Southington BOE Agenda Reporting Form Regarding computers

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Informational Only _ _ _ _X=-_ _ _ __

Board Meeting Date

Decision Requested _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Agenda Code_ _ _...;8::...=d_ _ _ _ _ __

February 12, 2009


Agenda Topic: Policies #5131.9 and 6141.9, Internet and Computers - First Reading

Summary oflssue: The Board of Education Policy and Personnel Committee has drafted policies as required

by statute to regulate the use of the internet, school district computers and network. Background: The Policy and Personnel Committee developed Policies #5131.9 and 6141.9 which detail the

acceptable usage of the schools network, the internet and all school computers. These policies are required to receive E-Rate grant funding which this district uses to maintain and upgrade its computer network.

Alternative Strategies: The Board may suggest further changes.

Cost (if applicable): -'-'-'-'-'--_ _ _ _ _ __ Beginning Date of Program or Project: Ending Date of Program or Project:

Funding Source: '-'-'-''-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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Recommendation or Comment: The Board accepts the developed Policies recommended by the Policy and

Personnel Committee. Titles of Attachments: I.

Draft Policies 5131.9 and 6141.9

mp\Board\2.12.09. 8000 Series. doc

DRAFT 5131.9

Serles 5000:


Bullying Cyber Bullying Southington Public Schools computer network and the Internet, whether accessed on campus or off campus, during or after school hours, may not be used for the purposes of harassment. All forms of harassment by students over the Internet, commonly referred to as cyber bullying, are unacceptable and viewed as a violation of state law and Board acceptable computer use policy and regulations. Malicious use of SPS computer system to develop programs or to institute practices that harass other users, gain unauthorized access or damage any components of the network is prohibited. Users are responsible for the appropriateness of the material they transmit over the system. Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks or other anti-social behaviors are expressly prohibited. Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images or website postings. Students and community members, who believe they have been the victims of such misuse of technology, as described in this policy, should not erase the offending material from the system. A copy of the material should be printed and brought to the attention of the administration. The administration shall fully investigate all reports of cyber bullying. In situations in which the cyber bullying originated from a non-school computer, but is brought to the attention of school officials, any disciplinary action shall be based on whether the conduct is determined to be severely disruptive of the educational process so that it markedly interrupts or severely impedes the day-to-day operations of a school. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, threats to kill or hurt a staff member or student. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, the loss of computer privileges, detention, suspension, or expulsion for verified perpetrators of cyber bullying. In addition, when any kind of threat is communicated or when a hate crime IS committed, this shall be reported to local law officials, as mandated by state law.


DRAFT 5131.9

Series 5000:


Bullying legal Ref'ereDCe: Connecticut General Statues

Cf.0521, Nondiscrimination Cf.5114, Suspension and Expulsion/Due process Cf. 5131, Conduct Cf. 5131.21, Threats or Acts of Violence Cf. 5131.8, Off School Grounds Misconduct Cf. 5131.912, Aggressive Behavior Cf. 5131.911, Bullying Cf. 5144. Discipline/Punishment Cf. 5145.5, Non-discrimination Cf. 5145.5, Sexual Harassment Cf. 5145.51, Peer Sexual Harassment PA 02-119, An Act Concerning Bullying Behavior in Schools and Concerning the Pledge of Allegiance Kyle P. Packer PPA Jane Packer v. Thomaston Board of Education. (SC 15862)

Policy Adopted:

DRAFT 6141.9

Serles 6000:


