Rec&Ed Ann Arbor Public Schools • Community Education & Recreation • Winter 2012 Catalog
“Where Community Comes Together!”
Get in the best
shape of your life
Over 500 Classes & Fun Things to do for Families, Adults, Youth & Preschool
Achieve life-changing results through Fitness, Yoga, Health & Wellness, Personal Enrichment and More!
Register online at
C E R ED &
You can have the Best Winter Ever with Rec&Ed!
Teens, Tweens and In-Betweens Rec&Ed offers great classes for Middle and High School Students that can be found throughout this catalog. Many adult classes also accept students, ages 15 and older, see individual classes.
2012 Fitness Fair – January 12th at Forsythe
C Programming - Robotics, 48 Ceramics, 18 Chess, 50 Chess Camp, 44 Cooking with Kids, 48 Dance, 17 & 47 Diving, 56 Drawing & Painting, 45 Guitar, 21 Mah Jong, 37 Martial Arts, 53 Photography, 48 Piano, 21 Sanchin-Ryu Karate, 12 Scuba, 13 Study Skills, 52 Swimming, 56 Teen Yoga, 54 Tennis, 58 Trading Card Camp, 44 Water Polo, 13 & 57 YoTricks Yoyo, 48
We have a fun-filled evening planned with free gifts, door prizes, and a grand prize drawing for a weekend getaway at the newly remodeled Weber’s Inn with spa treatments from Fran Coy’s Salon & Spa of Ann Arbor! Our guest speaker, Pete Thomas (who gained a national following when winning the $100,000 prize on season two of NBC’s The Biggest Loser) will be the perfect inspiration to encourage our guests to put their best foot forward in living a healthy lifestyle in 2012! See the back cover for information.
Glass Blown Forms or Frenzied Felter There are six workshops where you will try different methods of making beautiful furnace glass at Baron Glassworks with artist Annette Baron on page 20. Or try one of seven classes with Susan C. Wright including Custom Felted Slippers and Bags on page 19.
Write that Book! Whether it’s your own lifestory or a book you have been dreaming of writing, Rec&Ed offers three classes on page 22 that will spark your creativity and set realistic goals to reach publication.
Join us for Adult Team Sports Baseball
Rec&Ed adult sports programs offer adults living or working in the Ann Arbor area a great opportunity to stay fit, socialize and have a great time using city-owned parks and school facilities for their recreational needs. All leagues are set up by skill level to maintain parity and make for more evenly balanced contests.
Click here for more information
Basketball Kickball Softball
Cover: Pete Thomas (Season 2 $100,000 At-home Winner of NBC’s The Biggest Loser.) with Slim U Boot Camp participant Joumana Dekmak Photo taken by: Gary Ouvry The Rec&Ed office is located in Pioneer High School. Look for the bright blue sign on the side of the building. Our address is 1515 S. Seventh St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Issue No. 33, winter 2012 The Ann Arbor Public Schools Community Education and Recreation Catalog is published 4 times a year in Ann Arbor, MI. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for our community through education and recreation.
2 winter 2012 Register at
Rec&Ed office Location & hours 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734- 994-2300 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Rec&Ed Office will be closed for Winter Break F-S, 12/23 –1/8 and Open during Midwinter Break M-F, 2/20 – 2/24
Dr. Patricia P. Green, Superintendent, Ann Arbor Public Schools Sara Aeschbach, Director, Community Education & Recreation
C E R ED &
Adult Classes Rec&Ed Online Classes new! Over 40 Winter courses......................4
Health & Wellness new! Health & Wellness.............................5-6 new! Fitness..................................................7-9 new! Yoga.................................................10-11
Instructional Sports Martial Arts....................................................... 12 new! Self-Defense........................................ 12 Scuba & Snorkeling........................................ 13 Water Polo......................................................... 13 Swimming......................................................... 14 Tennis.................................................................. 15
The Arts Couples Dance................................................ 16 Dance................................................................. 17 Ceramics & Jewelry........................................ 18 new! Art.....................................................18-19 Glass Workshops............................................. 20 Woodworking.................................................. 20 Sewing & Textiles............................................ 20 Music................................................................... 21 Drama & Literary Arts.................................... 22
Life Enrichment Computers/ Technology .......................23-24 Cameras............................................................. 24 new! Cooking .........................................25-28 new! Finance & Income........................29-30 Parenting........................................................... 32 Home & Garden.............................................. 34 Languages, ESL............................................... 35 new! Personal Enrichment........................ 36 Games................................................................. 37 Dog Training & Agility................................... 37
Winter 2012 Classes, Workshops & Activities
January-March Preschool
Birth - Age 6
new! First Steps Washtenaw.............39-40 Art...................................................................... 41 new! Movement & Art.............................. 41 Dance................................................................ 42 Language........................................................ 42 Soccer/Martial Arts...................................... 43 Swimming (Parent/Child).......................... 56
Youth Classes Grades K-12
Adapted Rec Cooking Cooperatively.................................. 38
The Arts
Dinner & A Movie............................................ 38
Art...................................................................... 45 Music................................................................. 46 Dance................................................................ 47
Recreational Scuba......................................... 38 Strike Force Bowling....................................... 38 Swimming.......................................................... 38 Top Soccer.......................................................... 38
Enrichment Mid Winter & Spring Break Camps......... 44 new! Cooking.............................................. 48 new! Drama.................................................. 48 new! Robotics.............................................. 48 Photography.................................................. 48 new! Yoyo Tricks......................................... 48 LEGO................................................................. 49 Chess...........................................................50-51 Language........................................................ 51 Study Skills...................................................... 52
Winter Registration Forms..................... 60-61
Instructional Sports & Fitness
Adult Team Sports...............................................2
Martial Arts..................................................... 53 Baton Twirling................................................ 54 Yoga................................................................... 54 Gymnastics..................................................... 55 After School Kicks Soccer.......................... 55 After School Hoops Basketball................ 55 Swim...........................................................56-57 Water Polo....................................................... 57 Tennis................................................................ 58 Youth Team Sports Sign Up...................... 31
Registration 5 Ways to Register............................................59 Rec&Ed Policies.................................................59 Class Locations & Map............................. 62-63
Rec&Ed Resources School Age Child Care.................................... 32 Recreation Advisory Commission.............. 43 List of Family Classes....................................... 43 Rec&Ed Birthday Parties................................. 49 Tuition Preschool.............................................. 58
Find money-saving multiple enrollment discounts throughout the catalog!
Register at
winter 2012 3
Rec&Ed Online Certificates and Courses Online learning is a fun, enjoyable and very productive way to learn. Millions of people are learning online each year. It is easy to participate in your online course. After you register, you will be given a web address to use to get into your online classroom. You will have a password and use your email address and password to gain access. Participants can participate as little or as much as you want. You can participate any time of day or evening. The online classroom is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. To get a certificate, enroll in the certificate section which automatically enrolls you in the courses required to complete the certificate or you enroll in each course individually. Sorry, no discounts accepted at this time. Complete course descriptions are online at
Individual Courses
Beginning in February
Business Skills
(includes these 3 classes)
Course Title
Class ID#
Business Research Certificate
2/6 – 4/27
Introduction to Business Research
2/6 – 3/2
Business Statistics
3/5 – 3/30
Qualitative Business Research
4/2 – 4/24
One month courses for K-12 Teachers 1 graduate credit available for each of these 4 courses though University of South Dakota. $40 fee paid separately Course Title
Class ID#
Gender in the Classroom
3/5 – 3/30
Course Title
Class ID#
Online Learning & Technology
3/5 – 3/30
New! Government Contracts
2/6 – 3/2
Generational Learning Styles
4/2 – 4/27
New! Dementia Care Specialist
2/6 – 3/30
Social Media
4/2 – 4/27
Entrepreneur Boot Camp
2/6 – 3/2
Extraordinary Customer Service
2/6 – 3/2
Green Workplace
2/6 – 3/2
Mentoring and Coaching in the Workplace
2/6 – 3/30
eMarketing Course Title
Class ID#
eMarketing Essentials Credential
2/6 – 4/27
2/6 – 3/2
Practical Math for the Workplace
2/6 – 3/2
Improving Email Promotion
Recruiting and Retaining Gen X and Gen Y
2/6 – 3/2
Boosting Your Website Traffic
3/5 – 3/30
Online Advertising
4/2 – 4/27
New! Advanced Website Strategies
3/5 – 3/30
Creating Cell Phone Apps for your Business
3/5 – 3/30
Cyber Security
3/5 – 3/30
Designing Successful Webinars
3/5 – 3/30
Facebook for Business
Google Analytics Students with Aspergers
Social Media Course Title
Class ID#
Social Media for Business Certificate
2/6 – 4/27
3/5 – 3/30
Introduction to Social Media
2/6 – 3/2
3/5 – 3/30
Marketing Using Social Media
3/5 – 3/30
3/5 – 3/30
4/2 – 4/27
Successful Survey Techniques
3/5 – 3/30
Integrating Social Media in Your Organization
3/5 – 3/30
YouTube for Business
3/5 – 3/30
Online Teaching Course Title
Class ID#
Certificate in Online Teaching
2/6 – 4/20
Become a Certified Online Instructor (COI) Certificate
2/6 – 4/20
Designing Online Instruction
2/6 – 2/10
Building Online Learning Communities
3/12 – 3/16
Advanced Teaching Online
4/16 – 4/20
Complete course descriptions are online at Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53219 4 winter 2012 Register at
Supervisory & Leadership Certificate Course Title
Class ID#
Supervisory & Leadership Certificate
2/6 – 3/30
Webinar Planner Certificate Course Title
Class ID#
Virtual Meeting Planner
2/6 – 3/30
Health & Wellness
Start the New Year by Making a Life Changing Investment ... in YOUR HEALTH!
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Classes begin January 9th
Slim U Seminar Have you ever wondered if it’s really possible to lose lots of weight quickly and safely without surgery or drugs? Absolutely! In an engaging motivational and educational style, Pete Thomas will teach you the secrets to permanent weight loss! Learn the basics of weight loss and weight maintenance as well as a few 'Biggest Loser Secrets' to turbocharge your weight loss efforts. Finally, learn how to lose weight and maintain your weight-loss forever! 6 weeks. ID# 1853.201 FEE: $195
1/9 – 2/13 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Monday Preschool Family Room
Slim U Boot Camp This ain't your mother's aerobics class! Workouts are designed to kick your butt and knock off the pounds. Slim U™ includes a variety of fatshredding cardio and strength training exercises to get you in the best shape of your life! Whether you're working out for the first time or you want to take your workouts to the next level, Slim U Boot Camp will help you get you the results you're looking for. Applicable for all ability levels. Visit for more details and equipment requirements. 6 weeks. ID# 1856.201 FEE: $180
1/10 – 2/18 Scarlett, Cafeteria 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Saturday
ID# 1856.202 FEE: $180
2/28 – 4/7 Scarlett Cafeteria 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM Saturday
Jacquita lost 90 lbs!! PURCHASE A COMBO AND SAVE ID# 1858.201 Slim U™ Combo #1 2 Boot Camps (12 weeks) Life Changing Investment: $325 ID# 1858.202 Slim U™ Combo #2 Slim U Seminar and 6-week Slim U Boot Camp Life Changing Investment: $339 ID# 1858.203 Slim U™ Combo #3 Slim U Seminar and both 6-week Slim U Boot Camps Life Changing Investment: $495 SLIM U $500 Transformation Challenge! Need a little extra motivation? Register for 1 of Pete's Slim U™ Combo offerings and join our Slim U™ Transformation Challenge! The person who wins receives $500 in cash and prizes! Additional details will be given the first day of class.
Couples Massage
Natural Solutions Thyroid Problems
Choose a special way to celebrate Valentines Day this year. Sign up with a friend or partner for a massage workshop that's both relaxing and energizing. Learn to give and receive a therapeutic massage using techniques from an experienced massage therapist. Wear comfortable clothing and bring 2 pillows and a blanket. Oils and creams optional. Fee enrolls 2 people. Instructor: Jim McGinity, Certified Massage Therapist. 1 class.
Do you find your thyroid medication is no longer working for you? Many people with low or high thyroid symptoms actually have an autoimmune disease causing the symptoms. Traditional thyroid treatment will not work for these people. Come find out what can be done when vitamins, herbs, and medication have not been working. Instructor: Dan Geck, D.C. 1 class.
ID# 1880.201 FEE: $59
2/11 Saturday 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Scarlett, Media Center
ID# 1835.201 FEE: $19
2/8 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Wednesday Pioneer, Room D209
14 Hours of Energy for Your 12 Hour Day Sports Massage
Avoid injury and give yourself an edge at your next race or workout. Sports massage can increase circulation, relieve muscle fatigue, increase joint flexibility, speed recovery from injury, relieve aches and pains, and make you feel great! Learn about common sport injuries, how to treat them and how to prevent them. Discover the professional massage techniques that can give you the edge. Instructor: Jim McGinity, Certified Massage Therapist. 1 class. ID# 1885.201 3/24 Saturday FEE: $35 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Scarlett, Media Center
Do you have a high energy schedule but find yourself stuck in a low energy body? Many people have nutritional stresses or environmental triggers that have gone unnoticed for a long time. What silent stresses are sapping your energy reserves? Discover how you can correct the imbalances. Your body will revitalize itself allowing you to sleep better, wake with more energy, improve digestion, focus, moods, and create a stronger immune system. Instructor: Dr. Dan Geck. 1 class. ID# 1846.201 3/7 Wednesday FEE: $19 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room D209
Register at
winter 2012 5
Health & Wellness Heal Your Digestive System Sixty percent of your body's immune system lives in your digestive tract. Problems like inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, eczema, Crohn's disease, sinus and asthma are directly influenced by a compromised digestive system. Explore basic strategies for healing your digestive and immune system, the use of digestive enzymes, probiotics, healthy eating lifestyles, and the importance of vitamin D and essential fatty acids. Instructor: Gary Merel, M.S.L.Ac. 1 class. ID# 1832.201 1/25 Wednesday FEE: $19 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room D209
Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and thyroxine: four powerful hormones that have a wide-ranging effect on reproduction, menopause, blood pressure, weight loss, healthy sexual function, bone loss and many other essential functions of life. Explore ways to safely balance these hormones using holistic, sustainable and natural methods. Instructor: Gary Merel, M.S. L.Ac. 1 class. ID# 1833.201 2/15 Wednesday FEE: $19 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room D209
The Truth About Nutritional Supplements Calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, fish oil, probiotics, digestive enzymes, vitamin C, turmeric, B vitamins and multiNEW! vitamins. What combination of supplements will be most effective for you? What is the right dosage? How long should you take them? How can you make sure your body is absorbing the supplements to provide you with the greatest health benefit? Explore the facts and fiction surrounding the use of the most popular supplements. Instructor: Gary Merel, M.S.L.Ac. 1 class. ID# 1828.201 3/14 Wednesday FEE: $19 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room D209
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Feldenkrais Method® Series Instructor: Dale Jensen, Guild Certified Feldenkrais
Pain-free Knees Find relief from painful knees by engaging your brain and body in Feldenkrais Method® movement sequences. Discover how flexibility in your spine, hips, ankles, and even your shoulders can reduce or eliminate strain on your knees. This is a whole-body approach to resolving your knee pain. Learn to coordinate smooth movement of your leg joints and improve standing, walking, running, and biking! You need to be able to get down to the floor and return to standing unaided. Please bring a blanket and two rolled up towels. 4 weeks. ID# 1845.201 FEE: $49
1/19 – 2/16 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Get Your Back Back
Thursday A2 Preschool Gym
Does your "bad back" keep you from being active? Learn gentle, yet effective movement patterns that exercise your brain and stimulate your body to relax and re-organize. Receive effortless support from your spine that often gets obscured by excess tension and less-thanideal posture. No prior experience with the Feldenkrais Method is necessary. You do need to be able to get down to the floor and return to standing unaided. Please bring a blanket and two rolled up towels to all class sessions. 5 weeks. ID# 1847.201 FEE: $59
3/1 – 3/29 Thursday 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM A2 Preschool Gym
Beginning Insight Meditation
Tai Chi Chuan with Master Young
Transform your life by becoming more present and mindful. Increase your ability to be aware your own thoughts, emotions and body. Discover how to live more joyfully and openly. This class is designed for those new to Insight Meditation and those who would like to review the basics. You will also explore support practices to ground you and open your heart. Meditation may be practiced in a chair or bring a mat and cushion as desired. Instructor: Erica Dutton. 6 weeks.
Yang-style Tai Chi is taught as a vehicle to motivate you to integrate your mind, body and spirit in a way that improves your overall health and interactive quality with the world around you. Through movement, meditation and breath work you learn to cultivate energy as you work through the poses of Tai Chi. Regular practice can improve, balance, coordination, and confidence. Instructor: Wasentha Young. 10 weeks.
ID# 1816.201 FEE: $59
1/25 – 3/7 Wednesday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Allen, Media Center
Tai Ki Tai-Ki is a slow movement art, similar to the many styles of Chinese Tai Chi Chuan, however it is rooted in the martial arts and exercise traditions of Okinawa and Japan. Moving slowly and calmly through the sequences of movement, you will find you can reduce stress and dissipate tension. Regular practice will help you gain focus, improve flexibility and balance, and increase your breathing capacity. Sensei: Nigel Kerr. 6 weeks. ID# 1826.201 FEE: $69
1/30 – 3/12 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Monday Bach, MP Room
6 winter 2012 Register at
ID# 1821.201 1/23 – 3/26 FEE: $119 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Monday: Beginning Peaceful Dragon
ID# 1823.201 1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday: Continuing FEE: $119 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM Peaceful Dragon
Introduction to Energy Work
Discover how you can bring your energy centers into balance and feel better. Relax! Learn stretches and how to apply self-acupressure for your neck, shoulders, lower back, and legs. Release tension and feel your body’s flow of energy. This is a great way to unwind after your workday. Instructor: Master Wasentha Young. 10 weeks. ID# 1831.201 FEE: $119
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Peaceful Dragon
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53149 or 53233
Fitness classes are for grade 10 to adult, men and women. It is recommended that you have a physical examination by a physician before beginning an exercise program if you are over 35, pregnant or if you haven’t been physically active for the past several months. All instructors are certified fitness instructors. No class 2/20-2/25. Personal fitness levels 1: Beginning 2: Advanced Beginning 3: Intermediate 4: Intermediate Advanced 5: Advanced
Enroll in any 2 fitness classes, get fit and save $5. Enroll in any 3 Fitness classes, get even fitter and save $10.
Cardio Interval & Pilates
Exercise 101 Level 1-2. Do you feel the need to exercise, but don’t know where to start? This gentle approach to exercise will improve your strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, posture and balance. Relax to soothing music as you feel any tension or stress melt away. You need to be able to get down to and up from the floor. Please bring mat, water bottle and clean indoor only fitness shoes. Instructor: Dianna Edmonson. 9 weeks. ID# 3119.201 FEE: $65
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 12 Noon – 12:55 PM CAB, Dance studio
NIA Fitness Level 1-3. Explore soulful movement through this mind body form of fitness done barefoot to music. NIA fits all body types and works for all ages. It's great for cardiovascular conditioning and overall agility. Please bring a water bottle. Instructor: Teresa Myers. 9 weeks. ID# 3114.201 FEE: $69
1/23 – 3/26 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
ID# 3114.202 FEE: $69
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Community, Gym
Monday Community, Gym
Cardio Dance and Pilates Level 1-4. Work toward your lifetime fitness goals while experiencing the joy of music, dance and camaraderie. You'll get a combination of low impact aerobics for cardiovascular work and Pilates for strength and flexibility. Please bring your own mat and water bottle. Instructor: Jenine "Chip" Grover, M.Ed, over 25 years experience (202, 204, 205) Joy Morris (201, 203). 9 weeks. ID# 3108.201 FEE: $69
1/23 – 3/26 Monday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Thurston, Gym
ID# 3108.202 FEE: $69
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eberwhite, Gym
ID# 3108.203 FEE: $69
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Thurston, Gym
ID# 3108.204 FEE: $69
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eberwhite, Gym
ID# 3108.205 FEE: $135
Jenine “Chip” Grover earned her undergrad degree in Recreation and Youth Leadership, with an emphasis in therapeutic recreation, from Michigan State University. She began her professional career as a recreational therapist at Chelsea Community Hospital in 1984, when she also began teaching group fitness. Chip earned a teaching certificate and master's degree from Eastern Michigan University. She has been teaching group fitness for Rec&Ed since 1988 and is a certified Group Fitness Instructor through the American Council on Exercise. Chip currently teaches middle school in Chelsea and Cardio Dance & Pilates for Rec&Ed.
Level 1-4. Do you like to have fun while working out? You will get a great workout in a motivating group atmosphere with interval training, light weight training and Pilates mat work. Please bring your own mat, water bottle and light hand weights. Instructor: Amy Leighton. 9 weeks. ID# 3102.201 FEE: $69
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Scarlett, Cafeteria
Cardio Boot Camp
Level 3-5. Experience a high intensity, military-style workout with movements from kickboxing, dance and more. You'll challenge your strength, speed and stamina with interval training techniques. Please bring your own mat, water bottle and light hand weights. Instructor: Donna Kujat, CPT, over 20 years experience. 9 weeks. ID# 3106.201 FEE: $69
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM AA Open@Mack, Gym
ID# 3106.202 FEE: $69
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM AA Open@Mack, Gym
Balanced Body Conditioning Level 1-5. Do you want to improve your strength and balance? This class is a perfect mix of traditional and non traditional strength training exercises provided to keep the work load interesting and effective. You will work your muscles from a wide variety of angles for a complete and thorough challenge. Balance and flexibility work included. Please bring a mat, hand weights and water bottle. Instructor: Donna Kujat, over 20 years experience. 9 weeks. ID# 3133.201 FEE: $69
1/23 – 3/26 Monday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Bach, Gym
Pilates Matwork Are you looking for a mind-body workout that will strengthen, lengthen, stretch and tone your body? Improve your muscular endurance and flexibility with an emphasis on core body mat work. Please bring your own mat and water bottle. Instructor: Stephanie Riegle (201), Sandy Pierani (202). 9 weeks. ID# 3112.201 FEE: $69
1/23 – 3/26 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM
Monday: Level 3-5 Bach, Gym
ID# 3112.202 1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday: Level 1-3 FEE: $69 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Bach, Gym 1/24 – 3/29 Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eberwhite, Gym
Register at
winter 2012 7
More Fitness Classes Power Yoga Pilates
Yoga Pilates
Level 2-5. Looking for an intense mind body practice done to music that will challenge your whole body while calming your mind? Weight training through the use of your own body weight will increase your lean body mass while improving your strength, flexibility, balance and posture. Prior yoga or Pilates experience is recommended. Practiced in bare feet. Please bring your own mat and water bottle. Wednesday is a “flow style” class. Instructor: Victoria Cendrowski, M.Ed, over 35 years experience. 9 weeks. ID# 3110.201 FEE: $85
1/23 – 3/26 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM
ID# 3110.202 FEE: $85
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday flow style 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM CAB, Dance Studio
ID# 3110.203 FEE: $85
1/27 – 3/30 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM
Monday CAB, Dance Studio
Friday CAB, Dance Studio
Circuit & Pilates Level 2-5. Get 2 workouts in 1. Timed circuits using machines and free weights for cardio and strength followed by a Pilates-based workout focusing on core muscle strength and flexibility. Please bring a pilates mat, water bottle, and wear fitness shoes. Instructor: Cheryl Gulbranson, CPT, over 30 years experience. 9 weeks. ID# 3116.201 FEE: $89
1/23 – 3/26 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM
Circuit & Yoga
Weight Training Level 1-5. You'll tone up, trim down and build strength when you learn the basic weight training principles. Flexibility and core body work done in each class. Instructor: Cheryl Gulbranson, CPT, over 30 years experience. 9 weeks.
ID# 3124.203 FEE: $75
Level 2-5. Get a well balanced workout for your whole body while keeping your mind focused with this invigorating mind-body practice done to music. Flowing poses improve cardio, strength, flexibility, balance and posture. Various options will be demonstrated, you can easily create your own workout. Any yoga or Pilates experience is recommended. Bring a yoga sticky mat and water bottle. Practiced barefoot. Instructor: Chelsea Cendrowski. 9 weeks. ID# 3130.201 FEE: $85
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Community, Gym
ID# 3130.202 FEE: $85
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Community, Gym
Deep Water Aerobics Level 1-4. This non-impact class includes both aerobics and deep-water conditioning. Stretching and strengthening included. Various flotation devices (water noodles) provided or bring your own. Must be comfortable in deep water. Instructor: Amy McCullough. 8 weeks. ID# 3122.201 FEE: $65
1/23 – 3/19 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Monday Clague, Pool
ID# 3122.202 1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday FEE: $65 7:05 PM – 8:05 PM Scarlett, Pool Monday Huron, Weight Room ID# 3122.203 1/26 – 3/22 Thursday FEE: $65 7:05 PM – 8:05 PM Scarlett, Pool
Level 2-5. You will get 2 workouts in 1. Timed circuits using machines and free weights for cardio and strength, followed by a power yoga workout to enhance cardio, strength and flexibility. Please bring a yoga mat, water bottle and fitness shoes. Instructor: Cheryl Gulbranson, CPT, over 30 years experience. 9 weeks. ID# 3126.201 1/28 – 3/31 Saturday FEE: $89 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Huron, Weight Room
ID# 3124.201 FEE: $75 ID# 3124.202 FEE: $75
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53149 or 53233
Water Aerobics Level 1-4. You'll experience the fun of a water exercise program including low-impact aerobic conditioning, stretching and strengthening. Everyone is welcome, participant needs to be able to enter and exit the pool without assistance (for swimmers and non-swimmers). Instructors: Amy McCullough (201,202, 204), Donna Kujat (203, 205). 8 weeks. ID# 3120.201 FEE: $65
1/23 – 3/19 7:05 PM – 8:05 PM
ID# 3120.202 FEE: $65
1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Scarlett, Pool
ID# 3120.203 FEE: $65
1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday 5:45 PM – 6:45 PM Forsythe, Pool
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Skyline, Weight Room ID# 3120.204 FEE: $65 1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Skyline, Weight Room ID# 3120.205 FEE: $65 1/28 – 3/31 Saturday 9:20 AM – 10:20 AM Huron, Weight Room
8 winter 2012 Register at
Monday Clague, Pool
1/26 – 3/22 Thursday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Scarlett, Pool 1/28 – 3/24 Saturday 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM Scarlett, Pool
For more fitness classes, see Bolly Fit and Bolly Fit Belly on page 17.
