Attn: Larry Bossie, Manger of Scared Heart Cemetery 250 Gypsy Lane, Meriden Ct 06450
Dear Larry,
I recently contacted you regarding a few incidents of what J believe to be disrespectful and indecent behavior while in Scared Heart Cemetery, visiting my recently departed wife's grave. The first was a incident was which a man walked his dog right over my family plot while I was kneeling and praying. The second incident was of a similar nature in which I observed a dog walker walk their dog on the grass, on and around the graves(I have pictures of incident). The third incident occurred yesterday (3-24-09) In which I saw to moped riders racing around the cemetery, one of which was racing and jumping on the grass in between and around the graves and headstones. I called the Meriden Police regarding the moped incident who responded to no avail as the riders were already gone from the property. It should go without saying J am very upset and angry regarding these incidents and have some requests to try and help resolve these problems which have occurred in this past week. I. Change the current policy which allows dogs in the cemetery (only on blacktop on leash, with the owners required to clean their pets mess) to a no dogs and pets allowed policy. Some problems that I see with the current policy follow: I. the owners always end up walking on the side of the road to let traffic pass and inevitability the dogs end up on the grass 2.The general public see dog walking occurring in the cemetery and assume it is ok to be on the grass (no dog walking/pet rules are posted) 3. A general selfish disregard exists in society.
2. Place physical barriers at the unofficial entrances i.e. More fencing 3. Add lighting and/or security cameras the cost is nominal as the technology is more and more common. This is a proven deterrent and would add in the identification and procustion of offenders 4. Place no pet/dog signs ( if and when policy change occurs) Place no vehicles on the grass signs. While this is common sense to you and I apparently not everybody has the same God given sense. From my end I believe that a letter to the Editor, voicing my concerns at my local neighborhood association meeting and calling the Hartford Archdiocese will be good starts to raise awareness and concern in addressing the above issues. Hopefully there will be a public demand for change in policy and in tum will try and help to correct these matters as well. While I appreciate you concern that some my be upset and possibly act out over any pet related policy change. I respectfully say to you that many are not following the rules and furthermore they simply aren't working. The bottom line is that the cemetery is blessed ground in which our loved ones are buried. I don't want dogs peeing and pooing on it or mopeds racing on il. In closing I am open to any suggestions that you may have to help to prevent these types of incidents from occurring. I also offer my services to aid and assist to that end. Thank you in advance for assistance in this matter and as always if I can be ofyour assistance please do not hesitate to contact me at the below numbers. Respectfully, Mr. Jody Winslow 41 Brook dale Rd. Meriden Ct 06450 H tel 203-235-4134
Cell 203-213-0462
Cal/u,4r: ClmlllAilS vfssrJC'ialirJl1
TELEPHONE [203J 239-2557 • FAX (203) 239-5035
CRAIG S. NEAL Executive Director
April 3, 2009 Mr. Jody Winslow 41 Brookdale Road Meriden., CT 06450 Dear Mr. Winslow: Your letter of March 25,2009 to Mr. Larry Bossie has been referred to me as Executive Director of Catholic Cemeteries Association. I have reviewed your concerns and offer you the following. First and foremost, please accept my condolences on the loss of your wife. A Mass is said monthly for her and all the faithful departed interred in our Catholic cemeteries. Your concern regarding dogs is one that we have given much thought to over the years. There is a constant debate betwcen lot owners who are in favor of walking dogs in the cemetery and those who are against it. Sacred Heart Cemetery does not prohibit dogs on its grounds, but the following criteria must be met: • • •
Dogs are to be confined to a short leash held by their handlers at all times. Dogs will be restricted to the paved road areas only. Any dog residue will be immediately picked up and disposed of by the handler.
Through our observations, we have found that "life" in a cemetery reflects more favorably than not in our properties. Because we maintain our grounds to a high level of park like beauty, we find that many people find serenity while walking dogs or jogging on our roadways. As a result, we have found that the presence of visitors and these types of activity thwart crime such as purse snatchings in our cemeteries as opposed to stark and desolate properties. In all walks of life, there are people who are conscientious and considerate while there are others who unfortunately are not. We do take notice and reprimand those who do not abide by our rules and regulations. Unfortunately, we cannot lock our gates in our cemeteries as firefighters and police would not be able to gain access in a case ofemergency. Please note that the Meriden PoHce Department does make routine inspeetions of the cemetery, especially during evening and weekend hours when the office is not staffed. We periodically review our policies and procedures with our management team. Should our policies related to this matter change, we 7 will be certain to notify you.
