T-N-T Parent Handbook

Page 1


PARENT HANDBOOK T-N-T Camp Office Lakewood School 344 Gralake Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: 734-994-2035 (effective 7/11) Angelita Jacobs, Program Coordinator Reggie Harling, Morning Camp Co-Director Jamie Dybdahl, Afternoon Camp Co-Director Community Education & Recreation Office 1515 S. Seventh St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: 734-994-2300 Fax: 734-994-1454


T-N-T Camp Letter From the Camp Administrators

Dear Parents, T-N-T Camp’s primary objectives are to promote positive self-concepts, expand awareness, and develop leadership skills by providing a safe, comfortable, and stimulating summer environment. We offer an array of activities to involve the Pre/Teens with each other, and with the community and its resources. We encourage Pre/Teens to feel ownership in T-N-T Camp by actively participating in planning activities and by communicating their ideas, opinions, and concerns to the staff. The T-N-T Camp staff strives to meet Pre/Teens’ needs by being open, flexible, responsive and knowledgeable. We welcome suggestions from parents. Weekly surveys will be sent home along with weekly newsletters. We will try to have staff available each day either in the morning or the afternoon for parents to talk to. Please get to know our Camp Counselors, and don’t hesitate to let them know if you’d like to talk at any time. The Camp staff feels most successful when Pre/Teens leave camp ready to enter the school year feeling good about themselves and possessing skills that afford them many opportunities. We look forward to working with your Pre/Teen this summer to make that happen.


Angelita Jacobs Coordinator Jamie Dybdahl Afternoon Camp Co-Director Reggie Harling Morning Camp Co-Director


Table of Contents


Letter from Administrators

Page 3

II. Philosophy

Page 5

III. A. Enrollment

Page 5

B. Schedule of Operation

Page 6

C. Fees and Payment Procedures

Page 6

D. Important Policies

Page 7

IV. Discipline Policy

Page 7

V. A. Medication

Page 8

B. Special Needs

Page 8

C. Reporting to Protective Services

Page 8

D. Clothing and Camp Equipment

Page 8

E. Emergency Procedure

Page 9

F. Ann Arbor Public Schools’ Asbestos Policy

Page 9

VI. Appendices A. Wednesday Team Activity/Local Field Trip Permission Slip (Sample)

Page 10

B. Camper’s Weekly Evaluation (Sample)

Page 10

C. 2011 T-N-T Camp Field Trip Schedule

Page 11

D. Camp Daily Schedule

Page 11

E. Authorization for Administration of Medicines

Page 12

F. Allergic to Insects Notice

Page 13

G. 2011 Parent Agreement

Page 14


II. Philosophy The Ann Arbor Public Schools’ Department of Community Education and Recreation is committed to enhancing the overall well-being of all Summer Camp participants. Our programs are designed to both enrich and complement Pre/Teens’ summer experiences. To those ends, we strive to provide: 1. A safe, healthy, and dependable environment. 2. A caring, sensitive, and skilled staff, who are supported through training and by program consultants in their efforts to meet Pre/teens’ needs. 3. A variety of well-organized, developmentally appropriate, and interesting activities from which Pre/Teens can choose. 4. Potential for the informal learning of new skills, and for forming new friendships with peers and adults. 5. Opportunities for Pre/Teens to enjoy and to use community resources to enrich their summer experience. 6. An environment where feelings are treated with respect, and where each individual is valued. 7. A unique opportunity for participants of various ages to interact, and for younger participants to receive an informal and relaxing introduction to middle school. 8. A program, which is responsive to the expressed needs and interests of its participants. Regarding human sexuality issues: 9. We believe sexuality is a positive and fundamental part of human existence and affects all aspects of our lives. 10. We believe children are naturally curious about their bodies, and we know that through day-to-day interactions, questions and behaviors will arise. 11. We believe parents are their children’s most important teachers. 12. We believe Child Care/Summer Camp staff can be a positive influence in supporting parents in this process. 13. In responding to children’s questions and behaviors, staff will follow the guidelines delineated in their staff handbook. These guidelines are available to any parent upon request. III. A. Enrollment 1. ADMISSION is on a first-received, first-processed basis. All Pre/Teens must be registered for a minimum of 1 week during the summer. 2. To complete REGISTRATION for Summer Camp, parents must submit a one-time free Pre/Teen registration, a separate “Registration” form indicating the chosen sessions and activities, a “Child Information Card” form, a “Parent Agreement” form, an “Emergency” card, and a “Drop-off” form. 3. Registration for T-N-T Camp must be completed through the COMMUNITY EDUCATION & RECREATION OFFICE, 1515 S. Seventh St, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, 994-2300. In order for a Pre/Teen to be enrolled in T-N-T Camp, any outstanding debts owed to the Rec & Ed Department (for any program) must be paid in full. 5. Camp Refunds. Written requests for full refunds for camp programs must be received at least 15 days before the start of camp. Requests received less than 15 days before the start of camp will be