Internet and Computers

Acceptable Uee and Internet Safety The Internet and electronic communications such as e-mail, chat rooms, and other forms of electronic communication have vast potential to support curriculum and student learning. The Board of Education believes they should be used in schools as a learning resource. Use of the Internet and electronic communications requires students to think critically, analyze information, write clearly, use problem-solving skills, and hone computer and research skills that employers demand. Use of these tools also encourages an attitude of lifelong learning and offers an opportunity for students to participate in distance learning activities, ask questions of and consult with experts, communicate with other students and individuals, and locate material to meet educational and personal information needs. The Board believes the educational opportunities inherent in these tools far outweigh the possibility that users may procure material not consistent with the education goals of Southington Public Schools. However, the Internet and electronic communications are fluid environments in which students may access materials and information from many sources, including some that may be harmful to students. The Board acknowledges that while it is impossible to predict with certainty what information students might locate or come into contact with, it shall take all reasonable steps to protect students from accessing material and information that is obscene, pornographic or otherwise harmful to minors. Students shall take responsibility for their own use of school computers and computer systems to avoid contact with material or information that may be hannful.

Blocldng or Filtering Obscene, Pornographic, and Harmful Information Software blocks or filters material and information that is obscene, pornographic or otherwise hannful to minors, as defined by the Board, from reaching all school computers having Internet or electronic communications access. Students shall report access to material and information that is obscene, pornographic, harmful to minors or otherwise in violation of this policy to the supervising staff member. If a student becomes aware of other students accessing such material or information, he or she shall report it to the supervising staff member. No Expectation of Privacy School computers and computer systems are owned by Southington Public Schools and are intended for educational purposes at all times. Students shall have no expectation of privacy when using the Internet or electronic communications. The administration reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store (at any time and without prior notice) all usage of district computers and computer systems, including all Internet and electronic communications access and

DRAFT 6141.9

Serles 6000:


Internet and Computers

No Eapectat:Ion ofP.rivacy (continued) transmission or receipt of materials and information. All material and information accessed or received through district computers and computer systems shall remain the property of Southington Public Schools.

Uuauthorized and UlIBCCeptabJe Users Students shall use school computers and computer systems m a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Because technology and ways of using technology are constantly evolving, evety unacceptable use of school computers and computer systems cannot be specifically described in policy. Therefore, examples of unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to, the following: No student shall intentionally access, create, transmit, retransmit or forward material or information that • Promotes violence or advocates destruction of property including, but not

limited to, access to information concerning the manufacturing or

purchasing of destructive devices or weapons;

• Is not related to Southington Public Schools education objectives; • Contains pornographic, obscene or other sexually oriented materials, either

as pictures or writings;

• Harasses, threatens, demeans or promotes violence or hatred against

another person or group of persons with regard to race, color, sex, religion,

national origin, age, marital status, disability or handicap;

• Is for personal profit, financial gain, advertising, commercial transaction

or political purposes;

• Plagiarizes the work of another; • Uses inappropriate or profane language offensive in the school community; • Is knowingly false or could be construed as intending to purposely damage

another person's reputation;

• Is in violation of any federal or state law, including but not limited to

copyrighted material and material protected by trade secret;

• Contains personal information about themselves or others, including information protected by confidentiality laws; • Uses another individual's Internet or electronic communications account; • Impersonates another or transmits through an anonymous remailer; and • Accesses fee services without specific permission from the system administrator.


DRAFT 6141.9

Series 6000:


Internet and Computers

Secwlty Security on the district computer systems is a high priority. Students who identify a security problem while using the Internet or electronic communications must immediately notify an administrator. Students shall not demonstrate the problem to other users. Logging on to the Internet or electronic communications as a system administrator is prohibited. Students shall not • use another person's password or any other identifier; • gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to district computers or computer systems; and • read, alter, delete or copy, or attempt to do so, electronic communications of other system users. Any user identified as a security risk, or as having a history of problems with other computer systems, may be denied access to the Internet and electronic communications.

Safety Students shall not reveal personal information, such as home address or phone number, while using the Internet or electronic communications. Students shall not use their last name or any other information that might allow another person to locate him or her without flI'St obtaining permission of the supervising staff member Students shall not arrange face-to-face meetings with persons met on the Internet or through electronic communication.

