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IN.CIDENT SUMMARY Allt11tl;lt:Vlew$ ,tete in the presence ofCn,ptai11 tvfai•¢hm1d. 011 Juile '.S'th:2007 this offfoer was assigned by d11iefCruess of the Cheshfre Poli9e DeJmrtmefit t6 •peffotiti an internal adit1h1i,strullve iµvestig~do11 Irryolvh1g p6s~ib1e · vlolatiQns of nxile~ ·ai1d reguh1tiQ~S. ~n.d, oi'J91-vJ1 q.f Ch~shh'.q CQJ1cluct, poU9l~s; -~t~\1:U'i)lilg from .an incident t1u1t oci:iun:ed on 1\'.rar~ll.J.lJS.i~!!Z.in. t 1 • · · ·• • ··.- ,· · · •· 'i '.,..- •.•-" · inddet'.lt involves a co111plaint niade hy. . . . . . . . of
The compla111m1t fa tl dispritcher for t_l1q Cheshire PoliaeJ)epadtnent artd Md J:Hed n cdmh1idallegatioh C()ll1j)l~int tigaitlst Jeffi'eyF,a1k ◊ .. ·...· ·. .. . .•. . ··.· fa1k fo a Cheshire Police officel', Tho criminal co1i),plah1t wtisf1xstfodged 011 r\pt.i( stth 2007 t9 CE1ptain Marchand of'the Ch1$;1hh·~ Poli¢¢ D.eimrt,n:ient, Th¢ 9Qll1l'J4hit m~d.o.)fas subsequently t~irned over to tlm Connecticut SM~ PoHce MtutrtCrimeUriit Westertl D1str1ct.; The cdmpjafritJs ai1 alle15ed assault oompfaii1t and ofotll'tcd on March 31 '§t i1,1to April l 'st(2007 cmd occmted offdut . The incideht 1oNition is that of-home ~~~
------ ------------------------------------------
Sgt, Wesley Clark of the Ccnmecticut State Police co11ducJed aii irtVet?~~atfo,n h1t6 t.ht1 a1legt1d assm,1lt cotnt>lrifot ai~d i11te1vi~wed nume1'.011s pqopll:} thatw~re h1volvc4 ln som:c aspects of the co !lll)lfllllt and tl1en /lPPHe.d fo1· .Wl ~rrest w.arrantibx Jr;;ffrey Falk the crirm.ls of Sext1a! Assault. in the 4'th Degre~ and ttnfawful testraint in the 2nd Degree. The warrant wi'.1s teviewed by the Stutes Attorney in the New Haven Distdct Pait A and was denied, Tbe l'rosecu,fot n(lvlse,s that the ca~e ls not prosecqtnNe~ · ·
r:;-,}t2... AU case iepo1'ts and wtutru1ts a1,pllcatio11s wel'e subsequently turned oVcr to this officer c;.?$ for this investigation. This officei· teviewed said copies ofthe warrant appliontlon and ,,:.:t y investigation and porfontJl;lQ several subseq1.1e11t intervJ~ws,
%1S The COltiplaint hi questioh is an nssmtlt cotriphtl.ut lriadc o...■.• advis!:!d that she had attended a birthday party .fot·Jefli'ey Fnlli; Qn 1\/faroh ~1. 1stZQ0.7, Th<iparty 'l'.if}/f was Ht..F,·1.-l.k~s.•.:.fhfh·e·r's .resickmc·e·, w . ·J·J·ioh.Js fo. c.ate·(·la.J 2·3. ·S.◊tHh.Po·u.d c··. l·1··de in.the t.(".~n of advised thot she had att~11clcd t11e pai'ty throng'h invitation aud Uiat she 1~'!) B' Cheshire, ,£)tl had attlv/;ld;~!Jlie re~kl(:}nce,m,9 .O?:S~rveq ~ptpfl'?JJ~ .~.1~ie!gx~~~,R(th~,Ql191?,!1P:<t~9li~e,,,, '. (/st; Deparm1~nt ~lfte~dy at the' t¢sklerit¢~ that she P\J~erv{;la Jet1':h1y Falk :twiuent th@ pi11·ty. At (J/ I approximatdy m·oimd nt!dpight a grot1p of people decided that theyshoukl go to the ,.Jn:x Victorian Hquse Bi\(and corithtuc the fJartyh)S· While iit the).Tictoriaii:tfoi1se B t l ~ ,,.g~ lnvite·. d. ~ev.e:v·a.···t·p·e··.:o·.·•p····fo.·.••.ft·.xm~t.,l.J◊. b.a.i•.to g. ◊.-.·b·. ac.Jdo·.. l.1er·r·e····$.·J.cl-".1.·1ae.for.. a..·. dt·i·n.. k... At a.bo.'t'1.t .. · .:J,J 2:00am-drnye .home and went ins1¢1e her apmimimt. stated that she got ,,,.?iiil
1 ...:,,~ ~;--
datkt ~u·d.·c··•·t.e. ~ ..... th. e do·····•o···1·.:to. l.1· ·e.t· · a.pn.·ttm.f.tlt.•. •.◊.pe.ne(l r.1111 Jeffi·.ey. F.~Ik:·····.w . · 1:.1·§ ?hm(ling by . ·
.J;(p h111\at1d walkedfo.-asked Falk where everygn\'.lW!l.S Md he1•~p11~d b.<} (lid not
,$.f ·know,lllllo~~i:¢dFall<:~ drii1k1U.1d he Mcwted.a be~i'/- Slllt,ed th,it hewentinto $/$ th.e !.iv.h.1g t'6om. to. t~Jrn cm th<;J t. v.. and w~1~11 she t1.11•i~t1<l, Falk was sta.x·d·ir;ig ~.t the ...,.,;9 doorway that se1,arates the kitchen a11d bvmg too111.-states that he asks Fulk to tf/) m:qve s. ◊ .sh.e c. o.·. uJd get l;>y·a·rtd ---·· e sm1 fonly g:rnbbed her right m·1x:i1stntes· tlmt she ,t// stepped back and pulled away.. states font she ugalt1 told Fa:1kto'move alid ho
.~ i~b&11!1sr#i~;:~n-\t~;tll;!ll'tii~rI{c,~1}~f,{t"K,t
~h!f wher~yo11e~\t,nridlw.no.o.~teitt0i,lo11·1in:tµ~~l!at~tyiri~1nqve◊uid{the;ita\}'.· ~t~ies.~t914fi1~:~tt~m111;~1 titm<!SAA.t9),Yrirsi. lJ~r ~~t1l1,iJ11}d. t11?tj l1¢ siqpv.e~ MJ9 Jqq!!~.: ·•· · · S"" .. tfoWJ1;)-\fi;¢t'if$h9rt'.thh~ •. v*1lk'moved hit◊ t~t}]dt9h~IJ4M l!ijt 1;l<fW!.l ntJh~Rtt;chen, fol>l~; 191 .3
Jf ·
9(t~t~111iit~tw:-0.\~!~:1~ t 1t~i,i~.ra.~~j·~it~h~~t~i41~~[\t~61~~becl lio~~tQ1d.,F~lltl)i,ttq.~h~vci'.m),q ·hef~n.eako.ts tMd f~ll<td }Vattqo
! ~r,,: \¾)~li~,l1ll·~tilµit~tli!l~llt!:, B-
i~i "hbj'fa{ ., ·
.. 'h1,l1ef~tAt, .... flh~t~~f(~ltlht}f11~llfgt'~9QeqJi~r~1te1lllqn~IIY µntl .
~:{~:.,J;;J:rul%h§<trY~~,~- 11s~ Etf!tqJiftt~~i1:t:l!Wn{ti~~~~?} ,~w,~;dttnt~i~)fet 1
l (p te$k1eff ....·1t19\i;ijh~l[Yi11t{J~o:titW trie'd<?§t,v,ayt1wlF~llt9Jqql<M• .~titxsih~t· sh~ >1 ·teai•¢<lfqi'A~t;~:~tl;51t,/·•;:rr).y,,2lit/' .·
/8 rrhls dffict¢r'1'0~1{Rt14i4:igiilitfsi<l,'~tlS~?liJ,ie,t~faf .TUI}e · 1 i'Jh.gqqt~i}d,Y(lth. .
9'9(tQ!tte,,Qt\Yl'(.f~B~t~P.(l, J;bi~ .Pf!'1q~rt901sJg Ph1tog1·~ph~ 9J Jh¢J~!dcnq¢,
t;f ,i~:i~r~1~.:4~;rii~~1i~f~}}:~iWi i]~ll1ll!*.li;;~~1tt~lff&1iril~!tist~ide . i)t' 111111 ... 1
:i ·~ •· th9 build111g. f119 i'1;9nt(iftl1~pi1IN1n~faf(}gJQt1th ~114 \1}(} (last en,tran,1,.9 JQ 1
t~f::-t ' ilj).~t·tirt9nt}1,\ljo·.19fi~'iµ_,~tti11ip,tjii~11}p<?~ij{iI%~i.ll,i9}l~rf:.~6?qrw.ay fqr,.t.1G.9~¥:S,'Jfi\9Jh¢
6} tj,• .:re~~d¢nc~ i§ fo-0atedins;cl1:, t~,~ s~WlJf!◊:l\{IqopYf,µrot p~t;1.b~1l!Qltl~ rirtd.. chtCl'$ intothelivi11g r; ft ropilt~rea of""'µpartm~ot, HoiJsehold f4mishings bl9 okthe door½'µf l11sicl~t1.1~ -.::JM liyip~}6o2nai;ea}r > ·. . · . · ·. . .· . : )... •.·.•·· •. . . •. .
