Volume 17, Number 42
Friday, October 16, 2020
Complaints, police visits but no fines for businesses during pandemic By Jesse Buchanan Record-Journal staff
John B. Larson* Party: Democratic Age: 72 Occupation: Member of Congress
A sudden influx of calls and uncertainty over how to handle complaints about pandemic restrictions not being followed led police leaders to hire supernumerary and retired police lieutenant Michael Baribault earlier this year.
Most of the complaints have been about customers or workers not wearing masks and failing to stay six feet apart. In a majority of cases the health department sent a letter outlining the pandemic requirements or officers reminded business owners of the rules. “We’re trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt,” Lockwood said.
U.S. House of Representatives First District (Includes Southington, Berlin)
While no fines have been issued or licenses suspended, the regional health district has logged 19 pandemic-related complaints against businesses and individuals since June and the police department another 12 since this spring.
At the start of the pandemic, police took any complaints about people not following Gov. Ned Lamont’s executive orders on distancing and mask wearing. The Plainville-Southington Regional Health Department has fielded complaints since July, according to director Shane Lockwood, although any enforcement would be conducted by police.
Voter Guide
Education: Bachelor's Degree, CCSU
Former Southington police Lt. Michael Baribault was re-hired in the spring to field complaints and handle local enforcement of the govenor’s executive orders regarding COVID-19. He worked in that role until July as those duties shifted back to the regional health district. Baribault is seen here in a 2017 file photo. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal
In response to a Freedom of Information request submitted by the RecordJournal, the health department released 19 complaint reports dating from June until late last month.
health department would inform the store of proper procedures following a complaint.
Lockwood said he got complaints early on in the pandemic that weren’t documented, mostly concerning distancing and mask-wearing at the big box stores in town. Baribault or the
The most complaints came to police or the health department this spring, Lockwood said, and concerned people not distancing or wearing masks
‘Everybody was really scared’
See Complaints, A8
Platform: I've Larson made it my priority to listen and look out for my constituents. This Congress I've held 80+ public events and heard from people all over the district. I'm running to address this pandemic, protect Social Security, lower health care costs, make college affordable, invest in our infrastructure, and address climate change. Other: Endorsed by the Working Families Party. John is a lifelong resident of East Hartford where he lives with his wife Leslie and raised See Voter Guide, A2
Proven conservative leadership and rebuild Connecticut State Senator
Rob Sampson
State Representative
John Fusco
State Representative
to defend America
Gale Mastrofrancesco
Paid for by Sampson for CT, Tony Morrison Treasurer, Approved by Rob Sampson | Paid for by Gale Mastrofrancesco for State Rep, Wayne Stanforth Treasurer, Approved by Gale Mastrofrancesco | Paid for by Fusco4CT, Johanna Furgalack Treasurer, Approved by John Fusco
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Voter Guide From A1
their three children. Preferred contact number and email for voters: (860) 560-3779 info@larsonforcongress.org
Thomas E. McCormick Party: Green Age: 70
Mary Fay Party: Republican Age: 59
Occupation: Senior finance executive and business leader; West Hartford town councilor
Platform : The platform is based on the Four Pillars of the Green Party and its Ten Key Values. https :// www.gp.org/we_stand. The focus has been on Banning the Bomb, Equal Treatment for All in All Things, No More Debt and Renewable Energy.
Platform: I want to rebuild the First District, community by community. My platform is focused on growing the economy, public safety and environment, and improving education. I will represent everyone in the district. It is time for a change.
Preferred contact for voters: www.facebook.com/voteTomMcCormick/; www.tomforcongress.org; tom@tomforcongress.org
Other: Endorsed by Fraternal Order of Police, Themis Klarides, Bob Stefanowski, Manny Santos, Erin Stewart among others.
(Includes Southington, Wolcott, Waterbury, Cheshire)
Preferred contact number and email for voters: info@ maryfay4congress.com ; website www.maryfay4congress.com.
State Senate 16th District
Jack Perry Party: Democratic Age: 30 Occupation: Owner of HQ Dumpsters & Recycling
Other: Ran for Southington Town Council in 2017 as a petitioning candidate, coming up short by 57 votes. Endorsed by Independent Party and Working Families Party. Contact info: Phone, 860406-1061; email, candidate@ votejackperry.com
E.C. TREE • CHESHIRE (203) 272-4485 HIC# 0581892 • B-3163
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Education: B.S., Skidmore College, MBA Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Education: B.A ., plus teacher certification
Year Round Tree Service
Occupation: Retired real estate agent and teacher
Platform: My platform can be summed up with three words, “People Before Politics.” I am running to represent the people of the 16th District, not one particular party or ideology. For too long we have allowed partisan hacks Perry and politicians to divide us, preventing us from reaching a productive consensus.
Rob Sampson* Party: Republican Age: 51 Occupation: Realtor/insurance agent Education: Attended Central Connecticut State University Platform: To make ConSampson necticut a more affordable and attractive place to live, work, raise a family, get a job, run a business, and reSee Voter Guide, A3
Education: Southington High School graduate
Complete Fall Clean-Ups Curbside Leaf Pick-Up
www.southingtoncitizen.com 500 S. Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450
Executive VP & Publisher — Liz White Notarangelo News Editor — Nick Carroll Assistant News Editor — Olivia Lawrence News reporter — Jesse Buchanan Senior VP and Editor — Ralph Tomaselli Vice President of Advertising — Jim Mizener
ADVERTISING: Anthony K. Jordan — Media Consultant (203) 317-2327 | advertising@thesouthingtoncitizen.com NEWS / SPORTS: (203) 317-2245 | news@thesouthingtoncitizen.com
The Southington Citizen (ISSN 1559-0526 USPS 023-115) is published weekly by Record-Journal, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Periodicals postage paid at Meriden, CT and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to: Record-Journal 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Voter Guide From A2
tire. Protect education funding for the district. Restore American values and principles in our state government. Defend the constitutional rights and civil liberties of my constituents. Other: Endorsed by National
Friday, October 16, 2020
Federation of Independent State House Business, 100% voting record 30th District with the CT Business & Industry Association, CT Real(Includes Southington and tors, Southington Police Berlin) Union, Assoc of Retired Teachers CT PAC, Family InJoAnn Angelicostitute of CT, and CCDL. Served as State Representative for the 80th District, Wol- Stetson cott & Southington 2011-2018 Party: Democratic Contact info: rob@sampsonforct.com, 203-879-3200 or 860-508-1969
Age: 59 Occupation: Senior Litigation Paralegal Education: Attended Central Connecticut State University Platform: Work together to recover from this health and
economic crisis for all people. Help small businesses create jobs and revitalize the economy. Increase access Angelicoto affordable, Stetson high-quality health care. Reduce property taxes for the middle class immediately. Access to a high-quality, world-class education. Other: Mother of three grown children, three grandchildren. Serving second term on Berlin Town Coun-
cil. Previously served on Board of Education and Economic Development Commission. Justice of the Peace. Co-organizer of “Peaceful Protest in the Park” and organizer of “The Lasagna Project,” which delivered homemade lasagnas to elderly Berlin residents and other families in need. Endorsements include Connecticut Uniformed Professional Firefighters Association, Connecticut Education Association, Gov. Ned Lamont, Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz, East Hartford Mayor Marcia Leclerc and others. See Voter Guide, A4
DONNA VEACH for State Representative
DONNA VEACH for State Representative District 30 Berlin/Southington District 30Common Berlin/Southington “Donna Will Be Your Sense Voice in Hartford”
“Donna Will Be Your Common DONNA Promises To:Hartford” Sense Voice in
• By Vocational Education Apprenticeship ByExpanding Supporting Manufacturing
Fight Against W Fight Against TO Support Busine Programs
• By Supporting Manufacturing Apprenticeship Programs Support Public Safety and Police • Support Public Safety and Police
• By repealing safety compromising Anti-Police Laws By repealing safety compromising Anti Police Laws
Support Public
Vote Donna Veach Veach and andthe theEntire EntireRepublican RepublicanTeam TeamRowBB Vote for for Donna - Row Strong and and Honest Honest Leadership Leadership That Strong That Will WillHave HaveYour YourBack! Back! Paid for by Donna Veach for House Rep 30th, Sal Bordonaro, Treasurer. Approved by Donna Veach.
