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Week of


APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

A Member of the Select TV Network

“Sit Down, Shut Up” premieres Sunday on Fox. Story on page 2 –


Remember those self-sacrificing teachers who went above and beyond the call of duty to help their students on shows such as “Boston Public” and “Room 222”? Yeah, well, they wouldn’t be caught dead on the faculty of Knob Haven High School, the Florida educational facility that serves as the backdrop for “Sit Down, Shut Up,” an animated Fox sitcom premiering Sunday, April 19. Freely adapted by Emmy-winning “Arrested Development” creator Mitchell Hurwitz from a live-action Australian comedy show, the new series – which puts animated characters in front of liveaction backdrops – introduces one of the most appalling school faculties ever assembled for TV. Their students, who are present yet about as important as the adult characters in a “Peanuts” special, are irritating nuisances that always come in second to the pursuit of their own self-involved interests. Ennis Hofftard (voiced by Will Arnett, “Arrested Development”), the school’s pseudo-jock English teacher, is obsessed with women almost as much as he is smitten with himself. Aging German teacher Willard Deutschebog (Henry Winkler) is so utterly crushed by life that his yearbook quotation reads: “If I believed in reincarnation, I’d kill myself tonight.”

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INDEX Cover Story . . . . . . .2 Q & A . . . . . . . . . . .3 Trivia . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Life Serial . . . . . . . .4 Reality TV . . . . . . . .4 View from Couch . . .5 Family fun . . . . . . . .6 Report Card . . . . . .7 Scopin the Soaps . .8 Home Improvement .9 Sports . . . . . . .10-12 Player Profile . . . . .11 Celeb Q&A . . . . . .14 Celebrity Scoop . . .15 Sunday . . . . . .13-20 Monday . . . . . .21-25 2

Tuesday . . . . . .26-30 Crossword Puzzle32-33 Wednesday . . .31-37 Thursday . . . . .38-42 Friday . . . . . . . .43-47 Cooking . . . . . . . .46 Mon-Fri Latenight48-49 Feature Story . . . .51 Celeb Q&A . . . . . .52 Saturday . . . . .50-57 Best Movies . . .58-63 Jumble . . . . . . . . .60 Word Search . . . . .60 Sudoku . . . . . . . . .61 Business Directory 62

VCR Plus C WCBS N.Y. CBS 2 D WFSB Hartford CBS 3 E WNBC N.Y. NBC 4 F WNYW N.Y. FOX 5 H WABC N.Y. ABC 7 I WTNH N. Haven ABC 8 J WWOR N.Y. MNT 9 L WPIX N.Y. CW 11 N WNET N.Y. PBS 13 U WTXX W'bury. CW 20 Y WEDH Hartford PBS 24 [ WHPX N. London ION 26 © WVIT Hartford NBC 30 z WGBY Spr'fld. PBS 16 | WCTX N. Haven MNT 66 ~ WTIC Hartford FOX 61 (A&E) Arts & Entertainment 39 (AMC) Amer. Movie Classics 35 (ANIM) Animal Planet 70 (BET) Black Entertainment TV 57 (BRAV) Bravo 54 (CMTV) Country Music TV (CNBC) Consumer News & Bus. 31 (CNN) CNN 42 (COM) Comedy Central 75 (CSN) Comcast Sports Network 59 (CSPAN) House of Representatives (CSPN2) Senate (DIS) Disney 53 (DSC) Discovery 37 (E_) Entertainment TV 63 (ESPN) Entertain. Sports Net. 34 (ESPN2) Entertain. Sports Net. 2 88 (EWTN) Eternal Word 79 (FAM) Family Network 47 (FNC) Fox News Channel (FOOD) TV Food Network 71 (FX) fX Channel 74 (HALL) Hallmark 103 (HBO) Home Box Office 33 (HGTV) Home & Garden 69 (HIST) History Channel 73 (HN) Headline News (HSN) Home Shopping Network (LIFE) Lifetime 46 (MAX) Cinemax 45 (MSG) Madison Square Garden (MSNBC) MicroSoft NBC 84 (MTV) Music TV 48 (NESN) New Eng. Sports Net. 17 (NICK) Nickelodeon 38 (QVC) Quality Value Channel (SCIFI) Science Fiction 89 (SHOW) Showtime 41 (SPEED) Speedvision 79 (SPK) Spike TV 49 (TBS) WTBS Atlanta IND 43 (TCM) Turner Classic Movies 76 (TLC) The Learning Channel 51 (TNT) Turner Network TV 52 (TOON) Cartoon Network 77 (TVL) TV Land 78 (TRAV) Travel 82 (TRUTV) TruTV 86 (TWC) The Weather Channel (USA) USA Network 44 (VH1) Video Hits 1 62 (VS) Versus 81 (WRDM) International Program. 23 (YES) Yankee's Entertainment -

Cox Comcast Cable Cable 2 2 3 12 15 25 7 7 23 13 11 11 5 14 10 10 4 4 17 9 9 6 6 42 45 38 51 60 44 48 58 63 57 71 46 60 33 77 40 54 51 21 24 22 98 43 42 26 47 49 55 28 29 29 30 50 98 37 40 47 59 39 49 24 34 170 137 200 5 54 48 59 46 70 61 79 70 41 39 220 320 31 45 26 52 56 32 28 44 41 31 27 55 52 240 340 141 271 27 53 12 16 162 169 36 50 25 35 58 43 68 126 69 51 62 182 35 99 34 36 61 57 139 37 20 17 30 32



Christina Applegate OF ‘SAMANTHA WHO?’ ON ABC


What’s your sense of the prospect for “Samantha Who?” to continue into a third season?


I’ve always been kind of “live with it, live without it.” I’m fine either way, but I can’t imagine not being around these people. There isn’t a sense that we wouldn’t (come back), and I think everyone feels pretty positive, especially given the odd nature of our run. We were a brand-new show, then the writers strike happened. We haven’t really gotten a fair chance to get into a groove, though we’ve been doing the show practically for two years straight. I couldn’t imagine our not being given the opportunity to just have a regular, full season. We’re just hoping it does really well with this round.

TV TRIVIA On Sunday, April 19, Lifetime Movie Network airs a new movie based on the case of Natalee Holloway, who disappeared in Aruba. To learn more about the case, visit www.blogsfornatalee.com/ This week, the first nationally televised baseball game is played at the new Yankee Stadium. Learn more at newyork.yankees.mlb.com/nyy/ballpark/new_sta dium.jsp

Wednesday, April 22, CNBC examines the phenomenon of TV direct marketing with “As Seen on TV.” To learn more about the products being hawked, you can try www.asontv.com/

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APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

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The Military Channel follows a World War II vet back to the site of a horrific battle in “Return to Tarawa” Friday, April 24. To learn more, go to tarawaontheweb.org/

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‘I Want to Save Your Life’ An unsuspecting person is secretly followed by cameras, then ambushed with the offer of a makeover, under one condition: She must put her life in her mentor’s hands for the next few days. Sounds like an episode of “What Not to Wear,” but it’s also the premise of “I Want to Save Your Life,” a new diet and lifestyle series premiering Saturday, April 25, on WE: Women’s Entertainment. At first glance, this seems like a cruel and intrusive setup – a “What Not to Eat.” But there’s no Stacy-andClinton snark from resident mentor Charles Stuart Platkin – public health advocate, personal trainer and self-proclaimed “diet detective.” His firm but gentle approach and attention to detail are well received by his subjects, who do, indeed, credit him with saving their lives – or at least giving them one. In one of the episodes provided for review, Platkin works with Jennifer, a 33-year-old mom who tips the scales at 276 pounds. After a week with Platkin, she’s learned what to eat and how to exercise to achieve her goal of feeling beautiful again. In one segment, he makes her walk for 2 1/2 hours carrying a slice of cake – to hammer home how much exercise it takes to burn off the calories in that treat. Platkin visits each subject four months later, and in Jennifer’s case, she’s shed 40 pounds and happily shows off the “fat skirt” she’d worn before the makeover. In another episode, 31-year-old musician and single dad Micah gets a wake-up call from a CT scan that reveals the risks to his health from the fat he’s carrying. His results are even more dramatic – 100 pounds gone when Platkin pays his follow-up visit.


They slice, dice, chop, fry, roast, spin, organize, heat and turn back time. But wait! There’s more! Once relegated to the wee hours of the morning, infomercials are enjoying a resurgence in prominence and popularity as the faltering economy drives corporate America to tighten its advertising budget. Reporter Darren Rovell goes inside the world of Snuggies, Slap Chops and Ginsu knives in “As Seen on TV,” a one-hour special airing Wednesday, April 22, on CNBC. “Infomercials have been big since the deregulation of cable in 1984, 25 years ago,” Rovell explains. “During times of Darren Rovell economic distress, these products achieve a relevance that they don’t have in other times. They are able to get airtime they can’t usually get, at 2:30 p.m. instead of 2:30 a.m., which is when most people think of them. There’s also so much fun to it now. The top infomercials are serious, but they also make fun of themselves. They realize that’s the key to getting viral and ultimately selling.” Although many people may think most infomercials are successful, they actually have about the same crash-and-burn rate as other commercial ventures. “Only one in 30 to 50 infomercials is successful,” Rovell says. “There are a lot of failures, but you don’t see them. Someone comes out with a product and run a spot in Billings, Mont., and nobody buys it, and that thing disappears. That’s what’s so incredible from an economic standpoint. You have to spend more money to ramp up than you did in the ’70s and ’80s, but the tenets of how you figure out if it’s going to make it are still the same.” 4



OLDIES BUT GOODIES If your local video store is fresh out of the newest titles, give these DVD attractions a try:

“HELLRAISER” (1987): The horror tale that started a movie franchise, the original thriller from genre icon Clive Barker is now included with some of the sequels in a “puzzle box” that will look very familiar to the series’ fans. ››› “NIXON” (1995): Anthony Hopkins takes his shot at portraying the former chief executive in director Oliver Stone’s profile. ››› “VISION QUEST” (1985): A high-school wrestler (Matthew Modine) is intrigued by a secretive older woman (Linda Fiorentino) as he tries to qualify for a different weight class. ›››

COMING SOON ON DVD! “BRIDE WARS” (April 28): Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway play friendsturned-enemies when only one can have the hotel they both want for the same wedding day. (PG: AS, P) “NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH” (April 28): Inspired by a real-life incident, writerdirector Rod Lurie’s drama casts Kate Beckinsale as a reporter who faces jail time after blowing the cover of a CIA agent. (R: AS, P, V) “THE UNINVITED” (April 28): After being institutionalized, a young woman (Emily Browning) returns home and suspects her father’s new love (Elizabeth Banks) of being up to no good. (PG-13: AS, P, V) “THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON” (May 5): Several technical Oscars went to director David Fincher’s fantasy-drama about a man (Brad Pitt) who ages in reverse. (PG-13: AS, P, V) “LAST CHANCE HARVEY” (May 5): Dustin Hoffman plays a bride’s father who makes an unlikely love connection with a British government worker (Emma Thompson) while in London for the nuptials. (PG-13: P) “UNDERWORLD: RISE OF THE LYCANS” (May 12): Rhona Mitra takes over from Kate Beckinsale in this chapter of the saga of werewolves vs. vampires. (R: AS, GV) APRIL 19 - 25, 2009


Sunday 8 p.m. on (WGBY) Nature “The Loneliest Animals” takes a look at the planet’s most endangered species. Dedicated scientists have devoted themselves to ensuring these breeds continue. In many cases, captive breeding programs have begun with the hope of sustaining species and returning them to the wild. Featured animals include: Yangtze turtles, a baby Sumatran rhino, certain lemurs, the Spix’s macaw and Lonesome George, a giant tortoise from the Galapagos, the last of his kind.

Sunday 8 p.m. on (FAM) Movie: My Fake Fiance Vince (Joey Lawrence) and Jennifer (Melissa Joan Hart) don’t even like each other when they first meet at a wedding, but why let a little thing like mutual dislike get in the way of what could be a lucrative relationship? What they do like is the amazing haul of gifts they see the newlyweds receive. The two broke opportunists pretend to fall in love and do it up right, with an engagement and a planned wedding. Of course, they have to really fall in love.

Wednesday 10 p.m. on (ANIM) Night Animal expert Brandon McMillan heads 6

deep into the Amazon jungle at night seeking one of the world’s deadliest snakes, the fer-de-lance. McMillan encounters a bluntheaded tree snake and the mussarana, a snake that eats other snakes, untl finally he finds his fer-de-lance. In the second segment, he’s in Kenya to observe a pride of lions on the hunt. The crew’s truck gets mired in the mud, but happily, they don’t become dessert for the lions.

Thursday 8 p.m. on (DIS) Movie: Dadnapped Fame — ain’t it a pain? In this family comedy, young Melissa (Emily Osment) feels as if she’s playing second fiddle to Tripp Zoome, the clever teenage spy created by her novelist

father, Neal (George Newbern). Dad tries to remedy that with a father-daughter camping trip. But they make a side trip to a Tripp Zoome convention, where fans promptly kidnap him. Now Melissa must summon her own inner Zoome to rescue him. David Henrie also stars.

Friday 6:15 a.m. on (HBO) Movie: The Last Mimzy And the children will save the world. Of course, it’s not necessarily ours. Chris O’Neil and Rhiannon Leigh Wryn star as siblings Noah and Emma Wilder, who discover a strange box that opens on different sides to reveal new things. Turns out that box was sent from a dying civiliza-

tion as a last-ditch attempt to get help. Timothy Hutton, Rainn Wilson, Joely Richardson and Michael Clarke Duncan co-star.

Saturday 8 p.m. on (HBO) Movie: Journey to the Center of the Earth A science professor amd volcanologist, and his nephew encounter strange creatures and stranger lands as they travel beneath the Earth’s surface. Professor Anderson (Brendan Fraser) is supposed to care for his nephew Sean (Josh Hutcherson) for 10 days. Instead it seems more like a 100 million years, as they plummet through the Earth’s layers and encounter bad-tempered dinosaurs.



Mom: BSis: BBro: C+ Mom says: “The writing could have been sharper, and you know from the beginning what will happen, but that doesn’t make it less wellintentioned. I like that Disney, like the studios of yore, has stock players, such as the underappreciated Brian Stepanek.” Older sister says: “I thought this movie was very predictable. Mr. Blond Boy (Dolley) is a cutie but not the smartest. And really, the costume and hair people need to get some glasses and look at the people they are trying to help. Disney could have done better.” Younger brother says: “I didn’t really like it. It was cheesy and corny. It’s kind of annoying the way Disney will use the same actors in everything.” Parental notification: Nothing remotely suggestive.

‘Hatching Pete’ not a crackup but doesn’t lay an egg

Until Disney Channel’s movie “Hatching Pete,” which airs Friday, April 24, I never grasped the importance of team mascots. But last season, my son’s Little League team was woeful. Final scores included 28-3, his team being the 3. The dugout was full of crying 10year-olds. Mine, with his cap inside out and backward, known as a rally cap, cheered on teammates until the last play. If only they had a mascot like they do at the fictional Brewster High. Their mascot is a rooster, and it’s Cleatus Poole (Mitchel Musso, “Hannah Montana”) carrying on his family’s legacy. Some might wish for a legacy more prestigious or remunerative than wearing orange tights and chicken feet, but that’s Cleatus’ lot in life. His father, uncles, aunt and grandfather were all proud roosters. Alas, poor Cleatus! Whenever he girds himself in the rooster plumage, his allergies kick in. He’s afraid of sneezing to death. Enter his sweet best friend, Pete Ivey (Jason Dolley, “Corey in the House”), a teen so unobtrusive that his teachers don’t know his name. And this is in a town so small that the basketball games, even for a consistently losing team, are among the town’s big events. No one dislikes Pete; no one knows Pete because no one, except Cleatus, has befriended him. Pete, who loved gymnastics as a youngster, agrees to wear the yellow and orange feathers as a favor to Cleatus. To sweeten the deal, Cleatus promises to talk up Pete to his sister. Naturally, Pete is a huge hit as a mascot. He can be funny and outrageous when hiding in the silly suit. He mimics the crazed coach (Brian Stepanek, “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody”), riles up fans and does back flips. Cute girls, even cheerleaders (apparently still the most desirable girls, regardless of how shallow they are), suddenly love the mascot. Just as naturally, Cleatus becomes jealous until he realizes it’s better for him to not be the mascot and wonderful for Pete to be appreciated. Sure, it’s predictable, but so are action movies and romances. It’s also sweet, if not brilliant, and that makes it comforting.

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009


BY TOBY GOLDSTEIN OF TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES ALL MY CHILDREN Zach stunned Kendall by telling her their kiss meant nothing and he doesn’t need her. After Kendall gave Zach the signed divorce papers, he had quickie sex with a woman he met at the casino. When Adam threatened to expose her secret if she doesn’t do what he wants at the custody hearing, Krystal damaged David on the witness stand, refusing to tell David what Adam has on her. Coming: Ryan makes his own demands on Kendall. AS THE WORLD TURNS Liberty declined the internship in New York so as not to hurt Parker, but became fed up with his possessiveness and said she doesn’t want to be married anymore. A distraught Parker got hold of two vodka bottles and was found drunk and unconscious by Craig. Meanwhile, after promising Parker she’d stop drinking, Carly ended up at Yo’s. Zac and Zoe took Noah captive and led Damian to believe Noah was in Europe. Coming: Henry is torn over concealing his paternity. THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Stephanie officially joined Jackie M and celebrated her new job with Pam, now a free woman. Following the success of Madame X’s new clothing line, Jackie revealed the two new employees. Brooke realized the strength of her opposition with Ridge and Taylor united regarding Rick. James and Thomas gave Ridge and Taylor good news about Thomas’ progress in dealing with his emotional issues. Coming: Owen’s actions will carry an emotional cost for someone. DAYS OF OUR LIVES Nicole recognized Rafe as the man who infiltrated the DiMera home and told Stefano and EJ, taking their focus off canceling the wedding. Confronted by EJ about Rafe’s spying, Sami intended to use her secret to get back at EJ. Meanwhile, Mia arrived at the church, ready to tell all. Earlier, Brady revealed his love to Nicole but was rejected. When Brady showed up at the wedding, Nicole got him to leave, while EJ and Stefano put someone on Brady’s tail. Coming: Nicole could lose everything. GENERAL HOSPITAL Ric’s offensive against Claudia was derailed when the DVD showed only static and he later came face to face with Jerry. However, Ric’s accusations were enough for Sonny to warn Claudia of dire consequences if he learns she was involved in Michael’s shooting. Jerry told Claudia he’ll keep her secret — for now. Helena made a surprise appearance at the hospital’s re-opening ceremony. Coming: Carly makes a life-changing decision. GUIDING LIGHT Edmund hit Shayne with a baseball bat after confronting him about Lara’s death, then disguised himself as a doctor and stole baby Colin. To save her child, Reva stabbed Edmund with a syringe. Jeffrey retrieved the baby while Josh found the unconscious Edmund, and put Roc in charge of guarding him. Olivia finally told Natalia that she’s in love with her but wants her to have the life she deserves, even if it’s without her. Coming: Natalia wrestles with her true feelings. ONE LIFE TO LIVE After enabling Starr to escape, Todd shot Zach, who was taken away by the police. John didn’t believe that Zach is the K.A.D. killer, only to end up being taken for questioning himself. Later, John made a gruesome discovery. Todd’s push to get Tea to help him win back custody by playing on her feelings for him led them to a hot lovemaking session. Natalie and Jared destroyed the evidence proving that Chloe is Starr’s baby, convinced they did the right thing. Coming: Evidence piles up against John. THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS Nick and Sharon realized they want to be together, and made love. Phyllis broke into Sharon’s suite and trashed the place, finding the items Sharon stole. After Nick told Phyllis he wants them to separate, Sharon was arrested for grand theft. Michael realized that Sharon let Eden be blamed for books that Sharon stole. The judge released Kevin to a psychiatric facility, where he had terrifying visions. Coming: Chloe is rightly concerned about Mac staying in town. 8


homeimprovement SUNDAY APRIL 19 Curb Appeal Eco-friendly home exterior. 10:00 a.m. (HGTV) 7129155 Moving Up Removing French country decor; Revolutionary War era farmhouse. 10:00 a.m. (TLC) 707884 The Unsellables Over-thetop color scheme. 10:30 a.m. (HGTV) 1270109 Designed to Sell Fixing a couple’s home. 11:00 a.m. (HGTV) 5085529 Moving Up A couple divorce. 11:00 a.m. (TLC) 890548

P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home Architecture. 11:30 a.m. (WGBY) 98838 Get It Sold Small changes can bring big bucks. 11:30 a.m. (HGTV) 5086258

My House Is Worth What? Homes’ values. 12:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1254161 Moving Up In Louisiana. 12:00 p.m. (TLC) 722548 My First Place Denver townhouse. 1:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8127722

Spice Up My Kitchen Kitchen lacks a plan. 1:30 p.m. (HGTV) 3406451 Pure Design Updating a dining room’s decor. 2:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8251277 Myles of Style “Miami modular” makeover. 2:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1709109

The This Old House Hour

House Hunters International Beachfront home. 5:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1607797 Hidden Potential Adding a bathroom. 6:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1700838 Designed to Sell Baseball scout. 6:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1784890 Curb Appeal Boring house gets Southern charm. 7:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8255093

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition A new home for a family after a fire. 8:00 p.m. (WTNH) 42155

HGTV Green Home 2009 An eco-friendly Florida home. 8:00 p.m. (HGTV) 3705722

House Hunters International Nicaraguan search. 9:30 p.m. (HGTV) 3494616

MONDAY APRIL 20 Designed to Sell Family must sell their house. 6:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1697310

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

Income Property Kirk and

Hammer Heads Entryway.

Stephanie’s basement. 9:30 p.m. (HGTV) 3325532

Flip This House Winter

10:30 a.m. (HGTV) 1032941

Make The Right Choice

weather takes a toll. 11:00 a.m. (A&E) 209106 Over Your Head A difficult-toinstall patio. 11:00 a.m. (HGTV) 5847361 Property Ladder Expectant parents work on a 1940s house. 11:00 a.m. (TLC) 641274 Carter Can Den makeover. 11:30 a.m. (HGTV) 5848090 Flip This House Team challenge. 12:00 p.m. (A&E) 148496 Designed to Sell Dated decor; cramped kitchen. 12:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1023293 Home Made Simple The Mavens help create a bedroom oasis for a busy couple. 12:00 p.m. (TLC) 582922 Curb Appeal A bland and boxy home. 12:30 p.m. (HGTV) 3276212 Flip This House High-end home project. 1:00 p.m. (A&E) 124816

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My Big Amazing Renovation Denver snowstorms. 1:00

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THURSDAY APRIL 23 Designed to Sell Townhouse on the market. 6:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1535526 Carter Can Separating living and dining areas. 6:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1526878 Property Virgins Deciding between two homes. 8:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8066101 Pure Design Contemporary living space. 8:30 p.m. (HGTV) 8085236

Designed to Sell Atlanta homeowner. 6:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1664082 Extreme Living A swamp house. 6:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1655334

FRIDAY APRIL 24 Designed to Sell A muchneeded facelift. 6:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1502298

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Wood finishes; tile combinations for bathrooms and kitchen. 3:00 p.m. (WGBY) 96426 Design on a Dime Sophisticated, stylish space. 3:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8167884 Color Splash Transforming a bland family room. 3:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1608426 Divine Design A nature-inspired space. 4:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1783161 Dear Genevieve Creating a cooking oasis. 4:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1789345

My Big Amazing Renovation Renovation project. 6:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1688662 Curb Appeal Crumbling 100year-old Victorian. 7:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8159865 Property Virgins A family prepares for a home. 8:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8135285 Dear Genevieve Bachelor pad. 8:30 p.m. (HGTV) 8147020 My First Place Boulder comes at a price. 9:30 p.m. (HGTV) 3398488

Curb Appeal Updating a red-

Over Your Head New bathtub

brick colonial. 7:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8126537 Property Virgins First house. 8:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8102957 HGTV’s Top 10 Showcasing fireplaces. 8:30 p.m. (HGTV) 8114792 Designed to Sell A family has a new home. 9:30 p.m. (HGTV) 3358860

and shower. 6:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1586250 Curb Appeal Farmhouse in urban area. 7:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8057453 Property Virgins Couple seek their first home. 8:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8033873 Extreme Bathrooms Some of the world’s most extreme bathrooms. 8:00 p.m. (TRAV) 9969502 Bang for Your Buck Master suite makeovers. 9:30 p.m. (HGTV) 3296076

WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 Designed to Sell A family’s old house. 6:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1631754 Beyond the Box Architects experiment. 6:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1622006 Curb Appeal A pergola covered patio adds charm to a house. 7:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8193209 Property Virgins Shocking home prices. 8:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8179629 Rate My Space Art-deco design. 8:30 p.m. (HGTV) 8181464

SATURDAY APRIL 25 Sell This House! Views of the ocean. 562187

10:00 a.m. (A&E)

Don’t Sweat It Rustic kitchen makeover. 10:00 a.m. (HGTV) 7061187

Property Ladder Newlyweds risk their savings. 10:00 a.m. (TLC) 661038 Sell This House! Messy town-house. 10:30 a.m. (A&E) 416309

p.m. (HGTV) 8996854 living rooms. 1:30 p.m. (HGTV) 3275583 Flip This House A bargain becomes a headache. 2:00 p.m. (A&E) 563816 Pure Design Cottage-style kitchen. 2:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8020309 Dear Genevieve A couple make modern updates. 2:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1561941 Design on a Dime A room’s unique architecture. 3:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8009816 Colour Confidential Teens. 3:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1540458 Divine Design A budding writer’s bedroom. 4:00 p.m. (HGTV) 1552293 Deserving Design Pool area remodeled. 4:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1558477 Color Splash Fusing a room’s elements. 5:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8004361 Rate My Space French country living room. 5:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1549729 Victory Garden Recycling rainwater. 6:00 p.m. (WGBY) 9903 Designed to Sell Recently eloped couple. 6:30 p.m. (HGTV) 1553922 Curb Appeal Colonial. 7:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8024125 Divine Design Basement family room. 8:00 p.m. (HGTV) 8000545 Dear Genevieve Master suite renovation. 8:30 p.m. (HGTV) 8012380 Color Splash Transforming a plain, white den. 9:00 p.m. (HGTV) 5867125


sportszone AUTO RACING SUNDAY APRIL 19 ARCA RE/MAX Series Racing Rockingham. Rockingham, N.C. (Live) (2:30) 1:00 pm, (SPEED) 2463364 IndyCar Racing Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach. Long Beach, Calif. (Live) (3:00) 3:30 pm, (VS) 8241703 Wind Tunnel With Dave Despain (Live) (1:00) 9:00 pm, (SPEED) 5318548

MONDAY APRIL 20 NASCAR Now (Live) (1:00) 5:00 pm, (ESPN2) 4700556

TUESDAY APRIL 21 NASCAR Now (Live) (:30) 5:00 pm, (ESPN2) 4781421

WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 NASCAR Now (Live) (:30) 5:00 pm, (ESPN2) 4758193

THURSDAY APRIL 23 NASCAR Now (Live) (:30) 5:00 pm, (ESPN2) 4652965

FRIDAY APRIL 24 Formula One Racing Bahrain Grand Prix — Practice. Sakhir,

Bahrain. (Live) (1:30) 7:00 am, (SPEED) 2175811 NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series — Aaron’s 312 Qualifying. From Talladega, Ala. (Live) (2:00) 11:30 am, (SPEED) 4593076 NASCAR Live From Talladega, Ala. (Live) (:30) 1:30 pm, (SPEED) 9049231 NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup — Aaron’s 499 Practice. From Talladega, Ala. (Live) (1:00) 2:00 pm, (SPEED) 4632231 NASCAR Live From Talladega, Ala. (Live) (:30) 3:00 pm, (SPEED) 4190250 NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup — Aaron’s 499 Final Practice. From Talladega, Ala. (Live) (1:30) 3:30 pm, (SPEED) 4594705 ARCA RE/MAX Series Racing Talladega. Talladega, Ala. (Live) (2:30) 5:00 pm, (SPEED) 4993724 NASCAR Now (Live) (:30) 5:00 pm, (ESPN2) 4629637

SATURDAY APRIL 25 Formula One Racing Bahrain Grand Prix — Qualifying. Sakhir, Bahrain. (Live) (1:30) 7:00 am, (SPEED) 2142583 NASCAR Live From Talladega, Ala. (Live) (:30) 10:30 am, (SPEED) 1741516 NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup — Aaron’s 499 Qualifying. From Talladega, Ala. (Live)

(3:00) 11:00 am, (SPEED) 4572748 NASCAR Countdown (Live) (:30) 2:30 pm, ( 7748 Rolex Sports Car Series Racing Virginia International. Danville, Va. (Live) (3:00) 2:30 pm, (SPEED) 5212632 NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series — Aaron’s 312. From Talladega, Ala. (Live) (3:00) 3:00 pm, ( 720922 NCWTS Setup From Kansas City, Kan. (Live) (:30) 5:30 pm, (SPEED) 8621854 NASCAR Racing Camping World Truck Series — O’Reilly Auto Parts 250. From Kansas City, Kan. (Live) (2:30) 6:00 pm, (SPEED) 4946816

BASEBALL SUNDAY APRIL 19 Yankees Batting Practice Today (Live) (:30) 12 pm, (YES) 56093 Baseball Tonight (Live) (:30) 12:30 pm, (ESPN) 641513 New York Yankees Pregame (Live) (:30) 12:30 pm, (YES) 85093 Red Sox Pregame (Live) (1:00) 12:30 pm, (NESN) 347203 MLB Baseball Cleveland Indians at New York Yankees. Yankee Stadium. (Live) (3:00) 1:00 pm, (TBS) 693426, (YES) 645432 MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at New York Mets. Citi Field. (Live) (3:00) 1:00 pm, + 413600, ≠ 220600 MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox. Fen-

way Park. (Live) (3:00) 1:30 pm, (NESN) 758345 New York Yankees Postgame (Live) (1:00) 4:00 pm, (YES) 73161 Extra Innings (Live) (:30) 4:30 pm, (NESN) 59432 Red Sox Final (Live) (:30) 5:00 pm, (NESN) 40242 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 7:00 pm, (ESPN) 653703 MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Chicago Cubs. Wrigley Field. (Live) (3:00) 8:00 pm, (ESPN) 252890

MONDAY APRIL 20 Red Sox Monster Monday (Live) (:30) 9:30 am, (NESN) 43575 Red Sox Pregame (Live) (1:00) 10:00 am, (NESN) 15778 MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox. Fenway Park. (Live) (3:00) 11:00 am, (NESN) 479391 Extra Innings (Live) (:30) 2:00 pm, (NESN) 88952 Red Sox Final (Live) (:30) 2:30 pm, (NESN) 88440 Yankees Batting Practice Today (Live) (:30) 6:00 pm, (YES) 92681 New York Yankees Pregame (Live) (:30) 6:30 pm, (YES) 83933 MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at New York Yankees. Yankee Stadium. (Live) (3:00) 7:00 pm, (ESPN) 983223, (YES) 927943 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 10:00 pm, (ESPN) 523876 New York Yankees Postgame (Live) (1:00) 10:00 pm, (YES) 41556 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 12 am, (ESPN) 291792

TUESDAY APRIL 21 Red Sox Pregame (Live) (1:00) 6:00 pm, (NESN) 51044 MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox. Fenway Park. (Live) (3:00) 7:00 pm, (NESN) 657889 MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at New York Yankees. Yankee Stadium. (Live) (3:00) 7:00 pm, [ 3324537 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 10:00 pm, (ESPN) 530808 Extra Innings (Live) (:30) 10:00 pm, (NESN) 48082 Red Sox Final (Live) (:30) 10:30 pm, (NESN) 24402 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 12 am, (ESPN) 709716


Andres Romero defends his title in the Zurich Classic of New Orleans Thursday through Sunday on Golf Channel and CBS. 10

New York Yankees Pregame (Live) (:30) 12:30 pm, (YES) 78209 MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at New York Yankees. Yankee Stadium. (Live) (3:00) 1:00 pm, (YES) 784290 New York Yankees Postgame (Live) (1:00) 4:00 pm, (YES) 57629 Red Sox Pregame (Live) (1:00) 6:00 pm, (NESN) 82464 MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox. Fenway Park. (Live) (3:00) 7:00 pm, (NESN) 167261 MLB Baseball New York Mets at St. Louis Cardinals. Busch



Geovany Soto The weight of heavy expectations is what the Chicago Cubs carry into every season, the price that accompanies a century-long drought between World Series championships for one of the major league’s flagship franchises. Two straight first-place finishes in the National League Central only heightened those expectations entering the 2009 campaign. Whether the Cubbies can handle that weight will be played out over the next six months, but at least the team and its passionate fans have no worries about one important position, in part because of weight that was lost. Catcher Geovany Soto was a highly thought-of prospect when the Cubs drafted him in 2001, but his star began to fade after six minor league seasons in which he didn’t once hit 10 home runs or bat .300. That changed in 2007, mostly because Soto decided his body needed to change. Adopting Many New • New Selection Styles, Same a diet other Cubs players were using that • Contact Lenses Friendly consisted of mostly organic meals, Soto • Transition Lenses Service • Crizal Anti-Glare Coatings dropped about 30 pounds before putting • Fashion Eyewear together a stunning season in Triple-A, hitting .353 with 26 homers and a Pacific CoastWallingford Optical leading 109 RBIs. Downtown Wallingford 58 Center St. That led to a September call-up, where he across from Wentworth’s Ice Cream hit .389 in 18 games to catch the eye of 203-265-1541 manager Lou Piniella. After winning the M-T-Th-F 9-5 • Sat. 9-1 • W-Sun. Closed Cubs’ catching job last spring, Soto & EQUIPMENT SALES opened eyes all Knowledgeable, Courteous Staff season by hitting .285 with 23 home • Factory Trained Fully Sto runs, 35 doubles cke Authorized Service Parts De d and Warranty pt. and 86 RBIs to become the first catcher to win Rookie of the Year KOHLER honors in either league since Mike 753 N. Colony Rd. Piazza in 1993.







s r



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sportszone Stadium. (Live) (3:00) 8:00 pm, (ESPN) 631358 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 10:00 pm, (ESPN2) 9788919 Extra Innings (Live) (:30) 10:00 pm, (NESN) 53464 Red Sox Final (Live) (:30) 10:30 pm, (NESN) 66984 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 12 am, (ESPN) 162236

THURSDAY APRIL 23 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:30) 9:30 pm, (ESPN) 428304 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 12 am, (ESPN) 663960

FRIDAY APRIL 24 Friday Night Fenway (Live) (:30) 5:30 pm, (NESN) 77796 Red Sox Pregame (Live) (1:00) 6:00 pm, (NESN) 44250 Yankees Batting Practice Today (Live) (:30) 6:00 pm, (YES) 81521 New York Yankees Pregame (Live) (:30) 6:30 pm, (YES) 72873 MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. Fenway Park. (Live) (3:00) 7:00 pm, (NESN) 602237, (YES) 917873 Extra Innings (Live) (:30) 10:00 pm, (NESN) 15250 New York Yankees Postgame (Live) (1:00) 10:00 pm, (YES) 63724 Red Sox Final (Live) (:30) 10:30 pm, (NESN) 31298 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00) 12 am, (ESPN2) 9613361

SATURDAY APRIL 25 MLB Baseball Regional Coverage — Chicago Cubs at St. Louis Cardinals or New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. (Live) (3:00) 4:00 pm, % 113309, ≠ 823583 New York Yankees Postgame (Live) (1:00) 7:00 pm, (YES) 86125 Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:30) 11:30 pm, (ESPN2) 5842106

BASKETBALL SUNDAY APRIL 19 NBA Countdown NBA pregame. (Live) (:30) 2:30 pm, ( 7154 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 3:00 pm, ( 457600 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 5:30 pm, (TNT) 372548 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 8:00 pm, (TNT) 785154 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:30 pm, (TNT) 935857 Inside the NBA (Live) (1:00) 1:00 am, (TNT) 266827

MONDAY APRIL 20 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (TNT) 729407


NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 9:30 pm, (TNT) 454681 Inside the NBA (Live) (1:00) 12 am, (TNT) 903266 NBA Fastbreak Highlights and analysis. (Live) (:30) 1:30 am, (ESPN2) 5903773

TUESDAY APRIL 21 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (TNT) 246179 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 9:30 pm, (TNT) 971353 Inside the NBA (Live) (1:00) 12 am, (TNT) 411280 NBA Fastbreak Highlights and analysis. (Live) (:30) 1:30 am, (ESPN2) 5970445

WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 8:00 pm, (TNT) 397342 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:30 pm, (TNT) 481735 Inside the NBA (Live) (1:00) 1:00 am, (TNT) 654033 NBA Fastbreak Highlights and analysis. (Live) (:30) 1:30 am, (ESPN2) 5874217

THURSDAY APRIL 23 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 8:00 pm, (TNT) 823762 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:30 pm, (TNT) 844255 Inside the NBA (Live) (1:00) 1:00 am, (TNT) 171705 NBA Fastbreak Highlights and analysis. (Live) (:30) 1:30 am, (ESPN2) 5841989


NBA Basketball First Round Game 4 — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 9:00 pm, (ESPN) 724212 NBA Fastbreak Highlights and analysis. (Live) (:30) 1:30 am, (ESPN2) 5705133

BOXING FRIDAY APRIL 24 Boxing Friday Night Fights. Escalante vs. Stark, Jr. From Chicago. (Live) (2:00) 10:00 pm, (ESPN2) 7614231 Boxing (Live) (2:00) 11:00 pm, (SHOW) 575892

SATURDAY APRIL 25 Boxing (Live) (3:00) 9:00 pm, (SHOW) 210854 Boxing Juan Manuel Lopez vs. Gerry Penalosa. Lopez vs. Penalosa; Blain vs. Peterson; From Bayamon, Puerto Rico. (Live) (2:30) 10:00 pm, (HBO) 702090

GOLF SUNDAY APRIL 19 PGA Tour Golf Champions — Outback Steakhouse Pro-Am — Final Round. Lutz, Fla. (Live) (2:00) 1:00 pm, $ 24664, > 76426 PGA Tour Golf Verizon Heritage — Final Round. From Hilton Head Island, S.C. (Live) (3:00) 3:00 pm, ^317432, # 311258

SATURDAY APRIL 25 PGA Tour Golf Champions — Liberty Mutual Legends of Golf — Second Round. From Savannah, Ga. (Live) (2:00) 1:00 pm, ^ 44632, # 48458 PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of New Orleans — Third Round. From Avondale, La. (Live) (3:00) 3:00 pm, ^ 191496, # 188922


NBA Shootaround (Live) (:30) 6:30 pm, (ESPN2) 8097873 NBA Basketball First Round Game 3 — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (ESPN2) 3334347 NBA Shootaround (Live) (:30) 7:30 pm, (ESPN) 833347 NBA Basketball First Round Game 3 — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 8:00 pm, (ESPN) 296434 NBA Basketball First Round Game 3 — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:30 pm, (ESPN) 217927 NBA Fastbreak Highlights and analysis. (Live) (:30) 1:30 am, (ESPN2) 5801361

NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal Game 2 or 3 — Teams TBA. (Live) (3:00) 3:00 pm, $ 239600, > 289890 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (VS) 4842600 Hockey Central Bill Patrick, Keith Jones and Brian Engblom. (Live) (:30) 9:30 pm, (VS) 7119600 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:00 pm, (VS) 5790161



NBA Basketball First Round Game 4 — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 1:00 pm, (ESPN) 896038 NBA Pregame (Live) (:30) 3:30 pm, (TNT) 178075 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 4:00 pm, (TNT) 137477 NBA Basketball First Round — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 6:30 pm, (TNT) 141670

NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (VS) 4819372 Hockey Central Bill Patrick, Keith Jones and Brian Engblom. (Live) (:30) 9:30 pm, (VS) 7186372 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:00 pm, (VS) 5694933


TUESDAY APRIL 21 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (VS) 4886044 Hockey Central Bill Patrick, Keith Jones and Brian Engblom. (Live) (:30) 9:30 pm, (VS) 7153044 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:00 pm, (VS) 5661605

WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (VS) 4853716 Hockey Central Bill Patrick, Keith Jones and Brian Engblom. (Live) (:30) 9:30 pm, (VS) 7120716 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:00 pm, (VS) 5638377

THURSDAY APRIL 23 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (VS) 4757588 Hockey Central Bill Patrick, Keith Jones and Brian Engblom. (Live) (:30) 9:30 pm, (VS) 7024588 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:00 pm, (VS) 5532149

FRIDAY APRIL 24 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (VS) 4717960 Hockey Central Bill Patrick, Keith Jones and Brian Engblom. (Live) (:30) 9:30 pm, (VS) 7084960 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:00 pm, (VS) 5592521

SATURDAY APRIL 25 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal Game 5 — Teams TBA. If nec. (Live) (3:00) 3:00 pm, $ 186564, > 865944 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 7:00 pm, (VS) 4784632 Hockey Central Bill Patrick, Keith Jones and Brian Engblom. (Live) (:30) 9:30 pm, (VS) 7051632 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal — Teams TBA. (Live) (2:30) 10:00 pm, (VS) 5569293

TENNIS SUNDAY APRIL 19 WTA Tennis Family Circle Cup — Final. Charleston, S.C. (Live) (2:00) 1:00 pm, (ESPN2) 6034277


sundaycritics’corner 1 p.m. on (TBS) (YES) MLB Baseball So you say you can’t stand the Yankees? Well, even if you do, you’ll have to admit their new stadium is pretty spiffy. Getting its first national TV exposure in today’s game against the Cleveland Indians, Yankee Stadium II boasts many features that make it closely resemble the park that Babe Ruth opened with a home run back in 1923. Along with the new digs, the Bronx Bombers will also be showing off their latest free agent splurge, first baseman Mark Teixeira. 3:30 p.m. on (VS) IndyCar Racing For the second race of 2009, the IndyCar series heads to the sunkissed climes of Southern California for the Toyota GP of Long Beach. Australian Will Power won the 2008 race on the 2-mile temporary road course, finishing ahead of Franck Montagny for his first and only series win. He’ll be back to fend off challenges for his title from a field that will include Danica Patrick, Dario Franchitti, Dan Wheldon and Scott Dixon. 8 p.m. on (WTNH) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Ty and the designers travel to Voluntown, Conn., to assist the Girards, a family that has seen more than its share of loss in the past several months. After losing their home to a fire last year, the Girards faced an even worse tragedy in June, when dad Thomas and eldest son Marc both drowned, leaving Carol to raise the four surviving kids on her own. Now Ty’s team and local volunteers stand ready to help a family that always has reached out to others. 9 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

Movie: The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler Academy Award winner Anna Paquin (“The Piano”) stars in this factAPRIL 19 - 25, 2009

Larry Littlejunk

8:30 p.m. on (WNYW) (WTIC) Sit Down, Shut Up Emmy-winning “Arrested Development” creator Mitchell Hurwitz created this animated comedy series set in a Florida high school staffed by an apathetic and largely unqualified faculty. In the pilot, financial difficulties threatening Knob Haven High School could result in the firing of a faculty member unless the football team can win the upcoming game and draw alumni donations. based drama as 2007 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Irena Sendler, who is credited with saving the lives of some 2,500 Jewish children while she was working as a Polish Catholic social worker during World War II. Marcia Gay Harden, Nathaniel Parker and Goran Visnjic (“ER”) also star. 9 p.m. on (WTNH) Desperate Housewives Edie’s (Nicollette Sheridan) frenemies look back on her life in the new episode “Look Into Their Eyes and You See What They Know.” Susan (Teri Hatcher) recalls their first meeting, Lynette (Felicity Huffman) reflects on a memorable night out she and Edie shared, Bree (Marcia Cross) remembers Edie’s thoughtfulness toward Orson (Kyle MacLachlan), and Gaby (Eva Longoria Parker) fondly recalls a night of friendly competition with her.