Enroll in any 2 fitness classes, get fit and save $5. Enroll in any 3 Fitness classes, get even fitter and save $10.
Aqua Zumba
Level 1-4. Join the Pool Party! Do your favorite Latin dance moves but in the water. No need to worry about keeping up the pace or sore joints. In Aqua Zumba, movements are much slower compared to dance routines in a Zumba class due to the water resistance. This workout is full of cardio-conditioning, body toning and fun! Remember to bring a water bottle, towel, swim suit and aqua shoes! Instructor: Mesha Terrell, over 20 years experience. 8 weeks.
Ages 13–Adult. Level 1-5. If you can sit on a bicycle, you can do this. Spinning® is a cardio-vascular workout on specially designed stationary bikes. A certified instructor uses music, imagery, and goal setting to simulate a ride on the open road and guides you through changing terrain. All levels welcome. Instructors: Elmo Morales (201), Carolyn Gersh (202), Susan Morales (203), Lisa Steele (204). 8 weeks.
ID# 3141.201 FEE: $59
1/23 – 3/19 Monday 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM Scarlett, Pool
Zumba Level 1-4. Ditch the workout, join the party! If you like Latin dance and international zest, you'll love Zumba! Interval and resistance training are combined to give you a great cardiovascular workout. Wear fitness shoes and bring a water bottle. Instructors: Mesha Terrell (201), Sandy Pierani (202, 205), Tanya Smith (203), Doris Farrugia (204). 9 weeks. ID# 3140.201 FEE: $69
1/23 – 3/26 Monday 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM Scarlett, Cafeteria
ID# 3140.202 FEE: $75
1/23 – 3/26 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
ID# 3140.203 FEE: $75
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday 6:00 PM -7:00 PM Wines, Gym
ID# 3140.204 FEE: $75
1/28 – 3/31 Saturday 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Scarlett, Cafeteria
ID# 3140.205 FEE: $75
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday 7:10 PM – 8:10 PM Bach, Gym
Monday Bryant, Gym
ID# 3115.201 FEE: $69
1/28 – 3/24 Saturday Level 1-3 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM Bodies in Balance Studio
ID# 3115.202 FEE: $69
1/23 – 3/19 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM
ID# 3115.203 FEE: $69
1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday Level 1-5 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM Bodies in Balance Studio
ID# 3115.204 FEE: $69
1/27 – 3/23 5:45 PM – 6:30 PM
Monday Level 1-5 Bodies in Balance Studio
Friday Level 1-5 Bodies in Balance Studio
Power Kick Level 1-5. Are you looking for a total body workout that totally kicks butt? How about a way to increase your stamina, flexibility, and strength while listening to your favorite dance music? You’ll use basic kickboxing, martial arts and self-defense moves with professional heavy bags to get a great fat-burning, muscle toning workout done to music. Instructor: Jibril Naeem. 8 weeks. ID# 3113.201 FEE: $75
1/26 – 3/22 Thursday 6:45 PM – 7:45 PM BalancePoint Fitness
Metabolic Makeover Zumba Toning
Level 1-4 If you like Zumba, you'll love Zumba Toning! Toning exercises and Latin-infused Zumba moves create a body-sculpting dance fitness party. Learn how lightweights enhance your rhythm workout while toning your arms, abs, glutes and thighs. Please wear fitness shoes and bring a water bottle and light hand weights. Instructor: Doris Farrugia. 9 weeks. ID# 3142.201 FEE: $69
1/28 – 3/31 Saturday 10:40 AM – 11:30 AM Scarlett, Cafeteria
Hoop Fitness
Level 1-3. Are you looking to combine fitness and fun? Learn the fundamental moves of hooping and hula! Hoop your way into great shape! Hooping tones your entire body, improves your balance and is a great cardio workout! Please wear fitness shoes and bring your own water bottle. Weighted hoops provided. Instructor: Tonji Zimmerman. 9 weeks. ID# 3117.201 FEE: $75
1/23 – 3/26 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Monday A2Tech@Stone, Gym
Level 1-5. Are you looking for that extra something in a class? This awesome boot camp style workout has a new, metabolism-boosting nutritional goal each week. Take small steps for greater long-term success! All fitness levels welcome, Exercises will be modified as necessary. Taught by Lynda Gronlund, ACE certified personal trainer. 8 weeks. ID# 3118.201 FEE: $ 75
1/26 – 3/22 Thursday 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM BalancePoint Fitness
Personal Training Level 1-5. Do you want personal attention to help you meet your fitness goals? Whether you need to lose weight, train for an athletic event or just get into better shape, this is for you! Private, semi-private and small group (3-4 people) sessions are available. Certified Personal Trainer: Mark A. Harris, CPT. 3 classes. Location: Community, Fitness room. Class ID
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
1/30 – 2/13
5:05 PM – 6:05 PM
1/30 – 2/13
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
3/5 – 3/19
5:05 PM – 6:05 PM
3/5 – 3/19
Register at
winter 2012 9
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233
Yoga classes are for adult men and women. It helps you become more aware of your body’s posture, alignment and patterns of movement. It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a stress stricken environment. This is one of the foremost reasons why people want to start practice of Yoga; to feel fitter and be more energetic, happier and peaceful. It is recommended that you have permission from your physician to do yoga if you are pregnant or have potential health conditions, as a precaution to starting an exercise regimen. Physical Activity level : 1: Beginning 2: Adv. Beginning
Iyengar Yoga
Level 1-3. Experience invigorating yoga postures using the methods of BKS Iyengar to strengthen the body, create a feeling of well-being, reduce stress, and release tension through physical activity and meditation. You need to be able to get down to and up from the floor. The use of yoga props (provided or bring your own) and individualized teaching are emphasized so students of varying experience, ages, flexibility and strength can participate together. Please bring yoga mat. Instructor: David Rosenberg, certified instructor with over 18 years experience. 8-9 weeks. ID# 3706.201 FEE: $99 ID# 3706.202 FEE: $99
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM A2Tech@Stone, Commons
ID# 3706.203 FEE: $89
1/28 – 3/24 Saturday 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM A2Tech@Stone, Commons
1/23 – 3/26 Monday 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM A2Tech@Stone, Commons
Vinyasa Flow Level 1-3. This flowing form of Hatha Yoga is the most popular yoga in the U.S.! Vinyasa Flow is a great yoga for all levels from beginners to the more advanced practitioners. It integrates the mind, body and breath into one practice. You move through fluid transitional movements, using synchronized breathing, to connect the sustained postures to create heat. This is a challenging and empowering yoga that emphasis breath connection, core strength and body awareness. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Lauren Crimando. 9 weeks. ID# 3717.201 FEE: $75
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Lakewood, Gym
Vinyasa Power Level 2-4. Through this fun, invigorating and challenging practice you will, purify and detoxify your body, as you strengthen and lengthen the muscles. It is an athletic form of yoga that flows through a range of poses such as balancing, twists, deep stretches, inversions and a restorative savasana to end the class. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Lauren Crimando. 9 weeks. ID# 3718.201 1/23 – 3/26 Monday FEE: $75 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Northside, Gym
10 winter 2012 Register at
3: Intermediate 4: Intermediate Advanced
5: Advanced
Better Back Yoga Pace: Slow. Intensity: Gentle. Soothe tension throughout your body and strengthen and maintain the health of your spine and back muscles using classic yoga postures and technique. You will learn yoga techniques that will help increase flexibility in tight and restricted muscles and joints that inhibit the use of the spine and strengthen the muscles that support the back. Please bring a yoga mat. Teacher: Sondra O’Donnell, ERYT 500. 10 weeks. ID# 3702.201 1/23 – 3/26 Monday FEE: $125 7:45 PM – 9:00 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio ID# 3702.202 1/26 – 3/29 Thursday FEE: $125 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio
Basic Yoga Pace: Moderate. Intensity: Moderate. Re-balance your body and increase your energy through basic yoga. You will use standing and seated poses, along with breath work to release tension from the body and mind. Basic Yoga is recommended for everybody. Please bring a yoga mat. Teacher: Sondra O’Donnell, ERYT 500, Sun Moon Yoga Director. 10 weeks. ID# 3703.201 FEE: $125
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM Sun Moon Yoga Studio
Meet the Rec&Ed Instructor! Lauren Crimando Lauren is a registered yoga teacher (RYT) with a certification in Yoga for the Special Child and Street Yoga. She taught Vinyasa Flow and Vinyasa level 1-2 in Chicago before moving to Ann Arbor. Lauren teaches Vinyasa Flow and Vinyasa Power, as well as Kid Yoga (see page 54) for Rec&Ed.
Yoga Flow Level 2-3. Are you looking for a guided Vinyasa practice were moderate to intermediate postures are linked to the rhythm of the breath? Here it is. A great way to loosen up your body and feel refreshed. A general knowledge of yoga is useful. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Ita Reyes, CYI. 8 weeks. ID# 3714.201 1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday FEE: $99 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Ita Yoga Studio ID# 3714.202 1/26 – 3/22 Thursday FEE: $99 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Ita Yoga Studio
Sondra O’Donnell, Sun Moon Yoga Director strikes a pose
Slow Flow Yoga
Lifeforce® Yoga for Depression & Anxiety
Pace: Moderate. Intensity: Moderate. Are you feeling fear or anxiety? Are you having trouble seeing through your cluttered mind to find your joy? Lifeforce Yoga is your answer. Judgment, expectation, and fear can clutter the mind resulting in depressed or anxious moods. This clouds the joy in knowing our true selves as perfect and whole. Integrate the healing useof sound and bavana (imagery) with yoga postures to balance depressed or anxious moods and to invite joy to your life. Instructor: Sun Moon certified yoga staff. 10 weeks. ID# 3725.201 FEE: $125
1/22 – 3/25 Sunday 6:45 PM – 8:00 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio
Therapeutic Yoga Pace: Slow. Intensity: Gentle. If you have aches, pains or stiffness you can find relief through this gentle yoga that is specifically designed to make your body a more comfortable place to be. Great for Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, headaches, back pain or all-over soothing stress release. Taught by Janine Polley RN, RYT. 9-10 weeks. ID# 3709.201 FEE: $115
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio
ID# 3709.202 FEE: $125
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio
Family Yoga
Gentle Yoga Level 1- 2. Gentle Yoga is a great way to learn the poses and increase flexibility at a calmer pace. You’ll focus on relaxation, breathing exercises (pranayama) and gentle poses (asanas) to return flexibility to your body. Whether you are brand new to yoga or looking for a more gentle approach, you will experience the benefits of this class. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Ita Reyes, CYI. 8 weeks. ID# 3716.201 FEE: $99 ID# 3716.202 FEE: $99
1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM Ita Yoga Studio 1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Ita Yoga Studio
Yoga with instructor Ita Reyes!
ID# 3708.201 1/21 – 3/24 Saturday FEE: $125 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio Additional child fee: $59
l y
F Parent and Child, Ages 3-10. Connect together through D this Positive and Playful yoga class that uses group postures, stories and games to explore yoga breath, postures, and techniques. Deepen your awareness, improve health and deepen your family relationship. Fee is per family of 2. Instructor: Sun Moon certified yoga staff. 10 weeks.
Level 2. A great endurance and strength building class, where you learn to connect movement with breath. A series of flexibility increasing poses at the end of the flow ensure a well balanced practice. Some experience useful but not necessary if you have an active lifestyle. Please bring a yoga mat. Instructor: Ita Reyes, CYI. 8 weeks. ID# 3715.201 1/23 – 3/19 Monday FEE: $99 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Ita Yoga Studio ID# 3715.202 1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday FEE: $99 4:45 PM – 5:45 PM Ita Yoga Studio
Enroll in 2 classes held at Ita Yoga Studio, save $19. Enroll in 3 classes held at Ita Yoga Studio, save $38.
For Teen Yoga and Kids Yoga see page 54. Register at
winter 2012 11
Martial Arts
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233
Aikido Ages 14-Adult. Learn to fly -- and land without getting hurt! Aikido is a form of Japanese Budo based on the philosophy and martial arts of the Japanese Samurai. Aikido, the way of harmony, involves redirecting an attack using throws, pins, in a Fun, noncompetitive atmosphere. Beginning Basic throws, pins and break falls are introduced to you while you work at your own pace. Continuing You continue to work on beginning skills and add more advanced break falls and weapons techniques. Loose workout clothing is recommended. Instructor: Wade Davis, Aikido Yoshokai Assoc. of North America. 8-10 weeks. class ID#
1/23 – 3/19
7:00 PM – 7:45 PM
Scarlett, Upper Gym $69
1/26 – 3/22
7:00 PM – 7:45 PM
Scarlett, Upper Gym $69
1/23 – 3/26
7:00 PM – 8:15 PM
Scarlett, Upper Gym $99
1/19 – 3/29
7:00 PM – 8:15 PM
Scarlett, Upper Gym $109
Sanchin-Ryu Karate: Family or Teen/Adult
1/24 – 3/27
7:30 PM – 8:15 PM
Forsythe, Gym Annex
1/24 – 3/27
8:15 PM – 9:00 PM
Forsythe, Gym Annex $45
Adult Self-Defense Are you looking for an exciting and informative self-defense class that prepares you for almost anything? You’ll learn how to prevent violence and defend yourself and your children and spouse from bare hands attacks, guns and knives. Men and women welcome, no experience necessary. Wear comfortable clothes. Instructor: Joel Pitti, 4th degree black belt and over 15 years of teaching experience. 8 weeks. ID# 3314.201 FEE: $79
1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM PKSA Karate
Self-Defense with Cane
Would you like to feel safer when out on your own? Find out how to protect yourself with something you may be carrying everyday; a wooden cane. In this integrated exercise and self-defense program, you will learn strength-building exercises and standing and sitting techniques. The lead instructor for these classes has suffered from arthritis for over 20 years and frequently carries a cane for self-defense. Participants need to bring a sturdy wooden cane. Instructor: Kord Kozma. 6 weeks. ID# 3303.201 FEE: $59
2/11 – 3/24 Saturday 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM PKSA Karate
Lynda Grolund, BalancePoint Fitness 12 winter 2012 Register at
class ID#
Families, Ages 4 and up with parent, fee is per family of 2 or more. This program is set in a non-competitive and informative atmosphere that allows parents and children to learn together. Through Sanchin-Ryu Karate, you and your child will build self-confidence, understand stress management and increase composure and self-defense awareness. Physical techniques are taught with drills and exercises for a positive self-defense education. You will learn to use your whole body, so size is not important. Teen/Adult Grades 9 and up. Training is designed to empower you with the knowledge that can save your life. You will learn a broad range of techniques, strikes, how to get out of grabs and more! Both courses can be repeated to increase your knowledge and technique. Instructor: Jason Wikaryasz, certified instructor with 3rd Degree Black Belt. 9 weeks.
Scuba Divers Incorporated. For information or to register call 734-971-7770.
PADI Open Water Diver Course – Pool and Classroom Ages 10 & Up. This is a comprehensive and stress free way to learn to scuba dive. Each week (five 4-hour sessions) allows beginners to learn about scuba diving in the classroom followed by pool diving in a relaxing, un-hurried atmosphere. This program prepares you to complete your open water certification dives, which can be done locally or at any PADI Dive center worldwide. Course costs start at $249.
PADI eLearning National Geographic Open Water Diver Course Ages 10 & Up. You start online at working at your own pace and continue with an instructor learning to scuba dive in the pool. This course can be completed in as little as 2 days and it can get you ready within almost any schedule. This all-inclusive course takes you from start to finish and starts, on average, every two weeks regardless of the number of participants. Pricing starts at $120 per person. Call for details.
PADI National Geographic Open Water Diver Programs Ages 10 & Up. The most complete way to learn to scuba dive the PADI National Geographic Way. You join an elite group of explorers, adventurers and conservationists. This all-inclusive course takes you from start to finish and starts, on average, every 3 weeks regardless of the number of participants.
PADI Snorkeling Course Ages 8 & Up. Get more out of your snorkeling experience on your next travel adventure! The PADI snorkeling course is an easy way for you to get a private session with a certified PADI Instructor. We will even provide you with the equipment. Offered almost every week – One evening session. Course Cost $85
PADI Digital Water Photography Course Ages 8 & Up. Whether you scuba dive or a snorkel, this course teaches you the basics of shooting pictures underwater. We provide the camera, the instruction and the equipment. You provide your enthusiasm and creativity towards this enjoyable pastime. This Course is offered once a month – One session. Course cost $75
PADI Discover Scuba Diving Experience Ages 8 & Up. Do you want to try scuba, then this one time class is for you. You will learn about the equipment, a few dive techniques and we will give you a chance to learn to breathe underwater in the pool. All equipment is provided. Program includes a lecture, video presentation, equipment fitting, pool session and a coupon good for $50 towards the price of the full scuba course just for participating. Cost of the experience $25
Huron Scuba, Snorkel & Adventure Travel, Inc. For information and registrationcall 734-994-3483.
National Geographic™ or PADI Open Water Diver Programs Ages 10 & Up. Beginners enjoy an adventure in scuba diving, with three evenings of pool diving & games and three shorter evenings of classroom discussions. Weekend and private course scheduling is available. Certification dives can be completed locally or during one of our adventure travel group trips around the world. 1-3 weeks.
Introductory Scuba Diving Evening - Taste Test for Scuba Ages 8 & Up. Huron Scuba’s teachers invite you to attend an exciting evening of scuba diving in a local pool. No prior experience or certification is necessary. This opportunity for family fun is a great way to spend an evening together and provides an excellent head start towards becoming a certified scuba diver. You bring smiles and swimsuits, Huron Scuba will provide the rest. May be combined with a pool birthday party or school event.
Huron Scuba’s S3 Program - Secrets to Successful Snorkeling Ages 6 & Up. This is an entertaining and informative program where you will learn and apply personal water sport safety techniques and snorkeling skills. Designed to be fun for beginners as well as informative for experienced snorkeler. Upon completion you are ready for snorkeling around the world with added confidence and success. Private classes are available. May be combined with a pool birthday party. 1-2 sessions.
See page 38 for Adaptive Scuba
Water Polo Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53232
Water Polo High School Girls Grades 9-12. You will improve you game through swim and dry land conditioning and scrimmages. This is a great opportunity for beginners and for returning players. Head Coaches: Evan Koorhan and Justin Thoresen, Huron Water Polo. 8 weeks. ID# 3598.201 1/24 – 3/22 Tues, Wed, Thurs FEE: $85 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Huron, Pool
Water Polo High School, Collegiate & Masters Water Polo. You will improve your game through scrimmages and individual skill development, plus get swim conditioning. This is a great opportunity to continue playing the game you love. Head Coaches: Evan Koorhan and Justin Thoresen, Huron Water Polo. 8 weeks. ID# 3596.201 FEE: $55
1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Huron, Pool
Register at
winter 2012 13
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53232 Email:
Questions/ Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53243 Email:
Instructional Swim
Adult Tennis
Grades 6-Adult. Skill Levels: Beginner Work on the basics of swimming in a safe environment. You will learn breath control, floating, and basic arm and leg movements. Advanced Beginner Prerequisites: Swim comfortably on your back and 10 yards on your front using basic arm stroke. The goal of this class is to get comfortable in deep water. Intermediate Prerequisites: Comfortable in deep water. You will continue to improve your strokes and learn basic swim workouts. Advanced Prerequisites: Swim 50 yards of front stroke, back stroke, and breast stroke, as well as tread water. Coach will tailor workouts to meet your specific needs. Perfect for tri-athletes or those looking for fitness swimming. 8 weeks. ID# 3520.201 1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday: Beginner FEE: $85 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM Forsythe, Pool ID# 3520.202 FEE: $85
1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday: Adv. Begin. 7:50 PM – 8:35 PM Forsythe, Pool
ID# 3520.203 FEE: $85
1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday: Intermed. 7:50 PM – 8:35 PM Forsythe, Pool
ID# 3520.204 FEE: $85
1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday: Advanced 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM Forsythe, Pool
Open Therapeutic Swim Grades 10-Adult. High Point pool is a therapeutic pool (water temperature between 88-96 degrees), beneficial if you have any type of arthritis or other physical ailment/impairment. Kick boards and noodles will be available; you can also bring your own equipment. The pool space will be kept open, no lane lines. Registrations are not accepted on site. 8 weeks. ID# 3530.201 1/27 – 3/23 Friday FEE: $45 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM High Point
Private and Semi-private Lessons Classes are $120 for four 30-minute private sessions or $80 per participant for four 30-minute semi-private sessions. Various pools, times, and instructors are available. Call the Rec&Ed Swim program phone line, 734994-2300 ext. 53232, for more information and to schedule convenient times. Due to the large volume of calls we receive, you may need to leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
“I enjoyed the spirit and the encouragement of the teachers. The classes were very enjoyable.” Amelie Mafotsing
14 winter 2012 Register at
Please read the player level descriptions below carefully to place yourself in the correct class. Registered participants may check out a loaner tennis racquet from the Rec&Ed office one week prior to start of class. For Varsity Tennis Center classes participants must wear tennis court shoes with non-marking soles. For all classes, no running shoes please. Rec&Ed Tennis follows the USTA Code of Conduct.
Player Level Descriptions: Beginner Little or no experience; will learn basic stroke mechanics of forehand, backhand, volley, serve; footwork, rules, and scoring. Advanced Beginner Can briefly rally the ball with forehand and backhand from baseline, can serve over net; will review and improve groundstrokes, volleys, serve, footwork and learn overheads and approach shots. Intermediate Can rally from the baseline fairly consistently, feels comfortable at net hitting volleys and overheads, serves consistently; will work on perfecting all strokes, improving confidence, consistency, strategy and tactics. Advanced Can consistently rally the ball deep, hit with direction and spin, have dependable shots, serve with control; advanced practice drills, games, strategy, tactics and match play. Cardio Tennis (Advanced Beginner to Advanced) Get fit moving and grooving on court while hitting hundrends of balls! This fun, fast-paced, aerobic tennis workout is for players at the advanced beginner level and higher (no beginners please). A great way to improve your footwork too! Check out for more information. Women's Clinic I (Advanced Beginner NTRP 2.5) For improving advanced beginner players. Continue developing your game through instructional drilling, coaching, live ball feeding games and doubles match play. Great for NTRP 2.5 league players! Women's Clinic II (Advanced Beginner/Intermediate, NTRP 3.0) For advanced beginner to intermediate players. Continue developing your game through instructional drilling, coaching, live ball feeding games and doubles match play. Great for NTRP 3.0 league players! Women's Clinic III (Intermediate, NTRP 3.5) For intermediate players. Continue developing your game through instructional drilling, coaching, live ball feeding games and doubles match play. Great for NTRP 3.5 league players! Players Clinic I (Intermediate-Coed, NTRP 3.0-3.5) For developing intermediate players with NTRP level 3.0-3.5. Classes include speciality drills, play-based games, and match play. Instructor's permission required. Players Clinic II (Intermediate/Advanced-Coed, NTRP 3.5 and higher) For intermediate to advanced players with NTRP level 3.5 and up. Classes include speciality drills, play-based games, and match play. Instructor's permission required.
Tennis Instructional Classes
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53243 Email:
See course descriptions on page 14.
class ID#
Advanced Beginner/Interm. (NTRP 3.0) Wednesday
12 Noon – 1:30 PM
1/25 – 3/7
Chippewa Club
Intermediate/Advanced (NTRP 3.5-4.0) Wednesday
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
1/25 – 3/7
Chippewa Club
Intermediate (NTRP 3.0-3.5)
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
3/5 – 4/9
UM Varsity
Clinics at UM Varsity Tennis Center Clinics at Varsity Tennis Center are taught by our Head Tennis Professional, Fode Camara. See course descriptions on page 14.
Cardio Tennis class ID#
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
1/10 – 2/14
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
1/12 – 2/16
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
2/28 – 3/27
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
3/1 – 3/29
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
2/5 – 3/11
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
2/5 – 3/11
Morning Clinics : Session I class ID#
Women’s Clinic II (NTRP 3.0)
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
1/9 – 2/13
Women’s Clinic I/II (NTRP 2.5-3.0)
10:30 AM – 12 Noon
1/9 – 2/13
Women’s Clinic I/II (NTRP 2.5-3.0)
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
1/11 – 2/15
Women’s Clinic II/III (NTRP 3.0+)
10:30 AM – 12 Noon
1/11 – 2/15
Players Clinic I (NTRP 3.0-3.5)
10:00 AM – 12 Noon
1/10 – 2/14
Players Clinic II
10:00 AM – 12 Noon
1/12 – 2/16
Morning Clinics : Session II class ID#
Women’s Clinic II (NTRP 3.0)
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
2/27 – 3/26
# Wks
Women’s Clinic I/II (NTRP 2.5-3.0)
10:30 AM – 12 Noon
2/27 – 3/26
Women’s Clinic I/II (NTRP 2.5-3.0)
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
2/29 – 3/28
Women’s Clinic II/III (NTRP 3.0+)
10:30 AM – 12 Noon
2/29 – 3/28
Players Clinic I (NTRP 3.0-3.5)
10:00 AM – 12 Noon
2/28 – 3/27
Players Clinic II
10:00 AM – 12 Noon
3/1 – 3/29
Join us for Rec&Ed Days with UM Men’s and Women’s Tennis! Come out and support the Michigan Men’s and Women’s Tennis Teams this winter on designated Rec&Ed Days, featuring free admission, raffles and prizes. Visit for specific promotion dates including a FREE YOUTH CLINIC. Go to for the full Men’s and Women’s collegiate tennis match schedule. Register at
winter 2012 15
Couples Dance Classes Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228 Fee is per individual. Partner Required. 8-9 weeks. class ID#
Slow Dance
Sue Bareis
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
1/30 – 3/26
Forsythe, Cafeteria
West Coast Swing
Sue Baries
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
1/30 – 3/26
Forsythe, Cafeteria
Sue Bareis
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
2/1 – 3/28
Clague, Upper Gym
Intermediate Prereq: Basics of Foxtrot, Waltz, Swing
Sue Bareis
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
2/1 – 3/28
Clague, Upper Gym
Advanced Prereq: Dance continuity, Foxtrot/Waltz
Sue Bareis
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
2/1 – 3/28
Clague, Upper Gym
Louise Tamres
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
1/24 – 3/27
Forsythe, Cafeteria
East Coast Swing
Louise Tamres
8:30 PM – 9:30 PM
1/24 – 3/27
Forsythe, Cafeteria
International Ballroom & Latin: Dances may include Foxtrot, Waltz, Latin, & others.