VaudaJism Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges and ,may result in school disciplinary action and/or legal action. Vandalism is defined as any malicious or intentional attempt to harm, destroy, modify, abuse or disrupt operation of any network within the district or any network connected to the Internet, operation of any form of electronic communications, the data contained on any network or electronic communications, the data of another user, usage by another user, or district-owned software or hardware. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses and the use of encryption software. UD8.1lthorlzed Software

Students are prohibited from using or possessing any software that has been

downloaded or is otherwise in the user's possession without appropriate registration

and payment of any fees owed to the software owner.

DRAFT 6141.9 Serle. 6000:


Internet and Computers

Antgnlng Student Projects and. Monitoring StadeDt Use Southington Public Schools will make every effort to see that the Internet and electronic communications are used responsibly by students. Administrators, teachers, and staff have a professional responsibility to work together to monitor students' use of the Internet and electronic communications, help students develop the intellectual skills needed to discriminate among information sources, to identify information appropriate to their age and developmental levels, and evaluate and use information to meet their educational goals. Students shall have specifically defined objectives and search strategies prior to accessing material and information on the Internet and through electronic communications. All students shall be supervised by staff while using the Internet or electronic communications. Student Use is a PrivDege Use of the Internet and electronic communications demands personal responsibility and an understanding of the acceptable and unacceptable uses of such tools. Student use of the Internet and electronic communications is a privilege, not a right. Failure to follow the procedures contained in this policy will result in the loss of the privilege to use these tools and may result in school disciplinary action and/ or legal action. Administration may deny, revoke or suspend access to district technology or close user accounts at any time. Students and parents/ guardians shall be required to sign the Southington Public Schools Acceptable Use Agreement annually before Internet or electronic communication accounts shall be issued or network access shall be allowed. No Wammties

The district makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, related to

the use of school computers and computer systems, including access to the Internet

and electronic communications services. Providing access to these services does not

imply endorsement of the content, nor make any guarantee as to the accuracy or

quality of information received. The district shall not be responsible for any

damages, losses or costs a student suffers in using the Internet and electronic

communications. This includes loss of data and service interruptions. Use of

any information obtained via the Internet and electronic communications is at the

students' own risk.

DRAFT R6141.9

Serles 6000:


Rules and Codes of Ethics for School Computer Users Soat:hIDgtDn Pub1ic Schools

Form'l Dear Parents/Guan::lians: New technologies are shifting the ways that information may be accessed, communicated, and transferred. These changes may also alter instruction and student learning. The Southington Public School System offers students access to the electronic information highway and computer service networks such as electronic mail and the Internet in accordance with Board Policy 6141.9 (attached). Along with access to computers and people all over the world comes the availability of materials that may not be considered appropriate in the classroom. However, on a global network it is impossible to control all materials. Ultimately, the school staff, parents, and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying standards that students should follow when using media and information sources. The Board of Education supports and respects each family's right to decide whether or not to allow their children) to access the internet. Please take the time to sit down with your child(ren) to read and discuss the Rules aru1 Codes of Ethics for School Computer Users. Then, sign and return the statement of agreement provided as soon as possible. Internet access is provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others in relation to school work. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Parent permission is required. Access is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, based upon the acceptable use guidelines outlined in this document, the system administrators will deem what is inappropriate use. Decisions are final. The system administrators may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user access at any time. Individual users are responsible for their use of the network. District guidelines are as


• Student users, before accessing the Internet, must always get permission and follow instructions. • Student users must sign in each time they use the network. • Student users must be supervised when accessing the Internet. • Student users will use computer resources for educational purposes and ill compliance with instructional activities.



