The Berlin Citizen

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Food, vendor festival returns

The Berlin Fall Food and Vendor Festival drew a crowd Sunday, Oct. 2 at American Legion Hall on Porters Pass. Attendees perused the work of local artists and crafters, and had several food options to chose from at the annual muster.

While events such as this can start slow, festival organizer Hilary Radun of Abandon Beach Creations said, within the first hour of open ing Sunday, more than 100 people had come by.

See Festival, A20

Local stakeholders celebrate ‘It’s All In Berlin’ campaign

It's all branding these days, and Economic De velopment Director Chris Edge believes the market ing concept "It’s All In Berlin" says it all.

“I had a lightbulb mo ment,” Edge said. “It was one of those things that I truly realized that the av enue I was going down was wrong."

Edge concluded that post ing good Berlin business news on his personal so cial media profiles was not enough.

“People in the town of Berlin were not connect ed, and I had to take a step back,” he said. So, with the help of RecordJournal publisher Liz

White and others, "It’s All In Berlin" was born. To day, the marketing cam paign is composed of a website (itsallinber and an Instagram page ( sallinberlin).

“Sometimes, I am so much of a big picture per son, and sometimes things get lost,” Edge said. “It is great that I have this team of people to help with this.”

On Monday, Oct. 3, local leaders and business own ers met at The Truck Bar, 151 Webster Square Road, to celebrate the "It’s All In Berlin" marketing effort.

The new website touts ev erything Berlin has to offer potential residents and

See Campaign, A12

Volume 24, Number 40 Thursday, October6,
The Sweet Viking table offered a variety of baked goods at the Berlin Fall Food and Vendor Festival held Sunday, Oct. 2. Tina Kuracz and Austin Kuracz are pictured. Photos by Nicole Zappone Giada Cassone, 2, of Berlin, gets Spiderman painted on her cheek during the festival.
Providing highly-skilled, compassionate, affordable Dental Care to the Berlin, New Britain, Plainville and Southington communities for over 30 years. COMFORTABLE DENTISTRY Michael Katz, DMDMost Insurances Accepted Welcoming New Patients! SPECIALIZING IN IMPLANTS, INVISALIGN, DENTURES, AND MORE! 300 New Britain Rd • Berlin, CT 06037 860-609-6167 • Mówimy po polsku! R247283_V19


There’s much at stake on Nov. 8

I am running to be your State Representa tive because there is too much at stake, and we have much to lose.

There is a lot on the ballot this year an initiative asking CT voters to approve early vot ing (Connecticut being one of only a few states that do not allow for this), U.S. House and Senate races, statewide races, multitown races and even town charter changes.

New state district lines exist, new polling places for some. Please take a moment to fa miliarize yourself with everything before go ing to vote. It is too important this year not to do so.

I am running for State Representative in the 30th District. I found myself redistricted this year like many residents of Berlin, and saw this as an opportunity to bring forward, nec essary, beneficial policies for families, for towns, for teachers, for veterans, for first re sponders, for public safety, for gun safety and for women. There is a lot of work to do and I am ready on Day 1 to tackle the issues.

Press Release

A bipartisan group of resi dents has formed a local po litical committee with the purpose of defeating the proposed charter change that, if passed, will likely lead to the elimination of the Berlin Visiting Nurses Asso ciation.

Save The Berlin Visiting Nurses Association will cam paign to defeat Question 2 on the ballot in the November election.

This proposal would remove the Berlin Visiting Nurses Association from the town charter, allowing a future Town Council to regional ize the service or privatize it.

Basement Waterproofing Services



Berlin and Southington are towns with both similar and diverse priorities. As Town Manager of Berlin from 2008 to 2017, and as Tax Collec tor, I made it my mission to respect and understand the unique balance of town pri orities while executing with transparency, decisiveness, intuition, compassion and strong effective leadership.

I’ve always held myself to the highest stan dards, I’ve always held those working with me to the highest standards, and I’ve always given all parties an opportunity to be heard and included.

I will continue to do so as State Representa tive. There should be no other way.

Together, we can do something special on Nov. 8. I am asking for your vote to elect me as your State Representative to get the job done in Hartford.

Thank you.

“It’s unconscionable that the Berlin Visiting Nurses Asso ciation has been targeted for elimination. The VNA has provided local home nursing services for nearly a century. Berlin’s visiting nursing ser vice is the envy of residents in other towns,” said Pe ter Zarabozo, chairman of the committee and a mem ber of the VNA Board of Di rectors. “Removing the VNA from the charter inevitably will lead to regionalization or privatization of the nurs ing service, which will result in someone far away from Berlin running the service with the only goal being the largest profit. The likely re sult will be that homecare in Berlin will suffer.”

Zarabozo added that resi dents who want to keep the existing service need to vote “No” on Question 2.

“The only way to protect the great nursing service in exis tence today is to vote against this proposal in November,” he said.

“Voting ‘Yes’ will spell the end of this vital service that, over the years, has helped so many of our seniors and other residents.”

Anyone wishing to help with the Save The Berlin Visiting Nurses Association cam paign, in any way, should call 860-805-9668 or find the committee on Face book at SaveThe Berlin-vna.


Pruning, Cabling, Tree Removal

Plainville, CT




TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA2 Thursday, October6, 2022
Save the VNA; defeat Question 2 OPINION Trees & Bushes River Stone All Sizes 3/4" Process • Top Soil • Mulch Sand • Gravel • Salt All types of stone R251142
PAINTING Aluminum Siding Refinishing • Power Washing We also do Carpentry Repairs!CALL TOM TODAY! 860-828-7710 860-306-7927 “Exteriors are my specialty, and interiors my masterpiece!” CT LIC #543233 FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES R229938_v3 Brilliant Basement Waterproofing, LLC Basement Waterproofing Services • Over 36 Years Combined Experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in Most Homes. Deal Direct With Owner - No Middle Man, Crawl Spaces HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091
Over 36 Years combined experience. Fully Transferable Written Guarantee*, Sump Pumps, Pumps Eliminated in most homes. Deal Direct with owner - no middle man. French Drains, Gravity Drains, Landscaping Drainage, Gutter Downspout Drains New Bulkheads, Egress and Basement Windows, Basement Finishing FREE Estimates *written details available upon request HIC.0653192•CALLUS
Over36Yearscombinedexperience. TransferableWrittenGuarantee*,SumpPumps, PumpsEliminatedinmosthomes. DealDirectwithowner-nomiddleman. FrenchDrains,GravityDrains,LandscapingDrainage, GutterDownspoutDrains NewBulkheads, Egressand BasementWindows, BasementFinishing FREE Estimates written*detailsavailable uponrequest HIC. 0653192 • CALL US 860-598-8091 * written details available upon request R247039 HOLCOMB Tree
Timothy Holcomb Licensed Arborist S-4442 • Est. 1940 • Fully Insured Visit us online at R247196 Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Nicole Zappone Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener Creative Director — Erik Allison ADVERTISING: Jeff Guerrette— Marketing Consultant 475-313-4669 | NEWS / SPORTS: (203) 317-2245 | 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 The Berlin Citizen (ISSN 1525-1780, USPS 017-666) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450Circulation Department — 203-634-3933

New energy, ideas needed in Washington

Residents, I’m running as a moderate Republican to rep resent you in Congress. I’ma lifelong West Hartford resi dent, father of three, and practicing OBGYN who de cided to try to be the change I want to see in Washington.

My opponent, John Larson, has represented you for 24 years, and although I like him as a person, I have seri ous doubts about what he has accomplished and what he seeks to accom plish.

I believe it’s time for new energy and ideas, and that no person no party has a monopoly on good ideas or policy. In fact, we’d benefit from a wider range of parties and viewpoints.

Where I stand: Economy: Historic inflation is hurting all of us, while

In Brief

Voter registration

Congress continues to spend. I stand for fis cal responsi bility and lower taxes that will pro vide relief to our commu nity, jump start the small business en gine of our economy, and re turn Connecticut to its for mer status as a great place to do business.

Healthcare: Having spent more than 30 years as a pri mary caregiver, I believe I can add something to the healthcare conversation. Healthcare is too expensive and complicated and has too many inequities. I’ve seen firsthand both the inequali ties rampant in our health care system and the ways government involvement can make the problem worse. Beyond my own prac

tice, I also have experience managing a surgery center, experience I’d leverage to in crease access to high quality, affordable healthcare. Lastly, having specialized in wom en’s health my entire career, I understand the importance of abortion access and will support it as your congress man.

ers feel supported by admin istrators, parents, and the community is also crucial.

Compromise: A cornerstone of my approach is civility, compromise, and a solutionoriented approach. I believe we’d benefit from more poli cies shaped in the image of some of my party’s core Lazor

Education: Education is vi tally important, and I worry that current policies are making it harder for our next generation to achieve its full potential, especially those in at-risk demograph ics. I support charter schools that increase educational in novation and force all schools to be better, a de crease in the burdens of standardized testing, fewer students in each classroom, disciplinary systems that ad dress the causes of poor stu dent behavior, and oth er policies that place student success first. Ensuring teach

See Lazor, A9

Registrars of Voters' offices in Connecticut will take part in a statewide voter registra tion session Tuesday, Nov. 1 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. This will be the final regular session for admission of electors who have turned 18, become a U.S. citizen or moved to Connecticut be fore Nov. 1. Contact your lo cal Registrars' of Voters of fice for details.

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A3 CANDIDATE COMMENTARY
R eelectCarrierFo r /CarrierForProba t eJudge Paid for by Re-Elect Carrier for Probate Judge, Rita Carrier, Treasurer. Approved by Michael Carrier. Paid for by Re-Elect Carrier for Probate Judge, Rita Carrier, Treasurer. Approved by Michael Carrier. R255247 RE-ELECT MICHAEL CARRIER NOVEMBER 8th, 2022 EXPERIENCE, INTEGRITY AND COMPASSION 89 Harding St., Berlin, CT 860-829-7377 KENSINGTON AUTO SERVICE LTD. • Full Service & Repairs, Diagnostics & Accessories • 12 Month/12K Mile Warranty • CT State Emissions Testing & Repair Most cars & like trucks, Ask for Details! Over 38 Years of Experience as Your Hometown Repair Shop! WE’RE HERE TO HELP! R247358v2 BEST O F... 20 22 AWARDS AWARDS R255702

Focused on helping our schools

In 2011, after renting for about four years, my hus band and I decided to buy our first home in town. The residents of Berlin helped shape our decision to stay here and raise our family, as so many spoke highly about

the education system. For my husband and I, our chil dren’s education is incredi bly important, and everyone we had spoken to made it clear how amazing the school system is.

