Quinnipiac River Watershed Association Jim Anderson
Zoning Enforcement Officer
City of Meriden
142 East Main Street
Meriden, CT 06450
July 20, 2010 Dear Mr. Anderson. We request an immediate cease and desist order against a development site at 767 Finch Avenue, Meriden, that is generating enormous sediment loads to the Quinnipiac River upstream of Hanover Pond. After Monday's (July 19) rainstorm, the Quinnipiac in the Meriden Gorge became red-brown and opaque from the heavy load of sediment emanating from the site. I checked several locations upriver today (July 20), and it is clear the sediment originates part way through the Gorge in the vicinity of767 Finch Avenue. The sediment has also coated the road and a street sweeper was present attempting to remove the material. But much damage is already done, as the material was able to enter the Quinnipiac quickly by means of storm drains and Sindall Brook. Excessive sediment is harmful to aquatic life, including trout, in the Gorge, a popular trout fishing area. Both CT DEP and QRWA stock the Gorge annually for the benefit of the public. In addition to harming invertebrates and the fish that feed on them, sediment will end up in Hanover Pond as the river reduces velocity when entering that basin. Hanover Pond is already heavily silted and the Hanover Pond Committee has targeted the pond for future dredging. This unchecked site on Finch Avenue is exacerbating the sediment problem in Hanover Pond and adding to the public expense of restoration. The city should immediately stop the development until the developer installs erosion and sedimentation controls. The city should order erosion and sedimentation controls be installed now, before the next rain event. The amount of exposed, steeply sloped earth without protective vegetation is very large. The city should require developers of large tracts like this one to expose only one portion ofthe development site at one time to minimize severe erosion and sedimentation such as is present at this location. Please act swiftly to prevent another incursion of sediment into the Quinnipiac River at this sensitive area. Thank you for your help . . Sincerely,
Mary Mushinsky QRWA executive director Cc: city officials, Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Coriunission, Mike Roberts
www .qrwa.org P.o. Box 2825 • :Meriden, CT 06450 • (203) 237-2237 • qrwa@sbcglobal.net