Dorian Deaver
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
1/22 – 3/18
CAB, Room D
Social Dance 101
Wedding Dance
A few easy dance steps are all you need to get on the dance floor. Louise Tamres introduces you to the basics of Ballroom, Latin, Swing, Tango, Waltz, Night Club, Slow Dancing, and Disco. Partner Required. Fee is per individual. 9 weeks.
Prepare for that special day! Learn steps that can be used in your bridal dance, at the reception, and at other social gatherings. Foxtrot, Rumba, and Swing are a few of the dances taught. This class is fun for the entire bridal party and friends. Partner Required. Fee is per individual. Instructor: Dorian Deaver, Member of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. 8 weeks.
ID# 2262.210 FEE: $85
1/24 – 3/27 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Tuesday Forsythe, Cafeteria
Roaring 20's: Turn Back the Clock This couples dance class takes you back to the exciting Ragtime and Jazz Age eras. You learn the hottest dances of the 1920s and 1930s such as the Peabody, One Step, Blues, Charleston, Maxixe, Grizzly Bear, and other zany Animal Dances. Bring out your inner Rudolph Valentino as you vamp to a sultry Tango. No prior dance experience necessary. Partner Required. Fee is per individual. Instructor: Louise Tamres. 9 weeks. ID# 2262.211 FEE: $85
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Forsythe, Cafeteria
Blues Dancing
Step to the slow and pulsating beat of Blues music as you and your partner demonstrate creativity and style on the dance floor. Learn sensual dance moves from the 1920s and 1930s to add elegance to your slow dancing. No prior dance experience needed. Partner required. Instructor Louise Tamres. 9 weeks. ID# 2262.213 FEE: $85
1/26 – 3/29 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Thursday Forsythe, Cafeteria
16 winter 2012 Register at
ID# 2262.209 FEE: $79
1/22 – 3/18 6:05 PM – 7:05 PM
Sunday CAB, Room D
Jazz Fusion
Grades 7-Adult. The timeless movements of ballet can be yours! Each class includes working at the barre, center work, and basic choreography. The curriculum is based on the Cecchetti method, which is a progressive approach in learning ballet. Level II class is for you if you have had two years of previous ballet or with instructor recommendation. Pointe Practice class includes barre warm-ups and center floor practice. Instructor: Dianna Edmonson. 9-11 weeks.
In this popular class, artistic director Gina Thompson brings her unique style and choreography to teach you the latest moves in dance. Classic techniques in jazz, funk, and hip hop are taught. A high energy warmup featuring strengthening, core work, and yoga stretches offers you a great workout. 9 weeks.
ID# 2298.201 FEE: $99
1/21 – 4/7 Saturday: Pointe Practice 3:25 PM – 4:25 PM CAB, Room D
ID# 2298.202 FEE: $85
1/23 – 3/26 5:20 PM – 6:15 PM
ID# 2298.203 FEE: $99
1/26 – 4/12 Thursday: Level II 6:35 PM – 7:35 PM CAB, Room D
Monday: Level I CAB, Room D
See youth section page 47 for Cecchetti Practice class grades 3-Adult.
BollyFit & Bollyfit Belly
ID# 2282.201 Fee: $85
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 7:35 PM – 8:35 PM CAB, Room D
Line Dance Line dancing provides a fun way to workout and is great exercise. This dance class is for everyone at any level. You learn line dances and move to a variety of popular music. Instructor: Earleen Wolford. 9 weeks. ID# 2234.201 FEE: $85
1/23 – 3/26 Monday 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM Scarlett, Cafeteria
$20 discount when enrolling in both classes!
fitness that’s fun! Do you dream of an energizing fitness class that’s a spa experience not an exercise to be dreaded? Bolly Fit is the fitness through dance sensation that is dazzling Michigan. BollyFit combines artistic elements of Bollywood, classical, and Bhangra styles in a dynamic dance experience. No dance experience necessary, Bollyfit Belly fuses Bollywood with Middle Eastern dance styles. It has everything in BollyFit plus a core focus on strengthening the abs in a fun and natural way with the fluidity of belly dancing. Register for both classes and receive a $20 discount. Instructor Anuja Rajendra is Creator, CEO and Artistic Director of BollyFit. 9 weeks. ID# 2193.201 1/24 – 3/27 FEE: $109 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Tuesday: Bollyfit CAB, Room D
ID# 2193.202 1/26 – 3/29 FEE: $109 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Thursday: Bollyfit Belly Phoenix Center, Studio 1
Many adults find that tap dancing helps to enhance their memory and mind/body connection. Instructor: Yung-Lien Chang. 9 weeks. ID# 2268.201 FEE: $75
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday Tap I 6:20 PM – 7:05 PM CAB, Room D
ID# 2268.202 FEE: $79
1/25 – 3/28 7:10 PM – 8:05 PM
Wednesday Tap II CAB, Room D
Hip Hop Grade 8-Adult. Come move to the groove and dance to the latest hip hop and pop beats. Learn challenging choreography filled with style and energy. Get a great workout and learn one of today’s most popular forms of dance. Previous dance experience is recommended. Company sec 202 is a performance dance team. Instructor recommendation is required. Artistic Director: Gina Danene Thompson. 9 weeks.
Break Dance
ID# 2288.201 FEE: $85 ID# 2288.202 FEE: $85
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday: Hip Hop 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM CAB, Room D 1/23 – 3/26 7:05 PM – 8:05 PM
Monday: Company CAB, Room D
Grade 8-Adult. Break a sweat dancing to the latest beats! Local popular dancer Maurice Archer brings his energy to Rec&Ed to teach you break dance moves in a friendly, and fun environment. 9 weeks. ID# 2253.201 FEE: $85
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM A2 Tech@ Stone, Gym
Belly Dance
FEE: $85 Location: CAB
Hip Hop Instructor Gina Danene Thompson
Belly Dance is a beautiful and expressive art form and great exercise. It is enjoyed by people of every age and body type. Beginner Learn basic movements, step combinations and a simple choreography with emphasis on posture and safe body mechanics. Intermediate You expand and perfect the basic movements learned in Beginning I with emphasis on technique. Instructor: Mary Weed (201, 203 ); Nancy Goings (202, 204) 9 weeks. Class ID#
1/27 – 3/30
11:00 AM – 12 Noon
1/25 – 3/28
8:10 PM – 9:10 PM
1/27 – 3/30
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
1/26 – 3/29
7:45 PM – 8:45 PM
photo by kelly phillips
Register at
winter 2012 17
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228 Students, age 15 and older, may enroll in adult art classes unless otherwise indicated.
Acrylic Painting beginning & Continuing Acrylic paint was introduced in the 1950s and since then has dominated the arts. It has been accepted by artists as a viable alternative to oil paint. It is extremely versatile and fast-drying Beginner students will learn basic painting techniques, color theory, color mixing, glazing, layering colors, and experiment with textures and painting surfaces. Continuing students will work on mixed media applications, abstract painting techniques, mixing colors, and advanced color theory. Instructor: Debra Golden. 9 weeks. ID# 2188.201 FEE: $175
1/23 – 3/26 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Monday CAB, Room B
Watercolor beginning Explore a variety of techniques using this dynamic medium. Challenge your mind while developing a solid foundation in watercolor painting. In each class, the instructor introduces a new watercolor technique and basic design concepts such as color integration, tonal contrast and composition. A $20 materials fee is payable to instructor at the first class. See receipt for additional supply list. Instructor: Jennifer Wolf. 9 weeks. ID# 2182.201 FEE: $125
1/26 – 3/29 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Thursday CAB, Room B
Watercolor Continuing Join other watercolor students as you work on independent projects in a supportive, encouraging environment. Instructor Jennifer Wolf offers guidance as needed, including technical help, problem solving, and goal setting. Participants must have completed one semester of beginning instruction or the equivalent and must be able to work independently. 9 weeks. ID# 2182.202 FEE: $125
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 12:15 PM – 2:15 PM CAB, Room B
beginning & Continuing Instructor Crystal Westfield, Pioneer High School art teacher, gently introduces you to basic drawing techniques. You will explore line, shape, tone, texture, perspective, and composition. All skill levels are welcome. Continuing students work on how to draw light, shadows, and texture in portraits, interiors, and landscapes. 9 weeks. ID# 2186.201 1/23 – 3/26 FEE: $125 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Monday Pioneer, Room E105
Ages 18 and Up. Life Drawing, also called Figure Drawing, is based on the naked human form. Figure drawing has been the cornerstone of artistic training. Focusing on the human figure will train your brain to be able to draw almost anything. You will develop your hand-eye abilities as you draw with pencil and pastels. This class is for you if you are just beginning or an experienced artist. A model fee of $45 is payable to the instructor at the first class. Instructor: Well-known artist Carlye Crisler. 9 weeks. ID# 2190.201 Fee: $175
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room E101
18 winter 2012 Register at
It’s always fun to draw a model, plus in this class you will add hats, dresses, and flourishes of colorful ruffles and fabric to the model. This adds a sophisticated dimension to your figure drawing. Any experience level is welcome. A model fee of $45 is payable to the instructor at the first class. Instructor: well known artist Carlye Crisler. 8 weeks. ID# 2190.202 Fee: $155
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room E 101
Book Making Learn techniques for making books and journals from specialty and recycled materials, including pamphlet books, accordion books, envelope books, bag books, Japanese stab books, tag books, and more. A $20 materials fee is payable to the instructor at the first class. See receipt for additional supply list. Instructor: Katherine Willson. 9 weeks. ID#2136.201 FEE: $95
1/25 – 3/28 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Wednesday CAB, Room B
Handmade Greeting Cards Make stylish cards for upcoming holidays, birthdays, and all occasions! Join Katherine Willson for lots of fun creating cards. Explore a wide variety techniques such rubber stamping, embossing, die cuts, border punches, ribbons and more. You will end the class with an assortment of 36 cards. machines, and your own photos. A $20 materials fee is paid to the instructor at the first class. See receipt for additional supply list. 9 weeks. ID# 2156.201 FEE: $95
1/26 – 3/29 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Thursday CAB, Room C
Ceramics Grades 7-Adult. Learn techniques of tile making, slab construction, sculpture, press molding, wheel throwing, coiling, extrusions, and glazes. Students may create 5-6 medium to large pieces. Beginning and continuing students welcome in any class. Open studio on Fridays 7:00 PM-9:00 PM is available for any currently enrolled student to finish projects started in class. Scholarship recipients pay $55 (adult); $50 (youth); Seniors and 50% scholarship recipients pay $173. Instructor: William Schultz. 10 weeks. FEE: $295 Location: CAB CLASS ID#
Learn to Draw
Life Drawing
Portraits with a Twist
1/22 – 3/25
12 Noon – 3:00 PM
1/24 – 3/27
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
1/26 – 3/29
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
1/27 – 3/30
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Jewelry and Metal Working beginning & Continuing Learn to make jewelry in a well-equipped studio in a small group. Jewelry Designer and Metalsmith Idelle Hammond-Sass will teach you to make jump rings and links, solder, saw, rivet, etch, polish, and forge. Using brass, copper and silver fill, you will design and make several pieces including at least one formed cuff and textured bracelet in copper. Materials and tools provided, additional silver may be purchased as needed, studio time available. No scholarships or discounts accepted for this class, with the exception of BOE’s. 5-8 weeks. ID# 2166.201 FEE: $279
1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Idelle’s Studio
ID# 2166.202 FEE: $279
1/26 – 3/22 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Thursday Idelle’s Studio
ID# 2166.203 FEE: $209
3/1 – 3/29 9:45 AM – 12:45 PM
Thursday Idelle’s Studio
Art with Susan Wright Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228 Classes are for adults ages 18 and older.
Mosaic Mania
Needle Felting Frenzy
Immerse yourself in the artist’s studio where “tons” of colorful ceramic, glass, and granite fragments await your hand to transform them into a mirror, wall hanging or flowerpot. You work with ceramic tiles, marble, granite, pottery, dishes and glass, embedding the tesserae directly into mortar, then grouting to fill in the gaps. Scholarship recipients pay $70. Senior discount and 50% scholarship recipients pay $162. Instructor: Susan C. Wright. 10 weeks.
The stress-relieving benefits of needle felting are amazing! Explore vast possibilities by using materials such as wool roving and fleece, yarn, felted wool sweaters and recycled wool clothing. Hand-held single and multi-needle holders will be used as well the Instructor’s needle felting machines to make a variety of decorative or wearable items. No experience is necessary. Senior discount recipients pay $55. Frenzied Felter: Susan C. Wright. 5 weeks. ID# 2181.201 FEE: $85
2/25 – 3/24 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Saturday Wright Studio
Custom Felted Slippers and Bags
Instructor Susan C. Wright has written easy patterns that allow you to knit or crochet with large size needles or hooks creating a very loose fabric that is easy to felt. Slippers can be sized for child to adult, and from clogs to high-tops. They can be neutral or a rainbow color with tassels. Bags can be customized as a clutch to an oversize shopping bag. All wool yarn can be purchased at cost from instructor. 4 weeks. ID# 2181.202 FEE: $69
1/28 – 2/18 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Saturday Wright Studio
Girls Nite Out Join the fun and laughter in this congenial group setting and create unique works of art. Try something different each week! Explore finger painting, beading, Dipsy Doodles, block printing, mosaic, dye transfer on fabric and more. New projects are introduced each term. Scholarship recipients pay $44. Senior discount and 50% scholarship recipients pay $89. Instructor: Susan C. Wright. 10 weeks. ID# 2128.201 FEE: $139
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Wright Studio
Yarn Play: Knit or Crochet Do you need a refresher for turning yarn into a functional object or do you want to learn the basic techniques? Learn how to knit or crochet, read a pattern, expand your stitch repertoire, practice increase and decrease methods, or simply get the instruction that will assist you with your chosen project. See receipt for list of materials. Instructor: Susan C. Wright. 10 weeks. ID# 2161.201 FEE: $125
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Wright Studio
ID# 2161.202 FEE: $125
1/26 – 3/29 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Thursday Wright Studio
ID# 2132.201 FEE: $259
1/22 – 3/25 Sunday 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM Wright Studio
ID# 2132.202 FEE: $259
1/23 – 3/26 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Monday Wright Studio
ID# 2132.203 FEE: $259
1/24 – 3/27 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Tuesday Wright Studio
ID# 2132.204 FEE: $259
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Wright Studio
Mosaic Glass Fusions
A mosaic is a medley and a fusion is a synthesis; together they combine into a beautiful handmade glass art form. This process allows you to produce pieces that can be used as buttons on clothing, wearable art, or artwork on a glass top table where light reflects through them. Pieces are fired in a kiln to fuse into final form. No scholarships or discounts accepted for this class, with the exception of BOE’s. Fusioneer: Susan C. Wright. 3 weeks. ID# 2132.205 FEE: $129
2/3 – 2/17 Friday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Wright Studio
ID# 2132.206 FEE: $129
3/9 – 3/23 Friday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Wright Studio
Mitten Day Workshop
It’s cold, blustery, and winter in Michigan, the perfect time to make a pair of toasty warm mitts A basic pattern, devised to fit individual hands, is easy to follow using bulky yarn and either a Size J hook or 10 ½ double pointed needles. Bring your own wool/blend yarn or Lamb’s Pride yarn will be available at cost. Mitten Maven: Susan C. Wright. 1 class ID# 2181.203 1/21 Saturday FEE: $45 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Wright Studio
Click here to view photos of the beautiful art and craft items made in Susan’s workshops! Register at
winter 2012 19
Glass Workshops
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228
A great way to sample the intrigue of making beautiful Furnace Glass! All classes taught by Annette Baron. Sorry, no scholarships or discounts accepted for glass
Furnace Glass: Solid Forms
Learn about the fundamentals of solid form furnace glass. Using a steel rod you will gather molten glass from a furnace, add color and create two beautiful sculptures, paperweights, drawer knobs or bottle stoppers. This is an awesome first experience.
Furnace Glass: Blown Forms Are you mesmerized by blown glass and wonder “Could I do that?” You will be introduced to the fundamentals of furnace glass blowing. Learn to gather molten glass from a furnace using a steel ‘blowpipe’, add color and ’blow’ two pieces. Choose to make a garden ball, vessel or drinking glass. Millifiori Paperweight Want to learn the secret of those amazingly complex millifiore paperweights? Colored molten glass is layered onto a steel rod. The mass is pulled into a long cane, cut into segments, arranged in cross section and embedded into molten glass. A beautiful paperweight is then manipulated into its final form. Furnace Glass Blowing Want a more intense glass blowing experience? You will manipulate molten glass to create beautiful vessels, sculptures and more. As you gain experience you will have more opportunities to try new things. Expect to make 2 or more pieces per week. Fused Glass Introductory Workshop In this fun and informative class, you will learn how to cut colored glass into shapes and melt (fuse) them into one piece in an oven. You will learn about the technical aspects of glass fusion such as glass compatibility, stress analysis and firing procedures. Select any two projects to make: Set of four 3” coasters, two 4” tiles or two 4”x6” picture frames. Fused Glass Intensive Workshop Expand your knowledge and develop your skill with fused glass. You’ll learn glass cutting and cold forming techniques, the operation of a glass oven, and the preparation of surfaces. You’ll work with a variety of glass ranging from recycled to specialty art. You select projects such as recycled bottle art, art glass vessels, and tiles. Class ID#
Furnace Glass: Solid Forms
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Baron Glassworks
Furnace Glass: Blown Forms
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Baron Glassworks
Millifiori Paperweight
2/11 – 2/25
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Baron Glassworks
Furnace Glass Blowing
3/3 – 3/24
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Baron Glassworks
Fused Glass: Introductory
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Baron Glassworks
Fused Glass: intensive
3/4 – 3/29
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Baron Glassworks
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Sew it Up!
Woodworking with Power
Did you know that sewing is good for you, mentally and physically? Sewing allows you to relax from the everyday pressures of life. It enhances your self-esteem when you demonstrate your creativity. Create simple projects and learn to read and use patterns, safely use sewing machines and develop basic sewing skills. Continuing students welcome to enroll and build on their basic skills. Sewing machines provided. You provide the fabric, scissors, pins and pattern. Materials list on the receipt. Instructor: Barb Webster. 6 weeks.
This class is an introduction to woodworking and the safe use of various power tools used in the creation of wood projects. Start with a simple toolbox and move on to a small table. All the tools and safety goggles will be provided. No previous experience necessary. Students should bring wood remnants to the first class. Instructor: Mark Williams. 8 weeks.
ID# 1749.201 FEE: $149
2/7 – 3/20 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Tappan, Room 374
ID# 1711.201 FEE: $149
1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Tappan, Room 191
Woodworking Open Lab This class is your opportunity to work independently on a project of your choice. Bring all of your own materials to class. Do not sign up for this class unless you have previous experience working with woodshop power tools. Supervisor: Joe Kyle, experienced woodcrafter. 9 weeks.
20 winter 2012 Register at
ID# 1713.201 FEE: $99
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Tappan, Room 191
Vocal Music
Fundamentals of Singing
MusIQ Club: Beginning Piano
Are you a singer who would like to improve your voice? Do you run out of breath, strain on high notes, or feel you don't have enough control? Breath, resonance, pitch, and diction will be studied and applied to a variety of musical genres to help you meet your individual vocal goals in a small group, supportive atmosphere. The advanced class is performance oriented. Singers prepare a song to perform for the class each week for critique. Materials fee: $15 due to instructor at first class. Instructor: Kelly Close, MA, VMTR has over 25 years experience performing and teaching a wide variety of genres. 7 weeks.
Grades 7-Adult. Discover a fun, new, innovative approach to learning to play piano! This class features individualized instruction in a group setting, using computer technology connected to electronic piano keyboards. You progress from level to level at your own pace, learning to play the piano with both hands, read music, improvise and compose. An experienced music teacher will guide you through the training in a small group class. This class is fun, self-paced and open to students with little or no musical background. Instructor: Warren McArthur, MA. 7 weeks.
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
ID# 1740.201 2/7 – 3/27 FEE: $119 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Tuesday: Beginning A2Open @ Mack, Auditorium
ID# 1740.202 2/7 – 3/27 FEE: $119 7:40 PM – 9:10 PM
Tuesday: Advanced A2Open @ Mack, Auditorium
Bicycle Choir Love bicycling? Love to sing (not necessarily at the same time)? The Ann Arbor Bicycle Choir is for you. The core mission of the group is to promote bicycling and have fun. Songs are set to familiar melodies and sung in 3 or 4-part harmony. Group singing experience is helpful but not necessary. Rehearsals take place once a week with sporadic performances throughout the year. Director: Alex Sutton. 12 weeks. ID# 1775.201 FEE: $69
1/18 – 4/25 Wednesday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Slauson, Choral Room
Civic Chorus - Spring Ann Arbor Civic Chorus is for adult singers with previous choral experience who want to rediscover the joy of making music with others. The Chorus sings musical selections from the classical, pop, jazz, folk, Broadway, and modern styles and performs two concerts annually. Members of the Chorus will tour Salzburg, Austria and Tuebingen, Germany in the summer of 2012. This tour is not a requirement for participation in the Chorus, but it is not too late to join if you want. New to the chorus? email Concert – 5/6. Scholarship recipients pay $30. Musical Director: Linda Jones. 13 weeks ID# 1770.201 FEE: $109
1/16 – 4/30 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Monday Slauson, Choral Room
Sharpen Your Song Writing Skills
Grade 9-Adult. Whether you’re a seasoned songwriter or an absolute beginner, this course will help you improve your skills. Analyze what makes a song work, or not work, in a variety of genres: pop, folk, country, alt-country, blues, and rock. Engage in songwriting exercises, and receive encouragement and guidance. Visits from musical guests are sure to inspire you. Instructor: Bill Connors. 8 weeks. ID# 1759.201 FEE: $95
1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room D111
ID# 1736.201 FEE: $195
2/7 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Bach, Media Center
Beginning Guitar Grades 9-Adult. Want to play the guitar? No previous musical experience required. Learn chords, charts and tablature. Strumming patterns are also covered. You will leave this class knowing a few chords and able to play a few songs. This is a great introduction to this popular musical instrument. Bring your guitar to the first class. Guitar rental is available – call Karen at 665-0375. Instructor: Alex Johnson. 4 weeks. ID# 1754.201 FEE: $79
3/3 – 3/24 Saturday 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM Ann Arbor Music Center
Sign up for both classes and $ave $5 off each class Materials fee of $29 will be collected in class by the instructor for workbook and practice CD. Instructor: Michael Glenn, Just Once Classes.
Instant Piano Grades 9-Adult. In just 3 hours you can learn to play the piano! This fast-start method uses chords so after just one session you will know enough to play several simple pop tunes. Take home a practice CD and workbook so you can continue to perfect the technique at home. 1 class. ID# 1750.201 2/28 Tuesday FEE: $35 6:00 PM – 9:15 PM Pioneer, Room E107
Play by Ear Grades 9-Adult. Learn one of music's deepest mysteries: how to play songs without relying on sheet music. A very practical presentation of music theory that includes predicting chord progressions, learning from recordings, and transposing-all expressed in everyday language. Open to anyone who has a basic understanding of chords on any instrument. 1 class. ID# 1750.202 3/6 Tuesday FEE: $35 6:00 PM – 9:15 PM Pioneer, Room E107
Register at
winter 2012 21
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Your Life As Story
Stand-Up Comedy Individuals with a sense of humor, an open mind, and an itch in their funny bone, will appreciate this class. Student yucksters will learn how to write jokes, where to find material, stage presence, valuable techniques, and endless tricks of the trade. You will walk away ready to step on any stage or at least be the funniest person at the water cooler. No experience necessary to join this class of wild n' crazies. Taught by seasoned professional stand-up comedian and actor Russell Rabb. 8 weeks. ID# 2314.201 FEE: $125
1/28 – 3/24 Saturday 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Rec&Ed Conference
Cinema Club Mad about movies? Join our friendly film discussion group and share your enthusiasm! You'll see contemporary dramas, comedies and even documentaries -- including foreign films and independent American movies -- and participate in illuminating discussions led by your instructor. No need to be an expert; everyone is welcome! Explore story, technique and meaning. Class fee includes cost of tickets. Scholarship recipients pay $36; Seniors pay $58. Instructor: Mark Ziemba, former editor of Current Arts and Entertainment magazine. 5 weeks. ID# 2308.201 FEE: $85
1/18 – 2/15 Wednesday 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM Michigan Theater
ID# 2308.202 FEE: $85
2/29 – 4/11 Wednesday 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM Michigan Theater
Movie Night: Screen Sirens II
Your written story validates and celebrates who you are. Discover where to begin, what to write about and when to include dialogue. Explore if, when and how to publish your life story. This is a wonderful class, whether you have never written or are looking for a creative boost. Instructor: Pat Kuessner, teacher, writer, editor, publisher. 4 weeks. ID# 1708.201 FEE: $79
1/25 – 2/15 Wednesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM CAB, Room B
Creative Writing Workshop Inspiration is contagious! Share your unique voice with other like-minded writers to generate new ideas or support your work in progress. Brush up on your writing techniques as you explore creative fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, and other student driven topics each week. Resources and in-class writing exercises will get your creative juices flowing. Open to writers at every level. Instructor: Susan Ashmore, M.A. 8 weeks. ID# 1726.201 FEE: $119
1/31 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Tappan, Media Center
Finish Your Fiction
Stalled with your short story? Can't get past the first five chapters of your book? Or maybe you need to rewrite but want the support and encouragement of fellow writers? Bring your work-in-progress to brainstorm, set realistic goals and write, write, write. Benefit from the feedback of your fellow writers and finally bring that story closer to a reality. Small group, limited space. Instructor: Susan Ashmore, M.A. 8 weeks. ID# 1705.201 FEE: $129
2/2 – 3/29 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Thursday Tappan, Media Center
Thank You Burns Park Players For Making a Difference in our Community!
