The CollegeFinance Directors’ Conference and Exhibition

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The College Finance Directors’ Conference and Exhibition 20 and 21 June 2012 The International Centre, Telford

Key speakers include:

This year the conference marks its 14th anniversary during an era of major political and economic uncertainty, which represents a challenging, yet stimulating time to be a College Finance Director.

The conference will: • Geoff Russell, Chief Executive, Skills Funding Agency

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Tony Travers, Director, LSE Greater London Group and Visiting Professor, LSE’s Government Department

Kim Thorneywork, Executive Director of Delivery, Skills Funding Agency

Be the only conference designed with and for College Finance Directors which covers the full range of your responsibilities Offer you a chance to hear the latest from the people in charge of College policy Provide 25 workshops covering the latest on funding, data, higher education, college tax issues, sub-contracting, IT and capital financing to name a few Give you an insight into the big issues in the 2013 Spending Review and a chance to work out how Colleges will survive and thrive in future Allow you the excellent opportunity to network with peers and suppliers within the exhibition.

What delegates said about our 2011 conference: ‘The conference included the right blend of keynotes (from the right people), commercial (from the exhibitors), policy and advice (from the breakout sessions) and social/ entertainment (from the drinks reception and dinner, including the quiz which was great fun)’ Jane McCann, Director of Finance, Blackburn College

Peter Mucklow, Director of 16-18 education, Education Funding Agency (EFA)

‘Essential updating for all College Finance Directors’

Liz Hurst, Vice Principal Finance and Resources, Somerset College For more information and to register:

Who should attend? • • • •

Finance Directors Deputy and Vice Principals with a finance remit College Accountants Finance Managers

Conference fees Full fees

From £555 + VAT (includes attendance at the conference on 20 and 21 June, B&B accommodation on 20 June and the conference dinner on 20 June) Multiple booking discounts available to AoC members

Day fees From £320 + VAT (includes attendance at the conference on either 20 or 21 June only)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

AoC Create now provides CPD self-certification to our delegates. CPD offers enhanced job satisfaction and control over your own development. For more information visit:

Conference sponsors

Conference Programme (Subject to change)

Wednesday 20 June 09.00 Registration opens sponsored by Murja Limited, refreshments served with exhibitors Visit over 35 exhibitors all under one roof – your chance to meet and gain information and advice from leading suppliers to the sector. Delegates can also enter the ‘Postcard to the Exhibition’ prize draw by visiting a number of suppliers, sponsored by Danwood.

10.00 Conference welcome Speaker:

David Pullein, Executive Director – Finance, Leeds College of Building and Chair, The College Finance Directors’ Group

10.10 Chair for the day

Dr James Bellini is a former presenter on the BBC Money Programme, Panorama and Newsnight and ‘a historian of the future’ with a close interest in key strategic challenges facing current and future business up to Horizon 2025. James will be chairing the conference on both days.


Dr James Bellini, Former Presenter, The Money Programme and Sky Business News

10.20 Keynote address

Fiona has been one of the most successful College Principals in the last two decades and has made Bridgwater College renowned for both the quality of its education and its responsiveness to local employers. Fiona was elected AoC President in 2011 and will address the priorities for Colleges over the next two years.


Fiona McMillan, President, Association of Colleges and Principal, Bridgwater College

10.35 Keynote address

Geoff is standing down as Chief Executive of Skills Funding Agency this summer following a three year role in charge of the Agency and the Learning and Skills Council. He will offer his views on the current and future role of the Agency and on the challenges and opportunities facing Colleges in an increasingly turbulent environment.


Geoff Russell, Chief Executive, Skills Funding Agency

11.00 Questions and answers 11.10 Networking break with exhibitors, refreshments will be served

11.40 Breakout session one


(Choose one from the following)

Making your money work harder!: Optimising the value of your cash in today’s economic environment

Lloyds Bank Further Education Team - Conference Sponsor

The Lloyds Bank Further Education Team will host an interactive workshop focusing on the opportunities and challenges around Liquidity Management in the current market environment. The session will explore some of the practical and innovative ways to maximise your return on Credit Balances and also look at any concerns or challenges that you may have in setting a cash management strategy.


