((itp of mertben 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT 06450
June 20, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: This letter serves to give notice that, at the School Readiness Council meeting held this morning, there was a unanimous vote to cease School Readiness funding to the WFC Dooley Child Care Center with an effective date of August 24, 2018. Reasons cited were a high turnover rate in the positon of Child Care Director over the past three and ½ years as well as issues with low quality of early educational experiences offered to the children at the center. School Readiness funding is state money granted to provide the highest quality early education experiences possible to close the achievement gap. At several School Readiness Council meetings, there have been discussions among the Council expressing concern with the quality of early learning experiences that the WFC Dooley Child Care Center is providing for Meriden's children. The School Readiness Coordinator will work closely with the childcare director and the families of children currently enrolled to provide alternative funded centers and provide as seamless a transition as possible. Sincerely,
~ L~~ . ~ Dr. Mark Benigni, Meride:;~
.~ adiness Council Co-Chair
Kevin Sea
eriden School Readiness Council Co-Chair