5 minute read
Quinnipiac Chamber honors community leaders
By Kate Ramunni Record-Journal staff
While the main speaker was unable to make it, the Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce still honored its award winners at its annual dinner, held June 14 at The Farms Country Club.
Rand Pecknold, the coach of the NCAA Division I National Champion Quinnipiac University hockey team, was scheduled to give the keynote speech and accept the Business Leadership Award at the event, but had a family emergency, chamber Executive Director Ray Andrewsen said. That didn’t stop the chamber from celebrating Pecknold, the team and its national championship.
It also honored its own with its annual awards. The Nonprofit of the Year award went to the Spanish Community of Wallingford, which provides a variety of services to the Hispanic community.
“It’s a true honor to be recognized,” said SCOW Executive Director Adriana Rodriguez. “We have been very busy,” she said, especially during the pandemic, when the organization gave out 3,000 COVID-19 test kits and sanitizer, and held over 100 vaccination clinics.
Rodriguez credited her staff with the organization's success. "Together we have make a difference," she said.
The Diversity and Inclusion Award went to North Haven-based Area Cooperative Educational Services.
See Pride, A4 See Chamber, A9
Shelter supplies
Pearce Real Estate offices are serving as drop-off locations for a drive in support of New Reach Life Haven, a nonprofit which provides emergency shelter and support services. The following items are needed: body wash, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, bath towels, twin bed pillows and sheets, and blankets. Pearce Real Estate's North Haven office is located at 393 State St. Items can be dropped off between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Camera club
The North Haven Camera Club season runs from September to June, and new members are always welcome. The club has beginner, intermediate and Master levels, allowing members to learn photography and participate at their own pace. If you're interested in photography and want to sharpen your skills, visit northhavencameraclub.com or email northhavencameraclub@ gmail.com.
Beautification Awards
The North Haven Garden Club Civic Committee invites the public to nominate properties to be considered for its annual Beautification Awards (the property can be your own). The club will be looking for gardens, primarily in the front of a property, demonstrating: color coordination, organization, design and plant arrangement. Email dsch59@aol.com or camoo67@gmail.com.
Tip line
In response to growing statewide complaints of a spike in so-called street takeover events, the FBI rolled out a tip line for resi- dents to report instances of mass gatherings in parking lots and roadways. Residents looking to report a street takeover are encouraged to call 1-800-CALL-FBI and select the “Connecticut Street Takeovers” option from an operator or visit the website fbi.gov/cttakeovertips.
La Leche League
La Leche League of Hamden/North Haven meets the second Wednesday of the month at Grace & St. Peter’s Church, 2927 Dixwell Ave., Hamden. RSVP to Anne.M@ LLLCT.org. Attendees from all towns in the greater New Haven area are welcome.
Pathway project
The North Haven Garden Club announced its membership in the Pollinator Pathway Project, an effort which brings awareness to the need of planting trees, shrubs and flowers to support pollinators such as birds, insects and wildlife. Residents are invited to participate in the project by identifying their own pollinator garden. Register your property with the Pollinator Pathway Project online, at pollinator-pathway.org.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut is an affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, the 119-year-old national youth mentoring organization. Learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters by visiting ctbigs.org.
Pet food drive
Through Friday, June 23, the Community Services Department will be collecting canned dog and cat food to benefit North Haven Animal Control. No dry food, please. Donations can be dropped off at the Community Services office weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To make a monetary donation, checks should be made payable to: Treasurer, Town of North Haven, with "Animal Control food drive" in the memo field. Checks can be mailed to: North Haven Animal Control, Memorial Town Hall, 18 Church St., North Haven, CT 06473. For more information, contact Carla Picard at 203-239-5321 ext. 505.
Preservation CT
Preservation Connecticut is a statewide nonprofit his toric preservation organiza tion, established in 1975 by a Special Act of the Connecti cut General Assembly as the Connecticut Trust for His toric Preservation. For over four decades, Preservation Connecticut has champi oned the protection of community assets all over the state. For more information, visit preservationct.org.
Marines sought

The Marine Corps League, Hardware City Detachment, New Britain CT is actively looking for new members. You do not have to live in New Britain to be a member. The Hardware City Detachment regularly supports local veterans and their families in need, and participates in many local celebrations and remembrances. The Hardware City Detachment meets the first Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., at the Berlin VFW, 152 Massirio Dr. For more information, contact Sal V. Sena Sr. (860-6146188, 4mermarine69@ gmail.com) or Al Urso (860747-0677, alurso@cox.net).
Renters rebate

State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are el- derly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room or living in cooperative housing, or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. Applications are accepted through Oct. 1. Visit portal.ct.gov/OPM. help move their business forward through comprehensive and is ready to help your business grow.

Wreaths Across America is a nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. The group’s mission – Remember, Honor, Teach – is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as at thousands of veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond.
For more information on how to volunteer locally or sponsor a wreath, visit wreathsacrossamerica.org.
Food bank
The North Haven Community Services Food Bank has a constant need for: mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, coffee, tea, tuna, soup, Chef Boyardee products, instant mashed potatoes, cookies, crackers, macaroni and cheese, protein and granola bars, trail mix, nuts, jerky, peanut butter and graham crackers, dried fruit, fruit snacks, fruit cups, canned fruit, applesauce, juice box- es, pudding cups, peanut butter, jelly, Pop Tarts, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix and syrup.
Items can be dropped off at the Community Services office, Town Hall Annex Building, 5 Linsley St., Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fire Explorers
Comprised of high school students age 14 to 18, the North Haven Fire Explorer program provides opportunities to explore a career path in emergency services as a firefighter, EMT or paramedic. Email NOHFDExplorers@gmail.com or visit northhavenfire.org.
Trail association
The North Haven Trail Association maintains several trails for residents to enjoy. As stewards of these trails, the NHTA is in need of volunteers. The group meets the third Monday of the month, 7 p.m., at the Recreation Center. For further information, visit northhaventrails.org.
Research has shown there is a direct link between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline, which in individuals with Alzheimer’s predisposition can accelerate the disease.

To prevent a decline in cognitive abilities and to keep your brain healthy, it’s important to be proactive about your hearing.