?;ii/ Thq upi1\·tmt}nt lm~.a. wa1l<;w~;YA91tl.EJ si~q>strcet:known ~11<1~1g 9< ~· •to111l'et\ lb t' th~k~p~rim~11tl~)H$kil{Ytth bf.the. wafkftiy an~Jts nccij)! p9ir1t Js11111111 cAit • TM,dP~f(i,½~(lKJs;y1¥W!~ t<?.l, , '• . ~~W}i.t.r9,y~Iit1?. it\r,'YtSt~f1Y.~ir~iWin. V
,,_'!f[) .The
·.·. '
· ... '
9B@r l1as two Sl;)(,)\,19tY' .Jpcl<~Q!Jx W:l1,t9h 1,$, +!, ~~w:ll;i.gJt; Bt1thill'.¢ Jt\ wotk:111~ ,c>td ~t ,·'
,3 l •acyot:cling,to• . Wh~,:i.yoJ.t ~1itct .·fl'dprthttii1a4t·.~oorw:ayy6u Ii11tefh1~9{l1~kit~Iten
~3\,1 •area, tlie kitphWnl!fi$ a tt1bl~ Wltlftwo·chafrs p!ac·e(l tjij~f tM.'cent4rQft.bqi;q:o)pi');q tfar
33 ·1eftJ§1 a 996t;N4Ylhft,go'.e,~:Wth~ liyht{51\7JW1 f)l'e~qfo.tlto t,11~ fiwlctl9ftn~kitch¢n is a
:;;,; 1} bailwE,iytfo.1t fofl.dift9 t.Ii~.·hef!tci;qn1 npd toilet tWeJl, . . .•
S-S". Tl~$ 6ffi9et upoh r~vteW o'fjj;e CU$e J~¢A~~t t~s !},p1eJ9 dftpl]1,1.ij1~ {h,~t s~yer#1Jl!nplo ye~.
~ntj tJ1t;)h'. spg l!t1l;l~ frqJ_n{h,y: ··· ···. l1ire '.P9ltc~p¢partment.wcre in 4tlel.1dN1¢~'off:tillC~ party · $? ~11~tth~y went t9 .th~ Vi9t(i' . }louse Bitt, They includl;l Sf#. ThOlllff$ B~ook[Offtoer ,. 3&
•118 Kevin 0'.Dom'lell,iind his wife·Jeh1lff9r, ~iffic9i',le{fr<,yJ1)~l)( 1lU9 hi,&WifQ{ .4isp,1t9h~w ' .,tr1 .· Rp$a(iQ '.f,~wi~ a11\l .~ethu~9~t,}(}'(iqtp\'; jmtJ. a ft:J~l'.l9 9~fr•}1(~pt\rned. ]'9in'~o1,tilil~t,'.$t1:oh 'J:b ·9f th~$'(;} l'~Pl'l~W!1~·:.at~P!11~~,1,:1irt.hrtJ~~ iov~sti~a~lQ.ti·intetvievved by iithet•· th~t ~,ffi¢$t••·
cs:r bt' h(itl1;
11111 rotayodJrei·ycrsioh and O',Qt~1111e1iask~c1·her, wtmt··s11ew1,gted to 40, O'l)t>t1t{elr6ffet(g toJntetvehecat)c1 &penk to
mid she tol<l O'Doimelt shew as MShtlltcd h&Fcilk.
3 1:'alk.~tatect th.at sbqJhg1.Jght that Wns a gaofi ai1pr9ach nnc! HiaUihe. did upt want ·· ·
q .• FalktcLgtie inli'ouh1e.
$ (,}11)q11n(;IH. flta:t,esJ~9tlw 111et Mtl1, .F,~lk Qfl AprHS 1'<l ap.d, tl)µf he ds~ci4J7a,ll< !f'he .·
h· i'en1ernbeted 1my ofthe 11faht lrt. qg~Uo:11. ftait<tokl: O.'Po1111~1l Jbilt,}le c◊rild otlly
t •temc,mb¢t bltf ltnd J)l~ces hftl~~J.119id~fit tm<fthat t1e woke. up the .ifoxtday Nt(h~ g b~fhrqom)k;ot.wlth a' s4r¢ 4tlliX!ft¢h fu<ii11}~ettJng ~lckaH liight.. 0 ~911_tte~l .th~n expt~ssad 1 to f.aik WllEtt. . . cfo411ed 4~tcll1tilkt,i1f h1~ !fllo,~Jiitq,h1$Jwnls~M $tafod ('· oh god ... 1
II t,i•t;~titlit&f:'hht•f.iiJ):klifl;Jlir&Wt\;f u:;:mt~~t:~:::i~s 0 it. 1t f6°t:l~f{Ji-~~{.walkecl fotci .0 t)oitt1ell~ ◊Hice ~md. spoke with hhn 111 .1·eg1frds to his co1lt'actihi{ Fa1k O'DoimeU adviset1 .•· .·that. Palk Wtl& voty intcfxicuted
1 ·
and t,lwt helmd,g1'eµt J:etJl()f't{i:) fp th61µ'<lJsleh!- ·,· ... ·..· ,~,dvi~ed, ()'QJllitt{UJhMthe.otlly 14 people whq l<!wrYJh~ 4,et1Jils f~~·e hc,anq 't\)iµ,Frite; ~PlDoiuiell ;s(atesJhatlllllstM~d
!l··-~\t~~~1~ itltflj ~iit~~ 'tt~◊1aj~f ~!;~tv1i%~·.~1~,1:thri1•·11ief·1;;1;f6k;h~ith~~-..
~.~. ·.;i!fit\~~: :i~:~~1!1tit&!tl~::~t!i t!n?i~~,-lJI!r~~! !!t~~i~~~~1~ie~·ut 1 1
J\ repo~1e il1cl~e1lt ·:ail day c6mpdlettf(),AQ HO. 0' OohneH l1lso advised ell diatllllll contJr.itiecl tq ~p¢ak t9 Nthnbo'\lt. ht! irtckl'tittfathirtepo~tir1gU to Qa,ptait1 iX5 Mqrcl,11md, i'hnt Iw ie99rJ~4 409nvern£Atl9itJh.1t-!lhcl lie bad tl1qt ls Jatet · . • ,;iti ·Miqstt'ihcd by cs :e ,mt4 fo aUaohed ti./ tbis repQtt'. .
,? $ .b\091jU~U also. wept on to adyise Jbnfa1~e(tM i.\t'de(ft'orn D~p4tyt:hiefJ>ppovlch, t?,,~, -\tq11ti1;ucdJ9 spen,~ \9J1itnftbout tlw1pcklent ~tnf[ that9n tw9:sepul'.afe 09casious 1:lt she fr~tckcd him d() wn !!lid ;1,yh{'il;i he tqJd herll& coµld :tt(~f$})(%ik to hiw ahoutit sh<:1 just
4-1·8 cohthrned tqspeatk tohh'n allpuUt. O'Donnell t11~o advlse:tiottMt hJs wife ;q leg was ,i( Y fo1whed by l1~!kJh1tt mght b\i(t/'itit it ,,yµa f totmll to ~et knee (ife(\ 9nd ~hat itwas n<;t a big !1 w .dettl t.o 'hhfr othls .Wif~.. '.fh1f? 9 ffic~r .~ske(l. (} 'D91111l'll,{qJw.u.t JiiR i1¢\'$0ru1).i'¢lat!onshlp 1
wmt'hotblllll mil Fafi<, O'Ddnt(ell state$ tlwtJ1e Jitfi;rJndly\1/itllbothRtid this.officol'
i,~ tha11 (fa*e(tJiunaboUt their #'t{thfl1ltiess. CO'Dofaiell advisecl tliafhehas fo\tMIIII to be 3:; <fran1atlcf\11d al~Q {'.IKJ:lpel,lisr913 a lot. Wl}q11 nsl-;eq t9 01tpl11in q$} 9ite;(l@ cxa,11\pf~ "Qt being ';·J.. dlspi,tched .to aJwad.5u1 col1lston an<.l \ipon ai:tfoiUt is u,r,ern-:J~n<Cnitnoi- acddeht. As foi;;, ;, l'\11k hEJ.sfoted thathe has a11nrd dtrie readil:ig Falkdmcl has fo1J1td Fi1k to be trtttl.tful with
3J, hi§ ~Iealb1$wlth l1i111. . • . .. .· • .. ·. ·· . .. . . . .. . . . . l) OtD<H1t1eU gav:e nmore de,ta.il statement In regatds to this lnokfo.n,t to 1:mthCSl: ru1d to this 51f 6fficot\
·~ 1 On Jun¢20'T(12QQ7, QfµyCtJ~~'.R,YJ?Jllk \Y@,i>allecl iriJ'ofanjnt~ry/QW in X(;}gards to .this focMetit .. Falkwas ttdyfoed 11¢ .~~uldJfayep~1}onJ~pxes~ntation; 1:vlilqir1te di<i. Officer · Robefr Ahdet·s911,. uriicn'\ presldef1t 6±' the Dheshfre'Po fice Vnlof1 Stit ld btHhe Jnferview. t}J, Officer .Fnl,k Wt)~ jssued hls ·d~11·i;y w4i·11Jns?r i,vhich he rMd~ Mg11ed (ltld ~tohicl. he . q3 understO()d h(s d[$hts. Offl,per Fa.lk !ll1$Wl;if¢d l\ll qu~tfo)ts asked ofhim,
t} !