proportionately reduced. A $25 processing fee will be charged. The camp refund policy can be found online at aareced.com, or refer to page 41 of the Rec & Ed Summer Camps 2011 catalog. Time Request


Admin. Fee

More than 15 days prior to start of camp week



7-14 days prior to start of camp week



1-7 days prior to start of camp week



After the first day of camp week



Once you have registered for any given weeks of camp there is a $25 charge for each week dropped/changed. You may change/switch weeks only if space is available. III. B. Schedule of Operation 1. Summer 2011 T-N-T Camp will operate from Monday, July 11th, through Friday, August 5th. THE HOURS OF THE CAMP ARE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. 2. BEFORE AND AFTER CAMP SUPERVISION IS AVAILABLE FOR AN EXTRA FEE and may be scheduled on a weekly basis only. Before-Camp supervision begins at 7:30 AM, and ends at 9:00 AM when camp begins. After-Camp Supervision begins at 4:00 and runs until 5:30. The cost is $45 for week 4 and $40 per week for weeks 3, 5, and 6. During this time, camp participants will generally be restricted to the Teen Center, where all of the resources there will be available to them. They will be supervised by a counselor with an administrator available at all times. 3. CAMP WILL RUN IN INCLEMENT WEATHER. On such occasions, all activities will be indoors. III. C. Fees & Payment Procedures 1. We accept payment by credit card (VISA, MasterCard or American Express), cash, money order, or check. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Ann Arbor Public Schools. 2. If a check is returned for insufficient funds, the fees for that camper must be paid thereafter with cash, money order, or certified bank check. A $20 processing fee will be added to your amount due. 3. Fees are submitted along with the initial registration and can be paid online or mailed/delivered to the Community Education & Recreation Office at 1515 S Seventh St, 48103. CAMP STAFF ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ACCEPT FEES. If no one is in the Community Education Office, please put your payment (in a sealed envelope) in the drop box outside the Community Education office. Please make sure your envelope is addressed to T-N-T Camp. 4. Late Pick-Up Fees a) The deciding clock regarding late pick-up is the Camp clock. Pick-up is considered late at 4:01 PM for regular campers and 5:31 PM for After Camp Supervision campers. After Friday Field Trips, if the camper is not scheduled for After Camp Supervision, pick-up is considered late if a ride arrives after the scheduled Field Trip return time. b) The fee for late pick-up is $5 for the first five minutes and $3 per minute for each minute thereafter. The summer camp program reserves the right to terminate any chronic offenders. Requests for exemptions must be made to the Camp Coordinator in writing. All decisions to waive fees are made by a committee of all of the Community Education Coordinators. c) If a child is picked up late as described above the parent will be given a late fee invoice. This form is