9 p.m. on (WGBY) Masterpiece Classic In part four of Charles Dickens’ “Little Dorrit,” Arthur (Matthew Macfadyen) becomes alarmed that his mother (Judy Parfitt) is suspected of killing Rigaud (Andy Serkis), so he searches desperately for the missing scoundrel. Most of London rushes to invest in Mr. Merdle’s (Anton Lesser) bank. Claire Foy and Tom Courtenay also star. 9 p.m. on (USA) Law & Order: Criminal Intent The stepdaughter of a powerful city councilman (Scott Cohen) narrowly escapes death when her boyfriend is killed in what appears to be a drug-related shooting, but Detectives Goren and Eames (Vincent D’Onofrio, Kathryn Erbe) soon discover the victim had been planning to blackmail the politician. Kathy Baker also guest stars in the new episode “Playing Dead.”

10 p.m. on (USA) In Plain Sight As season two opens, Mary (Mary McCormack) ditches administrative leave to investigate the death of a witness, but her post-traumatic stress disorder gets in the way. It doesn’t help that she also must cope with a new administrative assistant (Holly Maples) who has her own ideas about how things should be run. 10:01 p.m. on (WTNH) Brothers & Sisters Holly (Patricia Wettig) considers dropping the charges, leaving the Walkers hopeful that Tommy (Balthazar Getty) will return home. Sarah (Rachel Griffiths) makes another major career change. Kevin and Scotty (Matthew Rhys, Luke Macfarlane) consider a surprising and tantalizing proposition from Chad (guest star Jason Lewis), Kevin’s former boyfriend, in the new episode “S3X.” 13




APR. 19

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30



NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS McLaugh- Time Life Paid 17987 Paid 66797 Gospel Music Pre2 ^ CBS CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation Å 43109 26635 lin 6345 7074 sents: Great 50180 CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation State 3141 Paid 1600 To Be Announced 74123 2 3 # CBS Å 30635 13161 Heads-Up Poker PGA Tour Golf: Cham- 12 $ NBC Today (N) Å 90906 Matthews Meet the Press (N) Å Wall St 90819 823613 9242 Champ. 63600 pions 24664 Paid 13155 Paid 14884 Paid 60093 Paid 82703 Paid 66364 Paid 81074 - 15 % FOX J. Osteen Changing FOX News Sunday 57529 88987 79884 Answer Lockard Euro Movies Mer.Media American Le Mans Series Rac7 7 ( ABC This Week With 41567 62451 56203 71502 53703 George 27074 ing: Long Beach 593161 Paid 14451 Degrassi Degrassi Degrassi Degrassi MLB Baseball: Brew23 - + CW NY 25567 Toni On! Colon 59971 50600 61613 54513 NY 50797 Detox 61345 ers at Mets 413600 Eucharist The Spirit News Fresh Pr. ›‡ “Killing Me Softly” (2002, Suspense) 11 11 4 CW Yu-Gi-Oh! Kamen 3772258 54733703 17567 12068 5D 72093 85221 Heather Graham, Joseph Fiennes. 38635 Members’ Choice 901105 5 14 8 PBS (7:00) Members’ Choice 926890

Meals Paid 97838 10 10 : ION Paid 49703 Paid 87451 Paid 24093 Paid 45987 Inspiration Ministry Campmeeting David 65838 Cerullo. 312838 Heads-Up Poker PGA Tour Golf: Cham4 4 > NBC News (N) Å 216180 Meet the Press (N) Å Matthews Mauro 92906 13703 14432 Champ. 28722 pions 76426 17 - Y PBS Wits 41529 Watercool- McLaugh- State In Contrary Garden Living On: Remem- “Polis Is This” 71258 97109 98838 er lin 33109 67513 bering 95838 Cmedia Paid Sports Cheers Latino LatiNation Annual Trumpet 9 9 [ MNT Pharma 28:30 7855567 7437432 4465432 7844451 8325616 8326345 7835703 7448548 Awards 4380797 Paid P90X Paid Paid Fam. Guy Fam. Guy MLB Baseball: Brew6 6 ≠ FOX FOX News Sunday 775890 696819 517703 467109 468838 435155 253093 ers at Mets 220600 CABLE CHANNELS The Sopranos Å The Beast Barker is ManMan42 45 (A&E) Private Sessions (N) The Sopranos Å Å 424068 356068 432432 set up. Å 364432 hunters hunters “Heat” 38 51 (AMC) ››‡ “Airport ’77” (1977) Jack Lemmon. Hijacked private › “Death Wish 3” (1985) Charles Bronson, 267971 jet trapped 100 feet under water. Å 302109 Deborah Raffin, Ed Lauter. Å 696703 It’s Me or the Dog Å Search-Giant Anacon- Piranhas Å 3491529 Untamed and Uncut 60 44 (ANIM) K-9 to 5 Breed 1272567 3401906 8038884 Å 3400277 da 8121548 Voice Video Gospel Å 595797 Sunday Best 525242 Black One 48 58 (BET) Gospel 148722 63 - (BRAV) Inside the Actors Stu- Inside the Actors Studio Comic Dave Chap- Kathy Griffin: She’ll The A-List Awards dio Å 500548 pelle interviews host James Lipton. 350345 Cut a Bitch 353432 501277 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 46 60 (CNBC) Paid Sources 949190 Union 990426 Union 822426 Zakaria 904074 33 77 (CNN) Union 151180 RENO RENO Scrubs Scrubs “Idiocra40 54 (COM) ››‡ “Beverly Hills Cop III” (1994) Eddie Mur- RENO 3606187 6402068 cy” phy, Judge Reinhold. Å 5848258 911! 911! 911! On Water Fisher Sledhead School 368136 Fisher Ship Bid Wars DragRace 51 - (CSN) Paid Mickey Movers Handy Phineas Phineas “Return to Halloweentown” Phineas 43 42 (DIS) Mickey 7155432 Mouse 3992074 3368600 181797 182426 70041567 (2006) Sara Paxton. 2839180 Doing Da Vinci 26 47 (DSC) Time Wrp Time Wrp MythBusters “Boom Pitchmen “High Impact Dirty Jobs 379364 641093 283513 282884 Lift Catapult” 354600 Item” 447364 True H’wood 243616 49 55 (E!) Rachael Ray 777258 Daily 10 The Soup E! News (N) 311616 True Story 161068 Reporters SportsCenter (Live) Å 384703 Baseball College Softball 28 29 (ESPN) Lines 848857 647797 641513 178722 ATPA NHRA CheerCheerleading: UCA WTA Tennis: Family 29 30 (ESPN2) Fishing SpanFly ATPA 2851180 8919187 6940884 2857364 7745155 leading Champ. 6315708 Circle Cup 6034277 Bookmark Rome Faith Exodus Angelica Divine Mercy Preview Solemn Mass and 50 98 (EWTN) Litany 9848780 9171884 4766242 3448744 5712155 5713884 Show 9267635 Celebration 2463364 37 40 (FAM) Full Hse. Full Hse. My Wife My Wife My Wife ›› “The Prince & Me” (2004) Julia Stiles. A collegian and 812529 543987 997819 738513 465635 a Danish prince fall in love. Å 828722 News HQ Housecall News HQ 5995635 America’s News HQ 1189277 47 59 (FNC) Friends 6419628 Cooking Giada Contessa Boy Grill Big Bite Minute Lee Paula Home Big Dad39 49 (FOOD) 1269093 3498432 7210451 1265277 5907797 5908426 1256529 3409548 8112890 dy’s 24 34 (FX) ››› “Spider-Man 2” (2004, Action) Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco. ›››‡ “A Few Good Men” (1992) Peter Parker fights a man who has mechanical tentacles. 6001682 Tom Cruise. 2523567 Golden 7th Heaven Å 7th Heaven Å 7th Heaven “Nobody “Before You Say I Do” 170 137 (HALL) Golden 4878180 6912068 4593987 4865616 Knows...” 4516838 (2009) 6604451 Super Curb The Un- To Sell Get Sold My House Good Buy My First Kitchen 54 48 (HGTV) Yard 1178797 3403364 7129155 sellables 5085529 5086258 1254161 3407180 Place 3406451 To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced 59 46 (HIST) To Be Announced 1765109 6599548 6406884 7402744 7192044 Health Will Will “Her Only Child” (2008, Suspense) Nicholle “The Elder Son” 41 39 (LIFE) Paid 818703 549161 993093 814987 Tom, Gwynyth Walsh. Å 778432 (2006) Å 981258 45 26 (MSNBC) MSNBC News Live MSNBC News Live MSNBC News Live They Run They Run MSNBC Inv.: Hitman 3536567 5988345 5908109 4946432 6018345 Tapes 6933600 The Hills College Making the Band 4 Real World-Road Fantasy Beatdown Nitro Cir Nitro Cir 52 56 (MTV) 730971 541529 612616 823635 545345 530068 544616 Rules 625180 Trainer P90X Paid 85567 Paid 91529 Paid 92258 Red Sox Red Sox Pregame Baseball 32 28 (NESN) Profits 83155 14513 25161 76819 758345 (Live) 347203 44 41 (NICK) Sponge Sponge Penguins Barnyard Mighty B Sponge Sponge Sponge Jimmy Neutron: Boy 649635 281155 715277 645819 577819 578548 556971 285971 Genius 280426






APR. 19

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30



CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED 55 52 (SCIFI) WCG Ultimate Gamer ›‡ “Alone in the Dark” (2005, Horror) Christ- › “BloodRayne” (2005, Fantasy) Kristanna 3432797 ian Slater, Tara Reid. 6029451 Loken, Michael Madsen. 1194109 Car AMA Racing: Super- World Series OffWorld Series OffARCA RE/MAX Series 141 271 (SPEED) Garage 9848780 9171884 cross 6864074 2463364 Road 6884838 Road 9267635 Trucks! Xtreme Deadliest Warrior 27 53 (SPIKE) Married... Married... Married... Machines Hrsepwer Muscle 903971 714529 344141 909155 920093 921722 562285 718345 633600 (8:20) ››‡ “Bridget Jones: The (:20) ››› “The Rookie” (2002, Drama) Dennis Quaid, MLB Baseball 693426 12 16 (TBS) Edge of Reason” 4098567 Rachel Griffiths, Jay Hernandez. Å 13231109 “Strategic Air Com162 169 (TCM) (:15) ››› “Bonjour Tristesse” (1958, Drama) ›››› “Mr. Deeds Goes to Town” (1936) Deborah Kerr. ‘NR’ 17559819 Gary Cooper. ‘NR’ Å 2487971 mand” ‘NR’ 5840616 Jon Kate Jon Kate 36 50 (TLC) Moving Up High ex- Moving Up Å 707884 Moving Up A couple Moving Up In 639884 pectations. 873426 divorce. 890548 Louisiana. Å 722548 894364 “Chroni›››‡ “The Matrix” (1999, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves, NBA Playoff Preview ›› “Doom” (2005) 25 35 (TNT) cles” Laurence Fishburne. Å 649242 Show Å 713890 The Rock. 158074 58 43 (TOON) ››‡ “Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chowder Flapjack Total Dra Courage Courage Courage Courage 5392488 5890987 5891616 7048708 9253432 6860258 9252703 Chase” (2001) 4613884 Great Cruises Å National Parks Å America’s Orient Ex- Mt. Rushmore and Yosemite: America’s 69 51 (TRAV) 8182426 7133345 press Å 7153109 Black Hills 7116513 Treasure 7298161 Paid Thinner Paid Trainer P90X Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic 62 182 (TRUTV) Paid 2760884 1260659 6028616 2766068 7823987 7824616 2853548 7660695 3138109 8010136 34 36 (USA) Law & Order: Crimi- Law & Order: Crimi- Law & Order: Crimi- Law & Order: Crimi- Law & Order: Criminal Intent 153548 nal Intent 149118 nal Intent 244762 nal Intent 913722 nal Intent 826242 Hunting Escape Quest for Alaska Fishing N.A. FishGrigsby FLW Outdoors Bill Dance 139 37 (VS) 2022722 7208548 the One 2028906 7021513 erman 2019258 5678161 7201635 30 32 (YES) Yank Mag SportsMo Running SportsLife Yankeeography Å Yankees Pregame MLB Baseball 645432 43529 81277 28819 58548 NYC Bat 56093 85093 PREMIUM CHANNELS Pacquiao ››‡ “Leatherheads” (2008) George Clooney. Real Time With Bill 200 5 (HBO) Thrilla in Manila Å 518971 648839 ‘PG-13’ Å 608548 Maher Å 648426 ›‡ “Jumper” (2008) Hayden ›‡ “Chill Factor” (1999) Cuba (:15) ›› “Evolution” 220 320 (MAX) (8:10) ›› “Fools Å 63914451 Rush In” 98412155 Christensen. ‘PG-13’ 865567 Gooding Jr. ‘R’ Å 6542155 (8:00) “Away From (9:55) ›› “Arthur and the Invisi››› “Stardust” (2007, Fantasy) Claire Danes, “The Dog 240 340 (SHOW) Her” (2007) 3567068 bles” (2006) ‘PG’ 45952364 Charlie Cox. iTV. ‘PG-13’ 99471093 Problem”


Anna Paquin OF

‘The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler’ ON CBS

Q: A:

Did you know about Irena Sendler before assuming this role?

Q: A:

How did you research her?

No, I didn’t, and I think that’s what’s sort of interesting about this story – what a huge thing she did and how few people knew about it until the theater project in Kansas wrote a play about her.

An autobiography. I got hold of a translation of that that was very, very useful. Google was fantastic. You can look up anything, if it exists, and I read a lot of eyewitness accounts from that period of time, “Words to Outlive Us: Eyewitness Accounts from the Warsaw Ghetto,” journal entries and things they saw and things that were happening. That, to me, was the most useful thing in preparing, in getting a sense of what it was like to be there at the time. There is nothing like a firsthand account to put you there.

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009



As played by Patrick Warburton, long-married Jeff Bingham of CBS’ Monday comedy “Rules of Engagement” is just a regular guy, a guy who loves his wife, Audrey (Megyn Price), beer and softball – but not necessarily in that order. As of this season, though, Jeff has a new pal, Brad, played by recurring star Orlando Jones. In some ways, Brad is like other pals Jeff has had, and in another way, he’s not. “What trouble is Brad causing?” Jones says. “Trouble of the Brad variety. I think he’s probably causing more trouble for Jeff than anything else, since Jeff is exploring a new relationship. I don’t think he’s ever had a friend who was outside of his bailiwick in the way that I am. “Brad is gay, so I think Jeff’s trying to figure out where the common ground is.” As to what Jeff and Brad do together, Jones says, “Oddly, we do couples stuff, because I have my partner, who has bonded with Audrey. We’re two guys, and our approach to things is very much like two guys. “We both lie to our spouses when we want to go out and hang with the boys and watch sports. I’m into sports; he’s into sports. So, it’s really the same relationship you would have with any other guy. “Occasionally he goes off the deep end and starts talking to me about breast augmentation or whatever, and I’m, ‘Sorry, wrong crowd. You’ve got the wrong guy for that.’ ” Jones – a vegan who learned to cook from his grandmother – likes to bust stereotypes in real life as well. “I’m a weird vegan,” he says, “because I don’t mind cooking meat for my friends. I don’t subscribe to the theory that meat is going to kill you. I’m in the ‘anything in moderation’ camp.”





APR. 19 3:30


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable




NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Motorcycle Racing PGA Tour Golf Verizon Heritage -- Final Round. From Harbour Town 2 ^ CBS 99180 Golf Links, Hilton Head Island, S.C. (Live) Å 317432 Motorcycle Racing PGA Tour Golf Verizon Heritage -- Final Round. From Harbour Town 2 3 # CBS Monster Energy AMA Golf Links, Hilton Head Island, S.C. (Live) Å 311258 Supercross. 93906 -

PGA Tour Golf: Cham- NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal Game 2 or 3 -- Teams TBA. 12 $ NBC pions 24664 (Live) Å 239600


15 % FOX


7 ( ABC


- + CW

11 11 4 CW




Evening News 600 Evening News 426

CBS 2 News 180 News Å 906

4 NY News 628 Paid 7258 American Idol Rewind ››› “True Lies” (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, News (N) Å 576708 8093 Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold. 545819 Le Mans NBA 7154 NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å Woman News (N) 457600 593161 4890 1703 (1:00) MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at TBA 4242 Lopez Chris 5744 Game Drew 4819 8646 7906 New York Mets. (Live) Å 413600 ››‡ “Dangerous Beauty” (1998) Catherine Legend of the Seeker Hates The Game Drew 66722 McCormack. A 16th-century Venetian woman “Denna” Å 98249 Chris Carey 39180 63635 opts for life as a courtesan. 45884

(11:00) Members’ 14 8 PBS Choice 901105

NBC News 548 Edition 9345 Wrld News Sun Drew 5971 Drew Carey 54987

Members’ Choice 772426

Paid 26600 Paid 39616 Lifestyle Paid 34161 Paid 57068 Paid 42180 Paid 13180 Paid 33432 ››› “Keeping the Lift 18635 Faith” (2000) 288513 PGA Tour Golf: Cham- NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal Game 2 or 3 -- Teams TBA. News (N) NBC News Å 99635 80987 (Live) Å 289890 4 > NBC pions 76426

10 10 : ION 4 17 9



Religion Doctors - Y PBS 5884 8890 (1:00) 17th Annual 9 [ MNT Trumpet Awards Show Å 4380797

The This Old House Hour Å 96426 American Latino Presents: Athletes Å 8320161

Antiques Roadshow Å 71161 Gospel Superfest Spring Jam 2009 Å 8243068

All Creatures Great and Small 8971 Tim Mc- Roadside Carver Stories 9535906 3360451

Europe May-Dec. 6819 7971 Boston Legal “Too Much Information” Å 7456567

(1:00) MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at Whacked ››› “True Lies” (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold. A man lives the double life of 6 ≠ FOX New York Mets. From Citi Field in Flushing, N.Y. Out 921242 (Live) 220600 a spy and a family man. 181258






APR. 19 3:30


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable






CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami 360616 42 45 (A&E) Manhun Manhun Manhun Manhun Manhun Manhun CSI: Miami 316155 (1:30) ›››‡ “Heat” (1995, Crime Drama) Al Pacino, Robert De Niro. A homicide ››‡ “Passenger 57” (1992, Ac38 51 (AMC) detective matches wits with a cunning adversary. 267971 tion) Wesley Snipes. 817155 Untamed 5088616 Human Prey 5090451 Human Prey 8252906 Human Prey 3317513 60 44 (ANIM) Untamed 7128426 48 58 (BET) ››‡ “School Daze” (1988) Larry Fishburne, David E. Talbert’s Love on Layaway Brownstone residents deal with Giancarlo Esposito. Å 546180 matters of the heart. Å 704819 Matchmaker 153600 House Housewives 276819 Housewives 117567 Law CI 359616 63 - (BRAV) A-List Comfort Paid Ab Se Paid Jeans Paid Paid Thinner Paid 46 60 (CNBC) Paid Your Money 116722 Newsroom 102529 Zakaria 768109 Newsroom 924838 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom 261426 (1:30) ››‡ “Idiocracy” (2006) ›‡ “Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector” ››‡ “Blue Collar Comedy Tour 40 54 (COM) Luke Wilson. 8798635 (2006) Larry the Cable Guy. 1365600 Rides Again” 7456838 Darts World Champi- Best Damn Top 50 World Poker Tour: Sport Science 612722 51 - (CSN) International Fight League 250426 onship. 804616 Special 816451 Season 7 659513 Cory Phineas Phineas Suite Life Suite Life Wizards Wizards 43 42 (DIS) Suite Life Suite Life Cory 116838 743426 195345 748971 830906 829890 8204093 747242 744155 831635 MythBusters Å MythBusters Å 26 47 (DSC) MythBusters “Steam MythBusters “Salsa MythBusters Å 560529 494987 375548 Cannon” 718364 Escape” 574722 Candy Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up Girls Girls Celebrity Money Melt49 55 (E!) Candy Girls Girls downs 256180 377987 316613 366398 461762 372432 766154 Poker 849068 Poker 924703 Poker 776513 SportsCenter (Live) Å 28 29 (ESPN) College Softball 178722 722432 Madden Madden Madden Madden 29 30 (ESPN2) WTA Tennis: Family College Football All-Star Challenge From 4827277 8214548 8204161 8122513 Circle Cup 6034277 Tampa, Fla. Å 5053722 Vatican Reminders 7407797 Crossing 50 98 (EWTN) Solemn Mass-Celebrtn 2463364 Mysteries Divine 5809635 “The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding” ›› “A Cinderella Story” (2004) Hilary Duff, “Another Cinderella 37 40 (FAM) (2006) Luke Mably. Å 199180 Jennifer Coolidge. Å 300109 Story” (2008) 186616 Special 8181971 America’s News HQ 9678797 News Sun. 6013890 47 59 (FNC) Special 1097242 Diners Diners Food Food Cakes Cakes Unwrapped “Road 39 49 (FOOD) Rachael Road 8246345 1794277 8258180 1799722 1785529 1601513 8164797 1798093 Foods” 3417567 24 34 (FX) (12:30) ›››‡ “A Few Good Men” ›››‡ “The Departed” (2006, Crime Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon. An (1992, Drama) 2523567 undercover cop and a criminal lead double lives. 8910513 “Back to You and Me” (2005, Drama) Lisa “For the Love of Grace” (2008) Mark Consue170 137 (HALL) (1:00) “Before You Say I Do” 6604451 los, Chandra West. Å 6913797 Hartman Black, Dale Midkiff. Å 8281819 Myles Dime Color Divine Genevieve House House Potential To Sell 54 48 (HGTV) Design 8251277 1709109 8167884 1608426 1783161 8242529 1607797 1700838 1784890 TBA 3703548 TBA 3619155 TBA 5526345 TBA 1002708 59 46 (HIST) TBA 5764242 (1:00) “The Elder ›› “She’s Too Young” (2004) Marcia Gay “Music for My Mother” (2006, Drama) Julie 41 39 (LIFE) Son” (2006) 981258 Harden, Alexis Dziena. Å 492155 Hagerty. Premiere. Å 819432 Tylenol 8267345 Columbine 8279180 Meet Press 9767635 Locked 6026364 45 26 (MSNBC) Beauty 1173616 Bam Viva Bam Bam Bam Beatdown Beatdown Beatdown Beatdown 52 56 (MTV) Viva Bam Bam 205600 547136 397635 597631 936068 642780 392180 947172 197695 937797 Innings Red Sox Red Sox Walk Off Sox 45838 32 28 (NESN) MLB Baseball: Orioles at Red Sox 758345 iCarly iCarly iCarly Drake Drake 44 41 (NICK) Barnyard Barnyard Zoey 101 Å 572364 iCarly 319242 139548 222600 822664 406722 133364 130277 121529 “Lost World-Jurassic” 55 52 (SCIFI) “BloodRayne 2: Deliverance” (2007, Horror) ›‡ “A Sound of Thunder” (2005) Edward 5569819 Natassia Malthe, Zack Ward. Å 4132068 Burns, Catherine McCormack. 9756529 141 271 (SPEED) (1:00) ARCA RE/MAX Series Rac- The Grid Inside GP Formula One Racing Chinese Grand Prix. From Shanghai, 8853451 8849258 China. 4198277 ing Rockingham. 2463364 Deadliest Warrior The Ultimate Fighter UFC Unleashed Å UFC Unleashed Å UFC Unleashed Å 27 53 (SPIKE) 994600 932838 911345 568277 726364 (1:00) MLB Baseball Cleveland Indians at New ›› “The Wedding Date” (2005) ››‡ “The Holiday” (2006) 12 16 (TBS) York Yankees. (Live) Å 693426 Debra Messing. 425277 Cameron Diaz. Å 118722 ››› “The Natural” (1984) Robert 162 169 (TCM) (1:00) “Strategic Air ›››‡ “Oklahoma!” (1955, Musical) Gordon MacRae, Command” 5840616 Shirley Jones, Rod Steiger. ‘G’ Å 4410426 Redford. ‘PG’ 7447180 Jon & Kate 927906 Jon Kate Jon Kate Jon & Kate 553345 Jon & Kate 711432 36 50 (TLC) Jon & Kate 194628 ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Bruce Willis. A New York NBA Basketball First Round -25 35 (TNT) (1:00) ›› “Doom” (2005) Å 158074 cabby tries to save Earth in 2259. Å 452258 Teams TBA. (Live) Å 372548 58 43 (TOON) Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Scooby Yellowstone: National Alaska’s Arctic Alaskan Wild Å Top Ten Natural Won69 51 (TRAV) Secrets of Niagara Falls Å 1377258 Park 7024600 Wildlife Å 7116635 9154529 ders 7112797 Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... World’s Wildest Po62 182 (TRUTV) lice Videos 2715744 4818529 8218364 4820364 8220109 7847567 4811616 Law & Order: CrimiLaw & Order: CrimiLaw & Order: CrimiLaw & Order: CrimiHouse “Informed Con34 36 (USA) nal Intent 352722 nal Intent 101890 nal Intent 923187 nal Intent 753277 sent” 919906 139 37 (VS) The Bass Grigsby Spo Soup IndyCar Racing Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach. From Long Beach, Spo Soup Pros 9388567 9165635 Calif. (Live) 8241703 9370548 Girardi Yank Mag CenterStage Å 97884 30 32 (YES) (1:00) MLB Baseball Cleveland Indians at New New York Yankees York Yankees. (Live) Å 645432 Postgame 73161 17906 37258 PREMIUM CHANNELS (:15) “Purple Violets” (2007, Romance) Selma “Grey Gardens” 200 5 (HBO) ›‡ “Rush Hour 3” (2007) Jackie ConChan. ‘PG-13’ 914839 chords Blair. ‘NR’ Å 45246616 (2009) Å 663180 (1:15) ›› “Evolution” ››‡ “Fast Times at Ridgemont ›› “Aliens vs. Predator: Re(:05) “Forrest Gump” 220 320 (MAX) High” (1982) ‘R’ 497600 quiem” (2007) ‘R’ Å 4421703 (1994) Å 96549161 Å 63914451 240 340 (SHOW) (1:45) “The Dog Prob- (:15) “The Go-Getter” (2007) Lou Taylor Pucci, (4:55) ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard lem” 7072567 Jena Malone. iTV. ‘R’ 48333548 Gere. iTV. ‘R’ 7495513

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009





APR. 19 8:00



CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS 60 Minutes Å 3797 The Amazing Race 14 “The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler” (N) Å 5345 (2009) Anna Paquin. A Polish woman saves 2 ^ CBS Jewish children during World War II. 8432 60 Minutes Å 6451 The Amazing Race 14 “The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler” (N) Å 9971 (2009) Anna Paquin. A Polish woman saves 2 3 # CBS Jewish children during World War II. 2258 Miss USA 2009 (Live) Å 30971 The Celebrity Apprentice The celebrities work on pulling together a charity auction. (N) Å - 12 $ NBC 2600 American King of The Simp- Sit Down, Family American News (N) 5 Sports - 15 % FOX Dad (PA) the Hill (N) sons (N) Shut Up Guy (N) Dad (N) Å 61722 Extra 1074 5529 3762 6529 56249 38857 74242 America’s Funniest Extreme Makeover: Desperate House(:01) Brothers & Sis7 7 ( ABC Home Videos (N) Å Home Edition “Girard wives (N) Å 8536797 ters “S3X” (N) Å 39635 38906 Family” Å 42155 Jericho “Coalition of ›› “At First Sight” (1999) Val Kilmer, Mira PIX News at Ten 23 - + CW the Willing” Å 75451 Sorvino. A blind man undergoes an operation to Thorne. (N) Å 74722 regain his sight. 62987 Jericho “Coalition of ›› “At First Sight” (1999) Val Kilmer, Mira News (N) Sports 11 11 4 CW the Willing” Å 20529 Sorvino. A blind man undergoes an operation to Å 7090906 Ticket 28607074 regain his sight. 33093 Members’ Choice 329267 5 14 8 PBS

CBS 2 News 11 4306345 Sports Sunday 25897203 4 NY News at 11 6722 Seinfeld Å 93724

(:35) CSI: NY Å 3946567 (:35) CSI: NY Å 3933093 Mike’d Up 89703 Scrubs Å 41513

News (N) New Day Å 7942616 Marketing 5061567 Two/Half Two/Half Men 47180 Men 67529

Sex and Sex and the City the City 48708 41155 Members’ Choice 799548 (6:00) ››› “Keeping the Faith” ››‡ “Malice” (1993, Suspense) Alec Baldwin, Nicole Kid- bareMiner- Paid Proals 87364 gram 10 10 : ION (2000) Ben Stiller, Edward Norton, man, Bill Pullman. Dark secrets surface after a woman’s 20277 Jenna Elfman. 288513 emergency surgery. 898267 Miss USA 2009 (Live) Å 97451 The Celebrity Apprentice The celebrities work News (N) Lyons & Å 1744190 Bailes on pulling together a charity auction. (N) Å 4 4 > NBC 45890 7082109 Keeping Waiting Nature “The Loneliest Masterpiece Classic Arthur Green Builders (N) Å WGBY Shwcs 17 - Y PBS Up 9600 for God Animals” (N) Å (DVS) searches for the missing Rigaud; 97180 3155 74631 22093 Amy stays in Venice. (N) 78074 Monk An actor gets in Cold Squad “Picasso’s Cheaters Late-night News (N) Storm (:05) The Judge sessions with another Å 8572451 Stories Insider Judy 9 9 [ MNT the way. Å 6967093 Mistake” Å (DVS) 6870513 5573513 1244155 1596345 man. 6963277 American King of The Simp- Sit Down, Family American News Å Sports News at Two/Half the Hill sons Shut Up Guy (N) Dad (N) 6344513 Ticket 11 442890 Men 6 6 ≠ FOX Dad 294600 928155 383548 299155 447345 240529 86576906 685703 CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami “Ashes to CSI: Miami “Miami CSI: Miami “Raising The Sopranos “The The Sopranos “The 42 45 (A&E) Ashes” 200635 Confidential” 113155 Caine” Å 206819 Blue Comet” 209906 Blue Comet” 357797 “Passen- ››› “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” (2003) Arnold Breaking Bad “Negro Breaking Bad “Negro 38 51 (AMC) ger 57” Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahl. A cyborg protects John Con- Y Azul” (N) Å 576600 Y Azul” Å 802277 817155 nor from a superior model. Å 235838 Wild Kingdom “Red- Weird, True & Freaky Lost Tapes River Monsters Jere- Weird, True & Freaky Afghanistan’s Tora my heads to Texas. (N) Å 8039513 60 44 (ANIM) Faced Uakari Monkey” Å 3703364 (N) 3794616 Bora caves. 3610600 3793987 ››‡ “Beauty Shop” (2005) Queen Latifah, Ali- Sunday Best (N) Å Sunday Best Å BET’s Weekend Inspi48 58 (BET) cia Silverstone. Å 518659 554109 451068 ration 2407432 Law & Order: Crimi- Law & Order: Crimi- Law & Order: Crimi- Law & Order: Crimi- Law & Order: Crimi63 - (BRAV) nal Intent “Silver Lin- nal Intent “Inert Dwarf” nal Intent Å 814513 nal Intent “Magnificat” nal Intent “Silver Lin907277 Å 817600 ing” Å 998529 ing” Å 428345 Diabetes Wall St Big Mac: Inside Mc- City of Money and Marijuana Inc.: Pot In- American Greed 46 60 (CNBC) 56432 29187 80161 Donald’s 46529 Mystery 59093 dustry 52180 Newsroom 857567 Addiction: Life on the Larry King Live Newsroom 856838 Addiction: Life on the 33 77 (CNN) 846451 Edge 833987 Edge 391779 “Blue Collar Comedy Bill Engvall: 15 Deg. Ron White: Behav- Ron White: Behav- Mandoon S. Park 40 54 (COM) Tour” 7456838 Off Cool 9099180 ioral Prob. 9086616 ioral Prob. 9089703 3701180 5850093 Toughman Baseball Builder Toughman Best Damn Top 50 Final Final World Poker Tour: 51 - (CSN) 384797 732890 983722 896242 Special 549277 Season 7 (N) 518839 Zack & Hannah Sonny Wizards- ›› “Life-Size” (2000, Fantasy) Phineas Zack & Hannah Montana Chance Place Jere Burns, Lindsay Lohan, Tyra and Ferb Cody Montana 43 42 (DIS) Cody 592646 837819 196074 115109 35004797 279906 708093 Banks. Å 5348155 MythBusters “Under- MythBusters Automo- MythBusters Automo- MythBusters “NASA MythBusters Automotive fables. Å 435529 26 47 (DSC) water Car” Submerged tive fables. Å 291987 tive fables. Å 204451 Moon Landing” Å 214838 car. 215567 E! News (N) 196109 Miley Cyrus 172529 Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up Candy Chelsea The Soup 49 55 (E!) 369513 162797 527180 507971 Girls (N) 444258 Baseball Tonight MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Chicago Cubs. From Wrigley Field SportsCenter (Live) Å 407567 in Chicago. (Live) Å 252890 28 29 (ESPN) (Live) Å 653703 NHRA Drag Racing Summit Racing Equipment Southern Nationals -29 30 (ESPN2) Final Eliminations. From Atlanta. (Same-day Tape) 1380987 Father Groeschel Father Corapi and Divine Mercy Preview 50 98 (EWTN) 5312364 Catechism 5225884 Show 5318548


2008 World Series of 2008 World Series of Poker 9840703 Poker 3037426 Solemn Mass and Celebration of Divine Mercy 7658109





APR. 19 8:00



CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED (6:00) “Another Cin37 40 (FAM) derella Story” (2008) Å 186616 FOX Report 4235109 47 59 (FNC)

“My Fake Fiancé” (2009) Melissa Joan Hart. “My Fake Fiancé” (2009) Melissa Joan Hart. A Premiere. A man and a woman fake an enman and a woman fake an engagement for figagement for financial gain. 181161 nancial gain. Å 469451 Huckabee 4211529 Special Programming Geraldo at Large Å Huckabee 5803600 4227180 4224093 Challenge Wedding Challenge Four pastry Iron Chef America Chopped 3617513 Bobby Bobby chefs compete. (N) “Symon vs. Bloomfield” Flay Flay 39 49 (FOOD) cake. 3618242 3790890 3614426 5095906 7216635 ››‡ “The Transporter 2” (2005) Jason ›› “Snakes on a Plane” (2006, Horror) Rescue Me “French” 24 34 (FX) Statham, Amber Valletta. A former soldier tries Samuel L. Jackson. An FBI agent contends with 6598819 to save a kidnapped boy. 6592635 a swarm of deadly serpents. 9909513 “Before You Say I Do” (2009) Jennifer West- “A Kiss at Midnight” (2008) Faith Ford, “For the Love of Cameron Daddo. A professional matchmaker Grace” (2008) Mark 170 137 (HALL) feldt. A time-traveler tries to change his girlfriend’s view on marriage. Å 4860161 falls for a widower. Å 5921987 Consuelos. 8273890 Curb Ap- House HGTV Green Home House House My First Property Renova- The Hunters 2009 (N) 3705722 Hunters Hunters Place (N) Virgins tion Stagers 54 48 (HGTV) peal 8255093 1780074 5098093 3494616 1255890 1271838 5000838 7221567 To Be Announced Next Nostradamus A professor uses computer Ax Men “Lost in the Warriors “Samurai technology to predict events. Å 9902600 Fog” Å 9094635 Showdown” Å 59 46 (HIST) 9095364 6590277 “The Tenth Circle” (2008) Kelly Preston, Ron ››‡ “Prayers for Bobby” (2009) Sigourney Grey’s Anatomy “Life During Wartime” Å 41 39 (LIFE) Eldard. A family becomes the focus of a murder Weaver. A devout and grieving woman be628277 investigation. Å 622093 comes an advocate for gay rights. 193906 Death in the Hamp- The Mind of Manson MSNBC Investigates “Robert Blecker” Gladiator Days 45 26 (MSNBC) tons? 4135155 4217703 4237567 4134426 5989074 Real World-Road Nitro Cir Fantasy Fantasy Beatdown Nitro Cir Nitro Cir Fantasy Beatdown 52 56 (MTV) Rules 109567 398364 204971 370513 565109 824364 737884 455258 984345 (6:00) Walk Off Sox Outdoors Outdoors UFC Wired (N) 26703 SportsDsk Red Sox SportsDsk Red Sox 32 28 (NESN) 45838 46426 21161 77548 80068 16838 21345 iCarly Å True Jack- H2O Å Zoey 101 News Spe- Home Im- George George Family Family Å 318513 cial 402906 son prove. Lopez Lopez Matters Matters 44 41 (NICK) 493258 472123 484155 378635 557600 646548 489600 704161 (6:00) ››‡ “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” “Knights of Bloodsteel” (2009) David James “Knights of BloodElliott. Ordinary citizens try to save their king- steel” (2009) (Part 1 of 55 52 (SCIFI) (1997, Adventure) Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore. Å 5569819 dom from a warlord. Å 4229548 2) 3140451 SPEED Report (N) NASCAR Victory Wind Tunnel-Despain Pinks -- All Out Bullrun 6865703 141 271 (SPEED) 5312364 5318548 5311635 Lane (N) 5225884 UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed ›› “Zombie Strippers” (2008, Comedy) 642703 662567 Robert Englund. A secret virus turns a stripper 27 53 (SPIKE) 560155 into the undead star attraction. 931109 (5:30) ››‡ “The Holi- ››‡ “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) (:45) ››‡ “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Sandra “Take the 12 16 (TBS) day” (2006) Cameron Sandra Bullock, Hugh Grant, Alicia Bullock. A millionaire confronts his feelings for Lead” 7762161 Diaz. 118722 Witt. Å 2796797 his lawyer. Å 2477600 (5:30) ››› “The Nat- ›››‡ “A Shot in the Dark” (1964) Peter Sell- ›››› “I’m All Right, Jack” (1960) Ian 162 169 (TCM) ural” (1984) Robert ers. Inspector Clouseau tries to clear a cham- Carmichael. A man suffering delusions works in Redford. 7447180 bermaid of murder. ‘PG’ 9008838 his uncle’s factory. ‘NR’ 3795529 Jon & Kate Plus 8 Jon & Jon & Jon & Kate Plus 8 Go Cake Say Yes- Jon & Jon & Dress Kate Plus Kate Plus 36 50 (TLC) “For Better or Worse” Kate Plus Kate Plus Green! (N) Å 657635 Boss 651451 817172 512780 8 563722 8 559529 8 834242 8 168451 (5:30) NBA Basketball NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å NBA Basketball First Round -Teams TBA. (Live) Å 935857 25 35 (TNT) First Round -- Teams 785154 TBA. 372548 “Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Johnny T Star Wars Ben 10 King-Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken 58 43 (TOON) Sword” (2009) 2379635 4390258 5803451 9177068 6698267 9642187 5719068 8468345 Top Ten Wonders of The Colorado: River Earth’s Natural Won- Earth’s Natural Won- Top Ten Natural Won69 51 (TRAV) the West 9181722 of Wonders 9094242 ders Å 9187906 ders Å 9180093 ders 7134074 Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Most Shocking “Wild Forensic Forensic 62 182 (TRUTV) 4812345 8206529 4821093 4737600 7836451 3260839 Encounters” 9855635 7742068 6944600 House “Cane & Able” House “Living the Law & Order: Crimi- In Plain Sight “Gilted Law & Order: Special nal Intent “Playing Lily” (Season Premiere) Victims Unit “Bag34 36 (USA) Possible alien abduc- Dream” Å 755155 tion. 842635 Dead” Å 848819 (N) 841906 gage” 799677 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA. (Live) Hockey NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams 139 37 (VS) 4842600 7119600 TBA. (Live) 5790161 SportsLife SportsMo CenterStage Å 22971 Yankeeography Å Girardi Girardi MLB Baseball 914426 30 32 (YES) NYC 47635 57722 60242 15635 PREMIUM CHANNELS (6:00) “Grey Gardens” The No. 1 Ladies’ De- In Treat- (:25) In The No. 1 Ladies’ De- Brave Pacquiao tective Agency (N) Å ment (N) Treatment tective Agency Å Voices 24/7 200 5 (HBO) (2009) Drew Barry671109 7073180 40691838 654432 927890 325141 more. 663180 (6:05) ›››‡ “Forrest Gump” ›‡ “Jumper” (2008, Science Fic- ›› “The Heartbreak Kid” (2007) Ben Stiller. A tion) Hayden Christensen. ‘PG-13’ man meets his true soulmate after marrying a 220 320 (MAX) (1994) Tom Hanks. ‘PG-13’ Å 96549161 Å 449600 beautiful shrew. ‘R’ Å 378155 (6:55) ››› “Mission: Impossible 2” (2000) The Tudors (iTV) (N) Tracey Ull- Tracey Ull- The Tudors (iTV) Å 294267 man man 240 340 (SHOW) Tom Cruise. Ethan Hunt must retrieve a deadly Å 855109 273616 282364 virus from enemy hands. 92209695

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009



12:00 12:30


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

APR. 19



NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Ent. Tonight 1501643 Paid Minute 24733575 2 ^ CBS CSI: NY CSI: Miami 6128858 Insider CSI: NY (:35) Cold Case Å (:35) Without a Trace Edition (:05) CBS Up to the Minute (N) 2 3 # CBS 3933093 2728092 Å 6623846 6369310 41597643 Extra Å 300488 Hollywood 109846 Sports Reel Talk - 12 $ NBC 1st Look Monk Å 81943 70s Show Fearless Cops Cops Paid Paid Inside - 15 % FOX TMZ (N) Å 46204 Paid ABC Wld News 59480310 7 7 ( ABC (12:05) Lost 8981662 Latin Lif Hispanics Paid Sex & Jim 19285 Honeymnr › “Sphere” (1998) Dustin Hoffman. Å 967117 23 - + CW Sex & Frasier Friends American Idol Rewind ››‡ “Dangerous Beauty” (1998) Catherine Court 11 11 4 CW 70204 39469 Å 716865 429827 McCormack, Rufus Sewell. 931827 (11:00) Members’ Choice 799548 Members’ Choice 176827 5 14 8 PBS






News News 46778 Early Tdy TMZ Morning News Paid 621198

Feed Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Knife Show 725117 10 10 : ION 609240 398223 800643 541488 607643 626778 (12:15) Extra (N) Å Paid Paid (:15) Dateline NBC Å (:13) Meet the Press 4 4 > NBC 2002778 1461117 7061469 4474556 Å 29137440 Nature 30391 Masterpiece Classic 849952 Green 835759 17 - Y PBS Fifties (12:05) Da Vinci’s In- ReGenesis Phantom- Automo- Travel in Media Paid 9 9 [ MNT quest 51900466 1545643 6055204 limb pain. 7973391 tivevisn Style Two Men Seinfeld Seinfeld Paid Paid Cribs Cribs Roseanne 6 6 ≠ FOX 123488 482643 626285 358372 438117 440952 646049 431204

Weather Early Tdy 91444440 449556 Appalachia 557469 Paid Paid 6043469 1546372 Roseanne News 429469 647778

CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami 484681 Sopranos 544169 Sopranos 767827 Paid Paid 42 45 (A&E) CSI: Miami 303556 Mad Men Don buys a Breaking Bad “Negro ››‡ “Airport 1975” (1974, Suspense) Charlton Heston, “Airport 38 51 (AMC) new car. 778846 Y Azul” 848865 Karen Black, George Kennedy. Å 897827 ’77” Å Wild Kng 8238952 Weird, True 5232681 Lost Tapes 7810594 60 44 (ANIM) Lost Tapes 4847204 Monsters 7272469 48 58 (BET) (11:00) BET’s Weekend Inspiration 2407432 Law CI 806469 Housewives 105109 Matchmaker 114391 Paid Millions 63 - (BRAV) Law CI 146056 Paid Paid Big Idea Net Worth Exchange 265681 46 60 (CNBC) Inside American Airlines 716730 Newsroom 746925 Addiction 604223 Larry King 338339 D.L. Hughley 513579 33 77 (CNN) Larry King 219204 Futurama Futurama Futurama S. Park Mandoon RENO Chappelle Paid Paid 40 54 (COM) RENO Heart. Poker 176865 Paid P90X Paid Paid Paid Paid 51 - (CSN) Sport Sci 664310 Cory Replace Kim Emperor Dragon Proud Whiskers Barbarian Mermaid 43 42 (DIS) Life De Paid Paid Paid 26 47 (DSC) MythBusters 318488 MythBusters 466285 MythBusters 649353 Paid True Story 703933 True H’wood 929285 Chelsea The Soup Paid Paid 49 55 (E!) Keep Up Candy NBA Basketball: First Round 693169 ESPNews SportsCtr. 28 29 (ESPN) SportsCtr. SportsCenter Å 357778 Poker 8642440 Baseball 5849049 MLB Baseball: Cardinals at Cubs 4801339 29 30 (ESPN2) Poker 9748001 Divine 4513556 Groeschel 4037020 Faustina Life Web Faith 7410136 50 98 (EWTN) Solemn Jesus Zola Lev Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 37 40 (FAM) J. Osteen Feed Geraldo 3693643 Special 8460020 War Stories 2166074 Bulls Business 47 59 (FNC) Red Eye 3406827 Chopped 7292223 Flay Flay Challenge 5236407 Paid Paid 39 49 (FOOD) Iron Chef 4834730 Paid Paid Money Paid mag Paid 24 34 (FX) ››‡ “The Transporter 2” 4587020 Murder 5037049 Paid mag Comfort Paid 170 137 (HALL) “For Love” 8273890 Murder 3047117 House House First Property Renovatn Stagers Paid Paid 54 48 (HGTV) Green 4849662 Ax Men 6284952 Warriors 5311718 Houses Paid 59 46 (HIST) Next Nostradamus Å 4596778 Frasier Ab Se Paid Paid Paid Paid Thinner 41 39 (LIFE) Army Wives 846372 Frasier Meet Press 8473594 Manson 7357040 Investigates 5670556 45 26 (MSNBC) Investigates 3402001 “Robert Blecker” G’s to Gents 752020 Fantasy True Life Raiders 52 56 (MTV) Nitro Cir Nitro Cir College Challenge 953662 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 32 28 (NESN) MLB Baseball: Orioles at Red Sox 293204 Cosby Fam. Mat. Fam. Mat. Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. 44 41 (NICK) Home Im Home Im Cosby Twilight Twilight Outer Limits 8475952 ›› “The Day the World Ended” 5389440 55 52 (SCIFI) “Knights” 3140451 Drag Super SPEED 4037020 Car Car Crazy NASCAR 7410136 141 271 (SPEED) Bullrun 1722117 Ult. Fighter 273117 ››‡ “The Fog” (1980, Horror) 717533 Paid Paid 27 53 (SPIKE) Warrior 477846 (11:45) ›› “Take the Lead” (:45) ››‡ “The Out-of-Towners” (1999) Steve Drivers Harvey Harvey 12 16 (TBS) (2006) Rob Brown Å 7762161 74332681 748391 955594 Martin, Goldie Hawn. Å 7874865 ›››› “City Lights” (1931) Char- Sunny “Münchhausen” (1943, Adventure) Hans Al- ›››‡ “The More the 162 169 (TCM) lie Chaplin. ‘G’ 4103759 5517827 bers. (Subtitled-English) ‘NR’ 4112407 Merrier” 1185020 Cake Yes Jon & Kate 491827 Paid Paid Paid Paid 36 50 (TLC) Jon & Kate 462914 Insde NBA 266827 ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Å 253049 “Ultravio 25 35 (TNT) Basketball 935857 King-Hill King-Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Superjail Awesome 58 43 (TOON) Superjail Awesome Mighty Wonders 6963372 Wonders 4376914 Paid Paid Paid Paid 69 51 (TRAV) Colorado 9304049 Forensic Forensic Paid Comfort 62 182 (TRUTV) Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Murder 5847681 In Plain Sight 441353 ›› “Dragonfly” (2002) Å 249285 Law CI 218907 34 36 (USA) Law CI 204372 PBR Bull Paid Houses Big Fish Fishing 139 37 (VS) Hockey Bull Riding PBR. 6997339 Girardi Paid Detox Paid Paid Paid Paid 30 32 (YES) MLB Baseball 914426 PREMIUM CHANNELS Real Time 411575 ››› “Talk to Me” (2007) ‘R’ Å 140575 200 5 (HBO) ››‡ “Leatherheads” (2008) 772662 Coed Coed ››‡ “The Black Dahlia” ‘R’ 71087001 (:35) “Zoot Suit” ‘R’ 25572914 220 320 (MAX) Coed Body Still Sin ››› “Amy’s Orgasm” 311662 “I’ll Always Knw.” 7136594 “Mission 240 340 (SHOW) Ullman






APR. 20

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30



NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Guiding Light 55730 Price Is Right 75594 News Y & R 464285 Bold 2 ^ CBS The Doctors 47310 Dr. Phil Å 41136 Better Connecticut Å The Price Is Right (N) News (N) The Young and the Bold 2 3 # CBS 59556 Å 62020 60575 Restless (N) 491339 98846 Martha 60662 Style Jury Holly Days of Lives 85372 - 12 $ NBC (7:00) Today (N) Å 887466 News (N) Inside TMZ Hatchett Divorce Divorce - 15 % FOX Mike & Juliet 67198 Tyra Banks 60466 Rachael Ray 91556 The View (N) 60420 News (N) Style My Children 29730 7 7 ( ABC Regis 83136 Maury Å 37372 Jerry Springer 57136 Steve Wilkos 88020 Karen Karen 23 - + CW Maury Å 29952 Degrassi Court Eucharist Fresh Pr. Judge Mathis (N) Å Karen Karen Judge A. Judge A. 11 11 4 CW 70317 11952 36285 81223 34339 18391 30001 82440 39372 Super Clifford Sesame Street Å Barney Word Big World Caillou Mr Rogers Lions 5 14 8 PBS 49285 70643 (DVS) 41730 86117 87846 69049 81759 65310 73730 Paid 98575 Paid 29933 Paid 73865 Paid 94759 Paid 35407 Paid 36136 Paid 18339 Paid 30049 Paid 81372 Paid 22020 10 10 : ION

(7:00) Today (N) Å 563310


4 > NBC


Clifford - Y PBS Super MerMedia Meyer 9 [ MNT 7759339 7331204 Maury Å 136952 6 ≠ FOX

9 6

Sesame St. 85556 Believers Media 4369204 7748223 The Doctors (N) Å 774136

News (N) Å 21914

The Bonnie Hunt Show (N) 53914 Dragon Word Super Sid 18285 Morning Show-Mike & One Half 7739575 7335020 Juliet 6647778 The Martha Stewart Feud Feud 952827 681827 Show (N) 754372

Days of our Lives (N) Å 62662 Big World Barney Young Young 6641594 7334391 Be a Mil- Be a Millionaire lionaire

CABLE CHANNELS Justice 873730 Cold Case 893594 Cold Case 716846 CSI: Miami 725594 42 45 (A&E) Sopranos 965310 (:15) ››› “The Undefeated” (1969, Western) John (:45) ››‡ “Hellfighters” (1968, Adventure) John Wayne, 38 51 (AMC) Wayne, Rock Hudson, Tony Aguilar. Å 35812448 Katharine Ross, Jim Hutton. Å 46902827 Me or Underdog 8005556 Witness Witness Cops 3388001 Cops 3304049 60 44 (ANIM) Me or One One Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Game Game ››‡ “Beauty Shop” 48 58 (BET) 314643 394371 790049 310827 251575 252204 334407 299907 (2005) 771914 West Wing 888778 Housewives 868914 Top Design 707204 Shear Genius 716952 63 - (BRAV) West Wing 954310 The Call 18440 Power Lunch Å 91285 46 60 (CNBC) Squawk on the Street 98198 Newsroom (N) 588846 Newsroom 791662 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom (N) 797846 Colbert MADtv 6491952 Jimmy Dore 8456484 Remix Presents 40 54 (COM) “Mighty W” 5755594 Daily Paid Paid Paid P90X Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 51 - (CSN) Paid Movers Tigger “Little” 280933 Einsteins ›› “Life-Size” (2000) 2733952 Phineas 43 42 (DIS) Handy Made Cash Cab Cash Cab Overhaulin’ 875198 Wrecks 721778 Crab Fishing 707198 26 47 (DSC) Made E! News 688730 Serial Killers 990484 49 55 (E!) Keep Up Keep Up 20 Acts of Love Gone Wrong 685643 28 29 (ESPN) SportsCenter 695914 SportsCenter 251594 SportsCenter 231730 SportsCenter 187310 SportsCenter 163730 ESPN First Take (Live) Å 2319943 ESPN First Take Å 6920020 29 30 (ESPN2) Mike Mike 4977372 50 98 (EWTN) Groeschel 7702049 World Over 6768846 Catholic Holy Rsry Daily Mass 9161407 Fr Corapi 9147827 The 700 Club 125858 Gilmore Girls 220402 Full Hse. Full Hse. Sister Sister 37 40 (FAM) Step-Step Living Happening Now (N) 7618488 Live Desk 1084778 47 59 (FNC) America’s Newsroom (N) 1073662 Cook Loft Emeril Live 8025310 Entertain Quick Fix Paula Giada Minute Contessa 39 49 (FOOD) Paid Spin City Spin City Spin City Spin City 24 34 (FX) “Mortal K.” 5728440 ›› “No Good Deed” (2002) 5206961 Golden Lucy Lucy Angel 4772952 Angel 4403310 7th Heaven 4489730 170 137 (HALL) Golden 24 Hour reDesign Decorat Save House Curb To Sell To Sell 54 48 (HGTV) Mission Big Re Alaska 6486020 Ax Men 6473556 Ax Men 6751056 Ax Men 4751876 59 46 (HIST) Alaska 1652681 Reba Frasier Frasier Will Will Housewives 990846 Housewives 909594 41 39 (LIFE) Reba News 5882117 News 5895681 News 6924952 News 6900372 45 26 (MSNBC) Morn Joe 4568876 Making-Band 420240 Challenge 426644 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 52 56 (MTV) Taking 118440 Red Sox Red Sox Pre. 15778 MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox. (Live) 479391 32 28 (NESN) Paid Go Diego Backyard Pets Ni Hao Olivia Dora Backyard Ni Hao Max Ruby 44 41 (NICK) Dora Storm of the Century Å 6923223 Storm of the Century Å 1081681 55 52 (SCIFI) “Bullet” 1068730 Pinks All 6768846 Paid Paid Inside GP Formula One Racing 2364049 141 271 (SPEED) Tunnel 7702049 Mysteries 158914 Mysteries 167662 27 53 (SPIKE) Married... Married... Married... Married... Mysteries 233204 Home Im Home Im Home Im Home Im 12 16 (TBS) Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. ››‡ “A Lot Like Love” (2005) 340827 “For (:45) ››‡ “Feet First” (1930, Comedy) Harold ›› “Movie Crazy” (1932) Harold (:15) “The Cat’s Paw” 162 169 (TCM) Heav.” Lloyd. ‘NR’ 29420136 Lloyd. ‘NR’ 4927681 ‘NR’ 34301372 Baby Jon Kate Jon Kate What Not 228372 What Not 176310 Baby Baby 36 50 (TLC) Baby ER Å 246778 Las Vegas 226914 Las Vegas 174952 Without 150372 25 35 (TNT) Charmed 381440 George Tom & Jerry 9176339 Courage Lazlo 58 43 (TOON) Scooby Scooby “Pokémon-First” 2252914 Thrill 7037117 Thrill 7040681 Europe Europe A. Bourdain 7192933 69 51 (TRAV) Thrill 8159198 Jami Floyd: Best Defense 9392952 Courtside 6936681 62 182 (TRUTV) Lisa Bloom: Open Court 6932865 JAG Å 415730 ›› “Dragonfly” (2002) Å 573914 Law CI 350204 34 36 (USA) JAG Å 507310 Big Fish Tred Ameri Fishing Outdoor Paid Tail Walk Outdoors Boater 139 37 (VS) Paid Girardi GameTime 39310 Francesa 455488 30 32 (YES) MLB Baseball: Indians at Yankees 888117 PREMIUM CHANNELS Beat ››› “Recount” (2008) Å 426399 “Juras 200 5 (HBO) ››› “The Perfect Storm” Å 53919285 ›‡ “Jumper” (2008) 885136 ›› “3000 Miles to Graceland” 48801827 “Juno” 85497759 220 320 (MAX) “Sa (:15) “Blue Demon” (2004) Å 89422001 “Funny Money” (2006) 4683223 “Arach 240 340 (SHOW) “Happily” 2877778

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009






CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

APR. 20 3:30







NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Dr. Phil Å 4556 Judy 440 Judy 952 News at 5PM 5989 CBS CBS 2 ^ CBS World Trn 46594 As the World Turns Guiding Light (N) Å Oprah Winfrey Å News (N) News (N) News (N) Evening 2 3 # CBS (N) Å 33020 4310 3907 8778 Å 730 Å 643 News 223 Deal No Deal No 4 NY News at 5 5827 News 285 NBC - 12 $ NBC Bonnie Hunt 31662 Ellen Show 2952 Judge People Ct 33469 Fox 5 News 7827 News (N) TMZ 2865 - 15 % FOX Judge A. Judge A. Judge Gen. Hospital 30372 Judge J. Judge J. News (N) News (N) News (N) ABC 7 7 ( ABC Life to Live 75020 Jamie F. Wayans My Wife Lopez Fam. Guy Friends 23 - + CW Judge Mathis 28136 Judge Pirro 83488 Divorce Divorce Judge Jeanine Pirro Jamie F. Wayans The Tyra Banks Show Friends Friends 11 11 4 CW Ct. 71662 Ct. 11778 Å 47204 95730 91914 Å 81049 12407 78989 Reading Martha Sid 96317 CyberArthur (N) Maya Fetch Clifford World Worldfo5 14 8 PBS 15020 55136 46488 35372 46812 59952 chase News cus Paid 64310 Paid 71198 Paid 50117 Paid 76643 Paid 95778 Paid 84662 Drew Drew M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 10 10 : ION 55662 75914 72827 96407 The People’s Court The Ellen DeGeneres Deal No Deal No News (N) News (N) News (N) NBC News 4 4 > NBC (N) Å 18952 38020 34204 98914 25556 22469 Show (N) 74310 Clifford Curious Martha Arthur (N) WordGirl Fetch Cyber BBC New 17 - Y PBS Caillou Hatchett Hatchett Judge Judge Law & Order: Crimi- Trivial Jim King Scrubs 9 9 [ MNT 9415198 3260407 9427933 3265952 nal Intent 8203440 9439778 3264223 3261136 3252488 Jerry Springer Å The Steve Wilkos Maury Å 802223 Simpsons Simpsons Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 6 6 ≠ FOX 695812 722488 459020 456933 447285 Show (N) 890488 CABLE CHANNELS Sopranos 920952 Justice 916759 Cold Case 857407 Cold Case 705730 42 45 (A&E) Crossing 164594 “Hellfight- ›››‡ “Mystic River” (2003) Sean Penn, Tim Robbins. A detective ›››‡ “October Sky” (1999) Jake 38 51 (AMC) ers” Å probes the murder of his friend’s daughter. Å 243865 Gyllenhaal. Å 652556 Extreme 8156778 Killing 3384285 60 44 (ANIM) Orangu Orangu Meerkat Meerkat Grow Up 5994223 (1:00) “Beauty Shop” One One SmartGuy SmartGuy Game Game 106 & Park: BET’s Top 48 58 (BET) (2005) Å 771914 176285 809001 828136 817020 171730 808372 10 Live 584575 Runway 627594 Runway 606001 Runway 547759 Housewives 703488 63 - (BRAV) Runway 139914 Closing Bell 78136 Closing Bell 57643 Fast Money 65925 Mad Money 79952 46 60 (CNBC) Street Signs 12778 Newsroom 568136 The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) 163407 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom 791662 Colbert Scrubs Scrubs Presents “Cheech & Chong-Brothers” 2475136 RENO 40 54 (COM) Daily Paid Top 50 258488 Bid Wars DragRace World Poker 185933 Knock Sports 51 - (CSN) Paid Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards 43 42 (DIS) Sonny Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab 26 47 (DSC) The FBI Files 146198 A Haunting 902556 Deadliest 914391 Cash & Burn 729391 Silvstedt The Soup 49 55 (E!) Serial Killers 990484 THS Investigates Cults, Religion 364933 SportsCenter Special 962198 NFL Live Burning Horn Interrupt SportsCenter 183594 28 29 (ESPN) Lines 1st and Cheerlead 9637662 Lines NASCAR 4700556 Horn Interrupt 29 30 (ESPN2) Best of 6918285 Rosary Treasure God Knights Glorious One Faustina 50 98 (EWTN) Religious Footprints Mercy What I Gilmore Girls 727827 My Wife My Wife 37 40 (FAM) Sabrina Sabrina Full Hse. Full Hse. What I Studio B 8158643 Your World 8177778 Glenn Beck 9658933 Bret Baier 6917662 47 59 (FNC) Live Desk 1084778 Grill It Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Giada Contessa Home Paula Minute 39 49 (FOOD) Lee Bernie Malcolm Malcolm Bernie Bernie 70s Show 70s Show “Snakes” 9972469 24 34 (FX) Bernie Golden 170 137 (HALL) 7th Heaven 6595759 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Golden Dime Challenge Color Deserving Kitchen Divine Get Sold To Sell Amazing 54 48 (HGTV) Dime Alaska 3690020 Alaska 3686827 Ax Men 5420117 Ax Men 4856420 59 46 (HIST) Alaska 5731914 Wife Swap 899643 Wife Swap 723001 Still Stnd Still Stnd 41 39 (LIFE) “Music for My Mother” (2006) Å 523198 News 8161117 News 8173952 Hardball 9661407 Ed Show 6920136 45 26 (MSNBC) News 1077488 Raiders Made 981198 52 56 (MTV) Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Teen Sox Classics 98339 Red Sox Red Sox 32 28 (NESN) Innings Red Sox History of the Boston Bruins (N) 379223 Drake 44 41 (NICK) Sponge OddPar Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Drake Lost Å 8175310 Enterprise 9663865 Stargate 6922594 55 52 (SCIFI) Storm of the Century Å 4192440 Drag Racing 4283914 Whips 9150391 141 271 (SPEED) F1 Racing 2364049 Car Crazy Truck U Chop Cut Edge CSI: NY 360662 CSI: NY 356469 CSI: NY 905759 CSI: NY 154198 27 53 (SPIKE) Mysteries 506662 Just Yes, Dear Yes, Dear King King Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends 12 16 (TBS) Just (1:15) “The Cat’s ››› “The Milky Way” (1936) ››› “Harold Lloyd’s World of “Harold Lloyd” 162 169 (TCM) Paw” ‘NR’ 34301372 Harold Lloyd. ‘NR’ 5531407 10420594 Comedy” (1962) 4735285 Runway Diagnosis 355730 Little Little Jon & Kate 8 990827 What Not 172594 36 50 (TLC) Baby Charmed 998469 Bones Å 170136 25 35 (TNT) Law & Order 599372 Law & Order 353372 Charmed 372407 Ben 10 Chowder Chowder Batman Johnny T Ben 10 Ben 10 Chowder Chowder 58 43 (TOON) Lazlo Smithsonian 7091372 Dhani 7010407 A. Bourdain 9041001 A. Bourdain 7189469 69 51 (TRAV) Bizarre 1264730 Arrest Arrest Pursuit Pursuit Pursuit Pursuit Street Pat Street Pat 62 182 (TRUTV) Courtside 6936681 Law SVU 553204 Law SVU 572339 NCIS Å 198391 NCIS Å 330440 34 36 (USA) Law CI 706594 Fishing Strong Racing 7012865 IndyCar Racing 2927223 139 37 (VS) Bill Dance Paid Batting Pregame 30 32 (YES) (1:00) Mike Francesa Discussion of top sports stories; interviews. (Live) Å 455488 PREMIUM CHANNELS “Mr. Bean’s Holiday” 967643 ››‡ “27 Dresses” 349759 200 5 (HBO) (1:30) “Jurassic Park” 87509759 State “Shadow-Vmpire” 29715778 › “Epic Movie” (2007) 489440 “Meet Spar” 157339 220 320 (MAX) “Juno” 85497759 ›› “Scorched” Å 6234469 240 340 (SHOW) (1:45) “Arachnophobia” 6696420 (:45) ››‡ “The Groomsmen” 30431914






APR. 20 8:00



CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS The Insid- Entertain- Big Bang How I Met Two/Half Engage- CSI: Miami “Raging News at Late Show 9643 72651914 ment Theory Men ment Cannibal” Å 7372 11PM 2 ^ CBS er (N) 1488 1962372 82285 4200117 Tonight 681 9376 Inside Edi- Entertain- Big Bang How I Met Two/Half Engage- CSI: Miami “Raging News (N) Late Show 3469 Å 4297643 72648440 Theory Men ment Cannibal” Å 1198 2 3 # CBS tion 8914 ment 1966198 19339 Tonight 407 7662 Extra (N) Access Chuck “Chuck Versus Heroes “I Am Sylar” Medium “The Devil In- News (N) Tonight (N) Å 2681 side” (N) (Part 1 of 2) Å 4295285 Show - 12 $ NBC Å 6556 Hollywood the Colonel” (N) Å 9117 579 Å 2440 72679310 The Simp- Seinfeld Bones “The Double 24 Jack’s pain contin- Fox 5 News at 10 Seinfeld The Simpues to get worse. (N) Anastos, Alexander. (N) Å 34198 sons - 15 % FOX sons 8556 Å 8049 Death of the Dearly Å 54440 87865 Departed” (N) 71117 (PA) Å 84681 Jeopardy! Wheel of Dancing With the Stars The Surviving (:02) Castle “Home Is News (N) (:35) Å 7846488 Nightline Fortune celebrities perform. (Live) Å Suburbia Where the Heart 7 7 ( ABC (N) Å 4594 88210310 (N) 1759 1808440 (N) 51339 Stops” (N) 87778 Two and a Family Gossip Girl “Seder One Tree Hill “I Would PIX News at Ten Tong. Two/Half Friends Men 96952 Å 16391 23 - + CW Half Men Guy 8827 Anything” (N) Å 41353 for You” (N) Å 20407 (N) Å 23594 1662 EveryEveryGossip Girl “Seder One Tree Hill “I Would News (N) Å 87310 Sex and Frasier Å the City 87407 11 11 4 CW Raymond Raymond Anything” (N) Å 71759 for You” (N) Å 84223 82778 92643 27440 The NewsHour With Antiques Roadshow American Experience (N) Å Schemitzun! 346020 On the 5 14 8 PBS Jim Lehrer (N) 83399 (N) Å 15117 (DVS) 90310 Record Family Family ER “Tell Me No SeNCIS “Under Covers” NCIS “Frame-Up” Å Time Life Paid ProÅ 44643 47730 Feud crets” Å 64407 Music gram 10 10 : ION Feud 42198 85391 27488 79049 Extra (N) Access Chuck “Chuck Versus Heroes “I Am Sylar” Medium “The Devil In- News (N) Tonight (N) Å 88001 side” (N) (Part 1 of 2) Å 2816575 Show 4 4 > NBC Å 18778 H’wood the Colonel” (N) Å 35933 47515 Å 98488 64872372 NewsMaking It Antiques Roadshow American Experience “We Shall American Experience “We Shall Here 4407 “Grand Rapids” (N) Å Remain: Tecumseh’s Vision” (N) Å Remain: Tecumseh’s Vision” Å 17 - Y PBS Lehrer 42643 686285 (DVS) 34136 (DVS) 84914 Judge Judge Masters of Illusion Magic’s Biggest Se- Channel 8 (:35) TMZ (:05) House of Å 5540285 Scrubs Judy The illusions of Nathan crets Finally Revealed Non Payne 9 9 [ MNT Judy 9419914 3241372 Burton. 6847285 8476223 1211827 1490117 (N) 6867049 Two/Half Two/Half Bones “The Double 24 Jack’s pain contin- News (N) Å 514556 News at Seinfeld Men Death of the Dearly ues to get worse. (N) 11 803952 Å 645317 6 6 ≠ FOX Men 735952 443469 Å 511469 Departed” 524933 CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami “Three42 45 (A&E) Way” Å 638469 (5:30) ›››‡ “October 38 51 (AMC) Sky” (1999) Å 652556

Intervention “Ed and Intervention “Nik and Bettina” 647117 Tiffany” 650681 ›››› “Driving Miss Daisy” (1989) Morgan Freeman. Atlanta widow and chauffeur reflect changes from 1948 to 1973. 4891759 Awesome Pawsome Escape to Chimp Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye Å 3687372 Eden 3607136 60 44 (ANIM) Å 3698488 48 58 (BET) 63



46 60 (CNBC) 33 77 (CNN) 40 54 (COM) 51


43 42


26 47 (DSC) 49 55


28 29 (ESPN)

Paranorml Paranorml Paranorml Paranorml 274038 274858 917488 169049 (:15) ››› “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” (1963, Comedy) Spencer Tracy, Edie Adams, Milton Berle. 12528372 Animal Cops Battle to Escape to Chimp save a newborn foal. Eden 8006285 (N) 3697759 106 Park ››‡ “ATL” (2006) Tip “T.I.” Harris, Lauren London. Four At- Harlem Harlem ››‡ “ATL” (2006) Å 584575 335136 311556 635594 lanta teens face challenges. Å 982914 ›››‡ “Three Kings” (1999, War) George Clooney, Mark ›››‡ “Three Kings” (1999, War) George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Ice Cube. Four American soldiers go off in Wahlberg, Ice Cube. Four American soldiers go off in search of Gulf War gold. Å 354117 search of Gulf War gold. Å 646431 Kudlow Report 86643 CNBC Reports 95391 Big Mac: Inside Mc- On the Money 85914 Mad Money 39933 Donald’s 82827 Lou Dobbs Tonight Å Campbell Brown: No Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å 567407 292681 Bias, No Bull 278001 298865 Scrubs Scrubs Daily Colbert Futurama S. Park S. Park RENO Daily Colbert 5416914 5723594 5425662 5411469 3600407 7006943 8451001 911! 3605952 5754865 Sports Tailgate Builder Stories Hooters Pageant Sports Sports Sports Pageant 186662 810117 195310 181117 986759 320204 339952 261952 720575 Wizards- Wizards- ›› “Max Keeble’s Big Move” Phineas Wizards- Hannah Zack & That’s So Place Place (2001, Comedy) Alex D. Linz, Larry and Ferb Place Montana Cody Raven 540846 290339 63895933 1294488 198484 616488 136827 Miller. Å 8178730 MythBusters “Air MythBusters “Alaska Belly of the Beast Doing Da Vinci A tow- MythBusters “Alaska Plane Hour” Landing Special 2” Northern ex- “Helicopters” Heliering three-story siege Special 2” Northern exan airplane. 636001 posure. 652049 copters. 632285 ladder. 635372 posure. 889391 E! News Daily 10 Keep Up Keep Up Celebrity Plastic Girls Girls Chelsea E! News 720020 461865 706440 725575 971952 957372 898020 816543 Surgery 539865 MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at New York Yankees. From Yankee Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (Live) Å 252223 Stadium in the Bronx, N.Y. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) Å 983223 (Live) Å 523876

Football NFL Live 29 30 (ESPN2) 4701285 8195469 Daily Mass: Our Lady 50 98 (EWTN) 5216136

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

SportsCenter Special NFL’s Greatest Game Å 7726020 NFL’s Greatest Game Å 9378372 (Live) 9754952 The Journey Home Reasons Rosary Abundant Life The World Over 5292556 5792391 9162136 5215407 6769575


mondaycritics’corner 8 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

The Big Bang Theory The holidays aren’t very merry for Leonard (Johnny Galecki) when a handsome colleague (guest star Michael Trucco, “Battlestar Galactica”) begins dating Penny (Kaley Cuoco), while Sheldon (Jim Parsons) drives everyone nuts trying to master the nuances of giftgiving etiquette. Simon Helberg co-stars in “The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis.” 8 p.m. on (AMC) Movie: Driving Miss Daisy The 1989 Oscar winner for best picture stars Jessica Tandy (Academy Award, best actress) and Morgan Freeman as a cranky Southern woman and her chauffeur. Although the two are worlds apart in the South of 1948, they come to understand and respect each other. Dan Aykroyd, Patti LuPone and Esther Rolle also star. Alfred Uhry also won an Oscar for adapting his Pulitzer Prize-winning play. 8:30 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

How I Met Your Mother Love and marriage go together like death and taxes in “Shelter Island.” After Ted (Josh Radnor) and Stella (guest star Sarah Chalke, “Scrubs”) make the spontaneous decision to get married in three days, the presence of the exes destroys what was to be the happiest day of their lives. Hey, it’s marriage. They’re going to forget all about happiness anyway. 9 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

Two and a Half Men Any optimist will tell you that a problem should be approached as an 24

Patrick Warburton

9:31 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB) Rules of Engagement Jeff (Patrick Warburton) invites Audrey (Megyn Price) to watch him play softball, hoping to show her that he’s not an old fogy after he falls asleep while watching a movie, but he winds up being undone by a sneeze. Orlando Jones (“MADtv”) guest stars in the new episode “Old Timer’s Day”; Oliver Hudson, Bianca Kajlich and David Spade also star. opportunity. Of course, it’s even better if your opportunity comes from someone else’s problem, so when Judith (Marin Hinkle) kicks Herb (Ryan Stiles) to the curb, Alan (Jon Cryer) comes knocking at her door. Charlie Sheen, Angus T. Jones and Conchata Ferrell also star in “It’s Always Nazi Week.” 9 p.m. on (WEDH) (WGBY)

American Experience In part two of “We Shall Remain,” Shawnee warrior Tecumseh (Michael Greyeyes) and his brother, the prophet Tenskwatawa (Billy Merasty), come closer than anyone to creating an Indian nation that could exist alongside and separate from the United States, but the dream of an independ-

ent Indian state dies, along with Tecumseh, at the Battle of the Thames. Benjamin Bratt narrates. 9 p.m. on (FAM) Roommates Painfully aware that Mark (Tyler Francavilla) hasn’t had much luck on the romantic front, Katie and Hope (Dorian Brown, Tamera Mowry) decide to set him up with Jenny, Katie’s friend from the law firm. A reluctant Mark agrees but soon fears that the date is a colossal flop. Tommy Dewey also stars in “The Set-Up.” 9:30 p.m. on (FAM) Sophie With a big charity gala coming up, Estelle and Bridget (Sara Botsford, Catherine Berube) urge Sophie (Natalie Brown) to seize this opportunity

to re-enter the dating world — and after she meets a hot doctor (Jefferson Brown) at the grocery store, Sophie’s fine with that. Meanwhile, Melissa (Amy Lalonde) tries to help Rick (Sebastian Spence) get over the loss of fatherhood in the new episode “Dr. Who?” 10 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

CSI: Miami It may be hard to comprehend a connection between torrid South Florida and frigid Siberia, but Horatio (David Caruso) and the team face the brutal power of the Russian mob after a savage double murder in the Everglades. Emily Procter, Adam Rodriguez, Jonathan Togo and Rex Linn co-star in “Raging Cannibal.”





APR. 20 8:00



CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED 70s Show 70s Show Greek (N) Å 531117 RoomSophie America’s Funniest 37 40 (FAM) 728556 478049 mates (N) 988001 Home Videos 514440 47 59 (FNC) FOX Report 4122681 O’Reilly 4108001 Hannity (N) 4128865 On Record 4121952 Challenge “Extreme Good Eats Food Unwrap Unwrap Diners Diners 39 49 (FOOD) Cakes” 3685914 8149488 5987933 3383556 1144730 1160778 (6:00) ›› “Snakes on ››› “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006) Meryl Streep. A recent college 24 34 (FX) a Plane” 9972469 graduate lands a job at a fashion magazine. 3397223 7th Heaven “I Love 7th Heaven “Who “Daniel’s Daughter” (2008, Drama) Laura 170 137 (HALL) You” Å 5839952 Knew?” 5815372 Leighton, Sebastian Spence. Å 5825759 Curb House Property Genevieve House My First House Bought 54 48 (HGTV) 8159865 1684846 8135285 5992865 Place 1159662 1168310 Ax Men “Lost in the Modern Marvels Å Battles BC Alexander Ax Men “One Weak 59 46 (HIST) Fog” Å 9999136 9975556 the Great. 9988020 Link” (N) 9998407 Mother Mother Will Will “Black Widower” (2006, Suspense) Kelly 41 39 (LIFE) 724730 474223 740778 729285 McGillis, David Lipper. Å 547778 45 26 (MSNBC) Hardball 4102827 Countdown 4111575 Maddow 4131339 Countdown 4101198 Making the Band 4 Taking the Stage Å College The Hills The Hills College 52 56 (MTV) 553339 539759 813223 986643 252198 261846 MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway SportsDsk Red Sox 32 28 (NESN) Park in Boston. 123827 26310 20830 Drake Drake Sponge Sponge Home Im Home Im Lopez Lopez 44 41 (NICK) 854310 588865 830730 859865 918117 720049 874092 874812 “Knights of Bloodsteel” (2009) (Part 1 of 2) “Knights of Bloodsteel” (2009) (Part 2 of 2) 55 52 (SCIFI) David James Elliott. Å 5889020 David James Elliott. Premiere. 4116020

The 700 Club Å 775317 O’Reilly 5870372 Good Eats Unwrap 7110407 “The Devil Wears Prada” 3388575 Murder, She Wrote Å 4760117 The Un- My First sellables Place Ancient Discoveries Å 6494049 Will Will 890372 334391 Maddow 5883846 The Hills College 885440 336759 SportsDsk Outdoors 34730 61469 Fam. Mat. Fam. Mat. 913662 165223 “Knights of Bloodsteel” Å 3044223

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Pimp My Pass Time This Week in SuperCars SuperCars Barrett-Jackson Car Crazy Pass Time 141 271 (SPEED) Ride (N) 5215407 5704136 NASCAR (N) 5292556 CSI: Crime Scene In- CSI: Crime Scene In- UFC 75: Champion vs. Champion 602952 27 53 (SPIKE) vestigation 992597 vestigation 992317 Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy My Name My Name Seinfeld Sex and 12 16 (TBS) 108778 818643 184198 196933 563681 344643 542198 Is Earl Is Earl the City “Harold Lloyd” ›‡ “Kelly the Sec(:15) ››› “Ruggles of Red Gap” (1935) ›››› “Top Hat” 162 169 (TCM) 10420594 ond” (1936) 1141372 Charles Laughton. Premiere. ‘NR’ 42721049 (1935) ‘NR’ 8265001 Little Little Little Little Table 12 Jon Kate Jon & Kate Plus 8 Go Little Little 36 50 (TLC) 991556 625001 900204 929339 370049 184339 375594 596285 Green! 597486 NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å 25 35 (TNT) 729407 454681 League Flapjack Johnny T Johnny T 6TEEN 6TEEN King-Hill King-Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 58 43 (TOON) 4299575 8748575 4208223 4287730 5707223 9137440 5947579 3947399 5779440 4737730 Cops Cops Bait Car Bait Car Repo Repo Repo Repo Forensic Forensic 62 182 (TRUTV) 4716117 8193001 4725865 4704372 7730223 6014551 2758049 2734469 7702440 6911372 Alaskan Wild Å Anthony Bourdain Dhani Tackles the Anthony Bourdain Dhani Tackles the 69 51 (TRAV) 9085594 9061914 9084865 Globe (N) 9081778 Globe 7038846 NCIS “Witness” Å NCIS “Caught on Tape” WWE Monday Night Raw (Live) Å 9028846 (:05) In Plain Sight 34 36 (USA) 294049 Å 270469 “Gilted Lily” 1853285 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA. (Live) Hockey NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams 139 37 (VS) 4819372 7186372 TBA. (Live) 5694933 MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at New York Yankees. From Yankee New York Yankees Girardi Baseball 30 32 (YES) Stadium in the Bronx, N.Y. (Live) Å 927943 14914 432827 Postgame 41556 PREMIUM CHANNELS (5:30) “27 Pacquiao Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment 200 5 (HBO) Dresses” 946865 205020 291827 7977952 78926407 “Meet the ››› “The Doors” (1991) Val Kilmer. Jim Morrison forms a 220 320 (MAX) Spartans” band and turns tragic 1960s rock star. 108310 (:15) “Autumn Hearts: A New Beginning” Ullman Weeds 240 340 (SHOW) (2007) Gabriel Byrne. ‘NR’ Å 18059914 545285 359575

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

Treatment Real Time With Bill No 1 63288407 Maher Å 821198 481469 ›‡ “Jumper” (2008) Hayden “CleavChristensen. ‘PG-13’ 136846 agefield” The Tudors (iTV) Å The Tudors (iTV) Å 293310 430049





APR. 21

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30



NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Guiding Light 77402 Price Is Right 97266 News Y & R 907995 Bold 2 ^ CBS The Doctors 50334 Dr. Phil Å 47860 Better Connecticut Å The Price Is Right (N) News (N) The Young and the Bold 2 3 # CBS 71228 Å 84792 99537 Restless (N) 994421 10518 Martha 82334 Style Jury Holly Days of Lives 55024 - 12 $ NBC (7:00) Today (N) Å 552518 News (N) Inside TMZ Hatchett Divorce Divorce - 15 % FOX Mike & Juliet 96150 Tyra Banks 37808 Rachael Ray 20518 The View (N) 33082 News (N) Style My Children 58792 7 7 ( ABC Regis 89860 Maury Å 66334 Jerry Springer 46570 Steve Wilkos 91044 Karen Karen 23 - + CW Maury Å 27044 Degrassi Court Eucharist Fresh Pr. Judge Mathis (N) Å Karen Karen Judge A. Judge A. 11 11 4 CW 27599 33624 65247 98745 49711 30063 69063 13592 68334 Super Clifford Sesame Street Å Barney Word Big World Caillou Mr Rogers Lions 5 14 8 PBS 78247 16995 (DVS) 63402 15179 16808 81711 10711 87082 19082 Christians Paid 49247 Paid 86889 Paid 34501 Paid 57179 Paid 58808 Paid 23711 Paid 43063 Paid 10334 Paid 42334 10 10 : ION & Jews (7:00) Today (N) Å 907614 News (N) Å 50976 The Bonnie Hunt Days of our Lives (N) 4 4 > NBC Å 77044 Show (N) 91624 Clifford Sesame St. 14518 Dragon Word Super Sid 47247 Big World Barney 17 - Y PBS Super Detox Meyer Believers MerMedia Morning Show-Mike & One Half Young Young 9 9 [ MNT 7719711 7308976 4336976 7715995 Juliet 6607150 7706247 7302792 6618266 7301063 Maury Å 653624 The Doctors (N) Å The Martha Stewart Feud Feud Be a Mil- Be a Mil6 6 ≠ FOX 291808 486889 108599 Show (N) 271044 lionaire lionaire CABLE CHANNELS Justice 307792 Cold Case 394228 Cold Case 233518 CSI: Miami 242266 42 45 (A&E) Sopranos 482082 (7:45) “Running (:15) ›› “View From the Top” (2003, Come- (:15) ››› “Stir Crazy” (1980, Comedy) Gene 38 51 (AMC) Scared” 17799266 dy) Gwyneth Paltrow. Å 8833112 Wilder, Richard Pryor. Å 6145518 Me or Underdog 8072228 Witness Witness Cops 3355773 Cops 3364421 60 44 (ANIM) Me or One One Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Game Game “What’s the Worst” 48 58 (BET) 855995 586353 208063 851179 778247 779976 835131 557841 296228 ››› “WarGames” (1983) 221889 Supermodel 224976 Supermodel 233624 63 - (BRAV) West Wing 471082 The Call 47402 Power Lunch Å 39995 46 60 (CNBC) Squawk on the Street 36808 Newsroom (N) 895470 Newsroom 201044 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom (N) 207228 Daily Colbert MADtv 6468624 Presents Premium Premium Presents 40 54 (COM) “Cheech” 5722266 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid English Premier League Soccer 213995 51 - (CSN) Paid Movers Tigger Einsteins Charlie Wiggles “Max Keeble’s” 2700624 Phineas 43 42 (DIS) Handy Made Cash Cab Cash Cab Overhaulin’ 392860 Wrecks 231150 Deadliest 217570 26 47 (DSC) Made 20 Heiresses 266112 E! News Daily 10 The Soup Candy 49 55 (E!) Hilton Sisters: True Story 539570 28 29 (ESPN) SportsCenter 129976 SportsCenter 752228 SportsCenter 765792 SportsCenter 604082 SportsCenter 680402 ESPN First Take (Live) Å 6614155 ESPN First Take Å 6997792 29 30 (ESPN2) Mike Mike 4944044 Journey 6735518 Family Holy Rsry Daily Mass 9138179 Divine 9114599 50 98 (EWTN) Angelica 7762421 The 700 Club 592808 Gilmore Girls 572044 Full Hse. Full Hse. Sister Sister 37 40 (FAM) Step-Step Living Happening Now (N) 7678860 Live Desk 1044150 47 59 (FNC) America’s Newsroom (N) 1040334 Road Emeril Live 8092082 Entertain Quick Fix Cooking Italian Minute Contessa 39 49 (FOOD) Paid ›› “America’s Sweethearts” 9013763 Spin City Bernie Bernie 24 34 (FX) (8:00) “Pleasantville” 7429537 Golden Lucy Lucy Angel 4749624 Angel 4470082 7th Heaven 4456402 170 137 (HALL) Golden 24 Hour Get Color Decorat Save House Curb To Sell To Sell 54 48 (HGTV) FreeStyle Big Re 59 46 (HIST) Shockwave 1629353 Shockwave 6453792 Shockwave 6440228 Shockwave 9170828 Marvels 8056088 Reba Frasier Frasier Will Will Housewives 417518 Housewives 426266 41 39 (LIFE) Reba News 5859889 News 5862353 News 6991624 News 6977044 45 26 (MSNBC) Morn Joe 8863088 Raiders Taking 583150 Making-Band 570686 Next Next Next Next 52 56 (MTV) Teen Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid SportsDs SportsDs Cruisin Red Sox 32 28 (NESN) Paid Go Diego Backyard Pets Ni Hao Olivia Dora Backyard Ni Hao Wubbzy 44 41 (NICK) Dora Rose Red (Part 1 of 3) Å 6990995 Rose Red (Part 2 of 3) Å 1058353 55 52 (SCIFI) “Sometimes-Agn” Super Auctions 6735518 Paid Paid MotoGP 9138179 Arenacross 9114599 141 271 (SPEED) Super Mysteries 675686 Mysteries 684334 27 53 (SPIKE) Married... Married... Married... Married... Mysteries 743686 Home Im Home Im Home Im 12 16 (TBS) Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. ››‡ “Eraser” (1996) (PA) James Caan Å 428131 ›› “The Naked Street” (1955) ›››‡ “Back to Bataan” (1945, War) John ››› “Behold a Pale Horse” 162 169 (TCM) Farley Granger. ‘NR’ 2444266 Wayne. ‘NR’ Å 1718191 (1964) Gregory Peck. 56761792 Baby Jon Kate Jon Kate What Not 761082 What Not 693082 Baby Baby 36 50 (TLC) Baby ER Å 749860 Las Vegas 769624 Las Vegas 691624 Without 677044 25 35 (TNT) Charmed 808112 Tom & Jerry 9136711 Courage Foster 58 43 (TOON) Scooby Scooby ›››‡ “The Iron Giant” (1999) 9133624 Dream RVs 7004889 Yachts 7017353 Europe Passport A. Bourdain 7169605 69 51 (TRAV) RV Parks 8119570 Jami Floyd: Best Defense 9369624 Courtside 6903353 62 182 (TRUTV) Lisa Bloom: Open Court 6909537 Law CI 925112 Law CI 945976 Law CI 884266 Law CI 860686 34 36 (USA) Law CI 626222 Fishing Fishing Fishing Bass Bill Dance Paid Fishing Next Bite Just Hunt 139 37 (VS) Paid Running Game Game Francesa 589624 30 32 (YES) MLB Baseball: Athletics at Yankees 305889 PREMIUM CHANNELS No. 1 Ladies’ 363781 “Hair 200 5 (HBO) “Gods and Generals” 63441131 (:45) “Grey Gardens” (2009) Å 21505131 ›‡ “Deception” (2008) ‘R’ Å 9247537 “Live Free-Die” 10133808 220 320 (MAX) (8:30) ›‡ “Driven” 394889 (:45) “Sleep Easy, Hutch Rimes” 35808808 ››‡ “Mr. Accident” 748583 “Big Noth” 262093 240 340 (SHOW) “Hot







CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

APR. 21 3:30







NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Dr. Phil Å 9624 Judy 957 Judy 841 News at 5PM 5063 CBS CBS 2 ^ CBS World Trn 51976 As the World Turns Guiding Light (N) Å Oprah Winfrey Å News (N) News (N) News (N) Evening 2 3 # CBS (N) Å 48402 6150 2957 3082 Å 247 Å 860 News 112 Deal No Deal No 4 NY News at 5 5501 News 402 NBC - 12 $ NBC Bonnie Hunt 46044 Ellen Show 4792 Judge People Ct 71179 Fox 5 News 8179 News (N) TMZ 7179 - 15 % FOX Judge A. Judge A. Judge Gen. Hospital 78082 Judge J. Judge J. News (N) News (N) News (N) ABC 7 7 ( ABC Life to Live 97792 Jamie F. Wayans My Wife Lopez Fam. Guy Friends 23 - + CW Judge Mathis 17570 Judge Pirro 98860 Divorce Divorce Judge Jeanine Pirro Jamie F. Wayans The Tyra Banks Show Friends Friends 11 11 4 CW Ct. 93334 Ct. 17402 Å 76266 31082 37266 Å 96421 18131 32711 Reading Martha Sid 30889 CyberArthur (N) Maya Fetch Clifford World Worldfo5 14 8 PBS 44082 44570 64334 35334 55686 chase (N) 68150 News cus Paid 60044 Paid 93860 Paid 89179 Paid 32155 Paid 84112 Paid 13624 Drew Drew M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 10 10 : ION 84624 82696 32119 85841 The People’s Court The Ellen DeGeneres Deal No Deal No News (N) News (N) News (N) NBC News 4 4 > NBC (N) Å 23334 50792 56976 27976 47228 37841 Show (N) 89792 Clifford Curious Martha Arthur (N) WordGirl Fetch Cyber BBC New 17 - Y PBS Caillou Hatchett Hatchett Judge Judge Law & Order: Crimi- Trivial Jim King Scrubs 9 9 [ MNT 9475570 3237179 9494605 3232624 nal Intent 8270112 9499150 3231995 3238808 3212860 Jerry Springer Å The Steve Wilkos Maury Å 303957 Simpsons Simpsons Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 6 6 ≠ FOX 568082 249150 976792 973605 964957 Show (N) 317150 CABLE CHANNELS Sopranos 430334 Justice 419841 Cold Case 341841 Cold Case 222402 42 45 (A&E) Crossing 665228 (:15) ››› “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” (1963, Comedy) Spencer Tracy. (:45) ›››› “Driving Miss Daisy” 38 51 (AMC) Travelers end up in a madcap race for a hidden fortune. 21662995 (1989) Å 24707808 Extreme 8116150 Killing 3351957 60 44 (ANIM) Orangutan 7155570 Meerkat Meerkat Grow Up 5961995 “What’s the Worst” One One SmartGuy SmartGuy Game Game 106 & Park: BET’s Top 48 58 (BET) 296228 600247 333063 312570 341082 605792 332334 10 Live 695727 63 - (BRAV) Supermodel 656686 Supermodel 135518 Matchmaker 147353 Matchmaker 342583 Housewives 213860 Closing Bell 83518 Closing Bell 95353 Fast Money 33537 Mad Money 84334 46 60 (CNBC) Street Signs 10860 Newsroom 373088 The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) 671421 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom 201044 Colbert Scrubs Scrubs Presents ›› “Canadian Bacon” (1995) 2442808 RENO 40 54 (COM) Daily Cheer 787995 ClubWPT 619995 Stories Sports 51 - (CSN) American Ski 294860 Sport Sci 768860 43 42 (DIS) Suite Life Suite Life Suite Life Suite Life Suite Life Suite Life Montana Montana Montana Montana Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab 26 47 (DSC) The FBI Files 663860 A Haunting 445266 Deadliest 424773 Celebrity 321353 Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up 49 55 (E!) Celebrity Confessions 548470 SportsCenter Special 405808 NFL Live Burning Horn Interrupt SportsCenter 600266 28 29 (ESPN) Lines 1st and E:60 9604334 Lines NASCAR Burning Horn Interrupt 29 30 (ESPN2) Best of 6985957 Mercy Rosary Animated Catholic Hi Lucy Rome Choices Eparchy 50 98 (EWTN) Pope 4701315 What I Gilmore Girls 268179 My Wife My Wife 37 40 (FAM) Sabrina Sabrina Full Hse. Full Hse. What I Studio B 8125315 Your World 8137150 Glenn Beck 9625605 Bret Baier 6984334 47 59 (FNC) Live Desk 1044150 Boy Grill Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Italian Contessa Home Cooking Minute 39 49 (FOOD) Lee Bernie 70s Show 70s Show ››› “The Sum of All Fears” 7399599 24 34 (FX) Malcolm Malcolm Bernie Golden 170 137 (HALL) 7th Heaven 6555131 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Golden Dime Challenge Color Deserving Kitchen Divine Get Sold To Sell Ext Living 54 48 (HGTV) Dime 59 46 (HIST) Shockwave 5708686 Shockwave 3667792 Shockwave 3653599 Shockwave 5497889 Shockwave 8151632 Wife Swap 323605 Wife Swap 264353 Still Stnd Still Stnd 41 39 (LIFE) “A Stranger at the Door” (2004) 529470 News 8138889 News 8140624 Hardball 9638179 Ed Show 6997808 45 26 (MSNBC) News 1037860 Making-Band 318773 Teen Raiders Making-Band 491570 52 56 (MTV) The Hills College Taking 339266 Innings Red Sox Cruisin Red Sox Red Sox Pre. 51044 32 28 (NESN) MLB Baseball: Orioles at Red Sox 96518 iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Drake Drake 44 41 (NICK) Sponge OddPar iCarly Lost Å 8142082 Enterprise 9630537 Stargate 6999266 55 52 (SCIFI) Rose Red (Part 3 of 3) Å 4169112 Truck U Chop Cut Edge Monster 4250686 Whips 9127063 141 271 (SPEED) Arenacross 4701315 Car CSI: NY 870044 CSI: NY 899179 CSI: NY 439711 CSI: NY 664570 27 53 (SPIKE) Mysteries 490594 Just Yes, Dear Yes, Dear King King Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends 12 16 (TBS) Just “Behold” (:45) ›››› “Lust for Life” (1956) Kirk Douglas. Van Gogh Private Screenings “Requiem-Hvy.” 162 169 (TCM) 56761792 meets Gauguin. ‘NR’ Å (DVS) 91114808 5480599 9967537 Runway Diagnosis 865112 Little Little Jon & Kate 8 431179 What Not 699266 36 50 (TLC) Baby Charmed 422421 Bones Å 697808 25 35 (TNT) Law & Order 594024 Law & Order 896082 Charmed 882889 Ben 10 Flapjack Flapjack Batman Johnny T League League Flapjack Flapjack 58 43 (TOON) Foster Haunted 7068044 RV Parks 7087179 Bizarre 9018773 Bizarre 7149841 69 51 (TRAV) Bizarre 1231402 Arrest Arrest Pursuit Pursuit Pursuit Pursuit Cops Cops 62 182 (TRUTV) Courtside 6903353 Law CI 773204 Law CI 523501 NCIS Å 608773 NCIS Å 873150 34 36 (USA) Law CI 216976 Paid Roads Strong Racer TV TBA WrekCage 9010131 Holy ...! Spo Soup 139 37 (VS) Pacific SportsMo 30 32 (YES) (1:00) Mike Francesa Discussion of top sports stories; interviews. (Live) Å 589624 PREMIUM CHANNELS ›› “Loser” (2000) 8604911 200 5 (HBO) (1:30) “Hairspray” (2007) 283334 ››› “Anywhere but Here” Å 373957 ››‡ “Conan the Barbarian” 38364711 (:45) ›› “Conan the Destroyer” 80108995 “Promo 220 320 (MAX) “Live ›› “Home of the Brave” (2006) 851624 ›› “Hot Rod” (2007) 395082 “Double J” 705150 240 340 (SHOW) “Big

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009





APR. 21 8:00



CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS The Insid- Entertain- NCIS “Murder 2.0” Å The Mentalist “Paint It (:01) Without a Trace News at Late Show 3179 72628686 ment Red” Å 4979583 “Better Angels” Å 11PM 2 ^ CBS er (N) 6402 6792 4277889 Tonight 570 Inside Edi- Entertain- NCIS “Murder 2.0” Å The Mentalist “Paint It (:01) Without a Trace News (N) Late Show 7155 Å 4264315 72615112 Red” Å 3431659 “Better Angels” Å 2 3 # CBS tion 5938 ment 2088 Tonight 624 Extra (N) Access The Biggest Loser Food and fitness trivia Law & Order: Special News (N) Tonight Å 4262957 Show - 12 $ NBC Å 1860 Hollywood challenge; nutrition on a budget. (N) Å 2063 Victims Unit “Hot266 72646082 house” 1570 The Simp- Seinfeld American Idol Contes- (:01) Fringe “Bad Fox 5 News at 10 Seinfeld The Simp- 15 % FOX sons 9808 Å 6063 tants perform. (Live) Dreams” (N) Å 80315 Anastos, Alexander. (N) Å 72808 sons Å 9357792 Å 83402 56727 Jeopardy! Wheel of According According Dancing With the (:02) Cupid “The Tom- News (N) (:35) Fortune to Jim (N) to Jim (N) Stars One celebrity is my Brown Affair” (N) Å 7806860 Nightline 7 7 ( ABC (N) Å 2518 7583 88287082 (N) 9773 1266 eliminated. 8563841 Å 76112 Two and a Family Reaper “The Home 90210 “Between a Sign PIX News at Ten Tong. Two/Half Friends Men 18624 Å 45353 23 - + CW Half Men Guy 2889 Stretch” (N) Å 22315 and a Hard Place” (N) (N) Å 45266 8334 42179 EveryEveryReaper “The Home 90210 “Between a Sign News (N) Å 83044 Sex and Frasier Å the City 98709 11 11 4 CW Raymond Raymond Stretch” (N) Å 93421 and a Hard Place” (N) 97150 38995 80957 56402 The NewsHour With Nova “Ocean Animal Frontline “Poisoned Waters” (N) Å (DVS) Independent Lens Å 5 14 8 PBS Jim Lehrer (N) 35421 Emergency” 11841 21228 64131 Family Family Boston Legal “Selling Boston Legal “Fat Boston Legal “The Paid Pro- Paid ProFeud Sickness” Å 60131 Burner” Å 80995 Good Lawyer” Å gram gram 10 10 : ION Feud 83082 64860 14353 32860 75773 Extra (N) Access The Biggest Loser Food and fitness trivia Law & Order: Special News (N) Tonight Å 2883247 Show 4 4 > NBC Å 15452 H’wood challenge; nutrition on a budget. (N) Å 47583 Victims Unit “Hot57605 64849044 house” 29808 NewsDoctors Nova “Car of the Fu- Frontline “Poisoned Waters” Puget Sound and Charlie Rose (N) Å on Call ture” Å (DVS) 71605 the Chesapeake Bay face perilous conditions 15247 17 - Y PBS Lehrer 129995 4889 caused by contamination. (N) 74792 MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at New York Yankees. From Yankee Channel 8 Street Pa- Street Pa- (:35) Jail Å 1467889 Non trol (N) trol (N) 9 9 [ MNT Stadium in the Bronx, N.Y. (Live) Å 3324537 8443995 5517957 1288599 Two/Half Two/Half American Idol Contes- (:01) Fringe “Bad News (N) Å 748678 News at Seinfeld Men tants perform. (Live) Dreams” (N) Å 11 304686 Å 563537 6 6 ≠ FOX Men 236686 953841 Å 3788402 493501 CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami “Under 42 45 (A&E) Suspicion” 171179 (5:45) ›››› “Driving 38 51 (AMC) Miss Daisy” (1989) Å 24707808 Lions of Crocodile 60 44 (ANIM) River Å 3658860 48 58 (BET) 63



46 60 (CNBC) 33 77 (CNN) 40 54 (COM) 51


43 42


26 47 (DSC) 49 55


28 29 (ESPN) 29 30 (ESPN2) 50 98 (EWTN)


The First 48 “Blind- The First 48 Å 160063 ManManManMansided” Å 157599 hunters hunters hunters hunters ››› “Two Mules for Sister Sara” (1970, Western) Shirley ››› “A Fistful of Dollars” (1964, MacLaine, Clint Eastwood. A gunslinger helps a whiskey- Western) Clint Eastwood, Marianne swilling nun reach Mexico. Å 802044 Koch. Å 823537 Untamed and Uncut Stranger Among I Shouldn’t Be Alive Untamed and Uncut “Shorty the Bull’s Re- Bears 3654044 “Shipwrecked” Å “Shorty the Bull’s Re3657131 venge” 3674808 venge” 8073957 106 Park ››‡ “Deep Blue Sea” (1999) Thomas Jane. Smart sharks College College ››‡ “Deep Blue Sea” 695727 836860 852808 turn a research lab’s staff into fish food. 409686 (1999) 152266 The Real Housewives The Real Housewives The Real Housewives The Real Housewives The Real Housewives of New York City Å of New York City Å of New York City Å of New York City (N) of New York City Å 876353 852773 872537 875624 306179 Kudlow Report 17063 CNBC Reports 26711 Scam of the Century: On the Money 16334 Mad Money 68995 Madoff 13247 Lou Dobbs Tonight Å Campbell Brown: No Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å 723529 795773 Bias, No Bull 704421 791957 Scrubs Scrubs Daily Colbert Futurama S. Park Ron White: Behav- Daily Colbert 5483686 5790266 5492334 5471841 3677179 1301155 ioral Prob. 9950247 3672624 5721537 Sports Knockouts World Poker Tour: Best Damn Sports Sports Sports Tailgate Sports 610624 847976 788624 254537 Season 1 407247 Show Period 410711 838228 Hannah Hannah “Life Is Ruff” (2005) Kyle Massey. Wizards- Wizards- Hannah Zack & That’s So Montana Montana A teenage slacker adopts a stray Place Place Montana Cody Raven 192060 708353 38037889 593518 502266 117112 653599 dog. Å 8160711 How It’s How It’s Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch “Red (:01) Out of the Wild: Deadliest Catch Made Made “Everything on the Skies in the Morning” The Alaska Experi- “Everything on the 357402 272745 8267773 Line” 155131 ment (N) 178082 Line” 313353 E! News Daily 10 “Bring It On: All or Nothing” (2006) Hayden Keep Up Keep Up Chelsea E! News 254082 988537 472686 481334 322082 558605 Panettiere, Solange Knowles-Smith. 693709 E:60 (N) 531537 Football NFL Live SportsCenter Special Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (Live) Å 753957 Live (N) Å A look at the NFL (Live) Å 530808 720334 709841 Draft. (Live) 520421 College Football All-Star Challenge From 2008 World Series of 2008 World Series of E:60 (N) 3064570 Tampa, Fla. Å 3075686 Poker 9701860 Poker 9711247 Daily Mass: Our Lady Mother AngelicaReligious Rosary Threshold of Hope Christ Orders 5283808 5769063 9139808 5282179 5771808 4799570 Classic 5269228





APR. 21 8:00



CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED That ’70s That ’70s America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest The 700 Club Å 593537 Show Home Videos Å Home Videos Å Home Videos Å 37 40 (FAM) Show 179119 274763 329452 269808 986063 FOX Report-Shepard The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) 4195537 On the Record-Van The O’Reilly Factor 47 59 (FNC) Smith 4199353 5847044 (N) Å 4175773 Susteren 4198624 Challenge Wedding Good Eats Good Eats Food De- Ace of Chopped Tofu; blue- Good Eats Un5959150 wrapped berries; oysters. 39 49 (FOOD) cake decorators com- 8120353 8109860 tectives Cakes 5954605 3350228 3651957 7187179 pete. 3652686 “Sum of ››› “The Italian Job” (2003, Crime Drama) Mark Rescue Me “Wine” (N) Rescue Me “Wine” 6452063 Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Edward Norton. A thief and his 9956421 24 34 (FX) Fears” 7399599 crew plan to steal back their gold. 7303792 7th Heaven “Says 7th Heaven “Breaking “Back to You and Me” (2005, Drama) Lisa Murder, She Wrote Up Is Hard to Do” Å Hartman Black. A successful doctor returns “The Cemetery Vote” 170 137 (HALL) Who?” Å 5806624 5882044 Å 4737889 home after many years away. Å 5885131 Curb Ap- House Property HGTV’s House Designed House The Income My First Hunters Virgins Top 10 Hunters to Sell (N) Hunters Stagers (N) Property Place 54 48 (HGTV) peal 8126537 1651518 8102957 8114792 5969537 3358860 1126334 1135082 5964082 7185711 Modern Marvels How the Earth Was How the Earth Was Life After People “The Decoding the Past Made “Asteroids” (N) Bodies Left Behind” Å Doomsday prophecy. 59 46 (HIST) “Strange Weapons” Å Made “Tsunami” Å 9966808 9942228 9965179 Å 9955792 Å 6454421 Reba Å Reba Å Will & Will & “Like Mother, Like Daughter” (2007) Michelle Will & Will & 999537 Grace Grace Stafford. A woman investigates the disappear- Grace Grace 41 39 (LIFE) 265082 241402 260537 324334 844773 ance of her daughter. Å 529650 Hardball Å 4179599 Countdown-OlberThe Rachel Maddow Countdown-OlberThe Rachel Maddow 45 26 (MSNBC) mann 4188247 Show 4191711 mann 4161570 Show 5850518 The Hills College Real World-Road Real World-Road The Phone (Series The Phone 591179 52 56 (MTV) 250150 984605 Rules 474501 Rules 420095 Premiere) (N) 824222 MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway Park Innings Red Sox SportsDsk Red Sox 32 28 (NESN) in Boston. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) 657889 48082 24402 63792 76841 iCarly Å iCarly Å Sponge- Sponge- Home Im- Home Im- George George Family Family 800217 Bob Bob prove. prove. Lopez Lopez Matters Matters 44 41 (NICK) 355044 364792 350599 428599 230421 515624 591044 423044 666957 “Knights of Bloodsteel” (2009) David James ECW (Live) 4160841 WCG Ultimate Gamer Scare Tac- Scare Tac“The Gauntlet” (N) tics tics 55 52 (SCIFI) Elliott. Ordinary citizens try to save their king4170228 8143711 1034773 dom from a warlord. Å 5856792 Pimp My Pass Time Low Life Low Life Super Super Import Import Pimp My Pass Time 141 271 (SPEED) Ride (N) 4260063 4249570 Bikes! 1947119 5642727 Ride (N) Bikes! CSI: Crime Scene In- CSI: Crime Scene In- UFC Unleashed Å Deadliest Warrior The Ultimate Fighter vestigation “Daddy’s 500773 “Spartan vs. Ninja” (N) 764179 27 53 (SPIKE) vestigation “Were503860 wolves” 511889 Little Girl” 520537 Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Family Family Family The Office My Boys (:01) The Seinfeld Å 146518 (N) Å 213889 Guy Guy Guy Office 12 16 (TBS) Å 601860 Å 351353 Guy 627808 606315 323583 887353 2146131 878678 (6:00) ›››‡ “Re›››‡ “The Women” (1939, Comedy) Norma Shearer, ››› “My Little Chickadee” 162 169 (TCM) quiem for a Heavy- Joan Crawford. Socialites gossip about their friend’s hus- (1940) Mae West. City slicker and weight” 9967537 band’s girlfriend. ‘NR’ Å (DVS) 4923518 his bride go west. 2445995 16 Children and Mov- 17 Kids and Counting 18 Kids- 18 Kids- Painted Babies at 17 17 Kids and Counting Å 505228 “And Baby Makes 18” Count Count “And Baby Makes 18” 36 50 (TLC) ing In Å 506957 515605 873131 694711 759247 NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å 971353 25 35 (TNT) 246179

League Chowder 58 43 (TOON) 4266247 8715247 Alaska’s National 69 51 (TRAV) Parks 9052266 Repo Repo 62 182 (TRUTV) 4783889 8160773 NCIS “Pop Life” Å 34 36 (USA) 780841

King-Hill King-Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 3747191 1747911 5746112 4704402 Bizarre Foods-Zim- Bizarre Foods-Zimmern 9051537 mern 7005518 Most Shocking Forensic Forensic 9726179 7779112 6988044 House “Mob Rules” Å Law & Order: Special 789112 Victims Unit Å 926841 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA. (Live) Hockey NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams 139 37 (VS) 4886044 7153044 TBA. (Live) 5661605 Yankeeography Å The Great 8s Å CenterStage Å 77421 SportsLife Best of Mike France- Baseball 30 32 (YES) 88537 966889 64957 NYC sa Å 407150 PREMIUM CHANNELS (:15) “Grey Gardens” (2009) Drew Barrymore. ›››› “Schindler’s List” (1993, Historical Drama) Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes. Premiere. A war profiteer saves his Jewish 200 5 (HBO) The lives of Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter Edie. Å 13688686 workers from death. ‘R’ Å 86055179 (6:30) ››‡ “The Pro- ›‡ “Deception” (2008, Suspense) Hugh Jack- › “Saving Silverman” (2001, Co-Ed 220 320 (MAX) motion” (2008) ‘R’ Å man. An accountant joins an underground sex Comedy) Jason Biggs, Steve Zahn. Conf. 926976 1621599 club. ‘R’ Å 874727 ‘PG-13’ Å 3675402 (6:00) ››› “Double ›› “War” (2007, Action) Jet Li. iTV. A vengeful The Tudors (iTV) Å Tracey Ull- Tracey Ullman man 240 340 (SHOW) Jeopardy” (1999) iTV. FBI agent seeks an assassin he believes killed 796402 678650 211421 ‘R’ 705150 his partner. ‘R’ 717995

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

Johnny T Johnny T 4275995 4254402 Bizarre Foods-Zimmern 9038686 Repo Repo 4792537 4771044 House “Control” Å 706889

6TEEN 6TEEN 5774995 9104112 Bizarre Foods-Zimmern 9041150 Most Shocking 9716792 House “Cursed” Å 719353


tuesdaycritics’corner 6 p.m. on (TCM) Movie: Requiem for a Heavyweight A sterling cast does solid, often heartbreaking work in Rod Serling’s 1962 adaptation of his teleplay about a fading fighter (Anthony Quinn) who may have taken one punch too many. His big-wagering manager(Jackie Gleason) has sold him out, virtually indenturing him to an unwanted contract as a wrestler. Mickey Rooney, Julie Harris, and boxing greats Jack Dempsey and Cassius Clay — later known as Muhammad Ali, for you youngsters — co-star. 8 p.m. on (TCM) Movie: The Women A New York socialite learns her apparently happy marriage is coming apart at the designer seams as Clare Boothe Luce’s tart Broadway comedy about warfare among the “weaker sex” gets a lavish Hollywood treatment in this 1939 classic. Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford, Rosalind Russell, Joan Fontaine, Paulette Goddard and Mary Boland head the glittering all-female cast, under the assured direction of George Cukor. 9 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

The Mentalist There’s an art to solving crimes, as Patrick (Simon Baker) demonstrates when a $50 million painting is stolen from a tycoon’s office, and his son-in-law is found dead nearby. The “obvious” analysis is that the victim was in on the robbery, but Patrick has several other possible suspects in mind. Robin Tunney, Tim Kang, Owain Yeoman and Amanda Righetti also star in “Paint It Red.” 30

Poppy Montgomery

10:01 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB) Without a Trace Jack and Samantha (Anthony LaPaglia, Poppy Montgomery) rekindle their relationship while following the trail of a man who disappeared to Los Angeles after attending his employee’s funeral. Their investigation eventually turns up the real reason for the man’s trip to the West Coast. Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Enrique Murciano and Eric Close co-star in “Better Angels.” 9 p.m. on (WEDH) (WGBY)

Frontline More than two decades after the Clean Water Act was supposed to make the waters of America clean enough to swim and fish in again, the coastal estuaries of Puget Sound and Chesapeake Bay face perilous conditions caused by contamination from industry, agriculture and suburban development. Hedrick Smith explores why it is so hard to keep the country’s waters clean in “Poisoned Waters.” 9 p.m. on (HBO) Movie: Schindler’s List Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley and Ralph Fiennes star in producer-

director Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece about the efforts of a German businessman to spare the lives of more than 1,000 Jews in the path of Hitler’s “final solution.” The 1993 film won seven Oscars, including best picture and best director. 10 p.m. on (BRAV) The Real Housewives of New York City Kelly goes to a provocative photo shoot to update her head shot. LuAnn’s daughter comes home from boarding school, and the two treat themselves to a shopping trip. Ramona makes a demo reel for her jewelry line to be sold on Home Shopping Network. Jill discusses

the American economy in a BBC radio interview. The van Kempens prepare for Halloween in the new episode “Unfashionably Late.” 10 p.m. on (MTV) The Phone Justin Timberlake is an executive producer on this new six-episode competitive reality series in which players find themselves dropped into a pulse-pounding adventure movie after a mysterious voice calls them up and invites them to participate. If they accept, they become part of one of two teams confronted by a series of mental and physical challenges for a chance to win up to $50,000.





CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30



NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Guiding Light 88844 Price Is Right 13700 News Y & R 422209 Bold 2 ^ CBS The Doctors 72006 Dr. Phil Å 69532 Better Connecticut Å The Price Is Right (N) News (N) The Young and the Bold 2 3 # CBS 93990 Å 13754 41349 Restless (N) 419735 32280 Martha 11396 Style Jury Holly Days of Lives 36006 - 12 $ NBC (7:00) Today (N) Å 980342 News (N) Inside TMZ Hatchett Divorce Divorce - 15 % FOX Mike & Juliet 93272 Tyra Banks 42280 Rachael Ray 35990 The View (N) 55754 News (N) Style My Children 70464 7 7 ( ABC Regis 21342 Maury Å 79358 Jerry Springer 82822 Steve Wilkos 39754 Karen Karen 23 - + CW Maury Å 47358 Degrassi Court Eucharist Fresh Pr. Judge Mathis (N) Å Karen Karen Judge A. Judge A. 11 11 4 CW 65209 39358 96667 98759 54193 45445 90483 33174 99754 Super Clifford Sesame Street Å Barney Word Big World Caillou Mr Rogers Lions 5 14 8 PBS 90919 21377 (DVS) 92464 20551 21280 52993 25193 83716 24464 Christians Lifestyle Paid 91261 Paid 38193 Paid 62551 Paid 63280 Paid 29445 Paid 74483 Paid 32006 Paid 73754 10 10 : ION & Jews Lift 70667 (7:00) Today (N) Å 581716 News (N) Å 72648 The Bonnie Hunt Days of our Lives (N) 4 4 > NBC Å 20808 Show (N) 15700 Clifford Sesame St. 49700 Dragon Word Super Sid 78667 Big World Barney 17 - Y PBS Super Cmedia Meyer Believers Media Morning Show-Mike & One Half Young Young 9 9 [ MNT 7786483 7375648 4303648 7782667 Juliet 6674822 7773919 7379464 6685938 7378735 Maury Å 154358 The Doctors (N) Å The Martha Stewart Feud Feud Be a Mil- Be a Mil6 6 ≠ FOX 701280 903551 625261 Show (N) 798716 lionaire lionaire CABLE CHANNELS Justice 824464 Cold Case 731700 Cold Case 743990 CSI: Miami 769938 42 45 (A&E) Sopranos 983716 (8:15) “Gunsmoke” ››› “A Fistful of Dollars” (1964, Western) Clint East››› “Two Mules for Sister Sara” 38 51 (AMC) (1953) Å 73206822 wood, Marianne Koch. Å 783025 (1970) Å 312071 Grow Up 8969700 Blue Planet 8052464 Blue Planet 3322445 Blue Planet 3331193 60 44 (ANIM) Grow Up 3125613 One One Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Game Game ›› “Prison Song” 48 58 (BET) 365377 499385 718445 354261 295919 296648 272613 899321 (2001) Q-Tip. 739938 Inside the Actors Studio Å 731261 Supermodel 741648 Supermodel 750396 63 - (BRAV) West Wing 972716 The Call 69174 Power Lunch Å 42919 46 60 (CNBC) Squawk on the Street 32532 Newsroom (N) 515990 Newsroom 742396 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom (N) 731280 Colbert MADtv 6435396 Presents Presents Remix Presents 40 54 (COM) “Canadian” 5799938 Daily Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Update 51 - (CSN) Paid Handy Handy Handy Tigger Wiggles “Life Is Ruff” (2005) 2774209 Wizards 43 42 (DIS) Handy 26 47 (DSC) Project Earth 998648 Project Earth 839396 Project Earth 819532 Project Earth 758822 Project Earth 661342 Keep Up Keep Up E! News Daily 10 True Story 542984 49 55 (E!) Cash Queens 172754 Pussycat 703648 28 29 (ESPN) SportsCenter 646648 SportsCenter 199700 SportsCenter 282464 SportsCenter 105716 SportsCenter 114464 ESPN First Take (Live) Å 7071657 ESPN First Take Å 6964464 29 30 (ESPN2) Mike Mike 4911716 Religious Classics Chester Holy Rsry Daily Mass 9198551 Journey 9001071 50 98 (EWTN) Hope 7739193 The 700 Club 725272 Gilmore Girls 325416 Full Hse. Full Hse. Sister Sister 37 40 (FAM) Step-Step Living Happening Now (N) 7645532 Live Desk 1011822 47 59 (FNC) America’s Newsroom (N) 1017006 On Plate Emeril Live 8069754 Entertain Quick Fix Cooking Italian Minute Contessa 39 49 (FOOD) Paid ›› “Paparazzi” (2004) 3318975 Spin City 70s Show 70s Show 24 34 (FX) “Sum of Fears” 7496209 Golden Lucy Lucy Angel 4716396 Angel 4447754 7th Heaven 4423174 170 137 (HALL) Golden Design Save Planet 8054822 House House To Sell To Sell 54 48 (HGTV) Ext Living Ext Living Design Lost Worlds 6420464 Lost Worlds 6337700 Decoding 8856880 Marvels 1800700 59 46 (HIST) Exodus 5691342 Reba Frasier Frasier Will Will Housewives 934280 Housewives 847700 41 39 (LIFE) Reba News 5839025 News 6968396 News 6944716 45 26 (MSNBC) (6:00) Morning Joe 2067006 Raiders College College The Phone 125498 Fantasy Fantasy Nitro Cir Nitro Cir 52 56 (MTV) Teen Paid Paid P90X Paid Paid SportsDs SportsDs Bruins 99700 32 28 (NESN) Paid Go Diego Backyard Pets Ni Hao Olivia (N) Dora 756464 Go Diego Wubbzy 44 41 (NICK) Dora ›› “Asteroid” (1997, Action) 2163754 55 52 (SCIFI) (8:00) ›› “10.5: Apocalypse” (2006) Kim Delaney. Å 3342025 Sup Drag Racing 6795990 Paid Paid NASCAR Racing: Sprint Cup 5393551 141 271 (SPEED) Sup Mysteries 109648 Mysteries 118396 27 53 (SPIKE) Married... Married... Married... Married... Mysteries 188700 Home Im Home Im Home Im Home Im 12 16 (TBS) Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. ››‡ “Zoolander” (2001) Å 391551 “Escape” ››› “Along Came Jones” (1945) (:15) ››‡ “Bell, Book and Candle” (1958) (:15) ››› “Kiss Me 162 169 (TCM) 58904939 Gary Cooper. 22500483 James Stewart. ‘NR’ Å 3939087 Kate” 7548193 Baby Jon & Kate 8 266532 What Not 286396 What Not 194716 Baby Baby 36 50 (TLC) Baby ER Å 264174 Las Vegas 284938 Las Vegas 192358 Without 101006 25 35 (TNT) Charmed 332174 George Tom & Jerry 9103483 Courage Saturdays 58 43 (TOON) Scooby Scooby Mucha Lucha 2296358 Yellowstone 7084025 Alaska 7127629 Alaskan 7136377 69 51 (TRAV) Wild Parks 8013342 Top Ten 7064261 Jami Floyd: Best Defense 9336396 Courtside 6970025 62 182 (TRUTV) Lisa Bloom: Open Court 6976209 JAG Å 466464 ›› “Legionnaire” (1998) Å 517358 Law CI 205700 34 36 (USA) JAG Å 525716 Tred Safari Hunting Turkey Escape Paid Saltwater Campbell 7138735 139 37 (VS) Paid Yank Mag SportsMo Pregame Baseball 784290 30 32 (YES) MLB Baseball: Athletics at Yankees 822551 PREMIUM CHANNELS Observe Treatment Treatment Treatment 200 5 (HBO) “Leatherhd” 551006 Pacquiao “Land of Women” 5734396 “One Missed Call” Å 911025 “Roads to Riches” ‘R’ 449822 “Jumper” 220 320 (MAX) “Summer School” 81550919 “Happily N’Ever After” 5503377 “Dr T” 240 340 (SHOW) “Dog Prob” 523919 ››› “Freedom Writers” (2007) 41053268

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009


gametime crossword fun ACROSS 2

1 9





14 15









* 18





19 23





24 26




28 31









38 39 44





* 45



The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. 1096882

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1. Role on “30 Rock” 5. “Behind the __” (19972004) 9. Lois’ man 10. Most-watched series of the 1983-84 season 13. Initials for George Jefferson’s portrayer 14. Actor Roger 15. Initials for Liz’s Richard 17. “B.J. __ __ Bear” (197981) 19. Fight result, for short 20. “__ Yankees!”; 1958 Gwen Verdon movie

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gametime crossword fun 22. “The __ Effect”; 2004 Mia Kirshner film 24. __ Taylor 25. Ruby, for one 26. Conjunction 27. “It __ to Be You”; 1993 sitcom 28. Longtime “Match Game” host 29. “The Parent __”; 1998 Lindsay Lohan movie 31. Suffix for bright or tight 32. Jensen of “Ugly Betty” 37. Biblical pronoun 38. Pay attention to 39. Initials for Mitchum

41. David Spade’s role on “Just Shoot Me” 43. “__-Laws” (2002-03) 44. “Twenty Good __”; 2006 series 45. Actress Watson

DOWN 1. “__ Watch” (1999-2005) 2. Harry Anderson’s state of birth: abbr. 3. Willingham’s “Walker, Texas Ranger” role 4. “The __ Princess”; 1994 Jean Smart TV movie

5. 1974 best comedy series Emmy winner 6. “Just the Ten of __” (198890) 7. “My Life __ a Sitcom” 8. 2005 Wesley Snipes film 11. “I __ Three Lives” (195356) 12. “__ It Be”; 1970 Beatles movie 16. Bamm Bamm’s dad 17. “Samantha Who?” role 18. Richard Dysart’s age 19. Selma Blair’s role (2) 21. Soleil __ Frye

23. “__ Window”; 1998 Christopher Reeve TV remake of a classic film 28. “Call to __” (1984-85) 30. Marshall, for one 33. “__ the Sheriff” (1987-89) 34. Layer 35. Baseball’s Dykstra 36. Falco of “The Sopranos” 40. CNN’s “News to __” 41. Laura or Phil: abbr. 42. Initials for the lead role on “Cheers” 43. Prefix for logical or legal

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“Lost Untangled” http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/index?pnlostuntangled If you watch an episode of “Lost” and still are a little confused, ABC’s Web site helpfully provides these hysterically funny online vignettes. They explain the plot intricacies of the most recent installment with a mix of miniatures, action figures, cardboard cutouts, silly vocals and cartoons. And if you’re still puzzled after reviewing last week’s episode, all the previous weeks are archived for your convenience and will play in reverse order. 33

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable












NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Dr. Phil Å 8218 Judy 174 Judy 358 News at 5PM 9025 CBS CBS 2 ^ CBS World Trn 84700 As the World Turns Guiding Light (N) Å Oprah Winfrey Å News (N) News (N) News (N) Evening 2 3 # CBS (N) Å 84754 4984 6919 4716 Å 464 Å 377 News 629 Deal No Deal No 4 NY News at 5 4193 News 919 NBC - 12 $ NBC Bonnie Hunt 82396 Ellen Show 8754 Judge People Ct 77803 Fox 5 News 9613 News (N) TMZ 7551 - 15 % FOX Judge A. Judge A. Judge Gen. Hospital 81006 Judge J. Judge J. News (N) News (N) News (N) ABC 7 7 ( ABC Life to Live 26754 Jamie F. Wayans My Wife Lopez Fam. Guy Friends 23 - + CW Judge Mathis 53822 Judge Pirro 27822 Divorce Divorce Judge Jeanine Pirro Jamie F. Wayans The Tyra Banks Show Friends Friends 11 11 4 CW Ct. 22396 Ct. 59984 Å 98938 46464 42648 Å 25483 50613 47193 Reading Martha Sid 45261 CyberArthur (N) Maya Fetch Clifford World Worldfo5 14 8 PBS 66754 93342 86006 57006 77358 chase (N) 80822 News cus Paid 28416 Paid 33984 Friend Babar (EI) Paid 20464 Paid 26648 Quantum Leap Å M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 10 10 : ION 78993 85803 18629 34613 21193 The People’s Court The Ellen DeGeneres Deal No Deal No News (N) News (N) News (N) NBC News 4 4 > NBC (N) Å 36358 89754 85938 49648 69990 66803 Show (N) 33826 Clifford Curious Martha Arthur (N) WordGirl Fetch Cyber BBC New 17 - Y PBS Caillou Hatchett Hatchett Judge Judge Law & Order: Crimi- Trivial Jim King Scrubs 9 9 [ MNT 9379342 3297551 9461377 3209396 nal Intent 8174984 9466822 3208667 3298280 3289532 Jerry Springer Å The Steve Wilkos Maury Å 820629 Simpsons Simpsons Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 6 6 ≠ FOX 295236 677984 400754 407667 498919 Show (N) 834822 CABLE CHANNELS Sopranos 948358 Justice 950193 Cold Case 875803 Cold Case 749174 42 45 (A&E) Crossing 951700 “Two Mules for Sister ›››‡ “Apollo 13” (1995) Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton. Based on the true ››‡ “Reign of Fire” 38 51 (AMC) Sara” 312071 story of the ill-fated 1970 moon mission. Å 271648 (2002) 228844 60 44 (ANIM) Blue Planet 7059342 Blue Planet 5919532 Blue Planet 5938667 Blue Planet 8183822 Blue Planet 3328629 (1:00) ›› “Prison One One SmartGuy SmartGuy Game Game 106 & Park: BET’s Top 48 58 (BET) Song” (2001) 739938 127919 850735 766342 868754 122464 859006 10 Live 439071 Runway 652280 Runway 648087 Project Runway “Finale” Å 493416 63 - (BRAV) Runway 199396 Closing Bell 96532 Closing Bell 15667 Fast Money 55209 Mad Money 11938 46 60 (CNBC) Street Signs 50984 Newsroom 406342 The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) 743223 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom 742396 Colbert Scrubs Scrubs Presents ››‡ “Just One of the Guys” 2402280 RENO 40 54 (COM) Daily Fisher Fishing ClubWPT 204667 World Poker 136667 Top 50 Sports 51 - (CSN) Bowling 631342 43 42 (DIS) Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Suite Life Suite Life Phineas Montana Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab 26 47 (DSC) Project Earth 180532 Project Earth 946990 Deadliest 965025 “Bring It On: All or Nothing” (2006) 767551 Candy Candy 49 55 (E!) Jennifer Lopez: True Story 476342 SportsCenter Special 906532 NFL Live Burning Horn Interrupt SportsCenter 319700 28 29 (ESPN) Lines 1st and E:60 Å 9671006 Lines NASCAR Burning Horn Interrupt 29 30 (ESPN2) Best of 6952629 Mercy Rosary Catholic Family Truth Bookmark Cardinal Rome 50 98 (EWTN) Abundant 4778087 What I Gilmore Girls 689613 My Wife My Wife 37 40 (FAM) Sabrina Sabrina Full Hse. Full Hse. What I Studio B 8192087 Your World 8104822 Glenn Beck 9692377 Bret Baier 6951006 47 59 (FNC) Live Desk 1011822 Boy Grill Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Italian Contessa Home Cooking Minute 39 49 (FOOD) Lee Bernie Malcolm Malcolm Bernie 70s Show 70s Show “The Italian Job” 7287700 24 34 (FX) Bernie Golden 170 137 (HALL) 7th Heaven 6522803 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Golden Carter Green 5911990 Deserving Kitchen Divine Get Sold To Sell Beyond 54 48 (HGTV) Carter Lost Worlds 3540071 Lost Worlds 5457261 Decoding 2456844 59 46 (HIST) The Exodus Decoded Å 9921735 Wife Swap 857667 Wife Swap 765087 Still Stnd Still Stnd 41 39 (LIFE) “Making Mr. Right” (2008) Å 567532 News 8198261 News 8117396 Hardball 9698551 Ed Show 6957280 45 26 (MSNBC) News 1004532 The Phone 842735 Teen Raiders True Life 925532 52 56 (MTV) Beatdown Beatdown Challenge 750700 Innings Red Sox Outdoors Red Sox Red Sox Pre. 82464 32 28 (NESN) MLB Baseball: Twins at Red Sox 21700 Drake 44 41 (NICK) Sponge OddPar OddPar OddPar OddPar OddPar Sponge Sponge Drake Lost Å 8119754 Enterprise 9607209 Stargate 6966938 55 52 (SCIFI) (12:00) ›› “Asteroid” (1997) 2163754 Garage Truck U Chop Cut Edge Pimp Drag Drag Drag 141 271 (SPEED) NASCAR 5393551 CSI: NY 397716 CSI: NY 309551 CSI: NY 949193 CSI: NY 198532 27 53 (SPIKE) Mysteries 557396 Just Yes, Dear Yes, Dear King King Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends 12 16 (TBS) Just (1:15) ››› “Kiss Me (:15) ››‡ “Too Bad She’s Bad” (1955, Come- ››› “Show Boat” (1951, Musical) Kathryn 162 169 (TCM) Kate” 7548193 dy) Sophia Loren. ‘NR’ Å 71281613 Grayson, Howard Keel. ‘NR’ 8406551 Runway Diagnosis 219984 Little Little Jon Kate Jon Kate What Not 468700 36 50 (TLC) Baby Charmed 932803 Bones Å 829782 25 35 (TNT) Law & Order 540006 Law & Order 313754 Charmed 392261 Chowder Chowder Batman Johnny T Batman Batman Ben 10 Ben 10 58 43 (TOON) Saturdays Ben 10 Colorado 7035716 West 7047551 Wonders 9085445 Wonders 7043613 69 51 (TRAV) Niagara 1208174 Arrest Arrest Most Daring 7778483 Most Daring 4742532 PoliceVids 3169880 62 182 (TRUTV) Courtside 6970025 Law SVU 504938 Law SVU 583445 NCIS Å 125445 NCIS Å 398464 34 36 (USA) Law CI 644700 Outdoor Holy ...! WrekCage 7056209 WrekCage 9087803 Holy ...! NBA Act. 139 37 (VS) Big Fish Paid Yankees Post. 57629 Mike Francesa Å 409803 Yank Mag 30 32 (YES) MLB Baseball: Athletics at Yankees 784290 PREMIUM CHANNELS 200 5 (HBO) Treatment Treatment “Purple Violets” (2007) Selma Blair. 434551 REAL Sports 239087 Thrilla 630087 ››‡ “The Kingdom” (2007) ‘R’ 7884667 (4:50) ››› “Syriana” (2005) 22283735 220 320 (MAX) “Jumper” 996716 “Freedom Writers” 240 340 (SHOW) “Dr. T & the Women” 95116532 (:45) ››› “Rescue Dawn” (2006) ‘PG-13’ 31582483



wednesdaycritics’corner 10 a.m. on (SHOW) Movie: Freedom Writers Yes, it’s another “teacher reaches the hearts and minds of troubled students” movie, but it has Hilary Swank, which makes it a step up from “The Substitute.” Swank stars as Erin Gruwell, the real teacher on which this 2007 film is based. Patrick Dempsey, Imelda Staunton, Mario, Vanetta Smith and Hunter Parrish also star. 5:30 p.m. on (FX) Movie: The Italian Job Honor among thieves goes only so far in director F. Gary Gray’s (“The Negotiator”) energetic 2003 update of a 1969 heist tale. Mark Wahlberg plays the mastermind behind a Venice gold robbery that goes like clockwork — until one team member (Edward Norton) turns traitor. The others are determined to even the score in Los Angeles, where several small, very speedy cars are pivotal to the plan. Charlize Theron also stars. 7:30 p.m. on (FAM) Movie: Eight Below Parents, be warned: There are disturbing and graphic scenes of the struggle for survival. But if you can stomach them, this 2006 tale of a man (Paul Walker) who is separated from his sled dogs during a terrible snowstorm is great. While the canines are trying to live through bitter temperatures and starvation, their owner desperately attempts to get back to them. 8 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