4 4
On June 15, 2007 this ofllcer c~lle4 in Sgt. TJ1om~~ Bob9k, Sgt. llobok was nclv}sed h~ J could have. union l'epresentationJt'he, wanted 111 this Jnte1vieW. Sgt Bobok d¢ollne4Jo ?t havf) uniotl iopresentatton mtd was then given his G~tdty wrimitigs hQd wa~ Pf<lefod lo tj answei• ~Jl questkms. Sgt. Bqbol<: re}td hls O~rdty wm11ings and signed thc111 advising he 'i understoog thl';;!ll, . . . .. . .· .· . . t Sgt, Bobo~ i.i<lvised Urnt lw had nth:indtd th~ Falkbirthcfoy patty and had 011e drittlnvhile 1 at tlw pa:rtv, 'Bobb k statl:l'd thathe did tit tend tlwVtc;tqd~n l·l1.·mio yvith 9tbets ~r~d .dkl i observi;,. . . . . hAv@a s,1ightV13tl,rtl tHs1~r◊t1,hl:1t tbnJlJdidnof
1 escalate into t1riytjlingBedo.1:1s, B.obo!<;dJ4 h ~ a r - lnvifo ev~Jyonybaokto llor ,~ 1·csidcnce fM ndl'irtk Bobek deo\incdthe itwlta~i◊-n. a\t<l svent honte... Whetl qi.Y~tiqnQd 1l abOMt tecelving a t1;ileph91\e ca11 A · ~ afl;er he W~nt ho1ne1 Bpl29Ji: atates tha~ )11;} {!Jd 1J not p!pknp th~ phone Qr $peaktp -{Ind did nqt tj\\9,r this lpci.4~ut h\ i(igai:ds :to the 1; compl<1int. Bobok gave nwdtten st~tt¢mo6t it1rcgnrds to hisit1v<)lveme1it and khowledge 14 <>fthe incidtmt.
\5'this-o'fficiw.g\mtact()(}~offic~d:>c)Dotin~1LtQ-S9h~<lu1@(1J1~intcl'VJ~w'in-l'egards-to·this---~·· lh focident. While speaking to officel' O'Dont)eUit Wos learned that hiswifeJennifow l",} advised him that Jeffrey Falk had toubhed het le~thc ni~ht. oflhi~ Jnpidg1it l,t1 S◊N~Vy]mt I0. an iJ1app1vpriaJe way. Thi~ Q~C~l'J'.Q119/:l at) att~mpt to OO!Jf!lct JennifQr(tDonJ1eilattcishe 1q did call tlti~ t)fl)cel' lnrck adyis!:J<\JhM sh~ did not want to sp~ak to anyone 1n tega\'d$ w to the incident at1(l th~1t s1:fo dicl:t)'ot want fo 1bake anytypti'dfcom1jlaiut. · · .· 1- l This officer met w(th officer O 'Dollilell Oh Ji.irie 20)Th Z007 and i,e advlsed tliathe ·.t.7, canhav~ ~ union repr(>,;wntative with)11in, qfficero~p61mell. decllned and wa~ 'ti1~n-itve11 ?$ his Garl'lty wam:ingi and he l'ead rt1:1d $Jgned foem advising he u.nderstood thein .. Officoi'
2~1 O'Donnell stated that htl giwe a staterdent fo the Connecticut sate Police 911 April s•rh as 2007 in r~gilrds t9 thi$ facidcnt, Officet O'Donnell stat(;ld thM h~ litti;inded thy b.irthdoy · J b party with his wife Jennifer.• Tlmt htl was rit. the pni'ty ~1d observed actions ofbothJ~ffi·tjy ;,r:i Falk and . . . . . . That hcdid obsetve both patties drinkh1g and havin.g n good . n( tlm$), TbrO:\J'gholit the evening O'DQtinell did observollllo11her cetl1J'h6tle Wld 1 ,i)'-j believed s1:w was speak;u~g with Tl'.1~nnas PrL1e(Cll~(:),<,hire Polle~ JJotoottve), Q .<knm,el1
sta.tc.·..s. thllt. a...· sr◊.Jlp .0.f p. e.'?._ple fro,ntthe·p··.ar.·t.y ¢.fo.~c'i. ~o g.Y◊. • •. Jo··.··.•t·l·l.e V..·i·G.t.prifll··'··.••.·H··. ab···.-~ 11 Ct)n .. t . • . n · □ · · e · • . · · . · ! 1· 1.·e·t'e. b.·lttl:da..··y ce.~lo.,. • ' . . fo . . rF···•.~lk 'f. h.a· t wh. tl·e. at·t·-!·1·.·e ha···r ·.·.he (j.(b· s. ·.O:r,yeq. ·\.· .· ·.· .· .· .· .at·1·d :YJ FnU< p9titmµfto drink, Tbut WM dancing PY J:ier$elff)t1d withR@a11o's h\1$b~1d ~,l victor; ·rnlk:was hanging out w!thfriond~ drinking. ctponnell ~bittl:ls t.bat be did i1ot knb'W
-~-. I)
·.·····.Q.· .• ........ . : . ·.· . '. ·•.
wen:; hito:xfoat.~d but betieved pothmight httv:c beeu. That 0'PQntiell ,i5 state.s that aJQtle point he was speakins; t'6 askl he 111et' nmned Rf;Jcbel M~J,oy~ ap.d WQl'd$ '.fr1f .if Falk
'?Jb between R,nchel and- andR,oilsu1:iol,<;Wia folfowed, 1'beJiwid~utw1Xscnlmed d<)wt1 ?,;:i at~d liothit1gcnm1;:pfJt, Q',D, 1;mnells,tµtestl1atat s9me1,oiot his.w.lfoJe11nif{1r tokihi111that ~'8 Jeff vvas probablyfatrxxiMted arid that he toLiohed hei• fog. oiDo:n,pell $tat@s'thrit]eJipH~r t '1 Wf\S 1wt up;,1et ()l' offende.d by the touch, t}Jat sl1e thoug,11t Jeff might P(;} i1 little intoikated, 1 iJ1} O lJonncJ1 stnte.ttfo~t bl;) hea(dlllllinvJt.~ pverym:ie~n.c](,to '4cx apartm~nt fol'dtihks· 41 · bufhetuid his 1vv,ife d?o-·· e ·a. c1 w.erlt •h01~~; P'Do~i~ll ~t~ites ;t~~t !h~ ll(;}Xt t11011ww,
~t\ wif'.e 4rfortot;lq .him that ·.· ·. . .·• ,; lntd ¢.;1lled d~1rn1t~ the. night.and so1.m~ccl 1,1psct 9'4mu1ell "'13 stat.es thl!tlw !lad ~ittenclq~i Jl Ji)3A I;1aitcr pattytho 11yxt ,.noxnmg a11<l MJ~amed tiiat . · t~, ■ had oall~<l th() poij9e st,atiop ,e,adyJll lh~ mo1·~tng W~f as~t·E·r·ic··· Tr. ·t.tcy, 'l'liqt 5.
soi111ded upset. O'Donnell stat~d that he later co11hmted- vki a. phcme call
3 3
Jeffrey Falk st~ted thathjs wife held a 30'1'h bkthday party a11d invi.ted.tweryo11e who works a,t the CJieshko. Police DGpttrt111e11t, l'l1;11t tbe p~n'ty WM held at 2$ Sottfh Pond Rd in 3 Che:.qh!rei ·whlcl1 ls his father's tesid,mce.1ha:t ·n1a1iy foenibets of the Che1;1hiro ·Police ~ Depaitment and thal .. ·. .attendecl the p~uty titteml~d the event. 5 Thf!t alcohol was $erved the event and beer and mixed drinks were tWailahle to all, £J Falk state.'l that he d1·ruik alcoh◊lio beve1'ages ut the tWeilt am'! also thi·6ughot1t the<iomse oftheeve11ing. Falk stated th~it he dtt111k beet and .ttlso sl1ots of tequJia.At 111101.1.t t2:30 a 3 gt·Qµp . offl.·1.·end$. ft.om th.e arty 4 e c i ~ e Vi.ctorfan. l{ouse.·. Bar to c.ontinuo.··. tl·1·e t birthday celebratiott At th<:? bm· w a s . _ . , Kevin and Je.11111:fer O}.Doime1l1 Torrt 11;, Bobok, Itosndo Leiva and her h1.1sba11d Vlcto1\ a frieltd m11ned Tom BouteHler,, anofber 11 friend named Lama Watscmaiid his Wife Michelle, Falk stated that wives l\lriche11e left lA ufter ti ve1yshott Hme at the bar ~nd everyone else dl'~mk and enjoyed them$elves. While H at t11e bar .Falk ohset·ved- and Victo1• Leiva dn11cir1g 011d having ri good tune. ~alk !~ states thnt he did tduoh Joilhy <YD01111ell's leg but not in.a stixtial Mvanc~inent wtiy. I5 The Uartendet cimed out fast call a11d atp11.s point Fall~ states tllftt he -0bsetyed- al'ld Ih h .l' $.;ld nam,ed Rachel Markx~ya having·~. v~rb~l d1;:;.··pt1te. pa1ksta;es ~lo.ld to Hcool 1tu.a11d that the dispute e11ded, As evet>yo11e was letMng,_ fo.vited l() evtfryone back to her Iij)aftmMtfot a dthlk Fnlk states UE~~-':Y~~Qff~¢_9JJX!d~L _____. -·--'-·-- ----·----·--- 1tr--1re,1l1e-lJyRosal'i9-due tq}t(')f ifiJoxfoatedst~teou(sherefllsec1. Falk then s,poke with ,r,~.\J Rosario ttml Victor fot a few rno1ne11~a and they offered a ddeholnefo Falk,\vhioh he .:1 ) declined. FuUc tlwn spoke With a 1He11d La1ii'a Wtits◊tl iu1d .the two smokecl •it.• digar~tte for ol.:li a fow minutes and then Watson left. At tbis tittle Falk itil.tes he rea!fzed he did not have a (11,, dde borne. Falk states that he re1nem1Jerei:t that- invited everyone back to her a/:'<..J apartment so he began to walkto he1' residence, Falk states that \Vas going to call th<l d'; police station to get a ddo but decided against It und ftg1.frcd sqmednc a t - house o< (, could ddve him home. · dl Falk statl(ls that be kn~w whi,m:i- apa1tment .1:iµililing was, lM did not know which .) O ap~1rt1~et:t was hei"s, Falk states that ~0 got to the building but did not see ~myboc1y's oar nt J1 thebmldmg complex so he kept walkmg and suddenly a door openep ru1d it was 1. b - a t fh·e. door.-. as.·ked Fa.lk wlwt h9 w~s dph1~.l.10 was c.·old (co. Id ·3· I weitthet ;.it night m1d he was in a short sleeveshiJ:t). r,rhat--irivitod h!m into 3« the apart111e1it.-offered Ftilk beer Md he hcoepted. Thtit flalksat at th~ kttd1en table 3-, a11d began to ddiik his beet\ .Falk.states th~t he bad a cot1pfoof sipc;sbtit tnit it down 3~ because l1e was teelhlg siok frotl:1 sn1ok,irig a pigarette which he ls. tiot use to doing, 3 Fulk states tfaitllllll asked hi1t1 H'hi!l}\f(l*·ed ~t()Urofl1cr ~,PA!'t}l)~!Xt., 'Whi9klw Sfild .....