Hollywood has given us glamorous actresses with beauty, wit and style. Each week you'll enjoy a different brunette beauty, including Clara Bow in "It," Barbara Stanwyck in "Christmas in Connecticut," and Liz Taylor in "A Place in the Sun." As part of an ongoing film series, the instructor provides context and hosts discussions about story, technique and meaning. Instructor Anne Rhoades is a Performance Network theater instructor and Brass Tacks Ensemble member. 6 weeks. ID# 2315.201 FEE: $85
Literary Arts
1/26 – 3/8 Thursday 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Rec&Ed Conference Room
See page 48 for a NEW Drama class with Performance Network for youth in grades 2-5. . 22 winter 2012 Register at
Rec&Ed appreciates the Burns Park Players for their generous contribution to the Rec&Ed Scholarship Fund. Their support provides scholarships for low income children to participate in Rec&Ed Performing Arts classes. If you would like to contribute to the Scholarship Fund, check the box to donate $1 on the registration form. A single $1 donation helps income-challenged participants receive a discount on their Rec&Ed classes. With your support, we also offer full scholarships for teens, school-age youth and preschoolers. Call 734-994-2300.
Computers & Technology
MS Excel 2010 - In the Beginning
Private Windows Computer Lessons
Learn to create, edit and format worksheets, do simple calculations and more. Course material is Windows-based. Prerequisites: Ability to create simple documents in MS Word unassisted. Textbook ($30) available for purchase at first class. Instructor: Patricia Na. 4 weeks.
Patricia Na is now available for private computer lessons. She is a patient, experienced teacher who has been teaching for Rec&Ed for over 10 years. Use the ID# below to register The instructor will call to set up your training time. Sorry, no discounts accepted.
ID# 1209.201 FEE: $99
New to computers? What better way to get started than with private lessons in your home, on your computer. Learn about computer terminology, setting up and managing your email and using the Internet. FEE: $179 (3 hours instruction) FEE: $59 (additional hours)
MS Word 2010 - Getting Started Private lessons are a great way for beginners to learn the basics of word processing. Learn to enter, edit, and format text. Create and work with Word files, menus and toolbars. Use special features such as the Spell Checker. ID# 1206.201 ID# 1299.201
FEE: $179 (3 hours instruction) FEE: $59 (additional hours)
Open Topics Prefer to learn one-on-one rather than in a class? Sign up for in-home private lessons on anything from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, digital photos, organizing files and more. ID# 1203.201 ID# 1299.201
FEE: $179 (3 hours instruction) FEE: $59 (additional hours)
Help! I Have a Computer & Don’t Know What to Do
1/26 - 2/16 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM WISD, Computer Lab
MS Excel 2010 - Beyond Basics
Window Basics - Meet the Mouse & More ID# 1224.201 ID# 1299.201
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Take your skills to the next level! You will review how to create, edit and format worksheets and then learn to work with Excel functions, charts, multiple sheets and data analysis tools. Course material is Windowsbased. Prerequisites: Ability to create simple worksheets in MS Excel unassisted. Textbook ($30) available for purchase at first class. Instructor: Patricia Na. 4 weeks. ID# 1209.202 FEE: $99
3/1 – 3/22 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM WISD, Computer Lab
Private Computer Lessons – Mac Jim Monkiewicz has been working on Macs for almost 30 years and can teach you everything you need to know about Macs in your own home, on your own computer. Jim will call you after you register to set up a meeting time that fits your schedule. Sorry, no discounts accepted. Suggested Topics: • Make the Switch - Windows to Mac • iLife Suite (iPhoto, iMovie, iWeb, iDVD, etc) • i Works (Pages, Numbers, Keynotes) • Mac: Tips, Tricks, Shortcuts ID# 1233.201 ID# 1233.202
FEE: $159 (3 hours instruction) FEE: $55 (additional hours)
The instructor has written a book specially designed for the mature adult who finds themselves faced with a computer and wondering what to do next. Have all your questions answered in a simple and direct manner and in a comfortable environment. Work through the book chapter by chapter along with the instructor. Taught handson in a computer lab. There is a $20 material fee for text. Instructor: Michael Wilson. 3 weeks. ID# 1226.201 FEE: $75
2/2 – 2/16 Thursday 10:00 AM – 12 Noon WISD, Computer Lab
ID# 1226.202 FEE: $75
3/13 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM WISD, Computer Lab
“Mike Wilson took the time needed for each student to understand the course content.” B. Mann “Mike did an excellent job of teaching. He was very patient.” A. Schwartz Register at
winter 2012 23
Digital Cameras Technology Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Technology Update for Non-Techies Does all this new technology of the 21st century leave you feeling “technologically challenged”? Ready to catch up with your grandkids? Discover iPods, iPads, tablets, Skype, sharing photos, smart phones, Internet communities, computer Internet terminology and much more. They are not just for kids anymore! Instructor: Patricia Na. 3 weeks. ID# 1215.201 FEE: $59
Digital Camera: Compact Take this class if your digital camera is small enough to accompany you everywhere. Learn how to take, review, and edit photographs with your compact digital camera. Master simple techniques that will dramatically improve your own picture taking. Understand your camera's basic features including: automatic and programmed settings, and how to navigate the camera's menus. Bring your compact camera, manual, and charged batteries. Instructor: Larry Works, professional photographer. 5 weeks. ID# 1254.201 FEE: $99
2/29 – 3/28 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
ID# 1254.203 FEE: $99
2/29 – 3/28 10:00 AM – 12 Noon
Wednesday Rec&Ed Conference Wednesday Rec&Ed Conference
Digital Camera: DSLR As you progress from a compact camera to a DSLR the tools and features become more sophisticated. With complete control of camera settings and optics you learn and practice how to photograph in most common situations. DSLR basic features are covered: white balance, histograms, exposure controls, and lighting are combined with lens selection to improve your picture results. Bring your DSLR camera, manual, and charged batteries. Instructor: Larry Works, professional photographer. 4 weeks. ID# 1254.202 FEE: $99
2/1 – 2/15 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer D212
iPads, iPhones & iPod Touch– do you own one of these hot products but don’t know how to use it? Maybe you’re thinking of getting one and want to determine if it’s for you. Learn how to navigate your way around these popular Apple products. Discover how to load your music, download apps, set up your e-mail and much more. If you have a laptop and an iPad or iPhone, feel free to bring them with you, but they are NOT required for class. Instructor: Patricia Na. 3 weeks ID# 1235.201 FEE: $59
3/7 – 3/21 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer D213
Get the Most from Your iPad
iPad is Apple’s latest technological gadget that is changing the way we live. It seems everyone has one and they use them for business, entertainment and just to keep in touch. Are you getting the most out of your iPad? Explore the iPad features, applications and the IOS operating system. Be sure to bring your iPad so that you can try some of the tips and tricks that are presented. Instructor Jim Monkiewicz. 2 classes. ID# 1220.201 FEE: $39
3/1 – 3/8 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer D205
1/25 – 2/15 Wednesday 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Rec&Ed Conference
Get Your Photos: From Camera to Computer They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Using the free program Picasa, get hands-on experience downloading pictures from your digital camera and organizing them. Learn to adjust color and brightness, crop, rotate, remove red-eye and work with special effects. Explore options for printing and sharing your photos, and discuss some of the latest photo products available online. This is the perfect follow up class for those who have taken Digital Cameras: Point & Shoot. Bring your digital camera and connecting cords. Instructor: Patricia Na. 3 weeks. ID# 1222.201 FEE: $59
1/31 – 2/14 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM WISD, Computer Lab
24 winter 2012 Register at
See Digital Photography Class for kids on Page 48.
Cook Healthy – Eat Right
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
At St. Joe’s – You Do The Cooking! All Classes are taught by Registered Dieticians at the SJMHS Ellen Thompson Women’s Health Center. Would you like to volunteer to help at a future St. Joe’s cooking class? Call 734-712-5467.
Save $5 off each class when the same person enrolls in 4 or more cooking classes.
Eat healthy with ethnic flair! Discover how to cook healthy versions of famous Thai dishes. You cook and eat a meal that includes Thai Noodle Soup, Shrimp Pad Thai, Curried Coconut Chicken and a Tropical Coconut and Lime Shake. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Denise Marecki, R.D. 1 class. ID# 1654.201 FEE: $55
Fantastic Fish Did you know eating fish regularly decreases your risk of heart disease? Learn how to select and cook a variety of fish using different techniques. Recipes include: Crisp Crusted Catfish, Fisherman’s Stew, Poached Salmon with White Wine and Dill, Shrimp Salad with Spinach, Herbed Fish Filets en Papillote. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Denise Marecki, R.D. 1 class. ID# 1659.201 2/2 Thursday FEE: $55 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM WHC, Kitchen
Low-Sugar, Low-Carb Desserts
Around the World in Healthy Ways - Thai
Trying to limit your carbohydrate and still want to eat sweets? Not sure how to substitute artificial sweeteners in recipes? Learn how to use a variety of natural and artificial sweeteners to lower the carbohydrate and sugar in desserts. Recipes include: Pumpkin Pie, Minty meringue cookies, Tropical Custard Cups, and Cranberry Apple Crisp. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Denise Marecki, R.D. 1 class. ID# 1657.201 2/16 Thursday FEE: $49 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM WHC, Kitchen
At St. Joe’s classes you do the cooking
3/1 Thursday 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM WHC, Kitchen
Greens Fresh From the Farm
Want to eat more greens but don’t know how to cook them? Try a variety of locally-raised greens fresh from the hoop houses right on St. Joe’s campus. Learn the health benefits of greens and methods for preparation. Recipes include: Kale Chips, Sesame Kale, Swiss Chard with Kalamata Olives, and Collards, Raisin and Almond Saute. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Denise Marecki, R.D. 1 class. ID# 1652.201 3/15 Thursday FEE: $45 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM WHC, Kitchen
Basic Sushi Rolls Explore tips and techniques for making the popular California Roll taught by an experienced sushi chef. This westernized version of sushi starts with Japanese vinegar seasoned rice combined with vegetables and seafood and then rolled in a seaweed wrapper. Learn how to prepare the ingredients to make a uniform roll. Discover the importance of rice and seasoning it to perfection. Take home all the sushi rolls you make and your own bamboo rolling mat. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Andy Kwon, owner Biwako Sushi. 1 class. ID# 1695.201 2/4 Saturday FEE: $45 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen ID# 1695.202 3/21 Wednesday FEE: $45 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Huron, Room 6219
St Joe cooking class with instructor Denise Marecki, on left. Denise is a registered diettician shown here with some of her students. Register at
winter 2012 25
In the Kitchen With Sonia
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Save $5 off each class when the same person enrolls in 4 or more cooking classes.
Bread Baking Series
Winter Veggies
Join pastry chef Sonia Urbaniak in the kitchen for a series of bread baking classes. Take home all the bread you make. Sign up for one or all three. Scholarship recipients pay $20 per class or $50 if registering for all 3 classes.
Exquisite Quick Breads ID# 1639.202 3/10 Saturday FEE: $39 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Huron, Room 6219
Braided Breads
ID# 1639.203 3/17 Saturday FEE: $39 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Huron, Room 6219
Sour Dough Made Easy
ID# 1639.204 3/17 Saturday FEE: $39 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Huron, Room 6219
Register for all 3 Classes
ID# 1639.201 FEE: $105
3/10 – 3/24 Saturday 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Huron, Room 6219
Vegetarian Wonders of the World
VEGETARIAN Take a tour of cuisines around the world without leaving Ann Arbor! Enjoy the cultural flavors and ingredients the world has to offer. Recipes include: Asian - Hot and Sour Soup, Italian - Asparagus and Fresh Mint Risotto, Hungarian - Stuffed Cabbage, Mediterranean - Dried Fruit Compote over vanilla yogurt. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Sharon Sheldon. 1 class. ID# 1688.201 FEE: $39
Squash, turnips, cabbage, carrots, and leeks. Michigan winter vegetables are limited but there are still lots of delicious dishes you can make. Looking for some new recipes to spice up winter? Let Sonia show you how to make Creamy Leek and Potato Soup, Squash Ravioli, Spicy and Creamy Coleslaw and Pumpkin Cream Cheese Ice Cream. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Sonia Urbaniak. 1 class. ID# 1653.201 2/28 Tuesday FEE: $39 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen
Surprise! It’s Vegetarian
VEGETARIAN Have you tried to go vegetarian but just didn't find it satisfying? Sonia has whipped up some healthy and flavorful dishes that will make you forget about the meat. Recipes: Black Bean Burgers, Lentil Soup, Rich Vegetable Stew and Pasta Sonia. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Sonia Urbaniak. 1 class. ID# 1635.201 3/15 Thursday FEE: $39 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen
Senior Fit & Fare
Are you a mature adult that wants to stay healthy and active as long as possible? Join Sonia for 30 minutes of light exercise followed by a handson cooking class designed to create a healthy lunch. No senior discounts accepted as price is already discounted. Scholarship recipients pay $65. Instructor: Sonia Urbaniak. 8 classes in 4 weeks. ID# 1638.201 FEE: $179
2/6 – 2/29 10:00 AM – 12 Noon
Monday & Wednesday AA Community Center
See page 48 for Sonia’s Cooking With Kids: Around the World
2/7 Tuesday 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen
Chocolate Candy Making
NEW! Fa m
il D Parent and Child, Ages 7 & Up. Don’t miss this opportunity for hands-on fun with your child learning to make chocolate at the RockyMountain Chocolate Factory. Create your own delicious fudge in a real candy maker’s copper cooking kettle. Discover the secrets to perfect dipping chocolate and take home the fruits of your labors. $2 parking available next door at Tally Hall. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Angela, owner of the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Fee includes 1 parent and 1 child.1 class. EC
26 winter 2012 Register at
ID# 1622.201 2/12 Sunday FEE: $45 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Rocky Mountain Additional child: Fee: $20 Chocolate Factory
Sharon Sheldon choosing fresh vegetables for her class
Welcome to Francesca’s Italy
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Save $5 per class when the same person registers for 4 or more cooking classes. Scholarship recipients pay $20.
Northern Italian Feast
Discover how people in northern Italy share a home-cooked meal. In the classic style, Francesca prepares Involtini di Pollo -- thin slices of chicken breast rolled with prosciutto and artichokes, topped with a white wine sauce. Pair with risotto simmered with Radicchio and Gorgonzola cheese, and spinach quickly sauteed in olive oil, garlic, pine nuts and chillies. Finish with a light Apricot Mousse. Instructor: Francesca Giarraffa. 1 class. ID# 1685.201 3/9 FEE: $45 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sicilian Seafood Let Francesca introduce you to flavors that are authentically Italian
Southern Italian Feast
Pasta, pizza and mozzarella, southern Italian cuisine emphasizes fresh vegetables, olives and citrus. Sample a homemade Neapolitan favorite Sartu, a hearty rice pie cooked in a ragu sauce, then baked. Savor a fresh Artichoke Salad with a lemon and garlic vinaigrette dressing. Finish on a sweet note with Lemon Cream Custard topped with marinated mixed berries. 1 class. ID# 1675.201 2/10 FEE: $45 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Italian Winter Soups
Friday Casa di Francesca
Chase away the chill of winter with authentic Italian soups. Cabbage and Black Kale soup is simmered with smoked pancetta and borlotti beans in a tomato-based broth. Cauliflower, prosciutto, garlic and chillies are combined in a clear chicken broth to make a spicy soup. Try Uova in Purgatorio (eggs in purgatory), a tomato-based broth and poached eggs. 1 class. ID# 1671.201 FEE: $45
2/20 Monday 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen
Vegetarian Goes Italian
VEGETARIAN A feast that is sure to please. Classic Manicotti is made with homemade pasta rolled up with spinach and ricotta cheese, then baked in a tomato sauce. Stuffed Mushroom Caps are baked with bread crumbs, garlic, fresh herbs and cheeses. Fried Strips of Eggplant are marinated in wine vinegar, garlic, fresh herbs and chillies to add a spicy touch. The ingredients are simple, but the art of combining them with the right herbs and other ingredients makes it 100% Italian. 1 class. ID# 1676.201 3/5 FEE: $45 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Monday Whole Foods, Kitchen
Friday Casa di Francesca
Francesca introduces you to authentic recipes from the island of Sicily. Cod fillets are baked with fresh tomatoes, green olives, white wine, garlic and herbs. Sicilian-style artichokes are stuffed with capers, olives, fresh parsley and garlic. End the meal with a delightful Sicilian cannoli, freshly made just for you. 1 class. ID# 1672.201 3/19 Monday FEE: $45 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen
Coffee: Bean to Cup HANDS-ON If you love coffee you shouldn’t miss this opportunity to explore authentic European methods for making espresso drinks from an experienced barista, teaching in her own coffee shop. Have fun in this hands-on workshop and discover how to taste the difference! You will learn everything there is to know about good coffee from the bean to the cup. Scholarship recipients pay $15. Instructor: Natalie Park, owner Coffee House Creamery. 1 class. ID# 1668.201 2/5 Sunday ID# 1668.203 3/18 Sunday FEE: $35 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Coffeehouse Creamery ID# 1668.202 2/26 Sunday FEE: $35 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Coffeehouse Creamery
Tea Basics Black tea, green tea, white tea, herbal, rooibos, oolong... What is the difference? Sample them all and discover the unique character of each one. Learn how to store and brew them properly so they always taste perfect! You will also discuss tea selections, food pairings and taste some delicious tea-infused deserts to round out your fabulous tea-filled afternoon. Scholarship recipients pay $15. Instructor: Natalie Park, owner Coffee House Creamery. 1 class. ID# 1669.201 2/26 Sunday FEE: $35 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Coffee House Creamery
Register at
winter 2012 27
Cooking Around the World
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Save $5 off each class when the same person enrolls in 4 or more cooking classes.
Dal Makhani & Jeera Rice
Crepes Are Great!
VEGETARIAN This traditional vegetarian meal features recipes common to the northern region of India. Dal Makani is a popular curry of lentils slowly cooked in a creamy butter sauce with all the complex spicing of Indian cuisine. Jeera Rice is simply spiced with cumin and is a favorite paired with curries. Gajar Hawla is a sweet carrot pudding. Discover the secrets of India and enjoy the meal prepared. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Jyothi Abraham. 1 class.
HANDS-ON Join in the fun of this interactive class where you learn to make savory and sweet crepes. Bill guides you through the process of making crepes using four distinct batters. Enjoy a traditional French Crepe with Ham, Walnuts and Swiss Cheese, Buckwheat Crepes with Mushrooms and Asparagus, Corn Crepes with Spinach and Chicken. Finish with the classic Crepes Suzette for dessert. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Bill Loomis. 1 class.
ID# 1678.201 2/3 FEE: $39 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Friday Whole Foods, Kitchen
ID# 1633.201 1/31 Tuesday FEE: $45 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM WHC, Kitchen
South Indian Stew & Appam
International One-Pot Meals
HANDS-ON/ VEGETARIAN Each region of India has its own unique culture and cuisine. Vegetable Stew served with Appam is a popular breakfast fare in Kerala. The simple, aromatic, hearty stew is slowly simmered in a subtly spiced coconut milk base. Enjoy the hands on fun of creating your own Appam, a lacey fermented rice pancake perfect for sopping up the stew. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Jyothi Abraham. 1 class.
Some of the best food eaten around the world are stews and daubes. Learn how to make three delicious meals cooked in one-pot: Spanish Chicken with Lemon, Belgian Beef Carbonnard du Nord and a Moroccan Roasted Vegetable Stew. These meals are simple to make and they keep your family and guests coming back for more. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Bill Loomis. 1 class.
ID# 1670.201 2/16 Thursday FEE: $39 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen
Muttar Paneer & Chapati HANDS-ON/VEGETARIAN Muttar Paneer is a traditional Punjabi dish from northern India that is now favored all over India. Peas and Paneer (cheese) are simmered in a creamy tomato sauce. Try your hand at making your own Indian bread (Chapathi) to scoop it off your plate for an authentic Indian eating experience. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Jyothi Abraham. 1 class. ID# 1677.201 3/8 Thursday FEE: $39 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Huron, Room 6219
Methi Chicken & Parathas
HANDS-ON Fenugreek leaves give this chicken curry its unique flavor and aroma. It is a popular choice in Indian restaurants. It is the ghee that gives the paratha its soft flaky texture. Try your hand at making this bread in a traditional tawa. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Jyothi Abrahams. 1 class. ID# 1673.201 3/22 Thursday FEE: $39 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Huron, Room 6219
ID# 1694.201 FEE: $39
3/1 Thursday 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen
ASIA Chinese New Year: Dumplings
HANDS-ON Learn about the foods and traditions of Chinese New Year. Why can’t you finish the fish? What does serving a whole chicken represent? Why do soy bean sprouts make your wishes come true? Have fun making chinese dumplings—meat or vegetarian, boiled or fried--and find out what they tell you about the coming Year of the Dragon. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Frances Kai-Hwa Wang. 1 class. ID# 1655.201 FEE: $39
1/26 Thursday 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Whole Foods, Kitchen
Asian Noodle Dishes
HANDS-ON Noodles are the ultimate comfort food, invented in Asia, and infinitely adaptable. Discover all the different kinds of noodles-wheat, rice, mung bean, buckwheat (soba), udon, and ramen popular in this culture. Learn to make Chinese Beef Noodle Soup, Vegetarian Fried Noodles, and Japanese Curry Noodles. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Frances Kai-Hwa Wang. 1 class. ID# 1650.201 2/29 Wednesday FEE: $39 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Huron, Room 6219
28 winter 2012 Register at
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Protect Your Assets Instructor Robert Laura of the Retirement Project, holds the designations of Accredited Asset Management Specialist, Chartered Mutual Fund Counselor, and Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor. The Retirement Project is a no-strings-attached approach to retirement and investment education.
DIY Retirement Planning Learn how to select and monitor a variety of investments including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and annuities. Receive FREE retirement planning resources to help you answer questions. Discover what to look for in a financial advisor and how to establish investment goals as well as guidelines for when to get into the market and when to take profits. Limited class size creates opportunity for personalized attention. 1 class. ID# 1939.201 3/8 Thursday FEE: $89 ind 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D209 ID# 1939.202 $125 couple
401(k) & 403 (b): Tips, Tricks, & Secrets Understand more about how your retirement accounts work after you experience this eye opening presentation. Go beyond basic asset allocation and buy and hold strategies. Maximize your outcomes by grasping the professional techniques you learn. Discover the truth about target-date-funds, boosting your contributions and weathering the turbulent times from a position of safety. 1 class. ID# 1941.201 1/31 Tuesday FEE: $25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D209 Additional Person: $10
Conservative Investing on a Fixed Income Worried about low interest rates or being able to replace your income without risking everything? Learn how to find and negotiate the best CD rates, which types of bonds and bond funds to use and which ones to avoid, how to spot costly annuity sales tactics, protect yourself from inflation, and how to build a retirement paycheck with dividend-paying stocks. 1 class.
The average cost of nursing home care in Michigan is $6,191 per month. Neither health insurance nor Medicare pay for such care. Learn how you can avoid losing your life savings to long-term care costs. Instructor: Attorneys from Estate Planning Services, P.C., members of the Elder Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. 1 class. ID# 1916.201 2/28 Tuesday FEE: $25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D212 Additional Person: $10
Naked Retirement Enjoy a fun and creative approach to retirement that strips away the numbers and addresses everyday life in retirement. Learn how to replace your work identity, stay socially connected, remain physically healthy, and more. Create a Retirement Wellness Plan, build a retirement curious list, and change your retirement life forever by answering three revealing questions. Instructor: Robert Laura, Retirement Project. 1 class. ID# 1934.201 FEE: $25
3/22 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D213 Additional Person: $10
Safeguard Your Retirement Income Reduce the effects of wide market swings, decrease your risk and increase your peace of mind. There are ways to guarantee returns, take advantage of market growth and control volatility in structuring retirement income. If you are within 5 years of retirement and your appetite for risk has decreased, come learn about these attractive and little-known ideas to get the growth you need. Instructor: Barbara Tucker, Insight Financial Group. 2 classes. ID# 1929.201 FEE: $29
3/14 – 3/21 Wednesday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room D209 Additional Person: $10
Estate Planning Basics Probate, health care and estate tax laws have recently changed! Prevent your assets from going through probate. Protect them from estate and capital gains taxes. Retain control of your affairs and learn how to protect yourself against the cost of long term care. Attorneys from Estate Planning Services, P.C., will teach you about medical and financial powers of attorney, wills, and living trusts. Receive a free personal affairs organizer. 1 class. ID# 1915.201 ID# 1915.202 FEE: $25
1/31 Tuesday 3/20 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D212 Additional Person: $10
ID# 1933.201 2/7 Tuesday FEE: $25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D209 Additional Person: $10
Register at
winter 2012 29
Buying a Home in Today's Market Buying your first home is a major investment and an exciting time. Receive a broad overview of all aspects involved in purchasing a home. Determine your price range. Review conventional and alternate financing, working with realtors, negotiating sales agreements, and logistics of actual purchase. Instructor: Maria Gilbert, Charles Reinhart Co. and guest speakers. 2 classes.
