Scapati budget veto

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City of Meriden

ÂŽffice of tbe Jmapor 142 East Main Street I Meriden, CT 06450 I 203-630-4125

Kevin M. Scarpati Mayor

August 21, 2018 Re:

Veto Message - 2018/2019 Budget


Meriden City Council Acting City Manager Morgan City Department Heads

The July 18, 2018 referendum caused City leadership and staff to take a second look at Meriden's FY 2018/2019 budget. The thousands of residents who voted, emailed and spoke before the City Council and Finance Committee, caused us to prioritize funding and examine the impact of further cuts to the budget. While these decisions are never easy; I respectfully submit an additional set of cuts to our City's budget carefully weighing the impact to our community. The attached vetoes include a restoration to the Police Patrol line item of $250,000, which was arbitrarily cut by the City Council. I have also worked to find additional cuts across the budget of $570,366. These vetoes will allow for our Neighborhood Initiative Unit and School Resource Officer within the Police Department to remain in place, with zero impact to services in those areas. I have worked diligently with many of our City Department Heads, Acting City Manager and City Councilors to creatively find additional savings within our budget and I thank them all for working with me over the last five days.

Budget Line Increases It became clear during the City Council Finance Committee meeting on August 14, 2018 that the suggested cuts to the Police Department Patrol line would leave a significant impact to our neighborhoods. This $250,000 cut to the department would result in the loss of six (6) pro-active assignments. These cuts would include the loss of N.I. Offers Rivera, Ford, Kery, LT DelMastro, SRO Egan and Sgt. McKay in Internal Affairs - all of these individuals would be reassigned back to patrol. Despite knowing what this impact would have to our Neighborhood Initiative Unit and School Resource Officers, this cut was passed by the City Council. After speaking with many residents and hearing their concerns, I have chosen to restore the funding for these positions.

City of Meriden

ÂŽffice of tbe jfflapor 142 East Main Street I Meriden, CT 06450 I 203-630-4125

Kevin M. Scarpati Mayor Budget Expense Decreases In an effort to find additional savings across city departments, I began exploring current vacant positions. Through working with Department Heads, we were able to save $90,403 without having to cut or eliminate staff. This is made up from vacancies in Emergency Communications and the Library of $41,667 and $48,736 respectively. After taking a closer look at funding for our Golf Course and working with City Staff, we determined that a savings of $50,000 could be had, without impacting services at our public golf club. I revisited funding in our Economic Development Department, which was held aside for possible salary needs. Since the hiring of our Economic Development Specialist was finalized, there is $10,000 that can be cut from our Economic Development line. Earlier this year, the City Council approved the funding to purchase six police cruisers. Through my vetoes in May of 2018, I shifted the funding of two cruisers to be paid through increased revenues from cruiser rental fees. Given the difficult budget we are facing, I am proposing to reduce the Police Capital line by two additional police cruisers, for a savings of $92,000. Therefore, instead of purchasing six cruisers from the general fund, the Police Department will purchase two cruisers from the general fund and two from cruiser rental revenues - four total cruisers in FY 2018/2019. Additional savings was realized through our Police Department with anticipated cuts to be approved by the City Council in the near future. These savings would not impact the pro-active assignments and instead would impact the Police Administrative, Police Longevity and Police Benefit lines. I want to thank Deputy Mayor Cardona, Council Leadership, Acting City Manager Morgan and the Department Heads I worked with to make these difficult decisions. I look forward to continuing our discussions to realize additional savings and generate revenue in the future to lessen the burden to our taxpayers. While these proposed vetoes come with sacrifice, I am confident they are in the best interest of our community and residents.

2018-2019 Mayoral Line-item Vetoes Expense Line Increases


Council Adopted Amount

Line Detail

Budget Line


Police Patrol

Mayor Proposed Amount



Total Expenses Increased



Rationale Restore funding cut in this line by the City Council in an effort to have zero impact to pro-active assignments and other police services


Expense Line Decreases Budget Line


Line Detail


Economic Devel.

Economic Development


Golf Course


Council Adopted Amount

Mayor Proposed Amount


Rationale Per the suggestion of the Department Head on 5/18, move funds to hire new ED Specialist at $65,000. Since May, ED Specialist was hired at $55,000




General Contribution



($50,000) Per conversation with Golf Course Manager, would not impact services





($173,186) Anticipation of savings for future Council action






($150,000) Due to hiring freeze and anticipating low retirement numbers



Police Longevity









Emergency Comm.





Properly reflect actual budget to account for vacancies, will allow for full staffing. Department Head is in agreement with suggested cut







Not filling 1 Librarian II position until 7/1/19 and not filling Head of Children Services until 1/2/19. Both positions will be vacant as of 9/18

Total Expenses Cut: Total Expenses Restored: Total variance:

($4,777) Anticipation of savings for future Council action ($92,000) Reduction of two police cruisers

($570,366) $250,000 ($320,366)

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