I t{
) n .t
.?t "sure'\ 'I'htft tli~f~venflrifo t1ie1lviiig;'rool'n Mei 6ftlwi, ~p~rtmonf at tbi~ time {Hldlllll al w.ns playin~.•withthe .h.thn on.·a. lk's hnt.m.1<1.Ji:rn_ghhlg.falkstat~s foat.·h¢to.ok a s.tej) ba.ck ,1 Y and hoped- would also to stop. Falk stat~s that- d1d th:is Bliio at his fother'.e
hmJse 6atlfoi'. iuthehight. Falk states that as theycont:inbedto talk .· ·.. -. s'tepped dlcjset·
l.j Q and h¢l' bl'(;l~8{ wel'e nibbing 611 his shoulder, 'Falk st~t¢S Jhslt .. . pointecl6t1t her' c61.1oh lJ I in oonve1·satJ011• ~pd (hat he fult-wt1s:inak.lng 'i:U1 a,dvance Jo Wai·ds ·liun.
4J Falk states he went back to tb;1;t kitchen und s~t h1 the ½itche1i cnafr agabirihd asked .
ff she would ~iv:e him a ride J1ome. Ff!lk SUttes that ~t thisf!roo,~ moved vety th~t sh(;} was tl'ylngt~.klss h1ro, Fa1k~ta!~dthat betbd not want 4 th1s to l1appet1 and .agam asked-for fl 1'1de home, At tlus hme- told hi;n to 14 b stand by fo.1· a 1rit)1rtent at1d she wei'i:t to het· bedroom and when she c,ih1e. bac~ she wiis on
L) 3
c)~se to l1im ~ind he fol!
. .'f.'
~he.ptH.phon~, Fulk $(at~(LtJ1nt hg th◊u~l)t M.h$Y~\r<J ;E~:io Tttioy)l)liljnebut.wai;,lH)SUf9• F:?aU, stnt~~ ,th.i)tlllllllll dwn si,i,1, ~·i~t:;,. gQ~ ~111d she 9p~11~~. th~ doot~nd theyn~gan to
1 •
·~t, . I~~::i.!?1~t/4~hfl .~;{;~~i;,!1!i~~: w;tttil!J:f■~i11aiit;'i~.1;i~1tx~::~ g ahe::t1ever.tpW p~ijJQ,5!QJig(l{Pf,fUl)ytlJiti~.w,1ih1ttJlil;}J9$14ciw¾~·EflU<::.;stAti4that•. . wh.11¢.,...'3/~S 4X!V1Jl&.himlw.1nt\J1¢g9t·~J9~;91~tlv~:\V~y}jq1p.~('J;l:!utih thfdl'iv~way t' he o,pe1i~dJh~ caf doorH1tQ a \'lit} ofbucketwctrtdJhat;he'6fte1'1:ld t◊ :i,ay fox Jil)f clattiages 8 iJfat Iw,iuigl;l(l~gve 9il'1§}:~l, f~~ §tatfJ&;lhafM•W~nt .i6.~i4.t;(m,s te§l4efic~ M4 :c@tln'u~d fo ~1 g~.t.~ii::k\ J1 ~•.$1t\tisll1.af)ybilt;i h1 Jb~ Q~,t' -W~& ~i1}0.ld1lgt!iJd ll\&t !trri~~le hln.1 iJick ··to lti hisstoihttch, < . .. . ...., . .. . . . ..... 5
1.1. ·
J7&lks\~i@t·I~,~tt~~l1tQ'f?91~t~11·~1'1'f9~.~ii9~tHt\nih~•.fq.p9~i~g.• w~d11~~~1oyJ1.t,~!;.lw
.IJ ·. wai1tt:J(·foiifa91ws .tl}Q MlW\91ttii\ q1\~~tlc11).•0tb◊ruiell.tok\. J'(Jilk;t~.riI Fatklla<l. toti.ohed ,1~ hrc'a$L*ii<lhug9,xlt~jt9~oi•~Hrg tq. .I Falk iftlt~s.thtit ·he w~pWd tq ~p&$k to I! ..·.. Ui:t~a~#·<l~J~rt-ils·. lle ~ij!JQJJ,fefllf··•shltijs.Ih~t tl1~;~le~t_4a5' l1e w.~l\~ fath~:poJJ¢¢ lJ ~fotfo\f'fo sn~~il:.vrlth, . . ..·... b\it slw ;'.Y{tSdiobUi~t~: <1.n()}l'i~Wl,1e gQt h~.r Uliutodo ho C:Q ukl
1.;\l~~m~~t~. J~il\~t1t~~;~~~;m:tftt:~~t«ii~;;;,1hr· w!w . hj\}. t9.lij him
yu .J;ephe.4JY~"/:Al~,9 ]~1W.,}Y.1Utll~~Q., .K(c)',!JJ1 p~p~Jfll~l! why h~rtokl that lte 11 'clid. nh{ tc.,11e.tnb~r1,}qln~i .. til,q~Jo'hi~J11tp?5iqi\(IQ1t!in{i ;b1rt1pli~d he wa~¢inlJarr.assecl tiO so ~e tol~: (fl'.l~Jj(ieU:he ( freine1t1b,¢tJUidH}at:ho clidhot Want tobe li~g Jnt<\httvj11~ .t,! I. .;~ ·thaftyrie, §fggl~1gqXWJ\ik' •,. , . >: ...•........ . . . .. .
.;~ ' WJ1611:a.i~~ctlfMJfi\(Q.~~tmiY:typf9 pdor to this 1110.kl~mt Fulk di;~ · f?tat~4l,6~f l~p d.lf*pt1~iikJ&~VcJ\'<t . ·•· •·. ·.· stat~ment integ,m1s to the n±brernentioned. Iil1~f~ 'iii1J~)ii1f}fthq*1t~r,yi¢w,,- F~!Kc~iwic litickto ~1~~.6;f:ficer·Mth ?fficej'AM~tfoq to .~ i ' ~ppplQl)}¢lit .1Jis''.sf~t~1tii11f jii f.l~¢h h~f$.trife~ that ~, !]~id. 9~~ Q(\t \,ilJs t)tJM Yicit9tfoA . or, Ho.w~e • ~iw.~19dt:!wtJ~e, ql?se,ry(ldlllll f[ti!l,k.~.sMtoJ'te¢iitUa at hlsfathet!i· ho11s$.\vith
(l.l~.~•· A
1 Rosm·iotindhls brotlmtlnlaw.
c) .·
. .
~:!ill1ttl~~tl«iPot~gti!1itv~w:;~trK!~i:Jgi◊\tJ"~::;J!~· .
llules :und R,~gtilatiotl~ '~hdJUtgcl·.· . 90.dJb¢J~tJl~s .h1id l<eg)llatipns;F$lk'acll/l$iid· be did . ' .. • in receive: ttfJ##hg .an~tJ~gP>1,qftl1:f'r,¢gJiH1tk{fis: i1tit!.•tiri!,ler.&t.99~. th~l}t ' o'\)
i~ OJI Jutt?;2Y'· $[2007; ·tlli$ . offic:~tf11{¢1•~l~wq<}. · ·•. .•· .·•· .•. . · ····.•· .· · · rhtcg,ml~XOthis·
J :mt'9f\O()W, ~uVt;1$.lJ~~liP!t;-;}\t3.s ~ctyise(l .t.Mtsh~}payht1v,t:tt11,fo1t:r1pf'fl$i;\~1t(iti~!1. MtM... . O~IhY Gtt)JJ.Otti Jj,·9m-}JJ)JPP: rQpl'oSentt1tiye ~woornpa111ed )leg forth~ ..
•.:i.} .;, ·~-
< ••·. ··
t .:
3 r intetvfow, i'f''• j •··•.·•· . ··•····· · ..... ·· ·•··.··.·•· · •.... · ······•···. . ·... ·• 3} -W~s glvtitiJJ~1·,Gri1·dtr1,yarnfogs~whioh she t~ad; signed aqd slated ~he undetstood;. ·st ·. 'i'N{9tn99r' qdyi~~{l- t)iAt t>ie uftenijeW}VQt\ki d~t~jj ~9.~Jth.~.,t,iygfJh\'J JnQislont f~ .ttu·o1Jgi}J(Hhiy,'Th{s.offlg~rAAt1k,~st. . . .}ra<;lvj~~wMfsh~51icUhl\t chiy. . . . s(ates
.Jq· that.•sh¢ hi1d'.;trmde.i1tan~.with n. .t1unjlyt11emh~:ttw{i . ~imie.lrome.nnd svoke.With1'61µ P~tie,
tJr . ~~
t~tii~~~\tliW~i!liltt:Jt9gt;t;t~t!t::~ir~::~~i\;:i~1,:f l1: iJ~~~1~1. t£·• ·.: ·•· .· •·: g6uigto 1
.. stat~s tlmt sl1~Jn~ldl;l ~lansto Jn(;)t;1t.Pn11;: tW ~ h1Jijttfa1eJn1d that she was
s 3
4 5
3 "l /ll
H IiX \~
attend Jiff Fitlk's birthday party. wos Jameso11 and coke, ·
Ill states that she had ofotit half the drihkt Which ·
stiJt~$ (hat slle wentto ~j South Pond Cll'cfo 191· the bl.rthduyparty . l¼tates that she llt'l'.1VtKl .tu1d .observed t:nuny111cmbers fi·om the 11olfoe depMtri'1e11t at the p~rty: Duting the COtil'Se {lf the evening- states she trtade a pi)lnt to wish Jeff F~ilk a . birti1daygreetin~~nd th!\t she 9njoyed thei coi~pan,y Dfherfrfonds at tho partystates thats11e left messages witbPrue i111d he contacted he:1· tp;ineot at YPllowffos, Prue called-whe11 he a1tived at thebat but-Wa:s stlli~ae~yand .Prue o.1ncelleti the plitns a11d advisetllllll h◊ wM going hoine, 1111111 stM~s thatsh(i M<J1t. couple Canadi911 whh,key ttnd cokes at the party hut waf not :i9toxioat1::d. Pi. g1·oup still ut the residenM decided to go to the Vfotoli~l Ho,1,lse.13nr for n contit\nJng celeb1•i\t!onat tm>und 1i1klnight. dt'ove by hei'self to the Victo:dan House: bur and met with othei:s that included Kevin O'Dormell nrtd his wife Jcn11lfo.r, To1h Bt)lx}l~, Rosado Leiva and her
lI~ lmst:,aud. Victol'; Tqm f3oµteUek, Jeff Falk .and 11ls witb Michelle.
