SECTION 19-- MORATORIUM Notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contra~, special permit applications and/or site plan applications and/or zoning permits £or the establishment, expansion or modi£ication o£ the £ollowing tJlPes o£ businesses shall not be accepted, considered or acted upon by the Commission £or an eight (8) month period £rom the e££ective date o£ this amendment, in order to allow the Commission time to review and revise existing regulations on same: 1. Nightclubs, bars, restaurants, or siBcilar establishments that £eature live per£ormances that include the exposure o£ Speci£ied Anatomical Areas or Speci£ied Sexual Activities, regardless o£ the percentage o£ total presentation time o£ same; and 2. Businesses that £eature, sell or rent £ilms, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, books, magazines, newspapers or other £orms o£ visual or audio presentations in which any o£ the presentation time, or ~ percentage o£ the stock material, includes the depiction or description o£ Speci£ied Sexual Activities or Speci£ied Anatomical Areas. E££ective Date:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2009.
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