signed by both parent and staff member. The parent must send the amount due to the Community Education and Recreation office within two business days. III. D. Important Policies 1. Each Pre/Teen is responsible for signing in and signing out of Camp (noting the time) daily. 2. If your Pre/Teen(s) will not be in attendance for either part or all of a day, please notify T-N-T Camp by calling the T-N-T Camp office. There is a 24-hour answering machine at this number. If you know in advance that your Pre/Teen will be late or absent, please notify one of the Camp Administrators in writing. Parents who do not let us know of tardiness or absence will be called at home or work to confirm knowledge of their camper’s absence. 3. Because the Camp is self-supporting and committed to maintaining its full staff (based on registrations), you will be expected to pay for all scheduled sessions regardless of actual daily attendance. These spaces were reserved for your daughter or son, and cannot be filled in the event of their absence. 4. In order to participate in local field trips with their teams on Wednesday afternoons, Pre/Teens must turn in their signed permission slips (see p. 12) by Wednesday morning. Pre/Teens will not be permitted to call parents for field trip permission after they’ve arrived at Camp on Wednesday. Please expect these permission slips to be brought home on Mondays. 5. Pre/Teens are required to bring their own lunches. T-N-T Camp is a “no-nut” camp. For the safety of campers who have life-threatening allergies, please do not send food that contain either nuts or nut-based ingredients or that were processed at a facility that handles products containing nuts. Most packages have a statement on the back regarding nuts. 6. Pre/Teens are expected to eat breakfast before coming to the program, however parents may send breakfast if necessary, adhering to the “no-nut” policy above. Also, during T-N-T Center and at lunchtime, a T-N-T Camp Snack Bar is available where campers can purchase snacks such as non-caffeinated pop, chips and nut-free granola bars. IV. Discipline Policy Two of the main goals of Rec & Ed’s Summer Day Camps Program are to enhance each Pre/Teen’s sense of self-respect, and to increase her/his ability to interact positively with others. Our goals are also to create an environment that will encourage Pre/Teens to make positive choices, to think in terms of actions and their consequences and to consider others as well as themselves. We do not define discipline as punishment but as learning how to live in a mutually respectful and cooperative manner. If a Pre/Teen’s behavior is inappropriate or aggressive towards another person, the Camp staff will try to help him/her resolve the situation in a constructive manner. If the Pre/Teen persists in negative behaviors, a staff person will ask him/her to “sit and watch” or “take a break” long enough to regain self-composure. The Pre/Teen may return to the activity when she/he is ready to participate in a constructive manner. If your son or daughter seems to be developing a pattern of negative behaviors, one of the Camp Directors will ask to meet with you to discuss the situation. At these times, your advice, input and assistance can help the Camp staff and your Pre/Teen turn his or her experience into a positive one. Our Camp staff adheres to the State of Michigan guidelines for Child Care Centers, and to the Ann Arbor Public Schools’ Fair Treatment Policy. No physical punishment, humiliation, or intimidating actions will be directed towards anyone in the T-N-T Camp program.


V. A. Medications 1. T-N-T Camp follows the Ann Arbor Public Schools’ medication policy. 2. If your Pre/Teen needs medication, please use the medication form on page 11 or request a copy of the medication form from the Director, Coordinator, or Community Ed & Rec Secretary. 3. Camp administrators are responsible for handling medications and the medication forms for Pre/Teens. Medication, including over-the-counter medications, shall be given or applied only with prior, written permission from the parents and physician on file. Prescription medication must have the current pharmacy label indicating the physician’s name, Pre/Teen’s name, instructions, and the name and strength of the medication, and will be given in accordance with those instructions. 4. Camp administrators will maintain a record of the time and amount of any medication given or applied. V. B. Special Needs T-N-T Camp will provide services without discrimination regardless of a Pre/Teen’s special needs. We expect families to communicate the nature of their Pre/Teen’s special needs, as well as any particular information regarding care, on the Child Information Form. This information must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the Pre/Teen’s first day at Camp. A meeting of parents, appropriate Camp staff, and the Community Education Coordinator must take place before the Pre/Teen begins Camp. Special needs and/or behaviors will be discussed and a management plan developed. Meetings with parents and Camp staff will be scheduled as needed throughout the Pre/Teen’s time at camp. If a Pre/Teen needs a one-on-one assistant, the Pre/Teen may not begin camp until the assistant is hired and trained. Due process rights of disabled students and their parents under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 will be followed. Parents who feel that their child’s rights have been violated may appeal using the following process: 1. Meeting with the Camp Director and the Community Education Coordinator to discuss and correct the problem. Additional resource people may be consulted for assistance. 2. A written appeal to and, if necessary, a meeting with the Ann Arbor Public Schools Section 503 Committee. 3. A hearing through the Washtenaw Intermediate School District’s Department of Education Services, Cassandra Binion, Supervisor, Monitoring & Compliance & Court Involved Youth. V. C. Reporting To Child Protective Services The Ann Arbor Public School’s School Age Child Care Program is mandated by Michigan Law, Act No. 238, governing all schools and child care programs to report any suspected abuse or neglect of children in their care. V. D. Clothing and Camp Equipment 1. Your Pre/Teen should dress for Camp in clothing appropriate for the weather and for the activities planned for the day. Pre/Teens must wear shoes at all times. It is helpful if shoes are suitable for running and hiking. (Sandals are not appropriate for some sports activities.)


