9 minute read

“Everyone’s journey here was different, but we all made it here to this moment,” the Class of 2023's top student added. “Long story short, we survived.”
Class president Peter Harkins highlighted the many accomplishments of the Class of 2023, including in the realm of athletics.

“One thing I’d like to brag about is that this class, our class, might just be the most athletic to come out of North Haven High School,” Harkins said. “We won not only one state championship this year, but two: football and hockey. And how about our girls softball team with a perfect regular season record of 20-0. All of these are rare accomplishments."
Harkins said his class overcame many challenges, and was made stronger because of them. He encouraged his classmates to chase their dreams, take risks and never give up. nzappone@record-journal.com
“Remember that failure is not the opposite of success, but rather a stepping stone to it," Harkins said.
Pachnik's advice to the Class of 2023?
“Keep track of your responsibilities, keep your promises, and never give up working towards your goals," the valedictorian said. "But don’t forget to relax, and take time to stop and smell the flowers."
"With a diverse workforce, we find we are able to collectively address diversity of opinions by eliciting views, perspectives and opinions that are different from our own so collectively we can be innovative and cover all kinds of angles of issues that no one of us alone would be able to consider," said Thomas Danehy, ACES executive director. "So hats off to our folks at ACES who lead the way in helping us, and me, to consider, think about and address diverse opinions so at the end of the day we make the best choices for the diverse communities for whom we work."
The Record-Journal's Business Development Manager Dundee Benson received the Community Impact Award for her work with a variety of organizations in the community including the steering committee for Wallingford's 350th Jubilee, chairing the chamber's Marketing Committee, and promoting
In Brief
Bring your used clothing donations to Hope Christian Church, 211 Montowese Ave. Hope Christian Church is partnering with St. Pauly Textile Inc. to provide a wood-frame drop-off shed for community use. Accepted items: clothing, shoes, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, curtains, pillowcases and stuffed animals.
Letters Policy
Email Letters to the Editor to news@thenorthhavencitizen.com. Letters are limited to 300 words. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. We reserve the right to edit letters. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication that Friday.
events such as Celebrate Wallingford, the Wallingford Stroll, the Fishbein Road Race and the Wallingford Historic Preservation Trust's Magical Elf House.
"Her deep commitment is apparent in her many roles and committees she has served on or currently serves on," said Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals Corporate Director Thomas Curtain while introducing Benson.

