-mail from the SACC office to arrange alternative payment.
Any family whose account is in arrears—including those on payment plans in good standing—will not be able to enroll in Rec & Ed programs and activities until their account is brought up to date.
Your SACC account must reach a zero balance when the June payment comes due on May 15th (May 28th for Flex families). Families with outstanding balances on that date risk immediate disenrollment. (If you know you will not need childcare services during June, please contact the SACC secretary in writing before April 30 if at all possible to avoid billing confusion.)
All refunds for any reason must be requested in writing (e-mail requests are acceptable). Most refunds will not be processed until after the end of the school year. There is a $10 processing fee on all refunds. The District cannot issue checks in amounts less than $25.00, so only accounts with a credit balance of $35 or more are eligible for refunds. Refund checks are processed through more than one AAPS department, and families should expect to wait six to eight weeks for their refunds to arrive.
Credit balances on account when school ends in June remain on your SACC account for future use. Nonreturning families with credit balances will receive refunds by mail automatically after October 31st. The $10 processing fee and $35 minimum apply. Credit balances under $35 may be transferred to the RecNet accounts of non-returning families for use toward Rec & Ed activities.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE There are three types of financial assistance available to families in the SACC program. Financial assistance does not fully cover the cost of childcare, and families remain responsible for all charges not covered by subsidies or scholarships. Assistance from outside sources is applied to an account only after the funds have been received from the funding agency. Families expecting subsidies are expected to pay the full amount on their invoice by the regular payment due date. If you anticipate being unable to afford the full cost of care before reimbursements begin, we ask that you pre-pay on your account in regular, affordable increments before school begins. Scholarships from any source do not apply to administrative fees (including enrollment, schedule changes and Flex maintenance), late payment fees or late pick-up fees. Rec & Ed scholarships are not applied to drop-ins. 1.
Michigan Department of Human Services, or DHS (formerly Family Independence Agency) provides financial assistance for income eligible families. DHS provides limited coverage of childcare fees. An award from DHS of “100%” or “90%” generally comes to about 40% of the Rec & Ed monthly fees. Michigan DHS can be reached at (734) 481–2000. Families must be denied DHS assistance in order to be considered for scholarships from the Child Care Network or from Community Education and Recreation.
Child Care Network (734-975-1840) provides financial assistance for kindergartners. Parents must be working or in school and live within the Ann Arbor city limits.
Community Education and Recreation has provisions for scholarship assistance for those who need financial aid but do not qualify for DHS or CCN childcare assistance. a. b. c. d. e. f.
It is necessary to complete both the Community Education and Recreation General Scholarship Application and the Child Care Scholarship Application. Approval for a Community Education & Recreation General Scholarship does not automatically qualify a family for a School Age Child Care Scholarship. The number of scholarships available through Community Education & Recreation is limited. Parents/guardians must be permanent United States residents. Parents with visitor or student visas do not qualify. Families must reside in the AAPS district to qualify for a Rec & Ed Scholarship. All adult family members must be employed or in school during the time SACC care is being requested.
Scholarship determinations are made using the same criteria used for other departmental scholarship approvals, with the additional stipulation that the family must prove the need for childcare (e.g. parent or guardian is at work or in school). Consideration will be given to special circumstances that may indicate the need for a fee reduction or payment plan. These decisions will be made with input from the family, from the Child Care Coordinator and from Donna Schultz Dishman, Administrative Supervisor, whose role is to insure that fee waivers, reductions and payment plans are managed fairly and equitably on a district-wide basis. This policy prohibits fee waivers or reductions from being handled on an individual site basis
COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND RECREATION 2011-2012 School Age Child Care (SACC) Consent Form 1.
I agree to record the time and my signature on the attendance sheet each time I drop off and/or pick up my child.
I agree to call the childcare site to inform the staff whenever my child will be absent.
I confirm that my child is in good health, able to participate in all activities unless otherwise indicated on the Child Information Form, up to date on his/her immunizations, and that a current immunization form or waiver is on file in the school office.
I understand that my child will be offered snacks daily and, unless I specify in writing otherwise, he/she may eat those snacks. I understand that if my child has allergies I must provide snacks from home.
I understand that my child’s school may be “no-nut” and I will follow the guidelines of the “no-nut” policy in the district when sending lunch or a special treat or snack for the program.
I agree that my child may participate in all walking and bus field trips, spontaneous and planned, in the SACC program. I understand that I will be notified in advance of planned trips and that spontaneous trips (e.g. a walk to a neighborhood park) will be posted at check-in.
I agree to assume full responsibility for any damage to person or property caused by my child.