In our discussions, a few im portant things were touched

upon, including Berlin’s amazing special ed ucation program, small class sizes and up-to-date tech nology.

We have three daughters, two currently in the Berlin public school system. In March we will welcome our son to the family.

My involvement with the schools took off in 2019 when my daughter entered kindergarten. I was very for tunate to have a flexible job which allowed me to visit her classroom frequently.

There, I participated in games, “Mystery Reader”, and many lunch dates.

Letters to the Editor

Truly qualified


Berlin and Southington vot ers have the chance to send a truly qualified and unique ly experienced candidate, Denise McNair, to Hartford.

A former town tax collector and town manager, Mc Nair is running to represent the citizens of the 30th Dis trict. She will bring to her new role a wealth of knowl edge about how to work with the people of this communi ty and other elected repre sentatives.

Denise has a proven record of accomplishments, and a clear vision for the future.

She has a firm understand ing of the issues facing Berlin, Southington and our

state, as a whole, and will serve us well for the next two years.



Connecticut has made it in credibly hard for many small businesses to survive. With added red tape, increased fees and other mandates, many small businesses been forced to close while others are just barely getting by. We need representatives who will advocate for small busi nesses.

Representative Donna Veach was just honored with the endorsement of the National Federation of Independent Business, a non-profit and non-partisan organization which advocates on behalf of small businesses in Con necticut and across the country. Donna has focused on reducing mandates to en courage entrepreneurs and small businesses to expand throughout Connecticut. And if re-elected, she will continue to.

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA4 Thursday, October6, 2022 CANDIDATE COMMENTARY
See Patraw, A8 See Letters, A5 Providing highly-skilled, compassionate, affordable Dental Care to the Berlin, New Britain, Plainville and Southington communities for over 30 years. Michael Katz, DMD R247290 300 New Britain Rd • Berlin, CT 06037 860-609-6167 • Most Insurances Accepted Welcoming New Patients! SPECIALIZING IN IMPLANTS & INVISALIGN COMFORTABLE DENTISTRY 32 Chamberlain Hwy, Kensington (860) 829-9090 R247190 Eye Exams • Glasses • Contacts Now Accepting Pediatric Patients! Only the best designers at reasonable prices. Call to schedule an eye exam or to get fitted for contact lenses. Most insurances accepted including United Health Care, Spectera and Husky. Time for Your Eye Exam? Kids Eyewear 50% OFF* *excludes contacts Honest. Professional. Reliable. Kensington, CT • Lic. # PLM.0287294-P1 and Reg. # HIC.0648888 Like us on Facebook R247507 JASON BORSELLE 860.748.7910 4 years in a row Voted Berlin’s Best Plumber! HIRING P-2’S! HIRING P-2’S! 860-748-0541• Experience Our Professional Difference! 247195 Roofing • Siding • Windows Gutters • Doors • Basement Finishing Kitchen & Bath Remodel • Decks Call for a FREE No Pressure Estimate! Fully Licensed & Insured #582443 ROGERS TREE SERVICE Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953 CT Lic# S-4240 R247167

Patraw for BOE


I am writing in support of Jessica Patraw in her candi dacy for the Berlin BOE.

Knowing Jessica for years, I can say she would do Berlin a great service on the board.

The Patraw's are the “All American Family” and you can't help but admire them.

Jessica’s moral standards are held high not only for her self but for her family. One of her most endearing quali ties is her passion for her kids’ education and growth.

Personally, growing up in the Berlin school system, I know it needs change. Jessi ca will be a great advocate for those unable to have a voice.

Stacey Martin

Gibbons for BOE


I have been a Berlin resident for 14 years. As a mother of six, I feel that the upcoming BOE election is going to be important for the future of our children. Current board member Melissa Gibbons, a mother to two school-aged children, cares about our kids' future and the direction of our town's education mis sion.

Melissa will continue to bring a fresh perspective to the board, with a primary fo cus on the well-being of our young students. Please con sider voting for Melissa Gib bons on Nov. 8.

Donna Rutkowski

Elect Fazzino


I highly recommend Jack Fazzino for State Represen

tative in the 83rd District.

Jack is a breath of fresh air for our community! He is a highly-educated, energet ic, Berlin native who under stands the responsibility of building a strong communi ty.

Jack is particularly passion ate about creating a more af fordable Connecticut for se niors.

Reducing taxes through property tax credits and

working to improve our in frastructure are key issues for Jack, as is promoting quality education.

Jack Fazzino is my choice to represent the 83rd district!

Mark Chasse

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A5
From A4 Letters List Your Items To Over 300,000 Local Readers. See Letters, A6 GO MOBILE /Classifieds HONESTY  INTEGRITY  TRANSPARENCY   DEMOCRAT PROBATE JUDGE BILL RIVERA   Vote Democrat Bill Rivera on November 8th for Judge of Probate FIND ME ON ROW A THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR OUR COMMUNITY Paid for by Bill Rivera approved by candidate “From my time in the judge advocate generals office at the Pentagon to running my successful legal practice here locally, I want to take the next step and continue to serve the people as the next Judge of Probate for New Britain and Berlin.” R255453 860-225-1534 • Kensington, CT 06037 For 35 years, our family taking care of your family! R247328v3 LIC# 0203782 How Can We Make You Smile Today! JOE’S LANDSCAPE DESIGNS 248460 Berlin, CT • 860.918.8806 Drainage & Installation of French Drains Tree Removal Service Storm Damage • Hardscapes Land Clearing • Mulching • Sprinkler Systems Excavating • Spring & Fall Cleanups Masonry • Install New Planting Beds Full Lawn/Grass Installation Retaining Walls • Stump Grinding General Cleanup Licenced & Insured. US-CT 2442603 NOW OPEN! New England Stone & Mulch Supply LLC Stone - Top Soil - Mulch LIKE US ONSunnymount: 2876 Meriden Waterbury Rd Southington • (203) 879-1206 9-6 daily open til mid-May FRI. SAT. SUN. 10-5 & COLUMBUS DAY MONDAY PIESFresh Baked PUMPKINS APPLE FRITTER DONUTS ON SALE – Save $2 per dozen! Friday, September 30 – Sunday October 9 CIDERFresh Pressed SPECTACULAR FOLIAGE BOUNTIFUL HARVEST GREAT FAMILY FUN! Take a country drive to our orchard MACOUN HONEYCRISP GALACORTLANDMACS EMPIRE PICK YOUR OWN APPLES & PUMPKINS Shuttle Meadow: 336 Long Bottom Rd. Southington (860) 229-4240 • 9-6 PM

Car wash

The Berlin High School Ath letic Booster Association will host a car wash Saturday,

Oct. 15 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at BHS, 139 Patterson Way. Cost is $5 per car. All pro ceeds benefit Berlin High School student-athletes.

Boxes to Boots

Local non-profit Boxes to Boots creates care packages for military personnel serv

ing abroad. A collection drive will take place Satur day, Oct. 8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at 28 Chamberlain Highway. Boxes to Boots is looking for everything from toiletries, to snacks, to books. Snackwise, service members pre fer items they can easily car ry, like granola bars, small

bags of cookies and crackers, and beef jerky. Volunteers will gather Saturday, Nov. 5, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at McGee Middle School to help get the care packages ready to ship.

To learn more about Boxes to Boots, visit boxesto


From A5

Best for kids


Melissa Gibbons stands up for what’s best for kids. She’s not only a BOE member, and an active board member in a local preschool, she’s also very involved in our community. Recently, Melissa helped run the Willard school 5K and our preschool’s tag sale, both fundraising efforts. And she fre quently uses her time to see how neighboring BOE’s are handling challenging topics. She’s a mom who wants what’s best for everyone’s kids.

Melissa does everything with intention and heart. I highly recommend her for another term on the BOE. We are lucky to have her in our town!

Emily Bryers

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA6 Thursday, October6, 2022
In Brief See Letters, A10 Quality & Style at Great Prices! Custom Suits, Sport Coats, Sport Wear, Formal Wear, Alterations, Shoes, Shirts & Pants MIDDLETOWN 308 Main Street Middletown, CT 06457 860-347-2880 MERIDEN MALL 470 Lewis Avenue Meriden, CT 06451 203-935-0175 Over the last 20 years, Ramani’s Menswear has stood out as offering the finest upscale clothing for the discerning gentlemen. We pride ourselves treating our customers with selection an exceptional service. 254828 BERLIN LAND TRUST, INC. "Get Outside – Hiking the New England Trail" Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Community Room 234 Kensington Road - Berlin Wednesday, 12 October at 6:30 p.m. Presenters: Clare Cain – Trails Director CFPA Mat Jobin – Owner - Reach your Summit John Huck – Avid Hiker PLEASE JOIN US for a FASCINATING PRESENTATION RSVP - Complimentary for Public Like us on Facebook R255790 Matt’s Pro Plumbing 860-922-9976 • Fast, dependable, friendly service • Full plumbing & carpentry service • Free estimates over the phone! NO SMALLTOOJOB Includes demo, haul away, sub-floor, plumbing, Kohler fixtures, installations of Kohler tub or shower enclosure, fiberglass units+$3,499Licensed&Insured, Lic# 2 82931 The Bathroom Remodeling Specialist We offer tub and shower conversions If you need a tub or shower replaced, CALL THE TUB MAN 247152

Nominees sought for Community Diversity Award

Liberty Bank is accepting nominations for its 22nd an nual Willard M. McRae Community Diversity Award. The application deadline is Friday, Oct. 21 and the recipient will be rec ognized this fall.

