The Cheshire Citizen | cheshirecitizen.com
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Year Round Tree Service
Fields From A1
Roaring Brook Falls has one of the state’s more remarkable waterfalls as well as trails with good views of the stream up and down the falls. The incline can be steep, particularly on the trail veering right, and the on-street parking can be limited.
Riverbound Farm Sanctuary is another easy walking spot
HIC# 0581892 • B-3163
A sign by the Cheshire High School softball field advises that all athletic fields and playgrounds at Cheshire public schools are closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
and bird feeders and a garden attract plenty of wildlife, though parking is sparse and the trails can be narrow.
and the CIAC spring sports season has been put on hold until the state decides when they will re-open.
The Farmington Canal Heritage Trail tends to be fairly busy, however is wide enough to allow for visitors to easily pass each other.
“We are still in a wait-andsee period and the spring season is going to depend on the governor’s decision when he will re-open schools again,” said Steve Trifone, CHS athletic director.
Athletic facilities
“We would be in the thick of the spring season right now,” he added. “My job is certainly different right now. This is the first spring I’ve been home in 25 years. But I give my coaches credit for staying involved. They are staying in High schools in Meriden, Wallingford and Southington touch with their players even have also closed their athlet- if it’s not face to face. Thank God for technology. I don’t ic facilities. know where we would be Connecticut schools have right now without it.” been closed since March 13
From A1
full line-up of library’s staff, including the new children’s services head, Allison Allen, along with Lauren Gledhill and Andrea Willard.
For all ages, the library has “ramped up its selection of e-books and audiobooks,” she said. All genres have been expanded.
“They’re all different personalities,” said Crowley.
One fun project for families to work on together is Ancestry.com. Before COVID19, patrons would have to come into the library to make use of the service. But at this time, they can use the service from home via the internet.
The library also incorporates the use of online Zoom web conferencing to make the sessions interactive. Chil-
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The gates to athletic facilities are officially locked and closed to the public at Cheshire High School. While town parks are open at this time, playgrounds and tennis courts are closed.
dren can sing and play along during story time. It’s not easy to do, but they’re up to it, said Crowley.
Picture books are favorites for the little ones.
Aaron Flaum, Record-Journal
To use the Ancestry.com service, go to the portal shown on the Cheshire Public Library homepage and follow the link. A library card is necessary to access Ancestry.com. If you do not have a library card, you can acquire one online. Go to the library’s website and follow the link to the online form. The Ancestry.com service also goes well with the all-ages 2020 Summer Reading Program, called “Imagine Your Story,” said Crowley, adding that there will be more details on that later.
Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener
Mixville Park has an easy walking trail around the pond and open space ideal for dogs and kids. It also has plenty of parking and a suitable amount of space for social distancing.
Cheshire offers several options that, so far, remain open.
E.C. TREE • CHESHIRE (203) 272-4485
Outdoor options Residents around the state have flocked to outdoor recreational sites causing local and state officials, in some areas, to limiting access to parks or closing them entirely to reduce crowding.
“It’s pretty cool because people recognize each other from all walks of life and age groups and talk to each other.”
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