\ ~ -states tlutt she Dtdeted rt James<5r\ a11d Coke a1.id sociaHzcd \v(th the peotile ()tthc Ik bar . states thi1t she danced wit~ Rosado while at the bar flml Rosado COliJl)lained \'t that ll~l' pi;inty hose were uncon:1fortable, whicl)- told he!' to take m(;)m off. Kevin_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ----·-·----·------ri-,o,DoriifoH bougHf-anotffef Ji1fifuson arur C<il<eitftfim1lrne~At \':l invited everyone buck to hefai;,mhm111t for a drink. At this.point ij fimi~lc lnh'lr id1;111tlffod ii'l '() .as Raclwl Marko ya gcit into averbal ~lispute wltli ~.osiirio a p d - stati.Js that some t;1 ·1 words were spoker1 bqtwccn hct and Rachel as well m1d that the incident was i'nfabl' and ,Jtt en.,Ied quickly. This officer asked- if she ever dispfayed or pushed up bel'b1·east c:/1 while dancing and she replied "no". ,l '-I states that. she drove ho.tne qolokly becatts◊ she .~ee~kd to go to the bat.hi:001u· she ,~5 t1t1locked her <klot and then proceeded inside m1d ttutied the tbu111b latch lock.~l JJ ;5tutt,s that w<>uld have !(>eked t~1e dootbiit it do0$11ot always oMoh because ofJl1~0Id ~ge a} Qf her residence. • states that she went to the bnthroom and t11011 Wi;int nntl changed ;it, 11cr shirt and took off her sho¢s, -then checked her :t11eissages and got water frnm. oJ 1 the t•e:fi'igerator. While getting the Wald' she Sllddenly heard het door open. 6nd Jeff Falk 1• il then walked ltito her a1,Ntniei,t. F~ll< did 11ot knock 1111d just walked in which st~utlt1d .3 ~ . . . . itatea that Jeffx$pflatedly told het thi1t lte was cold. ·FnU, was weadng a t~ ?,J shirtfuld it was ii cold night outside. · 33 asked FnU< how he got fo the hoiwe ru1d he told her he 'W{ilked ·-tl11i6. asked J\} wbeteeveryon~t1lst;1V1'qsn\1clJJ~.loJµh~t·that·b<;l did ri~! \t~PW,. . pfl'91·id.f~lJcabeet, .
1 'S which h¢ il,Ccepf<btt1't~1k safdowfi Eif tf1e k1toh~iihi~.fo and ~latt(¾ft◊ <Miik th¢ be~1\-
,3.~ stf~te~. t~~i she ~vHlked ' .1to: the 1ivit1§ l'Mtn ar~a) 'livhich, is adjacerltto tl;eJ~1tche11 arid J .s~p.1.1..t:@~.a. 1nte.dor doorw•. •ay... ·.. · ...8.t.ates tha! she.1.1se@ the ·t·. e.lcv.1~10:.l..:.a. 3;·~. s·l•.~r<xJ. 1;1 t Wheri-tta·ne4 tu·mm,1 to he1:14 backt1J the k:1.tchen Falk was ittth\ii Hit¢rw.t doorivay ¢ f between the livhig rMlU and kitchen, fl'alk was.blockl1:1g the <loo1wa1 with hls bm:ly. . l{t.) -st~tesJhrit sbe asked ,Falk to move t1hd stiddenly becante yei',Y afrak~ o(Frilk aj{ b0camwh1s qemeanor lwd become very strange.and ht}.Wt:ls.stimmg fl~ her lll ttvery .· /1
1 ·~~.!°i~.f~.~.t:~: .1~nt.~.n1.;:.!b~!~tP.1tai:!t:.~~6ii!i. ;ta~dt!Ys •·~. .·.~t····e.•.l.t.;.a.·1··1\r. ra.ie~:~itl!.·•·.~•.u.'~~·.◊t..te;·
4~ Falk :tlo; and wtis able to pull ttway :from Fall<,
told Falk no mrd he then gra!:ibecl
7 7
hq1· Jf)tl a111i M<l lf;lflbtoa$t $<JW.'J¼Zing tl1~1n, 'tbii.1 ~c6v5i·a)$otbtcefhl b y -
iway<·. ·•. ... ·. · ·.··. . .··. .. ... ·
micotitW . . · • ..··•· · . ,. ·.•· ·•· ·.· .. . Y" < · : 1 .· . .... dt:A{e.~Jlln(~he t,laJt;;<L i:l·opi }fill< ~.!jg s\,~ ¼a.$ te,rrlli~dqi;palk.111111 states tllali:b~Ytaiii't)ii4.lY#Jlf1,niijbtJ111Y~JlJs4D.Pil.•hih1;ll1d~h~fJJ~t~wt1,at·f(PalkM1§.iltH¢(p
triovc}1ffCt,0Jl1~s1'◊lilld~ltB•»f0.1llllbe.·'.<lo:1.;Prj ..· .. ' ; .
·stil(e,~ti;ti~11}i1~ft~i:i ti}1h{;l;t;a~i~~:~rtlf';Ii~i1◊%1! ~iii~tJr~i~i·;,it:J1tt~~~
< ' .· ..·.·••
ic·•··•··•·' .· · ...·
·~ . ·.. ·. . · · ·•·• ~tafe~Jll~l{ $l1¢Jql(t;E~1{1<. i\dttq':thJt1';'hete h¢c ea,t$ aild tq lhqye q1i} pf h~r w~y. ;ti:alk ·t .. m~1,i}i~.;Jie·gJoi:heii'~~wu\ an4 #is!Atl'.itlrj~K~ ~91}!~Ct.. pi1!k . !lt·.tNf;f;t.u11q ptJt hi$:~11'1dowr1 . '1 ptJt $la.rr~~ :aJllllllll,,A~.e,fJlbQJlt £1·n1in~1t· ·.,lkJh~n.•nRx~,fba~kt1rtlickltd1~xtllllll
Il I~
¼ft\:\i~ ~Qlnt. P~l~,t~~pJi~s~·~ln4·$9t his·cel! f hBt!q;. He J'¥Qetv~(tn ~n!l {W<\.Afit?~fh:cid.•··.·• •· . ~t,w~:9amnh~phqnQ. . . . st~t~Is,t!t~t $11~.: thep ioklfalt{ thdf~he \vllS ~oing
.()(?,9Jq~e9 J~t)tl
Is fQbj'lntf hitt\l10·1ne.,1 .... ' .· • •stt1tci$ lhQt·she\vas_ ~6ing;t9 ,r~tdey¢ htr sijocs fi¥Jll,1. th¢ 9Jhe1' \\1- ·.· room ddd. t.!JA11sh~w~~J~9,il,~Jodriv:~.~l!#l@tcJ1nd ~tie ipldJ1hn~9t{p moye,. f'~1k dki \S µqtmov~ ~11,{- iW~:ftJw(iitw tQld Pnlk, to ekit tneapcwtn1~nt fu·st tuid .she ,Vbltld l f~i~ow atwnntllllll d~$Cl'ihl'JSJ1$ a~at~ dfobm:ce;. . . Utlldt;ked llei' V$h1cl¢ byrfrh(ifo .·
'i rt! t.h¢s~-O,tlji}h 1~ii &::f,~t1i1111111J~tat~$ ;f~f¼Ilt;\r®1«t~{,f £~ii~~R.~,■-t;•11~t~lr~iitqtt;ii~:Ni~:i*i tP . tbat grtmlt¢4h~t sl1~ hEI$Jnhe(vehid~.frn 1
~ ;J ·. •. ·n tYi'i114 l<~l5t'.lt~\~efrtx~r~.Mthiftth<:rtitte.:htit11r· . . . ·.·• ..· >/•.· .·•·•·.·.·. . . · .·. .· ......·.· · · .· · iitAte$ll14t $1.l~~xov.e\y~toµ W~stM~H1 Sl aMJb~t.~l1eitidnotk1wwwhcr~ F~lk 1
ol I. .).j
:tiy~q/fb~t)yi,i~.rtf :·. 'fJ~'.tJi~·!\r~•l.<>.fJYl.i~YlllQJJ4'~ .· jntM'.1111111 ~;at~s that sh~had
·t6p!t9kilp Wat~tpil~Y ..