By Expandin By Supportin
By repealing s R234717
Fight Against Wasteful Spending DONNA Promises To: Fight Against TOLLS and Against New Taxes • Fight Against Wasteful Spending Support Business Growth & Job Creation • Fight Against TOLLS and Against New Taxes • Support Business Growth & Job Creation By Expanding Vocational Education
Vote for D Strong
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Voter Guide
marketing di- crease budget. Let’s bring rector that thinking to Hartford!
From A3
Contact: Website: www.JoAnn2020.com, Email: Campaign@ JoAnn2020.com, facebook.com/AngelicoStetson, instagram.com/AngelicoStetson/, twitter.com/AngelicoStetson
Donna Veach Party: Republican Age: 59 Occupation: Development &
Education: B.A. Business Administration; B.A., Human Resource Management ; A.S. Mer-
Platform: I’m running as a common sense conservative. There is little common sense now in Hartford, and zero fiscal conservatism. On the Berlin Town Council, I’ve helped make our business environment thrive, helped enhance our infrastructure and we did it on a zero in-
Other: I grew up in New Britain and have lived in Berlin 30 years with my husband, a Berlin police officer, and our three daughters, two cats and a dog. I am the development director for New Britain Youth Museum & Hungerford Nature Center and have served on numerous boards and committees in Berlin. Endorsed by Berlin Mayor Mark Kaczynski, New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart, the Berlin and Southington Police unions. Website and preferred contact: VEACH2020.com
HOUSE CLEANING Call Us today for all your House Cleaning needs
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State House 80th District (Includes Southington and Wolcott)
John “Corky” Mazurek Party: Democratic Age: 67 Occupation: Retired engineer after 47 years at Pratt & Whitney Education: A.S. Waterbury State Mazurek Technical College; B.S. Manufacturing, CCSU; M.S. Organizational Management, CCSU Platform: Bring state grant money back to Wolcott and Southington, support public education, lower drug prices and energy prices. Other: I was the state representative for Wolcott and Southington from 2003 to 2010. During that time I se-
cured millions of dollars in state grants. This is taxpayer dollars sent to Hartford. I helped return some of our money. Since 2010 we have received virtually nothing. I received all that grant money by working with the “other side of the aisle.” Contact info: Corky Mazurek for State Representative on Facebook, Home Phone: 203-879-3202
Gale Mastrofrancesco* Party: Republican Age: 59 Occupation: State representative, owner and editor of the Wolcott Community News Mastrofrancesco
Platform : My work has always focused on what matters most — the people I represent and I do See Voter Guide, A6
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
TEAM REPUBLICAN Leadership Southington Can Trust The candidates for
16th district
Southington, Wolcott, Prospect, Cheshire, & Waterbury
State Representative
John Fusco 81st District Southington
State Representative
Gale Mastrofrancesco 80th District
Southington & Wolcott
Pam Salamone
Candidate for State Representative
103rd District
Southington, Cheshire & Wallingford
We pledge to vote “no� on all new taxes, tax increases and unfunded spending bills. We will work on behalf of our senior citizens to provide tax relief on social security, pensions, and medicare. We will work to create an environment to retain and attract business in Connecticut. We will actively support student safety and fight any attempt of forced school regionalization. We will fight to end early release programs for violent offenders and make addiction treatment centers more available to save lives. We will continue to support our police and fire pesonnel. We will continue fighting the rising cost of living in Connecticut and work to lower utility and electric rates.
We ask for your vote on
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd Paid for by Sampson for CT, Tony Morrison Treasurer, Approved by Rob Sampson | Paid for by Pam Salamone for State Representative, William Stanley Treasurer, Approved by Pam Salamone Paid for by Gale Mastrofrancesco for State Rep, Wayne Stanforth Treasurer, Approved by Gale Mastrofrancesco | Paid for by Fusco4CT, Johanna Furgalack Treasurer, Approved by John Fusco
State Senator
Rob Sampson
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Voter Guide From A4
not let partisan politics influence my decisions. My priorities have been to reduce the tax burden on citizens and business, control state spending, reduce the size of government and ensure Southington and Wolcott receive their fair share of funding. I believe in American traditions of limited government, freedom, liberty, fiscal responsibility and preserving and protecting the constitutional principles this country was built upon.
Other: Elected to General Assembly in 2018. Serve on the Appropriations, Government Administration and Elections and Human Services committees and a member of the CT General Assembly Conservative Caucus. Married to Angelo Mastrofrancesco for 37 years and have two children, Michael, 34, and Danielle, 32. Served 10 years on Wolcott Town Council. Endorsed by CCDL, NRA, CT Realtors, Southington Police Union, Connecticut State Fraternal Order of Police, National Federation
of Independent Business. I have never missed a vote at the state house. Contact info: galemastrofrancesco@gmail.com. Phone: 203-525-3589
State House 81st District (Southington)
Dagmara Scalise Party: Democratic Age: 53 Occupation: Health care marketing Education: B.A., Syracuse
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Contact info: dagmara@ scalise4southington.com
John Fusco* Party: Republican Age: 57
Education: Southington High School graduate
Platform: Opposing additional taxes or tax increases and wasteful spending 234084
(7283) CT Lic. #579594
Other: I served as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner in Southington for 2 years; am an author and the parent of three teens. I grew up in New Britain and am a naturalized citizen. I work full time as a health care communications professional. I have not actively pursued endorsements in order to come to the legislature with an openness to be bipartisan.
Occupation: State representative/legal aide
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Platform: I believe in bipartisan problem solving Scalise where ordinary citizens, representing people from across the political spectrum, come together to move our state forward. I am interested in creating a future-oriented and sustainable economy for Connecticut; making health care more accessible and available; protecting women’s rights and addressing climate change.
Nadeau Construction
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University; M.A., Boston College
See Voter Guide, A7
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Voter Guide From A6
— creating a Connecticut that lives within its means; supporting Aging In Place initiatives; ensuring public safety; identifying government’s true role — preventing government overreach; creating an economic and state service environment that grows Connecticut. Other: Endorsed by the Independent Party of Connecticut. Contact info: John.Fusco@ housegop.ct.gov, 300 Capitol Ave., Room 4200, Hartford, CT 06106 or 860-240-8700
State House 103rd District (Cheshire, Wallingford and Southington)
Liz Linehan* Party: Democratic Age: 46
Friday, October 16, 2020
Salve Regina University
Other: Endorsed by Connecticut Education Association, American Federation of Occupation: Teachers, the Retired TeachLegislator ers Association; Uniformed Professional Firefighters AsEducation: sociation and International Attended Association of Firefighters; Central ConThe Machinists; National Asnecticut State sociation of Social Workers; University NARAL-CT. Recipient of the following awards in 2020: Platform : Linehan The pandem- Elected Woman of Excelic has under- lence from the National Foundation of Women Legscored that Connecticut islators; Public Policy Distinneeds to continue making guished Service Award from health care accessible, affordable, and less onerous. I the CT Association of Behavwill work to reduce prescrip- ior Analysts. tion drug and health care Preferred contact: facecosts, and make health care book.com/LizLinehanCT, Lieasier to access for individuzLinehan.com als and small businesses. I’ll protect Husky coverage for children, and make vaccina- Pam Salamone tions accessible. I will work Party: Republican to reopen Connecticut and get us back to work safely by Age: 52 always making scienceOccupation: Homemaker backed decisions for the and legislative aide to forgood of public health. I will mer Senator Joe Markley support policies which ensure Connecticut is open, Education: Bachelor’s deand more affordable for all. gree in Criminal Justice,
Platform : Poor public policy has devastated a state economy that was Salamone once a powerhouse; good policy can still restore Connecticut. We must end the spend-and-tax cycle and return to the principles of fiscal responsibility, economic opportunity, personal liberty, and limited government, which made our state and nation strong and prosperous. Other: Salamone is the Independent Party-endorsed candidate. The National Federation of Independent Businesses has also endorsed her candidacy. Preferred contact: Website: pamsalamone.com, Facebook : https ://www.facebook.com/pamsalamone2020, Email: pam@pamsalamone.com, Phone: 203699-6328
Letters Policy Political letters are limited to 100 words. The last date political letters will be published is Oct. 23. Other letters are limited to 300 words. Email letters to news@thesouthingtoncitizen.com; mail to 500 South Broad St., Meriden, CT 06450 or fax to 203639-0210. The Citizen will print only one letter per person each month. We reserve the right to edit letters. Names of businesses are not allowed. Letters must be signed and names will appear in print. Include a phone number so The Citizen can contact you for verification. Letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday to be considered for publication the following Friday.
