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JO-CR-64b Rev 10-04 CGS. 搂 54-2a PI. Ok. Sec 36-1, 36-2. 36-3



================:=LL_IMeriden Police Departm~_ NAME AND RESIDENCE /Town) OF ACCUSED



!?ayid Hender~~n~(Middle~elg_)_,_.~,~_...




Mer_id_e_n_ _----L.1_07_

APPLICA nON FOR ARREST WARRANT TO A Judge of the Superior Court The undersigned hereby applies for a warrant for tile arrest of the above-named accused on the basis of the facts


set forth in the:




The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1... The Undersigned, Detective John Williams, being duly sworn does depose and state that he is a member of The Meriden Police Department. Furthermore that he has been a member of The Meriden Police Department since July 1985, is currently assigned to the Crime Suppression Unit and prior to the date hereof, and at all times mentioned herein was acting as a member of said department. Further more the following facts and circumstances are stated from personal knowledge and observations as well as information received from brother officers acting in their official capacities. 2... In December of 2008, the Meriden Police Department along with members of the Mayors Office and City Council received a two page letter from a male who identified himself as "Jackll. Around the same time as this letter arrived, Captain Donald Parker of the Meriden Police also received a call and spoke with the letter writer. The letter was a complaint about a club called the 2041 club located at 2041 North Broad St (also called the Berlin Turnpike). This letter writer "Jack" stated in detail that his brother and friends went to the 2041 club after a bachelor party and paid $20.00 to get into the club. Once inside the club which is listed as a strip bar, the individuals were told that they can select a girl and go into a private room to negotiate their own deal. lIJack" stated that the group of guys with his brother went into these rooms where they paid for various sexual favors and unprotected sex took place. lIJack" stated that his brother also went into one of the rooms with a black female named lIEgyptll who's real name is Vanessa Whitaker. IIJack" stated that his brother was given a menu of sexual favors and prices and had unprotected sex with this female after he paid money for it. "Jack" stated that his brother subsequently obtained a sexually transmitted disease (ThiS is page DATE AND SIGNATURE


of a

_7_ page Affidavit.)


January 16, 2009


The foregoing Application for an arrest warrant, and afftdavit(s) attached to said Application, having been submitted to and considered by the undersigned, the undersigned finds from said affidavit(s) that there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and that the accused committed 't and, t erefore, that probable cause exists for d. the issuance of a warrant for the arrest of the above-named ace DATE AND SIGNATURE


ON (Date)

I -;;J.o-o





Rev 10-04

C G.S. ~ 54路2a PI Bk. "SeQ 36-1,36-2.36路3


The jurat is to be completed for each page of the affidavit, Tile prosecutorial official and judgeljudge trial referee are to date and sign or initial each page to indicate that they /lave reviewed it.



David Henderson AFFIDAVI~

The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

that he is dealing with. "Jack" stated that his brothers friends were also offered drugs for sale as well. "Jack" also provided Internet addresses for information about this club on the web including a site witil reviews from individuals who have been there. 2... The Undersigned then checked the two web sites and and confirmed the information that was in the letter. The 2041 club website showed pictures of a naked female in a cage and a female leaning over a toilet while a male urinated in her mouth. The clubs web site also depicted that they serve food and beverages. The Strip club list web site showed customer reviews and comments that date back to 2005. Many of the comments and reviews from customers stated that this club is a house of Prostitution and/or whorehouse and that some of the girls have diseases. One of the comments names "Egypt", a black female with having Veneral type diseases. Many of the comments talk about prices for sexual activity and the dealings that occur within the club. Affiant Williams is familiar with the style of the comments from other sexual websites that spoke about other businesses in the Meriden area that are fronts for Prostitution actiVity. Some of the log-in names used on the 2041 comment site were the same names used in other reviews of locations and individual Prostitutes that operate in the Meriden area from previous investigations. 3... The Undersigned then checked websites listed as, WWW. usasexreview .com and other sites which are used to post reviews about everything from high class escorts to street walking Prostitutes everywhere in the World. The Undersigned found pages of comments about the 2041 club on these sites as well that listed the 2041 club in Meriden as a house of Prostitution. 4... Members of the Meriden Police Department-Crime Suppression Unit and Detective Bureau are very familiar with the 2041 club which was formerly called Club Laura, Appateasers and the Kit Kat club. Under each name including the current name, the principal owners have been David and Daniel Henderson. Both males have been arrested l convicted and incarcerated for Promotting Prostitution t Permitting Prostitution and Corrupt Orgainization and Racketeering CC.O.R.A.). David Henderson was released on Parole in 2008 after a 10 year conviction in the mid 1990's for running a house of prostitution from the same location and a second location several buildings away from the current 2041 club. Affiant Williams knows that a female named Laura Kuhl was the principal owner of the club while the Hendersons were incarcerated and was the listed owner of "Club Laura" around 2004. Ms. Kuhl was arrested by members of the Meriden Police on numerous Prostitution charges while involved in the 2041 Club. 5... (nus

During the month of January 2009, members of the Meriden Police-Crime Suppression Unit is page


or a


_7_ page Affidavit.)