~~lJ,4J\19nJ~l'M!l49Jfl} f\ltltY . tct.{rn1tFidktJ¢~a~ to~gefsick
·.·~Si.. ~i1tl sh~pull~cttlie cat ~y~ttotl}efstclh.. faW a1,P;Ikently¢pc11~tl tl7?J<ioor·i11~6 .lt pol~ wh!k ··~. j.
l19W~ti&rtfi1jg$tok~tn(tii)gJu,el'idlf16jJ}tfPnlkgpt?f9~t\viq~; ;. ' .. ·•.· . •·. . · .. ·..·,, 'Wb1;9;NtlyµJ~itf~.lls 1?Jlfl}l~l;}-~ji:Q:V2tip tpo d.rlY9vYU,:Yill14 Falk gpened his doot 1
·~~·twd1.$◊llle.•:1rtf~i't£1it'~~gl~~~~R~· <i~J'3a!r~~~·i~~k~J~d6W1f :~~~ft~~~;!lg~J hi.~
ti,... i11JJit~i~~:!! ~J;J~!{1)1f1tiI,111¢ n11dWent infoh;r~p~r~fo¢nt. 9
'2 "l
.pfC 3·:i,
a§ i
. ..
states. that
'hnmediatl;)Jfl9dl<ed,her <loor~. atict d¢cltlotll9 ,Qall $0Jne9)ieyJ1fac frosted'. ..... ·:• . Jt11~~:tfmr slw c~lleslT~\llJ3o lJpk bvt 1,1<:: di~ oqt Jlfl~~v~.( hi~ q~ll pb~nx~: 11111111 $tU.t~ :tl1ijL};1ilbrifled ·. ..· the.pq{ic~st~tJ9tj.geMnJl.Ph◊nt}tJin1t,,swand·Lq(Tin•We1'1?~t)1.iiswi:t;edJh¢.J)ho1,e....... asked lf' Ed~ 1'1:;1~y \Ni,ls\\'Qtk{1Jg at1d 11lte Wil$i.advfs1;1d ho Was; •.• .. called '1'1•Mi~ q~lf ·
g~%y1ffi~09~~1.~t;:1iti~It ~il~~:~vYl~;I;;x~:li,1ti\if.<~i~;g~~t-\~td1}~; Qt 1
rteve1h11hicl anP:hiing u.p. -then caJI¢dJ~evinO'Don11ellftthi!,j hhmeand left a··•··•· .·•· h1essai¢/I'f1e11 .... ' . . quHe4~P)i\P{UO atJti& hptne, ahij l"tu6, ltllS'rVered Uw ~hQJ!~-state1( i11~(.slfotok1 ?t}te \1/:twJ b~<lJ~~ppe$l¢tl Wt~ ~h¢ ¢1·ie(U:ti11:logtl1e r;911versatio1);J'bit•. Pn1en~k64 ...·• . .. 'rVhot $he WtllJtJ,14 tQ <:lo f\ncJwhAt.Jwco;llld dp forh~r. Prue asked ifsh¢ ~V~ilt(:ld.him t(l"corn@ ovet tnl(l $he·tql<J hi.mno ~md. she was not. Sltre what she wanted tq '
tH do. 'f~ .
~3 . ~ stat.etth~t&hq.t}lQU 9vf1¢(1·'~!:p9P. th¢ ~por.ahcf'~#~~·,h~r;~ifto sl{)e:i,,This officer ~!'l . ~ \Yhy she <lid 11ot cont4ct thfshifl OOlfitnatJd<WOl' a<faptail1 {n 1·eg~r~lci t:Q tqls \~S h\giqebt at this poittt in tfoie. . •.· .· .....•told tl,ifaoffic¢t' that she Wk\iltod tp repol't this to sit. 8 8
Bobok because she trusted him. implic,1 that she was not su!'e who wmrworkl11g and that she fUd not want to get fl'alku1 tt'dnb1e at this })oint itHime ~ind she wris miinit'o w .• lutt to do . ''Th.is o. ffi.Jcex.· a.g.ah1 ti.sk. ed~. "'.Nh~id riot c◊rltact th◊ shift .co.··11:i.111andet smce sh(;i. Jq1ows tl1e pt·otoc<>l of au complmtit~,- bec~me w~1<t her umon representative tok1 her''Jmit tell them what you told me outside".- agtiin stat~d that sbe called the pebple she trusts and that she trt1sts Tom Bohok. ·
states thnt later in the.early evening shQ he1:1rd :6:orn l(evl11 O'Omtne!l.sr.ates that sli:e told (YDonnell what fo1d hap1,ened. D'Don.rtell told hei· that Falk was very hlt<'>Xicated a11d thl'.ithc would fotorYei10 if she wished and find out from Fulk what his side was, agre<)d tp this and w~lt~d for O'Oonnell to get back in touqh with her, -states 'That shethim went to. a tfl,.mds Jwm(;), 1n Niantic and told two fHexrds what had htippened. Jude Cleary ahd Kathe1'h1e l311r11Min. states that both friends did not offer opinions ~s imich a$ llstt)ned. fhrthei' clescdbes. these fr1011ds as good :friends who drfnk lot ~md she !£1 thel"e for them ptlen as they m'.e there for het as welt
11· 0,11 Tuesday April 41 2007- came 'fo the Chesh!!'e Police D9pattme11t at 10pmar.1d JI,; met up with K.evin O'.Difonell.- stated that O'Dornteltbtid not yet spoket, with l•'nlk --··-····-·--·-···------1-1---and·that-0!D01mell·.had-told·herthiit:l.1eJ1.eeded~. eab.vit.h-Jeft-a·n·u.·that-.F,t!I{1sl.\1H.ti·e-r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Io'_ and family life l...'bt1id be niit1ed by this h1oide11t. states tlmt she then left the police I 'l station and went home. The nex.t day- decick:d to advise Capta:!n Miirchand 9f the ;:;, 'I) incident because !')he WM afraid of Falk and also that. he could repent his actiol)S on r::J l someor1e else. 'This officer asked- if she had discussed thls lnokl011t with ill'lyorio else wl1ic1! she <.;:5 stated no, stated that after Deputy Chief Popovich se1Hout th() o.tdel' that 110 one ,;1 \L was to talk abm.1t the incident lmt she would generalize statements siich as how long the d \ CSP case was taking, but old not discms fhe incident with n1Jyone in detail. · cit save a detajlecl writttm staterne11t in rcgnrds to this focklei,t- slates that s11e J ~ has no. t .received ti copy oft.he Ghes1lil'o Police Deparb:neqt Rules qnd Regulations and.· o\'d this officer also asked her if she is aware ofthe Town of Cheshfre PersQnnel relies, which -rtY sh~.stit.·t·e..·.d she··· w ... as.not, r. . his.officei- expfainedt~.atlii'.1!1 em. )l~y.ees al'esut.,Jectt··•.? f<)llowthe ':Pi gimlc1me.."I t1 f tho town wide p<:lrsonnel rules whteh .stated she m1dersiat1ds.
On June 22'\11 20M this officer ()altec1 in oflJcer Erlq Trncy in 1'@gan1s tQ th.ls incklef1t. ~ r~ Oflfoer Tmcy wna advised ho 1nny have u11iou representation ffhe wnt1ted fur the ·J31 inh::l'Vfow. ·officer Ttacy Jkclit10d ani:rwasthen ·gIVei1 h1s Ohi·l'lty wab1iligs. Pfflc(:.)r Tta◊y ·~ 'j. read; signed ru1d stated ho uncler$to9~ his rlg1.1t.s, <Y!uc~r Tracy states tMt O)i Apl'il 11 2007 ;;i ~ he \VM wotking the ove111lght shift Md was dispatched to 2121 Meddeti Watei:-btrry Rd 3~ on a httr,glilt'Y report. Thafhe reoehted a oeU pho11e C~l.11 from. .·... .. > Wlule he WilS 3 t at tlle call. Th~ dispatch f{)C()fQ ofth¢ oallstates tllat tJminltl&l call waSP4:62 hrs, la 'a That-nsk¢d Tl'!lCY to com~ over to herreskfoi1ce. That . . . sm.\ndett 1.wsot i!nd 'i>"j Tracy Mk~d hei· if'it was an ometge11cya11d he told her that two 6theroffice1' were \,j\/ avaHabJe.- told Tracy thi1t. $he called the station £Llteady.~11d that ~he wap told who 4) was w.otld.t1s and that tihe <liq not \Y,U\t eltlt~r <>fficer JU'.\<! t:mlytrusted l4t11. ;rraoyaga!n 14~ tokl- 1f it is importa11t to call the station .and .get ffomeonel◊ her 11;..<Jklence. Ti-acy 1
9 9
lhCilhUtfg tip his pho:i1e ~tid, c§1~titJ~~dl1is.,911rg;li;n}' lµy tig,H~911, AGcording tq Tracy ~ ~9lltide,djptoxic~t~cl,Jll\CiJl~d;adn:tl,H~d ~c;>~r,i , i• ...·..... ·. .. . ·. . . .. ....
was,Jit rill c~lJ)il lJ,pin \Vhcplllll ·.~illkeiCUitCJ,'W/~:gsll, ,tr'racy •~tat¢.s Ux~t. . . was
..,if:t:ii/ilf:ps~hlJ:iit}e~~ii~~1f~!f;,1°o{ !~ri~t~ti:~j1t!lstli~}tfle, of ~ . ~ppi;1ati~lJft)&§V~fl;~h~:lhdl1er tqM . a;\1hJf?riTf'offloef {fdid ~6)n~(hlns• 0
heto·vertn,e 'N~~l<e!f4 ~net sh¢ w~s gt,)i11g tq Jjlt, a<Jiti#i~ttatfop Wit4 ,itf
~ thoi;f;q~Jl?d/tracy.outfotq th~ht1ltWay Auctfold 11.inithat Fa.tk badtouohedJ1e1· 1n
all :f,tfappfopdatc way·at·het,Jiouse. llllltdkiWrac;Yth~t~4fWoµld'oail p4ptilr~t'i'P11 e;~U,Wa$(rver, < > . •·•· · .·•· , , :< < < · . · .·•···i••·.· , > .,· A. ;hort: thll¢lt1tet 'I'raoyrc,ceiv.ed a'(;$ltil·pm. .\u1<l . ~1:i.~·to ld.,liii;p: «':hM·~~q,hripp_¢h~d
~~~f!~ t~;·:~~1tlrtit.ir6tt$b,{at~~a9~9#~Mgi~9~l!I~~;~fujt.ih~~e~~,wr:;ii<l 8
~ail< t◊her!lo9§~ qf1:e,fcl9$flig;~◊;9011tip\J~.
t9;p~mriliiii $J~t.~~tJiffnwythatjhe\vent
h9m~ w~1en·aft~r a. sl:!ortp~ij99 dt tlmf,h~t cl◊9f:Oew ~J>¢tfat1<i'fialk was sta11cHrlg ;rt the dootway. . . . t<>l4Ttacy tllq,t :f)tlk~Hct·112t~p¢,· · . tl\~(#,ei~f>l?,~flteq,~'~q11~W' otJf..