Let’s work TOGETHER for progress. Priorities • Creating a future-oriented Connecticut • Healthcare access and affordability • Post-COVID recovery & helping to solve our budget problems • Helping neighbors, protecting our rights
scalise4southington.com Dagmara_Horizontal.indd 1
Connecticut is facing unprecendented challenges. It matters who’s at the table when our leadership makes decisions about our future. Extreme partisanship has gotten us nowhere. It’s time for ideas, collaboration and getting things done.
For State Representative
Paid for by Scalise for State Representative, Lisa Sandow Treasurer. Approved by Dagmara Scalise.
9/25/20 11:56 AM
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Complaints From A1
at big box stores. It was also early on in the pandemic that the health department was most busy with trying to find and distribute supplies, work with nursing homes and inform the 800 licensed businesses of the health district about the new guidelines. Lockwood said the day police Chief Jack Daly asked about assigning an officer to help the health department was one of the most memorable of the pandemic. “During those critical times when we had nothing Jack came up with that idea and it changed our response,” Lockwood said. Baribault “freed up hours a day for me to respond more efficiently.”
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Police Lt. Keith Egan said Baribault also helped develop policy for the department on how to operate during the pandemic and how to respond to calls.
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“Nobody knew how to handle this thing,” Egan said.
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In addition to handling calls, Baribault helped document COVID cases in the district and distribute masks and supplies.
Baribault left the role in July. Lockwood said he’s still missed but that complaints have decreased significantly since then. People have become accustomed to the restrictions, Lockwood said, and have begun to avoid those without a mask or who aren’t distancing rather than call police on them. “I think early on everybody was really scared,” he said. “We don’t see that anger.”
‘No one tells me anything’ On Aug. 10, a caller told the health department that employees at Grace’s Restaurant weren’t wearing masks or properly distancing. The complainant also said tables weren’t far enough apart. Restaurant owner John Kandemir said his employees do wear masks. There’s a sign out front telling customers they also have to wear a mask when entering. “I can’t force the people to put them on. I don’t want to tell people they have to leave. It’s a tough time for us,” Kandemir said. He said he’s never received a See Complaints, A9
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Complaints From A8
complaint from a customer. “No one tells me anything. They come in, they eat, they leave and they call the health department,” Kandemir said. The health department got two similar anonymous complaints in August and two more in September. Lockwood said the restaurant was in compliance each time the matter was investigated. Spacing requirements means Grace’s Restaurant has seven fewer tables. Kandemir installed plexiglass around tables, allowing him to put more in, but said his business is a quarter of what it was. “People are scared,” Kandemir said.
Enforcement, licenses Lockwood said the health department is allowed by ex-
ecutive order to revoke licenses for restaurants or businesses that are refusing to comply with pandemic restrictions. It’s on business owners to make sure customers also comply and business owners are allowed to refuse service to those who won’t. “If it’s happening in your place, unfortunately as a license holder, your license is ultimately on the line,” Lockwood said. The department hasn’t needed to do that, he said. Lockwood said he works to educate businesses about their responsibility and provide them with signs or other materials to encourage customers to space themselves apart and wear masks. “Our focus the entire time has been education rather than enforcement,” he said. jbuchanan@record-journal.com 203-317-2230 Twitter: @JBuchananRJ
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10/6/20 12:12 PM
Friday, October 16, 2020
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
SHS resumes in person learning
Join us for a free virtual class
By Michael Gagne Record-Journal staff
“I think it is fair to say that we are all aware of the growing number of confirmed In-person instruction recases reported across the sumed at Southington High state in recent days and School as of Tuesday, follow- weeks. It behooves us all to ing a full week of remote remain committed to prolearning. tecting our loved ones and Officials had switched to re- each other,” Connellan wrote. “Public health offimote learning at the high cials continue to emphasize school after a third positive COVID-19 case connected to the most effective mitigation strategies. Those strategies the school was reportinclude wearing a mask or ed since the start of the face covering, maintaining school year. an appropriate social disWhile notifying families that tance, frequent hand washin-person instruction ing, good ventilation and inwould resume in a letter sent creased cleaning and saniFriday, Oct. 9, Superintentizing.” dent of Schools Tim Connellan also stated an additional Those strategies, Connellan positive case had been con- noted, apply both within and outside of school. firmed. “There are no students iden- Meanwhile, the district is following federal and state tified as close contacts in guidelines on contact tracthis instance,” Connellan ing. Those who have been wrote, adding any staff who identified as needing to selfhad been identified as a quarantine must do so for 14 close contact had already full days, Connellan said. been notified and will selfquarantine. “This situation “Neither students nor staff will not affect the reopening can ‘test out’ of the quaranof SHS for in-person instruc- tine period nor may they retion.” turn to class or school until the fourteen days elapses In the letter. Connellan said and the individuals are not there are still a number of displaying symptoms of staff who will continue to COVID-19,” he wrote. quarantine because of the contact that was reported mgagne@record-journal.com 203-317-2231 the previous week.
Get a Grip on Hand & Wrist Pain Join our interactive class right from the comfort of your phone, computer or tablet and learn more about: ■ ■ ■ ■
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10/5/20 3:14 PM
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Meet these three sweet sisters: Elsa, 6 years; Kiante, 3 years; and Meatball, 13 years. Their owner is forced to move and cannot take them with her. She is heartbroken. The three cats are all super friendly and love to snuggle. They are good with other cats and other dogs. They do not have to be placed together, although we would love it if someone was interested in the trio! Please fill out an application on www.southingtonanimalrescue.org.
In Brief Medicare benefits
telephonically and virtually.
Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging is offering free CHOICES counseling sessions during Medicare’s Annual Open Enrollment period, which runs Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Individuals can meet one-on-one with a CHOICES counselor to discuss Medicare benefit plans. CHOICES counseling is by appointment and is available in the Center for Healthy Aging offices,
CHOICES is Connecticut's program for health insurance assistance, outreach, information and referral, counseling, and eligibility screening. CHOICES counselors advise, educate and empower individuals to navigate the increasingly complex Medicare program and help beneficiaries make choices among a vast array of options to best meet their needs.
Words of Wellness by Dr. Stacey Raya
TREATING PARKINSON’S SYMPTOMS Research indicates that older men with Parkinson’s disease have a higher risk for bone fractures. This disease is caused by an imbalance of the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that carry signals between nerve cells and other cells in the body) dopamine and acetylcholine in the brain, which results in a lack of coordination that manifests itself in tremors, stiff muscles and joints, and/or compromised mobility. Studies show that, not only does Parkinson’s disease compromise the muscles, but it also is associated with lower bone density at the hip and spine among male Parkinson’s patients over the age of 65. While there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, ongoing research suggests that cervical chiropractic treatment can help with tremors and other symptoms.