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Getting Paid to Talk Have you ever been told that you have a great voice? Explore the field of voice-over work for television, film, radio, audio books, documentaries and the Internet in your area. Learn how to prepare a great demo, and discover what it takes to be successful in this exciting field. Class participants will even have a chance to record a commercial script under the direction of the producer! Instructor: Voice Coach Staff. 1 class. ID# 1971.201 3/14 Wednesday FEE: $29 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room E107
Selling on eBay
New Format – Now 3 weeks!
Listing items on eBay is easy - but mistakes made by beginners can be costly. Learn to avoid the pitfalls. If you haven't taken this class in a couple of years it may be time to educate yourself on all the new rules and features eBay has put into practice. A $15 materials fee will be collected at the first class for the student guide handbook. Instructor: Bruce Koldys, Certified eBay Specialist. 3 weeks. ID# 1913.201 FEE: $59
3/1 – 3/15 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Rec&Ed Conference
Women’s Guide to Investing Most women will be making their own financial decisions at some point in their lives - often under urgent circumstances such as death, disability or divorce. Learn to apply the basics of good money management now, for the current market climate and for your long-term financial security. Get valuable information straight, without confusing industry jargon. Instructor: Barbara Tucker, Insight Financial Group. 2 classes. ID# 1927.201 FEE: $29
Tuesday Pioneer, Room D205
Learn the basics of building powerful business and personal connections. Discover the events you should be attending, and how to position yourself for best effect. Practice the skills you need to make the networking mixer pay off. Uncover the myths about business cards and elevator pitches. By the end of this class, you will have the tools you need to make any networking event time well-spent. Instructor: Greg Peters, The Reluctant Networker, LLC. 1 class. ID# 1942.201 FEE: $25
2/8 Wednesday 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Pioneer, Room D207
Longterm Networking
Master the skills to turn casual conversations into long-term mutually-beneficial relationships. Practice the short-cuts to deeper and stronger connections. Learn how to jump-start your network and the tools you need to maintain it over the long term. Discover the simple tactics to reviving neglected connections. Learn the three causes of networking fatigue and how to avoid them. Instructor: Greg Peters, The Reluctant Networker, LLC. 2 classes. 2/29 – 3/7 Wednesday 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Pioneer, Room D212
Meet the New Rec&Ed Instructor! Greg Peters
Social Security Disability Need advice on how to apply for Social Security disability? Should you apply on your own or select a representative? Discover helpful hints to improve your chances of success. There will be an opportunity for you to ask individual questions. Instructor: Lou Weir, attorney has represented claimants for over 15 years. 1 class.
1/31 – 2/7 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Add Person $10)
Networking for Business
ID# 1944.201 FEE: $39
2/8 – 2/15 Wednesday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room D213
ID# 1903.201 3/12 FEE: $25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
ID# 1922.201 FEE: $35
Monday Pioneer, Room D212
30 winter 2012 Register at
Greg Peters built a thriving Web development business using only the networking skills he developed. Through study, practice, and lots of trial and error, he has been able to transform himself into a true networking professional — a transformation he would like to help all entrepreneurs make. He is the author of the acclaimed blog, “The Reluctant Networker”, contributes weekly to Lucy Ann Lance’s Business Insider program, and has a weekly column in
Rec&Ed Youth Team Sports Make sure your family is on the mailing list for the Rec&Ed Youth Team Sports your kids want to play this year!
Our teams are well-coached by fair and enthusiastic volunteers who strive to give all of the participants a well-rounded and enjoyable team-building and learning experience. If you would like to be added to our mailing list for any of the following sports for boys and girls, complete this form and mail or fax it to Rec&Ed Youth Sports. If your child participated in a youth sport last season, you are automatically on the mailing list for that sport.
Check all sports that apply:
YOUTH #1 name _________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ ZIP __________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________ Birthdate__________________________ grade __________
Gender: M q F q
email ___________________________________________________________________
YOUTH #2 name _________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ ZIP __________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________
c Winter Youth Indoor Soccer - Boys & Girls, grades 1-5
Birthdate__________________________ grade __________
c Winter Youth Basketball - Boys & Girls, grades 4-8
Gender: M q F q
email ___________________________________________________________________
c Winter High School Basketball - Boys & Girls, grades 9-12 c Spring Youth Flag Football - Boys & Girls, grades 3-8 c Spring Youth Field Hockey - Boys & Girls, grades 3-8 c Spring Youth Soccer - Boys & Girls, grades K-10 c Summer Kindergarten T-Ball, Boys & Girls, grade K c Summer Baseball - Boys & Girls, grades 1-8 c Summer Softball - Girls, grades 1-8
YOUTH #3 name _________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ ZIP __________________________
c Summer High School Volleyball - Girls, grades 9-12
Phone __________________________________________________________________
c Fall Youth Volleyball - Boys & Girls, grades 4-9
Birthdate__________________________ grade __________
c Fall Youth Field Hockey - Boys & Girls, grades 3-6
email ___________________________________________________________________
Gender: M q F q
c Fall Youth Lacrosse - Boys & Girls, grades 3-8 c Fall Youth Soccer - Boys & Girls, grades K-8 c Fall Youth Basketball - Boys & Girls, grades 2-4
Mail to: Rec&Ed Youth Sports 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103
FAX TO: 734-994-1454 (8:00 AM – 4:30 PM only)
YOUTH #4 name _________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ ZIP __________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________ Birthdate__________________________ grade __________
Click here to download Youth Team Sports Registration Forms
Gender: M q F q
email ___________________________________________________________________
Register at
winter 2012 31
Parenting Parenting Series
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Parenting is a lifelong responsibility that doesn't come with an instruction manual. Acquire the knowledge and skills you need to become a confident and positive parent. New parents are guided through the developmental stages of their infant through toddler. Gain a fuller understanding of your baby's emotional, cognitive and physical needs in this friendly, comfortable workshop designed for you. Instructor: Marilyn Jeffs, R.N. M.P.H. Fee enrolls both parents. Each section meets for 2 classes.
FEE: $59
6:30 PM –8:00 PM
A2 Preschool, Room 108
Class ID#
1/31 – 2/7
Newborn – 3 months
2/28 – 3/6
3 months – 6 months
3/13 – 3/20
6 months – 9 months
2/2 – 2/9
9 months – 12 months
3/1 – 3/8
Toddler: Setting Limits
3/15 – 3/22
Toddler: Toilet Learning
Love & Logic Would you like to feel more confident as a parent? Love and Logic is a proven program that offers techniques that can be used by parents of children of all ages. Finally, get the answers you’re looking for to help you deal with those day-to-day frustrations. Break the misbehavior cycle and learn how to choose logical consequences, even in the heat of the moment. The course fee includes a course workbook. Scholarship recipients pay $13. Instructor: Gary R. Court, Principal and Facilitator. 4 weeks. ID# 1824.201 FEE: $109 ID# 1824.202
3/5 – 3/26 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Couples Fee: $159
Monday Allen, Media Center
Meet the New Rec&Ed Instructor! Gary R. Court Gary Court has worked for the Ann Arbor Public Schools as a teacher and principal. 15 years ago he sought out the Love and Logic Parenting methods for his own children, then toddlers. He found the techniques made sense and were easy to implement. The Love and Logic methods had a positive impact in raising his own children and he wants to share this with other parents because it can make a huge difference in the lives of families.
Quality Child Care is available right at your Child’s School Fun, Affordable Care that Meets the Needs of Active Kids... and their Parents!
We provide academic, creative, social and physical enrichment activities that enhance the before and after school hours. For more information call 734-994-2300 or you can download the application form at
Never wonder what if…
FOR AWESOME RECIPES GO TO 32 winter 2012 Register at
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winter 2012 33
Home & Garden
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Wall Repair: Plaster & Drywall Save money - do it yourself. Discover how the pros do it. Learn to fix cracks, small holes, nail pops and more. Understand what products to choose and how to apply them. Techniques for both plaster and dry wall are covered. Benefit from hands-on experience using the instructors "portable wall" classroom. All tools and materials supplied. Instructor: Carl Newmeyer, At Your Service Home Maintenance. 1 class. ID# 1648.201 FEE: $39
2/4 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Saturday Rec&Ed, Conference
Mount Anything to Your Walls Do your pictures hang crooked? Is the towel bar in your bathroom pulling out of the wall? Discover simple, fool proof methods to attach anything securely to your interior walls. Get hands-on practice using the instructors "portable wall" classroom. Techniques for both plaster and dry wall are covered. All tools and materials supplied. Instructor: Carl Newmeyer, At Your Service Home Maintenance. 1 class. ID# 1642.201 FEE: $39
3/10 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Interior Design: Livable Space
Saturday Rec&Ed, Conference NEW!
Do you have a room in your home that just doesn't flow? Maybe you just have too much stuff? A well-planned space can yield satisfaction and function while a poorly planned one may bring frustration and confusion. Prioritize your wants and needs to create a livable space through simple space planning techniques. Discover easy ways to re-design on a budget, and what to look for when investing in the right pieces for your home. Instructor: Lindsay Winkler, professional designer. 5 weeks. ID# 1649.201 FEE: $95
2/27 – 3/26 Monday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D113
Learn simple space planning techniques from instructor Lindsay Winkler to create a flexible and comfortable living space.
Interior Design: Aging in Place
By the year 2030 over 70 million Americans will be age 65 or older and living in the same home where they currently reside. If you plan to “age in place,” or you have brought an older parent home to live with you, your home may need certain modifications. Explore ways to adjust the interior of your home to accommodate your new or planned life. Discover the best design for visual, auditory, mobility and cognitive impairments. Instructor: Lindsay Winkler, professional designer. 4 weeks. ID# 1647.201 FEE: $79
1/23 – 2/13 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Birding for Beginners
Monday Pioneer, Room D113
Spring is the perfect time to learn about and view a variety of birds. Discover the basics of birding such as optics, using field guides, bird habitats, finding and attracting birds, and field identification. As your skill increases, so will your enjoyment. Instructor: Jamie Platt, avid ornithologist. 3 weeks.
Get hands-on practice using Instructor Carl Newmeyer’s “portable wall”.
ID# 1651.201 FEE: $59
Monday Pioneer, Room D117
Bicycle Maintenance 101 Keep your bicycle fine tuned and rolling smoothly. Understand how to adjust and maintain your bike in this fun hands-on workshop. Learn how to diagnose problems, fix a flat tire, adjust brakes and gears and true a wheel. Bring your bike to work on and any tools you may have. Instructor: Clark McCall has over 40 years experience fixing bikes. 3 weeks. ID# 1641.201 FEE: $49
34 winter 2012 Register at
3/12 – 3/26 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
3/7 – 3/21 Wednesday 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM Slauson, Rec Room
Survival Spanish Planning a quick trip to a Spanish speaking country? No time to study a full language course? Have fun learning Spanish through conversation and listening. No textbook, no grammar, no conjugating verbs and no writing. Instructor: Susan L. Ball. 6 classes in 3 weeks.
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203 People ages 14 & up are welcome to enroll unless otherwise stated. *These required texts can be ordered and paid for at the time of registraton.
Instructor: Marian Laughlin. Text: 30 Days to Great French, Jenny Barriol.* ID# 1512.201 Level 1 1/23 – 3/19 Monday ID# 1512.202 Level 2 1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday FEE: $119 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Pioneer, Room D211 *ID# 1512.203 Level 1&2 Text: $20
Italian Instructor: Heidi Benson. Text: Italian: A Self-Teaching Guide, SECOND EDITION, by Edoardo Lebano.* Level 1 1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday Level 2 1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Pioneer, Room D115 Level 1&2 Text: $20
Private Language Lessons Study one-on-one with a qualified teacher at a time and place of your convenience. Lessons will be tailored to your language level and your personal needs. Instructor will call you after you register to arrange meeting time and place. You are signing up for 4 hours of lessons. Additional hours available in 1 hour time slots. language
class ID#
Any Level
Any Level
Any Level
1/31 – 2/16 Tuesday/Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D207
ID# 1516.201 ID# 1516.202 FEE: $119 *ID# 1516.205
ID# 1520.201 FEE: $79
Students receive a certificate at the end of the class
Ages 18-Adult. Instructor: Clara I. Gonzalez Text: Level 1 & 2: La Cartilla - $15 available from instructor in class ID# 1509.201 Level 1: 1/23 – 3/19 Monday ID# 1509.202 Level 2: 1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday FEE: $119 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CAB, Room C ID# 1510.201 Level 1: 1/23 – 3/19 FEE: $119 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Monday Pioneer, Room D115
ID# 1510.202 Level 2: 1/23 – 3/19 FEE: $119 7:30 PM – 9:05 PM
Monday Pioneer, Room D115
Spanish Review & Conversation Concentrate on speaking and listening skills including vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. This class is a good bridge between Level 2 & Level 3. Instructor: Clara I. Gonzalez. Pre-requisite: Level 2 or teacher permission. ID# 1508.201 FEE: $119
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Pioneer, Room D113
La Tertulia Read and discuss literature in Spanish. Prerequisite: Level 3 or teacher permission. Book: TBA. ID# 1511.201 1/26 – 3/29 Thursday FEE: $119 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Pioneer, Room D113
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
4 Skills
American English Pronunciation
Beginners through advanced level students improve their English through speaking, reading, writing and listening comprehension. Text: TBA in class. Instructor: Stephanie Wichmann, MA. 8 weeks.
Work on your American English pronunciation to improve your spoken communication in daily-life situations. This new skill will build your confidence in the workplace, social situations and on the telephone. Sounds, rhythm and intonation of spoken English are practiced. American idioms and how they fit into cultural speech are also explored. Instructor: Stephanie Wichmann, MA. 8 weeks.
ID# 1538.201 Beginning 1/27 – 3/23 FEE: $119 1:00 PM -2:30 PM
Friday CAB, Room C
ID# 1540.201 Intermed. 1/24 – 3/20 Tuesday ID# 1542.201 Advanced 1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday FEE: $119 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Pioneer, Room 111
ID# 1535.201 1/26 – 3/29 Thursday FEE: $119 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Pioneer, Room 111
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winter 2012 35
Personal Enrichment Now What?
A Resume That Works
Longing to take your life in a new direction? Want to move or change careers; or maybe you want your job to give you a new sense of purpose. Maybe you’re not sure what you want and need guidance and inspiration. Set off on an adventure of self-discovery where you remember dreams lost, re-awaken latent talents, give birth to new ideas, and create an action plan so your dreams can become reality. Instructor: Denise Zdunczyk MA, CPC. 2 classes. ID# 1646.201 FEE: $29
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
3/20 – 3/27 Tuesday 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Pioneer, Room D209
Getting the job you want is often easier said than done. The good news is that, with a little extra effort, you can create a resume that makes you stand out as a superior candidate for the job you are seeking. Walk away from this workshop with a draft of your career profile and a list of accomplishments highlighting your achievements and impact. Write the resume that is sure to be read and get you attention. Instructor: Susan Ashmore, M.A. 1 class. ID# 1620.201 2/6 FEE: $35 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Monday Pioneer, Room D205
Embracing the Power of Now
Everyone Gets Lost - Sometime
Understand and learn to apply Ekhart Tolle's writings to your own life through rich discussions and new exercises. Recognize the voice of Ego. Become aware of compulsive thinking and how it effects your life. Discover techniques for "plugging into" the present moment. Content based on "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. Instructor: Denise Zdunczyk MA, CPC. 2 classes.
Are you directionally challenged? Does the logic of road signs mystify you? Are you frequently lost? Then you need to find your way to this class. Get acquainted with the reasons why some folks can navigate in a desert and others can’t find their way out of a paper bag. Gain tips for wayfinding and insights on using signs, maps, wording, landmarks, GPS, and other everyday-navigation tools of the trade. Instructor: Jan Carpman, PhD. 1 class.
ID# 1645.201 FEE: $29
3/14 – 3/21 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday Pioneer, Room D212
2/6 – 2/13 Monday 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Pioneer, Room D212
Genealogy: Climbing Your Family Tree Are you related to some important historical figure? What "black sheep" are lurking in the background of your family tree? Build your family tree as you discover how to gather basic information, locate public records, and navigate Internet resources. The instructor has a passion for genealogy and has been researching her own family for years. Learn how to overcome obstacles and avoid common pitfalls as she guides you through your research project. Instructor: Katherine Willson. 8 weeks. ID# 1656.201 FEE: $95
Monday Pioneer, Room D205
You deserve happiness. Analyze a brief overview of more than a decade of research by social psychologists about what makes people happy-and what doesn’t. Learn about positive psychology and skills to increase your happiness as well as decrease the negativity in your life. Gain a beginning toolkit for increasing your sense of happiness. Instructor: Glenda Haskell, life coach, counselor. 2 classes. ID# 1682.201 FEE: $29
ID# 1609.201 2/13 FEE: $25 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
1/24 – 3/20 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Tuesday Pioneer, Room D117
Downsizing Your Life Do you want to simplify your life, but do not know where to start? Perhaps you are moving to a smaller home. Making do with less does not have to be a struggle. Your life can be more peaceful without the excess clutter. Gain simple tips to guide you through the process of downsizing. Receive helpful directions to set goals and time-lines when deciding what to keep and what to toss. Instructor: Carolyn Anderson-Fermann, owner Simply Organized. 1 class. ID# 1617.201 2/3 Friday FEE: $25 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Rec&Ed Conference
Secrets of A Simply Organized Life Have you ever wondered what it takes to get and stay organized? You can't buy it in a store! Learn the secrets to living simply and staying organized. Find out whether you are an "innie" or an "outie". Let Ann Arbor's premier Organizing Consultant guide you through her holistic process for living with less stress and less stuff. Instructor: Carolyn Anderson-Fermann, owner Simply Organized. 1 class. ID# 1602.201 3/2 Friday FEE: $25 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Rec&Ed Conference
36 winter 2012 Register at
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
Bridge For Beginners Bridge has been called the world’s greatest card game. Players return to the table time and again for the mental challenge, the competition, and the company of others who share their love of the game. Learn basic bidding in the Standard American system with modern treatments.*Required text can be purchased when you register. Instructor: Ray Gentz. 10 weeks. ID# 1636.201 FEE: $109 *ID# 1636.202
1/27 – 3/30 Friday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM AA Community Center TEXT FEE: $20 Bidding in the 21st Century
Mah-Jongg Ages 12-Adult. This game is so much fun it is addictive! Discover a simplified version of this ancient Chinese game that resembles gin rummy but uses colorful tiles instead of cards. The game is easy to learn but requires skill, strategy, and calculations to excel. Instructor: Stuart Baggaley. 4 weeks. ID# 1625.201 FEE: $49
3/8 – 3/29 Thursday 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Rec&Ed Lounge
Dog Training with Michelle McCarthy
Dog Training Fundamentals 1
Bridge 2 Bridge is a game of skill, communication and infinite possibilities. This class offers a continuation of Level 1 and is suitable for more experienced players wishing to improve their skills. Emphasis is on the play of the hand. Knowledge of basic bidding and rules is necessary. Teaching materials developed by American Contract Bridge League. *Required text can be purchased when you register. Instructor: Ray Gentz. 10 weeks. ID# 1634.201 1/17 – 3/27 Tuesday FEE: $109 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Rec&Ed Conference *ID# 1634.202 Text FEE: $20 Play of the Hand in the 21st Century
Whether your dog is 10 weeks old or 10 years old, a well-trained dog makes a pleasant companion. This unique class combines puppies and adult dogs to teach obedience using positive reinforcement clicker training methods. All dogs must be comfortable around strange dogs and people. There will be off leash playtime for puppies at the end of each class. Instructor: Michelle McCarthy, K9 Home Schooling. 6 weeks. ID# 1601.201 ID# 1601.202 FEE: $125
6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Thursday 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM Thursday 1/26 – 3/8 Abbot, Gym
Dog Therapy Workshop Intro to Dog Agility Training Have some fun and enhance your relationship with your dog. Experience an introduction to the performance and handling of all equipment and obstacles used in dog agility. Safety of dog and handler and a positive reinforcement environment are maintained. Dogs must be at least 3 months old, socialized with other dogs, and have all veterinary recommended vaccinations to attend. Please state breed, age, and name of dog at time of registration. Instructor: Debbie Harrison, Agility Synergy, LLC. 6 weeks. NEW! ID# 1612.201 1/23 – 2/13 Monday: 4 weeks FEE: $55 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Copper Leaf Crossing ID# 1612.202 FEE: $85
2/20 – 3/26 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Would you like to work with your dog in hospitals and schools, bringing comfort and joy to patients and children? Even though a dog may be a well-trained family pet, this does not mean they will make a good therapy dog. Discover how you choose and train a therapy dog and what it takes for your dog to pass the test. Instructor: Michelle McCarthy, owner of K9 Homeschooling is a certified therapy animal consultant This workshop is for HUMANS only. 1 class. ID# 1605.201 1/21 Saturday FEE: FREE 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Westarbor Animal Hospital
Monday: 6 weeks Copper Leaf Crossing
Therapy dog Leo brings happiness to special children A great way to channel your dog’s energy
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winter 2012 37
Adapted Recreation
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203
These classes are for adults and children with mental or physical challenges.
Cooking Cooperatively Grades 11- Adult. Increase your independence! Learn basic kitchen safety and measuring techniques while creating simple meals. Food safety and cleanliness will be emphasized. A wonderful opportunity for those in independent living situations. Enjoy eating the meal you learn to cook each week. At the end of the session take home a booklet of the recipes used. Scholarship recipients pay $45. Instructor: Nan Nelson. 8 weeks. ID# 6102.20 1/25 – 3/21 Wednesday FEE: $95 6:00 PM – 8:15 PM High Point, YA Kitchen
Strike Force Bowling Grades 11 - Adult. Bowling is a great way to meet friends and get exercise. Fee includes up to two games per week and an official Strike Force T-shirt. Staff and volunteers will assist you in ball selection and a good time. Receive a personalized trophy or medal at the last class party. Scholarship recipients pay $65 if you have your own bowling shoes. Please indicate your t-shirt size when you register. Instructors: Tom Ellison and Nan Nelson. 12 weeks. ID# 6112.201 FEE: $139
1/23 – 4/9 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Monday: Rent shoes Colonial Lanes
ID# 6112.202 FEE: $129
1/23 – 4/9 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Monday: Have shoes Colonial Lanes
Adaptive Scuba Dinner & A Movie Grades 11- Adult. Enjoy movies? Like to eat? Join us for a fun evening where you make simple meals and watch a new flick each week. Classic movies to new releases are shown. Afterwards, you become the critic during the “Thumbs Up or Down” discussion! Scholarship recipients pay $45. Instructors: Marie Tisdale and Joan Clauss. 8 weeks. ID# 6118.201 1/26 – 3/22 Thursday FEE: $125 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM High Point, YA Kitchen
Ages 10-Adult. This adventure in scuba diving takes people with physical or mental challenges anywhere from a Discover Scuba experience up to a full certification for scuba diving. Your adventure could include certification as diver with PADI and/or Handicapped Scuba Association. As the name says, we can adapt to almost anything! This exciting opportunity will open up a whole new weightless world of recreational activities and opportunities that you can enjoy with family and friends. Each course will be built to your needs. Call Huron Scuba at 734-994-3483.
Private Adaptive Swim Sessions
Top Soccer
Fee: $120 for four 30-minute private lessons. Register by calling 734-994-2300, ext. 53232. Grades 1-Adult. You receive private instruction or therapeutic swim sessions. One instructor per student. Rec&Ed will reserve space at High Point pool on Friday evenings for private adaptive swim sessions. Individual registration numbers will be assigned at the time these sessions are scheduled. Due to the large volume of calls we receive, you may need to leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible. Group home staff, family or friends are responsible for the personal care of their participant in the locker room (toiletry, changing clothes, showering, etc.) and may be asked to assist participant in and out of the pool. 4 weeks.
38 winter 2012 Register at
Ages 6-20. Young people with disabilities receive training to play soccer in a caring coaching environment. Generally the participant to staff ratio will be one-to-one. The training program consists of practice drills and small sided games or scrimmages with weekly themes (e.g. dribbling, passing, shooting, integration.) Participants will receive a t-shirt and a certificate of completion at the end of the season. Offered through a joint program between The University of Michigan, Rec&Ed and Michigan Jaguars. 5 weeks. ID# 3410.201 FEE: $50
1/28 - 2/25 Saturday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM UM Sports Coliseum
First Steps Washtenaw Did you know a child’s brain is 85% developed in the first 5 years of life? Every experience helps develop this foundation. First Steps is based on Parents as Teachers and is open to all families with children from birth until kindergarten. Our mission is to provide the information, support and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life.
First Steps is more than classes! Family Membership Includes: FUN AND EXCITING CLASSES to help children socialize with others. The fee includes one adult/child class per week, per family. Check out our evening and Saturday classes! Additional classes may be added for $79 for the 11-week session PARENT EDUCATORS who provide an introductory visit for all new families, are available to share age-appropriate child development and parenting information and address your parenting concerns. SCREENINGS for your child using the Ages & Stages Questionnaire. This tool helps you observe your child’s developing skills. NEWSLETTERS are found on our website. You will find news about First Steps and helpful parenting tips for you! RESOURCE NETWORK that links your family to other community services and supports.
The fee for all these supports (including classes) is just $123 for our 11-week Winter Session Partial and full scholarships are available through AAPS Rec&Ed. Go to to download application directions and form.