Pro Bk. ~ee 36·1.36·2.36·3



The jurat is to be completed for each page of the affidavit. The proseClltolial official and judge/judge trial referee are to date and sign or initial each page to indicate that they /lave reviewed it.



David Henderson AFFIDAVIT The undersigned affiant. being duly sworn. deposes and says:

(herein referred to as CSU) conducted surviellance of the 2041 club where they observed males enter and exit from the club. Laura Kuhl was also observed leaving at around 6:00 PM on each occasion that surviellance was conducted. Some of the surviellances were for several hours which confirmed that Ms. Kuhl is working within the 2041 club. The males would generally enter the club and leave up to an hour after entering. None of the males observed entering the club were observed remaining there longer than one hour. The Undersigned knows that individuals who normally frequent a liquor establishment remain there longer than an hour and a good percentage of the time enter such an establishment with other individuals. In each survie"ance, a male would enter and exit by himself. The Undersigned knows from previous investigations at this location and of other houses of Prostitution that the activity observed is consistent with Prostitution as the male would enter, conduct the transaction and leave. 6... During the surviellances, members of CSU also observed that each customer would have to go to the main outer door and ring a buzzer and wait. A black male would come to the door and opened it and after a brief conversation would allow the customer inside. The Undersigned knows from training and experience that this activity is not consistent with a normal liquor establishment or a normal strip bar. The Undersigned also knows that this activity is consistent with Prostitution activity. 7... During the month of January 2009, members of CSU were assigned to follow individual customers once they left and stop the individual during a motorvehicle stop several miles away. On two separate evenings, five different customers were observed pulling into the parking lot. The individuals would go to the door and ring a bell and wait for several minutes. The individuals would then enter and exited within 30-50 minutes. Each customer then re-entered their vehicle and drove off, was followed and stopped a short distance away. Each customer was identified and their information was obtained. Each customer stated that they paid between $20.00 to $40.00 at the door. Each of the five customers stated that once inside, they were given a price list for three types of Lap dances in a private room or somewhat private stall. The prices are $40.00 for 5 minutes, $80.00 for 15 minutes and $200.00 for 30 minute dances. Each customer stated that half the price goes to the house and the other half goes to the dancer. Each customer stated that they would either give the money to the black male bouncer at the door, to the female dancer or to an older white male who would go into a back room. 4 of the 5 customers admitted paying the female they went into the room or stall with to perform Oral sex (blowjob) or for Masturbation (handjob). Four of the five customers stated that they have been there on numerous previous occasions and paid for sexual favors. The customers stated that certain girls work each night and depending on the night the girls will vary.


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I r:k>-V


PI. Ok. IJee. 36-1, 36-2. 36-3





INSTRUCTIONS' The jurat is to be completed for each page of the affidavit_ The prosecutorial official and judge/judge trial referee are to date and sign or initial each page to indicate that they /lave reviewed it.





David Henderson AFFIDAVIT The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