2. T-shirts with inappropriate messages (i.e., drugs, sex, violence) will not be permitted at Camp. Pre/Teens can purchase a Camp T-shirt for $5, or will be sent home to change. 3. Shorts should be fingertip length. Anything too short, too baggy or too revealing will result in the Pre/Teen being sent home to change or the parent being contacted to bring a change of clothes. 4. You may wish to label all clothing and articles brought to Camp. Your Pre/Teen will be solely responsible for the whereabouts of her/his belongings. Please do not permit your Pre/Teen to bring valuables to Camp! Your Pre/Teen should keep any money (small amounts for the snack bar) or jewelry on his/her person. Unless it’s an emergency, Pre/Teens are discouraged from borrowing money from other Pre/Teens and/or staff. Borrowing can cause conflicts. 5. All clothing and articles left during Camp will be kept in the Camp Lost and Found. Any items not claimed when Camp ends on Friday, August 5th will be donated. 6. Pre/Teens without Camp T-shirts on field trip days can buy another T-shirt for $5. ALL PRE/TEENS MUST WEAR THEIR CAMP T-SHIRTS ON LONG DISTANCE FIELD TRIP DAYS.

V. E. Emergency Procedure In the event of an accident or emergency, camp staff will follow these procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Administer first aid or CPR to the pre/teen. Call for professional assistance (911, police, etc.). Contact the parent/guardian. Notify the Community Education Coordinator.

If the parent/guardian does not reach the accident before the ambulance arrives, a staff person will ride with the pre/teen to the hospital. The parent/guardian will be asked to meet the ambulance at the hospital. An Incident Report will be completed within 24 hours of the accident and the Department of Human Services will be notified.

V. F. Asbestos Policy Containing Building Materials Per 40 CFR Part 763 of The Environmental Protection Agency The buildings operated by the Ann Arbor Public Schools may have asbestos containing building materials present in them. Each facility has on file, in the main office area, a copy of the approved Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) management plan for your review. Ann Arbor Public Schools District designated persons who are responsible for asbestos issues are: Projects Crew Chief and Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds. They can be reached at:2555 S. State Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-994-2263 or 734-994-2264


T-N-T Camp Team Activity/Local Field Trip Example Permission Slip Dear T-N-T Camp Parents: This Wednesday, _______________, my team will _____________________________________________________________________. Date

We will travel by___________________________ The cost is $_____________ for______________________________________________. We plan to return to T-N-T Camp by__________________ PM.

*PLEASE NOTE: If you would rather your Pre/Teen not participate in this field trip, another activity is scheduled at T-N-T Camp (usually a video). ______________________________________________________________________ PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS PERMISSION SLIP. THANKS!

YES, _________________________________________ has my permission to participate in Wednesday’s Team Activity/Local Field Trip (Pre/Teen’s Name)

NO, ___________________________________________________ may not participate in Wednesday’s Team Activity/Local Field Trip. (Pre/Teen’s Name) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian)


If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to call and leave a message for at the T-N-T Camp office. We’ll call you back promptly.