3 easy steps to Enroll 1. Attend an orientation (listed below) 2. Fill out paperwork and choose a class at the orientation 3. Pay your fee for Winter 2012
Attend the First Steps Orientation & Registration Learn about our program and class sites followed by a question and answer session. You can register at the orientation, which takes about an hour. Check out more details online at If you are a continuing First Steps family, check with Sherri for your registration procedures.
winter Classes! January 9 - March 31 No classes 2/20-2/26
Winter Orientation Dates Tuesday, December 20 at 4:00 PM Monday, January 9, 2012 at 5:30 PM
Orientation Location The AAPS Preschool & Family Center 2775 Boardwalk Dr. (N. of Eisenhower Parkway) Families living outside the Ann Arbor School District are welcome to participate although they are not eligible for our scholarship program.
Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53186
Register at
winter 2012 39
First Steps Classes for Babies, Preschoolers... & their Parents! Baby & Me Together Time 6 week-crawling. 1 hour class. Learning begins at birth. Discover ways to interact with your baby through music, movement and games. Class includes discussing practical developmental information. It’s a great way to meet other families and connect with your baby.
Curious WiggleWorms Crawling-walking. 1 hour class. Encourage your child's natural curiosity and practice emerging skills together with fun-filled explorations of tunnels, puppets, songs, musical activities and more. Also participate in discussions covering a variety of developmental topics.
Toddler Ex Zone
12 to 24 months. 1 hour class. Exactly like Exploration Zone only this class is shorter and just for 1 year olds. Activities to explore include art projects, dramatic play, puzzles, blocks, climbing and plenty of time to work on social skills. Class ends with a short circletime of songs, fingerplays and a story. No siblings, please.
Fun-at-One Walking-24 months. 1 hour class. There will be new experiences with gross motor skills using simple apparatus and group activities. Join us for freeplay with large motor equipment followed by appealing teacherdirected activities using songs, movement and books.
Movement and More 24 to 36 months. 1 hour class. Build on skills learned in Fun at 1 with additional songs, imaginative play and lots of movement and musical activities. Free play on exciting equipment and fun with parachutes, windwands, balls and puppets.
Kids-in-Motion 2-5 years. 1 hour class. This class offers a combination of free choice and teacher-created activities. Children work on motor skills, including jumping and climbing, and utilize a variety of wonderful gym equipment. There is a different focus each week and activities are repeated as we add new ones. Be prepared to MOVE! Siblings are welcome.
Exploring Science & Nature 2.8 to 5 years. 1 hour class. Children discover the natural world through themed free play, stories, songs and activities. Each week is different, covering everything from dinosaurs and archaeology to insects and backyard animals. Create a nature notebook to take home! An $8 materials fee, collected at the first class, helps provide high quality materials. Siblings welcome.
Exploration Zone Birth-5 years. 1½ hour class. Afternoon, evening and Saturday classes are now called Family Fun! A wide variety of activities to explore: art projects, dramatic play, puzzles, blocks, climbing and plenty of time to work on social skills. A simple snack is offered and it ends with a circletime of songs, fingerplays and a story. Wonderful practice for preschool. Siblings are always welcome!
40 winter 2012 Register at
First Steps to Reading 2½- 5 years. 1 hour class. Children, with an adult, learn pre-literacy skills through hands-on projects, stories, group activities and more. Families may take part one time only as the class is repeated every session. First Steps to Reading is held at Bryant Elementary School and is funded by a grant from Target stores.
Family Fun! Birth to 5 years. 1½ hour class. Looking for something relaxing to do in the evening or on Saturday? Try this new twist on an ExZone class. Multi-age fun for the whole family. Lots of different activities offered each week so children can choose what to do: art projects, easel painting, playdough, puzzles and games. We always end with a circletime filled with movement, music and stories. NEW!
Sing Along with Lisa
1-5 years. 45 min. class. Think circletime on a fabulous scale! We’ll read books, sing songs, move, dance, rhyme and have a wonderful time. Class begins and ends with familiar songs and finger plays. The middle will be filled with stories and songs on a new theme each week with guitar accompaniment. If you love circletime, this class is for you! NEW!
Drop Everything & Play
Birth to 5 years. 1 hour class. Looking for activities for you and your children in the late afternoon? This time of day can seem very long! Sign up for Drop Everything and join us for fun in the gym at the Family Center. Climbing, jumping, crawling, riding, playing, and making new friends will keep your child happy and active. Class ends with a short circletime.
Movers & Shakers Birth-5 years. 1 hour class. Using movement and music, this musical class encourages you and your child(ren) to get moving together. We begin with 15 minutes of freeplay and move to 45 minutes of comfortable teacher-led activities. While this class is great for siblings, it also works for 1 child. Be prepared for lots of action while you help your child practice listening, following directions and taking turns during this fun-filled class.
ExZone en Español
1-5 years. 1 hour class. Do you know a little Spanish and want to learn more with your child? Is Spanish your first language? All are welcome to learn and share together. Open play format (ExZone) with a theme to practice words each week. Our circletime includes songs and storied in both English and Spanish.
Art & More for 3’s & 4’s
1 hour class. This Saturday class is a combination of art, movement, music and literature, woven together with a different theme each week. Parents and children listen to stories, learn about famous artists, create works of art using many different media and dance to a wide variety of music. An $8 materials fee, collected at the first class, allows children and parents to work with many professional-grade art materials in a guided setting. No younger siblings, please.
For more information go to and choose class schedule
Preschool Art
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228
1/21 – 3/24 Saturday 11:15 AM – 12 Noon CAB, Room B Additional Child $75 1/23 – 3/26 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM Additional Child $75
Monday CAB, Room B
ID# 2151.201 FEE: $85
Ages 3-5. Children’s creativity shines in this class that has something for everyone! Your child makes unique art projects and using paints, pastels, glitter, modeling materials, and more. Projects are different each term. This class is an independent experience. Instructors: Debbie Walters. 9 weeks. 1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM CAB, Room B
1/24 – 3/27 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM Additional Child: $75
Tuesday CAB, Room B
Green Art Fun Ages 3-5. Create art using reusable and recycled materials such as milk jug caps, plastic tubs, laundry caps, and much more. This class will introduce children to a creative way of making their environmental footprint! Instructor: Stephanie Carlson. 9 weeks. ID# 2104.201 FEE: $85
Creative Me
ID# 2107.201 FEE: $85
ID# 2103.202 FEE: $85
Ages 2-5 & Adult. Have fun painting together! Children and caregivers work side-by-side mixing colors and exploring different ways of painting. Your child has fun as he/she develops fine motor skills and learns about color and painting techniques. Instructor: Debbie Walters. 9 weeks. R
Ages 2-5 & Adult. Creating together can be fun in this D delightful art class! Children and parent/caregiver work together to complete a variety of unique and creative art projects using a wide selection of materials such as paints, glue, glitter, and beads. Projects are age appropriate and help in the development of fine motor skills. Each term new projects are introduced. Instructors: Susan Wright (201); Debbie Walters (202). 9 weeks. ID# 2103.201 FEE: $85
Famil Fun!
Art & Me
Paint and Me
1/27 – 3/30 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM
Friday CAB, Room B
Instructor Debbie Walters works with young artists and their grown-ups
Painter’s Palette Ages 3-5. Does your child love to play with paint? Leave the clean-up to us, and you too will love to see your child painting. Mixing colors, various painting techniques and fun unique projects are the focus of this class. Your child’s creativity and imagination flow as they create their own works of art. This class is an independent experience. Instructor: Debbie Walters. 9 weeks. ID# 2109.201 FEE: $85
1/23 – 3/26 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM
Monday CAB, Room B
Movement & Art Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 532328
Story Book Adventures Ages 3-5. Stories come to life as your child participates in songs, movement, and fun art projects based around a new book each week. Examples of stories your child may hear are The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Napping House, Chicka Chicka, Boom, Boom, and many more. Projects and stories are different each term. This class is an independent experience. 9 weeks. ID# 2105.201 FEE: $89
1/25 – 3/28 Wednesday 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM CAB, Room B
Make and Shake: Lion King
Ages 3-5. It's a little art, a little dance, and a lot of fun with a theme. This combination class will help your child develop fine and gross motor skills. Class begins with your child creating a variety of fun art projects then participating in creative movement activities. Select from a Lion King theme. This class is an independent experience. Instructors: Susan Wright and Emily Rogers (201); Debbie Walters and Emily Rogers (202). 8 weeks. ID# 2210.201 FEE: $99
1/28 – 3/24 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
ID# 2210.202 FEE: $99
1/26 – 3/22 Thursday 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CAB, Room B
Register at
Saturday CAB, Room B
winter 2012 41
Preschool Dance Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228
Creative Dancer Ages 3–5. This is a great class for boys and girls where your child discovers a new way to dance through role playing and free movement exercises. A variety of props and popular children’s music makes this class extra special. This class is an independent experience. Instructors: Emily Rogers (201, 203); Stephanie Carlson (202). 8-9 weeks.
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM CAB, Room D
1/25 – 3/28 5:05 PM – 5:50 PM
Wednesday CAB, Room D
Dance Together
Hello Toes Ballet Age 3. Does your child pretend to be a ballerina? Then he or she will love this introduction to the graceful movements of ballet! Children explore the basic movements of dance designed to teach balance and coordination. Hops, skips, and gallops are introduced in across the floor exercises. This class is an independent experience. Instructors: Dianna Edmonson (201, 202, 204); Emily Rogers (203). 9-10 weeks. Location: CAB CLASS ID#
1/21 – 3/31
11:40 AM – 12:25 PM
1/23 – 3/26
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
1/25 – 3/28
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
1/26 – 3/29
2:55 PM – 3:40 PM
PreBallet Ages 4-5. Learning ballet helps children develop balance, coordination, and stamina. In this traditional-style class created for the older preschooler, students begin to develop basic ballet skills and utilize them in a choreographed routine. PreBallet II Prerequisite: Must have had at least 2 seasons of PreBallet. Instructor: Dianna Edmonson. 9-10 weeks. Location: CAB, Room D. CLASS ID#
1/21 – 3/31
12:30 PM – 1:15 PM
1/23 – 3/26
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
1/26 – 3/29
3:45 PM – 4:30 PM
1/23 – 3/26
4:30 PM – 5:15 PM
2212.204 Monday Pre Ballet II
ID# 2219.202 FEE: $75
l D Ages 2-5 & Adult. You and your child explore a variety of creative movement activities designed to develop gross and fine motor skills! Children are encouraged to use their imagination as they move to popular children’s music. Lots of amazing props and parachute time add to your child’s enjoyment. Instructor: Emily Rogers. 8-9 weeks. ID# 2209.201 1/28 – 3/24 Saturday FEE: $65 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM CAB, Room D Additional Child: $45 &E
ID# 2217.203 FEE: $75
Tuesday CAB, Room D
1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM CAB, Room D
1/24 – 3/27 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
ID# 2217.202 FEE: $75
ID# 2219.201 FEE: $75
ID# 2209.202 FEE: $75
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM CAB, Room D Additional Child: $55
Preschool Language Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
Preschool & Kindergarten Spanish Ages 3 ½ -6. Young children love to learn Spanish while playing, singing, and moving their bodies. They enjoy jumping while counting numbers, playing “follow the leader” and creating simple craft projects. Toys, colorful flashcards and lots of music are part of this fun and interactive class. Sessions don’t repeat. Instructor: Language Adventure staff. Scholarship recipients pay $15. 8 weeks. ID# 1407.201 FEE: $95
2/6 – 4/16 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM
Monday Bryant, Room 207
See page 51 for Language classes for Grades K-5
42 winter 2012 Register at
1/28 – 3/24 Saturday 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM CAB, Room D
Ages 3-5. Creating sounds with their feet delights children! Your child will enjoy making tap sounds while being introduced to basic tap. This class is an independent experience. Tap shoes required. Instructor: Emily Rogers. 9 weeks.
ID# 2217.201 FEE: $65
Tiny Tappers
Preschool Sports
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233
Preschool Soccer Are you looking for a way to have your preschooler involved in soccer without the pressure of a team? Ages 3 to 5 years olds (preschoolers), must be 3 by start of class. Come and learn the very basics of soccer using FUNdamental games, exercises and imagination. Players will develop motor skills, balance and movement in a soccer environment. Please wear appropriate shoes (gym shoes) and bring a ball (Size 3). Participants receive a t-shirt. Instructors: British Elite Soccer Training staff. 4-5 weeks. class ID#
6:00 PM – 6:45 PM
1/24 - 2/14
Allen, Gym
6:00 PM – 6:45 PM
1/27 - 2/17
Logan, Gym
9:00 AM – 9:45 AM
1/28 – 2/18
Scarlett, Upper Gym
6:00 PM – 6:45 PM
2/28 - 3/27
Allen, Gym
6:00 PM – 6:45 PM
3/2 - 3/30
Logan, Gym
9:00 AM – 9:45 AM
3/3 - 3/31
Scarlett, Upper Gym
Parent/Child Winter Classes Family Yoga, 11
Swimming for Preschoolers and Parent/Child Swim classes are on page 56.
Sanchin Ryu Karate for Families and Individuals, 12
Little Ninjas Karate
Chocolate Candy Making, 26 First Steps classes, 39-40
Ages 4-K. Focus, memory, teamwork, discipline, self-control, fitness, balance, and coordination are the focus of this introductory karate class. This is taught through exciting and fun games and activities. Wear loose comfortable clothing. Instructor: Professional Karate Schools of America instructors. 6 weeks.
Art & Me, 41 Paint and Me, 41 Dance Together, 42 Exploring Clay Together, 45 Finding the College that Fits, 52 Paying for the College that Fits, 52
ID# 3313.201 FEE: $29
2/3 - 3/16 6:05 PM – 6:35 PM
ID# 3313.202 FEE: $29
2/4 - 3/17 Saturday 12 Noon – 12:30 PM PKSA Dojang
Friday PKSA Dojang
Write and Edit a Winning College Admission Essay, 52 Bully Proofing, 53
&E C E
The Recreational Advisory Commission (RAC) is a citizen’s advisory group that helps Rec&Ed deliver the best programs possible for our residents.
Parent/Child Swim classes, 56
RAC Members
Rick Dekeon
Mary Jo Gray Tom George, Chair Joe Erhardt, Vice-Chair Joanne Kimata Betty Wier Tim Berla, PAC Liaison Susan Ball
For comments, suggestions, concerns, etc., contact RAC at or mail to RAC, Rec&Ed, 1515 S. Seventh St., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Register at
winter 2012 43
Mid Winter & Spring Break Camps Enrichment Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
Sports Camp Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233
Spring Break Camps 4/2 – 4/5
Midwinter Break Camps 2/20 – 2/24
Hoops Basketball Camp
Chess Camp
Grades 3-6. Looking for something for your child to do over mid-winter and/or spring break? Do they love basketball? Then sign them up for our Hoops Basketball Camp! The focus of instruction is on drills that improve the skills of the individual player in areas of dribbling, passing, shooting, defense, and teamwork. Sportsmanship is emphasized. Coaches: One on One Basketball staff.
Grades 3-8. Learn to be a better chess player! This camp is a great place for children to brush up their skills, receive in depth instruction on individual pieces and complex strategies. Students explore history of chess, beginning basics and advanced play. Campers will train for the "Checkmate Championship" held at the end of camp. Beginning, advanced and all players in between are welcome. If you have a desire to learn to play chess or would like to take your chess skills to the next level, this camp is the camp for you! Director: Eileen Bigham.
ID# 3402.221 FEE: $135
2/20 – 2/24 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Tappan, Gym
ID# 3402.222 FEE: $119
4/2 – 4/5 9:00 AM – 12 Noon
Monday-Thursday Forsythe, Gym
Baseball Camp – Spring Training Grades 1-6. Can't wait for Baseball season? Get an early start to your game by joining camp. Whether you have played for a few seasons or just starting out, this camp is for you! Each day you'll work on basic to advanced baseball skills and play a game. You will learn in a safe, structured environment, while having fun and gaining confidence in your sport. Daily hitting, fielding, pitching and outfield stations are featured as well as trivia contests and prizes for everyone! Each camper receives a written camp evaluation. Campers should bring snack, mitts, bats and water bottles marked with their name. Director: Greg Porter, Associate Scout for the Atlanta Braves, owner of GFV Sports and GFV Sports staff. ID# 3405.220 4/2 – 4/5 FEE: $95 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Monday-Thursday Forsythe, Baseball Diamond/ Gym
Writing Camp…Sharpen Your Quill! Grades 1-6. Be a “professional” writer and illustrator while expanding your critical thinking skills. Writers create a publishing company, plan and produce individual, fully illustrated unique picture books. Discussions include writing motivation, craft of writing, extensive literature exposure, anti-bias and multi-cultural themes. Art exploration includes graphic design, watercolor, illustration and collage techniques. In just one short week, transform your first drafts into personal masterpieces. Students provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. ID# 2407.201 FEE: $205
2/20 – 2/24 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Tappan
ID# 2415.201 FEE: $205
2/20 – 2/24 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Tappan
ID# 2415.211 Extended Care Monday-Friday FEE: $59 7:30-9AM, 4-5:30PM Tappan ID# 2415.301 FEE: $165
4/2 – 4/5 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
ID# 2415.311 Extended Care FEE: $49 7:30-9AM, 4-5:30PM
Monday-Thursday Forsythe Monday-Thursday Forsythe
Trading Card Camp - Unlimited Fun!! Grades 3-8. Attention all Yu-Gi-Oh!, Poke’mon and Magic the Gathering fans. Do you have what it takes to dominate your favorite card game tournament? Look no further! Now, an exciting new camp gives you the opportunity to show what you are made of. In one action packed week, you will construct your own decks and learn strategies to be the best. Don’t have your own cards? Not a problem we provide a trading card draft for those without their own decks. Sign up soon spots are filling fast!! Students provide lunch, beverage and snacks. Director: Eileen Bigham. ID# 2412.201 FEE: $205
2/20 – 2/24 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Tappan
ID# 2407.211 Extended care Monday-Friday FEE: $59 7:30-9 AM, 4-5:30 PM Tappan
ID# 2412.211 Extended Care Monday-Friday FEE: $59 7:30-9AM, 4-5:30PM Tappan
ID# 2407.301 FEE: $165
Monday-Thursday Forsythe
ID# 2412.301 FEE: $165
Monday-Thursday Forsythe
ID# 2412.311 Extended Care FEE: $49 7:30-9AM, 4-5:30PM
4/2 – 4/5 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
ID# 2407.311 Extended care FEE: $49 7:30-9AM, 4-5:30PM
44 winter 2012 Register at
4/2 – 4/5 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Monday-Thursday Forsythe Monday-Thursday Forsythe
D Grades K-6 & Adult. Fee is per pair. Your child and you explore joint and individual projects. Parents and children learn classical techniques of tile making, slab construction, sculpture, press molding, coiling, and glazes. Fee includes glazing and firing of 3-6 medium to large pieces. Fee includes material costs. Scholarship recipients pay $50 per child. Scholarship 50% recipients pay $133 per child (201, 202); $115 (203). Instructor: William Schultz. 10 weeks. EC
Fun with Art Grades K-3. Everyone is an artist in this class where kids create a variety of art projects. Your child is introduced to various techniques of drawing and painting, and gets to experiment with a variety of paints, such as watercolor, tempera, and pastels. In addition, your young artist will create amazing 3D art. Instructor: Debra Weldon. 9 weeks. ID# 2155.201 FEE: $85
Exploring Clay Together
Youth Art
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228
1/25 – 3/28 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM
Wednesday CAB, Room C
Cartooning and Comics Does you child enjoy drawing cartoons and reading comics? This is a wonderful opportunity to create a cast of imaginary characters and unique stories. Instructor David Cowan teaches students how to create memorable characters, dynamic frame compositions, and exciting plot lines while having fun in a sharing, interactive environment. Advanced Using figurative sculpture and video composition, students move toward completing and publishing their unique comic strips. Instructor recommendation required. $25 materials fee is payable to instructor at the first class. 9 weeks. ID# 2111.201 FEE: $85
1/24 – 3/27 Gr: 2-4 6:15 PM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: Beginner CAB, Room B
ID# 2111.202 FEE: $89
1/24 – 3/27 Gr: 4-7 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM
Tuesday: Advanced CAB, Room B
ID# 2199.201 FEE: $215
1/22 – 3/25 Sunday 10:00 AM – 12 Noon CAB, Room A Additional Child: $175
ID# 2199.202 FEE: $215
1/22 – 3/25 Sunday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM CAB, Room A Additional Child: $175
ID# 2199.203 FEE: $175
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 4:15 PM – 6:00 PM CAB, Room A Additional Child: $149
Arts and Friends
Grades 3-6 Explore the arts as you interact with peers. Painting, collage, storytelling, music and drama are all forms of expression that we will use to interact with friends and explore our feelings. Instructor: Johanna Mabry, Art Therapist is skilled in mediating peer interactions and encouraging growth in social skills such as compromising, conversation skills, and calming strategies. 9 weeks. ID# 2106.201 FEE: $125
1/26 – 3/29 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Thursday CAB, Room C
Drawing and Painting Middle & High School Grades 6-12. The options are endless as students can choose to draw and/or paint using mediums such as charcoals, pastels, or watercolors. Students receive individual support in a group setting and are helped to complete projects while exploring the basics of drawing and painting. Instructor: Rec&Ed Art Staff. 9 weeks. ID# 2149.201 FEE: $95
1/23 – 3/26 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Monday CAB, Room C
Artful Explorers
Youth Art After School
Grades 2-5. Explore the world of art with new mediums and different techniques! Your child has fun creating all new projects in painting, drawing, mixed media, and/or clay. Supervision is provided from 3:454:00 for Lakewood students. $5 Materials Fee is payable to the instructor at the first class. Instructor: Michelle Kaucheck. 4 weeks. ID# 2113.201 FEE: $49
3/6 – 3/27 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday Lakewood, Room 108
Class ID#
Fun with Art
Bryant, Art Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/27 – 3/30
Stephanie Carlson
Drawing & Painting
Angell, Art Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/23 – 3/26
Debra Weldon
Drawing & Painting
Pattengill, Art Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/24 – 3/27
Debra Weldon
Drawing & Painting
Bach, Art Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/25 – 3/28
Debra Weldon
Drawing & Painting
Logan, Art Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/26 – 3/29
Debra Weldon
Register at
winter 2012 45
Youth Music
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
MusIQ Club: Children’s Music Journey
Little Bands on Saturday Grades K-5. Your child will have a blast being part of a band! In just 7 weeks, each child learns to play four instruments: piano, guitar, bass, and drums. A detailed curriculum of songs is explored and everyone learns every song on every instrument. Singing, plus reading and writing music are part of this exciting program. At the end of the semester concert your child will rock the stage with his or her band. Instructor: Little Bands School staff. 7 weeks.
Grades K-5. Interactive animated computer software with electronic piano keyboards are used to teach students with little or no piano playing experience. Students progress from level to level at their own pace learning to play piano with both hands, read music, improvise and compose. They learn concepts of rhythm, ear training, and the musical alphabet. The emphasis is always on having fun, no matter what the student’s abilities or musical background. Instructor: MusIQ Club staff. 7 weeks.
ID# 1312.201 ID# 1312.218 2/4 – 3/24 Saturday: Gr. K-2 FEE: $169 FEE: $169 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM CAB, Room B ID# 1312.202 ID# 1312.219 2/4 – 3/24 Saturday: Gr. 3-5 FEE: $169 FEE: $169 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM CAB, Room B
Little Bands Keyboard Lab
2/7 – 3/27 Tuesday 3:50 PM – 4:50 PM Bach, Media Center 2/7 – 3/27 Tuesday 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Bach, Media Center
FEE: $169
Grades K-2. Fun, exciting and great introduction to basic piano skills! Students learn piano keyboard, music theory, and composition with popular and curriculum songs utilizing the Little Bands Schools unique method of teaching. A performance at the end of the semester will give students a chance to demonstrate the skills and songs they learned. Instructor: Little Bands School staff. 7 weeks. * Sec. 206 is for Grades 3-5. class ID#
Angell, Room 121
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/30 – 3/26
Burns Park, Room A4
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/1 – 3/21
Lawton, Room 114
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/2 – 3/22
Pattengill, MPR*
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/3 – 3/23
Wines, Room 101
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/7 – 3/27
Drum Circle
FEE: $139
Grades 2-5. Joyous and life-changing experience for all who participate! Students learn to play different drums and rhythms from around the world and how the different parts fit together to make beautiful music. The drum circle is a wonderful and exciting way to learn about music, culture and playing together. It is exhilarating, yet relaxing, and helps to students gain focus, self-confidence, cooperation, improvisation and creativity. Instructor: Little Bands School staff. 7 weeks. class ID#
Dicken, Music Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM 2/1 – 3/21
Ann Arbor Open, Music Room
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM 2/3 – 3/23
Bach, Music Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM 1/30 – 3/26
King, Art Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM 2/2 – 3/22
Logan, Art Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM 2/7 – 3/27
Little Bands Guitar
FEE: $169
Grades 3-5. Students will learn the basics of guitar, music theory, and composition while participating in this fun and interactive guitar class. Students will follow a detailed curriculum of popular songs and curriculum songs utilizing the Little Bands Schools unique method of teaching. A performance at the end of the semester will give students a chance to demonstrate the skills and songs they have learned. This fun and exciting class is a great introduction to guitar. Instructor: Little Bands School staff. 7 weeks. class ID#
Carpenter, Music Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/7 – 3/27
Abbot, Multipurpose Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/30 – 3/26
Eberwhite, Music Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/2 – 3/22
Northside, Music Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/1 – 3/21
Thurston, Art Room
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/3 – 3/23
46 winter 2012 Register at
Youth Dance
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228
Your child explores the fundamentals of ballet in this traditional-style class. Cecchetti Class gives students the opportunity to train with the instructor to test before the Cecchetti Council of America and receive certificate upon passing. Several sessions are required before taking exam. Instructor recommendation is required for section 203. Instructor: Dianna Edmonson. 9-11 weeks. Location: CAB CLASS ID#
Ballet Beginner
1/21 – 3/31
1:20 PM – 2:15 PM
Cecchetti Primary 1& 2
Ages 4-6
1/26 – 4/12
4:35 PM – 5:30 PM
Cecchetti Primary 3-Gr 1
1/26 – 4/12
5:35 PM – 6:30 PM
Cecchetti Practice
Gr 3-Adult
1/21 – 4/7
2:20 PM – 3:20 PM
Break Dance Grades 1-5. Popular Break Dance instructor Maurice Archer is fun, enthusiastic, and energetic. He will teach your child America's most popular dance. 9 weeks. ID# 2253.202 FEE: $75
1/22 – 3/25 Sunday 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM CAB, Room D
Hip Hop with Gina Grades 3-7. Artistic director Gina DaneneThompson brings her extensive training and unique individual style to teaching routines filled with style and energy. This exciting dance program features Hip Hop and Jazz moves. 9 weeks. ID# 2231.201 FEE: $75
1/23 – 3/26 6:20 PM – 7:05 PM
Dance Pop Dance class is a great way for your child to develop flexibility, endurance, and self-confidence. Your child learns the latest dance moves and jazz steps. Instructor: Amy Thurlow. 9 weeks.