Delivering value for FE


Funded by central government as a world leading shared service, JANET provide the network infrastructure and services to support the further education community in its mission of delivering world class education and training. This session will outline how JANET supports your individual Colleges and the sector as a whole. It will discuss how we can continue to deliver tangible value in the changing political and economic landscape.

1.3 issues

Pension auto-enrolment: A College perspective on the financial and strategic

JLT Benefit Solutions Limited

This interactive session will cover:

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An overview of auto-enrolment legislation - what/when/how Why the auto-enrolment experience will be different in the public sector from the private sector Specific auto-enrolment challenges faced in further education Practical advice on the steps that need to be taken now to ensure a successful transition


Lessons from other sectors on how Colleges can achieve and track employment outcomes

MyWorkSearch Ltd

Colleges are being pressured to achieve and track employment outcomes for their learners. The sums at stake for each College are large, however the amount per individual is low. This workshop will focus on how technology used in other areas of the employment market provides solutions that would benefit Colleges.


Strategic issues for Sixth Form Colleges

Association of Colleges

The 93 Sixth Form Colleges have a good track record and a strong collective reputation but are reliant on 16-18 education funding which is being squeezed year on year. This discussion session for sixth form FDs will explore some of the ways in which Sixth Form Colleges’ can respond.

12.40 Networking lunch with exhibitors Visit over 35 exhibitors all under one roof – your chance to meet and gain information and advice from leading suppliers to the sector. Delegates can also enter the ‘Postcard to the Exhibition’ prize draw by visiting a number of suppliers, sponsored by Danwood.

13.40 Keynote address

Tony Travers is an academic at the London School of Economics and one of the leading experts in the UK on public services and public spending. He has written several books on central and local government and is a regular commentator on the TV news and in the press. A recent article in Public Finance suggested the public spending squeeze might last until 2022!


Tony Travers, Director, LSE Greater London Group and Visiting Professor, LSE’s Government Department

14.20 Breakout session two (Choose one from the following)


EFA Funding

Education Funding Agency

This session will offer an update from the Education Funding Agency funding team on the latest developments in the 16-18 funding for 2012-13 and the plans for changing the funding formula in the future.


Sub-contracting: Tactics, benefits and pitfalls

North Warwickshire and Hinckley College

This session will consider the risks and mitigating actions of subcontracting in an age of increasing levels of scrutiny and reduced funding. During the session you will get the chance to discuss: • • • • • • • •

Fraud Due diligence Oversight Reporting Strategy Tactics Financial benefit Procurement.


Financing the College ICT estate A new approach in the era of tight budgets

Econocom Plc

Traditional ICT financing has forced Colleges to return assets when the financing, rather than the College, dictates. Otherwise, penalties can be incurred which can play havoc with carefully planned budgets. What if you could have stable payments and refresh the ICT assets at any time with no penalties?


Crisis Management

Marsh Conference Sponsor

Crisis? What crisis? Just how DO you respond should the College become embroiled in a crisis? Teacher runs away with student, food poisoning, the worst results in history. Crisis can come in all shapes in sizes and this interactive session will provoke

thought and no doubt encourage a check of the Colleges existing crisis communications plan‌


What Colleges can do to improve their data and why it matters

North East Worcestershire College

Accurate data has never been more important for Colleges who want to engage effectively with students and employers, to maximise their funding or to meet OFSTED standards in terms of quality. This session will help explain what one College principal has learnt about improving data quality both in his current role and from his previous experience in a variety of Colleges.

15.20 Networking break with exhibitors, refreshments will be served 15.50 Breakout session three (Choose one from the following)


EFA Funding (Repeat)

Education Funding Agency

This session will offer an update from the Education Funding Agency funding team on the latest developments in the 16-18 funding for 2012-13 and the plans for changing the funding formula in future.


