Ill • rest Meriden puhlie sehools still
Educa!lon, !=.aid some minor chan~cs such as t(l'plac1ng doadholl lock., had been acfact the fire rnarshal deliv• complb;h(l'd, The major imercd a compr~henslvc lb~t of provements. painting acoustic-• rf'quircd improvcm"nts to the al tiles in corridor ceilings school board six rnonths ago, with firc•relardcnt paint and S1a1emenis by city officials painting or replacing paneling last night make it apparen1 a in assembly areas such as Court of Cornrnon Council re- gymnasiums, cannot be done snlu1lnn approving some $50,- wilhout the funds. Scofield ono for the Improvements In said. De<emher was lost In transit Aller lhe school board re• to the board ol apportloqment ceivcd the fire marshal's re• and Taxation which has !lnal port, Scofield told the boud It santion on the clly's cash out• would take $49,370 to mako lay,. the schools pass lnspecllon. Tho report, by Deputy Fire Scofield said II would Lake Marshal William Godhurn, $17,745 lo paint celllni:s, $3,500 lnld of 62 violations of the ex- t.o replace windows wilh wire-• li;ting fire code in 15 schools. glass panos, and $28,125 lo reThe in-dcplh study over a two- place old fire hose a nd hardmonth period revealed infrac- ware, and install emergency tions ranging from "very lights. serious to readily correc,. On Nov. 13 last year th• councll referred lo the Fitlble. 0 Jack Scofield, supervisor of nance and Claims committee buildint• for the Board of a school board request !or
- - - ..
Ina and cnnlrr thl, artpmrn,n.
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l\lERIOEN · ,,.AJ.l.l~GFORO, CONN, FRIU.~ \', APHII, 5, l9'1B
~6 !'-~GES !
ssass1na e ones emergency supplementary money bC!cau~c of a report of the fire marshal." On Dec, 4 the commllle• ropnrted lo the Council as a whole their fnvoroblc rccommcnda1ion. The council then resolved '-That lhe request of Board of Education be in• creased from $6,445,304 lo SG,· 494,674 in view of the request or the Board of Education dated Nov. 7, 1967, concernin~ recommendations to bring publlc school buildings to ex isling fire safety codes.' Godburn said he made It clrar to the school board when they requested th• Jndeplh rtudy be made that they would have to see that t!1e schools were brought up 10 stnndards ir any discrepancies were discovered. Building Iuspector James J, Bartis. who aided the fire marshal's . investigation along with Asst. Building Supervisor 0
l\lcri<lc-11 Is Sl1<,cl{e<l I~)· SlaJ·i11g
SE\"EN CF.'-'T"
$50,000 Snafu Delays Work 10,i Fireproofi1ig City Schools dt'l nnt cnnrorm to basic fire~ sarcty surndard.s, dt'Rpitc the
-· - ·----
Clnudy and tnlld wlfh 9hnwM1 n d ihunder~hnweu thrnuah thl~ mnrnlna. Gradually tlear• ti
Fair and enol tonight, Saturday mostly sunny and cool.
Se,.t·i11g nlerid<>rt, lf'a/l i1111/,>rd, Clu•altire, Soutlti11gto11, R<>rlin arid ,11idtltr/ietd
The Weatl1er
1s; l~11llet 11 i l:, l.,C'a<l<'r .\t 11 is l\l<>lt·l
Henry A. Trella, said last night the buildings represent a "definite danger" in their unimproved state. He said he would not characlcriie the im• provemcnts as "critical/' however. The Board of Educallnn's cover letter In tho 19n8 budget states more than 10,750 s1ud e n ts attend the publlc schools Or. William F. Hayes, president of the Board of Education, and Dr. George Magrath, superintendent of schools, agreed the school system re• ceived no word on council or tax board action on their request. "Either formally or informally," Dr, Hayes added. Godburn and Barlls said \hey conferred verbally with school authorities on the mat• ter on different , occasions but never received satisfactory replies See $50,000 SNAFU Pago 22
De,·elo1lcr To Sticlc To Contract Developer Bernard J. Rosen• shein does not intend to make
MRA Cliair1na11 Decries P la1i 1iers' 'Abdicatio1i'
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\Valli11gford Edt1cntors Co111111c11t 011 D1·t1g Rt1111cl1·s '