8... While the Motorvehicle stops were occuring, surviellance observed the black male bouncer leave in New York Registration number EKK-4092. The vehicle was stopped for investigative purposes and the black male was Identified as Carlton Dawkins, date of birth 11-11-1980 with an address of 90 Leo Road in Hamden CT. Mr. Dawkins stated that he was coming from the "2041 Club" where he is a bouncer andjordoorman. He was released without any charges. 9... That from training and experience the Undersigned knows the following regarding those involved in a Prostitution ring. That the female dancers split the fee with the house (people running the establishment). That the current investigation yielded the same methods of operation that the previous investigations for which the Henderson brothers were arrested and convicted are still continuing. That the money amounts for both the house and the female hostesses are the exact same prices for each male. That some members of CSU were also active particpants in the previous investigations. 10... The Undersigned then completed background checks of the "2041 Club" with the Meriden Police Departments in-house computer. These checks showed that David Henderson reported two separate burglaries to the 2041 club on November 6, 2008 and again on November 16, 2008. In both complaints David Henderson was the complainant and he stated to the Officers that responded that he is the owner of the "2041 club". During the investigation on November 16, 2008, Officer Shean inquired about a camper that was parked out front of the club. Off. Shean stated that Mr. Henderson told him that this is his camper and that he drives it back and forth from home in Middlefield CT everyday. {Information on the internet on was that the camper may be used as part of the prostitution activity} 11... A background check was completed with the City of Meriden -Tax Assessors Office. This check showed that the 2041 club is currently owned by Cityscape realestate Inc, having been owned previously by Laura Kuhl. A check with the Connecticut Secretary of State business office showed that Cityscape Realestate Inc is owned by David Henderson of 22 Lake Road in Middlefielp CT. David Henderson is listed as the President, Secretary and Director of Cityscape Real Estate Inc. A check with the Connecticut Department of Special Revenue showed that there is no State Sales Tax permit issued to David Hendersonl Cityscape Realestate Inc or to the 2041 club. By Connecticut State Statutes, this type of business is required to charge sales tax and forward the sales tax to the State in quarterly payments. The Affiants know that this business has been in business for several years. A check with the State Liquor Commission showed that David Henderson and the 2041 club do not have a liquor permit to serve Alcoholic Beverages.

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Dr a



page Affidavit.)

ARREST WARRANT AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION PAGE JO-CR-S4a Rev. 10·04 CG.S. ~ 54-2a Pr Bk. See 36-1,38·2. 36-3



Tile jurat is to be completed for each page of the affidavit. The prosecutOlial official andjudge/judge trial referee are to date and sign or initial each page to indicate that tlley have reviewed it.





David Henderson AFFIDAVIT The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

12... On January 13, 2009, members of the Crime Suppression Unit and Connecticut State Police-Statewide NarcotiCS Task Force conducted a jOint undercover operation at the "2041 Club In this portion of the investigation, an Undercover Police Detective (herein referred to as U/C) from the State Police was briefed on the case and supplied with CSU funds. Surviellance was then set up where member of both agencies had a clear and unobstructed view of the club and the U/e. Audio surviellance was set up in the areawhere the surviellance teams could monitor the U/C's conversations for safety of the Officer. ll

The U/C then went to the front door and rang the bell. A black male (who we had previously identified as Dawkins) opened the door and allowed the U/C in. Once inside, Dawkins then pOinted to a sign and gave the U/C a run down on the prices and what occurs inside the club. Dawkins then told the U/C that the girls do not dance on the stage, that you pay the price and go into a room or one of the semi-private booths with the girl. In the room you then get the dance for the length of time that you paid for. The U/C then paid $20.00 to the black male and then $40.00 to the female who stated that her name was Mialisa. He then went into a room with this female and had a lap dance. During the lap dancel the U/C stated that the female reached into his pants and began masturbating the U/C who then stopped the female by turning her around to observe her buttocks. The female was completly naked and rubbed up against him and touch his privates area. Once the five minutes was over, the black male bouncer (Dawkins) banged on the door stating that the time was up. The U/C then went to the bar where he drank several beers from a six pack he was allowed to bring inSide. The U/C stated that he had to give the six pack to the bouncer who placed it in a fridge behind the bar and would serve the U/C when the U/C wanted it. The U/C would have to tip him for the beer. The U/C then paid for another five minute dance, this time with a female who stated that her name was Cebello. The U/C stated that when he paid Cebello, a heavy set white male named "Dave" came out from a back room and took the money and went back into the back room. During this dance l sexual favors were discussed but none were paid for or completed. {The description of David given by the U/C matches that of David Henderson}. Once the dance was over, the U/C went back to the bar, where it was found that his beer was gone. The female identified as Mialisa then asked him if he wanted a beer as they had plenty and she opened the fridge behind the bar and served him a Coors light. The bouncer (Dawkins) and the male "Dave" were present for this service and the U/C could see that the fridge had a large amount of beer of different brands inside it. The U/C stated that IIDave" had come out of the back room and heated up a 1V type dinner and was sitting at the bar eating it. (This

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or a


_7_ page Affidavit)

ARREST WARRANT AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION PAGE JD-CR-64a Rev. 10-04 C.G.S. ~ 54-2a Pi. 13k 'See. 36路路" 36-2. 36-3

INSTRUCT10NS The jurat is to be completed for each page of the affidavit, The prosecutorial official and judge/judge trial referee are to date and sign or initial eacll page to indicate that tlley have reviewed it.



