Congre esswoman Elizab beth H. Esty CONNECTICUT’S 5TH DIISTRICT
Esty Announces That She W Will Not Seeek Re‐Eleection in 20 018 CHESHIR RE, CT – U.S. Congresswo oman Elizabeeth Esty (CT‐‐05) released d the following statement today. N Note: Rep. Essty will not b be available ffor interview ws or furtherr comment ffor the balan nce of the daay. From beiing a room p parent in a first grade claassroom to sserving on th he library bo oard, town council, sstate house and U.S. Con ngress, I wen nt into publiic service to fight for equ uality, justice, and fairn ness. It is one e of the greaatest honorss of my life th hat the peop ple of Conneecticut’s Fifth h District eelected me to o represent them in Con ngress. How wever, I havee determined d that it is in n the best interest of my constituents and my fam mily to end m my time in Co ongress at th he end of thiis year and not seek re‐election. Too many women haave been harmed by harrassment in the workplaace. In the teerrible situattion in my offfice, I could h have and sho ould have do one better. TTo the survivvor, I want tto express m my strongestt apology for letting you u down. In C Congress, and workplacees across thee country, we need stro onger workp place protecttions and to o provide em mployees with a platform m to raise concernss, address prroblems, and d work to reduce and eliiminate such h occurrencees, in the firsst place. In n my final mo onths in Con ngress, I will use my pow wer to fight for action an nd meaningfu ul change. I’m proud d of the worrk I’ve done in Congress fighting for what’s best for Connectticut: workin ng for gun vviolence prevvention and safer comm munities for o our children,, supportingg our veteran ns, and fightting for wom men’s equalitty and accesss to health ccare. On these critical isssues and maany more, there is still so o much at staake for my d district and ffor our natio on. I intend to spend the coming m months doing what I’ve aalways donee: working hard each and d every day for the peop ple of Conneecticut. ###