The New Adventures of Old Christine Ex-husband Richard (Clark Gregg) joins APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

Killer whale

9 p.m. on (WEDH) 1 a.m. on (WGBY) Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures Jean-Michel Cousteau and his team of oceanauts traverse both the Northern and Southern hemispheres in search of orcas, or killer whales, which now number fewer than 100,000 worldwide. Among other things, the team discovers that people and orcas share surprising similarities, even similar needs, in the new episode “Call of the Killer Whales.” Christine (Julia LouisDreyfus) on a dinner date with her new boyfriend, Patrick (guest star Tim DeKay, “Tell Me You Love Me”), in “So You Think You Can Date.” Hamish Linklater, Emily Rutherfurd and Wanda Sykes also star. 8 p.m. on (ESPN) MLB Baseball A clash of playoff contenders is on tap tonight at Busch Stadium in St. Louis as Ryan Ludwick and the Cardinals play host to David Wright and the New York Mets. The Amazin’s hope a rebuilt bullpen headed by Frankie Rodriguez and J.J. Putz can lay to rest memories of two straight late-season collapses. As for the Cards, they’re looking for comeback years from starters Chris Carpenter and

Adam Wainwright to stabilize the rotation. 8:30 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

Gary Unmarried Against his better judgment, Gary (Jay Mohr) allows Allison (Paula Marshall) to persuade him to pretend they are still married when they attend a friend’s vow renewal ceremony, but he is hard-pressed to keep their secret when he runs into a beautiful new divorcee. Jean Louisa Kelly (“Yes, Dear”) guest stars in “Gary and Allison Brooks.” 9 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB) Criminal Minds Trying to hold a family together while reviewing a series of child abductions and murders, Rossi and Hotchner (Joe Mantegna, Thomas Gibson) and the rest of the team realize that one

of the cases may not actually be the work of the serial killer they arrested. John Allen Nelson and Gretchen Egolf guest star in the new episode “A Shade of Gray.” Paget Brewster and Shemar Moore also star. 10 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

CSI: NY With no body to process, Mac (Gary Sinise) and the CSI team are forced to treat a murder as a missing persons case when a man’s body disappears after he falls 52 stories to his death. Craig T. Nelson (“Coach”) and Thad Luckinbill (“The Young and the Restless”) guest star in the new episode “The Past, Present and Murder.” Melina Kanakaredes and Hill Harper also star. 35





APR. 22 8:30

NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS The Insid- Entertain- Old Chris- Gary Unment tine 6174 married 2 ^ CBS er (N) 3714 5209 Tonight 777 Inside Edi- Entertain- Old Chris- Gary Untine 9700 married 2 3 # CBS tion 7280 ment 2735 Tonight 613 Extra (N) Access Law & Order “By Per- 12 $ NBC Å 5822 Hollywood jury” Å 5919 483 The Simp- Seinfeld Lie to Me “Better Half” - 15 % FOX sons 1782 Å 3735 (N) Å 15551


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


Criminal Minds “A Shade of Gray” (N) Å 7777 Criminal Minds “A Shade of Gray” (N) Å 4613 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Snatched” 8483 American Idol Elimination. (Live) Å 69777

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 CSI: NY “The Past, Present and Murder” (N) Å 3174 CSI: NY “The Past, Present and Murder” (N) Å 7700 Law & Order “Pledge” Å 5342

News at Late Show 72695358 11PM 4237261 News (N) Late Show Å 4231087 72519984

News (N) Tonight Å 4239629 Show 72613754 Fox 5 News at 10 Seinfeld The SimpAnastos, Alexander. (N) “The Pie” sons Å 19254 78532 25071 Jeopardy! Wheel of Scrubs Better Off Lost “Lost: The Story (:02) The Unusuals News (N) (:35) Fortune “My Cuz” Ted (N) of the Oceanic 6” (N) “One Man Band” (N) Å 7873532 Nightline 7 7 ( ABC (N) Å 9280 8467613 Å 25984 88254754 (N) 6445 (N) 2700 4735 Two and a Family America’s Next Top 90210 “Between a Sign PIX News at Ten Tong. Two/Half Friends Men 14358 Å 58377 23 - + CW Half Men Guy 2261 Model “The Amazing and a Hard Place” Å (N) Å 67938 57551 2396 Model Race” 44087 EveryEveryAmerica’s Next Top 90210 “Between a Sign News (N) Å 21754 Sex and Frasier Å the City 25613 11 11 4 CW Raymond Raymond Model “The Amazing and a Hard Place” Å 20984 43377 28667 78174 Model Race” 70323 The NewsHour With Secrets of the Dead Jean-Michel Cousteau: Ocean Adventures Planet Forward (N) 5 14 8 PBS Jim Lehrer (N) 57193 Å (DVS) 60613 Å 93193 “Call of the Killer Whales” (N) 63700 Family Family Boston Legal “The Boston Legal “Son of Boston Legal “Broth- Paid Pro- Paid ProFeud Bride Wore Blood” Å the Defender” Å erly Love” Å 98464 gram gram 10 10 : ION Feud 14223 95377 77764 27377 54532 97445 Extra (N) Access Law & Order “By Per- Law & Order: Special Law & Order “Pledge” News (N) Tonight Å 32822 Å 2850919 Show Victims Unit 4 4 > NBC Å 56984 H’wood jury” Å 46071 86667 64816716 “Snatched” 39735 NewsWine Auction 734880 Charlie Rose (N) Å 20629 17 - Y PBS Lehrer 620629 Judge Judge World’s Funniest Mo- Comics Comics Channel 8 (:35) TMZ (:05) House of Å 5584629 Scrubs Judy ments Å 6881629 Un. Un. Non Payne 9 9 [ MNT Judy 9453358 3285716 8276396 7286700 8410667 1175071 1427261 Two/Half Two/Half Lie to Me “Better Half” American Idol Elimi- News (N) Å 558990 News at Seinfeld Men (N) Å 575667 nation. (Live) Å 11 821358 Å 984071 6 6 ≠ FOX Men 760648 487803 555803 CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami “Nailed” Å Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Exterm Exterm Exterm 42 45 (A&E) 672803 885280 871087 956377 751919 930984 874272 951822 103483 (6:00) ››‡ “Reign of ››› “Batman Begins” (2005, Action) Christian Bale, Michael Caine, ›‡ “Catwoman” (2004, Action) Halle 38 51 (AMC) Fire” (2002) Christian Liam Neeson. Bruce Wayne becomes Gotham City’s Dark Knight. Å 555984 Bale. 228844 Berry. Å 428990 Blue Planet: Seas of Shark Feeding Frenzy River Monsters Jere- Night “Fer-de-Lance; River Monsters Jeremy heads to Texas. Lions” Amazon jungle. my heads to Texas. 60 44 (ANIM) Life “Ocean Worlds” Å Sharks. Å 3634280 3621716 8040629 3625532 (N) 3624803 106 Park Rick Ross ›‡ “Waist Deep” (2006, Action) Tyrese Gib- Game ›‡ “Waist Deep” (2006, Action) 48 58 (BET) 439071 869483 273342 son, Meagan Good. Å 919087 Tyrese Gibson. Å 820174 The Real Housewives The Real Housewives The Real Housewives Make Me a SuperMake Me a Super63 - (BRAV) of New York City Å of New York City Å of New York City Å model “Ready to Rum- model “Ready to Rum393025 379445 399209 ble” (N) 392396 ble” 809261 Kudlow Report 37377 CNBC Reports 46025 As Seen on TV (N) On the Money 36648 Mad Money 80667 46 60 (CNBC) 26261 Lou Dobbs Tonight Å Campbell Brown: No Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å 405613 33 77 (CNN) 210087 Bias, No Bull 229735 136071 Scrubs Scrubs Daily Colbert Futurama S. Park S. Park RENO Daily Colbert 40 54 (COM) 5450358 5767938 5469006 5375613 3637551 5606367 8495445 911! (N) 3649396 5798209 Sports Tailgate Poker Superstars In- Best Damn Sports Sports Sports Sports Sports 51 - (CSN) 137396 854551 357358 205396 755261 vitational II 933667 Show Period 913803 371938 Suite Life- Wizards- “Minutemen” (2008, Comedy) Ja- Phineas Wizards- Hannah Zack & That’s So Place son Dolley, Luke Benward, and Ferb Place Montana Cody Raven 43 42 (DIS) Deck 495342 218735 63839377 616890 293498 641174 196209 Nicholas Braun. Å 8112174 Time Warp Medieval Time Warp Air bags MythBusters “Banana Pitchmen “Dual Saw Time Warp Air bags and kitchen appliances. Slip, Double Dip” (N) Shuffle” 686006 and kitchen appliances. 26 47 (DSC) catapult. 687735 683919 830025 (N) 696483 E! News Daily 10 Girls Girls Next Cheating Death: 15 Incredible Survival Sto- Chelsea E! News 49 55 (E!) 755716 309071 764464 849754 645957 Dr 670071 ries (N) 563822 Homecoming With MLB Baseball New York Mets at St. Louis Cardinals. From Busch Sta- SportsCenter (Live) Å 270629 dium in St. Louis. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) Å 631358 28 29 (ESPN) Rick Reilly: Josh Hamilton (N) 278349 Football NFL Live SportsCenter Special PBA Bowling (Taped) Baseball Tonight Homecoming With 29 30 (ESPN2) 4745629 8059613 (Live) 9798396 Å 9778532 (Live) Å 9788919 Rick Reilly 3968342 Daily Mass: Our Lady EWTN Live 5156700 Saints Rosary All Praise Be Yours: Faith Vatican 50 98 (EWTN) 5243280 5736735 9199280 Canticle 5242551 5731280 4693342







APR. 22 8:30


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED That ’70s ››› “Eight Below” (2006, Adventure) Paul Walker, Bruce America’s Funniest The 700 Club Å 375731 Greenwood. Expedition members must leave their sled Home Videos Å 37 40 (FAM) Show 565174 680342 dogs behind in Antarctica. Å 120532 FOX Report-Shepard The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) 4162209 On the Record-Van The O’Reilly Factor 47 59 (FNC) Smith 4166025 5814716 (N) Å 4142445 Susteren 4165396 Challenge Four pastry Good Eats Good Eats Bobby Bobby Dinner: Impossible Good Eats Un8197025 8176532 Flay 5926822 wrapped Flay Roulette wheel. (N) 39 49 (FOOD) chefs compete. 3629358 5921377 3247700 3628629 7147551 (5:30) ››› “The Ital- ››› “Rush Hour” (1998, Action) Jackie Chan, ››› “Rush Hour” (1998, Action) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. Two detectives join forces in a kid- Chris Tucker. Two detectives join forces in a kid24 34 (FX) ian Job” (2003) 7287700 napping case. 9911358 napping case. 3631377 7th Heaven “Girls Just 7th Heaven “Do Some- “Before You Say I Do” (2009) Jennifer West- Murder, She Wrote feldt. A time-traveler tries to change his girl“The Days Dwindle 170 137 (HALL) Want to Have Fun” Å thing” Å 5859716 5873396 friend’s view on marriage. Å 5852803 Down” 4797261 Curb Ap- House Property Rate My House Income House Renova- Big Amaz- My First Hunters Virgins Space (N) Hunters Property Hunters tion ing Place 54 48 (HGTV) peal 8193209 1611990 8179629 8181464 5936209 3325532 1193006 1102754 5931754 7152483 Modern Marvels MonsterQuest “Gigan- MonsterQuest “Sea UFO Hunters “Nazi Decoding the Past tic Killer Fish” Å Monsters” (N) Å UFOs” (N) Å 9925551 Biblical prophecies. Å 59 46 (HIST) “Banks” Å 9926280 9839700 9922464 6421193 Reba Å Reba Å Will & Will & ››‡ “Little Manhattan” (2005) Josh Hutcher- Will & Will & 416209 Grace Grace son. The son of a troubled couple finds his first Grace Grace 41 39 (LIFE) 766716 775464 681071 858396 385025 love. Å 485984 Hardball Å 4066071 Countdown-OlberThe Rachel Maddow Countdown-OlberThe Rachel Maddow 45 26 (MSNBC) mann 4155919 Show 4168483 mann 4065342 Show 5810990 True Life 564445 True Life 573193 The Phone 560629 Real World-Road Real World-Road 52 56 (MTV) Rules 563716 Rules 175713 MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway Park Innings Red Sox SportsDsk Outdoors 32 28 (NESN) in Boston. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) 167261 53464 66984 85464 98713 True Jack- True Jack- iCarly (N) True Jack- Home Im- Home Im- George George Family Family Å 898754 son son prove. prove. Lopez Lopez Matters Matters 44 41 (NICK) son 889006 426071 877261 952551 757193 274218 979826 964396 183629 Ghost Hunters Å Ghost Hunters “Titanic Ghost Hunters “Cross- (:01) Ghost Hunters (:01) Ghost Hunters Terror” Å 4157377 ing Over” (N) Å “Haunted Asylum” Å “Crossing Over” Å 55 52 (SCIFI) 4148629 5938280 4067700 5829648 Drag Race Drag Race Drag Race Drag Race Drag Race Drag Race Drag Race Wrecked Pimp My Pass Time 141 271 (SPEED) 9947939 Ride (N) CSI: Crime Scene In- CSI: Crime Scene In- UFC Unleashed The Ultimate Fighter Deadliest Warrior 697385 (N) 447862 “Spartan vs. Ninja” 27 53 (SPIKE) vestigation Å (DVS) vestigation “Killer” 153091 941071 272193 Seinfeld Seinfeld House of House of House of House of House of House of Sex and Sex and Payne Payne Payne Payne Payne the City the City 12 16 (TBS) Å 128532 Å 878025 Payne 137280 123087 581087 302667 663280 576700 586532 641613 Without Lying Down: ›› “Feudin’, Fussin’ and A›› “Louisiana Hayride” (1944, ›››› “The Miracle Fightin’” (1948) Donald O’Connor. Comedy) Judy Canova, Lloyd of Morgan’s Creek” 162 169 (TCM) Frances Marion 9919990 Premiere. ‘NR’ 8936280 Bridges. ‘NR’ 2401551 ‘NR’ 5564735 Mystery Diagnosis Jon & Kate Plus 8 Go Jon & Jon & Jon & Jon & Jon & Kate Plus 8 Go Kate Plus Kate Plus Kate Plus Kate Plus Green! Å 267261 36 50 (TLC) Acid-reflux. Å 297349 Green! Å 992957 8 390803 8 195445 8 487938 8 463358 Law & Order “All in the NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å NBA Basketball First Round -397342 Teams TBA. (Live) Å 481735 25 35 (TNT) Family” Å (DVS) 592731 Batman Star Wars “Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Johnny T King-Hill King-Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 58 43 (TOON) 4233919 8782919 Sword” (2009) 6814938 9008984 7042303 1953533 5640984 4771174 Naked Alaska Å Bar Food Paradise Å Extreme Adrenaline Man Food Man Food Dhani Tackles the 69 51 (TRAV) 9029938 9005358 Rushes (N) 9018822 2949445 2958193 Globe 7065990 Cops Cops Most Shocking Most Daring “Lethal Most Daring “Wild Forensic Forensic 62 182 (TRUTV) 4743261 8137445 9690700 7673984 6955716 Ladies” 9783464 Women 2” 9786551 NCIS “An Eye for an House “Role Model” NCIS “Probie” Å NCIS “Model Behavior” ›››‡ “Little Miss Å 214803 234667 Å 237754 Sunshine” (2006) Å 34 36 (USA) Eye” Å 238483 604358 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA. (Live) Hockey NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams 139 37 (VS) 4853716 7120716 TBA. (Live) 5638377 MLB Baseball Oakland Athletics at New York Yankees. CenterStage Å Yank Mag Yankeeography Å 30 32 (YES) From Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, N.Y. Å 754551 33648 144990 46209 PREMIUM CHANNELS Thrilla in ››‡ “Leatherheads” (2008) George Clooney. Brave The No. 1 Ladies’ De- Real Time With Bill Two 1920s football stars try to score with a Voices tective Agency Å Maher Å 272087 200 5 (HBO) Manila 630087 108803 828808 newswoman. ‘PG-13’ 148434 ››‡ “Cheech and Chong’s Up in › “Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever” ›‡ “Jumper” (2008, Science Fic- ›› “Ski 220 320 (MAX) Smoke” (1978) Cheech Marin. ‘R’ (2002, Action) Antonio Banderas, tion) Hayden Christensen. ‘PG-13’ School” Å 241938 Å 170280 319803 Lucy Liu. ‘R’ Å 545006 (5:55) ››› “Freedom The Tudors (iTV) Å ››› “Stardust” (2007) Claire Danes. iTV. A (:15) ›››› “Taxi Driyoung man ventures into a fairy realm to rever” (1976) Robert De 240 340 (SHOW) Writers” (2007) ‘PG- 221193 13’ 75107311 trieve a fallen star. ‘PG-13’ 9073396 Niro. ‘R’ 1512025

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009





APR. 23

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30



NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Guiding Light 62526 Price Is Right 42762 News Y & R 852491 Bold 2 ^ CBS The Doctors 38168 Dr. Phil Å 25694 Better Connecticut Å The Price Is Right (N) News (N) The Young and the Bold 2 3 # CBS 59052 Å 46588 53781 Restless (N) 856217 74762 Martha 37830 Style Jury Holly Days of Lives 78588 - 12 $ NBC (7:00) Today (N) Å 423052 News (N) Inside TMZ Hatchett Divorce Divorce - 15 % FOX Mike & Juliet 50304 Tyra Banks 82304 Rachael Ray 75014 The View (N) 95878 News (N) Style My Children 36526 7 7 ( ABC Regis 43014 Maury Å 11830 Jerry Springer 31694 Steve Wilkos 62588 Karen Karen 23 - + CW Maury Å 89830 Degrassi Court Eucharist Fresh Pr. Judge Mathis (N) Å Karen Karen Judge A. Judge A. 11 11 4 CW 29633 88120 36781 58491 29697 92859 47897 99236 46168 Super Clifford Sesame Street Å Barney Word Big World Caillou Mr Rogers Lions 5 14 8 PBS 32491 61491 (DVS) 34946 79323 70052 52255 72507 58526 71878 Christians Zola Levitt Paid 40033 Paid 63385 Paid 11323 Paid 12052 Paid 87965 Paid 23255 Paid 98168 Paid 22526 10 10 : ION & Jews 29439 (7:00) Today (N) Å 942878 News (N) Å 33392 The Bonnie Hunt Days of our Lives (N) 4 4 > NBC Å 62168 Show (N) 46120 Clifford Sesame St. 78762 Dragon Word Super Sid 94101 Big World Barney 17 - Y PBS Super MerMedia Meyer Believers Ellison Morning Show-Mike & One Half Young Young 9 9 [ MNT 7680255 7262120 4290120 7686439 Juliet 6578694 7660491 7273236 6572410 7272507 Maury Å 508120 The Doctors (N) Å The Martha Stewart Feud Feud Be a Mil- Be a Mil6 6 ≠ FOX 155052 357323 675043 Show (N) 142588 lionaire lionaire CABLE CHANNELS 42 45 (A&E) The First 48 337588 The First 48 261946 The First 48 274410 The First 48 197762 The First 48 106410 (7:30) ›› “Alexander” (2004) Colin Farrell, ››› “Dracula” (1979) Frank Langella. The vampire count “High38 51 (AMC) Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer. Å 657965 arrives in turn-of-the-century England. 115675 lander” Me or Underdog 8936472 Witness Witness Cops 3226217 Cops 3235965 60 44 (ANIM) Me or One One Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Game Game ›‡ “King’s Ransom” 48 58 (BET) 719149 440507 186897 708033 649781 640410 799385 444323 (2005) 167762 Loser 243656 Loser 256120 Loser 195410 Loser 171830 63 - (BRAV) West Wing 342526 The Call 32526 Power Lunch Å 84491 46 60 (CNBC) Squawk on the Street 81304 Newsroom (N) 967304 Newsroom 196168 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom (N) 185052 Colbert MADtv 6339168 Gotham 9800520 Remix Presents 40 54 (COM) “Just One” 5686410 Daily Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Snowbrd 434946 51 - (CSN) P90X Movers Tigger Einsteins Charlie Wiggles “Minutemen” (2008) 2671168 Phineas 43 42 (DIS) Handy Made Cash Cab Cash Cab Overhaulin’ 256014 Wrecks 102694 Deadliest 188014 26 47 (DSC) Made E! News Daily 10 Keep Up Keep Up 49 55 (E!) Cash & Burn 500588 Cheating Death: Survival Stories 570679 28 29 (ESPN) SportsCenter 901110 SportsCenter 630052 SportsCenter 627588 SportsCenter 559588 SportsCenter 568236 ESPN First Take (Live) Å 9268679 ESPN First Take Å 6868236 29 30 (ESPN2) Mike Mike 4815588 Saints Glorious Holy Rsry Daily Mass 9092323 Faustyna 7634694 50 98 (EWTN) EWTN Live 7633965 Walk The 700 Club 430014 Gilmore Girls 450878 Full Hse. Full Hse. Sister Sister 37 40 (FAM) Step-Step Living Happening Now (N) 7549304 Live Desk 1915694 47 59 (FNC) America’s Newsroom (N) 1911878 Giada Emeril Live 8963526 Entertain Quick Fix Cooking Italian Minute Contessa 39 49 (FOOD) Paid Spin City Spin City 70s Show 70s Show 24 34 (FX) “Paparazzi” 5666656 ››‡ “Dark City” (1998) 2155697 Golden Lucy Lucy Angel 4610168 Angel 4341526 7th Heaven 4327946 170 137 (HALL) Golden 24 Hour Save Decorat Save House Curb To Sell To Sell 54 48 (HGTV) Kidspace Big Re Warriors 6324236 Warriors 6304472 Warriors 7105192 Marvels 5105912 59 46 (HIST) Warriors 1590897 Reba Frasier Frasier Will Will Housewives 371762 Housewives 380410 41 39 (LIFE) Reba News 5713033 News 5733897 News 6862168 News 6848588 45 26 (MSNBC) News 3361255 52 56 (MTV) Making-Band 513946 Making-Band 438656 Making-Band 441120 Making-Band 366830 Making-Band 382878 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid SportsDs SportsDs Bruins 19014 32 28 (NESN) Paid Go Diego Backyard Pets Ni Hao Olivia Dora Backyard Ni Hao Wubbzy 44 41 (NICK) Dora Dinotopia (Part 2 of 3) Å 1929897 55 52 (SCIFI) “Dinocroc” 1906946 Dinotopia (Part 1 of 3) Å 6861439 Drag Drag Wrecked Paid Paid NASCAR Classics (N) 5297323 141 271 (SPEED) Pinks Mysteries 546120 Mysteries 562168 27 53 (SPIKE) Married... Married... Married... Married... Mysteries 605472 Home Im Home Im Home Im Home Im 12 16 (TBS) Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. ››‡ “Out of Time” (2003) (PA) 745323 “Advnture- ›››› “The Adventures of Robin (:15) ››› “The Adventures of Huckleberry Private “Advn162 169 (TCM) Robin” Hood” (1938) 22404255 Finn” (1939) ‘G’ Å (DVS) 85974897 Screen. ture-Mark” Baby Jon Kate Jon Kate What Not 630168 What Not 548588 Baby Baby 36 50 (TLC) Baby ER Å 618946 Las Vegas 621410 Las Vegas 539830 Without 555878 25 35 (TNT) Charmed 793236 George Tom & Jerry 9007255 Courage George 58 43 (TOON) Scooby Scooby Aloha, Scooby-Doo 2183830 Caribbean 7968033 Beaches 7988897 Europe Europe A. Bourdain 7030149 69 51 (TRAV) Beach 8080014 Jami Floyd: Best Defense 9230168 Courtside 6874897 62 182 (TRUTV) Lisa Bloom: Open Court 6863781 JAG Å 810236 ›››‡ “Little Miss Sunshine” 952472 Law CI 722472 34 36 (USA) JAG Å 986878 Ameri Fishing Tail Walk Fishing Fishing Paid Hunting Saltwater Outside 139 37 (VS) Paid Sports Game Game Classics 485052 30 32 (YES) MLB Baseball: Athletics at Yankees 269033 PREMIUM CHANNELS ›‡ “Rush Hour 3” 736236 ››‡ “The Net” (1995) ‘PG-13’ 440526 “Where Hrt” 996120 200 5 (HBO) “Trans “Don’t Tell Mom” 10116033 220 320 (MAX) (8:45) “Snatch” (2000) 76201236 ›› “Speed Racer” (2008) ‘PG’ 96343859 (:45) “Arthur and the Invisibles” 35762052 ››› “The TV Set” ‘R’ 919507 “Harm” 994897 240 340 (SHOW) “Life



CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable












NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Dr. Phil Å 7830 Judy 491 Judy 675 News at 5PM 3897 CBS CBS 2 ^ CBS World Trn 73912 As the World Turns Guiding Light (N) Å Oprah Winfrey Å News (N) News (N) News (N) Evening 2 3 # CBS (N) Å 33526 1656 3491 8588 Å 781 Å 694 News 946 Deal No Deal No 4 NY News at 5 8965 News 236 NBC - 12 $ NBC Bonnie Hunt 31168 Ellen Show 2526 Judge People Ct 26675 Fox 5 News 6385 News (N) TMZ 5385 - 15 % FOX Judge A. Judge A. Judge Gen. Hospital 30878 Judge J. Judge J. News (N) News (N) News (N) ABC 7 7 ( ABC Life to Live 75526 Jamie F. Wayans My Wife Lopez Fam. Guy Friends 23 - + CW Judge Mathis 37174 Judge Pirro 67946 Divorce Divorce Judge Jeanine Pirro Jamie F. Wayans The Tyra Banks Show Friends Friends 11 11 4 CW Ct. 48830 Ct. 95236 Å 14472 86588 75472 Å 58217 96965 87217 Reading Martha Sid 94033 CyberArthur (N) Maya Fetch Clifford World Worldfo5 14 8 PBS 15526 15014 35878 95138 19830 chase (N) 39694 News cus Paid 57526 Paid 55656 Paid 36033 Paid 50101 Paid 79236 Paid 68120 Quantum Leap Å M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 10 10 : ION 27385 56385 70965 The People’s Court The Ellen DeGeneres Deal No Deal No News (N) News (N) News (N) NBC News 4 4 > NBC (N) Å 78830 12588 28912 98410 25052 22965 Show (N) 58878 Clifford Curious Martha Arthur (N) WordGirl Fetch Cyber BBC New 17 - Y PBS Caillou Hatchett Hatchett Judge Judge Law & Order: Crimi- Trivial Jim King Scrubs 9 9 [ MNT 9346014 3191323 9365149 3103168 nal Intent 8141656 9360694 3102439 3192052 3183304 Jerry Springer Å The Steve Wilkos Maury Å 274491 Simpsons Simpsons Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 6 6 ≠ FOX 413588 194656 854526 851439 835491 Show (N) 262656 CABLE CHANNELS 42 45 (A&E) The First 48 545410 The First 48 318168 The First 48 397675 The First 48 229675 The First 48 193946 (1:30) ››‡ “Highlander” (1986, Fantasy) ››‡ “Reign of Fire” (2002) Christian Bale, ›› “Commando” 38 51 (AMC) Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery. 864439 Matthew McConaughey. Å 698781 (1985) Å 407526 Extreme 8087694 Killing 3215101 60 44 (ANIM) Orangutan 7026014 Meerkat Meerkat Grow Up 5832439 (1:00) ›‡ “King’s Ran- One One SmartGuy SmartGuy Game Game 106 & Park: BET’s Top 48 58 (BET) som” 167762 571781 211897 290304 296588 583526 210168 10 Live 359656 Supermodel 124089 Supermodel 942255 Supermodel 191694 63 - (BRAV) The Biggest Loser Å 719014 Closing Bell 45304 Closing Bell 64439 Fast Money 71743 Mad Money 39830 46 60 (CNBC) Street Signs 72656 Newsroom 949052 The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) 535675 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom 196168 Colbert Scrubs Scrubs ›› “Meatballs Part II” (1984) 5366965 Mandoon RENO 40 54 (COM) Daily Heart. Poker 646694 Equestrian 625101 Top 50 557101 Tailgate Sports 51 - (CSN) ClubWPT 172694 43 42 (DIS) Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Suite Life Suite Life Suite Life Suite Life Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab 26 47 (DSC) The FBI Files 527014 A Haunting 383472 Deadliest 302507 Jen Aniston 280052 Dating Dating 2 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies 330656 49 55 (E!) Heidi Klum 408656 SportsCenter Special 350304 NFL Live Burning Horn Interrupt SportsCenter 548472 28 29 (ESPN) Lines 1st and Gymnastics 5898897 Lines NASCAR Burning Horn Interrupt 29 30 (ESPN2) Best of Mercy Rosary Faith DonutMan Truth Octava Church Crowning 50 98 (EWTN) Faustyna Crucial What I Gilmore Girls 113675 My Wife My Wife 37 40 (FAM) Sabrina Sabrina Full Hse. Full Hse. What I Studio B 8096859 Your World 8008694 Glenn Beck 9596149 Bret Baier 6855878 47 59 (FNC) Live Desk 1915694 Boy Grill Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Italian Contessa Home Cooking Minute 39 49 (FOOD) Lee Bernie Malcolm Malcolm Bernie Bernie 70s Show 70s Show “John T” 9803385 24 34 (FX) Bernie Golden 170 137 (HALL) 7th Heaven 6426675 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Golden Dime Challenge Color Deserving Kitchen Divine Get Sold To Sell Carter 54 48 (HGTV) Dime Warriors 3538236 Warriors 3517743 Warriors 5351033 Warriors 1705156 59 46 (HIST) Warriors 5662830 Wife Swap 201439 Wife Swap 126149 Still Stnd Still Stnd 41 39 (LIFE) ››‡ “Little Manhattan” (2005) 911304 News 8092033 News 8011168 Hardball 9592323 Ed Show 6851052 45 26 (MSNBC) News 1908304 Raiders College College 52 56 (MTV) Making-Band 712120 Making-Band 277472 Making-Band 296507 Teen Innings Red Sox Bruins in Two 80014 32 28 (NESN) MLB Baseball: Twins at Red Sox 50762 Drake Drake Drake Sponge Sponge Drake Drake 44 41 (NICK) Sponge OddPar Drake Lost Å 8013526 Enterprise 9594781 Stargate 6853410 55 52 (SCIFI) Dinotopia (Part 3 of 3) Å 4030656 NASCAR 5622588 Chop Cut Edge Monster 4114830 Whips 9098507 141 271 (SPEED) NASCAR 5297323 CSI: NY 732830 CSI: NY 751965 CSI: NY 384217 CSI: NY 542304 27 53 (SPIKE) Mysteries 985120 Just Yes, Dear Yes, Dear King King Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends 12 16 (TBS) Just (1:45) ››› “The Adventures of Mark Twain” ››› “Adventures of Don Juan” (1948, Ad- “Adventures of Huck 162 169 (TCM) (1944) Fredric March. 84920033 venture) Errol Flynn. ‘NR’ Å 5364507 Finn” 9821781 Runway Diagnosis 767526 Little Little Jon Kate Jon Kate Not Wear 537472 36 50 (TLC) Baby Charmed 300255 Bones Å 535014 25 35 (TNT) Law & Order 978830 Law & Order 765168 Charmed 744675 Flapjack Flapjack Batman Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T Total Dra Total Dra 58 43 (TOON) George Ben 10 Haunted 7939588 Caribbean 7941323 Caribbean 9989217 Beaches 7010385 69 51 (TRAV) Bizarre 1102946 Arrest Arrest Video Video Video Video PoliceVids 2418192 62 182 (TRUTV) Courtside 6874897 Law SVU 934120 Law SVU 953255 NCIS Å 586507 NCIS Å 742236 34 36 (USA) Law CI 161472 Martin Strong Holy ...! NBA Act. Motorspo 9981675 Holy ...! Holy ...! 139 37 (VS) Escape Paid Yank Mag SportsMo Mike Francesa (Live) Å 62656 30 32 (YES) (1:00) Yankees Classics Å 485052 PREMIUM CHANNELS ››› “Transformers” 290976 200 5 (HBO) “Where Hrt” 996120 When the Levees Broke: Acts I & II 39705830 “The Simpsons Movie” 873830 ››› “Hot Fuzz” (2007) ‘R’ Å 9568014 “Aliens vs. Pred.” 220 320 (MAX) “Dont (:15) ››‡ “Bobby” (2006) ‘R’ 6765236 “Mission: Imp. 2” 240 340 (SHOW) “Harm” “Johnny Was” (2006) 1345007

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009


thursdaycritics’corner 6:05 a.m. on (SHOW) Movie: Mission: Impossible 2 Tom Cruise performs some remarkable physical stunts under the guidance of director John Woo (“Face/Off”) in this fast-paced 2000 sequel filmed in Australia. The star returns as Impossible Missions Force agent Ethan Hunt, tracking a villain (Dougray Scott) who has biological terrorism on his mind. Thandie Newton plays a woman with romantic links to both men. 6 p.m. on (TCM) Movie: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn This 1960 adaptation of Mark Twain’s tale may whet the appetites of youngsters who haven’t read it, although those already devoted to the book may wonder where some of their favorite scenes went. Eddie Hodges and Archie Moore, a boxer-turnedactor in his film debut, have good chemistry as young Huck and runaway slave Jim, who hit the road — er, river — in search of adventure and freedom. Tony Randall, Patty McCormack and Andy Devine also appear. 8 p.m. on (WNBC) (WVIT)

My Name Is Earl Earl (Jason Lee) discovers that he has wronged a minister several times, but his attempt to make multiple amends only leaves the man of the cloth struggling to forgive him. Joy (Jaime Pressly) turns to Darnell (Eddie Steeples) for help after she hits Catalina (Nadine Velazquez) with a riding mower. Ethan Suplee also 40

Arija Bareikis

10 p.m. on (WNBC) (WVIT) Southland Art imitates life to some extent, as Tom Sizemore (“Saving Private Ryan”) guest stars as a hard-partying actor who has star-struck Dewey (guest star C. Thomas Howell) wanting to play along instead of booking him, making Chickie (Arija Bareikis) second-guess her decision to be Dewey’s partner. Ben (Ben McKenzie) opens up about why he wanted to be a cop in the new episode “See the Woman.” stars in the new episode “Gospel.” 8 p.m. on (TCM) Movie: Born Yesterday Judy Holliday does her best to perpetuate the “dumb blonde” stereotype in this 1950 comedy. She plays the mistress of an obnoxious tycoon (Broderick Crawford) who fears her cluelessness and lack of refinement will make a bad impression on the congressman he wants to bribe. He hires a newspaperman (William Holden) to tutor her, and they become more than teacher and student. Holliday won the best actress Oscar. 8:30 p.m. on (HBO) Movie: Trouble the Water This haunting documentary presents an unprecedented and very personal perspective on Hurricane Katrina’s battering of New Orleans, filmed by aspiring rap star Kimber-

ly Roberts and her husband, Scott, after they and their 9th Ward neighbors become trapped in the city as the storm bears down. Equipped with meager supplies and a camcorder, the couple document their harrowing ordeal. 10 p.m. on (BRAV) The Millionaire Matchmaker Farrah, a former member of the music group Destiny’s Child, turns to Patti for advice in the wake of past relationships that have left her wary of men. Kevin, a celebrity photographer who only dates models, is looking to move on from a string of relationships that never make it past two weeks. 10 p.m. on (TCM) Movie: Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed? DVR alert! This frothy 1963 romp — about a TV doctor (Dean Martin) who constantly has to fend off the atten-

tions of his buddies’ wives, who have a hard time separating him from his tube character — isn’t currently available on DVD and only rarely turns up on TV, despite a stellar cast that also includes a pre-“Bewitched” Elizabeth Montgomery, Carol Burnett, Martin Balsam and Jill St. John. 2 a.m. on (WEDH) (WGBY)

Appalachia: A History of Mountains and People In part three of this limited series, land grabbers sweep through Appalachia after the chaos of the Civil War tears apart the largely agrarian way of the life, leaving the region ripe for plunder by speculators and consolidators, who evict people who can’t prove ownership of their land after suspicious fires destroy courthouse records. Sissy Spacek narrates.






APR. 23 8:30


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS The Insid- Entertain- Survivor: Tocantins CSI: Crime Scene In- (:01) Harper’s Island 2 ^ CBS er 4526 ment 304 (N) Å 1385 vestigation 7523007 “Ka-Blam” (N) 4236 Inside Entertain- Survivor: Tocantins CSI: Crime Scene In- (:01) Harper’s Island 2 3 # CBS 1052 ment 830 (N) Å 8439 vestigation 7428453 “Ka-Blam” (N) 1762 Extra (N) Hollywood Name Is Parks The Office 30 Rock Southland “See the - 12 $ NBC 9694 472 1895656 (N) 93897 Woman” (N) 9304 Earl 5014 4149 Simpsons Seinfeld Bones “The Girl in the Hell’s Kitchen (N) Å Fox 5 News at 10 (N) - 15 % FOX 7014 4897 75439 Å 78526 Mask” (N) 55675 Jeopardy! Fortune Mother Samantha Grey’s Anatomy (N) (:02) Private Practice 7 7 ( ABC (N) 3052 7507 9472 Who 8507 Å 8434385 (N) Å 61236 Two/Half Family Smallville “Stiletto” (N) Supernatural “Jump PIX News at Ten Tong. 23 - + CW Men 6168 Guy 3323 Å 17439 the Shark” (N) 97675 (N) 90762 Raymond Raymond Smallville “Stiletto” (N) Supernatural “Jump News (N) Å 54588 11 11 4 CW 59946 76101 Å 64965 the Shark” (N) 44101 The NewsHour With All Things Eating Principal’s Story: A Frontline “The Med5 14 8 PBS Jim Lehrer (N) 13255 CT 95762 14897 Town Meeting 19439 icated Child” 12526 Feud Feud Boston Legal Å ››‡ “Deep Blue Sea” (1999) Thomas Jane, 10 10 : ION 28014 24385 76149 Saffron Burrows. Premiere. 27472 Extra (N) Access My Name Parks The Office 30 Rock Southland “See the 4 4 > NBC 85946 2987033 (N) 54149 Woman” (N) 81694 H’wood Is Earl (N) 73101 New Wine Auction 480052 17 - Y PBS 283471 Judge J. Judge J. ›› “The Transporter” (2002, Action) Jason Channel 8 (:35) TMZ 9 9 [ MNT 9340830 3189588 Statham, Shu Qi. 6789217 8314439 5471101 Two Men Two Men Bones “The Girl in the Hell’s Kitchen (N) Å News (N) Å 919052 6 6 ≠ FOX 107120 916965 831675 Mask” 996101

News Late 4131033 72582830 News (N) Late 4135859 72586656 News (N) Tonight 4126101 72517526 Seinfeld Simpsons 27304 47743 News (N) Nightline 7777304 88158526 Two Men Friends 70410 87679 Sex and Frasier the City 54675 Chronicles Ask This Old 13965 Lifestyle Paid 46217 Lift 75364 News (N) Tonight 2747491 64710588 Charlie Rose (N) Å 79491 Scrubs Payne 1142743 1321033 News Seinfeld 275120 401743

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WE ACCEPT: Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express CABLE CHANNELS The First 48 Å 159435 The First 48 “Frenzy/Hard The First 48 (N) Å The Beast “No Turning The Beast “No Turning 42 45 (A&E) 454287 Truth” 854043 Back” 509976 Back” 262675 (6:00) ›› “Comman- ››‡ “Passenger 57” (1992, Action) Wesley ››‡ “Starsky & Hutch” (2004, Comedy) Ben 38 51 (AMC) do” Å 407526 Snipes, Bruce Payne. 479743 Stiller, Owen Wilson. Å 766781 Reptile Kings: Lost Blue Planet: Seas of Blue Planet: Seas of Animal Cops Houston Blue Planet: Seas of 60 44 (ANIM) Viper 3529304 Life Å 3538052 Life “Deep” 3525588 Å 3528675 Life Å 8937101 106 & Park: BET’s Top “Getting Played” (2005, Romance-Comedy) College “Getting Played” (2005) Carmen 48 58 (BET) 10 Live 359656 790014 Carmen Electra, Stacey Dash. Å 354101 Electra. Å 283694 Parks Parks The Millionaire The Millionaire The Millionaire The Millionaire 63 - (BRAV) 910656 660149 Matchmaker 730507 Matchmaker 710743 Matchmaker 713830 Matchmaker 244385 Kudlow Report 86149 CNBC Reports 95897 Dirty Money: Prostitu- On the Money 78120 Mad Money 13491 46 60 (CNBC) tion 75033 Lou Dobbs Tonight Å Campbell Brown: No Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å 948323 33 77 (CNN) 680897 Bias, No Bull 666217 679781 Scrubs Scrubs Daily Colbert Futurama S. Park Mandoon S. Park Daily Colbert 40 54 (COM) 5347830 5654410 5363878 5342385 3531323 4955679 8399217 8308965 3543168 5685781 Sports Impact Poker Superstars In- Best Damn Top 50 Sports Tailgate Sports Top 50 51 - (CSN) 558830 282385 718410 794830 626830 118781 vitational II 378781 Special 365217 Suite Life Suite Life “Dadnapped” (2009) Emily Os- Wizards Wizards Montana Suite Life So Raven 43 42 (DIS) 912014 662507 38991033 464052 440472 974566 524033 ment, David Henrie. 8031255 Made Made Destroyed Destroyed Dirty Jobs 559471 Deadliest Catch Destroyed Destroyed 26 47 (DSC) 235236 945101 804548 E! News Daily 10 Silvstedt Keep Up 20 Most Horrifying Hollywood Murders Mur- Chelsea E! News 49 55 (E!) 109588 826743 118236 197743 277588 436439 ders. 991656 Homecoming With NFL Live SportsCenter Special Baseball Tonight (Live) Å 428304 SportsCenter (Live) Å 28 29 (ESPN) Rick Reilly 495781 608168 631781 (Live) 693743 Madden Football MLS Soccer Red Bull New York at Kansas City College Football All-Star Challenge From 29 30 (ESPN2) 4632101 8026385 Wizards. (Live) 9663656 Tampa, Fla. Å 7654859 Daily Mass: Our Lady Life on the Rock Eucharist Rosary Catholic Life Web of Faith Å 50 98 (EWTN) 5147052 5123472 5630507 9093052 8096043 2791651 6690491

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009






APR. 23 8:30


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED That ’70s That ’70s Show 37 40 (FAM) Show 114304 864897 FOX Report-Shepard 47 59 (FNC) Smith 4060897 Challenge Ginger39 49 (FOOD) bread mansions. 3516830 (6:00) ›‡ “John Tuck24 34 (FX) er Must Die” (2006) 9803385 7th Heaven “I Hate 170 137 (HALL) You” Å 5777168 54 48 (HGTV) 59 46 (HIST) 41 39 (LIFE) 45 26 (MSNBC) 52 56 (MTV) 32 28 (NESN) 44 41 (NICK) 55 52 (SCIFI) 141 271 (SPEED) 27 53 (SPIKE)

12 16


162 169 (TCM)

36 50


25 35


58 43 (TOON) 69 51 (TRAV) 62 182 (TRUTV) 34 36 (USA) 139 37


30 32 (YES)