Since 2001, Liberty Bank has presented the Diversity Award to individuals who have made outstanding and ongoing contributions to the cause of promoting and cel ebrating diversity, equi ty and inclusion in the com munities served by the bank. It is named in honor of the late Willard M. McRae, past chairman of the Liberty Bank Board of Directors and

a founding member of the Liberty Bank Foundation Board of Directors.

A lifelong Middletown resi dent, McRae was known for his extraordinary commit ment to equal access and opportunities for all, regard less of economic status, race, background, disability, or other factors. His contribu tions to children’s mental health, education, and hu man services made a posi tive difference for thousands of people.

“At Liberty, we value diversi ty as a strength that builds more vibrant communities and we envision a future where there are no barriers

to success,” stated David Glidden, Liberty Bank Presi dent and CEO. “As a com munity bank and champion of diversity, we are commit ted to supporting and hon oring organizations that work to create a space where equal opportunities and eq uitable outcomes exist for all. Our annual Diversity Award is one way of cele brating those outstanding contributions, which are helping to improve the lives of our customers, teammates and communities for gener ations to come.”

This year, Liberty Bank will recognize a nonprofit orga nization that is having a sig nificant impact on achieving

equity, social justice, or eco nomic mobility for histori cally marginalized groups or economically disenfran chised individuals with a vi sion towards creating more vibrant and inclusive com munities.

For the award’s evaluation criteria and eligibility re quirements, and to make a nomination for Liberty Bank's 2022 Willard M. McRae Community Diversity Award, visit

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A7
STUFF TO SELL? Call Us. 203-238-1953 Repair Services • Hot Water Heaters Heating Systems • Gas Fireplaces & Piping Home Improvement & Remodeling Drain & Sewer Cleaning 860-948-0510 P.O. Box 311231 • Newington, CT 204827-P1 • 5155-SM1 • 39764-S3 • HIC #0625232 R247165 FAIL YOUR EMISSIONS TEST? We can diagnose your problem ELECTRONIC TUNE-UP $3995 $4995 $5995 4 CYL 6 CYL 8 CYL ENGINE SCAN TEST $2995 $2995 Does not include repair work. One coupon per customer. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. Includes plugs & full inspection. Parts extra. One coupon per customer. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22 Most cars. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. 10% SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT OIL CHANGE, LUBE, & FILTER $2100 Includes free 21 Point Inspection. With coupon only. $20.00 for tire rotation. Expires 12/31/22. AIR CONDITIONING SPECIAL $7999 Included Up to 2 lbs., check for leaks, evalute and recharge system. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/22. RICH’S CITGO III 116 MAIN STREET • KENSINGTON, CT • 860-828-1155 Mon–Fri 8AM–6PM, Sat 8AM–Noon • OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • FREE DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE • ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF • WE WORK ON FOREIGN & DOMESTIC VEHICLES R247147_V10ROGERS TREE SERVICE Call Dave Cyr (860) 828-9953 CT Lic# S-4240 R247166 Expires 12/31/22 247275v3


Lunchtime was our favorite! I was able to see my daugh ter and her classmates in their element being silly and having so much fun while they decompressed and en joyed lunch.

Unfortunately, that same year new restrictions were put in place due to COVID and I was no longer allowed in the school. So, we did online school and lots of other fun things like science experiments and readings.

During my daughter's first grade experience, still, no body was allowed in the school. I was as involved as possible from home whether assisting with supplies, or sending in fun crafts. And I kept a great, open line of communication with her teacher.

During second grade, it was decided that, once again, no volunteers would be able to come into the class. This was a hard transi tion for me because I en joyed the relationship I built with my daughter’s teacher and classmates.

Now, in third grade, we are having a sense of normalcy

again! I'm looking for ward to get ting back in the class room to help the teacher and build positive rela tionships.

Last year, when my middle daughter was in kinder garten, I was chosen to be a room parent. This was such a wonderful experience. Again, having the opportu nity to get to know each of the children and watch my daughter flourish in her en vironment was truly special.

I was in the classroom as of ten as I could be, and assist ed at the book fair and holi day shop. These opportuni ties were great, as they al lowed me to interact with teachers, staff, and students from all grade levels.

I continue to find ways to help support the schools and community. Recently I joined the Willard PTO. I look for ward to helping create amaz ing memories with all of the families in our school com munity and being of assis tance any way that I can.

Please support me in help ing our schools. Vote Patraw for Board of Education.

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA8 Thursday, October6, 2022
From A4
ASPHALT MAINTENANCE PAVING CONTRACTORS • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • DRAINAGE • TREE CUTTING & REMOVAL • ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK • BLUE STONE, PATIOS & WALKWAYS FULLY INSURED Licensed Contractor Commercial & Residential FREE ESTIMATES • 7 days a week CT Lic. #579594 (860) 632-9062 SENIOR DISCOUNT ASPHALT MAINTENANCE PAVING CONTRACTORS DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • DRAINAGE ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK • BLUE STONE, PATIOS & WALKWAYS FULLY INSURED Licensed Contractor Commercial & Residential FREE ESTIMATES • 7 Days a Week 860-632-PAVE (7283) SENIOR VETERAN& DISCOUNT 253122 Contact us Today! (203) 892-4131 • 95 E Main St B13, Meriden, CT Call Today for Your FREE Estimate! 203-941-1002 · At Superior Maintenance Corp our clients deserve the best. We promise quality reliable service every time. Let Us Help Your Business Shine! Complete Janitorial Services Family Owned & Operated · 20 Years Experience Licensed & Insured R255585 Tree Removal Landscaping Stump Grinding Firewood Fully Licensed & Insured HIC 0649404@SchmittTreeService R252945 & Landscaping FREE Estimates(860) 922-7738

Clothing drive

A clothing drive benefiting the Berlin High School Class of 2023 All Night Graduation Party will be held Saturday, Oct. 15, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at BHS (gymnasium entrance). Rain or shine. Acceptable items: clean clothing, used shoes (bagged separately), accessories (handbags, ties, hats, gloves), pil lows, blankets, quilts/sheets, linens, towels, and small stuffed animals/toys. Place items in large plastic bags. No need to get out of your car. For more information, contact Lucy Halkias at 860-471-2383.


From A3

principles fiscal responsi bility, smaller govern ment, pride in the melting pot that is America but al so see many problems with the current state of the GOP.

If elected, I’ll use my plat form to strengthen Ameri cans ’ trust in our institutions (not undermine them), em body a GOP that stands for

all, and work across the aisle.

As part of my campaign, I’ve made a commitment to keep an open mind, push for bet ter, and learn as much about the issues as possible.

As Election Day nears, I ask that you do the same, including by watching me debate John Larson Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. at Manch ester Community College (airing on CPTV).

I would be honored to earn your support.

Preventing cardiovascular disease

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).


TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A9
In Brief Join us for a FREE virtual class
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Call 1.855.HHC.HERE (1.855.442.4373) or go to After you register, you’ll receive an email with easy instructions on joining the virtual class. Join our interactive class to learn about: ■ Common signs and symptoms ■ Risks factors ■ Treatment options, including lifestyle changes ■ Plus, LIVE Q&A with the expert! Tues., Oct. 11 | 5:30-6:30pm PRESENTER : Jason Cuomo, MD Board certified in Cardiovascular Sciences Board certified in Cardiac MRI R254700FDI-1867K-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured % APY* % APY* % APY* Minimum deposit Minimum deposit Minimum deposit * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 09/28/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). Mark S Roberti Financial Advisor 1073 Farmington Ave Ste 201 Berlin, CT 06037-2244 860-357-5160 9-month 3.95 $1000 1-year 4.00 $1000 4.30 $1000 FDI-1867K-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured % APY* % APY* % APY* Minimum deposit Minimum deposit Minimum deposit * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 09/28/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are
Mark S Roberti Financial Advisor 1073 Farmington Ave Ste 201 Berlin, CT 06037-2244 860-357-5160 9-month 3.95 $1000 1-year 4.00 $1000 3-year 4.30 $1000 > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured % APY* % APY* % APY* Minimum deposit Minimum deposit Minimum deposit *
effective 09/28/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC
does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). Mark S Roberti Financial Advisor 1073 Farmington Ave Ste 201 Berlin, CT 06037-2244 860-357-5160 9-month 3.95 $1000 1-year 4.00 $1000 3-year 4.30 $1000 FDI-1867K-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. > | Member SIPC Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured % APY* % APY* % APY* Minimum deposit Minimum deposit Minimum deposit * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 09/28/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). Mark S Roberti Financial Advisor 1073 Farmington Ave Ste 201 Berlin, CT 06037-2244 860-357-5160 9-month 3.95 $1000 1-year 4.00 $1000 3-year 4.30 $1000 R255445

Birds: Their Side of the Story

Press Release

How did our best-known birds earn that distinction? What are some of the crazy things they make us do? Why are there so many pi geons in cities? How adept are crows for real at using a screwdriver?

You can find out by attend ing “Birds: Their Side of the Story” Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 6:30 p.m. You will hear natu ralist John Himmelman share light-hearted stories about birds and bird-watch ing. This fun and education al presentation will be held at the Berlin-Peck Memorial

Library. Register for this event at endar/.

This program is sponsored by the Berlin Land Trust. Properties preserved by the land trust serve as habitat for birds and other animals. They provide the water, food and shelter that wild animals need to survive.

Help wildlife by becoming a member of the Land Trust. Visit berlin to learn about our work.


From A6

Protect the VNA


Again and again the Berlin VNA has been rated 5 stars when it comes to patient satisfaction.

Now the town wants to remove the VNA from the char ter, stripping it of its protections, and worse, probably stripping the VNA of its ability to continue to serve the town, as it has for 96 years.

If the VNA is to close, the funds allocated for it will not be refunded or reduce our tax bill. No, those funds will be reallocated.

What do the citizens gain by losing the Berlin VNA?

Vote no on Nov. 8.

