Brazil Presentation E-Scrap Conference 2012

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ABERE The Brazilian Association of Electric and Electronic Recycling Companies (ABERE), is an initiative by Brazilian electronics recyclers to formalize the End-of-Life market of Electro and Electronic Equipment. The Association had its first meeting in January 10th 2011 and was incorporated July 06th , 2011. Companies represented from institutions that operate in the post consuming electronics market, include Reverse Logistics, Refurbishing and Remarketing, Recycling and NonProfit Organizations that works with recovery of electronics and charity donation.

ABERE: Main Objectives Association Goals (5 of 16) 1.

Gather the companies involved financially in the post consuming chain of electronics such as Recycling, Recovering, Final Disposal and other related areas;


Develop rules and good practices for production and quality improvement of the associated companies;


Develop along with government authorities and other entities researches and suggestions aiming the developing and improvement of national market for recycling; recovery; final disposition and Reverse Logistics of Electronics;


Work actively for the improvement of the specific legislation, especially in the commercialization; importing and exporting, aiming a fair and equalitarian treatment of producers, distributors and user of this services


Promote internationally the information and the commercialization of Brazilian electronics recycling.

Brazil: Where the Future is now Economy:

6th Biggest Economy of the world (IMF)

GDP (2011):

2.493 Trillion US Dollars

Population (2011): Area: Capital:

196,655,014 People 8,502,728.27 Km² (3,287,597 sq mi) Brasilia

Government: President:

Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic Dilma Rousseff (Elected by Democratic Vote)

Oil: Drinking Water: Energy Source:

The country is independent in Oil Brazil has ~15% of Global Drinking Water Clean – Hydro Power

Future Events:

World Cup in 2014 Olympic Games – Rio 2016

Electronic Recycling Market According to International Data Corporation (IDC), in 2011 Brazil became the 3rd biggest market for computers in the whole world, passing Japan and only behind USA and China.

The United Nations program StEP (Solving the E-waste Problem) in its report Recycling: From EWaste to Resource released 2010 classified Brazil as the biggest generator of Computer Waste (per capita) between all the emerging Countries. Brazil has 256.4 Million Cell Phone Lines operating, which represents 130.4 cell phones for each 100 people. Expected life time for the cell phones are 18 months.

Electronic Recycling Market Actual average generation of electronic waste in Brazil is approximately 10.15 lb per person. A report ordered by the Brazilian Ministry of Trade and Industrial Development (MDIC) showed the Potential Disposal Volume for the following years in Brazil, based in sales numbers and life cycle of the products.

2013: 2014: 2015: Total:

968.000 Tons 1.030.000 Tons 1.200.000 Tons 3.198.000 Tons

Recycling in Brazil Historically recycling was done in small independent non-regulated businesses. Electronic Recycling in Brazil is a very immature market, according with a research made by the ABERE there are less than 50 established companies working with E-Scrap but only about 30% of them are licensed for the activity. 100% of the licensed Electronic Recycling Companies are located in the southern area of the country. Opportunities for professional companies in the three stages of E-Waste Recycling Chain (Collection and Logistics; Pre-Processing and Reverse Manufacturing; End-Processing and Final Disposal ) Migration of the business model from Commodity Trading to Product Life Cycle Management

New Regulatory Scenario • Law 12.305/2010 – National Policy for Solid Waste First initiative in Brazil to regulate solid waste disposition, from Urban Waste, Cardboard to Electronics Equipment and Pesticides. Special waste such as Batteries, Light Bulbs and Electronics must have a Reverse Logistics Program to collect post-consuming products according to the Article 33 (following).

New Regulatory Scenario Article 33: The Manufactures, Importers, Distributors and Retailers of the items listed below, are obligated to develop and implement a Reverse Logistic System for the returning of products used by the consumer, independently of the municipal collection service and solid waste handling: can cited

I - Pesticides, its waste and packaging, also any other product which the package contain residual hazardous waste, according with hazardous waste managing in previous law or established regulation. II - Batteries; III - Tires; IV - Lubricant Oil, its residues and packaging; V – Fluorescents Lighting, Sodium and Mercury Vapor Bulbs; VI – Electric and Electronic Equipment and its components.

Electronic Industry Agreement The Law 12.305/2010 is the framework for all solid waste, specific Reverse Logistics System and terms will be set according with a Sectorial Agreement for each industry. A Task Group is working in the agreement with representatives from 25 different Institutions and Associations representing Manufactures, Distributors, Importers, Retailers, Government (IBAMA, Environmental Ministry, Industrial Development Ministry, Economy Ministry and other), NGOs, Universities and Recyclers . This Task Group is meeting every month from September 2011 to develop the terms for the Extended Producer Responsibility Program. The end result will be a recommended formal policy that is submitted to the government for approval and enforcement.

Electronic Industry Agreement Policy Agreement must be done before December 2012; 2013 – Take back programs must be implemented with collection points in the 100 biggest Brazilian Cities (biggest cities represents 64,7% of all e-waste generated in the country); Shared Costs between Consumers, Retailers, Importers and Manufacturers; Shared Responsibility; Main goal is having 20% of all Brazilian Cities with permanent Collection Points up to 2018

Biggest Challenges for Brazil •

Enforcement of Law;

Responsibility and Cost Payment of Orphan Products;

Hazardous Waste Classification;

Cost Sharing Model (Manufactures; Importers, Retailers, Consumers);

Recycling Targets based in Production;

Consumer Education;

Need of a dropping off document;

Reuse and Remarketing Possibilities.

Biggest Opportunities for Brazil •

Consolidation of Electronic Industry Image as Environmental Responsible and a Successful Case;

Integration among the stakeholders of the electronic industry;

Closing loop of the recycled raw material;

Environmental Protection;

Business Development Opportunities;

Generation of Jobs and Revenue;

Development of Best Practices and Professional Standards.

Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Reciclagem de Eletroeletrônico For more information: See us at Reciclo Metais Booth (114)

Phone: +55 11 99705-5603 Address:

Rua Maestro Elias Lobo, No. 650 Sao Paulo - Brazil

Marcus William M. de Oliveira, M.Sc. Sustainability Director of ABERE, Biomedical Scientist, Master in Science in Toxicology and Toxicological Analysis by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Sao Paulo. Worked as a researcher for three years in the Biochemistry Department of the University of Dublin – Trinity College (Ireland). Currently is the CEO of Reciclo Metais, company which works with Electronic Scrap Processing in Sao Paulo – Brazil, Marcus also works with Consultancy for the E-waste management and WEEE related projects. MBA of Management for Sustainability by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV/SP; National and International experienced researcher in the E-waste and recycling field. Active member of the development group of Brazilian first E-waste Recycler Certification, in the CTI (Information Technology Center) from Brazilian Science and Technology Ministry, has contributed with World Bank agency Infodev in its research about the Brazilian Market for e-waste.

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