››‡ “Jurassic Park III” (2001) Sam Neill. Pre- America’s Funniest The 700 Club Å 431743 miere. A search party encounters new breeds Home Videos Å 919946 of prehistoric terror. 930439 The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) 4059781 On the Record-Van The O’Reilly Factor 5718588 (N) Å 4046217 Susteren 4069168 Good Eats Good Eats Iron Chef America Ace of Ace of Good Eats Un8091897 8070304 “Symon vs. Bloomfield” Cakes 5820694 wrapped Cakes 3512014 1082946 1091694 7041323 ›› “My Super Ex-Girlfriend” (2006, Ro›› “My Super Ex-Girlfriend” (2006, Romance-Comedy) Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, mance-Comedy) Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, Anna Faris. 9808830 Anna Faris. 3535149 7th Heaven “Truth or “Expecting a Miracle” (2009) Jason Priestley, Murder, She Wrote Dare” Å 5753588 Teri Polo. A stranded couple find solace in a “Murder, She Spoke” 4691033 Mexican town. Å 5756675 Curb Ap- House Property Pure De- House House House For Rent Property My First peal Hunters Virgins sign (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters (N) Å Virgins Place 8080781 1515762 8066101 8085236 5823781 3229304 1097878 1006526 5835526 7056255 Modern Marvels Gangland “Silent Gangland “Dead Man Warriors “Spartan Superhuman Å 6325965 “Bulls-Eye” Å 9820052 Slaughter” Å 9806472 Inc.” (N) Å 9826236 Vengeance” (N) Å 9829323 Reba Å Reba Å Will & Will & ›› “Uptown Girls” (2003) Brittany Murphy, Will & Will & 127878 837743 Grace Grace Dakota Fanning. A carefree woman becomes a Grace Grace 136526 115033 202168 722507 nanny to an uptight girl. 902656 Hardball Å 4033743 Countdown-OlberThe Rachel Maddow Countdown-OlberThe Rachel Maddow mann 4042491 Show 4062255 mann 4032014 Show 5714762 Real World-Road Making the Band 4 Making the Band 4 Taking the Stage (N) Making the Band 4 927965 907101 Å 917588 439385 Rules 918217 History of the Boston Bruins 87491 UFC Wired 51491 SportsDsk Spotlight SportsDsk Outdoors 79138 19526 41526 61965 Drake & Drake & Sponge- Sponge- Home Im- Home Im- George George Family Family Josh Josh Bob Bob prove. prove. Lopez Lopez Matters Matters 233878 943743 242526 221033 399033 101965 453830 479878 301878 553439 Eureka “Bad to the Eureka “What About Eureka “Best in Faux” Eureka “Here Come “A.I. Assault” (2006) Å 4031385 Drone” Å 4035101 Bob” Å 4051149 the Suns” Å 4034472 Joe Lando, Michael Dorn. 3982439 Pimp My Pass Time Pinks -- All Out Bullrun 5143236 Bullrun (N) 5146323 Pimp My Pass Time 5123472 Ride (N) Ride (N) CSI: Crime Scene In- UFC Unleashed TNA Wrestling (N) Å 485410 MANswers MANswers 752694 980675 vestigation Å (DVS) 482323 473675 Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends ›› “Enough” (2002) (PA) Jennifer Lopez. A Å 589694 Å 206859 Å 565014 Å 584149 Å 951897 Å 756439 woman takes her daughter and flees her abusive husband. Å 8839588 (6:00) “The Adven- ›››‡ “Born Yesterday” (1950) Judy Holliday. ››› “Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed?” tures of Huckleberry A tycoon hires a tutor to teach his lover proper (1963, Comedy) Dean Martin, Elizabeth MontFinn” (1960) 9821781 etiquette. ‘NR’ Å 9833526 gomery. Premiere. ‘NR’ 3520217 Rides “Under PresOverhaulin’ The CNN American Chopper Stop Shouting at Me! American Chopper sure” Graphic artist. Å Hummer. Å 477491 “DECA Bike; Columet Å 467014 “DECA Bike; Columet 468743 Bike” (N) 497255 Bike” 611033 Law & Order “Tragedy NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å NBA Basketball First Round -823762 on Rye” Å (DVS) Teams TBA. (Live) Å 844255 466385 6TEEN 6TEEN Chowder Flapjack 6TEEN Total Dra King-Hill King-Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 4120491 8679491 4146439 4125946 5645439 9075656 6391615 4391435 5617656 4675946 Great Cruises Å Beach Goers Ex21 Sexiest Beach Bridget’s Sexiest Bridget’s Sexiest 9916410 posed 9992830 Bars Å 9912694 Beaches (N) 9915781 Beaches 7969762 Cops Cops Speeders Speeders World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... Speeders Speeders 4647033 8031217 4656781 4642588 (N) 9687236 9680323 7640656 6859588 NCIS “Bikini Wax” Å House “Babies & Bath- House “Heavy” Å NCIS “Boxed In” Å Burn Notice “Scatter 675965 671149 674236 water” Å 651385 Point” Å 811965

NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA. (Live) Hockey 4757588 7024588 Yankees Classics From July 25, 2008. Å 423439

PREMIUM CHANNELS (5:30) ››› “Trans- In Treat- ›››› “Trouble the Water” (2008, Documentary) Premiere. ‘NR’ Å 200 5 (HBO) formers” (2007) Shia ment 600526 2824149 LaBeouf. 290976 “Aliens (:45) ›› “Speed Racer” (2008, Action) Emile Hirsch, 220 320 (MAX) vs. Pred.” Christina Ricci. A racecar driver enters an arduous cross30072052 country match. ‘PG’ Å 55631033 (6:15) ››› “Mission: Impossible (:25) ›‡ “Saw IV” (2007, Horror) 240 340 (SHOW) 2” (2000) Tom Cruise. iTV. ‘PG-13’ Tobin Bell, Scott Patterson. iTV. ‘R’ 88893014 38968507


NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA. (Live) 5532149 The Great 8s Å Yank Mag SportsMo 90830 33743 34762 State of Pacquiao Real Sex Real Sex Play 24/7 Xtra Xtra 12986014 820588 769878 911439 ›› “Balls of Fury” (2007, Come- Forbidden dy) Dan Fogler, George Lopez. Science 1585743 ‘PG-13’ Å 3546946 The Tudors (iTV) Å Tracey Ull- I’m Still 681526 man Single 938946 173217





APR. 24

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30



NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Guiding Light 60618 Price Is Right 73182 News Y & R 360415 Bold 2 ^ CBS The Doctors 36250 Dr. Phil Å 30076 Better Connecticut Å The Price Is Right (N) News (N) The Young and the Bold 2 3 # CBS 57144 Å 77908 59415 Restless (N) 397569 71584 Martha 68250 Style Jury Holly Days of Lives 90250 - 12 $ NBC (7:00) Today (N) Å 931076 News (N) Inside TMZ Hatchett Divorce Divorce - 15 % FOX Mike & Juliet 89366 Tyra Banks 97786 Rachael Ray 13724 The View (N) 93960 News (N) Style My Children 58298 7 7 ( ABC Regis 72076 Maury Å 40892 Jerry Springer 37328 Steve Wilkos 77960 Karen Karen 23 - + CW Maury Å 25182 Degrassi Court Eucharist Fresh Pr. Judge Mathis (N) Å Karen Karen Judge A. Judge A. 11 11 4 CW 27095 51732 58453 70163 23279 29601 69569 11908 51540 Super Clifford Sesame Street “Firefly Barney Word Big World Caillou Mr Rogers Lions 5 14 8 PBS 47873 78231 91095 92724 67637 89347 47960 88618 Show” 63908 Lifestyle Paid 18873 Paid 79095 Paid 16927 Paid 24347 Paid 25076 Paid 83809 Paid 29989 Paid 20340 Paid 11960 10 10 : ION Lift 87415 (7:00) Today (N) Å 452250 News (N) Å 43182 The Bonnie Hunt Days of our Lives (N) 4 4 > NBC Å 75182 Show (N) 66434 Clifford Sesame St. 88304 Dragon Word Super Sid 30453 Big World Barney 17 - Y PBS Super Paid Meyer Believers MerMedia Morning Show-Mike & One Half Young Young 9 9 [ MNT 7657927 7239892 4267892 7646811 Juliet 6545366 7637163 7240908 6549182 7249279 Maury Å 621322 The Doctors (N) Å The Martha Stewart Feud Feud Be a Mil- Be a Mil6 6 ≠ FOX 656786 858057 503095 Show (N) 669250 lionaire lionaire CABLE CHANNELS Justice 702298 Cold Case 782434 Cold Case 621724 CSI: Miami 607144 42 45 (A&E) Sopranos 847960 (7:45) ››‡ “Airport (:15) ›› “The Concorde: Airport ’79” (1979, Suspense) (:45) ››› “The Package” (1989) 38 51 (AMC) ’77” 17620182 Alain Delon, Susan Blakely. 53376540 Gene Hackman. 52031927 Me or Underdog 8903144 Witness Witness Cops 3293989 Cops 3202637 60 44 (ANIM) Me or One One Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Hatchett Game Game ›› “Be Cool” (2005) 48 58 (BET) 210873 941231 696279 216057 157705 158434 230637 952347 Å 690076 Housewives 760328 Housewives 773892 Housewives 612182 House Charac 63 - (BRAV) West Wing 836960 The Call 47908 Power Lunch Å 98273 46 60 (CNBC) Squawk on the Street 48796 Newsroom (N) 493724 Newsroom 680502 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom (N) 686786 Colbert MADtv 6399540 Remix Peters 8081540 Premium 40 54 (COM) “Meatballs” 5653182 Daily Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Ship On Water Fish 51 - (CSN) Paid Movers Tigger Einsteins Charlie Wiggles “Dadnapped” (2009) 2638453 Sonny 43 42 (DIS) Handy 26 47 (DSC) San Quentin 852892 Overhaulin’ 777502 Overhaulin’ 797366 Overhaulin’ 603328 Overhaulin’ 612076 True H’wood 661618 E! News Daily 10 Kidnapping 945182 49 55 (E!) Celebrity Plastic Surgery Stories 941366 28 29 (ESPN) SportsCenter 517182 SportsCenter 131786 SportsCenter 144250 SportsCenter 505750 SportsCenter 705958 ESPN First Take (Live) Å 7068291 ESPN First Take Å 6835908 29 30 (ESPN2) Mike Mike 4875960 Abundant 6666434 Religious Holy Rsry Daily Mass 9069095 Life Rock 9045415 50 98 (EWTN) Angelica 7600637 The 700 Club 957786 Gilmore Girls 960250 Full Hse. Full Hse. Sister Sister 37 40 (FAM) Step-Step Living Happening Now (N) 7516076 Live Desk 1982366 47 59 (FNC) America’s Newsroom (N) 1971250 Jamie Emeril Emeril Entertain Quick Fix Cooking Italian Minute Contessa 39 49 (FOOD) Paid ››‡ “Mona Lisa Smile” (2003, Drama) 7347989 Spin City Malcolm Malcolm 24 34 (FX) “John T” 5633328 Golden Lucy Lucy Angel 4670540 Angel 4318298 7th Heaven 4394618 170 137 (HALL) Golden 24 Hour Small Decorat Save House Curb To Sell To Sell 54 48 (HGTV) Sensible Big Re Jurassic 6371144 Jurassic 1400304 Marvels 9400124 59 46 (HIST) Journey-BC 5635786 Jurassic 6391908 Reba Frasier Frasier Will Will Housewives 889786 Housewives 898434 41 39 (LIFE) Reba News 5780705 News 5700569 News 6822540 News 6808960 45 26 (MSNBC) News 3338927 Teen Teen College College The Hills Taking 807182 Taking 883502 52 56 (MTV) Teen Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid SportsDs SportsDs Red Sox Red Sox 32 28 (NESN) Paid Go Diego Backyard Pets Ni Hao Olivia Dora Backyard Ni Hao Max Ruby 44 41 (NICK) Dora “Merlin’s Apprentice” (2006) 2034298 55 52 (SCIFI) (8:00) ››› “Merlin” (1998, Adventure) Sam Neill. 3213569 Autobody MotorWk Paid NASCAR Racing: Nationwide 4593076 NASCAR 141 271 (SPEED) Bullrun 7600637 Mysteries 324732 Mysteries 802140 27 53 (SPIKE) Married... Married... Married... Married... Mysteries 148182 Home Im Home Im Home Im Home Im 12 16 (TBS) Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. “Three Men and a Little Lady” Å 246057 (8:00) ››› “High ››‡ “Rage in Heaven” (1941) ›››‡ “Irma La Douce” (1963, Comedy) Shirley 162 169 (TCM) Wall” (1947) 5651724 ‘NR’ Å 8597908 MacLaine, Jack Lemmon. ‘NR’ Å 7337502 Baby Jon Kate Jon Kate What Not 133250 What Not 333560 Baby Baby 36 50 (TLC) Baby ER Å 128328 Las Vegas 131892 Las Vegas 829142 Without 524750 25 35 (TNT) Charmed 210908 Tom & Jerry 9074927 Courage Mucha 58 43 (TOON) Scooby Scooby “Pokémon the Movie 2000” 9064540 Treasures Treasure 7935705 Treasure 7955569 Passport Europe A. Bourdain 7090521 69 51 (TRAV) Europe Jami Floyd: Best Defense 9290540 Courtside 6841569 62 182 (TRUTV) Lisa Bloom: Open Court 6830453 ›‡ “Collateral Damage” (2002) 488892 Law CI 256434 34 36 (USA) ››› “Frailty” (2002) Bill Paxton. 604182 Outdoor Fisher Bass Grigsby Big Fish Paid Bill Dance Fisher Stealth 139 37 (VS) Paid Game Game Francesa 353076 30 32 (YES) Yankees Classics Å 267163 PREMIUM CHANNELS (:15) ››‡ “Baby Mama” Å 88083163 ››‡ “27 Dresses” (2008) Å 403415 200 5 (HBO) “Mrs. Doubtfire” “Held Up” 957219 220 320 (MAX) (8:00) “Tank” 242366 ››› “American Gangster” (2007) Denzel Washington. 939705 “Maxed” 240 340 (SHOW) “Redrum” 68869250 (:15) “Forbidden Warrior” (2004) 89337989 “Sleep Hutch” 4581811

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009






CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

APR. 24 3:30







NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Dr. Phil Å 1892 Judy 908 Judy 892 News at 5PM 7231 CBS CBS 2 ^ CBS World Trn 44182 As the World Turns Guiding Light (N) Å Oprah Winfrey Å News (N) News (N) News (N) Evening 2 3 # CBS (N) Å 48908 5618 7453 5250 Å 298 Å 811 News 163 Deal No Deal No 4 NY News at 5 2927 News 453 NBC - 12 $ NBC Bonnie Hunt 39250 Ellen Show 6960 Judge People Ct 48347 Fox 5 News 6237 News (N) TMZ 2057 - 15 % FOX Judge A. Judge A. Judge Gen. Hospital 45250 Judge J. Judge J. News (N) News (N) News (N) ABC 7 7 ( ABC Life to Live 64960 Jamie F. Wayans My Wife Lopez Fam. Guy Friends 23 - + CW Judge Mathis 37188 Judge Pirro 72328 Divorce Divorce Judge Jeanine Pirro Jamie F. Wayans The Tyra Banks Show Friends Friends 11 11 4 CW Ct. 84182 Ct. 24298 Å 43434 77750 77714 Å 94569 25927 16279 Reading Martha Sid 23095 CyberArthur (N) Maya Fetch Electric World Worldfo5 14 8 PBS 95160 44076 57540 28540 48892 chase (N) 35328 News cus Paid 53250 Lifestyle Veggie Turbo Drew Drew Quantum Leap Å M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 10 10 : ION 63637 98811 84618 73502 94095 85347 Lift 93366 49057 The People’s Court The Ellen DeGeneres Deal No Deal No News (N) News (N) News (N) NBC News 4 4 > NBC (N) Å 90502 50298 49182 10182 30434 37347 Show (N) 63250 Clifford Curious Martha Arthur (N) WordGirl Electric Cyber BBC New 17 - Y PBS Caillou Hatchett Hatchett Judge Judge Law & Order: Crimi- Trivial Jim King Scrubs 9 9 [ MNT 9313786 3168095 9325521 3163540 nal Intent 8118328 9337366 3162811 3169724 3150076 Jerry Springer Å The Steve Wilkos Maury Å 784873 Simpsons Simpsons Fam. Guy Fam. Guy 6 6 ≠ FOX 930250 637366 364908 354521 345873 Show (N) 705366 CABLE CHANNELS Sopranos 819892 Justice 838927 Cold Case 746347 Cold Case 627908 42 45 (A&E) Crossing 674694 (12:45) ››› “The (:15) ››› “In the Line of Fire” (1993) Clint Eastwood. A veteran Se- ››‡ “Passenger 57” 38 51 (AMC) Package” 52031927 cret Service agent battles a vicious assassin. 91888786 (1992) 908250 Killing 3282873 60 44 (ANIM) Orangutan 7093786 Meerkat Meerkat Growing Up 5892811 Extreme 8054366 (1:00) ›› “Be Cool” (2005) John One SmartGuy SmartGuy Game Game 106 & Park: BET’s Top 48 58 (BET) Travolta. Å 690076 705231 724366 713250 178160 704502 10 Live 480705 Characters 592540 Characters 800231 Characters 725540 Characters 229182 “Lethal 63 - (BRAV) Charac Closing Bell 67076 Closing Bell 79811 Fast Money 93415 Mad Money 59144 46 60 (CNBC) Street Signs 94328 Newsroom 466724 The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) 848237 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom 680502 Colbert Scrubs Scrubs ››‡ “Stuck on You” (2003) Matt Damon. 7246453 RENO 40 54 (COM) Daily Top 50 154618 World Poker 166453 Sport Sci 823273 Baseball Sports 51 - (CSN) Darts 682076 Sonny Sonny Sonny Cory Cory Cory Cory Montana Montana 43 42 (DIS) Sonny Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab 26 47 (DSC) Overhaulin’ 351386 Overhaulin’ 824724 Deadliest 803231 THS Investigates: Hot For Student 864618 49 55 (E!) Kidnapping 945182 Love Behind Bars 260163 SportsCenter Special 884366 NFL Live Burning Horn Interrupt SportsCenter 509163 28 29 (ESPN) Lines 1st and Cheerlead 9535250 Lines NASCAR Burning Horn NBA 29 30 (ESPN2) Best of 6816873 Mercy Rosary Storybook The Friar Angels Life Walk Celebrtng 50 98 (EWTN) Stations Path What I Gilmore Girls 630347 My Wife My Wife 37 40 (FAM) Sabrina Sabrina Full Hse. Full Hse. What I Studio B 8056231 Your World 8075366 Glenn Beck 9556521 Bret Baier 6815250 47 59 (FNC) Live Desk 1982366 Flay Big Bite Ultimate Cooking Italian Contessa Home Cooking Minute 39 49 (FOOD) Lee Bernie Malcolm Malcolm Bernie Bernie 70s Show 70s Show “Covenant” 9870057 24 34 (FX) Bernie Golden 170 137 (HALL) 7th Heaven 6493347 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Golden Dime Challenge Color Deserving Kitchen Divine Get Sold To Sell Over 54 48 (HGTV) Dime Jurassic 3584415 Jurassic 5328705 Jurassic 5000368 59 46 (HIST) Journey to 10,000 BC Å 9892279 Wife Swap 795873 Wife Swap 636521 Still Stnd Still Stnd 41 39 (LIFE) ›› “Uptown Girls” (2003) Å 445366 News 8069705 News 8071540 Hardball 9569095 Ed Show 6828724 45 26 (MSNBC) News 1975076 Challenge 720569 Making-Band 638989 Taking 803366 52 56 (MTV) College College The Phone 701434 XTERRA Red Sox 626298 Fenway Red Sox Pre. 44250 32 28 (NESN) Red Sox Red Sox Golf Dest ACC iCarly 44 41 (NICK) Sponge OddPar Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge iCarly Lost Å 8080298 Enterprise 9561453 Stargate 6820182 55 52 (SCIFI) (12:00) “Merlin’s Apprentice” 2034298 NASCAR NASCAR Race 4594705 ARCA RE/MAX Series 4993724 141 271 (SPEED) NASCAR 4632231 CSI: NY 275540 CSI: NY 261347 CSI: NY 827927 CSI: NY 924796 27 53 (SPIKE) Mysteries 411540 Just Yes, Dear Yes, Dear King King Raymond Raymond Raymond Friends 12 16 (TBS) Just ››› “Two for the Seesaw” (1962, Drama) (:15) ››› “The Trouble With Harry” (1955) “The Children’s 162 169 (TCM) Robert Mitchum. ‘NR’ 52223366 Edmund Gwenn. ‘PG’ Å 21078340 Hour” ‘NR’ 9898453 Runway Diagnosis 277908 Little Little Jon Kate Jon Kate What Not 629124 36 50 (TLC) Baby Charmed 810637 Bones Å 429106 25 35 (TNT) Law & Order 404250 Law & Order 268250 Charmed 254057 Ben 10 Chowder Chowder Batman Johnny T Batman Batman Johnny T Johnny T 58 43 (TOON) Mucha Haunted 7999960 Treasures 7918095 Treasures 9956989 Treasure 7087057 69 51 (TRAV) Bizarre 1179618 Arrest Arrest UnderFire UnderFire UnderFire UnderFire PoliceVids 6713304 62 182 (TRUTV) Courtside 6841569 Law SVU 451892 Law SVU 470927 NCIS Å 709809 NCIS Å 276298 34 36 (USA) Law CI 695434 Hook Quest Holy ...! Holy ...! NHL Hockey 2825811 139 37 (VS) Fishing Paid Batting Pregame 30 32 (YES) (1:00) Mike Francesa Discussion of top sports stories; interviews. (Live) Å 353076 PREMIUM CHANNELS “Recount” 913182 200 5 (HBO) “Shrek the Third” ‘PG’ 6610521 When the Levees Broke: Acts III & IV 95385786 “The Real McCoy” 2614231 (:15) ›› “Illegal Tender” (2007) 56671095 “Forrest” 96341521 220 320 (MAX) “Held (:15) ›››‡ “Away From Her” 1303453 (:15) “Jam” (2006) iTV. ‘NR’ 80597637 240 340 (SHOW) “Maxed” 7874927






APR. 24 8:00


NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS The Insid- Entertain- Ghost Whisperer ment “Stage Fright” (N) Å 2 ^ CBS er (N) 8960 Tonight 521 8057 Inside Edi- Entertain- Ghost Whisperer “Stage Fright” (N) Å 2 3 # CBS tion 2786 ment Tonight 347 8811 Extra (N) Access Concert Howie Do It Å 1811 - 12 $ NBC Å 9188 Hollywood for Life 989 9076 The Simp- Seinfeld Prison Break “Vs” (N) - 15 % FOX sons 1076 Å 1569 Å 9295908



11 5 10






CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Flashpoint “Remote Control” (N) Å 1521

NUMB3RS “The Fifth News at Late Show 72559502 Man” (N) Å 1908 11PM 4108705 Flashpoint “Remote NUMB3RS “The Fifth Eyewit- Late Show 72553328 Control” (N) Å 5347 Man” (N) Å 8434 ness 69895863 Dateline NBC Å 9540 News (N) Tonight Å 4193873 Show 72584298 (:01) Dollhouse Fox 5 News at 10 Seinfeld The Simp“Haunted” (N) (PA) Å Anastos, Alexander. (N) Å 49076 sons 73521 Å 83908 76705 20/20 Å 89182 News (N) (:35) Å 7744076 Nightline 88125298 America’s Next Top PIX News at Ten Tong. Two/Half Friends Model “The Amazing (N) Å 12434 Men 85892 Å 29811 Model Race” 19347 America’s Next Top News (N) Å 76250 Sex and Frasier Å Model “The Amazing the City 76347 63298 Model Race” 73163 Bill Moyers Journal NOW Principal Story Theater 68366 242250 42927 (N) Å 17521 “McBride: Fallen Idol” (2006, Mystery) John Paid Pro- Paid ProLarroquette. A lawyer investigates a teen ac- gram gram 16328 75279 cused of killing an attorney. 56434 Dateline NBC Å 46322 News (N) Tonight Å 2714163 Show 64770960

Jeopardy! Wheel of Wife Swap “BrazenFortune wood/Taylor” (N) Å 7 ( ABC (N) Å 4786 (N) 4279 86095 Two and a Family Hates The Game - + CW Half Men Guy 2845 Chris 9250 (N) 5057 3142 EveryEveryHates The Game (N) 83453 11 4 CW Raymond Raymond Chris 95298 27273 71618 The NewsHour With Wash Wk On the 14 8 PBS Jim Lehrer (N) 28637 24724 Record “Mystery Woman: Wild West Mystery” (2006, 10 : ION Mystery) Kellie Martin. A sleuth investigates the murder of a cowboy. 91705 Extra (N) Access Concert Howie Do It Å 95873 4 > NBC Å 64778 H’wood for Life 40811 16366 NewsWine Auction 899892 - Y PBS Lehrer 591163 Judge Judge WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) Å 6756989 Judy 9 [ MNT Judy 9317502 3149960 Two/Half Two/Half Prison Break “Vs” (N) (:01) Dollhouse Å 3626618 Men “Haunted” (N) (PA) Å 6 ≠ FOX Men 617502 341057 433637

Channel 8 (:35) TMZ (:05) Å 5448873 Scrubs Non 8374811 1119415 News (N) Å 436724 News at 11 785502

House of Payne 1398705 Seinfeld Å 935705

CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami “Urban 42 45 (A&E) Hellraisers” 550637 (6:00) ››‡ “Passen38 51 (AMC) ger 57” (1992) Bruce Payne 908250 Anaconda Adventure 60 44 (ANIM) Å 3596076 48 58 (BET) 63



46 60 (CNBC) 33 77 (CNN) 40 54 (COM) 51


43 42


26 47 (DSC) 49 55


28 29 (ESPN) 29 30 (ESPN2) 50 98 (EWTN)

CSI: Miami “Recoil” Å CSI: Miami CSI: Miami “Whacked” Criminal Minds Å 536057 703927 “Vengeance” Å 549521 559908 ››› “Ocean’s Twelve” (2004, Comedy-Drama) George Clooney, Brad ››‡ “Constantine” Pitt, Matt Damon. Indebted criminals plan an elaborate heist in Europe. (2005) Keanu Reeves. 506618 Å 207540 Lion Feeding Frenzy Escape to Chimp Stranger Among Escape to Chimp Å 3505724 Eden Josephine es- Bears The grizzly Eden Josephine escapes. (N) 3585960 bears arrive. 3595347 capes. 8904873 106 Park ››‡ “The Ladykillers” (2004) Tom Hanks, Irma P. Hall. Sunday Best Å Hatchett Hatchett 480705 890908 149786 685163 Five thieves try to kill an old woman. Å 804182 (6:30) ›››‡ “Lethal Weapon 2” (1989) Mel ››› “Coming to America” (1988, Comedy) Eddie Mur- “ComingGibson. Riggs and Murtaugh battle drug-smug- phy, Arsenio Hall, John Amos. An African prince and his Amer.” 989347 gling diplomats. Å 257250 royal sidekick come to Queens. Å 991182 Kudlow Report 82873 CNBC Reports 91521 Deal or No Deal Å On the Money 81144 Fast Mny Options 88057 70540 15811 Lou Dobbs Tonight Å Campbell Brown: No Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å 465095 107569 Bias, No Bull 183989 196453 Scrubs › “Not Another Teen Movie” (2001, Comedy) S. Park S. Park S. Park S. Park S. Park 5314502 Chyler Leigh, Chris Evans. 4002076 2755291 8366989 8375637 3503540 5652453 Sports Tailgate World Poker Tour: Best Damn Top 100 Sports Sports Sports Top 100 473732 716347 226434 235182 167182 626705 Season 1 895453 Special 882989 Hannah Hannah “Hatching Pete” (2009, Comedy) Phineas Suite Life- Phineas Zack & Hannah Montana Montana Jason Dolley, Mitchel Musso. Pre- and Ferb Deck and Ferb Cody Montana 446076 196569 63793521 981724 967144 512618 920665 miere. 8084347 How It’s How It’s Survivorman Å Survivorman Å Survivorman Å Survivorman 778231 541989 554453 557540 Made Made 752908 479163 E! News Daily 10 Girls Girls Keep Up Keep Up The Soup Candy Chelsea E! News 642298 369453 628618 630453 708453 518927 877182 710298 920873 Girls Sports- NBA NBA Basketball First Round Game 3 -- Teams TBA. (Live) NBA Basketball First Round 833347 Å 296434 Center Game 3 -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å 509163 217927 NBA Basketball First Round Game 3 -- Teams TBA. (Live) Boxing Boxing Friday Night Fights. (Live) Å 7614231 Å 3334347 9963827 Daily Mass: Our Lady The World Over Crossing Rosary Defending Footprints Rome Back 5114724 5190144 5607279 9060724 Life 6096863 5602724 Stage

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009


cooking SUNDAY APRIL 19

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives International favorites.

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Sauerbraten from a

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Seattle; the Bronx,

German restaurant in Arizona. 3:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8258180

N.Y.; Gaffney, S.C. 10:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1160778 Good Eats Game. 11:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5999778 Unwrapped Secrets of favorite snacks. 11:30 p.m. (FOOD) 7110407

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Longtime local favorites. 3:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1799722 Food Detectives New York City pizza. 4:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1785529 Will Work for Food Foraging for truffles. 4:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1601513 Ace of Cakes Zoo fundraiser. 5:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8164797 Ace of Cakes Milkbone’s 100th Anniversary. 5:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1798093 Unwrapped Foods to be eaten on the go. 6:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3417567 Challenge Wedding cake. 7:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3618242 Challenge Four pastry chefs compete. 8:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3790890 Iron Chef America April Bloomfield challenges Michael Symon. 9:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3614426 Chopped Strawberries, turkey and gummi bears. 10:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3617513 Cake Boss Baker Buddy Valastro. 10:00 p.m. (TLC) 817172

Throwdown With Bobby Flay Blueberry pancakes. 11:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5095906

MONDAY APRIL 20 Guy’s Big Bite Hong Kong noodles. 3:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8152952 Tyler’s Ultimate Garlicky herb rub. 3:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1693594 Cooking for Real Creamy chicken. 4:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1672001 Giada at Home Light appetizers. 4:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1678285 Barefoot Contessa Roasted shrimp salad. 5:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8131469 Down Home With the Neelys Old fashioned pot roast. 5:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1692865




Green tomato pie. 6:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1699778 30-Minute Meals Breaded chicken cutlets. 6:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1673730 Challenge Cake designers compete. 7:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3685914 Good Eats Great steak. 8:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8153681 Will Work for Food Lobsterman. 8:30 p.m. (FOOD) 8149488 Unwrapped Comfort foods. 9:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5987933 Unwrapped Comfort food. 9:30 p.m. (FOOD) 3383556


10:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1144730

TUESDAY APRIL 21 Guy’s Big Bite Beef chili; French-cut fries. 3:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8129624 Tyler’s Ultimate Salmon. 3:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1660266 Cooking for Real Making the perfect pizza. 4:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1649773 Everyday Italian Light summer dishes. 4:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1645957



Provencal soup. 5:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8191841

Down Home With the Neelys Fried catfish. 5:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1669537

Paula’s Home Cooking Tea time. 6:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1659150 30-Minute Meals Roasted red pepper dip. 6:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1640402 Challenge Wedding cake decorators compete. 7:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3652686 Good Eats Flounder. 8:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8120353 Good Eats Frozen crabs. 8:30 p.m. (FOOD) 8109860 Ace of Cakes Antarctic birthday cake. 9:30 p.m. (FOOD) 3350228 Chopped Tofu; blueberries; oysters. 10:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3651957 Good Eats Ins and outs of cheese souffle. 11:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5959150 Unwrapped Chic-fil-A; Chick-O-Stick. 11:30 p.m. (FOOD) 7187179

WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 Guy’s Big Bite Latin flavors. 3:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8196396 Tyler’s Ultimate Spaghetti with oven baked clams. 3:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1637938 Cooking for Real Spicy ketchup. 4:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1616445 Everyday Italian Steakhouse fare. 4:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1612629 Barefoot Contessa Chicken with garlic cloves. 5:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8095613 Down Home With the Neelys Spaghetti. 5:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1636209

Paula’s Home Cooking Jimmy Carter. 6:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1626822 30-Minute Meals Favorite ingredients. 6:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1617174 Challenge Four pastry chefs compete. 7:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3629358

Good Eats Pate a choux. 8:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8197025 Bar Food Paradise Pubs across America. 8:00 p.m. (TRAV) 9005358 Good Eats Crepes. 8:30 p.m. (FOOD) 8176532 Throwdown With Bobby Flay Pulled pork. 9:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5921377

Throwdown With Bobby Flay Ribeye showdown. 9:30 p.m. (FOOD) 3247700



Roulette wheel. 10:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3628629 Good Eats Demystifying coq au vin. 11:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5926822 Unwrapped Making mayonnaise; relish. 11:30 p.m. (FOOD) 7147551

THURSDAY APRIL 23 Guy’s Big Bite Flank steak. 3:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8090168 Tyler’s Ultimate Fish and chips. 3:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1524410 Cooking for Real Corny mango salmon. 4:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1510217 Everyday Italian Pork chops. 4:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1509101



Lasagna. 5:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8062385

Down Home With the Neelys Country breakfast. 5:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1523781

Paula’s Home Cooking Salmon. 6:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1520694 30-Minute Meals Double cheeseburgers. 6:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1511946 Challenge Gingerbread mansions. 7:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3516830 Good Eats Yeast, barley and hops. 8:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8091897 Good Eats Bar basics. 8:30 p.m. (FOOD) 8070304 Iron Chef America April Bloomfield challenges Michael Symon. 9:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3512014 Ace of Cakes Tower of London cake. 10:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1082946 Ace of Cakes Firefighter Combat Challenge. 10:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1091694 Good Eats Omelet appreciation. 11:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5820694 Unwrapped Blue foods. 11:30 p.m. (FOOD) 7041323

FRIDAY APRIL 24 Guy’s Big Bite Grilled salmon. 3:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8050540 Tyler’s Ultimate Chicken and bruschetta. 3:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1591182 Cooking for Real Picnic. 4:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1587989 Everyday Italian Finger foods. 4:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1576873

Barefoot Contessa Pot roast. 5:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8039057 Down Home With the Neelys Cornmeal battered cod. 5:30 1590453



Paula’s Home Cooking Family cook-off. 6:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1597366 30-Minute Meals Hot and sweet shrimp. 6:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1588618 Challenge Top barbecue teams compete. 7:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3583502 Unwrapped Snacks from Texas. 8:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8068569 Unwrapped Country specialties. 8:30 p.m. (FOOD) 8047076

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Tennessee, Virginia, and Nebraska. 9:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5885521

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Dishes born elsewhere. 9:30 p.m. (FOOD) 3281144

Kitchen Gadgets of the Future Futuristic tools and appliances. 10:00 (FOOD) 3582873



Eats Lemon meringue pie. 11:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5897366 Rachael’s Vacation Lisbon. 11:30 p.m. (FOOD) 7018095

SATURDAY APRIL 25 Made in Spain Migas; pollo al chilindron. 3:00 p.m. (WGBY) 7293 Chopped Strawberries, turkey and gummi bears. 3:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5844274

Joanne Weir’s Cooking Class Penne with tomatoes. 3:30 p.m. (WGBY) 4449

Throwdown With Bobby Flay Blueberry pancakes. 4:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1547361

Throwdown With Bobby Flay Chicken and waffles. 4:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1543545 Iron Chef America April Bloomfield challenges Michael Symon. 5:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8018564

The Secret Life Of... Southern food. 6:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1564038 Heavyweights Potato chips. 6:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1548090 Challenge Steak cook-off in Texas. 8:00 p.m. (FOOD) 3569922

Throwdown With Bobby Flay Cheesesteak. 9:00 p.m. (FOOD) 5852293

Throwdown With Bobby Flay A ravioli throwdown. 9:30 p.m. (FOOD) 3258816

Throwdown With Bobby Flay Chicken pot pie. 10:00 p.m. (FOOD) 1019090

Throwdown With Bobby Flay Shrimp and grits. 10:30 p.m. (FOOD) 1035038

Iron Chef America April Bloomfield challenges Michael Symon. 11:00 p.m. (FOOD) 8908699


fridaycritics’corner 8 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB) Ghost Whisperer Melinda (Jennifer Love Hewitt) intervenes when a ghost wreaks havoc on the set of a soap opera that is doing a location shoot in Grandview, turning the town upside down. A miraculous turn in Melinda’s life changes everything for her and Jim (David Conrad). “The Young and the Restless” cast members Thad Luckinbill and Amelia Heinle guest star in the new episode “Stage Fright.”

8 p.m. on (AMC) Movie: Ocean’s Twelve Anyone who enjoyed the breezy style of the 2001 remake of “Ocean’s Eleven” won’t be disappointed by this 2004 sequel, which takes ex-con Danny Ocean (George Clooney) and his merry band of thieves to Europe. Once there, they plan another series of heists to pay back the Las Vegas casino owner (Andy Garcia) who was their previous mark. Catherine Zeta-Jones joins the cast as an Inter-




pol agent with an interest in robber Rusty (Brad Pitt). 9 p.m. on (TBS) Movie: Two Weeks Notice Fans of Sandra Bullock and/or Hugh Grant should like their teaming in this light but enjoyable 2002 comedy produced by Bullock. She plays the latest lawyer hired by a womanizing real-estate tycoon (Grant), and try as she does to resist his charms, she can’t help herself. She ends up quitting, which doesn’t nec-

APR. 24 8:00



essarily mean the end of their association. 10 p.m. on (WCBS) (WFSB)

NUMB3RS Mathematicians like to tell you that numbers never lie, but when Charlie’s (David Krumholtz) calculations go awry during a raid while Don (Rob Morrow) is investigating a series of home invasions, Don suffers a life-threatening injury. Michael Gaston, Alan Blumenfeld and Debbon Ayer (Mrs. Rob Morrow) guest star.

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED 70s Show 70s Show 70s Show 70s Show 70s Show 70s Show America’s Funniest The 700 Club Å 37 40 (FAM) 631076 381569 640724 629231 711811 817569 Home Videos 443908 958415 47 59 (FNC) FOX Report 4037569 O’Reilly 4013989 Hannity (N) 4026453 On Record 4029540 O’Reilly 5778960 39 49 (FOOD) Challenge 3583502 Unwrap Unwrap Diners Diners Gadgets 3582873 Good Rachael (6:00) ›‡ “The ›› “The Butterfly Effect” (2004, Suspense) Ashton 70s Show Rescue Me 6390279 24 34 (FX) Covenant” 9870057 Kutcher, Amy Smart, Eric Stoltz. 4869366 8371811 “Charlie & Me” (2008, Drama) Tom Bosley, “Out of the Woods” (2005, Drama) Ed Asner, Murder, She Wrote Å 170 137 (HALL) James Gallanders. Å 4662521 4668705 Jason London. Å 5723347 Curb House Property Myles House Buck House The Un- Get Sold My First 54 48 (HGTV) 8057453 1582434 8033873 8052908 5890453 3296076 1057250 sellables 5802298 Place Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels “B-2 Patton 360 “Baptism of Life After People Å Extreme Trains Å 59 46 (HIST) 9897724 9896095 6392637 Bomber” 9873144 Blood” 9893908 Reba Reba Will Will Wife Swap “DonaWife Swap “Ghani/Stal- Will Will 41 39 (LIFE) 637250 354415 653298 632705 796502 249279 hoe/Baker” 446095 lone” 449182 45 26 (MSNBC) Hardball 4000415 Countdown 4019163 Maddow 4039927 Countdown 4009786 Maddow 5781434 52 56 (MTV) True Life 442279 True Life 451927 True Life 431163 The Phone 434250 Fantasy Beatdown 32 28 (NESN) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. 602237 Innings Red Sox SportsDs Outdoors iCarly iCarly Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge Lopez Lopez Home Im Home Im 44 41 (NICK) 743250 477705 769298 748705 807057 635927 987892 996540 802502 606273 Star Trek: The Next Star Trek: The Next Moonlight Å 4008057 Primeval (N) Å Stargate Atlantis Å 55 52 (SCIFI) Generation 4002873 Generation 4011521 4001144 5783892 ARCA Trackside At... (N) ARCA RE/MAX Series Racing Talladega. From Talladega, Trackside At... 141 271 (SPEED) 4993724 6018637 6667163 Ala. 7431434 27 53 (SPIKE) CSI 983057 CSI 992705 ›‡ “Resident Evil” (2002) 995892 MAN MAN Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy ››‡ “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Sandra Bul- My Boys Sex and 12 16 (TBS) 559386 716231 559106 917331 2210637 the City lock, Hugh Grant. Å 9938279 “The Children’s ››‡ “The World’s Greatest Athlete” (1973) ››› “Seems Like Old Times” (1980) Chevy 162 169 (TCM) Hour” ‘NR’ 9898453 Tim Conway. ‘G’ Å 9800298 Chase. ‘PG’ Å 3597989 36 50 (TLC) What Not 901453 What Not 987873 Weddings 907637 Dress Dress Weddings 121415 Law & Order “Profi- ›› “Four Brothers” (2005) Mark Wahlberg, ›› “Lethal Weapon 4” (1998, Action) Mel 25 35 (TNT) teer” 909095 Tyrese Gibson. Å 989231 Gibson, Danny Glover. Å 351540 58 43 (TOON) Johnny T Star Wars Saturdays Star Wars G.I. Joe (N) 5118540 King-Hill King-Hill Chicken Venture 69 51 (TRAV) Alaska 9983182 Bathrooms 9969502 Ghost Adv. 9989366 Bigfootville 9982453 Haunted 7936434 Cops Cops World’s Wildest Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic 62 182 (TRUTV) 4614705 8008989 9634144 7638811 7268499 2656637 2632057 7617328 6819960 NCIS “Conspiracy The- House “Three Stories” House “Love Hurts” Å House “Kids” Å House Å 345927 34 36 (USA) ory” 192637 Å 178057 181521 191908 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA. (Live) Hockey NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams 139 37 (VS) 4717960 7084960 TBA. (Live) 5592521 MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway New York Yankees CenterStage Å 84415 30 32 (YES) Park in Boston. (Live) Å 917873 Postgame 63724 PREMIUM CHANNELS (6:00) ››› “Recount” ››‡ “Baby Mama” (2008) Tina Beat (HBO) (2008) 913182 98604163 Fey. ‘PG-13’ Å 4613347 (6:05) ›››‡ “Forrest Gump” ›‡ “Meet the Spartans” (2008) 220 320 (MAX) (1994) ‘PG-13’ 96341521 Sean Maguire. 490502 (6:55) ››‡ “Shooter” (2007, Suspense) Mark The Tudors (iTV) Å 240 340 (SHOW) Wahlberg. iTV. ‘R’ Å 36207255 198811 200 5

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

Real Time With Bill Real Time With Bill Maher Å 904434 Maher 4613811 ›››‡ “Casino” (1995, Crime Drama) Robert De Niro. ‘R’ Å 313960 Ullman Ullman Boxing (Live) 575892 523618 532366



12:00 12:30




CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable






NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Late Show (:37) The Late Late Comics (:07) Paid (:37) Paid (:07) Paid CBS Up- Varied CBS News Program Program Program Minute Programs 64624 2 ^ CBS 72651914 Show With Craig Fer- Un. 9110063 6184792 6316228 3936957 24700247 6255361 guson 4928470 Late Show Entertain- (:07) The Late Late (:07) News (:37) Paid CBS Up- Varied Programs CBS News 69212 51150 Show With Craig Fer- 6188518 Program Minute 2 3 # CBS 72648440 ment 5192773 guson 2941044 6336082 41564315 Tonight (:37) Late Night With Last Call- (:05) Poker After Dark (:04) The Tonight Extra Early To1596711 Jimmy Fallon 8823286 Daly Show With Jay Leno 66179 day 59792 - 12 $ NBC Show 72679310 9105131 833711 Scrubs That ’70s King of King of Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Inside Edi- TMZ 90686 Show the Hill the Hill gram gram gram gram tion 27709 - 15 % FOX 83686 51599 45191 43266 84599 96334 99957 87686 (12:06) Jimmy Kim- (:06) The Varied Programs (:36) ABC World News Varied Programs America 36976 92564 Insider Now 92672841 This 16624 7 7 ( ABC mel Live 8958334 8053686 Sex and According Frasier Frasier The Odd The Jeffer- South South RENO PIX News 48247 72792 Couple sons Park 51711 Park 48334 911! 36599 at 4:30AM 23 - + CW the City to Jim 47808 61173 45247 57082 29112 Frasier That ’70s Malcolm- Bernie Paid Pro- George Paid Pro- Ent. Stu- Paid Pro- Paid ProShow Mid. Mac gram Lopez gram dios gram gram 11 11 4 CW 92976 44841 167995 868112 955247 967082 147131 958334 946599 148860 Business Smiley Varied Programs 704841 5 14 8 PBS 43624 95599 Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Melissa Varied Inspiration Varied Programs 982570 Paid Program Scott Programs M. 641247 gram 10 10 : ION gram 516112 815995 419995 456366 348808 Tonight (:37) Late Night With Last Call- (:05) Poker After Dark (:04) The Tonight Access Early To4450976 Jimmy Fallon 5746599 Daly Show With Jay Leno H’wood day 4 4 > NBC Show 64872372 7047889 352537 766315 973518 Tavis Smi- Tavis Smi- Varied Programs 911063 17 - Y PBS ley 63860 ley 39315