The new approach to financial regulation of Colleges

Skills Funding Agency

The SFA embarked on a substantial set of reforms in 2011 to simplify and improve the way it regulates and

communicates with Colleges which are being implemented alongside its new funding system. This session is a chance to get an update on the Whole Provider View project and to understand what the changes to the financial memorandum and other processes mean in practice for Colleges.


Inspiring ways for Colleges to utilise their IT assets to make money

EMC Computer Systems (UK) Ltd

EMC and their Managed Services partner Novosco demonstrate that IT can evolve beyond being a cost centre and become a tremendous opportunity for new revenue streams. EMC, market leader in technology, has a proven track record delivering shared service and enabling service providers. Join them to learn how to transform your operations and deliver tomorrow’s IT platform, today.


Career progression for Finance Directors

AoC Create

This breakout session will focus on career progression for Finance Directors within the sector, including the preparation required to take the step to Vice Principal and Principal level. During this session we will share case studies and experiences from individuals who have developed their careers through a financial route, the steps they took to prepare and the challenges they have faced. We will also discuss the recruitment process and the skills that selection panels look to assess.


Getting to grips with FE loans

Association of Colleges

The FE Loans scheme starts in 2013 and represents a major challenge for Colleges. It means that students over the age of 24 will be wholly responsible for paying the cost of their level 3 and 4 courses. The implementation of loans will create substantial administrative challenges for Colleges. Hear the latest and discuss the issues.

16.50 Free time – a chance to network, get back to your hotel or go for a run 19.00 Networking drinks reception with the exhibitors

Thursday 21 June 08.45 Registration opens sponsored by Murja Limited, refreshments served with exhibitors

Visit over 35 exhibitors all under one roof – your chance to meet and gain information and advice from leading suppliers to the sector. Delegates can also enter the ‘Postcard to the Exhibition’ prize draw by visiting a number of suppliers, sponsored by Danwood.

09.45 Chair for the day Chair:

Dr James Bellini, Former Presenter of The Money Programme and Sky Business News

09.55 Interactive debate – The 20.00 Conference dinner sponsored by MHA MacIntyre financial future for Colleges Everyone is agreed that the next Hudson

ten years will be difficult so what do the panel and the audience think are the ways in which Colleges will survive until 2025 and what are the things they need to do in the next few years and next couple of months to get there. This interactive session will include a presentation from both Julian Gravatt on some of the short and long-term issues for Colleges and David Pullein about the conclusions from The College Finance Director’s Group (CFDG) discussions about what Colleges need to do.

After dinner speaker David Aaronovitch is a writer, broadcaster and commentator on culture, international affairs, politics and the media. David was also recently on Question Time.


Julian Gravatt, Assistant Chief Executive, Association of Colleges Paul McGuire, Executive Director of Finance, Skills Funding Agency David Pullein, Chair, The College Finance Directors’ Group

11.05 Networking break with exhibitors, refreshments will be served 11.35 Breakout session four (Choose one from the following)


Skills Funding

Skills Funding Agency

The simplification of the Skills Funding Agency funding system is due to take effect in 2013/14 but there continue to be changes and refinements to the rules in response to events. The workshop gives a brief explanation of the proposals being considered and gives the opportunity for feedback and questions.


Delivering new capital projects without government funding

Capita Symonds Ltd

Following on from last year’s session Richard Dinsdale, Design Director with Capita Symonds Ltd, will explore in detail alternative approaches to funding capital projects in the absence of substantive financial support from central government. Examples and case studies of projects will be shared, along with governance arrangements and routes to procurement.


HE Funding and Finance


Many Colleges run higher education courses but the funding environment has become more complex as a result of the changes to the student finance system. In large part, teaching grants have been replaced with tuition fees paid by students underpinned by a system of government financed loans to

pay these fees. To keep control of this student support expenditure, the Government limits the overall number of students that can be recruited and requires HEFCE to impose penalties for over-recruitment. This session provides an update of the system managed by HEFCE and will help explore the issues facing Colleges.