Virginia Majewski

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA10 Thursday, October6, 2022
R248031 Berlin YMCA Preschool • Enroll now in high quality, nurturing preschool • Nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack included • New students have a chance to win a free one-year family membership • Find out why our program is the best choice for your family. FIND YOUR CHILD’S BRIGHT FUTURE. FIND YOUR Y. Contact Tina at 203-314-1738 or 254078

KENSINGTON- Dr. Daniel M. Taylor died peacefully at home on September 26, 2022 one month shy of his 99th birthday. He had a long and distinguished medical and scientific career in Ophthalmology in New Britain that led to international recognition and acclaim.

After discharge from the U.S. Army in 1955, Dr. Taylor came to New Britain to join the Grove Hill Medical Center and form the Department of Ophthalmology, where he practiced medicine and surgery for 44 years. He pioneered early muscle surgery in children for congenital crossed eyes, and was the first surgeon in the state to perform a corneal transplant in 1956 at New Britain General Hospital. This led to the founding of the Connecticut Eye Bank at NBGH in 1961, and a world renowned reputation for corneal transplant surgery.

Dr. Taylor was also a professor at Yale, and in 1961 joined the clinical faculty at UCONN Health Center. In 1984 he was awarded the John and Florence Solomon Professorship in Ophthalmology, a position he filled thru 1995. He published 103 scientific papers and a book, lectured in 19 foreign countries and was honored by Nobel laureates for his pioneering early surgery on human infants.

In 1987, Dr. Taylor was one of the first surgeons to use the new Excimer Laser on human eyes at New Britain General Hospital. These early studies ultimately led to F.D.A. approval and the development of modern day refractive surgery which has eliminated the need for glasses for great numbers of individuals worldwide. He was also a pioneer in the use of

interocular lenses for cataract surgery, a common practice today. He retired in 1999.

Dr. Taylor is predeceased by his loving wife Lola who passed away in January 2001, and older brother Bertrum Jr. who passed away in 1986. He is survived by two sons, Daniel M. Taylor, Jr. and his wife Deborah of Palos Verdes, California; and Dean H. Taylor of Kensington, CT.

He’s also survived by three grandsons Jason, Zachary, and Alexander; two granddaughters, Mallory and Rebecca; a great grandson, Weston and two greatgranddaughters, Quinn and Caroline. He is also survived by long time friend and medical colleague Dr. Elizabeth Yennello, who later in life became his devoted companion. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022 at 11 AM at Kensington Congregational Church, 312 Percival Ave., Kensington. Burial, with military honors, followed in Maple Cemetery, Berlin. There were no calling hours. EricksonHansen Funeral Home of Berlin is in charge of arrangements. Please share a memory of Dr. Taylor with the family in the online guest book @ www.

Understanding prostate cancer clinical trials



TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A11
Dr. Daniel M. Taylor Obituaries Join us for a FREE virtual class
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Call 1.855.HHC.HERE (1.855.442.4373) or go to After you register, you’ll receive an email with easy instructions on joining the virtual class. Join our interactive class to learn about: ■ Types of clinical trials ■ How a clinical trial works ■ Benefits of participating in a clinical trial ■ Plus, LIVE Q&A with the expert! Tues., Oct. 11 | 6:30-7:30pm
: Brian
MD Board certified in Internal Medicine Board certified in Oncology/Hematology The Hospital of Central Connecticut R255284

Obituaries Fire Department Responses

Virginia Ellen Galgano

EAST BERLIN- Virginia Ellen (King) Galgano, 87, affectionately known as “Binni” entered into heaven on Oct. 1 at Middlesex Hospital after a brief illness, with her devoted husband Peter by her side. She was born on Sept. 21, 1935, the daughter of the late Virginia “Ginny” Lockwood Sage and Kenneth King. She grew up in Connecticut and made East Berlin her home for the past 26 years.

Binni met the love of her life, Peter, when she was 39 years old. She moved to Long Island to be with him and moved back to Connecticut in 1996. They cherished their love and many beautiful years together, celebrating their 27-year anniversary on Sept. 29.

At a young age, Binni began working and possessed a strong work ethic that carried her through life. Even after retirement, Binni wanted to stay busy and took a job as administrative assistant of The Berlin Citizen. For many years, she assisted Peter with recording and producing many videos for dance recitals, family events and veteran organizations. She always had the desire to keep going and made the best of every day and every situation. Age was not a barrier but a blessing for Binni. She achieved her associate degree at Middlesex Community College when she was 79 years old, and was a proud member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Binni was never without aspirations

for what she could do or accomplish. Well into her 70s, she began writing poetry, feature articles for The Berlin Citizen and taking up scrapbooking to record her life.

Binni was quick to lend a helping hand or a kind word to everyone, often before they even knew they needed it. Those who were blessed to know Binni understood her unconditional love, joy and zest for life. She was a friend to all. She enjoyed sharing a meal with family and friends, and entertaining on her deck overlooking the garden. Some memorable get-togethers at home included serving pasta dishes and fondue with all the fixings.

Binni and Peter spent summers on their boat, Galki II, which was docked in the same slip along the Connecticut River in Portland for dozens of years. Family and friends enjoyed hanging out with the couple on their boat and taking excursions along the river, often stopping by public beaches along the way. They often spent the night in Gildersleeve Island with

fellow boaters, Pam and John Bouchard.

For many years, Binni enjoyed lunches with her high school friends, from Portland High School Class of 1953, and cherished their camaraderie. She loved her garden, annual family trips to Block Island and regular outings to Boston’s North End to savor Italian food and pastries. She enjoyed daily walks around the neighborhood with Peter.

Binni was a very faithful sister in Christ and lived out her faith with kindness and humility. She was a communicant of St. Mary Parish in Portland, and took pleasure in dining with fellow parishioners after Saturday Masses.

Family meant everything to Binni. She basked in the accomplishments of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and wanted them to find happiness in their careers and partners in life. She was overjoyed when she became a great-greatgrandmother earlier this year.

She was loved by her son, Harold Shorey and his wife, Evie, and her daughter, Johnna Tuccitto Cunningham, along with her husband, Michael. She was predeceased in death by her daughter, Diane Potvin, and Diane’s son, Michael Potvin. She was a positive influence and a doting grandmother to Eric Potvin; Elana and Sabina Shorey; and Sean, Jacob and Morgan Cunningham; greatgrandmother to Connor Jernigan, Jason Maly and Peyton Potvin; and greatgreat-grandmother to Justin Maly.

Binni is also survived by her sister and confidante, Jean Thetreault and her husband, Gil. Many afternoons, Jean and Binni “putzed” around, as they liked to call it. She also leaves behind several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her brother, John “Jack” King and his wife, Maureen, who treasured watching performances together at the Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam.

Over the years, Binni provided a home for many cats and is now missed by Clyde.

The family would like to thank the staff at Middlesex Hospital for their sincere compassion and respect shown to Binni during her last days there.

Family and friends are invited to pay their respects on Sat., Oct. 8, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., at Biega Funeral Home, 3 Silver St., Middletown, CT. Also, on Saturday, all may attend a funeral Mass at 12:00 p.m., at St. Mary Parish, 45 Freestone Ave., Portland, CT. Interment will be held on Tues., Oct. 11, at 10 a.m., in the State Veterans Cemetery, 317 Bow Lane, Middletown, CT.

An online tribute for Binni may be found at www.biegafuneralhome. com, where you may leave memories and expressions of sympathy for her family on their guestbook page. Binni lived by her motto, “Wherever you go, whatever you do - A part of me is always with you.” This meant so much to Binni and Peter that they had it inscribed in their wedding bands.

James Simons, Fire Adminis trator for the Town of Berlin, re ports the following incidents.

September 25: Berlin Turnpike at Ramp E: Motor vehicle acci dent Company 3

September 25: Stonebridge Way: Fire alarm Companies 1, 2 and 3

September 25: Club Drive: Structure Fire Companies 1, 2, 3, 4 and Task Force 51

September 25: Episcopal Road and Deming Road: Motor vehicle accident Companies 2 and 3

September 25: 2300 block of Berlin Turnpike: Motor vehicle accident Companies 2 and 3

September 26: 200 block of New Britain Road: Motor vehicle accident Companies 1, 2 and 3

September 26: 100 block of Percival Avenue: Fire alarm Companies 2, 3 and 4

September 27: Mutual aid ren dered to Meriden Fire Depart ment Company 3

September 28: Berlin Turnpike at Ramp C: Vehicle Fire Com panies 1, 2 and 3

September 29: Mutual aid ren dered to Newington Fire Depart ment Company 3

September 30: 600 block of Christian Lane: Fire Alarm Companies 1, 2, 3 and 4

October 1: Berlin Turnpike and New Park Drive: Motor vehicle accident Company 3

Fire Company Designations: 1. East Berlin 2. Kensington 3. Berlin 4. South Kensington

businesses and those al ready here. The "It’s All In Berlin" Instagram page does much of the same, and has

quickly amassed 733 follow ers. Edge said it has been great to see how much activ ity the Instagram page is get ting, including from local business owners.

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA12 Thursday, October6, 2022
203-317-2212 From A1 Campaign RECYCLE YOUR OLD NEWSPAPERS Please & Thank you.


MERIDEN- It is with great sadness that the Nesci family announces the death of their beloved father, John (Giovanni Battista) Nesci, best known as “Pa”, on Thursday, September 29, 2022. In the days leading up to his death, Pa enjoyed final farewells from family and friends in the comfort of his own surroundings. Pa’s last moments were peaceful, with an occasional smile, and loving glance.

Born on May 18, 1938, in San Giovanni di Gerace, Reggio Calabria Italy, he was the son of the late Dominic Nesci and Caterina (Papandrea) Nesci. Pa was educated in Italy and immigrated to the United States when he was 18 years of age. Pa pursued his education in Connecticut and became a licensed hairdresser, a profession that he loved dearly. Pa eventually opened his own salon, John’s Hair Design, in Berlin, CT. Pa worked very hard for many years serving his valued customers.