RENO 9 [ MNT 911! 8860624 Seinfeld 6 ≠ FOX 633860

(:35) Still Standing 1113841 King of the Hill 909315

Comics Un. 5854889 South Park 143957

(:35) The Insider 60056044 Paid Program 891082

Jury Duty Punk’d 6029889 6031624

Cheaters Mercury 1512315 Media 6022976 Paid Pro- The Tyra Banks Show Roseanne 604044 941686 gram 948599

CABLE CHANNELS Varied Programs 846266 42 45 (A&E)

(10:15) Movie 38 51 (AMC) 62541556 60 44 (ANIM) 48 58 (BET) 63



46 60 (CNBC) 33 77 (CNN) 40 54 (COM) 51


43 42



26 47 (DSC) 49 55


28 29 (ESPN)

Varied Programs 839803

Movie 430735

Mercury Media 6003841 Roseanne 962179

Paid Program 1513044 News 157150

Paid Paid 636537 821518 Varied Programs 175366

Varied Programs 4814976 Movie Varied Programs 229101 172049 Varied Programs 525402

The Deal Varied Programs 660006 474859 The West Wing 624773

BET Inspiration 326353 Paid Pro- Paid Program gram 931871 977976 Fast Money 235860 Varied Programs Paid Paid Paid Paid Worldwide Exchange 292549 779889 781624 969315 772976 782353 Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 Larry King Live Lou Dobbs Tonight 743266 523599 107315 831421 553131 Varied S. Park Futurama Daily Colbert Varied Programs 1153421 Paid Paid 1601957 8958402 8657334 5586957 1141686 1165266 8645599 Varied The Final Varied Programs The Final The Final Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro686247 Programs Score Score Score gram gram gram gram 845060 369773 308957 310792 514421 301044 322537 515150 Life With Cory in Replace- Kim Pos- Emperor American Proud Mr. Recess The Little Derek House ments sible New Drgn Family Whiskers 792119 Mermaid 460976 721599 958841 613266 497727 247024 978605 247204 979334 Varied Programs 811570 How It’s How It’s Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid ProMade Made gram gram gram gram 627889 639624 828421 620976 601841 829150 Chelsea Varied Programs 927711 Chelsea Chelsea E! News Paid Paid 635228 945402 158889 969082 957247 159518 Baseball Tonight SportsCenter 361711 SportsCenter 943179 Varied Programs 665889 291792

NASCAR Varied Programs Fastbreak Varied Programs 2735537 29 30 (ESPN2) 9715773 8517700 5903773 Daily Mass: Our Lady Varied Programs 4580228 50 98 (EWTN) 1799889




12:00 12:30



CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED Varied Programs Paid Pro- Paid Program gram 37 40 (FAM) 367860 710063 435860 Hannity 3473599 On the Record With Greta Van Susteren 47 59 (FNC) 3660315 Varied Programs 3238131 39 49 (FOOD) 24 34


170 137 (HALL) 54 48 (HGTV) 59 46 (HIST) 41 39 (LIFE) 45 26 (MSNBC) 52 56 (MTV) 32 28 (NESN) 44 41 (NICK) 55 52 (SCIFI) 141 271 (SPEED)



Varied Programs 599927 Movie 535334


Paid Pro- Paid Pro- The 700 Club 486995 gram gram 890773 819808 Glenn Beck 8437792 Red Eye 6461286


Paid Pro- Paid Program gram 814353 708228 Special Report With Bret Baier 5667082

Varied Programs 903266

Varied Programs 2006044 Varied Programs 738334

Movie 1316334 Paid 611773 Law & Order 932179 Law & Order King-Hill King-Hill Fam. Guy 2324889 2336624 2238334 Paid 1141131 Forensic 2853402 (:05) Movie 89240247

Paid Paid Paid 431624 429889 612402 Varied Programs 664106 Fam. Guy 2327976 Comfort 2854518 Forensic 5941421

34 36 (USA)

Hockey Spo Soup Varied Programs 4551976 5694933 4160150 Baseball Varied Programs 780255 Paid 30 32 (YES) 432827 135421 PREMIUM CHANNELS Varied Programs 101570 200 5 (HBO) 139 37


Amazing Varied Disorderly Varied Star Trek: Voyager Paid Pro- Paid ProVideo Programs Con. Programs 309983 gram gram 707179 742182 909841 803892 427421 627334 Varied Programs 985735 Movie Varied Programs 601261 823841

Chicken Hunger- Awesome Oblongs 58 43 (TOON) 1938792 force 8601247 3915605 Varied Programs 9364421 69 51 (TRAV) 62 182 (TRUTV)


Varied Programs 1799889

Sex and the City 721696 (11:00) Varied Programs 5896686 162 169 (TCM) Movie 8265001 Varied Programs 820334 36 50 (TLC) 25 35


Good Eats UnGood Eats Good Eats Varied Programs 7700624 wrapped 1215773 7703711 7791976 7789131 70s Show 70s Show Varied Programs Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 8660808 8938648 8620280 1147860 1166995 8640044 1157247 1138112 8641773 Golden Golden Golden Golden Cheers I Love Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro3554518 Lucy Girls Girls Girls Girls gram gram gram gram 3360995 4240060 5229063 8124570 3566353 5216599 3557605 3538570 5217228 Property Varied House Varied House Varied Programs My First Paid Pro- Paid ProVirgins Programs Hunters Programs Hunters 7794063 Place gram gram 3243063 4527334 1200841 3502421 7782228 7785315 7706808 1221334 Varied Programs 4567266 Paid Pro- Paid Program gram 1130570 8643131 Frasier Frasier Reba Reba Rita Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro660808 912773 723537 448334 Rocks gram gram gram gram gram 803247 815082 703773 806334 894599 704402 Hardball 3479773 Countdown With Kei- The Rachel Maddow Hardball 4366452 Countdown With Keith Olbermann Show 8440266 th Olbermann 3673889 5647228 Varied Programs 365402 AMTV Varied Programs 713670 617131 MLB Varied Programs 68927 Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid ProBaseball gram gram gram gram gram gram 701228 962537 941044 154421 965624 953889 155150 Home Im- Home Im- George George Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh prove. prove. Lopez Lopez Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince 475792 741247 813599 554334 618131 637266 826063 628518 632711 827792 Varied Programs Lost 3675247 The X-Files 8442624 Movie 5356112 Varied Programs 3471131 7813686

CSI: NY 27 53 (SPIKE) 987228 12 16



(11:30) 220 320 (MAX) Movie 6244204 Movie 240 340 (SHOW) 7223808

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

Paid 121228

Paid 1150889 Paid 334605

Paid 2856976 Paid 145808

(2:50) Movie 17575261

Chicken Hunger7664402 force Paid Paid 2868711 1142860 The Investigators 4005711 Law Or- Varied der: CI Programs 555599 376038 Varied Programs 2837841 Paid Paid 126773 335334 (:25) Movie 92734131

Varied Programs 9836415 Varied Programs 424434





APR. 25

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS 2 ^ CBS News -- Hsu & Pomer- Cake (EI) 63767 antz 49274 Cake (EI) Horseland Dino 2 3 # CBS 91941 54831 50293 Reel Talk - 12 $ NBC Saturday Today in 58835 New York 67670 - 15 % FOX Winning Teen Kids Weekend 33941 News (N) 69203 7 7 ( ABC Emperor Replace So Raven 26651 71699 92293 23 - + CW Dinosaur Teenage Chaotic 61361 16309 21729 11 11 4 CW Dinosaur Teenage Eucharist 49767 61477 47075 5 14 8 PBS (7:00) Members’ Choice 700854

Horseland 90629 Sushi Pack Veggie 95767 Weekend 39125 So Raven 22835 Chaotic 67545 Crossroads



Dino 7699 Sushi Strawbry Care PGA Tour Golf: Cham84651 13651 Pack pions 44632 Strawbry Care 5854 To Be Announced PGA Tour Golf: Cham4125 29212 pions 48458 Penguins Turbo Babar (EI) Zula Pa- Friend Friend 2767 3496 86019 82690 trol 15019 99670 Weekend Weekend “Like Mike 2: Streetball” (2006, Comedy) 53729 54458 Jascha Washington, Michael Beach. 96019 Montana Suite Life Storm Cmedia Jeopardy! Fortune 79767 70496 13187 42187 37800 41458 Yu-Gi-Oh! Kamen Pets.TV › “Sphere” (1998) Dustin Hoff81125 5D 99545 90274 man, Sharon Stone. Å 934729 Paid 60651 70s Show Lopez Lopez 70s Show “Sphere” 61380 29903 65293 17632 743545 Members’ Choice 984729

10 10 : ION Paid 25125 Paid 30545 Paid 84477 Paid 21309 Paid 39729 Paid 30458 Paid 83831 Paid 34361 Paid 25212 Paid 33632 4

4 > NBC News (N) Å 780534

Veggie 28835 Pepin 86293 New Day 4234564 Weekend 456293

Penguins 56019 On Menu 16835 MerMedia 7613583 Weekend 384477

Turbo 73187 Sewing 57583 MerMedia 8194748 Weekend 227583

Babar (EI) 74816 Quilting 58212 Media 8195477 Weekend 228212

Zula Patrol 70699 Wash Wk 41877 Cmedia 7604835 Teen Kids News (N)

Friend 92309 NOW 52125 MerMedia 7200380 Cribs 770057

Paid 43632 Paid 84380

Plaza Basic B La Plaza - Y PBS Plaza 21800 51496 Sésamo Sésamo Lockard MerMedia 9 9 [ MNT New Day Detox 7624699 7206564 6516854 7209651 Paid “Like Mike 2: Street6 6 ≠ FOX Paid 388293 875421 ball” (2006) 444458 CABLE CHANNELS Sell Sell Sell Flip This House Å Flip This House Å Flip This House “Flip 42 45 (A&E) Sell 410125 125545 562187 416309 209106 148496 in Trouble” 124816 “The Man From the 38 51 (AMC) (8:30) ››‡ “Streets of Laredo” (:45) ››› “The Last Wagon” (1956, Western) Richard (1949) Å 27111075 Widmark, Felicia Farr, Susan Kohner. 16177081 Alamo” 925632 Pet Star Å 8970816 Awesome Pawsome Lions of Crocodile Animal Cops Houston 60 44 (ANIM) Bark Mad Breed 1041699 3270038 Å 8983380 Å 3279309 River Å 3253361 Proud Proud Proud One One One One One One 48 58 (BET) Proud Make Me a SuperMake Me a SuperAmerica’s Next Top America’s Next Top 63 - (BRAV) Make Me a Supermodel Å 360922 model Å 201670 model Å 298106 Model Å 120106 Model Å 139854 Paid Paid Paid Thinner Paid Jeans Paid Paid Paid 46 60 (CNBC) Paid Newsroom 856038 Newsroom 682800 Your Money 771748 33 77 (CNN) Bottom Line 902816 Newsroom 836274 Scrubs “Thank 40 54 (COM) Russell Peters: Out- ››‡ “Stuck on You” (2003) Matt Damon. Conjoined twins Scrubs 6955859 6264800 Smoking” sourced 1529309 star on a TV show with Cher. Å 7301187 On Water Ship Golf Life Bowling 845038 Cheer 469632 Top 50 478380 51 - (CSN) Builder Mickey Movers Handy Phineas Phineas ›› “The Even Stevens Movie” Phineas 43 42 (DIS) Mickey 7924564 5672038 3761106 3200632 124629 942800 70810699 (2003) Å 2609941 Out of the Wild: Alas- Man vs. Wild “Patago- Tattoo Hunter 26 47 (DSC) Killer Squid Å 379564 Dirty Jobs “Hot Tar Roofer” 294274 ka 214038 nia” Å 642800 “Ethiopia” (N) 139748 49 55 (E!) E! News (N) 537632 The Soup Daily 10 Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up Keep Up SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter Special A look at the NFL Draft. NBA Basketball: First 28 29 (ESPN) SportsCenter Å 301336 667106 (Live) 459274 Round 896038 SportsCenter Special 29 30 (ESPN2) Bassmasters 2919564 Madden Challenge College Football All-Star Challenge From 3978729 Tampa, Fla. Å 9252380 (Live) 6586922 Truth Knights Holy Rsry Daily Mass: Our Lady Religious Scandal 50 98 (EWTN) Catholic Animated Family 7141552 9013816 4608274 1741516 5654187 5655816 9036767 6624458 9016903 37 40 (FAM) ››‡ “The Sandlot” (1993) Tom Guiry. The new boy in town “The Sandlot 2” (2005, Comedy) James Earl “Sandlot” 611748 falls in with neighborhood ballplayers. 681293 Jones, Cole Evan Weiss. Å 542019 Bulls Business Forbes Cashin’ In America’s News HQ 1958309 47 59 (FNC) Friends 8217800 Chef Home Paula Cooking Ask Aida Giada Contessa 39 49 (FOOD) Ultimate 5 Ingredi- Minute 1038125 ent Fix 7089583 1034309 5849729 5840458 1018361 3261380 8981922 3260651 “Assault on Precinct 24 34 (FX) Spin City Spin City Spin City ›› “The Butterfly Effect” (2004, Suspense) Ashton 8341670 4155877 5603187 Kutcher, Amy Smart, Eric Stoltz. 7308090 13” (2005) 4370854 170 137 (HALL) ›‡ “D2: The Mighty Ducks” (1994) Emilio Es- ›‡ “The Big Green” (1995) Steve Guttenberg, “Charlie & Me” (2008) Å 6473583 tevez, Kathryn Erbe. Å 6479767 Olivia d’Abo. Å 8540187 Sweat Hammer Over Carter To Sell Curb Amazing Top 10 54 48 (HGTV) Ground Land1010729 scape 7061187 1032941 5847361 5848090 1023293 3276212 8996854 3275583 UFO Files “Real The Universe Å Ancient Discoveries Cities of the Under59 46 (HIST) Wild West Tech Å Å 5705516 1527941 6348816 UFO’s” 6351380 world Å 3705336 Paid Paid Paid “A Face to Die For” (1996, Romance) Yas“When Secrets Kill” 41 39 (LIFE) Paid 692767 323125 751019 681651 mine Bleeth, James Wilder. Å 545106 (1997) Å 765212 45 26 (MSNBC) MSNBC News Live MSNBC News Live MSNBC News Live MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary 3305699 5757477 5760941 6899212 6875632 Taking the Stage Å Taking the Stage Å Taking the Stage Å Camp’d Out: Musical Theater Camp (N) 52 56 (MTV) 564670 489380 476816 759651 Paid 83187 Paid 45941 Paid 77941 Paid 78670 Golf Dest Outdoors Outdoors Red Sox 32 28 (NESN) Paid 23729 P90X 78767 36293 72583 24922 71854 iCarly 44 41 (NICK) Sponge Sponge Penguins Barnyard Mighty B Sponge Sponge Sponge iCarly 423699 138019 568361 412583 320903 321632 403835 132835 216496 131106 17






APR. 25

CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30



CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED 55 52 (SCIFI) “Locusts: The 8th Plague” (2005, Science Fiction) Dan Cortese, Julie Benz. 1953854 141 271 (SPEED) Gearz (N) Hot Rod Low Life NASCAR 7141552 9013816 4608274 1741516 27 53 (SPIKE) TNA Wrestling Å 912274

“Grendel” (2007, Adventure) Chris Bruno, Ben › “Beowulf” (1999) Å 1957670 Cross, Marina Sirtis. 7581380 NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup -- Aaron’s 499 Qualifying. From Talladega Superspeedway in Talladega, Ala. (Live) 4572748 Hrsepwer Muscle Trucks! Xtreme CSI: Crime Scene In788019 789748 863309 585019 vestigation 573274 (8:30) ›››‡ “Good Will Hunting” (1997) Matt ›››‡ “The Truman Show” (1998) Jim Carrey, (:15) “Two Weeks No12 16 (TBS) Damon, Robin Williams. Å 338564 Laura Linney. Å 38430800 tice” 64118903 (:15) ›› “The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides 162 169 (TCM) (8:00) ››‡ “Road to ›››› “The Man Who Knew Too Much” Bali” 5628496 (1956) James Stewart. ‘PG’ Å 57049293 Again” (1979) Tim Conway. 24299019 36 50 (TLC) Property Ladder Å Property Ladder Å Property Ladder Å Home Made Simple What Not to Wear 739038 661038 641274 (N) Å 582922 “Jenny C.” 591670 Law & Order “All My Law & Order ››› “Executive Decision” (1996, Action) Kurt Russell, “Four 25 35 (TNT) Children” 720380 “Nowhere Man” 652380 Halle Berry, John Leguizamo. Å (DVS) 584361 Brothers” Batman Bakugan Robotboy Ben 10 Ben 10 George George 58 43 (TOON) Pokemon Star Wars Ben 10 9741336 9028748 4613106 2890800 5669019 5660748 9846980 9022564 6622090 9021835 Dhani Tackles the 69 51 (TRAV) Bar Food Paradise Å Extreme Adrenaline Man Food Man Food Dhani Tackles the 8024458 7961187 7962816 Globe 7058545 Rushes 7902477 Globe 7067293 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Most Shocking Most Shocking 62 182 (TRUTV) 2602816 3068831 6897748 2528800 7692019 7693748 6418552 4418372 34 36 (USA) Psych “Tuesday the In Plain Sight “Gilted Law & Order: Crimi- In Plain Sight “Gilted “Mercenary for Jus17th” Å 920212 Lily” Å 854670 nal Intent 841106 Lily” Å 780496 tice” (2006) 921941 Fishing Bill Dance Angling Outdoor Grigsby Big Fish Saltwater The Bass Americana Pacific 139 37 (VS) 2891854 7060380 1147019 2897038 7963545 7964274 2871090 Pros 7070767 Out. 30 32 (YES) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. From Yank Mag Running SportsMo Yankees Classics Å 50212 83877 38187 842800 Fenway Park in Boston. Å 201019 PREMIUM CHANNELS REAL Sports 655583 Pacquiao Thrilla in Manila Å 920309 ››› “Transformers” (2007) Shia 200 5 (HBO) State 16398922 863293 LaBeouf. ‘PG-13’ 895309 ›› “Broken Arrow” (1996, Action) John Tra- (12:50) ›››‡ “Juno” 220 320 (MAX) ›› “The Heartbreak Kid” (2007, Comedy) 10506835 Ben Stiller, Jerry Stiller. ‘R’ Å 763854 volta. ‘R’ Å 4704748 (8:30) ››› “Dirty (:15) ›› “Spy Hard” (1996) Leslie (:45) ››› “Mission: Impossible 2” (2000, Action) Tom 240 340 (SHOW) Dancing” 9208106 Nielsen. ‘PG-13’ 8591496 Cruise, Dougray Scott. iTV. ‘PG-13’ 68102019


Baier makes‘Report’ his own

In television, there are few rivalries more intense and even cutthroat than those among cable news networks. But as CNN, Fox News and MSNBC compete fiercely with one another, they’re also scrambling to cope with the same digital revolution that is wreaking havoc in the print news world. Bret Baier is as traditional a TV news guy as they come, beginning in local markets in the South and eventually landing at the young Fox News in 1998 as the cable newser’s first Atlanta correspondent. “The Atlanta bureau started in my apartment,” Baier says, “with a fax machine and a cellphone.” After stints in the Pentagon and the White House, Baier took over as the anchor of the channel’s flagship weekday “Special Report” in January. Already things are changing. In early March, Baier began staying late on Wednesdays to anchor a webcast continuation of “Special Report” on FoxNews.com. “We’re doing a lot of the interactive stuff now,” Baier says, “and it’s starting to build a lot of steam. We take questions and comments from people who are on this chat page.” The webcast also allows a second chance for stories cut for time. “In the online broadcast,” Baier says, “I (may) say, ‘Major Garrett in the White House. Hey, Major, you did a great piece on “Special Report” tonight; what’s something you didn’t get in? What’s something the viewers may be interested in that we didn’t have time for?’ “We’re evolving. There are so many great stories to cover in politics now, we don’t have enough space.” As to what he would say to young people considering journalism, Baier says, “I would say, ‘Lean heavily on the online side of things.’ That’s where we are going in television. There’s going to be more interactive back and forth. “But I would always say, if you want to be a journalist, school yourself in the regular journalism classes, and expose yourself to as much as you can. “Because you can be a blogger sitting in your basement and commenting on what you think the world looks like. But to be a journalist and to dig out stories on all sides takes a commitment.” APRIL 19 - 25, 2009




Wersching Q:


‘24’ ON FOX

How do you assess your character, FBI agent Renee Walker, in terms of being Jack Bauer’s (Kiefer Sutherland) latest cohort on “24”?


It’s just such a great role for TV. She gets to be tough and do all this action, but she still gets to have all the emotional depth. I’m just so lucky to even be part of this.

A lot of actors go to the writers room and have these discussions, wanting to know where their characters are going. I think I’ve been to the writers room once; I just chose to read the scenes and the episodes as they came to me. I think if you know too much, it’s easier to not be quite as “in the moment” as you need to be.







CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable






NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS PGA Tour Golf: Cham- PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of New Orleans -- Third Round. (Live) Å CBS News CBS News 2 ^ CBS pions 44632 274 854 191496 PGA Tour Golf: Cham- PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of New Orleans -- Third Round. From the News (N) CBS Tournament Players Club of Louisiana in Avondale, La. (Live) Å 188922 800 Evening 2 3 # CBS pions 48458 News 380 -

12 $ NBC


15 % FOX


7 ( ABC


- + CW

11 11 4 CW


Paid 2922 Paid Pro- NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal Game 5 -- Teams TBA. If neces- 4 NY NBC News gram 941 sary. (Live) Å 186564 News 670 922 House “Top Secret” Å Movies Baseball MLB Baseball Regional Coverage -- Chicago Cubs at St. Louis Cardi6859 9583 55552 nals or New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. Å 113309 Patriots Countdn NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series -- Aaron’s 312. From Talladega News (N) Wrld News 7632 7748 8477 Superspeedway in Talladega, Ala. (Live) 720922 Sat (12:30) › “Sphere” ›‡ “Mission to Mars” (2000, Science Fiction) Accrd Jim Accrd Jim Friends Friends 3458 8632 5545 9125 (1998) Å 934729 Gary Sinise, Tim Robbins. 82125 (1:30) › “Sphere” (1998) Dustin Hoffman, ›‡ “Mission to Mars” (2000) Gary Sinise, Tim Friends EverySharon Stone. Experts investigate a spaceship Robbins, Don Cheadle. A team goes to Mars to Å 30309 Raymond 14361 on the ocean floor. 743545 recover an earlier expedition. 63075

(11:00) Members’ 14 8 PBS Choice 984729

Members’ Choice 638038

Paid 75922 Paid 15038 Paid 61729 Paid 10583 Paid 99090 Paid 95274 Paid 66274 Paid 19854 M*A*S*H 16767 Paid Pro- Paid Pro- NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal Game 5 -- Teams TBA. If neces- News (N) Å 66309 gram sary. (Live) Å 865944 4 > NBC gram 25564 58380

10 10 : ION 4 17 9



Test - Y PBS Kitchen King of 9 [ MNT Queens 9380458

Ming 8274 Spain 7293 King of One on Queens One 3135767 9392293

(1:00) “Like Mike 2: 6 ≠ FOX Streetball” (2006, Comedy) 444458

Cooking 4449 One on One 3130212

Trek 2854 Workshop Europe 8038 9038 Half & Half Half & Half House of 3126019 3115903 Payne 9304038

Make 2090 House of Payne 3139583

M*A*S*H 81449 NBC News 40361

Garden From the 9903 Top 3583 Desperate Housewives “Color and Light” 7225699

Whacked WeekMLB Baseball Regional Coverage -- Chicago Cubs at St. Louis CardiOut Baseball nals or New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. (Live) Å 823583 133545 866361








CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable






CABLE CHANNELS Exterm Exterm Exterm Exterm Exterm Exterm CSI: Miami 137380 42 45 (A&E) Flip House 563816 “The Man From the ››› “The Man From Snowy River” (1982, Western) Kirk ›››‡ “October Sky” (1999) Jake 38 51 (AMC) Alamo” 925632 Douglas, Tom Burlinson. Å 790800 Gyllenhaal. Å 347738 Thomas 5857748 Untamed 5869583 Outrageous 8021038 Underdog 3259545 60 44 (ANIM) Cops 7060458 Game Game Game College College College College 106 & Park: BET’s Top 48 58 (BET) Game 503380 227458 599187 222903 241038 230922 594632 221274 10 Live 393090 63 - (BRAV) Next Model 569106 Next Model 279318 Next Model 724403 Next Model 953361 Next Model 119090 Paid Paid Thinner Paid Paid Paid Paid Jeans Paid 46 60 (CNBC) Paid Newsroom 967458 Newsroom 979293 Newsroom 519835 Situation 784212 33 77 (CNN) Newsroom 127038 40 54 (COM) (1:30) ››› “Thank You for Smok- › “Not Another Teen Movie” (2001) Chyler ››‡ “Legally Blonde” (2001) ing” (2005) Å 8567767 Leigh, Chris Evans. Å 1207632 Reese Witherspoon. 8085564 Baseball Halls of College Lacrosse Delaware at Drexel. (Live) World Poker Tour: Top 50 Baseball 51 - (CSN) 505748 145835 246583 237835 Fame Season 7 508835 43 42 (DIS) Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas 952632 692748 971767 697293 503800 605212 976212 696564 693477 684729 Storm Chasers Å Storm Chasers Å Storm Chasers Å Storm Chasers Bro26 47 (DSC) Storm Chasers Å 578748 334106 346941 261651 ken radar. 142212 Girls 20 Most Horrifying Hollywood Murders Mur- Cheating Death: 15 Incredible Survival Sto49 55 (E!) Girls ders. 770545 ries 374090 149106 889212 Sports- 2009 NFL Draft From Radio City Music Hall in New York. (Live) 922477 28 29 (ESPN) NBA Basketball First Round Game 4 -- Teams TBA. 896038 Center 29 30 (ESPN2) (1:00) SportsCenter Special A look at the NFL Track and Field Penn Relays. From Philadel- Boxing: Gatti vs. Draft. (Live) 6586922 phia. (Live) Å 4688380 Robinson 2713944 John Paul Church Groeschel 4158274 Angelica 9025651 50 98 (EWTN) Adventure 4609903 Chaplet Rosary ››‡ “Scooby-Doo” (2002, Comedy) Freddie ›› “Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters 37 40 (FAM) (1:30) “The Sandlot: Heading Home” (2007) Å 611748 Prinze Jr. Å 155979 Unleashed” (2004) Å 292477 America’s News HQ 7517570 Journal Beltway Watch 47 59 (FNC) America’s News HQ 4092496 Chopped 5844274 Flay Flay Iron Chef America Secret Life Heavy 39 49 (FOOD) Challenge 7080212 1547361 1543545 8018564 1548090 of 24 34 (FX) (1:00) ››› “Assault on Precinct ›› “Torque” (2004, Action) Martin Henderson, ››‡ “The Fast and the Furious” 13” (2005, Action) 4370854 Ice Cube, Monet Mazur. 1210106 (2001, Action) 7298816 170 137 (HALL) (1:00) “Charlie & Me” “You’ve Got a Friend” (2007, Drama) John “Out of the Woods” (2005, Drama) Ed Asner, (2008) 6473583 Schneider, Bitty Schram. Å 8043651 Jason London. Å 6855729 Genevieve Dime Colour Divine Deserving Color Rate Get Sold To Sell 54 48 (HGTV) Design 8020309 8009816 1540458 1552293 1558477 8004361 1549729 1562670 1553922 UFO Hunt 3565380 UFO Hunt 3551187 Predator X Å 8328729 59 46 (HIST) UFO Hunt 5606274 (1:00) “When Secrets “Murder on Her Mind” (2008, Drama) Anna“Widow on the Hill” (2005, Drama) Natasha 41 39 (LIFE) Kill” (1997) 765212 beth Gish, Chandra West. Å 332729 Henstridge, James Brolin. Å 693496 Doc 8036477 Doc 8048212 Doc 9536767 Doc 6895496 45 26 (MSNBC) Doc 1942748 52 56 (MTV) College College Making the Band 4 Taking the Stage Å College The Hills The Phone 224800 161212 798800 211816 152564 872816 223651 Outdoors Outdoors Cruisin Cruisin Bruins 57274 32 28 (NESN) MLB Baseball: Yankees at Red Sox 92748 44 41 (NICK) Sponge Mighty B Mighty B Barnyard Barnyard Barnyard Sponge Sponge Sponge Sponge 266106 999922 278941 901767 980274 986458 257458 900038 990651 981903 “Sea Beast” (2009, Science Fiction) Corin Ne55 52 (SCIFI) (1:00) › “Beowulf” “Hydra” (2009, Horror) George Stults, Polly (1999) Å 1957670 Shannon, Alex McArthur. 3910212 mec. 4705187 NASCAR Racing: 141 271 (SPEED) The Grid Rolex Sports Car Series Racing Virginia International. From Danville, Setup 4155187 Va. (Live) 5212632 8621854 Truck Series 4946816 27 53 (SPIKE) CSI: Crime Scene In- CSI: Crime Scene In- CSI: Crime Scene In- CSI: Crime Scene In- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 936854 vestigation 783564 vestigation 702699 vestigation 328651 vestigation 593038 King 12 16 (TBS) (1:15) ››‡ “Two Weeks Notice” Sex and Sex and Raymond Raymond Raymond King 527854 247106 244019 268699 (2002) Å 64118903 the City the City 256854 162 169 (TCM) ››› “Paint Your Wagon” (1969) Lee Marvin. Two prospectors share a ››› “I Married a Monster From “Cheaperwife during California’s gold rush. ‘PG-13’ Å 2366274 Outer Space” 4455477 Dozen” Dress Dress Dateline 797767 Dateline 320019 Dateline 588106 36 50 (TLC) What Not 921922 NBA Bas25 35 (TNT) (1:30) ›› “Four Brothers” (2005) Pregame NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams TBA. (Live) Å Mark Wahlberg. 532212 ketball 178075 137477 Foster Courage Courage Flapjack Flapjack Chowder Chowder League League 58 43 (TOON) Foster Dhani Tackles the Dhani Tackles the Dhani Tackles the World Poker Tour Å 69 51 (TRAV) Dhani Tackles the Globe 1139090 Globe 7966632 Globe 7985767 Globe 9916361 9935545 Most Shocking Most Shocking Å Most Shocking Most Shocking 62 182 (TRUTV) Most Shocking 6898477 7697564 4680748 5610036 7616699 “Merce››› “Serenity” (2005) Nathan Fillion. A spaceship crew NCIS “Deception” Å NCIS “Light Sleeper” 34 36 (USA) Å 779380 504903 nary” gets caught in a deadly conflict. Å 191011 Motorsports Hour IndyCar Racing: Qual139 37 (VS) Spo Soup Racer TV World Extreme Cagefighting 4469941 ifying 7056187 9915632 9157699 9925019 Yank Mag CenterStage Å 40835 Yankeeography Å The Great 8s Å 30 32 (YES) (1:00) Yankees Classics Å 14309 842800 72835 46106 PREMIUM CHANNELS “Alvin and the Chip200 5 (HBO) (12:30) “Transform- No. 1 Ladies’ Detec- Treatment ››‡ “Baby Mama” (2008) Tina ers” (2007) 895309 tive 707038 Fey. ‘PG-13’ Å 1033922 munks” 53077545 355564 “Juno” ››› “X-Men” (2000) Hugh Jack(:15) ›› “3000 Miles to Graceland” (2001, Action) Kurt (:20) “The 220 320 (MAX) Russell, Kevin Costner. ‘R’ Å 44950458 Flock” ‘R’ 10506835 man. ‘PG-13’ Å 2681903 240 340 (SHOW) “Autumn Hearts: A New Begin- (:45) ››› “Stardust” (2007, Fantasy) Claire Danes, Char- (5:55) ››› “3:10 to ning” (2007) ‘NR’ Å 8995309 lie Cox, Robert De Niro. iTV. ‘PG-13’ 31420699 Yuma” 94847877

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009


saturdaycritics’corner 5:30 p.m. on (AMC) Movie: October Sky The launch of Sputnik in 1957 inspired Virginia teen Homer Hickam (Jake Gyllenhaal) to pursue his dream of working in space. Although his father and the townspeople are skeptical, Homer doesn’t want to end up in the coal mines like everyone else. He and his friends begin experimenting with rocketry, a trial-and-error process that is more error than trial. With the help of a teacher, the boys compete for a scholarship and the chance for better lives. 6:30 p.m. on (TCM) Movie: Cheaper by the Dozen Youngsters irritated by having to share living quarters with a sibling will gain a sense of perspective from this 1950 classic, the fact-based tale of an efficiency expert, a psychologist and their 12 — count ’em, 12 — children. Small children may be upset by the death of one family member toward the end, but the film’s many comic moments will leave a bigger impression on older kids. Clifton Webb, Jeanne Crain and Myrna Loy star. 8 p.m. on (TCM) Movie: Funny Girl After making marks on Broadway, on records and in TV specials, Barbra Streisand conquered Hollywood with her screen debut in director William Wyler’s 1968 version of the stage hit about singer and comic Fanny Brice. The vaudeville superstar’s professional successes were offset by her 54

Daniel Radcliffe

8 p.m. on (WTNH) Movie: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets A mysterious force threatens Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the totally captivating second movie adapted from J.K. Rowling’s novels. Harry, Ron and Hermione (Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson) must find out what is causing people known as Mudbloods to become petrified; otherwise, the school will be closed. Robbie Coltrane, Kenneth Branagh and Richard Harris co-star in this 2002 tale. heartache over gambler Nick Arnstein (Omar Sharif). Streisand tied as Oscar’s best actress with Katharine Hepburn (“The Lion in Winter”). 9 p.m. on (WNBC) (WVIT)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Why does a sex crimes detective have an astronaut as a mentor? Just roll with it. In “Lunacy,” Benson and Stabler (Mariska Hargitay, Christopher Meloni) suspect an astronaut’s murder is linked to a series of rapes, but the suspect’s alibi checks out. Stabler turns to his old mentor, astronaut Dick Finley (guest star James Brolin), whose input proves to be a doubleedged sword.

10 p.m. on (WNBC) (WVIT)

Law & Order Mysterious e-mails from a religious Web site lead Detectives Lupo and Bernard (Jeremy Sisto, Anthony Anderson) to the dead body of one of the page’s creators, then to a network of corruption in the Second Exodus charitable foundation. Jack McCoy’s (Sam Waterston) political opponent uses the media to attack his reputation in “Rapture.” 10 p.m. on (FX) Movie: There’s Something About Mary The lowbrow, often gross humor of Peter and Bobby Farrelly (“Dumb & Dumber”) will never win any Oscars, but this 1998 comedy was a big hit at the MTV Movie Awards. Much of the praise went to Cameron Diaz

as the Mary of the title, a former high-school dreamboat whose almost-date for the prom (Ben Stiller) has never forgotten her. When he hires a private detective (Matt Dillon) to find her, the P.I. is smitten, too. 10:45 p.m. on (TCM) Movie: The Lion in Winter Katharine Hepburn won her third Academy Award for her work in this extremely literate, beautifully acted 1968 adaptation of James Goldman’s play. Hepburn plays Eleanor of Aquitaine, who gets — and stays — in the face of her husband, King Henry II (Peter O’Toole), as he struggles to determine his successor to the throne. Anthony Hopkins and Timothy Dalton made early screen appearances here.






APR. 25 8:30


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Entertainment Streisand: Live in CSI: Miami “Raising 2 ^ CBS Tonight (N) Å 3361 Concert (N) Å 9309 Caine” Å 9545


3 # CBS


12 $ NBC


15 % FOX


7 ( ABC


- + CW

11 11 4 CW 5

14 8 PBS

10 10 : ION


4 > NBC




9 [ MNT


6 ≠ FOX

48 Hours Mystery Å CBS 2 (:35) CSI: 2632 News 11 NY Å 4175477 3715699 To Be Announced Streisand: Live in CSI: Miami “Raising 48 Hours Mystery Å News (N) (:35) CSI: 6458 7187 Å 4162903 Miami Concert (N) Å 6835 Caine” Å 6699 3702125 Access 1st Look Kings “Brotherhood” Law & Order: Special Law & Order “Rapture” 4 NY Saturday H’wood NYC 106 (N) Å 4477 Victims Unit “Lunacy” Å 4800 News at Night Live 3038 Å 7941 11 4748 57940477 At the Seinfeld Cops (N) Cops (N) America’s Most Want- News (N) Å 68570 MADtv Coach Hines; Å 5903 Å 1458 Å 3293 ed: America Fights Movies Bobby Lee. (N) Å 5038 34767 Back 18093 Friends of Yale New ››› “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” (2002, Fantasy) Channel 8 (:35) The Haven Telethon 18039 Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. A malevolent force News Insider 7711748 5830699 threatens the students at Hogwarts. Å 747800 Two and a Two and a Legend of the Seeker Legend of the Seeker PIX News at Ten Family Family Half Men Half Men “Puppeteer” Å 44583 “Mirror” (N) Å 31019 Thorne. (N) Å 34106 Guy Guy 6922 5309 14854 43941 Legend of the Seeker House “Top Secret” Å House “Fetal Position” News Å Sports Law & Order: Special Å 86187 7869038 Ticket “Mirror” (N) Å 80903 99651 Victims Unit “Closure” 28476106 34309 Members’ Choice 838941 Members’ Choice 559922 ››‡ “Deep Blue Sea” (1999) Thomas Jane, ››‡ “Deep Blue Sea” (1999) Thomas Jane, Paid Pro- Paid ProSaffron Burrows. Smart sharks turn a research Saffron Burrows. Smart sharks turn a research gram gram 54038 73361 lab’s staff into fish food. 13477 lab’s staff into fish food. 78106 Access Hollywood Å Kings “Brotherhood” Law & Order: Special Law & Order “Rapture” News (N) Saturday 26767 Å 98496 Night Live (N) Å 96877 Victims Unit “Lunacy” Å 25038 Å 15651 45510545 Match Making It All Creatures Great Rosemary and Thyme Pledge 68699 Wits 9274 Here 9767 and Small “Only One “Seeds of Time” Å 80309 Woof” Å 60545 Friends of Yale New ›› “The Chase” (1994) Charlie Sheen, Kristy News (N) Cross(:05) According Å 8341583 roads Haven Telethon Å Swanson. An escaped con and his obliging Scrubs to Jim 6736125 5415545 1186187 1365477 hostage head for Mexico. 6716361 American Chopper Cops (N) Cops (N) America’s Most Want- News Å Sports MADtv Coach Hines; Mikey starts a secret Å 134274 Å 153309 ed: America Fights 6286545 Ticket Bobby Lee. (N) Å 86345038 181477 project. 938187 Back 967699

CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami Å 759039 CSI: Miami “Extreme” CSI: Miami “Complica- CSI: Miami “To Kill a CSI: Miami “Camp 42 45 (A&E) Å 759859 tions” 854403 Predator” 604980 Fear” Å 220699 (5:30) ›››‡ “October ››› “The Rookie” (2002, Drama) Dennis Quaid, Rachel Griffiths, Jay ››› “Rudy” (1993, Drama) Sean Astin. Å 38 51 (AMC) Sky” (1999) Å 347738 Hernandez. Premiere. A high-school baseball coach tries out for the 708274 major league. 395580 Dogs 101 The bond It’s Me or the Dog Groomer Has It “Deep Most Outrageous Groomer Has It “Deep Breaths” Dog massage. “SeaWorld” (N) Breaths” Dog massage. 60 44 (ANIM) shared by people and “Toilet Trouble” Å 3552632 3562019 8971545 3572496 their pets. 3563748 106 & Park: BET’s Top ›‡ “The Cookout” (2004, Comedy) Ja Rule, ››‡ “Deep Blue Sea” (1999) Thomas Jane, 48 58 (BET) 10 Live 393090 Tim Meadows. Å 305835 Saffron Burrows. Å 642980 America’s Next Top America’s Next Top America’s Next Top America’s Next Top America’s Next Top Model Å 767651 Model Å 754187 Model “The Girl Who Model Å 219699 63 - (BRAV) Model Å 758903 Grates” 757274 Deal or No Deal Å The Suze Orman The Suze Orman Deal or No Deal Å The Suze Orman 46 60 (CNBC) 13293 12564 Show Å 22941 Show Å 19477 Show Å 57835 Newsroom 691903 Campbell Brown: No Larry King Live D.L. Hughley Breaks Newsroom 837903 33 77 (CNN) Bias, No Bull 600651 697187 the News 690274 “Legally ›› “Accepted” (2006, Comedy) Justin Long, S. Park S. Park S. Park S. Park S. Park 40 54 (COM) Blonde” Jonah Hill, Blake Lively. Å 4079748 6050403 8326361 8342309 3570212 5629125 College Baseball Oklahoma at Baylor. (Same-day Tape) 564293 Final Final World Poker Tour: 51 - (CSN) 736816 745564 Season 7 826903 Phineas Phineas “Hatching Pete” (2009, Comedy) Phineas Zack & Cory in Zack & Hannah and Ferb Cody House Cody Montana 43 42 (DIS) and Ferb and Ferb Jason Dolley, Mitchel Musso, 963748 606941 63760293 482458 491106 574980 566019 Tiffany Thornton. 8051019 Storm Chasers “No Storm Chasers “Hail Storm Chasers “Tor- Pig Bomb Å 909552 Storm Chasers “Hail nado Showdown” Å to the Beast” Å 26 47 (DSC) Place Like Kansas” Å to the Beast” Å 559011 559831 159075 295903 E! News (N) 956583 30 Best and Worst Beach Bodies 943019 Saturday Night Live Chelsea The Soup 49 55 (E!) Å 955854 204632 447545 (4:00) 2009 NFL Draft From Radio City Music NBA Basketball First Round Game 4 -- Teams TBA. (Live) SportsÅ 724212 Center 28 29 (ESPN) Hall in New York. (Live) 922477 983477 Boxing 9610564 Boxing 9629212 2009 NFL Draft From Radio City Music Hall in SportsCtr. Baseball 29 30 (ESPN2) 7602496 5842106 New York. (Live) 9639699 Daily Mass: Our Lady Fifty Years of Thorns Bookmark Rosary Fr. John Corapi The Journey Home 50 98 (EWTN) 5181496 6634835 and Roses 5167816 5667651 9037496 5180767

