Statement of Purpose: Non-accessory signs and billboards are elements ofthe Urban Landscape identihing businesses, relaying messages and adveltising. In order to promote, preserve, enhance and protect the public health, safety and welfare of the city, these standards/regulations intend to diminish the distraction hazards to tranic, minimize visual bight and insure urban design fundamentals to preserve Meriden·s landscape. The following StandardslRegulations control non-accessory signs and billboard location, size, height, spacing, luminance and frequency of image change. Definitions: Non-accessory Sign: A sign advertising a product or service or carrying a message not related to the use on the property on which it is located. Billboard~
"See non-accessory sign"
Electronic Billboards (static or changeable): Billboards displayed or illuminated, whether the display is static or by electronic or digital whereby the contents can be changed automatically at short intervals controlled either on site or remotely. Billboard Overlay District: Non-accessory signs and billboards must be oriented to limited access highways and are further restricted to the "Billboard Overlay Districf· as shown on the City's Zoning Map. Development Standards: ~
Ma.ximum Height: 35'* - The vertical distance from the grade of the closest lane of the limited access highway to the top of the highest cOlnponent of the sign.
*(In no cases shall the top be higher than 30· above grade at the base of the sign.) - Ma.xlnn.un Sign Area: 672 Sq. Ft.
. Clearance: 9'
- non-accessory signs and billboards shall have a minimum clearance of 9' between the lowest point of sign and the land grade.
Location & Orientation: • Billboard Overlay District:
Non-accessory signs and billboards are restricted to Billboard Overlay District.
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- Lot (size, frontage & use): Non-Accessory signs Ciilld billboards are considered principle uses and therefore per Section 213-12.2 "Number of principle uses per lot" it i~ the only use allowed on the lot, A,building lot for a non-accessory sign or billboard must have the lot area required for the underlying 7;One, and have 75' frontage on the limited access highway that the sign is oriented to. - Orientation:
All non-accessory signs and bHlboards consisting of back to back or parallel design shalI.be no greater than eight (8') feet apart. All non-accessory signs and billboards shall be designed with faces at an angle no greater than 35 degrees. All such signs must be oriented to a limited access highway and not to face a residential zoning district.
Non-accessory signs and billboards shall be spaced at a radius of not less than one thousand (1,000') feet from any other non-accessory sign or billboard or residential propeli)'; Electronic Billboards shall be spaced at a radius of not less than one thousand five hundred (1,500') feet from any non-accessory sign and billbo81'd or residential property. These spacjng requirements can be reduced on City owned property with the condition that one display message every two minutes be a public service anllOlU1cement or eleemosynary message approved by the City. The spacing requirements can be reduced to:
500' from anv non-accessory sign or billboard
2" \
C750: fTom an Electronic Billboard
Electronic Billboards: Display time:
Messages and/or imagery must be displayed in a static manner for a minimum of 10 seconds;
Transition time: Transition from one message andlor image to another must be direct and inunediate without special effects that take less than one (1) second. Brightness:
No sign may exceed a maximum illumination of 0.3 foot candles above ambient light as measured from fifty (50') feet from sign face.
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Electronic Billboards must be designed and equipped to freeze the sign face in position if malflUlction occurs. Such signs must also be equipped with a means to immedialely discontinue in case of malfunction. The sign ovvner must immediately turn off display when ordered hy the City.
Miscellaneous: Content:
Non-accessory signs or billboards shall not use the words "stOPl danger" or any other word phrase or symbol or character that might be misconstrued to be a public safety warning or traffic sign.
Every 1l01l-acceSSOlY and billboard shall be suitably landscaped covering the area between the sign and property line. This landscaped area shall be properly maintained.
All non-accessory and billboards, together with their supporting structure, shall be maintained in good repair and in safe condition. The owner of the premises on which the sign is located shall be directly responsible for keeping such sign and premises in a safe and neat condition. All parts, including the backs of non-accessory and billboards shall be painted a dark or neutral color and shall be well maintained.
Process: All non-accessory signs and billboards must obtain a Certificate of Approval (per Section 2 ~ 3-55) ofllie Zoning Regulations from'the Planning Commission prior to receiving a Building Penn~t.
A Certificate of Approval is also required for a conversion of an existing billboard into an electronic billboard. The converted electronic billboard must comply with all . ._ -I ' (j ( standards/requirements of this ,~l;apter. 'SJ. f{ 0oC£<..?~ ~f~;~ -g;lW.(.'-(.~t r~~<A.-'-,! p-t C;,"'-Cf:-ZIJ,- l/I D ,1 )~-{j cc Non-confomung: -(-0 ai!f/r;c{!f.£) S-v:.~-}t. '1 4(~..X f<:..~,./;f " r
- Off-premise signs snd billboards lawfully existing at the time of adoption of this chapter which do not confonn to the regulations of this chapter may continue to exist, bl..lt are prohibited from being enlarged, relocated, or altered to include electronic billboards. except in compliance with this chapter.
- Maimenance and repair, including restoration, improvement, and changing of off premise sign or billboard messages is allO\,yed. Following damage or destruction, restoration of a nonconformity shall mean that the off-premise sign or hill board face or sign stmcture, if reinstated with a nonconfonnity as allowed under the telms of this chapter, shall be restored to match the conditions that preceded damage or destmction. ~
A nonconfonning off-premise sign a.nd billboard which is damaged or desU'oyed by any cause or means to the extent that the cost of restoration exceeds one-half (1/2) of
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its replacement cost and no building pennit for reconstruction or replacement of the nonconfonning structure is applied for ""ithin one hundred eighty (180) days ofthe date the property is damaged or destroyed, shalillot be reconstructed except in confonnity with all applicable reguli:1lions of this chapter. _ A nOllCOl1foDl1ing off-premise sign and billboard which is discontinued for a continuous period of six (6) months shall be deemed to be abandoned and may not thereafter be reestablished or resumed except in conformity with all applicable regulations ofth15 chapter.