•twJiit(;~fe4 ig·~!ulJitl~;{tr~11(tt1liJ.r. Hjfh~~~fl ~~il ~:;~il~tr ti~t.lq,J\llBt(hyr?~:'g,. llllllllt~l~,Tt<l.9Yihat~hf t9l~F~lkt.o.·$t,9y, ~d,,go 1
0 t}1ett<lOl1,l; •whiph p#.ANr•~pd ~h¢ ftjllQ'.\1/~<1,_ -Jpld 1'nt9y that F4lk$at 'ipjhe Hv~ng rqe>t11. and :sh~ g~v~ hi@.·q );>~er~~ sho'thq1-1iht, (lu$,W,6.}tld get liim out ofllls zone<! on.t :statti! , . ·. i i .•·. . ·. lllllltJ)ld 1'raoJJhiit:$l1:0·,H1et1t9Jd F~Jl<Jhat~h~ Was goµi~ Wddy0 FiW~.QQl}Je and told .hi1iJ~tgQ, t~j fiit &rir~. TMtJf~~,gotS,lPk ~: q~j.1plt} Bftim~S.()11 Jheway fa)Jiie, \/ ·. . . .. . . T;r~◊Y4\$.k~4. . . .if~~e·t914 t11e;<j~ptij,µl}t'.t'r,egards;Jo th1$ i~Ci<l,~f.,Tra<W M:vised .,th~tiffl4~ n,qt t¢l1Jh¢ q~ptflwJt~tiw 'NQUJ4, :'.rr~c:Y~Wo 'tol,cl-tha.t§~e 1 4 ijoled Ma,rtfomcJ, ~rv~iything tbJtf h~.PP¢11(;)~t .. . .·. • · '. " \ .. ··.: · >·•· • . ·• . . .. ,.,·. •· · . infolin~Q. TricyJatertliat~h~fep,grted .tlio inoi~lei1fl1nll t,h.ot. she :t11~da formal
> . . .·. . ·• ·..
i··. \ , , ·. . .. . ·.•·. · •· . . •· • · .• . ··. . .•,
tM~·;~iit:~~Iffg1;ttU~::+i~~;rsi~1:JrJt1ii~t~A! ~~~t1:i1/fl1f~g}f:!
.c9piplE1fut.~ state4·•t.q'ttao)'l$&l/)1h?~)ll~igi;ik1~.nt,hpt:dt;iilldnB'h~slricroqsed to
cauh he1·r1erves and that $hy gpt a ,gtiJ'.1 fo1' *afety;'fracy ~l~oJgkl. .tl)~t .if$he. teels shfis unstt.1ple sh~ $houldf~pfl:t~y~ ariYJY:titQfgiin,, · · . . <.:.. . _,. ·:_·-:·;: .· · . ; . _,_· ---.::r:·::.:-· .--->- -·.-. : . . -· ·~}$ ·Officer Tr~W 1ta,ye, ,1 \ytitJ¢tl d'~tat(i:d: ti✓$ µ:icid~1it, ~· . ....$t~tem~1R)-egijt~itlg . ;. .. '..
. _.
_·. .
. . ' - .'
. - ..
.. .
. .··
:~¼ On June 2$ this qfq9~(~im~A~ucl¢te_otjyt)Th9:h1~s: fth~ tqf~nfoteh,iew. Prue was 3}, advised he may hav;e 11rifo11topte~i~tatkti ;tol,''th~ ln,tedJevV .wtudthe declin¢d. Frite\vus 31 giveri l1fa Garritj)vai'iiing~J$t.{te~d. ~f&ii§o .,#n<i;stAted J1e urt~ler~too<;l '.his. rights, ThQ ·.·.· · 31 interview l$ qq~}u,nw11te# wHlttliis. :flle; ~lM.;hotJJµb.~JQ.tfi:t'edto for detai:1$. . .,• .· .
Tfle fql191yhig g~t~As ohf~1:i&crKtli¢,(i,,$,.f.;int~rvi~ws~ •> . < , .·...,,•;. ,<., ·,. YI Thata1tfote1•vfowwitl whois .· .....· ,. ·.•.· .· t}X~htjslJand..-\ Q. St{ltcd th~thesp9ke td, .. ·, .···.· ..· ·. ph}\prll;~,2007fltitpprq~. 1pm. t11atlllllllhad 42, told him that she was assaµlted 6titt!heshire Police otncet on the night ¢f Matqh 31 ~
April 1, 2007, -
-advised hitn. Ref0r fo stateme,nt for• detail.
That un interview with Rosario Leiva. Leiva is tl dispat◊hct who attended the birthday pa.~ bar wit~ Leiva states that she a;·l'lvet~ wit. h. her htJS?and at the sa~ie time a s - to the lm:thday party. That- was mtoxicated at the birthday pitrty in her ophlion. That- co11tim1ed t◊ dtfok anc1 iict out at the bat Md acted fo a vMy lewd ma1111et·, These acts include pushing up bei' brcilst While da11cing, klHng her to "hitch"h\ke off those pantyhose'\ Qnd also got into a vt1rbnl dispute wit_h anothe1· patron, Tbatteiva and her husbr:u1d a$ked- if she needed a ride home because they observed her drlvh1g eal'lieras vety fast ~rid they both believed her to be :intoxicated. J..,eiva states that she stiw-drink or10 shot of tequila and two mlxed drinks atli'alks fathers house and sJ1e obset'Ved Falk to drink one shot of teqqila and he: had clbottle of beer in his hands. Leiva gave a detailed V()luntary written statern.ent fhat sl10ukl be nJfo1·t·o<l to.
gave a voluntary written $tatement ln regnrds to what-
·'o ''! t 1)
M ) ~'
\tl 'J'hnt an intetvlew with Victor Sandoval who is~o Leiv~i's lmsba:nd. That In the J'E'., - statement provkled tlmt Sandova.l believes t h a - was intoxicated a11d her behavior H, to be out of control and that she was dancing mnkh1g het'btcast xnove tlp and down and --lJ--shewas-sctea1ning-at-the-bm'.-That-Sandovill-observed-dl'iukJ11g-fi:oin-the first-----------·--------------\& ctmtaot at the party to the end of the bm night whenl1e left. He also observed Falk to be ;l 1/ co11sum!11g alcohol thrpugh out the night. Sandoval g}iVe a dctnile dvolunta1y written ,..J\) sti1cment to be refon•ed to. An intet·view with Thomas BouteiHc1· who was pre-~ent at the party with Falk a n d and that tl1ey were di'inking through <)ut the hight. That.nothillg unusual took plaoe in his _presence. A voluntary written statement was also gb/en.
An interview with Sgt. Pichmircik of the Cheshire Polle~ Department, That Sgt, Picbnarcik advised t h a t - had wn1ked into the shift commander's office 011 April 4, .:,-ii:~ 2007 and advised him and Sgt. Strollo that she wi1s assaulted by Falkovor the weekend. r.?J) told tl.w~n that she felt.co11.1pel:ed to a.dvls,1 them.sl~ce.they were supervisors, had advwed she also lmd told Lt, Rodgers a short tune ago. told Sgt. ;; i -Piclu1at'cik tlHi.t she did not w&nt them to de) atiythfog and he advised hel' thilt they wollld ')i\:J make ai.tn.ngements to have her leave early to itvoid c~:wfact with Falk untU the Ji mlniinistrµtio11 could inYe!3tigato the b1ddent. A vqllmtmy written statement was wdtten ·~oi by Sgt Pfohrmrcik to berefert~dto;
{~} s·
i·, An interview with Lt. Rodgers of the Cheshire Polioe Department~ that- advised Lt, Rodgers her story in regard to this it1oide11J oxt ApxH 41 2D07, that Lt. Rodgel'S gave a
written state111eht in rngai:<ls to his knowledge of this incident.
r&. :1'f LJ\)
An int.orvie. w ~.h S t. Str<.)l!o of H1e. Cheshire Police l)eJ)at•ftn<mt fo..tegar<.ls. to. this. incident. That- 011 Apxl) 4, 2007 advised Sgt. Strollo ofhet· stoty in tega;-ds tq this incidm1t, That Sgt. Strolfo advised Lt Fasano due to the foot that he is Falk's direct sqpervis◊r, Sttollo gave a voh:mtary written stateme11t in l'egnrds to hls knowledge of this httiident.