David Henderson AFFIDAVIT The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

The UjC then paid for another five minute dance, this time with the female named Mialisa again. The UjC stated that when he paid Mialisa, she gave the money to the black male bouncer (Dawkins) During this dance, the female unzipped the UjC's coveralls and was playing with his penis and talking about having other types of sex for more money. Once the third dance was completed, the UjC then left the establishment and returned to the pre-arraiged meet location where the surviellance team was briefed. 13... On January 15, 2009, members of the Crime Suppression Unit and Connecticut State Police-Statewide Narcotics Task Force met to conduct a second joint undercover operation at the "2041 Club". The same Undercover Police Detective was again given CSU funds and drove to the 2041 club. Surviellance was then set up where members of both agencies had a clear and unobstructed view of the club and the Ujc. Audio surviellance was set up in the area where the surviellance teams could monitor the UjC's conversations for safety of the Officer. Observed at the club was a red Mercedes Benz. The Affiants know that this Mercedes Benz is at the club parked everyday and that this car belongs to Laura Kuhl (mentioned in the Search warrant in previous paragraphs). The Affiants know from their investigation that Laura goes by the street name "Adrianna" and is mentioned on the 2041 clubs website as working the day hours. That during the surviellances at the club, Laura Kuhl has been observed leaving in the red Mercedes by members of CSU. The UjC then went to the front door and rang the bell. The same black male (who we had previously identified as Dawkins) opened the door and allowed the UjC in. Once inSide, the UjC asked Dawkins if Mialisa was working and Dawkins stated that she was not. Dawkins stated that Adrianna was working till 6:00 PM instead and the UjC paid Dawkins the $20.00. The UjC then saw a white female with blonde hair come out of one of the rooms with a black male. The UjC spoke with this female who the UjC recognized as "Laura Kuhl" from pictures shown to him by the Undersigned. The UjC then paid Adrianna $40.00 for the house and went into the room with her. Once inside the room, the UjC paid another $40.00 to Adrianna and she took all of her clothes off. The UjC and Adrianna then had a sex related conversation and Adrianna told him that she would have any kind of sex 'with him but would have to pay more. During this conversation and dance, Adrianna reached into the UjC's pants and began masturbating him and rubbing his genitals, while placing the UjC's hands on her private parts. The UjC stated that he would have to get more money and come back to have further sex with her. Adrianna (Laura Kuhl) told him that she was only working till 6:00 everynight but would stay late for him tomorrow. Once the dance was over, the UjC then left the club and returned to the pre-arrainged meet location where the team was briefed.


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PI Bk.

'See. 31)-1. 36-2. 36-3

INSTRUCTIONS The jurat is to be completed for each page of the affidavit. The proseclitorial official and judge/judge trial referee are to date and sign or initial eac!J page to indicate t!Jat they have reviewed it.



David Henderson AFFIDAVIT The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

14... On both occassions that the U/C was inside the club, the U/C observed numerous surviellance cameras set up through-out the interior of the building. Each camera had a cable running from it but there were no monitors visible within the main club area. From this investigation and the information on web sites, that David Henderson is alledging recording the females having sexual activity with their clients and recording this for future use. The U/C noted that the cameras would record the activity in the open booths. When the burglaries were reported to the Meriden Police on two separate occassions in November 2008, Mr. Henderson would not allow the Officers into the back room. 15... The Undersigned knows from this investigation that David Henderson is currently on State Parole for Permitting Prostitution, Promoting Prostitution and Corrupt Organization and Racketeering from a previous conviction. In this conviction he was given ten years suspended after 45 months and that after being released, he returned running the 2041 club. That Mr. Henderson is in business with Dawkins who appears to be the bouncer and money collector along with the bartender. That Mr. Henderson is also in business with a number of females who provide sex to males in exchange for money. This money is then split between the individuals involved in this organization. The Undersigned has also learned through this investigation that this activity has been on-going since around 2005 and that once David Henderson was released from Prison, he returned and took over the business from Laura Kuhl who had the business in her name as "Club Laura". 16... Wherefore the undersigned states that he has probable cause to believe that David Henderson did commit the crimes of Promoting Prostitution, Permitting Prostitution, Conspiracy to Promote Prostitution and Conspiracy to Permit Prostitution in violation of sections 53a-87, 53a-89, 53a-48/53a-87 and 53a-48/53a-89 of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut.

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