Monday CAB, Room D
ID# 2218.201 FEE: $75
1/27– 3/30 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Friday: Grades K-2 CAB, Room D
ID# 2218.202 FEE: $79
1/27 – 3/30 5:05 PM – 6:00 PM
Friday: Grades 3-6 CAB, Room D
Youth Dance After School Dance Pop
Dance class is a great way for your child to develop flexibility, endurance, and self-confidence. Our great dance instructors teach your child the latest dance moves and jazz steps. 8-9 weeks. CLASS ID#
Dance Pop
Pattengill, Gym
Dance Pop
King, MPR
Dance Pop
Logan, Gym
Dance Pop
Bach, Gym
Dance Pop
1/23 – 3/26
1/23 – 3/26
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
Amy thurlow
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Gina Thompson
1/23 – 3/26
1/24 – 3/27
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Vikki Moss
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
Amy Thurlow
Eberwhite, Gym
1/24 – 3/27
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Gina Thompson
Dance Pop
1/25 – 3/28
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
Amy Thurlow
Dance Pop
Bryant, Gym
1/26 – 3/29
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
Amy Thurlow
Dance Pop
Abbot, Gym
1/26 – 3/29
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Vikki Moss
Dance Pop
Wines, Gym
1/27 – 3/30
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Gina Thompson
Dance Pop
Lawton, Gym
1/25 – 3/28
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Gina Thompson
Break Dance
Burns Park, Gym
1/23 – 3/26
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Maurice Archer
Break Dance
Allen, Gym
1/24 – 3/27
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Maurice Archer
Break Dance
Thurston, Gym
1/25 – 3/28
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Maurice Archer
Break Dance
Northside, Gym
1/26 – 3/29
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Maurice Archer
Break Dance
Angell, Gym
1/27 – 3/30
3:50 PM – 4:35 PM
Maurice Archer
Register at
winter 2012 47
Youth Enrichment
Great Classes for Middle School Students!
Robotics or Camera Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
C Programming - Robotics with Arduino
Grades 6-8. Arduino is like Lego Mindstorms but without the outer plastic covering. With Lego you connect pieces, with Arduino you solder your world together. Middle school age students use and learn about LEDs, motors, photocells, and speakers to build custom wheeled robots, electronic music instruments, and more. These creations are centrally connected to the Arduino microcontroller, allowing them to provide feedback and interact with the world around them. From MP3 players to Video Game Controllers, by the end of camp students will have a better understanding about the devices they use everyday. Instructor: Brain Monkeys staff. 7 weeks. ID# 1313.209 1/30 – 3/26 Monday FEE: $129 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Tappan, Room 191
How To Take Cool Pictures Grades 6-8. Taking cool pictures will be easier, and more fun, after you take this class. Using your own camera and manual, you will make your own digital images. Artistic composition techniques, along with examples, will be shared and analyzed. Getting around the camera menus and using the automatic settings will be demonstrated. There will be photography assignments between classes. Bring your Digital Compact (or DSLR) camera and manual with charged batteries to every class. No previous experience necessary. Instructor: Larry Works, professional photographer. 6 weeks. ID# 1265.201 2/7 – 3/20 Tuesday FEE: $89 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Ann Arbor Open, Media Center ID# 1265.202 FEE: $89
2/6 – 3/26 Monday 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Slauson, Media Center
NEW! Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233 YoTricks Yoyo Grades 3-5, 6-8. Are you fascinated by yoyo tricks? Do you want to learn how they are done so you can amaze your friends and family? You'll learn at your own rate with class time lessons and website tutorials that bring the fun of learning how to yoyo right to you. In this unique program, you will gain confidence, determination, and persistence. Class fee includes 2 yoyos and strings. Instructor: Brian Duncan, yoyo professional from The YoTricks School of Yo. 7 weeks. class ID#
Allen, Gym
Friday 2/3 – 3/23
Saturday 2/4 – 3/24 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Forsythe, Cafeteria $69
Saturday 2/4 – 3/24
10:35 AM – 11:35 AM
Forsythe, Cafeteria $69
6:45 PM – 7:45 PM
Clague, Upper Gym $69
2/6 – 3/26
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
See pages 53 and 54 for more great classes for Middle School Students Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53228
Drama with Performance Network
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53203 NEW!
Grades 2-5. From script to the stage, your child builds a performance. Valuable skills are developed such as listening, articulation, physical awareness and teamwork, as well as basic stagecraft. The program culminates with a performance of fables and folk tales for an invited audience. Instructors: Becky Fox and Anne Rhoades. 8 weeks. ID# 2303.201 FEE: $99
1/24 – 3/27 3:50 PM – 5:20 PM
ID# 2302.202 FEE: $99
1/26 – 3/22 Thursday 3:50 PM – 5:20 PM Thurston, Multipurpose Rm.
Tuesday Burns Park, Auditorium
48 winter 2012 Register at
Cooking With Kids: Around the World
Grades 5-8. Join Sonia in the kitchen for some hands-on fun. Each week you will help Sonia prepare a tasty snack or healthy meal from a different country. Scholarship recipients pay $30. Instructor: Sonia Urbaniak. 3 weeks. ID# 1629.201 FEE: $89
3/10 – 3/24 Saturday 10:00 AM – 12 Noon Huron, Room 6219
Youth LEGO Youth LEGO
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
FEE: $129
Think outside the box! Challenge your minds! Be prepared for the world of technology! Instructor: Brain Monkeys staff. 7 weeks.
LEGO Robotic Adventures! Build a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot that walks on its own or a rover that uses an ultrasonic sensor to navigate around obstacles! Challenge a friend to a robotic sumo match and push him out of the ring! If you're feeling adventurous, take on “The Pit O' Despair!” Students learn about engineering and robotics by using the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT system in this amazingly fun class! Creative Computer Exploration Give your child a boost in learning key 21st century learning skills: creative thinking, teamwork, communication, and analysis. Using Scratch, a computer learning tool and WeDo LEGO Robotics, a visual programming language, your child creates games, animations, stories, and art. Students draw pictures, add sound and movement, and share their projects with the class. These activities help students understand mathematical and computational concepts and the process of design.
LEGO Mindstorms Robotics: Mayan Adventure Students
learn how programming works and enjoy seeing the robots perform the task assigned. Solving the mysteries of an ancient Mayan pyramid is both fun and educational.
LEGO Mindstorms Robotics: Green City Students learn the fundamentals of programming through hands-on activities using the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kits. Then they use their higher level thinking skills to accomplish a certain task that involves renewable energy and a series of real world engineering challenges. Guided Building: Thinking Outside the Brick Students get a new building challenge each week. In each challenge there are specific parameters such as height, weight, design and/or task. These challenges stretch and push young minds towards developing their higher level thinking skills. Welcome to the world of thinking outside the brick with LEGO!
class ID#
Angell, Room 121
Mayan Adventure
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/7 – 3/27
Bach, Art Room
Mayan Adventure
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/2 – 3/22
Thurston, Art Room
Green City
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/7 – 3/27
Ann Arbor Open, Art Room
Creative Computer Exploration
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
2/1 – 3/21
Haisley, Art Room
Creative Computer Exploration
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
2/2 – 3/22
Pattengill, Cafetorium
LEGO Robotic Adventures
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/7 – 3/27
Wines, Room 100
LEGO Robotic Adventures
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/30 – 3/26
Dicken, Music Room
Guided Building
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/30 – 3/26
Celebrate Your Next Birthday with Rec&Ed! We offer themed parties to fit your child’s interest: Pirates • Princess • Fairies • Webkinz • Dance • Art • Music .....and more!
Call Rec&Ed at 734-994-2300, ext. 53228 to arrange your child’s birthday party! Register at
winter 2012 49
Youth Chess Youth Chess with Mr. Garrison
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
FEE: $99
Garrison has been teaching chess to children since 1996. His teams have won numerous state championships. King Elementary School has won the state K-5 team championships four years in a row (2008-11). Thurston Elementary School earned 2nd in the state in 2011. Mr. Garrison has been teaching chess to children since 1996. His teams have won numerous state championships. King Elementary School has won the state K-5 team championships four years in a row (2008-11). Thurston Elementary School earned 2nd in the state in 2011. Mr. Garrison holds the #1 rank of overall game player (out of over 25,000 players) at www., an international thinking games website. He is also the top ranked player in the world at the strategy game “Breakthrough”; one of his long-time chess students is ranked #2! 7 weeks. Beginning Level 1 Grades K-6. No experience necessary. Students will learn opening strategies and important ending techniques and be introduced to the basic tactics (fork, pin, discovery).
Beginning Level 2 Grades K-8. Students learn how to attack the king, how to use combinations, defensive ideas and more tactics and endings. Introduction to chess clocks and scorekeeping. Beginning/Intermediate Grades K-8. For students with no or some experience in chess. Students are introduced to the basic history of chess, opening principles, tactics, basic endgame techniques, and tournament preparedness. Intermediate/Advanced Grades K-9. For students familiar with forks, pins, discovery and understand checkmate. Players review Grandmaster chess games and improve work on tactics and endings. Advanced Grades K-9. For truly advanced players with an established USCF rating. Players will learn how to analyze games and become skilled at the finer points of chess opening theory. Students will learn how to study chess for self improvement.
Morning Chess class ID#
7:45 AM – 8:45 AM
2/7 – 3/27
King, Multipurpose Room
7:45 AM – 8:45 AM
2/8 – 3/28
Bach, Media Center
7:45 AM – 8:45 AM
2/10 – 3/30
Thurston, Media Center
Evening Chess class ID#
Beginning Level 1
5:15 PM – 6:30 PM
2/7 – 3/27
King, Multipurpose Room
7:00 PM – 8:15 PM
2/7 – 3/27
Thurston, Art Room
5:15 PM – 6:30 PM
2/8 – 3/28
Lakewood, Art Room
Beginning Level 2
5:30 PM – 6:45 PM
2/9 – 3/29
Logan, Art Room
7:00 PM – 8:15 PM
2/9 – 3/29
Logan, Art Room
1317.209 Intermediate/Advanced Friday 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM 2/10 – 3/30 New students are required to purchase a "Chess Tactics Workbook" on the first day of class for $14.
Introduction to Shogi (Japanese Chess)
Grades K-9. No experience necessary. Students will be taught the rules of Mini-Shogi, using Americanized Pieces. (Traditional Japanese pieces may also be used if preferred). After the students have a general understanding of the game, full board Shogi will be introduced. Basic opening strategies and ideas will be explored, and students will have the opportunity to practice every week. ID# 1317.210 FEE: $99
2/8 – 3/28 Wednesday 6:45 PM – 7:45 PM Lakewood, Art Room
Mr. Garrison (back row center) holds the #1 rank of overall game player (out of over 25,000 players) at, an international thinking games website. He is ranked as the #3 Shogi player at this website!
50 winter 2012 Register at
Lawton, Media Center
After School Chess
Beginning/Intermediate: Chess rules and basic tactics are reviewed. Students then delve deeper into more advanced tactics, short and long range strategies, and preparation for tournament play. Intermediate/Advanced: Experienced students explore tactical play, short and long-term planning, mating patterns, and game analysis. Students learn tournament play using USCF rules.
Afterschool Chess
Grades K-5. 7 weeks FEE: $95 Time: 3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
class ID#
2/9 – 3/29
Angell, Media Center
2/10 – 3/30
Angell, Art Room
2/8 – 3/28
*Bryant, Media Center
2/7 – 3/27
Burns Park, A4
2/9 – 3/29
Dicken, Media Center
2/6 – 4/9
Haisley, MPR
2/10 – 3/30
Lawton, Media Center
2/8 – 3/28
**Pattengill, Art Room
2/8 – 3/28
Carpenter, Media Center
Morning Chess
Instructor: All the King’s Men staff
*Bryant class is for Gr. K-2.
**Patengill class is for Gr. 3-5.
Time: 7:45AM – 8:45AM
class ID#
2/6 – 4/9
Pittsfield, Multipurpose Room
2/10 – 3/30 Wines, Media Center
New students are required to purchase a workbook for $14 on the first day of class.
Youth Language Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
Chinese Language Grades K-5. Students learn Chinese language and culture through games, songs, rhymes, character writing and daily conversation based on a highly interactive curriculum. From greetings to school life, time, weather, hobbies transportation and travel, students will head off on an awesome Chinese language learning journey. Continuing students will further develop their language and communication skills with new materials. 15 weeks. class ID#
Abbot, Media center
1/30 – 6/4
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
Alice Chang
Thurston, Art Room
1/30 – 6/4
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
Yujing Kung
Wines, Room 100
2/1 – 5/30
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
Alice Chang
Spanish and French
New and returning students welcome! Grades K-5. Beginning and Intermediate Levels Learn and practice speaking Spanish or French while being immersed in the culture! Language Adventure’s curriculum will equip your child with vocabulary, phrases and dialogs necessary to carry on daily conversations. Games, songs and hands-on culture projects are also part of this fun and highly interactive class. Each student receives a workbook according to his/her language level. This session is not a repeat of the Fall session. Instructor: Language Adventure staff. Scholarship recipients pay $25. 10 weeks. class ID#
Angell, Cafeteria
2/1 – 4/18
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
$ 125
Ann Arbor Open, Art Room
1/30 – 4/23
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
$ 125
Bach, Media Center
2/2 – 4/19
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
$ 125
*Bryant, Resource Room
2/7 – 4/24
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
$ 125
Dicken, Art Room
2/7 – 4/24
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
$ 125
Haisley, Music Room
2/3 – 4/20
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
$ 125
Lakewood, Multipurpose Room
2/1 – 4/18
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
$ 125
Lawton, Media Center
1/30 – 4/23
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
$ 125
Wines, Room 100
2/2 – 4/19
**4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
$ 125
*Bryant is for grades K-2.
**Supervision starts at 3:45pm.
Register at
winter 2012 51
Youth Study Skills
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
Grades 6-8 & 9-12. Do you have difficulty taking tests? Learn various study and test taking strategies that will help you prepare for upcoming test and quizzes. This class will teach the effective skills you need to prepare test day! Parents are strongly encouraged to attend class with you during the last meeting period. Instructor: Great Lakes Educational Group staff. 5 classes.
Parents & Students, Grades 9-12, together. Parents and students are faced with a myriad of choices about college. Let John help you and your student find and identify the resources in your family's search for the right college. Discussion will include what your student needs and wants from school, location, admissions possibilities and finances. This class is intended for parents and students to attend together. Instructor: John B. Boshoven, M.A., M.S.W. 1 class.
3/10 – 4/21 Saturday: Gr. 6-8 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Tappan, Media Center
ID# 1327.202 FEE: $95
3/10 – 4/21 Saturday: Gr. 9-12 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Tappan, Media Center
ID# 1327.201 FEE: $95
Finding for the College that Fits
Learn to Study and Take Tests!
ID# 1337.201 2/29 Wednesday FEE: $35 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Community, Room 213
Parents & Students, Grades 9-12, together. Find out where money for college comes from and how to get your fair share. Families will learn about sources of aid, the FAFSA, the College Scholarship Search Profile (CSS), and scholarship searches. Instructor provides resources to help find financial assistance for college. Instructor: John B. Boshoven, M.A., M.S.W. 1 class.
SAT/ACT Essay Workshop Grades 10-12. Learn how to organize and write a persuasive essay within the allotted time. The scorer’s rubric will be analyzed so you will understand exactly what is expected within your essay. You will practice writing an essay and receive instructor feedback about ways to improve your writing for the test. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Great Lakes Educational Group staff. 1 class.
Parents and Students, Grades 9-12. College admissions officers spend minutes reading an essay, so how can yours be as strong and memorable as Mt. Everest and not an anonymous anthill? In the first session of this two-session class, learn the secrets to bringing out your unique writing voice and emphasizing your strengths without bragging, and then start writing. Continue drafting essays at home and bring your drafts to the second session for feedback and editing tips. Handouts include samples of winning essays. Instructor: Debbie Eisenberg Merion. 2 classes. ID# 1339.202 FEE: $69
3/20, 3/27 Tuesday 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Community, Room 213
ID# 1335.201 1/28 Saturday FEE: $79 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Tappan, Media Center
John Boshoven, Counselor at Community High School has received the Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling's highest honor – The William Gramenz Award for outstanding service to students, counseling, the profession and the association. The Colleges That Change Lives membership named him a "Counselor That Changes Lives", recognized for helping students frame their search beyond the ratings and rankings and to help them find a college that cultivates a lifelong love of learning and provides the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life. Through his school affiliations and in his private college counseling practice, he has helped hundreds of students and families with the college selection, application and financial aid process.
52 winter 2012 Register at
Write and Edit a Winning College Application Essay
ID# 1329.203 3/24 Saturday FEE: $79 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Scarlett, Media Center
ID# 1341.201 3/7 Wednesday FEE: $35 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Community, Room 213
ID# 1329.202 3/3 Saturday FEE: $79 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Tappan, Media Center
ID# 1329.201 2/4 Saturday FEE: $79 9:00 AM – 12 Noon Tappan, Media Center
Paying for the College that Fits
Grades 10-12. Enrolling in this workshop helps you prepare to successfully take the ACT and is for students taking the ACT during the remainder of the calendar year. The best method for scoring well on the ACT and replacing anxiety with confidence is to be knowledgeable and well prepared. Strategies for each section of the test are included. Bring a calculator and a watch with a second hand. A manual is provided for each participant as part of the fee. Scholarship recipients pay $20. Instructor: Great Lakes Educational Group staff. 1 class.
ACT Preparation Workshop
Youth Martial Arts Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233
1/23 – 3/19 Monday 6:00 PM – 6:45 PM Scarlett, Upper Gym
Kids Power Karate
Junior Judo Grades 6-12. We have developed Junior Judo to instill a strong understanding of the basics of self-defense using play-based activities as well as standard teaching processes. Judo, the Olympic sport, has its roots in Jujitsu, which was the chosen martial art of the Japanese samurai class. The sport of Judo strongly encourage the development of the mind as well as the body with emphasis on active problem solving skills. Although this class will teach students to defend against striking attacks, we never teach striking techniques during our program. Instructor: Frank Gerlitz, PhD. 5 Blackbelt Judo, 7 Blackbelt Jujitsu. 7 weeks. ID# 3316.201 1/28 – 3/17 Saturday FEE: $59 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Forsythe, Gym Annex
Parent and youth, ages 5-10. You use play-based activities and role-playing to practice Judo/Jujitsu based self-defense techniques. These activities will help your child become more self confident, learn self control all while improving your parent-child relationship. Your child will develop physical problem-solving skills that can transfer to many areas of their lives as well as introducing them to a truly lifelong sport. Instructor: Frank Gerlitz, PhD. 5 Blackbelt Judo, 7 Blackbelt Jujitsu. 7 weeks. ID# 3315.201 1/28 – 3/17 Saturday FEE: $59 12:35 PM – 1:35 PM Forsythe, Gym Annex
Confident Kids
ID# 3312.201 2/3 – 3/16 Friday FEE: $35 6:45 PM – 7:30 PM PKSA Dojang ID# 3312.202 2/4 – 3/17 Saturday FEE: $35 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM PKSA Dojang
Bully Proofing
Grades 1-6. Self-defense, physical fitness, conflict resolution, teamwork and anti-kidnapping techniques are the emphasis of this traditional training class. Specifically designed for children to learn prevention, and respect for themselves and others. Wear loose comfortable clothing. Instructor: Professional Karate Schools of America instructors. 6 weeks.
ID# 3319.201 1/24 – 3/27 Tuesday FEE: $39 6:45 PM – 7:30 PM Forsythe, Gym Annex
ID# 3311.201 FEE: $65
Grades K-8. Children will be trained with proven, age-appropriate techniques that are necessary for kids to protect themselves from attackers using Sanchin-Ryu Karate & Self-Defense and Project: Secure Child (child safety). Class is set in a fun, yet structured environment. Children will achieve great self-confidence and leadership skills through the physical techniques, mental strategies, drills and exercises. Children focus on healthy attitudes rather than perfection! An ongoing course, you work at your own pace. Instructor: Sensei Jason Wikaryasz, certified instructor with 3rd Degree Black Belt. 9 weeks.
Grades 1-8. Learn to fly -- and land without getting hurt! Aikido is a form of Japanese Budo based on the philosophy and martial arts of the Japanese Samurai. Aikido, the way of harmony, involves redirecting an attack by using throws and pins in a fun, noncompetitive atmosphere. You will learn safe falls, throwing and locking techniques. You’ll practice movements that improve flexibility, focus and self control. Instructor: Wade Davis, Aikido Yoshokai Assoc. of North America. 8 weeks.
Sanchin-Ryu’s Karate & Self-Defense for Kids
Grades K-5. Give your child the skills and confidence needed to succeed socially. Using self-defense, martial arts and confidence-building techniques, your child will learn how to diffuse bullies, relate to others and develop a positive self-image. Activities include board-breaking, structured role-play and passive self-defense. Instructor: Jibril Naeem. 6 weeks. ID# 3320.201 FEE: $35
2/3 – 3/16 Friday 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM PKSA Dojang
Personal Safety for Teens
Grades 6-10. Give your teen the confidence and skills they need to be successful and happy in school and in life. Teens learn self-defense, martial arts and confidence-building techniques to help them deal with bullies, understand their parents and build self-confidence. Class time will include passive self-defense techniques (breaking boards, hitting bags) and structured role-play. Achieving mini-milestones through martial arts training both empowers and improves their self-image. Instructor: Jibril Naeem. 6 weeks. ID# 3321.201 2/11 – 3/24 Saturday FEE: $35 1:45 PM – 2:30 PM PKSA Dojang
Aikido instructor Wade Davis with students
See page 48 for more great classes for Middle School Students! Register at
winter 2012 53
Youth Yoga Kids Yoga
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53248
FEE: $65
Yoga provides a positive channel to excessive energy and emotional overload. Using fun yoga postures, music and sound therapy, children develop flexibility and strength. Mats provided or bring your own. 8 weeks. class ID#
Ann Arbor Open, Music Room
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
1/30 – 4/9
Lauren Crimando
Allen, Gym
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/2 – 3/29
Victoria Duranona
King, Gym
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/7 – 4/10
Victoria Duranona
Northside, Gym
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/7 – 4/10
Lauren Crimando
Wines, Gym
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
2/1 – 3/28
Lauren Crimando
Teen Yoga Grades 6-12. Develop balance and confidence for better self-understanding, strength and flexibility to meet challenges with inner calm. Yoga helps teens develop healthy bodies and healthy attitudes toward themselves, their families and peers and toward the world around them. Instructor: Sun Moon Yoga Staff. 10 weeks. ID# 3707.201 FEE: $115
1/26 – 3/29 Thursday 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM Sun Moon Yoga Studio
Youth Baton
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233
Baton Twirling Grades K-8. New or experienced twirlers are welcome. Do you want to learn a new way to express your school spirit? Individual and group routines with marching and twirling are taught. Perform for family and friends! You will have the opportunity to participate in an annual recital/awards presentation and parades (not included with the class). If you need a baton, they are measured the first day and the $27 fee paid to the coach. Instructor: Jenney Gordon, owner Jenney Lynn's Baton Twirling Academy. 7 weeks. class ID#
Burns Park, Gym
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
1/26 – 3/22
Haisley, Gym
6:00 PM–7:00 PM
1/26 – 3/22
Slauson, Rec Room
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
1/27 – 3/23
54 winter 2012 Register at
Youth Gymnastics Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233
FEE: $75
Boys and Girls, ages 4-Kindergarten and grades 1-5. Gymnastics incorporates strength, flexibility, speed, balance, coordination, discipline and self-esteem into a fun skill building activity. A combination of floor exercises, vaulting, balance beam, uneven bars and wedge mat is practiced. Your child will progress at his/her own rate. Age 4-K and Level I (Grades 1-5) skill practiced appropriate for age and experience level. Level II (Grades 1-5) Prerequisite: Able to demonstrate a Cartwheel. Level III (Grades 1-5) Prerequisite: Able to demonstrate a Back Walkover. Instructed by Tumble Tot Gymnastics experienced and enthusiastic staff. 8 weeks. class ID #
Ages 4-K
1/24 – 3/27
5:45 PM – 6:30 PM
Clague, Upper Gym
Levels I-III
1/24 – 3/27
6:35 PM – 7:35 PM
Clague, Upper Gym
Ages 4-K
1/28 – 3/24
10:10 AM – 10:55 AM Scarlett, Upper Gym
Level I and II
1/28 – 3/24
11:00 AM – 12 Noon
Scarlett, Upper Gym
Level II and III
1/28 – 3/24
12:05 PM – 1:05 PM
Scarlett, Upper Gym
Youth Sports
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53233
Do you want to learn a new sport or improve your skills in the sport you love to play? Then join us after school. All levels welcome: New players will catch on to the fundamentals quickly through drills and practice. Lesson plans are adjusted accordingly to each player skill level so every child improves! Teamwork and sportsmanship are emphasized. Instructors: One On One Sports coaches. 8 weeks. TIME: 3:50 PM–4:50 PM
After School Kicks - Soccer
After School Hoops- Basketball
FEE: $79
Grades K-5. Do you want to learn new skills or improve the ones you have? You’ll run practice drills in the proper techniques of ball control, shooting, passing while playing skill games, learning teamwork (sportsmanship), and most importantly having fun! No matter your skill level, One on One Soccer Coaches will help you improve your game skills.