I agree that if it is determined that my child needs emergency medical or dental treatment, I will be responsible for any such treatment deemed necessary by a physician or dentist.
I agree that if the behavior or health of my child should necessitate sending him/her home, I (or someone on my emergency contact list) will immediately pick up my child from care. I agree to keep my contact information up-to-date.
I understand that if my child has a persistent pattern of negative behavior and interventions have not been successful, I may be asked to remove my child from the SACC program.
I understand that after 6 pm I must pay a late fee of $5 for the first five minutes and $3 per minute thereafter for every minute that my child is left in care. I understand the child of a chronic offender may be disenrolled.
I understand that permanent schedule changes and withdrawals must be communicated with the Child Care office directly and that withdrawals require two weeks’ notice in writing. I understand that no schedule changes, withdrawals or related account adjustments can be processed after May 11, 2012.
I understand I must pay a $15 late fee each time I do not pay the monthly child care fee by the 15th of the preceding month. I understand that I am responsible for contacting the childcare office and making payment even if no invoice is received. I understand that payments are due prior to care and that my child may be disenrolled on the first day of the unpaid month if payment is not received.
I agree to give two weeks written, advance notice to the Child Care office if I decide to withdraw my child from the program and that I am responsible for accrued fees until notice is received and my withdrawal has gone into effect. I understand refunds must be requested in writing and that they require a $10 processing fee. I understand that no credit will be given for withdrawals after May 15.
Because SACC guarantees staffing and snacks according to my child’s schedule, I understand that there is no credit available for absences, including those for vacations and school field trips.
I agree to send a note or to call on days my 3rd, 4th or 5th grade child may sign him or herself out.
I agree ❑ I refuse ❑ to allow pictures of my child in Ann Arbor Public School commercials, educational and instructional materials, and to relinquish all rights to any forms of the pictures.
I understand that the Parent Handbook, which I can obtain at the childcare site or view at, details these and all other current policies and procedures of the SACC.
I understand that a notebook containing all current SACC state licensing information, including inspection and investigation reports and any related corrective action plans, is kept at the childcare site and can be viewed in the presence of a staff person upon request (some information in the notebook is confidential). Reports covering the last two years can be viewed at
I have read, understood, and agreed to all of the above.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________________Date: ______________ Child(ren): ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ann Arbor Public Schools Medication Administration Form Authorization for the Administration of Medications by School Age Child Care/Camp Personnel The Ann Arbor Public Schools require a physician’s written order and the parent’s or guardian’s written authorization for administration of all medications, including over-the-counter medications. PHYSICIAN’S ORDER FOR MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION Name ________________________________________________
Date ________________
Address _____________________________________________
Birthdate ____________
Diagnosis _____________________________________________________________________ Name of medication(s) __________________________________________________________ Time(s) of administration and dosage _______________________________________________ Relevant side effects, if any ______________________________________________________ Other suggestions ______________________________________________________________ The length of time that the medication may be administered shall be one school year, from September through August. All medication authorizations must be renewed in September of each school year. Physician Signature ___________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ I hereby request that my child be administered the above medication(s) by childcare/camp personnel. I understand that the medication(s) will be administered as directed by the above named physician and that each medication must come in its original container. I will notify the school in writing if an authorized medication is to be discontinued. If the administration of an authorized medication needs to be otherwise changed, I with resubmit an Authorization for the Administration of Medication form with physician signature. Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________ Date _____________
Emergency Action Plan on reverse ✒
School Age Child Care
Ann Arbor Public Schools Community Education and Recreation 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734.994.2300 FAX 734.994.1454
EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN (One per child) Child’s Name: ______________________________ Childcare site: _______________ Child’s condition/symptoms: ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Medications: ____________________________________________________________ Location of emergency medication(s): ________________________________________ Allergies: _______________________________________________________________ Preferred hospital: ________________________________________________________ In the event of an episode, childcare staff should follow these procedures: 1. If ___________________________________________________________________ then: 2. If ___________________________________________________________________ then: 3. If ___________________________________________________________________ then: Additional information: Parent/Guardian #1: _____________________________________________________ Cell: ___________________ Work: ___________________ Other: _________________ Place of employment: _____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian #2: _____________________________________________________ Cell: ___________________ Work: ___________________ Other: _________________ Place of employment: _____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature: __________________________________ Date: __________
