Recolution journal 2014 english

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journal Issue # 1 2 014 respect the earth, love the people wear your attitude


Moin moin recolution. One letter makes the difference. A new word coming into fashion. A word found in no dictionary. No off the shelf product. recolution is not just a fashion label. recolution is our attitude to life. We stand for casual, urban and north-German clothing that matches our passion. Our passion for quality and creativity. For community and sincerity, for sustainability and for nature. At recolution, our clothing is made from pure organic cotton. Every single article of clothing represents the protection of our environment, our respect for nature and our love for the world we live in. recolution – wear your attitude.

hamburg Taking a step outside, you jump onto your bike. It‘s a new day in the prettiest city of the world. Last night you probably overdid it by one, maybe two hours. You could do with another round of sleep... nerver mind, it was worth it. First things first – you get to your favourite Portugese restaurant around the corner. While leaning back and stirring your coffee, you gently welcome the new day. Snug in your sweater up to the chin, you join the traffic and cycle down to the Elbe.




THE PORT The port, the lights, the yearning... this is my home. Hamburg is where I feel at home. Cranes stretching into the sky and seagulls screeching as they fly on by. People and machinery, ships and containers. Everything is in motion. Our port is the gateway to the world. Here lies the heart of the city and it is here one can feel its pulse. 24/7, day in day out, night after night..





recolution supporters #1

der sechste lachs Six friends, six creative minds originating from six different cities. Having found one another in Hamburg, they share the same goal. In order to realise their mutual dream, this group of artists “Der Sechste Lachs“ combines their strengths and gives their creativity a new name. Hatching and being raised in shallow waters, allowed the “Lachse“ (salmons) to gather strength. As their journey began, on the lookout for new projects and challenges, they swam upstream, against the

current. flussaufwärts. We liked Gegen that. den That‘s Strom, why dass we awaited gefiel uns. themUnd eagerly so haben at a waterwir an fall. einem Hungry Wasserfall for new hungrig designs aufand sie motifs gewartet. for Hungrig our t-shirts aufand neue sweaters. Designs und Motive für T-Shirts und Asunsere they approached, wePullover. snapped Als themsie up.sich näherten, haben wir zugeschnappt. Although our cooperation with “Der Sechte Lachs“ has just begun, we Unsere Zusammenarbeit sechsten Lachs steht erst coming am Ancan‘t wait to see where it mit will dem take us. Look forward to what‘s fang, lässt uns aber bereits vollernext. Neugier und Vorfreude in die Zukunft blicken. Seid gespannt, was noch so alles kommen wird.


recolution supporters #2

Westan Union Music Group The Westan Union Music Group is made up of artists from different genres, who bring together what belongs together. Four of them are the Hamburg musicians Young CRhyme (Rap), Rawbird (Reggae), Lilian Gold (Soul/RnB) and Gemini (Rap), who enchant the city and beyond with their solo projects or as a crew. We were introduced to each another by a mutual DJ friend. Thanks to the right pitch and wavelength, we quickly learned to value and respect one another. One side lives and loves music, the other lives and loves sweaters. It didn‘t take long for the idea of a recolution song to be born. And so ideas were thrown into one pot and set in motion at the Hamburg iFire-Studio. Skilled rhymes, fine beats and a strong hook. After bouncing these, we found ourselves with an amazingly tight song. „Talking about a recolution“ is now available at musik, aight!



elbstrand A short break at the Elbstrand. Fine, white sand and huge, well-travelled container ships. Without these, the air would be very different but the atmosphere as well. With the wind blowing in your face and sand in your shoes. Nostalgic memories of sunnier days. Ducking your head into the warming fabric, collar up and hands buried deep into the pockets.




STERNSCHANZE AND ST. PAULI Hamburg, the Sternschanze, the Schulterblatt and the Flora. These areas belong together like we do with the football club St. Pauli. Drinking a last round of beer in one of the countless pubs, then off to the Stadium. Meeting friends, experiencing community, living passion. Not always the winning team, but always an honest one. Players come, coaches go, yet our love for the club remains. Whoever appears at Millerntor stadium needs to wrap up warmly. We do.


KIEZ/ RED LIGHT DISTRICT Colourful lights, snippets of music, dozens of voices and laughter. Ended up on the Kiez yet again. Only a stone‘s throw from the stadium, it‘s one of the most exciting and sinful miles in the world – for tourists anyway. We Hamburgers tend to wander off into its side streets, often to the Hamburger Berg for a round of table football, a cold bottle of Astra to go with it. In the grey light of morning, we leave the shadowy world of the clubs and pubs behind us. Tired and hungy, a crowd of like-minded people rushes towards the famous Fischmarkt. Matjes mit Zwiebeln (Matjes with onions). Hamburg in a bread roll.



ABOUT US Two friends, one city. A lot of rain and occasional wind... in fact, there always seems to be a stiff breeze, at least it feels that way. You get used to it. You even grow to love it. Who needs non-stop sunshine? All you really need is the right kind of clothing and everything‘s fine. This is where the dream of the perfecthoodie originated. High quality, the finest thick fabric, a high collar, ecological and fair production, casual and north-German. And so we set out together with recolution. Adventure and challenges paired with work and fun. We have had our experiences, learned our lessons and drawn our conclusions. We have sailed close to the wind and have made some good progress. Today, we look to the future. We don‘t know what it holds for us. However, one thing we do know: Through changing fashion, recolution will stay true to itself. Because that‘s our thing. And that‘s our hoodie. recolution. born in hamburg.


ORGANIC COT TON Organic cotton makes up the basis of our products. “Green fashion“ by recolution is made from 100% finest, organic cotton. We pay careful attention to the fact that our raw materials apply to regulations of organic farming. This excludes the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and, of course, genetic engineering. Furthermore, extra attention is paid to consistent crop rotation, in order to preserve the soil.

GOTS CERTIFICATE All our products are produced and certified according to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). This internationally recognised textile seal guarantees a controlled production which is sustainable in all social and ecological aspects. The certificate represents social standards such as fair wages and occupational safety, the prohibition of child labour, discrimination and forced labour, as well as ecological standards of production using naturally sourced raw materials from organic farming. On top of that, sustainable controls on energy and water consumption are made throughout production. The GOTS-Certificate guarantees fashion to us at recolution and our customers which presents no health risks and is produced in an ecologically and socially reasonable manner. Furthermore, we have a personal connection to our producers. We visit these for every new production in order to be able to form a picture for ourselves.

PRODUCTION IN TURKEY From the planting of the cotton to the production of garns and fabrics, all the way to their processing into our designed garments, the whole production process takes place in Turkey. Due to this locational concentration, we are able to avoid the otherwise long transport ways of the garment across various continents. This way, we minimise the environmental impact of transport and the entire value chain remains in the country of origin.

pu bl ic at ion deta ils recolution GmbH & Co. KG Loogestrasse 6, 20249 Hamburg Photography: Julian Essink Design: Larissa Starke

Loogestrasse 6 20249 Hamburg, Germany Tel +49 (0) 40 38 66 90 75 mail @

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