of QConnectirut
~•• 0.,
49ouernor of rbe j,tate of ~onnettitut
«0 tbt ct§obemOf of tbe 6tate
of_N;,.;..;.e.,.;.;..w......;,.Y.:..;..or..:.,:.k_ _ _~_--:--_ _---:--_ _~_ _
Wbet'taS', 3It 1I11pean( bp tbe botull1tllll! bereunto Illlnueh, Inbl. J (erm!?, to be Illllbelltl( nnb bull' allt~enti(lttrb ill flttorbll'lttt Inftb tbe 'la1D~ o[ tfJl$ ~tate, Ibat
Kev in
ll'tanb~ (\Jarlleb~t&~M lllltb
Mur,der, Sexual Assault in the First . ::,~~'.l!lS/._-...,-_ _ __ lInbet ~t bwll' of tbls &!Iltr:, (QmmHteb'at Ilbat:t
Wa] J j ngford
Se:>tembe r 3» 198~
tbt tthllt of
_ _ _........ 1D\l!~I,.~ uttifr to lie II ttime
__ Initbin Otll' (:'lUlItp oiNew Ha'uen_
bill fttb lf~llt (be jUll'UU; of tbl~ jltate, 1mb uhen rtfllue III Ibe ~tatt or New Yo r k
aub fuat (t~al! '!I,een
. !lit 01'
n:ptt~enteb ;,IJ me tbat l1e~
.flotu '«btttfore. p!t~ual1t In tbe prolJf£iollSi o( tbt (:ollll'tHlitiOIl, Ilnb tbe bUlB' of tbe utnlteb j}tIIte$ in Itucb calle rnabe !11th llrol.libtO, :f 00 bmbp l'rquire tUllt tbe illib _ _K_e_v_;_n_B_e_n_e_f_i_e_1_d_____ ~ __ be IIPpt.eUtltbeb aub belibmb 10
__L..;.,.t~.~R...:.o_b_e_rt_F_l_i_s_________ lIl1b/or Hi,S to recef\Jl!Illtb tonbep 1l'1l1b
bulp bc~inl1l1leb llg2nt(i) iIlbo hI berthp tmIp Ilulborf}eb nub IIPllolnttb
Kevi n Benefi e1d
tl)t ~tllte
of o€ llltccticul, IVert to be butt \lJltb liS to llllU .
lInb lU!!tice nlllp Ilpptttain.
4Pibtn unbtr ml' banb IInb tb! 6ul .of tf)t
6titt ht tIle dt~.of ~lIrb. tb{g ~Il!'
of January
in ttlt pear .of our hrb ltuo
tboUJaUb anb telL-II'