Oct. 24. 2008 2: 20PM
No. 1321'0 P. i
.Lyman :Jfa{f:Jftefi Scnoo{
LYMAN HAll HIGH SCHOOL 70 Pond Hill Road Wa/lingfard, Conneotfout 06492 Te/ephone20J.294--5360 F8~ 203.2u.5353 Website www.wa/lingford.k12.CI.U8
October 24, 2008 Dear Parent: At approximately 12:20 this afternoon a contractor for Konover Construction hit and cracked a natural gas line that services Lyman Hall High School. The odor of gas was detected in the school cafeteria and shop areas and the building was immediately evacuated. Students and staffWertI directed away from the site of the gas leak and gathered on the school's football field. All students were fully supervised during the evacuation and at no time was anyone at risk due to the incident. Representatives from Yankee Gas responded to the scbool and shut the gas main off in the street. Members of the Wallingford Fire Department entered the building with their gas sensors and when they detennined that gas was not present in the building, they allowed all students and staffto return to the school. 11lis occurred at apprOXimately 1:25.
Our students are to be conunended for their cooperation during today's evacuation. Please contact me if you have any questions.
YaJt.ÂŁC.~?---_. David c. Bryant
At Lyman Hall Higll School, all s/udelJl$ CnI'l achieve at high levels in tl community tllat tlckhOwledges its (livefslty ami provides challenging programs designed to meetlndMdual fleeds.