T-N-T Pre/Teen Survey (Example) Dates Attended: 7/11-7/15 7/18-7/22 Who was your Counselor this week?  Counselor A  Counselor B  Counselor C Please answer each question using the scale: 1 Unacceptable What was your overall opinion of your counselor?


2 Poor

3 Average


4 Good

5 Outstanding


What was your overall opinion of your PM activity? _____ (My activity choice was _______________________) What was your overall opinion of your week at Camp ____ What did you like best about this week? ________________________________________________________________ What did you like least about this week? ________________________________________________________________ What suggestions do you have for T-N-T Camp? (These could include activities, field trips etc.)


2011 T-N-T Camp Field Trips ALL FRIDAYS – unless otherwise noted

Leave Lakewood

Approximate Return to Lakewood

July 15 July 22 July 28 (Thursday) August 5

8:30am 8:30am 11:30am 7:00am

8:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 8:00pm

Michigan Adventure CJ Barrymores Detroit Tigers Baseball Game Cedar Point

FIELD TRIP INFORMATION LETTERS are sent home with Pre/Teens every week. These letters contain trip details, including what Pre/Teens should bring in terms of clothes, lunch, money, etc. Please be on the lookout for potential updates on departure and return times. IF YOU ARE LATE dropping your Pre/Teen off on a field trip day, please do not leave without coming into Lakewood to check and make sure the buses have not departed. On field trip days, all staff go on the trip. Please do not leave Lakewood until you are sure Camp staff are still there to accept responsibility for your Pre/Teen. Daily Schedule 2011 T-N-T CAMP 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM Monday and Tuesday 9:00 AM - 9:55 AM 5 minute break 10:00 AM - 10:55 AM 5 minute break 11:00 PM – 11:55 PM 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM 12:35 PM – 2:05 PM 10 minute break 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM

Before Camp Supervision Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Lunch and Camp Team Meeting* Instructor Class 1 Instructor Class 2

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

After Camp Supervision

Wednesday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Local Field Trips

Thursday 9:00 AM – 11:55 PM Lunch Option

12:30 PM – 5:00 PM Friday Times vary (see schedule above)

Same as Monday and Tuesday Special Highlight! On a few select Thursdays, Pre/Teens may order from a local restaurant. Permission slips will be handed out Mondays. Signed permission slips and money will be due on Wednesday at noon. The restaurant and menu will be posted on the parent bulletin board. Swimming at VETS POOL. Pick up at pool by 4:45 or at Lakewood after 5:15 Long Distance Field Trip

*The Camp/Team Meeting may include introductions, team building and community spirit activities, camp logistics, going over local field trip permission slips, Friday Field Trip preparations, taking Thursday lunch orders, and general questions or concerns.


AUTHORIZATION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION The Ann Arbor Public School District requires a physician’s written order and the parent/guardian’s written authorization for administration of medication. PHYSICIAN'S ORDER NAME__________________________________________________________DATE________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________DATE OF BIRTH_______________ DIAGNOSIS__________________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF DRUG (S)______________________________________________________DOSE________________ TIME (S) OF ADMINISTRATION________________________________________________________________ RELEVANT SIDE EFFECTS, IF ANY____________________________________________________________ OTHER SUGGESTIONS________________________________________________________________________

This form authorizes administration of medication during one Summer Camp term, from July 11, 2011 to August 5, 2011.

Physician Signature


I hereby request that my child be administered the prescribed medication(s) at camp by one of the camp directors. I understand that the medication will be administered as directed by the above-named physician. I will notify the camp in writing of changes or discontinuation of this medication(s). Parent / Guardian Signature





Dear Parents, You have indicated your son/daughter is allergic to insect bites. Because the students are out of doors for recess and physical education classes, flying insects, especially bees and wasps, may be a source of trouble to your Pre/Teen. In order to provide safe emergency care, we need your help. Please complete the following and return to Camp IMMEDIATELY so we can provide the proper emergency treatment should your Pre/Teen be stung by an insect. Thank you for your support and help in this matter. Sincerely, T-N-T Camp Directors ________________________________________________________________________ My son/daughter__________________________________(name) develops an allergic reaction when stung by______________________________(type of insect). The type of reactions I have observed include: (check appropriate reactions)  swelling at site of bite  itching at site  numbness  pain

 limited movement of extremity  shortness of breath  fainting  other - explain _____________________________