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009






APR. 25 8:30


CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CABLE CHANNELS CONTINUED “Scooby- ››› “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” (2005, ››‡ “Jurassic Park Fantasy) Tilda Swinton, Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes. Children and a mystical III” (2001) Sam Neill. 37 40 (FAM) Doo 2” 292477 Å 351854 lion unite against the White Witch. Å 606670 FOX Report 4097941 Huckabee 4073361 Special Programming Geraldo at Large Å Journal Beltway 47 59 (FNC) 4096212 4093125 8043767 1934729 Paula’s Party “Fair Challenge Steak cook- Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby Iron Chef America off in Texas. 3569922 Flay Flay Flay Flay “Symon vs. Bloomfield” 39 49 (FOOD) Food” 3550274 5852293 3258816 1019090 1035038 8908699 (5:30) ››‡ “The Fast ›› “Snakes on a Plane” (2006, Horror) ››‡ “There’s Something About Mary” (1998, Samuel L. Jackson. An FBI agent contends with Romance-Comedy) Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon, 24 34 (FX) and the Furious” 7298816 a swarm of deadly serpents. 9842274 Ben Stiller. 3259019 “Thicker Than Water” (2005, Drama) Melissa “Chasing a Dream” (2009) Treat Williams. Pre- (:02) “You’ve Got a 170 137 (HALL) Gilbert. A woman sets out to find her late fa- miere. A teenager quits football to achieve his Friend” (2007) John ther’s former wife. Å 4639293 friend’s running goal. 58078125 Schneider. 8042922 Curb Ap- House Divine De- Genevieve Color House House House Rate My My 8012380 Splash Hunters sign Hunters Hunters Hunters Space Kitchen 54 48 (HGTV) peal 8024125 1559106 8000545 5867125 3263748 1024922 1033670 5862670 7090699 Modern Marvels “Su- Hooked: Illegal Drugs History of Sex “An- History of Sex Å History of Sex “From cient Civilizations” Å 9863767 Don Juan to Queen 59 46 (HIST) per Hot” Å 9864496 and How They Got 9853380 9840816 Victoria” 6369309 “Hush” (2005, Suspense) Tori Spelling, Victo- “Unstable” (2009, Suspense) Shiri Appleby, “Unstable” (2009) Shiri Appleby, Kathy 41 39 (LIFE) ria Pratt. A married man deals with an obses- Kathy Baker. A newlywed suspects that her sive former girlfriend. Å 473729 husband is keeping secrets. Å 946090 Baker. Å 251800 MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary MSNBC Documentary 45 26 (MSNBC) 4077187 4086835 4006699 4076458 5758106 Fantasy Beatdown Nitro Cir Nitro Cir Real World-Road College College The Phone 497309 52 56 (MTV) 135800 882293 158748 160583 595800 684748 Rules 958835 NESN 25: Red Sox MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston SportsDsk Outdoors SportsDsk Dirty 32 28 (NESN) 97293 37922 46670 69922 12699 Red Sox. 84729 iCarly Å iCarly Å iCarly Å True Jack- iCarly Å iCarly Å George George Home Im- Home Im987187 279670 340767 152699 son Lopez Lopez prove. prove. 44 41 (NICK) 260922 265477 404564 413212 345212 564545 “Beyond Loch Ness” (2008) Brian Krause, “Carny” (2009, Horror) Lou Diamond Phillips. “Chupacabra: Dark 55 52 (SCIFI) Don S. Davis. A scientist traces the Loch Ness Premiere. A devilish creature escapes from a Seas” (2005) John monster to a U.S. lake. Å 5754380 carnival to wreak havoc. 4081380 Rhys-Davies 3919583 NASCAR Racing: Camping World Perform NASCAR Edge AMA Pro Prime Time Wrecked Wrecked 141 271 (SPEED) Truck Series 4946816 4154458 5667651 9037496 (N) 5180767 5679496 4604458 CSI: Crime Scene In- CSI: Crime Scene In- Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior 27 53 (SPIKE) vestigation Å 424309 vestigation “I-15 Mur- “Apache vs. Gladiator” “Viking vs. Samurai” “Spartan vs. Ninja” 413293 416380 677699 ders” 400729 › “Mr. Deeds” (2002) Adam Sandler, Winona ››‡ “Fun With Dick & Jane” (2005) Jim Car- ››‡ “A Knight’s Tale” 12 16 (TBS) Ryder. A pizza maker inherits a fortune from a rey. A suddenly jobless couple turn to larceny to (2001) Heath Ledger. 50530583 distant relative. Å 835545 support luxury. Å 607564 (6:30) ››› “Cheaper ›››› “Funny Girl” (1968, Musical) Barbra Streisand, (:45) ›››› “The Lion in Winter” Omar Sharif. Ziegfeld Follies’ Fanny Brice loves gambler (1968, Historical Drama) Peter O’162 169 (TCM) by the Dozen” 8866477 Nicky Arnstein. ‘G’ Å 91998038 Toole. ‘PG’ Å 55864106 Table for Table for Little Peo- Little Peo- Deals on Deals on Royal Inquest “The Little Peo- Little Peo12 Å ple 330496 ple 319903 the Bus the Bus King’s Tragedy; Royal ple 798496 ple 926477 36 50 (TLC) 12 Å 321748 378813 786651 583651 Heist” 418748 (6:30) NBA Basketball First Round -- Teams ›› “Rush Hour 2” (2001) Jackie Chan, Chris ›› “Walking Tall” Tucker. Detectives battle a Hong Kong gangster (2004, Action) The 25 35 (TNT) TBA. (Live) Å 141670 and his henchmen. Å 429854 Rock. Å 696019 Total Dra Total Dra Total Dra 6TEEN 6TEEN 6TEEN King-Hill King-Hill Amer Dad Chicken 58 43 (TOON) 4164835 8613835 4173583 4152090 5672583 9939800 4991039 2991859 5571800 8237477 (6:00) World Poker Man Food Man Food Dhani Tackles the Brown Europe The Amazing Race 14 69 51 (TRAV) Tour Å 9935545 9933038 9912545 Globe 9956038 2870361 2896309 Å 7903106 Most Shocking World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... World’s Dumbest... Forensic Forensic 62 182 (TRUTV) 9625496 9601816 9614380 9624767 7504800 6886632 NCIS “Head Case” Å NCIS “Family Secret” NCIS “Ravenous” Å NCIS A teen holds his Law & Order: CrimiÅ 602019 615583 school hostage with a nal Intent “Playing 34 36 (USA) 626699 bomb. 618670 Dead” Å 862699 NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams TBA. (Live) Hockey NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal -- Teams 139 37 (VS) 4784632 7051632 TBA. (Live) 5569293 New York Yankees SportsLife Yank Mag CenterStage Å 82309 Yankees Classics Å 60699 30 32 (YES) Postgame 86125 78019 NYC PREMIUM CHANNELS (6:15) ›› “Alvin and ››‡ “Journey to the Center of Pacquiao Boxing Juan Manuel Lopez vs. Gerry Pethe Earth” (2008) Brendan Fraser. 24/7 nalosa. (Live) Å 702090 200 5 (HBO) the Chipmunks” 91340212 (2007) ‘PG’ 53077545 ‘PG’ Å 4604699 (6:20) “The Flock” ››‡ “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” ›› “Run Fat Boy Run” (2007) Si- Co-Ed 220 320 (MAX) (2007) Richard Gere. (2008) Martin Lawrence. A talk-show star re- mon Pegg, Hank Azaria. Premiere. Conf. 1543767 ‘R’ Å 94447903 turns to his Southern hometown. 956477 ‘PG-13’ Å 3584106 (5:55) ››› “3:10 to The Tudors (iTV) Å Boxing (iTV) (Live) 210854 240 340 (SHOW) Yuma” (2007) Russell 619309 Crowe. 94847877



CX-Cox Cable; CC-Comcast Cable


12:00 12:30









NETWORK AND AREA CHANNELS Cold Case 7189607 Paid Paid Paid 2 ^ CBS CSI: NY CSI: Miami 8926030 Without 6498152 CSI: Miami (:35) Cold Case “Rav- (:35) Without a Trace Mauro (:05) CSI: Miami “Ex- (:05) Cops (:35) Cops 2 3 # CBS Å 6492978 6138442 treme” 6141978 6165794 20537688 aged” 5971244 Hollywood 988355 Extra (N) - 12 $ NBC Sat. Night 57940477 1st Look Access Poker After 269751 Strike Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid - 15 % FOX Talkshow Fearless Bananas 26539 mag Hawthrne Cheers 7 7 ( ABC Housewives 8750794 (:05) Monk 6784862 Hawthrne MerMedia Mauro Atlantis 903539 Paid Paid Lopez Paid 23 - + CW Chappelle Chappelle Star Trek 70997 Law & Order: SVU Dead Like Me Å Stargate Atlantis Å American Idol Rewind Kickin’ It Å 898249 11 11 4 CW 766274 576249 794959 Å 176539 (11:00) Members’ Choice 559922 Members’ Choice 969539 5 14 8 PBS

Paid Paid 10 10 : ION 882152 158607 (11:29) Saturday 4 4 > NBC Night Live 45510545 17 - Y PBS Austin City 84404 (12:05) TMZ (N) Å 9 9 [ MNT 7034317 Talkshow Chappelle 6 6 ≠ FOX 990152 266607

Paid Paid Paid Paid Knife Show 585591 686065 394572 481607 493442 1stLook Paid Wine Paid (:03) Poker After Dark 211775 945220 413125 968210 Å 688959 Nova 30779 Frontline “Poisoned Waters” 102713 (:05) Lost “The Other Star Trek Å 3439713 Media Paid 1314775 6824336 48 Days” 60878404 Chappelle › “Sphere” (1998) Dustin Hoffman. Experts investigate a 400249 spaceship on the ocean floor. 108626

Strikeforce Wash Wk MerMedia 6805201 Cribs 205881

House 232268 NOW Paid 1315404 Cribs 414442

CABLE CHANNELS CSI: Miami 251355 CSI: Miami 826423 CSI: Miami 527201 Paid Paid 42 45 (A&E) CSI: Miami 196268 (11:00) ››› “Rudy” (1993, Dra- ››› “48 HRS.” (1982, Action) Nick Nolte, Ed- ››› “Rudy” (1993) Sean Astin, 38 51 (AMC) ma) Sean Astin. Å 708274 die Murphy. Å 553539 Ned Beatty. Å 669046 Me or Dog 5001713 Groomer 7689626 60 44 (ANIM) Me or Dog 4616336 Outrageous 7034201 Dogs 101 8007084 Black ›‡ “The Cookout” (2004) Å 501442 Game Game Inspiration 650317 48 58 (BET) “Deep House Paid Paid 63 - (BRAV) Supermodel 879220 ››› “Top Gun” (1986) Tom Cruise. 653065 Paid Deal-No Deal 608713 Suze Orman 311775 46 60 (CNBC) Suze Orman 594510 Heads-Poker 376201 Paid D.L. Hughley 899539 Newsroom 457317 Larry King 174133 D.L. Hughley 829171 33 77 (CNN) Larry King 533808 S. Park “Futurama: Bender’s Big Score” 5382133 Presents Presents Paid Paid 40 54 (COM) S. Park P90X Paid Paid Paid Turbo 51 - (CSN) Fight League 431084 Heart. Poker 936249 Paid Cory Replace Kim Emperor Dragon “Miracle in Lane 2” 9819201 Mermaid 43 42 (DIS) Life De Pig Bomb 233959 Storm 831355 Paid Paid Paid Paid 26 47 (DSC) Storm 161572 Sat. Night 563317 The Soup Chelsea Richards Richards Paid Paid 49 55 (E!) Dr. 90210 508292 28 29 (ESPN) SportsCenter 983477 SportsCenter 604423 SportsCenter 286881 NBA Basketball: First Round 908591 Madden Fastbreak NBA Basketball: First Round 2537997 NASCAR 5755626 29 30 (ESPN2) Baseball 5842106 50 Years 4806152 Carmelite Canonization 4582065 50 98 (EWTN) Daily Mass 1591249 Fr. Corapi 4382688 Paid Paid Ab Se Paid Paid 37 40 (FAM) “Jurassic 3” 351854 Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Paid The Line-Up 3462775 Red Eye 8239152 FOX Report 7591466 Geraldo 5469442 47 59 (FNC) Geraldo 3275959 Flay Flay Flay Iron Chef 8094510 Challenge 5005539 Paid Paid 39 49 (FOOD) Flay The Riches 6175688 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 24 34 (FX) “Theres” 3259019 Murder 3816249 Murder 5899881 Paid Paid Paid Comfort 170 137 (HALL) “You” 8042922 Gene Color House House House Rate Kitchen Paid Paid 54 48 (HGTV) Divine History 6177046 Sex 6053084 History 2366030 Paid Paid 59 46 (HIST) Hooked 4369626 Frasier Frasier Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 41 39 (LIFE) “Unstable” 251800 Doc 3475249 TBA 8242626 Doc 8364012 Doc 5449688 45 26 (MSNBC) Doc 3271133 52 56 (MTV) Parental Parental Parental Parental Nitro Cir Nitro Cir Nitro Cir Nitro Cir Fantasy Fantasy Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 32 28 (NESN) Paid 44 41 (NICK) Fam. Mat. Fam. Mat. Home Im Home Im Fam. Mat. Fam. Mat. Fam. Mat. Fam. Mat. Roseanne Roseanne “Carny” (2009) Alan C. Peterson 3804607 “Raptor Island” (2004) 5158572 55 52 (SCIFI) “Chupa” 3919583 Drag GT3 Chall 4382688 Setup NASCAR Racing: Camping World Truck Series 4588249 141 271 (SPEED) Pinks Disorderly 266133 MXC MXC Paid Paid 27 53 (SPIKE) “From Dusk Till Dawn 2” 259442 (11:00) ››‡ “A Knight’s Tale” (:45) ››‡ “Swordfish” (2001) (PA) John Tra- Drivers Harvey Harvey 12 16 (TBS) (2001) (PA) Å 50530583 74102442 8525292 3470591 volta, Hugh Jackman. Å 7643997 (10:45) “The Lion in (:15) ›››‡ “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” (1932, ›››‡ “The Champ” (1931) Wal- Movies 162 169 (TCM) Winter” 55864106 1117065 Horror) Fredric March. ‘NR’ 30385317 lace Beery. ‘NR’ 1602591 Deals Royal 209779 Table 12 Table 12 Paid Paid Paid Paid 36 50 (TLC) Deals ››‡ “Nothing to Lose” (1997) 459012 ››‡ “Bad News Bears” (2005) Å 874292 25 35 (TNT) “Walk Geass Geass Alchemist Death Ghost Cowboy Big O 58 43 (TOON) GI Joe: Resolute 7262626 Brown Europe Paid Paid Paid Trikke 69 51 (TRAV) Man Food Man Food Dhani 6732404 Forensic Forensic Paid Paid 62 182 (TRUTV) Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Murder 5616713 Law SVU 884607 WWE A.M. 475713 Becker Wings Paid Paid 34 36 (USA) Law SVU 407864 PBR Bull Paid Paid Quest Tail Walk 139 37 (VS) Hockey Bull Riding PBR. 6759171 Yank Mag Running Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Detox 30 32 (YES) Yankee 244978 PREMIUM CHANNELS Pacquiao “Journey-Center” 3201930 State “Charlie Wilson” 17311065 “Un 200 5 (HBO) Boxing ›› “3000 Miles to Graceland” 71864152 (:40) ››› “Brick” 90463423 220 320 (MAX) “Cleavagefield” ‘NR’ 56757930 Still Sin › “Good Luck Chuck” (2007) ‘R’ 3560133 (2:50) “The Tripper” 76452152 “Mission 240 340 (SHOW) Body

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009


movieson A Adventures of Don Juan ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Thu. 4 p.m. 5364507 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ››› ‘G’ (TCM) Thu. 11:15 a.m. 85974897 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Thu. 6 p.m. 9821781 The Adventures of Mark Twain ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Thu. 1:45 p.m. 84920033 The Adventures of Robin Hood ›››› The outlaw pits his Merry Men against the evil Prince John. ‘PG’ (TCM) Thu. 8:15 a.m. 37519236, 9:30 a.m. 49843101 Along Came Jones ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Wed. 9:30 a.m. 22500483 American Gangster ››› ‘NR’ (MAX) Fri. 10 a.m. 939705 Anywhere but Here ››› ‘PG-13’ (HBO) Tue. 3:30 p.m. 373957 Apollo 13 ›››‡ (AMC) Wed. 3 p.m. 271648 Arachnophobia ››› ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) Mon. 1:45 p.m. 6696420 Assault on Precinct 13 ››› (FX) Sat. 1 p.m. 4370854 Away From Her ›››‡ ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) Sun. 8 a.m. 3567068, Fri. 6:45 a.m. 44458960, 3:15 p.m. 48130453

B Back to Bataan ›››‡ ‘NR’ (TCM) Tue. 10:30 a.m. 1718191 Batman Begins ››› (AMC) Wed. 8 p.m. 555984 Behold a Pale Horse ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Tue. 12:30 p.m. 56761792 Bonjour Tristesse ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Sun. 9:15 a.m. 17559819 Born Yesterday ›››‡ ‘NR’ (TCM) Thu. 8 p.m. 9833526

C The Captain’s Paradise ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Sat. 6 a.m. 1060767 Casino ›››‡ ‘R’ (MAX) Fri. 10 p.m. 313960


Cheaper by the Dozen ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Sat. 6:30 p.m. 8866477 The Children’s Hour ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Fri. 6 p.m. 9898453 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ››› (FAM) Sat. 7:30 p.m. 606670 Cliffhanger ››› (FX) Sun. 7 a.m. 6405155 Coming to America ››› (BRAV) Fri. 9 p.m. 991182, 11:30 p.m. 989347

D The Departed ›››‡ (FX) Sun. 3:30 p.m. 8910513 The Devil Wears Prada ››› (FX) Mon. 8 p.m. 3397223, 11 p.m. 3388575 Dirty Dancing ››› ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) Sat. 8:30 a.m. 9208106 The Doors ››› ‘R’ (MAX) Mon. 7:30 p.m. 108310 Double Jeopardy ››› ‘R’ (SHOW) Tue. 6 p.m. 705150 Dracula ››› (AMC) Thu. 11 a.m. 115675 Driving Miss Daisy ›››› Atlanta widow and chauffeur reflect changes from 1948 to 1973. (AMC) Mon. 8 p.m. 4891759, Tue. 5:45 p.m. 24707808

E Eight Below ››› (FAM) Wed. 7:30 p.m. 120532 End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones ››› ‘NR’ (SHOW) Tue. 6:15 a.m. 6349792 Escape From Fort Bravo ›››‡ ‘NR’ (TCM) Wed. 7:45 a.m. 58904939 Executive Decision ››› (TNT) Sat. 11 a.m. 584361

F A Few Good Men ›››‡ (FX) Sun. 12:30 p.m. 2523567 The Fifth Element ››› (TNT) Sun. 3 p.m. 452258 A Fistful of Dollars ››› (AMC) Tue. 10:30 p.m. 823537, Wed. 10 a.m. 783025

For Heaven’s Sake ›››‡ ‘NR’ (TCM) Mon. 8:45 a.m. 9932117 Forrest Gump ›››‡ ‘PG-13’ (MAX) Sun. 6:05 p.m. 96549161, Fri. 6:05 p.m. 96341521 Frailty ››› (USA) Fri. 9 a.m. 604182 Free Willy ››› ‘PG’ (MAX) Tue. 6:35 a.m. 28207773 Freedom Writers ››› ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) Wed. 10 a.m. 41053268, 5:55 p.m. 75107311 Funny Girl ›››› Ziegfeld Follies’ Fanny Brice loves gambler Nicky Arnstein. ‘G’ (TCM) Sat. 8 p.m. 91998038

G Girl Shy ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Mon. 7:15 a.m. 6917440 Good Will Hunting ›››‡ (TBS) Sat. 8:30 a.m. 338564

H Hairspray ››› ‘PG’ (HBO) Tue. 1:30 p.m. 283334 Harold Lloyd’s Funny Side of Life ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Mon. 6:15 p.m. 10420594 Harold Lloyd’s World of Comedy ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Mon. 4:30 p.m. 4735285 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ››› (WTNH) Sat. 8 p.m. 747800 Heat ›››‡ (AMC) Sun. 1:30 p.m. 267971 High Wall ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Fri. 8 a.m. 5651724 Hot Fuzz ››› ‘R’ (MAX) Thu. 4 p.m. 9568014

I I Married a Monster From Outer Space ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Sat. 5 p.m. 4455477 I’m All Right, Jack ›››› A man suffering delusions works in his uncle’s factory. ‘NR’ (TCM) Sun. 10 p.m. 3795529 In the Line of Fire ››› (AMC) Fri. 3:15 p.m. 91888786 Irma La Douce ›››‡ ‘NR’ (TCM) Fri. 11:30 a.m. 7337502

The Iron Giant ›››‡ (TOON) Tue. 10 a.m. 9133624 The Italian Job ››› (FX) Tue. 7:30 p.m. 7303792, Wed. 5:30 p.m. 7287700 It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World ››› (AMC) Mon. 10:15 p.m. 12528372, Tue. 2:15 p.m. 21662995

J Juno ›››‡ ‘PG-13’ (MAX) Mon. 1:10 p.m. 85497759, Sat. 12:50 p.m. 10506835 Jurassic Park ›››‡ ‘PG-13’ (HBO) Mon. 1:30 p.m. 87509759

K Keeping the Faith ››› (WHPX) Sun. 6 p.m. 288513 Kiss Me Kate ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Wed. 1:15 p.m. 7548193

L The Last Wagon ››› (AMC) Sat. 10:45 a.m. 16177081 Lethal Weapon 2 ›››‡ (BRAV) Fri. 6:30 p.m. 257250 The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg ››› ‘PG’ (SHOW) Thu. 8:10 a.m. 28003033 The Lion in Winter ›››› Henry II must determine which son is worthy of the crown. ‘PG’ (TCM) Sat. 10:45 p.m. 55864106 Little Miss Sunshine ›››‡ (USA) Wed. 11 p.m. 604358, Thu. 11 a.m. 952472 Live Free or Die Hard ››› ‘PG-13’ (MAX) Tue. 12:20 p.m. 10133808 Lust for Life ›››› Van Gogh meets Gauguin. ‘NR’ (TCM) Tue. 2:45 p.m. 91114808

M The Man From Snowy River ››› (AMC) Sat. 3 p.m. 790800 The Man From the Alamo ››› (AMC) Sat. 1 p.m. 925632 The Man Who Knew Too Much ›››› Plotters kidnap a U.S. couple’s son to hide a London assassination. ‘PG’ (TCM) Sat. 10 a.m. 57049293


movieson Matchstick Men ››› (USA) Fri. 6:30 a.m. 608415 The Matrix ›››‡ (TNT) Sun. 9:30 a.m. 649242 Maxed Out: Hard Times, Easy Credit and the Era of Predatory Lenders ››› ‘NR’ (SHOW) Fri. 1:45 p.m. 7874927 Merlin ››› ‘PG’ (SCIFI) Fri. 8 a.m. 3213569 A Mighty Wind ››› (COM) Mon. 8 a.m. 5755594 The Milky Way ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Mon. 3 p.m. 5531407 The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek ›››› A clerk steps in to save an unmarried mother-to-be’s honor. ‘NR’ (TCM) Wed. 11 p.m. 5564735 Mission: Impossible 2 ››› ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) Sun. 6:55 p.m. 92209695, Thu. 6:05 a.m. 34444897, 6:15 p.m. 88892385, Sat. 11:45 a.m. 68191903 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town ›››› A poet inherits an unwanted $20 million. ‘NR’ (TCM) Sun. 11 a.m. 2487971 Mother ››› ‘PG-13’ (HBO) Wed. 6:15 a.m. 77664396 Mrs. Doubtfire ››› ‘PG-13’ (HBO) Fri. 8 a.m. 25518182 My Little Chickadee ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Tue. 10:30 p.m. 2445995 Mystic River ›››‡ (AMC) Mon. 2:30 p.m. 243865

N The Natural ››› ‘PG’ (TCM) Sun. 5:30 p.m. 7447180

O Ocean’s Twelve ››› (AMC) Fri. 8 p.m. 506618 October Sky ›››‡ (AMC) Mon. 5:30 p.m. 652556, Sat. 5:30 p.m. 347738 Oklahoma! ›››‡ ‘G’ (TCM) Sun. 3 p.m. 4410426

P The Package ››› (AMC) Fri. 12:45 p.m. 52031927 Paint Your Wagon ››› ‘PG-13’ (TCM) Sat. 2 p.m. 2366274

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

The Perfect Storm ››› ‘PG-13’ (HBO) Mon. 9 a.m. 53919285 Pleasantville ›››‡ (FX) Tue. 8 a.m. 7429537 Pretty Woman ››› ‘R’ (SHOW) Sun. 4:55 p.m. 7495513

R Recount ››› (HBO) Mon. 11:30 a.m. 426399, Fri. 6 p.m. 913182 Requiem for a Heavyweight ›››‡ ‘NR’ (TCM) Tue. 6 p.m. 9967537 Rescue Dawn ››› ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) Wed. 3:45 p.m. 31582483 Roads to Riches ››› ‘R’ (MAX) Wed. 12:00 p.m. 449822 The Rookie ››› (AMC) Sat. 8 p.m. 18512477; (TBS) Sun. 10:20 a.m. 13231109 Rudy ››› (AMC) Sat. 11 p.m. 708274 Ruggles of Red Gap ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Mon. 9:15 p.m. 42721049 Running Scared ››› (AMC) Tue. 7:45 a.m. 17799266 Rush Hour ››› (FX) Wed. 8 p.m. 9911358, 10 p.m. 3631377

S Sabotage Agent ›››‡ ‘NR’ (TCM) Fri. 6 a.m. 1093095 Same Time, Next Year ››› ‘PG’ (MAX) Mon. 7:30 a.m. 974594 Schindler’s List ›››› A war profiteer saves his Jewish workers from death. ‘R’ (HBO) Tue. 9 p.m. 86055179 Seems Like Old Times ››› ‘PG’ (TCM) Fri. 10 p.m. 3597989 Serenity ››› (USA) Sat. 2:30 p.m. 191011 A Shot in the Dark ›››‡ ‘PG’ (TCM) Sun. 8 p.m. 9008838 Show Boat ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Wed. 5 p.m. 8406551 The Simpsons Movie ››› ‘PG-13’ (MAX) Thu. 2:30 p.m. 873830 Snatch ››› ‘R’ (MAX) Thu. 8:45 a.m. 76201236 Spider-Man 2 ››› (FX) Sun. 9 a.m. 6001682 Stardust ››› ‘PG-13’ (SHOW) Sun. 11:30 a.m.

99471093, Wed. 9 p.m. 9073396, Sat. 6:15 a.m. 41420274, 3:45 p.m. 31318800 Stir Crazy ››› (AMC) Tue. 12:15 p.m. 6145518 Strategic Air Command ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Sun. 1 p.m. 5840616 The Sum of All Fears ››› (FX) Tue. 5 p.m. 7399599, Wed. 8 a.m. 7496209 Syriana ››› ‘R’ (MAX) Wed. 4:50 p.m. 22283735

T Taxi Driver ›››› A psychotic New York cabbie unleashes his rage on pimps. ‘R’ (SHOW) Wed. 11:15 p.m. 1512025 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines ››› (AMC) Sun. 7:30 p.m. 235838 Thank You for Smoking ››› (COM) Sat. 1:30 p.m. 8567767 Three Kings ›››‡ (BRAV) Mon. 7 p.m. 354117, 9:30 p.m. 646431 3:10 to Yuma ››› ‘R’ (SHOW) Sat. 5:55 p.m. 94847877 Top Hat ›››› A woman mistakes the identity of a dancer romancing her. ‘NR’ (TCM) Mon. 11 p.m. 8265001 Transformers ››› ‘PG-13’ (HBO) Thu. 7 a.m. 906014, 5:30 p.m. 290976, Sat. 12:30 p.m. 895309 Trouble the Water ›››› A couple document their ordeal during

Hurricane Katrina. ‘NR’ (HBO) Thu. 8:30 p.m. 2824149 The Trouble With Harry ››› ‘PG’ (TCM) Fri. 4:15 p.m. 21078340 True Lies ››› (WNYW) Sun. 3:30 p.m. 545819; (WTIC) Sun. 4:30 p.m. 181258 The Truman Show ›››‡ (TBS) Sat. 11 a.m. 38430800 The TV Set ››› ‘R’ (SHOW) Thu. 11:30 a.m. 919507 Two for the Seesaw ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Fri. 2 p.m. 52223366 Two Mules for Sister Sara ››› (AMC) Tue. 8 p.m. 802044, Wed. 12:30 p.m. 312071

U The Undefeated ››› (AMC) Mon. 9:15 a.m. 35812448

W WarGames ››› (BRAV) Tue. 10 a.m. 221889 Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed? ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Thu. 10 p.m. 3520217 The Women ›››‡ ‘NR’ (TCM) Tue. 8 p.m. 4923518

X X-Men ››› ‘PG-13’ (MAX) Sat. 2:30 p.m. 2681903

Y The Young in Heart ››› ‘NR’ (TCM) Sun. 7:30 a.m. 54035548

Solution to puzzle on page 32




Solution Mark Harmon 59

gametime S G S E I T I R U C E S N I B



R R A L T H N A N E C R Q A N O A V J R J F M P O I G U I W S U W I I H C S E B T Z E C T B T K N A R A G N C I H U C Q M M N I N O N H J P B O S R U C E G E N S T N P F R Q U E H U I M O S U B T E F F E R P Y M T N Y H T T V A D T R I R N E N I H F Y J N A C Y N L V E R T O M W N E L E H G I R E H “Sit Down, Shut Up” on Fox



(Words in parentheses not in puzzle)

Animated (comedy) (Will) Arnett Jason (Bateman) Kristin (Chenoweth) Dysfunction

(Will) Forte Insecurities Tom (Kenny) Nick (Kroll) Cheri (Oteri)

Principal Ruthless (battles) Teachers Kenan (Thompson) Henry (Winkler) © Zap2it

in focus I“Supernatural,” http://supernatural.warnerbros.com/ Of course, The CW maintains a Web site for the spooky drama “Supernatural,” but studio Warner Bros. has one as well, and it’s pretty sweet. Using a graphic interface that looks like the interior of Dean Winchester’s classic Chevy Impala (which makes awesome car sounds), you’re guided to pages focusing on different aspects of the show. Among the coolest: a journal with pages you can turn and a laptop screen with research links. “Tony Dovolani” http://www.dovolani.com/ Partnered this season on ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars” with the surprisingly talented Melissa Rycroft, who bounced into the ballroom after being dumped by “The Bachelor,” pro dancer Dovolani offers up a personal site with lots of spangles tacked on. Included is a link to the Ballroom Dance Channel, where you can take online lessons for a fee from Dovolani and partner Elena Grinenko, and to Dovolani’s MySpace page.



SHORT TERM REHAB AT MILLER • Private rooms with cable television and local phone service • Excellent dining services • New rehabilitation gym 360 BROAD STREET, MERIDEN • 203-237-8815, EXT 301 Visit us on the Web at www.millercommunity.org



BY JAY BOBBIN, JOHN R. CROOK, JACQUELINE B. CUTLER AND KATE O’HARE “THE CITY” Pomp and circumstance never are guaranteed. Though Whitney Port’s New York-based spinoff of “The Hills” has earned a second-season renewal, its firstseason finale didn’t get the sort of “event” status often accorded its parent show. Just

Naveen Andrews

“LOST” Guys should be more careful about picking up women in bars; they might wind up with a kick in the head and in custody. (K.O.) APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

a sign of the economic times, or more than that? (J.B.) “DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES” Never be too impressed by people with good manners. They’re the ones who will give a friendly wave even when they have stolen from you. (J.R.C.) “NATURE: KILAUEA: MOUNTAIN OF FIRE” Kilauea has generated enough lava to make a two-lane highway over 1 million miles long. (J.B.C.) “AX MEN” Alder is a tricky wood for lumbermen – it’s lightweight, and the logs can tangle together and bounce in unexpected directions. (K.O.) “THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO” Getting too comfortable on television can be a dicey proposition. While chatting with Leno about bowling, President Barack Obama made a reference that raised the concern of an organization dedicated to people with special needs. A slip of the lip, but something to be on guard against. (J.B.) 61


203-494-1526 Junk Removed FREE estimates. Call Ed

A TO Z REMOVAL Free estimates. Garages, attics, basements, brush, pools, decks, etc. Sr. discounts. 203-238-0106



CENTRAL CT HOME IMPROVEMENTS All types remodeling & repair. Interior/exterior, decks & more. 25 yrs exp. Free est. Licensed& insured. #0673083 203-213-0033



T.E.C. Electrical Svc LLC All Phases of Electrical Work 24 hr. Emergency Service




Green Planet Remodeling Addt’s, decks, Rec rms, kits, baths. 41 yrs exp 203-639-8389 CT #573358

HOMETECH Carpentry, repairs. No job too small or large. Member BBB.

203-235-8180 CT Reg #564042

JT CONSTRUCTION One call does it all. No job too big, no job too small. Fully insured. (203) 379-0064 CT Reg #607116 REPAIRS Additions, Sunrooms, Finish Bsmnt, Decks & Porches 203-238-1449 #578107 Free est. www.marceljcharpentier.com


BICO FENCE - All types of quality fencing & repairs available. Professional installations. 20 years exp. Lic’d & ins’d. 203715-0567. CT Reg# 616240 CORNERSTONE FENCE & Ornamental Gates. All types of fence. Res/Comm. AFA Cert. Ins’d. Call John Uvino 203-237-GATE CT Reg #601060 MORGAN Fence Co. Installation & Repair. No job to small! Owner operated. #HIC-623033 Call 203-886-8029


A2Z GARAGE DOOR SERVICE Installation & Repairs CT #600415 203-235-9865

CENTRAL CT OVERHEAD DOOR centralctoverheaddoor.com Sales/ Service. Reg # 565116 203-630-1058 or 860-349-3372 RWL CONST. SERVICES RON LIGAS - 35 YRS EXP. Garage doors & openers installed CT Reg. #622764 860-349-6873

One call does it all. No job too big, no job too small. Fully insured. (203) 379-0064 CT Reg #607116

MATTSON HOME IMPROVEMENT Free est. Quality. Insured. CT Reg 581924. (203) 631-7459

O’CONNOR ROOFING 203-639-0231 Lic. & ins. Free est. Work performed by owner. CT Reg #602521

COMPUTER SERVICES COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Upgrades, installs, repairs & viruses fixed at your home. DMT Computer Services. 860621-4295. After 5 - 860-424-1177


QUALITY home & office cleaning, weekly, bi-weekly, special projects. Exc references. Reasonable rates -860-754-8757 TRUSTWORTHY and Professional Housecleaners Great rates, free est. Refs . Call Agnes (860) 632-7174 or 860-518-5357

JUNK REMOVAL COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Clean Outs. Free estimates. Affordable rates. Call 203-715-2301


GUTTERS DON’T WORK IF THEY’RE DIRTY For gutter cleaning, call Kevin at (203) 440-3279 Fully insured. CT Reg. #569127.

DECKS CENTRAL CT HOME IMPROVEMENTS All types remodeling & repair. Interior/exterior, decks & more. 25 yrs exp. Free est. Licensed& insured. #0673083 203-213-0033 MATTSON Home Improvement Affordable, quality decks. Free estimates. Insured. CT Reg 581924. (203) 631-7459


15 & 20 Yard Roll-Offs. Home, Business or Job Site We do clean-outs too! Empire Construction, LLC 203-269-3559 www.EmpireLLC.biz


To ensure a quality job at a fair price. Call 203-630-6459 CT Reg #608488

DOW GUTTERS Seamless gutters/leaders. 13 colors. Free estimates. Ct #612964 Steve 860 426-0045

Over 25 years experience. Call today for free estimates. Call 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887


Shamock Roofing All types of remod. 30+ yrs exp. No $$ Down. CT Reg 523804. Ins

203-237-4124 an LLC co.

BIG GREEN LANDSCAPING Spring Cleanup, Lawn Care, Hedge Trimming. Great pricing on seasonal or year contract. CT#619909 Call 203-715-2301

HEDGE TRIMMING No Hedge/shrub too big, small or tall. Fully Ins. Free estimates. Quality Landscaping, LLC. WWW.QLSLLC.COM Jim 203-537-2588 or 860-349-2118


C&M CONSTRUCTION ROOFING AND SIDING We are professional roofers. New roof, re-roof, tear off roof We fix leaks. No job too small! HIC # 0610788 yumbla@sbcglobal.net 203-715-7154 203-715-1275


LANDSCAPING A & A Lawn Care-Spring cleanups, hedge trimming, tree, shrub, debris removal #584101 Free estimates. Jim 203-237-6638 A KYLE LANDSCAPING Affordable lawn care in Meriden/ Wlfd. Lic & ins. CT Reg #622733. Call for est (860) 637-7294 ALLEGRO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLC. Specializing in sm. lawn maintenance, property clearing & seasonal clean-up. Full landscaping services including design & installation. Retaining walls & patios, stone/paver walkways, driveways, mulching & excavating #0965092. 203-687-1347 BILL RUDOLPH Landscaping Paver walkways & patios, retaining walls, landscape design, water features, planter bed renovations, drainage work backhoe work. Est 1972. Free est. #563661 (203) 237-9577

INTEGRATED LAWN & LAND SERVICES, LLC April Special! Free power washing with a full service lawn maintenace program 203-537-7060 CT #615483

JG LANDSCAPING LLC CT Reg # 580999. Services: Patios, Stone Walls, Spring Clean Ups. 203-265-5227 JOE’S LAWN CARE, LLC Spring clean up, mowing, landscape work, mulching and irrigartion service. 203-631-7444 Lic, fully insured. Reg #563805 JOE’S LAWN CARE, LLC Spring clean up, mowing, mulching, landscape work & irrigation service. 203-631-7444 Licensed, fully insured. #563805 JT’S LANDSCAPING, LLC Spring clean-ups. Full lawn maintenance. Comm. & Res. Top quality work. Ins., Free est. 203-213-6528 CT Reg #616311

MOWING RICK’S AFFORDABLE Comm/resid Mowing. Spring clean-ups, hedge trim, brush, tree & pricker removal. 11 yrs exp. 203-530-4447.

MOWING Precision Cut Lawns since 1982. Southington, Meriden, Wlfd. Reliable, affordable, free est. Res/Comm. Fully ins. CT#566423 203-715-0101 or 860-621-6822

HOME IMPROVEMENTS E & D HOME ImprovementsComplete home services. Electric, plumbing, kitchens, baths, etc. (203) 376-7532 CT Reg# 616307.

GREAT PRICES! Full service landscaping & property maintenance. Irrigation srv avail. Call Presise Now


Continued On Pg. 63


Continued From Pg. 62 LANDSCAPING Quality Landscaping, LLC Spring Clean-ups, mowing, landscaping, stone work. WWW.QLSLLC.COM CT Reg #620306 Jim 203-537-2588 or 860-349-2118 Silver City Landscaping LLC Lawn Mowing/Spring Clean-up Lawn Power Seeding/Mulch Reliable Service 20yrs exp 203-537-8106 CT Reg# 622655





Specializing in Wood/Aluminum siding. Low rates. Reg#533474. Call Dennis 203-630-0008 DAN - The Painter Man. Great work - best prices. CT Reg #0678307. Insured. (203) 376-8023

To ensure a quality job at a fair price. Call 203-630-6459 CT Reg #608488


Empire Construction, LLC Your Professional Roofer New Roofs, Reroofs, Tearoffs. We fix leaks too! 203-269-3559 CT Reg#565514 www.EmpireLLC.biz



FIDERIO & SONS Siding, roofing, windows, decks, sunrooms, additions.

203-237-0350 CT Reg. #516790

Gonzalez Construction

SPRING CLEAN UPS Starting now! NORM THE GARDENER (203) 265-1460

Siding, roofing, windows, decks, sunrms, additions. 203-237-0350. CT Reg. #516790

Roofing, siding, windows, decks, gutters & remodeling.

STUMP GRINDING Multiple stump discounts. Fully ins. Call Mark at Eagle Stump Grinding 203-704-0821

Gonzalez Construction

Fully licensed/insured. CT Reg.# 577319



LAWN & GARDEN ACE PROPERTIES MGT. Estate Services, Property Maintenance, Lawn Service, Attic, Basement & Garage Cleanout. Gardens Roto-Tilled. Free est. Fully insured. (203) 440-4280 ALLEGRO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLC. Specializing in sm. lawn maintenance, property clearing & seasonal clean-up. Full landscaping services including design & installation. Retaining walls & patios, stone/paver walkways, driveways, mulching & excavating. #0965092. 203-687-1347 MATT D. Lawn Mowing. Affordable, dependable. 15 years experience. Will beat any quote. (860) 302-0990


AMERICAN MASONRY Veneer (Brick, Stone, Block), Concrete, stucco, steps/stairs, repair. Free est. 203-982-3087 or 203-755-9469 CT Reg #577098 BILL RUDOLPH Landscaping paver walkways, patios, retaining wall. Free estimates. #563661 . Call 203-237-9577 CASCIO Mason. Chimney repair, sidewalks, walls, brick work, etc. CT Reg #611774. 203-265-7826 or cell 860-398-1223

CARABETTA’S GRADER SERVICE Sweeping Division For All Your Commercial Sweeping Needs. 203-214-6247 or 860-306-9970 SPRING IS HERE! - The grass is riz - I wonder how your driveway is? Call for free estimate.

LaRosa Construction Co. Inc. (203) 237-5409 CT Reg #503554


PLUMBING DON’T Flush money down the drain, call Duane. Plumbing, heating. Quality work Low rates. Accepting Major Credit cards. Lic. #0283401 #0389224 203-379-8944


A-1 Quality Powerwashing HOT WATER, LOW RATES Call Dennis 203-630-0008

JOHN Biafore and Son Masonry Chimneys, brick, block, stone walls, patios. In business over 50 yrs. CT# 549071 (203) 537-3572 ROCKY Construction Mason Contractor. General Masonry. Patios, Stairs, Retaining Walls, Chimneys, Brick, Block, Stone. Basement repairs. Any size job. Work guraranteed. Free estimates. lic & ins. Ct# 618008. 203768-4789 Fax 860-274-1419

APRIL 19 - 25, 2009

Fully license/insured. CT Reg# 577319

203-639-0231 Lic. & ins. Free est. Work performed by owner. CT Reg #602521

203-269-0135 ROOFING AND SIDING We are professional roofers. New roof, re-roof, tear off roof We fix leaks. No job too small! HIC # 0610788 yumbla@sbcglobal.net 203-715-7154 203-715-1275

ROOFS R US WE BEAT ANY QUOTE! Siding, windows, gutters, carpentry. 41yrs exp. (203) 639-8389 CT #573358

Shamock Roofing All types of remod. 30+ yrs exp. No $$ Down. CT Reg 523804. Ins

CARABETTA’S GRADER SERVICE Sweeping Division For All Your Commercial Sweeping Needs. 203-214-6247 or 860-306-9970


TOP SOIL SAND & FILL HAZELWOOD EXCAVATING Dry farm screened topsoil and colored mulch.


IS Spring cleaning on the outside. FREE ESTIMATES. Call Kevin 203-440-3279 POWERWASHING Spring Clean-up. Houses, RV’s, boats, etc. We clean it all! CT Reg# 616391. Call 203-235-7916

ALL Types pool & spa serv. Complete service on pools & spas, above and inground liner replacement. Lic & ins. CT Reg 622885. Call (203) 537-9188


203-237-4124 an LLC co

INTEGRATED LAWN & LAND SERVICES, LLC APRIL SPECIAL! Free power washing with a full service lawn maintenace program 203-537-7060 CT #615483




RIDOFBUGS.COM Got pests? Need Help? 203-265-7328/860-426-1040 CENTURION EXTERMINATING

JIMMY’S MASONRY Stonewalls, steps, patios, chimneys, all types. Lic. & Ins’d. 25 yrs exp. Call for free est. 860-2744893 CT. Reg. #604498 JOHN Biafore and Son Masonry Chimneys, brick, block, stone walls, patios. In business over 50 yrs. CT# 549071 (203) 537-3572

Roofing, siding, windows, decks, gutters & remodeling.

CENTRAL CT OVERHEAD DOOR centralctoverheaddoor.com Sales/ Service. Reg # 565116 203-630-1058 or 860-349-3372 RIDOFBUGS.COM Got pests? Need Help? 203-265-7328/860-426-1040 CENTURION EXTERMINATING SANDBLASTING We come to you. Snowplows, trailers, truck bodies, etc. Reasonable prices. Bill Coleman. 203-715-0567. CT Reg# 616240

SCREENED Top Soil. Picked up or delivered. 860-681-3991


LAVIGNE’S TREE SERVICE IN BUSINESS 28 YRS. Tree removal. Stump grinding. Crane Srv. Free Est. Fully insured. 203-294-1775

PRICKER REMOVAL RICK’S AFFORDABLE Spring clean-ups, hedge trim, brush, tree, pricker & underbrush removal. No job too big or small. 11 yrs exp. 203-5304447.

PROF. ARBORIST #S3365 60ft bucket truck. Precise Tree CT Reg #562159.

203-272-4216 STUMP Grinding, tree removal. Spring Clean-up. Free est. CT Reg# 616391. 203-440-3142 YARDLEY TREE SERVICE.com Fair, reasonable. Free estimates. Reg. Insured. 203-440-0402 or 860-595-4159


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