Monsignor Walker
Larry Bossie
Dear Mr. Neal and whom it may concern,
Thank you for your kind condolences and responding to my concerns regarding dogs in Scared heart Cemetery. Unfortunately, I take issue with your response as Executive Director of the Catholic Cemetery Association for the following reasons:
I. In your response you state "Dogs will be restricted to the paved road areas only" Attached are the following pictures that have been taken within the past couple of weeks , during my ten minute daily visits, as proof that your current policy isn't working. Also note, in addition, when a vehicle passes the dog and owner have to step to the side of the road to let the car pass. Where does the dog end up more often that not , on the grass, again another policy flaw. 2. You state that "life" in a cemetery ................ thwart crime .......". While to some degree that may be true I am only asking dog walking be prohibited. Jogging on the pavement, taking the baby for a walk, genealogical research, taking stone rubbings, strolling along for a afternoon walk, plot maintenance and of course visiting our departed loved and ones and prayer are all healthy, wholesome, decent ways that our cemeteries can and should be used. I never once suggested otherwise. 3. I am requesting that dogs/pets be prohibited. Your description that somehow our cemeteries would become stark and desolate as a result is simply not a accurate picture and quite frankly an embellishment to say the least. 4.You noted that the Meriden Police Department makes routine inspections of the cemetery. The reality is that each time they responded to my complaints they stated that they agree with me wholeheartedly. But, they also stated that there was little if anything that they could do as the cemetery is private property. I encourage a meeting with you the police and myself to explore possible resolutions to my concerns. In fact one officer suggested the cemetery post signs with the rules so everybody is on written notice (including the police) in turn , hopefully, leading to less misunderstandings. As I am involved with our local neighborhood association and Council of Neighborhoods I will continue to maintain public dialog with our local police and citizenry on this subject. 5. Your response noted a current policy stating "and residue will be immediately picked up and disposed by the handler". It may be policy but it is flawed in that you don't pick up dog urine. It soaks into the ground. Putting aside my concern for my deceased loved ones for a moment, I find it vile that the ground that the Bishop has blessed is being used as a dog toilet. These are holy grounds. I must also point out that the residue that you refer to is dog waste ( feces and urine ), quite a understatement. 6. I also disagree with the statement of not being able to lock the gate for emergency reasons. Not that you could, at Scared Heart there is no main gate. I disagree in theory, as I know of another cemetery in Meriden ( Walnut Grove) that does lock their gates and have no issues in doing so. Since the point is moot T will leave it at that unless you have questions regarding their policies for possible future implementation. For the above reasons and the fact that there is still a "dog allowed" policy I'm left with no choice but to continue my efforts for policy change. To that end I am starting a petition to have a no dog policy. I'm not sure of any magic number that would make you reconsider or cause policy change so I am exploring different media venues to publicize attention to the filthy occurrences of dog O\\-l1ers allowing their dogs to do their business on graves and the current policy of Scared heart Cemetery. Enclosed is a copy of my first letter to the editor voicing my concerns, which was published last week in the Record Journal newspaper. I look forward to resolving this matter; But must confess I was disappointed that [ didn't receive a return
call from you after leaving 2 messages. The lines of communications are key to any constructive change. T
pray you reconsider and at the very least pass along a copy of this letter to Monsignor Walker. I will also pass along a copy to Larry Bossie for his information. Simply put, I am asking for a tastefully posted no dog policy in Scared Heart Cemetery which includes the phrase "Police take notice". Many dog walkers are not following the current policy( see pictures). Therefore I ask you, change it out of respect for our deceased loved ones and the blessed ground they are buried in. Please keep me informed of any policy change as this issue is very important to me. In closing ifI can be of assistance in this or any other matter please do not hesitate to contact me at the below numbers.
Sincerely, Mr. Jody Winslow 41 Brookdale Rd. Meriden Ct. 06450
Home tel. 203-235-4134 Cell tel. 203-213-0462
Dear Representative Catherine F. Abercrombie,
One would think that people would show each other common respect and decency when it comes to respecting our cemeteries. But as we all know all to well a lack of respect is sadly becoming the norm. That is why I am trying to right a wrong that I see occurring in our cemeteries and have taken on the task of putting to an end the disgusting and disrespectful practice of dog walkers allowing their dogs to defecate and urinate on graves in our cemeteries or for that matter anywhere within a cemetery. The owners of these dogs usually walk them, on leash, right over our departed loved one graves and allow them to do their business. Simply put I do not blame the dogs. I blame the owners. There are a few owners that even have the gall to let their dogs off leash, again allowing them to do their business on , near and around the graves.