Absentee ballots
The Secretary of the State will be sending all registered voters an Absentee Ballot Application for the Nov. 3 election. If you choose to vote absenFor more information about tee, immediately fill it out and Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging, visit http:// send to: Southington Town Clerk, 75 Main St., P.O. Box hhccenterforhealthyag152, Southington, CT 06489 ing.org or call 1-877-424or use one of the designated 4641. Ballot Drop Boxes located at Town Hall, 75 Main St. One box is located by the front enArt exhibit trance and one at the side SoCCA presents “What is Col- door on Berlin Street (parking or? What is Race?: A Presenlot side.) tation of Black Art Exhibition.” The October presentaBallots will be mailed starting tion and corresponding Oct. 2. events will include visual arts Polling places will be open exhibits, performance, spoNov. 3, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polling ken word and motivational place districts: South End speaking. Free, open to the
New England’s Only GAF 2 STAR Presidential Award Winner
Our team of expert doctors has over 50 years combined experience and has helped thousands of patients using a combination of acupuncture, chiropractic, and nutrition. Our clinic is located at 200 Queen St., Southington.
School, Maxwell Nobel Drive 1; Kennedy Middle School, 1071 S. Main St. 2; Derynoski School, 240 Main St. 3; Hatton School, 70 Spring Lake Road 4; Flanders School, 100 Victoria Drive 5, DePaolo Middle School, 385 Pleasant St. 6; Kelley School, 501 Ridgewood Road 7; Thalberg School, 145 Dunham Road 8; The Tabernacle, 1445 West St. 9; Oshana Elementary School, 70 Church St. 10; Strong School, 820 Marion Ave. 11.
Red Cross The American Red Cross urges individuals who have fully recovered and received a verified COVID-19 diagnosis to sign up to give convalescent plasma now by completing the donor eligibility form at redcrossblood.org/plasSee Briefs, A13
Free Virtual Estimates
Celebrating Our 55th Anniversary Same Owner
The answers you need. The Care you Deserve. Visit our website: RayaClinic.com
public. Visit in October, Tuesday through Friday, 12 to 5 p.m., and Saturday, 12 to 3 p.m.
Open and able to do Non-Contact Online Estimates
If you or a loved one are suffering with the symptoms of Parkinson’s, contact Raya Clinic to schedule a complimentary consultation. Chiropractic adjustment improves the function of the nervous system, restores motion, and stimulates natural dopamine regulation. To schedule an appointment, please call 860-621-2225.
P.S. Upper cervical misalignments may have powerful effects on the central nervous system (CNS).
This free service is available to individuals new to Medicare as well as those already enrolled. Appointments must be made. For more information or to make an appointment, contact Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging at 1-877-4244641.
VNanfito.com CALL (860) 621-6898 Lic #570192
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Talk it out
From A12
ma4covid. Blood donation appointments can be made for the coming days and weeks by downloading the free Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org, calling 1-800-733-2767 or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device.
Foster parents More than ever, Klingberg Family Centers are looking for families, couples and single adults to provide a safe and supportive home environment for children and teens in Connecticut. To learn about the foster parenting licensing process and how you can make an impact as a Therapeutic Foster Parent, visit klingbergfosterandadoption.org or contact Nicolin Carr : nicolin.carr@klingberg.com, 860-817-3918.
The Department of Children and Families has partnered with United Way of Connecticut 2-1-1 and community providers to establish a "When it Builds Up, Talk it Out" campaign. Any parent who wishes to access support is invited to call 833-2585011 or visit talkitoutct.com and engage with trained professionals. The Talk it Out line is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and weekends from 1 to 8 p.m.
How We Feel app People in Connecticut – whether they are healthy or sick – can help inform heath officials and doctors by using the How We Feel app and self-reporting their daily symptoms through a series of short prompts. It only takes users about 30 seconds each day to report any symptoms they may be experiencing.
Join us for a free virtual class
Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer and Outcomes Join our interactive class right from the comfort of your phone, computer or tablet and learn more about: ■ ■ ■ ■
See Briefs, A14
Valeria is a local Berlin area resident who is also fluent in Italian. Contact her today at 860-919-4166 or valeria_d_castro@yahoo.com
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Briefs From A13
Virtual exhibit SoCCA aims to enrich the quality of life in the community by welcoming artists to participate in an exhibit expressing uplifting messages and thanks to all essential workers. Submit a photograph of the artist and the artwork that conveys an expression of thanks through any visual art medium. All ages and skill levels. Photos will be exhibited online.
Bread for Life Bread for Life remains dedicated to meeting its mission to ensure that no one goes hungry in Southington. Hot meals are provided in takeout containers and distributed to clients from the front porch of Bread for Life, 31 Vermont Ave. All programs offered in the dining room and visits by substance abuse counselors,
behavioral health counselors, local barbers and hair stylists, and weekly therapeutic coloring have been halted for the time being. Donations may be mailed to Bread for Life, P.O. Box 925, Southington, CT 06489 or can be made securely online at southingtonbreadforlife.org/donateonline.
Poll workers The Election Department in the Town of Southington is looking for poll workers to help manage the voting process during federal, state and local primaries and elections. The poll workers are needed to fill the positions of: moderators, assistant registrars, checkers, ballot clerks and tabulator tenders. These are paid positions. Training is required and is provided by the Election Department. The work day would be on primary or Election Day. Call 860-276-6268.
Catalyst Fund The Catalyst Fund brings people who care about Berlin, New Britain, Plainville and Southington together to experience philanthropy first-hand. Three times per year, Catalyst Fund members gather to learn about a member-chosen issue facing their community, and to consider funding requests from charitable organizations addressing the issue. If you are interested in joining Catalyst, contact Joeline Wruck at 860-229-6018 ext. 307 or jwruck@cfgnb.org.
Obituaries Mark G. Carrier SOUTHINGTON- Mark G. Carrier, 58, of Southington, passed away after a short battle with cancer on Sunday, October 4, 2020 at Hartford Hospital. He had been the husband of Sarah (Woods) Carrier for nearly 35 years. Mark was born on August 26, 1962 in Bristol. He proudly served his country with the US Army as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. Mark worked at Pratt and Whitney for over 35 years where he met some of his best friends. An adventurous soul who loved to travel, Mark was also an avid concert goer whose love for music was unwavering. His favorite things included his daily Dunkin’ Donuts run, watching The Price is Right and Jeopardy, bowling, and playing the lottery. But above all, Mark most enjoyed playing card games with his family. He will be remembered for his humorous outgoing personality and for the love that he had for his family. In addition to his wife, Sarah, Mark is survived by his two children; a son, Kyle Carrier and his wife Jamie of Bristol, and a daughter, Brittney Carrier of Flagstaff, AZ; three grandsons, Logan, Cooper and Theo; his mother, Regina (Seitz) Walicki and her husband, Jerry, of
Southington and his stepmother, Dayl Carrier, of Bristol. He is also survived by two sisters, two brothers and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his father Gerald Carrier. In lieu of flowers, donations in Mark’s memory may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project, 7020 A.C. Skinner Parkway, Suite 100, Jacksonville FL 32256. Calling hours were held from 4 - 7 p.m. on Friday, October 9, 2020, at the Plantsville Funeral Home, 975 S. Main St., Plantsville. A funeral service was held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 10, 2020 at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 355 Camp St., Bristol. For online condolences and directions, please visit www. plantsvillefuneralhome. com.
Police: Driver fled after striking house By Lauren Sellew Record-Journal staff
SOUTHINGTON — The driver of a stolen car that struck a home on Meriden Avenue Thursday night, Oct. 8, fled the scene and was later caught. The driver, who has not been identified, fled on foot and was apprehended by
police on Carter Lane, said Lt. Keith Egan. He had “incapacitating injuries” and was taken by ambulance to a hospital for treatment. A passenger also was taken to the hospital. Police are awaiting search and arrest warrants, Egan said. See Driver, A15
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Driver From A14
Adeline M. Kuchta
Firefighters arrived at 446 Meriden Ave. around 9:30 p.m. Two adult residents were asleep in the house when it was struck. One complained of leg pain but declined treatment. The car was headed north on Meriden Avenue when it hit a guardrail near Lewis Farms, Egan said. The car then crossed the southbound lane, left the road and struck the home. The car was reported stolen from Waterbury.