 1. The allergy is not life threatening.  2. The allergy is or may be serious enough to be life threatening. If you checked the second statement, please have your physician complete the following: TO BE COMPLETED BY PHYSICIAN: I verify the above student is allergic to the type of sting identified above. It is recommended that the following steps be taken if this student is stung: Circle the appropriate directions below 1. Apply ice 2. Administer medication________________________________________________ (type and amount) 3. Notify parents and transport to hospital____________________________________ (name of facility) 4. Other_____________________________________________________________________________


Physician Signature

I verify the above information is correct and that the staff of Ann Arbor Public Schools may follow the above protocol as explained by my physician.


Parent / Guardian Signature 13

2011 T-N-T Camp Parent Agreement My signature to this agreement verifies that … 1. I have read and agree to follow the T-N-T Camp policies and procedures in the 2011 Parent Handbook. 2. I will provide a sack lunch each day. I understand there will be a Camp Snack Bar in the T-N-T Center, which will sell various snacks (such as non-caffeinated soda pop and juices, chips, freezer pops, and fruit). 3. My signature below permits my Pre/Teen’s participation in all T-N-T Camp field trips, including Wednesday local field trips (where Pre/Teens may walk and take AATA buses with their counselors), Friday longdistance trips (where school or charter buses provide transportation), and spontaneous local field trips for which I may not receive notice (such as walking to a nearby park). On Mondays I will receive a local field trip permission slip for the Wednesday trip. I will receive a copy of the Friday field trip schedule in the Parent Handbook as well as a letter in advance of individual trips. 4. My Pre/Teen(s) may  may not  be photographed and/or videotaped during T-N-T Camp. I understand that camp photos may be used for promotional purposes: AAPS Website, Rec&Ed Catalogs, etc. 5. I agree to be responsible for any medical or dental treatment if my Pre/Teen needs emergency care. 6. If the behavior or health of my Pre/Teen necessitates sending her/him home before the scheduled Camp dismissal, and I have been called and cannot pick my Pre/Teen up, I agree to be responsible for transportation expenses. 7. I permit my Pre/Teen(s) to participate in T-N-T Camp swim activities (at Camp and on field trips). 8. I assume full responsibility for any damage to another person or property caused by my Pre/Teen(s). 9. I will adhere to the daily drop-off and pick-up arrangements I have submitted in writing. 10. I have read the late pick-up policy on page 4 of the Parent Handbook and agree to pay the late pick-up fee of $5 for the first five minutes and $3 per minute thereafter for every minute my Pre/Teen is in Camp beyond the hours for which I have scheduled him/her. I agree to make all decisions and assume all liability for my Pre/Teen’s whereabouts if I instruct him/her to leave T-N-T Camp in order to avoid the late fee (for example, asking her/him to wait for me outside of Lakewood or to walk home). I will not expect the staff to instruct my Pre/Teen to walk home if I am not there at the end of camp or to make any decisions with regard to the weather and my Pre/Teen walking home. 11. I understand there is a $25 per child fee for every week dropped or changed according to the policy stated in the Parent Handbook and the Community Education and Recreation catalog. 12. I agree to call T-N-T Camp to inform them whenever my Pre/Teen will be absent or if she/he will be arriving after the 9:00 AM Camp starting time. I understand that in the event my Pre/Teen is absent and staff has not received a call from me, staff will call me at work to determine my Pre/Teen’s whereabouts and safety. 13. I understand the deadline to turn in permission slips for the local (Wednesday) field trips is 9:00 AM Wednesday; my Pre/Teen will not be able to call me during Camp on Wednesday for permission. I have read, understand and agree to all of the above, unless otherwise noted here. COMMENTS: PRE/TEEN’S NAME: _______________________________________________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN:_____________________________________________________DATE: ___________ PHONE NUMBERS: Work__________________ Home_____________________ Cell____________________


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