Serle. 6000:


Internet and Computers (continued)

Lepl Reference: Connecticut General Statutes 53a-182b., Harassment in the frrst degree: Class D felony, (as amended by PA 95足 143) 20 U.S.C. Section 6777, No Child Left Behind Act 20 U.S.C. 254, Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000 47 U.S.C., Children's Online Protection Act of 1998

DRAFT R6141.9

Series 6000:


Rules and Codes of Ethics for School Computer Users Sou.tbiDgtDn Public Schools

Form'l Dear Parents/Guardians:

New technologies are shifting the ways that information may be accessed, communicated, and transferred. These changes may also alter instruction and student learning. The Southington Public School System offers students access to the electronic information highway and computer service networks such as electronic mail and the Internet in accordance with Board Policy 6141.9 (attached). Along with access to computers and people all over the world comes the availability of materials that may not be considered appropriate in the classroom. However, on a global network it is impossible to control all materials. Ultimately, the school staff, parents, and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying standards that students should follow when using media and infotmation sources. The Board of Education supports and respects each family's right to decide whether or not to allow their children) to access the internet. Please take the time to sit down with your child(ren) to read and discuss the Rules and Codes of Ethics for School Computer Users. Then, sign and return the statement of agreement provided as soon as possible. Internet access is provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others in relation to school work. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Parent permission is required. Access is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, based upon the acceptable use guidelines outlined in this document, the system administI:ators will deem what is inappropriate use. Decisions are finaL The system administrators may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user access at any time. Individual users are responsible for their use of the network. District guidelines are as


• Student users, before accessing the Internet, must always get permission and follow instructions. • Student users must sign in each time they use the network. • Student users must be supervised when accessing the Internet. • Student users will use computer resources for educational purposes and In compliance with instructional activities.

DRAFT R-6141.9

Serles 6000:


Rules and Ccxies of Ethics for School Computer Users SontJdngtoD PublIc Scbao1a

Form 11 (CODtinued)

The use of the computer and the Internet must be in support of education and research and must be consistent with the academic expectations of the Southington Public School System. Transmission of any material in violation of U.S. or State regulations, including copyrighted, threatening, or obscene material, is prohibited. Use for commercial activities by for-profit organizations, product promotion, political lobbying, or illegal activities is strictly prohibited. The user is also expected to abide by the following rules of etiquette: • Be polite. Do not write or send abusive messages. • Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language. • Transmission of obscene material is prohibited. Sending or receiving offensive messages or pictures from any source will result in immediate suspension of privileges. • Do not reveal your or other students' personal addresses or telephone numbers. • Do not communicate any credit card numbers, bank account numbers or any other financial information. • Electronic mail is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system do have access to all mail. Inappropriate messages can result in suspension of privileges. • Do not use the network in such a way that would disrupt the use of the network by others. • Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data 'of another user will not be tolerated. Any questionable action will result in the suspension of privileges. Very truly yours,

Superintendent of Schools NOTE:

Violation of any of the above-mentioned rules and regulations will result in a loss of

access and may result in other disciplinary or legal actions.



Series 6000:


Rules and Codes of Ethics for School Computer Users


After reading the Rules and Codes of Ethics for School Computer Users, please complete this form to indicate that you agree with the terms and conditions outlined. The signatures of ooth student and parentIguardian are mandatory before access may be granted to the Internet. This document, which incorporates the rules and codes, reflect the entire agreement and understanding of all parties. As a user of the Southington Public School District computer network, I have read and hereby agree to comply with the outlined rules and codes of ethics. StudentSignature: _____________________________

Date: ---------

StudentName: ________________________________ Student's School: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Grade: ---------足

As parent/legal guardian of the student signing aoove, I grant permission for my child to access computer service networks such as electronic mail and the Internet. I have read and agree to the rules and codes of ethics. I understand that some materials found on the Internet may be objectionable; therefore, I agree to accept responsibility for guiding my child and conveying to him/her appropriate standards for selecting, sharing, and/ or exploring information and media. I agree to hold harmless the Southington Public Schools and employees of the school district for any misuse of access to the computer services networks that my child commits. I understand that once signed this agreement is legally binding on me. ParentI Guardian Signature:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date:_________ Parent/Guardian Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Please print)

Street Address:______________________________ Home Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Work Phone: ________________

Complete and return to your's schooL

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