Denver, Colorado; Janet deWilde and Hamish deWilde of Loudon, Tennessee; David Kuchta and Jennifer Tuttle of Portland, Maine; Lynn Van Winkle and Peter Van Winkle of Fairfield; and Michael Kuchta and Karen Weintraub of Cambridge, Massachusetts; and by eleven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Adeline was predeceased by her three siblings: Thomas William “Billy” Maher of Unionville, Catherine “Kitty” Mellon of Bristol, and Virginia Rindfleisch of Ocala, Florida. A memorial service will be held when it is once again possible to gather in groups. The DellaVecchia Funeral Home in Southington has been entrusted with the arrangements. Donations may be made in her memory to the Kuchta Family Scholarship Fund, c/o Robert Kuchta, 85 New Road, Madison, CT 06443. The scholarship has been established to aid Southington High School graduates planning to attend college. For online condolences please visit www. dellavecchiasouthington. com
Scott Raymond Peters WEST HAVENScott Raymond Peters, 69, of Southington and recently of West Haven, CT, passed away peacefully, Friday, October 2, 2020, after battling cancer. Scott was a proud Marine and Navy Vietnam Veteran. A graveside service was held at the State Veterans Cemetery, 317 Bow Lane, Middletown, CT, on Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020 at 10 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Saint Jude’s Children Hospital, or to the Wounded Warrior Project. To share a memory or express a condolence please visit: www.rwwfh. com. Arrangements are by the Robinson, Wright & Weymer Funeral Home, Centerbrook, CT.
The building inspector responded and determined the home had structural damage and was uninhabitable, fire officials said. Southington Community
Jeff Naples, who lives at 464 Meriden Ave., said he was listening to the radio Thursday night, Oct. 8, when he heard screeching tires. He said the intersection has had several crashes over the years and he went to check on his daughter on the first floor. After he went outside, he saw the car that struck his neighbors’ home. Anyone with information is asked to contact Officer Thomson at 860-621-0101. lsellew@record-journal.com 203-317-2225 Twitter: @LaurenSellewRJ
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SOUTHINGTONAdeline (Maher) Kuchta of Southington died on Saturday, September 26, 2020 at the age of 94. Known to friends and family as “Chick” or “Chickie,” Adeline was a devoted wife and mother. She was married for 70 years to Edward “Ed” Kuchta until his death in May of this year. Adeline was born in Bristol, Connecticut on October 15, 1925 to William and Adeline (Keith) Maher. She grew up in Bristol, graduating from Bristol High School in 1944. After high school, she worked at the Funk Furniture Store in Bristol. She met Ed, a Southington native, at Lake Compounce in the late 1940s, and the two were married in Forestville on May 20, 1950. Adeline and Ed raised six children together. When her children were mostly grown, Adeline returned to the workforce, notably as a sales associate at Patrick Baker & Sons, the religious goods supplier in Southington. She and Ed lived at Spring Lake Village in Southington for nearly 30 years. In their later decades, Adeline and Ed had the opportunity to travel, visiting their farflung children, making trips to Europe, and spending a part of each winter in Florida. For the last few years she was a resident at LiveWell in Southington, where she was fortunate to receive great care and attention from a dedicated staff. Adeline is survived by her children and their spouses, Robert Kuchta and Storm Matthies Kuchta of Madison; Nancy Sayre and Christopher Sayre of
Services is assisting the residents. The town assessor does not have a record of the property at 446 Meriden Ave. The owners could not be reached for comment.
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Readers’ Opinions Sampson has integrity
ment on Farmington Avenue.
Editor : I am excited to support Rob Sampson for state senate in Southington. Sen. Sampson has exhibited the values necessary to lead our state. If we had more candidates like him our state would be on the way to recovery. If we want to protect the future of our state it is imperative that we send Rob back to our state capitol. He has proven to represent our district with integrity and he will continue to do so. Join me on Nov. 3 to re-elect Rob Sampson to the state Senate.
As a result of her forward thinking and steadfast commitment to improving Berlin, this project became a reality. When complete, it will provide jobs, housing and tax revenue. Thank you, JoAnn, for a job well done!
the 30th District. Her Board of Education and Economic Development Commission commission, combined with two terms on the Town Council afford her ample experience in representing her constituents. Her career in law office administration serve her well in the development of new legislation and day to day running of the General Assembly. Her Lasagna Project, providing food to seniors during the pandemic has shown her, first-hand, the depth of problems facing our elderly population.
in today. Gale has backbone, commonsense and virtue; all of which are sadly needed in Hartford. Please get out and vote for someone who stands with conviction on the issues. We must stop the exodus of people and businesses leaving our state and Gale will do her best to stop it. Join me on Nov. 3 and vote Gale Mastrofrancesco.
Donna Veach, who has prepared budgets in her business career and understands what it is to be fiscally responsible. Sal Bordonaro
Good manager Editor :
JoAnn Angelico Stetson, a Jim Muskatello homeowner, single mother and grandmother knows our property tax system is Fiscal flawed. She knows that now is the time to lower property responsibility taxes and that cutting waste Editor : and streamlining government services is imperative Peter Rosso This time JoAnn Stetson is to providing Connecticut Stephen J. Anderson misleading voters by taking residents with the quality of credit for writing Town of Common sense life we deserve. JoAnn beDouglas Nelson Berlin budgets. On her web- lieves increasing state taxes Ample experience Editor: site she states “I have helped has not improved how the Editor : The right person government works for our My state representative, Gale write numerous balanced budgets that were financially families’ quality of life. As Mastrofrancesco, has repreAs a former state representaEditor : sound.” state representative, JoAnn sented Wolcott and Southtive, it Is my pleasure to enington well. If we had more Thanks to JoAnn AngelicoAs a Board of Finance mem- will make certain Connectidorse JoAnn Angelico-Stetcut is managed better and legislators in Hartford like Stetson’s support, Berlin cel- son for the 30th Assembly ber, I can unequivocally tell Gale our state would not be ebrated the groundbreaking District. JoAnn is prepared you that she has not written provides immediate, muchneeded relief to our families. in the terrible condition it is any budgets. The truth is of the Steel Center develop- to serve the constituents of Now more than ever, Berlin that budgets are developed and Southington need in detail by department heads, who are accountable JoAnn’s strong leadership at for those budgets. As a Town the Capitol. If you need a tub Waterproofing secivreS gnifoorpretaW tnemesaB Councilor Basement JoAnn only has a Services James W. McDermott or shower replaced, vote on the Overbudget. 36 Years combined experience. .ecneirepxe denibmoc sraeY 63 revO JoAnn is the right person to be our state representative. She is intelligent, hardworking and understands how to get things done; and makes them happen. I urge your readers to vote for her on Nov. 3.
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Veach supports police
From A16
2nd Amendment
I’m very pleased that Donna Veach, candidate for state Editor: representative, actively supThere are two choices for ports our police by opposing state representative for the portions of the Police Ac30th District in Berlin and countability Bill. She submitSouthington. The Republited testimony against the can candidate is Donna Police Accountability Draft Veach and the Democrat LCO Bill #3471. You can read candidate is JoAnn Angelico- her testimony on her FaceStetson. book campaign page, VEACH2020, dated July 20, Donna is a gun owner and 2020. has been permitted to carry for 40 years. She is an avid It’s great to see that the lifetime hunter, which she Berlin and Southington poenjoys with her entire familice unions have endorsed ly. Donna, demonstrating their confidence in her support The clear choice as to who for law enforcement. The will uphold the 2nd Amend- Southington endorsement ment and vote to protect the letter stated “Donna Veach rights of law abiding gun will fight for the residents of owners is Donna Veach. Southington and Berlin and make Public Safety of the Donna has been endorsed towns a priority.” by the NRA and received a PRO 2A rating from the I support Veach for state CCDL. representative.
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Editor :
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of Rocky Hill
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Share Your Voice. Shape Our Coverage. The Record-Journal wants to know what matters most to you in the 2020 election. Powered y t n u m m o C Journalism
Help us shape our election coverage.