Can we get better value from exams


Competition and collaboration in 14 to 19 education

MidKent College

Drawing upon experience gained from the Kent Association of FE Colleges (KAFEC) and the Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC) amongst others, this session will provide delegates with an understanding of the real but limited success achieved to date and some immediate actions to take to drive better value from awarding body procurement.

Association of Colleges

The last government encouraged Colleges to collaborate but also introduced more competition. This government wants to see more choice but is also keen to see federations, new models of delivery and greater efficiency. This discussion session will consider the policy, law and rules and how Colleges might respond.

12.35 Networking lunch with exhibitors

Visit over 35 exhibitors all under one roof – your chance to meet and gain information and advice from leading suppliers to the sector. Delegates can also enter the ‘Postcard to the Exhibition’ prize draw by visiting a number of suppliers, sponsored by Danwood.

13.35 Breakout session five (Choose from one of the following)


Skills Funding (Repeat)

Skills Funding Agency

The simplification of the Skills Funding Agency funding system is due to take effect in 2013/14 but there continue to be changes and refinements to the rules in response to events. The workshop gives a brief explanation of the proposals being considered and gives the opportunity for feedback and questions.


Up against it Remaining productive, effective and sane in a world of increasing pressures

Wakefield College

Colleges are asked to do more with less. The same seems to apply to us as professionals. How do you focus on the important without getting swamped by the urgent? When time seems no longer ours to manage, how do you stay in control, keep up your energy levels, and leave time for yourself? Leave the session with some practical tips, tactics and strategies to improve your effectiveness.


The changing world of personal tax and pensions

Association of Colleges

There is plenty of innovation in tax and pension law and administration. This session will cover salary sacrifice schemes, the proposed

abolition of contracted out national insurance, restrictions on pension and charitable tax reliefs, new definitions of employment status and the introduction of Real Time Information (RTI) for staff under PAYE.


Management Accounts

The College Finance Directors’ Group

This interactive session will provide an update on the College Finance Directors’ Group (CFDG) project to update the 2008 management accounts model. The model reflects best practice but is not mandatory. The session is a chance for you to reflect on how your College’s management accounts look compared against others in the sector.

14.35 Networking break with exhibitors, refreshments will be served Last chance to visit the suppliers and enter the prize draw, sponsored by Danwood.

15.00 Keynote address

The recently formed Education Funding Agency (EFA) will discuss how it will handle its wider responsibilities, which include funding more than 2,000 academies and managing the school building programme but more specifically what the key policies and issues are in 16-19 education.


Peter Mucklow, National Director for Young People, Education Funding Agency

15.20 Keynote address

The Skills Funding Agency will update delegates on SFA plans, on 2012-13 funding allocations, on plans for 2013-14 and on the progress made in simplifying rules, guidance and systems.


Kim Thorneywork, Executive Director of Delivery, Skills Funding Agency

15.40 Interactive questions and answer session with the panel Panel:

Julian Gravatt, Assistant Chief Executive, Association of Colleges Kim Thorneywork, Executive Director of Delivery, Skills Funding Agency Peter Mucklow, National Director for Young People, Education Funding Agency

16.00 Conference close

AoC would like to thank the exhibitors and sponsors for their support of this event. Conference sponsors

Exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities This event offers suppliers a unique opportunity to meet and do business with key decision-makers of Colleges. For information about exhibition and sponsorship opportunities available at this event please contact

Conference dinner sponsor

Registration sponsor

Postcard to the exhibition sponsor

AoC Create is a distinct company, wholly owned by the Association of Colleges. We operate at the heart of the College sector. We truly are for the sector, by the sector. AoC Create has been working within the education and broader public sector for over 10 years. Our strength lies in offering high quality, cost effective support. Our team is made up of talented people and we are proud of the results we achieve. We can support your organisation in the following services: consultancy executive resourcing events training Visit our new website for more information

For more information and to register:

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