Gaffey statement

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Statementof ThomasP. Gaffey

It is with profoundsadness anddeepregretthat I havedecided,despitehavingrecentlybeenreelected to my ninthterm asthe StateSenator fromthe 13thDistrict(whichincludes Meriden,Middletown (part)and (part)), Cheshire that I will exitfromthe politicalarenaandwill not takethe oathof officeon January 5,20LL.I will besubmitting a letterto the Secretary of Statenotifyingherof my decision in accordance with statestatute. TheStateElections (SEEC) Enforcement commission proceeding regarding my politicalactioncommittee beganin January 2008andconcluded in May2009.I cooperated completely with the investigation and havealwaystakenfull responsibility for mistakes that weremade.I apologize to my family,friends, colleagues andthe votersof my districtfor anyembarrassment my mistakes mayhavecaused. Aspartof the consentdecreeln the SEEC matter,whichinvolvedapproximately of duplicative SzSOO reimbursements during2OO4-2O07, reimbursement wasmadein full andI paida substantial fine, Also,a pAC (in substantial sum excess of 5 10,000) wasforfeitedby the to the state. In December 2010it becameclearthat the State'sAttorneywouldalsoproceedwith the matter.A resofutionof the casewasnot workedout untilveryrecently.Underthe agreement, on January S,zOtL I will be enteringa guiltypleato misdemeanors andwill agreeto performonehundredhoursof communityservice. Underthe termsof the pleaagreement, thereis nothingto preventmefrom continuing asthe State Senatorfromthe 13thDistrict.My family,friendsandcommunityhavealreadyendureda process which years. hasspanned three lf I wereto remainin office,theywouldinevitably haveto endurean ongoing politicalcontroversy years for to come.I will not askthemto do so. My decision is a deeplypersonal one. I havedecidedthat the bestcourseof actionfor everyone involvedisfor meto walkoff the politicalbattlefield.My familyandI havesufferedimmensely throughoutthis longordealandneedclosure. Thisordealneedsto endandI havedecidedto endit now. Throughout the lastcampaign, the underlying factsof the SEEC investigation wereplacedbeforethe votersof my districtin greatdetail,andtheydecidedI shouldcontinueto servethem. I will alwaysbe gratefulfor theirunderstanding andsupport.I havebeenblessed with greatsupporters, colleagues, and friends'I havelovedserving astheirsenator,andbelievethat muchgoodcanbedonein publiclife.The peopleof my districtdeserve a "freshstart"with a senatorwithoutthe unnecessary baggage of controversy. I havetremendous respectfor the Senateandthe General Assembly asa whole.My colleagues andthe newadministration needto address the veryimportantworkaheaddevoidof anydistraction. I wishmy constituents andcolleagues allthe bestthatthe hasbeenan honorto serve.

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