Lorraine Connelly asks: As a recent retiree, I’m keeping my eye on a bill introduced to the House of Representatives by Rep. John Larson, D-Conn. “Save our Social Security Now Act” (H.R. 8171) seeks to nullify the recent executive order to defer Social Security payroll taxes from September through December 2020. While the payroll tax cut doesn’t affect immediate retirement benefits, it can produce a shortfall in the long-term financing of federal programs. Some government experts estimate that Social Security will be unable to pay full benefits starting in 2035. More than 65 million people, or nearly 1 in 3 households, are dependent on benefits each month, including seniors, widows, people with disabilities, children, and veterans.
How are state and local candidates planning to safeguard this vital revenue source?
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Resident honored for health care communications Gaylord Specialty Healthcare, a nonprofit rehabilitation-focused healthcare system based in Wallingford, recently announced that Southington resident Kimberly Thompson, marketing and public relations manager, has been recognized for her contributions to public relations and marketing campaigns that recently won seven Lamplighter Awards from the New England Society for Healthcare Communications. The Lamplighters were established 30 years ago to showcase and honor excellence in healthcare communications throughout the New England region. The 2020 competition totaled nearly 300 entries from hospitals and major healthcare
systems in the northeast which were judged by other healthcare marketing societies across the country.
“I am passionate about sharing the good news and stories of Gaylord’s care for patients devastated by life-altering illness or injury,” said Gaylord Specialty Healthcare Thompson, a Gaylord emwas awarded the 2020 Gold ployee for 22 years. “WorkLamplighter Award in the ing beside remarkable clinicategories of Public Relacians and being included on tions, Media Relations, Suc- the path of recovery with cess on a Shoestring, Special amazing patients keeps me Events and Patient Video inspired, humble and acuteand also won the Silver ly aware of how fortunate I Lamplighter Award in the am to have my health.” categories of Public Relations and Media Relations. “The Lamplighter Awards are a testament to excellence Gaylord was also recognized in healthcare marketing and as the third-runner-up for communications, and are a the coveted “Best in New wonderful way for our memEngland Award” which is bers to have their work recgiven to the single highestognized by their peers and scoring entry of the entire colleagues,” stated Dan Dun2020 Lamplighter competilop, principal at Jennings tion. Healthcare Marketing and Kimberly Thompson current NESHCo president.
As relief funds increase, some costs remain uncertain By Michael Gagne Record-Journal staff
As school officials prepare for increased reimbursements toward COVID-19 related expenditures, other costs — including feeding students breakfast and lunch — remain in question.
cover costs including the personal protective equipment, personnel expenses, cleaning and additional mid-day student transportation. Because the district’s hybrid remote-in-person instructional model does not include half-days that mid-day transportation is not needed.
School officials now anticipate $856,000 in COVID-19 related reimbursements, more than double the State officials are allowing local districts the flexibility amount officials had anticito reallocate the transportapated in mid-August. tion funds toward other othBut the amount is below the er COVID-19 related expens$4 million district officials es, DiNello told the Board of sought when they applied Education during a videofor relief funds. conferenced meeting Thursday night, Oct. 8. “It’s far, far, far below what we requested,” said Superin- The state-issued relief funds tendent of Schools Tim Con- are only good for expendinellan. tures through Dec. 31, offiThe school district has more cials explained. The district would be responsible for than $1.9 million in previcovering any costs — includously unexpended funds in ing salaries — during the its own coffers. second half of the school Sherri P. DiNello, the disyear. trict’s director of business The cost of purchasing techand finance, explained the $1.9 million is anticipated to nology will not be covered
by state grants and will need to be funded through the district’s carryover funds, officials said. Although the district has made breakfast and lunch free to all students, participation during the first month has been significantly lower than expected. DiNello anticipated the district would need to reallocate at least $300,000 as a loan to its food service program until other reimbursement funds are available. “I have serious concerns. I am hopeful that the $300,000 is going to get us through. But I’m not overly optimistic unless [meal] participation numbers increase,” DiNello said in response to a question from board vice chairman Joseph Baczewski. Thursday’s meeting was the first video-conference the board had convened since July. Its previous meetings in August and September had been in-person.
Board Chairwoman Terri Carmody read a statement at the outset of the meeting explaining the decision to resume remote meetings had been due in part to a rise in confirmed COVID-19 cases locally over the previous month.
center and following other protocols as dictated in executive orders issued by Gov. Ned Lamont. Carmody said as board chairwoman she had been put into the “uncomfortable position” of not being able to guarantee board members’ safety from the virus during recent meetings because not all members would commit to wearing masks.
Carmody noted state and federal epidemiologists recommend a suite of mitigation measures intended to slow the spread of COVID19, including mask wearing, social distancing, handwash- “The full board should be able to demonstrate respect ing and ventilation. for our students and staff members who are required Most participants in the to wear masks for six to sevboard’s in-person meetings have worn masks. The noen hours a day… even when table exception had been they are more than six feet Baczewski, who hasn’t worn apart,” Carmody said. “I believe it is blatantly disrea mask or other face-covering during the group’s recent spectful not to do so. in-person deliberations. “Until that condition changes we are forced into a Other board members and members of the public had situation where Board of Edcriticized the decision. ucation meetings must be Baczewski meanwhile devirtual,” Carmody said, notfended his decision, explain- ing the board has had to ing that he had been wearpostpone its annual celebraing a mask while walking throughout the municipal See Relief, A23
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Friday, October 16, 2020
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The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
Hartford HealthCare Programs Movement disorders Twice each month, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging and Chase Family Movement Disorder Center offer virtual caregiver support groups. The sessions take place the first and third Tuesdays of the month, 10 to 11 a.m. For more information or to RSVP, email amanda.brill@ hhchealth.org or jennifer.mccaughey@hhchealth.org. To join the group, use the link hartfordhealthcare.zoom.us/j/ 91992294761. Five-part dementia caregiver series focuses on communication and strategies A free virtual dementia caregiving series can provide the tips and strategies to gain greater insights into caring for a loved one with dementia. Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging is providing a five-week series Thursdays, now to Nov. 5, 6 to 7:30 p.m. A dementia specialist with Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging will lead the series. Topics will include: Session 1: Overview of Dementia; Session 2: Basics of Good Communication and Understanding Behaviors; Session 3: Safety in the Environment and How to Structure a Day with Activities; Session 4: Taking Care of the Caregiver and Care Options; and Session 5: Overview of Community Resources that May be Helpful. To register, call 1-855-4424373 or go online to Hartford HealthCare.org/VirtualClasses. After registration, participants will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the webinar. To connect,
use this link: https://hartfordhealthcare.zoom.us/j/ 95129668484. Webinar features balance and exercise programs from the YMCA With community wellness in mind, the free virtual program “Balance and Exercise from the YMCA” is being presented by Southington-Cheshire Community YMCAs and Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. This event will be held Thursday, Oct. 15, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., led by Jolene Miceli, health and wellness director at the Southington YMCA. A question and answer session will follow. To register, call 1-855-4424373 or visit HartfordHealthCare.org/events. After registration, participants will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the webinar. To join, connect to this link: https://hartfordhealthcare.zoom.us/j/94044611907. Focused Awareness Meditation can bolster relaxation Focused Awareness Meditation is a simple, five-step technique that can help people feel more relaxed, focused and calm. A free webinar on this topic will take place Monday, Oct. 19 at 3 p.m. Participants are asked to have a large towel or a small blanket for proper positioning in their
chair. Presenter will be Christine Solimini-Swift, exercise physiologist with Hartford HealthCare’s GoodLife Fitness. This program is sponsored by Hartford HealthCare’s GoodLife Fitness and Cromwell Senior Center. To register, call Cromwell Senior Center, 860-632-3446. The GoToWebinar link is: https:// attendee.gotowebinar.com/ register/ 2283319923165097230.
Webinar: Storm Preparedness – Being Medically Ready
health conditions and essential tips to take before a storm hits.