"I am so proud to be among all these other awardees tonight," Benson said. Suzio York Hill Companies, which supplies crushed stone for road building and other construction projects, received the chamber's Heritage Award, and Shining Star Awards went to Nutmeg Kettlecorn, Kamco Supply and C. Cowles & Co.
It was Wallingford Mayor William Dickinson Jr.'s last Chamber annual meeting as mayor. He announced earlier this year he wouldn't be seeking re-election after 40 years in office.
"You make a difference," he told the crowd. "Wallingford is the place it is because of you people, your employees, the commitments you have, the services you provide. You are part of the heart and soul of the community. Without you, it couldn't function the way it does."
North Haven First Selectman Mike Freda said he will miss Dickinson. "We have worked so closely through the years together on so many different projects,” he said. He also acknowledged the effect COVID-19 had on the community over the past several years, and the role businesses and nonprofit organizations have had in recovering from that. "In this room tonight we have businesses, we have school systems, we have a university, and many times in the past three years Mayor Dickinson and I have talked about how difficult it's getting in local government," Freda said. "Particularly coming out of the pandemic. What we see is a high level of anxiety in our communities. We see people on edge. We see a certain fragmentation of our society because of those two years or so when people weren't able to do the things that they normally would do."
As local officials, they deal with the resulting mental health issues as best they can, Freda said. "Where you come into play for us in local government, you continue to help us tighten up some of the frayed threads of the fabric of our community, and the fabric has become somewhat frayed because of the pandemic and the things we've gone through,” he said. “By helping us reweave those tattered threads, you're really helping us in local government, in addition to all the things you have helped us with down through the years with your businesses being part of our community."
Legal Notice
Town Of North Haven Inland Wetlands Commission Notice Of Decision
Please take notice that the following decision was rendered by the duly authorized agent for the North Haven Inland Wetlands Commission on Tuesday, June 13, 2023.
RE: I23-04 William A. Rice, Applicant, Area Cooperative Educational Services, Owner, relative to 88 Bassett Road, (Map 75, Lot 43), seeking a Site Plan Referral. Plan Entitled: Aces School, 88 Bassett Road, North Haven, Connecticut. Prepared by: SLR International Corp. Dated: September 15, 2020. Scale: 1”=40’. R-20/R-40 Zoning Districts.
Legal Notice
Please take notice that the following decisions were rendered by the North Haven Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday, June 15, 2023 at the Mildred A. Wakeley Community and Recreation Center, 7 Linsley Street, in Room #2 at 7:30 PM.
1. #A2W-23-02 Approved the Application of Robin L. DePino, Applicant & Owner, relative to 38 Poplar Street, (Map 37, Lot 39), seeking a waiver of the A-2 survey application requirement. R-12 Zoning District.
2. #23-08 Approved the Application of Yonatan Morse, Applicant, Erin Mead & Yonatan Morse, Owners, relative to 81 Collett Street, (Map 33, Lot 7), per Section, requesting a side yard setback variance of .9’ to permit a side yard setback of 9.1’ where 10’ is required; requesting a side yard aggregate setback variance of 14.0’ to permit a side yard aggregate setback of 11.0’ where 25’ is required; requesting a lot coverage variance of 0.9% to permit a lot coverage of 25.9% where 25% is permitted. R-12 Zoning District.
3. #23-09 Approved the Certificate of Location Application of 299 Washington Ventures, LLC, Applicant, Donna Genco Parese & Emilio Parese and Emilio Parese, Owners, relative to 289-299 Washington Avenue, (Map 80, Lots 5 & 6), per Section 8.11.1, seeking a Certificate of Location for a fueling facility. IL-30 Zoning District.
Joseph P. Villano, Secretary________________ R262349
BUICK GRAND NATIONAL PARTS - 1986 Thru 1987, body and mechanical, call Scotty, (860) 218-5459.
Clerk Iii
TOP CASH PAID For any Toyota any condition, running or not, crashed okay. Will take other makes and models. (203) 600-4431.
Top Cash Paid
For Junk or unwanted vehicles, Toyota’s etc. Please call Mike @ 203284-8562 8am-5pm.
Administrative Assistant

Town of Cheshire seeks qualified candidates for nineteen (19) hour per week position of Administrative Assistant at its Wastewater Treatment Plant. The starting minimum hourly rate will be $20.61/hour. Position provides administrative support to maintain records & reports while providing general oversight to office operations.
Microsoft experience preferred. For further information including the full job description & application process, visit the Town’s web site at www.cheshirect.org or applicants can pick up a copy from the Human Resources Office, Room #217, Cheshire Town Hall, 84 South Main Street, Cheshire. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, resume and/or Town application by the close of business on Friday June 30, 2023 to Human Resources Office, Town Hall. Town of Cheshire is an EEOE, M/F/D/V.
The Wallingford Public Schools are looking for candidates to performs a wide variety of clerical duties requiring excellent computer and interpersonal skills. This position requires 1 year of office work experience and a H.S. diploma. Wages: $19.61 to $26.32 hourly (effective July 1, 2023) plus an excellent fringe benefit package. Apply: Department of Human Resources, Town of Wallingford 45 South Main Street, Room 301, Wallingford, CT 06492. Applications will be mailed upon request from the Department of Human Resources or may be downloaded from the Department of Human Resources Web Page. Phone: (203) 294-2080 Fax: (203) 294-2084. The closing date will be that date the 50th application form/resume is received or June 28, 2023 whichever occurs first. EOE
- Call Todd Shamock at 203-494-1695.
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