FEE: $79
Grades 1-5. Want to be a better basketball player or learn the game? Then join the coaches from One on One Basketball as they run practice drills in the proper technique of passing, dribbling, shooting and defensive skills. Offensive and defense strategies, teamwork skills, and scrimmages are also covered. All levels welcome. New players will learn and practice fundamentals: Continuing players will increase skills and work on game play.
class ID#
1/25 – 3/21
class ID#
1/23 – 3/26
1/24 – 3/27
1/27 – 3/23
1/26 – 3/22
1/26 – 3/22
1/23 – 3/26
1/26 – 3/22
1/24 – 3/27
Burns Park
1/27 – 3/23
1/26 – 3/22
1/23 – 3/26
1/26 – 3/22
1/23 – 3/26
1/27 – 3/23
1/25 – 3/21
1/24 – 3/27
For more After School classes See Baton on page 54 and YoTricks Yoyo on page 48.
Register at
winter 2012 55
Youth Swim
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53232 Email:
For more information on our Aquatics Program visit our newly updated website at
Youth Swim
Pre-K Swim
Due to the popularity of this program and the small class size, classes fill quickly. Please list several alternative time choices on your registration, if possible. Classes are for children 6 months and older. If your child is 7 years or older, please have your child use the same-sex locker room. 6-8 classes.
Ages 3-4 years only. Your preschool-age child will focus on blowing bubbles, splashing, and other basic movements through the use of songs and games. His or her enjoyment of the water will greatly increase and your child will be better prepared for our Learn To Swim levels. This is an independent experience, designed for young children who are already comfortable in the water without a parent. 8 weeks.
Fee per child. These classes require at least one adult to accompany each child in water. Please Note: If your child is not 100% toilet-trained they will need to wear a swim diaper. 6 - 8 weeks.
Parent/Child Classes
INFANT/TOT Parent/child class. Children, from 6 months to 3 years of age, will learn water adjustment, kicking, and getting their face splashed. Parents and children bond with songs and rhymes that help children feel comfortable in the water. 7-8 weeks. PRESCHOOL Parent/child class for 3-5 yr olds. This class will help children practice basic water adjustment skills, preliminary aquatic skills, and increased independence through the use of games and songs. Children work on skills that will prepare them for participation in instructorled levels. Emphasis is on building confidence and independence from the parent. 6 weeks.
Class ID#
High Point Pool Friday 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM 1/27 – 3/23
High Point Pool Friday 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM 1/27 – 3/23
Private and Semi-private Swim Lessons Classes are $120 for four 30-minute private sessions or $80 per participant for four 30-minute semi-private sessions. Various pools, times, and instructors are available. Call the Rec&Ed Swim program phone line, 734994-2300 ext. 53232, for more information and to schedule convenient times. Due to the large volume of calls we receive, you may need to leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
Class ID#
10:00 AM – 10:35 AM 1/28 – 3/24 $59
10:40 AM – 11:15 AM 1/28 – 3/24 $59
6:50 PM – 7:25 PM
1/23 – 3/19 $65
5:30 PM – 6:05 PM
1/24 – 3/20 $55
Diving Classes
FEE $65
Pool Water Depths Scarlett Pool: 3’6” to 10’ Forsythe Pool: 3’6” to 10’ High Point Pool: 2’10” to 6’
FEE $75
Students need to be able to swim one full length of the pool and tread water for one minute in the deep end to take any of these classes. A test of these skills will be given on the first day. If this test is not passed, a refund credit for the class will placed on your account. Beginning diving You will focus on diving fundamentals and will be introduced to diving from the edge of the pool, working up to a front line-up and a one-step hurdle off the board. Stretches and dry-land exercises will be practiced as well. No prior diving experience necessary. 7 weeks. Advanced beginning diving You will continue to work on diving skills. Dives taught will include an up-and-over dive, tuck jump, and a back line-up off the board. Comfort with a line-up and one-step hurdle is necessary prior to attending this class. Stretches and dry-land exercises will be practiced as well. 7 weeks. Intermediate Diving You will be coached in the basics of the back dive, front tuck, and front pike. A front flip and an inward dive may also be taught, depending on the comfort and interest of the students. Comfort with a one-step hurdle, front line-up, up-and-over dive, and supported back line-up is necessary prior to attending this class. Stretches and dry-land exercises will be practiced as well. 7 weeks. CLASS ID#
Beginning Diving
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
1/28 – 3/24
Advanced Beginning Diving
12:45 PM – 1:30 PM
1/28 – 3/24
Intermediate Diving
1:30 PM – 2:15 PM
1/28 – 3/24
56 winter 2012 Register at
Learn to Swim Levels
Scarlett – Saturday Lessons
Please read the swim level descriptions below carefully for correct class placement. Participants must have the required skill to participate in the selected class. Note that we can no longer transfer participants to lower level classes. If you have questions regarding swim levels please call 994-2300 ext. 53232. For complete descriptions please see our website at
7 classes.
Fee: $59
Class ID#
Level 1
11:20 AM – 11:55 AM
Level 1
12:40 PM – 1:15 PM
Level 2
12:00 PM – 12:35 PM
Level 2
1:20 PM – 1:55 PM
Level 1.5 (Age: 7-10) Requirement: must be comfortable in water without a parent.
Level 3
11:20 AM – 11:55 AM
Level 3
12:40 PM – 1:15 PM
Level 2 (Age: 4+) Requirement: must be comfortable with head or face in water and have overcome their fear of water.
Level 3
1:20 PM – 1:55 PM
Level 4
12:00 PM – 12:35 PM
Level 3 (Age: 5+) Requirement: must be able to front and back float independently and take 1-2 strokes by themselves.
Level 5
10:40 AM – 11:15 AM
Level 6
10:00 AM – 10:35 AM
Level 1 (Age: 4-6) Requirement: must be comfortable in water without a parent.
Level 4 (Age: 6+) Requirement: must be able to swim independently half the width of the pool (5yds) while using side breathing. Level 5 (Age: 7+) Requirement: must be able to swim independently the full width of the pool with proper front and backstroke technique. Level 6 (Age: 7+) Requirement: must be able to swim independently the full width of the pool with proper technique, and be comfortable swimming in the deep end.
Scarlett - Monday Lessons 1/23-3/19
8 classes.
FEE: $65
Level 1.5
7:30 PM – 8:05 PM
Level 7 (Age: 8+) Requirement: must be able to swim half the length of the pool using 3 major strokes, and butterfly width of the pool.
Level 2
6:10 PM – 6:45 PM
Level 3
6:10 PM – 6:45 PM
Level 8 (Age: 8+) Requirement: must be able to swim the full length of the pool using 3 major strokes, and butterfly half the length of the pool.
Level 4
7:30 PM – 8:05 PM
Level 5
6:50 PM – 7:25 PM
Level 9 (Age: 9+) Requirement: must be able to swim 2 full lengths (50yds) of 3 major strokes, and 1 full length of butterfly, with good technique, and have endurance to swim continuously for 1 hour. Are you interested in becoming a swim instructor? Contact Christie VanTongeren at 994-2300 ext. 53232 or email for more information.
Forsythe - Tuesday & Thursday Lessons First Session 1/24-2/14 Second Session 3/6-3/27
7 classes 7 classes
Fee: $59 Fee: $59
2nd Session
For Adult Swim classes, see page 14 For Scuba classes, see page 13
Level 1
6:50 PM – 7:25 PM
Level 2
6:10 PM – 6:45 PM
Level 3
6:50 PM – 7:25 PM
Youth Water Polo
Level 4
6:10 PM – 6:45 PM
Level 7
5:30 PM – 6:05 PM
Level 9
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53232
Boys & Girls, Grades 5-8. Do you love the water and want to play water polo. Then we’ve got the class for you. You’ll have a great time learning or improving your water polo game through individual skill drills, team fundamentals and scrimmaging. It is recommended that you have competitive swim experience. Beginning to advanced players welcome. Head Coaches: Evan Koorhan and Justin Thoresen, Huron Water Polo. 8 weeks. 1/23 – 3/19 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Scarlett – Wednesday Lessons
Water Polo – Youth
ID# 3597.201 FEE: $45
Competitive Swim FEE: $69
Monday Huron, Pool
For High School Water Polo, see page 13
8 classes.
FEE: $65
Level 1
6:00 PM – 6:35 PM
Level 2
6:40 PM – 7:15 PM
Level 3
6:00 PM – 6:35 PM
Level 5
7:20 PM – 7:55 PM
Level 6
7:20 PM – 7:55 PM
Level 8
6:40 PM – 7:15 PM
Register at
winter 2012 57
Youth Tennis
Questions? Call 734-994-2300, ext. 53243 Email:
Youth Tennis Classes include instruction, drills, fun games, fitness, agility and team building exercises. Please read the player level descriptions and age levels below carefully for correct class placement. Registered participants ages 8+ may check out a free loaner tennis racquet from the office one week prior to the start of class.
Player Level Descriptions: Mighty Mite (Ages 5-7) Learn basic stroke fundamentals and improve hand-eye coordination in a fun games-based approach to tennis. “Short” racquets provided by instructors on-court. Instructors incorporate new USTA QuickStart curriculum. Beginner and Beginner II (Ages 8-10, and 11-15) Offered in Spring, Summer and Fall sessions. Advanced Beginner (Ages 9-15) Prerequisite: Beginner or Beginner II or equivalent can rally the ball using both forehand and backhand from mid to backcourt, hit volleys and serve (inconsistently); will review and improve all strokes, learn more about rules by playing interactive live ball games. Intermediate (Ages 9-15) Prerequisite: Advanced Beginner - can rally from the baseline fairly consistently, feels comfortable at net hitting volleys and overheads, serves fairly consistently from baseline; will work on perfecting all strokes, confidence and consistency, begin match play, and strategy.
Instructional Classes (Indoor) at UM Varsity Tennis Center Participants must wear athletic shoes with non-marking soles. Class ID#
Mighty Mite
Adv. Beginner
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM 2/5 – 3/11
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM 2/5 – 3/11
4:15 PM – 5:30 PM 2/5 – 3/11
Join us for Rec&Ed Days with UM Men’s and Women’s Tennis! Come out and support the Michigan Men’s and Women’s Tennis Teams this winter on designated Rec&Ed Days, featuring free admission, raffles and prizes. Visit for specific promotion dates including a FREE YOUTH CLINIC. Go to for the full Men’s and Women’s collegiate tennis match schedule.
“America’s future walks through the doors of our schools each day.” – Mary Jean LeTendre, U.S. Educator and government official
Ann Arbor Public Schools Tuition Pre-School Ann Arbor Public Schools is pleased to offer an early childhood education program open to 4 year olds in the district. The programs are available at Thurston Elementary, 2300 Prairie, and Allen Elementary, 2650 Towner. Click here to download our brochure and application form.
58 winter 2012 Register at
5 Easy Ways to Register for Winter Fun!
By mail
By Phone
in person
Starting now at We accept Mastercard, VISA and American Express. First Time Registrant? Set up your online account and registration is easy!
Processing begins January 9 Mail your form and payment to Rec&Ed 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103.
Starting January 9, call 734-994-2300, ext. 53275 between 8 AM-4:30 PM, to register and pay by credit card. Sorry, no scholarship discounts can be accepted by phone. Due to the volume of calls, you may need to leave a message.
Starting January 9 Fax your form to to 734-994-1454 Monday-Friday 8 AM-4:30 PM
Bring your form to the Rec&Ed office starting January 9, Mon-Fri 8 AM-4:30 PM or use the 24 hour Lobby Drop Box. The lobby light will come on when you open the door.
Rec&Ed POLICIES & INFORMATION Refund/Credit Policy
You’re entitled to a full refund as a credit on your Rec&Ed account if you submit your cancellation request at least three days prior to the start of the first day of the class or activity by email to refunds@aaps. or by dropping off your request at our office or by mail to Rec&Ed Refund Request, 1515 S. 7th St., Ann Arbor, 48103. Program offerings cancelled by Rec&Ed will be fully refunded via credit card or check, based on your original payment method. See the complete refund policy at refund_policies
Wait List Policy
Scholarship Program
Fee waivers (scholarships) are available to permanent residents of the Ann Arbor Public School District. Scholarship application and detailed information is available at the Rec&Ed office or online at www.aareced. com/reced.home/scholarships.
Senior Adult Discounts
Residents of the Ann Arbor Public School District age 65 and older are eligible for a 50% discount on one class per term. The discount does not apply to co-sponsored classes, material and supply charges, field trips or tickets to performances.
Participants who register after a class has reached its maximum enrollment will be placed on a wait list and will be contacted when an opening is available. Please do not attend the class for which you are wait-listed until you are notified by our office.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Weather & Facility Cancellation Hotlines
Rec&Ed activities for youth programs will be cancelled when the Civil Preparedness office issues a severe weather or tornado warning. When a school is closed due to power loss or other facility problems, the Rec&Ed activities in that school are cancelled. Check our website at or call 734-994-2300 followed by the extension below. Department-wide
ext. 53114
ext. 53116
Team Sports
ext. 53115
ext. 53117
Sports Camps/Classes
ext. 53132
Access to programs and facilities is intended to be non-discriminatory. Please call at least four weeks in advance if you are requesting a special accommodation. For more information call 734-994-2300, ext. 53219. Rec&Ed staff follow the Ann Arbor Schools' No Nut Snack and Nutrition policy. If you receive a message or see a sign indicating that a building, or area in a building is nut or dairy-free, please be respectful of that rule. If your child has any allergies or medical conditions of which we should be aware, please indicate at registration. If your child has an allergy action plan, please let us know at least 4 weeks in advance of your child's participation in the camp or class. For more information call 734-9942300 ext. 53219.
Detailed Course Descriptions and More Information
Additional information, complete descriptions, directions and no class dates can be found at Select Online Registration.
Winter Registration Forms are on pages 60 & 61. Register at
winter 2012 59
C E R ED &
winter 2012 registration Form Please print and fill out completely. Use separate form for each payor
______ of _______
Residency: Is your primary residence within the Ann Arbor Public School District? Yes q No q Do you have a current Rec&Ed scholarship? Yes q No q Pending q ID#________________ Change in address or phone for registrant since last registration? Yes q No q Change in address or phone for payor since last registration? Yes q No q
class class & & Camp Camp Selections Selections class/camp ID#
Office Use
Batch # _________ Trans # _________
#2 #1 Participant Participant Information Information
Class/camp title
Office Use
Fee firST NAME _______________________________________________ Last NAME ________________________________________________
q CK q CA q CC q CR
address_______________________________City ________________ # _____________ ST ______ ZIP ______________ Phone __________________________ Birthdate_______________ Gender: M q F q GRADE ___________ School child will attend in Fall 12 ______________________________
REQUIRED INFORMATION: for youth enrolling in class or camp
Total $__________ Disc. ___________
emergency contact Name _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) __________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions? q No q Yes (EXPLAIN) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________
class & Camp Selections class/camp ID#
#2 Participant Information
Class/camp title
Office Use
Fee firST NAME _______________________________________________ Last NAME ________________________________________________
q CK q CA q CC q CR
address_______________________________City ________________
# _____________
ST ______ ZIP ______________ Phone __________________________
Total $__________
Birthdate_______________ Gender: M q F q GRADE ___________
Disc. ___________
School child will attend in Fall 12 ______________________________ REQUIRED INFORMATION: for youth enrolling in class or camp
emergency contact Name _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) __________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions? q No q Yes (EXPLAIN) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________
Payor Name
(Person paying for classes(es) activities
First Name _____________________________________ Last Name____________________________________________________
Please complete entire section
Make check payable to: AAPS (Ann Arbor Public Schools) Do not send cash.
Include payment: Credit from Rec&Ed account:
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street
Home Phone (_______) ________________________________ Work Phone (_________)__________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Birthdate________________ Gender: M q F q
payment METHOD:
Credit cards
$ ___________________
q Check q credit card q Scholarship # __________________ q Credit on Rec&Ed Account
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Print your name exactly as it appears on the credit card q VISA q Mastercard q AM EXPRESS
Total Fee (Required) $ ________________________________________
Sorry we cannot accept debit cards at this time Card # _____________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________ CVV# ________________ 3-digit security code
Signature (required) __________________________________________________________________________ I agree to pay above total amount according to the card issuers agreement and the Rec&Ed Refund/Credit policy as listed in this catalog.
60 winter 2012 Register at
q $1 donation to the Rec&Ed Scholarship Fund
Amount Paid: $_______________
Mail entire form to: Rec&Ed winter 2012 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103
winter 2012 registration Form Please print and fill out completely. Use separate form for each payor
______ of _______
Residency: Is your primary residence within the Ann Arbor Public School District? Yes q No q Do you have a current Rec&Ed scholarship? Yes q No q Pending q ID#________________ Change in address or phone for registrant since last registration? Yes q No q Change in address or phone for payor since last registration? Yes q No q
class class & & Camp Camp Selections Selections class/camp ID#
Office Use
Batch # _________ Trans # _________
#2 #1 Participant Participant Information Information
Class/camp title
Office Use
Fee firST NAME _______________________________________________
q CK q CA
Last NAME ________________________________________________
q CC q CR address_______________________________City ________________ # _____________ ST ______ ZIP ______________ Phone __________________________ Total $__________
Birthdate_______________ Gender: M q F q GRADE ___________
Disc. ___________
School child will attend in Fall 12 ______________________________
REQUIRED INFORMATION: for youth enrolling in class or camp
emergency contact Name _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) __________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions? q No q Yes (EXPLAIN) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________
class & Camp Selections class/camp ID#
#2 Participant Information
Class/camp title
Office Use
Fee firST NAME _______________________________________________
q CK q CA q CC q CR
Last NAME ________________________________________________ address_______________________________City ________________
# _____________
ST ______ ZIP ______________ Phone __________________________
Total $__________
Birthdate_______________ Gender: M q F q GRADE ___________
Disc. ___________
School child will attend in Fall 12 ______________________________ REQUIRED INFORMATION: for youth enrolling in class or camp
emergency contact Name _________________________________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) __________________________________ Does your child have any allergies or medical conditions? q No q Yes (EXPLAIN) _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________
Payor Name
(Person paying for classes(es) activities
First Name _____________________________________ Last Name____________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street
Please complete entire section
Make check payable to: AAPS (Ann Arbor Public Schools) Do not send cash.
Include payment: Credit from Rec&Ed account:
Home Phone (_______) ________________________________ Work Phone (_________)__________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Birthdate________________ Gender: M q F q
payment METHOD:
Credit cards
$ ___________________
q Check q credit card q Scholarship # __________________ q Credit on Rec&Ed Account
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Print your name exactly as it appears on the credit card q VISA q Mastercard q AM EXPRESS
Total Fee (Required) $ ________________________________________
Sorry we cannot accept debit cards at this time Card # _____________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________ CVV# ________________ 3-digit security code
Signature (required) __________________________________________________________________________
q $1 donation to the Rec&Ed Scholarship Fund Amount Paid: $_______________
Mail entire form to: Rec&Ed winter 2012 1515 S. Seventh St. Ann Arbor, MI 48103
I agree to pay above total amount according to the card issuers agreement and the Rec&Ed Refund/Credit policy as listed in this catalog.
Register at
winter 2012 61
Rec&Ed Class Map Key Rec&Ed Locations
Other Rec&Ed Class Sites
Rec&Ed Office/Conference Room, Classrooms and Lounge 1515 S. Seventh, E Wing, Pioneer (E-7) Enter at Pioneer High Dr. off 7th Street Ann Arbor Preschool & Family Center (G-9) 2775 Boardwalk CAB- Eberbach Cultural Arts Building (G-7) 1220 S. Forest St, at corner of Wells Street High Point 1735 S. Wagner Road (A-7) WISD-Washtenaw Intermediate School District (A-8) 1819 S. Wagner Road
Elementary Schools
Abbot 2670 Sequoia Parkway Allen 2560 Towner Boulevard Angell 1608 S. University Bach 600 W. Jefferson Bryant 2150 Santa Rosa Drive Burns Park 1414 Wells Street Carpenter 4250 Central Boulevard Dicken 2135 Runnymede Eberwhite 800 Soule Haisley 825 Duncan King 3800 Waldenwood Drive Lakewood 344 Gralake Lawton 2250 S. Seventh Logan 2685 Traver Ann Arbor Open @ Mack 920 Miller Mitchell 3550 Pittsview Northside 912 Barton Drive Pattengill 2100 Crestland Drive Pittsfield 2543 Pittsfield Boulevard Thurston 2300 Prairie Wines 1701 Newport Road
Middle Schools Clague Forsythe Scarlett Slauson Tappan
High Schools
Community Huron Pioneer Roberto Clemente Skyline A2 Tech@Stone School
2616 Nixon Road 1655 Newport Road 3300 Lorraine 1019 W. Washington 2251 E. Stadium Boulevard
(B-4) (I-9) (H-6) (F-5) (I-10) (H-7) (N-9) (C-7) (E-6) (C-4) (M-5) (B-5) (D-8) (J-2) (F-4) (K-10) (H-3) (I-8) (L-9) (K-2) (E-3)
(K-2) (E-3) (K-10) (D-5) (I-7)
401 N. Division (F-5) 2727 Fuller Road (K-5) 601 W. Stadium Boulevard (E-7) 4377 Textile Road (N-12) 2552 N. Maple Road (B-3) 2800 Stone School Road (I-9)
62 winter 2012 Register at
A. Allmendinger Park....................................................................... (E-7) Pauline Street, between S. Seventh and Main B. Ann Arbor Music Center............................................................ (F-6) 317 S. Ashley C. BalancePoint Fitness ...............................................................(D-11) 3770 Plaza Drive, Suite 1 D. Ann Arbor Community Center.............................................. (F-5) 625 N. Main Street E. Bodies in Balance .........................................................................(G-5) 211 E. Ann Street F. The Chippewa Club .................................................................... (O-9) 2525 Golfside Road G. Coffee House Creamery ............................................................(A-4) 3790 Jackson Road H. Colonial Lanes Bowling ...........................................................(H-8) 1950 S. Industrial Highway I. Copper Leaf Crossing ............................................................. (A-12) 4940 Ann Arbor-Saline Road J. County Farm Park ....................................................................... (K-9) 2960 Washtenaw K. Dorian’s Studio............................................................................(D-10) L. Westarbor Animal Hospital................................................... (5-A) 6011 Jackson Rd. M. Ita Yoga Studio............................................................................. (K-3) 2745 Plymouth Road N. Michigan Theater......................................................................... (G-6) 605 East Liberty Street O. Peaceful Dragon School ..........................................................(C-7) 1945 Pauline, Suite B P. PKSA Dojang ...............................................................................(D-11) 3770 Plaza Drive, Suite 2 Q. Sun Moon Yoga Studio.............................................................. (F-5) 404 W. Huron R. UM Varsity Tennis Center .........................................................(G-9) 2250 S. State Street S. WHC: Ellen Thompson Women’s Health Center........... (O-8) 5320 Elliott Drive, campus St. Joseph Mercy Hospital T. Whole Food Market .................................................................... (K-8) 3135 Washtenaw Avenue U. Wright Studio ............................................................................... (H-8) 1386 Coler V. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory .................................. (G-6) 521 E. Liberty Street Other Locations Baron Glassworks, 838 Railroad Street, Ypsilanti
Rec&Ed Class Locations B
r bo
State Cir.
Plaza Dr.
airport blvd
platt stone school
Ar n An
ro dixbo
Bryant ellsworth
7 D r.
wash t
ky r n p hu
mitchell scarlett
st. Boardwalk
Rd .
Pattengill pac
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o hur
E. stadium
scio church
I -9
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burns park tappan
High Point
angell ht
5 king
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huron e b V n
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M e d fo
lake wood
Mai Broadway den
D mack q
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S. i n
11 I-94
S. Seventh
Rec&Ed Office Entrance
S. Main
pioneer HS
wines forsythe
3 -2
clague Thurston
ver tra
north side
bar ton
maple Road
pioneer High Dr.
Register at
winter 2012 63
Where Community Comes Together!
Fitness Fair 2012 Thursday, January 12 • 5:30 – 7:30 PM Forsythe Middle School • 1655 Newport Road • Ann Arbor
Dwight Cendrowski Photography
12% off
6:12 PM
each Fitness class you enroll in at the Fitness Fair!
Keynote Speaker
Pete Thomas
Limited offer valid on 1/12/12
Enter to win a
(Season 2 At-Home Winner of The Biggest Loser)
Grand Prize!
Raffle Prizes Donated by Dick’s Sporting Goods, Elmo’s T-Shirts, Tortoise & Hare and more.
Fran Coy’s Salon & Spa of Ann Arbor
Don’t miss this opportunity to help keep your New Year’s Resolution to get in shape! Ann Arbor Public Schools Community Education & Recreation
First Steps Washtenaw
Talk to our instructors See what classes best fit your life style WIN prizes – raffle drawings every 12 minutes
Spa Weekend for two at the newly remodeled Weber’s Inn, complete with spa treatments at
Life Long Learning •
Youth Team Sports • Adult Team Sports •
et a S pe Gift fr cial om Rec&E d!
School-Age Child Care •
School-Age Child Care •
Life Long Learning •
Firs 112 g t uests g
Youth Team Sports • Adult Team Sports •
First Steps Washtenaw
Rec&Ed invites you to join us for our
C E D R E &
1515 S. Seventh Street • Ann Arbor, MI 48103 • 734.994.2300 •