Prevention and preparedness build the foundation to make a positive impact when it comes to a medical emergency during a storm. The free webinar “Storm Preparedness – How Can You be Ready?” will include the steps to prepare health emergency plans for people with long-term
This program will take place Friday, Oct. 23, 10 to 11 a.m. Kaitlin Cuas, transitional care nurse with Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging, will present the program. Registration is required. Hartford HealthCare Center for See HealthCare, A24
Webinar focuses on how to select an assisted living community When maintaining a private home, indoor and outdoor tasks can become overwhelming. What information needs to be provided? Is it affordable? A free webinar, “Selecting an Assisted Living Community,” is planned for Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2 to 3 p.m. Antoinette Ouellette, retirement counselor at The Orchards at Southington, will lead this program. The Orchards at Southington is sponsoring. To register, call 1-855-442-4373 or go online to Hartford HealthCare.org/virtual classes. After registration, participants will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the webinar. To connect, use this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7536849152842211342.
Relief tion of excellence ceremony, recognizing those who have received honors including teacher of the year. Some of those honorees were worried about the risks attending would pose for their loved ones, Carmody explained.
mgagne@record-journal.com 203-317-2231 Twitter:@MikeGagneRJ
From A20
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
HealthCare From A23 Healthy Aging and Plainville Senior Center are sponsoring.
enter the meeting ID: 952 1892 3672 followed by the # sign on their phone keypad.
To join by phone, participants can call in to this program by dialing 1-646-876-9923 and
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To connect, use this link: https://hartfordhealthcare.zoom.us/j/95218923672.
To register, call Plainville Senior Center, 860-747-5728 or go to HartfordHealthCare.org/ VirtualClasses. After registration, participants will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the webinar.
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by Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging offers tips to keep the brain sharp and activities to challenge the mind, all while having fun. Participants are encouraged to attend all sessions. The series will is scheduled for Mondays, Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16 and 23, from 1 to 2 p.m. A dementia specialist with Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging will lead the series. Topics will include: Session 1: Challenge your mind daily - Activities to keep your mind sharp; Session 2: Feeding the brain - The importance of diet and hydration; Session 3: Benefits of a purposeful life - Finding meaningful engagement as you age; Session 4: Good sleep and brain power: The importance of sleep and your brain; Session 5: The Blue Zones: Lessons for living longer from the people who’ve lived the longest. To register, call 1-855-4424373 or go online to Hartford HealthCare.org/VirtualClasses. After registration, participants will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the webinar. To connect, use this link: https://hartfordhealthcare.zoom.us/j/ 91369859655. Virtual Movement Disorders Caregivers Support Group meets bi-monthly In deference to social distancing guidelines, the Movement Disorders Caregivers Support Group is being held via video conferencing. The sessions take place on the first and third Tuesdays of the month (Oct. 6 and 20) from 10 to 11 a.m. Meetings begin with a brief clinician-led presentation and each session spotlights a different caregiver/care partner topic. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own experiences. This support group is sponsored by Chase Family Movement Disorder Center and Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging. Facilitators are Jennifer McCaughey, of Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging, and Amanda Brill and Jennifer Lambert of the Chase Family Movement Disorder Center. For more information or to register, email Amanda.brill@hhchealth.org or jennifer.mccaughey@ hhchealth.org. To join the webinar, use the link https://hartfordhealthcare.zoom.us/j/ 91992294761. See HealthCare, A25
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
From A24 Virtual caregiver support groups Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging is presenting a virtual caregivers support group via video conferencing in conjunction with Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. The group is held on the third Monday of every month (Oct. 19) from 1 to 2:30 p.m. This group is sponsored by Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association. To register, call Patty O’Brian, dementia specialist, at 203859-1992. After registration, participants will receive an email with easy instructions on joining the webinar. Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging is a not for profit member of Hartford HealthCare Senior Services. Each of the 12 resource and assessment centers are designed to enhance access to services and information related to attaining optimal quality of life for seniors and their caregivers. For more information about Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging, visit http://hhccenterforhealthyaging.org or call 1877-424-4641.
Participants do not need to have attended a caregivers support group in the past. Confidential discussion and telephonic assessments can also be had one-on-one with a dementia professional outside of the online group by calling Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging at 1877-424-4641.
GROW YOUR BUSINESS Advertise with us. 203-317-2312
Healthy Aging offers call-in caregivers support group Caregivers support groups provide emotional, educational and social support in a positive and uplifting atmosphere for those who care for an older loved one, particularly those with dementia. For many years, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging has offered monthly in-person support groups at numerous senior living communities and senior centers to focus on stages of the disease, communication, strategies and family dynamics.
U.S. POSTAL SERVICE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION PS Form 3526-R (Requester Publications Only) 1. PUBLICATION TITLE, THE SOUTHINGTON CITIZEN 2. PUBLICATION NO., 023-115 3. FILING DATE, September October 1,30, 2014 2020 4. ISSUE FREQUENCY, Weekly. 5. NO. OF ISSUES PUBLISHED ANNUALLY, 52 6. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, None 7. COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF KNOWN OFFICE OF PUBLICATION, 11 Street, 500Crown S. Broad St. Meriden, CT 06450-0915 (County of New Haven) Contact Person, David Pare, Telephone 203-317-2407. 8. COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS OF HEADQUARTERS OR GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE OF PUBLISHER, 11 Street, 500Crown S. Broad St. Meriden, CT 06450-0915 9. FULL NAMES AND COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESSES OF PUBLISHER, EDITOR AND MANAGING EDITOR: PUBLISHER: Elizabeth Eliot C. White White, 11 Crown St., CTMeriden, 06450.CT EDITOR: Eliot C. White, 11500 Crown St.,Street, Meriden, CTCT 06450. Notarangelo, Broad Street, 06450, EDITOR: Nick Carroll, S. Broad Meriden, 500 S. Broad500 St. S.Meriden, 06450. MANAGING EDITOR: Olivia Lawrence, 11 Crown St., Meriden, CT 06450. 10. OWNER: The Record-Journal Publishing Co., 11 Crown Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Stockholders owning or holding one percent or 10. more: OWNER: The Publishing Co., Berlin, 500 S. Broad Street, Meriden, CT 06450. Stockholders owning or holding percent or Eliot C. Record-Journal White, 15 Canoe Birch Court, CT 06037, Leslie H. White, 250 East Main Street #8, Meriden, CTone 06450, Susan more: Eliot15C.Canoe White,Birch 235 Richmond Glen,CT Cheshire, CT 06410,B.Susan W.70 White, 235 Richmond Glen, CT 06410, Elizabeth B. W. White, Court, Berlin, 06037, Elizabeth White, Milici Circle, Meriden, CTCheshire, 06450, Melinda Parisi, 40 Runge Drive, CTCourt, 06451,Cheshire, Harkil &CT Co., Webster 123 Bank Street, Waterbury, CT 06702, of First Baptist White,Meriden, 665 Ashley 06410, FirstTrust, Baptist Church, 460 Broad Street, Meriden, CTA/C 06450, Sarah WhiteChurch, Rogers,A/C 2150of MidState Medical Center, Alison W. Muschinsky, 106 Olympus Parkway, Middletown, CT 06457, Bodin Muschinsky, 120 Robin Circle, Indian Creek Blvd East B321, Vero Beach AllanVernon, H. Church, 20 BuckSarah Hill Lane, Ridge, NY 10576, YMCA, 110FL West Tolland, CT 06084, Evon Muschinsky, P.O.32966, Box 476, CT 06066, WhitePond Rogers, 1776 Cedar Lane, Vero Inc., Beach, 32963, Allan 29672 Zuma Way, Malibu, CA 90265, Allan H.Brook Church, Buck Hill Lane, Pond Ridge, NY 10576, YMCA, Inc., 110 Main White, Street, Meriden, CT Bay 06450, Michael F. Killian, 56 Hamlin Pass,20Southington, CT06489 W. Main St., Meriden, CT 06450, Michael F. Killian, 56 Hamlin Brook Path, Southington, CT 06489. 11. KNOWN BONDHOLDERS, MORTGAGEES, AND OTHER SECURITY HOLDERS OWNING OR HOLDING 1 PERCENT OR MORE OF TOTAL AMOUNT OF BONDS, MORTGAGES OR OTHER SECURITIES. If none, check box � None. ❑ 12. Tax Status (For completion by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at nonprofit rates) (Check One) The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes ❑ HAS NOT CHANGED DURING PRECEDING 12 MONTHS ❑ HAS CHANGED DURING PRECEDING 12 MONTHS (Publisher must submit explanation of change with this statement) 13. PUBLICATION NAME, The Southington Citizen 14. ISSUE DATE FOR CIRCULATION DATA, Sept. 5, 2014 September 25, 2020
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To observe safe social practices, Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging is hosting two call-in caregivers support groups each week led by dementia specialists and resource coordinators. The call-in groups are held Mondays, 10 a.m., and Fridays, 2 p.m. At the meeting time, participants can call 860-9726338 and enter access code 19623#.
