Open Letter to the State Government of Connecticut
This letter is to request the State Government to develop a new model for managing the state that will work for the people of Connecticut. We recognize that the State faces a fiscal, economic, and budgetary crisis that is unlike any other the State has faced. The current methodology of a bottom up approach where individual special interest groups, agencies and departments are fighting to protect their budget dollars does not work. This is plainly evident by the $59 Billion of unfunded liabilities. State expenditures have gotten completely out of control with no end in sight. This was fine when revenues were booming but this strategy could only result in the difficult situation we find ourselves in today. There needs to be a realistic recognition of the financial problems and a comprehensive plan to address them. We need leadership in Hartford that can bring all parties together to develop a fiscally responsible and simplified budgeting process. We need a leadership that can convince each special interest group, agency and department the need for give and take to achieve the common good for the citizens of Connecticut. To this end we seek a governmental policy fully supported by the Legislative Branch which does the following: 1) Completely revises the budgeting process. Legislative leaders need to create cohesive level of bi足 partisanship to make this work. Without it gridlock and polarization will continue to prevail and the State situation will continue to deteriorate. 2) Adopts GAAP accounting standards. 3) Recognizes that the budget solution will include both revenue enhancements and expenditure reductions, not one or the other. 4) Addresses the conflict-of-interest of elected officials providing unsustainable benefits and pensions to themselves and other state employees. 5) Efforts should be directed to critical issues and not on hundreds of inconsequential, absurd bills that have no likelihood of passage nor do they warrant passage. A better screening mechanism of bill introduction would be beneficial. 6) Rationalizes the spending portion of the State Budget including determining by subject matter I e.g. Education, Public Safety, Infrastructure, ect.) how much should be spent in percentage and total given our current resources; 7) Looks at incorporating the strategies and recommendations for restructuring local government that are detailed in the writings of David Osborne, senior partner of The Public Strategies Group.
In short, we are looking for leaders and do not require status-quo politics to solve this situation. We are looking for and will assist those whp genuinely seek to help this State get its house back in ord~r so that the State, its businesses, and its people can realistically plan for what will be needed in the future. The current situation leaves us at the mercy of decisions we neither accepted or supported and does not allow us as a State to prosper.
Sincerely, Cheshire Chamber of Commerce