Pa loved people and always strived to make someone else’s day better with a kind word or gesture. Pa did not have a mean bone in his body. Throughout his life he dedicated himself to family, work, and God. Pa had an incredibly strong faith and often preached the word of God. Pa was very proud to be an American citizen and was extremely patriotic. Pa loved visiting our nation’s capital, memorized each president’s name, and loved traveling throughout the United States. In 2011, Pa traveled to Quantico, VA, to attend

the FBI National Academy graduation. There Pa met a National Academy instructor who had just retired from the Marine Corps as a Major. Moved by Pa’s love of country, the Major presented him with an American flag that was flown over an American military base in the Middle East.

Pa was very proud of his sons, retired Meriden Police Lieutenant Salvatore Nesci and retired Detective Sergeant Robert Nesci. Pa enjoyed supporting the men and women of the Meriden Police Department and their many initiatives to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Meriden. Pa frequented many National Night Out events and was always happiest when he was helping others.

John was predeceased by his former spouse, Graziella Panetta, and his beloved daughter, Loredana Nesci, Esq. John is survived by his sons, Salvatore Nesci and his wife Diane, Robert Nesci and his wife Giuseppina, grandchildren Catherine O’Neill (spouse Michael O’Neill, great-grandsons John & Francis O’Neill), Sebastian Nesci and spouse Samantha Nesci,

Dominic Nesci, Skylar Massaro, Rocco NesciReagan, and Santino Nesci. John leaves behind many cousins in the United States, Italy, and Australia. Saying goodbye is never easy to a man who loved his family so much. We will miss you every day, of every month, of every year, until we can see your loving smile again. We can never begin to thank you for everything you have done for us as a family. We thank you for being our Pa, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, Father inlaw, Uncle, Cousin, and Friend. May God welcome you into the Kingdom of Heaven with open arms. Your memory will live in our hearts and minds forever.

We would like to thank the many kind and loving caregivers from the Yale New Haven Smilow Cancer Center. A special thanks to Diane Nesci for providing Pa with loving in-home medical care and Giuseppina Nesci for her nurturing support during these difficult times.

His family will receive relatives and friends on Friday, October 7th from 4 to 7 p.m. at the John J. Ferry & Sons Funeral Home, 88 E. Main St., Meriden, CT 06450. Everyone is invited to attend a funeral service to be held on Saturday, October 8th at 9:00 a.m. from the John J. Ferry & Sons Funeral Home to Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish, Mount Carmel Church, 109 Goodwill Avenue in Meriden at 10 a.m. for a Mass of Christian Burial. Burial will follow in All Saints Mausoleum, 700 Middletown Avenue, North Haven, Ct 06473. For online condolences, please visit

Christopher Coppola, CRPC®

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A13
John Nesci
GO MOBILE /Classifieds Your future’s counting on the right financial advice now. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2022 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.
Financial Advisor Coppola & Associates A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC 203.407.8188 x336 250 State St, Unit E-1, North Haven, CT 06473 Contact me todayR249793_v10 Your future’s counting on the right financial advice now. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2022 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. Christopher Coppola, CRPC® Financial Advisor Coppola & Associates A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC 203.407.8188 x336 250 State St, Unit E-1, North Haven, CT 06473 Contact me today Your future’s counting on the right financial advice now. • Save thousands with us, without losing quality professional service, personal attention & meeting all of your family’s needs. • Let us take you to the same church & cemetery as the others, at half the average cost. Luddy – Peterson Our Funeral Home, Our Crematory, Our Care 205 South Main St. New Britain, CT It is an honor & privilege for our family to serve yours. 860-357-4622247213v5 Affordable Funerals, $899 Cremations additional fees may apply DYNASTY JEWELERS Your Hometown Jeweler WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR 1064 Farmington Ave., Kensington 860-828-7589 R247354
TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA14 Thursday, October6, 2022 WALK-IN BATHTUB SALE! SAVE $1,50000 Walk-In Tubs Finance Options Available* ONE-TOUCH CONTROLSHANDHELD SHOWER COMFORT & SAFETYLOW THRESHOLD 44 HYDROTHERAPY JETS FREE An In-Home Evaluation will be scheduled at your earliest convenience FREE Savings include our own American Standard Right Height Toilet ($500 VALUE) ✓ EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST Only American Standard has OVER 150 years of experience and o ers the Liberation Walk-In Bathtub ✓ SUPERIOR DESIGN Ultra low easy entry and exit design, wide door, built-in safety bar & textured floor provides a safer bathing experience ✓ PATENTED QUICK DRAIN® TECHNOLOGY ✓ LIFETIME WARRANTY The ONLY Lifetime Warranty on the bath AND installation, INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard ✓ 44 HYDROTHERAPY JETS More than any other tub we’ve seen Discount applied at time of purchase. Terms and Conditions Apply. *Subject to 3rd party credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Receive a free American Standard Cadet Toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Shower or Deluxe Shower. O er valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchaser. All o ers subject to change prior to purchase. See for other restrictions and for licensing, warranty and company information. *CSLB B982796; Su olk NY:5543IH; NYC: HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co. LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. Limited Time O er–Call Today! 833-529-0079 MADE IN THEUSA WITHUS & IMPORTEDPARTS Designed for pain relief & easy use


Evelyn Jane Mettey

BERLIN- Evelyn Jane Mettey, age 93 of Berlin, CT; entered into eternal rest on Sunday, September 25, 2022 at Newington Rapid Rehab Recovery Center.

Evelyn was born August 5, 1929 in Hartford, CT, and was the beloved daughter of the late Harry and Mae (Sheehan) Mettey.

Evelyn grew up in New Britain, CT, and attended local schools. After graduating high school Evelyn worked at Landers, Frary, & Clark until the company relocated. She then moved to New York City and was employed for many years with Kennecott Copper. Evelyn went on to work as the executive secretary to the V.P. of Citicorp in New York City. She retired after 35 years. Evelyn loved all things nautical. She collected model ships, paintings of the seashore, and other ocean related chotchkies. Evelyn even attended the Bicentennial Celebration in the New York Harbor. She loved to travel and go on cruises. Evelyn has explored Hawaii, Greece, and all over Europe and North Africa.

After her retirement, Evelyn returned home to live in New Britain. Evelyn moved to the Percival Senior Housing in Berlin. Here she made many lasting friendships. Evelyn will be missed deeply by

all who had the honor of knowing her.

Evelyn is survived by her cousin, Shirley Duong and her husband Minh, their two daughters, Wendy Duong, Desiree Rilley and her husband Anthony, and their children, A.J. Rilley, Madelyn Rilley, Angela White, Avery Rilley; and a host of friends who will cherish her memory.

Arrangements have been entrusted to the LuddyPeterson Funeral Home, 205 South Main Street, New Britain, CT. 06051.

In lieu of flowers, please consider making a memorial donation in Evelyn’s name on behalf of “Team A.J.” to the Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut, 60 Peter Ct., New Britain, CT. 06051

Share a condolence or special memory of “Evelyn” at www.

Guidelines regarding political submissions

Letters to the Editor about the upcoming election are limited to 100 words. Non-political letters are limited to 300 words. Also, candidates are welcome to submit commentaries for publication of 500 words or less. Email letters/commentaries to news@theberlinciti The Citizen will print only one letter/commentary per person each month. Let ters/commentaries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday to be considered for publication the following Thursday.

Textile recycling

Berlin has partnered with AFAB Recycling LLC, a Connecti cut-based textile recycling company. AFAB Recycling ac cepts clean, dry and bagged clothing and fashion acces sories (gently used, like-new or worn) including dresses, shirts, pants, suits, coats, gloves, hats, belts, ties, scarves, wallets, purses, backpacks, totes, footwear, bedding, toys, stuffed animals and jewelry.

Residents are encouraged to drop off their unwanted tex tiles at the Transfer Station, 19 Town Farm Lane. The Trans fer Station is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. For more information on Berlin's textile recycling program, contact Public Works at 860-828-7022 or 860-828-7069.

TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A15
In Brief • (203) 499-8425 Notary On Site • Pistol Permit Classes On Site Woman Owned • Se Habla Espanol Call For More Info Located Near The Meriden Police Station 30 W Main St, Meriden, CT HANDGUNS • RIFLES SHOTGUNS • AMMO OPTICS • ACCESSORIES MAGAZINES • KNIVES BLACK POWDER • HUNTING ARCHERY • CAMPING Your One Stop Shop! R255355 Through our years of experience recruiting top healthcare professionals we have developed an efficient recruiting process that helps our clients hire faster. HERE’S HOW: • Get clear on your hiring goals and objectives • Create job descriptions that appeal to your ideal candidate • Dial in Employer branding/marketing • Quickly provided qualified resumes from our database of screened candidates • Extend the offer on selected candidates IT’S THAT EASY! If you are ready, to utilize our years of staffing experience to help you attract, onboard, and retain employees who share the same dedication to providing exceptional patient care. CALL US TODAY. 800.613.9920 R255245

BERLIN- William “Bill” Nyles Wixon of Kensington, CT, passed away at age 91, on October 1, 2022. A graduate of Farmington High School class of 1949, he served his country during the Korean War as a member of the Army Finance Corps. Bill graduated from Bentley College and Brown University furthering his banking career, which culminated in a bank officer position at Berlin Savings Bank (now Webster Bank) in Berlin, CT, where he retired in 1990 after twenty two years of dedicated service.

Once retired from banking, Bill and his wife, Lorraine, became urban pioneers by starting an antique store at The Vega Hall building in New Britain, CT, where they also lived. “The Vintage Shop” became a gathering place on Arch Street, where they made new friends and helped many area families furnish and beautify their homes with antique furniture and fixtures.

Bill married the girl next door, Lorraine Edith Johnson, in 1954. The newlyweds forged their union by surviving the flood of 1955, where they lived near the Farmington River in Unionville. In 1969, they moved to Berlin, CT and over the years they restored and beautified a number of homes.

In addition to his loving wife, Lorraine, he leaves his son, Jeffrey David Wixon and three daughters, Sarah Ellen Prior and her husband, Lou; Melinda Elaine Slogesky and her husband, Anthony “Skip”; Laura Jean Frederick and her husband, Craig.

