V,S. Departmel1t
or HOllsing and
Bartfortl FlclrJ Office Ofth:c 01' Fiel(\ Policy oS.: :',llIllaglllllClJt 20 Chlll'ell Streel. 19 th l-'loor
06l03路3220 .Illlic.B.Fag:ll1@hud.gov
Hllrtfonl, COllnCClicut E~!\llIil A<l(Jrc~s;
Tcicphonc: (860) 240-9700
F:.Jtsirl1ilc: (~60) 240.4850
TTY; (860) 2-10--1665
February 28. 2011
iVlr. William Fischer Chairman (1 f the Board \vjlllngforJ HOll$ing Authority 40 Sprmg Street 06492 W:JlIiTlgford.
Dear Mr. fischer: The Dep,1f1mcnl of Housing and Urban Dcve!c)pmCni (H UD) is In rt:'e~ipt Or;) lelter regarding the Executive DircelOr of the Wallingford Housing Authority (WI-fA), Stephen Ncre'5, usc of the WHA bank 4\c~ount to pay hi" personalatlomcy Jamie Milts_ The letter has supPor1ing dOClimentation enclosed regarding the HOLlsing }\lItl1ority'$ Issuance of" eheck for $7,857.25 on M"y 11,2006 to Attoll1ey Mills. HUD contributes fcuc:ral funds for project based units at McKenna Court and for" tenant bused voucher program_ The State of Connecticut cO:Jtributcs the balance orpublic funds to the Authority. The Stilte ofConnectieut Department of Economic Jnd Community Development (DECD) also has managerial responsibilities for McKennu Court.lt is tl1e Board of Commlssioners' duty to gather the facts rcg"rding this Situation and infoml this office Ivhethcr federal funds werc involved in the payment to Attorney MilJs.
Spccific'111y. HUD requires the WHA to submit the following to rhls ot'fice no bter than Murch 18.10 II' (I) Documentation regarding llle source of fund:> that Wl;l't lIsl.:d to make the payment to Attorney i'vI:ll.s on i'vl:Jy I I. 100G Hod whether thc.se f'ullds \\'lOrc Cederu) rllll(.~s: 12) Inrorm:lllon regarding ~ny other payments mauc lo Attorney Mills from
Housing Authority accQunt~ and whether th~se payments were made from federal funds:
(3) Information about the WHA accounting system which confirms that federal funds 'Ire not commingled With non-fedcrai funds: and (4} Accounting of the Execlltive Director's use of the vt.:'hiclc ",ccorded to him by thr Housing Atlthonry and what portion ofthar c:xpense, ifany, \Vas CunJt:d With federal funds. The Executive Director's pay and benefits is likdy pror;\ted between state and rcder~l aCCQunts. It may be advisable to t.:otlsult a tJ'\ ,lttorn(;;y to L')lSlm: thal vehicle costs 3nd mileage were properly ~cported on federal tax returns. 11
ckur thell Auomey Mills is Mr_ Nerc's personul atlomey. She filt.:'d an ;Jction on hi" hchall' in Connecticut
Superior Court on ..\ugu:;t \7, 2010 against the \V:l111l1gl'ord Commissioners. This action was brought \vhen ML
Nere lost use of IllS pcrsonai vehicle that was funded by Ill\? \VIlA, Your compl111nce with thiS request utmost Import,mce \0 HUD
of the
13: 1'3
ffyoll have any rurthcr questions, please feel Cree to cont:l-=\ Jennifer Gottlieb, HUl1tixJ I'rogr:1n1 C~nl~r CocrJimHor for the Office of Public and Indian Housing, at (860) 240-9757.
c,," b :]a?9YL-足
. ulil: B. F3!;iln (/ Field Ol1k<: I)l~c-:tor !
?ul K. P('mc;,.ew~kl. ASsIStant Attornev Gerleral
~/Vice COn1tnJssioner
Thomas Mezzei. Wallingford Hou.smf] .-'\uthonry Lynn Koroscr-Crallc. Connecticut l'lousing Finane . . ALlthonty Michael Sarlloro. Departmcnt of Economic and Community Dev . . lopment