Letter concerning goats at 181 Bee Street in Meriden

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Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ragozzino

175 Bee St.

Meriden, CT 06450


September 9,2010 Bob Williams

170 Stevenson Road

Meriden, CT 06451

Dear Mr. Williams, As a resident of the great City of Meriden, I am writing this letter in hopes of initiating the process of repealing a city code that has proved itself hazardous to the health of numerous city residents. Section 136-1 outlines regulations for the slaughter of animals within city limits, and allows slaughter for personal consumption. It is this regulation that has opened the door and allowed one family to abuse this clause, to the frustration, dismay, and potential risk of neighboring residents. Residents of 181 Bee Street have routinely slaughtered numerous goats since the purchase of the property. The city code mentioned above explicitly states that slaughter may be conducted for personal consumption, however evidence exists to suggest that the resident in violation of the code is killing at a much higher rate and number than his family could possibly consume or store. While this neighbor claims he is abiding by the code regulations, it is quite clear meat is being distributed from his home. We see cars pull in the driveway, hear the bandsaw cutting and watch while large blue totes are loaded into vehicles. Additionally, while he has done his duty to conform to section 136-1 by hanging a tarp to obstruct the view from fellow neighbors, there is no question as to what is happening. The desperate cries of the goats are quickly ended with a swing of the blade, followed by a cloud of smoke which blankets the neighborhood as the fur is burned from the carcass. Many of my neighbors and I have filed numerous complaints with the Meriden Police department. Health department, USDA and have even contacted local news agencies to seek support and management of this abuse of code. In addition to the abuse of Section 136-1, there is a great deal of inhumane treatment ofthe animals, which cannot be ignored. Goats are kept tied to trees with short lengths of rope and no water in sight, only to meet their demise by the hand of our neighbor and a machete. Our neighbors and we have witnessed goats being pushed off the trucks that deliver them. only to take a nose dive into the driveway before being yanked back to their feet and hastily tied up. The living conditions of the yard are unfit and unclean for livestock, as will be detailed below. When noise complaints have been filed due to the goats' incessant bleating at night and the resident has been notified, a dull but loud blow can be heard and the goat is silenced-we can only imagine what was done to gain that result. The treatment of animals at 181 Bee Street is abusive and inhumane.

My fellow neighbors and I can bear these actions no longer. We have seen goats by the dozens arrive at the property, and we have to deal with the remains that are not properly disposed of. You will see from the pictures I have enclosed just how deplorable the conditions of the "kill spot" are. Skulls litter the yard as trophies, while entrails pile up until the resident at 181 Bee Street decides to burn them. I see absolutely no reason why the slaughtering of animals should be pennitted in an R-1 neighborhood. Aside from creating a serious health risk to neighboring residents, he is creating a public nuisance. The odors emanating from this property are unbearable - to the point where my wife and I can no longer enjoy our yard during the summer months. Guests of ours complain, and worst yet, my 4 year old nephew and his younger sister are not allowed to visit our home because of the conditions of our neighbor's yard. We ask you, leaders of our great city, to consider the repeal of the code which allows this conduct to continue. While I thank you for taking tile time to read this letter, I also ask tllat you please contact me with any questions, concerns or comments that may help in the process of repealing ยง136-1 Paragraph B.


Joseph Ragozzino Enclosures

cc: Mayor Michael Rhode George McGoldrick Keith Gordon Brian Daniels

Dante Bartolomeo Dan Brunet Anthony Tomassetti Matthew Dominello

Walter Shamrock John Thorp Trevor Thorpe Hilda Santiago

City ofMeriden, CT § 136·1

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[Amended 9-15-1980; 8-21-20001


This chapter shall not apply to cattle, calves, sheep, swine or goats slaughtered under the supervision of the United States government in accordance with the regulations relating to inspection of meats as prescribed by the Department of Agriculture of the United States and bearing the stamp of such inspection, or to any meats slaughtered under the supervision of and bearing the stamp of an official meat or food Inspector of another municipality in the state in which the Inspection of meat has been approved by the Director of Health and Human Services ofthts City, showing that such meat has been inspected and passed by the meat or food inspector of such other municipality. but shall apply to all other meat slaughtered for sale for human consumption in the City.

12-e.­ Notwithstanding the above, this chapter shall not apply to cattle, calves, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, rabbits or other meats slaughtered for personal consumption in accordance with the United States Department of Agriculture, provided that the cattle, calves, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, rabbits or other meats are slaughtered in a humane manner, as defined by the Office of the Connecticut State Veterinary and only if the carcass/viscera

is properly disposed. The slaughtering of cattle, calves, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, rabbits or other meats must not take place so as to be visible from adjoining property or any public right-of-way or be conducted in any manner which creates or maintains a public health nuisance. All other laws, ordinances and regulations which regulate the housing and/or location of such animals shall be complied with.





(V\NO<¢ 78' P--4--TL: c,-j -z.--uII iJ RESOLUTION

Presented by:

_ Bob Williams, Jr.


Section 136-1 of the City Code, subsection B, currently exempts the slaughtering of cattle, calves, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, rabbits or other meats to be slaughtered for personal consumption at any location of the City; and


the zoning regulations of the City do not allow the keeping of such animals in residential areas except by special exception; and


the slaughter of such animals in residential areas poses serious issues with regard to health, noise, nuisance and enforcement of health, noise, nuisance and zoning laws and regulations;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Section 136-1.B. of the City Code be amended as follows (amendment shown in italics): B. "Notwithstanding the above, this chapter shall not apply to cattle, calves, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, rabbits or other meats slaughtered for personal consumption in accordance with applicable United States Department of Agriculture regulations and other applicable federal, state or local laws and regulations, provided such slaughter may not be carried out on property that is zoned r~sidential unless a special exception has been granted by the Zoning Board ofAppeals for the keeping offarm animals in accordance with the zoning regulations ofthe City ofMeriden, and further provided that the cattle, calves, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, rabbits or other meats are slaughtered in a humane manner, as defined by the Office of the Connecticut State Veterinary and only if all carcasses and viscera are properly disposed of The slaughtering of cattle, calves, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, rabbits or other meats must not take place so as to be visible from adjoining property or any public right-of-way or be conducted in any manner which creates or maintains a public health nuisance. All other laws, ordinances and regulations which regulate the housing and/or location so such animals shall be complied with."

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