Bill and Lorraine’s beloved grandchildren include Stacia Facchini, Laura Prior, Benjamin Slogesky, Amy Fraser, Aaron Wixon and Andre Wixon and their great

grandchildren are Ayla & Julia Facchini, Josephine & Eleanor Martin; James, Bryce & Colton Slogesky and Colin & Ryan Fraser. Predeceased by his brother, Paul Boegert, and sisters Betty Meyer and Ruth Tetreault, Bill also leaves a number of beloved nieces and nephews.

Bill leaves his Berlin Congregational Church family where he was a member for over 50 years. He served the church as Treasurer for many years and sang in the choir. He also served his community by lending his time, energy and expertise to a number of organizations, commissions and boards. He will be missed by all those whose lives he touched.

There will be no calling hours. A memorial service will be held at Berlin Congregational Church, 878 Worthington Ridge, Berlin, CT, on Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 11:00 a.m., followed by a reception. A private burial will take place at Fairview Cemetery in New Britain at a later date. The Carlson Funeral Home of New Britain is assisting with the arrangements. Please share a thought, prayer or memory with Bill’s family at www.carlsonfuneralhome. com. In lieu of flowers a memorial donation can be made to the Berlin Congregational Church in Berlin, CT.

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA16
Obituaries MEME YOUR PET PHOTO CONTEST! Brought to you by your friends at 1. Take a photo of your pet 2. Turn the photo into a meme (give it a title) 3. Enter it online Enter once a day through Sunday, October 16th. One lucky person will win a YETI HOPPER FLIP COOLER BAG FILLED WITH SWAG! 255584 255583

There’s no place for politics in our schools

I am a father to a newborn son. My wife and I chose to settle our family in Berlin because we believe it is an ideal place to raise a family, in part, be cause it has such a ro bust school system. I am invested in this town and its school sys tem as I plan to be here for the long haul.

I am running for the Board of Education primarily be cause I was disturbed that a current BOE member stated it was a lot of pressure for the board to be responsible for all students. This mem ber continued to say they don’t want the expectation to be such that if the board fails to meet a goal they’ll be held accountable. That is simply unacceptable. Our students and their parents deserve better.

School systems continue to face increasing problems that often need to be miti gated. The decisions that the board makes do, in fact, fall on each member. Members must then be held account able and do what they can to shore up any shortcomings. Our schools deserve nothing less. In a climate of in creased political polariza tion, I will do what it takes to not let our Board of Educa tion succumb to any political influences and agendas. Pol

itics should have no place or any influence on our school system. As an unaffiliated voter, I promise to keep po

Adelphia Café

476 Washington Avenue North Haven, CT 06473 203-535-0149

Family owned/operated. Former proprietors of the Neptune Diner in Wallingford. Extensive menu for all tastes. Breakfasts, luncheons and special dinners. All baking on premises.

agendas away from our schools. I am not be holden to the will of a politi cal committee. Instead, I will

best interest


Welcome to



Find great local eats -

Athena II Diner

320 Washington Ave, North Haven, CT 06473 203.239.0663

Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Serving breakfast, lunch, & dinner. Accept Q Cards. Serving North Haven for 30 years. Daily specials and full liquor available.

Colony Diner

611 N Colony Road Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 269-9507 Wallingford’s place to go for oldfashioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proudly serving up delicious and hearty meals daily. Voted Best Diner 4 years running by Record Journal. Open seven days. Breakfast served all day.

Duchess of Wallingford 124 Church St. Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 265-9431 Duchess -of-Wallingford/119682821380599

Celebrating Over 25 Years in Wallingford!

Our Success comes from dedication to quality,freshness & variety! Breakfast cooked to order. Open 7 days for breakfast lunch & dinner.


TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A17 CANDIDATE COMMENTARY
act in the
of our
families and
system. A Classified ad is an easy way to sell your merchandise, and it’s easy on your wallet, too. Zarabozo See Zarabozo, A20 Furniture, Paintings, Oriental Rugs, Hooked Rugs, Quilts, Sterling, Pottery, Glassware, Post Cards, Old Toys, Dolls & Berlin, CT Items
WANTED Clint & Pat Bigelow Antiques 174 Main St, East Berlin, CT 06023 860-828-1868 CALL TODAY R247164
Menu. Let us help you find the perfect place to eat. Whether it’s a celebration, date night, or just grabbing a bite to eat, this list of local restaurants is sure to satisfy your taste buds.
CALL FOR TODAY’S LOW PRICE 203-238-7512 ENERGY ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE H.O.D. 7 MIMS OIL O r d e r o n l i n e : 2 4 H o u r s / 7 D a y s 50 gal. delivery 225630 255473 1271998 “Quality Service You Can Count On” 247172 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED CT Lic. # 180640 860.978.5600 • • New Britain ROOF AND DECK REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT Services include: New Construction • Framing Window Replacement • Gutters Hardwood and Laminated Floors Shingle Roofing Install and Repair and much more! 100% Satisfaction Warranty. License 0621076 • Monday - Fri 8 - 8 pm Sat 8 - 12 • Follow us on FB and Twitter R254394v2Free Estimates Serving all of CT visit our website SERVICE DIRECTORY

Hubbard fundraiser

Happy Hound Happy


TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA18 Thursday, October6, 2022
Hubbard Elementary School fifth graders will hold a car wash fundraiser Saturday, Oct. 8, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., at the school, 139 Grove St. Cost is $5 per car. Funds will be used for school activities. In Brief
Home At Happy Hound Happy Home, we believe that our four legged friends bring happiness into our lives and homes. If you can’t be with them while you are at work or school, allow us the privilege of sitting with them and showing them the same love that you do. We offer pet sitting, walking and limited training. Call today for more information (203) 600-8480 We are centrally located in Meriden, CT. We are 20 minutes from Hartford and 20 minutes from New Haven. R255353 BEFORELeafFilter AFTERLeafFilter *For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. **Offer valid at time of estimate o nly. 2The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMT Mercer Group in Ohio. See Representative for full warranty details. Registration# 0 366920922 CSLB# 1035795 Registration# HIC.0649905 License# CBC056678 License# RCE-51604 Registration# C127230 License# 559544 Suffolk HIC License# 52229-H License# 2102212986 License# 262000022 License# 262000403 License# 2106212946 License# MHIC111225 Registration# 176447 License# 423330 Registration# IR731804 License# 50145 License# 408693 Registration# 13VH09953900 Registration# H-19114 License# 218294 Registration# PA069383 License# 41354 License# 7656 DOPL #10783658-5501 Lice nse# 423330 License# 2705169445 License# LEAFFNW822JZ License# WV056912 1-855-707-0321CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST THE NA TION’ S GUTTER GUARD1 2 EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET!1 1Subject to credit approval. Call for details. FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* SENIORS & MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE * + 20%% OFF OFF10 BACKED BY A YEAR-ROUND CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE LIFETIME WARRANTY WE INSTALL YEAR-ROUND! R254987



TheBerlinCitizen | Thursday, October6, 2022 A19 1DETAILS OF OFFER: Offer expires 11/30/2022. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Buy one (1) window or entry/patio door, get one (1) window or entry/patio door 40% off, and 12 months $0 money down, $0 monthly payments, 0% interest when you purchase four (4) or more windows or entry/patio doors between 7/1/2022 and 11/30/2022. 40% off windows and entry/patio doors are less than or equal to lowest cost window or entry/patio door in the order. Subject to credit approval. Interest is billed during the promotional period, but all interest is waived if the purchase amount is paid before the expiration of the promotional period. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, federal and state chartered financial institutions without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or familial status. Savings comparison based on purchase of a single unit at list price. Available at participating locations and offer applies throughout the service area. See your local Renewal by Andersen location for details. License number available upon request. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. 2 Values are based on comparison of Renewal by Andersen® double-hung window U-Factor to the U-Factor for clear dual-pane glass non-metal frame default values from the 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2018 International Energy Conservation Code “Glazed Fenestration” Default Tables. "Renewal by Andersen" and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. © 2022 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. RBA12848 *Using U.S. and imported parts. “My overall experience was great. I love the window, and from sales to scheduling, the experience was very good. The installers are highly skilled professionals and I would recommend Renewal by Andersen to all my contacts.” – LYNN F. | RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN CUSTOMER 4.7 OUT OF 5 BASED ON
Solving your window problems and having a comfortable home is easy and enjoyable when you choose Renewal by Andersen. With this great offer, you save money on your window project – and you’ll also save on high energy bills for years to come! SmartSun
and Patio Doors! AND 40%OFF 1 BUY ONE, GET ONE Interest accrues from the date of purchase but is waived if paid in full within 12 months. Minimum purchase of 4. $0 Money Down $0 Interest $0 Monthly Payments for 12 months1 844-739-5874 Call by November 30 for your FREE consultation. RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN CUSTOMER 95,000 + REVIEWS EFFICIENT IN SUMMER the heat out and the cool in. R254128v2


“I never imagined I would be hosting my own craft events to the magnitude they have become,” said Radun, of Berlin. “It started as planning a small event during the fall of 2020 in the midst of COVID.”

Ashley Gould, a Tastefully Simple consultant, also was


pleased with the turnout on Sunday. “Everybody is super friendly," said Gould, pointing out the event offered something for all ages.

Two-year-old Berlin resi dent Giada Cassone was sporting the image of Spi derman on her cheek, care of a face-painter. Also, Halloween-themed craft bags were given out to youngsters.

Meanwhile, outside, The Little Red Grill served up its specialty apple frit

ters, while the other food truck at the festival, SweetNess Bites, sold a va riety of ice cream treats.

Radun plans to host even larger gatherings down the road. Her long-term goal is to start an event plan ning business. “By placing one foot in front of the other, I know I will be able to accomplish that goal in no time,” Radun said. “I can’t thank the American Legion Post enough for providing such a wonder ful location for these events."


From A17

Here are some issues I feel are important:

Working on protocols and policies that will help ensure our student body, staff and teachers are safe from harm.