J 3 1-1
That dul'ing tho col1tse of this fovestlgatfon this Ptliqet has ~een able to cteate a finielirie of the events ancl make both factual and determimtble conch1skms in most of the events that m·e i11 questio11. Thet'.e fl.re S(mle ure:tis that have two different sidesn11d veriiiot1s of ovehts that atthis point in the Hlv-estl_gatioh cao11Pt he detem1ined, The following is a c6mlli1sfon Ju this o:{ucefs ~frestigation. ·
That o-n Mai'ch 3Pst 2007 Michell¢ Falk> Jeff Falk's wife hosted n 30 1th hktl1day1,}1rty ':J fof bith nt hisfa.thers house Joqited nt 23 South Pond Rd, that aJl membets of the '8 Cheshire .Po]ico .IJ~purtmpnt inch;dlng $Wol'n and civilian JHn·sonnel were invited to ('1 attet1d. '!'hat Jeffi'ey l?nik wns nt the party and c6nsiinling dl.tfei'en.t fu1·.t1];1 of~lcol10J. That Io attcilded the j)arty a11d µ!so drank difierent forms of alcohol at the party. '.fliat a_ ~ro~1p of people deckledto go Wthe ~ic.tor.(an _house Bar_: a·.ftc1· the party Wlri~h included F,1lk nnd , That. the comumption of alcohol contmued :at the b~ir. Whtl eat \'5. tl:_ ey_.a._i<IIIII_.. :,_a_JJJ)e.·a.re~t. 1_1:to,dc~ted and_ _l_anfe'~ ~1~__ma~~ c<mu~e~1~~tiox1§JlLat·""-.'_________ ._. ____. _. _. . _______ _ .----P•)-c,w1ha11-foim{!-to-b1.i-ofJ:ensiv<::.-1lrat ~m open mv;tatmll went out from-to all at the )5 bar to go to het· resklet1ce for a drink aft et the bm' closed, I'. I:t
That- went ho1i1c and sh1;1 stqtes that she thought she locked her doOl'.i hut tl1ei1 states thatFi11ksoon a1ttJropened the door and within a short period of time nssm1ltcd her, slates that Halk grabbed her fotcofully on tho breast 1:111d at·ms and that he appeared very intoxicated. That Falk acknowledges going to the ~partment but states that- ope11ed the door and invited him in. That whlle in the apartment that-rnade sexual advnnces toward Falk but no contact ever occurred.
That-. ove ~alk ~1omo imd damaged lwrvcl1~cle it1 the process wh1.·1e~ over so Ftdk cenlkl get swk. 1hat- then dw1)ped off Falk and drove home.- then contacted or attem1,:ited to contact several members of tho Cheshire Pt>lice D{~Pat'tment but never caned tind made 11 c91nplnlnt oyor tl1e couri:i.e of the uex.t fom days told her version Qfthis irtckhmt to sevemI members of the Cheshire Police Departme11t tmd {hat th~ st01'Y hiis 1m1ftof'o us .UlCOt)sfateryt sta'te11_1ents exc~pt t}Ja,J mt} :~.$~gillt Q Qr.mm.id a11dth@ .. - . tlt·e'ao1t-o6dy thlit \VaS-foi1cb~~1:rfielocatfon ofthe assmil{inskte her apartmellt
is difi:~re.-nt ,la ,$01110 5taten. le,_nts, Alst'} tl.~1,ll,lltt-' ' '•·. st·a····t~.,s.'·.t.l~a.t,•' s',l· l.·.e··.. _was .tlo··.·t. h1ti,). ~icate'd .b·. u.t b . ··y everyone else's account that she WM.- also tuld th.ts officer that she only told Torn Prue and Kevin O;Donnell <if the ii1clde11t dehtils>,and tfotttheu1vestigatlon revealed that she tdkl ttultlo.rous people, A Viotor Sandoval.who is not t1 sworn inember ofthe Cheshke Police consideted t h t t t - action at tlie Vfotoda.ti House Bat' w'ns drunk and · tlisordcl'ly, That Je:tf Falk als,o gave irtcoj1sistent .statement in regm•(ls to telling officet'J{evfo O'Donnell that. he did not rememlJet the foddent but when 111tel'vkwv he advised he had cleat recollection of t11e in.ckfont. Tfoit Falk told this (rfifoei• that he told O' Dom1e1l that hecimse he wf1s 0111batrassed. Falk admits to befog very intQXioated that night Also Falk
l J. · 3
sfotes 1J1ut he did iii fo"ct.t91.1ch ,fel1.1frfe,rO'Oo1m¢)l's 16:g hi the bM iiM lha,t.he.is ~mb.u.1Ias1?e<l b~c◊nta4t, ..· ·. •··. ·. · . .··.•. · • •. · ·..... ·• · ·. . .. . .· · . · That Fijlk a,1dllllllllllll both stI1tet1Jat thf:lJWel'(;1 togot}J¢fiu th~lCSklH1ce bttt theu1·es1)cctiy(} vorsio'ns ofwhat hap1,enetl,it1sidethe t0$id911ct ·ate vofY diffei•e11f. ,· '· ,/ ·,-. -:: :.. .·
:·.. ...
-· ..
-..__ .:_
. ,·
That ~aqb .pt11"4◊l'l'· h1istr,4~yj~<(~lµvh1g'tbeqoµtie,§f thii'h1v¢~t igaJMi W,rta·u~¥ed ub9nt thei\' respectJve.gJ~fofo rnr on the' ttt1thfiih1qs$ .t?f,Falk.~Jid 11111111 /fhi\t ~Imo.st• evety sin~le ~} per~dlfcidvlsq(} lh4t- t\PPetv·s to ~11\bclHsha,'.lot b9tish111~sfa1hd}~Yclryflii-taflg1.1s, $ t\t tP:11CS; µµH i$t1l~vi,iysJ1iJh.~4~i}t~t ofstmw,:mnjQt i,tQfq~pt)Hi~i,1§.h~p, 'Th~t!!UUQllt '··. • 'l' ··(jverY,9Pl1~Iitle8Jh~t{hey.thqtt#h.t. ~iJWin9idei,tJ!'.}l)a,'l¢/fdiffeteh(vei·sion otwhaJIIIII f,J stiitqd,hrtd'htfup61i£d, Most:p001Heki!etviei,ved state~! t!1a~.Falk·a1,p~ats·to be•\101\~eft)j~t 11 t,hat h¢do~s.haY~ (futsicle:itit¢rest 'il1 9thep\v◊rpc1\ m14: tMtbt:1,do'e~ ,cht1$il!}1~, l}lccihqJJo the trl P◊illt 11c b1;wo.n1e1tpo~slJ1ly lnt1n;i?at99. tfo:ii;q i~ np focft,1af:iiiitonie\Jtl¾ th~t sJic>}VJhj~ ,•.,. ,.,. 1·; pos~ible:i.nt9x,icatton 6thet;th'<lllSto,ry,V()tslpns, Thet·~ isn~.evidenceofadultery bYfalk'• fy,,, <.) thcrJh~nJiGatsay, · ·· · ·· · ·
\S This offic~r ~onclltQ~S ·i1,atJeffn-ef'F11Jk .YlPlAtM ~¢ycrnl.Ch~sliil'Q:pQJJco·.bcparhtjd~t .• ti Rulqs. J1nd'Re1;t4lri .·1is,. Thi~•.ottice~•;tuiits thiittMfoJloWhtg'1lt1!¢:otrice1· Falk·Vfoi~ted ~hi4 R,.egfa!qtis{''' ..·. tho)'H~N 9f.f\11;1trcl1 :1 r ~rJ11f~}l1~ iiiiifn:fog 9fA'.pi·tl Jst, ..· ' rr ,Chcshfre'l)oUce Dounrtmcnt !3,ulss ninf ll~gilinfi911s . . ·, . . .· ·, f~ Secliefti 2 H) ... ·.· . . . .. · ·. · ...· . · ·.· · ·· . .. .. . ... . . . . . •. . .. . , ''1 iii') l)en)eij.uot" s~etioil ·210.01 Members '$haHh<>t ~6I1(iuctth~fo$elvMJ1i nu ~lltrioral, Jl) j1:kt~c~i1t/l<Nr~.9rdi$Qf(t~rJy ajn~11e,r;JW iii a.b:lnn!le\lMt rl~g!1(·~~·1eo.U:s,trne(l byaU i;iill Qh.Sl;ll11~r A~]mnioiiil, i11g(;l9:e11t, levv4,. 9{4lsor~~dy; T!xey\sl,,~U qpl}c,1 gt\lltyof '.i'.t tn\$dOK1dt1ot,neg1eot})t'4,t11x; COl) ~iJ9t \Ull)~¢oinfog an offict~rJmda gct}Hc1niin, Or aqts · · ~4 teudih&; to tllso1:ccllt is'Jiot .~J,~cifig~gf set foith fo these 1"L1kis. ·· · 0
l)cnfoauQl'SecUon 21(1,0Z~;N.o 1Utin'lbe,rwhlfooff,cfoty silallddnkarr alcoholic beverage . '
.t6 all extent whlo'h !'<::nders hirn ut1:titto r~)J<>tt for duty~ ◊l' 1,yl1ioh results in the l l co n:in:ii~sion ofair 6bno xio us ◊r oife.tfsivf •~ct whicl1 )#g~t foiRl to di~cr~clii the · · ··· · · ;{;;i ?J l)ep~rttne.nt,) t,}lJ ·:t2w11 ~f CUesb!re Pm·s6ifMrRttleli ,:}~
. .
Ch1\p\yrlJ pl$c;pUnary.· A1-1tlo;:Q$ ;itd .·Ori~vti;c~ ~ioc~c\ure.$ 13~ 1 Oisciplh1e suhsectio11 3 ~Ro~s.011s fot QJ,~2l1lHnm:yltction: i. UnspitJlble pei'..4onal ◊ltndu¢{ , ' this, ()fJicet con61L1Jes:thnt 111111111111111
Rilles; . ,
. ·..·. ·.• .··,·. · . ·.· ...·.
vfofotedthl;) 'fQ\Vtl Qf Cheslui'e Nrso11i1el ..
..... •... . .
c1,1lpt$t 13 DJsqipUna1·y f\qH9;1$ aq4 ·qrie.Vill~Q~ PJ◊Pti,(l,Ufes.
i 3~•1.IJisciplln~ SU\):3i;JQUon 3,. Jle~sqxi tbt' Disciplii:iary Atl.tkm i. iJnsuiH1bl¢: t'.icrsoniil ctrndu6t