Medication Authorization Form on reverse ✒
Ann Arbor Public Schools SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE FOOD ALLERGY – PARENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Dear SACC Parent, Parents of students with food allergies are required to provide a daily snack from home. If your child has very specific allergies, and this written agreement is in place, Child Care may be able to provide a portion of the daily snack. This form specifies to the Supervisor what foods Child Care may provide and what foods the parent will provide. Snack will not be provided until this form is completed, signed by a parent, submitted to the Child Care Site Supervisor and authorized by a Community Education Coordinator. Child’s Name: _________________________Grade: ______ School: ______________ My child is allergic to: ____________________________________________________ My child may eat the following foods in childcare: ______ Fruits and vegetables including juice, applesauce, and fruit cocktail, except _________________________________________________________________ ______ Milk, yogurt, cream, pudding and any other milk products ______ Eggs, meat, poultry, fish, beans ______ Syrup, jam, jelly and honey ______ Any and all processed dry goods, including bread, cereal, rice, pasta, crackers, bagels, pretzels, popcorn, rice cakes, and granola bars. (No exceptions to this category are permitted, since exceptions would require staff to read food labels.) I agree that my child can be served the foods indicated above in childcare. I understand the School Age Child Care Staff will NOT read labels to accommodate my child. I understand that if my child has a food allergy, my child will not be served a snack until this form is signed. I opt to provide my child’s snacks from home. Snacks may be stored in childcare. All foods must be labeled with your child’s name and allergy on the package. I understand my child will only be provided the foods I have indicated above. Parent Name:__________________________________________ Date:__________ Parent Signature:________________________________________ Coordinator’s Signature:__________________________________ Date:_________
Community Education and Recreation
School Age Child Care 1515 S. Seventh St, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103
2011-2012 PAYMENT CALENDAR Dates of Service
Invoice Mailed
Payment Due**
September 6 – September 30, 2011 October 1 – October 31, 2011 November 1 – November 30, 2011 December 1 – December 22, 2011 January 9 – January 31, 2012 February 1 – February 29, 2012 March 1 – March 31, 2012 April 1 – April 30, 2012 May 1 – May 31, 2012 June 1 – June 14, 2012
July 29, 2011 August 31, 2011 September 30, 2011 October 31, 2011 November 30, 2011 December 22, 2011 January 31, 2012 February 29, 2012 March 30, 2012 April 30, 2012
August 15, 2011 September 15, 2011 October 15, 2011 November 15, 2011 December 15, 2011 January 15, 2012 February 15, 2012 March 15, 2012 April 15, 2012 May 15, 2012
If you do not receive your invoice by the 5th of any month, please call School Age Child Care: 734-994-2300. A $15 late fee will be added to invoices not received in our office by the 15th of each month. We have a 24-hour secured drop box available in the exterior lobby of the Rec & Ed office. We can set up recurring automatic payments on the 15th of each month with your Visa or MasterCard. The credit card must be valid through the end of the current school year. Families on recurring payments will receive a statement each month showing the fee that will be captured on th the 15 of that month.
Make sure you update your records if you have any changes in your address or telephone number with both Rec & Ed and the School Age Child Care program. Families with past due accounts will not be allowed to register for any Rec & Ed programs, and School Age Child Care services may be suspended. If you have any questions or problems concerning your Child Care invoice, please contact 734-994-2300 before the payment due date! **Families with Flex Schedules are on a different billing cycle. Generally, invoices will be mailed on the 16th and payments will come due on the 28th of the month prior to service. Flex families with children in an EDO or preschool program are still expected to pay for those services according to the general schedule.
2011 – 2012 SACC Calendar ____________________________________________________________________________________
September 6
First day of school. Full day. CHILD CARE BEGINS ________________________________________________________________________ November 8 Tues No school. FUN DAY 23–25 Wed–Fri No school. Thanksgiving Break. NO CHILD CARE ________________________________________________________________________ December 23 Fri First day of Winter Vacation. NO CHILD CARE 12/23/11–1/6/12 ________________________________________________________________________ January 9 Mon School resumes. 16 Mon Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. School closed. NO CHILD CARE 31 Tue No school. FUN DAY ________________________________________________________________________ February 20–24 Mon–Fri MIDWINTER BREAK CAMP* *Early-bird fees apply on or before February 3rd
27 Mon School resumes. ________________________________________________________________________ March 12 Mon No school. FUN DAY ________________________________________________________________________ April 2–6 Mon–Fri Spring Break 2–5 Mon–Thu SPRING BREAK CAMP (4 days only)* *Early-bird fees apply on or before March 16th
9 Mon School resumes. ________________________________________________________________________ May 28 Mon Memorial day. School closed. NO CHILD CARE ________________________________________________________________________ June 15 Fri Last day of school – half day for students. BEFORE SCHOOL CARE ONLY