Keeping all political agendas away from our Board of Ed ucation and from our schools and students.

Advocating for an adequate budget to sustain school op erations.

Maintaining current class room sizes.

Promoting an environment of respect, communication, accountability and trans parency.

Recognizing and promoting academic/career paths for all students, such as voca tional schools and trades.

If elected, I look forward to being held accountable and working with all students, their parents and our hard working staff to build an even better school system.

I humbly ask for your vote on Tuesday, Nov 8.

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA20 Thursday, October6, 2022
From A1
R eal e state llc Derek
R247120v40 MERIDEN - Beautiful lot available in Westfort Highland Development.City water & sewer & gas available. $99,000 Derek Jutras 860-883-7091 NEW BRITAIN - Fantastic opportunity to build your own home..Beautiful, approved 2 family home building lot, located near Farmington Ave. $59,900 Mark Czerczak 860-883-3229 Office (860) 828-7877 Fax (860) 828-5797 Cell (860) 883-7091 E-mail: “Trust the Experts” 860-828-7877 951 Farmington Ave, Berlin, CT NEWINGTON - Outstanding 4 bedroom Colonial. Open flr. plan..Large eat-in kitchen, dining room w/pocket doors to living room & family room is on main level. Master bdrm with balcony…2nd floor laundry room…dormered 3rd floor adds another 390sq. ft with three rooms. Awesome 25x7 covered front porch. Hot tub…above ground pool and in a great location too. $319,900 Derek Jutras 860-883-7091 NEW PRICE CROMWELL - Beautiful 2 bdrm 2.5bath Townhouse with an Open Floor plan. Big kit. w/newer SS applic. & an oven/range w/gas cooktop. Plenty of cabinet & counter space & lovely garden window. Wood & tile floors on main level. DR opens to LR w/wood burning FP & a 16x8 wood deck. Nice size bdrms w/ their own full baths & laundry. Natural gas utilities & brand new Lennox A/C system. Oversized garage. $239,900 Derek Jutras 860-883-7091 In order to continue delivery to your home or business, we need to have each resident or business let us know that, by filling out our on-line requester form at myrecordjournal. com/berlin-requester Or, you can call us at 203-634-3933 and we can mail you a postage paid postcard to fill out and return. Without the necessary requester information, delivery of your Berlin Citizen to your home or business, will end. HELP US HELP YOU, CONTINUE RECEIVING “YOUR” LOCAL WEEKLY. R237811 Coming to your home or business HELP KEEP SUDOKU ANSWER CROSSWORD ANSWER R247971 Peter D. L. Kern, President | Broker All the resources of a large firm with local, personalized service. Office Hours: 10:30am-5:00pm (After hours available by Appointment) 24/7 979 Farmington Avenue Berlin, CT 06037 (860) 828-5374 NMLS #11142 Company NMLS #1827309 Oficial de Prestamo de habla Espanol Todas revelaciones formas son en Inglés. 247174 • FHA Loans - Little as 3.5% down payment • Renovations loans for FHA, VA and Conventional • Multi Family • Jumbo loans with minimum 5% down payment • Portfolio loan - as low as 5% down and no mortgage insurance • VA loans - 100% financing • Conventional loans for as little as 3% down payment • Investment loans - low to no document loans • Loans with Credit issues and credit scores as low as 500 available • Reverse Mortgages All loans are subject to credit approval including credit worthiness. insurability, and ability to provide acceptable collateral. Not all loans or products are available in all states or counties. Kern Mortgage Co., Inc. is not affiliated with any government agency. NMLS 1827309 Mortgage Broker only not a Mortgage Lender or Correspondent Lender R247210



Right employer.

Mission Moment:

Mission Moment: There's A Will, There's A Way

Where There's A Will, There's A Way

"Will” was placed with numerous foster care families throughout his teenage years, but never found a place to call home. When he first came to LISA's SAIL (Supervised Apartments and Independent Living Program) in Meriden, Will struggled with personal boundaries, peer relationships, and advocating for himself in a positive way. His first year at community college was academically challenging and his only source of family support was his grandmother. The program staff welcomed him in, and helped him shape a more positive future outlook.

"Will” was placed with numerous foster care families throughout his teenage years, but never found a place to call home. When he first came to LISA's SAIL (Supervised Apartments and Independent Living Program) in Meriden, Will struggled with personal boundaries, peer relationships, and advocating for himself in a positive way. His first year at community college was academically challenging and his only source of family support was his grandmother. The program staff welcomed him in, and helped him shape a more positive future outlook.

Through interventions and services such as life skills, weekly therapy, and goal planning and problem-solving sessions with his dedicated Case Coordinator, Will expanded his skill set and has become a more independent, confident young man. He changed his major at college to photography and his grades began to soar. Will shared, “Being at the program caused me to grow up and strive for what I want in life and realize everything isn’t handed to me.”

Through interventions and services such as life skills, weekly therapy, and goal planning and problem-solving sessions with his dedicated Case Coordinator, Will expanded his skill set and has become a more independent, confident young man. He changed his major at college to photography and his grades began to soar. Will shared, “Being at the program caused me to grow up and strive for what I want in life and realize everything isn’t handed to me.”

This budding photographer’s artwork was recently featured in his college’s annual art show where he earned an award for one of his pieces. His case coordinator proudly stated, “Will has developed skills that have helped him with communicating and advocating for himself in such a positive way that he was able to secure a job.”

The Worthington Fire District (WFD), is looking for a part-time Treasurer to perform bill paying, payroll, tax reporting and preparation of the annual budget and a variety of financial reports. The position requires approximately 6-10 hours per week, plus attendance at monthly meetings, the annual meeting in May and other relevant meetings as requested by the Worthington Fire District Commission. Scheduling for work hours is flexible with the approval of the Commission.

Needed for Southington/ Meriden/Berlin/Rocky Hill - Must be 21yrs or older and possess a driver’s license for at least 3yrs – Paid training to acquire CDL license and endorsements available –The opportunity to bring your children to work, No Childcare$$ - Contact Sheila at New Britain Transportation (860) 8280511 ext. 221 or visit us at, 257 Woodlawn Rd.,


Cheshire Library seeks candidates for two (2), fifteen (15) hour Library Clerk (L-1) positions in our Materials Management Department.

Right job.

Mission Moment: Where There's A Will, There's A Way

This budding photographer’s artwork was recently featured in his college’s annual art show where he earned an award for one of his pieces. His case coordinator proudly stated, “Will has developed skills that have helped him with communicating and advocating for himself in such a positive way that he was able to secure a job.”

foster care families

Find what you’re looking for, with is Connecticut’s most comprehensive online job board, offering hundreds of the best jobs with top local companies in almost every industry throughout the state. Find the right job, right here, at

Right here:

HS diploma, GED or equivalent is requir

Starting minimum rate $15.50/hour with a 15 hour work week that includes evenings & weekends. For further information on how to apply including full job description, visit the Town’s web site at www.cheshirect. org or applicants can pick up a copy from the Human Resources Office, Room #217, Cheshire Town Hall, 84 South Main Street, Cheshire. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, resume and/or Town application by the close of business on 10-14-22 to Louis A.

"Will” was placed with numerous foster care families throughout his teenage years, but never found a place to call home. When he first came to LISA's SAIL (Supervised Apartments and Independent Living Program) in Meriden, Will struggled with personal boundaries, peer relationships, and advocating for himself in a positive way. His first year at community college was academically challenging and his only source of family support was his grandmother. The program staff welcomed him in, and helped him shape a more positive future outlook.

Zullo, Director, Human Resources, Town Hall or via email at lzullo@

Through interventions and services such as life skills, weekly therapy, and goal planning and problem-solving sessions with his dedicated Case Coordinator, Will expanded his skill set and has become a more independent, confident young man. He changed his major at college to photography and his grades began to soar. Will shared, “Being at the program caused me to grow up and strive for what I want in life and realize everything isn’t handed to me.”

There's A Way

This position works directly with the Worthington Fire District Tax Collector, Commissioners and its Chairman and other contractors. Qualified candidates should possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Business Management or a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and have at least 5- year’s work-related experience in financial operation and management, budgeting and tax reporting, especially in the municipal environment. Qualified candidates should also be fluent in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Candidates living in the greater New Britain area and familiar with Berlin, CT and the greater New Britain area are preferred. Candidates with Intuit QuickBooks experience and/or personal computer network operations experience also preferred since there is also role of working with our PC/ Network contractor to maintain, repair and upgrade the WFD computer network. A cover letter and resume with job related experience should be e-mailed no later than Saturday, October 15, 2022 to the attention of the WFD Commission at net.

This budding photographer’s artwork was recently featured in his college’s annual art show where he earned an award for one of his pieces. His case coordinator proudly stated, “Will has developed skills that have helped him with communicating and advocating for himself in such a positive way that he was able to secure a job.”

DRIVER, BOX TRUCKPart-Time, CDL with medical card req’d, immediate. Respond to

Need to Earn Income ASAP?

Earn up to $1,200 mo. + Tips!

The perfect and easiest part time job - Newspaper Delivery Routes Available - Earn up to $600.00


Must be

Routes average 1.5 to 3 hours daily. No collections required.

Not Temp Work. Retirees, Stay at Home Mom’s, and Veterans are also welcome to apply. Make extra cash to pay rent, mortgage, bills, save money, or a great vacation. Text or call Peter at 860-846-0216 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and start as soon as tomorrow morning.

TheBerlinCitizen |
throughout his never found a place to call home. When he first (Supervised Apartments and Independent Living Will struggled with personal boundaries, peer advocating for himself in a positive way. His first
every Two weeks +Tips (Depending on area) Routes available in the following towns:
18 or older. Must have valid drivers license, reliable vehicle and be available early mornings. Make extra cash before you go to work making early morning newspaper deliveries using your own vehicle. NO experience necessary. Must able to deliver early mornings, 7 days a week. MUST be dependable, and be able to read a route list with specific delivery instructions. We will demonstrate the route to you.
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[Publisher Name] is a partner of
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted




Water/Sewer bills have been mailed to all residents of the Worth ington Fire District. All persons liable to pay Water/Sewer Fees in to the Worthington Fire District of the Town of Berlin, CT, are hereby notified that payments for the OCTOBER 2022 Water/Sewer Billing Cycle are due and payable in full on or before November 1, 2022. SAID CHARGES SHALL BECOME DELINQUENT IF NOT PAID/ POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2022.

Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month shall be charged from Oc tober 1, 2022 if not paid on or before Tuesday, November 1, 2022, subject to a minimum interest charge of $2.00.



Any person who is liable for these charges and who does not re ceive a bill(s) should contact the Worthington Fire District Office at once, by phone at 860-828-5630.

Tax Collector Mon-Thurs: 7:30 am-3:30 pm

Worthington Fire District Friday: 7:30 am-12:30 pm 1400 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, CT 06037




Connecticut General Statute, Section 1241, requires each taxpayer to file a decla ration of such property with the Assessor each year the taxpayer owns such property. The deadline for filing is on or before No vember 1st, 2022 by 4:30 pm that day. Anyone failing to properly complete and submit his or her declaration will be subject to a 25% penalty.


The Connecticut General Statues 12-81 (72) allows a five-year, 100% property tax exemption for eligible machinery and equip ment acquired and installed in a manufac turing or biotechnology facility. For the Oc tober 1, 2022 Grand List, forms are available online and the Assessors Office.


2 SNOW TIRES - LT 24575 R16 Bridgestone Blizzak, brand new, $500; TANHO COVER - Came off of a Dodge truck 6.4’ bed, $300. (203) 927-8376.

TOP CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.


This is to give notice that I, ERICA L GOMEZ, 172 FOUR ROD RD, BERLIN, CT 06037-2271

Have filed an ap plication placarded 09/27/2022 with the Department of Con sumer Protection for a GROCERY BEER PERMIT for the sale of alcoholic liquor on the premises at 164 NEW BRITAIN RD BERLIN, CT 06037-1354

The business will be owned by: HAPPY MART LLC

Entertainment will consist of:

Objections must be filed by 11/08/2022


1,2,3,4,5 Items or an Estate $$$ CASH $$$

Todd Shamock Estate Sale Service

Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Dolls, Toys, Paintings,Meriden Items 203-494-1695




For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc. Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 8am-5pm.

Washed Pine Dining room set. Farm table with leaf, hutch, server, 4 side chairs & 2 arm chairs. $400. 860.919.5079.


Screened Topsoil $25/ per yd; Sand-$18 per yd; Millings-$22 per yd; Screened Millings $30 per yd; $100 minimum delivery. No pickup truck service. Minimum 16 yd pickup at our yard. Call Jim @ 860-982-4819 for delivery

PREMIUM SCREENED TOPSOIL $25/yard delivered, 3 yd, $100 min. delivery Call Jim 860-982-4819


Old Machinist Tools, Lathes, BenchTools, Hand Tools & more. (203) 525-0608.

ALWAYS BUYING CASH PAIDVintage Electronics, Musical Instru ments, Amps, Ham Equipment, HiFi, Radios, CB, Gui tars, Audio Equip ment, Antiques. 860-707-9350

ANTIQUES - Always buying old; Toys, military, jewelry, art, watches, musical instruments, signs, arcade games, cameras, pre 1970 sports memorabil ia, plus more. One item or entire estate contents. Call 860718-5132.

BUYING ALL - Costume Jewelry, Old Watches, Gold Jewelry, Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins, Sterling Flat ware, In Any Condition. Please Call Jude M. Dichele @ (203) 8681816.

BUYING MACHINIST TOOLBOXES - Tools & tooling, contents of machine shops, home workshops and small lathes. Call anytime 860-985-5760


TIONS, - an Estate Sale, Liquidation, Attic & Basement Cleanout Company is Always Buying and providing services all over Con necticut. These are just a FEW of the things we are looking for: An tiques, Collectibles, Old/ Vintage Toys, Mu sical Instruments (Sax ophones, Trumpets, Vi olins, Flutes, Clarinets, Trombone & SO MUCH MORE) Advertising Items, Wristwatches (Broken or Not), Pocket Watches, Tools (Ma chinist, Woodworking, & MORE) Doorstops, Clocks, Oil Paintings, Old Signs, Old Pho tographs, Old Post cards, Brewery Items, Hunting & Fishing, PEZ Dispensers, Costume Jewelry, Broken Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Jewel ry, Gold & Silver Coins, Military Items, Swords & Bayonets, Helmets & Patches, Medals & Uni forms, Pocket Knives, Lighters & Pipes, Foun tain Pens, Mechanical Pencils, Fraternal Order Items, Religious Items, Industrial Items, Win chester Items, Sikorsky Items, Pratt & Whitney Items, Colt Items, Na tive American Items, Vintage Electronics, Slot Cars, Toy Trucks, Matchbox & Hot wheels, Barbie’s, Folk Art, Statues, Bronzes, Trains, Cameras, Mid Century Modern Fur niture, Straight Razors, Shaving Items, Political Items, Comic Books, Sports Cards & Auto graphs…& THE LIST GOES ON! So please give us a call at your earliest convenience. Grassy Hill Auctions 203-868-1816 - Grassy

PREMIER ESTATE JEW ELRY - Is interested in buying your fine jewel ry, watches, coin col lections, silver flatware, and costume jewelry. Call Bill, (203) 4942496.

SEEKING ALL COL LECTIBLES - Comic books to motor bikes. All items considered. Call Gary at 203-2374124. Top dollar paidwill beat any price!


ESTATE AUCTIONS - Is looking to purchase es tate contents. We pay cash for single items or entire estates. We are especially interest ed in old toys, military items, costume jewel ry, old swords, sports cards, fine jewelry, old watches, sterling sil ver, dental gold, coin collections, advertising signs, pocket and hunt ing knives & so much more. Estate cleanout services available. 30 years experience. Call Bill (203) 494-2496.

WANTED Individual firearms, collections & estates including military & related items.Federally licensed firearms dealer. Gunsmith, appraisals, Richard Pleines, (860) 663-2214.

16 Week Old Black German Shepherd Puppy for sale. Up to date with shots, vet checked. Very healthy. Call 860-628-0057 for further information.


WANTED - Old, New, Napier, Etc. “I Pay Top Cash For Your Grand ma’s Costume Jewelry Stash” I’ll come to you, 203-443-9602 Julie.

Adorable Puppies! Bichon Yorkie Mix, 2 Morkie Papillon, 2 Chi huahua Yorkies. Ready to go, first shots and wormed. For more info call 603-630-2258

AKC - Chocolate lab female puppies $900. Raised with children, vet checked. Ready Oct 6. 203-427-5955

TheBerlinCitizen | theberlincitizen.comA22 Thursday, October6, 2022
Classifieds Work CONTACT CLASSIFIED (203) 238-1953 Whether it is a lost ring, wallet or a Parrot named Oliver, a Classified ad can help track it down.
for a friend? Find litters of critters in Classifieds. Interested in Classified Advertising? Call Us. 203-238-1953 Legal Notices Liquor Permit Auto Parts Autos Wanted Autos Wanted Furniture Lawn and Garden Wood Fuel Heating Equipment Wanted To Buy Wanted To Buy Wanted To Buy Pets For Sale Reach over 310,000 readers. Call us today 203-238-1953Legal Notices& Classifieds RJ MEDIA GROUP | Record-Journal | | HOMEBASE Digital | Berlin Citizen | Cheshire Citizen | North Haven Citizen | Plainville Citizen | Southington Citizen | Town Times | The Post


SHEPHERDS (Mini American Shepherds).

DOB 7/8/22. 1 male, 2 females left. Ready for pet homes. Price $1,500 ea. Call Carole for contact and information 475-331-5105.


Demolition Svs Sheds, pools, decks, garages, debris removal. Quick, courteous svc. All calls returned. Ins. #566326. Cell, 860-558-5430


Repairs, Decks & Porches, Sheetrock & Taping Water Damage Repairs. Free Est. Ins. MC & Visa. Call Bill (203) 901-2136. CT. Reg. # 0647093

Specializing in roofing, siding, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, basement remodeling. Senior citizen discount Insured. Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937

FALL CLEANUPS Home Improvement,

siding, misc.,



Service LLC All Phases of Electrical Work. 24 hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs Welcome.

A&R CLEANOUT SER VICE - Partial or total cleanouts of homes, garages, basements, businesses. We Clean homes top to bottom and do demolition work also. Free estimates. No job to small or large. 203-281-6387 or 203623-0166.

If they’re dirty! For gutter cleaning, Call Kevin (203) 440-3279 Fully ins.


Furniture, applianc es, entire contents of: homes, sheds, estates, attics, basements, garages & more.


25+yrs. Exp. Call today

ED’S JUNK-OUT (203) 494-1526

Fully ins. Free Estimate. Call Ed, we will take it to the dump for you!

Carpentry.Painting. Doors.Windows.Siding. Roofing. Free ests. Fully Ins. Next Day Service!

HOME DOCTOR - 48 yrs exp. Odd jobs & remodeling, former US Navy, 15 yrs, #640689,

Let Us BEAR Your Junk! Junk Removal in CT


big/small. 860.719.3953

GARY WODATCHHedge & tree trimming. Trim overgrown prop erties. Calls returned.

Ext. & Int. Painting. Sheetrock.Popcorn Re pair. Wallpaper Remv’l. Decks. 25 yrs exp. Free est. Sr. disc. #0656136. Ins. 860.538.5520


Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893.

IF YOU Mention

This Ad FALL Yard Clean-Ups

branches, leaves, storm damage


Furniture, Junk, Debris, etc


house to 1 item removed!


Citizen Discount LIC & INS. DUMPSTER RENTALS 203-535-9817

CustomColonial Since ‘99 Lic’d 0630904 & Ins’d Senior Discount Warranty. Financing 860-306-0270

JM Lawn Care

Mowing, Fall Cleanup, tree service, snowplowing. Comm/ Res. 860.796.8168


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