The problem came to my attention when my wife died January 22"d of this year and I started my daily visits to her grave lin Scared Heart Cemetery, in Meriden. In one incident I was kneeling, praying over my wife's grave, when a man walked his leashed dog over my family plot. Needless to say that I addressed him directly. Another time I was getting out of my truck to visit my wife's grave and a moped came zipping over the curb area and started weaving in between the graves and headstones, tearing up the grass. I immediately called the Police who responded quickly but to no avail as the vandal had all ready ridden away. At this point I spoke with the police and about my concerns regarding my cemetery (and all other cemeteries for that matter as well) and was given a sobering and clear prospective. According to the Officer there is nothing that the police can do as the cemeteries are usually private property, as in this case. Furthermore, there is no law stopping the actual defecation and urination by dogs on and around graves in any cemetery. Since then, there have been several more times in which 1 witnessed dogs doing their business on graves and I am usually only there ten minutes a day to pray (several pictures have been included for your review). 1 can only imagine how many more disgusting occurrences, such as these, occur. This is why I am asking for your help.
I think that there should some type of ordinance prohibiting dogs from cemeteries ( privately owned and/or otherwise) and certainly prohibiting them from reliving themselves on the graves of our loved ones. Once a law is on the books the Police would be able to act accordingly. Thus hopefully restoring some of the respect that our departed loved ones deserve and the revenant atmosphere that mourners and grieving family members deserve while going to the cemetery. These are blessed and scared grounds.
Please be I have been addressing this issue directly with the cemetery association and I am hopeful that a no dog policy will be implemented. Though, I must confess, thus far , I am disappointed with their lack of cooperation. Nevertheless, to that end, over the past weeks I have collected 51 signatures on petitions (copies enclosed) , that I started, requesting a dog ban in our cemeteries (note I will still collect more signatures as needed). It is interesting to point out that so far that even Roman Catholic Priests, thus far, have signed my petition as well as the former Chief of Police of Meriden. I am fighting for a policy change at one level and I am requesting that you in introduce legislation to help protect the graves of our departed to help at a different level. I humbly suggest the following provisions for the suggested dog ban ordnance in our cemeteries: I. That it applies to all cemeteries public, private. faith based, ecl. 2.That there are proportionate fInes for example $50 for simple trespass with a dog and $100 for each occurrence of defecation and/or urination within the cemetery (though] personally prefer higher fInes[ such as $100 and $250 respectively])
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3. For each subsequent occurrence the fine doubles 4. A requirement that, at a minimum, the cemetery post the ordnance at each entrance containing the phrase "police take notice" (written notice is key according to all the police personal that I have recently spoken to in the Meriden Police Department; from the current Deputy Chief of Police to a Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant and several Officers) . Again, simply put, our cemeteries are not parks, dog runs, ecL. Lord knows that we spend a ton of money for our public parks, they should use them or their own yards for that matter.
Again, for your review, 1 have enclosed several photos of dogs walking over and by graves in Sacred Heart Cemetery in recent weeks as well as a copy of my editorial that was printed in the Record Journal Newspaper, again outlining my concerns and feelings. 1 have not ruled out contacting and using other media, if needed as well. I am also contacting other area legislators both on the local and state level with copies of this letter, addressed to them, so that together we can stop these vile and disrespectful occurrences. This issue transcends anyone faith, age group, ethnic group, ecL Nobody wants their deceased mother, father, son, daughter, wife, husband, grandparent, ecL to be peed or pooed on by any dog or pet especially one that is being intentionally walked on the graves by a disrespectful owner. Please help to ban dogs in our cemeteries altogether and help pass a "respect our cemeteries" law/ordnance.
If I can be of any assistance in this or any other matter please do not hesitate to contact me at the below numbers and thank you in advance for you attention and assistance in this matter.
Sincerely and Respectfully Submitted,
Mr. Jody J. Winslow
41 Brookdale Rd. Meriden Ct. 06450 home tel. 203-235-4134 cell 203-213-0462