Friday, October 16, 2020
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Friday, October 16, 2020
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PERSONAL PROPERTY DECLARATIONS Anyone having tangible personal property and not receiving a mailed declaration form may retrieve one online at www.southinston. ors or in the Assessor’s Office at 75 Main St. from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Thursdays until 7:00 p.m. All unregistered motor vehicles, vehicles registered out-of-state and garaged in Southington, campers and all unregistered trailers must be declared. All those who fail to declare their tangible personal property, or who do not return a personal property declaration before the deadline, will be charged a 25% penalty in addition to the assessment due as required by Section 12-42 of the Connecticut General Statutes. Penalties cannot be waived nor can they be appealed to the Board of Assessment Appeals. PERSONAL PROPERTY DECLARATIONS ARE DUE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2O2O REAL ESTATE AND REGISTERED MOTOR VEHICLES NEED NOT BE DECLARED Teresa M. Babon, CCMC Director of Assessment & Revenue R235070 Help Wanted
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Friday, October 16, 2020
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IF YOU Mention This Ad Service LLC All Phases TWITTER.COM/ FALL Yard of Electrical Work. 24 RECORD_JOURNAL Clean-Ups hr. Emergency Service. Small Jobs Welcome. INSTAGRAM.COM/ Brush, branches, leaves, storm damage 203.237.2122 RECORDJOURNAL **JUNK REMOVAL** HOUSECLEANING - Appl’s, Furniture, Junk, Gutters Companion care, asDebris, etc sistance with chores. WE CAN REMOVE GUTTERS DON’T (860) 295-3410 ANYTHING WORK Entire house to If they’re dirty! For gutJunk Removal 1 item removed! ter cleaning, Call Kevin FREE ESTIMATES (203) 440-3279 Fully ins. Sr. Citizen Discount CT# 569127 LIC & INS. 203-535-9817 or 860-575-8218
GUTTERS PLUS 25+yrs. Exp. Call today for Free estimate. 203-440-3535 Ct. Reg. #578887
HAVE DUMP TRUCK. Reg. Ins. Free on-site est. Attics, basements, garages, appliances & more. Any questions?
Landscaping GARY WODATCH Hedge & tree trimming. Trim overgrown properties. Calls returned. #620397.860-558-5430
JIMMY’S MASONRY Over 28 years of exp. Stonewalls, patios, sidewalks, chimneys, pool areas, fireplaces, fire pit steps, all types of masonry work. Free est. (860) 274-4893.
Plumbing GEORGE J MACK & SONS - Servicing the JM Lawn Care Meriden area since 1922. Toilet, faucet, Fall clean-up, Tree sink & drain repairs. Service, Snow removal, Water heater replaceComm. & Residential. ments. 15% Sr citizen 860.796.8168 disc. Member of BBB. 203-238-2820. JT’S LANDSCAPING LLC - FALL CLEANUPS, we specialize in weeding all types of beds, mulching, top soil work, pruning, hedges & trees, gutter cleaning & all your landscape needs. Residential & commercial. Lic. #616311. Call today, 203 213-6528.
Masonry ALEX MASONRY - 30 yrs. exp. Patios, Ret. Walls, Steps, Brick, Stone, Chimneys. #580443. 203-232-0257 or 203596-0652
Roofing.Siding.Gutters. Skylights. Chimney Repair. Flashing. #0649808 203.510.3830. lmmasonryconstruction.com
Moving and Storage
RT RELOCATION Your moving and storage specialists. Call for a free estimate. 833-668-3978.
203-639-0032 email: info@ gonzalezconstruction llc.com Fully Licensed & Insured Reg #577319
Power Washing
POWER WASHING Is Spring Cleaning on THE OUTSIDE FREE Estimates #569127 Call Kevin 203-440-3279
Yalesville Construction Specializing in all phases of residential & commercial roofing. Senior citizen discount Insured Free est. 203-265-5200 HIC#0631937
Tree Services GARY WODATCH - Tree Removal. All calls returned. CT#620397 Quick courteous service. 860-558-5430.
The Southington Citizen | southingtoncitizen.com
Friday, October 16, 2020
MEET THE WINNERS: ADVANCED DENTAL Offices in Berlin & Cromwell 39 Webster Square Rd, Berlin, CT (860) 378-8626 26 Shunpike Rd Suite A, Cromwell, CT (860) 398-4564 advanceddental.com
FINALIST for Best Dentist ......................................................... AMERICAN STEAKHOUSE
1170 E Main St, Meriden, CT 06450 (203) 634-9994 • americansteakhouse.com
WINNER for Best Ribs ......................................................... BONGIOVANNI INSURANCE & FINANCIAL / BSP INSURANCE
60 Church St # 15, Wallingford, CT 06492 (203) 774-0019 • meslindentistry.com
WINNER for Best Pediatric Dentistry ......................................................... PETRUZELO INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.
4 Research Pkwy, Wallingford, CT (866) 479-3327 • petruzelo.com
WINNER for Best Home & Auto Insurance FINALIST for Best Business Insurance, Commercial Insurance, Insurance Agent ......................................................... SERENITY SALON & DAY SPA
118 Center St, Wallingford, CT (203) 265-4419 • serenityofwallingford.com
WINNER for Best Investment Firm, Business Insurance, Place to Work (1-25 Employees) and Insurance Agent FINALIST for Best Commercial Insurance, Home & Auto Insurance and Business Insurance ......................................................... COLONY DINER & RESTAURANT
WINNER for Best Day Spa FINALIST for Best Hair Salon, Skin Care Treatment Center ULTRA COIN 2 LAUNDROMAT
WINNER for Best Diner, Early Bird Diner .........................................................
1005 Amherst Pl, Cheshire, CT 06410 (203) 272-4485 • ectreellcct.com
1118 N Colony Rd, Wallingford, CT (203) 623-9621
WINNER for Best Laundromat ......................................................... VINCENT CERVONI, CERVONI LAW OFFICE, LLC 221 N Main St, Wallingford, CT (203) 265-5789 • attorneycervoni.com
FINALIST for Best Law Firm
There are over 15,000 businesses across four cities, Meriden, Southington, Wallingford and Cheshire, whose hard work, dedication and success make our communities a great place to live and work. The Readers’ Choice program was created to recognize and reward our local businesses and to be a resource when you might be looking for a dentist, car repair, or even a place to have dinner with your family. Over 210,000 votes were cast, and over 500 businesses have earned the right to call themselves the Best of the Best and be celebrated at an exclusive first-class gala all for them.
WINNER for Best Tree Surgeon ......................................................... MAHON, QUINN & MAHON, P.C.
Congratulations again, to our 2019 Readers’ Choice winners.
636 Broad St, Meriden, CT 06450 (203) 238-1010 www.mqmlawyer.com
WINNER for Best Law Firm & Personal Injury Lawyer FINALIST for Best Elder Care Attorney
107 E Main St, Meriden, CT (203) 237-7900 • https://www.bifct.com/
611 N Colony Rd, Wallingford, CT (203) 269-9507 • colonydiner.com
For more details visit:
myrecordjournal.com/ReadersChoice Were you a winner? Interested in having your business listed here? Contact Jaime at 203-317-2306